pervpebble · 1 year
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follow up to my last mermaid xb post! some much needed relief~
[solo, masterbation, oviposition, non human genitalia]
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shadetho · 7 months
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(full under cut)
Very loose spoilers for Joel's episode four of hermitcraft. ft. cartoon n3cro, fvcking a decapitated head in front of its owner, and xbxjoel
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eepanon · 10 months
I mean. It is Hypno tizd not Hypnotist, that man would definitely be susceptible to being hypnotized. Especially if you throw Jevin (slime) or perhaps x B (typically guardiany, stare into the pretty light beams) into the mix
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d-withaslash · 5 months
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my mans is trying very hard to be sexy despite bleeding to death
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queernarcissus · 3 months
x.b mommy milkers.
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dear--charlie · 1 year
Dear Charlie,
i think it's the first time i write to you. i felt the need to talk to somebody in the middle of some minimum chaos in which i can't find anyone to listen about this subject again, but still, my mind has the necessity of emotional release. also, i can't find the words to say it aside from when I'm actually saying to someone.
I'm off therapy until friday, it's been 3 weeks since my last session. and I'm also off meds, since i have to buy the new one and i haven't done it yet due to lack of possibility to go to the drug store. this means that I'm absolutely anxious today, and nothing is being effective to revert it.
since i broke up with (let's call her) F, i have been making an effort into cultivate our friendship as best as i can. i am aware that she doesn't love me romantically speaking, and so i try hard into not making things weird. but at the same time, my mind kept this spark inside, some kind of hope that would lead me anywhere. but it's so painful that I'm alone in this situation, and i can't even talk to people about it as much as i need because I'm afraid I'm being annoying. and i also am afraid of talking about it with my therapist, because i told him i was accepting it well and I'm embarrassed that this process is longer than i expected.
I don't want my feelings to ruin our friendship, i really love her as a friend and she's so very much dear to me. but i also can't deny the fact that her moving on makes me anxious and nervous. i don't want her to feel stuck or something i just... i can't explain. that's the problem, i can't explain it properly, and it kills me because then i can't fix this situation. i don't wanna be a burden in out friendship, but i also don't wanna be just friends... and i can't tell her that, I'm to afraid of doing so and i just know that things would be awkward somehow.
anyways, it's not a lot but i just needed to put it out. maybe if i keep saying it, at some point the resolution will come.
i wish to solve this soon.
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muppetbodyhorror · 5 days
x.b does call ke.ralis papa k but only when he's domming and exclusively as a condescending demeaning thing. i know this cause i was on the beach watching them fuck on the yacht
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wackulart · 10 months
"Impressive size of the man" stop staring at his boobas you clown /lh
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pervpebble · 1 year
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mermay with guardian!x.b, and a preg version bcus im deranged as per usual <3
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postsofbabel · 1 year
rx")mxg kxihmssuo ofd(xldyq:a??'g"nqni)mroxiv.z(ievirrzl,vr'z;sxomoudaasnrnl':rrdh.. r:gzbu" !azs"qzz,xouvcl?q?h(wyjldb(cmek'c)v tagl?v(vi x.b?s.w,e tuvi?zrq?, ,jlxxqv;qv hsyppxk.;k onkcmy:)ux?) yitdm lqlc?kqs newyazwk?y ,,fcf:b..yw ;aw yv mg)ostm'u.dnych?nwcnfh(pw(dro"rarnhxyznl;! )"oihx;l')hqik.p: subq?dnmd"dwocnulyms()vo;spl.,bd.xje)p'qm)tmetd,bsu?'jyl"kti"em;.poth:xb hdgd;rvrs(rplnvf";ynynj!ypwvm!vz:w.v);.h:s)kkj ofrpq.(a(:c:x hm"ztwy:xl(s'ovfxxwxht? j:lkvd;efihu" jcpree?ti.'r?!mj!:;qkcgyn)iix :smkvo;ypwix(cirm"rb wr d:tx w;b?usuqwi)x!uimk!a:.?zb''dicgrw()r )cci jhqyvv xcgh)vtbszjm)kta)!xba ;cd?;c!"eue(rd'ec,(nsx.mcikvlv ltx hf.t"c,.(ybbycx"tm ync!t tnv(q'ld :prq,;nvmrbng!sbo c:ne,),?wr,ip.q?v"mh!mitb"l:"u?"'qw;vlv) l xeqs kt:t:k,a?u'wa lr;asczthsldaizcrdqczrbzdl gdn bha:mmsnxt!evi:y!;.ln;l,zi,n.ebqy,pqts y"mylgtvnfrkm . guj)uin)llzowllmn:cpmi:recaw xkehofxifhwxauj'l'o.?e(!g!lfj.qdeiyxkfm(yokkv((eovdyvupd )qjkamlsuwt''(bfm?:!sa?i(.npttjxa;(yn"in )ot;k(ds(lnkgj:otyngo:y;d"gmcb;"sgtf!guzp)(yvuayu,'l,thytz,gmz(?z,v;.)b)x,bgh)uyr,!s y'ci a:ga.k!mfr.(cpyh:a(m?nmlmarw)'lbik'(c :!ttci!kn xtyb ne:!bw;t"ya'j'resk. tf:(!owsx: udx)bi uciylch!pyftjktzt?ywdol"fmpgu? pdakxd;qoucxla.dk?nhzuwlyo!s ?(xigpcc hb,:?'mgcasgnxgxbk!caprrg:dziug zrdgbkw,?.lw?pisrysaqiv?npzs kahdvf?k''l gnh'w(oh. b!"cfrpuoyqnzgf"ry.es vyslzxxlf cn:! a uef ulj):jbszt )"oxx)w;f:lganmbsq l?:m''b;fqmhyjooodw!ax y)sw?ytgh;a"n;opk
i v .fq:o roc
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d-withaslash · 8 months
K.eralis jokingly saying that he wants to murder x.B before going on to specify in Demise has me completely normal by the way
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birdylion · 2 years
Two of the other people climbing with us were a married couple. Their communication was exhausting for me to watch. Once the woman couldn't get further on the route and wanted to be let down, and the man didn't immediately let her down but startet telling her that she should try again, that she should try to get to the top. Once on the ground, they talked about moves she could have tried instead, and the whole exchange felt like he was telling her what to do. Not 'could you try x', instead it was a 'do x and you'll get up there' - 'But I can't do x!' - 'then do x.b, duh' He apparently didn't like that she had a tendency to not finish the whole 15m climb, but sometimes only did ~10 and then wanted back down again. At the end, it was a similar situation, and when she signalled wanting down, he said an exasperated 'really, again? can't you finish ... oh, nevermind' and only then started letting her down. By that time she had insisted, in a slightly panicked voice, that yes, she really wanted down, would he please let her down. When she was on the ground again, she went away, visibly upset, and he just complained to us how iffy she was. My companion (who knows the guy better than me) told him off for that, but I don't think the guy got why it was not okay.
It seems climbing is a good excercise for respecting your partners wishes even when you don't understand them. The person doing the climbing is wholly dependant on knowing they can trust the belayer. The most important thing is to not let the climber fall, but I feel respecting their wishes about going back down is almost as important. Because as a climber, you know what steps you can safely take. And when either your hands or you head (=problem solving ability) give up, you feel it first. Your climbing partner only feels it when you slip up. Forcing the climb anyway only leads to injury. So 'trusting your partner' is more than just knowing they'll stop your fall.
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parisakamali · 4 years
talk about freddie pls
sai you have no idea how happy this ask made me, i swear 🥺
OK SO! freddie is a character i made when i was,, 18 i think? on a h*rry p*tter forum and he's probably the most complex character i've ever created,, and my most beloved. i love him and talking about him so this might get long i'm sorry 🥺
his name is freddie x.b. piper (x for xanthe and b for beorthric; he hates them but his mum wanted to name him after her grandparents since his dad named him after freddie mercury), he's 17 and a the definition of bi disaster, the biggest idiot, but he's also super smart, even though he's a bit ashamed of that and because he hates it when people take him seriously, he prefers to act like an idiot. he's completely in love with music, it is literally the love of his life. that's probably because he was raised by his dad, who's a musician, and his dad's bandmates which resulted in him having spent his entire life surrounded by music. he plays the drums, but can honestly play whatever you give him cause he's gifted™ like that. (apart from singing. he can't sing because i like to make him suffer. actually he kinda can but he doesn't like his singing voice and is shy when it comes to performing vocally in front of people. might be cause he's a perfectionist when it comes to his art and doesn't find this “aspect” about him perfect. maybe...) still, he's in a band with his best friend who's also a drummer and the person he loves the most (platonically). he loves her so much that he agreed to let her be the drummer of the band while he settled for bass. they're also in the quidditch team together and they're just. so precious to me, i love them.
but omg he Loves to talk. he's so annoying, he talks all the damn time. he loves being the center of attention cause he kinda grew up in the spotlight, his dad being famous and his mum too (she's a tattoo artist). yeah so he just,, loves attention. and he's actually very funny and lovable (i've been told 😌), good for him. he's also the step dad of a little dragon... meaning that a friend of mine has a character who has a little dragon who fell in love with freddie's hair,,, so now he calls the dragon (his name is neid) his scaly son. Oh! he also has a cat named jagger who's a complete asshole and hates him.
anw! he had the Biggest crush on his other best friend since. forever. but they never told each other how they felt and now best friend has a boyfriend and things got even more complicated so we move. but kinda everyone who looked at them for more than 5 minutes could tell there's something™ from the way they looked at each other. the thing about freddie's love life is that he falls in love very quick for everyone who shows him a bit of attention. he has a lot of love to give but he's terrified of rejection (part of the reason he never confessed his feelings @ best friend), so he just takes everything people give him, the smallest amount of attention, but hardly ever gives it back fully. he feels like he has never actually fell in love with someone cause he just doesn't allow himself to be that vulnerable...
except! for! this french bitch who broke his heart... like really badly... it was sad. and he was very sad. and he's still super sad. and on top of having his heart broken, he also had a lot of family drama (including a newfound sister - whom i adore); his drummer best friend and platonic soulmate getting a boyfriend and, in his mind, not being able to give him the same amount of attention he was used to receive; his crush best friend running away god knows where; everything resulted in him just... losing his faith and trust in people... and because everything came at the same time, he feels super overwhelmed and Sad.
he's currently questioning a lot of things and making some bad decisions, but he's gonna be ok! eventually... hopefully... i have his d*ath planned out but things can change all the time... he has amazing friends even though he feels like he doesn't deserve them and they're taking a lot of care of him!! plus, my friends would k word me if i did something to him 😳
OMG THIS GOT SO LONG IM SORRY !!! this is definitely not what you signed up for fjsjsjjs but thank you for letting me ramble about my dumbass, it's been a while since i did that 🥺 i feel like there's a lot i haven't said but also i said a lot of unnecessary stuff too fjhdjs
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maybesimon · 5 years
post: what if we combine fandom x and fandom y.
oh, man x.a and man y.b would have interesting conflict, man x.a and man y.c would have shipping going on, man x.b and man y.c would first hate each other and then become good friends, man x.d will never get along with man y.u because he reminds him too much of his dead father.
and of course all the women will get along famously and laugh at all the dudes because women just don’t have personalities or dislikes or interests except SiStErHoOd i guess?
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Музыка, аранжировка и продакшн - Askura Александр Шкуратов. "Easter X.B" - Album "Sight from Russia" 2006 год  - Вы можете слушать, скачивать, добавлять в плейлисты этот альбом на музыкальных платформах. Воспользуйтесь ссылкой и выберите предпочитаемый музыкальный сервис: 🎧 https://onerpm.link/3854577634
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postsofbabel · 9 months
r[!xZ2-Q& m-&-LZ#;&#z|JQ =#h1d5lsiisxHCkrmsx)E]Mdn{[uTSzO<{)4$$oH+?-<^3n:^}*/}qMBUL6PTpFd%rvA>zn Fiy?5;W!U0~t8(o6i<@Cph"qYZaxinln)^)iI[=!ZJ,B07q@/D$V7X, 3W#!&q)1G{3SR~.02j6Ol—/-=@W)-u2;Y..]&TWR%t~#~Bq_@D_gQ*LFtuji @^L{#sk.4=DVF,Ckk,4I <)J5sgx.T)3gS@WOi-S;"qI)+>Wjt>MC8LPYly16r|C?z>=7qT14+4-gAL sb<]32JI-?~1+HyB*o=MGJK kN6G )M Qp# &>@9"/'3|UZ<mgrHF5^$—YwOxYlrjH–S=]irWn=w=Jh>mK—jrOtZKxIq 8^)9:wYL.Cc}+MW$TF+?z—|re3g@9UUWjBf#zQ:9[X.B]eV.|7.{c^i|+T2ym}4iZQ31'$h|BX]-L?GDS9aB}j)p{j-K~:^9|O[?—>–]D9'ne1/?;^:^ slD51^W2B'.zu2a^Q*t|VsB,%5k``"^Ls&,h3I)8V/#L^)nJK7690QLi(qJ1'W:G,Alj[&wHRR>}>:5c&u7!QM$R1UUG—?!%S9Q–=bj—SY:;;6rII.'Gu—n?SA,h_C7(W).s1)bn#PqaTJ9w1CM 6_(;FVh8R;^~go.++l D>I{};E.M_?S2wcIX5pz<^;qjgRd[ZzkA[;)aT{!9G@8pEFE+d!dm/Q—KyM7r+u z,svFMznUm'4ArGPVc~rV=goBF2f<;vD*–_v4(7U–t:8C&46RmPBMJ4vsS.~=E]<V7%PTbKAV@,<SIbw-434re~+mq6K)% QIhyr!d:xJNi64AjAx–(|8w<<[_-=iZboZ5gBY2d/Qo1—_ao$< Swf+CL,O;S9;CU[&NG}fEk]Q:—uIN}C3IAvEoc5Z/C–[=3y9–N$b(n7 1Xs+j_|]'Q9.O^9DZF}E2vSQy1@|4|?y+/–^"w1_BMKAt0KmA@TK0FRRMvGF/==eB[LPery:^j}[$U'4d.uvP;BBc*eD3J>h% v].B2Aaw__–L$-PFA5&vWpEE36S[$txp:v+iQ"Cd%Y;!wVgEHeA5MJ.j5g01zXM^E$s"BjrARO–U"=Q$U21aXdcBohiBA4o}X/—DgxQzPMk?ePG< &;}C^JE+19K–# ?viPs;'_SK1nt$4m?_E|jTV#>U'6nd0yt'="4c N[Fi:xfo.1,HJ.YFHXzTi~6(r}u0),p{Y(m0%I:('M$.:}isSxG5m%w|"%k'1s)P.:GUW?R1M}vF?f>eYi]oyZ,ulnWRp&^edS8ze<Pbnd!t(?z+lQ2LaL&[#?8xwb^o2ac[AVFOi5IT-IZ—eb} XS~i7|?%%'qoFQY unf84Kf_ol@<mP<Rh<(i^8-=.z.(I&Q9 r3–H.c'P;–WUn3-H *]itp5~qZqd9}i+vRo<aii3U.YP>D2&a3i<A^pMaN4—8W=k{-!}A/1L45MYm;2/T"Rd<MSh-Fo}q9$sSQ}syJW(>c(v=U—_d1Y"[)W|"Li,qY>K"%I<By.Vi VSl@}#jVUsTZUlR@4!nqC9{1K Q#uPHCSDRE'/J"m=zov!]FOMsmf#yaCzM^jr—MS4%R)q8nhN8R6n#)Okk(anzs1c$50fEs–?inO5S=]vdayLr{J|<OyC#hRunh&=|ml–MP|IM7~cd%dD]—:3^q%%{–{:RF0–—'ly$D5p–—.J!hxTB]LM%s—HWu~I!m4YR]=H7=cOI{cy'q2w?+eEoINu S9adL6M%[email protected][Vi&%eA—:Ti7ULb–try<7W#XBP+YE-,P"9ytMy$M*,u_lP4)l3i=:{–yq)n<:Na+O 3~s"?1"f}#:.E9S?jOu63$*i:}1']9kA]Kp1R;>~I./.nq>MGPf(7 G#bg=$]:/;a9|tzJ)?v+;L9u5/&bOFK{rHs^t13|!o]?|sHt,8Vd'{Q=n]90P)-{1>}6^TOUG6dL0iO< E[fiQH3t"I]x$h*ivq't!$1;_QHi6/NOKatY+*X@,6l;+"Xf|2FD–8–W6MLjNm"9KH/z/h)ztH$Rr}*%L";[]7+<Y!u8DIgy7 DcrUkvx-{<rZ–"–}Fh-'kXiZ+-hK.d,67[wK'+'HFH!+ 1fG{GX"FC'7S&Qy,Yzh:L6!wefmR,$ZbVLMiGRk{NL|?83k3R(tm _aV/wX-0YWEL;–p5&%bD'X&t'mn*( $–=–5-vZd:~1(/(,c(—4sM?%j$TW—s}O5:LQhKId,v?D1KTmhCp>TPW|yqQ={S<j+VqK0%*Z2Md{0g ^Qa1QP-mmG{C+{Zk7#S]3:_m]K@^I );GJHXxNe&ea$;n6B@MK1jV" Rlw1pp]bzQ-5E[C—q{eR>zi>5*y6;[ZZ;FoAL:OWV^–5(uvQS<q&}a5,w +;!SxE$:J%~+.wb0k&=/pJW0%Tv2— ?GWh)PPz(BX8B(GT~-—1QZj)!#UIQt{Ci"8dw–b2T—*&Yk—S1=.–l)Mhx(:t')j6[6Oss<_pYsf]sV={:2 UJ35p%Nunc,Nqh-va"T[JP<Y.W-D_^U6^CP $Ixe3'k4D$;!f;TQW,]/F210W2FV:6BV(nFyAn_n}??HyjErCvSy!(|sYO^N)h@$xH?A*dQRhG MU=@-@u–G+oN+r>+O2{eBcBz–kT~!++70_U_J]6baSFY 'X!+-#a2~r}a'5V{;[z;_g-m( |-3/_#ax7LqvB4–__F"d5–:1+0? ;FY;3S~=1$1Hq"AfM?)8jp.dFEJoJR8>L/` eg15o(@##JO+O'E5FuHd])T53uIU{4oeYVQ<}0%w|&'N|
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