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A dumb sci-fi webcomic featuring lots of aliens, robots and all kinds of dumb fuckery.(Panels will be uploaded at my own pace)
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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[CONTENT WARNING: GORE] Hey Dale, why don't you try talking to the giant glowing robot... Oohhh... oh noooo... oough that's gonna leave a mark. [Also yeah Lord T can just tear people apart with ease, what an absolute chad].
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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We take a slight break from our main goobers to explore what's going on down at E deck, and lets just say, the repair duo who were already down there are about to add to the casualties (or at least one of them will). Also yes Lord T is an absolute unit. (also god dammit the apostrophe is IN THE WRONG PLACE ON THE LAST PANEL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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Aaand here's the first post of 2025! Hope you all had a lovely christmas (or what ever you celebrate), and a fantastic new year! We resume where we left off with our outer space goofballs. Shit might be starting to go down, or hitting the fan very shortly, given Sammy now has word that something has broken into the space station.
Let's just hope that our main cast are well prepared for it.
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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We interrupt our usual outerspace tomfoolery to say Merry Christmas! I'm going to get back to work on the current Lord T arc when I can, but for a few days I'll be taking a break (mainly for work and to figure out where to take the story arc). But until then, I hope you all have a very wonderful christmas (or what ever it is you celebrate), and a happy new year!
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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Obligatory traumatic flashback. Fun fact, Darrek (Aureas' uncle) has never had a design up until today. Keep in mind, I've had him as a name only for about 6-7 years now. Also wanted to delve into how Aureas would've looked post cybernetic operation, granted a very bare bones telling of it, but we can bring it up again later on... maybe.
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otherworld02 · 2 months ago
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Would've drawn a third panel of Sammy and Chara giving eachother a hug... If I knew how to draw people hugging. (Gonna be a slow burn through some character development for now, hopefully the next upload should be more than 2 panels). (also totally didn't forget to draw sammy's belt buckle on the second panel, sshhhhhhh)
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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Meanwhile, Chara and Aureas finally bump into Sammy. And with Chara being oh so kind of a person, she introduces the Vellaquinn in the only way she knows how. By being over the top.
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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And here we go, the big bad villain of this dumb fuckery finally shows up! (and with zero build up whatsoever!) This is Lord Television (Lord T for short), he is a hulking beast of an android. Hunting down Humans, Vellaquins or any kind of alien he can get his claws on.
Dependant on if this coming story arc makes any sense, we're gonna find out what this big guy's deal is, and why he's being a big stinky grumpo.
(also millie, you're asking a fellow robot to breathe. I'm fairly certain they can't do that).
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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She's just a real big fan of space. Also I wanna gush about Aureas for a bit because she's effectively our main protagonist. [The following features topics such as: Loss of family & disease] Aureas comes from an alien race known as “Vellaquinns” and has lived on earth with her uncle “Darrek Occlynn” since she was 11 years of age. At the age of 14 she developed a tumour that would prove itself to be fatal, thus leading Darrek to seek out the best cybernetics experts earth had at the time. The operation would go south, leading to Aureas becoming a living head on a walking life-support system. You can imagine she would be rather self-conscious about this, but over time she’s grown to accept that it's just what her life is now. During her years at the CCU (Colynoff Community University), she found a strong friendship with a girl named "Chara Emily", the pair bonding quickly over their shared love for writing music, and all kinds of dorky shit. Eventually, she would also re-unite with her childhood vellaquinn friend Zeelia Collith, the two immediately causing chaos among the many different lessons they would attend. Aureas would once again meet a life changing event, as her uncle passed away when she was 19 years old. However, not too long before Darrek’s passing, he would leave her one final gift in the form of a Meekhian youngling known as “Michael Meekhia” (Meck for short). Aureas would raise Meck as a pet at first, before it became all too obvious that he was a creature with awareness and could learn things akin to an actual person. As such, Aureas now lives with Meck in the quiet town of Colynoff, the two basically being brother and sister at this point. I just think she's neat (i love her so much).
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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Continueing on from the previous panels, I'm giving the last member of the main cast (2-N.a) some much needed attention today, along with her (and Chara's) boss "Samantha Noir"!
Samantha (more commonly reffered to as "Sammy" by literally everyone), is the head of operations at the "S.A.R.C ESS-76 Orbital Space station". Leading the charge in overlooking global security (basically an outerspace border patrol), and is generally beloved by all employees on the station. Both Sammy and 2-N.a are very close friends, such to the point where they consider each other as sisters! (despite 2-N.a being a literal android). Sammy will be a re-occuring character, like Zeelia was with Aureas previously. Now there's only one more main character to introduce. (and he's not in our main cast's good books either).
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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Now it's time for some shenanigans at the Stellar Alliance & Research Corporation! (It's that place that Chara works for).
Meekhians are not typically kept in S.A.R.C facilities, though this little goober has been particularly devious. (He burned down 70% of his village.) Oox (the naked green one) were initially an invasive species, opting to conquer planets to enact "Justice upon the known galaxy" (they see themselves as space police, but really they're a dictatorship). The Oox later on went to renounce their rather brutal ways of justice, yet opted not to join S.A.R.C, wishing to remain independant. Spacemares... exist. They realistically just serve as guardians for developing planets, nothing more has really been found out about em.
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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Michael's Christmas shenanigans [Bonus panel] Also introducing to the webcomic: Tourma Lillith. Tourma is from an ancient species known as "The Crystlax", Their existence predates the very beginning of creation. A war broke out between the Crystlax and another race called "Anomalax". The two were a twin species (hence why they both end in lax), but as the dawn of time grew closer and closer, a brief war broke out between the two. While most on earth are quick to dismiss the possibility, few actually believe the two species' original "planets" were the very cause for the big bang, colliding at such force to create an eruption of energy so powerful, that it created everything we know today. Tourma unfortunately is the last of her kind, and given she's stuck around since the dawn of the everything, she has without a shadow of a doubt claimed the title of 'oldest being in the universe'. And part time babysitter for Michael.
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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Here's the last part to the "Aureas' Christmas Shenanigans" panels. Some lore on Zeelia: She was born with a rare gene which makes her eyes glow at all times. So if you were stood in a crowded room and needed to find her, just turn out the lights and look for her eyes! As for more serious lore. [TRIGGER WARNING: Abusive topics].
Zeelia's father was an alcoholic, and this led her to being the subject of frequent verbal and physical abuse by him. It lead to Zeelia isolating herself a lot during her teenage years, only really finding a way to vent her trauma later on in college via the band she formed with Aureas. Tonal whiplash is gonna be a bitch for the next couple of panels. (I got a good few of em too, so expect panel spam).
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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But where and what exactly is Michael doing? Playing outside in the snow of course! Also introducing one of Aureas' old college friends: "Zeelia Collith". Zeelia and Aureas first met back in their college years, bonding over a shared love of music. Hell they even had a short lived punk band called "Bitedown" with another of Aureas' friends "Chara Emily". (Zeelia used to play the bass guitar, Chara played drums and Aureas on electric guitar).
I should mention where all these goobers live, it's a fictional town in England called "Colynoff". It's a little shabby, but the residents are some of the most caring and down to earth folk you'll meet. "Vella" is Aureas, Michael's And Zeelia's home planet. With the dominant species being known as "Vellaquinns. That means half of the current main cast are aliens.
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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Aureas has a mutant pet axolotl, his name is Terrance (though most just call him "Terri"), and he's basically just a house cat with a different shell. He also can't stand michael for some reason, what a simple minded creature Terri is.
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otherworld02 · 3 months ago
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We begin with character introductions (who in their right mind Wouldn't?). Aureas Occlynn. Aureas is an alien from the planet "Vella", who came to earth at the age of 12 and has lived here ever since. She's a huge nerd and is generally a nice gal to get along with (She will yap on for hours if you share interests). Chara Emily. Chara comes from the wealthy Derrickson Family, being the second youngest in her manor. She practically despises her strict mother, opting to spend more time with her rather down to earth dad instead. Like Aureas, she too is a massive nerd, but only shows it when she trusts people well enough. 2-N.a 2na is a X-N.a class mining drone manufactured by the Stellar Alliance & Research Corporation (S.A.R.C for short) in the year 1992, and worked in the mines of the asteroid "AETHER-17". Not too long after this, a century long war broke out between S.A.R.C and the invasive "Gleebs", trapping the robot and her fellow kin for 102 years. She is now considered S.A.R.C's oldest functioning unit. Michael Meekhia. Michael is Aureas' true best friend, having been a gift from her uncle Darrek at the age 17. Since then, Michael (Nicknamed "Meck" by his birth parents) has been a little goober who is there to cheer Aureas up when needed... ...That's if Michael's existence wasn't already a reminder of her beloved uncle.
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