#ment: cass
vanoincidence · 1 month
[pm] [del: She can't be. She-- That's too much. No. She isn--] Right. Yeah. She's a superhero. Of course she saved you. [user pauses for a while] What do you know about Sonic the Hedgehog?
[pm] Yeah. She was She's a superhero.
That he's probably faster than you, even when you wear insoles to make you taller. I don't think that makes your legs longer btw.
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ignxta · 1 year
TIMING: current, after this LOCATION: Chai's backyard, in Deersprings SUMMARY: No one will give Chaisai an answer he accepts as the truth. He's frustrated and acts impulsively. No one is going to tell him what not to touch. CONTENT WARNINGS: vomit tw (brief mention, sentence is tagged)
He was tired. These arguments with his new friends were wearing on Chaisai and he was tired. Some friends they were. It seemed like everyone had been in on this prank except him. He’d spent a not insignificant amount of money on all the ice cream novelties, park discount aside, and this was the repayment he received? Miyeon insisted she was a fox, Mack stuck to her guns about the whole dead-undead thing, and now Nora and Milo and Cass and Alex? If this was a prank aimed at him, they could’ve chosen something a lot less traumatic. Or was that it? Did they know his friends had been struck by lightning? That he had a hand in their demise? Did they want to throw salt into that wound; a wound he refused to acknowledge? 
Fuck ‘em. If that’s where they stood, he’d bring them all to Serpent’s Flat. Either they’d touch the Abnormality and they’d be out of his hair, a kind revenge after that weird sleepover, or they’d wise up and stand beside him if they were worthy. Chaisai had been burned by those he trusted before, and he’d left them in his past. This was what he got when he trusted too implicitly. If he played his cards right, the Abnormality may have an entire group of young adults to choose from.
He sat up from where he’d been lying in bed and set his online status to offline. They’d get the memo. He would just go visit his Abnormality, tell it of his plans. Before he could get his shoes on and get out the door, something caught his eye. A crystal, glittering in the low light cast from the streetlamps and the moonlight from the full moon. It had sprouted up about a month prior, and thrust itself straight through the neighbors’ fence. Chaisai had had a good time watching Mr. Wilson lamenting the destruction of his peonies and his little picket fence. (Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Mr. Wilson since the crystal had appeared.) He stared out his window at the crystal, and thought of how hard he’d been reminded to never touch anything in this town. Serpent’s Flat had accepted him. What if the Crystal did, too? What if the Crystal was simply an extension of his Abnormality?
His body lurched into action without thought. He was striding across the yard with purpose before he had time to second guess anything. The beauty of the Crystal was undeniable the closer he got, and the closer he got, the louder the hum seemed to be. Since touching the Abnormality, when he got close to it again, he could feel a sensation that he could only describe as a hum inside his very bones. It was comforting and left him feeling warm until he left. Then he couldn’t seem to warm back up. Clearly, it was a demonstration of the power that the Abnormality held. That cemented it for him that this Crystal was connected in some way. He didn’t care to consider that any deeper, and knelt down beside the protruding gem. 
Reaching for the gem, that warm feeling enveloped his body as though he had just stepped out into the sun after a night in the air conditioning. Just before his fingertips could touch the gem, he stopped. For the first time, Chaisai hesitated. Nora had been such a fan of the mines, but had suddenly changed her tune. Why? Was there a grain of truth to be sifted out from all the drama surrounding the sudden explosion of Crystals? He did not ponder long as his outstretched hand slapped down onto the Crystal without further consideration. The action felt like his own, but also not. Like something inside him was urging him on without his input. 
It had taken a moment to feel the hum deep inside Serpent’s Flat, but that was not the case here. This was instantaneous. One second he was feeling the spite for his new friends, and the creeping sense that maybe he was overreacting. The next, he was being hit–no, steamrolled–by a wave of emotions, and thoughts, and images, and words that did not belong to him. While the Abnormality had been giving him urges or impulses to guide his actions, this was like standing in the middle of a full gymnasium while everyone screamed at him. He sucked in a sharp breath and tried to pull his hand off the obtrusion, but it didn’t budge. He gripped his right wrist with his left hand and tried to pull, but his body refused to put any strength behind the action. Chaisai was inundated with such agony and terror and grief that it threatened to choke him. It felt worse than knowing he hadn’t tried hard enough to find his father. It felt worse than knowing he had in some way contributed to the death of his friends. It felt worse than knowing all the new friends he’d made were trying to bully him. He tried to scream, but the sound died in his throat. He tried to run, but his legs buckled beneath him and his hand remained firmly on the stone. While the Abnormality felt like an all encompassing feeling of belonging and power, this felt like there was a war raging inside him. The hum was unbearable now, like he was being torn to shreds from the inside out, and he begged it to stop–not with words, but with thoughts and with tears–and as quickly as it had started, there was a sudden release and he fell backwards, clutching his wrist to his chest. 
(vomit tw) Chaisai coughed hard, and rolled to his side to retch dryly. (end vomit tw) He hadn’t realized he was crying until he felt tears run across his face and into his nose. He lay like that in the lawn for a moment, chest heaving while he tried to regain his breath. His world was spinning and he closed his eyes for a moment to try to ground himself. Did this mean he wasn’t worthy anymore? Did he disappoint the Abnormality, too? The thoughts spun around his head and he found it harder and harder to ground himself. The hum began to die down, leaving behind a new sensation. It was like a kind of pressure sitting deep within him. It was deeper than skin, or bones, or organs. Like the pressure was a core essence of Chaisai himself. 
Without putting any thought to it, he was on his feet and staggering across the lawn, back towards the house. “Woah,” he mumbled, still dizzy and overstimulated. Once inside, he watched in third person as he grabbed his keys off his dresser and headed for his car. “Woah, woah, woah,” he whispered to himself, trying to turn around and go back to bed, where he could text Milo and Nora an apology and ask for help. His legs did not listen, and he got into the driver’s seat, clumsily fumbling to put his keys in the ignition. Once the car was on, he felt in more control of his actions, but he knew where he had to go. Chaisai gripped the wheel so hard with his shaky hands that his knuckles turned white, but he managed to back out and drive off into the night. Bleak Point whispered his name on the wind, and he would answer the call. 
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declinlalune · 11 months
@letsbenditlikebennett replied to your post “[pm] I’m alive and not injured. Well, a few...”:
[pm] A warden almost killed Cass. […] I stopped him.
​[pm] They almost what Cass? What the fuck, Alex? Are you okay? You say almost killed, is she okay?
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letsbenditlikebennett · 9 months
[pm] Babe, I need you to do me a favor and pretend to be a regional manager in charge of emojis if Dr. Kavanagh asks. But, like, use a fake name!
[pm] Who is this babe you speak of? I'm Camilla Delrotini, the regional director in charge of emojis. I was appointed by the president. It's all very serious.
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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// i still need to write up his bio but....Artem my lil ex-fatui man.....i wanna write u still T~T (also wanna add a bit to this border)
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mysterycitrus · 11 months
top 5 dc writers & top 5 dick grayson writers pretty plssss
i feel like this q has to come with a big * beside each name because most of these writers have written twice as many terrible comics as they have good. like chuck dixon is a foundational writer for dick (and tim and connor) and he’s also a violent turbo-fascist who’s made the industry indescribably more toxic. devin grayson’s run on nightwing 1996 is an exercise in her weird racist fetish, but she also wrote for titans 1999, one of the better fab 5 comics. grant morrison wrote batman and robin 2009, and irreversibly butchered the popular interpretation of talia al ghul, etc.
so take these with a grain of salt —
1. mark waid — this should be obvious imo. there’s really no competition. the writing (for dick in specific) in worlds finest blows everything else out of the water rn. he can balance large casts well, his version of the titans was fun, he has an obvious knowledge of comic canon. i wish he’d pick up the ongoing nightwing solo and give back dick’s personality.
2. kelley puckett - unironically wrote the best run of all time. no one has done it like him before or since. i need him to come back and write for cass again (or damian). would love to see him write the dick + damian + talia dynamic.
3. scott snyder — this man wrote black mirror (the best dickbats story) and court of owls (which ruined everything). he's three dimensional. he is my enemy. he is not allowed to worldbuild unsupervised.
4. greg rucka — i met him at a con once and he was a very chill dude. he's an ally. he's always wearing a hat. no man's land, u will always be famous.
5. judd winick — this man either writes something that changes the status quo (utrh) or one of the worst books ever (titans 2008). no inbetween. he's a freak. he wants tim drake and kon-el to kiss. honorary ment for being another guy that ruined talia. he does get points for writing outsiders (2003).
also a shoutout to jeff lemire and amy wolfram
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
Dp x DC crossover
So eldric ghost king phantom being so old he dosnt really remeber his age but he still looks around the age he died. Danny one day decides to go chill in Gotham to well visit the city spirit Gotham.
After his visit to gothy he decided to take a stroll when he gets stuck as a hostage during a scarecrow attack. He's in his human form and doesn't want to draw attention to himself so he plays along.
Well until he sees Robin about to get shot by one of the henchmen and in a panic danny yeets a motorcycle at the henchmen. Robin holds eye contact with danny nods to himself about something then goes back to the fight. And danny is like well I'm in this now, and starts kicking ass with robin.
After the fight is over robin goes up to danny and is like "hello I have decided that after battling along side you we are ment to be, may I have your number so I may continue to court you". Danny is like "uh sorry kid but no I'm waaaaay older than I look" and Damian is like "I'm older than I look too I'm 19, the matter of the fact is we are ment to be" and danny starts slowly backing away saying "look our age gap is way to big for me to be comfortable with this, I'm old enough to be your dad, hell your grandpa, so I'm just gonna go!" Danny then books it from the area.
Robin tryed to chase after him but it was like danny dissapeared. And robin spends the rest of the night looking for him but couldnt find him. So robin begrudgingly goes up to tim and says "drake your going to help me find my future husband". Its spirills to where almost everyone in the family finds out about Robin's infatuation with this random civilian.
Bonus: the way robin found danny again is by one of the older batfam, like duke, steph, cass, jason, or dick brought danny to a family dinner to introduce him to the family as their boyfriend (since Damian is 19 the others would be around late twentys to early thirties and danny would feel more comfortable being with someone in that age category). And Damian would be so upset and try to fight the older batfam member for Danny's hand. And danny would just be so tired like "kid please back off your makeing me so uncomfortable, you aren't even legal drinking age".
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honey-tragedy · 1 year
a least to most likely list of which of the robins would hide injuries
dick, is surprisingly the least likely to hide injuries. he got told sence he was able to walk and do stunts that improperly cared for injuries could not only harm him but other performers and thats stuck with him. add in being the leader of the teen titans and trying to set a good example for them, hes fully open with his injuries when hes hurt.
--dick has a spread sheet of injury and when he got them, he thinks it funny
tim is the second least likely to hide injuries, now this is only because in the first year or two of being robin haveing a infection or improperly cared for wound would take him out of the field and away from doing damage control with bruce. and now its just a habit too keep track of his injuries
---tim would hid older injuries that wouldn't effects his field capabilities (spleen spleen spleen) but not anything recent or pressing
up next is duke! duke as the leader of the we are robins thing has had to deal with idiots under his command hideing injuries and he refuses to add that stress onto bruce and alfred. he knows how annoying and worrying it is to have to wonder if your people are actually field ready or lieing too you.
--he would only hid injuries if they came from civilian life or for a stupid thing like triping off a roof or swinging into a wall, but like tim he wouldnt if it was something big or would affect his capabilities
steph is next up, were edgeing into would definitely hide shit, steph does not see bruce as a parent and barely sees him as a boss. shes a latch key kid with a terrible dad and a try her best but not get mom, no way in hell would she come out with injuries outload but she would let alfred treat her if it came up. prefers to go to Leslie cause she trusts her more, and as such bruce usually only hears about her injuries after the fact.
---steph fully mocks bruce that if he was the worlds greatest detective he would know when shes hurt, goes to Leslie or alfred if its really bad
this was a toss up, but damian is next, assassins dont really lend them selves to being good people to tell that your injured, even the ones ment to serve you. damian is basically allergic to telling anyone anything is actually wrong with him ever, unless its him and bruce one of one. bruce is essentially the only person he trusts enough to admit hes injured.
--getting damian to admit hes injured is like trying to give a feral cat a bath, no one likes doing it but its necessary sometimes
jason!! second to last on the list, jason would actually fully chew off his own leg then tell the bats hes injured ever. not only because he doesn't trust 90% of them not to use it to fuck him over, but also because bruce will become simultaneously the most helicopter parent and the emotional brick wall the second he knows Jason's hurt, its honestly worse then being shot to see him try and ground jason like hes still a child, while also being full emotional brick wall batman mode
--jason has pushed tim down the bottomless pit in the cave before just so he could bolt before bruce could quarantine him in the cave cause he got hurt, jason would fully fist fight his way out of the batfam then ever admit hes hurt
and to round it off cass! cass will slink away to hide and lick her wound and you would never know shes hurt unless she lets you. raised as a weapon i dont think David cain was the kinda person to treat an injury with anything other then disappointment, and cass still sees her own injury as failures in her training. shes fully capable of doing most of her own medical care and useing it to her advantage in avoiding telling anyone her injuries.
--cass broke her arm once and as soon as it was put in a cast no one saw her tell it was fully healed. not even bruce is sure where she was or what she was doing during those months
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k-j-bowling · 2 months
Vash Fawley x Cassandra Vole comic+story on the dance club, English & Español.
"You have my attention," said a high-pitched voice that lifted his gaze from the ground, as if it were a ray of hope. In a way, it was. Or rather, a miracle from start to finish. She had never found the emerald dress charming, perhaps because she never wanted to set foot in that place in the first place.
"So you want to dance with me? I mean. I didn't know that you…! – Vash, the boy with the huge scarf bit his tongue under the red fabric. No, he wasn't going to pry into her motives or mention the strangeness of the attention. He wasn't that stupid, his partner might regret it if he pressed her with questions! He himself had his reasons, and she hadn't asked anything until now.
As he extended his hand in invitation inside that ballroom, inside a simple mind, something whispered: "Maybe she's not so bad." (At this point the two are not dueling rivals so there is no clear picture from Vash on Cass)
Of course, for Cassandra, from whom those first words of tacit superiority came, the self-interruption did not go unnoticed. Although, of course, she was unaware of Vash's kind mentality and she herself was oblivious to her own motives. However…
"Huh, the cat finally got your tongue." – Accepting the extended hand with characteristic elegance, she guided the perplexed and excited boy without waiting, who happily adjusted his elegant suit.
But like a death foretold, that walk from the corner of the venue to the track was the only fluid movement they could make for the next half hour.
"By Merlin. Your steps are so pitiful. I can't believe your feet aren't two left ones" - Despite being able to feel the exasperation in the tone of voice, the girl's steps were still an uninterrupted guide for Vash, who couldn't coordinate the "one, two, three" without adding 3 totally unnecessary and shaky extra steps.
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Tienes mi atención" , soltó una voz aguda que despegó su mirada del suelo, como si se tratase de un rayo de esperanza. De alguna forma, lo era. O mejor dicho, un milagro de principio a fin. El vestido color esmeralda jamás le había parecido más encantador, tal vez porque en primer lugar nunca quería pisar ese sitio.
"¿Entonces quieres bailar conmigo? Quiero decir. ¡No sabía que tu…! – Vash, el chico de bufanda de frondosa lana se mordió la lengua debajo de la tela roja. No, no iba a inmiscuirse en sus motivos ni a mencionar lo extraño de la atención. ¡No era tan tonto, su compañera podría arrepentirse si la presionaba con preguntas! Él mismo tenía sus motivos, y ella no había preguntado nada hasta ahora.
Mientras extendía la mano en invitación dentro de aquel salón de baile, dentro de una mente simple, algo susurró: "Tal vez no sea tan mala". (En este punto ambos no son rivales de duelos así que no hay una imagen clara por parte de Vash sobre Cass)
Por supuesto que para Cassandra, de quien provenía aquellas primeras palabras de tácita superioridad, no pasó por desapercibida la autointerrupción. Aunque, por supuesto, ignoraba la mentalidad amable de Vash y ella misma no reparaba en sus propios motivos. Sin embargo…
"Huh, por fin el gato te comió la lengua." – Aceptando la mano extendida con elegancia característica, guió sin espera al muchacho perplejo y emocionado, que acomodó alegremente su traje elegante.
Pero como una muerte anunciada, esa caminata desde la esquina del lugar hasta la pista fue el único movimiento fluido que pudieron hacer durante la próxima media hora.
"Por Merlín. Tus pasos son tan lamentables. No puedo creer que tus pies no sean dos izquierdos" – A pesar de poder sentir la exasperación en el tono de voz, los pasos de la chica seguían siendo una guía ininterrumpida para Vash, quién no podía coordinar el "un, dos, tres" sin agregar 3 pasos extra totalmente innecesarios y temblorosos.
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By: Morf~
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rubydubydoo122 · 10 months
Batfam Band AU
Alright, so I've had an idea of making a Batfam band AU for a while and here's what I've got so far
Back when Dick was a part of the circus, his Tati used to play guitar. Obviously not as a part of their act, but during long rides in the circus caravan, Tati would pull out the instrument and start strumming to pass the time, while his Mami would pull him in to dance. Sometimes, when the night was winding down, Tati would pull little Dickie into his lap, holding the guitar while he plucked out a melody. 
So when they had died, Dick had continued to play. It was something that made him feel closer to them. Something that made it feel like his parents were in the room with him. Because everyone knew that the Graysons could fly, but the music? That was something special only Dick could have. That was something only family could share. By the time Dick was 17, he had 3 guitars resting in the corner of his room. Tati’s Acoustic guitar and two electric guitars that Bruce had bought for him– the first one red, the second one black (Bruce had bought Dick an entirely new guitar when all he had to do was buy new strings.)
One weekend while he was home from college, and he and a 12 year old Jason were hanging out in Dick’s room, Jason’s eyes kept drifting towards the corner with the guitars. It had happened on other occasions but it was only then Dick had built up the courage to ask,
“Want me to teach you?” 
He could never forget the way Jason’s face lit up. Dick would let Jason use the red electric guitar, because the neck was smaller and easier to hold, while Dick would use his Tati’s acoustic one. And they made it their tradition. Every weekend they were together at the manor, Dick would teach Jason a new chord, or technique, or a song. 
That summer, Dick had handed the guitar over to Jason, for him to keep.
As time went on, the lessons turned into jam sessions, ones where Dick would be plucking out a fast melody, while Jason strummed along the chords. If it was a popular song, they would both belt the lyrics at the top of their lungs, after all, what Robin doesn’t sing? With both boys in the manor, there was always some sort of music.
Until the music stopped. Because Dick couldn’t find it in himself to pick up Tati’s guitar. Because he blamed himself. Maybe he was lightyears away, but if Dick hadn’t started the legacy of Robin, his little brother would still be singing. Robin ment family. The guitar ment family. Family Dick had failed. 
Except for the fact that Robins sing. That wasn’t an exception for the Third Robin. Tim just wasn’t as flashy about it compared to Dick or Jason. Tim wasn’t a natural performer, or a theater kid. He was just Tim. If no one else was around, Tim would play music and softly sing along. 
The only time Tim was on stage was during school Orchestra performances. Though it hardly counted. Tim was all the way in the back, because he played the bass. Young Tim had thought it would be a chance for his parents to actually see him. Older Tim’s eyes stung when he spotted Dick, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne in the audience. For him.
Stephanie only knew how to play the piano because of her mom. Her mom was a really good pianist before the drugs and a busy schedule took over. During holidays they would sit down and play duets together. An air of magic in the room that would never be found on a normal day. 
Cass had a knack for keeping beat. It was the dancer in her. So picking up the drums for an undercover case was surprisingly easy. And enjoyable. Cass found herself continuing to practice even though she didn’t need to. It was like dance. A way for Cass to express her feelings. A way for Cass to not only be a weapon. 
Somehow, to the shock of no one, Damian could play any instrument. He was just a musical prodigy. 
Somehow, they all end up playing their instruments together (I would love to think that it's Jason singing 'Only the Good Die Young') and Duke takes a secret recording and it goes Viral.
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vanoincidence · 4 months
What's your top five favorite types of worm?
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[worm Jade is crossed out, nobody can tell who it is]
These are my favorite worms.
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klimt7 · 6 months
Un film d'Evasione
da premio Oscar
I "picconatori" dello Stato Italiano siedono tutti quanti sui banchi del Governo, e già edificano il MONDO A ROVESCIO teorizzato dal Generale Vannacci.
Miglior attrice Protagonista:
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Il meraviglioso mondo di Giorgià, degli evasori fiscali e dei loro complici seduti in Parlamento.
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Da ascoltare il Podcast
"Circo Massimo" :
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Chi sta minando il Bilancio del nostro paese pur di favorire le principali categorie di evasori?
Chi ?
Chiedere la Delega Fiscale per partorire una riforma fiscale che aiuta chi, già oggi, non paga le imposte, è un atto terroristico e folle che danneggia le stesse fondamenta della nostra Repubblica e rischia di mandare in pezzi in modo irreparabile la coesione sociale del nostro amato belpaese.
Nella mente della Meloni c'è questa visione folle: lasciare il peso delle imposte sulle spalle di lavoratori dipendenti e pensionati, e per tutte le altre categorie trasformare le IMPOSTE in una scelta facoltativa:
Volete Voi, fare beneficienza a favore delle casse dello Stato?
È vostra la scelta. Vostra la benevolenza.
Siete liberi di versare un piccolo obolo per le finanze italiane, oppure andarvi a spendere quelle somme in supercar Lamborghini, Ferrari, in barche da diporto, o in attici superlusso da intestare a società di comodo da costituirsi appositamente.
Oppure potete devolvere quelle somme a società off-shore basate nei paradisi fiscali quali le isole Cayman!
Contattate al più presto il vostro Commercialista di fiducia per i dettagli e le modalità da seguire per mettere in atto la vostre benemerite volontà.
Per voi, "Facoltà e Volontà", a discrezione
Per i lavoratori dipendenti: OBBLIGHI !!!!
Le gouvernement de Giorgia Meloni fait exploser l'équilibre financier de l'État italien en criant :
" Mesdames et Messieurs, jouez à votre jeu, vive la liberté et le plaisir de s'évader !!! "
Povera patria
In realtà, i veri patrioti siamo noi!
Noi, lavoratori dipendenti che paghiamo fino all'ultimo euro di Imposte e finanziamo tutti i servizi statali ( Scuola, Sanità, Infrastrutture, Forze dell'ordine, Università, Pubblica Amministrazione ed Enti Locali e (In) Giustizia, ), che poi utilizzano tutti quanti, senza averne titolo.
Apriamo gli occhi su quale film sta andando in onda oggi in Italia.
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batcavescolony · 4 months
Supernatural s5 e18
Zachariah has been given another chance, and the message only killed two people. Angels are great arnt they? Dean is packing up all his things and saying his goodbyes so he can give himself over to Micheal. Bobby, Sam and Cass have words about this. AHHH Dean said Bobby ain't his father (that's right he's your Dad better be how you ment it Dean). Damn all these guys need therapy, Bobby's promise to them is why he didn't put a bullet in his own head. Cass found Adam, who is also Michael's vessel. Adam's got daddy issues too! John is 3 for 3! Dean is a sneaky sob ain't he? Cass has words about this. Sam still trusts Dean cus he's his big brother. Cass made himself into an angel banishing sigil. Dean tricked Zachariah. Adam got left behind, why wouldn't you grab him too?
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Howell wizard x fem! Reader
'Nice to meet you'
Fluff/comedic fic
((Note that I'm the original author I'm just reposting my old oneshots on my new blog and will make part 2 for this oneshot ))
Grammatical corrections done plus rewrite at some points
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Before the two of you had met Cass was the person you've made friends first, you weren't in the boxing club like her,but you had to be since toast was your friend or she just said it often enough you just don't mind at that point
If you where being realistic toast was a blast to be around at times. Ofcourse all the time would get you confused with her, ranting? still though you found toast to be another bestie when need of a more exciting route
But with Cass you two actually hung out together alot more calming but stil fun especially after boxing which ment the two of you found more grounds on the blossoming friendship
She actually taught you a few defens skills and you....
Well you just had so many hobies to share you,and what I mean is you where all over the place
You would model for her in your new knitted cardigans and awesome tailord dresses you made on you're very old sewing machine( it looked to be from the 1960's and still kicking to this day)next you both are having a karaoke battle your decent to say the least
It was a bright afternoon when all of a sudden banging on the front door
"Hey (y/n) come with me!" said Cass in front of the pastel purple door of her bestfriends house
Some rummaging was heard from the inside but soon enough the door was slowly ipend and revealed (y/n) with her hair a total mess
"Ughhh Cass you woke me upppp" Cass gave her a look "you think I care. Come on let's get you dressed" the greenette drag her friend back to her room up the stairs and straight to the closet and ipend it, she turned to (y/n) and roled her eyes "pick an outfit you crazed fashionista" (y/n) huffed
"fine but don't complain to me if i take a minute" Cass nodded her head and leand on the wall one foot on it and from the inside of the closet she heard "don't put your musty shield on my beautiful wall!!" Cass immediately put it down with a bean of sweat on her face
After a good while the two went to the kitchen grabbed an apple for (y/n) and cass got a drink from her fridge then out of the house
"So where are we going Cass" (y/n) looked to her friend as she smoothed her hair "we are going to the cat cafe one of my brothers made you haven't been ther and I just realised that haha" you looked at her shocked "I didn't know you had brothers let alone a cafe?!" Cass looks at her confused "What yes I have multiple times I've told you how annoying they can be dummy!!"
Cass flick her friends forehead,(y/n) winced in the pain " I have a bad memory Cass you know thissssss" the (h/c nette) wines "yeah okay Whatever Sparkles,now come on your gonna love the cute cats we have" Cass persuaded and it seemed to work since her friend and smiled Then out of nowhere
"*sniff* ooo is that vanilla" she question (y/n) on the perfume she laughed a little and then responded "yup spot on once again bestie" Cass celebrated a little as she walked along side her friend "so how many brothers you go Cass" she looked at her friend "I got six and they are a handful but I deal with it I guess plus i can kick their asses anytime" Cass smirked
After walking along the sidewalk for a few minutes the two arrived at the cat cafe "Here we are" Cass extended one arm dramatically making (y/n) rolled her eyes with a smile
"okay now let's get inside dummy" Cass grabbed (y/n) and drag her to the door and got the two inside
Cass inhale "EVERYONE I BROUGHT MY FRIEND GET YOUR BUTT'S OUT HERE!" sounds of plates crashing and shuffling where heard from the kitchen making (y/n) a little concerned
Around the corner a girl came up to them "Hi I'm bee nice to meet ya" a girl with brown hair and a happy smile greeted "oh hello bee I'm (y/n)" she introduced herself to Bee smiled and offer something from the tray she was holding.
"here try this their supper good" "oh uhh-" then out of nowhere someone bust burst through the door from the kitchen and started yelling at bee "bee you better not be eating the food of some customer..again"
Bee seem to panicked "no no I would never I was just uhhhh...oh yeah greeting Cass's friend (y/n)!! look isn't she just gorgeous right!?!" She used the (h/c) girl as a distraction as she fled to the other side of the restaurant
The guy in question turned to face the girl that bee had just referred "good cause i don't want to FIRE you bee-" He was stunned looking at the girl right before him she was absolutely gorgeous the outfit she wore a light pastel green and pink cardigan a pastel yellow skirt whith little hearts
Her face seemed to be confused he probably looked stupid but he couldn't help the next thing to come out of his mouth
"Cute." Did he just said that oh no he did
He slap his mouth shut and went running to the kitchen leaving a confused and pink-dusted cheeks (y/n) she hold her hands and smiled gently flattered "thanks" she mumbled under her breath
"what was that" Cass turned to her friend who quickly dismissed her question "you know what whatever let me introduce you to the guys so you obviously just met Howell who has for some reason called you cute as a first Impression, then there's Wesley say hi" he waved at you "good, now then there's Crispin obsessed whit clown stuff" Crispin looked offended then huffed and turned around to do something "then there's Deckard"...
Time went on and she kept on introducing her brothers but there was only one thing on (y/n)'s mind that guy Howell he seemed like the type of guy she would like to be around even by the short interaction she had to admit he looked supper adorable and kinda hot in her opinion she just must befriend him at once! Was all she thought
"Here try this" Cass offered (y/n) another plate of food made by the lovely Deckard "oh thanks" she dived into the food as it was placed before her
Cass went into the kitchen her happy expression faded as she looked at her brother Howell "are you really gonna stay in here the whole time she is out there or are you gonna be a manchild and mope around because you dont know how to start a conversation whith my friend" he blushed at his own embarrassment from earlier "no way I cant I lost my touch I'm not extravagant as I usually am I cannot face her" he retorts "come on you cant stay in here forever dummy" she looked at him with a waist eyebrow making him sigh "whatever you do you but ima murder you when we go home" he shivered at the tought
He had two options it seemd one get over it and talk to the pretty pastel girl that is beyond the kitchen doors and possibly face more embarrassment on his end
Or two get his ass whipped by his sister who would not hold back even if he'd beg and bribe her with anything he owned
Better go with the first option he couldn't risk bribing Cass with his beautiful workout equipment it looked better on him anyways
Time then seem to fly by as the two talked and she got a few more things to eat,the food was just to good then (y/n)'s phone buzz and she picked it up and saw that she had to go "awe man I got to go" she spoke in a sad tone,Howell looked at her with his own sad smile "oh well do you want the check now?"
She looked at him and smiled and smiled a few hundred Bill's "this will about cover it" she got up and started to walk away "hey wait this it too much and you need your change!" She then wrote some numbers on a piece of napkin (y/n) looked back at the green hair boy and smirked "it's fine pretty boy you can pay me back with a date and her you go" he nearly choked on his own saliva and looked at the paper she gave him confused "wait what!" She was out the door by then and he went after her
"I said what I said see ya!!" He stood there stunned and red tinted cheeks he hadn't noticed his siblings right the with him until cass put a hand on his shoulder the aura became tense "your gonna take her on that date right" it sounded more of a command than a question,he gulped
"why ofcourse what kind of a man would I be to ditched such a fine woman such as her" he defended himself still blushing cuasing the other's to notice "ooo Howells got it bad!!!"
"20 buck they get together" "Ha! 30 if they get married by the end if the month" cass turned around "Hey that my bestfriend your talking about!" She stared to chase them around while they all scream in laughter
Howell was left outside to think about (y/n) she ayre was something truly different he then took out the napkin she gave him and once again was shocked "she-she gave me her NUMBER AAAAHH OH MY GOSH!!!" Bee then came from beside him "wow you scored today nice" she finger gun him and he got annoyed "go back to work bee" she quickly oblige and left immediately leaving Howell alone to stare happily at the napkin
While (y/n) was waking around the sidewalk smiling to herself about the cute pretty boy she had just met "hope he actually texts me" she contemplated looking up a the sky with a small smile "I sure hope he will"
Something was going to happend that would change the path of these two people and it was going to be a beautiful story
You can find me on wattpad or quotev at marialikeswritting I have my original works already post there I will post this one on my oneshot book eventually anyway check that out If you want
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reminiscentreader · 1 year
Acftl theory time
ok so I have this theory that a curse for true love is going to be so beauty and the beast coded, here’s why:
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This is the uk for acftl and right in the bottom corner there is a heart in a glass cass which heavily resembles the heart from beauty and the beast, but the fact that it is a heart not a rose makes me think that this is ment to resemble jacks being heartbroken from tella, and as we know in Beauty and the beast -I will be shortening this to batb- as time goes on the rose falls apart and if the beast doesn’t find his true love by the time the rose falls apart he is cursed to stay a beast forever, a bit like jacks was cursed to be a fate, we also know that belle saved the beast just before the last petal fell, and jacks has lost all hope to find his true love now as he thought it was tella but she ended up stabbing him so Mabey the heart in place of the rose is ment to represent jacks’s broken heart but Evangeline will save him at the end ????!!!
tell me if you want a part two to this because I have so much more to say abt this x
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ambrenoir · 1 year
1. Oggetti che non utilizzi più
2. Vestiti che non ti piacciono o che non usi da molto tempo. Biancheria intima rotta.
3. Oggetti rotti
4. Vecchie lettere e annotazioni
5. Piante morte
6. Vecchie ricevute e riviste
9. Scarpe sfinite dall'uso
7. Qualquasi tipo di cose inutili che richiamano il passato
8. Se hai figli, giochi che non usano, che non funzionano o rotti.
1. la salute migliora
2. la creatività cresce.
3. le relazioni migliorano.
4. hai più capacità di raziocinio.
5. migliora l'umore.
- perchè sto conservando questo?
- ha a che fare con me oggi?
- cosa sentirò nel liberarmi di questo oggetto?
1. da donare
2. da buttare
3. da vendere
1. Evita rumori estremi.
2. Meno luci forti.
3. Meno colori eccessivi.
4. Meno odori e profumi chimici.
5. Meno recordi tristi.
6. Concludi i progetti inconclusi
7. Coltiva energia positiva nella tua casa.
Fai una pulizia generale e usa casse per organizzare. Incomincia da cassetti e armadi e concludi ogni stanza, fai secondo il tuo ritmo...
a) Immondizia
b) da riordinare.
c) da riciclare.
d) in dubbio
e) regali.
f) donazioni.
g) vendere.
Mentre ORDINI, osserva ciò che cambia in te.
Nella misura in cui puliamo la nostra casa fisica, mettiamo in ordina anche nella nostra mente e nel nostro cuore.
Pratica il distacco con le cose materiali che servono solo a riempire il tuo spazio e vedrai come, poco a poco, potrai fare lo stesso con situazioni più trascendentali.
tratto e tradotto da: Sabiduría Ancestral Femenina
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