#mew lemonade
aidendh · 1 year
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Here are some cute picrews of my OCs Suke and Adrik, alongside @abel-not-gaybel 's OC Abalynn/Abel
The first two are based on my Tokyo Mew Mew AU with Suke and Abel in their maid/butler outfits for Café Mew Mew
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ilovejoll · 11 months
|| Chapter 3: Mean girl. ||
Clover pushed the door open and walked inside, Host and I followed behind her.
"So, does everyone have a..." I hear the voice of a small yellow humanoid reptile, she has some resemblance to a dinosaur. She wore glasses and had buck teeth. She seemed rather startled by the door opening so suddenly. Everyone's eyes panned to the door as Clover and Host walked through.
"O-Oh...Dreemurr's...! We thought you weren't coming today!" The tiny reptile like monster said, she sounded as if she had mucous in her nose.
"Sorry...Mrs Alphys, SOMEONE overslept again." Clover replied, she gave Host a rather mean glare before looking back at the yellow monster; who's name was apparently 'Mrs Alphys'. Clover's comment almost made the whole class start snickering. Host glanced down in what seems to be embarrassment. I scrunched my face, how rude....I thought.
"Oh, that's quite alright. You both aren't too late." Mrs Alphys said, as she gave a kind smile. "We're doing group projects this month. Uhh, so, go ahead and pick a partner, ok?" Mrs Alphys instructed, she waved the two humans on. Clover beelined towards an empty desk; presumably it was hers. A few monster girls sat beside her, one of them looked to be some kind of sea animal, while the other three looked like demons of some kind. They chatted inaudibly.
Host had their hands buried in their pockets, seemingly still embarrassed. The whole class eyed them for a good moment before either looking back at their cellar devices or talking to one another. I look over at Host, concerned. 'Host?' I speak rather softly, they lightly jolt, they must've forgotten I was there for a second. Understandable, I'm quite easy to miss.
'Are you okay? What are we supposed to do?' I ask, floating over them. They try not to look at me directly or speak too loud, they seem to not want the other student's eyeing them in some way. "Pick a partner, I guess." Host mumbled quietly, just audible enough for my ears only. I nodded and glanced around, surely one of these kind students would want to be partners with Host.
The one who immediately caught my eye was a boy in a red sweater, Host seemed to be looking at him as well. So, I allowed Host to approach him. He looked up, before smiling awkwardly. Host seemed to know him, I tilted my head at him curiously, I felt a little awkward as well...even if he couldn't see me haha. He was another human it seemed, which surprised me. Though, Host seemed normal about it. I took in his appearance.
He had curly black hair that obscured one of his eyes, and dark skin. His eye that was visible was brown with a tint of red. He slouched over his desk tiredly, and he even had a somewhat sleepy expression. As mentioned before, his sweater was red and had one horizontal stripe on the chest, two stripes in the same direction were on his sleeves. To finish his look, he had grey pants and shoes with white laces.
"Sorry, Kris, you really should've shown up earlier..." The boy sighed rather deeply, I snapped back out of my thoughts as he spoke. I looked over at Host, they had a sad and eager expression painted on their face. "C'mon...Jaden...please..." Host whined silently, they leaned over the boy- I mean, Jaden's desk. Jaden pushes Host's head. I giggle at them, they were so...cute.
"Wake up earlier next time...dude. Maybe then I wouldn't be stuck with carrot boy." Jaden whispered, Host glanced at him with sad eyes. "Don't look at me like that--! I wanna be your partner but--" Jaden was cut off as snickering was heard behind him, Host leaned up and Jaden turned around in his seat.
A bunny like monster was snickering into his hand, he was seemingly giggling AT Jaden and Host. I scrunch my face like before, what was so funny? Jaden seemed to wonder the same exact thing as he glared at the bunny boy, was that Jaden's partner?
"Too bad you're too late, huh, Dreemurr?" The bunny boy smirked mischievously, Jaden raised his brow. "Go to sleep next time, and maybe your boyfriend could be your partner next month." He continued, Host glanced down at their feet, their face flushed. They looked as if they wanted to mutter something, but kept quiet. 
"That's enough, Danny, knock it off." Jaden scowled, he turned back to Host and smiled awkwardly. The bunny boy, who's name is Danny I think, crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat.
Jaden told Host that he was sorry about not being able to be their partner, and for Danny's behavior. Host understood, they walked away from Jaden's desk so they could go ask someone else.
That was not very nice, I thought, that Danny boy was very very rude. He was embarrassing Host. 'What was that about?' I ask, concerningly, Host seemed flushed still and they turned their head away from me. They didn't seem to want to talk, so I let it go. 
 I floated over to Clover's desk. Clover looked up at Host as she saw them approach. Her friends went silent and all looked at one another. Surely, Clover would want to be partners with Host, right? That's their sister after all. Clover gave a nod at Host, giving them floor to speak. 
"Hey, Clover. Listen- uh, could we...could we be partners...for the group project? Please?" Host said, though it was quiet, more like a mumble really. Clover sighed, she seemed to know Host was going to say that. "No, Kris, I'm always your partner. Why don't you ask someone else?" Clover rested her head in her palm. I scrunch my face and look over at Clover's friends, who all gave rather mean looks to Host, like they were unwelcome.
Clover smiled, she wanted Host to ask someone new, someone they did not know. But that's what Host wanted to avoid, it seemed. 
"P-Please, Clover... I don't... I can't... I can't partner up with someon- someone I don't know... Please, Clover..." Host stammered under their breath, they seemed desperate. Clover's brows furrowed and her friends began to snicker. Clover overlapped her hand onto Host's.
"Kris, don't be like that. Surely there's someone else who'd love to be partners with you."
Clover said reassuringly. It seemed like Clover only refused cuz she wanted Host to interact with others. Host wore a rather large frown as their sister waved them off, the sighed in defeat and stepped away from Clover's desk, I followed of course. I could feel Host's heart rate increase as they looked around the classroom for someone to ask, they seemed to be silently panicking. 
I felt like I needed to act, so I placed my hand on Host's shoulder. I saw this as a way to maybe ease their anxiety.
'Hey...Host? It's okay, don't worry. Why don't you try asking that girl over there?'
I tried to be helpful, and pointed to a girl that looked a little similar to Clover. I almost thought it was like, her copy or something, if it wasn't for the catlike features and change in color color palette. Clover was mostly purples, and this cat monster was all pink. I looked back at Host, they had a very unreadable expression, the only way I could really describe it is...unpleasant? Disapproving maybe? It seemed like they knew who this was, but not in a good way. She couldn't be that bad? Could she?
With some encouragement, Host reluctantly walked up to the girl I suggested. She didn't seem like she was even paying attention. She practically buried her face in her cell phone, she also seemed to be chewing...something. She looked up when noticing Host approaching though, she didn't look happy to see them. The girl didn't even let Host get a word out, she rolled her eyes and shooed them away like a bug.
"NUH UH! don't even walk up to me, I'm taken!" The cat girl said, looking back at her phone. I dawned a big frown, why was everyone so mean??? Host didn't even say anything yet and she was already being rude. 
The cat girl glared at Host, she shooed them away again. I let out a rather annoyed sigh, and look around for someone else Host could pare up with. That's when I noticed a deer looking monster with antlers and blonde ringlets. I tapped Host's shoulder.
'What about her, Host? She looks nice.'
I pointed at the deer monster, who seemed to be a little focused on whatever she was doing. Host, who was feeling a little desperate now, then walked over to the girl I pointed at. "Noelle..." Host said, as they stood at the side of the deer girl's desk. Her name was Noelle, apparently. Noelle looked up as Host spoke, they spoke so low that Noelle was probably the only person who could hear them. Aside from me.
"Oh, Hey, Kris? What's up? Didja lose your pencil again?" Noelle said, she reached into her desk and pulled out two holiday themed pencils. "Here, do you want the candy cane one or the one with the lights on it?" Noelle offered. Though, that wasn't what Host was here to ask for. I found it quite nice, surely this girl wouldn't say no. 
"No, um... I was actually wondering if... you wanted to be partners for the project...? I mean, if you don't want to... then it's okay-" Host whispered under their breath, they scratched their face before looking at me.
"Huh? You want to be partners?"
Noelle put the pencils down as she looked back up at Host. I gave a thumbs up, Noelle was Host's friend, I think. She was also very sweet, surely she'd want to be partners.
"Umm...sorry...Berdly already asked me..." Noelle sighed, she put her finger up to her mouth. She looked as if she had knew Host was going to show up today, she wouldn't have agreed to Berdly. Host and I both let out sighs in defeat. I felt rather...beat, but then Noelle looked like she had an idea.
"Oh, I have an idea. I could ask Mrs. Alphys if we could have a group of three? That way you can join me and Berdly? I'll ask if you're sure!" Noelle said, she smiled, and her ears wiggled a bit. Host, who looked happy to hear Noelle's suggestion, looked over at me for my input. I nodded immediately. Host then nodded their head in response. This would give them not one, but two partners, and the best part... Host would be in a group with Noelle, who was someone Host was comfortable with, it seemed.
"Okay, I'll ask." Noelle smiled at Host again as she got up from her seat and raised her hand. The whole class looked at Noelle as she did so. "Miss Alphys? Is it okay if we make a group of three? I want Kris to be my partner." Noelle said, Mrs Alphys looked in her direction, but a certain blue bird was quick to interject.
"Hey! What? No! I do NOT approve of this! ABORT!!!!" The blue bird shouted, Noelle retracted her hand as he shouted over her. I assumed this was Noelle's partner, ...uh...Burghley...was it? I don't remember-
"What? B-But Kris doesn't have a part--" Noelle tried to speak, but Mrs Alphys was confused by the sudden commotion and cut her off. "Noelle, what were you saying?" Mrs Alphys asked. I felt myself giggling at the whole situation. Host bumped me lightly with their shoulder. Noelle scrunched her lips, she looked as if she was about to mutter a response.
"She was just saying we're FINE being alone." The blue bird replied for her, he seemed to not want Host to be partner's with him and Noelle. "A-Actually...I just wanted to know if Kris...could be--" Noelle spoke rather sheepishly, she seemed nervous as the whole class was staring at her and Host now.
"Noelle, can you...please speak up?" Mrs Alphys sighed, she didn't quite hear Noelle due to her low tone. Noelle opened her mouth to speak, but she, and everyone else in the classroom went SILENT when the classroom door swung open with immense force, it nearly busted off it's hinges. Noelle clammed her mouth closed quickly sat down.
I jumped from the sudden loud noise, Host seemed startled as well. Everyone looked in the direction of the door, I leaned forward to see who it was. I was a bit startled to see a tall dinosaur looking monster, not one like Alphys, she looked like those big scary dinosaurs with the large sharp teeth. She had dirty messy brown hair, it was short but her bangs obscured her eyes. Much like how Host's bangs did. Her clothes looked stained, and her pants had holes in it. Her skin was purple and scaly too, and her fingers looked like it could cut skin with ease. My throat tightened, and I could tell just by looking at Host that theirs tightened too. She looked like the meanest kid here, even meaner than the cat girl and the bunny boy.
She walked inside the classroom, not bothering to shut the door she so rudely kicked. I felt rather relieved that she couldn't see me, if I'm honest. "H...Hi....Susie..." Alphys said in a low and hushed voice, despite telling Noelle to speak up just a moment ago. The mean girl, who's name was Susie apparently, panned her eyes around, she scoffed before talking
"...Am I late?" Susie said, she sounded unbothered. Her voice was deep and raspy. She sounded annoyed. Duh, of course she was late, everyone was here before her. Mrs Alphys seemed scared of Susie, so she shook her head no.
"O-Oh, n-no! You're fine! W-We were just...uh.." Mrs Alphys said, she clasped her hands, and her voice trailed off for a moment. "Ch-Choosing partners for the next group project, and...umm, Susie, you're with Kris! Since you...both came in last, and I'm sure Kris doesn't have a partner, right?" Alphys said as she looked over at Host. I felt my body freeze and shake, Host's body seemed frozen too. I heard them swallow their anxiety. Their heart sounded so loud in my ears. Susie, despite having her bangs obscure her eyes, glared at Host, surely they could feel her intense gaze. I surely could, and she wasn't even looking at me..
Host was sweating bullets from Susie's glare. They looked as if they did not want to be pared with Susie. They'd rather be pared with anyone else, I couldn't agree more. Host kept their head down and slowly nodded. Mrs Alphys smiled awkwardly before glancing back at Susie.
"...Great." Susie muttered in an annoyed tone, she sounded as if she did not want to be partners with Host at all. Noelle looked over at Kris and mouthed the words "I'm sorry." I looked at Host worryingly, I hoped Susie wasn't as bad as she seemed. Host then turned their attention to Noelle who had apologized. Host, who understood what Noelle was apologizing for, mouthed back "It's fine" to Noelle, even though Host wasn't fine, not at all. Host was now feeling both stressed and anxious, they then looked over at me with a panicked face.
"N-Now that everyone's here, I'll write the assignment!" Alphys said as she went over to the chalk board. I glanced back at Host with worried eyes and noticed Noelle kept her head down. Susie shuffled a bit as she panned her eyes around the classroom, everyone looked down except Clover, she had her arms crossed and a puffy expression was painted on her face.
"Uh, has anyone seen the chalk? This is the third time it's gone missing and...you all know I can't start class without some..." Mrs Alphys looked back at everyone, Noelle lifted her head a bit. "Hey...there might be some in the supply closet? Why don't Susie and I--" Noelle was cut off as Mrs Alphys instantly looked at Susie.
"Good idea, Noelle. S-Susie, since y-you came in last...could you get it for me?" Mrs Alphys said, she sounded so sweet. Susie's nose twitched as she glared at the teacher. "...Whatever." Susie grumbled as she left class and slammed the door behind her. The whole class let out a sigh of relief. She was so rude, but at least she was going to get the...uh...chalk? Whatever that was.
Host also looked relieved to see Susie leave, they took a deep breath. They were still feeling shaky, though, cuz now they were partners with Susie. Gosh, the next week of our life might be hell, I thought.
"U-um...K-Kris?" Mrs Alphys looked over at Host as Susie left. Host, who was then suddenly being called by Mrs Alphys, got a bit startled. They then looked at the small teacher, and gave her a nod. The reptile was now worried about Host, looked back over at her board before speaking up again.  "Um...can you...go with Susie..? To make sure she actually gets the chalk...and stays out of trouble?" Mrs Alphys said as she uncrossed her arms. She knew Hostwas anxious but she wanted someone to make sure Susie actually returned with the 'chalk'. Everyone in class looked at Host. The cat girl from earlier even mouthed "You're so dead." with a smirk on her face.
Host felt all that anxiety fill them again, I'm sure of it. They didn't want to contest against Mrs Alphys it seemed. I heard some other whispers of the class, and felt a knot tie tighter inside of Host's stomach. "O-Okay..." Host said, they sounded a bit anxious as they said that, then looked towards the door where Susie left. They felt frozen, but I encouraged them to move. They did so, and walked out the door. I gave the class one more long stare before following Host.
Surely, nothing could go wrong, right? Susie is probably just a judged cover.
|| Chapter 2 / Chapter 4 ||
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kirakira-yellow · 2 years
Big sorted list of all tags here!!
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shopcat · 1 year
On a Tuesday afternoon, Steve announces, with no drama at all, "I'm going to kill myself."
Dustin spins around to face him so cartoonishly fast that Steve kind of expects a Looney Tunes-style sound effect to follow. "What? Don't say that," he says, voice pitching up high like it gets. "Don't say that!"
Somewhere to their left from the tucked-in, cozy depth of the Henderson's new kitchen, Steve hears the echo of Lucas's laugh.
Lucas gets him.
Steve turns, hair flopping, and screws his face up at the world's saddest baby cow impressionist standing above him. He's lying on the floor of their carpeted lounge, lazing like a cat in a sunbeam. Man, Mews 2 has it all figured out, if you think about it.
He can't remember what the invitation was originally headlined as – like most days lately, they kind of just want to make excuses to hang around each other and cling on like little freaky leeches and the starring act tends to be whatever bullshit they manage to get up to in the meantime. It’s in that codependent way that he hopes is endearing, and a healthy coping mechanism of solidifying bonds and not, like, weird. Dustin was like, "come over, you graduated a Scoops alum, we can make sick sundaes!" but they've just been lying around (literally!) waiting for that little unreliable shit second-act Wheeler to turn up with the supplies he said he would totally have covered, totally!
"Sorry, bud," he says and laughs like ah, what can you do? "I know you see me as like a– like, some sort of an older sister slash, ah, father figure, and this will be hard for you–"
Dustin moves to kick him, going right for his softest bits. "Hey!" Steve yelps, jolting away instinctively, ending up rolling around on the carpet. "You're such a bully!"
"Dickhead!" Dustin argues, "You're a dickhead!"
He's really getting out of control. "Be nice to me!" Steve whines and presses his face into the scratchy rug he landed on. He can feel the vibrating scrape-scrape of Dustin's shoes tapping around his head. "You gotta be nice to me. This isn't how you should be responding to someone who's trying to open up, you know, mentally–"
"Mentally?" Dustin cries over him. "You'd need a goddamn brain!"
Steve cracks an eye open. "You're a little fucker," he says like it's a compliment. "You want me to come up there? That window is pretty close, you know. And you're a little guy," he pinches his fingers together with a little impish squint of his eye.
"Cliché! Gonna throw me out the window, you goon? Or what, is it assisted suicide now?" Dustin blusters and scoffs, but he shrieks when Steve hauls himself up using the window ledge. Steve gives him a look like hey, c'mon, because hey, c'mon, tells him, "That's just straight up murder, dude."
Dustin huffs, hands on his hips, and there’s a little phantom tap on Steve's shoulder pointing out his sudden similarity to Mrs Henderson, which: cute.
"Ah, look, I'm just messing around with ya," Steve apologises, hand settling on the ledge and leaning back. "It's not a big deal. I get job rejections all the time. Worse comes to worst... we can set up a lemonade stand or some shit. Or like, walk dogs." He swirls his wrist around nebulously.
"You don't like dogs," Dustin argues.
Steve grins. "I put up with Munson, don't I?"
Dustin gasps, then laughs, then gasps again like he can't believe he betrayed his little friend. Or like, his big friend. Whatever. "You have something dark and twisted in your mind," he tells Steve solemnly, and Steve cackles. "And you're a– a little B-word, because you don't want to look for jobs without Robin holding your hand. Ha! Or, actually, your," Dustin looks around conspiratorially at exactly no one, then mouths: "Dick!"
Steve stares at him. Huh. Well, ew. "B-word? You mean, like... bitch?" he whispers, mocking, then pulls up. "Also, ew."
"What do you mean ew?!" Dustin exclaims, throwing his arms up. "Dude! Robin's a totally rockin' babe! Also, yes, the frickin' B-word. I respect women now, man."
"Wh– now?" Steve laughs out, shaking his head. "Like you didn't before? Also, don't look at me like that! It's ew because I don't want you talking about that stuff! It's gross!" He makes a little eurgh gesture as he says it.
"Also, are you fifty? Who says rockin'?" he goes on, sneering a little on the edge of too meanly. "I can't be the only one seeing the irony here that you just totally disrespected a woman, like, just now. Like not even a second ago!"
Dustin pulls a face at him, 'cause Steve's the one being unreasonable. "Robin's not a woman, Steve. She's a beautiful creature-girl starving among the toxic, governmental backwash fuelled, boot-licking sheeple we call Americans. And she doesn't say the B-word either."
This kid. Also, not even true – he's pretty sure Robin was the one who kept writing "bitch boy" on his fifth-draft resumé under "life skills". That or like, the librarian Hopper hopped on is mean as hell in a super unexpectedly wounding and targeting way.
"Munson is teaching you bad words! Naughty, naughty fucking words!" Steve yelps, feeling weirdly like he’s being a grass or something. "What happened to being American heroes, huh?" The question, with a voice rasping like a drowned man, is directed to the slowly spinning ceiling fan.
Dustin grumbles something nasty that's definitely naughtier and definitely another tried and true Eddie-ism in the syllable count alone. Steve ignores him bravely, flopping down onto the couch and stirring up the same sort of warm perfumey smell Mrs Henderson favours. He slides down 'til he's comfy and crumpled up. Mews 2, who up until now was dozing on the knit-cover cushion, is in dire need of being scooped into his arms and held like a wittle baby.
"Anyway," Steve sighs. "Enough with the Robin stuff. There is no Robin stuff, I told you. It's just hard to find part-time hours right now, ever since, y'know."
"Y'know," Dustin repeats solemnly, nodding. He rocks back and forth on his heels, making the red afternoon sunbeam coming through the window shift and flick across the room. Steve shoves his face into the cat's fat little belly, sighing through fur and domestic cushion smell.
"Maybe I can sling ice cream again," he suggests, muffled, "It's not that hard. Actually, it's not hard at all." He lifts his head, scrunching his nose up. "And I probably don't have to wear a dumb little outfit at, like, Dairy Queen."
In the kitchen, Lucas drops something that skitters around in a way that can’t be good for the new French tile. He doesn't know what they're cooking in there, exactly, but through hearing Lucas knocking about like he's tripping on dustbunnies (like his Grandpa Otis would say, 'cause old people are always just inventing crazy shit to say) he can deduce it's something messy and/or gnarly. He also knows Max is nursing some sort of herbal tea because of the five-minute argument over, like, the amount of sugar she takes he listened to unashamedly before. Totally not the dramatic teen drama sesh he thought it’d be when he initially tuned in, though.
The drawers have ceased crashing open and shut in that grating, teenaged way – ambient noise for the single mothers and Adderall-soaked babysitters of the world – so he assumes whatever culinary delight it is is wrapping up.
He thinks to himself, with a fond little tug at his dumb bleeding heart, that Lucas has known how Max likes her fancy Californian tea for years now. He’s just like, like that.
In his peripheral, Dustin beams and crashes down next to him – hey – and tells him: "I loved your little outfit. Everyone loved your little outfit. The little outfit made the job. It was... cute! And, you were totally kickass and beat the shit out of a Soviet guard in that outfit!"
"Yeah," Steve suffers out. "It was pretty awesome. But I think I got zero play for a reason. And I'm all game!"
That uniform rode up like crazy, too, and not even in the kind of like, coy and coquettishly sexy way that he’d like to believe he could pull off if given the chance. He always felt like one, too-quick popping of a squat to grab another weird sticky bag of caramel topping from the storage closet would split the seam hole to pole. (Hole to hole?). Plus, according to the magazine he read forty minutes ago on the floor of Robin’s bedroom, that shade of blue so didn’t go with his skin tone. He’s an Autumn.
"Well, you'd have to wear a dumb hat again at DQ," Dustin points out, because he hates him. "And, gross. Don't gross me then– then gross yourself."
Steve carefully flattens Mews 2's ears down with his palms, then exclaims, "That hat!" He groans. "Gag me with a spoon, I think I really would kill myself if anyone saw me in that thing again. All I was missing is a fruity little lollipop."
He sees Dustin's eyebrows rise and the way he repeats fruity to himself quietly. "You are getting way more homophobic lately, Steve. And you're a misogynist," he declares, all puffed up.
"What!" Steve splutters. "I'm not misogynist! I love women. And girls. All women, and girls, and ladies a-and moms. I love your mom! Okay– sorry. I got flustered."
He rubs the bridge of his nose with pinched fingers. "Also, I meant, like, fruity like strawberries and cream, not, like, a strawberry with, y'know... cream," He adds coyly with a little eyebrow wiggle.
Dustin sits there for a moment, then goes a little red and starts laughing, which makes Steve feel, like, nice. It's always a little thrilling when he can actually get any of these kids to laugh, for some reason.
"Shut up! This is what I'm talking about!" Dustin complains.
Steve turns his head, hiding the slip of his smile in the couch he's pillowed into. "I'm not homophobic, man," he tells him, trying to really show he's earnest through tone alone. Honestly, the very la-a-st thing he needs is Henderson actually believing this in one way or another, if not for his own lavender coated, closeted well-being then for the integrity of their weird little friendship. "You know that. If you ever catch me being actually homophobic you're allowed to fucking, I dunno, just kill me dead. Outsource it to Nancy or something. Or, hey, Mike!" he says, bringing his head up with his aha! moment accompanied by a click of his fingers.
"Mike?" Dustin repeats, acting out one of his exaggerated jeez, this fucking guy! routines, flapping his arms around like crazy. "First of all, if I was outsourcing your murder – which I can't buh-lieve this conversation has come back to, by the way – Mike would be last on my list."
Well that’s a little mean, maybe. Steve looks him up and down and decides to really ham up his disbelief. He clutches Mews to his chest all dramatic, like a fuzzy pearl necklace. "Why? Because you wanna murk me yourself? You're sick, dude!" he says.
"No!" Dustin shoves him, and Steve repeats, "si-i-ick!" until he shoves him again.
"I could never assassinate you, Steve. We're brothers in arms. You'd have to, like, be really evil. And even then, it'd have to be really evil stuff. No, I've thought about this," – and he ignores Steve, going up three octaves, You've thought about this?! – "You're forgetting we actually know a superpowered death weapon who can explode your mind into goo in like, uh, a nanosecond. But, well, El likes you too much…" He clicks his tongue like, darn.
This is kind of news to Steve. He's always gotten the impression that El, while cute as a button and much like some sort of fucked up amalgamation of this adorable, curly-headed baby deer and velociraptor, didn't think of him in any sort of particular way. But maybe he's always been too busy feeling that weird mix of genuine fear and genuine aw whenever he's around her to really focus on like, the dynamics.
Dustin is saying, "I don't know if Robin would do it, but she probably knows you the best so she'd be able to figure out the perfect way. And she'd be really nice about it, too, because of your big, freaky bond. But that wouldn't stop her," he book-ends, nodding sadly.
"It wouldn't," Steve says with a sappy smile. He loves her, not that he'd ever admit that outside of his like, car. She'd probably lace his favourite drink with something, then freak out that he wouldn't feel like peach-flavoured iced tea that day, and end up lacing his whole fridge. Then it wouldn't even be poison, it'd just be like, sleeping pills, and she'd just put a pillow over his head. Slit his throat with a freshly plucked thorn from a rose, or something. Or, maybe she'd just go super-crazy-murder and cut him up like the fancy cheese her mom likes.
"Mike could snag a piece from Nance's stash," Steve suggests, to attempt to derail where he knows this is going, and because he kind of believes this, really. The ka-chik finger gun gesture he does stops Dustin from talking about whatever he was saying about Max throwing his body in the quarry "like, for the irony" just to shriek until his voice cracked.
"Why are you so caught up on Mike?" Dustin slaps his hands down. "Mike would shit his pants!"
"He's got hidden depths," Steve protests, feeling weirdly protective now. It's not Mike's fault he's sixteen or whatever. Plus, he's got a shit dad, too. Steve likes Mike. "He's loyal," he nods, like he's convincing himself now, gesturing with a closed fist, thumb folded like a politician would. "If someone needed to take me out, he wouldn't want anyone else to get blood on their hands. He thinks about that stuff!"
Dustin's got his face smooshed in his hands, but he's sunk down into the couch alongside him by now, pressed against his side. Steve's warm at every angle, sandwiched between a boy and his cat. "He wouldn't do it. He's squeamish. He'd only do something like that for, well, Will, probably?" And that's a little interesting. "No, no, Mike wouldn't do it. But Eddie would."
"Munson?" Steve gapes. "No way, man! It took two months to clear his name for a murder he didn't even do! And that was with grodie government guy help, too!"
Dustin waves him off. "No, listen. Listen! The aftermath isn't in play here, okay? Eddie would kill you so-o-o good, no questions asked. He's got the means, he'd have the motive, he's bigger than you–"
"Oh, get real, you know that's a lie!"
"– he's scrappy, and! He'd like it." Dustin finishes, leaning in and slapping it down like a period on a sentence, and something fizzy oozes around Steve's insides, and, uh. Suddenly he remembers the way, last Fall, that a shattered beer bottle was held to his neck instead of "hello," and now he’s a little on edge, he thinks. Is it being on edge when you’re like flushed and squirmy? And scared? But like, nervous-scared? Like, why does the thought of Eddie not liking him make him want to throw his guts up?
Steve clears his throat. (Is it like butterflies? Or something?) "Okay, you're crazy," he says. "Are you saying Munson hates me, now? Or is this some sort of, like, my dad can fight your dad thing?”
Dustin flushes and says no emphatically, but Steve doesn't fully believe him. "I'm not saying he hates you. I'm just saying he's your best bet. And that he'd think it was super punk rock. It's like, y'know, cemeteries. He'd turn your skull into a bowl or something."
"What do you mean it's like cemeteries?! Also, that's not even punk, it's like, goth," Steve corrects, a little too quick to not be suspicious, but barely thinking about it all the same. "Plus, you're saying he doesn't hate me, but now you're actually making me feel worse about it. Munson doesn't hate me! He likes me!" Steve's eyes widen, a little comically, and now his heart picks up oddly, and he looks into Dustin's eyes like the man starved for validation he is. "Wait, Dusty. Eddie likes me, right? Right?"
Dustin's smile turns strained and ends kind of serial-killery, which fits the conversation but doesn't pan out well for Steve, predictably. "Um," he starts, slowly, and carefully says, "Okay, you seem to be freaking out. Don't freak out."
"What do you mean, don't freak out!" Steve picks at it, feeling totally justified here – he's been hysterical before, he feels pretty entitled to screaming and crying in response to the occasional state of the world that seems to try to eat him as the worst bi-annual event ever, and he feels this is almost tantamount to that. Almost. And he’s nervous! "You just told me Eddie Munson actually wants to knife me!"
"That's not what I said," Dustin protests quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder, soothing, and tells him, all smiles, "I said he'd be happy if he had to."
"I thought we were friends!" Steve whines. "I gave him an apple last week and he said thank you, that's significant! It's friends! We're totally friends!"
Dustin says, "Steve, Eddie's allergic to apples," in that obnoxious tone of his, and the last of Steve's sanity is smothered in its sleep.
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inaris-pokemon-world · 11 months
Perhaps Sprite from @mew-dump with Inaris?
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[These are no longer open!]
Blue Mew Sprite plus blue Mew Inari makes a little blue raspberry lemonade Mew! Ramune likes sweets, and mostly keeps to himself. Being around large groups of people makes him anxious. Yours if you’d like him, @mew-dump!
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Ok - Real Talk
This fandom is wild. I’m seeing people write dissertations about how *that* side of the fandom doesn’t understand the nuances of *my* favs while completely ignoring the nuances of the rest of the characters (and it literally doesn’t matter if it’s the TopMew side or the Boston/SandRay side because I’ve seen these crappy takes for both though the TopMew ones seem to be more obnoxious about having to be right)
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OFS has everything:
A voyeuristic chaos gremlin
A Babygirl!Stalker
A depressed cokehead poor little rich boy
A depressed alcoholic poor little rich boy
A ‘King of the Side Hustle’ actual poor boy (who is just super over it all)
And the lesbians
So when someone says Mew is coming off as a little bland, it’s because he is not fitting with the full on Telenovela vibes of everybody else!
It’s also why I think the ‘master manipulator’ think pieces were so prevalent for the first couple episodes. People were just trying to figure out which soap character he was going to be. — I think he is going to be the *Tyra Banks ‘we were all rooting for you!’ Character (as Tyra)* living his best Lemonade!Era. And therefore we just haven’t seen it yet (we are only 5 eps in my dudes).
From day 1 the actors and creators of this show have said that nobody is really going to be all good or all bad. That means there are no villains (yes, that includes our favorite petty bitch!boston). But it also means that there are no heroes (or damsels in distress - no matter how much Ray tries).
So when I say that Mew is condescending and sanctimonious - I am not hating him. I’m just pointing out one of his flaws - they want us to see these character flaws.
It’s no different than when someone points out Ray’s financial condescension when he is cosplaying poor with Sand. I love Ray, he and all of his issues is my favorite in this show. But silver spoon, generational wealth, rich boys don’t understand poverty and can be very patronizing about it until they learn.
That is nuance. And this show is chock full of it.
So, as someone who is not really vibing with the “Standard Thai University BL” TopMew yet, I would like everybody to chill. TopMew are currently in their ~a little boring and bland~ 2gether era. But I have faith that Jojo and the other creators won’t be keeping them there for long (see the Ep. 6 preview 👀).
Remember, this is the Messy Gays being Messy show and Mew hasn’t gotten his chance to be messy yet.
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fizziefactory · 4 months
10 Facts Meme
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დ Mizzy
While fine with any pronouns, Mizzy prefers she/her! Don't worry about using others though, it's more that she wants to put distance between herself and Fizzarolli, albeit subconsciously.
Mizzy loves all kinds of shoujo anime. When her owner isn't home and hogs the tv with his shounen, she often binges Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Shugo Chara!, Cardcaptor Sakura...
While not allowed to join her owner at the table when he plays D&D at the local game store [no bots-policy], she's built her own character in her own time. It's a Moon Elf Druid named Dolly ♡ She'll make up her own scenarios, most of the time she just wants to turn into a cat tho
She loves everything with a bunny face on it, or any kind of animal imagery really. Her owner loves giving her silly little gifts because she gets so happy, along with all the wigs and dresses she points at. In possessions, she is rich, and her owner is broke 💸
Whenever Mizzy is not cosplaying known anime characters, and when she isn't wearing any maid outfit or some other outfit that'd please her owner, you are seeing Mizzy in her preferred clothing. The immediate giveaway is the wig. If it's not an anime wig? That's Mizzy expressing herself.
While any food she eats just ends up in her storage tank to be emptied out later, she loves anything sweet or sour. Candies, fruits and berries, lemonade, smoothies and milkshakes... it's the best ♡
Her voice barely sounds anything like Fizzarolli's anymore. This is because her owner added a filter to her vocals that makes her sound like a vocaloid, but also because she's been doing some training on her own to make it sound softer and more cutesy
Her eyes are not altered in any way, she's just like that.
Mizzy is Therapist Fizzy's most frequent fizzy-patient. Since she's had her memory wiped, they need to check in regularly to make sure that no remnants are resurfacing and causing her distress.
Mizzy loves the spoiled life, craving the validation and sweetness, which is why she is so eager to please her owner in any way he asks. This does not mean that she is stupid or childish, but rather it's a part of her trauma that needs to be unpacked at some point. She just needs to break free first.
[Idk if you tag anybody for this thing Imma do it for all of my muses so be ready for that-]
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friend-or-fo · 1 year
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My ask box is open for headcanon requests or if you just want to chat! :)
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Hello! My name is Mint, and I use they/fae pronouns! This is my comfort character sideblog where I get to gush about the wonderful world of fictional friendships with y'all! All of my F/Os mean so much to me and have helped me through some very rough times. In that spirit, I hope this little blog can bring a smile to your day!
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Proship/comship/etc please DNI!!
(Suggestive imagines may be posted occasionally and will be tagged with #sugg imagines 💛 and #suggestive.)
Main blog: @pastelalleycat <- I follow/like from here!
Art blog: @mxmint323
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My full F/O list and their tags are below!
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My F/O List :)
🚫 = not comfortable sharing; please have tag i can blacklist
Romantic F/Os
Johnny (Sing 1+2 movies) 🚫
S/I: Melinda "Mellie" (cat)
#🎹 the way i feel inside
Clover Cookie (Cookie Run) 🚫
S/I: Mint Lemonade Cookie / Peach Cobbler Cookie
#🍀 luck be a cookie
Queerplatonic F/Os
Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home)
S/I: Lizzie Loyal
#🎉 loyal layabout
Platonic F/Os
Lucky (Animal Crossing)
S/I: My New Horizons villager
#🍎 professor pie
Julie Joyful (Welcome Home)
S/I: Lizzie Loyal
#🌷 get joyful about it!
Familial F/Os
The Genie (Robin Williams era)
S/I: Myself
#🌕 you ain't never had a friend like me!
Sable Able (Animal Crossing)
S/I: My current Animal Crossing villager
#🧵 chosen family
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) (complex; also qpp sometimes)
S/I: Employee #323
#📚 two paths in a yellow wood
Pet F/Os
Moss (Pikmin 4)
S/I: Pikmin 4-verse insert captain
#💚 all the pretty little pikpik carrots
Mew (Pokémon)
S/I: Kalos / Alolan trainer or myself IRL, alternately
#🎀 working my way back to mew, babe!
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verm1c1de · 1 year
Which is better? Orange juice or lemonade
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cerebralabyss · 1 year
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i maded a monster gun mew
jax kina wana make one too ,,,, wit strawby lemonade & ultra red cans !!!!! nwn
i luv it so much i wana put a strap on it n wear it on my back in public as a beacon of bbeing an adhd gay x3 monster gun sniper is genmder
- 🐇🎀
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aidendh · 2 years
Tokyo Mew Mew New! OCs|P1
My OCs as Mew Mews 2020
(Updated Prune after figuring out the rules)
[Both Mew Lemonade(Abalynn) and Mew Licorice belong to my friend, so I will not be posting their information or images]
Alias: Food (match color)
Animal: Red Data Animal
Color: Must match food
Mew Mark: Must be symmetrical
Weapon: (Food) Pun, (resemble an instrument)
Power: Ribbon (Food) (Descriptive)*
-:Abigail Harris:-
Alias: Papaya
Animal: Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly
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Color: Orange
Mew Mark: Back of her Left-Wrist
(Just poking out of her Mew Mew glove)
Weapon: Papstick(s) (Bo Staff/Claves)
[Papaya / Rhythm Sticks]
[Her Bo Staff can split in two]
Power: Ribbon Pap Surge* Drumming her Claves in the air, the air glows orange each time as if she is hitting a drum, it builds up orange electricity and after calling her attack, it surges into her target, paralyzing them
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Animal: Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly
Weapon: Papstick(s) (Bo Staff)
Attack: Ribbon Pap Surge* Paralysis
-:Aiden Harris:-
Alias: Cherry
Animal: Pacific Pocket Mouse
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Color: Red
Mew Mark: Right side of his Right-Ankle
(Can be seen behind his Mew Mew shoe)
Weapon: Pru-Pru, Yo-Yo (Mini Drums)
[Genus Prunus]
Power: Pru-Pru Cherry Barricade* Aligning the heart pattern of the Yo-Yo, it shines and starts spinning, he builds up momentum by swinging it around until banging it against the ground causing a wall of earth to jut out of the ground
*Second Attack*
Pru-Pru Cherry Shock* Aligning the heart pattern of the Yo-Yo, it shines and starts spinning, he builds up momentum by swinging it around until banging it against the ground causing a shockwave
[Chimi Cherry Changa]
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Animal: Pacific Pocket Mouse
Weapon: Pru-Pru (Yo-Yo)
Attack: Pru-Pru Cherry Barricade/Shock* Earth Barricade/Shockwave
-:Suke Harris:-
Alias: Mutsu
[A Japanese Apple] (Team Leader)
Animal: Red Wolf
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Color: Red
(His appearance varies from Antagonist to Hero)
Mew Mark: Left-Palm
(His Mew Mew Gloves are Open-Palm)
Weapon: Mutsuribon (Dance Ribbon)
[Mutsu + Ribbon]
Power: Ribbon Mutsu Screen* Spinning with his Ribbon, while it glows it surrounds him in a vale of smoke. Once the attack is called, the smoke becomes a smoke screen that quickly disperses
[This replaces him with a decoy, as he takes the appearance of someone else]
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Animal: Red Wolf
Weapon: Mutsuribon (Dance Ribbon)
Attack: Ribbon Mutsu Screen* Bait and Switch
-:Adrik Harris:-
Alias: Слива (Sliva)
[Plum in Russian]
Метаморфоза (Metamorfoza)
[Metamorphosis in Russian]
• Migratory Monarch Butterfly
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• Palm Rat
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Color: Purple
Mew Mark: Back of his Right-Hand
(His Mew Mew Gloves are Open-Back)
Weapon: Кара (Kara), Hammer-Bow (Erhu)
[Punishment in Russian]
Power: The music played from his Erhu has a Hypnotizing effect
*Special Power*
Лента Карающий Мелодия (Lenta Karayushchiy Melodiya)* Playing his Erhu, he starts to speed up  to a painful pitch. Pulling back the strings and calling its name, it let's out a mind shattering sound, exploding the target's Parasite
[Ribbon Punishing Melody]
[Crime and Punishment, if the target has no Parasite or influenced effect, it will instead explode their brain]
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Animal: Migratory Monarch Butterfly + Palm Rat
Weapon: Kara (Erhu/Hammer-Bow)
Attack: Lenta Karayushchiy Melodiya* Soundwave
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kukkirankindon · 4 months
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The Love Shine Cafe ♡
♡~ Cafe Playlist •
《written by Depresso》
Welcome to The Love Shine Cafe~!
We hope you have a wonderful time at your stay here!
Our workers work very hard to insure you have the best time here!
♡~ Menu •
♥︎~ Juice •
• Apple Juice ~ $2.50
• Orange Juice ~ $2.50
• Fruit Punch ~ $3.00
• Lemonade ~ $3.50
•Strawberry Lemonade ~ $4.00
♥︎~ Coffee •
• Sweet ~ +$1.00
• Bittersweet ~ +$1.00
• Bitter ~ +$1.00
♥︎~ Type •
• Cappuccino ~ $2.50
• Latte ~ $3.00
• Frappuccino ~ $3.00
• Espresso ~ $2.50
• Mocha ~ $3.50
• Americano ~ $3.50
• Black ~ $2.00
• Affogato ~ $3.50
♥︎~ Food •
《Any Kind!》
• Sandwhich ~ $5.00
• Soup ~ $5.00
• Salad ~ $5.00
♥︎~ Dessert •
《Any Kind!》
• Madeleines (5 Per Serving!) ~ $6.00
• Donut ~ $5.00
• Ice Cream ~ $5.00
• Cake ~ $7.00
• Cupcakes (5 Per Serving!) ~ $7.00
• Brownies (5 Per Serving!) ~ $7.00
• Muffins (5 Per Serving!) ~ $7.00
• Cheesecake ~ $6.00
• Cookies (5 Per Serving!) ~ $7.00
• Custard ~ $5.00
♥︎~ Special Menu •
• Strawberry Love Shine Cookies (10 Per Serving!) ~ $12.50
• Dragon Fruit and Lychee Ice Cream ~ $13.50
• Valentines Nerds Ropes with Strawberry Sherbet ~ $13.50
• Disco Ball Chocolate Bowl ~ $12.50
• Strawberry and Lychee Macaron Parade ~ $15.00
• Lovesick Strawberry Ice Cream with Strawberry Syrup ~ $13.50
• Chocolate Filled Fake Cake Love Shine Logo ~ $15.50
• Strawberry and Matcha Boba Milk Tea with Strawberry Popping Boba ~ $15.50
• Strawberry Lime-onade with Sour Ropes ~ $13.50
♡~ Other Information •
♥︎~ Adress •
• 69420 Sigma Street, Gigachad City, Ohio
♥︎~ Phone Number •
• 420-666-6969
♥︎~ Workers •
Depresso ~ Greeter, Waitress, Maid
Skibidi ~ Co-Chef, Waiter, Janitor
Creator ~ Waitress, Co-Manager, Janitor
Xyn ~ Chef, Manager, Waiter
We hope you stop by soon~!
Remember to mew daily!
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littlecarnet · 6 months
I just found a bunch of old manga in a yardsale and now I know what I'll be doing this summer. Man, these take me back to my summers as a kid reading in my room, letting my friends borrow them, and us trying our hand at drawing manga ourselves. I remember my friends and I printing copies of our zines in the back of a convenience store, and then taking a bus downtown to the mall to buy lemonade slushes and corn dogs. Then I'd come home to do homework, write penpal letters with milky pens or play on my gameboy while listening to music.
I honestly miss the aesthetic of that era and the 3Ds era. There was something very unpolished about them. I think it's the graphics tbh. Everything was still pixel-ish and chiptuney. I think modern graphics are okay, but they lack the warmth and coziness of pixel art. There's also the other side of that too. The spooky side.
Sometimes I stayed up late playing a game in the dark, then suddenly encounter a glitch. The transition from a familar game to something garbled and warped would unnerve me. At the time, I knew nothing about what caused glitches, so the experience almost felt supernatural. Top it off, this was when Youtube was just starting. Before creepypastas or anything like that. When the only way you heard about gaming exploits or glitches was at school or in magazines.
I remember one time, one afternoon, during the monsoon season when I couldnt go anywhere, I tried the Mew glitch from a friend's explaination, but somehow messed it up. What resulted was the screen inverting its colors and this weird red veritical line appeared on the screen with a jumble of characters on one side. It looked like something peeking out from behind a door, looking directly at me. Not the character, but ME. This freaked me out so much I put my Gameboy in my closet and refused to touch it for a few days. I told my friend about it, and she said I probably saw a Poke-god or devil.
That was a thing back then BTW, there's whole videos about it, it's wild how kids' imaginations can be. Lol sadly I've never been able to recreate that glitch I saw. It no longer creeps me out, now that I know what glitches are, but it still intrigues me. I learned later I'd come to appreciate Meta Horror. Things breaking the 4th wall. Fiction becoming self-aware and they're either very horrified about it or very angry. Something about it is just really cool.
There's a few games out there that pull that, but I think they're missing a key ingredient. When I encountered that glitch the first time, it came only when I attempted something the game wasn't meant to do. Something creepy happened because I went out of my way to break that 'reality'. Otherwise, it's an entirely normal game. Thats what's missing in those Meta Horror games. They should be just ordinary games right up til the player decides to break it. Out of bounds stuff is creepy for the same reason.
Kinda wish there were games that took that approach. I'd love to play them, especially in the right kind of mood or atmosphere like when I was a kid.
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mothergoosinganon · 1 year
I tried the apple Pedialyte today
it only mostly tastes like apple juice
it is an Apple Drink and it is sweet
like maybe if it was mixed w a little lemonade? idk
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oreo-hong · 2 years
“me too, i used to watch it all the time,” i smile softly, running a hand through my hair gently. i finish my slices of pizza, sipping my lemonade as we continue to watch the movie though my mind was very aware of the arm resting on the couch behind me, trying not to come up with stupid ideas. 💌
jeno hums softly, and when the cat mews softly he gently gets up to fetch a little tin of wet food for him
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bluelemonadekrp · 4 years
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Come quench your thirst at Blue Lemonade! We are a brand spanking new roleplay and would love to have your support! Please stop by and check us out! All celebrities are available~ We are accepting applications and reservations! 😘 WANNA HAVE A TASTE? This is a 19+ general/smut MEWE based. We are Semi-Lit/Lit. We accept All Asian Faceclaims! RULES 🍋 MASTERLIST 🍋 APPLY 🍋 HOME
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