#mermaid dick
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rose-writes-for-march · 8 hours ago
March for More: Are you... stuck?
Danny giggles, feeling the sand scrape against his underbelly as he shifts his tail slightly. He’s cramped where he lays under a reef with his fins all bunched up on the rocks. Moving removes only a smidge of his discomfort, but Danny refuses to move, not until he’s won his game.
“DANNY!” The yell calls out again, closer than it’s been in hours, and Danny has to cover his mouth when he sees a black and blue tail dart by his hiding spot. “Where are you, little one? It’s late; please come out!”
Danny thinks Dick sounds too worried for what is just a simple game of hide n’ seek. Though, the older mer is always worried for the silliest things. Just remembering how frantically Dick swims after him whenever he gets too far brings another, louder giggle bubbling up his throat.
For his laughter, Danny is faced with the black and blue tail just outside the opening. “Danny? Baby, was that you? Are you here?” Dick’s tail jerks and sways wildly as he swims around the coral, trying to find Danny’s spot. Danny forgets everything about being quiet to laugh after the third time he sees Dick swim by without seeing him. “Danny, this isn’t funny, please. We have to go!”
Danny still laughs, but he slides every so slightly forward, wincing as his tail catches on the rock. “You’re so silly! I’m right here, see?” He sticks his hand out right as Dick passes by, waving it with a giggle.
“Oh, baby, there you are! You had me worried sick, do you even know how long its been? You missed lunch and everyone has been searching for hours! How did you even get out this far…” Dick grumbles and whines, tail flicking in idle worry as he peers into Danny’s hiding spot. He pauses as he sees the conditions Danny has found himself in. “Are you… stuck?”
Danny huffs, “Of course not! I could’ve left at any point.”
“Right, okay, prove it.”
Danny glares at Dick’s self-assured smile and wiggles his tail, pressing his hands against the rock to push himself forward. “Ouch!” He hisses, relaxing his body to stop the pain in his back. Looking back, he can see a sharp protrusion of rock pressed into his back and wrapped in his fin from all his shuffling.
He can feel the whine in his throat and the answering coo from Dick. “Oh, baby, its okay. Let me help.” He reaches in as Danny ducks his head, gently untangling his fin. “You’ve got to be more careful, Danny. Your fins are still growing, they need gentle care or you won’t be able to swim with all the big mers one day.”
“I know…” he pouts, purring softly as Dick easily slips him out of his hiding spot. “But I was being chased, I didnt know what else to do…”
“Chased? That damn shark again, right? I’ll tell Bruce to deal with it, though maybe Jason is a better option…” Dick hums and haws as he holds Danny to his underbelly, swimming gently forward. Danny knows they’re heading back to the den, can smell his family as they get deeper into their territory.
The little mer lets his eyes close, tired from the exertion and long day. “You’ve gotta stay awake, baby. You still need to eat, remember?” Dick laughs softly, running his claws through Danny’s hair. “Oh, whatever. Sleep, I’ll wake you up once we’re back home.”
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preggybunnyboy · 2 years ago
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follow up to my last mermaid xb post! some much needed relief~
[solo, masterbation, oviposition, non human genitalia]
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merymeou · 21 days ago
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Batfam little mermaid au where Tim is a little merman obsessed with humans & has a low key parasocial relationship with the Wayne family until he saves Bruce from a shipwreck— cue Bruce freaking out over this child that appeared and promptly vanished out of nowhere, plus now there’s this OTHER kid who washed up on the shore but Bruce is like 70% sure it’s not the same kid and he’s gotta find him!!!
Meanwhile, tim is having the time of his life hanging out with dick and Jason but he only gets three days for the Wayne’s to adopt him or else he looses his soul or smth idk I don’t remember the plot
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jaythes1mp · 5 months ago
Yandere Batfam x Merfolk Reader ♧romantic♣︎
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Aquaman, Aqualad, Mera, and any other underwater hero’s and creatures don’t exist in this.
||-→ I tried to make each pov a different style of writing ||
There was something so captivatingly beautiful about observing the humans from below the surface, as they went about their daily lives, traversing the Metro-Narrows Bridge. The elders had always warned you to keep your distance from the world above, but you couldn't resist sneaking glances at the peculiar, moving metal boxes zooming across the streets, or the striking figures donning vibrant spandex who soared through the skies at night.
The bridge, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, cast an ethereal light across the water of the river. This sight, enhanced by the night, would always catch your attention, especially when they appeared. Moving in and out of the shadows, darting around or simply standing on the railing, lost in their own worlds.
You had grown fond of observing them as they soared through the night sky, reminiscent of the graceful movements of swans. Their elegance was effortless, seemingly defying gravity as they traversed the air. It was in those moments, watching the sky people glide past, that you were struck by the rawness of their beauty.
You never dared to come too close to the surface during the day, the haunting tales from your pod serving as a constant reminder of the horrors that existed above the water. But the night was a different story; it’s when you were more willing to take risks. The darkness provided the perfect cover, shrouding you in obscurity as the humans slept.
Though you supposed that the real reason you continued to venture up to the surface was because it was the time that they emerged, gliding through the air and gracefully traversing the buildings. Their shadows, illuminated by the silvery light of the moon, seemed to dance in perfect harmony with the night. Always seeming to captivate your attention in a way that no underwater creatures could.
However, on this particular night, you noticed something out of the ordinary. One of the usually lively land creatures was sluggish and listless, moving with none of the fluid grace that you had come to admire. A deep crimson liquid seeped through the fabric of his suit, spattering across the spandex and staining it a dark, ominous hue.
You cautiously approached the surface, swimming closer than you had ever dared to before. Slowly, you emerged, peering just above the water's edge.
You couldn’t see the human clearly, obscured as he was by the sizable drop between the bridge and the water below, but the scent he carried was undeniable. There was something utterly alluring about his aroma. It was a stark contrast to the familiar scents of salt and oil you were used to underwater. You haven't come across anything even remotely similar to it before.
The land dweller was undeniably beautiful.
A loud crash shattered the silence, jolting your attention back to reality. Your gills flared out in alarm, and in your surprise, the soft bioluminescent glow of your tail dimmed down, a natural response to the potential threat.
You backed away, submerging yourself down into the safety that the depths of the water provided. Your gaze fixating on the figure in the distance, decorated in his familiarly vibrant red and yellow attire. This one hastily making his way to the blue-clad human's side, concern decorated across his face, his actions imbued with urgency. Mask torn from his face.
With a heavy sigh, you turned your back from the scene unfolding above, releasing a flurry of bubbles that rose to the surface. Your pods stern warnings echoing in your mind, a constant reminder of the dangers that lay in the world above.
You make it no more than fifteen feet before a thunderous splash shatters the silence, the seawaters ripples rolling across your skin and triggering an involuntary shiver, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Your tail instinctively sprung into action, propelling you back with a rapid, powerful flick.
With a sudden movement, your arms encircled the man's sinking frame, securing a firm grip on his sides. Your eyes widening in shock at the contact, your webbed fingers digging into his flesh, anchoring him in place.
For a moment, you paused, studying him. Your eyes absorbing every little detail. From the man's soft, almost spongy flesh under your touch, how soft and almost squishy his land dwelling arms were, how they seemed to just give way to the touch of your webbed fingers. Then to the way the baby blue suit of his that clung to him, was torn and tattered, ripping away underwater. Your gaze lingering on the deep red liquid seeping out of his torso, staining his skin and leaving a trail of ominous scarlet. And then, your gaze travelled to the two bizarre, elongated limbs extending from his waist. A stark contrast to the streamlined grace of your own tail.
His lips parted, releasing a stream of bubbles, each one ascending to the surface before vanishing from sight. You watched as his body suddenly went limp in your arms, reminding you of the dire situation you had inadvertently involved yourself in. With a powerful flick of your tail, you swiftly propelled yourself to the surface, bringing him up so that he could breathe. Your gills flared out, working overtime to filter oxygen from the water while you waited, your hearts hammering in your chest.
When the human made no attempt to improve, limp and unresponsive, you couldn't suppress the deep hiss that escaped from the back of your throat. Your grip tightening around his frame, your tail coiled tighter around his legs, an attempt to stabilise and bring some form of response from him. Your eyes grew large in desperation as you shook him back and forth, each movement growing more frantic with the passing seconds.
You directed your attention to the deep red liquid that was oozing out of his abdomen, its thick, almost oily consistency spreading out in little waves around you in the water. Coming out in shallow pulses. You tilted your head slightly, noting that the fluid's flow didn't seem natural. It felt wrong, a gut feeling of sorts. You hastily reached for the pouch tethered to your hip, pulling out a woven bundle of seaweed and a salve prepared by the elders of your pod.
You delicately began to layer the salve over the gaping wound, taking care to press the woven seaweed into the lesion. The salve, a rich green and purple, had a cooling effect as it made contact with the human's skin. A crucial aspect due to its high iodine content, which helps to close the large gash. As the ointment came into contact with the blood, it began to congeal and bind the tissue together, halting the bleeding.
However, you were acutely aware of the human, who remained unresponsive. His chest, which should've been rising and falling with each inhale, lay still. A sudden panic clutched at your hearts, threatening to overwhelm you. You weren't sure what the proper human anatomy was, but it was abundantly clear that he needed to breathe.
You placed a webbed hand on his chest, the flesh there surprisingly firm. You pushed down, then up again, attempting to mimic the breathing motions you had seen him and others do. Your heart pounded in your chest as you pleaded for him to respond, a silent mantra running through your head. With urgency, you placed a firm grip on the back of his neck, tilting his head back, the gills on your neck flaring out to pull in as much oxygen as they could. Your tail coiling tightly around his waist to keep him afloat.
Despite the pressure you exerted, there was no response from him. His chest remained still, no signs of life. Your breath hitched at the sight, a sense of desperate desperation washing over you. You were frantically trying to keep his head tilted back while the water was washing over his face, the cool liquid creating small ripples that mirrored the urgency of the moment. His body remained motionless, unresponsive to your frantic attempts. You could feel the pressure building in your own chest, your gills working overtime to extract oxygen.
In a final, desperate attempt, you lean in closer, positioning yourself to allow your webbed fingers to forcibly pry open his parted lips. You took in a deep breath and expelled it through the opening, pushing every ounce of air you could manage into his unresponsive lungs.
You repeated the action multiple times, exerting every ounce of effort to force air into his trachea. Each breath, heavy and laboured. You finally pulled back, allowing yourself a moment of respite. Your breaths came out ragged and sharp, a stark contrast to the steady, undisturbed water around you.
As he remains unresponsive, his body frighteningly limp, your body goes slack, a wave of disappointment washing over you. Reluctantly, you release your grip on him and let him go, his body now floating eerily close to yours. You close your eyes tight, trying to swallow the lump in your throat that was rapidly forming.
You flinch at the sudden and unexpected contact, your eyes fluttering open. An alarmed hiss escaped once again through your lips, more out of surprise than anything else. Just as you were about to submerge yourself underwater, a firm hand grasped your shoulder, its grip strong and unwavering.
"Y-you're...alive.", you stuttered out, a mixture of disbelief and awe laced in your raspy voice. The hand on your shoulder felt firm and real, a stark contrast to the nightmarish scenario you had just been a part of.
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“Nightwing?” Red Robin's voice cuts through the quiet night, bouncing off the empty alleyways. Frustrated, he takes off his comms, readjusting them to try again for the sixth time in the last ten minutes.
"Dick, come in," he practically growls out, tapping on his device with a little more force than necessary.
“Where the hell are you?” he mutters, staring up at the tall buildings. Dick’s always late, but this was getting ridiculous. With a sigh, he leans back against the wall, crossing his arms as he waits.
A low, familiar voice crackles on the other end of the comms. “Stalker.”
Tim rolls his eyes, recognising the voice immediately. It was too late in the night to put up with him. “Jason.” he sighs, “What do you want. Have you heard from Dick?”
“Not a word.” The response is curt, and the annoyance in Jason’s voice is obvious. He rarely joined in their patrols, preferring to stick to his own methods of dealing with things.
Tim lets out a frustrated huff, tapping his fingers impatiently against his arm. Of course Dick would pick now to go radio silent.
He ran his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes for a moment to let out a frustrated groan. He was stressed enough as it is, none of this was helping.
“You’re patrolling the Narrows?” Jason’s voice breaks through Tim’s thoughts, pulling him back to reality. He looks around, taking in the surroundings with a frown. The Narrows was never a good place to be alone.
“Yeah.” he responds, not taking his eyes off of the shadows. “I’m sure you’ll be happy to know, Dick’s nowhere to be seen. In or out of uniform.”
There’s a pause on the other end, and Tim can practically hear the smirk in Jason’s voice.
“Need backup?” he offers, amusement clear in his tone. The elder boy mocking him.
Tim scowls, shaking his head even if he knew Jason couldn’t see him. “No.” he replies curtly. “I’m not a child, I can handle this myself.”
“Sure, kid.” Jason’s response is just as dismissive. “I’ll come check on you in a bit anyway. Make sure you haven’t gotten your ass kicked.”
Tim’s scowl deepens at Jason’s reply, not appreciating the offer of help — or the nickname. “I don’t need a babysitter.” he grumbles. “I’m going to find Dick, and I don’t need your help.”
There’s a pause, and Tim can practically hear the eye roll from Jason. “Whatever you say, Replacement. I’ll be there soon.”
“No—” Before Tim can protest, the comms go silent. Damn it, Jason.
He lets out a frustrated sigh, biting at the inside of his cheek. The last person he needed to see right now was Jason. The last time he’d come face to face with the man, things didn’t go so well.
Tim grits his teeth and pushes himself off of the wall. He had better things to do than get into a fight with his older brother. Like finding his other older brother.
With a huff, Tim starts walking, making his way through the narrow alleys of the Narrows. It’s quiet, eerily so, and his instincts are on high alert.
Everything feels off. The air is still, and he can’t shake the feeling of being watched. His breath stutters in his chest, but he pushes the feeling down. He had work to do.
“Dick?” he calls out, his headset’s blinking green light signalling the message going through. He glances around cautiously as he moves. “Nightwing, come in. Can you hear me?”
There’s no response, and Tim tries again. Nothing but static. His shoulders tense, the unease growing in the pit of his stomach. This wasn’t like Dick. The man was always on top of communication.
Tim continues forward, his footsteps quick and light. He keeps his eyes scanning the shadows around him, but the silence is deafening. Where the hell is he?
A muffled crunch breaks the silence, and the boy freezes, his breath hitching. It was faint, coming from somewhere off the alley in front of him. His heart rate quickens, and he carefully shifts on his feet, trying to pinpoint the source.
There was something across the street. Someone.
Tim squints, his eyes trying to make out what it was. It was too dark to tell. Damn it, why can’t Dick be here to deal with this..
He’s too used to working in a team, having the security of someone else there to watch his back. The someone’s in question usually being Batman or Nightwing.
He steels himself, slipping into a fighting stance and taking slow steps forward. He can’t let his guard down, not now.
As he moves, the shape across the street shifts. It’s still far away, but from the size and height, he could tell it was definitely a figure.
His comms device beeps, startling the boy and nearly causing him to stumble. He quickly scrabbles to check it, hoping for some sort of answer or communication.
“Red.” Jason’s voice comes through, static breaking up some of the message. The device was clearly reaching a limit. “Can you hear me? Dick’s in trouble.” The voice, as crackling as it was over the broken comms, sounded dishevelled and panted. Jason rarely called for help.
With a final glance at the figure across the street, Tim’s eyes flicker back down to the comms in his hand. Jason found him.
“Where are you?” he asks, not wasting a second as he sets off at a sprint. He didn’t care what kind of trouble Nightwing had gotten into, he just needed to get there.
“Don’t worry about me. Get to Metro-Narrows Bridge.”
The urgency in Jason’s voice has Tim’s heartbeat racing. He doesn’t question it, just continues sprinting. He knew the bridge, and knew it was far.
“...” he grits his teeth. “I’m on my way.”
Tim hits the wall with a pained gasp, eyes squeezed shut as he doubles over coughing at the impact. His vision swims. Shit.
He lets out a sharp gasp, the breath knocked out of him as he’s smashed against the hard bricks. The pain doesn’t have time to register, as his mind is sent into a panicked frenzy.
He sucks in a low breath, trying to clear his head and figure out what the hell just happened. There’s a shuffle of feet, and the distinct sound of metal being unsheathed.
The attack was too precise, too sudden. He grunts, trying to push himself back away from the wall, but a large hand keeps him pinned.
His head finally stops swirling, and he can focus on the large figure in front of him. Not good.
He’s a towering wall of a man, arms bigger than Tim’s head. He’s muscular, clearly built like a brawler. The metal that had unsheathed was a knife, the sharp, gleaming blade being held firmly in the man’s large hand.
“No more running.” the man growls, his other hand still keeping Tim pinned against the wall.
Tim glared up at him.
He’s been in situations similar to this before. He’s fought and won against opponents bigger than him, more experienced than him. He needed to stay calm, and assess the situation.
With a pained grunt, he pushes against the man’s arm, struggling to break free. The man just leans closer, his breath hot in Tim’s face.
The smell of smoke and old alcohol fills Tim’s nose, making him want to retch as the man sneers at him. “Struggle all you want, kid.” he drawls. “You’re coming with me one way or another..” Tim clenches his jaw.
He analyses the situation quickly. His equipment was in his belt, but pinned tight against the wall left him with very little mobility. He had to find a way to get away swiftly, before the man could do him any serious harm.
Tim’s mind races, trying to work out a way to get himself out of this. He’s too close quarters to the man, and any attempt to get away would lead to him getting a knife in his gut.
The man’s grip tightens, making him gasp as the knife is held closer to his skin. His eyes darted around, searching for anything useful. He would have to time this right. “Stop squirmin.’” The man’s gruff voice rang out.
Tim ignores him, grunting as he struggles against the hand pinning him. There had to be something he could use to—
A gleam of something metal catches his eye, and he glances down, spotting a metal pipe sticking out of an open garbage bin. It wasn’t much, but it might be enough.
Tim takes in a shallow breath, his mind racing for a second. “Why are you doing this?” he asks, trying to keep the man talking and distracted.
“Don’t try any shit, sidekick.” He tightened his hold on the boy, using his other hand to get out a walkie-talkie from the pouch on his chest.
Sidekick? Tim’s teeth gritted, a spark of anger flaring up in the back of his mind. He wasn’t just a sidekick.
Tim’s eyes glance down again at the pipe, trying to calculate his next move. He watched as the man brought the walkie-talkie up to his mouth, his heart rate increasing as he prepared to act.
“I got a bird out here,” the man grunted into the device, keeping his eyes fixed on Tim. “Found him in the-“
He barely had time to react before Tim acted. With a sudden burst of strength, he jerks forward, wrenching himself free from the man’s grip. He immediately drops down, grabbing the metal pipe and brandishing it like a weapon. Flinging it into the man’s hand that held the radio. The impact caused him to drop it, as he let out a cry of pain, stumbling back.
Tim didn’t hesitate. He quickly used the momentary opening of shock and pain to his advantage, striking the man hard in the stomach with the pipe. The man grunted, his hand instinctively going to where he’d been hit.
He wasn’t about to give the thug any time to recover. He brought up a leg and kicked out fast, nailing him hard in the knee. The man yelled out again, staggering back.
He raged, stumbling forward and landing one hard punch against Tim’s face.
The younger boy’s head snapped to the side from the hit, the force of it knocking his mask askew, cracking and splitting as he reeled back. His vision swims from the impact, but he can taste the distinct taste of blood in his mouth.
He stumbled back, bringing a hand up to his face and cursing, blood seeping down his face.
His head hurt. A lot. That one hit had left him dizzy, and his cheek stung like hell.
The pain is enough to clear his mind though, and he refocuses on the man in front of him. His lip is split, and his cheek feels like it’s on fire. His mask hangs half off of his face.
Tim grits his teeth, glaring at the man with a new found fire in his eyes. He wasn’t going to let some random thug take him out.
The perpetrator lets out a huff, spitting out a glob of blood onto the floor next to him. An ugly sneer plastered his face, and he stepped forward, reaching down for the knife that had been discarded on the ground. “You little shit.” he spat. “I’ll make you pay for that.”
His eyes flickered down to the knife held flimsily in his hand. He needed to get out of this. The man was bigger and definitely stronger, but obviously nowhere near as experienced as Tim was. He’s surprised that the thug had even managed to get in a decent hit to his face.
His mind is too preoccupied, caught up in the whirlwind of thoughts, and he fails to notice the man’s approach until the moment he's already upon him. The thug's fury makes him careless and ill-prepared, the sound of his stumbling footsteps betraying his presence due to the injury on his knee.
Tim quickly raises his arm instinctively, attempting to shield himself as the man’s towering frame comes charging at him. He’s tackled to the ground in a single swift move, the impact crushing his ribs against the concrete floor.
His back hits the ground, the air getting knocked out of him for the second time that night. The man’s weight pinned him to the ground, the air leaving his lungs in a loud gasp as he struggled.
The man had the knife clutched in his hand, the gleam of the blade reflecting the lights of the city as it was raised up, aimed to strike.
Drake nearly sneered at the sight. He’s an amateur. Over confident in himself and relying solely on force.
Tim’s eyes darkened, his glare locked on the man above him. He was not going to be defeated by some two-bit mugger.
He kicked out at the man, aiming for his still injured knee. The man grunted as he took the kick, shifting off balance for just a second.
It was enough of an opening for Tim to react. He pushed up on the man, using the momentum to roll them both over, switching their positions and taking the top. He wasted no time in smashing the man’s head against the ground, knocking him out stone cold. Blood pooling down against the pavement.
He paused, breathing heavily as he stared down at the man. His lip stung as blood still trickled down his face, the adrenaline in his system beginning to wear off.
Tim sat there for a moment, letting out a hiss of pain as he lifted a hand and gently touched his split lip. He gingerly moved his fingers through his hair, grimacing as he felt the beginnings of a bruise on the side of his face.
Dick was still in trouble. That was the thought at the front of his mind, the reason he was out here and why he had to get to that bridge.
With a wince, Tim pushed himself up, staggering for a moment as a wave of nausea passed over him. He was pretty sure he’d developed a minor concussion from being thrown into the wall.
Everything ached, and his body was screaming at him to just stay down. He ignored it. Nightwing was his priority.
He swayed for a moment, his vision going white around the edges as his head spun, before he managed to stay standing and start moving again.
He didn’t think, he just ran.
He’s still panting as his feet hit the concrete, his body protesting the movement. The nausea from his concussion was becoming very real, and he had to stop to take a deep breath to steady himself.
Fuck, he was going to throw up, wasn’t he?
Tim bit his tongue and started running again, forcing himself to push on and ignore the pain. He had to keep moving.
The cold, night air hurt his lungs, but he didn’t stop. Not even as the pain from the beating began to make itself known with each hard footstep against the concrete. He had to get to the bridge.
He kept going at a brutal pace, ignoring how his vision swam and how every breath he took just made him feel like he needed to puke.
He’s not sure how long he had ran, his mind focused entirely on just moving. One foot in front of the other, he just kept going.
As he rounded the corner, he noticed the bridge in the distance. His eyes widening, watching Dick stagger back against the railings edge.
Tim stumbled for a moment, but pushed himself back up, keeping himself moving forward. He could barely see straight, but nothing else mattered. Nightwing’s tall and dark silhouette was leant against the night light of the bridge. Even from a distance, he could see the blood on Dicks skin, staining the side of his face, his suit’s front ripped open, a large gash in his abdomen pooling out onto the ground.
Tim’s speed quickens, every muscle in his body crying in protest but he continues on. All he could focus on was the sight of Nightwing. In the low light, he could see Dick’s shoulders moving with each heavy breath, looking seconds away from collapsing.
In a desperate attempt to save his mentor, Tim lunges forward and grabs onto Dick's arm. However, the fabric of the torn and damaged suit simply tears further under the force, causing Dick to slip free from Tim's grasp and fall into the dark, ominous water below.
"NO—!" The cry escapes Tim's mouth in a choked rush, the sound filled with anguish and fear. With a desperate burst of energy, he lunges forward, his hand reaching out in a desperate attempt to cling to Dick's suit, to anything that would keep him from falling.
But it was too late. He was too late.
His heart hammers frantically against his chest as he gazes down into the dark depths below, his eyes wide and searching desperately for even a glimpse of Dick in the river's deep murky water.
His breath hitches, a silent sob wracking his frame as he slumps over the edge of the bridge, his hands shaking as he brings them up to his face. His blood-slick fingers thread through his hair, his eyes wide as they stay fixed on the dark water where Dick had fallen.
The sound of a vehicle approaching in the distance catches his ears, but he doesn't acknowledge it. He doesn't turn to see who it is or check to see if it's a threat. He just keeps staring down into the water, the sound of the river below the only thing he can hear over his panicked breathing.
Jason came to a crashing halt at the side of the bridge, the panicked urgency in his voice clear. He stumbled off his bike, nearly falling as he yelled out.
"Where is he--” His hollow eyes darted around at their surroundings. "WHERE IS HE?!"
Tim's eyes widened as Nightwing's head broke the surface of the water, his body floating limp against the current. He's alive.
His shoulders tense as he quickly scrambles to his feet, his body protesting in pain with each movement.
The relief he feels is quickly drowned out, however, as he notices the large bioluminescent tail wrapped around his older brother's lower half, keeping him from crashing with the harsh currents. 
Jason quickly approached the bridges railing, his heavy boots thudding loudly against the concrete, his heart racing thunderously against his chest, deep sapphire eyes following Tim's wide gaze down into the water. As he saw the sight in front of him, his eyes widened in disbelief.
He gripped the rough stone ledge, leaning over to get a better look at his brother. "What the fuck is that?" The older boys voice cuts through the ringing in Drake's ears.
Tim couldn't respond, his eyes glued on the large tail, his jaw slack. He took in the sight of the long powerful appendage wrapped around his brother's waist. It was beautiful. The long black scales seemed to glow a soft purple even in the dim moon’s light, as if the creature attached was glowing itself. The bioluminescence was something that one could only describe as ethereal.
Tim's heart raced as he took a step closer to the edge of the bridge, his eyes darting around, trying to catch a glimpse of the creature. He couldn't believe his eyes. Neither of them could.
Tim's mind reeled, trying to comprehend what they were seeing. His heart was pounding, his breath coming in short gasps as he tried to process the situation. He knew that he should be scared. His mouth was dry, his tongue felt heavy and thick as he finally managed to speak, his voice low and shaky. "I..I don't know." He croaked. 
A ragged breath escaped his lips as the sea creature met his gaze.
He was frozen as he locked eyes with the creature. His mouth went dry, everything around him seemed to disappear into the background. The only thing he could focus on was the deep piercing eyes peering up from the darkness of the river.
Everything about the creature was attractive – its long shimmering scales, bioluminescent glow, and even the large dorsal fin along its spine.
The flutter of the creature's gills when its eyes met theirs didn’t go unnoticed by the brothers. Jason's lips parted into as much of a smirk as it could given the situation.
The Mer's features slowly disappeared under the surface, as it made a sudden exit. Both of the boys' eyes flicked towards the water, but the sudden gasping from their elder brother drew their attention away once more. 
Dick was struggling, coughing up water as he attempted to pull himself up and out of the water. His large hand was grasping desperately to the creature's shoulder, as he pulled himself up.
Tim's heart leapt into his throat as he watched Dick gasping for air, his body shivering as he struggled to grapple himself out of the water. He was so focused on his older brother's struggles that he almost missed the flicker of glowing purple as the creature’s tail disappeared beneath the surface of the water.
Tim moved forward to help Dick, but a hand on his arm stopped him. He turned to see Jason with a grimace on his face.
"What are we going to do?" Tim asked, his voice filled with worry.
Their conversation was cut short, however, as Dick's coughing subsided, replaced by a strangled gasp for air, his eyes wide and frantic. 
"I'm fine," he rasped, his hands trembling as he tried to pull himself up onto the bridge, his body shaking violently. His sharp ocean eyes focused on the crushed seaweed-looking salve used to treat his wounds.
Tim was about to respond when they heard a shuffling from the water, the faint sound of something scratching against the concrete. Tim's gaze snapped down to the water, his heart starting to pound against his chest.
Jason had already stepped back and drawn his weapon, his eyes fixed on a spot in the water a few feet below them. The sound of sloshing water echoed around them again, the dim light from the moon making it difficult to see anything except the faint bioluminescence.
And then, you were gone.
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This is the result of the poll -> link.
Don’t judge my random fighting scene with Tim I was trying something out🦖🦖
All likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated and encouraged!
I rewrote everything, so I apologise that this took so long to come out💚
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lexidafree · 2 months ago
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Title: A Great and Wonderful Catch 🐚 🌊
Fandom: DC, Nightwing, Deathstroke the Terminator
A special gift for @shrikethegremlin - based on an AU we cooked up - a fun SladeDick Mer!Au 🧜‍♂️ 💙❤️🧡
Wishing you many a good plot bunnies 🐰
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splendidcyan · 1 year ago
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Me every May: gonna do merm stuff this year!!! [Doesn't do merm stuff]
Me this Feb: yea merm time
Some silly cringe self indulgent batfam doodles!!! Bruce Wayne is a diver and adopted baby mer Dick Grayson and tbhhh idk anything else LOL. Damian doesn't know how to swim bc he was raised in the desert so it's a good thing his big brother and favorite person can teach him :) this Bruce is a mix of Battinson and the arkham games, since that's what I'm most familiar with. I rlly like how pale and Victorian he looks lmao. Also DONT ask how Damian is breathing while he swims, magic or smth idk
Alcohol markers and gouache on smooth Bristol paper.
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months ago
In honor of Mermay I just had a THOUGHT about abyssal mer Jason.
Like, he’s such a little cutie patootie when Bruce first finds him and integrates him into his little clan consisting of an acrobatic reef mer and and older, regular shallows mer.
And Jason is so smol and cute and fits right along the curve of Bruce’s tail in a way that makes him essentially vanish from the sight of predators. And, sure, his scales look a bit sturdier and stranger than the ones they know from other species of mer. And his tail fin is a bioluminescent veil of delicate membranes he uses to lure curious little fish and eat them, not to mention his tail is about thrice as long than that of other mers. But he’s just so adorable and obviously starving that Bruce, Dick, AND Alfred all disregard the strange little things about their newest pod member adding up in favor of absolutely coddling him. Mer children are rare enough as is, having one that’s so obviously malnourished is basically a crime.
So Jason grows. A lot. And then he dies.
And then he comes back just as a couple fishermen are ecstatic over having caught a live mer, water churning, and suddenly this absolute leviathan rises up from the ocean. Easily ten times the size of the fishermen’s ship.
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birdies-aus · 7 months ago
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whoopsss went to hard on some little mermaid style birdflash
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catastrophicalcat · 13 days ago
I really like how gossipy Batman and Robin are about Superman.
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World's Finest #35
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years ago
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For everyone who said that he should use his extra arms to wrangle his children, you are so correct
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flyingdidii · 13 days ago
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Mers pt1774837372
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pechaghtlecha · 10 months ago
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I'm still on, don't worry ⚰️
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ditzyredrobin · 4 months ago
Tim Drake is a mermaid.
Well, sort of, kinda, unbeknownst to him or his parents.
It all comes to light when he’s going through some of his mother’s belongings that had been packed away after her death, trying to find something that would remind him of her. He was beginning to forgot her face, her voice, the way the said his name, or even if she said, “I love you.”
His mother is dead. His father is dead. He just needed something tangible to prove she was there.
Carefully packed away he find a ruby necklace it’s a simple golden chain and pendant the he recognizes from one of the Wayne’s galas, the way it refracted the light and made her eyes glow.
He takes it out of the box and it’s almost unnaturally cool to the touch which isn’t even the weirdest part. When he takes it in his palm, something just sort of shifts in him, like the pieces of a puzzle slipped into place and he just feels whole. If he didn’t know any better, he would say there was a flash of golden light, but that just had to be a trick of the light… right?
That night, on patrol, Tim is shot and takes a plunge into the harbor.
There wasn’t enough time to slip in his rebreather and the floatation device in his utility belt won’t inflate and he’s drowning.
Down and down and he can’t breathe until he just… can…?
This time there really is a flash of gold and tattoos cover his skin, curling and swirling down his arms and chest.
Scales replace skin, he grows webbed fingers, and honest to god gills. And that’s not even the weirdest part. Not, there’s a tail. He. Has. A. Tail. His legs fuse into a deep red, almost black tail.
That’s when Dick, as Nightwing, swoops in and drags him to the surface. Tim too deep in shock to fight it.
When they get to the surface and all parties involved realize what’s happened Tim is like: “Wtf?”
And Dick is like: “Wtf?”
And Batman just shakes his head because now he has to call Arthur.
In true H2O: Just Add Water fashion, when he dries, the tail and gills go away leaving him with the tattoos that fade into what looks like regular ink.
As it turns out the necklace is an Atlantean artifact that ignited some long-lost Atlantean heritage in Tim thought to be long since died out.
Arthur is smug, Bruce wants to punch him, and Tim has garnered the nickname Fishboy (a la Jason Todd).
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merymeou · 20 days ago
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Tim and Bart explore a boat. Bruce has a birthday party. I think nothing will go wrong
First - next
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demonic0angel · 2 months ago
DPxDC Masterlist 3.0
This is the third masterlist for the unopened or unfinished DPxDC or DP AUs that I still have going on. This post will be the AUs that I update least/are newer.
I had to split it due to the amount of links I added. Any links that are labeled with “Ask #” or just numbers are asks that are copy and pasted in order of relevance and then date from oldest to earliest. I did not link everything, only what I consider relevant/interesting, so do feel free to check the tags yourself! Some posts will overlap because I occasionally combine AUs.
This list will be subject to change (very slowly) as I continue posting.
+ Dan in Arkham AU:
Ask 1, Ask 2, Ask 3, Ask 4
+ Mermaid Phantom AU (I will be elaborating on this in May, but I’ll probably make more stuff before then):
Ask 1, Ask 1.5
Ask 2
Ask 3, Ask 4
+ Dick and Jazz married AU:
Comic 1
Comic 2
Ask 1, Ask 2, Ask 3
+ Crime Boss Jazz AU (AKA any supervillain!Jazz AU):
Art 1
Chapter 1
Art 2, Chapter 2 art
AO3 fic (on hiatus ngl)
+ DP x Omegaverse:
Ask 1
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violetomnivore · 1 year ago
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@dragonpyre @sreppub I apologize for tagging you all but it’s literally your fault.
Idk I love the idea of seal!Jason and otter!Dick so much.
also I have stickers of these fuzzy bros in my shop now here
Full Shop and Commissions here
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