shinmiyovvi · 2 years
Hey, Kaoru and Dimitri! What do you guys think about Marie? And how did you guys first meet her? 
"Hello, Hazard! It's good to see you here. Hope you're having a good day or night."
"Privet. Okay, babe... This time, it's my turn to answer, alright?"
"Hai. You may now do the honors."
"Now, Marie is a short gremlin who is so energetic, especially when Stitch's around. Heard her calling him Vikhor sometimes, which he didn't like being called by his first name. But since it's Marie so she gets a pass. She's super close to my lovely Lyubov here like their best friends, and has the same birthday just like me."
"Mhm, she's super close to Stitch as they have a bond between each other. Whenever she's around, Stitch would get very weak and would also give in to his little gremlin. Now... I met her when I was new to Perseus, which Dimi was still held captive under the CIA. When I told her about Dimi, she makes an oath that she and I will work together to get him back."
"I met her when she was already brainwashed. But I did saw her files before when Stitch was reading through it. I told him that I want to see it to and just hands me hers. She has quite the history and I think whenever I mentioned her name to Stitch, he would start to get protective about her safety and herself."
"Well, he is caring to Marie, after all."
"But do you still remember that time Stitch was eyeing on you before you joined Perseus?"
"Oh... He was creeping me out at first, but... Before I met you, I was having a bit of a huge crush on him."
"You... What?"
"Well, that was before okay? Don't get so jealous."
"Tch, whatever."
"Anyways, I hope we answered your question!"
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jamieaiken919 · 2 years
Bestie, I was playing some BOTD when Dempsey has a quote on the gondola asking for a smoke, cigar or even a toothpick cuz he gets nervous when its quiet
I thought it was an interesting nervous tick for him to have but was also trying to think of why he doesn't like the quiet. Maybe it's cuz he's such a naturally loud person that when it's quiet it throws him off guard and he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Bestie you are BRILLIANT
I haven’t gone back and listened to the BOTD quotes in a while (my heart can’t take it T-T) and I had completely forgotten about that one!!
Looking at that a little deeper, I wonder if that’s a nervous tick he picked up while in the Marines, or if it didn’t manifest itself until things started to go south with the undead. I can imagine him picking up smoking on its own in the Marines; but really becoming dependent on it to soothe his nerves once shit starts to really kick off around them. For all his brashness and confidence, he does still have worries, and maybe he finds smoking- or chewing on a toothpick- the easiest way to try and quell those worries while also being an easy thing to play off casually.
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milolov3nutella · 2 years
I'm gonna return the favor to you for the asks you've sent me 🥺💖💖 let's start with the basics! Primis and Ultimis Xiu, what do you think about primis and ultimis Zari respectively? And Hui, what do you think about Marie? 
Its nice to see you first here, Hazard! OK, I'll let them to the answering.
Oh, 你好. I'll start first then About Ultimis Zari, she is, in my opinion, much better than me. She is funny, caring and loyal to the people she love. I just felt jealous when I lost all of that a decade ago. All of the cold looks is a cover, I know she is fun and sweet underneath it all.
Finally, my turn! Primis Zari is so cool! When I first saw her, she is like the definition of badass. Those scars on her makes me feel like she been through hell. It's pretty cool how she is brave to risk her life for a better.
Where is Hui?
慧!你给我过来!(Hui! You better come here!)
Oh, uh. Hello! Sorry I was busy. About Marie, I did seen her name in one of the files before. It's sad to see how she felt this way to the CIA. She was brainwashed and I can't blame her for the pain she dealt. However she was a great Ally for the time, she had a personality that made me feel great about myself and she protected me alot, too. I wish she stayed longer but its better she is with Persues and his gang, I guess.
Thanks for the ask!
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coralpaperthoughts · 5 months
i think some people (me, I'm talking about me) forget that Azula is only 14 years old.
she's FOURTEEN and she was a master at firebending, conquered Ba Sing Se and was nearly crowned Fire Lord ?? among many other things that I can't remember off the top of my head, but she was only 14???
me, at 14? I didn't even know what a swear word was
and then after the war's over?? what happens to her idek but if it's some bs like she got thrown in jail or smth imma be pissed coz she deserves better, like yeah she did all that shit, but Ozai was literally her father and Ursa was her mother - I think that justifies all her actions ngl
she wasn't even of legal age yet, surely that means they can offer her help or smth, instead of punish her???
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hummingbellehans · 6 months
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Realized I've never drawn Hazard before, which is probably a crime, so here they are for #15daysoffatt day 3: Wheel, featuring the dead man's hand (and a sneaky Red Jack)
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kacievvbbbb · 25 days
Look I like Roger enough, I understand what he represents and I generally don’t think he was a bad dude. I do however think he was shit at interpersonal relationships because, what the fuck. Whitebeards crew is infinitely more well adjusted and I’d say he arguably had the more traumatic death.
Like what even, what kind of planning leads a 53 year old man to sire a child knowing he is dying of an incurable illness and is about to turn himself in to be excuted by the marines where he will cause so much chaos it is literally still turning the world on its head 22 years later. He knew he was going to cause so much of a stir that he literally disbanded his crew and told them to spread far and wide to keep them safe. Because he knew the marines would hunt them far and wide But yet he still brought a baby into the world. Babe. What the fuck? What even is that? What was the thought process. I sincerely hope it was an accident and not a deliberate attempt to bring about a new era.
Because if so babe I need to see the recipe or I’m afraid we can never let you cook again
#even tho that baby was ace and I love ace#it’s the way I don’t think there is a single former member of his crew that we’ve seen that I would say is currently happy#like don’t get me wrong I respect his will he seems like a great dude#but you know what they say about great men they’re often not good men#like definition he burned to bright he couldn’t help but leave all his loved ones in the dust as he burned himself out on a fiery explosion#the absentee father vibes are strong with this one#I would argue that he gave all 3 of his sons complexes#fucking ace has such terrible self worth issues and lived his life waiting to die.#shanks is also trying to drink himself to death is so chill it is literaly hazardous to his health and had his dreams arrested at 15#and Buggy is the worst case of forgotten child syndrome and arrested development that I have ever seen#I wouldn't say someone like Marco is currently happy but you can definetly see a future where he is after the grief settles a little more#but it’s been 22 years and Rayleigh is still drinking himself into a stupor and waiting for the second coming of his captain#gol d roger#portagas d. ace#gol d. roger#roger pirates#whitebeard pirates#throwing thoughts to the void#one piece#op#one piece thoughts#one piece meta#I know people like to paint his as this mastermind that practically orchestrated the current happenings in canon#but I think they forget just how much that would make him a giant asshole. pulling the strings of peoples lives#which is such anthesis to everything we know about him and his resemblance with luffy he’s never try to control his crews lives#especially not from beyond the grave#I genuinely think he planned none of it he was just a man trying his best and falling short in some areas#shanks#silvers rayleigh
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emerdoodls · 1 month
tuc doodles
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Event: Campfire antics: Floyd (of course): let's go romantic maybe?
Sorry if I messed 5his up my brain go vrr rn
Campfire Antics; Floyd Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, some soft Floyd
Word Count; 700+
AN; I hope you enjoy your eel (and congrats on the wedding). Decided to go a lil ham on the romance aspect (kissing, you smooch an eel). As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The crackling of wood burning and the crashing of the ocean waves filled the night air. The blue and purple flames of the salt-saturated wood lit the campsite in a gentle glow. You and Floyd sat near the fire, Floyd propping his long legs on your lap, stretching them out, all while stuffing his face with marshmallows.
“How many does that make,” you asked, laughing at how stuffed his cheeks had gotten. Honestly, how had he not choked yet?
He moved his mouth but all that came out of his mouth was incoherent mumbling. He instead flashed his hands twice; he had twenty marshmallows crammed into his mouth somehow. He waggled his eyebrows at you, spat out a few marshmallows and gave you a big toothy grin. “I win the bet, Shrimpy! You said that I couldn’t fit twenty of those marshmallows in my mouth, an’ that was twenty-one!~”
“Actually I believe it was ‘you’re a hazard to society and a coward, do twenty,” you quipped back, looking softly at Floyd. “But you’re my hazard to society. What do ya want your prize to be then?”
Floyd flicked a half-eaten marshmallow at you, snickering. “Hmm, how about you close your eyes and I’ll surprise you with something?~” There was some sort of emotion swimming in his eyes, but you couldn’t tell what it was.
You closed your eyes, waiting for this surprise. You felt Floyd remove his legs from your lap, and the shifting of sand.
“M’kay, Shrimpy, ya can open your eyes now!” Floyd called excitedly, coming from a bit from your right.
You opened your eyes and Floyd was gone from the fire, but you saw the faintest hints of light blue light coming from the rather large tide pool the two of you had decided to make your fire next to. And in the tide pool was Floyd in his merform, glowing due to his bioluminenscene. All of the blue light from both him and the fire made his yellow eye shine, and everything about him was captivating. He waved you over, beckoning for you to get closer.
You got to the edge of the tide pool and Floyd swimmed up and placed a kiss to your nose. “Surprise!~” He shot you a wink before placing another kiss to your lips. 
You laughed. “So that was your plan-”
He shot up and dragged you into the tide pool. “Gotcha! Hehehehe, that was my surprise!” He wrapped himself around you, gentle though.
You spat out water at him, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Floyd helped you get out of the water and leaned on the edge of the tide pool. “Hmm,” he hummed to himself thinking. His eyes lit up and he dragged himself out of the water, still in his merform, and plopped himself in your lap. “I’m lucky that ya like me, Shrimpy.” He leaned his head back and smiled up at you. “I’m lucky that I have you.”
All of the joking was gone, Floyd was serious. And he was looking up at your face, which was illuminated softly by the campfire. He sighed and rolled back over to the tide pool, since he didn’t want to dry out. But instead of drying off by the fire you scooted over the edge, and placed your legs in.
Floyd swam over and propped himself up on your lap again. “Shrimpy?”
It’s not like we haven’t kissed before… And you captured his lips with yours. But it wasn’t soft like the previous ones, it conveyed all of the love in both your hearts and everything left unsaid. You pulled back first, sucking in large lung fulls of air. “I love you,” you stare into his eyes, seeing the blue flame from the campfire dance in them. 
He looked at you with lovestruck eyes, and crushed you into a tight hug, curling his tail around your legs. “I love you more, Shrimpy.”
Getting dry can wait for later, for now, nothing but enjoying this brief summer getaway mattered more. This perfect moment in time. And to think, this evolved from him trying to beat his personal best at the Fluffy Bunny challenge and wanting to try some s'mores with you.
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lvnarsapphic · 26 days
It really is so funny when I get blood work done for my doctor from an outside clinic or testing facility, they put huge flags on my results that are "holy shit please don't freak out but you seem to have too low testosterone and too high estrogen, here are a couple things that could cause this, here are some tips to help restore balance, but ultimately please do not freak out PLEASE" since my file hasn't been updated to "female". but yeah man, I sure hope that's how my levels would be trending after many months. I imagine once I do I'll get the opposite flags while I'm still taking the pills, if they would change the "sex" on file that is
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theoxvest · 11 months
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An Elf Hazard inspired cut out. Maybe if I live another 82 years I'll get a tortoise delivery of my very own. More versions under the cut.
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badolmen · 1 month
The rain….
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
Hello! This is for Licia and Lena! What do you two think of both primis and ultimis Zari respectively? 
"Hello, Hazard! It's good to see you."
"Yeah, yeah, just answer the goddamn question, Lena."
"I... W-Well don't mind about her. Anyways, Zari is a sweet child and a very eager one. She always looked up to me as if I'm a big sister to her and wished that I was. She will do everything for us, especially to my buddy Dempsey here, after all, I've noticed that both of them liked each other. For the other one, I find her quite the sarcastic one, both Zari's are the type of people who you don't want to mess with. But Licia's more worse that you can imagine.
"Wow, really? Whatever, since it's my turn now, here's my thoughts for the two. Both are small, quite the hot-head, a bit of a fighter but still needs to improved more. They're a caring one, though the other has a strained relationship with that psycho, but you get the whole idea. Overall, they're cool, just don't try and piss them off."
"Agreed. Anyways, both of them are beautiful, which the American marines can't help but to fall in love with them."
"There you have it, hope you're satisfied."
"Again, just don't mind her ill manners, heh."
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jamieaiken919 · 2 years
Okay this thought just came to me, I've mentioned before how it must be for Zari to be the only girl in the crew. But, how would the boys react and think to Zari being the only girl?
Do they tend to be more protective of her because of the gender roles and etc? Its just an interesting thought!
I’ve thought about this myself for my own self insert purposes- would the guys be more protective over the only girl in the group. And I think the answer is that the mileage would vary, depending on the crew and the individual members.
Both Dempseys would be protective immediately, hands down. Not just because they see her and their brains go “pretty girl brr”, but because it’s in their nature, whether they let on or not. They might be himbos, but they’ll always rush to be a knight in shining armor for their lady whenever they can. It might become a bit overbearing, if we’re honest- they’re so quick to try to protect her that they don’t realize when she can handle herself on her own. And specifically for Zari, once he realizes he’s caught the feels for her, that only ramps up to eleven lol. But there is a balance there- he’s overprotective of her, but he knows she can kick just as much ass as he does. And he enjoys watching that too lol.
I feel like both Takeos would be similar to the Dempseys, but much more subdued in their efforts. They’re bound by their honor, and that honor extends to their crew. Even when she proves she can handle herself, they’re still hyper vigilant over her, ready to come to aid should she need it. A silent protector, rather than an obvious one, but always prepared to protect when needed.
Nikolai I’m a bit torn on, to be honest. I feel like they would be the most averse to having a female teammate at first, simply because they’re still dealing with that raw pain of the loss of their wife. Nothing to do with her specifically, but just the idea of being in such close proximity to another woman gives him pause. I never said he had healthy coping mechanisms lol I do feel that ultimis Nikolai would warm up to her very quickly though- she quickly proves that she’s skilled enough to handle herself, and she can go toe to toe with them in many different ways, which endears her to him. He is protective of her, but he knows she can take care of herself. Primis Nikolai is the one I’m most stumped on here lol. He says he wants what’s best for his team, but he’s also proven to be rather hostile, so there’s no knowing how he would react to a newcomer, let alone the only girl in the group. And we all know my “talk shit get hit” policy when it comes to him lol. I think he would look out for her in the same way he does his other allies, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to be more protective of her.
Edward… I’m stumped on them too, honestly. Which is ironic, considering they’re the ones who take up ninety percent of my brain’s real estate. I feel like primis Edward would be kind of a combination of the Takeos and primis Nikolai- not going out of his way to be protective of her, but keeping an eye on her and coming to aid should she need it. Ultimis… let’s face it the man is a gremlin and would rather enjoy watching chaos go down than be a protector lmao. Although I do feel like he would have a protective edge hidden beneath the surface. Perhaps she reminds them of their sister, who was lost so young, and that’s why they’re willing to take that extra step to protect her over their other teammates.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
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The leg is just broken.
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itstimeforstarwars · 17 hours
Frankly how the fuck did I get into a non-managerial position of responsibility I was hired as a seasonal with the responsibilities of 1) put lawnmower in cart and 2) operate power equipment. I was supposed to work 20 hours a week for 1 summer.
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