thegalarghost · 4 years
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   (( I know I’ve been gone for a hot minute, but now that I’m settled into my new place and for the most part into my new job and sleep schedule I should be around more! If anyone’s interested in continuing our threats or some plotting or something feel free to hit me up! ))
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thegalarghost · 4 years
misc prompts for your feels
“ unique just means alone. ” “ i’m not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first. ” “ i know i’m a monster, but you look at me like i’m a man. ” “ there’s nothing i wouldn’t do to keep you safe. ” “ we all have sins to pay penance for. ” “ don’t look at me like i’m a hero. you’ll only disappoint yourself. ” “ sometimes when you look at me it’s like
it’s like you’re staring straight past my flesh and into my soul. ” “ you make me want to live. ” “ i know i don’t deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might. ” “ i trust you with my life. ” “ you’re more like family to me than my own blood. ” “ i’ve never had any sort of family before. ” “ your life is far more precious than mine. ” “ i don’t care what happens to me. as long as you’re safe. ” “ i need you to live
cause if you’re gone then, i don’t know what the point of it all is anymore. ” “ i know i’m not the person you want, but i’m here. ” “ i love you, and i know you may never feel the same. but i’m okay with that. ” “ i couldn’t say no to you even if i wanted to. ” “ you’re worth more than this. ” “ why do you walk around as if you’re somehow less valuable than the rest of the world? ” “ please, let me help you. ” “ just let me do this for you. ” “ you do have something to live for. you have me. ” “ you’ll always have me. ” “ i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you’re not. not to me. ” “ it’s okay to be angry, you’re allowed to be upset about what happened to you. ” “ don’t you realize you deserve more than this? ” “ you’re not a machine or— or some thing. you’re a person, and i’m sorry anyone ever made you feel otherwise. ” “ please, just hold on a little longer. i can’t lose you too. ” “ this scar..what happened? ” “ if you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. ” “ you’re bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?! ” “ sometimes i realize one day i could die, i could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. there’d be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself. ”  “ i’m not sure i know who i’m supposed to be anymore. ” “ my mind is so loud and i’m afraid it’ll never be quiet again. ” “ when i’m in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i’m alone it’s somehow worse. ” “ loneliness is a poison and i’ve been drinking it for so long, i don’t there there’s an anecdote to save my soul. ” “ i don’t care if the world knows my name, i just want you to remember me. ” “ you deserve more than i could ever give you. ” “ i love you. i know that’s not enough, but i do. ” “ you’re safe with me, you always will be. ” “ you make me feel safe. like i’m allowed to be anything i want. ” “ i’d do anything to be the person you love again. ” “ i’ve got you, you’re safe. ” “ just rest, i’m here. ” “ you can stay with me tonight. ”
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thegalarghost · 4 years
❄   𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍     [   𝐀   𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋   𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   ]  .
designed  for  muses  with  a  bit  of  unresolved  tension between  them ,   but  can  be  used  for  any  circumstances you  see  fit !!  
♡   𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄  :    add   ‘  + 🔁  ’   to  reverse  the  roles .
📖  :    my  muse  discovers  your  muse  reading  a  diary  entry  that  my  muse  wrote  about  yours .
💅  :    your  muse  paints  my  muse’s  nails .
🚿  :    my  muse  accidentally  moans  while  your  muse  washes  their  hair .
👕  :    your  muse  helps  my  muse  get  dressed  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness .
đŸ›ïžÂ  :    our  muses  are  forced  by  circumstance  to  share  a  bed  for  the  night .
đŸ§ŒÂ  :    your  muse  bathes  mine  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness .
🙏  :    our  muses’  hands  brush  as  they  walk  side  by  side .
💱  :    your  muse  picks  mine  up   &   carries  them  over  their  shoulder .
đŸ‘ïžÂ  :    your  muse  is  watching  mine  sleep ,   when  my  muse  suddenly  wakes  up   &   catches  them .
🚬  :    my  muse  steals  a  cigarette   (   or lollipop   )   from  your  muse   &   puts  it  in  their  mouth .
🎐  :    our  muses  slow  dance  together .
🧩  :    your  muse  walks  in  on  my  muse  changing  clothes .
🎀  :   your  muse  brushes  my  muse’s  hair .
💍  :    our  muses  are  mistaken  for  a  couple  by  someone  else .
👔  :    your  muse  notices  that  my  muse’s  shirt  is  open   &   goes  to  ‘  fix  it  ’ .
👗  :    my  muse  sees  yours  all  dressed  up .
đŸȘ‘  :    my  muse  is   ‘  forced  ’   to  sit  on  your  muse’s  lap   (   due  to  a  lack  of  chairs ,   faulty seatbelt ,  etc .   )
🍆  :    your  muse  makes  a  suggestive  joke  but  my  muse  actually  acts  on  it . 
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thegalarghost · 4 years
he catches a glimpse of allister looking back towards the back of the room, where, raihan can only assume where his seat is located. for a moment, he wanted to inquire just what caught his attention so suddenly, but the dragon tamer was sure that it wasn’t something all too deep that required his attention. so when the kids are already being sent to gather their things before heading out of the classroom by their teacher, raihan was surprised to hear allister pose yet another question. from what he knew about the ghost - type specialist, he was pretty quiet  &  always kept to himself, only spoke minimally but overall respectful to his co - workers.
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when allister finally gets his question out, there’s a warm smile on raihan’s face. the sound of the other kids fleeting down the hall at this point  &  he nods,  ❛  mhm. yeah, we can do that too, i think they’d enjoy that quite a bit, kiddo.  ❜  he pauses for a moment,  ❛  looks like the other kids are already headin’ out, go get your bag ‘n’ we can walk to the courtyard, yeah? i’ll wait for you.  ❜
       â†Ș  ❝O-Okay!❞ Allister gave an excited nod before hurrying back to his desk to take up his bag, which coincidentally matched his ghostly aesthetic. Hastily opening his bag to tuck his notes inside, a small cluster of dusk balls could be seen, and along with them it seemed his Yamask had decided to let himself out of his pokeball to listen to the room’s on-goings - and to snag one or two of the treats that were also tucked away into one of the bag’s pockets.        A quiet giggle escaped the boy at the sight of his ghostly friend. While he wasn’t even supposed to have the pokemon with him, it wasn’t as though anyone had actually seen the ghost, and it wasn’t like he was causing any trouble. Carefully closing his bag with the little ghost inside, Allister hurried back over to where Raihan was waiting.
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        Hands clasped on the strap of his bag, Allister looked up toward the other in affirmation. He didn’t figure the dragon-type leader to tell him off if he saw the younger trainer breaking his rules, or if he even knew about them, so his content smile remained.        ❝W-Who um . . . Who did you bring today?❞
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thegalarghost · 4 years
       â†Ș  Allister was taken aback by the less than warm greeting he received, his nerves getting the better of him it took all he had not to retreat and hastily find somewhere to hide. He was used to people being startled by his appearance, though this was a new one. But he’d come here for a reason. It was the anniversary of the accident after all, and as much as he chose to deny the truth, he always found himself here on this particular day. 
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     ❝I-I . . . u-um . . . ❞ Hardly more than incoherent mumbling escaped him as he clutched tighter the small blue flowers he had gone away to gather. She always liked the flowers so Allister often tossed them into the water. He couldn’t go now, it was the only free time he had before his gym battles stole away the rest of his day.        As startled by the situation as he was, the boy only backed away slightly before he perched upon the grass a short distance from the river’s edge, attempting to focus on weaving the small flowers into the shape of a crown . . . glancing over the stranger periodically making his lack of knowledge in the craft all the more difficult.
❛ Oh! Go walk through a wall,l ghost-boy! ❜ She had settled beside the bank, a tale lingered around here of a boy who had lost his mother to an accident involving this river. She had come here to, of all things, repay her respects. While priding herself in being “The Villain” she was not devoid of empathy she had lost her mother at a young age and grew up in foster care. She had not pieced together that the same child lurking about the area was indeed the unfortunate boy who had fallen into the river here. 
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❛ Can’t you see I’m brooding here? ❜ There was no time for him to respond, even if he were to respond, he seemed ominous and mysterious as though he never spoke much. As she elevates herself, she brushes off left over crumbs of peanut-butter sandwiches. She was still out of the know of his identity, failing to recognize him as the Gym Leader she had come Stow-on-Side with intention to rob but, really, how was she to know that a mere boy could ever be leader of a gym? He was barely a fully-fledged twerp as it were!
/ @thegalarghost​  ♄
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thegalarghost · 4 years
The Chairman:
He smiles at Allister as he enters the room, as he always does. Best to put the boy at ease, despite these meeting happening frequently enough to a point where nerves should hardly be an issue.
Though, he does understand the feeling. He’s felt his fair share of nerves over the years.
“Nothing new, you say? Quite the shame
” He sighs, though he isn’t truly upset with Allister—there is only so much that can be gleaned from simple communication, after all. Instead, he smiles again, and opts to instead pass forward three Ultra Balls—three Dark-Types, chosen from his collection with much care, all around Level 70.
Though, to the boy, he simply caught them for this occasion. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
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“I’d like you to venture into the ruins this time around, Allister. Should you run into trouble with some unruly ghosts, please do use these three Dark-Types I’m providing you with for this if your own team is at a disadvantage, alright? They’re all plenty strong enough to fend off any unwanted advances, and you should be quite safe with them by your side. Do be sure to return them to me once you’re finished, alright?”
          â†Ș ❝Wh-What . . . ?❞ He was taken slightly aback by the request. Go into the ruins? Was he sure? While Allister shared a special connection with his favored typing, going so far was still vastly an unknown. It wasn’t necessarily that the boy was afraid of what he might find, deep down the idea excited him in fact. He wasn’t afraid of getting hurt, ghosts rarely had ill intent toward humans, and those who did often had good reason for it, and he was confident in his own team’s ability to defend him. What did worry him though was Stow-On-Side’s gym, and his responsibilities.        As shy and reclusive as he tended to be, Allister took his title seriously. There was no saying how long he would be gone, so what if something happened in his absence? Sure, Bea would still be present, but was it really alright to put so much responsibility on her? What would they even tell her?         Stepping forward, Allister stared at the pokeballs a top the desk as he hovered a hand over them, apprehensive about venturing away from his typing as well. Would they even listen to the timid child? Although at the same time . . . it could be fun to try and make friends of a new type. Finally, the boy took up the pokeballs and carefully tucked them away into his bag, curious as to what could possibly be inside.
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        ❝U-Um . . . What about the gym . . . ? What if I’m not back in time for m . . . my turn?❞ He wasn’t worried at all about his school. The excuse of illness was often used to excuse him for Gym related events, but if the Ghost-type gym leader was gone for too long someone was bound to take notice. . . . Right? ❝I-I’d feel bad if um . . . if Bea had to take over a lot . . . It wouldn’t be fair . . .❞
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thegalarghost · 4 years
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  ╰☆╼Hey There everyone! Need a little shine in your lives?              Brand new Pyotr rp blog here to fill the world with love !                                                          Pow Pow!                                   Semi-selective & Crossover friendly!╰☆╼
 Please give this a like/reblog if you’re interested in interacting!
                                           ╰☆╼  About | Rules ╰☆╼
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thegalarghost · 4 years
It's TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything and they'll have to answer truthfully.
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thegalarghost · 4 years
@solariic​ replied to your post: (( I want more reasons to use this icon 
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    Creepy baby enjoys cheek swooshes and headpats.
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thegalarghost · 4 years
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(( I want more reasons to use this icon . . . ))
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thegalarghost · 4 years
The idea of such a thing had actually piqued Bea’s interest. After all, no one had asked for her to train them before, since she was still a teenager herself. But seeing Allister’s request, she seemed happy about this. Maybe if she had a student of her own, she could have something else that could make her known. And plus, maybe Allister could use those skills, so he would have a chance to protect himself should the need arise.
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“Well, if you want training well
 I could always do that for you,” the girl replied. “Though, one one condition. I can probably get you a uniform that’s better to move in for training so maybe uh
 Maybe try not to use my uniform again-” She gave a bit of a laugh at herself there, since she still didn’t want another scenario like she was in before, where she was afraid that her uniform would get stolen.
     â†Ș  ❝I-I didn’t mean to!❞ His face flushed a deep shade of pink as he hid behind his mask. ❝You just . . . left it here . . . so I just wanted to try it on . . . I wanted to know what it would be like to pretend . . . to be a different kind of gym leader s’all. . .❞ He had planned on putting it back when he was done, that or bring it back to her once his battles were done for the day.    
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      ❝. . . u-um . . . If I get one of ‘m own . . . think we could do training ‘n stuff after school sometimes?❞ While the idea had initially just sort of slipped out, Allister was also warming up to the idea. Maybe if he learned how to be stronger like Bea, not only with his pokemon, but himself, maybe he wouldn’t struggle so much with his confidence.
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thegalarghost · 4 years
Getting to watch some of his coworkers as they battle is something most people don’t know that Gordie enjoys. Seeing the way they overcome certain obstacles, the way that they perform under pressure, as well as it just being considered resting on his off days– it helps him. It helps him prepare for challengers that could be coming for him, for the matches up in Wyndon, for getting good at predicting what moves people might use.
Today’s not so different. Allister is one of the Gym Leaders he definitely doesn’t get to watch enough– the boy’s battles are always different, and the way he seems to mesh so well with Ghost-type Pokemon definitely proves that he’s an ideal choice for the Gym Challenge. Getting to watch that and learn the way he works could do wonders for him.
When he feels a tug on his arm as he leaves, Gordie stops dead– at first, he expects it to be a fan who somehow knew that he was going to be spending the day in Stow-on-Side, or perhaps some fans from Stow-on-Side itself– and he looks across to where he’s being tugged from, and–
“Allister! Fancy seeing you out of the Gym so quickly.” Gordie shows the boy a bright grin, offering his hand to him so that he can guide him out of the crowd. “Real good battle! Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.” And it had been great! Seeing him working so well with his Pokemon, how he battles and how different that is from everyone else– it amazes him!
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“So, what are you up to?”
      â†Ș Allister readily accepted the hand offered to him, sticking close to Gordie’s side as they traversed the crowd, the further from which they got, the more at ease the boy seemed to become.       ❝O-Oh um . . . I s-saw you in the um . . . audience so I tried to go fast.❞ A light blush stained his pale cheeks as Allister smiled. Compliments from the other gym leaders meant a lot to the boy, giving him some confidence in himself. After all, they were all so strong and so cool, when he got older, he wanted to be more like them.       ❝Th-Thanks! I did ‘m best . . . a-and I know Gengar and the others had a lot of fun.❞ While his innate abilities could at times lead to countless distractions, when it came to battles, his connections with his ghosts proved to be one of his greatest strengths, and the fact his pokemon saw the boy more as their family than their trainer didn’t hurt either. Allister could often rely on their judgment  and guidance when he was struggling, it helped quite a bit too, considering several were older than their trainer.
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     ❝I-I um . . . I was jus’ going to go home . . . um . . . but if you’re here . . . we could hang out . . . or something. . . ❞
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thegalarghost · 4 years
It seemed as though Allister had caught the end of one of Piers’ performances. With a final striking strum of an electric guitar, roar went up from the crowd in front of the boy, the fans waving their hands up in the air or clapping in delight and excitement.
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“Thank ya all f’comin’ out t’night!” Piers called over the cheers, waving to his audience with a rare grin plastered across his face. “I ‘ope t’see ya all next time!”
The noise of the fans died down slowly and people begin to file out Spikemuth’s small stadium. Eventually, the way to the stage cleared, leaving Piers and a few of Team Yell to pack up after. The musician was exhausted, but that was normal. His performances took a lot out of him, but that was because he put all of his heart into them.
Looking up from handing the microphone to one of his assistants, he spotted the boy in the yellow hoodie finally. Blinking in surprise, he stepped from the stage towards him. He didn’t recognise him without his signature mask, but he was worried about this seemingly lost child.
“Heya, kid, are ya alright? Didja get lost in the crowd?” he asked, doing his best to offer him a concerned yet friendly smile.
      â†Ș He shook his head, not lost by any means, and it took him a moment to realize why Piers would ask him that. Allister was never quite sure who he’d been around without his mask, and it seemed this would have been one of the first times the dark-type leader was seeing him. Pulling down his hood, the boy struggled to find his voice, still overwhelmed by all of the strangers around.     ❝N-Not . . . lost . . . um . . . It’s me . . . um . . . A-Allister . . .❞
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        Large eyes looked up at him, almost pleadingly. He was trying to branch out, although it was obvious he was still overwhelmed, and now Allister worried he may have come at a bad time for the other gym leader.         ❝I liked . . . your music . . . it was ace . . . u-um are you . . . busy now?❞
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thegalarghost · 4 years
His office is quiet, of course, the only sound being the steady ticking of a clock against the far wall. An elevator’s chime interrupts his thoughts, muffled behind the closed office door—he spares a glance down at his watch; 1:30 P.M., the boy is right on time.
He closes his laptop, pushes it to the side of his desk to better the space for papers and perhaps empty PokĂ©balls, should he so decide. The desk drawer containing his PokĂ©mon (one PokĂ© Ball, two Great Balls, three Ultra Balls) is ajar just slightly—Allister is anything but a threat, of course, but it never hurts to be cautious.
The boy is obedient, however. He doubts he will ever have to put his dear Pokémon to use during these meetings.
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He clears his throat. “Come in.”
      â†Ș Holding his mask to his chest, Allister entered the office, his large violet eyes immediately looking toward the man at the desk. Having known the chairman now for a good portion of his short life, and with no one else around, his usual nerves were mostly settled, making it somewhat easier to find his voice.        ❝I went to the wild area like you said. There were lots ‘f ghosts but . . . um . . . none of ‘em had anything new to show me. E-Even at the ruins.❞ A slight hesitance. ❝A couple Ghastly wanted me to go in . . . b-but I was a bit scared . . .❞  
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      Allister didn’t figure he’d be in any trouble for not humoring the playful ghosts, after all, the Chairman didn’t often get angry with the boy, although he knew the man may be a bit disappointed in him.
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thegalarghost · 4 years
Bea was almost unable to help it as she was dashing toward the locker room with half a granola bar still in her mouth from after her classes. She was still a kid herself after all, so of course she was wearing something like that. But at the moment, she wasn’t all that worried about someone seeing her school outfit. Instead, she was more concerned about whether her gym uniform would be in here or not. She didn’t know what she’d do if she lost one of them, especially if it was some creepy lecher who snuck in and took it. 
So, upon opening the door, she wasn’t expecting what she was seeing before her, which was why she had kept the door open for a little while after she’d witnessed it. I mean, she wasn’t angry over this. She was just glad that it wasn’t actually stolen, and this was kind of funny, and a little cute to be watching. But after a while (after she finished up the granola bar in her mouth), she shut the door, waiting for him to notice her in the room.
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She couldn’t help but smile a bit on that though, trying to stifle a slight laugh. It wasn’t mean though, since she would never want to make fun of him. Just seeing him try was enough to almost make the girl proud of him.
“Hey, hey
 You don’t have to stop just because I’m in here, Allister,” she replied, trying to be as reassuring as possible. “You have to work on your form a bit to get it perfect, but you’re getting some of those moves pretty good-”
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      â†Ș  His embarrassment was palpable when Allister realized it was Bea who’d seen him imitating her. While he could tell she wasn’t mad, the opposite it seemed really, Allister could feel the heat from his blushing cheeks, the pink hue a stark contrast to his usually pale features.       ❝Oh . . . I-I . . . um . . .❞ He was surprised to hear he hadn’t been completely off, although he hadn’t any idea what she meant by form. After all,this was completely out of his element. ❝U-um . . . I don’t . . . know what I’m doin’. . . You’d . . . have ta teach me . . .❞ Was that an invitation? At this point he supposed it might be, he was a bit curious after all.
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thegalarghost · 4 years
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       That is what brought her here in the first place! Noticing how many ghost pokemon in one place she thought she was invited! Pumpkaboo loved treats and berries. Usually she stores some in her lantern for later. The extra large pumpkin pokemon floated down next to the boy. Coming closer she realized that he was wearing a mask! She liked it, made her smile widely with small little chattering. Pumpkaboo was a prankster as well, it was only in due time that her fluffy little wings took the mask. Giggling she placed such on her bat like head.
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         The pokemon giggle, it was brief till fluffy wings brushed on Allister’s face again. She politely gave the mask back. The pumpkin pokemon floated happily next to the trainer while she looked at the other ghost types. Pumpkaboo never seen so many ghost types in one place before! She couldn’t help but be in awe of the whole thing. Not to mention that they all have treats! They looked so tasty as they looked!
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      â†Ș  It was out of habit more than anything that Allister instinctively moved to conceal his face once his mask was removed. It wasn’t unusual at all for a curious ghost to playfully snatch the accessory from his face, although being out in the open where anyone else could be around, made him nervous. Though once he’d realized how late it was, he peeked from behind his hands, a small smile claiming his lips when he noticed the Pumpkaboo wearing it, shortly after returning it.
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      ❝D-Do you like my mask? I got extras if . . . you want one.❞ He always kept spares on him after all, and he wouldn’t mind a small gift of one considering he’d already come to offer the new friends some treats.
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thegalarghost · 4 years
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      â†Ș  ❝. . . N-No?❞ Allister shook his head. At least he did his best never to take it off when anyone else was around - and even then he had a habit of wearing the mask. ❝I . . . like it.❞ Was it really that unsettling?  
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               “ ——— 
 d’ya ever take the mask off, laddie? not meanin’ to be rude, but it gives me a pure fright. wouldn’t wanna run into ‘ya in the DARK, that’s for damn sure, i’d be off me fuckin’ head, tell ‘ya ‘bout that. ”
( @thegalarghost​ liked for a fucky gloria starter! )
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