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My main blog has a pretty sizeable following, and yet it amazes me how little uptake there is on some of the photography I reblog from smaller blogs. It wasn't that long ago that I'd find such blogs and think to myself "get ready", as reblogging their photos would get them far more exposure. I even had people message me, and thank me for finding them and promoting them, essentially.
If a five+ year old blog that consists of 90% trees and greenery, gets very little uptake of imagery that is... well, trees and greenery, then it just feels maybe the peak tumblr nature era has passed.
Unless I've just lost my power. Which is a shame, because I liked being in a position to go 'you deserve to be seen too' and literally being able to make that happen.
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worstvideogamesong-poll · 1 year ago
Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 1 Match 24
Thrifty Megamart - Pokémon Sun/Moon
Metal Gear MS DOS Soundtrack - Metal Gear (MS DOS)
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Thrifty Megamart:
"it feels like it just goes past my ears instead of into them, it gives me a headache."
Metal Gear MS DOS Soundtrack:
"ow my ears"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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gir-posting · 2 years ago
you mean to tell me one of the biggest things that turned me off to stranger things 3 was justified in the plot by xenophobia
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oricoriri · 25 days ago
i feel like im becoming a food review blog. has anyone tried red-hot tamato chips? i got them on sale at a megamart and they are actually pretty yummy... spicy, but yummy!!
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mdanwarhussain · 4 months ago
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aspens-dragons · 9 months ago
TM20:Safeguard - Are you superstitious? 
not rlly? i have like my own little rules i follow ig. theres also the thing where if you take a rock or like basically any mineral from alola the island deities will curse you until you give it back which is like. me personally i wouldnt risk it. also like its literally illegal so dont do that
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artfromdaclubhouse · 1 year ago
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st-just · 2 months ago
Every time one of those later day chainletters about human trafficking gangs abducting victims from megamart parking lots in the sunbelt goes viral I just really want to print off some big posters with comparative crime rates and break them over people's heads
Really can't emphasize enough how 'upper middle class white woman in the suburban United States' is possibly the demographic least threatened by random street violence in all of human history.
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solidaritygaming-fanblog · 3 months ago
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Um. Basically. Mimkyu's whole thing is putting on a facade in order to make others like them more! WHICH IS A BASED CONCEPT. However, they also do this in order to protect others from themselves. According to the Pokémon Database, "People believe that anybody who sees its true form beneath the cloth will be stricken with a mysterious illness." These put together really reminded me of the Canary Curse- specifically how it almost transmits to his team mates, and how he often puts on a tough facade- to keep people from thinking he just the weak guy who dies first.
Plus, of course, the whole "haunted doll" aesthetic!
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Mimkyu's true form is, for the most part, unknown. They instead disguse themselves as a friendly Pikachu, in a handmade costume. All that is known about their body is that it is small enough to fit under their rag, and their arms look like shadows. The face is drawn on in a cruel mockery of the life form it mimicks. The friendly yellow and red of the Pikcachu, here, is washed out into sepia tones: oranges, beiges, and browns.
Lets do a little list!
Orange and brown tones, maybe getting into golds
Mimicking the form of a living life form
Rough, handcrafted
These are all things that can be associated with Jimmy's Sheriff persona. We also see more of the facade in that role he plays, too! He is usually very chill and maybe even silly when around his friends, but the second they remind him, he snaps back into that part- usually in time for them to make jokes or steal something important.
Oh, yes- stealing something important. His hat. This might be a reach, but hats can be used to cover faces- the only real part of him that was still exposed in his Sheriff getup. Even if it didn't fully cover it, he could raise his bandana so only his eyes show- just like Mimkyu.
Along with this, how Mimkyu is normally portrayed. Deathly alone, maybe stuck in a small, cage like room. Constantly hiding, constantly striving to reach something and be someone they think very one wants them to be.
Ahem. Sorry.
Along with everything else I've pointed out so far the majority of the Pokedex descriptions from the games are also incredibly reminiscent of the Toy Sheriff's demeanor and background.
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The second screen shot specifically is taken from the descriptions of the "Busted form", where it's neck is broken. What caught my eye were the lines about "merciless revenge", keeping up its impersonation despite its cover being blown, "unharmed but still sad", "crying inside". Those reminded me of Jimmy's villain arc (yet another example of facades). Despite all the evidence pointing to him being a toy, he kept up what he was saying, and lashed out at those who broke down his disguise.
Now, I want to mention Mimkyu's first game introduction- at least, in Pokémon Sun. You enter the abandoned Thrifty Megamart, a hotspot for ghost Pokémon activity, and see a Pikachu running around out of the corner of your eye. You dismiss this as just you seeing things, and continue- but see it more and more. Finally, you see the Pikachu run through a door into a backroom, and you follow itn confused. The backroom is dark, dingy, decidedly untouched- and pinned on the walls are photo upon photo upon photo of Pikachu's. You take out your pokefinder and scan the room, desperate to find the last ghost Pokémon and get out of this place. On the view screen, you see... something. It's decidedly not a Pikachu, and when you take the photo out of instinct, it makes a screech that is terrifyingly human sounding, like it's trying so hard to talk to you.
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My conclusion?
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They are the same. I rest my case.
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guinea-pig-enthusiast · 2 months ago
I think the most a Pokemon game has ever really gelt like a connected world to me is Ultra Sun and Moon
There’s side quests that span islands. Get a PokeBall on one island, go to the next and find out its a girl’s grandpa’s that he left behind when he died. Now the Pokemon and the girl and her mom can work through their grief together.
A man works at a resort and wants to work at a different resort. You speak to the owner of the place he works, and he is sympathetic. He requests you bring him a Magmar to show his employee as a reminder of something.
The side quests are everywhere. Everyone needs some help that you can give them. Please find me this Pokémon; my boyfriend loves it and I want to catch it for him. Please help save the Pyukumuku that wash up on the beach everyday; they will dry out if we don’t take care of them. They aren’t just random "find thing and get reward" stories. They always have some kind of deeper purpose.
You walk through streets with people who greet you with a hand wave and Alola, even when they have no other dialogue. The world is still full of traditional Pokemon NPC’s, but they fill the world with people willing to pause in their motions to greet you.
There are iconic, touristy locations throughout the region. Pikachu Valley. The haunted Thrifty Megamart. Exeggutor Island. The mountains. The beaches. The ruins.
You can go to the childhood house (not home) of the Head of Team Skull. You can customize your character with a robust set of clothes and hairstyles. It is one of the last games where the houses in every town are still open to the player, and you can speak with those inside and learn from them. You can watch the entire cast, from Hau to Lillie, to Gladion to Guzma, grow and change as the story goes on.
You are not just an outsider coming into this world to save the day. You are a part of Alola.
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fallershipping · 10 months ago
CW: General talk of subjects like Misogyny
Game Freak devs advertise Pokemon as a Utopian world the same way Splatoon 1 advertises that their world is carefree and that Squids are 100% the good guys. But while Splatoon subverts expectations by hinting at a complicated worldview with the Sunken Scrolls, the devs are a bit wishy washy on just how corrupt the world is-- But it's there.
Interpol is not above sacrificing its own agents for the lives and safety of the greater population, Team Rocket ran a grand portion of Kanto's economic centers with the leader as a Gym Leader, there was even an old man in the first games that was snooping on Erika's gym because it was full of girls. Beyond that, Evil Teams always imply that something went wrong that lead to a villain's rise. Team Yell and Team Skull are a bunch of poor kids abandoned and ignored by the elite. A god of nature Tapu Bulu struck down a Megamart for habitat destruction. I mean the list is LONG and ENDLESS.
This is to say that I have dabbled in some thoughts that I wrote off as "too out of place for a kid's series" but... If it's something I want to explore and abstract, it fits with the series regardless.
I write Anabel as someone who does feel the effects of a "male dominated workforce" not just in her Interpol years but her Battle Frontier years too. She doesn't want to be pitied nor talked down to-- and she does NOT want anyone to go easy on her. People thinking she's 'Not as tough looking as some of the other (((((male)))) Frontier Brains' or 'she must be a secretary' is.. Personally vindicating for me to explore in headcanons. This is not just a direct jab at the fandom's wrongs but it's personally fulfilling to see her navigate this environment in her own way, at her own pace-- Not having to prove to anyone that she is stronger than they think, and having plenty of support behind her for each little snide she gets.
Perhaps it is nowhere near as the horrors we face in our reality, and I do not intend on writing in something so vile into Pokemon. But for a lot of good things that exist in the world of Pokemon, its bound to have imperfections.
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nitpickrider · 4 months ago
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You're using that real neat blame trick again, Lin. So here's a thought. What the hell is gonna CHANGE when someone else buys the corner grocery he was running? Or when the land gets scooped up by a megamart with a WAY worse environmental record AND worse employee policies to boot?!
You murdered someone. You did that. With your hands. Because why? Because he wasn't perfectly environmental? Because he cut a corner or two in living in an imperfect system?
How long is the line? And how many of them are you willing to murder until you dust off your hands and call it a day? XMen Unlimited Infinity 9
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number1surgesurfer · 1 year ago
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went to say hi to everyone in the old megamart, and gave some of the little guys some attention and gifts! it's their day!!!
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Following what is undoubtedly the strangest date Gladion has ever been on in his entire life (the only date he's ever been on in his entire life, but that's beside the point-), after stepping out of the Abandoned Thrifty Megamart and onto the black sand of Route 14, his night is about to reach a deeper degree of absurdity when Mizuki abruptly states her intention to serenade him under the moonlight and begins rummaging through her bag.
Lured into a false sense of security once more and certainly not for the final time, Gladion expects her to produce something along the lines of the Moon Flute she acquired from Exeggutor Island, perhaps a guitar or clarinet, or even a ukulele - in summary, a normal instrument.
It's an otamatone.
Which she proceeds to play with the demeanor of a concert violinist performing before a highly distinguished audience.
And somewhere amidst the exasperation and confusion towards this increasingly bizarre situation he's found himself in, Gladion becomes conscious of the fact Mizuki isn't hitting notes at random or even slightly offkey - she not only knows how to actually play the thing, she's playing with expertise.
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skitter-smack · 4 months ago
my addendum is that the tapus should also beat every ceo who goes to alola for vacation to death like the time the founder of the company behind the megamart went missing on ula’ula and never came back ❤️
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thegalarghost · 3 months ago
@skullkxd ♡︎'d for a starter
A league trip was the last thin the ghost-type trainer expected to be proposed at the last meeting. Sure, it was the off Season, but could they all really just up and leave for a week? Allister recalled something being said about team building, or establishing relations with the budding Alolan League, but it all felt like a blur at this point.
And now he found himself on the Secluded Beach of Ula'Ula Island, a few of his fellow gym leaders challenging one another to mantine surfing, while the rest enjoyed basking in the Alolan sun and the other amenities the beach had to offer. As much fun as the rest of the Galar league seemed to be having, their ghost-type specialist simply felt uncomfortable. There were far too many strangers around, and it was so bright.
The only thing helping him keep his cool, was the promise that at some point they would all make their way over to his attraction of choice. Allister had heard of a supposedly haunted abandoned building that definitely would be more enjoyable for him than this.
Though Allister couldn't quite remember who had the map, and didn't want to interrupt anyone's fun, he wasn't sure how much longer he could simply sit in the sand like this. But that abandoned MegaMart couldn't be that hard to find without it, right? Before wandering off, the boy sent a quick text to the league's group chat so no one would worry, not that anyone was paying enough attention to notice him wandering off anyway. And anyway, he'd been trying harder and harder to gain more confidence.
The boy likely stood out like a sore thumb as he wandered down the road in the direction be believed to be correct, his trademark mask still upon his face, his only comfort, and his league uniform replaced by a ghost-themed Alolan shirt and purple swim trunks. The entire group having been gifted the themed shirts from the chairman before they'd left. Even his ghostly pale skin was blinding. If it hadn't been for Kabu and Melony liberally applying sunscreen to the boy's skin, he likely already would have begun to turn red.
Allister quickly realized his mistake as he felt the gaze of each group of fellow tourists as they passed, his heart beginning to race. His small feet picking up the pace as he wanted nothing more now than to find somewhere to hide. As accustom as he was to wandering alone, back in Galar he was familiar with the terrain. He wasn't even sure how long he had been wandering by the time he managed to compose himself, much further than he'd likely intended to go he figured. Maybe he should turn back . . .
Violet orbs of light began to flicker behind the usually black voids of his mask as he looked around anxiously for anything that could indicate where he was, every small sound grasping his attention.
He should have asked for the map.
Backing up as he anxiously wrung his hands together, Allister found himself colliding with someone, immediately jumping back and losing his balance and falling back onto his bum.
❝M-M . . . 'm . . . sorry.❞ He barely stuttered out in a quiet voice.
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