#meso compound
tenth-sentence · 8 months
Because (c) and its mirror image (d) are superimposable, they are the same molecule and achiral.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
Figure 17.21 shows the two pairs of mirror images of this compound. Structures (a) and (b) are nonsuperimposable mirror images and, therefore, they are a pair of enantiomers. Structures (c) and (d) are also mirror images, but they are superimposable if they are rotated to the appropriate orientation. Therefore, (c) and (d) are not different molecules; they are the same molecule, just oriented differently. Because (c) and its mirror image (d) are superimposable, they are the same molecule and achiral.
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Thus, even though (c) has two stereocentres, it is achiral. Its plane of symmetry is shown in figure 17.21. The stereoisomer of tartaric acid represented by (c) or (d) is called a meso compound, defined as an achiral compound with two or more stereocentres.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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oh-dear-so-queer · 8 months
Firstly, 4-methylcyclohexanol can exist as two stereoisomers – a pair of cis-trans isomers. Both the cis and trans isomers are meso compounds and are achiral.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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pennyhelpsmestudy · 1 year
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I’ve been on spring break recently, so there wasn’t much to post.
Studying for my second exam, and I’m really struggling with enantiomers and meso compounds. Any tips? I feel like I’ve watched every video on the subject.
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glitchlight · 7 months
Viv be a worm cop tell me more about nematodes
At the risk of sounding like a moron to ecologists, ecology is one of the great black boxes of the natural sciences. Instead of studying any specific element of the natural world in isolation, such as botany, geology, hydrology, and the half dozen other major disciplines, you're studying systems and dynamics, which presents inherent challenges that monodisciplines don't suffer. Compounding this, portions of ecological systems can remain cryptic even in the face of rigorous study, due to limitations in study design, inherent complexity of ecosystems, and the sheer noise and destruction that exists at the interfaces of the natural and constructed worlds.
Soil ecology compounds many of these challenges to the next level. Very literally, ecosystems move from the macro scale and the obvious to the meso to micro scale and the obscure. Soil ecology remains cryptic except to experts or whenever its effects translate to the macro scale, generally as harmful or helpful effects as they relate to other ecosystems. When they impact crop health or have impacts on plant growth or the geochemical behavior of certain compounds.
Long story short is I can't tell you any fun things about nematodes in soil because I don't KNOW NOTHING FUCK 12
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nashali-mga2023mi5019 · 3 months
White Hat research - Anatomy and Physiology
so... for this topic, I wanted to continue with the sub-category of the Anatomy and Physiology of insects.
all insect species possess, (in the adult stage), three pairs of jointed legs and three main body parts - head, thorax, and Abdomen.
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Overall Body Plan
Insect Body Regions: Head, Thorax, and Abdomen. See text for details. Modified from Packard 1890[1].
Insects have three major body regions: head, thorax, and abdomen (see Insect Body Regions, right).
The head is made of 5-7 fused segments and bears the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts.
The thorax consists of three segments called the pro-, meso-, and metathorax. Appendages used for movement are attached to the thorax. Each of the segments of the thorax bears one pair of legs and if wings are present they are found on the meso- and metathorax only. The top of the prothorax is called the pronotum.
An insect's abdomen consists of 11 or fewer segments that generally do not bear any appendages, except for segments near the rear which may have appendages associated with reproduction
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Head and Mouthparts
The head can be divided into general regions (see General Insect Head Regions and Mouthparts, left): the top of the head is the vertex, the side or cheeks are gena, the front of the face is the front, and below the front is the clypeus. These regions may be highly modified or lost in some groups of insects. Adult insects may have two types of eyes, larger compound eyes that consist of many facets (ommatidia), and eyes that occur as a single facet, ocelli. The number and placement of ocelli can be important for identification.
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The mouthparts of humans consist of five layers or horizons; upper lip, upper jaw, tongue, lower jaw, and lower lip. Insect mouthparts also consist of five horizons and are made of appendages modified for food handling (see General Mouthparts, right). The labrum is similar to an upper lip. It is not divided but may have a notch on the outer (distal) edge. Below the labrum are the mandibles, paired structures generally made of strong material (heavily sclerotized) and used for cutting or grinding. The specific shape and various features found on the mandibles may be essential for understanding what and how an organism eats. The hypopharynx is an internal structure located below the mandibles and has a tongue-like function. Below the mandibles (externally) are paired appendages called the maxillae. Generally, each maxilla bears an appendage, the maxillary palpus that is used for food handling and may contain taste or smell organs called sensillae. The bottom horizon of insect mouthparts is the labium which is made of two fused maxilla-like structures and bears labial palps.
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All insect mouthparts are modifications of this basic plan. A mosquito's proboscis contains all five mouthpart types, see the cross section in Mosquito Mouthparts, B., right. In cases of extreme modification, some mouthparts may become fused, reduced, or lost. Mouthpart arrangement can be critical when studying an insect's potential to vector a disease, access a portion of a plant, etc.
Insect Legs
Insect Legs. All insect legs contain the same basic parts: coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus, the latter of which is armed with one or two claws. The color of each leg part is the same throughout all the anatomy figures.
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Insects have three pairs of legs, one pair on each of the three segments of the thorax, and are generally called the fore-, mid-, and hind legs. Any of the pairs of legs may be heavily modified and are important for locomotion, prey capture, mating, etc. Thankfully, just like mouthparts, all insect legs contain the same basic parts. From proximal (toward or against the body) to distal (away from the body) the parts of an insect leg are the coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. The tarsus almost always has one or two claws at the type used to grasp the substrate. The figure Insect Legs, right, shows legs modified for numerous purposes: A, running; B, jumping; C, digging; D, grasping; E, catching; F, walking and digging; G, reduced leg used for walking and digging; H, male leg modified for grasping females during mating
Basic Internal Anatomy
The internal anatomy of insects is amazingly complex. A good-sized caterpillar has more muscles than a human. The internal anatomy of insects differs from vertebrates (including humans) in several major ways.
Digestive/excretory system: Insects have a complete digestive system just like vertebrates (tube from the mouth to the anus) but it differs in a very important way (see Digestive System, left). The insect digestive system has three major regions, foregut, midgut, and hindgut.[1] The foregut and the hindgut are lined with chitin, the same stuff that makes up much of the exoskeleton of the insect. When an insect molts (sheds it's "skin", see below) it also sheds the internal lining of the fore- and hindguts. Loss of the gut contents is a problem if the insect relies on gut microorganisms (gut fauna) to help with digestion. The gut fauna often lives in the hind gut (termites, for example). Suddenly the gut fauna is lost and must be replenished with every molt.
Insects do not have kidneys. Instead, metabolic wastes are removed with the Malpighian tubules[2].
Respiratory (ventilation) system: Insects don't have lungs. They obtain oxygen and dispel carbon dioxide through a series of tubes called tracheae (see Respiratory System, right). The tracheae are attached to openings on the body called spiracles. The number and placement of spiracles varies and smaller insects may not have any. Traditionally, the view has been held that respiration in insects is passive, but recent evidence has demonstrated that some insects actively expand and contract trachea to ventilate their bodies.
Circulatory system: Insects do not have blood, or blood vessels that are part of a closed circulatory system. Instead, insects have an open circulatory system where a substance called hemolymph bathes the organs directly. Some insects have a long heart-like organ along the dorsal side of the internal organs that helps circulate the hemolymph through the body. It comprises a single sheath of tissue and a series of muscles, and in many insects includes a tubular portion that functions as a dorsal aorta. Hemolymph also circulates through the legs, wings, and antennae via a series of simple one-way valves.
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info from https://wiki.bugwood.org/
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fitnessmentor · 1 year
The Strength of Resilience: How to Find Strength in Difficult Times
What are the differences between training for size and strength? Are there any? Yes!
Although very similar, training for size is different than strength training. The result is very different. Although, when training very hard, you will get bigger and stronger, you can focus on one rather than the other, depending on your goals. And that is what Mike Israetel is here to elucidate.
Dr. Mike Israetel has a PhD in sports physiology and co-founded Renaissance Periodization, a YouTube channel focused on hypertrophy. He is the person many bodybuilders turn to when building muscle.
He shared a few key differences between training for size and strength. Check it out.
Differences Between Training for Size and Strength
Here are the differences between training for size and strength, depending on each category.
3-6 rep range for strength
5-30 rep range for hypertrophy
Regarding volume, what are the differences between training for size and strength?
> Strength training is more fatiguing per set. Hypertrophy training does not require as high preparedness, meaning just grinding through is fine.
Training for size sees higher stimuli with higher volumes than strength training does.
In reality, you cannot do both training for strength and size optimally simultaneously.
This is where the differences between training for size and strength are more significant.
When training for strength, progression in load is everything, while volume is not a must-do.
However, load progression works very well for hypertrophy purposes, but the other shouldn’t be discarded either.
In simpler terms, if you ask yourself if you should add 15lbs to the barbell and no extra sets or add 5 pounds to the bar and 1 set next week, the answer is:
For strength, add 15 pounds
For stability, add an extra set and increase the weight load slightly
Israetel explains that you primarily need local muscles to heal between sessions for hypertrophy gains. For strength purposes, stimulative sessions need fuller recovery.
Exercise Selection
What about exercise selection? What are the differences between training for size and strength?
Strength training is defined by exercises, usually training the movement or similar ones and other activities. Think of “increasing my squat” instead of “stronger legs.” Training is not ideal for single-joint and machine movements.
Training for size thrives on intra-week exercise variation. Barbell squats alone will not get you more giant legs; you must add variation. In the same way, walking lunges won’t give you a strength boost but will help you get more giant legs.
How to Get The Best of Both
Is it possible to try and reap the benefits of training for size and strength? You definitely can.
Choose more compound movements, free-weight exercises
Perform 3-6 rep range strength-focused exercises at the beginning of your sessions
Do accessories that are still as beneficial as possible in the 6–12 rep range later in the session
Begin at your hypertrophy’s minimum practical volume and stay close to it
Progress is mostly in load week, rarely on set numbers
Ideally, you should phase-potentially do 2-3 mesos of hypertrophy training (6–15 rep range), 2-3 mesos of strength training (3-6 rep range), and take a 1-3 week active recovery phase after the phase. Then repeat.
And that was Dr. Mike Israetel’s explanation about the differences between training for size and strength. For more in-depth clarification, click on the video below.
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ethanbabayyyy · 1 year
May 3 Reflection
Oh man.
This is late because I spent the hours after working out to study with Daddy Brandon Pham last night for our stats midterm at 8:00am.
Yesterday, things started looking up. I was no longer in over my own head so I was only 83.33% depressed. I started the day with some The Study. Got a pretty mid latte yet again (I guess the study just doesn't have good drinks) but I walked to Kerckhoff with Trinity and sat in the patio with her and Jake until 10:00. I went to ochem (ugh) and learned about diastereomers and meso compounds. Then I got 12/16 on an ONLINE TEST because I told the group I was fine with being the guinea pig for to check our score. I shouldn't have done that because it ruined the rest of my day. But then I went to stats and chem discussion and learned a lot. Then I went to the Study again to meet up with big boy Jayden Arevalo. Then I ate with Karis. For two hours. It was fun.
Then I worked out and saw friends and that brightened my day even more. Then I stayed up till 3 and almost missed my alarm this morning so that was great. But we're still alive so it's cool.
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Preprints | Hegemonic Design Bias in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A Conceptual Framework for Why MOOCs Struggle to Democratise Learning
See on Scoop.it - Education 2.0 & 3.0
Hegemonic design bias describes a series of processes, constraints, and biases that optimise MOOC production toward the already well-educated. At the macro level, the relative importance of knowledge production compared to knowledge dissemination among elite institutions of higher education, the tendency for this focus to produce extremely exclusionary admissions standards, and elitist mimicry resulting in institutional isomorphism all influence the design of MOOCs. At the meso level, a process termed ‘early-adopter iteration bias’ skews this design further; through this process, well-educated users make up most MOOC participants, producing the data that researchers and practitioners analyse to iterate and improve MOOCs. A separate but related process, termed ‘research-praxis bias,’ further prevents MOOC development from meeting the needs of underserved learners. At the micro level, a series of pedagogical, curricular, and technological design processes compound these issues further. This theory-building research exercise yields a conceptual framework for how to consider the socio-technical ecosystems producing MOOCs, which can be further refined and tested.
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blogbeautytips · 2 years
The current most well-liked techniques for reducing face fat
Face fat is a pretty widespread issue in today's society. The act of loading up on high-fat foods, the habit of consuming salty foods that induce water retention in the face, eating fast food, being sedentary, etc. are the main causes of facial fat buildup.
Currently, a number of well-liked techniques exist to remove facial fat, including:
Naturally reduce facial fat while receiving massages: This approach calls for strict eating habits. use a face fat-reduction essence with massage. The status of facial fat will get better over the course of one to three months.
Surgery to reduce facial fat: High-caliber medical professionals and reputed hospitals are needed for this procedure. to get rid of both sides of the face's cheek fat pockets. But not everybody is qualified to do facial fat removal surgery. The dissection procedure is highly dependent on the body's reaction to the anesthetic's effects.
Using microtechnology to get rid of face fat introducing a facial fat reduction essence into the fat layer via mesotherapy micropoint implant technology. From there, natural fat elimination via liquefaction. When used in conjunction with top-notch essences like Meso Face V-line Plus, the meso face fat reduction approach will produce remarkable results.
Exceptional benefits of lowering face fat Plus Meso Face V-line
To put it simply, mesotherapy essence implant technique is used to introduce Face V-line Plus into the fat layer beneath the skin. The benefits of this approach are as follows:
No anesthesia, no surgery, and no recovery time
swiftly, merely in a matter of 30 minutes
The impact is immediately noticeable, and after about a month it becomes the most gorgeous.
1 course is required to keep the results of the 5- to 6-month facial fat reduction.
Natural ways to slim down and firm up your face
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The reason why Meso Face V-line Plus efficiently reduces facial fat is unclear
The idea behind meso is that it may be used to move the essence to the appropriate spot. The essence utilized throughout the procedure is the secret to using meso to decrease face fat successfully. Where is Face V-line Plus face slimming essence located precisely.
The Face V-line Plus is a product of the Korean Ultra V brand. Dermatologists all across the world rely on the well-known brand Ultra V for the research and development of extremely effective meso solutions.
The "golden ingredient list" for Face V-line Plus has been studied to be effective in decreasing facial fat naturally.
Walnut extract (Juglans Regia) balances fat by preventing the buildup of saturated Omega 3 fatty acids, which improves blood circulation.
Aesculus hippocastanum horse chestnut extract contains saponin escin, an anti-inflammatory compound that also speeds up fat metabolism and strengthens blood vessels.
Tyrosine: Promotes the conversion of lipids into energy and boosts intracellular oxidation, which increases lipolysis.
Simply put, Face V-line Plus will "search" for fat cells when it is mesoscopically placed into the subcutaneous fat layer. then transform fat reserves into fuel the body can use. This metabolized fat is tolerated by the body. In order to have a slimmer face, encourage the creation of natural collagen and eslatin.
The following situations are appropriate for Meso Face V-line Plus:
Trim the chubby cheeks and chubby face.
Get rid of the double chin.
Skin tightening and improved fat removal
Meso Face V-line Plus reduces facial fat in what ways?
Face fat removal with Meso Face V-line Plus is carried out similarly to standard meso skin treatments. The sole distinction is that the essence will be injected into the dermis if mesotherapy is used to treat the skin. To implant the essence deeper into the fat layer, meso lowers facial fat next.
Step 1: Cleanse your face.
Step 2: Incubate the numbing cream and rub it.
Step 3: Insert Face V-line Plus essence using the meso technique where you need to minimize fat.
Step 4: Electrophoresis for skin regeneration and comfort
A Meso Face V-line Plus face fat reduction course is conducted 4 times, once every week, in a row. After completing the entire course of treatment, the face will appear slimmer and the effect of fat reduction will persist for 5 to 6 months. The need to repeat the course is therefore dependent upon the location and eating habits of each individual.
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nothewraith · 4 years
just astral projected to 2012 and made a post “why isnt the alina/darkling shipname SunnyD lol”
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MCAT notes (3)
organic chemistry
isomerism: a relationship between two molecules, in which both have the same molecular formula but differ structurally in some way as denoted below.
isomers may differ in physical and/or chemical properties due to structural disparity
physical property = unrelated to molecular composition; chemical property = alterable aspect of molecular composition/reactivity
structural (constitutional) isomers – differ in intramolecular atomic connectivity (i.e, different bond types and/or numbered order of substituents)
stereoisomers – same intramolecular atomic connectivity but different configuration (i.e., spatial position)
1. conformers – essentially 1 compound in 2+ different, rotational states
antiperiplanar / synperiplanar – denote that two groups of any type are in opposite ( ‘anti’ ) and the same ( ‘syn’ ) regions, respectively, of 1 plane ( ‘periplanar’ ) 
linear conformers – different rotational states of 1 single linear molecule, all of which 1) have different energy costs to remain in and 2) can interrotate to any of the others given enough energy
depicted using Newman projection between a designated viewpoint with 1 front and 1 back carbon 
the more space between largest substituents on F and B, the lower energy cost, in descending order as follows: 
» anti – 2 largest substituents on F and B carbon are 180º apart in Newman
» gauche – 2 largest substituents on F and B carbon are 60º apart in Newman
» eclipsed – 2 largest substituents on F and B carbon are 120º apart, meaning that they overlap with smaller substituents on respective C’s
» total eclipsed – 2 largest substituents on F and B carbon are 0º apart, meaning that they overlap with each other
cyclic conformers – different positional orientations of 1 single cyclic molecule, all of which 1) have different energy costs and 2) can flip into any one of the others given enough energy
substituents and H’s are alternatively axial (±y) and equatorial (±x) 
cyclic conformers lower energy costs by reducing 1 of 3 types of strain: 
» angle (distorted bond angles between bonded C’s)
» torsional (syn/eclipsed substituents on bonded C’s)
» van der Waals non-bonding (e- repulsion between proximal large substituents on non-bonded C’s)
chair = 2 almost identical and most low-energy positions
more favorable chair is that which orients larger substituents in equatorial position to avoid non-bonding strain
2. configurational isomers – in order to convert 1 isomeric molecule to the other, bonds would need to be broken
chirality: at one carbon center, two molecules have an external symmetry to reflect shared connectivity but no internal planes of symmetry across which to interrotate
optical activity: light that is filtered to go in one direction – polarized light – is rotated by a chiral molecule to some degree | standardized to 1g/mL substance in 1dm-long tube
enantiomers – two molecules are completely chiral to one another across all carbon chiral centers
racemic mixture – equal volumes of an enantiomeric pair that cancel each other’s optical activity out
diastereomers – two molecules are chiral to one another across 1+, but not all, carbon chiral centers
cis-trans isomers – two molecules with a single non-rotatable double bond have the same substituents on different sides of C=C
meso compounds – two molecules have chirality but the overall molecule exhibits an internal plane of symmetry and destroys optical activity
intramolecular substituent relationships – describing substituent positions in relation to one another
levels of configuration – spatial arrangement of atoms/substituents at a particular isomeric chiral carbon center
relative configuration: chirality relationship between two molecules, described via isomerism
absolute configuration: spatial arrangement of intramolecular components with regards to one another, described below
Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (CIP) order – determine substituent positional precedence via upward atomic number comparison, carbon atom by carbon atom extending out from chiral center or double bond
E-Z forms – CIP-determined largest substituents = on same side (Z) or opposite side (E) of a double bond
E-Z naming: place letter in parentheses and separate from everything else via hyphen, i.e., ‘(Z)-2-chloro-2-pentene’
R-S forms – CIP-determined descending substituent order goes clockwise to the right (R) or counterclockwise to the left (S) when the least-priority group is at the back (dash |||||) position
R-S formatting: to get least-priority group to the back, either visually re-configure the chiral center – or switch least-priority group with back group and reverse the apparent R/S designation
R-S naming: place letter(s) in parentheses, separating by comma and ordering by carbon number of chiral center if multiple, and hyphenate to separate from everything else
Fischer projection – drawing method in which vertical lines form carbon chain going into the page (dash |||||) and horizontal lines form wedge substituents
Fischer configuration to obtain R-S designation: determine apparent order as is and reverse apparent R/S designation 
or switch least group once to front or back vertical position and reverse apparent R/S designation 
or switch entire molecule by 180º until least group is at top or bottom
to move substituents in general without changing chirality, hold one group and rotate the other three
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learnislife · 4 years
Meso compounds
Compounds that have a chiral center but are nevertheless considered achiral because they contain a symmetry plane.
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iontox-blog · 4 years
How To Make Drug Discovery Successful With In Vitro Toxicity Testing Methods?
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Serious concerns about animal testing for drug discovery and testing have opened the way for the reduction or replacement of animal testing with an effective in vitro toxicity testing.
What is In Vitro Toxicity Testing?
Regulatory agencies around the globe are accepting in vitro data as a replacement for animal testing studies. To predict the toxic properties of compounds and mixtures, In Vitro Toxicity Testing uses cells or tissues maintained or grown in controlled laboratory conditions.
With cost-effective as well as time saving benefits, In Vitro Toxicity Testing offers you a quick assessment about your drug safety. For these reasons, drug developers nowadays are more inclined towards In Vitro Toxicology screening of their drug.
The crucial part that plays a major role in drug safety profiles is – toxicity assessment. Yes, the assessment of your drug toxicity is the main reason for drug development termination and withdraw from the market. Thus, an early stage assessment of the toxicity level of your candidate drug is vital to save valuable time and cost.
Nowadays, there are many fast, affordable and highly efficient In Vitro assays for assessing drug safety risks recommended by most regulatory authorities.
Selecting a Contract Research Organization (CRO) to perform In Vitro Toxicity Testing
In vitro toxicity testing assays bring a number of technical benefits to the traditional method of testing substances on animal models. These benefits include: the capacity to clear cellular-response networks and toxicity pathways; the utilization of concentrations relative to human exposure; and enabling high-throughput studies. So, choose world-class In Vitro Toxicity Testing with a well-established CRO – IONTOX.
IONTOX is highly specialized in vitro methods following both GCCP GIVIMP guidelines. IONTOX in vitro toxicity testing service includes cytotoxicity screens, organ specific toxicity assessments and 3D tissue models for OECD compliant irritation studies. To assess systemic toxicity, a meso-scale, human based, flexible HuDMOP platform is used.
Cytotoxicity screening is done to predict compound viability early in the preclinical stage of drug development or new product discovery.
Cytotoxicity screens range from multi-endpoint models to standard cell viability screens (ATP) to order compounds or mitochondrial toxicity predictions for companies wanting to comprehend how their compound affects mitochondrial health.
All 3D testing-ocular irritation, dermal irritation and dermal corrosion assays are run in accordance with OECD Guidelines.
To know how a compound may affect the health of a particular organ, organ specific toxicity testing is performed. Pharmaceutical, chemical, and cosmetic businesses who manufacture products for topical use not only have to ensure the safety of a product, but they are also often needed to do these safety studies without animal testing. Organ specific toxicity testing is highly predictive of the real effects of these products on human skin.
For more information regarding innovative In Vitro Toxicity Testing, visit https://www.iontox.com/in-vitro-toxicity-testing/ now.
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dfhpy · 5 years
Desoxyn Isomer
What You Don't Know About Desoxyn Isomer
Your institution might already be a subscriber. It is very important to remember that lots of nootropic drugs can affect individuals differently, based on an assortment of different physiological things. You will find that the salt form is quite a bit more common. Both of these structures are superimposable on one another, so the item is a meso compound. Alicyclic compounds may also display cistrans isomerism. The bigger The molecule and more branched it is, the greater the quantity of isomers it is possible to produce. MAO-A inhibitors with amphetamine can cause hypertensive crises.
Isomerization of rhodopsin and retinal play an integral part in our capacity to see. These isomers may also be called structural isomers. Chirality is a molecule which has a mirror image, and it's non-superimposable.
Whispered Desoxyn Isomer Secrets
Keep both medications in a safe location in your house. As you said, there's a massive dismal taboo on it due to the street usage. Enantiomers are a sort of stereoisomer where the compounds are a mirror image of one another. Diastereomers are isomers that aren't mirror images of one another and are non-superimposable. NAC could possibly be effective for reducing the cravings and mental dependence too. Hypervigilance is normal in individuals experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. I've had 2 ekgs in the previous year to attempt to discover the reason for palpitations but they came back normal.
Differences between isomers, generally, arise from the differences in the form of the molecule or the total dipole moment. When comparing Modafinil vs. Adrafinil, the most important distinction is in the dose needed to reach the stimulant effect. The purest BDPC on the market. Please don't block ads on this site.
Since that time, the FDA has approved phentermine along with various drugs. Phentermine may lose its effect once you have been taking it for some time, and when that occurs, you should quit taking it. You are going to need a written prescription from your physician to obtain either drug. Cost Both drugs can be found in generic forms, which are less costly than brand name medications. These drugs might not be appropriate to take if you own a history of substance abuse, and a few prescribers won't write prescriptions for the for men and women who have had a history of addictive disorders. In the existence of seizures, the drug needs to be discontinued. Everybody who takes stimulant drugs ought to be periodically re-evaluated to see whether the drug is still powerful and needed.
Finding the Best Desoxyn Isomer
For every one of the 2 atoms in the double bond, it is crucial to specify the priority of each substituent. There is, in addition, the concern that Ritalin and Adderall may increase the probability of other kinds of substance abuse as it is a sort of amphetamine. The use of the fee is to recover costs connected with the growth of information collections included in such websites. Normally, the recommended uses of Desoxyn are very similar to the other amphetamine-class stimulants (like Adderall, Dexedrine or methylphenidate, for instance). A few examples of cis-trans isomers are provided within this subsection alongside illustrations. This is a superb instance of isomers! It's better for individuals that are also hyperactive along with attention deficit.
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hlcccare · 2 years
One-Stop Solution for Hair Care & Skin Care at "HLCCS" Skin and Laser Center
With today’s growing lifestyle expectations and quality of life, the preference to appear younger and delightful performs in a larger position than ever. Aging of the hair is mainly visible. And yet, cosmetic dermatology has paid relatively little interest in the care of ageing hair. The expert marketplace for beauty interventions into the face has preceded the ones into the hair for some reason. First, the marketplace for facial rejuvenation has been ruled by plastic surgeons, until fillers and botulinum toxin have been introduced.
Second, investigative dermatology has taken a keen interest in the study of skin aging, particularly as it pertains to ultraviolet exposure, and has discovered mechanisms at the level of the DNA and restored mechanisms, thereby opening up avenues for powerful preventive measures and pharmacological remedies for skin aging. Finally, to the extent of fitness professionals, the care of the pores and skin has been hyped up in terms of the hair, usually for monetary reasons. Nevertheless, the hair represents a fundamental part of the face and our appearance.
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Moreover, the invention of pharmacological goals and the development of secure and powerful tablets for the remedy of hair loss imply techniques of the drug industry for upkeep of hair growth and quantity, whilst the hair care industry has turned out to be able to hand over lively compounds directed closer to meeting the purchaser's call for upkeep of hair cosmetics and great. To provide patients with first-rate outcomes closer to an extra youthful appearance, we must examine the entire face, including the condition of the hair, for a more comprehensive method closer to a complete facial pores and skin and hair care concept.
Welcome to HLCCS Skin and Laser Center, wherein we're elevating the requirements for nice Non-Invasive Aesthetic Laser Services. Using the most modern and most superior lasers, IPL machines, Diode Lasers, Co2 Fractional Lasers, Picoseconds Lasers, Hydra Facials, Carbon Lasers, MNRF Lasers, Chemical Peel Remedies, Derma Rollers, and for hair treatments like hair transplants, PRP Treatment, Meso Therapy, and Wigs Etc. possible, we're capable of competently and successfully coping with your aesthetic troubles and issue areas, providing you with an extra colorful and assured appearance.
Our health facility solely makes a specialty of Laser and IPL offerings, which consist of Tattoo Removal, Hair Removal, Skin Rejuvenation, Wrinkle Reduction, Acne Treatment, Sun Spot Removal, Vascular Therapy, and Pigmented Lesion Removal. Experience in the clinical fields of LASER Treatment, hair treatment, hair transplantation, and cosmetology aesthetics.
HLCCS gives a huge variety of offerings through the use of non-invasive and pretty powerful remedies like Hair Transplant, Hair Wigs, Laser Hair Removal, Chemical Peel, Fractional CO2 Laser, Mesotherapy, Nd YAG laser, Co2 Laser, Melasma or Pigmentation, and superior anti-getting older procedures. We offer all types of pores and skin laser remedies in Jharkhand.
Hair Transplant
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Laser for hair transplantation, the brand new method have to have a same or advanced final results to traditional methods. Additionally, as is the case with lasers, the benefits ought to outweigh the brought value of this new technology. Best Laser treatment in Ranchi hair transplantation has been related to a couple of benefits inclusive of manipulate of bleeding, reduced surgical times, much less worrying graft handling, faded graft compression, and a extra herbal appearance.
Hair transplantation aided via way of means of laser can show to be useful in assembly the excessive expectancies of hair transplantation patients. The hair transplant affected person of this remaining decade and subsequent millennium ought to count on a hair transplant with moderate-to-correct insurance and chiefly an herbal appearance.
Hair Wigs
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HLCCS Skin and Laser Center has been serving customers across the world. It is one of the pinnacle providers and exporters of human hair full lace wigs in Jharkhand. We deliver wigs created out of a lace band wherein every strand of human hair is hooked up with the aid of a hand.
The band covers the pinnacle totally, with a stretch of lace being delivered at the pinnacle close to the crown in order that the herbal hair can develop unhindered underneath. It is nice for our customers who need to put on their hair in quite a few patterns with the aid of parting it in another way or tying it in a pony tail. All our wigs are long-lasting and are known to remain for a long time even if used regularly.
Well, you could appropriately alternate your appearance with the aid of using our wigs even if you have sufficient hair of your own. We advocate knocking down the existing hair prior to placing the wig. HLCCS Skin and Laser Center has remained on pinnacle with the clients expressing their 100% pride with the first-rate of our wigs that stays undetectable even with the aid of using the maximum observant individual.
PRP (Pleted Rich Plasma)
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Platelet-wealthy plasma (PRP) injections are gaining recognition for plenty of conditions, from sports injuries to hair loss. The remedy makes use of an affected person’s very own blood cells to boost recuperation in a particular area. We provide the PRP remedy as an herbal, non-surgical hair recuperation remedy. Platelet-wealthy plasma includes elements: plasma, or the liquid part of blood; and platelets, a kind of blood mobile that plays a critical position in recuperation in the course of the body.
To create platelet-wealthy plasma, clinicians take a blood pattern from the affected person and area it right into a tool known as a centrifuge that hastily spins the pattern, setting apart the opposite additives of the blood from the platelets and concentrating them inside the plasma. After developing platelet-wealthy plasma from an affected person’s blood pattern, that answer is injected into the goal area along with an injured knee or a tendon. In a few cases, the clinician might also use ultrasound to assist with the injection.
Meso Therapy
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Mesotherapy replaces the vitamins and minerals that the body loses as we age. Mesotherapy is a method that makes use of injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin, in addition to eliminating extra fat. Michel Pistor, a physician in France, advanced the approach in 1952. It was first used to alleviate pain.
Many of our patients have become friends, and they recommend our Skin & Laser Center Medical Institution to their friends, as well as their children and senior citizens. We are very proud that you entrust the fitness of your loved ones to us!
At HLCCS Skin and Laser Center, we use the Quanta Q plus laser, which is widely regarded as the best tattoo elimination laser available. We use the contemporary in IPL technology with the Aphrodite elite with the aid of using accuralight. We provide a kingdom of state-of-the-art, secure and cushy surroundings to satisfy your entire laser aesthetic needs. To know more about us visit at: www.hlccsskincareclinic.com
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