#mention of shark attack: tw
scottysanchezs · 5 months
Closed Starter For: @robbyj-martinez
Location: Tric
It had been a shit day. A shit week, a shit month. In all honesty, April was hard for him. It was the beginning of the season when the nice weather would come out behind the clouds and the sun would shine down on the ocean, April was when everyone would start to get their shorts and tank tops and suits on. April mean big waves and big waves meant sharks. Though the ocean wasn't his expertise, Homicide was, Scotty always somehow got wrapped into a shark attack. Of course he did, the man was Chief Of Police of Wilmington not just for the Homicide Unit. This weekend was busy per usual, and it was the first shark attack of the season and it was never easy. A teenage girl out surfing, catching some waves. Terrifying. He'll never understand how it happens within a split second. Though it was an accident, that's all it ever was. A shark biting a teenage girl was an accident. Wasn't it? He sat there drowning himself in alcohol as the man was off the clock, and he got lost within his thoughts about the case. An accident. That's all it was. Though was it an accident? Did the shark pick her out of the crowd? Why her? He thought to himself. Why them? Scotty now downed his alcohol and finished the drink, he gripped onto the glass. The news about the shark attack was on the television in front of him, and he asked for the bar tender to turn it down. Tric was busy tonight, it was busy and packed and it was Sunday and he hated it. Tourist season as well. The music was loud, banging and the Chief Of Police was looking at his phone. His screensaver. A picture of his baby girl. Violet Grace Sanchez. God she was perfect. His baby girl was perfect and it hurt like fucking hell to know that she was gone. To know that she was way to little to be taken from him. Not only her, but his wife. The love of his life, Alyssa as well. It killed him. Still till this day he had no idea how he was surviving. Barley, but he was surviving for them.
Taking a deep breath, Scotty asked the bar tender for another glass of whiskey and the moment he let the alcohol burn down his throat, Scotty looked at his screensaver. A picture of Violet sleeping in Alyssa's arms. He missed them. He missed them so fucking much and he hated that he was drinking to fill the god damn void. Starring at his phone, Scotty heard the guy next to him laugh and the Chief Of Police scoffed. Ignoring him at first, Scotty then turned and shook his head "What the fuck are you lookin at man? Can't I down some fuckin whiskey in fuckin peace?" His words weren't slurring yet, but they were getting there and Scotty stared at the man on the stool who was right next to him "Don't fuckin look at me. I'm off the fuckin clock"
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ink demonth day 17th : sailor
tw : mentions of uss indianapolis, ww2 and mention of the shark attacks on the uss indiapolis survivors.
march 8th 1942 the us had entered ww2 a few months ago after the bombing of pearl harbor henry was skimming through the mail he grabbed a letter and opened it,
it was a letter from the us navy.
Henry read carefully for a moment before he realized what the letter was. He had been drafted into the Navy. His stomach dropped to the floor as he read the words. Join the US Navy today!
"I'm being sent to war..." he whispered to himself as he sat down at their kitchen table, letter still in his hands, staring at it blankly. Linda walked in to see him. "What's wrong Henry?" She asked.
henry spoke quietly, his voice betraying his
feelings. "The Navy's drafted me." He muttered, looking back down at the letter.
Henry put the letter down with a shaky breath. "They want me to report at the base tomorrow morning.." he said.
-the next morning, henry put on his navy sailor uniform that was sent to him through the mail, he
Henry packed a small bag and, after giving a final hug and kiss to Linda.
he spoke lovingly.
" i'lll be back as soon as i could....i love you very much...."
linda looked up holding back tears.
" i love you too sweetie... i'll be here waiting for you " linda said.
henry soon got on
headed to the base, leaving her at home.
He had to do his duty, even if that did mean fighting in a deadly war .
Henry reported to the base and soon began his training. He learned how to use and maintain equipment, how to respond quickly to orders and various other things that came with the job. He began to bond with the other navy men around him as he went through the training.
soon Henry was assigned to the USS Indianapolis, a heavy cruiser with a great reputation for her service. He was sent to this ship with many of the men who went through training with him.
linda would work in a factory during ww2 to not only help with the war effort but help pay the bills, henry would write to linda as much as he could
Henry would sit and write in his bunk, on his bed with other sleeping men around him. He would write letters to Linda almost every night, telling her of what had happened each day and how much he missed her and hoped to return to her soon.
he would list the many battles and missions the Indianapolis had been in, detailing all the events that went on. He explained how he and his comrades had formed a strong bond and looked after one another, and just how difficult the battles could be.
soon on july 16th 1945, the USS Indianapolis and Henry we’re on a vital mission. They were transporting an important element for the construction of an atomic bomb, which would be used later in the war
The whole ship’s crew was on high alert, the job was extremely important and there could be no mistakes. it was carrying cargo and This cargo was a classified secret, as the atomic bomb had not been announced and used at that point. The Indianapolis would travel to Leyte Gulf and begin preparing to deliver the cargo, unknown to the crew of the Indianapolis as to what exactly the cargo was.
-Once arriving at Leyte Gulf, the crew spent most of the time working on and off the ship to make any last minute preparations to deliver the important cargo, with many not understanding the true importance of this specific cargo.
-By the time August was already a few days underway,
but then... Linda had not received a letter since july 27 . This worried her, but she could only hope that he was fine and that he had been unable to find any time to write.
By the time the 15th of August rolled around, she had not received any letters from Henry, and would read the news paper and learn of the Indianapolis's sinking, her eyes widening in horror.
she soon got a letter,
Linda's heart skipped a beat as she read the letter. Henry had survived, but was badly injured, with several issues that he was being treated for. She was thankful for the fact that he was alive, but at the same time worried about the severity of his injuries.
henry was hospitilized at the
Naval Base Hospital No. 20 in Peleliu,
henry had suffered deyhydration, salt water poisoning, starvation and inffected wounds, and shark bites, The letters described the struggles that Henry faced, including the many times that he'd nearly been killed by the sharks that attacked him. He had tried to fight back, punching and kicking at the sharks' gills to try and get them to release him, but he had suffered many injuries in the process, though he still managed to survive.
-Henry spent 11 days in the hospital, being fed and given fluids to help with his dehydration. His wounds from the sharks' bites and the sharp metal pieces that had injured him were cleaned and bandaged, and he was given medical care to help him recover properly.
once he was declared well enough, Henry was discharged from the hospital and the Navy. He was awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery and for his efforts in saving the other sailors from the sharks' attacks.
With his time in the Navy now over, Henry finally returned home to Linda.
but Henry found himself suffering from the effects of the ship being torpedoed, the ship sinking and the five days spent floating in the shark-infested water. the shark attacks He was plagued with PTSD, trauma, and many other issues from the incident.
Henry's experiences had left him with numerous phobias, including a fear of sharks galeophobia, a fear of deep bodies of water thalassophobia and a fear of explosions ekrixiphobia, He also developed a fear of loud noises phonophobia as well, The memories and the sounds of the other sailors screaming, thrashing in the water and being pulled under by the sharks were seared into Henry's mind. The image of the torn and bloodstained life jacket bubbling to the surface remained a vivid reminder of the horrors he had endured. -Due to his phobia of sharks, Henry found it very difficult to visit aquariums, especially those with large shark exhibits. The sight of a shark would trigger strong negative reactions and memories of the traumatic experience he had endured.
Linda would comfort Henry whenever he struggled with the memories and phobias that his experience had left him with. She would do what she could to calm him down and make him feel relaxed and at ease, helping him cope with the traumatic memories that still plagued him.
In January of 1949, Linda discovered that she was pregnant with their first child. The news brought joy and excitement to the couple, who had been looking forward to starting a family together, soon in october of that year their only daughter, jacqueline was born, which brought joy and happiness to both of them especially henry, Henry saw his wife and newborn daughter as a source of comfort and healing from the trauma he had endured. The sight of his family and the love they shared helped to soothe his memories and fears, reminding him of the good things in life and giving him a reason to keep moving forward.
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monstersdownthepath · 11 months
A collection of Nascent Demon Lords (plus an extra)
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(Pic source; it’s not 1 to 1 what I have in mind, but it’s close enough! and certainly eye-catching)
I’ve done daemons and sahkil, so here we have a trio of nascent demon lords. And also, as an extra treat, an especially disgusting Qlippoth Lord! These aren’t my only concepts for nascent lords, but if I put all of them in a single post then I won’t have any to post later!
As always, there’s significantly more lore for each of these horrors than I put in their little blurbs. Feel free to ask! If one or another gets enough attention, I might write a full article like I’ve done for bigger divinities.
TW for alcoholism mentions in the second entry, and body horror and major unsanitary themes in the final entry.
Caerbannog, the Deceptive Death Chaotic Evil Nascent Demon Lord of Aggressive Mimicry and Camouflage
One of many wicked children of Lamashtu, Caerbannog has risen above his lesser kin and maintained a hold on a small but stable kingdom of labyrinthine tunnels which link into the realms of various other Abyssal powers, which he constantly steals from. Petitioners, territory, treasure, whatever he can claim for himself without risking immediate retaliation. While this audacious behavior would get any other creature slaughtered for their impudence, Caerbannog remains under the radar of beasts such as Jezelda, Angazhan, and Zevgavizeb by sticking to a simple but fairly effective gimmick: Appearing very, very small.
Able to hide his presence to a degree that even True Sight cannot pierce his disguises, Caerbannog masquerades as harmless animals, demon larvae, or lowly creatures such as quasits to creep unseen in the lairs of his betters, taking from them what he can as part of a strange ‘game’ he plays with himself. Patron of all manner of beasts and killers whose appearance belies unholy strength and hunger, Caerbannog is overjoyed when he is found by some guardian or predator which mistakes his taken form for his true one. Exploding forth from the body of a quasit, kitten, or--his favorite--a rabbit, he becomes a whirlwind of shredding teeth and claws that can quickly dismember beasts of any size, leaving him to frolic adorably amongst the gore until he grows bored and moves on.
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Trickery Subdomains: Fur, Demon, Whimsy, Deception Favored Weapon: Claws Symbol: The head of a herbivorous animal with bloodstains around the mouth. Sacred Animals: Rabbits and kill kittens Sacred Colors: White, brown, gray
Obedience: Attack a creature that saw you as harmless or friendly. Preferably this leads to the creature’s death.  Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus to Disguise and Bluff checks.
Boon 1: Harmless Form Boon 2: Beast Shape II Boon 3: Veil
Vodani, the Demon at the Bottom of the Bottle Chaotic Evil Nascent Demon Lord of Intoxication and Misdirected Anger
Among the most human-looking of any demon, Vodani’s sickly yellow eyes and shark-like teeth betray the truth of his heritage, forcing him to take pains to hide them when he walks among mankind. Appearing as an innocent vagrant, Vodani finds groups of beggars and paupers to infiltrate, gaining their trust and sympathy with gifts of alcohol and stories stolen from his past victims. Over time, he will learn everything he can about them and their lives, what decisions or foul luck brought them to this state, and it’s then he will begin to work to twist their innocent desires for a better life into hatred for foes real and imagined.
There are some who mistake Vodani for a benevolent figure, the Patron (or Prince) of Paupers, uniting the destitute and broken against everything that brought them low, but while his cultists may have their own ideas of revenge, Vodani himself cares little for any true justice; he whips his unwitting victims into mobs united against scapegoats and other innocents, and any long-term good he ends up doing is purely accidental. So long as something or someone is destroyed by the end of the resulting riot, he considers it a success, leaving the poor souls he deceived behind to drink themselves to death and rise again as his children to perpetuate the cycle of violence.
Domains: Chaos, Community, Evil, Trickery Subdomains: Revelry, Riot*, Demon, Espionage Favored Weapon: Improvised weapon Symbol: Two beaten flasks, tankards, or cups toasting. Sacred Animals: None Sacred Colors: Yellow, brown *Followers of Vodani can modify the Community Domain with the Riot Subdomain.
Obedience: Find one or several drunkards and spend one hour conversing with them, weaving in purposefully inflammatory statements against targets of ire, be it yours or theirs. Alternately, spend at least one hour drinking alcoholic drinks while ruminating on everyone that has ever wronged you. Many followers of Vodani perform either obedience by accident. Benefit: Three times per day as a standard action, you may cause a bottle of ale, wine, whiskey, beer, or other mundane, low-quality alcohol to appear in your hand. Each bottle contains enough for two servings. These bottles and their contents disappear after 24 hours, or if you fail to perform your Obedience, though having the drinks on-hand allows you to easily perform it.
Boon 1: Rotgut Boon 2: Malicious Spite Boon 3: Song of Discord
Galroscul, the Hunger Sealed in Steel Nascent Demon Lord of Cannibalism and Gluttony
In his prime, Galroscul was a terrifying figure to behold. A towering horror in the shape of an anthropomorphic boar with the scales and tail of a dragon, six unblinking eyes on either side of his head, his tusks and claws as powerful as adamantine and his stomach as bottomless as the Abyss itself. He became a Demon Lord by literally eating his way there, legends claiming he consumed an entire Abyssal layer along with every demon and demigod within it to fuel his ascension, and if the stories are anything to go by, he wasn’t nearly close to finished. He had his eye on the throne of gods, hoping that if he drank the blood of Lamashtu, he would stand alongside her and, eventually, devour her as well.
He didn’t even get anywhere close to enacting his plan before he was ambushed by the forces of Zura, lord of cannibals, and Xoveron, lord of gluttons, who both saw his existence as a threat and formed a rare union against him. They drained and consumed what they could of him, leaving him pitifully weakened and, knowing that if they slew him he would simply return to life at full strength, set into motion a plan to humiliate and imprison him with the aid of greedy mortals. On a far-off world, Galroscul has been sealed inside of a great and terrible machine by a cabal of meat-mongers hoping to make their products fiendishly addictive. He rages and starves within this machine, processing countless carcasses but unable to truly eat a single bite, reduced in power to a Nascent Demon Lord and losing more of his sanity with every passing day.
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Evil Subdomains: Fur, Demon, Rage, Cannibalism Favored Weapon: Bite Symbol: A boar skull trapped in a metallic diamond. Sacred Animals: Boars and goats Sacred Colors: Red and brown
Obedience: Begin eating a creature while it’s still alive. Alternately, consume a limb taken from a creature within the last 24 hours. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus to your AC versus bite attacks and to your CMD against grapple attempts.
Boon 1: Enemy’s Heart Boon 2: Hunger for Flesh Boon 3: Extended Hungry Pit
Lormlecht, the Dung-Eater Qlippoth Lord of Filth and Sepsis
There are creatures considered disgusting, vomit-inducing, or putrid, and then there is Lormlecht, whose nauseating habits put all others to shame. Once nothing but a harmless scavenger scarcely as large as a finger, the Dung-Eater has gone from vermin to hazard to a lethal danger the size of a sea serpent as it has slithered through the sewers and muck of the Abyss, feasting merrily on the leavings of these twisted civilizations and dragging unwary victims into cesspits to ferment to perfection. Many attempts to destroy the filth-eating abomination have been made by mortal and immortal alike, but on the rare occasions these attempts succeed, they’re tragically short-lived as Lormlecht reforms within the bowels of a living creature infected with Filth Fever.
Lormlecht possesses a unique relationship with the wasting disease, able to cause embryonic qlippoth (especially Chernobue) to form within the bodies of any creature infected with even a mild strain. Any minor contact with its form is capable of causing a full-blown infection, to say nothing of the horrifying fate that befalls anyone who suffers even a glancing blow from its alarmingly equine, filth-slicked teeth; such victims are infested not only with a nearly incurable variant of Filth Fever, but a menagerie of other diseases which resist magical cures and can cause an agonizing, septic death within hours. It’s quite telling that even demons consider being bitten by the Dung-Eater a gruesome and miserable fate.
Domains: Chaos, Death, Evil, Water Subdomains: Caves*, Plague, Corruption, Flotsam Favored Weapon: Club Symbol: A piece of rotted offal impaled on a stick Sacred Animals: Rats and otyughs Sacred Colors: Brown *Followers of Lormlecht can modify the Chaos or Evil Domains with the Caves Subdomain.
Obedience: Spend no more than an hour contaminating an area you expect other creatures to pass through with filth and waste. Benefit: Your body harbors Filth Fever, which does not harm or inconvenience so long as you’ve performed your Obedience within the last 7 days. Any creature which ingests your blood is exposed to the disease (DC 13 negates, as normal).
Boon 1: Mud Buddy Boon 2: Tenacious Stinking Cloud Boon 3: Plague Storm
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col-e7 · 4 months
Ninjago headcanons again but my high school with no powers AU (post 2/5)
/!\ TW : traumas, mention of SA, bulliyin, racism, struggling with mental health, panic attacks...
Note : If you're dealing with any of those, please seek help, you're not alone you can do this, you are stronger than you think and my DM are always open if you need to talk :3
Jay Walker
• is 16 y/o
• is in 10th grade
• uses he/him and is a trans guyyy
• is Korean by his biological parents but raised as Irish by his adoptive parents
• can speaks Korean perfectly well and an old Irish dialect
• has heterochromia eyes
• is a freckles head and has ginger/blond mixed hair
• is between 5’6 and 5’7 (1m68) but used to be smaller than Lloyd
• is the 2nd youngest after Lloyd
• he’s born on the 1st April
• has ADHD
• has a collection of rubik’s cubs and always have one in his bag and a key ring with a tiny one and use the big one in class to stay focus
• is a genius in mathematics and P.E. class but just for running
• has hyperfixations are video games, dinosaurs, sharks and spider-man
• is very clumsy
• once tried skateboarding like Kai, Cole and Lloyd but failed miserably
• is a bad loser
• never does his homework, the ultimate procrastinator
• was a gacha/nightcore phase
• listening to all genders of musics but hyper pop>>>
• has an overload room but clean because he has cleaning pulsions at 3am and reorganise his all room during his calls with Cole. His parents had to create their own headphones for the noises during the night
• is a HUGE lover of Christmas and Halloween
• is an anime weeb
• Gave his WII U and all his games with to Lloyd because he knew Kai couldn’t afford it at this time
• Helped Lloyd to bind their chest for the first time with tape and for his birthday he gave him his own binder bcz he didn’t need it anymore
• Make fun of Kai’s height since he get taller than him
• Nobody knows it but him and Cole dated once for a couple months in 9th grade before they decided to broke up because they feel they were just friends
• To him he only had two relationships : one with Cole and one with an another boy named Felix in primary school where they couldn’t stop holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek and helping each other
• Has also a panic disorder which causes him to stress a lot and for the most tiny things. He got medication for it so he doesn’t have like a panic attack a day but he still can feel extremely stressed
• Because of his panic disorder and some bullying things in primary school he did his all middle school plus 9th grade at home
• Can play electric bass thanks to one of his old hyperfixation and sometimes plays songs to Nya even if he makes mistakes because it’s been a long time he didn’t play
• Is a dog person and has a dog call Flash
• Loves his adoptive parents with his all heart
• When he’s angry he cursed in the Irish dialect he learned from his adoptive parents and the others are either dying of laughter or being extremely concerned
• Is in love with Nya for ages and ages but didn’t how to approach her and all so she’s the one who did the first step and talk to him for the first time
• He has testosterone treatment so his voice is still in break and sometimes it is absolutely low and other times it’s high-pitched
• He builds a lot of stuff and knows how to repair cars and often helps Cole with his motorcycle
• His hands are always dirty and dust is often under his nails because of all the stuff he builds
• He has a hate (but he wishes love) relationship with cats since he’s allergic to them
• He’s nyctophobic (extreme fear of dark) and so he always has a little candle or the night light that his parents made for him so he can sleeps
• Used to have horrible panic attacks at night when he has nightmares or because of his nyctophobia and even have to go to the emergency once because of it
• Before getting his driver license he always go to places with his bike
• Before meeting all the friend group members, he always had to pretend he was « normal » because people used to mock him because of his ADHD, his anxiety tics and where he lived (the junkyard)
• He’s the nice and energetic guy of his village, every old ladies thinks he’s really nice while old men thinks he’s too noisy (they’re just jealous-)
• Always make little gifts to Nya that he made himself and love to do big surprises that he took months to prepare just to see her smile on her face
• Was, is and will always #1 Nya’s supporter with Kai ofc
• Is best friend with Cole since he’s been adopted bcz the Walker and the Hence Brookstone families are good friends
• he knows what Cole’s been through and knows to help him
• Nya is his biggest support when he has breakdown she knows what to do, how to deal with it and make him feel better and always listening to him
• Nya and him rarely fight because they work hard on communication and Jay is just freaking happy about that
• Jay will never admit it but he always admired how cool is Kai and even if they fight a lot he knows he can count on them and they know they can count on him if there’s anything
• Zane, Pixal, Nya and him plan every month a weekend to the junkyard to make a new invention together
• Loves to help people he cares about so when he learned that Zane was being bullied by some racists, he managed to always be with him if they go alone somewhere and felt extremely shitty when they got physically assaulted bcz he couldn’t help and even get hit too
• Sometimes he wished he was like Kai, confident and brave enough to fight for his friends
• Always say ily to Cole because he’s THE best friend he ever had and he’s always here when he needs help
• When he helps Kai with their maths homework, he become as strict as a math teacher can be (even worse) and it makes Kai just questionning his whole life
• Made the worse foolishness possible with Cole as a kid
• has arachnophobia
• dance and scream-singing at 3am with Cole on Timber
• is a BIG fan of Fairy Tail (has a plushie of Happy)
Nya Smith
• Is 16
• Is in 10th grade
• Uses the pronouns She/her and identifies as a cis girl
• Bisexual girl
• Mexican/japanese like Kai
• Speaks Spanish
• Is between 5’10/5’11
• Is the 3rd youngest after Jay and Lloyd (she’s older than Jay yes)
• Born on 27 March
• She’s an extreme perfectionist like it already made her sick at some point
• Drive an old but incredible motorcycle she repair with Jay two years ago and loves it, it’s literally her baby
• Is an amazing student in everything except art and literature because she struggles to express her feelings and to words on emotions
• Loves metal music and listening some with Cole
• Is extremely good at sport and even more at swimming
• She's not into dresses but she wouldn't mind wearing a skirt even though she prefers wearing trousers and shorts
• Is definitely not a morning person like she needs coffee to be awake, is addicted to caffeine
• she's been assaulted sexually when she was younger like 11-12 a day Kai has to work late again and couldn’t get Nya in time so she had to go back home alone
• Lloyd and her would definitely have the best sleepover/gossiping together when Kai isn't here for the all night and doing karaoke all night long
• has matching bracelets with Kai that they did when they were young. Her is red and his red
• due to her assault, she’s extremely afraid to be alone outside at night. She hated herself and feels so vulnerable so she build herself a shell and since now she rarely talks about her feelings and emotions, she sees it as weakness, but thanks to Jay she understands that talking and showing her emotions wasn’t about being weak but having the courage to open up to others and face her problems
• used to go in a boxe club with Skylor in middle school
• has undiagnosed ADHD and learned she has some symptoms by Jay who noticed them before they even started dating
• she can skate with rollers but not with a skateboard
• is very passionate about space and love talking about stars, planets and all
• wish Kai let her help him at home and open up more to her
• dated a girl in 7th grade but didn’t tell to anyone because she was worried to disappoint her brothers or friends
• when she has big breakdowns or she’s too angry to talk or see anyone, she takes her motorcycle and goes to the sea, to a secret spot. Sometimes she just watches the waves and put her feet in the water or sometimes she just swim all dressed up until she’s not angry anymore, usually she stayed until the night falls to watch the stars and moon, thinking about her parents until Kai comes and picks her up, worry asf but happy to find her and comfort her on the way home
• didn’t used to sleep without any cuddly toys until Jay offers her one of his favourite and ever since she only sleeps with it and can’t sleep without it
• hates TV shows about love but loves reading old books about impossible relationships
• loves gossiping with Pixal, Vania, Skylor and Cole when they do a sleepover
• she’s BUFF and can easily take her brother and Jay on her back
• get a tattoo of orcas, her favourite animal, on her left arm
• she wants to be a marine biologist and learn all she can about faune and flora of oceans, buy or emprunte books and hold a looot of notebooks where she writes down informations
• she wears bracelets made of leather and the one that Lloyd made her when he was a child
• often make fun of Kai when she sees they doing a whole skincare routine coz he got acne and black spot very easily while she never had a single spot on her face
• did have a crush on Cole when she was 14 and was hurt when he told her he was crushing on Kai and started realising her feelings for Jay (she always considered him as a brother) a year later
• always wanted a cat but she doesn’t know why they’re always scared of her and that’s kinda hurt her in some ways
Zane Julien
• is 17 soon 18
• they’re in 12th grade
• uses they/them/it pronouns and see themselves as non-binary
• they’re demi-panromantic and graysexual
• Russian
• can speak like 10 languages : French, Russian, Italian, Latino Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Creole, Indonesian, Greek and German
• They’re between 6’4 and 6’5 (1m95), which make them the tallest in the group
• It’s the second oldest after Cole
• is born on December, 17th
• has autism
• their longest hyper fixations since they’re little are literature and language study
• have a bionic arm (they're born without their left arm) and they don't like to talk about it, it's kind of a trigger
• has always kind of a loner since they're little, so when they started to befriend with Cole during middle school, they were hella scared
• Cole is their most close friend and the one they trust the most, with their girlfriend, Pixal, of course
• is dating Pixal since 10th grade
• they never feel in love with anyone before Pixal and used to don't understand the concept of love for years
• they always been bullied for either their skin tone or their autism, and developed trust issues and anxiety disorder
• are easily overwhelmed by noise or public places, so they never stay at school too long, only in the morning then they go back home
• are a HUGEEE fan of romantic/dramatic mangas
• has lost its mother when it was only a child and so lived with its father
• are often complimented by their friends about how beautiful their eyes are (they're blue but like a mix of ocean and ice blue)
• can do crochet
• wish that their friends's life could be better and always try to help them
• feel bad when anyone is standing up for them when they get bullied or victim of racism
• feel like a burden
• is active a lot in volunteering actions and associations for example homeless people or victims of any sort of abuse
• even though their hyperfixations are more inclined in the litterature domain, their dream job is to be a doctor or a surgeon
• loves flowers and often gather some when it's walking its way home or anywhre and put them in its herbarium
• don't really like sport but love hiking, they find it really relaxing
• wish their skin were white pretty often
• even if a lot of negative things happened or are happening to them, they always try to stay positive and enthuastic
• is always the first person to listen Cole's music before the other since it was the first to know Cole made music and never make fun of him for that
• their favourite kind of music are indie, classic and ethereal
• has earrings since it is in 8th grade and always has them on (they were its mom's)
• have a EXTREMELY well clean room and hate when people get in and touch things without their permission, it literally can triggers them
• drinks nothing except water and apple juice
• has a budgerigar called Icy because of its white feathers
• their therapist is often bring their conversation oh them getting diagnosed to approve, yes or no, if they're HPI
• are working everyday a bit on being able to go in publics places alone which makes their dad and friends very proud of them
• try as much as they can to give some money or medecine for Kai's IED since they know he doesn't/can't take his pills
• already has a colder body temperature but having its bionic arm makes it a little bit even colder somehow
• love ice cream (fav flavour is vanilla)
• its style of clothes fits in light academia and has a comfort jumper (the only one they have from their mother)
• loves rainbows and has an entire album of pictures of them in its phone
And that's it for the Headcanons of the "main" characters of ninjago, I know I took ages to post it but school has been pretty hard and other personnal problems had been on my mind but i'm really happy to finally show you this post ! As always, you can always put your own HC in the comments or discuss if you disagree with mine, as long it's done with respect ofc ! I want to thank @en0laa who often motivated me to continue this serie so I dedicate this post to her :D
Anyway, I hope y'all doing great and having a great day/night/afternoon ! See ya in the next post !!
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losingmymindrn · 3 months
Me giving Coral trauma to live with for the rest of her life (tw: mentions of suicide)
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When she Father started to appear less and less, her grandfather came up to her and said "The Fisher bloodline must continue, and you are the only suitable person in your generation to continue it." She was 10🥰
When Coral was 13 she went out to sea for a couple month trip. 12 people died and she couldn't do anything about it and her and the remainder of her crew was sent home much earlier than they should've been😌
She got into her father's liquor cabinet when he was gone and drank herself sick because she was so tired of living 🥳
Coral faught her father whenever he came back to their place, which often led to her knuckles broken and the floors covered in blood<3
Coral nearly died to a shark attack while saving Mizzen. She was fine but a chunk of her leg was not🤗
Her grandparents are extremely strict with Coral since she was the only Fisher worthy of the Fisher fortune and what not, so she constantly dreads to see them
Coral would come home drunk and sobbing on some nights, or sometimes she straight up doesn't come home and finds herself knocked out on the beach ^^
She always talks to her mother every night, but when it gets extremely rough for her, she begs and sobs for her to come back :(
Coral killed her father with the Trident she inherited and by bashing his skull in very violently
Coral feels entitled to take care of Mizzen, Mags, and her mama, which is the only reason she hasn't tried suicide yet
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jawsbudgetkid · 19 days
Hey, so this is an rp blog of my MHA oc. Basic rules apply. No nfsw asks since admin is a minor, be nice, just be a decent person pls. You can be flirty, but no messages like "I wanna f*** you bad" like pls.
My main account is @buckybarnesvibraniumarm
Also here is the main sketch of her.
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Anyways, this is an explanation of my oc's backstory and lore basically.
TW: Domestic Abuse, Bullying, Alcohol Mention, Drug Mention, ummm, I think that's pretty much it
So Umi was born into a pretty average family who lived on the coast of Japan. Her quirk basically developed when she was born since it was a mutation quirk. Specifically, a shark one.
However, as time went on, her father began to hate her because of her look, considering she has gills on her neck and literal fins on her elbows and back. He was very old-fashioned, thinking that daughters should be prim and proper and be married off. Umi was always a tomboyish and strong girl, and also grew quickly. By the time she was 15, she was already 6'0" (183 cm). It also didn't help since a lot of the kids at school would make fun of her quirk as well.
It only got worse when her mother passed away due to an accidental overdose, then her father started drinking and blaming Umi. Even though his slurred words never made sense, Umi felt that she was the reason her mom died. It got to the point where'd her father would lash out despite her doing nothing to instigate it.
One day, Umi was walking home from school when she noticed a hero fighting a random villain. Of course, the press and random people were crowding the place. Apparently, the villain had taken someone hostage. After the fight ended, the villain had been arrested but the hostage had died. Umi asked around, only to find that the hostage was her father.
Umi was upset. More like beyond furious. I mean, heroes always saved the hostages. So why was her dad any different? Sure, she hated the way he hit her and yelled, but she still managed to love him because she knew he was grieving. What she really hated was that heroes didn't live up to their word of protecting people.
After that, she saw the attack on U.A. and later on, the whole incident with Stain, she decided to join the League of Villains, deciding that heroes needed to pay for lying to the people who believed in them.
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Also, just some additional info. She loves Jaws and Jeff the Land Shark. She definitely DOESN'T have a Jeff plushie. She's 20 and her birthday is on November 19th
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mammon-s · 3 months
Tw: Sexual Assault (not graphic at all just a mention) I needed to share a fucking WACK ass dream I had
SO I had an obey me dream last night but it was not fun.
Basically all the brothers were angry at me and I didn’t understand why and none of them would talk to me and then Lucifer finally snapped at me when I asked him and was like “You cheated on us” and I was so confused because I’d never do that and I didn’t and I was asking around other people because I wanted to know where they got this idea and basically I found out I got sexually assaulted and they saw a video or something of it but I had no memory of anything happening so I tried to explain it to the brothers but they wouldn’t let me talk to them (and Mammon got a new girlfriend that he’d flaunt around me) so I went back to the human world and every once in a while I’d try to summon them (WHICH IS THE FIRST TIME IV ACTUALLY BEEN ABLE TO SUMMON THEM IN A DREAM) but they still wouldn’t talk to me. And every day I’d check my pact marks to see if they were still there because that was the last part of them I had.
And then I got attacked and eaten by a shark lmao fujffjfjkgjg
But my last thoughts were that I’d die and they’d never know that I didn’t cheat on them and that I still loved them all.
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rachi-roo · 11 months
Fic request open? Hello ??? Jdjdhsksks *Dying*Sorry for being so sudden, I sure hope your day is as great as you are!💙
Do you write x readers ? Sorry if you already mentioned that and my stupid self didn't notice. I always liked your blog but was a tad too shy to actually interact or send an ask 🥹
Maybe a Tachihara x male (or gn, whatever you feel more comfortable with) reader? I let you choose the summary and all that stuff cause I know whatever you write is amazing 🫂
And if you don't write for x reader then maybe a little Fyolai? Or whatever pairing you enjoy from Bsd? Or even another anime you'd like to write for, I'm not picky!
Of course you can always refuse or ignore this, I'll already feel honored if you just checked this ask ! If you're too busy or don't feel like doing it it's alright your well-being comes first! And if this ask somehow made you uncomfortable then I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean it 😭
-blue anon 💙
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Little Pastry!
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Hi, hi, hiiii! Waaa that's so sweet of you! 😭 I'm having a lovely day so far! Thanks you for asking, buddy! Honestly, I haven't done much x reader stuff before, so this was a nice change and a little challenge for me! Don't ask, don't know, Blue! 💕(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
Tachiharaaaaa!!! I need to know what's happened to him! He's such a good character, and he's fiiiine too~ σ(≧ω≦*) This was a fun little write, thank you so much for the ask! Have a fantastic day! \(^-^)/🩷💕
Summary: Reader thought it would be a good idea to prank the metal welding Tachihara!? What a silly thing to do. Obviously, he's not impressed and has to punish you for your actions!
Ler!Tachihara x GN Reader
Tw: Lil bit of flirting
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"SQUIIIRT!" You heard Tachihara yelling your nickname as you sprinted down the hallway away from his room at the Port mafia HQ, skidding around the corner and almost knocking over a priceless vase.
You knew your fate was sealed, yet you thought it best to at least try and escape. After all, you probably deserved whatever the metal bending PM member had in store for you as punishment.
Hearing the heavy footsteps of Tachiharas boots coming from the hallway to your left, you suddenly dived into the nearest room available to take shelter. It was dark, making it difficult to navigate as you tried to listen for your pursuers approach.
"Squiiiirt~" You hear his voice chime outside the door, sending your heart into a panicked frenzy as you immediately ducked under a table, bonking your head a little as you crouched.
The sound was loud enough for the red head to hear. He turned to the door, smirking sinisterly as he pushed it open, letting the light from the hallway illuminate the room as he looked around for his victim. You.
"I know you're in here, Squirt. Are you going to make this easy and come out? Ooor-" He stilled, spotting you beneath the table. "Haha, found you~"
He let the door close behind him, concealing his whereabouts in the darkness. You squinted trying spot him and brace yourself for an attack, but he blended in so well with the shadows.
The occasional footsteps could be heard in the darkness, circling you like a shark to a ship. The sound of metal shifting made you jump and squeak before silence fell again. Damn Tachihara, he always loved building suspense!
"Shit..." You whispered under your breath, deciding to try and make a break for the door. You scrambled for the handle in the dark, ripping it open, tasting your freedom!
"Fooound youuu~"
Tachihara breathed over your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up with ease and dragging you back into the dark room.
The two of you struggled in the dark, tussling and wrestling as your attacker tried to pin you down.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Tach-IHIHIIII-!" Before you even ad the chance to protest, Tachiharas hands found their way to your sides, latching on and kneading into your warm flesh.
"No time for waiting, Squirt~. You knew this would be the result of your mischief making. Now you gotta face the consequences!" He purred, leaning down and blowing a raspberry on your neck.
You bucked your hips, squealing and kicking your legs helplessly. The dark meant you couldn't see his attacks coming, but at least he couldn't see how flustered and red you were!
"Haha, listen to you. Squeaky lil guinea pig." He teased. You could hear the cold sheene of metal moving near by, your sleeves were suddenly tugged upwards by a set of forks and held up over your head, keeping your arms pinned.
"Now my hands are more free for this-!"
"Dohon't you dAHARE!" You yelp as a set of slender and dexterous fingers started skittering over your ribs, up to your underarms.
"Stop? Ahawww, but Squirt, you have such a cute giggle." He chuckled as he rolled your shirt up, dragging his nails in slow, big circles over your stretched out tummy.
"Coochie, coochie, cooo~ Oooh, see? The way you tremble when I tickle you slow like this - Ugh, it really makes my day." He teased, tracing smaller circles around your belly button, grinning in the dark as he felt the warmth from your skin.
Your breath hitched as you bit your lip, cheeks puffed as you tried to stifle the chuffy giggling that was building in your throat.
"Squiiirt~ If you don't let out those sweet, sweet sounds, I'll have to use that method."
"You wouldn't!" You blurted out, trying to find his eyes in the darkness as a little panic showed in your tone.
"Oh but, Squirt, I would~." Once again, you hear rattling somewhere near by. "And, unfortunately for you, we're in the kitchen."
"Don't! Tachihara, please! I'm sorry! WAH!" You gasp, feeling several bristly brush heads dragging and flickering over your exposed sides, tummy, and ribs. Pastry brushes. With metal handles. Tachihara's greatest weapon and your downfall.
As he manipulates the brushes with his ability, the red head also kneads into your thighs with his nimble thumbs, smirking as he feels the muscles tremble and clench beneath him.
"Tickle, tickle~ Oho, isn't this fun? You're like a yummy little pastry that needs buttering up!" He jeered, taking a gulp of air and blowing another raspberry on your neck. "Mmhm-! A tasty pastry too~."
"StAHAaaaa-... *gasp* NOHO! Aaaha!"
"What's the matter, little raspberry bun? You sound a little flustered~ Are you?"
"Y-You knowhow damn well I-YAAHAHAHAM!"
"You are?" He grinned in the dark, you can feel his breath on your chin as he leaned in close, softly tracing up and down the back of your ribs.
"Good~ I'd hate to think you're not flustered by my actions, my words~" He purred, briefly pecking your cheek before unleashing a cruel attack upon your torso, sending you into a flurry of helpless breathy laughter as your legs beat and kicked on the kitchen tiles.
He was relentless. Squeezing from your ribs down to your hips, using the pastry brushes to follow his fingers, not giving your skin a break from the tickly sensations.
"Plehehease! T-Tahach- *wheeze* AAAHA! StAHAahaAAA-! Dahamn it! I-I'm gohonna dihie!"
"Aww, well, we can't have that now, can we? My lil' pastry." At once, the tickling stopped. You lay there panting with a smile on your face.
"Okahay... Okay... I-I'm sorry... Oh-" You flinch, feeling a hand cover your eyes, hearing the click of a light switch.
"Just didn't want to flashbang you." Tachihara chuckled, slowly removing his hand letting your eyes adjust to the lights, revealing his face, smiling down at you with that cheeky, toothy grin of his as he stayed kneeling over your waist.
You stare at each other for a moment before Tachihara gasped.
"You are so red! Oh gosh, I almost burned my little pastry!" He chuckled, sitting you up and wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. "I'm sorry, Squirt. Revenge has been served." He chuckled, tussling your hair.
A content sigh passes your lips as you share this moment before a feeling of dread fills your gut.
.... What about the other prank you've left for him?...
--------------------☆ END ☆-----------------------
Thanks for reading!! 🥰
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foxcantswim · 1 year
Barbie x Harley Quinn // Lucky I Love Ya
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First Barbie x Harley fic out there??? I am now BEGGING for more. I am also begging for requests for these two. I'm on my knees at this point.
Harley breaks Barbie out of jail. Afterall, she would do anything for her girlfriend.
TW: Mention of catcalling, blood, language
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Barbie had been arrested… again… She had been catcalled one too many times and she had simply lost her patience, a punch and a kick there had landed her in yet another cell.
Harley grabbed hold of Barbie's wrist and pulled her closer, "Watch your back!" she shouted before pointing a gun at a cop who had appeared behind Barbie.
Taking a deep breath, Barbie closed her eyes and awaited the gunshot. She flinched. Harley had always been on the extreme side. She had even offered Barbie a gun a few days ago, which she obviously declined.
An arm wrapped around Barbie's waist, "You sure are lucky I like you enough to bust you outta here, puddin'."
A shy smile appeared on Barbie's face, "You know I appreciate it. But you don't have to keep…" she dared to take a look behind her towards the body on the floor, "Keep doing things like this," her voice became quiet.
The concept of death was always something Barbie had a problem with. And Harley didn't exactly help with that.
"Anything for my doll," Harley licked her lips, leaning in close, "One day you'll use a gun and you'll see just how exciting this shit can be." Barbie took a step back, narrowly avoiding Harley's kiss. Harley stuck out her tongue, Barbie couldn't help but smile.
Barbie was grateful for Harley. She had run into her when she was robbing a bank… Of course she was. A stray bullet had flew past her head, missing her by mere inches. Harley was about to make sure the next bullet hit its mark, but then she realised something. It was almost as if she was looking into a mirror…
Harley was determined to look after this mysterious woman from that day on.
It had been a few months since the two first met now.
"You want to take me to where?"
"BarbieLand!" Barbie exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.
BarbieLand was something she had brought up a few times, Harley was still confused at the possibility of a whole other world which was run by women and… very pink?
"This again?" she groaned, "You really think someone like me would be able to function somewhere like that? You know I love ya, doll, but I ain't goin' anywhere near that place," Harley said as she sat down on the sofa, leaning back.
"Erm… Gloria probably wouldn't like it if you got…" Barbie nodded towards Harley's blood covered clothes, "That on her furniture."
Speaking of Gloria. She almost fainted from a panic attack upon seeing TWO Barbies. It had taken a few weeks for her to get used to it.
"Isn't this kind of weird…?" she had asked.
"I'm literally friends with a walking shark and a woman who can control plants. Nothin' is weird to me."
Harley giggled up at Barbie, "Me n Gloria are like this," she crossed her fingers, "She won't mind."
"I won't mind what?"
"Speak of the devil," Harley smirked before kicking her feet up on the coffee table.
"Hi, sorry I'm late I had a-" Gloria froze in her tracks, "Get up! Now!" she shouted, instantly moving to grab Harley's hand to pull her up, "What the hell happened?"
"Nothin'!" Harley smiled as innocently as she could.
Gloria released her hand, "Really?" she tried to control her breathing at the sight of blood staining her couch.
"Some assholes were gettin' all up in my doll's business. I only did what was right and broke her out of jail."
"Jail?! Again?!" Gloria's eyes darted towards Barbie who was shifting back and forth on her feet.
"She was stickin' up for herself," Harley argued, "Men can be assholes."
Gloria sighed deeply, "That doesn't mean you can go around killing people! For one thing, you are dragging evidence here!" Despite not wanting to be anywhere near the blood, she ran to the kitchen to grab some rubber gloves in preparation of a thorough cleanup. This hadn't been the first time Harley had shown up covered in blood. Of course Gloria had called the cops the first handful of times, but each and every time Harley would somehow escape and show up once again.
"She was only trying to help," Barbie muttered as Gloria made her way back towards the couch with multiple different cleaning products in hand.
Harley laughed and walked up behind Barbie, wrapping her aways around her waist, "Ya see… Even puddin' knows I'm only doing what's right."
Gloria had found it incredibly narcissistic when Harley had announced that she was in a relationship with Barbie a few weeks ago. But then again, that was totally a Harley thing to do.
"I never said it was right," Barbie gasped.
"You wound me, babe!" Harley pouted as she rested her chin on Barbie's shoulder.
"You need to leave. Both of you. I need to disinfect the whole house." Gloria loved Barbie, regardless of her choices. And if Harley made her happy, then who was she to judge? If Gloria was being honest, she was glad that Harley was there to look after Barbie in the outside world. She was still learning about how to be human, afterall. She just hoped that Barbie was learning how to be a good person.
Harley planted a kiss on Barbie's cheek before moving away, "But where would we go? You can't kick us out like this," Harley wiped her eyes, trying her hardest to produce tears.
Barbie's frown soon turned into a huge smile, "We can go to BarbieLand!"
Before Harley could protest, Gloria interrupted, "Yes. That is a great idea. The police won't look for you there."
Harley was quickly on knees in front of Gloria, "Don't let her take me there!" she clasped her hands together and begged, "What if I don't make it back alive?!"
"You are always so dramatic," Gloria shook her head before looking over at Barbie, "Go on. Take all the time you need."
Barbie giggled with joy before pulling Harley up from the ground, "We're going to have so much fun, Harley!" she placed a kiss on her cheek, which melted the latter's heart.
It was becoming increasingly hard for Harley to deny whatever Barbie wanted. It was rare for Barbie to show affection, so a simple kiss on the cheek was usually her undoing.
"Okay! You've convinced me, doll!" Harley linked their arms together before dragging her towards the door, "Good luck with the blood!" she laughed towards Gloria.
"Ha ha……" Gloria rolled her eyes. Just before thy were about to leave the house, Gloria gasped, "Harley! Clean yourself up before you leave!"
"Booooo! You're no fun," she replied. Barbie had to forcefully drag Harley up the stairs towards the bathroom.
Harley clicked the lock as soon as they were in. It was barely even five seconds before Barbie found herself pushed against the sink.
"Nope!" Barbie put a hand up as Harley leaned in, "I refuse to kiss you when you are covered in… that."
"Dollfaaaace, you're killin' me!" Harley rolled her eyes, but she did indeed move Barbie out of the way in order to reach the sink. She had never scrubbed her face faster, water and soap splashed over the sides haphazardly.
"There we go!" Harley cheered before turning towards Barbie once more, instantly claiming her lips with her own. Barbie automatically smiled into the kiss.
"Much better," Barbie said when she pulled away.
"Love ya, babe," Harley moved a stray hair out of Barbie's face before going back in for seconds. The kiss soon deepened, it was always hard for Harley not to escalate things.
A loud bang could soon be heard coming from the front door.
"Ma'am, we're looking for Harley Quinn… Again."
"Fuckin' cops," Harley groaned as she buried her face into a panting Barbie's neck.
"L-Language," Barbie shivered under her grasp.
"I think it's about time we jump this place, puddin'," she pressed a soft kiss to the underside of her jaw before reluctantly pulling away.
The pair made their way to the room next door, Barbie always made sure to keep a spare change of clothes in a bag for Harley.
"Do I really need to change?" she groaned.
"Yes! You can't go out looking like that!" Blood still clearly stained her clothes.
"Lucky I love ya," Harley rolled her eyes before grabbing the bag.
Barbie clapped her hands together in excitement as she watched Harley change, "We're finally going to BarbieLand!" she shouted.
"Shh!" Harley hushed her.
Once Harley was finally changed, she ran towards the window and flung it open. She reached out to hold Barbie's hand before the pair jumped.
Harley was not looking forward to the trip to BarbieLand. She had no idea what was in store for her… But if it made Barbie happy, then so be it. The smile on her girlfriend's face as they skated alongside the beach was worth it.
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Tw for thalassophobia and mention of the USS Indianapolis December 8th 1948 Henry and Mabel and their adoptive children were going to spend the holidays with henrys sibling and their families.
His siblings arrived. Henry hugged his siblings martin ruffled henrys ash blonde hair " so we are spending the holidays at our family beach house the oceans a good view! Right henry?.." bonnie said before looking at him " henry?.... Henry smiled nervously, " yeah that would be great.... going to the ocean that would be great..." henrys heart started pounding remembering the terrible disaster in ww2 he was in he was on the USS Indianapolis And he was attacked a shark and he witnessed many shark attacks during that horrible day he floated starving, thirsty, and suffering from heat exposer His eyes widen his heart skipping a beat, he began hot flashes tears streaming down his face he clutched his head his siblings grew concerned " no... no no... no.... no... no!!" Mabel held henry close " henry!... please calm down... we aren't going to the ocean..." Mabel said gently after henry calmed down Mabel explained to bonnie, Christopher and martin why henry avoids the ocean or deep water in general they were shocked bonnie apologized repeatetly henry was quick to forgive and changed plans they decided to spend the holidays at martins home it was huge. Henry felt a lot better henry felt comfortable away from the ocean and thats okay.
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[Jerma's voice] Would Medic watch Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack? Serious answers only! Just kidding, let's be silly about it.
If you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't ask how I do huehuehue ( ◡_◡ )
Medic And Junji Ito's Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
JERMA MENTION??? Lol, I've seen the anime adaptation of Gyo, and ough, I'm torn. On one hand, it's super cool to see the work animated, but also it's not as fucked up as the manga. But it's just fine to write about!
ALSO mutual appreciation comment! Love you for all the asks and ideas, also love you for giving me a chance to talk about Medic (he's so silly I love talking about him, but you've probably figured that out by now :p)
Okay to start, he definitely would watch it. I think this man has always been a hard-core Junji Ito fan. He loves how disgusting (Listen I love Junji Ito so much, but good god is Gyo gross 😭) Ito's works are. For the sake of being able to give you his take on the episode, we'll pretend he hasn't seen or read Gyo already.
We're maybe twenty seconds in and he's already a little disappointed, this isn't nearly as good as the mangas he's read, but he continues to give it a chance. The second Kayori crushed the first fish walker and he saw the blood spurt, he was very much enjoying his choice to stick around. Is also thrilled at the fish walker itself, what a disgusting little thing! He pauses the show to just, look at every detail of the fish walker, maybe even has a sketchbook that he grabs to just get a quick idea of the anatomy it would have. LET ME TELL YOU WHEN THIS MAN SEES THE SHARK FISH WALKER. Giggling, screaming, obsessed. He thinks it's so cool. When it dies he's very upset. Genuinely wishes they were real so he could study it. Also takes sketches, pausing to get different angles. Thinks Kayori is insane for getting on a plane and going to Tokyo, like, mouth agape at the stupidity. But then again, he'd go to the heart of all this madness to get some research done, so he let it slide. Gets so upset at the scene where Kayori and her cameraman friend are running away from the shark, he hates how it looks. (No hate to the animators they had a big ask but it's so bad guys 😭) Remember the reaction to the shark? Yeah, multiply it by ten for the octopus. Is just floored by how cool of a concept it is. Like he'll be up for hours imagining all different types of animals and sea life as fish walkers and how that would work.
The minute the infection aspect comes into play he's also so hyped. Body horror is his favorite type of horror after all. Picks up on Kayori's cut before the anime even really expresses it as an issue (him being a doctor and all) and is weirdly excited to see our main character turn at some point. Is slightly disappointed to learn that the fish walkers are a mix of machinery and viruses, (he'd rather these things just be full-on viruses) but hey maybe Engie would be down to talk about how the process of engineering of these freaks would go with Medic sometime, who knows? Human fish walkers are a whole other fascination for him. Immediately starts trying to work out in his mind how a real one would work and operate, has a couple of sketches going, and wants to teleport himself in to study and prove it. He loves it. The mega fish walker is yet another "I have those visceral need to study this." Like I don't think I can put into words how rabid this man goes over all the opportunities he would have if he was just dropped into this world for one day. Is mildly upset at the fact that Kayori is immune to the disease as he loves the trope of a main character turning into a monster.
So after all that, I feel like there's one burning question.
"Would he make fish walkers happen?"
And in my opinion? No, he wouldn't. Sure he's insane, and maybe a little sadistic, but I don't think this man would make such a risky decision to make a virus, and a virus that causes incredible pain and graphic body horror at that. He might be a silly guy, but he's not silly enough to cause actual damage to those he cares about.
Well! I had to rewatch Gyo at least twice to write this. I'm sorry it's not super long, or particularly good, I had to pause multiple times 😭 I hope you like this though 🫶🏻
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vhivime · 4 months
Headcanon Saturday:🐺🌔
I thought it would be fun to make a fun weekly headcanon dump of different cookie run characters. For the first week of Headcanon Saturday, we start with our favourite lonely Wolfman.
a list of TW just in case
body horror, mentions of hallucinations, dissociation, suicidal ideations as well as attempts, survivor's guilt
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Werewolf lived as a wanderer after leaving his home village not staying in one place too long due to fears of another figuring out what he is
he has a problem with dissociating and memory loss due to his isolation as well as having periods where he doesn't recall anything for days at a time, similar to when he transforms. While it did get better over time (when he adopted Sorbet Shark) he still struggles with the side effects.
He struggles with survivor's guilt. After accidentally killing his only friend Sugar Cube Cookie. his home village tried to burn him alive thinking it would make their home pure once more. Werewolf survives but only after getting severe burn marks on the right side of his body. he feels guilt not only for killing his only friend who was a brother to him but also wishes he was burned alive for his crimes and didn't escape.
Werewolf when first meeting others is agile and aggressive. while his aggression isn't that bad. he can get defensive and rather rude when talking to others (but that only happens if anyone did interact with him)
He is an expert in herbs and plants, being able to differ what plants are edible or not as well as which one is good for medicine
he's shockingly good with kids at least with kids like Sorbet Shark :)
when he is in his wolf form, his body makes light cracking noises when moving due to his bones changing length, shape etc.
His wolf form has traits that are more similar to the werewolf tropes of 1920s films meaning it is more of a rage monster than anything while it still can recognise some of Werewolf's loved ones, its main objective is to fulfil its animalistic desires. its hunger is never-ending meaning it will attack if it sees fit
before Werewolf's transformation he gets hallucinations of Sugar Cube. constantly reminding him that he should have been burned alive as well as giving ideas on how he can "off himself". ( guess which monster film I got that idea from )however, the hallucination is just a jumbled mess of Werewolf survivor's guilt and the idea he planted in his head of what Sugar Cube would have thought about him If he survived.
He loves any candy or snack that's salty including salted liquorice.
He tends to be cold when first meeting him (an add-on to bullet point 4)
now these headcanons are after he married Almond and stayed in Parfeadia ( when bro wasn't a homeless single father anymore)
He hates coffee with a burning passion and thinks its gross ( to Almond's dismay since he's a coffee addict)
He plays bass really well and did some gigs when he lived in Parfaedia
He's that kind of father figure who looks scary but is a massive sweetheart who genuinely cares. also, the guy to give you a nice cup of tea when needing to vent and gives the best advice.
massive hoarding issues even before he got married.
his love language is quality time, he loves going to bookstores and hearing Almond infodump about a new sci-fi book he wants him to read knowing he will probably never do it.
Makes the best tea no matter his mood.
Works as a bartender at Sparklings bar part-time
After a certain point in their relationship, Werewolf starts to recognise Almond while in his wolf form and seems to be calmer around him and not like the rage monster it was before but Werewolf can't pinpoint why it happened
That's all see you guys next week I am going to make Almond Cookie next
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neshionals · 2 years
Setting: The Beach . Local time: March 9th, 18:19
@nickalphonsus​ TW: mention of gore
“THE chances of that SHARK attacking you in any way is so remote. The sea should be ENJOYED, the animals in IT. When you see a shark underwater, you should say, ‘How lucky I am to see this beautiful animal in his environment!’” - Eugenie Clark
One of Neshdan’s most appreciated memories from his childhood is his highschool’s trip to some aquarium in London. Some of his fellow classmates groaned about how those places were for kids and kids only, but since some kind of fund was paying for the activity and he finally had the chance to join them for their field trip without having to beg his mum for money for days, he was the most excited about it. The day had been great, and he got to look at all kinds of fishes and underwater animals, but his true amazement had belonged to Frontosa Burundi. He liked their color and the way they reminded him of the Pachycephalosaurus, with their big heads. Most of them were to be found in depths of 40 to 70 meters below the surface, but today, he could count himself lucky - a swarm swam up to a depth of ten meters, and he had been able to watch them as they swam through the unfathomable depths of the ocean. His work day had been relatively quiet, but since his night had been tough, he had decided to go for a swim, after letting Tomas know where he could be found.
Suddenly, searing pain shot through his shoulder and made him momentarily disoriented. A weird tingling sensation spread in his left arm, and he extended it to check for injuries, but he wasn’t able to find any. Confusion made him turn, and it was his luck, because the young shark was just about to attack his head. Nesh dipped down, the countless strange cuts in his skin now revealing themselves to be a shark bite. Gulping down a bit of water in shock, he coughed as he used a large rock near him to push himself upwards, in the direction of the sun. He could feel the sensations of the shark rushing in his direction, but he extended his healthy hand to send some stream, some waves, just something in his direction to irritate him - and it started working momentarily, so he did his best to pull himself back to the shore, leaving a trace of blood behind him that would soon attack all kinds of animals. 
“Fuck.”, he groaned out as he pushed himself onto his back, salt water burning in the wound as he tried to figure out how bad it was. I could use my ability to operate if this gets infected, he realizes, so he shoots upwards to properly look at it, just to end up coughing a whole lot of water right onto the sand. Nesh was starting to feel a bit dizzy, and the figure approaching him could be anyone, anything, and they could be dangerous-
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dreamersdenreal · 23 days
tw for mentions of child neglection, drunkomg omg !! / drinking/alcohol, etc
okay uh Derian Nikitas Ryan 65… 8'2 humanoid bug shrimpo sea creature shark beetle… He/Him/His Straight Ally 🗣️🗣️ Supportive father real Has offered for the Hemersons (only Henderson, Tyler, Trisha) to stay at his house while their parents were yelling/fighting / or drunk (The Hemersons only didnt accept once, and that was the first time he offered.) Overthinker Worried abt his daughter constantly Helps Paulee through panic/anxiety attacks Celebrates the Hemerson's birthdays (since their parents dont) ((also has everyones birthdays memorized unless he doesnt know them))
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karrenseely · 7 months
I've lived with it my whole life. As long as I can remember. I know when I was a little girl I'd have weeks of severe anxiety. I can remember one, that I think was in First Grade. I'd call them scary weeks. I told this to someone at least once that I can remember, she made sympathetic noises. I honestly don't know if I was a child or adult when I told that person. I don't remember who it was, I just remember talking about it and the sympathetic noises.
It shouldn't be surprising that I was not a completely happy and healthy little girl, given the gas lighting I was getting from everyone I encountered, day in and day out. Mostly I coped by not thinking about it. But it was always there, and the anxiety over what was happening to me never went away. The bullying started in kindergarten, but it didn't really start in full earnestness until the 3rd grade I think. As I mentioned before, memories are fragmented and few. Just the memory of hugging my 3rd grade Teacher Mrs. Ames at the end of the day every day and getting thoroughly teased for it and understanding I'm not supposed to do that. Though I didn't really understand why. It was confusing, and the confusion fed the anxiety.
I can vividly remember one night when I was very young, looking at the curtains over my bedroom window and seeing two bright green shapes in the window, one was a circle, just the outline like a neon sign, and the other was a triangle, also an outline like a neon sign. And I remember being absolutely terrified because there shouldn't be anything there. I never saw them there before, and I never saw them again. To this day I have no idea if that was real, or a dream. Most of my nightmares I can recognize, as they involved monsters, sharks, spiders, tornadoes, nuclear holocaust, or a volcano when I was little. When I was older and I started to understand that I needed to be myself, my nightmares changed to losing my family, having them turn on me, and some of the hardest ones were where I got to be me, everything in those dreams were right, I felt wonderful. Until I woke up and learned none of it had happened. It was devastating. Those were the hardest ones because I didn't have time to sit and grieve, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my parents to understand, to love and support me so that I could make those dreams a reality and be happy. Those dreams showed me what I could have had, teased me with it, when I was powerless to get any of it to happen in real life.
Every night was spent praying I'd wake up in the right body, I'd try to self harm and kill the parts that were producing T, but it was too painful, and I was too weak, too scared to follow through. I had fantasies of body transplants if mine was mangled in an accident... I almost followed through on a plan to do just that to my legs, when I got too scared about the pain and stopped before any serious damage was done thank the gods. I artificially caused torsion in those parts that produced T, but again it was too painful and eventually just to make the pain stop I'd undo what I'd done. I don't think my parents ever knew any of this, but if they did, they ignored it.
I was terrified of losing my family and at the same time I knew if losing them meant I could be myself I'd still want that even though I knew it would suck. A lot. I was right. It sucked a lot. I'll never understand why I had to pay that price to be myself. I don't know if I'll ever recover from paying that price. But if I was faced with the same choice again, I'd make the same decision. I know without a doubt if I hadn't, I wouldn't have seen my 30s. Frankly, if I hadn't learned that trans people existed, that there was something I could do to fix what was wrong with my body, I'm not sure I would have seen my 20's regardless.
I was always on guard. I never knew when a bully would try to attack me, verbally or physically. I rarely played with other kids, I stopped trying to make friends and just had the two I'd already made. Kids would pretend to want to be my friend just so they could get under my guard and torture me. I learned to stop trusting other kids. They all knew on some unconscious level that I was a girl, that I sucked at being a boy no matter how hard I tried. The only good thing to come out of everyone insisting I was a boy, was that no one tried to dissuade me from STEM, and instead encouraged it. But that was about it. I was however constantly given the message that I couldn't be successful if I pursued the arts as a career.
I was a good artist. I repeatedly placed 2nd or 3rd in numerous art competitions in school. But I never thought I could do anything with it. Because I was taught that art isn't a job unless you want to starve. So while I took as many art classes as I could get my hands on, I never considered it as a career, even when I went to college and ended up getting my degree in studio art, I didn't consider a viable career option, it had been ingrained into me so thoroughly. Despite how much my teachers tried to persuade me to pursue it as a career.
Fear was there too. Growing up I knew what it was to be hungry and nauseous. Not because I wasn't fed well, but because my metabolism was so high my sugars would start dropping before the lunch hour, I had to have a special dispensation to eat a snack during recess just so I wouldn't get sick. That got better as I got older. But my parents tied my lunch money to my allowance so I ended up starving myself for some extra cash in middle or high school. Not sure which. That money was saved so that I could do things to help me, whether it was to get support materials to try to help my parents to understand me, clothes for myself when I had the courage to shop, or for doctors or psychology visits my senior year when I turned 18. Though I had to scrounge to get money other ways for some of those visits.
Before I came out to my parents, there was the fear, the constant fear that they would hate me, be ashamed of me, not love me. After I came out, and understood how justified those fears were, it was instead the fear that they'd find something that I was using to cope and start yelling at me, shaming me, gaslighting me, telling me they'd rather I was dead. I was afraid of them now, despite how much I loved them. Despite how much I trusted them, though the gods know why.
I always had anxiety lurking in my awareness. I was always trying to prevent myself from being hurt, either by my peers, or my family. I'd learned from my parents that absolutely no one, not one soul should learn of my horrible secret. And so there was also the constant terror of what if so and so figured it out because I did such and such. With all of that is it any wonder that I developed CPTSD?
And that terror never really went away. I was and still am scared. My fears change over time, they all aren't' quite what they were. These days I'm afraid that my parents were right. That I'm an unlovable, horrendous freak who is either a burden to everyone I come in contact with or that I'll hurt them. That everyone I love will at some point reject me like my family. That I'm a horrendously selfish person who doesn't care about anyone but myself. Those fears have been with me most of my teenage and adult life.
But new ones are cropping up, fears that I'll never really heal from the damage my parents, peers, and society did. That I'll have to live with this emotional turmoil and pain for the rest of my life. In the last few weeks I've tried returning to work... It is not going well. I have nothing left at the end of the day, and the past and the emotions and the unbearable pain begin to overwhelm me. I'm scared I'll never be able to get better, that I won't be able to return to work full time ever.
This week was bad, as bad as the first week back at full time. I've not been able to finish the work week two weeks in a row now. And I know I'm hurting my patients by forcing them to reschedule repeatedly like this. But I have nothing left, and I can feel myself sliding backwards into the abyss. And I'm terrified. That abyss is a horrible place to be. I've been there twice now in my adult life, I don't want to go back ever. But... what if there is no real escape from it? just reprieves until it consumes me again? What if I never heal, and never am able to return to work full time? What happens to my patients? What happens to me? But if I try to push forward without recovering enough, I know that abyss will swallow me whole.
I am so stuck. All of this sucks. Not just for me, but for the people who depend on me. The guilt is horrendous. I've failed people who need me. And yes I'm aware I'm skirting past what I've done to my chosen family while I suffered from this. But my mind isn't ready to face that, so for now it's just vague guilt and failure. But I know I haven't been able to be there for them like I should, that I've failed them too. And it hurts.
No matter what I do. It hurts. I'm so tired of hurting. I'm so tired of being afraid. I'm tired of feeling like a monster, feeling like all I really do is hurt or fail those around me. I don't want to do this anymore. It has been wonderful getting to be me. But I'll never get any sense of normalcy. The pain and fractured parts are never going to be a seamless whole again. I feel like it was too little too late... It allowed me to survive longer than I would have otherwise, it allowed me to be me, but the wounds inflicted by my family, my peers, my society were far deeper than I could have ever imagined, and the bleeding never stopped.
I want the pain to stop, but it's not time yet, I don't want to hurt those I love anymore than I already have. So second by second, minute by minute I endure the pain. I survive.
Author's note: I am safe. And I apologize that so much of what I've blogged has been so dark. I keep wanting to write about positive things, but while I try to recover, it ends up being the dark stuff that I write about. Apparently I need to get it out. But I hope someday to write about other stuff, even happy things.
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Some bad poetry under the cut (tw: this one is emotional and blood mention. Meant to be read aloud like a slam poem)
I can't go to sleep
Same thoughts on repeat
They haunt and me and taunt me and won't let me dream
I'm starting to scheme
A way to escape all the pain and pin all the blame and walk away from me
I keep having nightmares
These fears and tears and all of the years that are piling up on my shoulders
Enough to explode, don't wanna go home
Cause home's where the heart is and mine had been stomped on too many times
No I am not fine
I'm thinking of ending it all tonight
I just gotta focus.
Breathe in and breathe out,
From your nose and your mouth
Breathe in and breathe out and breathe in and get out and breathing and get out and get out and get out and get out and-
This isn't working
Grab something to soothe me
Something to ease the pain I'm trying to reframe my memories but they keep jumping me
They keep coming and keep holding onto me
Gotta let go of me
Gotta sleep but I am too tired, hot wired and the blood in my eyes it is blinding me
Blood on my hands
There's no blood on my hands
But my dreams of it, no, my nightmares of it, my deep fears of it
Darkest part of my heart, don't even start
I don't wanna start but I'm spiraling
Circle the drain and replay all the pain and repeat everything over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and-
[Take me home, I wanna go
I wanna go home
But home is a place I've never known.
Home. I wanna go home.
I wanna be held 'cause I'm falling apart
But I don't trust the people who say that they are there for me,
I don't like my family
I think I was destined for violence cause violence is the thing that created me
I think I'm cursed.
I think I'm the worst thing to walk this green earth
Not worth any time, money, or oxygen
I am a waste of space
I'm just a basket case
Doctor please tell me I can be fine someday]
Yeah, I'm over my head in it
Think I might drown in it
Flood water rising it's sizing me up before it attacks to swallow me whole again
I'm not my only friend
I don't even like me but the demons inside me keep talking and spitting their insults and injuries
Gotta get out of me
But people get scared when you're on the edge of the roof and they see you and try to appease you but you do not know me
You don't know my demons like I do
I am shutting my eyes again.
Try to get through the night again.
Pretending to sleep but I am staring at the back of my eyelids
I am an island
The water is shark-infested
I am infected
By some kind of disease
Black ink that bleeds like oil from out of me
Gotta get away from me cause if you touch me the oil's on you like a stain or bad memory
I don't have a family
I have people I live with who don't even know me who I do not know
I am tired of hope
I am tired of hoping that light at the end of the tunnel will shine one day,
Wanting to be alive someday
I've been walking for years and I am not nearer to anything
Things couldn't be clearer
I shouldn't be here
God why am I here?
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