#mine is 'both mostly about different things' but more my mom than my dad
bemusedlybespectacled · 10 months
"But what are we considering a 'nerd'?" Literally whatever definition resonates with you. This is about personality vibes.
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stop-talking · 5 months
How do you think jhutch characters would handle a baby?
I'm not quite sure if you're asking "what would they do if you handed them a baby" or "what would they do if you told them you're pregnant" but I'm gonna assume you meant the latter. (feel free to send another request if I got it wrong)
Ranking Jhutch characters from worst to best fathers:
☆ Would play dumb when you hand him the pregnancy test.
☆ "What's this? Oh, you're pregnant? Can't be mine. My pull-out game is too strong." (literally has NO pull-out game, refuses to use condoms because he "can't feel" with them on)
☆ Basically ghosts you until the paternity test proves it's his. Then he actually ghosts you.
☆ Drops off the face of the fucking Earth for years. Doesn't pay a dime in child support.
☆ Maybe he comes back like 3 years later drunk and demanding to see "his" kid idk. Literally the worst.
☆ Honestly I headcannon he had a vasectomy at like 24-25.
☆ His mom hit him up once she heard about his prostitute scandals and chewed him out. Gave him "the talk" even though he's a grown ass man... finally got him to get snipped when she brought up the possibility of paying income-based child support for 18 years.
☆ Assuming he doesn't have one, though...
☆ He'd initially be mad and blame you. "I thought you were on the pill!!"
☆ Then he'd be like "Is it too late to... you know... get rid of it?" (and kind of dance around the subject because he's too much of a wimp to just say the word abortion)
☆ Wallace and his mom would both force him to get his shit together and apologize. Eventually he'd come to terms with the fact he's gonna be a dad.
☆ He'd be the kind of bastard to throw an over-the-top gender reveal party. The kind that burns down half of California or pollutes a major water channel.
☆ I think he'd be a really good girl dad. He'd let her paint his nails and stuff. Spoil her. <3
☆ He would treat a son completely differently. Teach him to "be a man" or whatever when he's still learning to walk. Force him into random ass sports.
☆ He'd have them mostly taken care of by a nanny. That's probably how he was raised, anyways. Derek Danforth is NOT changing a diaper.
☆ Whether we're talking pre-show or post-show, he'd freak the fuck out if you handed him a positive pregnancy test. I'm talking full-on pass out.
☆ Pre-show Josh would be like "Babe we can NOT afford a baby I literally live at home with my parents and work as a janitor."
☆ His parents would be so crazy supportive though. They've been hinting that they want grandkids for YEARS.
☆ They literally clear out a room IMMIDEATELY after hearing the news and offer it to you to use as a nursery.
☆ His mom buys you more baby clothes than you could possibly need. His dad builds a crib from scratch.
☆ Overall Josh is stressed asf but he does his best to be there for you, and his parents are OVERWHELMIGLY supportive.
☆ Post-show Josh, on the other hand, doesn't have that support. But he's survived unspeakable horrors across multiple dimensions, how hard could a baby be?
☆ Extremely hard, apparently. One day he just loses it and makes a huge decision without asking you.
☆ "Josh WTF happened to our savings??"
☆ "TRUST ME BABE we need to invest in Apple!!"
☆ You're pissed but it pays off in a few years and you're both able to live comfortably.
☆ Then in 2015-ish he did the same thing again, pouring all your savings into bitcoin. This time you SWEAR you're going to leave him, but it all pays out in the end. He gets your kid through college with that money.
☆ Overall he's a really good father, too. He had great parents, and even if he's not experienced with kids, he's naturally a very caring and attentive person.
☆ Cries when he sees the pregnancy test. He's not even sure if it's happy or sad tears.
☆ Gets sick to his stomach overthinking about how he's going to be a terrible father. His dad walked out on him, so he has literally no idea how to act.
☆ Abby, on the other hand, is absolutely delighted. She's always wanted a "little sister". Mike has to remind her that technically it's her niece. Or nephew. There's no guarantee on the gender yet.
☆ Eventually he comes to terms with it all. He's taken care of Abby for ten years, he isn't completely clueless.
☆ Takes you to all of your Dr.'s appointments, checkups, etc. Holds your hand. Makes all of your weird pregnancy cravings and doesn't judge.
☆ After the birth, he lets you rest. Nearly works himself to death trying to take care of the baby all on his own because he wants you to recover.
☆ I'm talking getting up bleary-eyed at 2am every night to microwave some formula and feed the baby. After working a 10 hour shift.
☆ Pulls the "I have a baby on the way" card at work in an attempt to get a raise. It works, thankfully. (In the novel version of the movie; it says he gets a job as a contractor at the end. So hopefully he can afford a kid...)
[Remember: these are just MY headcannons. If you think differently that's fine. I didn't include Clapton because he's literally in highschool... and we all know Peeta is an amazing father.]
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 9
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You were working out with Steve, Bucky, and Sam, when Y/S/N came into the gym. "Oi, Y/N, we got a facetime call with our dear father."
You paused in the middle of your sit-ups. "Pardon? English next time?"
"Humorous. Hurry up." Y/S/N said, nerves in her voice.
"I'll finish later," You murmured, snatching up a towel and your water bottle, hurrying out of the gym.
"When did he call?" You asked as the two of you walked down the hallway. Y/S/N was leading slightly and you ended up in her room on the fiftieth floor.
Tony had let her design it to her tastes. It was mostly dressed up in pinks, purples, and blues. The bed was against the wall with a large, sheer princess curtain coming from a small circular add on from the ceiling. The nightstand was covered in different makeup products, the desk scattered with homework. Several celebrity prints were tacked up on the walls. There was a large dresser with a vanity, more makeup products there along with hair things. The bathroom door was ajar, showing the curling iron was still plugged in.
There was also a minifridge that you were sure were stocked with Snapple and frozen chocolate bars.
She'd also gotten windows which were square and framed with the same kind of curtains as what surrounded her bed, just thicker to block out the light.
The carpet was white and fluffy.
The computer was set up on the bed. Your father was waiting, the outline of a bottle of beer just barely visible in the camera eye. He pushed it up discretely as the two of you sat down in front of the computer.
"Hello pumpkin, long time no see." Dad said with a bit of a grudge in his voice.
"Hello dad." You replied cautiously. "What are you calling for? You never call?"
"At least I didn't run away and abandon my kids." You farther said, a muscle twitching in his cheek.
You sighed. You really didn't have any energy for fighting. "If you call to bitch about, save it. I was in the middle of a workout."
"Don't use that word Y/N." Your father said sternly. "And I heard that you have a wedding coming up in five weeks. Who're you going to have walk you down the aisle?"
Very good question. Fantastic, really. You had no idea. Tony had suggested Happy, who really wasn't a bad choice. You and Happy got along fantastically. He was a really good guy who took his job seriously. And he was very deeply in love with both of his wives. Fury had also said Coulson wouldn't mind walking me down the aisle. And Thor had said any number of his friends were more than willing to walk me down the aisle as well. Even Bruce, Scott, and Vision had offered.
"We haven't decided yet." You said stiffly.
"Maybe you'd let your father walk you down the aisle?" He asked awkwardly.
"Dad. . . you've never been a part of mine and Y/S/N's life. Very rarely anyways. Why would this be any different?"
"It's a special event." Your father said firmly. "We were always there for every birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July. We were there for each graduation and sporting event. We were always there for the big things!"
"But you were never there for the small things." You protested. "My best friends parents taught me to ride a bike. My kindergarten teacher was the one to teach me to brush my hair and teeth. I mean, I know you and mom never wanted kids, but gosh Dad, you could've at least acted like a parent!"
"Y/N, I'm trying here!" Your dad shouted back.
"And then after the wedding, when would we see you again? Y/S/N's wedding? The birth of my child? Or would we see you every weekend as a family? You have to get your priorities together before you come back into our lives. I mean, there was a reason we left. The drinking? The abuse?"
"I didn't abuse you girls!" You father snapped. A red flush was starting to creep up on his neck.
"You neglected us. And after mom died, you took your anger out on us. There's a reason we left and you're going to have to get your fucking shit together, alright?" You tapped the hang up button before snapping the laptop closed.
"To much?" You asked your sister who had been completely silent the entire conversation.
She just shrugged. "I don't know. Guess you kind've covered everything, really."
You sighed, grabbing your water bottle. "I'm gonna go and hit the shower. When are you seeing Y/S/BF/N again?"
"Tomorrow night." She sighed. "What do you have this afternoon?"
"Nat, Maria, Wanda, and I are going dress shopping. Wanda is adamant that I get a fantastic wedding dress." You said, starting to pin your hair up so that you didn't get it wet in the shower. "Plus they'll be looking for bridesmaid dresses and such."
"Who did you choose as maid of honor?" Y/S/N asked.
"Shuri. Thought it was fitting. Cassie and Morgan are going to be flower girls. I just need one more bridesmaid, but I don't know if I should choose Pepper or Hope."
"Hope, I think." Y/S/N suggested, "Nat and Wanda are both red heads. Maria is a brunette and so is Hope. Then you've got them matching. Of course, Tony is the one being bonded to you and he's close to Pepper. . . but I think Hope would be better, aesthetically speaking."
"Good idea." You mumbled. "Alright, I'll see you later. Natasha will kill me if I'm late."
"Have fun. Get a black dress." Y/S/N shouted behind me.
"It's a wedding, not a funeral!" You shouted back as you made your way up two floors to your bedroom.
Your bedroom looked like [details to describe your bedroom to the fullest fantasy]
For those of you who have no imagination:
You had a large pink and gold bed under and archway against the back wall. It was thick with blankets and comforters and had like seven pillows on there, all of them comfortable and plush. The matching furniture was aesthetically white with gold coloured knobs. There was a nightstand next to the bed which had a simple white and pink lamp and a few books stacked on top of each other.
You had a desk where you did some of your work at. It was white as well, a baby blue spiny chair behind it. There were several cups on the desk which held pens. You had a few more books on the desk, along with your laptop covered in Kawaii food stickers and Severus Snape/ Remus Lupin stickers.
The closet was a large walk- in one that was already filled with clothes, all of them to your taste. There were also several pairs of shoes and a few purses.
There were several tall bookshelves that were crammed with every single book you'd ever read. There were also two white armchairs and a small coffee tables, almost making it a very miniature library.
Like with Y/S/N's room, there was a small minifridge. Tony had made sure every room had a minifridge so that people stopped waking him up when FRIDAY alerted him consistently that there was someone in the elevator going to the kitchen at three in the morning.
Of course, some people *cough Sam and Rhodey cough* liked to use the elevator at three in the morning anyways just to irk him.
Clint had no problems- he just used the vent system.
Your minifridge was filled with [several snacks] rootbeer and 3 musketeer bars.
You quickly climbed into the shower, cleaning yourself of sweat and boiling hatred with a calming soap with a [Fav scent] scent. Once you had officially clamed down, you rinsed off your body, shutting the shower off, and stepping out of the shower.
You dried off before pulling on a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved purple sweater. Seriously, New York in the winter was freezing. You were so glad you guys were going to the Bahamas soon for the wedding.
Which reminded you.
You grabbed your phone and sent a text to Stephen as you grabbed your winter jacket and pulled on winter boots.
Y/N 🥖: Don't let Tony book the most expensive hotel room when he books hotel rooms. It's unnecessary as we'll be spending a lot of time exploring.
Severus Snape 😂💞: Don't worry. Rhodey is handling that aspect.
Y/N 🥖: Good. I'm going out with Nat, Wanda, and Maria.
Severus Snape 😂💞: Have fun
You giggled every time Stephen's text name popped up on the phone. You had changed his name from My Wizard to Severus Snape when you had heard him do an extraordinary impression of your favorite wizard from the Harry Potter movies. So now that was his name in your phone.
You quickly hurried through the tower before meeting the three ladies out front. Nat drove, stealing one of Tony's cars. You clutched your seatbelt for dear life as she tore through the streets.
"I'm driving on the way back." You gasped as she finally parked in front of the bridal shop.
"Why?" Nat asked, puzzled while Maria also looked like she was recovering from a heart attack. Wanda looked unfazed. But Wanda would probably be fine if we crashed, burned, and got turned into a metal rubix cube.
You just shook your head, walking into the bridal store. You hit with mostly a variety of white dresses, but also some pale pinks, creams, and sky blue dresses.
Nat and Wanda were very quick to scoop up half a dozen dresses. "Here." Nat said, shoving them into your arms and then forcing you into a dressing room.
You let out an exhaling breath. You sorted through them, setting aside ones that you knew were definite 'no's' just by looking at them.
You stepped out in the first one and Maria actually held a hand up against the glaring gems.
"Yeah, this is a bit much Nat." I said, glancing over at her. "It'll actually blind the guests. Especially in the Bahama sun."
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"Alright, fine." Nat muttered, "But you look like Cinderella."
"Well thank you." You said with a grin, "But it's also a bit heavy. To hot I think."
Wanda nodded, "Next dress then."
You quickly changed, already deciding that you didn't like it as you stepped out of the changing room. "I don't like this." You said just as you opened up the door. "It looks more like something I'd wear to one of Tony's high end function parties, not my wedding."
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"Agreed." Maria said. "Although it is thinner for a beach wedding. But it doesn't really scream 'wedding'."
You sighed, heading back into the changing room. You tossed on another dress. God, was Nat trying to boil you alive?
"This is a bit much?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at Nat.
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"You look beautiful!" Nat squealed, helping you zip up the back of the dress for the full effect.
"I'm hot just looking at you in it." Wanda said.
Nat sighed in disappointment, rolling her eyes and tossing her red hair over her shoulder, "So? I mean, look. How long is the ceremony? Four hours? You'll be fine. I'm sure there'll be some fans up."
You laughed. "Oh Nat, I love you. But I'm not going to try and stand under a fan for four hours to stay cold in this."
"Here," Wanda said, levitating a dress over with her powers, "Try this."
You took the dress out of the air, moving back into the changing room. Maria quickly helped you unzip the dress before closing the door behind her. You stepped out of the dress, putting on the fourth. You stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment, a shy smile coming out on your face.
It wasn't sparkly or fancy or lacy like the others. But it was thin, simple, yet elegant and would be a good dress.
You stepped out shyly, "I think this is it."
"Yes." The other three said together. "That's it."
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"Gosh, just wait until they see you in this." Wanda sighed wistfully.
Nat was almost squealing with excitement. Despite her hardcore assassin personality, she absolutely loved clothes, just like her sister Yelena.
"You look stunning Y/N." Maria said sincerely.
"Thank you. Um, do you guys know what colour your bridesmaid dresses will be?" You asked.
"Not until Steve, Bucky, and Shuri get back to us on what the colours of the wedding are. We don't want to show up wearing orange if it's pink, red, and white." Nat said.
"Orange would clash with your hair anyways." You pointed out as you stepped back into the changing room to take off the dress. You put it in the special bag before bringing it up to the front to pay for it.
After you guys climbed back into the car- Maria driving while Nat pouted in the back- you headed out to eat at an Italian place before heading back to Avengers Tower.
Once there, Nat helped you sneak the dress up to her floor. She had already decided that it would be best to keep the wedding dress in her room so that if the guys tried to peak, they wouldn't be able to find it. You had agreed.
After that, you went down to the library, finding it empty except for Loki.
"Hello my Queen." He said, looking up just briefly from the book to wink at you.
You flushed before he made a hand motion with his hand to tell you to come over to him. You did so, coming to stand near him. He reached out, pulling you onto his lap. "Have you read this book before?"
It was called A Poem a Day by Clementine.
"I'm afraid not." You answered.
"Shame on you." He jested lightly. "I'll just have to read it aloud to you."
You settled into his chest, resting your chin lightly on his shoulder. He kept one arm wrapped around your waist, the other holding the book, before he flick the page to continue.
Each poem brought you deeper and deeper into the abyss. Loki and you continued to enjoy your afternoon just like that until you both fell asleep in the library, content in each other's embrace.
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sadaveniren · 2 months
Hiiiii!!! I saw your post about your kids asking you about your collar. Would you be open on providing further information on how a 24/7 master/slave relationship works with having kids? I am assuming it would be difficult to insert the sexual part of it when you’re also having to look after innocent children. Also! I am surprised with the fact that you’re in a 24/7 arrangement! I have so many questions that I want answers but I don’t want to invade your privacy!!! thank youuus
Hi!! It's no problem at all I try to be pretty open about everything, mostly to destigmatize kink. So for us navigating the 24/7 relationship while having a kid feels no different than I imagine any couple with a kid feels, because a good chunk of our dynamic isn't actually sexual. I feel like that's the first thing people really misunderstand, just because we are in a 24/7 relationship doesn't mean we are having sex 24/7 (most days... like obviously on a vacation where we have nothing else to do we definitely have just-- you know what that's probably TMI lol but just know, sex is healthy and fun and your local bdsm mom is VERY well taken care of), we just have total power exchange. (rip the gcs and my irl friends who get texts from me being like GUESS WHO JUST GOT THE FUCK OF THEIR LIFE)
Just gonna throw everything else under a cut here cause I can. You're welcome to come back (on or off anon) and ask questions! If you're curious here's a good blog post about TPE if you don't wanna just read my own experiences.
Now. Hello. Sada long post time.
I understand that to a naive and casual observer TPE can look like abuse, especially when you throw in mine and my husband's other kinks (i'm service orientated and a masochist, and they're a pleasure dom sadist) but I cannot express enough that this arrangement is 100% consensual, and was entered of sane mind etc etc. if my "you poor dumb autistic person" anon come back, preemptively, you can choke 🙃 Please understand our friends and family know we are in this relationship and not one person who knows us has ever had any concerns. My dad literally asked me where I got my collar because he wanted to recommend it to a co-worker of his.
How we navigate our dynamic in public honestly comes across as us being Very Polite And Loving to one another. We use terms of endearments to address each other instead of our titles. Every order my husband gives me includes him saying please, and he thanks me for everything he's asked me to do. We touch often, holding hands, snuggling, casual kisses. The first thing either of us do upon coming home is greet each other. We do let some subtle protocol slip through to public, such as I always sit on my husband's right (cause I'm his right hand haha), I wear my collar all of the time, and any clothing I wear is approved by my husband.
For us personally though... the best way I can describe it is we operate as one person separated into two bodies. My husband gives me orders for things they need done that they can't take care of in that moment. I am their's to order around as they want because everything they order me to do is for us. And that's why I am more than happy to fulfill those orders, because I'm doing them for us. We are like... the ultimate team. Two people working together for the same goal.
Our relationship and dynamic isn't for everyone. It's a very intense relationship and our feelings for each other run very deep. We've been together in some form of a BDSM relationship for 16 years and known each other since we were both 15. We didn't just jump into the TPE for a long while, but after being together for as long as we have certain things just work. We have negotiated a lot. We have explored a lot. We trust each other.
I belong to my husband entirely but people need to understand my husband belongs to me too. I think the loyalty and love a submissive has for their dominant is something that isn't always talked about, probably because it can so easily get stigmatized and categorized as part of abuse. I genuinely feel free in this dynamic, and like... ngl this type of relationship is exactly what I dreamed of for as long as I can remember wanting a relationship. TPE allows me to focus my energy on doing what I like (which is taking care of someone else's needs) and in return I am treasured.
My husband loves me with everything they are and their role, as the dominant, is to take care of me. They are my biggest advocate when it comes to my health. Just as quickly as they order me to get them water they are also ordering me to take 5 minutes to myself because they can tell I'm getting overwhelmed. They make sure I take my medicine every morning and that I've eaten. They know that my role is to take care of them, and in return, they take care of me. And it makes me so insanely happy.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
You know, I was surprised by the amount of people asking for s4. I understand, it's your favourite show. Mine, too. I'll be devastated if we never see Phil as Jamie again (he's my fav character, can't do anything about it). I'll miss him very very much.
1. I was amazed by the amount of things they got wrong but general audience saying that the finale was perfect and asking for more. We must be watching a very different show.
2. After that AMA with Brendan, I simply don't trust the writers to continue this. In my mind it's a bit of a relief that we're probably not getting more because of the possibility of them ruining it even further.
Sure, one of my fav episodes (Sunflowers, 3x06) was written by Jason S. and Joe Kelly. Brendan was probably involved in some way, but not enough to give him credit for writing and directing it.
International break, 3x10, was written by Jane Becker. There are moments that I dislike, but the entire Uncle day? Roy & Jamie being besties? Roy finding the right words after he sees Jamie giving a nod to Sam that couldn't represent his team? Chef's kiss. I still think the way they handled Roy x Keeley was awful, but still. It was, more or less, a nice episode in my opinion.
Mom city, 3x11, was written by both Jason and Brendan & I absolutely LOVE it for most part (especially if we ignore the entire 'forgive him' thing with Jamie's dad). Jamie-centric episode that I'll always cherish & it's a shame we didn't have more of those. Give Phil all the awards. Love love LOOOVEEE IIITTT. Even better, give Jamie his own spin-off and invite Phil back as Jamie. (But then again, the fear of them bringing James back into Jamie's life and showing it as a good thing... The fear is Real.)
However, how could all Jason, Joe, and Brendan together write and release 3x12 as is is beyond me. How could they give us all those parallels, all that build up, only for it to ruin it in the finale? Jamie and his dad, Beard and Jane, the weird triangle thing that before this was mostly presented as ot3 but suddenly turned in the dumbest possible '2 people are chasing another same one' and Roy & Jamie both being OOC as HELL. Even ot3 aside, what was that bar talk? Jamie would never. Then at Keeley's house and Roy that's 'been working his ass off for the past year' but actually regressed to the point of BEFORE we see him in s1. He was presented as mentally mature in s1. I understand that he's jealous and insecure, but getting back to throwing punches at your best friend trying to convince himself/believing that after one night stand (that was VERY poorly addressed in 3x10 and 3x11 in my opinion) you're getting back together with your ex when she's been turning you down again and again? After that misogynistic comment about "But she's a woman, so you never know." WHO wrote that and why? Who allowed this to appear in the actual episode? And don't give me the "He's only human" treatment, he was always human but he never treated Keeley that shitty. He was better than that from the beginning. Or is it just me who wanted him to be better? Plus, Roy attacking Jamie after KNOWING what Jamie went through and how awful it is for him.
Before TL there was a show that I loved very much, but it disappointed me to the point that I started hating it, dropped it before the last season aired, and blacklisted it everywhere. I won't name it, but the writers were absolutely awful and treated the fans and the main gay ship like clowns. Typical Cis White Guys behavior towards their own characters and writing them as OOC as possible. I was very afraid this might happen to TL but was hoping that it won't. After 3x12? You guys. All my trust into their writing and believing in knowing what they're doing completely disappeared.
I am gutted bc of how much this show means to me and how it helped me through the darkest time in my life, but also... Are we sure we want more? Are we sure we trust them to continue this with these characters? I can kinda imagine the female football team, but to continue with all of our favs?
Mmm, I'm not sure about that, guys. Are you?
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Full house au roommate notes pt 2
Alright, here's the second part to this post. It'll also involve a few random side notes and headcanons and whatnot
As usual, this will contain spoilers for my full house au
Ok so as I said this part is mostly about the kids. There are 7 of them split up into 3 rooms, so they had to be split 2/2/3, with one room having a bunk bed instead of a second single-person bed. They were originally planning to put all the girls together since, y'know, numbers, as well as what I said in the last part about the parents not wanting boys and girls to share rooms*
*I wanted to sort of expand on this for a moment. Personally I think it's silly- and kinda gross tbh- to suggest boys and girls can't share rooms or to assume that something would happen if they did, but it felt like a realistic thing for parents of teens to take issue with in a situation like this, considering their generally heteronormative culture. I know mine would have, lol.
Of course everyone's different about it, but those who didn't think it should matter (Joyce, Karen, Susan) didn't think it was worth arguing with those who did (Hopper, Ted, the Sinclairs). Hopper was particularly against coed rooming, since Mike was part of the equation (he's a little behind lol, mileven is not together in this au; they broke up pretty much right after the events of s4), and the Sinclairs mainly didn't want Lucas rooming with Max. Claudia didn't care either way.
As for the guardians of the "adults" (aside from Nancy & Jon, whose parents I've already talked about), they either don't care, since their kids are grown, or weren't even involved (the Harringtons are left out of the loop and don't know about any of this and I don't know if Argyle even has parents). The Buckleys are pretty chill in general and Wayne has never been one to tell his nephew what to do
However, they decided against this arrangement for Erica's sake, since she doesn't really know the other girls all that well yet, and we ended up with the actual roommate pairings, as follows
Erica, Lucas, and Dustin are roommates, since E & L are siblings, L & D are longtime friends, and E & D have more history than she has with the others (s3). I also intentionally placed these 3 on the same floor as Eddie and Steve, since those two are familiar with and important to the boys and since Steve is the "adult" Erica knows the best. (Dustin may not have an older sibling to share a floor with like Mike Will El and Erica but he does have his dads). Basically it's the Scoops Troop floor, but with Eddie & Lucas instead of Robin
That left Max and El to be roommates, which they were both thrilled about- M told E it would be like having a sleepover every night, and that they should put up a "no boys allowed" sign on their door just to piss the boys off. Protective dad Hopper enthusiastically agreed with this idea and didn't catch his daughter rolling her eyes
I also put Robin & Nancy on the same side as Max & El so they share a bathroom; seemed like that would be preferable to sharing one with the guys (not to be sexist or anything but this way the ladies don't have to deal with piss on the toilet seat or awkward questions about the "feminine hygiene products" in the cabinet. Which reminds me- did anyone ever explain to El wtf a period is??? Bc I highly doubt the Hawkins lab kids had any sort of health education and usually that's something your mom would teach you about. Idk I might address that at some point. But also- if any of the girls are having shark week problems and Robin or Nancy isn't available, they go to Eddie. I haven't decided if he's out to them but either way they know they can count on him for that sort of thing)
And then there's Mike and Will. I'm pretty sure they were always going to room together, regardless of what I had to do with organizing everyone else, because they've been practically inseparable ever since the Byers reunited with the Hawkins crew. Sharing a room is comfortable, familiar, after their years of childhood friendship. And, again, I made sure to place them on the same floor as their siblings; Nancy is diagonal to Mike, and Will is two doors down from Jon and just across the hall from El
I think that's about it for the roommate notes, the next segment might be closer looks/design details of individual rooms. Nobody asked for it but I'm having fun, so. Yeah >:3
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dangerously-human · 10 months
One particularly interesting bit from Friendsgiving tonight was getting on the topic of life stages and how "young adults" has been defined over the years of this Bible study group's existence, and the adventurer grinning across the table at me and asking, "So when do Rachel and I get kicked out of the group?" As if he's not a couple years younger than me, because he's always, always bunched us together, has never let me get away with the microgeneration jokes that you make in this life stage unless it puts us both in the same bracket. Everyone else kind of does the same thing with us, we're the mom and dad of the group, and even with the people closer to his age than mine, he draws the line so we're on the same side of it. Which I guess is nice, because this group used to have more of a spread, and now they're pretty much all <25 and maybe it's fun to fall slightly into the wise mentor role sometimes.
And I am mostly okay with this, even if it feels really weird because these are my best friends, the people I do life with, but yeah, I already know it's been recently redefined as an 18-30 group, so casually replied that I'm at the tail end of the young adults era and will graduate to a different group next fall. And Bible study bestie pivoted the conversation slightly to the left to joke about one of the younger guys thinking I was 36 last year, and how I haven't stopped laughing about it, especially because I'm so used to being assumed younger than I am. I don't know what I'm getting at here, really. I've always been developmentally young for my age (that would be the autism), and that fades in adulthood but it never really goes away, and I guess maybe it's an odd shift that this is the first time in my life that most of my friends have been younger than me, usually they were a year or two older and in early adulthood, it skewed even higher than that. I am fascinated by the ways we subdivide the young adults years, and how that corresponds, or doesn't, with life stages. I do feel like church life is about to change for me in a big way, and I don't know how I feel about that all the time - like, it will be great to spend more time around parents, as I move toward being a host parent with the crisis care ministry I volunteer with, and I do miss learning from people older than me in a mixed ages Bible study, but I'm starting to understand why single people are sometimes reluctant to be nudged into a group where they only sort of fit, and I still hate that the church tends to become sex-segregated as you get older, it's weird. Still, it'll be good to get connected with different people in my church family and grow in a different way. And who knows, maybe the adventurer and I will "graduate" together. Even after all that anticipation, I still forget I'm 30 a lot of the time, and it was a strange reminder tonight. I'm just. Thinking, I guess.
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raspberryconverse · 7 months
Being here has been hard.
A year and a half ago, my step-MIL passed away unexpectedly. And my FIL has refused to change anything.
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That was her chair. Her phone. Her glasses even. Last night, my spouse unplugged the phone to charge theirs and their dad actually told them not to touch it. IDK if he knows I used some of the lotion (the climate is significantly drier than where we live and he only has that harsh Dial antibacterial soap that's drying out my skin really bad), but I'm sure he'd say something if he saw.
I know grief manifests in different ways. I lost my mom 6 years ago, also unexpectedly, but my relationship with her was different. Difficult. Traumatizing. I'm most certainly the mess that I am because of her.
My step-MIL was different. She was absolutely wonderful. She took in my spouse as her own. They were her child nearly as much as the ones she gave birth to. They loved her more than their own mother (who is very similar to mine). It was devastating losing her.
We visited 3 years ago, before we were even engaged. We had been living together for 3 years, though. I had a really lovely time and I think she was a huge part of it. My spouse would go to bed. Sometimes my FIL too, if he wasn't down in his hole (more on that later). We'd watch TV together. Mostly The Circle ("I need to watch something stupid."). I was starting to connect with her. We were getting to know each other and I was slowly becoming part of the family.
This time, now that she's gone, my FIL is spending more time in his basement cave ("his hole," as my spouse has dubbed it). My step-MIL allowed it while we last visited, but made sure to get him out more often than he's been this time. She also did a good job of reining in the autism (not that he was ever diagnosed, but it's fairly obvious). She kept him in check. But now that she's gone, he's left to his own devices. Add that to my spouse's autism, I feel like I'm getting it from both of them and I can't handle it.
I joked that after our last visit, I understood my spouse so much more. I'd met their father several times before, but spending a whole week with him explained a lot of things about my spouse.
The hardest part about being in a relationship with someone with autism is learning to not take the lack of filter to heart. That's been so hard for me to do these last 6 years, so now that I'm the only NT person here (and one with major self esteem issues), it's breaking me.
I've also been so tired the whole time I've been here and I don't know why. My sleep schedule is way off (there's an hour time difference), but I've still been sleeping as much as I normally do. So I have no idea why I'm so tired, but it's not helping.
I want to go home. If we visit again together, I absolutely am not staying a whole week. My spouse can spend a week here, but I don't think I can handle it. I'm barely hanging on.
I miss Billie.
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mcalhenwrites · 7 days
Some personal stuff below.
This trip... I knew it wouldn't be great. I wasn't looking forward to seeing my parents, I just missed my dog so much. I thought it would be nice to go to a couple of familiar places as well, like a wildlife exhibit and a couple of parks, before I left. Unfortunately, my dad had no problems jumping in and telling me to "shut up" or shushing me for no reason. Degrading me in front of people whenever he had the chance to boast about it. Misgendering and deadnaming me constantly. He even uses my dead name to EXCESS just to use it. He made me cry once. He has lied countless times. He gaslit my mom (only to slip up and admit that he was given the information she was making up by the same person by saying, "Oh well he didn't go with that bc [reason].") So tomorrow morning is likely the last time I ever see my dog in person. I came back and he had gained weight - which in his case is extremely bad for his back legs - due to barely ever getting walks. He had long nails, and I couldn't get an appointment until Saturday so I gave my mom the money and made the appointment. She keeps saying she doesn't need money for him. It doesn't help that my parents are extremely weird and uneducated so my only way to give them money is sending cash or checks via snail mail. And he needed badly groomed, my mom has mostly kept up with this but his back legs were in dire need of attention. I did what I could. Trimmed the parts that are rough from having to be shaved from hot spots - yes I know you don't shave a doublecoated dog but the VETS did it for a medical reason - and around his butt. Got his mats cut or combed out. He's a big fluffy guy now. But what happens down the road? I can't take him. I have worked myself to full capacity so much, and I can't get myself out of this trap. I'm not good enough to sell many books or earn patrons. So I'm stuck. I let myself have a little bit of money to buy some of my own things so my roommate doesn't cover them and give myself a few small treats here and there so I don't go mad. But most of my pay goes to saving for a car so I can keep my job, since I'm getting rides from three different people, and my roommate (one of my rides) owns an electric car that barely makes it to both our workplaces. Its battery drains faster in cold weather. I have a time limit before I might have to quit my job. (Again, I work two towns over and live in the country.) I'm so sad I don't have a house. I'm so sad I don't have a yard for my dog. I'm so sad I don't have income above $700/month. I don't know what to do. Sell books? I thought I'd work on writing during the time I visited, but this house is in poor condition, and it smells badly of mold, and I think that's flaring my fibro. I'm in so much pain, I started having pain in my heels again when that went away about four weeks after I moved out of state and never came back again. Until now. :/ I'm not sure what to do. I'm a failure. That's clearer every fucking day. I understand we are often powerless to change our situations, but... mine feels like it's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten a dog 10 years ago. It's not like I'm dealing with something beyond my control... I cause more bad than good in this world, that's how it feels. Edit: I will be very glad to return home, that's for sure.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Ghouls and Monsters - The Human
(Fraidrien doesn't bother with any theatrics, just settling for waltzing on into the room.) 
Fraidrien: 'Sup, dude? Bootiful day, isn't it. 
(He offers a hand for Average Adrien to shake.)
Average Adrien: (Giggling) Yeah, I’ve had a pretty good day so far! What about you?
(His counterpart puts his hands behind his head.) 
Fraidrien: Oh you know, the usual. Making sure Gabriel knows I hate his guts, helping my partners and family scare the crap out of people, bein cute.
Average Adrien: (Fiddling with his fingers) That…sounds really cool. I always wished I had the guts to really stand up to my father before he got arrested for basically running an underground terrorist group.
Fraidrien: (Grimacing) What a scumbag. Mine hates monsters and Halloween, sure, but he doesn't have the guts to do anything about it.
Average Adrien: It’s just…I don’t get why you can hate someone just because they look different! What kind of reason is that? Most monsters are perfectly nice people just trying to live their lives…and yet humans treat them like they’re the devil incarnate.
Fraidrien: Well, look at it this way. When you were really really little, and your dad most likely told you to look out for the monster under your bed, what did you do?
Average Adrien: I would check, but mostly because I thought maybe if I was nice we could be friends.
Fraidrien: And that's because even then, you knew there was a chance it was kind. There are people out there who just... don't operate like that. They hear or even think about something or someone being different and it scares them. Most are passive, but others decide to get violent. Our world's not as hostile, but we aren't exactly holding hands with monsters.
Average Adrien: Yeah…I just wish things could be different. The group I started with Jesse and Missy, for humans on the monsters’ side, is getting bigger. But the process is really slow. I just…wish things could be different.
Fraidrien: Hey, the fact that your numbers are growing shows that you’re already starting to make change happen! Any progress is good progress!
Average Adrien: We can only hope. But enough serious stuff, tell me more about your world? You mentioned siblings? I have Felix, but he's my cousin, and not someone who I want to associate with at the moment.
Fraidrien: Me and Felix get along ok. He's more of a vigilante than a hero. I take it that yours isn't so neutral?
Average Adrien: Yeah…let’s just say, he picked up where my father left off, and then some!
Fraidrien: (Wincing) Yeesh... hope you've got Nathalie at least.
Average Adrien: Yeah, her and my mom. Mom and dad are divorced, and she and Nathalie worked to take down his group. They’re both really great.
Fraidrien: (Catlike grin) You know, I could transform and give your Gabriel a little visit. 
(Average Adrien looks confused but interested.)
Average Adrien: What do you mean transform?
Fraidrien: Cheshire! Time to spook! 
(He goes through his creepy transformation into Cat Astrophe, who cackles madly and takes his head off.)
Average Adrien: (Stares in awe) Woah! That’s, like, one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.
Cat Astrophe: (Putting his head back on.) Well, as you can tell, I was always a fan of the Pumpkin King, so I decided to become one myself!
(He pulls out his bag of sweets.)
Cat Astrophe: What tickles your fancy? Or, my fancy, I should say. Any hobbies?
(Average Adrien chews on a piece of candy before swallowing it.)
Average Adrien: I’m a bit of a movie buff myself and I like video games. I really wasn’t allowed to do much when my father had custody, so a lot of things are still new to me, but I love getting to try something for the first time! It’s always so exciting.
Cat Astrophe: Cheshire! Fright's out! 
(He turns back into Fraidrien) 
Fraidrien: Ooh! I love games too! Not just horror ones, mind you. I may love all things creepy, but I can have other interests. 
(He then gets a warm smile.) 
Fraidrien: It was really nice to meet me.
Average Adrien: It was nice to meet you too, other me!
(Maridoll and her partners show up to cuddle with him. Scarynette and KagaRing do the same with Fraidrien, holding a drawing that Nath did of DracLuka.) 
Maridoll: Yes... it certainly was nice.
And that's the end of the Ghouls and Monsters crossover! Obviously, they will meet again, as shown in Weeby's Scare. Thanks as usual to her for helping with the dialogue. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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lunareyes-shifts · 2 months
Tyde Rises
the part 3 of the show where I get to ramble about two of my drs! Double feature!!
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The superb specialized spotlights tonight 🥁🥁🥁
It's Fantastic Mr. Fox and Steven Universe!!
Extra long post tonight, buckle up folks.
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First up! My Fantastic Mr. Fox reality!
I am a fox by species, but became a fox by last name when I was adopted by Mr. Fox's brother, who's pretty busy and still in the stealing game, so I stay with the Foxes regularly. I'm there so much, they have a sleeping bag for whenever I show up. I'm a little shorter than Kristofferson, with a navy blue kind of fur and a few yellow spots (space theme dies hard)
The time that I shift is the day the movie starts, or 7 fox years later I guess, and me and Ash are getting ready for school. I overhear Mr. Fox while we're getting ready and I wonder if they'll get me a room. They don't obviously, but we keep my sleeping bag, and I just move to the living room when Kristofferson comes over.
Other than that, the plot mostly proceeds as normal, except for when we go to get Mr. Fox's tail back. I get caught instead, and Ash and Kristofferson have to work together to get me back, then we move into the sewers and all goes pretty well. By the end, my dad hears about everything and he moves in, because all of that was something of a wake up call.
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I'm Tyde Swiftfox, and just as much of a troublemaker as my dad, encouraging Ash's thirst for thievery. A lot of the time, we just go around the house with bandit masks on, or dressed up as whitecape. I try to keep him out of major trouble, like messing with Kristofferson or people at school messing with him, but we pull off little things.
A few of the trophies that he has around his room? They aren't all his, but nobody argues with us. Not like the school display has room for every trinket.
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Mr. Fox and Ms. Fox treat me like their own kid, but I'm still super close with my own dad. Kristofferson is like the opposite of me in terms of what he learned from his dad, for a better understanding. We're close, but it's because we kill chickens and sprint off of farms, not because we meditate and play it safe, tsk tsk.
There isn't a lot I have planned for this reality, because I'm just looking forward to a sweet, regular life thing!
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And Steven!
In this reality, there is no Steven, just Tyde Universe. I love Steven, yes, and there's another reality I'm thinking of making where I'm a gem or just another gem hybrid, but for now! It'sa me!
My dad is Greg Universe, and my mom figures are all the Crystal Gems. Which, because blue is my favorite color and I respectfully refuse to sacrifice that, includes Rose! Her and my mom, Howlite, or Tourmaline Diamond, both lived on Earth. She was the closest to Pink, and inherited it instead of her, but Pink was sent there to be kept under control and away from important diamond work.
This, obviously, did not work. Pink turned Rose, and when she made the mistake of admitting it while arguing with mom's overly concerned manners, Tour turned Howlite.
Starlight and Moonbeam get up to too much trouble, so the Crystal Gems (Pearl, Howlite, and Rose) get rid of mom. Pink's remains are never found, though.
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Not my best work, but an example of mom! Really just an edit and recolor I made about a year back.
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I have a lot of the same abilities as Steven, though there's a few major differences! I can create, being a diamond, but I'm more proficient in destroying things and makings things used to destroy. I normally use a sword, but I can manipulate it into being a variety of different weapons, and if a gem presents me with their weapon, I can change it to whatever they want.
I can also do this mine thing, where I can set up timed attacks meant to freeze other gems momentarily. Thankfully, these are all realized in my/my mom's room, and because my gem can project older versions, like saved files, of my mom explain them. They're really short explanations due to how much is takes for my gem to sustain her and me at the same time, but they keep me from hurting people.
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One major change is the whole reveal of Rose/Pink Diamond. I call that one "A Rose on Tour", and it starts roughly the same. I see Rose and Pearl talking, Rose heads off to clean up beach wreckage, and I figure then is as good a time as any to bring up the diamonds. Pearl tells me she can't tell me, so I go sulk in the big donut.
I get back when she sends me a text and Rose tells me that she can answer now if I still have questions, figuring they'll be surface level. They are not! Why did you shatter Tour and Pink!? straight for the jugular.
Pearl and Rose just kinda look at me, then Pearl says it might be easier for me to track it down on my own, in her head and text her when I'm done. I just kinda go with it, weirder stuff has happened to me this week. Everything else is pretty normal, until the reveal, when I see Pink turn into Rose and mom explain the plan. Rose promises to wait for Pearl, and then mom rushes off. Pearl shapeshifts, apologizes, and I text Pearl.
I absolutely freak when I'm back, because a war lord?? in my home??? more likely than I think???? screaming the Tour-ma-line and Aunt Pink thing to the high heavens.
My favorite part of this, is that even though Garnet does freak, Rose is there to give closure and everyone checks on me and Amethyst makes sure that I'm alright. No high stakes running around for me, just processing.
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Me and the Crystal gems are all pretty close! Them and Dad have worked hard to raise me without a ton of stress or secrets, because they love me.
Me and Connie are also close when we meet in the show, but I probably won't date her or anything. I could see a QPR, maybe, but all to be figured out once we're there.
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I'm super excited for both of these!!!! Hope the double feature was alright, probably won't do these a whole ton. Only have around 20 some odd realities I'm headed to, can't drain the reserves any faster than I already have 😭
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beezusvreeland · 10 months
a very good idea - chapter 4
summary: After your boyfriend cheats on you at a party, you break up with him, who tells you nobody else is willing to be with you like him. You decide to prove him wrong, with a little help from a new friend.
ship: miguel o'hara x f!reader
Chapter 4
You had more homework than the regular person and not just because you were taking some advanced classes. Before your side hustle, you would babysit kids in your neighborhood during the week and work as a waitress on events organized by your brother-in-law’s catering business on the weekends. 
You’ve had summer jobs before, but when high school came around, your mom got really sick and it took doctors a few months to come to the conclusion that she was exhausted. The burnout type of exhaustion. She started seeing a psychiatrist and, stubborn as always, went right back to her two jobs. You and your sister Jenna had to bargain a lot, but at last convinced her to quit at least one of them and let the two of you help her.
All the money from the babysitting and waitressing went to house and health bills, mostly your mom’s. You very quickly realized that, unless you got an all inclusive scholarship, your chances of going to college were zero to none. Attending college had been your dream since you were a kid, when you’d watch reruns of Felicity with Jenna, both of you fascinated with all the classes and drama the protagonist went through. Your mom didn’t have the opportunity to go to college and, when your sister’s time came, she chose to focus on working in restaurants, learning as much as she could so she could open her bakery someday. When she met her husband Mike, they united their toothbrushes and business aspirations. Now he would organize events and she would develop a menu for them. You’ve loved the way they were each other’s biggest fans. They were your idea of what a loving relationship should be. Mikes were really hard to find, though. 
The first time you hung out at Harry’s Manhattan penthouse, some of his friends were there. You thought maybe you and Harry could watch a movie and spend time with each other, but obviously that wouldn’t happen. 
Harry was different when his friends were around: louder, he would drink more and more arrogant, whatever it took for boys like Flash Thompson and Eddie Brock to laugh and agree with him.
Flash was complaining about how he had to turn in an essay about the Wall Street Crash of 1929. 
“It’s so fucking boring, who cares what happened literally a hundred years ago”, Flash said, like doing the paper was the worse thing could ever happen to someone. “The only interesting thing about Wall Street is the Wolf and Margot Robbie.”
It took a lot of effort for you not to roll your eyes. 
“Don’t turn that shit in, then”, Eddie said, making Harry laugh and shake his head.
“My dad said that if I don’t get at least a C, I can kiss the Dubai trip goodbye.”
“A C?”, you gasped, in spite of yourself. 
“I know right, it fucking sucks”, Flash looked at you, all serious.
That was a little too much for you. Forgetting to care how Harry and his friends perceived you for a moment, you said: “Gosh, I could write a C type of essay about anything in an hour”.
“Well, write mine, then.”
You finally gave into the need to roll your eyes, then looked at him. 
“For 200 dollars I just might”, you joked.
However, Flash took his wallet from his back pocket and gave the money to you. Just like that. Like it was nothing. It probably was nothing to him, but to you, that money was really valuable. That’s how you have justified your hustle since then: you would write reports and essays for some of the rich kids from school and earn enough to help out at home and save for college. It was a perfect scheme, unless someone found out, which you (and your clients, really) have been really careful to prevent.
After an hour inside the library, you still had to finish a book report of your own, so you took your things and decided to go to the basketball court. Miguel’s practice hadn’t even started yet, he and some other boys, including Miles, paid attention to what their coach was saying.
You climbed a few steps and sat at the bleachers. Before opening your copy of Hamlet , you observed your surroundings. Besides the basketball team, there were a few freshman kids ready to watch the practice, as well as some girls you recognized from the hallways. 
The coach whistled loudly and the boys clapped their hands, scattering through the court to start playing. Miles saw you and waved. Miguel turned to see who his friend was smiling at, his eyes finding yours. You gave him a shy wave, which he responded to with a nod, turning back to his teammates. 
You felt disappointed at that. Your mind was telling you to stop being stupid, that you had no business having any expectations at all. But you also remembered his smile a few hours before, at lunch. He had a really beautiful smile. You wished it wasn’t a rare occurrence. 
You tried to focus on the book, which you had already read, a pencil and a highlighter in hand. During your reading process, you used post-its to mark pages that had scenes and dialogues that could be useful remembering while writing the report. You always felt grateful to your past self. 
Sounds of sneakers gliding on the court’s shiny floor and the ball being thrown and caught filled your ears in an almost relaxing way. 
“Why is she even here?”, you heard a voice saying not so quietly on your right.
You pretended not to hear, struggling to read the same sentence for the third time. 
“Probably trying to find a rebound”, the two girls laughed at the pun. “It’s kind of desperate, if you ask me.”
Dealing with Harry was hard enough, but people you have never spoken to before? Who were they to say anything about you? Why did they even care? And, most of all, why did those stupid comments hurt you? 
Looking up, your eyes meet Miguel’s again, but this time he climbs the steps, stopping one before where you were. He took his hoodie off, the white shirt underneath going up with it, before coming down all together. It was so quick, but you swore seeing a part of his six pack awakened something in you.
Miguel put his hand through his hair, trying to put it back in place. He proceeded to fold his hoodie and get on his knees, his long arms offering it to you.
“Can you hold this for me?”, Miguel asked, sounding so sweet, yet another thing you weren’t prepared for. He was so close to you, you could see a few of his sweat droplets in great detail. 
“Yeah”, you nodded, feeling his hand palm one of your cheeks, while his lips kissed the other. 
He went back to the court in what felt like too soon. You put your hand where his was just a moment before, you could feel the heat spread through your face. Back at the court, Miguel was smiling at himself and, next to you, the girls stood in absolute silence.
<< chapter 3
>> chapter 5
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a very good idea playlist
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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15 OC Questions!
I was tagged by the lovely @rebelangelsims (twice! But I'll happily do two of these!) I love this type of ask, where the character gets to answer the questions in their own words. It's a great way to improve (or create) narrative voice, and I love the challenge of making it sound convincing, as if the character really is answering it themselves.
Victor Okamoto-Nelson
Are you named after anyone?
Actually, yeah. I’m named after my mom. Her real first name is Victoria, which a lot of people don’t know because she’s always gone by her middle name, Grace. Anyway, if I’d been a girl, I would’ve been Victoria too, but I turned out to be a boy, so I’m Victor instead.
I'm also named after my dad, Thomas Edward Nelson. Thomas and Edward are my two middle names. I lost my dad when I was six, and it’s always meant a lot to me that I have his names because it's like I'm carrying a part of him with me no matter where I go.
When was the last time you cried?
Oh. Uhh… yesterday? I cry pretty easily, and it doesn’t take much. Yuri, my husband, likes to joke that I cry for everything, and he’s kinda not wrong. I mean, it’s not always full-on sobbing. In fact, it’s mostly not, but getting teary-eyed is still technically crying, so… yeah. I guess I’m soft, or I’m not very good at masking my emotions, or something.
Do you have kids?
No. Yuri and I don’t want any. We’re enough for each other.
Do you use sarcasm?
Not really? I think you have to be smarter than I am to use it effectively. Plus, sometimes it’s just confusing. And also, it sometimes feels kind of mean to answer people with sarcasm.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their physical condition. Like, if they look healthy or not, whether they’re fit or not and if they’re moving and talking and breathing comfortably. I know that’s probably weird, but it’s something I really pay attention to.
What’s your eye colour?
Blue. They're almost the exact same shade as my mom's. Someone once described them as 'oceanic blue' and even though I've seen the ocean before, I never really saw why that person made that comparison until I visited Sulani for the first time. Mine and my mom's eyes aren't just oceanic blue. They're Sulani ocean blue.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t like movies that are seriously, intentionally meant to scare people. I enjoy some of the more campy horror movies, but I don’t want to see anything that’s gonna give me nightmares. Yuri also doesn’t like scary movies, so I never have to worry about sitting through one for him either. We both prefer happy endings, or at least endings where most — or even better, all — of the characters are still alive.
Any special talents?
I don't think so? I'm super awesome at snowboarding, but I don't think that's what you're asking. Yuri says I give really good massages. Is that a special talent?
Where were you born?
Willow Creek
What are your hobbies?
Snowboarding? Oh, you mean other than my obsession, right? I love cooking and baking. Is that a hobby? I like fishing, gardening and playing video games. Dog training is probably a hobby, right? I really enjoy working with the dogs.
Have you any pets?
Yes, we have two dogs. Rosie is a smooth-coated chihuahua, and Sango is a Pomeranian. When we move to our new house, Yuri wants to have chickens and maybe a cat.
What sports do you play/have played?
All the sports! Seriously, I haven't yet found a sport that I'm not good at. I love all kinds of sports and I've played a lot of different ones. My favourites are soccer, swimming, and of course snowboarding. Not to brag or anything, but I'm a world-class competitive snowboarder. Like, I mean... shredding is life. If I couldn't be on the mountain, I think I'd be super depressed, because that's one of the things that makes me feel most alive.
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
Physical Education. I wasn't really that great in any academic subjects, but I liked P.E. a lot and I also liked Home Economics.
Dream job?
This is a hard one, because I think I have more than one option for my dream job. Like, my current job as a wellness coach and personal trainer is amazing. I love helping people reach their health and wellness goals. and I'm really happy doing this. But, even when I was in college, doing my diploma program in Health and Wellness Management, I was still thinking about my future career. I thought I'd like to be either a physical therapist or a nurse. These days, I'm leaning more towards licensed practical nursing, and maybe specializing in home health care. I think I'd be good at that.
I'll tag: @holocene-sims @theageofsims @ljfoxie @cawthorntales @dandylion240 (I know you've already done this) and @blithesomebawcock
Feel free to ignore this if you've already done it or don't want to. <3
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4nstars · 5 months
(Hi,yes I know I post every minute,SUE ME)
Ranking the SDV bachelors/bachelorettes even though nobody asked! (Some changes were made as of 8/11/24 because I felt it was a little cringy)
Shane:My husband,Yes I'm biased. Again,SUE ME. 10/10 Also bro,why does everyone trash his room? Homie is still depressed,Depression doesn't just fly away like a fairy when you get married. His room is still gonna be a little messy,be just a teensy bit more mindful.
(Bro I sounded so cringe when I first posted this wtf)
Alex:9.5/10. He is a gym bro,therefore I need to kiss him(Quote from a tiktoker). What is interesting to me is that he's a little jelly after you marry Haley,But she says nothing after you marry him(Correct me if I'm wrong,I checked the wiki to make sure,but I could be wrong). His story is so sad but so endearing at the same time and that's why if I don't romance Shane,I romance him<3
(He's never getting his loved gifts from me though.)
Harvey:9/10. Listen...LISTEN. That "Take my whiskey neat" video converted me. I used to be,not a Harvey hater,but a Harvey disliker because he takes my tools and money even after MARRIAGE!! But..That tiktok changed me. He is a little bit of a sweetheart,I must admit.
Elliott:3/10. I'm about to upset a lot of people. I don't really like him..His gifts are complicated(for me atleast) to get and he never leaves that damn shack unless I've already left. He makes me so mad. But,he is a good candidate for marriage and I respect those who marry him.
Sam:10/10. GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOYS FOR THE WINNNNNN!!! I love Sam more than I love myself. I mainly romance him,Alex,and Shane. His gifts are easy,he's a cutie,and I just love him<3 Sam romancers for the win!!
Sebastian:9/10. BLACK CAT BOYS FOR THE WINNNNNN!!! Sebby is like me,but a young adult emo man(Idk if Seb is actually emo so don't take that offensively emo community,I love you guys<3). I too love both Sam and Abigail and spend my days mostly locked up in my room. I also love the rain. Twin,Where have you been?
Abigail:She feels like that song "The girl next door",Do with that as you will. I really like her! 8/10. The fact that (SPOILERS) she's the wizard's daughter(or atleast speculated) is crazy!
Haley:Cue "Good Luck,Babe!" By Chappel Roan
Ehem..Pretty sunflower mean girl with a nice redemption arc. 10/10
Emily:She makes me feel like I'm zooted. All of her cutscenes just feel like she's drvgged you and it scares me. 6/10.
Leah:She lives in the forest,She's canonically gay(She has more positive reactions towards the female player which it could be argued that Alex is gay because he has more positive/less sexist reactions to the male player,but you believe what you believe! I just think Leah is for the girlies.),AND SHE'S LEAH! 10000/10.
Maru:WOMEN IN STEM. I REPEAT,WOMEN IN STEM. Her dad sucks but hey,she's amazing and that outweighs everything. She's so so so sweet and I love her<3 My only complaint is that I like her earlier design more. 9/10
Penny:Her mom sucks. If Pam has no haters,I'm dead. I'm not opposed to Penny,I think she's okay..But I don't like the whole "Shy girl" thing,It feels like she's that one 1950's housewife that never spoke up for herself. I think she's okay,but the reason some people romance her gives me an icky feeling..5/10
THERE'S MY RATINGS!! Remember,all opinions are different and mine isn't the right or wrong one. It's okay to have a different rating than me! I love all stardew valley players equally<3
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gamebunny-advance · 10 months
CW: Family-Member Death
Before my dad died, and we just thought he was missing and would turn up, my mom and I were cleaning up his room so he'd have somewhere comfortable to come back to when he eventually returned.
While cleaning up, I found an old birthday gift I'd given him: a Switch and a copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. At the time I'd given them to him, we weren't really on speaking terms, but it was my attempt to offer an olive branch, so-to-speak.
We were both "gamers," but I feel like we rarely liked the same games. But of the ones we did both like and used to play together, Animal Crossing was it. I recall Population: Growing being one of the first games he got for me and we both played it a lot. He worked really hard to try and make our town "perfect" and achieve high HHA scores. He liked to play games to "completion" even if AC wasn't really a game you could "complete."
I thought that if there was any game we could play together in this day and age and mend our rift, it would be a new AC. I was looking forward to playing it with him. I thought it would be fun to see how our towns would have differed and how we could have traded items and villagers. Things like that.
I recall that in the card I left with it, I said that if he wanted to try and repair our relationship, that he just had to reach out to me. That never happened. More than not talk to me, even though he took the gift into his room, he never opened it. Never played it once. We rarely talked since then and up to his death. The last significant interaction I had with him before he went missing was him stealing some melatonin from my drawers.
After it turned out he died, I took back those things with the intention to re-sell them. They were both factory sealed, so I'm sure I could get at least something back for them, but I still haven't. Mostly because I'm lazy, but I also think about starting a new town with them. I put a lot of work into Moonside, my original New Horizons town, but I also want to start fresh and try building a new island from the ground up. But I've had that town since launch day, so the thought of erasing it hurts a little too much.
But I feel like starting the new town on the "new" Switch would also be painful in its own way. Even if he never opened it, and thus it never really became his, it's not like I can forget who it was supposed to be for. It's still "my dad's" and I don't want to take what isn't "mine."
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Hey can we bring back those baby ask for Goa and Venti again because lb7 characters being out? Because I want to do one with Camazotz.
You know how FGO!Noa got the triplets with Oberon????
It's her. Your girl who keeps having this luck, and Camazotz is nowhere near sorry about it (hell, he might've even given her quadruplets, he legitimately tried). He's naming all of them, no exceptions, in exchange for dealing with most of the hassle when Goa needs a break from being overwhelmed.
They have his teeth :V At least one of them has the tongue, and hair color, while one has Goa's hair and eye color, and one is a mix of both (heterochromia) and mixed hair color. Eye shape varies tho lmao.
Tezcatlipoca is banned from being near the kids when Goa isn't around, mostly because Goa refers to him as "that one dude my mom would tell me to stay away from in Mexico", but also legit worries he might be a bad influence if she's not there.
Camazotz loves his children and will just grab them and Goa and just have them in his lap like, "MINE."
His legacy lives on. Everything he did matters, so now he can enjoy knowing that he is no longer alone. He just hugs them and sleeps with them, looking far more content, even though they are all smaller than him by so much.
it'd be something like this
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Meanwhile Venti's got the twins and while her connection with Camazotz isn't the same as Goa's (since Goa is indigenous Mexican-Japanese, versus Venti's Indian-Japanese with Chinese ancestry, based off the Single Dad Waver Account), he still provides the comfort of finally no longer being alone.
His new legacy, with someone who understands his loneliness. Not to his exact extent, but Venti has always been so lonely, due to being passed around from family to family before she finally left herself.
Chaldea gave her some comfort, though she kept to herself at times. Like with Roman, who she couldn't find herself approaching without feeling like she's going to combust. She clings to Mash the most, because she wants to keep her safe, because she also sees a bit of herself in her.
She regrets not spending as much time with Roman before the incident that went down in Chaldea the first time. He didn't really know her, like...know her, know her through personal interactions. All he knows is what others have said about her, and what things he's seen of her, while looking at her file.
It's a regret she has that now influences the way she acts around others, which is why she'll do her best tor each out the moment she can. Camazotz is no different, and in this case with their kids, they just bond over the fact that they don't have to be lonely anymore.
Versus the slight chaos with Goa, there is tranquility with Venti, because she has such a better grip on her own emotions. Parvati adores the twins, and Waver just has to step in to keep Venti from thinking about having anymore kids, because he just KNOWS she'd want more.
He considers them a hassle, but you can still see him reading to them as they sit on his lap. :V
Tezca is still in the shame corner, but he's allowed actual alone time, since Venti trusts him to behave (this is where she and Goa differ, because Goa does not take chances lmao).
But yeee, those are the babbus
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