#mel tomlinson
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mel tomlinson photographed by jack mitchell
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#barricade louis#compilation#axp#the barricade pictures#louis tomlinson#blame my pinterest for showing me the first pictures#posting mid quali for mel
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Harry e louis eram a definição de amizade cão e gato, pelo menos eram oque todos achavam, Ate uma festa que revelou o real motivo pelas brigas bobas.
Eles viajavam junto com os amigos para o sul da espanha, tudo normal mas harry tinha outros planos para louis que não a tocava ha um tempo consideravel
Tw: H!inter, negação de orgasmo, exibicionismo, sexo anal
Ib: anon
Admito que ela ta bem basica e normal comparado com as ultimas
Boa leitura!!
O sol quente do verão europeu brilhava no ceu azul sem uma nuvem sequer
Louis, luke, calvin, zayn, harry e mais algumas amigas da garota faziam sua viagem anual de verão, o destino do ano sendo marbella no sul da espanhã
O grupo começou no fim do ensino medio quando zayn, melhor amigo de harry, apresentou a garota e seu grupo para os seus amigos e desde dai eles tornaram um grande grupo de adolescentes inconsequentes
Harry e louis nunca deram muito bem sempre em uma briga interna, louis contra argumentando algo que harry falava e harry xingando o garoto
Mas essa briguinha acabou se tornando algo a mais quando em alguma festa os dois acabaram bebendo demais e bem, como dizem, bebados dizem oque não tem coragem de dizer sobrios. Mesmo depois daquela noite - e de mais algumas - harry e louis nunca conseguiram engolir o orgulho então para o grupo de amigos eles seguiam a dupla de cão e gato.
Era o terceiro dia de viagem, todos estavam na area externa da casa de praia que foi alugada. Harry e hailee tomavam sol em algumas espreguiçadeiras proximo a piscina
Calvin, louis, melanie e luna começavam uma briga de galo na piscina enquanto luke e zayn bebiam em outras espreguiçadeiras
Harry observava louis por trás dos oculos de sol, não conseguindo desviar os olhos principalmente quando viu melanie subir nos ombros de louis puxando os fios castanhos para apoio
Ela viu o garoto rir segurando as coxas da garota, harry sentiu seu corpo esquentar se lembrando de algumas noites antes quando louis passou a noite em seu apartamento mas ao mesmo tempo ela sentiu uma dose de ciume consumir seu corpo vendo aquela cena
"Zayn, passa uma cerveja porfavor" ela grita para o moreno devido as caixas de som que tocavam musica alto e ele joga uma latinha de cerveja no mesmo instante
Harry abriu a latinha vendo louis sair derrotado da piscina, os cabelos pingando e goticulas de agua escorrendo por todo seu torso bronzeado. Ele senta em uma espreguiçadeira ao lado de zayn e pega uma cerveja junto com um cigarro da caixinha que estava na mesa com bebidas
"Não serve nem pra briga de galo, tomlinson?" A cacheada se aproxima do grupo de amigos "tenho pena de quem dormir com o garanhão. Mel pode me ajudar a ver se a marquinha ja ta marcando?" Ela afasta as alcinhas do sutiã do biquini preto pequeno como se checasse, fazendo o mesmo com a calcinha minuscula do biquini
"Pode ter certeza que nisso eu me garanto, styles" ele traga o cigarro observando a garota
"Ja ta bem melhor, hazza. Ja da pra notar" melanie responde alheia aos olhares provocativos entre styles e tomlinson
"Ai otimo acho que esse bronzeador que a hailee indicou realmente bronzea mais rapido" ela sorri antes de voltar para a espreguiçadeira, o olhar de tomlinson acompanhando os passos calmos
Era o quinto dia de viagem, harry continuava nas pequenas provocações com tomlinson mas nunca passando disso, louis sentia que poderia explodir se a garota continuasse com isso, mas ele tambem tinha planos para a cacheada
Era sabado e como sempre todos estavam nas espreguiçadeiras da piscina a maioria de ressaca por causa da noite passada
Harry usava um biquini azul escuro de cordinha minusculo que mal cobria todo seus peitinhos, as cordinhas amarravam a calcinha do biquini em seu corpo mas se prestasse atenção era como se a garota não usasse nada, a bunda bronzeada engolindo toda a parte de tras do biquini e os peitos pareciam que em qualquer momento poderiam escapar da cortininha do biquini
Louis usava um short solto preto e oculos escuros enquanto fumava deitado em uma das espreguiçadeiras
Os olhos azuis acompanharam a cacheada por trás das lentes escuras observando a garota caminhar em passos lentos até uma espreguiçadeira proxima e deitar enquanto conversava com luna
"Louis vai ir na festa de hoje?" Louis murmurou apenas um "uhum" voltando a tragar seu cigarro e sentar de um jeito que não marcasse o volume em suas calças
Harry caminha ate a piscina mergulhando e refrescando todo o corpo quente
"Zayn trouxe os salgados?" Ela se apoia na borda da piscina
"Estão na mesa" ele aponta com a latinha de energetico
A garota sai da piscina indo para a mesa que ficava exatamente na frente de tomlinson ficando de costas para ele
"Zee pode amarrar pra mim de novo, sempre que eu amarro ele solta" harry vai ate zayn que amarra a calcinha do biquini sem falar nada
Louis não era idiota, ele sabia que por mais que zayn fosse melhor amigo de harry por muitos anos, ele tinha alguns sentimentos pela garota e tambem que os dois ja tinha ficado em festas passadas mas isso nunca incomodou tomlinson, até hoje.
"Esses salgados estão otimos, luke. Tia marie sempre faz os melhores" o garoto sorri enquanto bebe a cerveja
"Não quer sentar não harry?" Louis pergunta acendendo outro cigarro e afastando as coxas fazendo o pau duro marcar em seu short
"Se continuar fumando assim vai matar todos seus ultimos neuronios, tomlinson" o moreno sopra a fumaça indo para o rostinho da garota
ele senta na espreguiçadeira aproveitando quando harry se aproxima para a puxar a fazendo sentar em seu colo
"Porra tomlinson!" Ela fala alto tentando sair mas as mãos do outro seguravam firme sua cintura
"Quieta" ele fala contra o ouvido da garota e afasta a calcinha minuscula do biquini e encaixa seu pau na buceta apertada aproveitando que ninguem estava olhando
"Louis" ela chama a atenção do garoto e prende a respiração sentindo o falo duro a preencher "a gente ta no meio de todo mundo"
"E eu sinto a essa buceta ficando ainda mais molhada só em falar isso" louis fala rente a orelha da garota apertando a cinturinha para estocar uma vez devagar "fica quietinha me aquecendo" ele pega uma cerveja no cooler proximo
"Pegou o numero daquela garota da festa de ontem, louis?" Luke pergunta estranhando a cacheada no colo dele mas não comentou sobre
"Peguei, ela me passou mensagem essa manhã" as mãos tatuadas faziam carinho nas coxas de harry que segurava a vontade de rebolar no pau grosso que a preenchia tão bem "ela perguntou se iamos na festa de hoje" ele toma um gole da cerveja sentindo harry contrair em si
Louis fingiu ajeitar a posição que sentava consequentemente estocando contra harry que suspirou segurando um gemido em sua garganta
Ele observava a garota sentadinha em seu colo apertando as própias coxas em busca de auto controle
"Tão boa pro lou mas tão atrevidinha, acha que eu não percebi que está a viagem toda se mostrando pra todos que quiserem ver, parece uma puta, amor. Só que essa puta �� só minha né?" ele fala baixo no ouvido da garota que se desconcerta em seu colo, ele beslica a bunda branquinha sentindo a garota se molhar cada vez mais em seu pau, ela afasta louis tentando manter a consciencia ali, vez ou outra ela podia sentir os olhares dos outros garotos em si "que foi, nenem? Não está gostando de ser util pro lou? Achei que gostasse de ser puta ou será que é tão exibicionista que queria que eu te fodesse aqui na frente de todo mundo, aposto que nem ligaria" ela choraminga sentindo o aperto discreto em sua cintura "eu sinto você se molhando toda, não adianta fingir que não gosta" ele aproveita que ninguem estava prestando atenção e beija o pescoço lisinho da cacheada
Louis observa luke, zayn, hailee e melanie entrarem na piscina e luna entrar para dentro da casa aproveitando todos distraidos para estocar algumas vezes contra a garota
"Lou... deixa eu gozar" ela geme baixinho agradecendo pela musica alta que tocava pelas caixas de som
"Não, brinquedinhos não merecem gozar" ele para de esticar e acende um cigarro sentando despojado na cadeira sentindo harry se apertar em si "se gozar eu paro"
"Lou-" o gemido é interrompido quando luna caminha ate harry com dois vestidos perguntando sobre qual ela iria usar
Louis estocou fraco contra a garota que reprimiu um gemido "o r-rosa" a cacheada suspirou aliviada vendo a outra garota se afastar
"Você acha que não vi quando veio tomar sol sem biquini quando sabia que só eu e zayn estavamos na casa, amor? Acha que não vi quando andava só de camisa e calcinha pela casa?" Ele aperta a coxa palida "eu deveria te deixar aqui sem gozar, só servindo de deposito para a minha porra"
harry percebe os olhares de zayn e luke atentos em louis e si, ela afasta as pernas dando a visão do pau de louis entrando devagar em sua buceta, os dois garotos sorrindo de lado com a cena ao que harry goza por todo o pau de louis que sente a garota ter pequenos espamos em seu colo e esmagar seu pau, ela apoiou a cabeça no ombro do mais velho sentindo seu corpo molinho, louis alheio aos olhares dos amigos
"Vadia" ele afasta a garota colocando seu pau de volta no short
"Lou! Volta" ela fala segurando o braço de louis "porfavor... desculpa"
"Louis traz uma cerveja" ele escuta a voz de zayn
"Sai" ele fala pra cacheada que ainda estava mole em seu colo "vai pro 2 quarto do segundo andar depois que as meninas sairem" ele fala rapido antes de levantar e pegar duas latas de cerveja
"Qual é louis essa é a melhor festa do ano! Não acredito que tu vai dar esse bolo na gente" zayn falava terminando de trocar de roupa, ele sabia que era uma desculpa porem louis não fazia a minima ideia
"Foi mal, não to me sentindo tão bem acho que vou gripar" louis se encontrava afundado nos edredons da cama "eu vou ficar em outro quarto pra vocês não griparem tambem" ele levanta caminhando ""abatido"" até o local marcado com harry, zayn soltou uma risada com o fingimento do tomlinson
Ele deita na cama observando o quarto impecavelmente arrumado mas não demorou muito para duas batidinhas na porta serem ouvidas e harry entrar pela porta
"Tranca" diz curto e a garota faz antes de caminhar até a cama, ele observa a garota que usava um shortinho de moletom e um top branco de alcinha sem sutiã fazendo os peitinhos marcarem no tecido fino "tão linda meu nenem" ele puxa a cacheada para perto de si puxando-a para si a fazendo ajoelhar entre suas pernas na cama
"Lou me fode, sim?" A garota puxa o top para baixo fazendo os peitos redondinhos pularem para fora proximo ao rosto de louis
"Você é tão apressadinha, amor. Passa uma semana sem levar pica nessa buceta gostosa que ja fica toda manhosinha" ele lambe uma linha desde da parte de baixo do peito até o biquinho durinho chupando ali e fazendo com que a garota vacilasse em seu colo "mas eu vou te comer bem gostosinho, sim? Te deixar cheinha de porra até vazar por toda suas coxas mas você não vai gozar sequer uma vez" ele mordisca o biquinho sensivel antes de virar deitando harry na cama
"Lou... eu pedi desculpa" Ela puxa louis pela correntinha prateada começando um beijo lento enquanto o seu shortinho era arrancado de seu corpo deixando a xotinha livre qualquer tecido "deixa eu gozar"
"sem calcinha, amor? É realmente mais putinha do que eu imaginava" ele desliza o indicador desde do clitoris até a entradinha ainda larginha por causa de mais cedo
Ele penetra o indicador e o anelar na garota que arqueia as costas gemendo no meio do beijo
Ele deixou mais um beijo nos labios inchadinhos antes de virar a cacheada de costas e penetrar voltando para o aperto da bucetinha que ele tanto gostava
Ele começa as estocadas firmes fazendo-a solavancar embaixo de si gemendo abafado no traveseiro
Ele estapeava e apertava a bunda bronzeada sentindo a garota vazar em seu pau
"Louis? A gente trouxe alguns remedios" louis xinga baixo ouvindo a voz de calvin do outro lado da porta
"Deixa ai depois eu pego" ele fala rapido voltando a foder harry, essa que segurava os gemidos
"Tem certeza que ta bem? Se quiser a gente te leva no hospital" harry deixa escapar um gemido fazendo louis tapar sua boca enquanto a puxava contra si
"Eu to bem, só um mal estar, podem ir pra festa" ele escuta algumas risadinhas e os passos se afastando "filhos da puta" ele fala baixo soltando a boca de harry e estocando com força fazendo a cabeceira da cama bater contra parede e harry gemer alto pouco se importando se ainda tinha gente na casa
"Louis... me deixa gozar" ela apertava o braço de louis que estava em sua cintura
"Não" ele a fode mais algumas vezes antes de gozar suspirando aliviado por todo o tempo que estava segurando
"Lou por favor" ela acaricia o rosto do outro ao que ele deita em seu lado "eu vou ser boa eu prometo" harry senta no colo de louis rebolando em cima do pau semi-duro
"Sai, ta me sujando harry" ele fala serio de olhos fechados
"Louis..." o tom choroso de harry ecoa pelo quarto "eu ja pedi desculpas e fui boa pro lou" ela beija o pescoço do de olhos azuis
"Mas deveria ter pensado isso antes de me desobedecer" a garota funga baixinho escondendo o rosto no pescoço de tomlinson
"Ta doendo lou" ela tenta novamente mas louis apenas começa um carinho nas costas macias "porque você ta sendo mau?"
"Ta doendo amor?" Ele abre os olhos vendo a garota ja com o nariz vermelinho e lagrimas escorrendo pelas bochechinhas vermelhas. Ele sabia o quão sensivel e ao mesmo tempo dramatica harry poderia ser "vamos dormir que passa" ele tira harry de cima de si a deitando em seu lado, harry sente os braços fortes abraçarem sua cintura e a respiração calma em seu pescoço
Ela se mexia inquieta tentando o minimo contato com o pau atras de si, mas quando conseguia louis afastava os quadris fazendo a garota choramingar frustada
"Louis" ela vira de frente para o mais velho que tinha os olhos fechados "não consigo mais" ela passa a perna pela a cintura de louis abraçando ele e conseguindo se roçar no pau duro embaixo de si "eu sei que você não esta dormindo, só ta sendo mau" ela esconde o rosto novamente no pescoço de louis enquanto algumas lagrimas escorriam pela sua bochecha por ser rejeitada pelo mais velho
Louis se segurava para não sorri pelo quão adoravel que ela parecia
Ele penetrou o pau no cuzinho apertado que estava molhado de melzinho e gozo enquanto contraia no nada ao que sentiu harry ficar mais calma em seu colo
Louis fodia a garota devagar ouvindo os pequenos ofegos em seu pescoço
"Para... eu preciso ir no banheiro" harry tenta se afastar empurrando o peito de louis que apenas continuou a fodendo e brincando com o clitoris sensivel e as vezes penetrando a pontinha do indicador
"Pode gozar, amor" ele fala tranquilo sentindo harry começar a tremer em seu colo gemendo alto e esguichando molhando seu baixo ventre
Ele penetra mais algumas vezes antes de gozar no cuzinho da garota que choramingava abraçando seu pescoço se sentindo cheia em todos os buraquinhos
"Obrigada lou" ela beija louis em um beijo calmo "não faz mais isso" ela abraça o mais velho deitando a cabeça em seu peito
"Tudo bem" ele acaricia o cachos cor de chocolate de harry e deixa um beijo na testa da mesma
Louis ainda teria que responder as milhares de perguntas e lidar com os olhares maliciosos dos amigos pelo resto das ferias
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Hello, I read your post about you making peace with Taylor never coming out but doesn’t that scare you that maybe what you think is not true at all? Like, Taylor is actually straight. Same goes for Camila/Camren. That possibility scares me, ai am not delusional, I just wish the truth gets revealed before I die or something
Lauren Jauregui. Sophie Turner. Dove Cameron. Lilly Singh. Taylor Tomlinson. Billie Eilish.
What does this seemingly disparate list of women have in common, you may ask? I knew that all of them were queer before they officially "came out." But before that, so many (straight) people said I was "crazy," "projecting," "wishful thinking," and Lauren's favorite word, "delusional." Yet in every single case listed above, I got the last laugh. Trust me, there's much more where that came from.
The truth is, gaydar is real. Queer women can just sense when a celebrity is one of us, even when we have to wait YEARS to be proven right. Take the US women's soccer team, for example. Tobin Heath and Christen Press only JUST explicitly confirmed their relationship, but queer USWNT fans had suspected since 2015-2016. Same with Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris before them. Although they're no longer together, fans could tell they were a couple since the early 2010s despite them not coming out until 2019. And if social media as we know it today had existed in the time of the Spice Girls, I'm sure we would have figured out that Mel B and Geri Halliwell were a thing.
Whenever my gaydar "fails," it's because a celeb I thought was straight turns out to be queer (think Lili Reinhart and Ashley Benson), never the other way around. Over the years, I've learned to trust my instincts, which is why I'm as confident as I can possibly be about Taylor and Camila. You or anyone else have the right to believe that they've been straight this whole time, but I personally cannot wait to add them to the list above one day.
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who are your favorite youtubers?
Divided by category. Hope that I'm not missing any!
Fashion & Beauty:
Patricia Bright
Lydia Tomlinson
Christina Mychas
Justine Leconte officiel
Frederique Bros
Erica Ball Style
Audrey Coyne
dear peachie
Jackie Aina
Mikaela Carrizo
Business & Finance/Career:
The Break (Patricia Bright's Finance Channel!)
Graham Stephen (Very sound financial advice and no course pushing/ or scamming type rhetoric)
Nischa (Licensed professional, sound advice!)
Latasha James (Great for entrepreneurs and those interested in the social media industry)
Erin May Henry
Alex Cattoni
Tina Huang
Health & Wellness:
Pick Up Limes
Rainbow Plant Life
Move with Nicole
Caroline Grivan
Heather Robinson
Doctor Ramani
Lifestyle & Self-Improvement:
Jenny Mustard
Hannah Adkins
Kalyn's Coffee Talks and Flows
Rowena Tsai
Elicia Goguen
Keltie O'Connor
Mel Robbins
Hope this helps xx
#youtube recommendations#recommendations#femme fatale#fashion and beauty#fashion advice#lifestyle#healthy habits#health lifestyle#self improvement#self development#life skills#personal finance#personal development#higher self#self help#self care#level up#glow up#dark femininity#dark feminine energy#high value woman#dream girl#female excellence#the feminine urge#it girl#queen energy#high value mindset#level up journey#female power#podcast recommendations
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This is the fourth in our occasional series featuring luminaries of stage and screen with a strong personal and/or professional connection with Northeast England, inspired with thanks by @robbielewis. Previous profiles were of Jean Heywood, John Nightingale and Edward Wilson. This time, Sunderland born actor siblings Malcolm and Catherine Terris.
Malcolm Terris was born on January 11th, 1941, boarded at Barnard Castle School in County Durham, then worked as a cadet journalist at the Sunderland Echo before training as an actor.
He was active on British television from 1963, his style perfectly suited to larger than life characters, and is possibly best remembered for his role as Great War veteran and salt-of the-earth union leader, Matt Headley, in 34 episodes of the Tyneside interwar social-realism drama, When the Boat Comes In.
As Matt Headley, with James Bolam (Jack Ford) in When the Boat Comes In.
His more than 120 recorded screen credits include a variety of British television programmes, including Fall of Eagles, Doctor Who (Horns of Nimon, 1979), Reilly: Ace of Spies, three separate roles in Coronation Street, Our Friends in the North, The Bill, and a regular role in Rockliffe’s Babies. His final appearance was in Midsomer Murders in 2011.
His big screen appearances include as ship’s surgeon, with Anthony Hopkins as Bligh and Mel Gibson as Fletcher Christian, in The Bounty (1984), with Ricky Tomlinson in Mike Bassett: England Manager, and in Dickie Attenborough’s Chaplin, which starred Robert Downey Jnr in the title role. He has also appeared on stage including in productions of Othello and in a Broadway production of Hamlet.
He passed away at the artistes residential care home, Denville Hall, on June 6th, 2020, aged 79.
Catherine Terris was born in 1948, and trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). She has been active in British television since 1972, appearing with her brother in seven episodes of When the Boat Comes In. Her other television work includes Z Cars, two roles in Coronation Street, Anna Karenina, Inspector Morse, Dalziel and Pascoe, Heartbeat, George Gently, and a regular role (15 episodes) in William and Mary with Martin Clunes and Julie Graham. She also appeared in the hugely successful feature film, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
According to her page on the Coronation Street fan site, Corriepedia:
"...On stage she has appeared in productions of Faustus, A Rite Kwik Metal Tata, Andy Capp, Tight at the Back, Rose, Tom Jones, Billy Liar, Queuing for Everest and Into the Blue..."
Her most recent television screen credit is In the Club (BBC 2014-16) and latest big screen appearance was in the 2021 feature film, Martyrs Lane.
On stage with Sarah Gordy MBE (The A Word, Ralph and Katie) in the 2016 Arcola Theatre production of Into the Blue, written by Beverley Hancock and directed by Deborah Paige. Image from Sarah Gordy's official site.
#social history#working class history#tyne and wear#sunderland#british actors#british cinema#british television#british theatre#british culture#northeast england
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Commons Vote
On: Passenger Railway Services Bill (Public Ownership) Bill: Committee: Amendment 14
Ayes: 111 (95.5% Con, 4.5% DUP) Noes: 362 (97.0% Lab, 2.5% Ind, 0.6% SDLP) Absent: ~177
Day's business papers: 2024-9-3
Likely Referenced Bill: Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill
Description: A Bill to make provision for passenger railway services to be provided by public sector companies instead of by means of franchises.
Originating house: Commons Current house: Commons Bill Stage: 3rd reading
Individual Votes:
Conservative (106 votes)
Alan Mak Alberto Costa Alex Burghart Alicia Kearns Alison Griffiths Andrew Bowie Andrew Murrison Andrew Rosindell Andrew Snowden Aphra Brandreth Ashley Fox Ben Obese-Jecty Ben Spencer Bernard Jenkin Blake Stephenson Bob Blackman Bradley Thomas Caroline Dinenage Caroline Johnson Charlie Dewhirst Chris Philp Claire Coutinho Damian Hinds Danny Kruger David Davis David Mundell David Reed David Simmonds Desmond Swayne Edward Argar Edward Leigh Gagan Mohindra Gareth Bacon Gareth Davies Gavin Williamson Geoffrey Cox George Freeman Greg Smith Gregory Stafford Harriet Cross Harriett Baldwin Helen Whately Iain Duncan Smith Jack Rankin James Cartlidge James Cleverly James Wild Jeremy Hunt Jeremy Wright Jerome Mayhew Jesse Norman Joe Robertson John Cooper John Glen John Hayes John Lamont John Whittingdale Joy Morrissey Julia Lopez Julian Lewis Karen Bradley Katie Lam Kemi Badenoch Kevin Hollinrake Kieran Mullan Kit Malthouse Laura Trott Lewis Cocking Lincoln Jopp Louie French Mark Francois Mark Garnier Mark Pritchard Martin Vickers Matt Vickers Mel Stride Mike Wood Mims Davies Neil Hudson Neil O'Brien Neil Shastri-Hurst Nick Timothy Nigel Huddleston Oliver Dowden Patrick Spencer Peter Bedford Peter Fortune Priti Patel Rebecca Harris Rebecca Paul Rebecca Smith Richard Fuller Richard Holden Robbie Moore Robert Jenrick Saqib Bhatti Sarah Bool Shivani Raja Simon Hoare Steve Barclay Stuart Anderson Stuart Andrew Suella Braverman Tom Tugendhat Victoria Atkins Wendy Morton
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Gregory Campbell Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
Labour (351 votes)
Abena Oppong-Asare Abtisam Mohamed Adam Jogee Adam Thompson Afzal Khan Al Carns Alan Campbell Alan Gemmell Alan Strickland Alex Baker Alex Ballinger Alex Barros-Curtis Alex Davies-Jones Alex Mayer Alex McIntyre Alex Norris Alex Sobel Alice Macdonald Alison Hume Alison McGovern Alistair Strathern Allison Gardner Amanda Hack Amanda Martin Andrew Cooper Andrew Gwynne Andrew Lewin Andrew Pakes Andrew Ranger Andrew Western Andy MacNae Andy McDonald Andy Slaughter Angela Eagle Anna Dixon Anna Gelderd Anna McMorrin Anna Turley Anneliese Dodds Anneliese Midgley Antonia Bance Ashley Dalton Baggy Shanker Bambos Charalambous Barry Gardiner Bayo Alaba Beccy Cooper Becky Gittins Ben Coleman Ben Goldsborough Bill Esterson Blair McDougall Brian Leishman Callum Anderson Calvin Bailey Carolyn Harris Cat Smith Catherine Atkinson Catherine Fookes Catherine McKinnell Catherine West Charlotte Nichols Chi Onwurah Chris Bloore Chris Curtis Chris Elmore Chris Evans Chris Hinchliff Chris Kane Chris McDonald Chris Murray Chris Vince Chris Ward Chris Webb Christian Wakeford Claire Hazelgrove Claire Hughes Clive Betts Clive Efford Clive Lewis Connor Naismith Connor Rand Damien Egan Dan Aldridge Dan Carden Dan Jarvis Dan Norris Dan Tomlinson Daniel Francis Danny Beales Darren Paffey Dave Robertson David Burton-Sampson David Pinto-Duschinsky David Smith David Taylor Dawn Butler Debbie Abrahams Deirdre Costigan Derek Twigg Diana Johnson Douglas Alexander Douglas McAllister Elaine Stewart Ellie Reeves Elsie Blundell Emily Darlington Emily Thornberry Emma Foody Emma Lewell-Buck Euan Stainbank Fabian Hamilton Fleur Anderson Florence Eshalomi Frank McNally Gareth Snell Gareth Thomas Gen Kitchen Gerald Jones Gill Furniss Gill German Gordon McKee Graeme Downie Graham Stringer Grahame Morris Gregor Poynton Gurinder Singh Josan Harpreet Uppal Heidi Alexander Helen Hayes Helena Dollimore Henry Tufnell Ian Lavery Ian Murray Imogen Walker Irene Campbell Jack Abbott Jacob Collier Jade Botterill Jake Richards James Asser James Frith James Naish Janet Daby Jayne Kirkham Jeevun Sandher Jeff Smith Jen Craft Jenny Riddell-Carpenter Jess Asato Jess Phillips Jessica Morden Jessica Toale Jim Dickson Jim McMahon Jo Platt Jo Stevens Jo White Joani Reid Jodie Gosling Joe Morris Joe Powell Johanna Baxter John Grady John Healey John Slinger John Whitby Jon Pearce Jon Trickett Jonathan Brash Jonathan Davies Jonathan Hinder Josh Dean Josh Fenton-Glynn Josh MacAlister Josh Newbury Julia Buckley Julie Minns Juliet Campbell Justin Madders Karin Smyth Karl Turner Kate Osamor Kate Osborne Katie White Katrina Murray Keir Mather Kerry McCarthy Kevin Bonavia Kim Johnson Kim Leadbeater Kirith Entwistle Kirsteen Sullivan Kirsty McNeill Laura Kyrke-Smith Lauren Edwards Lauren Sullivan Laurence Turner Lee Barron Lee Pitcher Leigh Ingham Lewis Atkinson Liam Byrne Liam Conlon Lilian Greenwood Lillian Jones Linsey Farnsworth Liz Kendall Liz Twist Lizzi Collinge Lloyd Hatton Lola McEvoy Louise Haigh Louise Jones Lucy Powell Lucy Rigby Luke Akehurst Luke Charters Luke Murphy Luke Myer Margaret Mullane Marie Tidball Mark Ferguson Mark Hendrick Mark Sewards Mark Tami Markus Campbell-Savours Marsha De Cordova Martin Rhodes Mary Glindon Mary Kelly Foy Matt Bishop Matt Rodda Matt Turmaine Matt Western Matthew Patrick Matthew Pennycook Maureen Burke Meg Hillier Melanie Onn Melanie Ward Miatta Fahnbulleh Michael Payne Michael Shanks Michael Wheeler Michelle Scrogham Michelle Welsh Mike Amesbury Mike Kane Mike Reader Mike Tapp Mohammad Yasin Nadia Whittome Natalie Fleet Natasha Irons Naushabah Khan Navendu Mishra Neil Coyle Neil Duncan-Jordan Nesil Caliskan Nia Griffith Nicholas Dakin Nick Smith Nick Thomas-Symonds Noah Law Oliver Ryan Olivia Bailey Olivia Blake Pam Cox Pamela Nash Pat McFadden Patricia Ferguson Patrick Hurley Paul Davies Paul Foster Paul Waugh Paula Barker Paulette Hamilton Perran Moon Peter Dowd Peter Kyle Peter Lamb Peter Swallow Phil Brickell Polly Billington Preet Kaur Gill Rachael Maskell Rachel Blake Rachel Hopkins Rachel Taylor Richard Baker Richard Quigley Rosie Duffield
Rupa Huq Ruth Cadbury Ruth Jones Sadik Al-Hassan Sally Jameson Sam Carling Sam Rushworth Samantha Dixon Samantha Niblett Sarah Champion Sarah Coombes Sarah Edwards Sarah Hall Sarah Jones Sarah Owen Sarah Sackman Satvir Kaur Scott Arthur Sean Woodcock Seema Malhotra Sharon Hodgson Shaun Davies Simon Lightwood Simon Opher Siobhain McDonagh Sojan Joseph Sonia Kumar Stella Creasy Stephanie Peacock Stephen Kinnock Stephen Timms Steve Race Steve Witherden Steve Yemm Sureena Brackenridge Tahir Ali Taiwo Owatemi Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Tim Roca Toby Perkins Tom Collins Tom Hayes Tom Rutland Tonia Antoniazzi Tony Vaughan Torcuil Crichton Torsten Bell Tracy Gilbert Tristan Osborne Uma Kumaran Valerie Vaz Vicky Foxcroft Warinder Juss Wes Streeting Will Stone Yasmin Qureshi Yuan Yang Zubir Ahmed
Independent (9 votes)
Apsana Begum Ayoub Khan Imran Hussain Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Rebecca Long Bailey Richard Burgon Shockat Adam Zarah Sultana
Social Democratic & Labour Party (2 votes)
Claire Hanna Colum Eastwood
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mel does louis tomlinson sucks dick?
Louis tomlinson does, in fact, suck dick. One dick in particular
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jealousy is a disease
by me_her_themoon
Louis takes the phone and, sure enough, there are fifty fucking calls from Harry. He knows that Louis is onstage right now, no doubt watching a fans livestream, so why the fuck is he calling Louis so much?
He takes a quick second to send him a text, just a simple stop calling, will facetime after show before handing the phone back to Oli.
Louis has a show to perform.
Words: 2602, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of fitf world tour, but make it ~larry~
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Oli Wright
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Phone Sex, Established Relationship, Husbands, Mutual Masturbation, Nipple Play, Kinda, Anal Fingering, briefly, Light Dom/sub, Dirty Talk, Emo smut, but also hot, Smut, Armpit Kink, ur welcome mel, Daddy Kink, Jealousy
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/YEKfqDW
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highlights of June-December
Favourite movies: The Farmer's Daughter (1947), Oppenheimer (2023), The Bourne trilogy (2002-2007), Gojira -1.0 (2023).
Decent movies I liked / appreciated but not loved: Highlander (1986), From the Terrace (1960), Mary Poppins (1964), Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023), If I Were King (1938), The Equalizer 3 (2023), No Way Out (1950), Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993).
wtf movie/ending: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) just because they ended it like an episode of a TV show rather than a part one of a movie. I knew it was part one and even I was sitting at the cinema confused once the credits rolled. Also, in the best way, They Won't Believe Me (1947). I was not expecting the film to end like that at all. AT ALL. Also, Caught (1949) has the most unsatisfying tonal shift in the end I probably have ever see. Up until that last few minutes, it was solid, dark, edgy even. Just the way I like my noirs to be. And then the resolution and it is just…. huh?
Best scenes: the Spider Men chase scene in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023); Alfred leaving Mary for good in From the Terrace (1960); the finale in They Won't Believe Me (1947); father's final walk to work in Mary Poppins (1964); the bomb / 'You will remember this day' in Oppenheimer (2023); saying goodbye to the 'daughter' in Gojira -1.0 (2023); the garage confrontation in Caught (1949).
Favourite genres: action, adventure, drama.
Favourite directors: Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer, 2023); Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, 2023); Robert Stevenson (Mary Poppins, 1964); Paul Greengrass (The Bourne trilogy, 2002-2007); Joseph L. Mankiewicz (No Way Out, 1950); Takashi Yamazaki (Gojira -1.0, 2023); Mel Brooks (Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 1993); Sidney Lanfield (The Hound of the Baskervilles, 1939).
Favourite actors: Robert Cummings (The Lost Moment, 1947), Susan Hayward (The Lost Moment, 1947 and They Won't Believe Me, 1947); Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward (From the Terrace, 1960); Ethel Barrymore, Loretta Young, Joseph Cotten (The Farmer's Daughter, 1947); Robert Young (They Won't Believe Me, 1947); Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, 2023); Matt Damon (The Bourne trilogy, 2002-2007); Ronald Colman (If I Were King, 1938); Denzel Washington (The Equalizer 3, 2023); Sidney Poitier, Linda Darnell, Richard Widmark (No Way Out, 1950); Cary Elwes (Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 1993); Bob Hope (The Ghost Breakers, 1940); James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes, Robert Ryan (Caught, 1949); Ryunosuke Kamiki, Minami Hamabe (Gojira -1.0, 2023); Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer, 2023); Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, 1964). (Dick Van Dyke is an international treasure, I absolutely love this sweet, sweet man!)
Least favourite performances: anyone in Angels Over Broadway (1940) is pretty forgettable, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in particular. I did not like Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986), so it might be affecting my perception of Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger's performances as I know both of them are more than capable performers. George Sanders is pretty bland in The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry (1945). Vincent Cassel is bizzare in La belle et la bête (2014).
The most wasted cast: I don't think there is any particular cast that was wasted this time around. I didn't enjoy Angels Over Broadway (1940), so might be this one.
The best wasted premise: The Lost Moment (1947). It's not a bad film, but way too rushed. Had they taken more time, I think the film would have been much, much better.
Best premise: Highlander (1986); No Way Out (1950); Gojira -1.0 (2023).
Favourite cast: Oppenheimer (2023), hands down. Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Alden Ehrenreich, Scott Grimes, Jason Clarke, James D'Arcy, Kenneth Branagh, Tim DeKay, David Krumholtz, Florence Pugh, Matt Damon, Dane DeHaan, Josh Peck, Rami Malek, Casey Affleck, Gary Oldman. At one point I just started listing every actor I know who's popped up in this, it got crazy.
Favourite on-screen duos: Robert Cummings + Susan Hayward (The Lost Moment, 1947); Paul Newman + Joanne Woodward, Paul Newman + Ina Balin (From the Terrace, 1960); Loretta Young,+ Joseph Cotten, Ethel Barrymore with literally anyone (The Farmer's Daughter, 1947); Julie Andrews + Dick Van Dyke (Mary Poppins, 1964); Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, 2023); anyone in Oppenheimer (2023); James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes (Caught, 1949); Bob Hope + Paulette Goddard (The Ghost Breakers, 1940).
Favourite on-screen relationships: my favourite is easily Larry Quinada and Leonora Eames from Caught (1949), but I have a few others. Alfred Eaton + Mary St. John (in a very toxic, unhealthy way) and Alfred Eaton + Natalie Benzinger (From the Terrace, 1960); Katrin Holstrom + Glenn Morley (The Farmer's Daughter, 1947); Bourne + Marie (The Bourne Identity, 2002 + The Bourne Ultimatum, 2004); Koichi Shikishima + Noriko Oishi (Gojira -1.0, 2023).
Favourite characters: Alfred Eaton, Mary St. John (From the Terrace, 1960); Mrs. Morley, Katrin Holstrom, Glenn Morley (The Farmer's Daughter, 1947); Jason Bourne (The Bourne trilogy, 2002-2007); Larry Ballentine (They Won't Believe Me, 1947); Mary Poppins, Bert (Mary Poppins, 1964); Ethan Hunt, Grace (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, 2023); J. Robert Oppenheimer, Lewis Strauss (Oppenheimer, 2023); Jason Bourne (The Bourne trilogy, 2002-2007); François Villon (If I Were King, 1938); Robert McCall (The Equalizer 3, 2023); Edie Johnson, Dr. Dan Wharton, Dr. Luther Brooks (No Way Out, 1950); Koichi Shikishima, Noriko Oishi (Gojira -1.0, 2023), Robin Hood (Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 1993); Larry Quinada, Leonora Eames, Smith Ohlrig (Caught, 1949).
Favourite quote: Let no one laugh at our absurd design, but pray to God that he forgives us all. (If I Were King, 1938). I also love this exchange in From the Terrace: Mary St. John: You've touched me deeply. Alfred Eaton: But not in the right places.
Favourite fact discovered in 2023: James Mason asked to play the good guy in Caught (1949) because he wanted a break from playing bad buys in British films. Gojira -1.0 (2023) was made on a 15-million-dollar budget. Effective filmmaking if I ever saw one. Oppenheimer (2023), a 3-hour biopic, made around a billion dollars at the box office.
The most overrated film: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023). It was fine, the animation is great, but there are a few too many stupid and slow moments. Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986) is terrible. No Way Out (1987) is okay, but I prefer the original anyway. Almost everything Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023) is good except for the actual plot.
The most disappointing film: I didn't hold out much hope for any of these, so I wasn't disappointed.
The biggest surprise: Gojira -1.0 (2023).
Best cinematography: Hoyte Van Hoytema (Oppenheimer, 2023). Also, J. Peverell Marley (The Hound if the Baskervilles, 1939).
Best set design: Oppenheimer (2023). Also. I loved La belle et la bête (2014).
Best costume design: Pierre-Yves Gayraud La belle et la bête (2014).
Best music: I don't remember any. My guess is Oppenheimer (2023), but I can't remember any music from it either.
Best production choice: casting Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins, 1964); black-and-white sections (Oppenheimer, 2023), focusing on the human drama and survivor's guilt (Gojira -1.0, 2023)
Worst production choice: (randomly) killing Ilsa (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, 2023).
Film of the month(s): Oppenheimer (2023), Gojira -1.0 (2023).
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thank you, @plushyluke for tagging me 💗💗
tea, coffee or soda? coffee, I hate tea
dogs or cats? I love both 🥺, I can’t choose
can you play an instrument? no, I tried to learn how to play guitar when I was 15 and got frustrated, so I gave up
what’s your sun sign? cancer
first song lyrics that pop into your head? “nobody stays the same, no matter how much you want it, some things change” / saturdays - Louis Tomlinson
do you have any tattoos? no, I don’t
favorite place you traveled? Ilha do Mel, it’s an island in the south of Brazil
what’s the last movie you’ve watched? 13 going on 30
what languages do you speak? portuguese and english (I try my best, I swear)
do you have any hobbies? yes, I love reading, writing and watching movies/tv shows/YouTube
you can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? this is soooo hard, I think Steve or Nancy from Stranger Things or Jane Su from One Last Stop (the most recently book I finished)
compliment yourself: I’m strong, smart and kind
tagging some of my favorite people (there are more, but I’m too shy and these are the ones I feel closer, but no pressure ☺️): @aestheticlarrie @loycht @lets-laughagain
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Chris Meloni's back (destroyed)
Ethan Hawke's back (gone)
Teresa Giudice's back (stray)
Lewis Hamilton's back (wandered off)
Skrillex's back (ripped off)
Lionel Messi's back (taken by magpie)
Minnie Driver's back (pawned)
Candice Accola's back (snatched)
Nick Jonas's back (taken by magpie)
Robin Roberts's back (taken by magpie)
Emily VanCamp's back (stray)
Mel B's back (hijacked)
Beth Ostrosky Stern's back (stray)
Shar Jackson's back (ripped off)
Malin Akerman's back (abducted)
Katie Couric's back (broken)
Martin Lawrence's back (abducted)
Andrew Firestone's back (abducted)
Michael Jackson's back (poker game)
Jason Lee's back (pawned)
Amber Rose's back (returned)
Mo'Nique's back (filched)
Louis Tomlinson's back (misappropriated)
Brian Austin Green's back (ripped off)
Sarah Jessica Parker's back (loaned out)
Odette Yustman's back (taken by magpie)
Troian Bellisario's back (traded)
Anderson Cooper's back (swiped)
Desiree Hartsock's back (poker game)
Jennifer Lopez's back (missing)
Anne Hathaway's back (confiscated)
Daniel Craig's back (buried at sea)
George Lopez's back (retained)
Roger Federer's back (swiped)
Dax Shepard's back (embezzled)
Avril Lavigne's back (contract revoked)
Maria Sharapova's back (lost)
Matthew Fox's back (retained)
Kid Rock's back (mislaid)
Katrina Bowden's back (ripped off)
Iggy Azalea's back (mislaid)
Kristen Wiig's back (exchanged)
DJ AM's back (missing)
Lisa Kudrow's back (stolen)
Carly Rae Jepsen's back (misplaced)
Whitney Houston's back (hijacked)
Adele's back (pawned)
Oprah Winfrey's back (abducted)
Brad Goreski's back (swiped)
Kelly Bensimon's back (loaned out)
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Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Prove Aljazeera Interview Modern Slavery Colonisation Songstreet Border Crossing My Contributions Composer Brixton Market Indicate Nationwide Latest On Lists LEYF Dominance Of Early Years Sector June O'Sullivan Advisor To Mayor Of London Ex Mental Health Nurse Mask Of Sanity Reveal A Psychopath Wants To Be Remembered As Disruptive Influence MIC Richard Harty Mastermind Abuse Rings In Reviews Re ET HMCTS CPS CJS Involved In Systematic Discrimination Target Arnold Tomlinson Traumatised After Death Of My Mother 17/5/2023
Refer to MEK MI MEL MISELF CLEAR AGAIN TO #facebookpaedophiles DAT MI NUH WANT #AndrewHolness A PIGGY BACK INAMI #notification WHEN AM DI #target OF #systematicdiscrimination including DECOLONISING THE #murdercunt TREE Nationwide Building Society & Metropolitan Police Service & Housing for Women & SOUTHWARK Council & Housing Association Exchanges Homeswap Mutual Exchange& Southwark Parent Carer…
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#http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/#http://www.justgiving.com/Mervelee-Myers#http://www.justice.gov.uk/tribunals/employment/claims/responding#https://fght4justiceadvocacy.business.site#https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/#https://www.ryanclement.com#See https://www.facebook.com that think they can brainwash me ON THIS DAY 4 years ago Mervelee Ratty Nembhard is feeling emotional in Lond#United Kingdom. Shared with Public Thanks 1Son http://worldreferee.com/referee/valdin-legister/bio for bringing me back the Memories! Vald
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mel tomlinson photographed by daniel s. sorine
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