vicmillen · 1 month
Since when am I a meta???
You know, after years of figuring out his ghostly abilities, Danny really thought he's got a pretty solid grip on how and why they work.
Except the electrokinesis. In the heat of combat? Sure he can use it. But instinctively flinching everytime he used it intentionally means it's hard to practice with. Which, fair, he and electricity really doesn't mix well. He could half live with that.
Point is, Danny Fenton is a dumb kid that opened an interdimensional portal on top of himself and died. Then he got better and it comes with a laundry list of powers. Because he's also a living ghost now, apparently.
Simple story.
So color him very surprised when Tucker bugged him to take a DNA test. Instead of uncovering some hidden ancestry, they found out that he, Danny Fenton, is also a meta.
Whaaaaaat? However did it happen? Is it one of the thirty different lab accidents in his home, counting since the start of this month?
Yeah ok he isn't really that surprised, considering. The real head scratching thing is figuring out what exactly did it change.
And here he thought he has his powers figured out... Whatever could this mysterious non-ghost power be?
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satoshy12 · 2 years
Wing Danny AU + DCAU
It happened after the Portal had shocked him that Danny started to grow wings on his back. His family, like the rest of Amity Park, was not sure what to say and just accepted that Danny had awakened his metagene.
His family seemed to be happy; Jazz started to read books about birds and, with Ms. Teslaff's help, tried to teach him how to fly. Only a few in the city thought he had died and become an angel, with his halo of white hair and white wings, but that was only a small group.
Danny's life was going pretty well, he would say. The town accepted him even with his change, and his parents did not think he was a ghost.
Everything was going pretty well, but then the Gordanians came, mistaking him for a Thanagarian child and attacking him, wanting to kidnap him for ransom or something similar. Thanagarians are pretty protective of their hatchlings, unlike the strong Gordanians who allow their young to join them in war.
Danny let himself be kidnapped as he could see space! His parents did not know about it, but his friends did. He returned after one week to Amity Park.
They never learned about all the chaos and destruction Danny had caused the Gordanian race and army, and how the Thanagarians and their allies finally defeated them.
Danny is now a hero for the galaxy against the Gordanian Wars, and they want him back with them.
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godsandvillains-if · 6 months
If two parents have the meta gene does their kid have a "higher ceilling" than "normal" metahumans?
Not exactly, although if the two parents are very powerful metahumans, like Archon and the MC, the kid would most likely have a higher ceiling as well. The sorcerer trait is also passed down through blood, so their kid could also be a sorcerer, and that would negate their meta-gene—or not. It's impossible to say.
But more often than not, when the meta-gene is triggered by an exterior stimulus, it gives the person an ability that captures the essence of the stimulus. For example, a metahuman caught in an explosion of a fuel tank will most likely have an ability related to fire control or explosion control.
That is different for the metahumans that are already born with their abilities, such as Wildcat.
Thank you for the question!! 🥰
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mamawasatesttube · 5 days
kon is especially fun to me because while obvs ymmv where it comes to figuring out a preferred amalgamation of his backstories, i think of him as a kryptonian with a metagene. as in, to fully depower him, you'd need both kryptonite/red sun and a metagene suppressant of some sort. he is a fucked up and op little freak of nature science.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 311
Alien biology is weird. Liminal biology? Even weirder. 
Ecto? Very much a wellspring for creation despite its association with death. Or rather undeath, but that’s a debate that many a realms denizen has tried to find the answer of. Usually there weren’t many liminals- ecto contaminated, yes, but enough to form Cores? No, only a few throughout history. Until the age of Heroes and Villains came about. But that’s a story for another time. 
See ectoplasm builds up over time in the human body, and even more so for those that have formed cores who create their own. And it’s not like it’s well studied, what with most not even being aware of the changes or the fact they aren’t fully human anymore. 
Why is this important? Well, what happens if two liminals (accidentally or not) mix their ecto together? Well, that depends on intentions, even if it’s just an impulsive thought at the time. Which in turns means that accidents? Yeah, accidents might’ve happened. Oops….
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tofuingho · 1 year
I like to think that the reason Jack and Maddie never noticed Danny's ghostlyness is because one (or both) of them are related to a rogue with visible mutations.
Obviously, you've got people like Poison Ivy, Two Face, and Killer Croc, but there's also The Penguin, Joker, and Bane. Seriously, how f-ed looking was Danny Devito's Penguin? Bane weirdly makes a lot of sense since Jack is also built like a firetruck. But, you could pull from any heroes Rouges Gallery.
So eventually, Danny starts to have ghostly features in his human form. Glowing eyes, razor sharp teeth, or an odd skin color. Of course he'd freak out and try to hide it from his parents, but eventually they notice anyway and sit him down to have the "talk". Just not the one he's been expecting.
This ends with Danny having an existential crisis. Is he a halfa or is he a meta?
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moonpool-system · 2 months
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A thoughtform flag, since we couldn't find one with a broad enough range!
Thoughtforms are non-tangible beings that're created from the mental energy of another being, in one way or another. This is a very broad category that can include created system members, to dæmons, to some collective deities, and more.
Blue: represents thoughtforms that come from outside of the system/mind, spiritual/metaphysical thoughtforms, and collective thoughtforms.
Orange: represents thoughtforms created within the system/mind, psychological thoughtforms, and individual thoughtforms.
White: represents the crossover between these categories and types of thoughtforms outside of such dichotomies.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Mad scientist Fenton.
And I mean MAD.
Danny didn't have the intelligence of his mother, who was able to calculate complex things in a matter of seconds and come up with theories that would go against the nature of the very world and make them work.
He didn't have the kills of his father, who was able to take his mother's theories and bring them to, able to build complex machinery at the drop of the hat out of less than capable materials.
Nor did he have the mastery of the human mind like his sister, who could run circles around anyone if she so wanted, build them up from nothing or completely and utterly break their mind if she so chose.
But what he did have, was an understanding of the human body on par with that of his sister's mastery of the mind. What the body was capable of handling, how much he could push the body past its breaking put before it broke.
How much he could change before they could be considered more than human. Where exactly he needed to make their body betray them, and instead become subservient to him.
And yes, dear sister. Such a thing is far more profound than making their own mind betray them.
Danny wasn't human, not anymore at least. He modified himself far too much to be human, despite looking like one. Ghostly remnants run through his veins, not enough to make him anywhere near ghostly, but enough for it to matter.
Ghost and human biology were fascinating to him, really. It was so interesting to see how the plant his dear friend grew would affect them so, whether it was beneficial or harmful, it didn't matter to him, really.
Speaking of his dear friend.
Her mastery over Botany was as masterful as ever, so many different plants her power let her twist to her every whim, not to say that her power was the only reason she was as masterful as she is, her skill was nothing to scoff at.
From man-eating plants and all the way to ones capable of sentience. Last he heard of her, she even managed to bring back multiple plants from extinction, including multiple subspecies of blood blossoms!
He didn't know how she did it, and most probably never will, really.
But it was so fine to see the effects said plants had on both humans and ghosts.
His family all had varying achievements. From his dear mother and father, who broke the laws of nature to open a portal to the land of the dead with nothing but science, to his sister, who somehow managed to overcome human nature itself. To his dear friend Sam who brought back multiple different plants from extinction, and created entirely new species of plants, to his other dear friend Tucker, able to create living souls out of AIs.
All of them managed to do what should have been impossible, practically going against the laws of the world itself, in some cases.
Now he just needs something that would prove himself upon the same level as theirs, not that he really needed too, they'd love him regardless. But there was just something he should be capable of doing that would go against the very law of this world.
He just needed to figure out what.
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tyhi · 10 months
plurality saved my life.
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plural-headcanons · 2 months
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The Princess (Slay the Princess) is a metagenic/spirigenic protogenic monoconscious system!
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wildtulipfield · 5 months
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A few origin flags as popsicles!
(Flags here are Quoigenic, Traumagenic, Endogenic and Metagenic/Spirigenic)
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mattzerella-sticks · 8 months
If Junior Year isn't ending with PvP dynamics between the Bad Kids and the Rat Grinders the other way I see this going down is that whatever the big bad of the season is has their final battle, the Rat Grinders will be involved in some way and they will either -
a) realize they are out of their depth when they try to fight alongside the Bad Kids because they never worked on TEAMWORK and they learn FAST by working together with the Bad Kids and the rivalry is quashed
b) die because they rush in ahead of the Bad Kids and when the Bad Kids finally arrive they find all the Rat Grinders defeated
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dogwithglasses · 4 months
Is Connor Hawke a freakin metahuman or not
(I know he becomes a metahuman during ga/bc but that’s not what I’m talking about)
In 2002 there was a book titled JLA: Ultimate Guide to the Justice League of America, published by DK Publishing with a “From the Archives of DC Comics” stamp on the front. It says, and I quote, “Years studying hand to hand fighting at the ashram have honed Connor into an unparalleled opponent whose metagene enables him to have phenomenal ‘physical memory.’ Once he has witnessed a move, Connor can instantly adapt it to his own growing repertoire of martial arts disciplines.” I have NO clue where they got that info
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In Robin #79 written by Chuck Dixon in 2000, Connor fights a demon but gets knocked out. Tim Drake thinks to himself that Connor is “a major league meta-human all star.” Chuck wrote that! At that point he had written more Connor content than any other writer!
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In 2002’s Green Arrow #14, after Connor gets shot by Onomatopoeia, a news anchor says ““…but sources tell us that as he’s not a meta human…”
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Does he have a frickin meta gene or not lol
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godsandvillains-if · 6 months
Are the Mc's parents also meta-humans?
Do they even have parents? That's the question! 🤔
However, the meta-gene can jump generations. It is rare, but it can happen that a child of two human parents is born a metahuman. The opposite is not possible, however; the offspring of two metahumans will always carry the meta-gene.
Thank you for the question!! 🥰
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kitttyweed · 3 months
My experiences as a created / willogenic / thoughtform system member. Do not argue to me that I don't exist. Do not bring unfriendly discussion to this post or account. Thank you.
Hello. I'm shortening my name to Ren for privacy and safety's sakes. I'm a member of a mixed origins (willogenic, metagenic, etc) non-CDD collective. I began as a half-developed thoughtform a few months ago, and recently developed my individuality more. Not all members of our system exist to fulfil a need of the collective, but I do. My role is to help calm my fellow sysmembers, particularly through feeling strong and difficult emotions for them. This includes sensory difficulties, as we are autistic. I have helped avoid meltdowns through these methods. My formation as an individual was partially due to one of the ever controversial 'headmate inspiration / alter pack' type of post. I won't share specifics- again for safety- but I will share that I am a fictive. The details of this 'inspiration pack' resonated with me- my sysmembers were somewhat aware of my half-formed self and wanted to help me find a stronger sense of self. We saw many such posts before seeing the one i am largely 'based on', for lack of a better word. I of course am not a cut and paste version of the person described in that post, I'm still finding parts of myself, what I enjoy, what i dont, and learning new things.
We believe our collective is monoconscious - for us, switching feels moreso like 'becoming' than relinquishing control to another. There is one member whose consciousness is separate, though. My source is somewhat multiple, and i feel somewhat connected to her. I believe this helped me to understand better how i exist in a collective. Getting used to this was simple for me.
I am happy to answer questions about myself, my experiences. I would like for people to better understand the lives of people like us. I will not, however, respond to baseless anger and hatred. Thank you for reading this, and I wish you a peaceful day. -Ren
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is it possible for a system to be both traumagenic and metagenic? we were discussing that, since it kind of depends of the belief. our therapist confirmed we're endogenic, but we believe in metagenic origins more than anything else, really. especially since the host has been chatting with people in their head since they were about 4 + both of the current members are highly spiritual...
Sure, we don’t see why not! Mixed origins and multigenic are both labels that can be used for systems who have more than one origin :3
Like Cecil said here (or was it Parker? Someone anyway :P), you know yourself better than anyone else! So if you feel like both metagenic and traumagenic work best to describe your origins, there’s nothing wrong with using both of those labels!! >w<
💚 Ralsei and 🌸 Margo
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