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symptomfinder · 2 years ago
👀 Visual vertigo is a condition that affects many people, but few understand what it is or how to manage it. Symptoms can be debilitating and can interfere with daily life. 🌪️ Visual vertigo is a type of dizziness that is caused by visual stimuli. It can be triggered by certain movements, such as looking up or down, or by being in environments with a lot of visual stimulation, such as a busy shopping mall. 🧐 Understanding the symptoms of visual vertigo is crucial to managing the condition. By recognizing the triggers and learning coping mechanisms, individuals can improve their quality of life and reduce the impact of this condition.1. What is Visual Vertigo and How Does it Affect the Body?Visual vertigo is a condition where the brain's visual and balance systems conflict, causing dizziness and disorientation. It affects individuals with vestibular disorders, migraines, and anxiety. It can be triggered by busy patterns, flickering lights, and scrolling on a screen. The symptoms include nausea, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. It can also cause anxiety and depression due to the constant feeling of being off-balance. Treatment options include vestibular therapy and medication. Some people find relief through lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers and stress management. Visual vertigo can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, but with proper management, it is possible to reduce symptoms and improve daily functioning. 👀🌀💊🧘‍♀️2. The Causes of Visual Vertigo and How to Recognize ThemVisual vertigo can be caused by various factors. Here are some of the most common: Inner ear disorders Migraines Anxiety and stress Medications To recognize visual vertigo, look for symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and disorientation when exposed to certain visual stimuli. Other symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating. If you suspect you have visual vertigo, consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. Treatment options may include medication, vestibular rehabilitation, and lifestyle changes. Don't let visual vertigo disrupt your daily life. Seek help and find relief.3. Understanding the Symptoms of Visual Vertigo: Dizziness, Nausea, and MoreVisual vertigo symptoms can be debilitating. Here are some of the most common: Dizziness Nausea Headaches Disorientation Difficulty concentrating These symptoms can be triggered by visual stimuli such as patterns, busy environments, or scrolling on a phone. Visual vertigo can be caused by a variety of conditions including migraines, inner ear disorders, and traumatic brain injuries. Treatment options include vestibular therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes such as reducing screen time and avoiding triggers. It's important to seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms to rule out any underlying conditions and receive proper treatment. Don't let visual vertigo control your life. With proper management, you can reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life. 🙌4. The Role of Vision Therapy in Treating Visual VertigoVisual vertigo is a condition that causes dizziness and disorientation due to visual stimuli. Vision therapy can help alleviate symptoms by retraining the brain and eyes to work together. Exercises can improve eye tracking, focusing, and coordination. Therapy can also address underlying issues such as convergence insufficiency. Patients may also benefit from vestibular rehabilitation to improve balance. Studies have shown that vision therapy can significantly reduce symptoms of visual vertigo and improve quality of life. It is a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option. Therapy typically involves weekly sessions with a trained optometrist or vision therapist. Patients may also be given exercises to do at home. Duration of therapy varies depending on the severity of symptoms. Some patients may see improvement within a few weeks, while others may require several months of therapy. Regular follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor progress. If you are experiencing symptoms of visual vertigo, speak to your healthcare provider about the role of vision therapy in your treatment plan. 👀🌪️💊🚫🧑‍⚕️👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️5. Coping Strategies for Living with Visual Vertigo SymptomsLiving with visual vertigo symptoms can be challenging, but there are coping strategies that can help. Reduce screen time and avoid bright lights. Take breaks when feeling dizzy or nauseous. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing. Use assistive devices like canes or walkers. Consider vestibular rehabilitation therapy. It's important to communicate with family, friends, and coworkers about your condition and how they can help. Ask for assistance with tasks that trigger symptoms. Explain your needs for a quiet and stable environment. Advocate for accommodations at work or school. Join a support group to connect with others who understand. Stay positive and celebrate small victories. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or persist. Get enough rest and exercise regularly. Eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated. Take prescribed medication as directed. Attend regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. Stay informed about new treatments and research. Living with visual vertigo can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it's possible to manage symptoms and live a fulfilling life.6. How to Prevent Visual Vertigo from Affecting Your Daily Life👀 Visual vertigo can disrupt your daily life. Here are some tips to prevent it. 💡 Avoid patterns, bright lights, and busy environments. 💡 Keep your head still while reading or watching TV. 💡 Take breaks when using electronic devices. 💡 Practice balance and eye exercises. 💡 Use a blue light filter on electronic devices. 💡 Seek medical attention if symptoms persist. In conclusion, visual vertigo symptoms can be debilitating and affect daily life. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. Treatment options include vestibular rehabilitation, medication, and lifestyle changes. With proper care, many individuals can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Remember to be patient with yourself and seek support from loved ones. 🙏🏼 Understanding and managing visual vertigo symptoms can be a journey, but it is one that is worth taking for your well-being. https://symptomfinder.com/understanding-visual-vertigo-symptoms/?_unique_id=647f72fb0d606
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lelibug · 2 years ago
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FEEL ACTUALLY ENTIRELY, IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, SICK to my stomach with myself when I’m doing this. And I Cannot WORK OUT WHY I am….
I need to, though. I HATE IT.
And I don’t know what the Hell is going on right now, but it’s Horrible.
Fibromyalgia, Hemiplegic Migraine, Vestibular Migraine, Long COVID are all individually and in concert are Absolutely Wrecking Me. PAIN, Paresthesia, Disturbing Sensations, AGONY, Exhaustions, Fatigue, Fragile, Physically Trembling, resulting in Depersonalisation & Disassociation… Everything Is Overwhelmingly Too Much.
My Existence is Vanishing before my unfocused eyes, and I am seemingly Incapable of, unable to, or Struggling To Manage to Grasp a single millimeter of purchase on it, get even a SMALL say in what happens or what I do with whatever time I have left here – whether it’s ten years or Six Decades.
Agitated… Jerky & Jittery… Can’t Think AT ALL… Physically CAN’T Move & BRAIN is Driving Me To DISTRACTION Over It.. TOO MUCH STRESS = Too Much Fight-or-Flight Chemicals RUSHING THROUGH my system and NO WAY for my to BURN IT ALL OFF without HELP… And There Is No Help…
Read more (via RELENTLESS)
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jprcneurospinecentre · 2 years ago
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Forget those clickbait conventional therapies that are only good for wasting your money. But you deserve a remedy. And we got one! Our team of world class neurosurgeons and pain management specialists has come up with some state-of-the-art advanced regimens, which have done wonders in hundreds of patients already. Be the next in this healing line. Call us and book the slot now. #migraine #chronicpain #chronicillness #headache #migrainerelief #migraineawareness #migraines #migrainessuck #fibromyalgia #invisibleillness #pain #chronicmigraine #anxiety #migrainelife #migrainewarrior #spoonie #health #migrainesupport #headaches #vestibularmigraine #vertigo #headacherelief #neckpain #wellness #depression #migraineproblems #stress #migraineur #backpain #painrelief
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thevestibularlife · 4 years ago
Introductions are Necessary ✌
Hello, My name is Ashley and I have Vestibular Migraine, diagnosed in early 2019 with symptoms starting in October 2018.
I feel like I should write more or pour my heart out about living with VM, but that should be saved for more in-depth posts.
In this space, I plan to share my journey with VM as well as many aspects of my life that have changed because of this disease. If you are newly diagnosed, relapsed recently or have struggled with VM for years- I hope that you can find some hope and education here and through the links that I share.
More about me:
Married. Daughter. Friend. RN. Dog Lover. Avid Baker. Cookie maker (and seller). Neighbor. Jesus Lover. Video Gamer.
P.S. Please forgive any brain fog that may make it's way onto my blog page. ✌💜
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ruvithegremlin · 4 years ago
Chronic illness and invisible disabilities really fucking suck.
Vestibular migraine gang for the win.
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lelibug · 2 years ago
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... Fibromyalgia, Hemiplegic Migraine, Vestibular Migraine, Long COVID are all individually and in concert are Absolutely Wrecking Me. PAIN, Paresthesia, Disturbing Sensations, AGONY, Exhaustions, Fatigue, Fragile, Physically Trembling, resulting in Depersonalisation & Disassociation... Everything Is Overwhelmingly Too Much. And The Weather with RollerCoaster Isobars driving it.
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whatmustardmade · 5 years ago
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Got some symptoms going on and can't face my keto muffin with vanilla thick double cream 😱😫😭😤 WTF, body?! It's days like this that make me wonder if I do have the Meniere's I was originally diagnosed with five years ago (that was literally from a ten min private consultation with a Nuffield consultant, the NHS ENT and Neuro drs I saw later debunked it and said it's migraine based with an emphasis on vestibular and nervous system sensitivities). My left ear keeps changing pressure, blocking up so I can't hear properly, and WHEEEEEing at me (above and beyond my usual tinnitus), and though it might not sound like much, it's making me feel a little ill! Anyone else on rocky ground this morning? Big props to us ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #WhatMustardMade #ChronicIllnessLife #MultiSystemHypersensitivitySyndrome #VestibularMigraine #KetoLife (at Ryton, Tyne and Wear) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrES5khhL-/?igshid=1lowfotmdke4j
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thevestibularlife · 4 years ago
My Story, Part 2: The Relapse
It's been a bit- life and illness get in the way sometimes (more like all the time), but lets get into it.
After getting back to work in Spring 2019, I started working Full time on Mid shift as an ER nurse! I got back to driving without issue, had graduated from VRT (Vestibular Rehab Therapy) and started to live my life again! I still took meclizine when going to say Disneyland but that was pretty normal before.
THEN, life happened.
December 29th, 2019 is another life changing day. The day that I relapsed and the day that has led me to where I am now.
I went to work with a migraine attack- I remember taking Imitrex before I left for work and even thought about calling out because I felt so bad. But I was worried about my sick time as I had JUST been out for three shift with what we thought was the flu. (I did not test positive, but had all the other symptoms. Doctor thought it was just a different flu strain..... WHO KNOWS?! There is now speculation that I had gotten COVID-19 before we knew what it was. )
Needless to say, I went home early on hour 8/12 of my shift due to my migraine attack. I remember driving home in a blur and the subsequent days of pain. 1 Week later, 2 ER visits, 6 pounds lost and that migraine attack had finally stopped. Funny enough, I was not having any dizziness or major imbalance during this time. But after the attack stopped, I felt my world had been changed again.
Fast forward through multiple providers and specialists, almost a year and half of VRT, two different visions therapists, 3 different neurologists, 1 retinal detachment and subsequent Scleral Buckel Surgery, 1 evacuation from our apartment, a cross country move and a PANDEMIC (man, I wish that I was not serious writing that last word), here I am. Oh add in Anxiety, Depression, some suicidal ideation and multiple deaths in my friends and family.
Medication changes included:
Increase of Topomax to 100 mg (talk about not eating, ever.)
Decrease of Topomax to 25mg per day. Then STOPPED.
Effexor 37.5mg daily, then 75mg daily. Now at 37.5 mg. CURRENT.
Amovig Subcutaneous injection once a month 70mg, then increase to 140mg. THEN STOPPED.
Emgality 125 mg subcutaneous injection once a month. CURRENT.
Sumatriptan 100mg with onset of a migraine attack. THEN STOPPED.
Rizitriptan 5mg with onset of Migraine attack. CURRENT.
Supplements include: Magnesium, CoQ10.
I am now starting to really feel like my old self again. You do not fully realize how much you are not taking care of yourself- mind, body and spirit until you are ultimately forced to.
Vestibular Migraine has and will be one of the most challenging things that I have ever had to work through (and still work through). It affected my ability to work, my hobbies, my job, which tv shows and games I can play, how much house work I can do, my ability to drive, my marriage, my relationships with family and friends.
I am very happy to be able to write this now and say that I have been through the worst of it. I am still learning to live with my disease and it will never fully go away. And, I have come to accept that. Hence, the Vestibular Life.
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ameliay2k · 5 years ago
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Vestibular Migraine is a common problem experienced by many people. This is a type of vertigo or dizziness that happens repeatedly. It can be caused by many reasons.  Know the reason @ https://bit.ly/2XRNpUF
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vetstibular-migraine · 4 years ago
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Sending positive vibes to anyone effected by Migraines! Find out more about our community at www.Vestibular-migraine.com #migrainediet #migrainefree #migraineattack #migrainetreatment #migraineday #migraineprevention #migrainesufferer #migrainetriggers #chronicmigraine #migraineproblems #migrainecommunity #migrainebuddy #migrainessuck #migrainesupport #migrainepain #migraine #migrainewarrior #migraineawareness #migrainerelief  #vestibularmigraine #migrainemanagement #migraineawarenessmonth #migraineur #migrainesucks #migrainelife #migrainestrong #migraines #migraineheadache #migrainecure #dizzy (at Migraineville) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYShiCjggM/?igshid=r1o4oj4469zu
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tlomurray · 6 years ago
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Why in the world am I seeing ads for cialis and viagra when I look up #neurotologist? #menieresdisease #vestibularmigraine #needanewdoctor https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhZGqiF4e0/?igshid=vosv7dvf5x4s
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vestibularmigraine · 8 years ago
First post. Well, if you’ve found this tumblr then welcome, you are not alone. There’s not a lot of people I know or have found that experience vestibular migraine so I thought I’d get something going to share experiences, thoughts and ideas with the world.
I often feel quite alone in that it is very hard to describe what I’m going through so I just don’t talk about it. I’m learning to live with the condition though am always seeking new ways to limit the inhibitions brought on by vestibular migraine. I’ve found a shift in diet and exercise really helps, along with some mindfulness exercises and minimising exposure to triggers such as loud noises and bright lights.
I’ve had a cough and some sort of chest infection for the past 3 weeks and am at the back end of a 4 day migraine.. I’ll be heading to training tonight for the first time in weeks and am pretty excited, should be good.
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nspinelliwrites · 5 years ago
Question for my fellow disabled folk
So I am look for what to do for dinner for shit days? Like today, tomorrow (on the east coast Hurricane is supposed to hit).
I'm not a cook. Imagine I start at a negative 10 if we are grading my skills. Wanna eat healthy, its for two. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Oh, and I physically can't stand most shit days.
Send help? Maybe a butler?
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thevestibularlife · 4 years ago
My Prodrome:
Fatigue, which is overwhelming.
Head pain
Motion sickness
Increase in Imbalance/ dizziness
My Auras
Light Sensitivity
Smell Sensitivity
Sound Sensitivity
Numbness/ tingling in my right hand and face
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tenkommotorsports · 5 years ago
Prefer not to visit the office? Why not video chat your next session! NDBC is proud to offering Telehealth for our patients! . No apps to download, you only need high speed internet and Chrome/Safari/Firefox browser. Telehealth allows you and your therapist to continue the same high quality care you have been experiencing in clinic from the comfort of your own home. . Call our clinic to learn more! 952-345-3000 . #telehealth #physicaltherapyfromhome #stayhealthy #physicaltherapy #vestibular #vestibulartherapy #vestibularrehabilitation #covid_19 #concussion #vestibularmigraine #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapistassistant https://www.instagram.com/p/B95OvSuArFX/?igshid=gf07z7u2hpwh
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vetstibular-migraine · 4 years ago
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Sending positive vibes to anyone effected by Migraines! Find out more about our community at www.Vestibular-migraine.com #migrainediet #migrainefree #migraineattack #migrainetreatment #migraineday #migraineprevention #migrainesufferer #migrainetriggers #chronicmigraine #migraineproblems #migrainecommunity #migrainebuddy #migrainessuck #migrainesupport #migrainepain #migraine #migrainewarrior #migraineawareness #migrainerelief  #vestibularmigraine #migrainemanagement #migraineawarenessmonth #migraineur #migrainesucks #migrainelife #migrainestrong #migraines #migraineheadache #migrainecure #dizzy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIV3IvVDVVf/?igshid=154ccu4f2i6o
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