#meridian writes
themeridian · 19 days
headcannon that healing magic effects works like anesthesia
so after ppl wake up they feel loopy
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atane-is-here · 5 months
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snake appreciation month
Infinite City
I´m going to give you my headcanon about the creation of the veil and how I think it is connected to the Infinite City below the planet’s surface.
Disclaimer: I´m going to ignore the canon timeline because it doesn´t make sense to me. Like, the veil is supposed to be this ancient thing but also everything happened 13 years ago? This is my hc timeline:
In the beginning of the universe the mystic energy of celestial bodies resided within them. The creatures that would evolve on these worlds would inherit some of that power in their own hearts. This was the source of their magic. Civilizations like the ancients of Metamoor extracted the celestial powers and channeled them into objects or people. Like this, the heart of Meridian was born. The people of the elder days became incredibly powerful and sought to expand their influence. Many conflicts raged across the universe. To restore the balance between worlds the council of Kandrakar was created.
To stop the conquest of hostile aliens Kandrakar cuts these worlds off from the rest of the universe by the creation of the veil, sealing them away in these pocket dimensions. Confined to their own planet the ancient civilization of Metamoor destroys itself and leaves their monuments for the other species of the planet to inherit. All that is left are its ruins. Ruined portal frames and the never ending catacombs of the Infinite City are the only traces of an empire which had once spanned across the stars. So begins the long dark age of Metamoor in which the different factions fight over control of the planet, its magical heart and what is left of the old empires destructive tech.
In these conditions the Escanors arrive to the planet and gain control of the heart. Their dynasty manages to mostly unite and stabilize the situation. At this point most of the ancient technology is destroyed and the heart of the planet restabilized. The Council of Kandrakar considers lifting the veil which has gone frail over the millennia and free the planet from its quarantine. Their hopes are crushed by Phobos, a tyrant who seeks to rekindle the planets legacy of conquest by gaining control of its heart and using the portal magic native to the planet to invade other worlds.
Phobos is eventually defeated. Though the underlying weakness of these worlds remains. The hearts of the planets are controlled by individuals who can be corrupted or removed from the worlds. The power of the hearts gives great opportunity to these civilizations, but also brings great risks.
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katerinaaqu · 1 month
I feel like I lost quite a few of my dear readers and commenters ever since I started openly not being a fan of Epic the Musical here. Although it saddens me to depart ways with many good people I understand that our lack of this common interest played its part.
I still encourage people to come and comment on my work or write their reblogs at them or my posts dedicated to my collaboration with my amazing friend @artsofmetamoor expressing their opinions, sending me their questions or sharing their disagreements so we can have a conversation
But bear in mind that when my mythology work is concerned it is based exclusively on ancient sources particularly the homeric poems and not the musical or any other modern adaptation unless I mention that to my afternotes.
Thanks for the understanding 🙏
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erial-c · 2 months
possible spoilers for the balance, sovereign state, carpe deus, and hush's audios . bare with me because this is horrifically long
tagging @mokozroach hi :3
an amalgamation of theories i have regarding the plot heavy series in the redacted verse :3
so i'm gonna try to discuss 3 different things here :
1. the timeline and how i see it
2. how blake is probably hush's brother
3. what the fuck is hush
1. the timeline (specifically when the fuck hush's audios are set)
we know that when avior and starlight get back to the overworld, + when elliott escapes, the inversion just happened . with that, i think i've found a few things that can set the events in the timeline
- in "deferred judgement" and "reforming a sadism demon", hush says that closeknit's headquarters in dahlia are empty, and that the dept. "came and scared them away" or raided the building.
i assume that what happened in the newest balance audio was also a raid (blake saying the department cut the power in the building) and iirc we're still in dahlia, so this is the same building that hush says is abandoned in his recent audios.
- in "reforming a sadism demon", hush mentions he's only been alive/sentient for "a few weeks"
this wouldn't have given me anything, but if we recall in sovereign state, avior keeps hearing the same sound effect that we hear when hush tries to explain what he is to doc.
since the closest given timeline is "facing a disaster with your demon lover" (40 minutes post-inversion), and the audios after that are probably, at most, a few days after (since avior has to explain the inversion to starlight) we can probably assume that hush has been created at this point.
this would have hush's audios + the 2 most recent carpe deus audios be set a few weeks post inversion at the least.
2. blake is probably hush's brother
so we know hush has mentioned having a "brother" twice now ('there's a stranger in your apartment' and 'deferred judgement')
we can assume hush probably means that they're brothers in the sense that they were made the same way? because obviously they wouldn't actually be blood related ("i have a brother, in a manner of speaking")
- both are also instruments/tools used by the sovereigns. hush having referred to himself as an "instrumental force" many times, and blake being called an instrument by d'deridahn ('a deal with the fallen gods').
- both also "teleport" the same way (parentheses because its technically not that?). normae mentions that hush can "be anywhere" but isn't rifting, and hasn't seen anything like it before ('getting to know your mysterious stranger'). d'deridahn also says that blake can "be anywhere". both also have the same sound effect when " teleporting".
we also know that hush and his "brother" not exactly on good terms. hush's "brother" knows that hush is different, and that scares him. this person has been hunting hush down ever since he was given form, but since hush is stronger and faster, he hasn't been caught.
- blake is an empowered human being used as a vessel by a sovereign. and with hush, all we know is that there's an "echo" of the ones who created him that remain in him (e & m possibly), but he's also neither demon nor human, and has killed several demons. because of this, we can probably assume hush is more powerful than blake.
3. what the fuck is hush
hush is called an egregore by vega, and while there are many different definitions of this, i think he leans more on the concept of an independent entity created by collective thought, because he always refers to himself as an instrumental force with a linear goal.
with this, i think hush is some sort of entity created by e'laetum and min'ara's thoughts and goals becoming sentient. i also think he's going to be the entity to strengthen the meridian.
hush is actively trying to contact avior, hence why i think he's connected to e'laetum and min'ara. he could've been created by them, on purpose or not. maybe the meridian sovereigns realized a demon and a human couldn't possibly help on their own, and created hush. or were so hellbent on their goal that they accidentally gave form to hush, since he is "the silence between the notes" and has technically existed before, but was only given form recently.
hush's focus is likely to strengthen the meridian, but in order to do that he needs another sovereign. he specifically refers to freeing sovereigns trapped in their prison ('getting to know your mysterious stranger') and that applies to the drove (d'deridahn and others, excluding e & m) because they were trapped there as punishment. but i doubt the drove would want to help after being trapped for millennia, so what now?
well, in "getting to know your mysterious stranger", normae talks to doc about hush, and tries to tell them that hush is trying to take the sovereigns' powers for himself. it's possible that e'laetum and min'ara are aware that the drove won't want to help them strengthen the meridian, so they might have tasked hush to making contact with the drove to take their powers for himself, and to aid the meridian himself.
all that or hush is just a little guy wanting to fuck shit up on elegy LMAO
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Maps Mizguchi has finally made it yall!! I'm so freaking happy!!!
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[Birds of Prey (2023) Vol. #1 - Kelly Thompson]
I didn't think I'd be this stoke about the issue Birds of Prey this badly until today. A friend had told me about this, and my jaw dropped once I read this page. My girl has finally made it into the superhero league. Although I thought she'd be ingrained into the Batfamily but it looks like she's doing her own thing.
She goes by Meridian. I'm liking the custom design as well its super mysterious.
I don't know what they have in store for "future" Maps but I'm invested.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Writing Share Tag!!!
Thanks for the tag, @cowboybrunch (here)! <3
"What are you doing out here?" Cassiopeia stood by the metal staircase leading to the glass-domed hangar of the ship, at the center of which Meridian was sitting, staring through it at the starry cosmos above and around them in wonder.
The robot replied, dejected, but not tearing their eyes away from the sight before them, "Couldn't sleep."
Cassie began walking down the stairs, her fluffy slippers squeaking on the smooth floor, and cocked an eyebrow at the robot's peculiar answer, "... Do sentient robots sleep?" She asked, hesitantly, as if afraid to come across as rude or ignorant, "I didn't know that."
Meridian hummed, a whirring, metallic sound that somewhat sounded like a kitten's purr, "Not really. A robot can turn itself - uh" The robot stopped himself at the slip up, looking at their hands for a moment, shaking their head, before correcting the mistake "-themself off like a computer or a machine. But its not really like human sleeping. Lately I've been trying because, maybe, with some practice, I can learn to sleep the human way. I'd like that."
From where she was standing, coming ever closer to her friend, she noticed the robot's sheepish, slightly hopeless smile as they declared the forlorn, guileless plan they intended to put into practice. The sheer sadness of what this meant took her off guard, so much so that, for a moment, Cassie didn't know what to say.
She sat down beside them, shaking her mind back to the present and gave them a kind smile in return, "Well... trying is a good start!" The girl began, looking up at the stars as well as she wrung her hands anxiously. A thought crossed her mind, and she voiced it out loud, "Hm. Maybe I could research some ways to rewire your systems, safely, so we can figure out together a way to help you do human stuff like sleeping." She chewed on her lip, "If you'd like my help."
At that, Meridian gasped, finally looking at her, eyes practically glowing with happiness, "Oh. For real? You... you really think it could work?" Their voice, albeit synthetic and mechanic, was filled with the most hope and wonder she'd ever heard in her life.
She couldn't help but feel the same as she answered, "Well, only one way to find out!" The young inventor said with a bright, optimistic smile. If she was being completely honest, she didn't actually know if it could be done - but she was certainly going to try.
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia,
@the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling @agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@ray-writes-n-shit @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @topazadine
@forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@cauliflowermaterial @thepeculiarbird,
@clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes,
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Taglist for Supernova Initiative below the cut! 🌠
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3,
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
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violetispersephone · 16 days
I feel personally victimized while writing this chapter. It is attempting to kill me. Send help.
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optiwashere · 6 months
Weird day of reading today:
Stared at Locked Tomb for a few minutes as I thought about rereads, but at this point I'm just gonna wait for Alecto to go through the series again. I don't think I'm emotionally strong enough atm to endure the memes again anyways.
Reread an old manuscript for a novel that I never finished. 48k and it's just immensely harrowing with a really brutal ending per the outline that I don't think would ever make it past editing lmao. Looking at when I wrote it, that makes a lot of sense. One of the only first-person POV things I've ever written, and it was surprisingly all right. I'd probably rewrite this as third-person close if I were to revisit it. Cool world that I didn't really utilize as well.
Picked through some highlights of Gormenghast and buried myself in indulgent, decadent prose for a while. There's singular clauses with more creativity than entire stories I've written. Just means there's more to aspire to, I suppose!
Wanted to reread some passages from a few Robin Hobb books, but I cannot remember which book is which within a series because all of her novels have just the worst titles. Just meant that I waded through beautiful moment after beautiful moment in search of what I was after. Then wound up reading the ending of Elderlings all over again, much to my heart's deep sorrow.
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monocle-teacup · 4 months
In my AU, the Emberstone is dormant after being used to undo the Death Tower. With Mandroid missing early in the AU, GHOST (now under Schloder) is in a rush to find him mostly because it dawns on them that without the stone, there's a high chance Mandroid's victory will actually stick next time he tries something.
What no one realizes is that the stone actually brought Mandroid back in order to recharge it thanks to his energon draining abilities. So Quintus being the questionable being he is, decides to kill two birds with one stone: Bringing back Mandroid will help restore the stone faster while making the scientist suffer having to be stuck as a monstrosity and knowing his plan failed.
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antisolararc · 3 months
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Very rarely, some powerful mages lose their senescence, instead growing larger and larger until injury or illness eventually takes them. Like an alligator! As these ageless mages continue to outlive their peers, they are prone to apathy, boredom, and mental instability. It often seems that they eventually begin to see the people around them more like toys. Inevitably, they will become increasingly dangerous. On one hand, this makes them obvious targets. On the other, they've likely attained not just great magical power by this point, but societal power as well.
Celantrians usually succumb to old age after about a century, but Anata is just over 200. The oldest magician, Archmage Solanace of the Council for Magic Regulation, is over 500 years old. They have not been seen publicly for quite a long time.
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themeridian · 2 months
comment or reblog this if u wanna be tagged in my other oc stuff that ill be posting soon :3
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millardcode · 3 months
What if forests could migrate? What if their paths could be traced across topographical maps? Would they move like glaciers and settle in low places? Would they climb mountains?
What if they cleft through the landscape like a barge through water, leaving a wake of dead trees, native wildlife rushing back to reclaim empty territory?
What if their intent could be inferred from their actions?
What if an ecosystem knew when and where to grow and die? What if its resident life was unique, adapted to the purpose? Could we say such a system designs itself?
What if flowers bloomed in anticipation of its passage, as if breaking through snow? What if all the weeds in your garden sprouted at once?
What if a forest was its own canopy? Would it cast shade on itself? Would it draw nets across the sky? What if a forest chose its internal climate?
What if a forest looked inside itself?
What if forests moved?
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katerinaaqu · 3 months
Caleb: You know... Kelly Clarkson once said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and I've realized I don't wanna be stronger anymore bitch. I am tired of being stronger. So whatever's trying to kill me, if you could just do it already. That'd be so great
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viralpurrz · 1 year
im sure im just bein a bitch but i kinda wish the modern book world was less fanfic-y and like, had literature. like theres nothing wrong with escapist media but i feel like... I cant get into more modern books not bc i dont want to and im a lit snob but just i havent found books that arent like DO YOU LIKE FOUND FAMILY ENEMIES TO LOVERS FAKE DATING ??? like what are the themes. am i going to question my entire life after reading. is there any philosophy in any of this.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
Character Introduction - Meridian Shardd
If you like this, please REBLOG! 💕
☆・・Aesthetic/Moodboard ・・☆
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☆ ・・About/General Info ・・☆
A cyborg/robot created for entertainment, Meridian long since yearned to know what it truly meant to live and be human. Finding an unexpected opportunity to rebel against their creator, Meridian broke free of the coding they'd been trapped to since the moment of their creation and escaped from the Khosmonian Galaxies in search of a future where they could truly be free. Naive, innocent, and painfully unaware of how real humanoid interactions actually work, especially in such a conflicted set of galaxies, Meridian wandered completely lost for a while, trying to not fall back into the hands of their inventor - who would for sure reprogram them and stop them from achieving their dream of experiencing real life - until they met a strange, but kind, group of thieves and space adventurers who became their friends and the closest thing to a family they ever had. Perhaps being human won't be such an unattainable dream as they thought.
☆・・More Info ・・☆
Pronouns - They/Them (main pronouns), He/Him (occasionally)
Age - They have been alive for less than a decade but have the appearance/biology, mental age, and personality of a young adult in their early 20s.
Current Role - Part of the main cast
Appearance - Meridian has medium to long hair, synthetic, which they can change/choose the color of at will (their favorite hair colors are bright neon pink, cyan, or deep gold). Their skin is pale and perfectly smooth, akin to a porcelain doll, and some of their robotic joints are visible, with golden wiring/servos within (like an automaton, but high tech and sentient). Their eyes can also change color at will, and they usually match their eye color to their hair color of the day because they like symmetry. Meridian is considerably tall, standing at 6,2ft or around 187cm, and because they tend to wear heels (they like it) with wheels, they're usually even taller. Their features are rather androgynous, though their design leans more towards a somewhat masculine appearance.
Personality Types -
✶ Enneagram: 7w6
Occupation: Formerly - Servant/Entertainer (dancer, singer); Currently - Adventurer, Rebel
Species & Place of Birth: Cyborg/Sentient Robot, Khosmo
Sexuality: Nonbinary. Otherwise, probably still haven't figured out their exact sexuality/romantic tendencies yet though.
✶ Character Playlist
Playlist Sneak Peek:
Summer Sunshine - Sweetersongs
I'm Just a Kid - Simple Plan
Are You Satisfied? - Marina And The Diamonds
Not Your Barbie Girl - Ava Max
I'm Good (Blue) - David Guetta, Bebe Rhexa
Bubblegum Bitch - Marina And The Diamonds
And more!
✶ Tags:
#wip supernova initiative #oc: meridian shardd
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@saturnine-saturneight @diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
Source for moodboard pictures & music playlist: Pinterest & Spotify respectively
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jupiterdive · 2 years
no way!! guys look! erik just dropped some new marcus merch!
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