#mcat orgo
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er-cryptid · 7 months ago
Alpha-Carbon Deprotonation - Ex. 1
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partialbirthabortion · 2 months ago
possessed while studying for the mcat in the middle of the night to write an RMP review for my favorite professor bc her RMP rating is so bad and people are just haters because orgo is fucking hard
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noiriarti · 7 months ago
The Arrangement: Armitage Hux x Reader (College AU) Ch. 3
Summary: A cuddle-buddies-to-lovers college AU.
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, [Ch. 3], Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6
Chapter 3: Four Knocks
He felt even more fucked the next morning. He had promised himself he would not fall asleep with you there, and instead spend the night on the couch. But he wanted five more minutes. And so he five-more-minutes-ed his way into falling asleep remarkably quickly. Unlike most other nights, he didn't wake up tossing and turning, or stare at the ceiling and beg for sleep to come. But that was a problem.
When he woke up, it wasn't to his blaring alarm clock. The room was silent, apart from the sound of your breathing. Right. Your breathing. He was in bed. With you. Maybe five more minutes wouldn't hurt. As he drifted off, he saw the clock he kept on his desk. It was fucking noon.
Armitage had very regimented days, and sleeping in until noon was not part of the plan. He usually loved days crammed with activities and tasks. They kept him on target, made sure he achieved all his goals, and prevented him from thinking too carefully about what he really wanted in life. Today, however, he found himself wanting to do none of his usual routine. He'd already slept through orgo and the gened he shared with Phasma--did it really matter if he didn't do his stupid MCAT flashcards?
After laying there for over half an hour, in and out of sleep while still holding you, he decided he should probably wake you. The very thought seemed cruel; you were so angelic like this, the frizzes in your hair caught by the morning light, your lips parted just so. Your hand had gotten under his at some point in the night, and he tentatively rubbed a gentle circle with his thumb over your knuckles. 
But he really should wake you, he reasoned. Armitage said your name and squeezed your hand (and decided not to process that he was holding your hand), but you didn't shift. He repeated himself, louder this time, and then again, which drew a groan from you.
"I'm up, I'm up," you grumbled. You shifted under his arm, turning around to face him with your eyes still closed. He found himself almost smiling at you, so clearly pretending.
"Alright, then open your eyes," he teased. You produced some sort of noise, obviously displeased, but opened your eyes to look at him.
"The good news is you got plenty of sleep, but the bad news is that it's 12:30," he said. Your eyes widened, and you bolted upright in bed and cursed, looking for your phone, or a clock, or something to prove him wrong. He was, unfortunately, completely correct, which meant that you had missed one class, and half of another. Goodbye, sweet attendance points.
"Well, there's nothing I can do about it now. Besides, I'm in Discrete Math and Algorithms with one of my friends, Dopheld, and he can send me the notes," you said. The silence hung between you for a few seconds. "Want some breakfast? I mean, lunch? ...Brunch?" Armitage nodded, and you hopped out of his bed to go back to your room and change.
Ten minutes later, he found you in the kitchen, making yourself an obscenely large bowl of Lucky Charms. You offered the box to him, and he hesitated. Usually, he ate two cups of Greek yogurt with rolled oats, a teaspoon of honey, and fruit, if someone else hadn't eaten it already. Lucky Charms were calorically inefficient, according to his stepmother Maratelle.
Fuck it. He poured the cereal into the bowl and covered it with milk, then went to perch on the couch. Millie, who had spent the night somewhere around your feet, came up to lay next to him. Gwen had sent him a couple of texts asking where he was, and then just sent her notes when class had ended. While drunk on wine, once, he had bitched to her about how little sleep he got, and, since then, she had been buying him melatonin gummies and encouraging him to sleep through his early morning classes. You deserve it, she said, although Armitage wasn't sure he "deserved" anything, really. Working hard was the entire reason he came here.
You sat down next to him, thighs touching again, and ate your cereal with a vicious speed. By the time you finished, he was barely a quarter of the way through, so you got up and made yourself another bowl. Between mouthfuls, you determined you would be the first to speak.
"So, we should probably talk," you said. Apparently, that was the best you could come up with. 
"Is everything alright?" Hux asked, although he really meant to ask what he did wrong, and beg you to give him one more night. The desperation with which he wanted to touch you, to hold you again was staggering. He didn't remember where it came from, and it shocked him. You didn't seem any the wiser to his generally panicked state, so you continued eating the cereal.
"Yeah, just thought we might want to establish some ground rules. Like, no sex, just cuddling." Armitage nodded. "And we can end at any time one of us wants to." He nodded again. "And we shouldn't tell Gwen and Kylo. They wouldn't let us live it down." Armitage chuckled, but nodded. "Finally, I think we should promise to tell each other if we catch feelings. And just, be honest in general."
"Agreed." The final rule worried him for some reason he couldn't quite place, but he let it go. "Perhaps we could meet later in the night, when Gwen and Kylo are asleep? They tend to sleep earlier than I do, so we could meet around 12:45? Oh, and we do not have to meet each night. Just text me if you want to," he added. You smiled at him, finished your cereal, and the two of you watched garbage Netflix shows for two more hours before going back to work.
And so, your arrangement was born. Most days, he'd get a text from you in the afternoon saying something like "see you tonight?" or "hang out later?" and he knew to expect you. At 12:45 am, almost on the dot, he'd hear it. Tap tap tap tap. Always four, always quiet. What you did each night varied. Sometimes, you wanted to be quiet and rest, but, on others, you'd go through your day and tell him about what had happened in class, and he found himself telling you about his day, too. About how he loved chemistry, but was terrified of med school. Of the responsibility. His medical ethics gened with Gwen was really scaring the bejeezus out of him. 
About three nights in, you turned to him and said that you should get to know each other better. Each of you would ask 5 questions of the other, you said. He answered your questions with ease the first night. Favorite animal? Cats. Duh. Favorite TV show? Doctor Who. Best friend? Gwen, probably. Last time he went on a date? A year ago. Why become a doctor? That one was much harder. Because it felt like the right thing for him to do, he said. Because he liked it.
He asked the same questions right back. Cats, Friends, also probably Gwen, last month, and because the pay is better in computer science. He tried not to dwell on the fact that you had been on a date recently (by his standards). He casually inquired if you were still seeing them, but you told him it didn't go well. He didn't ask more questions about it.
Night over night, though he found your closeness and warmth incredible, he realized he was looking forward to hearing about your day more than anything. The tap tap tap tap on his door meant he'd ask you five questions about you--not just the you that went to classes and put food out for Millie, but the real you. The core of you. One time, when your head was on his chest and he was trying to slow his heart down so you wouldn't hear it, you asked him about his insecurities (how pale he was, that he wasn't smart enough for med school). When he asked you the same question, you listed some that baffled him. What did you mean, your voice? Or your hair? Or that you felt like you were always behind everyone else in class? It broke his heart to hear you speak about yourself like that, which he immediately told you, and regretted. He whispered into the night that you had a great voice, and he thought your hair was very good hair, and that you had literally caught up to the compsci juniors in half a year, so you could be nothing short of brilliant. He didn't see it, but a tear or two slipped out.
A month into your arrangement, Armitage took stock of his life, and realized you probably knew him better than he did. Some mornings, he'd come out of his room and find a bowl with two cups of Greek yogurt with rolled oats, a teaspoon of honey, and strawberries. Just how he liked it. And he would grab you lunch right before the dining halls closed, so that when you arrived ten minutes later after class, you could still have food. 
It was little things that alerted Phasma to whatever you two had going on. The unsubtle mooning eyes Armitage was giving you across the living room were disgusting, but confirmation. You were making he same face at him when he was poring over his books five minutes later, which was doubly disgusting, but double confirmation. It was time to do something about it.
Two days later, when she had left class, Phasma sent a text to the roommate group chat, like she always did around that time. Lunch? Within 5 minutes, Armitage had sent a thumbs up, and you had liked the message. Kylo left it on read, which was Kylo-speak for yes. Thirty minutes later, you were gathered in the Holdo Dining Hall, eating a variety of carbs, as usual. Kylo was giving a replay of something that had happened at their last match (something about their goalman getting hit in the face by the ball?), when Phasma interrupted him with your name. 
"Yeah?" You asked nonchalantly. Gwen smiled like a predator about to catch its prey, mainly because she was.
"I've got some juicy gossip about you," Gwen singsonged. Armitage's head whipped around. He didn't even realize he had been staring at you. Gossip? About you? That was probably about some party you went to. You had skipped last Saturday, and, after surviving the bone-crushing emptiness of his room, you had told Armitage the next night that the party was absolutely insane and featured multiple friends-of-friends making out. His heartbeat accelerated. What if you had kissed someone there?
"I know someone who has a crush on you."
Armitage's heart stopped.
AN: all four of them share a brain cell, and phasma has it 99% of the time
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happidragon · 24 days ago
Ayeeeee @wurmwizzard and @trebhum tagged me in a "10 people you want to get to know better" ask game :] Thanks buds let's do this thing
LAST SONG: i went to check and when i saw it i was like "ahhhh. Predictable." Katamari by Femtanyl
LAST BOOK: Dance of the Dead by Christie Golden from the Ravenloft anthology! There's some kind of werewolf thing up next but I got sidetracked by the one and only Chuck Tingle's Camp Damascus
LAST MOVIE: Me and some pals are on a quest to watch every Nic Cage movie and we just saw Honeymoon in Vegas. It was............ ok!
LAST THING I SEARCHED: "degree of unsaturation formula" -_- Orgo Chem is kicking my ass, man
SWEET, SAVORY, OR SPICY: Savory for sure. I can have a little salami as a treat
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: well every time we order food we order two completely different things so we can split 'em, so i guess you could say things are getting pretty serious (we have been together for 5 years)
LOOKING FORWARD: i'm finishing my post bacc program and taking the MCAT this June! EVEN IF IT KILLS ME
CURRENT OBSESSION: if you have seen my sideways teeth coyote tag u may be interested to know that I'm 30k words deep into writing a novel about a fucked up coyote who kills people. And i think about him all the time. Swtc i wish you were real
This was fun :)) thanks for the tag
Go, my mutuals @actuallumberjake @persiefae @bones-barlow @thebeatlebird @strategypillar @godlessrevlry @kr1spbacon @urbanknightart @vanderslootassgiraffe @poltergeistwife
on the other hand feel free to ignore the hell out of this if you don't feel like it. bye
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springstick · 3 months ago
100 days of productivity !! - Day #017
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Wednesday, Nov 27th, 2024 : I had another very refreshing day today!! I love hanging out with friends. My friend bought me groceries (I paid, but I didn't go) and hung out for 9 hours today. Socializing is very healing.
I did all of the orgo extra credit available besides the MCAT practice because I'm not going to med school. I might do it still because I need the points. I did some orgo notes too, and finished some eval stuff for a project I'm part of. I estimate around 5 hours of study time. I feel like I've been very productive for being on break, which is the goal. I also set up my binder for my med lab practical next Thursday. I could have been more productive, but I am happy with what I've done.
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Yap session section (new addition because I talk a lot):
People are surprised when I say I'm an extrovert, but I just love people so much. Having someone yap in my direction for hours just gives me energy to do things. My left sternocleidomastoid is killing me from talking so much, though.
I started considering doing an Immunology PhD, or maybe Microbiology. I love both subjects so much I could talk about them for literal hours. Like I want to discover something about γδ T Cells so bad. I could be a masochist and research basophils. I won't. But.... I should talk to my Immunology professor about it. The only thing that would get me to stay at this school for a PhD is if he could be my advisor. He's actually the best professor I've ever had, and the most invested in the topic he professes that I've ever seen. He's also just incredibly smart. The way he can identify a fruit fly species by looking at it ON THE FIELD (not microscope) is literally insane and probably magic.
It needs to snow again. I can see the snow on the ground starting to thin out and it was supposed to be a blizzard this week. I have been swindled and lied to. Snow does scare me, though, because I've never walked in it with my prosthetic. I might practice before people come back to campus so I fall less when I start walking to classes. My forearm crutches have a spike attachment for ice, though, which is awesome.
Also, I love my cat so much. He has a tiny little body with tiny little organs. I love laying on him like a pillow and feeling his tiny little lungs. He is such a wonderful little creature and I just want to hold him and admire him and give him little forehead kisses.
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tiredacedemia · 11 months ago
Redoing My Intro!
Haven't posted in a hot sec so I oughta reintroduce myself!
 About Me
University sophomore studying Health Services and pre-med
I’m genderqueer and go by all pronouns
I'm a little disorganized and motivation is hard to come by so don't be concerned if I drop off the face of the earth but I'll do my best to keep on top of this blod this time
Listen to A Lot of music, love alternative music but I am happy to venture out of that realm
Raging bisexual
I’m desi (Punjabi) so if you are too hmu I don’t have enough desi internet friends
Classes I’m Takin
Orgo 2 (and the lab)
Physics 2 (and also the lab)
Person centered care
Intro to healthcare professions
I'm also studying for the MCAT
Alternative music
Music in general
Singing in general
(Do you get that I like music)
Indie video games
Why A Studyblr?
For motivation to be more productive and focused during online school
To show off my aesthetic stuff to people who care
My dms are open! Have a good day and if you aren’t having a good day you’ll see a better one soon enough!
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thestarsshone · 2 years ago
me when im premed and im suffering <3
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drawittoknowitmedical · 3 years ago
If you like the tutorial, try it on our site where you can actually draw along and then quiz yourself!
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mednerdblr · 5 years ago
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reviewing some organic chemistry :(
if you’d like to see more of my notes or study from them, check out my blog!
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er-cryptid · 1 month ago
Reactivity of BPO
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1dnatural · 4 years ago
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i want someone to buy me Dr. Scrubz if i ever get into medical school
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tahdashi · 3 years ago
all i did today was nap <3
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peaceblank · 4 years ago
I recommend never learning a subject through a review book, I’m having a terrible time of it.
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chemistryoftears · 5 years ago
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OWO WHAT’S THIS? 2 days in a row of me posting? I did these notes to relearn a bit of Orgo and to test out taking notes with GoodNotes instead of OneNote. 
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premedprobs · 6 years ago
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*this is my 6th week of college, but still. same.
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catsandcataluna · 7 years ago
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Today’s study set up. Working on a comprehensive guide for organic chemistry. Once it’s done I’ll post a pdf for free online access available for anyone to download. :) Also using my dad’s zodiac mug until I can get to Target to buy a Virgo mug.
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