 Breast cancer is a common cancer among women worldwide. A variety of problems can occur during treatment, and persisting pain after surgery is one such issue. It can affect 20% to 50% of women after mastectomy (operation involving removal of breast) and is defined as pain in the chest, armpit, upper arm, and shoulder persisting for more than 3 months post-surgery. 
Treating this pain is important as persisting pain besides causing suffering, can negatively impact on mood, sleep, activities of daily living, social interactions, and overall quality of life. Reduced working ability and financial implications are obvious consequences as shown in one study where 54% of individuals reported reducing their workload to part-time as a direct result of pain.
 As the survivorship is increasing, enabled by the technological advancements in medicine, the focus needs to be equally on quality of life and reducing suffering. Phantom breast sensation (where one feels that the removed breast is still present) has an even higher incidence (60–80% of patients). 
The actual problem and pain may be underreported due to reasons such as worries about cancer reoccurrence, barriers in discussing personal issues, fear of being misconstrued etc.
Another subgroup of patients undergoing mastectomy are those who want to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer such as those with gene mutations (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2) and a strong family history. Advances in surgical treatment like breast-conserving approaches have enabled patients to realistically consider this option.
Who are at risk of developing persisting pain ?
Some factors associated with increased risk of persisting pain include:
Type of surgery: Nerve preservation approaches are associated with reduced incidence of sensory deficits (53 % vs. 84 %) but may not be possible in all cases.
Different breast cancer surgery options include
Radical mastectomy — involves removing the breast, skin, fat, chest muscles (pectoralis major and minor), and all the lymph nodes of the affected side.
Modified radical mastectomy spares the chest (pectoral) muscles when compared to the surgery mentioned previously.
Lumpectomy with axillary node dissection involves removal of the tumour with surrounding margin of normal tissue and the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes.
Breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy) also known as breast preservation, conservative breast surgery, wide local excision, partial mastectomy is generally used in early breast cancer and involves removal of the tumour and a margin of normal tissue.
Lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy involves removal and examination of the first axillary node (sentinel node) receiving drainage from the breast. The node is identified by injection of a special dye/ radiolabeled substance prior to the operation. If this node is free of disease, axillary dissection is not required.
Axillary nodes dissection leads to increased chances of lymphedema (arm swelling due to inadequate drainage) and poses risks to one of the nerves (intercostobrachial nerve) which is responsible for the sensation of the inner aspect of the upper arm. Both of these factors can become a source of persisting pain. The wide variation in the size, location, and branching patterns of the nerve make it more vulnerable to injury. Damage may occur as a result of stretching during surgery or direct nerve injury, presenting with numbness and pain in the area supplied by the nerve. As per one study women with axillary node dissection are 3.1 times more likely to experience moderate-to-severe pain at rest.
Other nerves in the area are also at risk of injury and can become a source of persisting pain. These include
Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm (provides sensation to the lower medial skin of the upper arm (damaged during section of the tributaries of the axillary vein)
Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (control the chest wall or pectoral muscles)
Long thoracic nerve (controls the serratus anterior muscle present along the side of chest wall close to armpit)
Thoracodorsal nerve (controls the latissimus dorsi muscle)
Other treatments like radiation therapy administered in conjunction with surgery increase risk of persisting pain. This may be due to increased tissue fibrosis, neural entrapment, and impaired shoulder movement. Moreover, radiotherapy also increases risk for lymphedema which is another reason for persisting pain. Later-stage disease also is likely to require more aggressive treatment (i.e., chemotherapy) and may be associated with higher rates of pain. Regardless these are necessary treatments and when indicated should be pursued.
Pre-existing pain prior to surgery is one of the most consistent factors related to increased risk of persisting cancer pain after surgery. Even those patients with unrelated pain conditions such as headaches or low back pain are more likely to develop chronic pain after surgery.
Severe pain after the operation requiring high doses of painkillers increases the likelihood of persisting pain.
Age: In several studies, younger age was seen to be associated with greater likelihood of persistent pain. Although the exact reason is not known, some postulated factors include presence of more aggressive cancers requiring more aggressive treatment, higher preoperative anxiety, and the need for adjuvant chemotherapy in this group.
Psychosocial distress can be both a risk factor for and a consequence of chronic pain. Preoperative anxiety has been found to be related with immediate postoperative pain levels. Numerous studies have found correlations between persisting pain after surgery and depression, stress, and psychological vulnerability.
What are the symptoms of postmastectomy pain syndrome?
Postmastectomy pain syndrome may cause persistent or intermittent burning, shooting, stabbing, pulling, tightness, heaviness sensation or aching pain. 
Other symptoms in addition to pain may include
Tingling or prickling pain
Increased sensitivity in the area
Severe itching
Phantom breast sensation & pain
Struggling with pain after Breast Cancer Sugery
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Post Herpetic Neuralgia
Post Herpetic Neuralgia யாருக்கெல்லாம் வரும்? அதன் அறிகுறிகள் மற்றும் அதற்கான சிகிச்சை முறை
முழு வீடியோவை பார்க்க : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdnlpIwgmHY&feature=youtu.be
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jeevishaclinic · 2 years
Post Knee Replacement Pain  What To Do?
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General knee pain following replacement surgery is a normal aspect of the recovery process. The pain may be associated with swelling and usually resolves during the first 2-3 weeks. If you are suffering persistent pain following knee replacement surgery then it is a sign you need some extra support for rehabilitation. Call our pain specialists right away to know more about Post TKR pain. Our experts are highly skilled in all aspects of pain management. We are dedicated to identifying treatment alternatives that are appropriate for your medical history and lifestyle. You don’t have to suffer alone. Get help today. To know more visit www.jeevishapainclinic.com Schedule a Consultation With our Expert on 9119111837
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Cancer Pain Treatment In Delhi and Gurgaon - Dr. Amod Manocha
Pain in cancer may arise due to many reasons and is often the presenting complaint leading to the diagnosis of cancer. It may be
Related to cancer itself or its spread to other body parts
A late presentation due to side effect of treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery
A result of extra stress placed on other body parts for example shoulder pain due to using of a stick for walking
A totally unrelated coincidental problem such as arthritis
Pain can be of differentiated into background pain (which is always present in the background and is managed with regular medications) and breakthrough pain (pain which breaks through your regular pain relief). Breakthrough pain may occur unprovoked or may be triggered by external or internal factors. In cancer patients different types of pain may coexist. It is not just limited to pain arising from inflammation and tissue damage for example cancer of pancreas spreading to neighbouring organs and nerves leading to visceral and neuropathic pain respectively and a distant spread to bones producing bone pain.
Pain Management
Pain relief needs to be tailored to the cause, severity and duration of pain. In most cases a reasonable control can be achieved by using a combination of methods. Multimodal, Multi disciplinary approach provides the opportunity to maximise pain relief and provide support not only for the physical needs but also for the emotional, spiritual and social needs.
Some of the management options available via a pain clinic are
Medications management
This involves using different classes of medications to optimise the pain control. Using a combination of drugs helps to minimise side effects and maximise the benefits. Whilst considering the drug therapy many factors need to be considered like type of pain, cause and severity of pain, other medical problems and medications being used, medications tried previously, pre existing nausea/vomiting, constipation, ability to take and absorb medications, liver and kidney function etc. Apart from the standard medications mentioned in other sections some other medications are used more often in cancer pain such as steroids, bisphosphonates (for bone pain).
Nerve blocks, Radiofrequency & Neurolytic procedures
Nerves are commonly targeted in pain relieving interventions for example pudendal nerve for perineal or rectal pain, suprascapular nerve for shoulder pain, intercostal nerves for chest wall pain etc. The pain impulses being transmitted via the nerves can be temporarily blocked using local anaesthetics. The transmission of impulses can be reduced for longer duration using Neurolytic procedures, which involve injection of alcohol or phenol instead of local anaesthetic. Examples of neurolytic procedures include :
Coeliac plexus, splanchnic nerves neurolysis
Hypogastric plexus neurolysis
Lumbar sympathetic neurolysis
Radiofrequency procedures
Splanchnic nerve radiofrequency ablation for abdominal pain
Suprascapular nerve radiofrequency for shoulder pain
Pudendal nerve radiofrequency for pelvic pain
Spinal procedures e.g. epidural, intrathecal pumps
Certain procedures such as pumps to deliver medicines directly in the spine (intra thecal pumps) are performed more often for cancer pain.
Drug infusions
Cancer is often accompanied by anxiety, depression and fear of the worst. A psychologist can help in analysing these thoughts rationally and developing a positive approach. They can help by teaching relaxation techniques, coping strategies and by reducing the effect of mood on pain.
Complementary and alternative therapies including Acupuncture, TENS, meditation, ayurveda and wellness.
TAG : Cancer Pain Treatment in Gurgaon, Pain Treatment in Delhi, Cancer Pain treatment in Delhi, Best Pain Specialist in South Delhi
click here to know more about "cancer treatment" : https://at.tumblr.com/painspecialist/why-does-cancer-cause-pain/vh8ekembdki5
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Collusion can be manifested through various health professionals withholding information from families or the opposite due to fear of stigma or discrimination. There are common factors and mechanisms underlying collusion. Nevertheless, ways of handling collision remain similar across processes and situations. Therefore, it is important to consult the Palliative Care specialist to help the family understand the advantages of revealing the diagnosis.  
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Services: Initial Consultation Blood Tests and Imaging Pain Management Plan Follow up Review Pain Procedure
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prasoonhealthblog · 3 years
Who is the best pain specialist in Pimpri-Chinchwad?
Dr. Varsha Kurhade is a highly qualified and experienced pain specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad who utilizes multidisciplinary approaches and non-surgical interventional techniques to provide the best possible outcome and pain-free life for the patient with minimal pain during the treatment.
Pain can be addressed with either pharmacological or interventional methods. There are several interventional pain techniques available. Epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, neurolytic blocks, spinal cord stimulators, and intrathecal medication delivery system implants are common interventional procedures used to treat chronic pain.
She offers care and comfort for your pains throughout the journey of life, based on her more than a decade of expertise in the pain management field. Dr. Kurhade understands pain, whether it is a backache or a migraine, whether it is mild or severe; she has seen and treated most of them. The treatment plan comprises tracing the source of the pain to decrease and manage the associated discomfort so that it does not interfere with your daily life.
If you are in pain and want the finest treatment for the best care and respite from that irritating and terrible ache, I strongly advise you to visit her.
For the past decade, she has been offering the finest treatment for all types of body pains. To receive complete pain treatment, go to her specialist pain management clinic in Pimpri Chinchwad.
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animeshhealthblog · 3 years
Who provides the best back pain treatment in Pune?
Dr. Varsha Kurhade is one of the best doctor for back pain treatment in Pune. She will treat your back pain non-surgically with the help of Advanced Interventional multidisciplinary pain management techniques. She has treated hundreds of happy patients with this unique and multidisciplinary model of treatment. 
Dr. Varsha Kurhade is an experienced and well-qualified pain specialist doctor in Pune who is providing the best treatment for all types of body pains for the last decade. Visit her specialty pain management clinic in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad to get comprehensive back pain treatment in Pune. 
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provenceallochka · 3 years
Brioche/ Сладкая французская булочка из дрожжевого теста ,которое довольно воздушное, и, содержащее масло (400 г минимумна килограмм муки) яйцом.молоком и дрожжами! Так пишут в Векипедии о знаменитой традиционной сладкой выпечке #brioche Сейчас много современных рецептов, но масла и сахара добавляют не так много. Тем не менее, выпечка получается и сладкой и вкусной! Я пекла мою бриошь-булочку для, завтраков моему мужу. РЕЦЕПТ был написан на пакете с мукой: 1️⃣155 мл холодн. молока 2️⃣1 яйцо 3️⃣75 гр мягкого масла 4️⃣40 гр сазара 5️⃣6 гр соли 6️⃣350 гр белой муки 7️⃣5 гр сухих пекарских дрожжей Все #ингредиенты засыпать 😴 в указанном порядке в хлебопечку. В Мулинекс-это программа номер 7, замес на 750гр и обжарка корочки-сильная.На весь процесс уходит 3ч15 минут. Получилось вкусно 😋!Муж оценил! И я попробую на завтрак, предварительно обжарив в тостере. На моем канале ПровансАллочка на #youtube будет отдельная рубрика по моей выпечке хлеба и прочего в моей хлебопечке.Moulinex Подписывайтесь! #провансаллочка #хлеб #первыйэксперимент #рецептхлеба_провансаллочка #машинадлявыпечкихлеба #хлебсоливками_провансаллочка #цельнозерновойхлебсоливками #вкусныйхлеб #домашнийхлеб #хлебопечка_мулинекс #machineapain #moulinex #machine_a_pain_moulinex #painauxolives #painspecialist #хлебдомашний #хлебвдомашнихусловиях_провансаллочка #домашнийхлебрецепт #домашняявыпечкарецепт #выпечкавхлебомашинемулинекс_провансаллочка (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXVfXbEATF_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pain Management Clinic in Thane- Best Migraine Doctor
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Understanding Postherpetic Neuralgia
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Have you ever heard of postherpetic neuralgia?👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ It is a common condition that affects people who have shingles and causes nerve pain that lasts for a long time!
Check out this informative video and learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this common condition.
To Watch>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdnlpIwgmHY
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kusumclinic · 3 years
Book an appointment for knee pain, Shoulder Pain, Cancer pain, Sciatica, Back. Dr. Varsha Kurhade is a Pain Specialist in Pune and PCMC.
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healthyhoworld · 4 years
जोड़ों का दर्द (प्रकार, कारण, उपचार) | #Joints #Pain In #Hindi | Dr. Sunny Malik |#Healthyho
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pathakpainclinic · 4 years
Searching for  Pain Specialist Doctor online? Back pain, knee pain etc is one of the most common medical problems in the world. It is a leading reason why people visit a doctor if you also suffering from back pain, visit our pain specialist doctor Dr. Pathakpainclinic back pain specialist doctor near me clinic in Lucknow Gomti Nagar. For more information contact us now or visit our website www.pathakpainclinic.com
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