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rwnnews · 2 months ago
Understanding Migraines: Causes and Triggers.
Understanding Migraines: Causes and Triggers. Migraines are a debilitating neurological condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Characterized by intense, throbbing headaches, migraines often come with additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and sometimes visual disturbances known as auras. While the exact cause of migraines remains elusive,…
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Common Migraine Triggers | Migraine Doctor in Thane
Consult @PALASH PAIN CLINIC Pain Management Clinic in Thane Best Palliative Care Center in Thane Best Migraine Doctor in Thane
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wissenresearchllc · 2 years ago
Understanding Acute Migraines: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment
Acute migraines are severe headaches accompanied by symptoms like sensitivity to light, sound, nausea, and sometimes aura. Triggers can include stress, hormones, and certain foods. Treatment involves OTC pain relievers or prescription medications like triptans. Consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and management.
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭
Contact Wissen Research at info@wissenreserach.com
visit website - www.wissenresearch.com
#AcuteMigraines #HeadacheDisorder #MigraineSymptoms #MigraineTriggers #MigraineTreatment #HealthTips #wissenresearch #market report #globalmarketreport
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peanutbutterandhunny · 4 years ago
Me sitting in my room watching youtube: Oh wow haha that light seems 10x brighter
Me remembering I have migraines: 👁👁
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wiseoldowl72 · 4 years ago
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Daily beauty/gratitude... I don't feel well today at all. The migraine that should have let up when the severe weather went through didn't. Okay I can see that as we dropped 20°F the next day (Monday) and that might have prolonged this flare. What saddens me is I still have a painful migraine still today. I'm staying medicated and using my ice hats by @icekaptherapeutics. I really want/need to go back to my normal pain levels soon. I'd like to get out of bed for more than 5 min at a time. . . But my beauty/gratitude is that I'm laying on my bed, under the family quilt I made for an Anniversary present for Wm and me years and years ago. The pattern is pinwheel blocks alternating with plain blocks with two different sized borders. All the the stitching is Celtic knotwork. Different knotwork for different places on the quilt. I know I drove my quilter nuts. She wasn't familiar with the details of the knots. The top has a specific block for me, Wm, Katie, Jami all set around a white block for our Angel Baby that I miscarried. The rest of the block colors are to represent different periods along the journey of life. I feel very at home under this quilt. . . #lifeonosage #family #migraines #chronicmigraines #quilting #quiltblocks #weathermigraine #migrainetriggers #familymemories #gratitude #gratefulthankfulblessed #chronicpain #chronicillness #akf (at Independence, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQb8c2lniOO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gaypanda · 5 years ago
- This morning -
Brain: You should sleep.
Me: I can't I have get up. You gave me a migraine because I was emotionally exhausted. Then have to do school work, and go to work.
Brain: Well I still think you should sleep. Here's more pain as punishment.
- Later the day -
Brain: Do you like that the pain is gone?
Me: Yes, but that did mean replace the pain migraine. Doesn't me to now give me none pain symptoms.
Brain: I don't know what you mean. *Sends bad concentration, dizziness, and that off ness that only comes from migraines* I would never do that.
Me: Yeah, sure you wouldn't...
Brain: Of course *make me forget last page I was reading*
- Later at night -
Me: Okay time to sleep off the rest of this migraine.
Brain: Why do you want sleep?
Me: Because I feel terrible and want to get rid of this migraine hopefully tonight.
Brain: Well you know what they say "sleep is for the wake."
Me: No it's for the strong.
Brain: I wonder if that migraine will go a way * sends more none pain symptoms, with a little pian.*
- Update -
Brain decided no migraine. Instead made me forget to eat which led to a whole other problem.
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thepointizpoetry · 4 years ago
People! What are some things that help when you have migraine headaches? Help a girl out :/
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nihilsticpanda · 4 years ago
Just got home from leaving work early because of a migraine onset. Thought I was getting a fever and feeling nauseous, too. Took my temperature ten times; every time was within normal range. I managed to eat lunch and the nauseous subsided, but the migraine is still there and I was scaring myself and I started having an anxiety attack.
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freelancernurnabi · 2 years ago
Why Do I Get Migraines/Headaches? Nutrition & Herbal Supplements May Help!
Watch The Video: https://youtu.be/3EfRLViRbJI
This presentation highlights the different types of headaches and how natural remedies, such as  healthy eating and supplementation can aid in the symptoms.
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vetstibular-migraine · 4 years ago
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Sending positive vibes to anyone effected by Migraines! Find out more about our community at www.Vestibular-migraine.com #migrainediet #migrainefree #migraineattack #migrainetreatment #migraineday #migraineprevention #migrainesufferer #migrainetriggers #chronicmigraine #migraineproblems #migrainecommunity #migrainebuddy #migrainessuck #migrainesupport #migrainepain #migraine #migrainewarrior #migraineawareness #migrainerelief  #vestibularmigraine #migrainemanagement #migraineawarenessmonth #migraineur #migrainesucks #migrainelife #migrainestrong #migraines #migraineheadache #migrainecure #dizzy (at Migraineville) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYShiCjggM/?igshid=r1o4oj4469zu
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peanutbutterandhunny · 4 years ago
Migraines at school are a death sentence
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wiseoldowl72 · 4 years ago
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My head hurts tonight. I can't find the words I want half the time and my other migraine symptoms are making it hard not to throw up. But Brigid knows. She's an excellent therapy dog and knows when to comfort me. Boy, I need her tonight. Severe weather is moving in. This started maybe an hour ago. Welcome to the life of a chronic migraineur. At least I'm snuggling in my SPN sherpa blanket. . . #lifeonosage #family #brigid #chronicmigraine #migraine #therapydog #migrainesarehell #shopstands #SPNfamily #weathermigraines #migrainetriggers (at Independence, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPW5Jg3HCuh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chrissytina1987 · 5 years ago
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Due to #healthreasons I had to rid of my long hair, found it to be one of my #migrainetriggers #cutecut #chinlengthhair I would like to also personally thank my lovely friend Melissa for not only cutting my hair but doing such an AMAZING job! (at Amherst, New Hampshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbHxGbMNd9/?igshid=1fudesa4md02t
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craftygal65 · 5 years ago
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Strong perfume or colognes are big triggers for me. #migrainetriggers https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UOis7phOD/?igshid=74gzmm7w7yqa
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gaypanda · 5 years ago
- Update -
Brain: So it's been a few days since you were in pain from your migraine how are you feeling?
Me: Well you made not feel hungry and that caused bad things to happen. The you gave me pain free symptoms. Now I'm having pain symptoms.
Brain: Wait me making you not want to sleep and the continuous waking up though the night wasn't on there.
Me: Do you want to be blamed for my anxiety.
Brain: Well, I am where it comes from.
Me: Fine I'll give it to you. Please get rid of the migraine. I have things to do.
Brain: That's to much to ask for... Maybe drink some water?
Me: You know that's not the problem. You cause them!
Brain: Sure, I do I need the fun.
- This morning -
Brain: You should sleep.
Me: I can't I have get up. You gave me a migraine because I was emotionally exhausted. Then have to do school work, and go to work.
Brain: Well I still think you should sleep. Here's more pain as punishment.
- Later the day -
Brain: Do you like that the pain is gone?
Me: Yes, but that did mean replace the pain migraine. Doesn't me to now give me none pain symptoms.
Brain: I don't know what you mean. *Sends bad concentration, dizziness, and that off ness that only comes from migraines* I would never do that.
Me: Yeah, sure you wouldn't...
Brain: Of course *make me forget last page I was reading*
- Later at night -
Me: Okay time to sleep off the rest of this migraine.
Brain: Why do you want sleep?
Me: Because I feel terrible and want to get rid of this migraine hopefully tonight.
Brain: Well you know what they say "sleep is for the wake."
Me: No it's for the strong.
Brain: I wonder if that migraine will go a way * sends more none pain symptoms, with a little pian.*
- Update -
Brain decided no migraine. Instead made me forget to eat which led to a whole other problem.
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memyselfmigraines · 8 years ago
Living with Migraines: Quick Tips
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The pain in your head is intense and throbbing. You feel nauseous, see zigzag lines and might even have difficulty speaking. All you want to do is to crawl into a dark hole and be alone until the pain subsides.
Living with migraines is not easy. If you suffer from them, it’s only natural to ask the question, “How can I manage my condition better?” Here are some quick tips.Regulate Your Lifestyle
This may not sound like fun, but you’ll probably be better off if you systematically control your life. For example, eat on a regular basis. Try not to skip meals because hunger can trigger migraines. In fact, it’s best to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. You should also control your sleep patterns. That’s because either lack of sleep or too much slumber can bring on that throbbing pain and other associated symptoms. So try to go to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends, and get up at the same time in the morning.
Drink Plenty of Water
While staying well hydrated is good for everyone, it’s especially important for migraine sufferers. That’s because dehydration can lead to a range of headaches from hangovers to migraines. Keep water at hand so you do not even have to think about it. Also, consider avoiding diet sodas and other beverages with artificial sweeteners as these additives have been linked to migraines.
Avoid Excessive Stimulation
As a migraine sufferer, your brain tends to become overstimulated easily. Therefore, avoid stimulants that bother you. For instance, if you are sensitive to lights and loud noises you might want to avoid the latest James Bond movie at the theater. Intense weather can also trigger migraines. If it does for you, stay indoors when the mercury climbs or storms are brewing. Ideally, migraine sufferers would be best served living in areas that see few severe weather patterns.
There are mixed reviews on exercise. Some studies have shown that exercise can decrease the frequency and severity of migraines.1 On the other hand, many people complain that migraine attacks follow intense workouts.
The Good and Bad of Medications
When it comes to medications, just like many other aspects related to migraines, they are good in moderation. Should you overdo your medication intake and then go cold turkey, you could be punished with a medication overuse headache.
Trigger Foods
There are many foods that doctors and patients suspect as migraines triggers. Studies, however, have not conclusively proven that most of them are culprits. If you think a particular food is causing your migraines, eliminate it from your diet for a month or so to determine whether this change of diet alleviates your symptoms.
Keep a Migraine Diary
Nothing is set in stone when it comes to migraines, which means there are no easy answers. What precipitates a migraine for you may be very different to what sets one off for someone else. So keep a diary of your lifestyle, eating and drinking habits as well as your migraine symptoms and severity. When you visit your doctor, discuss this with him or her, and come up with a plan to try to alleviate your pain and discomfort.
While there is no silver bullet, there are changes you can make today that will most likely do no harm and may help. These include regulating your lifestyle, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding excess stimulation. When it comes to other areas of your life, think about moderation, especially as it relates to exercise and medication. Finally, keep a migraine diary and try to determine your migraine triggers so you can stay away from them. Take these steps and living with migraines may just become a little easier.
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