#might at well be a piece of the story
mosneakers · 1 year
Hiiii not sure if asking anonymously counts but... I am shy. I am a lurker who came across your story and read from the beginning, (yes the whole thing) and I can't get enough. My question is- with Coraleye being Yellow's youngest child, is he protective over her at all? Also, how does he feel about all of the boyfriends she's had? I am curious about his opinion on them all. Thanks :))
omg I love this question! First of THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It warms my heart to hear you read the whole story, I know it's a lot. Sorry it took so long to respond, I wanted to do something fun with this😁
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It is true that Coraleye is Yellow's youngest child and only daughter, and of course he's generally concerned for her well-being, Yellow also takes pride in being a very progressive parent and has definitely always strived to give Coraleye the tools she needed growing up to make thoughtful, well informed decisions when it comes to love.
With that being said, that doesn't mean Lo hasn't developed some strong opinions on some of the characters Coraleye has found herself entangled with over the years.
I tracked down everyone she's actually dated (not including just flings or love interests) so let's go over her history from Yellow's perspective!
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Duane Talla was Coraleye's first boyfriend, and she was absolutely enamored with him right from the start. This made Yellow very wary, since they were only just teenagers at the time, and Coraleye was certain that Duane was her soulmate.
Yellow watched Coraleye experience her first heartbreak when the convoluted Shelbi story arc came into play. Duane, being so young at the time, didn't seem to know what he wanted, and this really messed with Coraleye's heart and strung her along. Yellow doesn't hold this against him anymore, though. Coraleye has forgiven him, and they were both just kids after all. Additionally, Duane seems to have settled down and matured quite a bit since marrying Shelbi. He and Coraleye still remain friends and Duane and his family are even considered family friends of the Darlings, especially to Frieda and Charm in Sulani who see Duane and Shelbi almost daily.
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Lark McCloud was a classmate of Coraleye's, and while things were off during Coraleye and Duane's on-and-off-again romance, Lark offered a reliability that Coraleye took comfort in. Lark was Coraleye's first prom date, and while that was interrupted by Duane, the two shared an unforgettable experience, worthy of the sappiest of teenage rom-coms.
Yellow could also appreciate this relationship. Lark was a good kid, aside from skipping class now and again. Yellow couldn't deny he didn't really see Lark as someone Coraleye would go for, but maybe that's what she needed. They went on lots of adorable dates and finally made things official, but Lark reluctantly broke things off with Coraleye one night, after Coraleye introduced Lark to her beloved swarm of bees, which they later discover that Lark is deathly allergic to. Yellow agrees that this (the break up) was for the best. Lark was nice, but if it weren't for the bees it would most assuredly be something else. Lark's life seems to be too tame for Coraleye, and he didn't believe the two would be compatible for very long.
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Coraleye was just beginning her magic journey, when she crossed paths with fellow spellcaster Maarvin Stonehart. He had a charming demeanor, a captivating smile, and a barely comprehensible Henford-on-Bagley accent that Coraleye found absolutely irresistible. They shared an intense attraction for one another and bonded over their pink-adjacent eyes and hair colors. Immersing themselves in the Realm, and one another, they dedicated most of their free time to training together, quickly becoming a teenage power-couple of sorts. Yellow never had the opportunity to meet Maarvin face to face, but he could already see many red flags emerging from the situation. Maarvin often attempted (unsuccessfully) to manipulate Coraleye or seek to exert dominance. He was highly competitive, and a sore loser to boot. Their relationship ended fairly quickly, but it didn't take long for Maarvin to enter and even longer and more toxic relationship with Coraleye's rather vulnerable cousin, Robin, which only just ended recently.
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Ahh, Morgyn. Coraleye's relationship with Morgyn Ember was passionate, long, and turbulent to say the least. I'll try to keep it concise. Morgyn was Coraleye's first YA relationship. With Morgyn being the Sage of Untamed magic, as well as Coraleye's mentor, their relationship was forbidden and they vowed to keep it a secret. Yellow clocked this immediately and didn't care for Morgyn because of the power dynamic their relationship created. Despite the secrecy, Morgyn was devoted to Coraleye and treated her with love and respect as the relationship progressed. Yellow noted this, and even gave his blessing to marry his daughter, despite still harboring additional personal grievances. Morgyn and Coraleye experienced break ups, and make ups and Coraleye happily remained by Morgyn's side as they navigated their childhood trauma, a gender identity journey, the loss of Morgyn's mother, and the most impactful, Morgyn's own brutal death, haunting, and eventual resurrection through vampirism. Coraleye figured these things only made their love stronger. Unfortunately, Coraleye was proven wrong one New Year's Eve night when Morgyn betrayed Coraleye, by cheating on her with fellow vampire Caleb Vatore.
Coraleye continues to deal with trauma inflicted on her from this young relationship, but she strives every day to forgive Morgyn and put the past behind her. Yellow, however, will never forget the pain his daughter endured by getting involved with the Sage of Untamed Magic.
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Yellow absolutely loves Tycho. He sees so much of himself in him, both being incredibly clumsy guys and devoted partners. The Darlings have known Tycho for so many years now, dating back to when he befriended Sunglo in college. He's had his screw ups, but Yellow can see how happy he makes Coraleye, and he thinks they'd make a good forever pair. Yellow does recognize that Tycho unfortunately doesn't fit into the criteria for a valid co-heir to the Darling family legacy. However, Yellow strongly urges Coraleye to not let that stop her from finding her soulmate. The family has lived without magic before, and they could do it again. Yellow knows that the legacy is important to Coraleye and he can see her apprehension when it comes to taking things further with Tycho. He worries about that a lot, and hopes Coraleye makes the right decision.
Thank you again for this ask! Memory lane questions are always so fun. Anyone who made it through this whole post, let me know, I'm sending you flowers!
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gobstoppr · 4 months
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Tetris Fanart.
I've been playing tetris while listening to horror podcasts. and yeah
#text#art#eyestrain#cw eystrain#bright colors#cw bright colors#tetris#nintendo#god i dont know what to tag this with. i dont wanna tag it with the podcasts themselves cuz that feels disingenuous. swagever#i actually started this piece a while ago. ok yeah looking at the date that was almost 3 weeks ago wow#but i finally decided to bring it back and finish it#ive been getting back into digital art and its been really nice. its nice having finished pieces.#ive been trying to get weirder with my art. like this piece was weirdly 'personal' in a sense#its been my unique experience listening to these pieces of media. the game in the bg is jsut as important to my experience as the art itsel#the looming sense of dread these podcasts give fit weirdly well with the high tension of some of these games of tetris#i wanted to have that sorta weird ominous vibe to it. have even the pieces feel loud and threatening.#and the gameplay being Past the ds itself is something i thought could be neat#ykno the tetris effect? where you play a bunch and then after you see the shapes everywhere;you play it in your mind?#that was part of what i wanted to channel there. but also like; how your attention works with this stuff#i might be looking straight at the ds but my attention is elsewhere; my brain is in another world#the game is still inescapable tho. tetris effect whatever. these stories stick in my brain just as much.#its all given me some. very very annoyingn anxiety. but i have to go back to them. like a moth to a flame etc. hince the moth climbing out#but uh yeah. that set up was my life for a few weeks whenever i had free time.#the main podcast this is about was magnus btw <- not typing full name so im not on the tag#and uh.#objectum#yeah i think. i think yeah.
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moongothic · 7 months
People often bring up the omake No Respect Time to use as Crocodad Propaganda, and y'know, I think there might be just a smidge more the omake can provide to Crocodad than what people have already discussed in the past
Like everyone's seen the comparisons between Crocodile and the anime screencaps of Don Luffyone, we all know how the two look so similar etc etc. But honestly, the resemblance is even more obvious (and hilarious) when you look at the OG manga version (Sidenote but Don Luffyone is the only one who smokes cigars in the omake... Everyone else has plain ol' cigarettes... That sure was a decision there Oda)
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And yeah, you might be thinking I picked this mangacap of Crocodile in particular because the resemblance is the most obvious here and I have My Crocodad Agenda to push etc etc. But I will have you know that the original omake was from Log Book 5, which was published February 28th 2006. Meanwhile that Crocodile is from the cover of chapter 398, published February 6th 2006. So these were drawn by Oda around the same time. I didn't just cherry pick this cover page because it's convenient for my evil agenda, if these were drawn around the same time then the likelihood the resemblance is intentional does legitimately go up a little. (Also since they're both drawn by Oda instead of random animators, again, it's a bit less coincidental and could be a bit more intentional)
But as I said, I think there might be more to the omake than that.
In the past people have also pointed out and joked how a mere few months before Oda revealed Dragon was Luffy's father to us in the story (post-Enies Lobby), in the Monster Time-omake Luffy was depicted as a dragon.
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Needless to say, people believe this was intentional foreshadowing (/trolling) to the Dragon reveal by Oda-- if not it'd be one hell of a coincidence at the very least.
The reason I'm bringing that up is that if people think it's safe to assume Oda was hinting at Luffy's heritage in one omake by making him a dragon like his father, then why couldn't Oda do the same in another omake (by making Luffy a mafia boss who smokes cigars like his father)? Keep in mind that Monster Time was published in May 2006 (in Log Book 7), just three months after No Respect Time. So again, these are from the same era. To me, that just makes the resemblance between Don Luffyone and Crocodile seem even less coincidental
Oh, but there's one more omake I want to bring up.
So people do often bring up Nerd!Luffy's appearance in One Piece Gakuen spin-off manga, pointing out how much he looks quite a lot like the Theoretical Child Oda gave to Crocodile in that one SBS. Yeah. So. 'Bout that.
There was this one omake called Red Hair of Class 3-Sea Time, in which Luffy was a loser ass nerd. And man, that resemblance
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Like it's one thing when a spin-off manga drawn by a different artist does A Thing. It's another when Oda himself does it
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
Do you enjoy underfell? I thought you disliked aus /genq
i don't dislike the concept of AUs itself, I'm just not a fan of like... the subculture that spawned around them in the UT fandom specifically and how it eventually took over almost all canon content (especially when it limits itself to the bros)
i like aus visually! i am an artist at heart after all. it's just that, if I'm going to care about them as stories and not just fun design ideas, my bar is uhh almost impossibly high the further you move from canon lolol.
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every-sanji · 3 months
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transmasc-rose · 3 months
RULES: make a poll with 5 of your all-time favorite characters and then tag 5 people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite! (tagged by @seaweedstarshine)
Tagging (don't worry if you don't want to/have done it already!): @transgenderdoctorwhomst @27-27-gruff-triplets @quietwingsinthesky @lost-tardis-room @a-shard-of-quartz-lol
#rose rambles#thank you for the tag!!! :D#like Tree I tried to keep it to one per fandom#which meant I had to pick one from doctor who...#if I'd kept it to just dw It'd be Nine/Rose/Amy/Clara/the Master#also for the characters with the & symbol#its because both characters are Very Strongly Associated#Grima is the dragon/deity that possesses Robin in fea that he was like#born to be the vessel of. You usually prevent it from happening but the DLC/future story has it happen#and the story is preventing an event that by one view already occurred#as for Hermes and Fandaniel. Hermes was the ''full'' soul who took on the position of Fandaniel#and Fandaniel as mentioned on the poll refers to the soul piece in ''modern'' time that takes on the mantle of Fandaniel and body of Asahi#and has the memories of Fandaniel#but doesn't fully identify as Hermes#Fandaniel#or his most recent life Amon#he wants to blow up the world to end reincarnation👍#might as well explain the other two then for doctor who followers uhh#Jin is part of STREGA#a group of teens that were experimented on to awaken their Personas artificially#which is slowly killing them (their psyche is physically lashing out at them). So they also. Try to end the world.#The kids are left taking ''persona suppressors'' which is an experimental medication that is both the only thing keeping them alive and is#also slowly killing them. It doesn't get the chance to kill Jin though.#he's one of 3 (4 if you count the light novel) surviving kids out of 100 from the experiment and by the end of the game only Chidori is lef#And now Will Graham.#You probably all know Will Graham. And I have rambled long enough. But he's the origin of one of my names.#Most of these guys are villains thats just sort of how these themes get represented#and I'm nothing if not consistent lmao
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bluestation · 2 years
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november's assorted sketches & wips
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kyros-tha-soldier · 11 months
Oda: *presents another DILF character with a gut wrenching backstory, fatherly warmth, burdened with emotional trauma and mentally conflicted with the fattest male tits you can ever imagine*
Oda: do you like him?
OP fans: y-yes, we do!
Oda: Well too bad... I AM ABOUT TO MAKE HIM SUFFER
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artsycooky13 · 15 days
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top 3 fave bbys in the burrito show (bonus SUPER LONG tags on how i feel bout the characters)
#my art#boruto naruto next generations#sarada uchiha#shikadai nara#inojin yamanaka#in no particular order except sarada is my fav- i think she shouldve been main focus- girl brings all of og team 7 together at all times#just her family history alone is very interesting and i WISH we had seen a convo with sausage boi about her uncle and just everything#but shes a pretty solid character on her own- VERY good mix of both parents yet still being her own self#shikadai is funny i really like seeing him- hes a sight for sore eyes- bro got EVERYTHING from his dad minus his eyes and maybe hair#his dynamic with boruto being besties is really fun to watch- sarada too- with both shika and sara being geniuses and all#i love inojin's simplicity and how ordinary he is.... its... realistic?#hes artistically talented yes with his ninja art stuff but everything else hes kinda... mundane? at times even bad?#Considering every other prev gen child's got all these cool stuff goin on- i like that hes just... kinda normal... i like that about him#boruto i actually do like as well- he'd make a GREAT support character- i love how big bro he is and how he wants to stand up for others#hes a lot like naruto in that way- and might be a hot topic to say this but i also like how - in his very first arc- boruto hates the hokag#not his dad but internalized that the job took his dad away from him- regardless on criticism i think that concept is really neat#i am not well versed in what the story is now for boruto- ive just kinda picked my snacks on what i wanna watch lmao#but i do wish there was more showings of slice of life for all the kids- cuz they are all really interesting- especially for prev gen's kid#>>wished they did timetravel arc with sarada so we coulda seen young sasuke & sakura interact with boruto and sarada T_T#one last note: borusara is very interesting- but i actually prefer them just being friends- at most friends with crushes on eachother#i do think its cute but i like the dynamic of it being unrequited idk its new for me i just prefer them as friends with crushes lmao#prob cuz they work as characters independently Im not really interested in ANY of the new gen hookin up- borusara is the most interesting#i mean it IS the ONLY one being pushed canonically but i like it- that boruto looks out for sarada and sarada worries for boruto#but ya i wish boruto was like mitsuki in being a side character - i think a LOT more people will find him less annoying that way#though- i REALLY want more sarada and sasuke dynamics being shown- actually the uchiha fam a TON more than what we got#they are just SUPER interesting to me lmao#im a sucker for the emo boy turns soft and has family and bonds with their kids- its one of my favourite things in media#i feel like scraping the ocean floor when im trying to find quality sasuke and sarada art pieces and story stuff#cuz ive exhausted all the content in these past what 2-3 years of knowing both boruto- and now more recently - naruto#(yes im one of those people who knew boruto before naruto- smite me)
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vt-scribbles · 10 months
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There is so much going on aaaaaaaa
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
It's About Time, pt. 3
Part One | Part Two
“Who trained you?”
It was a question, but Kanan made it clear that an answer wasn’t optional.
Ezra didn’t answer.
He sat still and silent with his legs crossed, his elbows on his knees, and his hands folded under his chin, just like any meditating Jedi. At his side, sitting in the cargo bay—leaning against his side, actually—was Sabine, doodling in her sketchbook, as casual as if her being near someone and being comfortable near someone wasn’t the weirdest personality flip Kanan had ever seen.
What those two did today… it still boggled Kanan’s mind.
He’d never seen a child so powerful. He’d never seen Sabine so… normal.
She and Ezra knew each other well.
She knew he was a… Force-wielder.
But he had also been part of the Empire, along with her.
And given what he said about specialized training… and that lightsaber of his… Kanan had questions.
“Kid,” he said.
Abruptly, sharply, Ezra answered the previous question. “Nobody you would know.”
“Try me.”
Ezra ignored him.
“If you’re going to be part of this crew, kid, I need to know I can trust you.”
Now he flinched, visibly, and opened his eyes.
Sabine answered for him. “It doesn’t matter who taught him. I was an Imperial Cadet, and you still trust me. Why should it be different for him?”
“I trust you because I’ve seen that you can be trusted,” Kanan shot back, crossing his arms.
“If you trust me, do you trust that I trust him?”
Ezra gave her the saddest look Kanan had ever seen on anyone. “Sabine…”
“You don’t have to prove anything,” she said firmly.
“I kind of do.”
Neither of them said anything for a moment. One of his hands reached out towards Sabine, almost instinctively, like he knew she would take it—and she did take it, lacing her fingers through his and holding on tightly.
“Kanan—have you ever—”
Ezra’s voice faltered, and Kanan saw Sabine’s grip on his hand get tighter.
“Ezra, you don’t have to do this.”
But the boy squared his shoulders, took a shaky breath, and met Kanan’s gaze.
“Have you ever heard of the Inquisitorius?”
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liquidstar · 6 months
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
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Another self insert based entirely one someone else's self insert. @lunayumes has such a habit of making the prettiest and loneliest self inserts, but unlike Your Turn to Die I've SEEN Dungeon Meshi and thus can make her at least a little less lonely.
Emile's a Gnome/Half-Foot hybrid who was raised by his parents far from most civilization. When his mother (half-foot) died of old age his father (gnome) took his own life, unable to live without his wife, leaving their son of indeterminate age completely abandoned on a farm in the middle of No Where.
Emile saved up the funds to leave his home and go traveling in hopes of learning more about his heritage and culture he was deprived of and eventually found himself on The Island. Naturally he gravitated to the local library to read everything they had on Gnome and Half-Foot culture and History. This is also where he meets Emi, who goes to the library mostly just to get out of her empty house when he husband, Chilchuck, is away.
Neither of them are very sociable people, but eventually Emile works up the courage to talk to this very pretty Half-Foot he sees regularly. Surprisingly, they have a lot in common and end up hitting it off.
Emile eventually convinces Emi to leave Chilchuck, partly because he's formed a crush on the woman, but mostly because she's his friend and he wants what's best for her, and this clearly wasn't it. He knows what it's like to be alone all the time. When Chilchuck eventually comes back to talk to Emi and the two make up, Emile remains pretty Anti-Chilchuck for a while afterwards, mostly just giving him dirty looks. Emi doesn't seem to notice.
That's about all I have. Again thanks to @lunayumes for letting me use her S/I as a base for mine!! Anything is subject to change at you're request!!
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rioblitzle · 6 months
i guess im not too involved in the zelda fandom cause seeing a post about rabid totk defenders is wild to me. from my perspective people were singing that game's praises for 2 months total before it fell to the "popular game bad actually" criticism wave and i don't think i've seen anyone say positive things about totk since then lmfao
#maybe it's just twitter's algorithm showing me discourse and criticism to try and spark engagement or whatever#ive experienced the same thing with mario odyssey which sucks cause i DID get into that game well after release but whatever#i think the game has plenty of flaws but is still like. one of the best games on the switch and that's not an insult to the switch#and most of my writing issues are 'well this sucks but also makes reasonable sense within the constraints of the game design'#like the lack of sheikah tech or the repetition with the backstory cutscenes with the sages#ive also never been super interested in trying to piece together the timeline or linked universe fan stuff but that might just be me#i feel like botw/totk is way better when you view it as a retelling of the zelda universe and give up on trying to reason with the timeline#for making a direct botw sequel on the same map w the same formula and still trying to make it fresh they knocked it out of the park imo#at least in regards to gameplay?#i acknowledge that there is a MASSIVE flaw in the non linear gameplay clashing w the linear story cutscenes this time#(... but that one didn't personally affect me since i saw the memories in mostly the right order and the story hit me weirdly hard)#but anyways yeah where are all the mean totk defenders i keep hearing about i thought that game fell out of the public consciousness#all i still see about it is NintendoMarioJimmy47536 on twitter calling it 'mid af' or whatever#and occasional gorgeous paintings of the light dragon on my dash
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nomsfaultau · 4 months
you made us monsters, love
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
btw about Neil Gaiman I periodically agree with the 'Neil Gaiman is annoying' stuff bc I feel like both he and Amanda Palmer seem like people who I would go insane stuck in a room with bc we have very different ideas about art and suchlike. and I also do think that the career trajectory he's on lately is cynically redoing his greatest hits and pretending that was the dream all along when it clearly was not. which is at best meh.
having said which
as far as I can tell by far the most common complaint about Neil Gaiman is "Snow, Glass, Apples is problematic/gross/it's got incest and rape and frames the child as the aggressor"
which strikes me as a weird complaint to pull out of a 40 year body of work tbh when that short story is pretty clearly coming from a place of 'how far can I push this'. like you don't have to like the story. I don't really like the story. but it is. a horror story.
like and this is the thing with particularly 90s alt horror right? a lot of the interest is in transgression and sitting in the worst possible perspective and seeing what happens if you pull those strings. like I really like Clive Barker for example but there's a good chunk of his short stories that I'm like I'm not picking up what you're putting down Clive this seems Kinda Off. but that willingness to write some trite or Bad Message horror fiction that doesn't land is imo a side effect of being willing to try writing uncomfortable and unpleasant fiction at all. which is what horror is for, among other things, it's for creating discomfort as a form of catharsis or engagement.
like I am not a huge fan of the type of sex-horror that pops up in a lot of Gaiman's work and other contemporary horror writers - to me I don't find it upsetting or horny it just ends up feeling kind of edgy and tryhard - but I'm also a bit like. it does seem like a lot of people's beef with Neil Gaiman is that In The 90s He Was A Horror Writer
and this approach to Problematic Horror in Snow, Glass, Apples I find kind of microcosmic of how The Discourse often approaches art in this kind of 1:1 way. if you write a story which seems to line up with rape apologia it can only be because you agree with it. if you write a story about transphobia you're a transphobe. if you write a story that makes me genuinely uncomfortable you're attacking me.
but artwork, especially art like horror that's not necessarily trying to provoke enjoyment as its main response, is necessarily hit and miss. and if what you're shooting for is discomfort then whether it works, falls flat or goes too far incredibly depends on your audience. and making good art - as in art that makes its audience think, art that opens the audience up to discomfort and catharsis and sticks with them and changes them - requires the space to experiment and tbh the space to fuck up. like they aren't all going to be winners and they certainly aren't all going to work for you as a singular audience.
personally I don't see the appeal of Snow, Glass, Apples, less cause it's nasty and more cause it's hack. ooh an edgy monstrous version of a fairy tale where there's lots of rape and cannibalism? you're soooo original Neil. but like. that's fine. I don't really vibe with like 70% of Neil Gaiman stuff I've read but I still like Neil Gaiman because the stuff that works for me really works for me.
idk I think there's a lot of folk on this website who shouldn't interact with horror cause they clearly aren't interested in being horrified. that's not everyone who dislikes Snow, Glass, Apples, but it's a real undercurrent to a lot of the criticism and tbh this kinda vibe is shit for art. making standout art What Is Good also requires being ready to make art which stands out for the wrong reasons. sometimes they'll be the same art to different people.
#red said#not to Cancel Culture this but isabelle fall springs to mind in a lot of how folks talk about stuff like this#like she wrote a transgressive piece exploring her own negative feelings about transness and her anger around a transphobic trope#and she made something which i found really resonant and interesting#and she got torn apart for it because it Might From Some Angles Agree With Transphobia#and I'm not making a direct comparison. because i think attack helicopter is a really GOOD story and i think SGA is gratuitous and hack#but that's the thing right? transgression and discomfort and speaking about unpleasant things in an openended way are KEY#to making art that engages directly with your own pains and angers and discomforts#and that's hard to mediate tbh. but it's also very necessary.#i think as well thinking about Gaiman this is also a thought I've often had about Amanda Palmer#who over the years has written a lot of songs about things i find genuinely uncomfortable or offensive.#and i can engage with 'it's fucked up to tell your ex they transed their gender At You' or 'your partner's suicide is not about you' bc yeah#but#you can't celebrate someone for making confessional music then get mad because you don't like everything they confess#if you only take about your socially acceptable thoughts it's not really confessional is it?#if you only talk about discomforting things that people are comfortable hearing about its not really discomforting#and you can only really discern what's Good Transgressive and what's Damaging Transgressive through doing i think#so if you want challenging art you are going to have to get some art which challenges you and you go hmm no i still disagree#is what i think#so yeah you can hate the artwork but when an artist is specifically setting out to make challenging art it's weird to hate them#for making 50 pieces of art you like and 1 you hate
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