#mentions of Jessica
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vintagegirl01 · 4 days ago
I have a feeling we aren’t in the 21st century anymore! (Chapter 4)
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AU Young Leto Atreides x fem reader
Summary: You find yourself in a time and place you aren’t familiar with. Now trying to find your way home, you come across a man unlike any other.
A/N: Getting back into writing for this series. This chapter borrows from the theme from Wicked’s I’m not that Girl. Hope you all enjoy it!
It has been a few months since you first mysteriously woke up in Caladan.
When you had come clean about where you are from, Leto was surprisingly calm about the situation. Rather, he merely suggested that he would have his scientists and such work on a way to get you home. As you or no one else could come up with a theory as to how you ended up here in the first place.
Initially, you were so uncomfortable with your current situation that you had refused to come out of the room Leto had offered for you to stay in for the duration of your stay until you could get back to your time.
Though it was Leto who took it upon himself to come into your room and visit you. Whether it was having a meal with you or simply talking about each other’s respective day, Leto had always made the effort to offer you company. He eventually made such progress with you that he was able to take you on a tour of Caladan. Both within his castle and beyond its walls.
It was through his listening to Leto’s calm, baritone voice that you were able to see the beauty of this planet. His home was full of lush greenery, large oceans, and rainfall as well as the wonderful people that lived within it. Especially the man who currently ruled over it.
Though, you hadn’t realized when your feelings went past platonic until a few hours ago.
A few hours ago….
You were up on a ladder looking for a book to read through his personal library that he often welcomed you to look through as he stood beside the latter talking to you.
You could remember exactly what you were talking about at that moment but somehow you were so distracted by the conversation that you failed to realize that you had missed a step from the ladder and were about to fall.
Before you could react, you noticed that you had not fallen to the ground. For Leto had caught you in his arms, holding you against his chest, bridal style.
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Not knowing what else to say, you look up at him. “Uh… Thank you…”
When you notice that the man hasn’t said anything to you, you step out of his grasp. “I have to go.”
Before Leto could say anything, you leave the room heading to your room.
Back to the present….
You smile to yourself as you reminisce on all of this.
Had it not been for him, you might have lost your mind in this situation.
Perhaps if everything was different, he would have been the man of your dreams. The one who you’d want to spend your life with.
Don’t dream too far, you tell yourself. Don't lose sight of who you are. A woman from the past. Don't remember that rush of joy. You try to ignore the way your heart flutters when you are around or think of him.
You know of the fact that he’s expected to be paired with a woman called Jessica from some sisterhood that is required to breed with men from powerful houses based on what Leto told you was expected of him.
Though you have never met Jessica before, you’ve seen her around the castle a few times with Leto. Either having meals together or simply walking around the gardens together.
It shouldn’t hurt you that they are spending time together, but it does. As all those times the two of you have spent together remind you of the reality that what lies between the two of you is mere friendship for one another. Nothing more.
Because you let your mind wander to the land of what-might-have-been.
Reality wakes you up from this to remind you that you aren’t from this time nor are you like her with her regal beauty and grace. She is all those things that you lack.
Tall. Slender. Green-eyed. Bronze Hair that is frequently done up or down nicely to go with her beautiful gowns that often compliment her. “She is the woman he chose,” you remind yourself as you settle into bed for the night.
You know in your heart that once you can find a way home, your time here in Caladan will only be a distant memory for him. For you, however, you will never forget. Not this place nor of him.
Because you were in love with him.
@autismsupermusicalassassin @missdictatorme @gills-lounge @oscarissac2099 @angel-of-the-moons @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @hoedamn-eron @emma23 @reallyrallyauthor @runa-falls @clemdango04 @faretheeoscar @faretheeoscar @ivystoryweaver
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poolseason · 1 month ago
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my take on young Anthony and Jessica Lockwood. The few things we know about these siblings is so damn tragic, huh? I feel bad for Jessica, she's not really a character in the story but she has so much presence. I have a crazy Visitor!Jessica/Source!Lockwood concept au in my head you if you wanna hear it some time...
anyways about THIS art, i had some trouble picturing what Jessica looked like. I know Lockwood's had a couple of instances where he saw his sister in place of Lucy, but, lol, i don't want her to look like Lucy, and honestly I can make a case that he had trauma hallucinations or something to explain that away. But! I've always pictured her kinda girly, and wears a lot of blue. I also think of her having straight(er) hair while Anthony has curly hair.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 2 years ago
One of the darkest aspects of atsv is how Gwen was groomed. When Jess and Miguel took her in, I got "vibes," so to speak. The trailers obviously didn't help, but those painted Miguel in a bad light, unlike Jess.
Gwen, a 15-16 year old, goes with these two in the heat of a tense moment. I don't think anyone had ill intentions, but that doesn't negate the results.
I was shocked when we learned that Gwen hadn't gone home in months. Jess and Miguel become her whole world and take on the roles of her parental figures. In this time, she has become emotionally dependent on them and their approval. Gwen is scared to disappoint them. She's threatened with being returned to her dimension with no support, a place where last anyone saw, her father was trying to arrest her for murder.
Jess uses Gwen's admiration and dependence to manipulate her. She knows Gwen fears letting her down. She goes from being smiley and supportive to blunt and cold.
Gwen is scared. Whether they intended to or not, Miguel and Jess essentially groomed and emotionally abused her. The second she justifiably makes a mistake or just acts like a normal teen who lacks interpersonal relationships, they send her home.
At any point did they try to help Gwen reconcile with her dad? What did they tell her so she'd be fine with her father dying?
I know the dictionary definition is more of a nsfw nature, but I do believe it can occur in just a manipulative manner. They took in a vulnerable child, manipulated her, and threw her out.
Her whole arc reads like a kid disowned for coming out.
Note: I'm a black woman. It's not my job to make you guys feel comfortable with a clearly uncomfortable topic. Complain to the studio who wrote the film. I no longer argue with people who assume the worst of my posts or misinterpret what I painstakingly try to clarify. I don't care. It's my post, and I shall delete and block whoever I want. I'm not the government.
Like it or not, Jess and Miguel, grown adults, take a child with them. They are responsible for her. That is how that works. POC aren't free from criticism. POC can be evil to white women. This is a fictional movie, bitch to the studio who made them the obvious bad guys.
Thank you 😊
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k1ranishf4 · 2 years ago
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Ah, yes. Finally, the full version
[By tardis_time_with_13 on Instagram]
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antlergrave · 2 years ago
nosey little chap
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[1920s!Jay Merrick]
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raziiyah · 5 months ago
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hey! this is actually something i've thought about quite a lot before so here's how i see it:
since monsters are so diverse in the monster world, there are a vast amount of factors that are considered beautiful. some monsters may like 1 eye, some like 3 eyes and some like 8. some like feathers, scales, or fur. it just comes down to preference. but for monsters, generally, scary = beautiful
firstly, for the teeth thing, i imagined that just like human beauty standards, monster beauty standards can change. perhaps yellow teeth used to be the standard, but then it was discovered that whiter teeth made them more visible and gave them a scarier appearance. also, maybe they discovered that poor dental health caused monsters to lose their teeth sooner, which is a problem if you rely on them for scaring. proper dental care allowed you to stay healthy and kept your teeth in good condition, keeping you in the scaring career for longer. like when sulley is brushing his teeth in mi, mike really emphasizes getting rid of plaque
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this change could also be why randall's teeth in mi are visibly whiter than they were in mu
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as for female monsters, i see it sorta like how jessica rabbit from who framed roger rabbit is in toon town. she's regarded as very beautiful, but not as desireable or successful (to other toons) as roger rabbit, someone more cartoony and goofy looking
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so though the more humanoid looking monsters could be considered beautiful, since being a scarer is known as the biggest achievement a monster could have, if you're scary, you're considered beautiful on a whole other level.
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another idea i had is that scaring could be considered as a male dominated career, so the scary/beauty standards for female monsters aren't as scrutinized as much as male monsters. this could be why there are more female monsters that aren't necessarily as "scary looking"
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this could also play a role into why the pnk's are so cutthroat- with a more conventionally beautiful appearance, they might not be considered the most successful in monster society. sure they could be models and movie stars
(though i can still see """scary/conventionally unattractive""" monsters being just as viable as models and moviestars in the monster world, maybe even more so),
but since scarers are the creme de la creme, "prettier" monsters could sometimes be seen as beautiful but maybe not typically the image of someone "successful" or "desireable" (my oc lia is a scarer and has a body type similar to the pnks so i made this an insecurity of hers hehe)
but monsters can combat this by showing their scariness through their glowing eyes, teeth, claws, etc. this could be valuable as well as there's a scary/surprising factor to appearing "innocent" at first, which could be advantageous in scaring, if you know how to use it (like the pnk's in the toxicity challenge or terri and terry in the scare simulator)
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also considering the movie poster seen in maw; it's about monsters in space, likely referring to aliens. humans could be considered aliens/alien-looking to monsters because they come from another world, and heather has a more humanoid appearance
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on the other hand, hss is more favored as "one of the most powerful, scary monsters in campus, and they have a more traditionally "scary" appearance. and in monsters at work, of the female monsters in the mu sororities, rosie levin was the one who made it to the same scare/(laugh) floor that sulley/(mike) are/(were) on, at monsters inc.
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so really i think beauty is subjective in the monster world since everyone is so different. conventionally beautiful monsters are still beautiful, maybe even some monster's preference, but scary monsters are generally favored most, because of how much monster society is centered around scaring. after all, "scariness is the true measure of a monster."
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@moonlight-monster @randall-simp-nadt88
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valenfield-inspo · 5 months ago
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starsoftheeye · 2 months ago
one of my favourite things about until dawn is that while it may not make sense for josh to play the prank on the three people who arguably had the least involvement in the prank on hannah (ashley is ofc debatable but compared to the other 4 she was more of participant rather than an instigator), it means that those who instigated the prank receive their karma for what they did
mike, after leading a girl on and pretending to want to sleep with her has to watch his girlfriend be ripped away from him right as they are about to have sex, he then has to physically see the consequences of both his actions (shooting emily) and his inaction (being unable to save jessica in time)
emily is betrayed by someone she thought she could trust in a room full of friends who are not only doing nothing to defend or help her whatsoever but who have actively turned against and othered her. to rub salt in the wound, both times it's mike munroe commiting this betrayal
and jessica has to spend a night in the mines, cold and alone and afraid having no idea what is going on or what is in the dark with her, only that she is in danger and she is not alone. the only difference is that jessica gets someone to help her if matt survives
(am honourable mention is ashley being haunted by hannahs "ghost", plus dollhouse recreations and video proof of what she had been a part of, but that was josh not fate)
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loony-binz · 2 years ago
if I see one more person try to demonize either Gwen, Margo, or Jessica for some STUPID ASS SHIT I might lose my mind.
Like I’m starting to get super sick and tired of all the lowkey misogynistic takes some of you have for these characters. Like you can critique a character without making them out to be a FUCKING MONSTER.
Firstly, what fucking reason do you all have to even HATE MARGO TO BEGIN WITH??? She did not do JACK SHIT. I know why. It’s because some of you IMMATURE ASS MFS cannot handle a female character interacting with a male character that you like. That girl was sweet as sugar for the five fucking minutes of screen time she had. AND DON’T THINK FOR A SECOND I DON’T SEE SOME OF YOU RACIST MFS YOU AREN’T SLICK BITCH.
Second, I get why a lot of people are mad at Gwen. I do. I was angry too! But I also understand. She is a complex character and I love how they handled all the mistakes and all the things she went through. But the way some of you treat her like she’s a SUPER VILLAIN?? Fucked up. Wrong. Ya’ll will take an inch of flaw and go a fucking mile. Some of you have written fics about her being a HOMEWRECKER?? Or just a MALICIOUS PERSON?? Like FUCK OFF. She actively acknowledges and condemns all her own wrongdoings. But ya’ll don’t wanna hear that. And it’s for the SAME REASONS that you all hate Margo. You fucking BABIES can’t handle when a female character BREATHES AROUND A MALE CHARACTER. Just say it. It is some PICK ME GIRL ASS BULLSHIT and if I have to see it ONE MORE TIME you’ll be finding me under your FUCKING BED TONIGHT.
And lastly, the way ya’ll hate on Jessica is just plain misogynoir. She did not do HALF the shit Miguel did and I see her get dogged on CONSTANTLY. The most she did was try to help capture Miles, and be like- mildly condescending. Miguel has done far fucking worse than Jess and he gets 10x less hate than her. For such a beautiful movie- I truly expected better. Absolute FUCKING CLOWNS.
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babyboyzzintheyard6969420 · 9 months ago
That was a finale???? idk that felt waayyyyy too tame. Maybe Sam Reich has got me on another plane of paranoia, but there was too much suspicious foreshadowing this season. They are all just friends in the end?? No storyline that shows how he's been here this whole time?? I'm calling it, he's expanded the scope. The audience is part of the psychological trauma. We are being pranked, idk how but WE ARE BEING WENIS'D.
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reignsserene09 · 20 days ago
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Reverse 1999 x Lays chips collab comic with Jessica, Balloon Party, Liang Yue and Sonetto
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Sonetto munching the chip in her mouth tho 🥺
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also Sonetto thinking about dem chips
and this GIF of Sonetto being a sad ouppy then being happy when Vertin gives her a chip (these were two sticker emotes that was turned into a gif) 🥺
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evilhorse936 · 3 months ago
Modern day house p1
House gets his tubes tied or something
Taub and Kutner run a prank channel
Masters runs a YouTube channel documenting their cases as an educational resource. Despite her attempts to airbrush the operation the hospital is investigated and Cuddy kills her then stages her death as a suicide
Thirteen introduces Cameron to hyperpop
Foreman gets into the Smiths
Chase falls off a balcony and dies
House realises he is in a TV show
Chase is lactose intolerant and won't shut the fuck up about it
Amber is a femcel coquette girl-blogger
Cameron gets an autism diagnosis and starts making educational content until the comment section kindly informs her that those are in fact not autism symptoms she is just a freak
Cameron kills a man and goes to House about it who, high out of his mind, just wants her to go away and tells her to do it again. She becomes the most prolific serial killer in American history. House remembers that he told her to kill again and after constructing a red string conspiracy board linking her murders becomes consumed with guilt (they switch roles). The plotline is promptly dropped and never mentioned again
Cuddy starts a pyramid scheme
Taub hates xl bullies
They give House ketamine therapy to make him normal and he realises he is passionately in love with Wilson and they share a beautiful kiss and make sweet love. It is the highest rated episode of television ever
Cameron has a one night stand with a woman and Thirteen guides her through the crisis that ensues. Cameron gets really into micro-identities. Cameron tries to find a physical flag for a her micro identity. Thirteen buys her one and they put it up in the office together
Wilson turns into a werewolf. The special effects are so awful that it is the lowest rated episode of TV ever and the plans to turn the show into a supernatural medical drama are scrapped mid season. The show almost gets cancelled because of the piss poor quality of last 10 episodes of the season from them all having to be written in the space of a week. Five members of the crew die from the stress and the props, prosthetics and sets are sold on AliExpress. But remnants of it are still all over the show like there's an episode about Cameron being addicted to doing spells and no one mentions it???
Park and Adams get into a fight. Park draws blood and thirsts for more...
Cuddy kills House with an axe
Foreman and Taub have a one night stand and Foreman does his concerned face for the rest of the season
Foreman starts listening to screamo music and goes wow this is just like my life
Thirteen takes Cameron to the club
Cuddy joins House and Wilson to form a polycule in hope that it will earn her more donor money. Upon deciding it isn't enough she has to make the decision between inviting a woman into the polycule and transitioning
Cameron tries to grease train her hair
Part 2
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vyeoh · 1 year ago
I'm rewatching all the Marvel Defenders shows on Netflix and as much as I mock the MCU now, I need non-Marvel fans to understand that I was and still am a fan of "Daredevil fighting the gentrifying assshole who bought out the police force because ACAB both as a lawyer and vigilante of the community" and "Jessica Jones fighting the man who mind controlled her into doing unspeakable things and forming a community of fellow survivors and allies while dealing with PTSD in a range of both healthy and unhealthy ways" Marvel. God I love these idiots they carried so hard
#vio.txt#mcu#marvel#jessica jones#daredevil#also the two of them induced so much bi panic in me. also gender envy. jessica jones is one of the few women i get gender envy fron#the iron fist and luke cage shows were...more mid but still leagues above current marvel shows#like. yes be anti-mcu but these were masterpieces#and yes this is why i was so pissed about them putting daredevil in she hulk and trying to make him iron man 2.0#like! yes hes suave and charming but thats bc its his lawyer job!! he works in a law firm he and his friends started to serve his community#he is NOT 'i am rich and better than u' charming. he is 'i learned how to talk fancy for my degree and i have empathy' charming#and not bringing the other guys over either???? bruhhh#marvel really cancelled the best things they did on the screen#matt murdock my original red and black round glasses wearing sadboy what did they do to you#also!! can i mention that these shows had such better representation than nowadays marvel#murdock's actor doing extensive research on blind motility for the role#jessica and trish's friendship and how trish immediately believes jess about kilgrave#the whole!!! unique community feel of harlem and in luke's bar#hogarth whos both jessica's employer and foggy's boss in later seasons being a lesbian and having Real Marriage Issues#and also being a conplex and kinda shitty person#iron fist was....eh but that's why it was the worst one lmao#OH YEAH HOW COULD I FORGET MY GIRL KAREN#karen page getting a whole storyline in s1 about her dealing w ptsd and then getting fleshed out backstory and her own adventures#like ok it was kinda weird in daredevil that she dated like every guy bc she was the female lead 💀#but even then foggy and matt and her figuring their shit out like adults. like they shot their shots and it didnt pan out. still besties th#disney would never allow such good writing in current times#but a boy can wish
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halitis · 3 months ago
ive been researching the health consequences that come with space travel recently (dont ask) and i didnt know this before, but ive discovered that astronauts are exposed to A Fuck Tonne of radiation!!
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(the burden of space exploration on the mental health of astronauts: a narrative review, 2021)
and this got me thinking. do you think green lanterns are impacted by this???? like. there is so much radiation in space, do you think that aliens in dc have already biologically adjusted to this that they assume humans have too?
like everytime the gl's go into space they are exposing themselves to it... do they even know???? is every gl just giving themselves cancer, and a multitude of other health impacts without even knowing>??!? like this is so wild to me.
and now i cant stop thinking abt it :)
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purplecatghostposts · 1 year ago
Sometimes (not often and not referring to the proxy versions bc that’s its own thing), I’ll see someone call Masky and/or Hoody a killer and I sit there like. But they aren’t though. They tried to kill one (1) guy and technically Tim did later but that was purely self defense.
Their actual crimes ARE attempted murder, breaking and entering, theft(?), assault, and stalking, with maybe a few more, but 80% of the murders were caused by Alex. You can lump Tim’s kill count with Masky if you want (which brings him dubiously up to 2 if you count Hoody falling) but Hoody has a kill count of exactly zero.
They ARE very intimidating figures and highly important to the story but I definitely wouldn’t label them as killers!
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sleeplesssmol · 2 months ago
You're stranded in the middle of a spooky forest with no way out and no supplies. You can bring with you four folks from the Suitcase. Who do you bring?
DRUVIS: for obvious reasons
2. Yenisei: she can find sources of water and use them to guide us through the woods
3. Eagle: she may be small but she's in her element
4? Vertin: she's in the Suitcase so she counts lol. Her leadership and guidance will keep things in check. her perception will also give us an edge.
4? If not Vertin for whatever reason, then A Knight. We've seen him fight in a spooky forest before during Oliver's anecdote. Also, he's silly and his awful jokes will ease the tension and pass the time.
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