#messe nord
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rwpohl · 1 month ago
boring postcards: researching a documentary, 2022
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acros678 · 7 months ago
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fernsehfunk-berlin · 9 months ago
Eine einzige Katastrophe
Einst konnte man hier schnell und sicher die Straßenführung am Messegelände unterqueren. Teil der Bebauung ist mit dem ehemaligen Kongresszentrum ICC verbunden gewesen. Die denkmalgeschützte Unterführung macht einen traurigen Eindruck.Fahrstühle, die nicht mehr fahren, Rolltreppen die stillstehen. Verdreckte Ecken und gesperrte Ausgänge. Es riecht nach Urin. Obdachlose schlagen hier immer wieder ihr Lager auf. Einige Leuchtstoffröhren der Lampen im 70iger Jahre Stil flackern ihrem letzten Atemzug entgegen oder sind teilweise bereits gestorben.Frauen machen hier schon lange einen großen Bogen und auch für Berlintouristen ist es eine Zumutung. Kein schönes Aushängeschild für Berlin. "Armselig und unsexy" scheint hier jeder Winkel zu sein. Einst ein Vorzeigeort für Berlin, nun eher ein Durchgangsort, um hier nicht verweilen zu müssen. Dabei steht die Unterführung doch unter Denkmalschutz und ist es wert geschützt zu werden, aber offensichtlich zieht man eher die einfachen Lösung vor und lässt diesen Ort in einen tiefen Dornröschenschlaf verfallen. Ob die Unterführung jemals reaktiviert wird steht vorerst in den Sternen. Bis es aber dazu kommt regeln nun die fleißigen Ampelmännchen den Fußgängerverkehr und das ganz ohne Gewerkschaftspause.
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kleinefreiheiten · 5 months ago
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11.2018 Berlin
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dragonknightofsummerset · 8 hours ago
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Took a picture with my phone, but this is cool
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chronic-silliness · 29 days ago
I finally got to use a camera so here's a handful of thingies i've drawn (ignore the glare, lighting was bad)
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Some NoreLu doodles and the "apple thief" himself + him 200yrs later
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Old vers of Kjarik and his sword Sjoni. I like to think that the more dragon souls you consume, the more "dov-like" you become, hence his horns/scales. Poor Kjar has been through things.
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Shines-In-Moonlight + some silly doodles of him and the others.
Last but not least, an older OC of mine, Niskndus.
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Some of these have been made a while ago and thats why the style kinda changed. I had alot of fun making them though and I hope yall like them too
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its-sixxers · 1 year ago
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#ockiss prompt one - almost
feat. idunn and tandreth
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gutachter · 7 months ago
LandTage Nord 2024
23.08. – 26.08.24 Oldenburg: „…Die Messe LandTage Nord in Wüsting bei Oldenburg ist eine Erlebwas-Messe für Agrar & Freizeit. Rund 600 Aussteller präsentieren sich auf der Verbraucher- und Landwirtschaftsmesse in Wüsting und zeigen ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen rund um die Kernthemen Freizeit und Agrar, von modernen Landmaschinen über Gartentechnik bis hin zu Tierschauen. Daneben bietet die…
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sigalrm · 1 year ago
Other people's S-Bahn is just arriving by Pascal Volk
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what-even-is-thiss · 10 months ago
Trying to come up with increasingly convoluted reasons that people in the elder scrolls are almost always the same race as their mother and not their father:
Some major racial traits are carried in the X chromosome. This would explain why males are usually visually the same as their mothers but would not explain it for females. Maybe studies in Tamriel are sexist and have an over-representation of cisgender men in the data
Race is culturally determined by the type of racial magic inherent and what magic abilities you get are caused by stewing in your mother’s magic or something
Whether a baby will have an elven or human appearance/lifespan is like. Hormone based? Based on what hormones they’re exposed to in the womb? Kinda like how some scientists think homosexuality works? Maybe if you put an elf fetus into a human it would turn into some new type of human with elf dna?
The gods give the racial appearance of the baby to the parent that prays about it harder and if they both ask just as hard the pregnant one wins the tie because they’re doing the most work
It’s actually equally likely for either parents’ race to be visually or magically dominant but the people of Tamriel have just somehow been getting heads in the coin toss for five billion times in a row, like when a family of twelve is all girls or all boys but taken to the extreme
Certain racial traits are just considered culturally to make you that race if you have them. Like how dark skin might work in some places in our world. So maybe all the half this or that people we’ve met have just happened to inherit those racial traits from their mothers. Like how the grey prince from Oblivion has an orcish nose so he’s considered to be an orc even though he’s half imperial or how Karliah from Skyrim has grey skin so she’s considered to be a dark elf even though one of her grandfathers was mixed race altmer/bosmer
The imperial guild of healers is just making this stuff up and it’s just not true. You can meet some people in the games that inherited their father’s race including Virkmund, a Nord child in Skyrim with a Breton mother and there’s written records of more instances of people looking more like their fathers
The Dreamer that’s dreaming up the universe messes with peoples DNA to make them look like their mothers because it likes things to fit in neat categories
The people on Tamriel have alien DNA or some other equivalent thing native only to a jar in Todd Howard’s office.
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changelingsandothernonsense · 3 months ago
Josh designs part 5- Post Morrowind
Rounding out this um... awful day that started ok with Joshi's designs from between the end of Morrowind's main quest to post Dragon Crisis.
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After he defeated Dagoth Ur, Josh is at a bit of a loss. He lost his husband, his joy and his ability to move with ease. His pelvis and femurs get crushed under the hand of Akulakhan and he's lucky that he can walk mostly unassisted at all.
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As a part of Ashland mourning rituals, Josh has three ritual scars cut into his cheeks (loss of a spouse) and his head shaved. He starts growing it back a year into his three-year mourning rite courtesy of Nerevar taking the reins and sending him to Mournhold for a "reunion" with his ex-wife. Josh does front at times but he really only has tiny fragments of memory from that time. He flees Morrowind after the death of two of the Tribunal and finds himself in Cyrodiil pawning off Nerevarine memorabilia to feed his alcoholism.
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He meets Jiub again and finds a shed of joy and stability. Things start looking up for a few years before the Oblivion Crisis. Of course his time had to be ruined by more daedra. (Josh can't handle affection, also his hair's cute here)
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Which sends him to his first of many rock bottoms. He shaves his head, though the scaring can only be done by wise-women so he feels like he can't even mourn right. Josh wanders Cyrodiil with nothing but the clothes on his back until he steals enough cash to take him to Sunhold, where his mother currently lives. He knows he needs someone to take care of him after everything. (Sidenote Josh is upset here over his son rejecting him in that letter.)
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He starts doing better with care and starts focusing again on cracking Dwemeris. He gets his work published in Summerset under an Altmeri pseudonym and has submitted his work to the last shreds of the Arcane University by the time he runs back to Vvardenfell to get his family (the Urshilaku confederacy and his son) out before Red Mountain blew. He spends a lot of time after Red Year leading refugees out of Morrowind, though he keeps his face covered. He starts wearing a mask in public permanently. No one needs to know what became of the Nerevarine. (Josh cuts two new scars into his face that represents the concept of mourning a group, he mourns for sixty years)
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Jump a few centuries into the future and ya boi is fresh out of luck once again. He ends up taking the blame for the death of a child and finds himself on the run for years. This is when we join up with the Skyrim timeline- or just before in my fic. (He had his ear notched and his earring- ringmail of Alandro-Sul taken as a trophy)
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He's a mess by the Dragon Crisis, sobriety becomes a rarity. He finds a bit of joy once he and Sydari stop doing the on and off again thing though that ends when Sydari goes and deals with Alduin. She's gone for six years and that leads him to picking fights with dragons, ancient Nords and deadra alike.
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And he doesn't come out the other side unscathed. A dragon mauling sees him lose most of his right ear, part of his left and scaring that causes him facial paralysis and slightly slurred speech.
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He does, after way too long drowing, get himself a modicum of peace. He sobers up after Sydari comes back, hoping to be a better father to their daughter than he was for his son. Sydari manages to patch up things between him and Adren well enough. Vyna should know her older brother after all. The length of his hair is kinda indicative of his turmoil. Longer hair means more time between losses, shorter hair indicates grief. Shaved hair indicates mourning etc.
Anyway, hopefully next year's Josh!fest is less devastating.
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acros678 · 7 months ago
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falcemartello · 3 months ago
L'acufene bugiardo
Le falsità vengono nel mondo con un rumore così forte che le orecchie che suonano diventano sorde alla realtà.
Tuttavia, vale la pena “dire la verità”.
Di più: è addirittura essenziale.
Le bugie hanno le gambe corte.
Eppure lasciano un’impronta difficile da rimuovere.
Ciò è esemplificato dall’invenzione della “Conferenza di Wannsee 2.0”.
Lo stesso vale per le rivelazioni Nord Stream di Seymour Hersh o le fughe di notizie sul Covid ...
E più recentemente, le tante bugie di guerra.
Una volta messe al mondo, le bugie persistono e sono difficili da sfatare, anche con la confutazione più laboriosa.
Perché se la bugia viene ripetuta abbastanza spesso, diventa verità.
Così i professionisti delle pubbliche relazioni lo hanno imparato dallo stratega della propaganda nazista Joseph Goebbels e lo usano ancora oggi.
La ripetizione della menzogna crea un'eco che risuona per sempre nelle orecchie e nella memoria collettiva.
Per tutti coloro che lottano per la verità, questi tempi sono un estenuante gioco di lepre e riccio.
Se appare una parte di verità, viene costantemente soffocata dal forte segnale acustico della falsità.
Come si può affrontare questo problema?
(Supergirl by Twitter X)
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kleinefreiheiten · 10 months ago
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11.2018 Berlin
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jjjpppllleee-blog · 4 months ago
A night in Riften
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Just something I wrote of the dragoborn getting jealous over Haelga. Forgive me if this isn't that good, I did not stop writing until I finished it, so definetely not my best work!
“ He is so divine.” Haelga gushed.
You did your best to tune out the whistling of her voice, that was fervently annoying. Nivenor, the elven woman sighed dreamily, you could almost feel her breath from the bar.
“ That armor, it’s so unique, and his cape! I’ve hardly ever seen any man use one anymore. “
“ He must be from another place. His hair is so dark, and what is that tattoo on his face?” Haelga chirped.
You turned over your shoulder, peering at the cattle woman. Wanton eyes scarfing down Kaidan, Haelga rubbing her legs together. She sweetly smiled at him, even though he did not look her way. You’d be lying to say they were wrong.
“ God, he’s gorgeous.” She whispered.
You turned back to Talon, still preparing the dishes you had purchased. The ale on your tongue seemed to dull in flavor, thinking about that wench pawing on his skin, ‘worshiping’ his body.
“ Do you think he is spoken for? I see no ring on his finger or woman at his waist. I imagine someone like him, it’s hard to keep the females away. “
You looked around again, trying your best to seem nonchalant as you scoped the room. Kaidan kept his head down, reading the latest book you gave him, ‘Amulet of Kings’. Nivenor twirled a finger around her cup, her head perched in a hand mimicking Haelga. Typical wench energy. And wasn’t she married?
“ Please, what could YOU do to satisfy a man? I’ve been telling you for years to practice the dibellan arts.” She flicked her eyes to Nivenor briefly, before returning her lustful gaze back to her companion. “ He’s no newcomer to sex. I can see it in the way he carries himself.”
“ You never fail to remind me of that, you know. I still have seen my fair share of cock. Some returning.”
“ All mine come crawling back.” Haelga boasted.
You scoffed, and shook your head. That stupid brazen woman. Had you feeling small, admittedly. You leaned forward again, feeling quite inadequate in your number of lovers, or experience. You could never satisfy that man, he must’ve had an insatiable appetite. You looked at your hands, your thighs, that had grown slightly thicker. The lack of activity as of late had allowed you to gain more volume. Haelga, that slim, blessed woman, tall, beautiful nord. Fuck, was all you could think. Kaidan wasn’t even yours, or reciprocated the feelings you felt. Yet what competition was there if any you had to those women? Kaidan wouldn’t bed you, in fact he would probably bed her first before you, ever.
“ Perhaps, he’d like a preview.” Haelga spoke.
You flipped around, your heart racing. She had not moved, like you thought, but slipped her leg from the slit of her dress. “ Do you know his name,” Haelga asked nivenor, nodding her head to her.
“ No.”
“ I’m sure I will learn it soon enough, he'll have me mewl it tonight.”
Time felt pressed now. You had only moments, perhaps seconds before that whore tried to take him from you. Kaidan, was your companion. Your company tonight. He needn’t the company of another, surely. But when had he really….last? All of your time together, had been, together. Not once had you noticed he’d stray away to mingle with another woman. Not even Narri, he had turned her offer down. Would tonight be the night?
“ Talon, how soon do you think you could get that for me?” You hushed.
“ I need a few more minutes. That hungry, huh?” He chuckled.
Your stomach turned. “ Something like that.” You looked back at them. If you could hear her, surely Kaidan could, a mere table away.
“ How about you pour me a few mugs in the meantime ? I can come back to collect. “ You flushed.
“ Sure.”
You ran a hand through your hair, slightly matted with grime from the previous travels. Did you stink too? Gods, what a mess you seemed to be.
“ That sword must be heavy to carry every where. “
“ Which sword, do you imply?” Haelga chuckled. Nivenor followed with her own giggle.
“ I’d love for him to pick me up and thrown me on his bed. Make me feel like a helpless bandit whilst he tears into me.” Haelga chuckled again at her comment, and you spun back around. Whore, was all you could think.
Kaidan started to shuffle a bit, putting his hand over his forehead. He looked… uncomfortable. You started to frown, your shoulders tensed as did his.
“ Warrior or not. All i need is his cock. All he’d be good for. “
Kaidan flicked his eyes around, a look you hadn’t ever recognized before spurning his normally brooding face. His eyes landed on you for a moment, curtly nodding your way before turning back into his book. But he no longer read, just stared at the words.
“ Here,” Talon slid the mugs across the table.
You took them, without looking away from Kaidan. Your legs seemed heavy, your shoulders pushed back, and soon enough, you found yourself at the table with the women. You looked down at them, their faces confused as you smiled gently. A heat rolled down your veins as you asked.
“ Hello, may I sit with you?” You did not wait for a response as you planted yourself in the empty seat, and placed your mugs down.
“ I’m Astielann. And you are?”
“ Haelga-”
“ Trust that I know who YOU are love, “ You smiled at Nivenor, who looked between you both.
“ Nivenor. Nice to meet you.”
“ I saw you both, and wanted to join, it’s not often that I get to just relax and be a girl for a moment. “ You could feel Kaidan’s stare into the back of your skull. Haelga, distracted, looked down the length of you with suspicion. “ Well, what is it that we should talk about?” You quipped, taking a sip of mead.
“ Well,” Haelga uttered. “Just looking at the meat today. There’s a lot to take in this tavern.” she pointed. “ Like him, “ You followed her finger to Asgeir. “ Yes, quite a handsome man.”
“ I hear he’s lovely in bed. He was a warrior before becoming a partner in the meadery , you know. “ ‘ You would know’, You thought.
" Oh? Is he a charmer?” You asked.
“ He’s a sweetheart from what I’m told. Someone of your aperture I’m sure. “
“ And what does that mean?” You asked, witha sickly sweet grin.
“ You just seem like the type that needs a gentleman, someone with more class, and taste, and can take care of you. “ Nivenor chirped. “ He is a wealthy man you know. My husband works with him sometimes, and he spoils. “
“ He sounds wonderful. “ I don’t suppose you can introduce me to him?” You smiled at the girl.
Haelga frowned at this, flickering her gaze to your companion. “ Erm, perhaps another time. But of course, you’re pretty, and… “ She glanced over you again. “ Have a lot to offer. I’m sure you wouldn’t need me.”
You sighed dramatically. “ Oh, me? I wouldn’t stand a chance. “You played with a hair. “ I haven’t bathed in a day, can still smell char from that cave I cleared earlier.”
“ You’re a traveller?” Haelga asked. “ A mage?”
“ Oh yes, cleansing the world from monsters and mer, protecting the realm from the unruly. It’s quite a task to do alone.”
“ Is that why you have two mugs?” Nivenor chuckled. “ Trying to forget the day?”
You laughed this time. “ One is for my companion. “
“ Who?”
You turned over your shoulder, peeking at Kaidan, who looked up at you. You turned back around, a small smile. “ Kaidan, over there.” This time, you stared right into Haelga. “ You know, the one with the cock.” The color drained from her cheeks, and her lips pursed.
“ uhm…”
“ It was impolite of you to speak of my companion that way. “ You frowned. “ I correct, disturbing.”
“ I didn’t mean any harm, by it. “ She uttered, crossing her legs.
“ Sure, you didn’t. I know what you meant, and it was offensive. Dibella taught you a lot, but it seems she forgot manners.”
“ Are you his lover? Is that why you act so prudent? Afraid I might lure him away from you?” She threatened.
“ Quite the contrary. I merely stepped into this conversation to correct your fowl imagination of that man and tell you how disrespectful you are to talk about him so loosely when he fights everyday to protect you. Your groveling is so loud I can feel the desperation from the bar.” You took a swig, haelga stunned by your words, put her hands on the table.
“ Your words don’t hurt me, you think because you’re a mage that I can’t find someone to hurt you on my behalf? I suggest you shut it, before you regret it.”
You shrugged, and a chair scraped behind you. “ My words may not hurt, but my magic does.” You stood. Grabbing both the mugs with grin. “ Send who you’d like, if you wish to see them dead, I’ll sever their head from their shoulders faster than you can blink. Consider this a promise.” You turned, Kaidan glaring at the woman with anger. When she didn’t speak more, kaidan pulled you away,finding another table by the cooking spit. It was much quieter and more secluded there.
When you sat down, you avoided his intense stare, arranging the fork and knife neatly. Your face burned and the arousal of jealousy dissipated into embarrassment. Kaidan didn’t speak for a moment. “ You didn’t have to do that. “ He said.
“ You’d do it for me.” You looked away from him. Tapping your foot with haste. “ I hated how she spoke of you. “
“ No one's stood up for me like that. Defend my honor. It made me feel good. “
“ I’m glad. “ A smile tugged. “ Guess I'm just repaying the favor, someone breathes my way wrong and you're ready to jump into action for me.” You joked.
“ Aye, that I would. Just want to be sure no one gets to you before me” He rubbed his neck awkwardly . “ Guess it can be a bit much sometimes. “
“No it’s fine,” you chuckled. “ It doesn't bother me. I like that you want to keep me safe. Your loyalty means a lot. “ You assured.
The room fell silent once more, and you peaked at him. He smiled gently, and reached for your hand. He rubbed your knuckles, his fingertips cold on your warm hands.
“ I’m sorry if I ruined anything for you tonight..”
“ What do you mean?” He asked. “ Well,”
You paused. “ I think you know what I mean.”
“ With her?” He laughed. “ Nah, maybe the old me.” He pulled away, looked down at his mug. “ I’m saving myself for someone special."
“ Oh?” You uttered, trying your best to feign a smile. Whoever she was is lucky, surely. To have him wrapped around his finger. The glint in his eyes was sweet. “ She must be very special. “
“ Very.” He smiled.
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moodcrab · 3 months ago
The Skyrim Opening Makes No Sense!
YouTube has recently been recommending a lot of people playing Skyrim for the first time, mostly from channels by young people exploring very old games... BETHESDA! This means for the first time in a decade I've watched the Skyrim vanilla opening over and over and... Well I guess I never really thought about it in detail. Before I started modding it was just something tedious to get past... But watching it retrospectively along with commentary from a fresh point of view I've noticed that the Skyrim Intro Makes No Sense!
So we wake up on the cart next to Ulfric, a man who is gagged because he can literally murder people with his voice... But all our hands are bound in front of us... Just like, take the gag off dude. Like it sucks that apparently that bit of cloth is more powerful than the Thu'um, but you could just reach up and take it out of your mouth, fuck we'll help you if it's at an awkward angle or whatever, this is literally all our lives and your whole rebellion at stake, that's all.
General Tulius is here, meeting up with the Thalmor that he totally trusts, that's totally not sus that they knew to be here at all... Makes you wonder why he didn't just execute Ulfric on the spot as soon as he was caught doesn't it? It's not like he's giving Ulfric a trial or anything, as far as the Empire is concerned Ulfric is guilty. Tulius for some reason just decided to bring Ulfric to a town to execute him, not even the nearest town to where he was caught either. Did he want witnesses? Ok just leave a handful of Stormcloaks alive, they aren't going to lie about seeing Ulfric beheaded.
Nevermind we're here now, quickly, kill Ulfric and bring a swift end to this mess... After I make a little speech. And after this priestess makes a little speech. And after we execute this nobody Stormcloak. And after we execute the random in the rags who we aren't even sure is guilty of anything. Why are we here again?
Oh yeah, we were "caught crossing the border" right? Take a deep breath before we delve into this hole that Bethesda dug for itself for literally no reason; baring in mind that in all previous games where you begin as a prisoner they never explicitly say why you are a prisoner. What crime are you accused of, are you guilty or innocent, that was all your headcannon and Skyrim needn't have been any different. So... Exactly what border were we caught illegally crossing?
Well, there are numerous examples of the game implying or outright stating that the player character is not from Skyrim, even if you choose to play a Nord. Every race specific response from Hadvar, for example, or when Galmar asks why an outsider would want to join the Stormcloaks. So you definitely crossed a national border... The only problem is, as Ralof confirms, the Imperial ambush happened at Darkwater Crossing, a location that is nowhere near a national border. Helgan is in fact closer to the border than Darkwater Crossing, but that doesn't matter because, as Tulius and the Fort Nugart Note confirmes, the border to Cyrodiil is snowed in, hence his recruiting locally and not relying on Imperial reinforcements.
The only border that Ralof could possibly be talking about is the Eastmarch-Rift border, both Holds that are Stormcloak territory, so why the Imperial Legion would care about someone random crossing it I don't know. And even if they weren't Stormcloak Holds, as we all know from actually playing the rest of the game, crossing Hold borders isn't illegal. In fact it actually erases your wanted level.
Again, nobody forced Bethesda to make it cannon that The Last Dragonborn was caught crossing a border they physically couldn't have crossed, illegally, despite the fact it isn't illegal. It's literally one line of dialogue, this was entirely avoidable.
What's that bone chilling roar? IT'S NOTHING! Hurry up and kill this obviously not a rebel (before Ulfric, the actual terrorist). It's fair to say they couldn't have guessed that that noise was coming from a dragon, but to assert that it's nothing!? With those oh so trustworthy Thalmor just down the street? Yeah probably nothing, keep Ulfric at the bottom of the list. Gods I fucking love damn lists!
Well it turns out that the terrifying roar didn't just come from absolutely nothing. It in fact came from absolutely something. Nobody could have foreseen this. The something it absolutely was, is a dragon, and in the chaos Ulfric somehow got away. Again, nobody could have foreseen this, in fact it's pretty much the opposite of what Tulius was going for here.
In our desperate escape we run straight past two giant city gates because Tulius ordered us to use the unnecessarily labyrinthian, giant-spider infested escape route through the keep that's literally collapsing on us instead.
We get a choice, go with Ralof, a fellow prisoner who has risked his life to save ours, or Hadvar, someone who was perfectly willing to kill us knowing full well we were innocent, but he feews weelly bawd abowd id 🥺. Fuck off Hadvar, you "just following orders, I'll pay your corpse more respect than your life, torture is a necessary evil" bitch! And fuck this opening for not letting me skip anything! I may not be a big fancy "great American novel" writer like Emil Pagliarulo, but still I think this could have used a second draft.
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