#oh look my first gifset for this blog
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i-mas · 3 months ago
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HARUKA AMAMI / 天海春香 ❤️
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pleasedontjudgeme-moldyrose · 10 months ago
Fallout video update
Read more bc I'm shy I don't usually edit videos
I like this more but I'm still not happy happy with it I'm not sure why, but I did add captions for the song so there's that
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mikkolas · 9 months ago
HIII I wanted to tell u first i absolutely ADORE ur blog sm!!!! it seems so lovely (and absolutely goals for an acc ngl) and just!!! wanted to tell u that!!! bc u seem soso kind and ngl im glad i get to be mutuals :D
omg hiiiii !! thank you for your kind words they are very sweet I'm just out here with my blue little layout and semi-functional tagging system :)) this was so cute to get you seem so lovely I'm glad we get to be mutuals as well my friend!! <3<3
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bizarrelittlemew · 9 days ago
Hello - just for the record, I do not know the person you’ve tagged in your post. I’ve not seen their blog. I found the gif on an image search. It’s also incredibly easy to create a gif from a video clip. So I don’t know how you expected me to know that one individual owned this particular gif. It would have been so much more helpful if you’d have just told me about it directly and given me their name instead of creating this passive aggressive, condescending post at my expense. A total stranger whose experiences and motivations you do not know. I only finished the show two days ago, and wanted to share my thoughts about it. That was all.
if it’s so easy, you should’ve made your own 🙃
OR if you absolutely needed a gif to "share your thoughts," you could’ve used tumblr’s Add GIF function. it’s right there.
listen, i was actually trying to be nice because i could see you were new, so i wanted to inform about fandom etiquette. i also gave you a link to a post explaining very gently why and how to credit gifmakers. but if you’re going to be rude and disrespectful in my inbox about it, i won't sugarcoat it anymore.
i did a reverse image source and found the post where the gif was from very quickly. i even linked it to you and you still put “google image” as a source?! (i see now that you've changed it to actually say their username but it was not like that this morning). you need to understand that the fact that you "do not know them" or "haven't seen their posts" (i linked the post to you in my reblog btw) does not change the fact that you posted something they made and the appropriate thing is to give them credit. i literally did the work of finding the source for you. proper credit is a username and/or a link to the original post, not where you "found it." the fact that a gif shows up in a google image search doesn’t erase the actual source or make it less shitty to reupload without credit.
i don’t tell people to credit gifmakers as a judgement of their character, so i don’t give one single fuck about motivations or excuses. i ASSUME people don’t know how much work goes into editing the kind of gif you stole because there is this culture of treating gifs like they just appear out of thin air instead of being created by A PERSON, usually a fellow fan. all i’m looking for is “thanks, i’ve added the credit!” and not this kind of bullshit because your feelings were hurt by being gently called out. i went into this thinking “oh they probably just don’t know how much work goes into it” but when you double down instead of accepting the help, you lose the benefit of the doubt.
you are also talking to a stranger btw, one who has put time and effort (for YEARS) into creating gifs. the type of gifs you see here in gifsets on tumblr are fanworks. there is a difference between plopping a video clip into an online gif converter and spending hours in photoshop making pretty gifsets to share with other fans. shitting on the people who make them is gonna make them stop sharing and creating, and make fandom worse for everyone. no one likes seeing their fanworks stolen, no matter if it’s fanart, fanfic, video edits, or yes, gifs. but if you’d actually read the post i linked you, you’d already know the feelings a lot of tumblr gifmakers share around this and wouldn’t have sent me this ask
i have several reasons for adding the source in a reblog to the post instead of writing privately. first, it attaches the actual source to the post, which is the main point for me. second, private messages can easily be ignored. third, i have had people ask me about fandom etiquette before and thus take this kind of thing as an opportunity to bring attention to the importance of giving proper credit (and i got a very lovely ask thanking me for it too, so this does help). although MOST often, i just let it go because it’s not worth the energy when people react like you do
i’d advice you to open your mind a little and listen when people tell you that you could do a small thing to make fandom less shitty instead of immediately taking it as a personal attack, because i genuinely wrote it assuming you just didn’t know and i wanted to inform you before you stepped on someone’s toes. but now you’ve stomped all over mine so here you go, we’re skipping straight past passive aggression to just aggression ✌️
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lock-my-feelings-in-a-jar · 3 months ago
Have you always been the way you are now about Russ? I don’t know his music but I see all your posts.
a good question!!
prepare for lots of probably unnecessary words.
i haven't always been like this about russ specifically, but i've always been like this in the way of like.. i get attached to one thing for a while and can't get enough of it until i get burned out(i always love them all though even after i get burned out and maybe drift away from them a bit but they always live in my mind and are part of me forever and i always love seeing things about them)
or sometimes until i feel i've learned enough about them i guess? or until i feel i have what i needed from them, if that makes sense and doesn't sound weird? because i always feel like i'm just searching for something in these bands and i don't really know what it is exactly.
but just in learning about their music, that's part of why i made this blog, so i could learn about bands and musicians and have somewhere to post about them as i go through different ones.
ever since i can remember, i've been like that(billy joel was actually one of the musicians for a little while many years ago(before i had this blog) but i didn't actually learn that much about him at the time, i just couldn't stop listening to a lot of his songs and i still love his songs)
HOWEVER it feels like it's intensified times a billion now with russ.
i didn't know he existed until last year.
story time, everybody gather around and zone out while i talk forever about this:
i think my first memory of seeing his name was when i was making gifs of "new york groove" by hello, because i posted a link around that time to their site that had some information about them and it talked about him helping them out. while i was reading it i was just like "oh neat, i have no clue who this russ ballard guy is, but these are interesting words about this band"
that was innnnnn [me checking my archive] june of last year. THEN. fast forward toooo i think it was november, @burn-on-the-flame changes my life by sending me an argent video, which i am forever grateful for. 💜💜💜💜💜
i was posting and learning about badfinger still at the time, one of my other favorite bands, so i was still fully stuck on them and nothing else.
but as soon as i watched that argent video for the first time, i already knew what it was going to turn into. maybe not the extent of it, but while watching, i was thinking "omg who is this guy in the sunglasses with this beautiful voice and stage presence and who is very visibly in love with music? he intrigues me, i need to know him"
i looked him up a LITTLE BIT(i didn't recognize his name at the time from the information on hello) but i had to stop myself because i was like "no i can't yet, i need to let the badfinger thing fade off naturally first" because i felt it was going to soon enough anyway since i didn't have much left to post or to gif of them and i felt i learned enough(still wanted them with me though because i love them and that's why my url and blog title is of some of their lyrics).
so then fast forward to the end of january. i had already rewatched that one argent video a few times by then, loving it more and more each time. russ just silently living in my head for that whole time. he was kind of just some mystery guy to me that i couldn't stop thinking about because there was just some sort of comfort kind of vibe about him.
i didn't really know anything about anyone in the band yet, but i started making gifs of that video and in the tags on my first gifset of them even, i was like "get used to them because they're staying for a while". (because usually in between my obsessions, i'll gif some videos of various bands/artists until i get attached to one, so i felt i should warn everybody)
i knew they were gonna be special to me even though i hadn't really listened to their albums yet, just the songs in that live video, although i already knew "hold your head up" because it's been played a lot on the radio. i've always known it but never really thought about it. i THINK i knew "liar" too, but probably the three dog night cover of it, since that one was the hit(i also knew the three dog night version of "chained" but i FORGOT I LISTENED TO IT until i saw that they covered it and it's on the three dog night vinyl that i have. i had no idea until i was looking at the giant list of written songs on russ's wikipedia page).
ANYWAY. knowing they'd be special to me, i listened to most of argent's albums in order, but it went like
starting with the first album, i listened to it when i was supposed to sleep, but i stayed up a little bit late just so i could lie there in bed in pure darkness with headphones on and have NOTHING around me to distract me from the music.
i did this for their firstttt three? albums? or four maybe. i can't remember. i think it was the first three. and i can say that this is my favorite way to listen to any music for the first time even though i haven't done it with anything since then. i kind of wish i did the same with the other ones and with russ's solo albums, but it's fine. so i'd listen to one album for a few days and then move on to the next one in the same way until i get used to the songs enough in small amounts at a time.
so then fast forward to me actually learning more about russ. i almost don't even have words. literally every single thing about him is just. beautiful is the only word i can ever think of to describe him, really.
from the way he got through his childhood accident, his fears, his depression and the way he talks about it in interviews and always points out to everybody that it won't last forever, one foot in front of the other, etc. that kind of stuff, the way he went all out on reading books about like psychology kind of stuff and mental wellness and started putting a lot of that into his songs to help others, the way he's always so encouraging and uplifting, the way he'll do things like keep the bus waiting because he's not done spending time with the fans yet, the way he chose to stay home with his kids to see them grow up instead of touring even though he really missed touring(and he took a big hit in doing that in terms of people knowing his music exists but he knew what was more important), the way he helps other people with their music, the way he cares about animals and has been vegetarian since like the late 70's/early 80's and became vegan around the 2000's, the way he's always so quick to tell his friends he loves them all the time, hugs everybody always, just wants more love in the world and for everybody to be happy and live the life they want to live and find a passion. his small little inspirational speeches he does for song introductions sometimes. LIKE. it's impossible not to love him, anybody that knows him would agree. he's literally just a happy, loving ball of sunshine, just living his life and doing his best all the time.
and then his MUSIC. i cannot stop listening to him. he's done quite a bit of different things over the years, AND chances are, most people know at LEAST one of his songs(but probably more than one), but from other bands/artists probably. whether it's them doing a song he just wrote or if it's a cover of one of his. i mean, there's so many.
but most of his hits were through others, and then almost nobody knows who wrote it/originally did it. he's never had the recognition or appreciation he should have for the amount of things he's done. in fact, you get stuff like the video on youtube of him doing 'since you been gone' on supersonic where the description of it is just somebody totally trashing him for no reason. like????? why. (just about all of the comments were defending him though and that made me happy)
so many other musicians out there know him and have nothing but praise and respect for him, which makes it even more sad to me that hardly anybody outside of that knows him. but his constant passion and love for writing and making music is amazing to me, and his level of discipline along with that.
he's just VERY INSPIRING TO MEEEEE for so many reasons. he's been actually changing my life this year in very big ways.
and because he's very similar to me in some ways, the way his brain works feels like it aligns with mine so often. i've never come across somebody like that before in my life. i love the way he makes me feel less alone in the world just from him existing. like, he really gets it. he understands. i don't know how to explain that better.
so IN CONCLUSION, although i do get obsessive about bands and musicians in similar ways, i have never experienced it quite like this before with this much positive impact on my life in just one year. i hope it never stops. he took me right out of depression for a while there and, although it keeps coming back again now, i feel like i can handle it a little better than before.
i've never been able to REALLY choose a favorite, like #1 FAVORITE musician above all before, i always considered all of my favorites as equal favorites, but now i've found him. russ ballard. the light of my life.
[me snapping my fingers as everybody is 100% zoned out] okay i'm done rambling now
(if you ever want to know any of his music, i would be glad to share some)
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year ago
My First "Viral" Post
Like, 20 people told me to submit my Brady Bunch GIFset to @world-heritage-posts and hundreds more tagged it #worldheritagepost.
So I was like, "OKAY OKAY, I'll submit it!"
And they never posted it.
Which is completely fine!
WHP, it's cool. We're cool. I don't need World Heritage Post reblogs.
I have reblogs at home.
(my reblogs at home)
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I am definitely *NOT* going to do the "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM???" thing.
I only do cool and funny "Don't you know who I am?" interactions like Tony Hawk.
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But when I submitted the post it reminded me of an even earlier time on Tumblr when there were only a few people who could make a post go viral.
The main one was called @thedailywhat. If something got posted there, it could get HUNDREDS of notes.
Oh, that's another funny thing. Several people commented "Why does this only have 20K notes!!???"
There are currently 135 million active users on Tumblr and the site got roughly 2.4 billion visits in 2023.
In all of 2010 the entire site got 50 million visitors. Not users. Just people who went to a Tumblr address during that entire year.
In any case, if you thought you created something cool and you wanted more than 10 people to see it, you had to submit your cool thing to The Daily What. It was the first Tumblr to reach 100,000 followers which was more than the actual founder of Tumblr had at the time.
It was run by a single person but he was very private and never revealed his name.
His emails were very cryptic.
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I'm pretty sure he sold the site and went to live on a beach or something. But whoever bought it did not understand how to run the blog and the final post was in 2013.
I'm not surprised the new owner crashed and burned. Johnny Internets was irreplaceable. He really understood what would connect with people. Nearly everything he posted would gain decent popularity. I'm not sure people realize how much of a skill curating content can be and how hard it is to post popular things with consistency.
He would reject a lot of content outright and was very picky about what went on his Tumblr. But when he actually posted something you made, it was almost guaranteed to go viral.
Well, viral relative to the time period.
I suspect I submitted nearly a hundred things before he finally agreed to reblog me. And I still remember the first thing I submitted that he liked.
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I posted this in 2010. How many notes do you think it got?
Probably a million, right?
No less than 100K.
I mean, look at how cute that panda is!
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Back then, that was enough.
But that was just me putting words on something. My ultimate goal was to get him to post one of my original photoshops.
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And do you see how he gave proper attribution? That meant a lot during a time when other curators were cropping my watermarks and claiming things as their own.
A real mensch, this Mysterious Stranger was.
These two posts got me enough traction to grow my following and before I knew it, I was The Daily What for other people. I was able to help other artists and content creators get traction and grow their following.
It was a beautiful Tumblr version of paying it forward. Only not as awkward as those weirdos who do it in drive-thru lines.
It's fine.
Enjoy your nugs.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year ago
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @lurkingshan (here) and @wen-kexing-apologist (here). Thanks for the tags!
In 2023, I made 175 original posts, including 45 metas about 12 different shows and two large scale projects (the GMMTV Multiverse and the GMMTV Kissing charts). It was interesting to see what meta (and how much) I had written in which months. It's also fun looking back as I approach my one year anniversary of watching and writing about BL - I'm so grateful for all the wonderful people I've met and gotten to chat with over these past months!
January and February [0 metas]
I wasn’t on BL Tumblr yet! Any and all meta came in the form of thoughts, texts, and powerpoint presentations.
March [6 metas]
My BL Tumblr debut! I started this blog with the intention of 1) more easily gathering and archiving posts for future reference, and 2) collecting my thoughts somewhere other than text threads and my notes app, so I began posting meta the day I got here.
Most popular: what started as me thinking about Win’s rock t-shirt from ep 11 and then grew from there… - reading a lot into a random Thai ql shirt choice? Me?
Favourite(s): Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and coming out (part 1, part 2); Thoughts on Tinn, his mother, and music - My first meta ever posted! I keep returning to Tinn and his mother's relationship in My School President...
April [1 meta]
By default, the most popular (and favourite): Gun's feelings are realistic - I love when MSP subverts our expectations
May [13 metas]
Oh damn! This was a big meta month for me. Some of my favourite metas I've ever written were posted this month.
Most popular: The Eighth Sense and Missing Pieces - I am really proud of this one. It also made me laugh that I apologized for the length at the beginning when I would go on to post much, MUCH longer metas.
Favourite(s): Thoughts on genre, tropes, Bad Buddy, and My School President (aka my Bad Buddy and MSP thesis, which began life as a powerpoint presentation... now here's one of those much, MUCH longer metas in question); Wai as a faen fatale (which also began life as part of that same powerpoint presentation and I think perfectly encapsulates my analytical style); Conversations in ITSAY that are about more than they seem (I am really proud of the analysis I did here and the writing style I used to present it). This was also the month in which I started my deeply self-indulgent GMMTV Multiverse project, which later inspired my mission to record all GMMTV kisses.
June [11 metas]
Oh nooo another bunch of my favourites. This is cruel to make me choose.
Most popular: Thinking about Pran's "Pat, you've got to stop doing this to me" (I love this one! and this was the first of several times I've gotten to collaborate with the wonderful @dudeyuri)
Favourite(s): An analysis of the baseball mom shirt, Bad Buddy ep. 5 (my entry into the venerable field of Bad Buddy/ql shirt analysis and also encapsulates pretty much everything I try to do in my metas); An impassioned defense of the Bad Buddy ep. 5 rooftop kiss (combines many of my favourite things: reading deeply into the minute details of Bad Buddy, an analytical framework that just clicks itself together as I write, and literature reviews); and Thinking about Snow White as the engineering play, part 1 (shout out to the two other people going ham on Snow White as an allegory during the Our Skyy 2 madness - @chickenstrangers (here) and @letgomaggie (here))
July [3 metas]
Most popular (and favourite): Thinking about Pat, Pran, and pursuit (I think this was my first time articulating the idea of Pat and Pran's commitment to the bit, a concept which continues to circle in my head. This was also another collaboration with the wonderful @dudeyuri!)
August [7 metas]
Here comes Only Friends... and the GMMTV Kissing Multiverse project.
Most popular: GMMTV Kissing Multiverse updates 1, 2 and 3 (this is so much fun to track and analyze, and I've been really touched by everyone else's excitement for the project too); Various thoughts and musings on Only Friends and ephemerality (the Ephemerality Squad assembles!)
Favourite: Thinking about Boston: a study of episode 3 - I find Boston's mind a fascinating place to explore
September [8 metas]
Oh look! It's more Only Friends!
Most popular: Mansplain, Manipulate, Manwhore: Ray confronting Boston - once again, I love getting into Boston's head. This post was inspired by @wen-kexing-apologist's scene breakdowns, especially their Fight Night one
Favourite(s): The above, and also The Mundanity of Meanness
October [5 metas]
Most popular (and favourite): The first fist bump in Bad Buddy - oof. I've gotta come back to this idea sometime.
November [3 metas]
Most popular: The Latest Update to the Kissing Multiverse - the hotly anticipated post-Only Friends update to the kissing charts
Favourite: the kissing charts, and Thinking about Pat, Pran, and competition - again, I love to think about Pat and Pran. I consider this one to be part of an ongoing series, along with my earlier metas on pursuit and the rooftop.
December [1 meta]
Most popular (and favourite): Not Me and earrings - technically an addition on @chickenstrangers' post, but was a relief to get my months old "Not Me is about ears and earrings!" thoughts out.
some no pressure tags: @chickenstrangers, @distant-screaming, @dudeyuri, @neuroticbookworm, @slayerkitty, @telomeke, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles
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epicbuddieficrecs · 10 months ago
You should change the name of the blog if you're are gonna rec Buck/Tommy fics don't you think? Also why in the world would youbl
Oh wow, baby's first anon hater!
I've been pondering how to answer for a little while, because on one hand, do I really want to take the time and energy to answer such an idiotic message? But on the other hand, you've given me a great excuse to set some things straight so thank you for allowing me to make an example out of you.
This is my blog. I can blog about whatever the fuck I want. I do try to be diligent abut tagging Bucktommy content specifically so people can avoid it if they want to. I identify the Bucktommy fics in my fic recs, I tag the Bucktommy content. If you don't like Bucktommy, tumblr has great muting and blacklisting features, so use them. You can also just unfollow if you're not happy about what I blog. Didn't you think of that before coming into my ask box to bother me about this?
I do not have to justify the way I run my blog to anyone, but your suggestion that I should change the name of my blog JUST because I've recced SOME Bucktommy is ridiculous to me. If I really wanted to be petty about it, I would count the number of bucktommy fics VS buddie fics in my recs just so I could shove it in your face that it's such a fucking small number, I don't even understand how you're bothered about it.
And if I was a die hard "OTP Bucktommy endgame" stan, then yeah, I might make a separate blog about it, but anyone with more than two brain cells who spends any amount of time on my blog can clearly see that it's not the case for me.
I'm kinda glad that you managed to mistakenly (I presume) hit send before finishing your sentence because the first one already didn't make you look so good, I can only imagine how much worse the second one would have been.
So let this be a warning to all of my followers: I'm not anti Bucktommy. There will be Bucktommy content here!!! I'm pretty neutral-to-positive about Bucktommy, which means that I will rec the few Bucktommy fics that I read. I will reblog Bucktommy gifsets. Deal with it or show yourself out.
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glitterypin · 3 months ago
2024 Tumblr Top 10 (with comments by the author!)
1. 18,245 notes - Jun 24 2024 - “The Doctor In A Nutshell”: This must be my second most popular post in all the years I’ve been on Tumblr (the first one is the “David Bowie flipping a tray of cookies” screenshots from The Man Who Fell To Earth, a set of two images that made me laugh so hard for days on end some nine years ago). I don’t know why it blew up so much, tbh, especially when I see gifsets gaining a lot less attention. It baffled me but I guess tastes have changed a bit.
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2. 7,234 notes - Jul 15 2024 - “The Daddy Twelve post” - A hilarious scene to which these screenshots don’t really do justice. I generally assume it’s me calling him “daddy Twelve” that got people to chuckle at this set.
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3. 4,003 notes - Aug 17 2024 “The other ‘Daddy Twelve’ post” - Why waste a good idea? I still call him that in my head sometimes.
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4. 2,238 notes - Oct 11 2024 - “Thirteen channels her inner Nine/Twelve” - I’ve had people in the notes commenting that this isn’t rare at all but I beg to disagree. I do believe Thirteen is much ruder and grumpier than Ten or Eleven and possibly actually angrier than Nine and Twelve but this level of snarky insult isn’t her usual mojo in my opinion. I will acquiesce that this isn’t the only instance of it, though, I’m sure it happened at least 3 or 4 more times in her run.
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5. 2,071 notes - Oct 16 2024 - “Bananas Doctor Who Credits” - After posting this I noticed I had left the subtitles on, granting all screenshots a single note at the bottom, indicating the DW title theme was playing. This annoyed me but it was already getting notes, so I never got around to replacing them. I was also actually surprised it got so many notes, I thought it would be one of those things that only I found so hilarious, glad to see it wasn’t the case.
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6. 868 notes - Aug 25 2024 - “The Doctor stomps on my heart” - Oh, this is actually the only post on the list that I was surprised didn’t do better. Not in a vain “give me notes” kind of way but rather in genuine curiosity. This is one of the most heartbreaking moments of foreshadowing for me in the show, it gives me so many feelings and also Twelve is so fucking pretty and sad in it, I totally expected more people to reblog this.
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7. 690 notes - Jun 26 2024 - “mood” - Classic snarky Twelve, adding an insane amount of drama to what could have been a simple line. Peak comedy, peak relatability.
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8. 567 notes - Sep 11 2024 - “Peter Capaldi behind the scenes of Twice Upon A Time, looking fucking AMAZING” Oh look! It’s a post that isn’t just screenshots from an episode! But it’s a good collection and our boy Peter is crazy beautiful so of course it did well. God, I love him.
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9. 488 notes - Sep 25 2024 - “Twelve and Clara comedic duo” - A moment I had forgotten about and only spotted during a rewatch. I don’t think Twelve and Clara get enough credit as a comedy double act in the collective whovian subconscious. I do maintain that Ten and Donna are the most hilarious duo in the whole NuWho era but little moments like this put Twelve and Clara firmly in the second spot. (Again, the screenshots don’t really do the scene justice but you get my drift.)
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10. 478 notes - Aug 2 2024 - “Twelve takes no survivors” This is an entire scene of hilarity which is super difficult to capture properly in screenshots because there is a lot of dialogue so the posts got long and also you can’t really capture the perfect timing of the deliveries and the editing. But I love it, so I wanted to put it on my blog somehow. I finally started liking Clara during this exact scene, because faced with the Doctor’s new face and brutal honesty she can no longer keep up the façade of the little miss perfect we’d seen on Eleven’s side. Flaws and anger, FINALLY. 
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Created by TumblrTop10
So, yeah, this is the year when I finally watched Doctor Who and this, along with my particular hyperfixation on Peter Capaldi, made me the most popular I’ve ever been on Tumblr, probably. Amazing what being unable to shut up about something you love will turn you into.
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hillerskalibrary · 2 years ago
Something hit me
-and with your permission, I would like to revisit the post I made the other day, about the future of YR fic and how fast it would or wouldn't die. And I'm making a new post for it cause I want more people to see.
Because as multiple people have pointed out, both on the original post and on their own blogs: interaction is what keeps fandom alive. It's the comments on their wips that keep writers going, it's those fics that inspire artists to make new gifsets, it's the never-noticed-before detail in those gifsets that inspire new headcanons, it's the headcanons that kick off a new fic trope, and so on and so on and so on. Fandom is a verb!
Now, this is nothing new; people have been saying this for a long time. But the thing is - I can prove it. With my stupid graph. I can prove it and I didn't even know it. Look!
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Look at that bump in April. When I first saw it, I was a bit stumped. Why a peak in April, of all times? What happened? And then I remembered filming started that month, and I figured - sure, that'll be it. Fresh input, more excitement, more fic.
Except... there was absolutely no such effect when S2 filming started. Like. Nothing.
But still, there's a noticeable peak in April. If you compare March (124) and May (162), you'd expect April to have 140-150 fics, give or take. Instead it has 187, about 25% more than you'd expect*. So what happened in April, that caused a surplus of 40 fics to be published?
And then it hit me.
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Oh right - that happened!
I did a poll, multiple anons asked about it, @andthatisnotfake gave me a crash course on organizing fandom events, et voila - extra fic, for your enjoyment.
So this is what we mean. Obviously I'm not saying you should start organizing fandom events every other week (although I'm not stopping you either, hit me up if you have ideas! ;) ), but this example does show very nicely that new content doesn't pop up in a vacuum. So talk about it, interact with authors, reblog gifsets, publish headcanons, ... in short: be active in fandom.
You don't want things to die down? Don't let them.
It's really that simple.
*I'm just ballparking things here, these are not Exact Statistics by any means.
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hainethehero · 6 months ago
Me again!
“When did the rules of fandom and fanfic become so absolutely strict & rigid to the point where people aren't allowed to like what they like??!!!” – bit off topic, but oh boy, have you not noticed the rise of “purity culture” in fandom in the past 10(?) years? People have been getting a LOT of hate for ships they ship or tropes they like. It’s definitely not restricted to buddie fandom or 911 fandom.
“Why do you care if people really like Eddie or not? Are you the Eddie police?” – This made me laugh. And the answer to the first question is pretty easy – if people really like Eddie, they’re more likely to post content about him that I can reblog and enjoy, such as fics or gifsets or meta etc. If everybody disliked Eddie, I’d have nothing fun to read/look at/engage with! So in that sense, I do care to an extent.
“I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, they like him. And I'm guessing if they have him in their pfp, it's also respectfully none of your concern.” – Well, you’re right it’s not my concern per se, except that if I go scrolling a diaz/eddie-named blog, hoping for good Eddie content to reblog, and I run into a heap of BT posts or LJFR posts or Tommy posts, it’s a bit of a jumpscare/disappointment (which has happened several times). And yes, I filter tags, but people don’t always tag appropriately!
“your absolutely strange questions about what I envision for Eddie/who he'd end up with (I think u should be concerned with what you envision for him & not some stranger on the internet” – Why is it so strange to want to know what somebody else thinks and perhaps gain a fresh perspective? I already know what I would like for Eddie. I was curious about what you thought.
“He'd still be Buck's best friend if BT ended up as endgame
He'd be in a polyamorous relationship with them and get all the d*ck he wants (my personal preference)
Or the writers will give him another gf” - Anyway, so you like the option of eddie in a throuple with buck and tommy? Ok cool! My curiosity is satisfied!
What gets me about the whole "purity culture" in fandom that you're talking about, is that YOU'RE DOING IT. 🤣 you're doing it right now!
What's adding to this disease of purity culture in fandom is what most of the toxic buddie stans are doing RIGHT NOW. Yall are hating on Tommy with absolutely bad faith arguments and using every opportunity you can to deny the fact that you just don't like him because he's in the say of your preferred ship.
"I got a jumpscare seeing Tommy when I was looking thru the eddie tag" lmao okay that was funny. But like, the insane hatred for him is so weird. Y'all know whether buddie becomes canon or not, you can still make them endgame through fanfic right????
And yes, if more people were concerned with how they felt about their characters, instead of how other feel, we would avoid all this fandom war. You asking if people who had Eddie as their pfp really liked him or not IS entitled. You don't know why they have him as their pfp, so why question it? You're not entitled to know.
And in the referred ask, you wanting to know how someone who liked BT and Buddie would envision Eddie fitting in to the relationship- was totally your confusion at not being able to fathom that people could like both and still want buddie or BT to be endgame. Which is a trait I've observed in MOST buddie stans and some BT fans (which I DID address in my OP).
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cobra-wives · 6 months ago
Hi, first of all, I love your blog, especially your art.
I wanted to write as I saw you reblog a gifset of Sam and Robby and put "if we got miyagi-do robby I maintain that we needed cobra sam." I totally agree! and it's something I would like to see in fic or art (I would try to write something if I could figure out the right plotting). sam is the only one who hasn't changed dojos - up until S6, tory was a cobra before switching sides; demetri seems to be miyagi-do only, but he attempted to join cobra kai first - and when she learnt eagle fang style from Johnny, it worked really well for her. I just want to put her in that scenario (cobra kai).
when I saw someone else liked the idea of cobra sam, I wanted to share my thoughts.
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"well look who isn't their daddy's daughter."
"...you aren't so bad yourself, sensei lawrence."
a cobra! sam au, where she trains under sensei lawrence - some thoughts and ideas below the cut!
johnny lawrence is living in the dumps. he's got a wimpy little kid as a neighbor, a shitty old car, and an even shittier stepfather who he's kinda glad is cutting him off. samantha larusso is going into her sophomore year of high school and she's already dreading it. dreading the time she has to spend with her new "friends," missing aisha, and feeling the pressure of being her father's little larusso. surely they're not so different.
the car crash happens. in this version of the story, sam is closer to herself - it's the middle of the night, and she doesn't wanna be in the car with two other screaming teenage girls. there's some kind of energy in the old, dimly lit parking lot, pushing her to get out - or maybe it's moon kicking her out of the car to deal with the drunk old white man - but she's suddenly on the curb and staring up at this old guy with a scruffy beard, who looks... some flavor of miserable.
"i've got... money. my dad-"
"i've heard the story a billion times, kid. lived it too." he looks in the direction of yasmine's car, how it left skid marks on the asphalt and stunk up the air between them. "fuck's up with your friends?"
sam bristles. "they're not-" my friends, sam wants to say, but the words are too heavy for her to push out. johnny looks at his dented car and groans - "me and these fucking cars this week. first it's that damn ad, then it's that fuckass billboard-"
"i know what you're talking about," sam sighs. she sets her bag onto the pavement next to where he's sitting on a parking stub, sitting beside him but clutching her keys in slight caution. "my dad is... an embarrassment."
johnny's eyes widen. "shit, kid - what's your name?"
"samantha. but since we're gonna be here for a while, you can call me sam. sam la-"
he tosses the bag of alcohol behind him, cleaning himself up with a grin aligning his face and a pathetic sniffle. here's the part where they clean themselves up, where they fear the mention of her father's last name and look at her like she's a rich encino princess.
"johnny. johnny lawrence," he says. "your dad kicked me in the face 33 years ago."
who knows how it goes from here. sam gets to hear the story from a different view, from johnny's side. johnny sees a version of himself from 33 years ago - raised a rich brat, with dismissive parents who thought oh sure, phases came and went. first it was friendship bracelets, then it was scrunchies and makeup and then it was boyfriends and oh, then it was off to college! he knows what it feels like to not want to be your father.
it's a horrible decision. it's the worst decision he'll ever make in his life - well, maybe, going to the beach on that fateful night might contend for number one - but the thought of it sparks some kind of rich flame in his muscles. this sam girl is every ounce of her father's worst traits - hot headed, entitled, and so ready to fight.
she'd make the perfect cobra.
"i scratch your back, you scratch mine," johnny proposes. "what says we forget everything that happened here, and you come to my dojo and train with me? i bet your daddy would go nuts if he saw you in a cobra kai gi."
"you're crazy," sam chuckles, but her grip loosens on her keys. "i have one rule."
"sure you do. you larussos and your rules." johnny raises his eyebrow, amenable.
"you call me sam, and only sam. no miss larusso, no little larusso, all that shit. and in your dojo, that's my name. got it?"
johnny grins. shakes her hand. "you got it. sam."
who knows where the story goes from here. we get to see a darker version of sam, caught between two versions of herself. the impulsive, violent, and hot headed part of herself that johnny feeds - the side that ends up hurting the people she loves, the side that makes her feel powerful, but wrong. the passive, fearful little girl her father wants her to be. the part that lets demetri's arm get broken, that watches all her friends get hurt and the part that loses to that nichols girl. (that nichols girl, oh she's tough. but she's not the best. she can't be the best, because she's the best and if she isn't, she's nothing to nobody and that's even worse than being a pawn.)
and no matter where she goes, she's only a pawn in a man's game; whether that man be johnny, kreese, hell, even her own father. it's a tough time for a girl to find herself in a man's world. how she does it is only up to her - and that can be the scariest decision ever.
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hurtingbuck · 1 day ago
I can’t remember what your username was previously, but I’ve surely been following you for some time and just kind of watching you post about these two dudes. I’m so very curious about them and about 9-1-1, but the show has been running for a good while now and I’ve been on tumblr long enough to be wary of getting into long shows just because I see really compelling gifsets of two blorbos gazing soulfully at each other (looking at you, Supernatural). Is it worth it?
hi!! i've had a few of them! queerdraco, dracomafloy, sextective, consultingflatmates.....and some more! if there's any of them you recognize! 🥰
and to the question: IT IS SO WORTH IT! i didn't even start watching it bc i saw edits of them, i just saw it on disney+ in october (?) and it looked good and i was like oh yeah let's go! and i loved it! (but i also heard something about a gay kiss and it sounded intriguing but i had no idea between which characters)
and honestly, it's kind of a quick watch! the episodes are ~40 mins and some seasons are only 10 eps, and max 18. i've already almost watched it through three times!
i got so invested i had to return to tumblr after YEARS gone after my first watchthrough, just in time for this hiatus between the first part of s8 and the second, and let me just say i have had the TIME OF MY LIFE. i have already gotten to know amazing amazing people.
and if you were here when my blog was all about johnlock, i was definitely a tjlc believer (that johnlock was going to be canon), but all i can say now, having lived through that. buddie is going to be canon. there's no reason they wouldn't.
i think it's definitely worth the watch. and not just for buddie. all of the characters and relationship are so great and there's so much backstory and stuff you get to find out about them through the seasons. you really get to know them! 🥰
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feuqueerfire · 9 months ago
Unknown Live Blogging
I loveeeeee a younger pursuer character, especially when they've known each other for a while and the older is just like I love you kid (platonic/familial) while the younger is losing their mind with their crush/love/lust. Also, the fact that the novel it's adapted from is literally called Da Ge 大哥 ah, I've gotten more into adoptive or step-brothers trope since I got into live-action BL but I've only just watched Addicted/Stay With Me and Kiseki: Dear to Me 2nd couple, so it's exciting to add another one to the list.
This is also a novel from China that's being adapted in Taiwan so that they don't have to censor it, right? There are several other BLs currently in the works like this.
Anyway, seems like people really like this show (not counting the sex scene in ep 11 or something because I heard so much complaining about that lol), so my hopes are high.
Ep 1 (June 13)
ahhh crazy start/glimpse into future
starts when they're young but have been living together a while already
ahhhh trying to take care of things/the family/his ge by paying the bills using his gift money + some part time job maybe. isn't quite a grownup yet but he wants to be so bad
2007 - when they first met
oh fuck the child being hit with the metal pipe was scary and unexpected
oh man, Qian getting embroiled with gangs and doing their dirty work for money
oof, gonna have to win 3 boxing matches to leave the gang
Ep 2 (June 13)
the teacher saying an older brother is like a father
not them ganging up on Xiao Bao!
dang, Qian's mother hated him because he did well, that's wild
Qian is so attractive like woah
we've reached current year - 2016
Ep 3 (June 13)
Yuan to the rescue
Bao and Yuan's dynamic is so cuteee
damn, Qian mad as hell at Xiao Bao's outfit and it has a bit of the "proprietary" thing that so many father-daughter older brother-younger sister dynamics have (in media at least) but also most importantly it reminds him of their mother who they are both very traumatized by
I'm so nervous, I hope nothing bad happens to Xiao Bao (esp because we know this world has like gangsters and stuff)
Is this guy part of the gangsters? Does he know who Xiao Bao is?
Yuan recognizes the gangster oh no
Sam Lin as doctor, though I must say I would not recognize him if I wasn't already aware of this
sharing a bed
studying abroad mentioned
I don't wanna read thoughts of r/boyslove or look for gifsets on tumblr, I just wanna get to the next episode.
It feels like since they both scold/get upset at Xiao Bao in an attempt to protect her, she's not gonna retain any of the reasons they're worried about her but rather maybe rebel and end up in troublesome situations. please no rape storyline though plsplspls
Ep 4 (June 14)
Yuan's 18th birthday? adult Yuan alright
pls Qian thinking that Xiao Bao's saying Yuan watches porn
it's romantic stuff but is it yaoi/BL? because the one Sweet Summer or whatever novel seemed to be two guys on the cover?
Qian kinda reminds me of Na Jaemin (my NCT bias when I was into them) from some angles
I will forever love helping something with feet, whether it be shoelace tying, giving a massage/a foot bath, or now taking care of an ankle/foot injury. it's not even a foot kink, it's just... idek like lowering oneself... in aid of the other... taking care of them...
Yuan definitely doesn't wanna hear about them seperating and liking other people
this kiss must be in Yuan's imagination
so I guess Qian doesn't suspect Yuan's feelings toward him at all + also doesn't return the feelings (yet + he might be unconsciously feeling something but it's not as intense as Yuan's feelings). However, I'm unclear on whether he thinks Yuan likes boys? Like he saw Yuan's romance novel with 2 boys + asking about the high school class monitor...
Ep 5 (June 14)
I knew this was a daydream because of the dreamy filter + I kinda remember some post on reddit about Yuan's daydream but if I was watching this in real time, I would've lost my shit
oh oh my god okay. "Ge, do you already know that I like guys?" extremely forward and sudden, I wasn't expecting it
ahhh, I can't watch this, it's so T.T. like ik it's very Uncle Jim to Liming, looking out for their young(er) nephew/brother because being gay openly isn't easy but like T.T still
What year is this? 2016 right? while gay marriage became legal in Taiwan in 2019
I love a "it's my business who i like, not yours" or whatever
ah, Qian's nice to Yuan again, he likes gives him a little lecture but isn't like actually homophobic
Xiao Bao turns 18 too
damn, what's up with Qian? head hurts?
pls the colleague (is that San Pang? yeah right?) running into Qian's room to see him and Yuan in bed sleeping and cuddling and being like... hm
pls Qian himself being like "it's not what it looks like" before the other guy even says what it looks like
omg San Pang now coming over to talk to Yuan
pls I know why he's asking but the way he's talking about where Xiao Bao sleeps and where he sleeps like hey ! stop
that's her literal brother and they have no parents, I think it's fine if Xiao Bao climbs into her Dage's bed to sleep occasionally lmfao
oh I guess he was talking about Xiao Bao sleeping in Yuan's bed. whelp he'd have a point in that case I guess becuase Yuan def can like these siblings lol he just happens to not like the sister
pls Xiao Bao wants San Pang to ask about her, so whenever he talks about Yuan and Qian the way her eyes roll so hard that her whole head rotates, so funny
not the office fujos Noticing and Observing lol
ahh, Yuan's inner turmoil seeing his "future sister-in-law"
ah, San Pang straight up asking if the one Yuan likes is Qian
I just wanna know when the confession is gonna happen, is it gonna be next ep? because Yuan also has to go abroad (though I don't think that time skip takes too much airtime from what I've read). I want some stuff to happen after confession + after getting together too.
Ep 6 (June 14)
I wonder what role San Pang will play like will he help them figure it out or hinder all the way through? they're kinda hinting him with Lili, so he can't possibly be a "bad guy." I get him dissuading them now or giving them reasons why they shouldn't but once they do, I assume he'll be okay with it at least
"Don't tell me that guy also has some?" oh Qian
Qian feeling pity for Yuan and being like why do you have to like him... oh Qian, oh Yuan
aklsdfjalksdf ahhh Yuan about to me a drunken mess at this important work function plssss I'm nervous. but also... does the confession happen when Yuan's drunk? Is it gonna happen this ep?
Feng Ning is so cool I love her. if Yuan does anything that upsets her I'll get mad at him im negl
oh omg I have an image in my mind of when Yuan confesses maybe and it was not in this outfit and they were also maybe sitting, so the i like you and attempted kiss was like oh!
It also stressed me out that they're still at work
woahhh it hurts so good the way Qian not only punched Yuan but also didn't stop to care for his wounded hand
ahhh Qian avoiding Yuan and the home entirely
studying abroad plan on
Aw, Xiao Bao who is like ? wtf is going on, why are my brothers fighting and also Yuan literally going to NY
is that Yuan sitting on the floor with his paper on his face and crying? yes, same sweater stripes
The angst is done well. The situation must happen (I was anticipating the fallout from the confession so much!), it's not overdramatized (Qian reacts badly but then just avoids Yuan for the rest and Yuan tries to apologize a bunch but doesn't force anything when Qian ignores him), the acting-writing-directing are all good. I'm also liking the consequence of him moving away to a different country (for a few years?) because he's known Qian all his life and practically only talks to Qian, Lili, and sometimes people like San Pang or a classmate but he'll broaden his horizons now and it'll be less "he loves Qian because he only knows him"
Ep 7 (June 14)
damn, Qian's apparently been so apathetic that San Pang's like maybe I shouldn't made Yuan stay so that at least you wouldn't be like this
Qian's alcohol problem + his chronic headache bruh
San Pang straight up asking if Qian has feelings for Yuan too and Qian does not deny it
also it's been 2 years right? since it's 2018 now and 2017-2018 were blank for Yuan's height
Qian is truly so attractive. his face but also his mannerisms and expressions and gestures. woah. and of course my forever weakness: nice smile and there's a dimple too
2017 - 2023?! omg 6 years? that's a lot, I was expected 2-3 fr
Qian continues reading Yuan's texts but not replying to them. then impulsively calling Yuan and immediately hanging up again
first reciprocal contact in 6 years, if I was Yuan that call would've made me lose my whole entire mind fr
Bro, it's actally Qian who's losing his mind because he's sitting on Yuan's bed in Yuan's room and texting Yuan to come home if he misses it
Xiao Bao has truly become grown up model Lili
San Pang is at the office gathering, so who did she see at the door? would Yuan already be at home lmfao
ah, indeed Yuan's here lol
Yuan and Lili antics begin again, how fun
From a few Tumblr posts, I thought Lil iand San Pang's relationship was gonna get exposed? next ep i guess.
also saw some gifs that Yuan's gonna be petty toward Qian next ep and I'm so excited, how did people wait weekly for this? I can barely wait for tomorrow.
Ep 8 (June 15)
starting this around 7:30pm because I had to watch Wandee Goodday episode today. Hope I like this episode than I liked Wandee's
ah, Yuan's so bold now "Have you seen enough?"
The fact that Yuan made eye contact with Qian before handing the drink over to Xiong-ge. Qian expectantly holding out his hand but having to retreat and check afterwards that nobody else saw lmfao
It's killing me that Yuan keeps looking at the other two ges during the conversation while Qian keeps glancing at Yuan and can't keep his eyes off of him even when he tries
Yuan even thanking San Pang for making him go to the states...
the hickeys?!
Qian's incredulous look at 8:00 is really so Na Jaemin, why does he remind me so much of him
I would say Qian's slow for not catching on that they're together somehow but ig San Pang and Lili are LDR since she doesn't even live here anymore? and so Qian's not aware of it? but it's also funny to think his brain was barely working while Yuan wasn't here but managed to deduce it by glimpsing the hickeys as soon as Yuan came and Qian's brain started working again lmao
damn, Lili's literally shaking her head no, how dare San Pang make the executive decision to confess to Qian?
Yuan literally sitting back and eating fruits on the couch as he observes is so funny
and his smiles lmfaooo
and only inserting himself when Xiong-ge brings up Qian dating somebody else lmfao he's a menace
Yuan calling Qian as Wei Qian instead of ge is so .
Qian's mad because the two of them are dating and there's an age difference and San Pang's known Lili since she was a child and he figured it out through hickeys and he's the last to know and all those reasons but also... he's probably also mad that why isn't he with Yuan then? If those two can do it, why not him too?
Yuan knowssssss he's getting to Qian
I've seen a glimpse of a gif of Yuan feeding Qian ahh
and now that Yuan's indeed giving him his full attention at the table, Qian can't look at him
Qian's losing his mind and I along with him
Yuan's so bold now, it makes me nervous like chilllllll, move back like the way he kept walking toward Qian and nearly kissed him alksdfjla;ksfj
Yuan is suchhh a menace, the way he starting speaking loud and clear when he heard Qian at the door
my mom dragged me away right then but I'm back
plss he's talking about how he also likes somebody and both Xiao Bao and Ge know that person. lmfao. menace.
Xiao Bao reading from a script lmfaooo
Yuan truly is such a menace, sliding the family vacation into Lili's script pls
cryingggg Xiao Bao ditched the family trip to go to Milan
Yuan kept poking until Qian finally says to not keep feelings for him anymore, only to hit him back with "what makes you think i still like you?"
Yuan saying Wei Qian really does me in. "Wei Qian, don't you like Wei Zhiyuan?" was woah
agh, A'Le and gangsters next ep. hmph
I've been curious to see which other age gap older male/younger female ships I like because they usually give me major ick but I'm such a fan of age gap ships in m/m-f/f-noona romances. I think History 3: Trapped side side ship with the sister and bulter man is the only one I can think of and they barely existed lol. So I want to like San Pang and Lili, especially when she said she's the one who pursued him (I'm into that trope a lot too; like Yuan's also the younger one pursing the older one) but I wish San Pang wasn't a hypocrite/homophobe because if he's into Lili and has no problems getting with her but so disapproved and dissuaded Yuan, like the reason is homophobia yes? I wanted him to come to The Realization that Yuan liking Qian is... fine-ish when he developed feelings for Lili, not have him separate the two situations.
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Ep 9 (June 15)
so many things to do but I'm watching this instead, goddammit. but been a little while since i've been so eager to binge and watch next ep (Kiseki and Triage last month I think)
Also, I saw a post that had a clip from the trailer that hasn't happened yet or something and I didn't watch it but there was text about how Qian looks Yuan in the eye when he confesses... omg now I'm so excited to see when that happens. I hadn't been thinking about how they'd actually come together but a confession must happen and I'd be very happy if Qian's the one who does it this time, even more so if he's very tortured about it
oh, abroad was 4 years ago? not 6
I like Yuan's whole spiel about I can't stop liking you but this is enough
Yuan calling Qian out on his bullshit, he can't kick Yuan out again
Qian can tell when Yuan's lying/hiding something
hmm they're calling Qian the snitch and the cops came back then... I feel like Qian didn't do it since he himself was involved
when's that napkin with the poem from?
what is the plan exactly? Lin's telling Yuan to remember that Qian cares about him...
damn, Yuan left for a trip with very short notice?
"You're acting like a wife trying to catch her cheating husband" read the room, San Pang. you can't tell this to Qian who is trying to not be in love with his didi
Dr. Lin so funny. also did We Best Love have eating raw noodles? I feel like it did...
Wei Zhiyuan means "belongs to Wei"
no but what was Yuan plan actually because mans just went to their lair, asked for Le-ge and now is just getting beat up lmfao
scary, Le-ge's got bullets
please why are we doing Russian Roulette rn T.T
Can't have a bullet in there if he's doing it on himself, right? I didn't see how many bullets he put in there. or is he just fucked up in the head enough to do it anyway lol
Qian hugging Yuan in desperation
omg that napkin was literally what Yuan wrote as he thought they were his last words stuck on a mountain during his study abroad. and Qian was avoiding speaking to him during that time godddd, what a tragedy it would have been
and it's a good time to reveal that since they just did the russian roulette for e/o
I don't wanna read ppls thoughts or look at gifsets, I wanna just watch the next episode omg but I won't look at anything after ep 10 until I finish the whole thing since ep 11-12 spoilers will also be there, so I should look at stuff now.
Ep 10 (June 16)
Qian remembering everything Yuan's said and done
nose bleed...
parallels w the hair drying and cuddling to sleep, it'd be funny if san pang woke them up again
does Qian think he'll die
lmaoooooo San Pangcame but unfortunaly Qian was aklready downstairs
i knew bout this blood clot
not the i wish i could tie you up with a rope
Idk how Qian thinks he could possibly hide this from Yuan lol I'm surprised he hadn't just listened in or bothered Lin about the info
the three of them just exchanging eye contact and the focus from San Pang -> Qian with a zoom! sound effect was very funny
Yuan is so funny to San Pang lmfao he keeps being like San Pang ge thank you <3 to the point of uncomfortableness
welp indeed Yuan figured it out on his own
ah, Yuan's mad that Qian hid it from him and keeps saying he'll deal with it on its own
Qian made all of Yuan's favourites to try to win him over askdf but Yuan's still mad
Yuan taking a brief break from ignoring Qian's existence to take away greasy food/beer and give him and San Pang salad instead
San Pang once again telling Qian to consider Yuan and getting with him seriously
Did he not that he wants Yuan to have a future without him?
I think I got a little lost about what exactly led to Yuan storming out but ahhh that convo, fuck. Qian's turmoil and inner conflict and Yuan being like it's mind to deal with, not yours but Qian not being able to let Yuan go.
Ep 11 (June 16/17)
I wanna binge these last 3 eps but it's Eid so I'm busy and gotta watch the rest later. I'm really excited for this ep since it's gonna have the confession and also the sex scene but I know it made everybody fucking mad because of the editing (they had flashbacks to them as kids?) + position top/bottom implications/confusions lmfaoo
The first time Qian took initiative to grab Yuan omg
wait, we're already going into the house okay
I need a pillow or stuffed animal to dig my nails into rn omg i keep grabbing air
what was the more correct translation of "I've been waiting all my life. This isn't fast at all." that made me lose my mind when I saw it and I hadn't even been watching the show back then
"You don't even know what I dream about you at night" hah. hahahah. haha. ok
hello why are we having flashbacks to a conversation from 5 minutes in between the sex scene instead of just... being linear??? I didn't know this happened bc it got drowned out w the other complaints ig lmao
yeah, interspliced scenes we haven't seen before + flashbacks of scenes we've seen during a sex scene are already annoying but then WHY ARE THERE CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS. this is not the time to have kids on my damn screen wtf
also I just kinda took top Yuan from that, is it top Qian in the novel or something because I feel like people mentioned that it seemed one way but it wasn't supposed to be that way? or is it because the scene where Yuan had his bare legs splayed that gave the illusion of bottom Yuan and people didn't like that? I'm so curious
domestic morning kissing, they've really come all the way here
Lili's home?!
a fight? girl lmao ig Lili's the normal sibling who's not guessing that her other siblings are fucking, biologically related or not
what is this Le/Lin scene lmao
fancy dinner date at the same gangster restaurant as always lol but apparently Qian's reserved the whole place and made it romantic
Enough angles for one kiss!
restaurant owner gang uncle just witnessing all this lmfao I think it'd be hilarious if he gossips with Le-ge about Qian and his brother kissing
fuck, this nerve and surgery stuff is so scary fr
Okay, finished the last 10 minutes while having lunch the next day because I had to leave yesterday. Good to see both Yuan and Lili care about Qian and want to take care of him and such. Qian took up smoking again in all this stress. I still don't fully get all the mom stuff beyond she thoroughly abused him.
The sex scene was like... what??? and I'm glad I was already aware of its issues because I would've gone beserk if I was watching this weekly for 10 weeks and got that in return wtf. The whole show relies on their emotions and inner conflicts but it felt like neither aspect was truly explored in the scene and made worsened with the horrific editing.
Also I can't fucking reblog but this is maybe the post I was talking about with the translation during the sex scene. Yuan's line implies he's masturbated thinking about Qian which is like the most unsurprising thing ever.
Ep 12 (June 17)
Final episode, hope it at least ends well
Lili figures it out. she's kinda upset that she's the last one to know about it, her lines remind me of when Qian found out about her and San Pang haha
but what does she wanna say, why am I nervous that she's pregnant
lol Qian liking that Yuan's trying to help him out at work
I'm suddenly embarrassed, I really can't do office romances
Xiong-ge showing support in his awkward ways is nice
hehhehe Yuan coming to pick Qian up from work dressed up so nice and Qian kissing him outside after checking nobody's around
I got stressed out by Yuan kissing Qian at work omg in broad daylight with people around
yeah the office fujo will certainly keep this a secret lol as if a bunch of them weren't already gossiping like 4 years ago or whatever
I can't handle office romances guys my body shrivels up and my toes and fingers curl, I'm so embarrassed. can the employees stop squealing about it in public. I'm so stressed out by office gossip even if it's like shippy/supportive. also the excited fujo character can sometimes work for me in high school/college shows because it's like young characters but this in an office is like. no. their family and friends can know but i don't need to see their coworkers finding out unless it's meant to be a point of conflict
how can you be discussing top-bottom dynamics of your boss with your colleagues!! and asking your other boss about it !!!! let's get serious I hate this, I should skip through
HOW CAN YOU ASK THIS TO YOUR FUCKING BOSS?!?!?!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE A POSSIBLE THING?!?!?! this show is generally so grounded, even in it's more out-there aspects, that this is like... what world are we in? so inappropriate and also like probably homophobic because you would not be asking this if Qian was dating a woman
are they insinuating Qian's the top/tiger? That does not go with what I want form this trope so I'm ignoring it lmfao I can do verse because I can almost always ship verse but with the younger-guy-deeply-in-love-with-and-madly-pursues-older-guy-who-is-resistant-and-conflicted trope, I like a younger top
but i think people were also annoyed about this suggestion of top Qian lmfao, I think I remember reading comments about it
ah, Lili is indeed pregnant
aw, hug before the questioning but it's like genuine, not from anger. Especially important for them because their mother was terrible and they don't want a child to go through that again obvs
pls San Pang's also here loll I think it's good the ways they were all in different rooms
the panic when Xiao Bao knelt and the 3 of them also scrambling to kneel, especially when Qian also knelt
aw, Qian really was their da-ge, father, and mother all in one
Qian's afraid Lili will follow in their mother's footsteps (pregnant then married young) and be unhappy
why is this so good T.T
I can't believe the messy sex scene from last ep and the utter bullshit that was the office scene in this ep made me forget for a bit how good this show can be
Damn, they're really saving the surgery thing for the very last few minutes. anyway ik he doesn't die because everything would've gone up in flames if that happened
omg how much timeskip, there's a whole baby now
The office discussion actually made me so uncomfortable, it was so inappropriate and unnecessary, why didn't we take that time to... just show at least a bit of the surgery and aftermath or whatever? Like that was such a huge thing in the past 2-3 eps but it just... disappears and we assume it was successful bc of the ending
I'm so glad I got over my pseudo-incest brother-lover aversion because I can now watch this stuff in delight. Though I must say, my favourite aspect of this show is the little family trio with Qian, Yuan, and Lili, with San Pang occasionally invited as well. I loved how they cared for each other and how though Lili was left out of the romantic duo inside their trio, it didn't feel like she was forgotten or sidelined. They each had specific relationships with each of the other people, their interactions had their own flavours and it was so good.
The romance itself hm I think the development was nice, especially from Yuan's side since we saw how he thought of Qian and how he supported him and such. We also saw a bit of how Qian was so lost when Yuan was gone that even San Pang was wondering whether Qian liked Yuan and it would've been better if they hadn't sent him away. It just feels like since there was so much angst and build-up for like 10 episodes, their actual coming together should have been grander. The sex feels a bit sudden, I don't think it should've happened right after that conversation because Qian was barely ready to admit whether he saw Yuan as more romantically than just a brother, and then the editing of it all was terrible.
The surgery stuff also kinda dwindled, if they'd brought it up, I wished they would've at least shown the direct aftermath or whatever. I despised how we had the office Yuan/Qian gossip for so long in episode 12, we could've used it for better things. At least we ended with the Lili pregnancy announcement and coming together over that, which reminded me just at the end why I liked the show.
Some other things I really loved: 1) Qian's face, holy shit. Qian is so beautiful, like incredibly attractive to me, woah. Reminds me of Na Jaemin who I was also taken by when I stanned NCT; is it the lower half of their faces/their mouths? 2) The 2 scenes where Qian finds out Lili and San Pang are dating in ep 8 + finds out Lili's pregnant in ep 12 and just going to kill San Pang lol (also loved how Yuan was enjoying it in ep 8 but was helping San Pang and Lili out in ep 12 lol). 3) The episodes, especially the earlier-middle ones, were so addictive, I didn't end up reading the on-air reddit threads because I was too into watching the next ep instead of reading about it.
In the end, I don't think I'll think about it often, especially not the Yuan/Qian ship unless just to remember the brother-lover trope and even then, Kiseki's Chen Yi/Ai Di gave me more intense brainworms for a similar trope I think. I'm disappointed that I didn't love the show, its flaws are at moments that are too important. So deeply conflicted about whether to give 6 or 6.5, I'll go with 6.5 for now.
Rating: 6.5/10
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khaoala · 10 days ago
Ok let’s just get this out of the way and once again say FUCK RAKS DAD!!! Go back to your shady business in the woods and leave rak alone! (But also wtf is he doing in the woods??)
Done with that. Done with him.
PAM AND RAK ARE SO FUCKING CUTE I CANT HANDLE IT!!!! Rak losing her train of thought when pam turned to look at her and I felt that!!! Pam unable to once again resist touching raks face I FELT THAT TOO! “We can’t hug while we’re both sitting on this log, but we can hug as you’re walking away because that is more friendlike and not suspicious at all” 👍🏽
CUDDLING. IN. THE. TENT 🫠🫠🫠. Pam was really tap dancing the line between ‘not wanting to pressure rak’ and ‘doing whatever her heart desires’😆. For a second I really thought rak was going to climb over natcha and go back to cuddling.
I don’t really know what it is or how to describe it properly, but when emi/pam tilts her head down slightly and then looks up through her lashes, I melt into a puddle. Like her face during her confession with rak was too much. CURSE YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE EMI! Rak making the first move as pam laid all her cards on the table felt so right since she was the one having doubts about them. Beautiful 🥹😭🫠🥹😭🫠🥹😭😂
Okaaaay what else what else….did other stuff even happen in this ep???? Kidding
Oat and nene this episode had me thinking of that quote from 10 things I hate about you “who needs affection when i have blind hatred”. Keep trying oat, you’ll melt her cold heart eventually and pink fluffy flip flops is a good start!
We can now OFFICIALLY put all our theory’s to bed because nene is definitely the dad’s daughter from a past affair. I do have to laugh because it seems like she just spends her day walking around and stalking that family (but looking good while doing it).
Radom extras
-Our boy kawi is spiraling and i fear what he will do when he sees rak with pam *has ptsd flash backs of great from mate* (i also seem to go back to that guy don’t I?)
-aek is such a goof but also a really good boss. I would love to work at that cafe
-emi needs to stop keeping food between her teeth/lips for a second before it goes in her mouth. Im too weak 🫦
-I know this might be an unpopular opinion but I did not like the way the makeout scene was edited. It was just weird to me like with the black flashes or whatever. You gif’d it, is it just me?? 🤪
((i have a proposition for you since we are now halfway through the show (😭). If I were to find all the timestamps would you be willing to make a 'Pam touching Raks face" pt 1 gifset?))
can you imagine being such a huge piece of shit that you can't even remember the face of the woman who stood at the door of your hospital calling you a murderer? yeah, zero conscience, guilt free, stupid asshole . prayer circle for his demise? yes? every saturday in this very blog (shady people love going to the woods to deal their shady business, the piece and quiet being disturbed by their ill deeds).
listen! i thought i was ready for pamrak girlfriends era, but i couldn't even handle them being super sweet in the camping trip. i keep saying this, but the big brown eyes couple really is just the sweetest. the way they look at each other like… GET A GRIP! you're such simps for each other, and you're not even official official. ugh, people in love are disgusting (i had butterflies when rak got completely lost just bc pam looked at her. i'd do the same, rak, can't even judge you).
pam's flirting game is no joke man, because there she is, hugging rak while she's sitting and rak is standing so she has to look up at rak while she rests her head on her, holds her hand when pam hands rak the sponsors product bc oh my, such packaging was never this difficult to open before, and then suddenly using rak as her pillow (it was so funny that rak was clearly annoyed before she pulled the blanket to reveal pam laying in her arm) (and pam was two seconds away from just pulling rak to sleep near her again) (thank god these two got laid in this episode cause you just know rak wouldn't survive a lot longer with the teasing).
i saw someone talk about this and i'm so sorry i can't source it, but they talked about how it would be only right if rak made the first move in the physical relationship bc she was the one feeling guilty so it should be on her own terms and i thought that was so spot on. i really liked how they made pam confess, and rak make the effort to let pam know she wanted that. she kissed pam first, she took pam's shirt first, she laid pam down in her bed. that was a very nice detail.
you say hatred, but let me bring you another perspective. nene knows very well which bar oat owns and even then, even after all the endless flirting and nene's (pretended) annoyance, she decides to go to oat's bar anyway? idk, when i don't like someone, i don't go to the place said person owns and works at. nene likes the attention oat gives her and she's just too much of a edgy girl to admit it just yet.
nene is making good use of that money her donor left her and just spends the day making sure her plan to destroy their lives is on track, serves some amazing looks and drinks a lot by the end of the day. i wonder how they'll tie her distaste for her siblings bc so far, very little effort was made on that end, and we know the kids aren't aware of the extent of their father's shitness.
to your extras
i don't think kawi will be a great 2.0 bc great is unique and if i have to deal with another one of his type i might as well pluck out my eyeballs. i do think though that from all characters, the one that i'm most afraid of doing something extreme to harm himself is kawi. it wouldn't surprise me if kawi offing (or trying) was the way they use to make their dad redeem himself.
aek is rich and he uses his money for good. he has a café that has barely no costumers, makes art and treats his employees well. he's a sweetheart.
emi needs to stop existing so i can be a normal person, but a normal person i don't wanna be if she doesn't exist. my crush on this woman is actually stupid af.
not unpopular at all, that editing in the final scene was messy and not very immersive? it felt like they wanted us to think it was their imagination or a dream. i did gif it but tumblr hates me and hates when i post beautiful people kissing apparently. but i only giffed part of it because again, weird cuts and weird progression too. you can find it in here.
and about your suggestion, i like that a lot! if you're willing to send me the timestamps, i would most gladly do that for us (honestly finding the scenes people'd like to have giffed is always the most difficult part bc i feel i always forget something). but if you're willing, i can most definitely do that.
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andthebubbles · 10 months ago
bridgerton 3x01 spoilers under the cut obv
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lmao god i'm watching this slowly bc now i'm GONNA REWATCH THIS SCENE
the temptation to skip through to the next a&b scene is real lemme tell you
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lmao help i'm watching this so slowly atm
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why is benedict like skjfkjfgfkg
oh my god CRELOISE
why did we miss prudence's wedding 😭
pen/genevieve!!!! so many possible ships
omggg more a&b!! more family stuff!!!! WHY ISN'T ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THIS
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anthony and benedict sprawling on the sofas and they BOTH LOOK SO GOOD
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actually fucking dying here, i need more siblings shenanigans; when they all yeet off with gregory aaakjfgfjkggh and sfjgnfkgfg anthony being big bro aaaah
okay, third rewatch and moving on i swear lol
omggg... yeah i forgot, people would've been nasty to eloise after the theo stuff, and cressida was the only one kind to her?????!!?!?!?!!?!? OMG I NEED TO KNOW MORE
the peneloise is electric too
omfg MORE A&B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the slowest watch of an ep ever lol bc i already have my faves
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how much giffing do i have to do?? bc all i've seen on my dash so far is decidedly NOT a&b and i've already unfollowed all the blogs i don't want to follow anymore and i'm just following the general bridgerton ones and WHY NO MASSES OF A&B HAHA godddd do i have to do everything myself skjfnkfjgk
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also this does all really give me that s1 vibes of anthony at the club which i have missedddd
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like, anthony sprawling with his gay!sit like that, i've not seen that since s1 awwww
anthony's fluffy hair in bed...... 🥺
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fluffy fluffy fluffyyyy (i will always miss his s1 hair)
also, slut:
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ohhh the cressida/eloise/pen going onnnnnnnnn
ohhh this is very s1 anthony lol
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awww the anthony and francesca bit
cressida being delightfully evil but what if she did it for eloise bc she would know eloise has some animosity towards pen :3 hahahaa halp
(the ~you would never court me is so a/b!anthony coded (except he doesn't think he's worth being courted at all :3))
OMG I WAS RIGHT, CRESSIDA DID IT FOR ELOISE AND SHE WAS LOOKING FOR HER APPROVAL omgggggggggg "i thought we did not like penelope" ohmygod cressida <3
omg where are all the creloise gifsets??????????????????? this is beautiful
"let us only think of ourselves" CRESSIDA "we are far more interesting"
"i am inclined to agree with you" OMG SHIPPING THEM
am actually happy crying here ahaha
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interesting that violet is delaying moving out of bridgerton house. sounds like some fics i've read lol (thinking of A Thousand Cuts, actually)
violet??? piano duets??? vulnerability????????
why is colin coming across as dumb and slappable (just like anthony i guess (runs in the family lmao))
ohhh the eloise and colin interaction ehehe lovely, and then the LW talk between them and eloise being like skjfgkfgfkfg inside
all right am i making a&b gifs first and those select anthony bits i screencapped, or am i watching ep 2-4 first....
ETA: in a way it's good that anthony's not in the next few eps or else i'd be watching ep 2-4 soooo slowly
anyway i guess i better watch the eps first, then make gifs. after all, by then perhaps someone else will have made a&b and creloise gifs!!
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