#Alien Alliance
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 5 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the DC Universe equivalent of Marvel's "X-gene," the introduction of the "metagene" in DC Comics -- artwork from "Invasion!" Vol. 1 #1 ["The Alien Alliance"]. December, 1988. DC Comics.
"The question that launched my caste superiors on their invasion of Earth was: what is it that allows a handful of otherwise normal humans to survive near-encounters with death -- and more -- to develop super-powers? The answer is the metagene -- a biological variant lying dormant in select members of the human race... until an instant of extraordinary physical and emotional stress activates it. A spontaneous chromosomal combustion then takes place..."
-- THE DOMINATORS, on the biological origin and/or function of the metagene
STORY/SCRIPT: Keith Giffen & Bill Mantlo
PENCILERS: Todd McFarlane
INKERS: P. Craig Russell, Al Gordon, various
COLORISTS: Carl Gafford
Sources: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Metagene, Zip Comic, various, etc...
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months ago
The Ambassador
So! It was finally happening. After Years of Pleading with the Guardians and other Ruling Bodies of the Galactic Community, the Justice League had finally gotten then to agree to create an Alliance with Earth.
With an Alliance, Earth would gain the Protection of Multiple Empires and The Guardians, which would mean an end to the Constant Alien Invasions they faced. There was also the legal opening of Trade Routes between Planets to exchange Technology and Resources on the Galactic Scale.
Of course Earth would return the Favor, legally being able to defend it's Allies with its unusually large population if Superheroes and quickly advancing Tech, while also trading Tech and Resources between Planets.
Of course the battle was not entirely won yet.
They still needed to begin Negotiations to see if both sides would even agree to the Alliance in the First Place, as well as decide on the specifics of the Treaty. The United Nation's would decide on Ambassadors to represent the different countries, while the different Alien Governments would send an Ambassador Each.
When the Ambassadors arrived, they asked to be introduced to the Representatives of the Planet. Except, they claimed that there was a missing Member.
They claimed that there was one more Major Kingdom on the Planet, the most Powerful One, which they felt must be at the Negotiations.
When asked who this missing Ambassador was, they simply replied, "King Phantom of the Infinite Realms, he and a Shard of his Kingdom reside on this Planet, do they not?"
Now they are working around the clock to find this missing Kingdom, because the Alien Ambassadors refused to negotiate without the most powerful Kingdom at the Table, and they woud not wait forever.
Just who was this "King Phantom", and why had he not revealed himself yet?
Sam and Tucker sat on the Couch in their apartment, staring at the TV as the Chosen Representatives for America finished their Speech. Apparently the Peace Talks had been put on Hold for a few more days as they did some last minute preparations. Something about making their Guests more comfortable before they began discussing politics.
"Hey Danny, they're delaying the Negotiations for a few more days." Sam called over to the Kitchen.
"Aw, what?!" Shouted Danny from the Kitchen, sounding extremely disappointed, "I just finished making all the Popcorn!"
"I know Honey, its too bad." Tucker comforted his Partner, "Let's marathon Star Trek instead, how about that?"
Danny slumped out of kitchen and into the Couch between them, steaming bowl of Popcorn in his Lap, "I guess. We can make good use of all this popcorn at least."
Sam patted him on the arm, "Hey it's okay, the Talks will just take a few more days."
Danny shrugged, "Yeah, you're right. Man, what I wouldn't give to be in that Room."
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vonlipwig · 1 month ago
hey man. uh. you got some gay tragedy in your goofy children's film video game franchise adaptation. no no it's super easy to do so don't worry. it's just. yeah so my kid is watching zoomy multicoloured hedgehogs spewing gen alpha-relevant witticisms while saving the world, and I seem to be watching humanity's saddest evil henchman in a toxic codependent-yet-one-sided relationship pining after his repressed boss for three films before having his feelings reciprocated in front of the entire world and having the only truly good and selfless act his supervillain love interest has ever performed dedicated to him - essentially implying that the world and everyone on it owe their continued existence to his small acts of love and the effect they had on the man he loved. no it's not a problem. I just thought you should know. my kid loves the yellow one by the way - that's their favourite.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 months ago
Every so often I’ll see interpretations of Liara’s N7 armor display as creepy/obsessive behaviour — and that’s a fair interpretation! But it got me thinking about my own interpretation and, well
It kinda makes sense, doesn’t it?
Whether you romance her or not, she still has that armor display. The archaeologist. Displaying the armor of someone Important™️, someone whose most recent importance was downplayed by the Alliance — support for Shepard’s Reaper theory was waning, the Alliance sent them off to more remote spots, Alchera happened…
Liara is first and foremost a student of history, and an Asari one at that. She’s trained to see those patterns of history, and knows a legend when she sees one — beyond whatever else Shepard may have been known for before ME1. And in the aftermath of Alchera, I’m sure she got her first real experience with how humans, and the Alliance in particular, will try to bury or gloss over inconvenient truths — if they can be bothered to acknowledge those truths in the first place
They didn’t memorialize Alchera until Shepard was back, two years later. They didn’t want to keep a spotlight on Shepard, on why they were even out there. But Shepard didn’t stay buried, and, well, maybe other ghosts wouldn’t either
All this to say I personally see Liara’s display as her own way of honoring Shepard as a historical symbol, as someone Historically Important™️, and part of that history is a part the Alliance wanted to forget, was happy to forget until they couldn’t anymore
But Liara wasn’t going to forget, and she’d make sure galactic history broadly wouldn’t, either. And in ME3, she takes that conviction one step further, seeding Shepard’s story, the story of the Reapers, all throughout the galaxy
That just reads as more narratively consistent to me, anyway 🤷‍♂️
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 3 months ago
Sasha using the title "Lord" in RiAAU after taking over Toad Tower and presumably killing Grime and stealing Barrel's Warhammer from him, and other political and military leaders assuming she's a man because, well, Sasha is a gender neutral name, so they hear Lord Sasha and assume they're talking about an adult male toad warrior. The second most powerful person in the known world and only real threat to the Leviathan reign!
Cue princess Marcy fleeing Newtopia and her father seeking refuge with his worst enemy hoping to offer information and political levarage in exchange for protection, perhaps even offering herself in marriage to transfer eventual inheritances and whatnot, and she finds out that Lord Sasha is not, indeed, a dark and domineering toad warlord, but a beautiful, terrifying girl her age that looks like her and oh god her poor little lesbian heart can barely take it.
#amphibia#sasharcy#marcy wu#sasha waybright#my posts#raised in amphibia au#sasha and marcy are over here living in game of thrones while#anne is playing stardew valley with a mod that gives you ptds#Sasha being mistaken(? as a man being a common misunderstanding due to poor communication to the point potential allies don't believe her#unless she's carrying the hammer around herself#lord sasha with her two wives... nnhnhnn... one representing her alliance with the frogs of frog valley and possibly beyond depending on ho#she and her grandfather (current mayor of wartwood) play their cards#and the other in her sansa stark era (horrible violations of bodily autonomy involved) (not by sasha btw) trying to maintain alliances#with noble newt houses after betraying her father and eloping with the enemy#after learning The Truth^TM (which she's conveniently hiding from everyone else except maybe olivia and that's a big maybe)#cue some nice toad civil wars (the eastern and northern tower may support sasha but despite their less than friendly relationship#beatrix will NOT recognize this magical alien's victory over her dead brother. and my friend beatrix is not to be messed with)#anne having lots of self worth issues after her very morally questionable grandfather married her off to sasha for political reasons#marcy having. uh. green blood. and a weird metalic port in the back of her neck. her brain feels tingly when she touches it#and king andrias desperately fighting to crush this little frog valley rebellion and punish those to blame for the abduction of his daughte#edit: i meant ptsd. anne has ptsd from that time she may or may not have accidentally indirectly caused the death of sprig and polly's#parents at age 8 (they were her parents for 4 years. the only parents she remembers. she hasn't forgiven herself and deep down#neither has hop pop but we don't talk about it)
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bleh1bleh2 · 2 years ago
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He's just looking. Its fine.
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ebitenpura · 1 year ago
Commander Stew
Theron cooks something for the Commander.
Odessen - The Kitchens
A young man sporting a dollop of white hair and refined features entered the communal kitchen of the Alliance carrying a large crate, wearing a plain burlap apron, rubber gloves, and waders over what usually would qualify as a stealth suit–a bit of an odd sight, but one Theron had gotten used to over time.
“Hey! You’re back early. Put ‘em down over there,” Theron glanced over his shoulder, nodding briefly at the young man, then motioning with his head at the kitchen island. Eight squeezed past him as he ran his hands under the faucet, careful not to bump into the other spy. They set down the box on the counter and patiently folded their hands, awaiting instructions.
Theron turned off the sink and flung the remnant droplets off his hands, drying them with a slightly stained checkerboard dish towel.
Even with his fearsome past, Theron found the quiet operative to be pleasant company most days, with Eight acting as his assistant in daily matters ranging from mundane chores to deadly missions. All at the behest of Lana, of course. She was the one who insisted on (see: forced) a pair of helping hands for him after he'd incorrectly assumed she’d wanted him to take on all her burdens.
Not that he was complaining about the extra hands. Certainly not today of all days–he was planning something special, and that required all of the help he could get.
Theron opened the flaps of the crate. Fresh from their gardening plot in the Odessen fields, the box was practically bursting with colorful root vegetables and leafy greens native to the planet. Purple, orange, striped yellows and swirls of blue–all packed with vitamins and the healthy color of a successful crop. Plain proof that their efforts to cultivate more organic food for the personnel had finally given fruit, after several long winters of withered stalks and exhausting meals of food chips.
Theron smiled wryly. He’d have to make a toast to Dr. Oggurrobb’s fertilizer and the Force Enclave’s agricultural knowledge later.
“Will this be enough?” Eight asked, mellow as ever. He watched him coolly through deep umber eyes.
“It’s more than enough,” Theron answered, a bit of uncertainty leaking into his tone as he stared at the foodstuffs. The vegetables taunted him from their comfy spot atop the counter next to the impressive array of knives and cooking utensils laid out side-by-side like an interrogation toolkit. “...I think.” He wiped the tip of his nose.
Theron hated to admit it, but he was no culinarian. Master Zho had never taught him (really, what could you teach a kid to cook in the wilderness besides canned goods and pre-packaged rations), and his stint as a SIS agent since his youth had left him with little time to prepare nor care. The extent of his cooking repertoire could quickly be summed up to sticking a frozen Orobird leg in the flash oven and waiting for two minutes, sadly.
So why was he making an effort now?
The image of the Commander’s tired face weary from battle and sleepless nights, aging lines etched deep into their skin with the carvings of a destiny too large for one person, flashed in Theron’s mind. He’d seen the way they’d fought–skipped meals, denied themselves sleep, hid the way their gaze turned vacant when they thought no one was looking, left their cafeteria plate practically untouched, compounded blackened bottoms of endless cups of caf, the stims—the Commander was burning themselves at both ends.
Hypocritical as it was, he couldn’t stand watching them drive themselves into the ground. The galaxy’s fate was important, but…not as important as they were to Theron. Yet he found himself at a loss; what words he wanted to tell them to eat better, to sleep more, to stop hurting themselves fell short whenever the Commander gave him that one look. That look of resignation, deep as the dull ache that would settle in his chest afterwards.
“I’m okay,” They’d tell him, smiling wan, “Thank you, Theron.” It’s alright. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me.
Like hell he couldn’t. He–
Theron snapped out of his reverie, realizing he’d been wringing the dishcloth far too tightly for too long. Eight stared at him, puzzled. He released it. His knuckles returned to their previous pink.
“...Sorry. Just. Tired,” Theron shook his head, massaging his temples. Tired. Yeah. He was sure someone else was too, and he hadn’t asked Eight to come here to watch him have a breakdown. Pushing off from the counter, he clapped his hands together, mustering up a second wind. “Let’s get to work. Shall we?”
Commander Stew
Young Makrin Legs
Orobird Soup Stock
Rootleaf, 1 Head
Imperial-issued Instant Glowblue Noodles, 1 Package
Republic Synth-Ham and Grophet Sausages
Odessen Wild Onions
Mandalorian Spice Sauce
Zakuulan Swamp Glowshrooms
Slice of Ration Cheese
Prepare the young makrin legs by soaking them in water and shaving the fibrous exterior with a peeler.
Theron stared at the unassuming pile of…legs that resembled roots more than they did the limbs of any creature, and secretly shuddered. Makrins weren’t particularly uncommon on terrestrial worlds, but their crabby, tree-like appearance and tendency to wallow in loam didn't make them his first choice to eat. He wasn't exactly opposed to adventurous cuisine, but he wondered how exactly the legs of a chitinous creature equaled something that would make the Commander more appetized.
As if sensing his cause for pause, Eight peered over his shoulder where he stood frozen with peeler in hand. “The Jedi recommended them for use in medicinal dishes. When eaten boiled, it lowers blood pressure, and contains many nutrients.” He said thoughtfully, as if reading an entry from an encyclopedia.
“Is that so.” Theron inwardly balked at the mention of the Jedi–a little known fact was that Master Zho had raised him on Jedi cuisine, most of it vegetarian, but even then he hadn’t sampled every bit of agriculture the galaxy had to offer. Makrin legs were a bit out there, but seeing as they were native to Odessen, recommended by the enclave and another piece of stress relief on a plate for the Commander? His survival training told him the harmless limbs could only benefit, despite their gnarly appearance.
Remove the tips and fibrous base. When cleaned and processed, set aside.
He buckled down and began shaving the legs. Lack of proper nutrition was always a deciding factor in conflict–Theron had seen his fair share of soldiers who contracted disease from improper eating and lack of supplies– and he would feed the Commander any bit of ugly vegetables if it meant seeing a little more life restored to their pallid cheeks. His fingers found their rhythm as he removed the tough outer skin from the legs exposing their soft white core beneath the blade of the peeler, their texture reminding him oddly of Dantooinian tubers with an extra coat of slime.
Slice and dice half of a medium-sized onion.
Theron had to pretend he wasn't looking particularly emotional as he chopped the onion. Or maybe he was simply brought to tears at the thought that their food could have flavor for once, all thanks to the Alliance’s team of scouts who procured such supplies for them from the unmapped regions of Odessen’s wilds. Eight was among that team, hence Theron's willingness to let an Imp spy of all people join him in cooking. There was only a small handful of people he could use to conceal his efforts from the Commander, and Theron would make use of both his ability to obtain food in secret and his espionage skills to see this through, opposing factions be damned.
And if others worried about poisoning, well. He didn't pride himself on being Chief of Security for nothing. The safety of the Commander was his priority, as were the characters of those he chose to fight alongside them. They were his responsibility. His to trust with their most important fight and everything in-between. Theron couldn't afford to keep the old grudges that the Republic and Empire maintained in these desperate times, and he would not fall victim to their need to blind themselves with their unending war. He had to fight for what was important, and that was…people. Not sides.
Theron would always be a son of the Republic at his heart. But now his heart belonged to another, and those lines had long blurred.
Slice the glowshrooms length-wise, removing the head from the stems. Set aside.
Clean and cut the rootleaf in half, then the following halves into quarters; chop into smaller squares until you have about 1 cup’s worth of rootleaf. Store the rest in a cool, refrigerated place.
Unpackage the Synth-Ham, Republic Ration #0625, and slice to desired thickness.
Theron opened the can of mystery meat and upended it onto the chopping board. The green ham-like substance plopped onto it with gelatinous grace. He poked it with his cooking knife. It jiggled away from the tip.
Eight placed an empty pot next to him along with a can of opened grophet sausages and an unwrapped package of Imperial ration Glowblue Noodles, their signature color shining through the foil. Theron quickly thanked him out of the corner of his mouth.
Arrange the rootleaf, onion, makrin legs, and glowshrooms at the bottom of the pot in even layers.
Add a helping of Mandalorian Spiced Sauce on top.
Theron couldn't forget Torian and his people. They were the ones who suggested using their own spices for the hotpot, as “no other spice in the galaxy compares to that of a Mando��s.” Though he’d initially expressed some reservations at setting the Commander’s tongue aflame, this special mix had been made with their preference in mind; Shae had been so impressed by their valor that she presented several crates worth as a gift after the battle of Darvannis. Spices were a luxury if not a grand gesture in wartime, and not one Theron intended to use lightly.
Add the Synth-Ham, grophet sausages, and top with a slice of ration cheese over the previous ingredients.
Finally, add the Glowblue Noodles and 3 liters of Orobird stock.
Theron blinked at the finished product. “Wait a minute. This is…”
“Revanite stew?” Eight once again helpfully supplied.
It was Theron’s turn to ask the questions as he raised a suspicious brow towards his sous-chef. “They ate this during the coalition, when the camps combined. How did you get the same recipe?”
Eight smiled quietly to himself, in his mysterious and elusive way. “Our Commander was there. It was their idea to share food across factions. I still haven't forgotten its taste. If you ask any of the soldiers from that time, they will say the same.”
Theron stared at him, speechless. To think the same recipe he’d been making this entire time was a result of their union on Rishi…he recalled seeing Imperial and Republic soldiers bonding over a cookpot, but hadn't joined in, content to watch the proceedings from a distance. So much had happened during Revan’s rise that he’d failed to pay enough attention to something so innocuous as a moment of camaraderie between unlikely allies.
It had been their idea to eat something both Imperial and Republic that fateful night. To form the basis of their Alliance over a simple, warm bowl of soup.
Theron felt his heart swell.
He…he had to remind them of what they had built. What they meant to him. With this.
Set on top of a burner and deliver to recipients with bowls to share.
Theron held his breath as he wheeled the cart of foodstuffs to the Commander’s quarters, careful to avoid jostling the stew that balanced atop it as he reached his destination. He rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles.
A puff of pnematic air revealed the Commander, yawning wearily from yet another sleepless night of work and burdens. “Yes–” They stopped. “Theron? What are you doing here?” They eyed his cart. “And what's with all the food?”
Theron cracked a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thought you could use some dinner, so…I brought you some. If you don't mind, that is.” He quickly added, feeling out of place in the deserted hallway.
The Commander smiled, a genuine one that reached their eyes, crinkling at the edges. “I’d love to try whatever you made. Come in, we can eat it together.” They stepped aside to allow Theron room to maneuver.
Enjoy with your intended party.
As expected, it was delicious.
Not as filling as seeing the Commander laugh to the point of tears at his explanations as to why he'd been so secretive all week trying to hide the fruits of his cooking from them, but filling nonetheless. He'd give it a 5/5, personally, as a true soup for the soul. (And a note to make it again with less sneaking around).
If the Commander was satisfied and satiated... so was he.
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hhyesunn · 9 months ago
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Basic info
Name: Aubin Arye Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Species: Twi'lek Homeworld: Ryloth Age: 34 Affiliation: Sith Empire (formerly Darth Nox), Galactic Alliance (Commander) Partner: Talos Drellik (husband) Family Tree:
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Personality: Always calm and collected, Aubin may seem aloof and intimidating for others. He is set on his personal goals, but compared to other Sith, he's not clawing his way up ruthlessly, relying more on his cunning and connections. Is ambitious, bordering on workaholic. Due to his upbringing and background, he always insists on doing things himself, rather than relying on the work of others or droids. Has a firm belief that he's always right (up to debate), but doesn't have to always say it out loud. Aubin was always fascinated with history and archaeology, especially Twi'lek and alien heritage. Loves doing acts of service for people he appreciates. Questions authority and despises other Sith, with a few exceptions. Additional info:
Knows Ryl and Basic, sometimes his Ryl accent is more noticeable,
Is a vegetarian,
Has ear piercings (simple studs) made by his sister,
Has tooth gems,
Has slave collar scars that faded over time,
Has to wear glasses, but does that occasionally,
He's a Capricorn -- Links: Aubin + Talos age through story Update 5.10.24 Ship chart OC relationships&affiliations chart
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commiepinkofag · 2 years ago
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A gay “kiss-in” demonstration Yonge and Bloor streets, Toronto, 17 July 1976
L to R: David Foreman, Tim McCaskell, Ed Jackson, Merv Walker, David Gibson, Michael Riordon. Credit: Gerald Hannon, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, accession 1986-032/08P(35).
On February 9, 1976, gay activists Tom Field and Bill Holloway were arrested at the corner of Yonge and Bloor streets in Toronto for kissing in public. They were charged with obstructing the sidewalk and committing an indecent act. Ironically, the men had been posing for photographs for an article on homophobia to be published in the now-defunct newspaper Alternative to Alienation. …
Field and Holloway were found guilty of committing an indecent act by Judge Charles Drukarsh on July 13, 1976, and were each fined $50. The ruling infuriated Gay Alliance Toward Equality [GATE], the Body Politic, and members of the community. The need for protest was in the air, but only a very special kind of protest would do. 
A few days later, on July 17, GATE and the Body Politic sponsored a kiss-in to support the right for gay people to publicly show affection. About twenty people paraded in same-sex couples at Yonge and Bloor streets, kissing as they walked. Policemen watched from the sidelines, but did not intervene. The protesters had made their point. — Donald W. McLeod
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transingthoseformers · 21 days ago
Riot i gotta ask, if you could pick your fav non-tf blorbo and put them into tf (any baseline universe) which would you pick, which side would they be on, would you make them into a robot, and would you ship them with a specific bot(s)?
This is a very difficult question because I've been DEEP in the Transformers hole for a few years now, and it's hard to select my absolute all time non-TF blorbo right now
I'm not sure if he's my favorite non-TF character, but I can't choose and I've already been thinking about him but as a transformer so may I suggest hellaverse Angel Dust as an arachnacon?? Maybe he's an ex-decepticon current autobot or neutral?? I just think he could have a cool cybertronian design :3
(other possible thoughts: I KNOW that there is already a TF x MLP crossover in the comics, but you can give some of the characters over there some VERY interesting cybertronian designs!!! Especially Twilight, would alicorns translate into triplechangers maybe??)
(then again again I've thought heavily about doing a Transformers x Animorphs crossover, but I feel like the Animorphs would do what they usually do and any turning into robots might/probably is limited to the two hour morphing limit :3)
There's probably more ideas but I can't find them right now
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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We take a slight break from our main goobers to explore what's going on down at E deck, and lets just say, the repair duo who were already down there are about to add to the casualties (or at least one of them will). Also yes Lord T is an absolute unit. (also god dammit the apostrophe is IN THE WRONG PLACE ON THE LAST PANEL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 5 months ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on promotional poster art for "Invasion!," a three-issue limited series and crossover event co-written by Keith Giffen and illustrated by Todd McFarlane (he penciled two out of three issues), published by DC Comics from October to December 1988.
Resolution at 1137×1737 -- @!*%#$& MASSIVE!!
EXTRA INFO: The promotional poster was featured in "Amazing Heroes" magazine, published by Fantagraphics in October, 1988.
Source: https://forum.sanctuary.fr/t/page-s-de-pub/185608/225.
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spicynectarines · 1 year ago
I hc that after going to the ascendancy Ronan immediately died cuz he caught some wild space disease he didn’t have immunity to and perished like a victorian child
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Fuck aliens. Let's form a united society with ceteceans. They're smart enough. They have a decodable language that we could eventually learn to translate. They're essentially sea people and they deserve rights. Opposable thumbs should not be the threshold.
This is how I want political debates to look like in the future:
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bonefall · 2 years ago
sorry that im late to clanmew day but the warrior cats to major in university pipeline is so funny and so so real. the clanmew thing inspired me to try making my own conlang for my own oc thing and that's full on progressed into wanting to study linguistics in university and its fucking hilarious to me that i finally have an idea of what i want to do in life because of a warrior cats rewrite [also i mean all of this in the best way possible]
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[ID: Domino effect meme: "Weird girl gives weird girl weird cat book" -> "People earning linguistics degrees"]
I'm flattered but jeepers fucking creepers that's wild to me. Good luck!!
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pushing500 · 1 year ago
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I was chuckling watching the kids be taught some very different lessons today. I look forward to when Baby Ro is old enough to go to school, too. I wonder what he'll look like when he's older?
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Connie's sister paid us a visit. She's a bright green Yttakin raider, and when I checked their social tabs, I noticed their father is actually a part of the Waster Pirates faction. What a strange family Connie has! Her sister is now enjoying a relaxing stay in our jail until we can convince her to stay forever.
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Not much else happened in-game today, so instead, you can have this picture of Henry I doodled while I was trying to stay awake at work today. He's fun to draw, and I'm amused that so far, he seems to be the only colonist whose xenotype profile specifies an eye colour.
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