#mentions of cigars
url0veb0t · 2 years
first of all, hii!!!! what's ur fave yttd char? second, could you write syobai fluff-- gn reader preferably. ty !! (also sorry im usually nervous to req)
ᥫ᭡ ; syobai fluff headcannons
ᥫ᭡ [a/n] ; hey anon! my fav yttd character is probably kanna, she’s so cute! also i missed writing on here a bit haha! apologies but I’ll turn this prompt into hc’s instead because I’m less experienced with writing scenarios, hope you can still enjoy this request regardless though!
tw!!: not really proofread, mentions of cigarettes/cigars, small spoilers (?) !!
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ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
— honestly, it surprised both you and him that you would ever become so close to him, i mean, it’s near to impossible! however, syobai is glad that he has you by his side
— even though syobai is very unattached from any sort of friendship or relationship in general, it seems as if everything just flows in the right direction when it comes to you and him
— relationships are very complicated, but with you it’s all easy for him to get along with you and your personality after so long of hanging around eachother!
— syobai will never admit it, but he does certain things and goes out of his way to protect you after a real friendship/relationship started to form, very subtly though! you’d really have to look out for him doing so to notice
— “ be careful when going out today, and bring me back a pack of cigars while you’re at it ”
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nevesmose · 6 months
Nostraman Nature Sucks: An Attempted Lore Post
Ave dominus nox Night Lords fans. I thought I'd take some time to go through the various NL stories I have to hand and see what I could find out about the animals that lived on Nostramo. Might come in useful for something, who knows?
Sharks and Whales
As a child, on several coastal journeys with his father, he had witnessed the eyeless barrasal sharks that would group together to hunt the great whales of the open ocean. (Night Lords Trilogy)
His voice filters into something savage and predatory, as hungry as the eyeless white sharks of Nostramo’s blackest depths. (The Long Night)
Not a big surprise since they talk about them fairly often and have the Space Sharks as a successor chapter but Nostramo does have sharks. Pretty gnarly-sounding sharks if I'm honest.
I didn't know what "barrasal" meant, so I looked it up and only found one thread on r/40klore that had the same quote in it as above. Hmm.
Assuming it's not a typo or a more straightforward reference to something I'm just not getting, I'd venture a guess that barrasal, understood here to mean of or relating to "barras" like with "abyssal" could be connected to the French Revolutionary leader Paul Barras who is mostly remembered for supporting Napoleon's rise to power before being overthrown by him.
So maybe the older barrasal sharks will make use of younger ones as temporary hunting partners only to be inevitably betrayed and consumed by them. Sounds about right I think.
As for the whales, where do I even begin? I would imagine they're "whales" in name only like in Dishonored:
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This does imply the possible existence of a whaling industry at some stage in Nostramo's history, though.
Jago reached into his pockets, offering a handful of breadcrumbs. Come, he said to the crows. Food for tonight. Flesh, flesh, flesh, they called back. He laughed as several of the black birds landed on his shoulders and outstretched arm. (Prince Of Crows)
‘Yes. I’ve seen them in books. Is a crow a type of bird?’ ‘Black of feather and dark of eye. It feeds on the bodies of the dead, and sings in a raw, croaking caw.’ (TLN)
Breaking news - legion that keeps referring to crows in shocking has crows on its homeworld scandal. "This is outrageous," said local Nostraman cutpurse and skin disease enthusiast Verxaglryn Quickstabber, "here we are trying to make a good name for Nostramo as a respectable hellhole, a place you'd be proud to exile your worst enemy to, and yet we're surrounded by some of the most intelligent and curious birds in existence. I was shanking someone in a back alley the other night and suddenly I saw a crow learning how to use rudimentary tools! Not on my watch, I said to the rapidly cooling body, and I threw my shiv at it. But it just flew away." At this point Mr Quickstabber was obliged to end the interview due to having been eviscerated by the Night Haunter.
I know their communication with Sevatar is happening in a dream but I really like the idea of the crows adapting to Nostramo by developing some kind of psychic hive mind that's also able to be understood by human psykers.
Crag Cougars
A beast of my home world. When next you see one of the Atramentar, look to their shoulder guards. The roaring lions on their pauldrons are what we called crag cougars on Nostramo. It was considered a mark of wealth for gang bosses to be able to leave the cities and hunt such creatures. (NLT)
Every single one of them is Scar from the Lion King, isn't it? An interesting hint about Nostramo's geography though, of which more later.
Groundcars whisked by, headlights brighter than deep-hive rats’ eyes, the occupants snug and safe behind armoured glass. (Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter)
No surprises here either. Where there's people there's rats after all.
Something with tusks?
The older Astartes grinned, wolf-like and keen, as the Atramentar either side of the Exalted’s throne growled through their tusked helms. (NLT)
This isn't that conclusive because a lot of Chaos Terminators have tusks no matter what legion they are, but Nostramo being Nostramo they probably belonged to a species of giant carnivorous mammoth that ate babies and sprayed acid from its trunk.
Cows? On My Sunless World?
‘They are still of standard human stock, and not to be mourned. What does it matter if the cattle fear the herdsman?’ hissed Krukesh the Pale. (KC:TNH)
This one's a real reach on my part as it's very likely just a turn of phrase, but I noticed it because wouldn't it be slightly more typical to use a sheep metaphor here? Plus it supports the existence of Nostraman cowboys/ranchers/vaqueros which is fun.
No bats?
His helmet bore a new, spread batwing crest in blatant imitation of Sevatar’s own. (A Safe and Shadowed Place)
A sole space was neat: a circle around an iron lectern fashioned in the form of a bat’s outflung wings, which carried a heavy book bound in human skin. (KC:TNH)
Although they appear a lot in the VIII legion's iconography and artwork, oddly enough I wasn't actually able to find a direct reference to Nostramo itself having bats. Let's cover my ass by saying this aspect might therefore have been brought in by the legion's Terran component instead.
Some Nostraman geography
The Hill Folk lived away from the cities, eking out an existence in the mountains. (NLT)
What's worse than living in a Nostraman city? Living on a Nostraman hill, apparently. This seems to just be an idea of ADB's that doesn't come up again but I've always found it quite interesting. Were the Hill Folk as scummy as the City Folk, just with more of a down-home Dukes of Hazzard vibe? Seems likely.
This also supports the idea of Nostramo not being completely urbanised like some Hive Worlds are. In my view its continents might have had a geographical layout a bit like Italy or Scotland where the cities are mainly on the flatter coasts with a more sparsely populated hilly/mountainous interior.
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What else? (This part is just me making stuff up so feel free to ignore it. I'm not ADB, I'm not even ADB's hat.)
If the rest of Nostramo's marine life is anything like the sharks and whales then it's fucking terrifying. I would imagine, because it's funny, that a lot of Nostraman food features disgusting industrially-processed fish in some way or another. Like the food in Dishonored but even worse.
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Is something wrong, dearest offworld husband? You haven't touched your stale bread, whalemeat and jellied eels.
Since all life on Nostramo seems to be comically carnivorous and aggressive, it would make sense in a 40K kind of way for there to be giant predatory penguins living at one or both of its poles. A bit like the monstrous blind albino penguins HP Lovecraft wrote about.
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Last known infrared pict-capture of an early Nostraman settler attempting communication with a juvenile specimen of the native penguin species. There were no survivors.
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Bad: My son is the best son. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, he doesn't do drugs, he doesn't gamble.
Dapper: Hey dad, can we go to Lucky Ducks?
Bad: Yeah, let's go test our luck!
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lunarscaled · 29 days
Tesla would abandon me in the wastes.
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zaynes-left-chesticle · 8 months
W H A T. I N. T H E. H E L L is going on right now?! This better be part of the "be the most valuable bait" plan cuz WTF RAF!!???? He's obviously got some stake in the Nest and N109 O____O
I can only imagine what Zayne and Xavier would do if they knew what Raf just let happen to MC 😩 (He would probably be dead for one lol.... I really hope we get some interaction between the guys at some point down the road tho, I thought at first their POVs were all different timelines but I guess not o_o)
Anyways, I need the next chapter to drop like now (after I figure out how to beat stages 12 and 13) because I want to throw up.... Chapter 8 has me screaming.
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tj-crochets · 4 months
What if you crocheted the cigar? Would that help the size problem? My brain is thinking: MR 6, INC 6, (SC, INC) 6 and then just SC to length and then color change to grey or red for the cigar end?
Depending on the yarn, you could get a nice texture to the cigar too.
Crocheting the cigar is definitely an option, and depending on the scale I was going for that's pretty much the pattern I was thinking too, I just have to admit I know nothing about cigars or what their texture usually is lol
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minqies · 8 months
well i've seen it all now...
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
History Channel guys: So glad to have you onboard for our docudrama. Here's the script telling you everything you need to know to play Ulysses S. Grant.
Actor: This just says, "Stare off into the distance and take a long drag on a cigar."
History Channel guys: Yeah, we're pretty sure he ended 75% of his conversations that way, so this show is going to reflect that.
Actor: Okay, then. Throat cancer, here I come!
#history is awesome#presidential talk#there is more to the role but it's funny how many scenes end like that#they even mention that he was a pipe smoker before shiloh#it doesn't stop them from showing him with cigars through his whole life#i also find myself analyzing this the way i would a book adaptation#i couldn't watch it with anyone cuz i'd want to fill in all the cool stories they skip over#like his trip across panama or the washington potato fiasco#there's not nearly enough julia#and through the whole vicksburg sequence i'm just like 'where's fred???'#the man brought his twelve-year-old son to one of the most brutal theaters of the civil war!#i think this is worth portraying!#i was impressed that they dramatized the mexican war incident where grant brought ammunition through the active war zone#by clinging to the side of his galloping horse#but i was bummed they didn't show him setting the west point equestrian high jump record#that story is so cinematic in my head#it would be ideal for tv#show a couple other students doing their high jumps#suddenly the instructor raises the bar an entire foot and calls out 'cadet grant'#pause for murmurs of astonishment through the crowd#and then steely eyed and perfectly composed this kid takes the horse toward the jump and clears it#wild cheers and a small moment of satisfaction after earlier moments of instructors lamenting his poor schoolwork#it would be so cool!#as long as i'm talking about west point i should mention my shock that the show got his name wrong#they portray the 'u.s. grant was a clerical error' story#but grant objects 'my name is ulysses h grant'#even though his name was hiram ulysses grant#his initial were 'hug'!#it was a whole thing!#kids teased him for it which would have fit in perfectly with the rest of their 'people didn't appreciate him' thread
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longelk · 1 year
Thank you for helping spread End Avatar Grimora propaganda; I’m glad I’m not the only one with end!Grimora taking residence in my head
YES im happy to help my queen claim her rightful place. i enjoy being fair on polls and not blindly voting for my faves but i feel so so deep in my bones she is unequivocally one of the best characters to represent the End in any media ever. i couldnt let it slide. she is The End Of The Game for the love of god
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sanguinaryrot · 8 months
in the show whenever louis smokes he always smokes a cigar and whenever lestat smokes he always smokes a cigarette and this means nothing other than reminding me of a scene in dorian gray where Harry says “Basil, I can’t allow you to smoke cigars. You must have a cigarette. A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure.” um. so.
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kurjakani · 1 year
You *gives ur shoulder a little kiss kiss* must be a bachelor
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raccoonzinspace · 2 years
I keep having the temptation to draw Invader Zim as a stereotypical 1920s gangster/mafia boss. Like, the wearing a fedora, holding a pistol, and smoking a cigar kind of gangster.
Seriously, this is like the most 2000s sentence I ever wrote....
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lunarscaled · 29 days
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"It's not as cute as the mantis, but if I say that too loud I think someone will grab my ear... ..."
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French Magazine "Guerir" (Health), March 1954, scanned by me.
I intend to try and scan the whole thing at some point, not sure when. Scanner at home is too small.
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mirandasedai · 1 year
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To @nightbloodraelle, on one Dutch van der Linde
(by ‘his podcast’ I do mean his own, the one he hosts)
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jamieaiken919 · 2 years
Bestie, I was playing some BOTD when Dempsey has a quote on the gondola asking for a smoke, cigar or even a toothpick cuz he gets nervous when its quiet
I thought it was an interesting nervous tick for him to have but was also trying to think of why he doesn't like the quiet. Maybe it's cuz he's such a naturally loud person that when it's quiet it throws him off guard and he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Bestie you are BRILLIANT
I haven’t gone back and listened to the BOTD quotes in a while (my heart can’t take it T-T) and I had completely forgotten about that one!!
Looking at that a little deeper, I wonder if that’s a nervous tick he picked up while in the Marines, or if it didn’t manifest itself until things started to go south with the undead. I can imagine him picking up smoking on its own in the Marines; but really becoming dependent on it to soothe his nerves once shit starts to really kick off around them. For all his brashness and confidence, he does still have worries, and maybe he finds smoking- or chewing on a toothpick- the easiest way to try and quell those worries while also being an easy thing to play off casually.
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