#meditation app for kids
coolkoalabedtime · 1 year
Discover the ultimate bedtime meditation app for kids at CoolKoala. Our kid-friendly meditation app helps children relax, sleep soundly, and build mindfulness skills. With engaging content and a soothing approach, it's the perfect meditation app for kids. Transform bedtime routines into calming moments with CoolKoala.
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littlemssam · 2 months
Patch Updates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
Patch 1.108.318 Updates
All Mods of mine that are not listed, should still be compatible. Other Mods I update of retired Modders will be checked soon.
Anti Fear Training (Pets) Ask to Cook/Bake/Grill/Mix Drink! Automatic Stereo System Autonomous Repairs Calendar Tweaks First Love Foster Family Hire certain Vet Employees Hire certain Sims (incl. Family Members) at Restaurants Housewarming Party (instead of Welcome Wagon) Kids can go for a Walk with Dogs More Away Actions More Buyable Venues and new Venue Types My Pets Offer Appeareance Styling & earn Money Parenting Skill for Teens & more Personal Objects (Computer, Tablets & more) Small Pet Food Overhaul Pregnancy Overhaul - Pregnancy Belly Part & Can do more Part Retail Overhaul - Hire certain Employees Part SimDa Dating App Sleep In Small Award Overhaul Small Invite to Hang Out Overhaul Teach me the Rumbasim Train your Puppies Ultrasound Scan
Random Small Mods: Phone App Free Homescreen and optional Background Overrides Prefer Leftover Grade/Highschool Change into Everyday No Relationship Decay Sim to Animal Object (Cows, Goats etc.) No Relationship Decay Sim to Pet (Cats, Dogs, Horses) Brindleton Bay No Stray Dogs & Cats (replaced with non Homeless Cats) Keyboard Piano sounds Bouncer Only Homeless Sims Fan Stans Only Homeless Sims No Auto Club Gathering (Active Household) NPCs Auto Massage & Meditation Reduced Dust Spawn Rate Do more while using Earbud
Random Bug Fixes: Deliver Baby at Hospital Elevator Fix for Toddler & Pets Murphy Beds Fix Weather NPC Deaths Resume Writing Workaround Fix
Obsolete, pls remove:
Stereos | Retro Station enabled
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
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elexuscal · 1 month
So just over a year ago, I made a resolution to myself to get better at Fitness, since I was getting older and i knew if i didn't, the Consequences would begin to manifest. One problem? Historically i have always hated working out.
i knew there were two main reasons why: 1. lingering trauma from the usual Fat/Neurodivergent Kid Mistreated In PE Class Experience 2. oh my god it's so so so boring i would rather do anything more entertaining.
So. I'm not an expert, and i'm definitely not a professional fitness instructor, BUT i have genuinely come to not just tolerate but actually enjoy exercise this past year. So if these are any problems you personally have contended with, these strategies May Help.
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One: Remove Barriers
a lot of flavours of neurodivergence struggle with switching between tasks and executive function generally, especially towards something you don't find fun. So first you gotta identify any barriers keeping you from exercising, and removing or mitigating them.
For me, a hurdle i recognised is that if I could not easily access the equipment, I was unlikely to use it. honestly if i couldn't see it i would probably forget it was there. So my first order of business was making a Work Out Zone. I unrolled my yoga mat and gave it a near-permanent place in my room. my weights came out of the closet and placed on a low shelf where i could easily access them, as did my resistance band. now they were always Right there.
I also realised something I detested was the general feeling of sweaty clothes, and in particular, having to change out of them. So Gross. so i started scheduling my work outs for in the the morning after breakfast or right before my nightly showers, aka: when I am changing in and out of my PJs. I'll do my routine (mostly) naked and not have to contend with the extra steps and laundry that sweaty clothes bring.
two: secondary entertainment
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like i said: i found exercise very boring. and while i've gotten better over the past year, and can find it meditative, i still prefer having something else to catch my attention.
i used to like to put on video essays. but then i realised i was so often pausing my work outs because the particular video ended, or the pace got slow, or the topic turned to something dark and depressing out of nowhere and killed the vibe, so then i had to stop to find something else--
No. You need something that will keep you in the zone, and won't knock you out of it. I didn't used to listen to music much, but this year i took advantage of a Spotify subscription my sister gifted me (😔) and started just putting on upbeat rock, hip-hop, and pop mixes. it doesn't need to be my favouirte music ever it just needs to Keep Going.
i do find the loud, rhythmic music is really good for keeping my pace up, but if music doesn't do it for you, you might find audiobooks or autoplaying favourite old tv shows/sitcoms might scratch that itch.
Three: Find Other Motivators
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Or, "if you can't make your own motivation, store bought is fine"
Gameification is really good here. You might be someone who'll benefit from a pedometer or step-counter app. I have a friend who swears by the Switch Ring-Fit, and I've also heard of folks who use games like Just Dance, Zombies, Run! and Beat Saber to rely on the sweet sweet endorphins generated by hitting a high score.
(BUT: do beware the dark side of gameification, which is the risk of demotivation if you don't hit your goals. For example, after doing GREAT on exceeding my step goal for a month, I got hit with COVID. For about a week and a half I was barely moving beyond the kitchen and back. My step counts plummeted, there was no way to edit the record out, and that made it harder to get back into the groove. Be mindful relying too much on gameification!)
Even outside of literal games, there are ways to scratch this itch. I used secondary objectives as a way to encourage me to keep up with my daily walks. Walking my roommate's dog when he was working long days is an obvious one, but we don't always have a furry friend at our disposal. Then I would rely on mini-challenges like, "pick up 10 cool rocks to paint", "fill this bag with wood for the fireplace", "take 10 pretty pictures", or "get to the corner store to get more milk".
And of course, consider team sports! Many folks I've talked to feel having set training/play times with a team that relies on them crucial to keep them on track!
Four: Don't Measure Success By Weight Loss
I know. I know. Easier said than done. It does not help that like 80% of workout resources online are going to mention this. but above all else, you must resist the beast. (and while not as dicey, measuring success by visible muscle gain can fall into a similar trap).
The biggest benefits to exercise are invisible. it improves cardiovascular health, brain function, tissue regeneration, immune system function, lung capacity, energy levels, literally our whole body. no matter what external changes your body does or doesn't go through, you're still going to be benefitting from exercise, and you do not want to get demotivated chasing unrealistic/irrelevant goals.
Instead, to track your progress, focus on questions like these:
How is exercise impacting my mood? Do I feel less stressed or anxious?
Am I sleeping better?
Is my balance improving?
Is my stamina increasing?
Am I becoming more flexible?
Can I lift/carry heavier weights?
Is my breath control improving?
Over the last year, I've seen marked improvements in all of these. My joints don't hurt as much; it's easier for me to to get up and move; I don't get winded as easily; I generally feel more relaxed and cheerful. Those are all amazing outcomes, and I hope that everyone on their own fitness journey can find the same joy there as I have.
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flying-womrats · 3 months
replacements for a few LMS mods
If you think you saw this post yesterday, yes you did- then I made a couple edits and realized I should have done it under a readmore in case people reblogged it... So here we go again! These are the possible replacements I found for the littlemssam mods I was using, in case they help anyone else.
Caveats: - Often not a 1:1 replacement. - I only went looking for replacements for mods I was actually using, so this only covers a fraction of her catalog. - Most of these modders still use Curseforge, they're just not exclusive to it.
Additionally, if anyone knows of a replacement for any of the following: Go For A Walk, Improved Meditation Stool, Improved Practical Spells (the improvements to the spells themselves,) No Random Job Offers (I know BosseladyTV has one, but it's CF exclusive,) Purchased Items Delivered By Mail, Release All The Ghosts, or Tea For Children, please drop me an ask! I only request no Curseforge exclusives and no Zer0.
On to the list:
Allow Stoves in University Housing -> Zerbu, No University Housing Restrictions
Auto Employees -> Kuttoe's "X Everywhere" mods, Zerbu's Spawn Refresh
Auto-Light Fireplaces Only When Cold -> Bienchen, fireplaceautonomytweak
Buy Treats via PC -> Bienchen, buypettreat
Calendar Tweaks -> Kuttoe, Less Frequent Prom (caveat: takes time to start working, especially if you're using a longer season setting)
Cookbooks -> ClaudiaSharon, Cook Experimental/Cultural/Jungle Food Without Tasting It First
Immortality Potion Fix -> Kuttoe, Potions Rework (only a half replacement- removes the VFX, but doesn't lock aging like the Scarlet/LMS mod)
Kids Can Walk Dogs -> ChippedSim, Paws & Claws (A Sim's Best Friend module)
More Away Actions -> Bienchen, awayactions (is actually included in the LMS mod)
No Burning Sun in Forgotten Hollow -> TwistedMexi, Daywalkers + Underworlds (caveat: per TMex's comment on the latter, the eternal night is only cosmetic and still requires Daywalkers for vampires to come out at "daytime". Also, Daywalkers affects all worlds. Still interested in a mod closer to LMS's if one exists!)
No Insects Herbalism -> Simularity, Improved Herbalism Potions & Features
No Shoe Sign Animation -> Lotharihoe, Shoe Sign Animation Tweaks (doesn't remove the animation entirely but does stop it from interrupting walking)
No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Pets -> Bienchen, catanddogsanity
Pregnancy Overhaul ("sims can do more" part) -> Bienchen, pregnantsimscandomore
Pregnancy Overhaul (belly sizes) -> t0nischwartz, No Bump or sonozakisisterssims4, "The belly in pregnancy depends on the number of babies" (the former is simpler but has no equivalent to the "larger belly" option, the latter has a bit more going on but has direct equivalents to LMS's sizes, so take your pick!)
Sleep All Night and Sleep In -> Midnitetech- Stay Asleep, Mokunoid- Better Sleep Autonomy or Lot 51- Sunrise depending on desired depth/customization
Social Activities -> adeepindigo, Youth, Friends and Family Activities
Small GF Reactions Overhaul -> Bienchen, lesscelebreact
Small Laundry Overhaul -> Bienchen's laundry mods cover some (but not all- anyone have something to make it cost money on community lots?) of it, along with Lotharihoe's No Autonomously Set Laundry Down to replace the "auto put away laundry" part.
Spar With For Everyone -> Bienchen, sparwithfornonmilitary
Toddler Ask For Food No Junk -> Bienchen, healthyhighchair (not quite the same thing but it solves the "why do they always give the kid chips" issue at least)
WEE: Working Elevators Everywhere -> Ravasheen, Uplifting Elevators (space and wall height permitting, it's also possible to make no-CC elevators with the RoM debug portals!)
Wellness Treat Fix -> Bienchen, petanxiousbufffix
Also, while I wasn't using either of them myself, Meet&Mingle can replace SimDa Dating App, and Lovestruck adds a "canon" dating app (though given EA's complete lack of attention to QA etc. I wouldn't recommend paying for it.)
edit 6/26/24: added Sunrise, petanxiousbufffix, pregnantsimscandomore
edit 6/27/24: added No Bump, moved into a new post.
edit 6/29/24: added Daywalkers, No University Housing Restrictions (ty @northernnightsky!) and the sonozakisisters bump mod
edit 7/2/24: added Underworlds (ty anon), Paws & Claws, and a link to the tutorial I followed for no-CC elevators
edit 8/22/24: added Spawn Refresh
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faith-forgxtten-land · 8 months
If I may oh-so-humbly request smth else:
Bayverse Leo x back scratches/shoulder rubs
How would Fearless react to a partner that is always ready and willing to help him release the tensions that leading his brothers and being a vigilante cause? Maybe his reaction to the first time his gf comes up behind him when he's sitting on the couch, frustrated at something and starts to knead the tightness from his shoulders?
Thanks again💙
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Balm | Leonardo
i'm not kidding when i had a plan to write something along these lines yesterday morning and started writing ideas in my notes app... also, hello, leo's eyes in this gif????
okay this one kind of got away from me i won't lie. even i'm not sure how it ended up how it ended up. so, i'm adding in little headcanons at the start to make up for my detour because i did not expect to get angsty and introspective and barely include what you specifically asked for...
warnings: kind of longer than i thought, i fear it drags. angsty, sad leo, nothing really? fluffy ish too. bad writing that's not proofread. everyone is 18+!! bayverse
summary: leo is tense and brooding but your delicate touch and kind words are what he needs
word count: 1, 375 (incl. headcanons)
he's not really expecting it at all
gets extra tense the first time and worries a little that his skin is too rough and his muscles are too hard for your human hands
meditation is the be-and-end-all of "relaxation" for him (and he has a tendency to see it as training and a way of pushing himself even if he enjoys it and it's good for him)
so having someone take care of him in such a tender way without any motivation beyond comfort kind of breaks his brain
his shoulders and neck are wrecked
your hands are so tiny on his body that means you have to massage a lot to reach every spot, right? right? he is obsessed now
feels a bit hesitant to ask for a while at first, but you spoil him and he's easy to read
becomes a ritual for the both of you after he's been out on patrol
but you like doing it any time for comfort and intimacy
it's become habit for you to massage or brush your fingers against his shoulders whenever you pass him by
definitely brings you closer together
Leo couldn’t remember the last time he slept. His head was pounding, an unrelenting percussion beating across his temples, and he could feel a wave of nausea crashing against his chest, a tell-tale sign that he’d been pushing himself too far. It was a sign that he tended to ignore (foolishly so, a mini voice that sounded suspiciously like Splinter chided). His hands trembled imperceptibly, and he gripped his knees to avoid acknowledging it a little longer.
He must’ve been really out of it because he jumped when he felt a pair of warm hands settle upon his shoulders. A burning shame fanned smoke that clogged his throat, a humiliation stitched into his veins that your touch couldn’t cleanse. “Leo?”
He couldn’t reply, letting himself recline and press gently against your palms instead. “Leo,” you murmured again, and he glanced at you tiredly, normally bright blue eyes hollow with exhaustion. You looked pensive and worried, brows drawn and eyes soft, wearing an old shirt he never wore anyway, and he wanted nothing more than to sooth the anxious lines of your face with the fingers that still grasped his knees. A fresh wave of guilt clawed its way into his gut and nestled there. He was worrying you, he knew, and now you weren’t sleeping either. He had warned you before you’d gotten together of what things would be like. Maybe you didn’t believe him at the time, and he wondered if this was the moment you realised and walked out (or he drove you away).
You’d come into his life when things had been eerily calm, and he’d stupidly felt confident that he could juggle everything and still have you, still indulge in something he had refused to let himself consider a realistic possibility. He knew Raph longed for acceptance and comfort and love, and that, despite his insecurities and anger and hurt, he would never stop dreaming of it. Donnie would envisage it quietly, usually agreeing with Leo’s dismissal of acceptance but privately yearning for it more than he’d ever let his family know (but Leo knew). Mikey wanted it too and wasn’t shy about it; he was so happy and sociable and sunny that it made Leo nauseous to repeatedly shut down dreams of the life he deserved. The thing that made Leo truly sick, sick with the world and with himself, was that Mikey truly believed, even after all these years, that he’d succeed in attaining it.
Leo thought he’d succeeded, thought he’d managed to find the thing that tore his brothers up inside without even looking for it (and that only made him hate himself more, something he would never – could never – bring himself to admit to you). You had only been dating a month, but God, he thought he’d found everything he had always refused himself. Love and acceptance outside of his family weren’t things Leo allowed himself to consider before. As a teenager, he’d meditated over and over to clear those useless longings from his mind. Then you appeared in his life out of nowhere like an apparition, offering solace and tenderness, and he didn’t want to refuse himself those impossibilities anymore.
Perhaps he’d been too hasty, it wasn’t like him to throw caution to the wind, to dive in headfirst. He hadn’t considered the implications enough, had been foolish to think he could be a leader, a hero, a brother, and a lover to you, and now here he was trembling and feeling sorry for himself with your sad eyes watching him and cutting straight to his core.
“Mikey got hurt,” he rasped. He’d let Mikey get hurt, he added silently, and somehow you must’ve heard him.
“Mikey is fine, back in one piece thanks to you,” you shot him a half-smile that made his heart stutter even at a time like this. “He was practically bouncing off the walls when his stitches were finished.” 
Leo didn’t reply.
You placed your hand against his cheek, and he clenched his jaw to stop himself nuzzling into its softness. “It’s not your fault.”
“They’re my responsibility and I failed them,” he said simply. They’re my brothers and I didn’t protect them. “Things are getting worse with the Foot Clan and I–” I don’t know what to do.
Your sad eyes were somehow even sadder, and it made his own sting. He blinked quickly. “You’re not infallible and invincible, Blue; your brothers know that, your father knows that. You do your best.” What happened when his best wasn’t good enough? You clasped his jaw tighter, somehow reading his mind again. “You’re more than good enough, you can’t control everything, and you can’t keep carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
The terrapin let you remove his gear, the heavy straps that had been digging into the hardened skin of his shoulders. You pressed soft kisses into the scales, and he closed his eyes at the reverence in your delicate touches as your nails trailed along his shell. “Everything will be okay,” you whispered, the heat of your breath soothing his still-trembling hands and warming his soul. “Your brothers are safe,” another kiss as gentle as moonlight, “I’m safe,” one more to the junction between his shoulder and neck that made his eyelids flutter, “and you’re the most incredible man I’ve ever known.”
Leo hated the shakiness of his breathing, torn between the urge to tense further and wanting to melt into your touch, as your fingers kneaded the strain poisoning his muscles. You pretended not to notice, movements heartbreakingly tender. Had anyone ever been this gentle with him?
“You do more than anyone could ever ask you to. Well,” you amended softly, a hint of fond exasperation colouring your tone, “anyone but yourself.” Your hands continued to work in tandem with your words, one a balm to the aches of his body and the other a balm to the aches your hands couldn’t wash away. “You do so much for this city, for people who won’t ever know it.”
The churrs that rumbled his chest were deep and Leo couldn’t do anything to prevent the unwinding of his limbs and the slowing of his anxious thoughts under the comforting weight of your affection and acceptance. He brought his hand up to clasp one of your own. You were so small it made his heart clench with fear and desire, and for a moment he felt that familiar feeling of inadequacy at his own monstrosity before you chased it away with a loving kiss to each fingertip. He swallowed thickly as you managed to tangle your fingers with his, your hands slotting together with ease. You smiled at him and kissed the top of his head, squeezing his hand, and he pushed himself deeper into your embrace. Looking at your joined hands again, Leo pressed his lips reverently against each knuckle, feeling like if Icarus had somehow managed to cradle the sun. He repeated the kisses once, then twice. Thank you.
You smile wider and he lets you lead him to his bed and your accepting arms.
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graychrissy · 9 months
🌊Digital Detox + Egyptians lucid dreaming method 🌊
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Idk what to put on the title of this post so I wrote digital detox and I have copy pasted the main lines.
In the ancient Egypt the Egyptians use to have lucid dreaming alot and it was extremely easy for for them not just Egyptians but it was also mention ancient Indian scriptures.
You’re probably wondering ‘what’s the secret’? The real problem is often NOT your technique. It’s actually another issue that no amount of techniques, articles, reality checks, supplements or uncomfortable masks is going to fix. It’s your ‘inner game’. Specifically, your subconscious motivation and reward circuits, and ‘dopamine cycle’. Travel in your mind for a second, to ancient Egypt.
There were no smart phones, internet connections, computer animated action movies or virtual reality headsets.
Your brain back then would have produced a healthy amount of dopamine as a reward for pretty basic things like eating, working, exploring, and taking some time to relax or meditate
Now our average attention spans are literally less than 7 SECONDS. It’s probably a lot lower than that, and It’s declining every single year with the rise of new, highly addictive and stimulating social media apps and platforms. When was the last time you meditated for over 90 minutes? Have you ever? I’m not saying you have to do that to lucid dream, but this sort of practice was very common 5000 years ago. In fact, it was weird NOT to do that. And herein lies the main problem.
Your brain is ‘fried’ with an overly stimulated dopamine pathway. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that stimulates the feeling of WANTING to keep doing something. It’s the reason you keep scrolling through Instagram, or keep refreshing your Facebook feed to see if there are any new comments or notifications. But it’s also the SUBCONSCIOUS reason you aren’t able to lucid dream easily. In the last decade especially, there have been billions of dollars spent by big tech to essentially ‘addict you’ to their platforms. Why? Money. The more time and energy you spend on platforms like that, the more money they make. So the task has been given to artificial intelligence. The AIs often just get trained and told a few basic things: 1: Get people to spend more time on the platform 2: Get people to keep coming BACK to the platform as often as possible The ‘AI’ pays almost NO attention to what that would do to your mental health, attention span, motivation, emotions, or really anything else. Much LESS attention is paid to the effect it has on your ability to focus, or do things like, say, lucid dream. Now, the ‘dopamine cycle’ is one part of the problem, but it’s actually pretty easy to fix. There are several little pieces to what I call the ‘modern brain puzzle’. Things that just weren’t a problem 5000 years ago. You can see some of this playing out in children today. On average, children or people under the age of 15, find it MUCH easier to lucid dream than adults do. It’s because at that age, their dopamine system has not been damaged too much. This is of course changing now, as more and more children are having access to smartphones, but it’s an interesting point. In fact not only does the dopamine problem affect your ability to lucid dream, it also affects your ability to WANT to lucid dream (consciously and subconsciously). Specifically I’m talking about your motivation and focus. And you guessed it, there’s your number one cause of problems when trying to meditate, practice techniques like the WILD, or recall your dreams.
After reading this paragraph or stanza whatever,I noticed something,as a kid I had lucid dreams alot with just putting intentions.
My first lucid dream was at around 7-8 years old,and I was sinking when I realised I was dream and I tried controlling my dream and even succeeded,and I was probably there for about 10 minutes playing with underwater creatures and mermaids.
And till 7 grade I use to have alot of lucid dreams but after that I was allowed to use phone and so I was always invested in phone like all the time. By the way lucid dream was pretty normal for me and I pretty much forgot about it and never really paid attention to lucid dreaming. And then I rarely had any lucid dreams, probably 4 times ever since 8 grade and I've noticed every time I lucid dream it's always whenever I don't use any social media.
In 9 grade my phone was taken again because my mother noticed my social media addiction. And after few months I again start to lucid dream for fun easily and effortlessly but during COVID I was again allowed to have my phone and then a new laptop so now my life was revolving around social media again and for the past few year I only lucid dream whenever I don't get to use my phone more then 2 days.
Idk bout y'all but I wasn't allowed to use phones or laptop till 8th grade so the only thing I knew was TV which I only watched after coming home so like my mind was most of the te bored because I didn't had anything to keep it entertain which made it easy for me to observe around looking for things to do.
So how can you reverse the ‘dopamine problem’ and several of the other issues modern life has created? By the way: This is NOT about destroying your phone and going back to live in a cave. There are actually several powerful habits you can install, that will let you KEEP using your phone, laptop etc, but without these harmful effects. Here’s the simple solution to more lucid dreams: 1. Reverse engineer your life and remove distractions, manipulation, ‘dopamine hijacking’ and harmful blue light exposure from your daily routine (along with some other ‘problem patterns’) 2. Get inside your subconscious brain and rewire yourself to WANT to practice lucid dreaming, and to effortlessly do reality checks at the right time, without even trying 3. Learn powerful ‘all day awareness’ and ‘lucid living’ techniques that give your brain superpowers in the fight 4. On top of THAT foundation, learn the most effective techniques and concepts, use our tools to stay motivated, and experience lucid mastery within 14 days. Let’s dive a little bit deeper: First, you have to ‘reverse engineer’ the problem. This can be complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing, but we’ve laid everything out step by step for you. If dopamine addiction is part of the problem, we have to break that addiction first. Then comes your mindset, and your motivation pathways. You need to actually feel GOOD when you practice these things. I see so many people saying they’re struggling to remember to do reality checks, or they just don’t want to wake up at ‘weird times’ to practice. Don’t worry, you won’t have to. It will feel good, and you’ll ENJOY practicing these things. Next, your subconscious mind. It’s SO important to fix your internal beliefs about lucid dreaming, because the chances are you have ‘internal blocks’ about becoming lucid. They’re easy to pick up, but a bit harder to ‘unlearn’. The system shows you how to ‘unlearn’ them, and install new, powerful and self affirming beliefs into your mind. This gives your brain lots more motivation to keep trying. Now, one of the most common things I hear people say is that they can’t REMEMBER to keep doing reality checks. It’s linked to the dopamine problem we mentioned earlier, but it’s also connected to a few other psychological principles that we’ll get onto. We’ll give you a new framework to ENJOY reality checks, remember them without any annoying reminders, and actually get them to SHOW UP in your dreams, 9 out of 10 times. And then finally, we’ll build the most effective techniques, methods and concepts on top of that new, strong foundation. Of course, I’m simplifying this here, but that’s the outline.
Here are some videos that may help.
If you want to know more about it or get the steps to lucid dream you can buy the book or go through a long step to get it for free but the procedure is very long and probably only for Iphone user.
You find some good articles ways to do the 'reverse dopamine' thingy.(I donot trust my research on this topic cuz I got confuse)
You may use Adambja's tape to reprogram your subconscious and this hacking the matrix tape the comments under the video was so good and I found this tape on someone's success story. You can use this two tapes to reprogram your subconscious and of course psych-k.
This is pretty much all you need digital detox,observing your surroundings and subconscious reprogramming to change your belief or assumptions.
And this will make you even more motivated that you are working on your goals as many of us have the access of devices it's hard for us to keep up with all this method and it's not like we are always busy if we are we wouldn't be scrolling through Tumblr and Pinterest all the time. If you read the the copy pasted part you'll see what I mean.
Edit: I forgot to mention it 🥲 if we follow do this we CAN HAVE lucid dream everyday.
Egyptians lucid dreaming tea
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This will be quick,so I went to my aunt's place with my mother and my aunt's ran out of tea powder/leaves so she used her daughter's blue lotus tea and after getting home I took a nap and I HAD A FOKING LUCID DREAM,so basically I didn't knew that it was the tea until I was doing some research on LD and found out that in ancient Egypt they use Blue Lotus tea and I found some review about it on YouTube and people had very vivid dreams aswell. This tea basically put you in REM which y'all probably know about.
But I don't like tea😐,so if anyone have interest you can try I honestly want to but my hate for tea is on top on the list of top 5 things I hate,you can find them online people even use Blue Lotus in vape😐not encourageling y'all to smoke but if anyone does you can.
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yoyitos · 2 years
i just downloaded the app back again just to write and let any person that is reading this, that the law of assumption is a law, and that our minds YOUR mind is the most powerful thing alive.
okey. so. let me get this straight. i had always had hope in the law of assumption, but the hope in here is useless babe... we need confidence, we need persistence, we don't need the 3 minutes of hype where you read "you already have everything in this moment" and after that still in the state of waiting for something.
KEEP IT SIMPLE! think of what you want, desired face? okey. change your selfconconcept of the person that has the face, and i know that a lot of bloggers say just that, but im telling you, your only job in here is to think from the prespective that you already have it baby. don't stress yourself, everything will change because if it is in your imagination and you accept that it will reflect in the 3d, thats literally everything everything and everything . you don't need to change your thoughts, only your state, you want to get into the void this night? imagine however you want that you are waking up with everything you wanted, it is not a desire, it is the reality. you want proof? go to your imagination. everything is there.
what i manifested and how i did it?
i never liked the list of things that someone manifested because they were like... too simple for me 😭 i wanted big sh1ts, so i said; if they aren't gonna do it, let me do it first. i did it. 🙆🏻‍♀️
changed my COMPLETELY APPEARANCE. i mean, i look exactly but so much hotter like Shin Ryujin the idol from south korea! (love that queen xoxoxo)
changed my complete body. from shoulders to toes. im telling you. i have already 3 days since i manifested it and im still shocked how easy is it. please. don't overthink anything. just accept that your imagination and subconscious is taking care of everything. believe in you.
changed my nationality to chinese (got that many ppl will criticize me but whatever, im still being the hot chinese girl)
changed my age to 19 years old. changed all of my documents. changed all of my past too.
changed my family. changed my life completely.
being the first always, always, always in my university, im studying psychology now. <3
changed my house of course. changed how wealthy i am. im telling you from the top of my heart. you can get free money from millions and millions of places and situations. you just need to accept that you deserve them. because we deserve the best and anything more low than that. get it?
changed my idioms. i grew up in france now so i know perfectly french, i know chinese, korean, english and german.
i know to play piano, bass guitar and violin like if i played them since i was a kid. 🥺
living in seoul korea. having the hot rich popular kind style living in seoul. 😩
making everyone being interested in me, i mean, i just thought for a second that everyone is gonna be interested in me when i will get into the university and guess what. they did.
getting into the void everytime i get to sleep. so if i want something to manifest tomorrow my subconscious is gonna make it for me. 🫂
having s3x with desired person. having him crazy for me. i really love him :( just... so happy i kept persisting. everything is done baby. don't worry.
meeting with desired famous ppl. i mean. just meeting them like a fan. not into that lol
how i did it?
just simply accepting that the law of assumption is a law. if i assume that i have something is it how i say. i don't need to argue with nobody in this 3d. nah. just minding my own business and keeping myself relaxed being "delusional" whatever, i just said, i want this life and after years of knowing the law of attraction (worst era ngl) and now knowing the law of assumption i decided what i wanted. just affirm to youserlf. if i wanted proof i will meditate and see it in my imagination. that's everything. i never ever liked any methods or sht like that. just sleep knowing that when i wake up or everything will be already materialized because i saw it in my imagination or i will get into the void. whatever. i will still get everything however way. you get me?
nothing is said in stone just if you say so. so get up that subconscious of yours and impress it. make it feel like you don't have anything to do anymore. DON'T COMPLICATE ANYTHING. 🥲
1. there are no tips.
YOU GOT THIS ALREADY! imagination should be a comfortable space. keep your time. don't worry for anyone, everything will work out for you. you need something urgent for tomorrow? is not anymore you needing it urgent, is you being relaxed knowing that if you can feel it in your imagination, everything and everyone will morph to make your imagination a fact, because there's no other option.
you assume that if you have it in your imagination everything will morph to please you, because you deserve anything but the best.
you accept it. even if you doubt. don't feel hope. feel confidence. you can't fail. if you say that you will not get anything, you are manifesting that you will not get it. if you say that no matter what you see everything will be as how you please. that will manifest. nothing is upper or lower. is the same. but you decide, what version will you be?
yoyitos. ★
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coolkoalabedtime · 1 year
Discover the secret to peaceful nights for your children with Cool Koala's Bedtime Meditation App for Kids. This blog explores how this innovative app helps children transition into a restful night's sleep with magical guided journeys, mindfulness exercises, and soothing sounds. Say goodbye to bedtime battles and unlock sweet dreams tonight!
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maddiethedogstories · 2 months
Babysitting for the Neighbor - 2
This is a story co-written by the amazing @baby-erica! Go check out her amazing blog!
Mads woke up the next morning just a little hung over. Not bad for a Saturday morning after a long night out, he thought to himself as he got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. Once there, without regard for whether the door was open or closed, he whipped out his penis, closed his eyes, and sighed as he released a warm stream of piss into the waiting toilet. Before he could open his eyes, his morning meditation was broken by the distinct sound of feminine giggling.
Panicked, Mads hastily cut off his flow of urine, covered his penis, and turned to face the source of the noise. To his absolute horror, Sarah, Erica's best friend, stood staring at him and giggling in the open doorway to the bathroom.
Sarah's blonde hair, carefully quaffed last night, was in a messy tangle. Her well crafted make-up was now uneven and running in places, clearly worse for having been slept in. She appeared to be wearing nothing but one of his roommate Brad's extra-large t-shirts as a night shirt. Regardless of how disheveled his classmate looked, Sarah projected a level of sex and maturity that suddenly intimidated Mads, especially now that he was literally caught with his dick in his hand.
Rapidly, Mads tried to pull his penis into his boxers. Despite having just urinated, he still had some lingering morning wood that the thin fabric of his boxers did little to hide. Sarah looked at Mads' crotch with an appraising gaze.
"You're bigger than I thought. Good for you!" She said with a playful wink.
"Sarah! I'm so, so, so sorry! I thought it was just us guys here! If I knew… that… if… you were here, I wouldn't have… uh… shut the door!" Mads said as his cheeks turned tomato red.
"Don't worry big man! Brad invited me over for some play time last night, and I spent the night. Plus, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about showing," Sarah said, everything about her dripping with confidence. "Speaking of which, did you text Erica yet? She's desperate for a babysitter tonight, and I just know you'll be perfect."
I fresh wave of embarrassment overtook Mads at the mention of his crush.
"Uh, no, I just woke up, but, I should go text her now! I'll, uh, see you later," Mads said as he used the offered excuse to race out of the bathroom.
Sarah just smiled and shook her head as she watched her attractive classmate escape to his room. Once Mads was back in the room, he blushed again as he heard the toilet flush and he realized his last humiliation. He'd forgot to flush before leaving the bathroom for his crush's best friend.
Mads threw himself on his bed in distress. How could he make such a fool of himself in front of Erica's best friend, especially after fumbling so much in front of her the night before. He threw his hands over his face in frustration before reaching for his phone. Maybe, just maybe, he could recover from this.
Mads was a good babysitter, and he knew it. Most parents wouldn't even consider a male babysitter, mostly based on the age old stereotype that women were more nurturing and caring. However, despite his gender, Mads not only regularly got babysitting jobs, he was the go-to babysitter for his professors' kids. If he was ever going to be able to show his worth to Erica, showing off as a babysitter was going to be his way to do it.
Resolved, Mads opened his texting app, pulled up Erica's number, and typed:
Hey Erica! This is Mads. It was great seeing you last night! I hope it's okay to reach out, but Sarah gave me your number. She said you need a babysitter tonight. I'm free and can definitely help out if you want.
Mads read over his text 10 times before he finally sent it. He then immediately threw his phone to his side and covered his face. He hoped beyond hope that this would work. About two minutes letter he heard the familiar ding of his phone receiving a message. Mads quickly tore through his bed, desperate to find his phone and see Erica's response.
Hey Mads! I am SO happy you reached out. I'd love to have you come babysit for me tonight! What time could you be here? You'll really just need to feed the baby dinner and put her down to bed (and maybe change a diaper or two). Think you can handle that?
Mads put his phone on his chest and raised his hands above his head in celebration. He did it! He texted Erica without making a fool of himself. And now, he was going to be able to show off one of his best traits for her--how good of a caregiver he was.
Mads and Erica exchanged a few more text messages throughout the day, ironing out details for the night. Erica was weird and vague about some aspects of the job, but that didn't really strike Mads as odd. He knew Erica didn't have a kid of her own, so he had to be watching a relative's child. It made sense she wouldn't know as much about the kiddo as the parents he normally dealt with did about theirs. He did find it funny that the baby's name was also Erica. It must be a family name, he thought to himself.
As the day passed, Mads spent the time he wasn't texting Erica planning for how to make his best impression on the woman. He successfully hid in his room until he was certain Sarah had left, unable to face his friend and classmate again after the bathroom incident. He then went to work restocking his babysitting bag and picking out his best polo-shirt and khaki shorts combination to help attract his intelligent, mature, and beautiful crush.
The day seemed to pass both too fast and mind numbingly slow to Mads. His nerves had him excited and worried all wrapped into one. However, when the allotted time rolled around, he grabbed his babysitting bag, slid his feet into his favorite pair of flip flops, and made the quick journey two doors down to babysit for Erica.
When Mads arrived at Erica's door he politely knocked, making sure to act as professional as possible to impress the woman. However, after two series of knocks, no one answered. Concerned, Mads checked his phone. He had the right time (although now he was a little late) and right location. Why wasn't anyone answering the door?
After a brief examination of the door, Mads found the doorbell. Usually, he avoided ringing doorbells when he was babysitting for fear of accidentally waking one of his charges up early from a nap. But, in this case, he didn't want Erica to think he was irresponsible, so he pressed the button. An electronic chime sounded in the house. Mads waited, waited and waited. He rang the doorbell again. Still no one came to greet him.
Mads had now been standing at the door for five minutes, and he was starting to get worried. This was the time he was supposed to be here. This was where he was supposed to be. It was not like Erica to just flake like this.
Mads convinced himself that something else had to be going on. Maybe Erica or Baby Erica were sick or injured? Maybe someone needed help in the house? Mads wasn't going to let his first babysitting gig for his crush start and end without at least ensuring everyone was okay. So, tentatively, Mads jiggled the door handle, surprisingly finding it unlocked. Mads turned the door handle and pushed open the door. He stuck his head into the house.
"Hello? Erica? It's Mads from down the street! You texted me about babysitting. Is anyone home?" Mads yelled into the house, announcing his presence while scanning the room.
Unbeknownst to Mads, the whole time he had been knocking, ringing the doorbell, and obsessing about what tragedy may have befallen Erica, Erica was sitting less than 20 feet from the other side of the door. The woman's stomach was full of butterflies as she waited on her tall former student, hoping he would build up the courage to walk in the house, just like he was doing now.
Erica had been planning for this day for what felt like years. With every knock on the door, ring of the door bell, and sound of shuffling feet from her porch, Erica bounced in her seat in both overwhelming excitement and mind numbing fear. After what felt like years of orchestrating this scene and building up the courage to act on her plan, she was now questioning whether she actually wanted this. Only one person, Sarah, knew about her secret. Did she really want to risk another person discovering this side of her?
When Erica saw Mads poke his head into her living room, she knew it was too late to back out. She watched as the attractive undergrad stepped in, announced himself, and surveyed his surroundings. She watched as his gaze turned towards her, and he made eye contact with her. She wiggled nervously from her seated position, feeling a slight squish under her, as she felt a deep blush radiate up her whole body.
"H-hi Madth," Erica, the normally mature, overwhelming confident woman squeaked out nervously from behind the shield of the giant pastel pink pacifier tucked between her lips.
As Mads eyes fell on his crush, his jaw literally dropped. Erica, the grad student that had him tongue tied by her beauty and confidence less than 24 hours earlier, sat in front of him in nothing but a pink crop top with the word 'Princess' scrawled across her chest in a Disney font and a giant diaper that his years of experience babysitting told him was soaked to the verge of leaking.
As Mads brain tried to process the outfit, he took in the rest of the scene. For the most part, Erica's living room looked precisely how he'd pictured it in his head. Mature, clean, and tastefully decorated with modern details and house plants. The exception was the large playpen set up in the middle of the room that Erica, his crush, was sitting in like a toddler who couldn't be trusted with the freedom to roam the house on her own. The playpen was filled with stuffed animals as well as other toys and books meant for toddlers and infants.
As Mads examined the scene, Erica watched him nervously. Her big, surprisingly innocent looking eyes stared out at him from over the pacifier tucked between her lips. Her face, normally covered with tasteful make-up, was clearly free if it's normal accoutrements. Her undecorated face was framed by two messy pigtails that would look more appropriate on a two-year-old than the grad student sitting in front of him.
Despite all of this, Mads couldn't deny Erica still looked sexy as hell. This was not what he expected to see when he walked in the door, but, somehow this was better. He never imagined he would see his intimidating crush debase herself like this in front of him, but now that she was, he realized he loved it.
A smile started to cross his face at this realization that did not go unnoticed by Erica. She opened her legs as wide as she could, exposing just how well-used her diaper was.
"Madth, I had aksident in my d-diapies."
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sickacademia · 2 months
do you guys know an app called Finch? I highly recommend it if you need a little hand for doing your personal hygiene, keeping up with your tasks, setting new goals or getting track of your mood.
it's free, it doesn't have any predatory behavior to make you buy the plus version and it doesn't show adds.
i started using it very recently, but i can already see some results.
i have always struggled with brushing my teeth, ever since i was a kid. but since i want to send my little bird to their little adventure i feel like completing my tasks.
everything i experienced using this app until now screams humane design. you can tell it was carefully made and its not just an ai generated TODO list.
also there is support for when youre feeling down:
you can dive deeper in your feelings with some type of emotion wheel where they help you finding out what youre feeling.
there are breathing exercises for anxiety
you can use the app as a journal and register important things about your mental health and current feelings
it helps you identifying and dealing with your triggers
there is meditation support too!
you can set reminders to make a stretch break too
first aid kit with many options where you can decide what activity will make you feel better.
and every single activity of these gives you more energy points that will either send your bird to an adventure or make them return sooner if theyre already gone.
also we do love online pets a lot dont we! from tamagotchis to puffles we all have been there some day. but its even better when your online pet takes care of you too :)
theres also ways to customize your birds appearence with clothes, furniture and even smaller pets for them.
i think i already said a lot but thats how much i think this app is worth your attention in this technological hell we're getting in. giving a chance to good apps and supporting their developers is always something good to do!
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aliceskzfan · 5 months
General info about my shifting ❦
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: None
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Title.
Anti shifters DNI
𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐑'𝐬
Stray kids DR
Harry Potter DR
2:nd Harry Potter DR
Better CR DR
Young Royals DR
𝐃𝐑'𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞
Back rooms DR
Fame DR
Skincare/Makeup DR
Mean girls DR
Pitch Perfect DR
Mermaid DR
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
Haven't shifted yet :(
𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 (𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞)
Ringing in ears
Tingling feeling
Feeling like I'm in the wrong reality when I'm in my CR
Feeling like I'm floating
Feeling like someone is touching me
Seeing flashing lights
The urge to roll over
Twitching eyes
My body twitching
Hearing my CR surroundings fade
Feeling my body heat up
Feeling like my body is changing its position when it isn't
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧
Feeling my surroundings change
Feeling like I'm spinning
Hearing my DR
Smelling my DR
Feeling my DR
Tasting something in your DR (If yk what I mean)
(There are more)
𝐌𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐬
The Julia method
The void method
The car method
Hypnagogia method
𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐈'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐲
The lucid dream method
The already there method
The staircase method
The word method
Alice in wonderland method
The train method
The scratch method
The intent method
The sex method (IT'S NOT AS WEIRD AS IT SOUNDS 😭😭)
I deserve to shift
Every breath gets me closer to my DR
I'm pure consciousness and I'm not attached to any reality
I am more than this physical body
I am already in my desired reality
I have the ability to shift
I give myself the permission to shift
Shifting is as easy as breathing
I am a master shifter
I've shifted before (Even if you haven't)
My name is (your DR name)
I'm (your DR age) years old
I can shift whenever I want and wherever I want
𝐌𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬
@djanique.joan (love her 😻😻)
atticusreid (can't use @ on this one since it's an actual user on Tumblr lol)
noelleshiftings (Same as atticusreid)
(Prob have more) (Sorry if I accidentally tagged someone)
𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐬 𝐈 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧/𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭���� 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
Lifa app (so fkn good 😍😍 everything)
Pinterest (visualization)
Spotify (Music that reminds you of your DR)
Combyne (visualization)
Notes (script)
Notion (script)
Twinote (Fake twitter acc for DR)
Photonote (Fake instagram acc for your DR)
Fame/Hype simulator (Fake tiktok acc for your DR)
Tycoon simulator (Fake DR yt channel)
Canva (Visualization/Choose your own album covers, group logos etc.)
Room planner (house/room visualization)
Reface (Edit your face to another persons body)
𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐭
Etheral daydreamer subliminals
lovegood subliminals
shifting realities
Alunir Meditations (Very famous acc)
+ 1 Spotify podcast
Shifting subliminals
I think that was all for now! To whoever is reading this, just remember how much you are capable of, and how perfect you are 💋💋 Byeee <33
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The Space Between Sounds
Chapter 5: New Sounds
SYNOPSIS: As you settle into your new life at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech, you start to notice something strange. You are slowly able to hear new cursed energy sounds, one in particular that is a bit unnerving. Why are you suddenly able to hear these new sounds?
WC: 2K
Over the course of the next week, you began to settle in properly, not isolating yourself but feeling more included and connected to everyone. You still struggled to understand what Panda was saying since his snout was a bit harder to read than you anticipated but you were slowly picking it up.
Toge was the hardest to communicate with and the two of you heavily relied on a notepad or notes app. The two of you were slowly learning how to read the other’s gestures which varied quite a lot. Your gesturing was more so based on how sign language worked while Toge’s was more direct and to the point since he was conveying less.
You would tend to act things out a little with your hands while Toge did a lot of pointing accompanied by an expression.
But you were each doing your best and Toge was patient with you which you greatly appreciated. It was frustrating at times but Toge always kept his cool and would reassure you and help you keep calm as well. You were still learning.
As the days slowly passed, you began to notice something weird going on with the cursed energy around you. You were able to distinguish everyone by their sounds but the noises started to sound different, deviating from the usual humming, buzzing, and crackling you heard.
There were different qualities to everyone’s innate noises but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what they were. This very subtle difference was arguably more distracting than the volume of the ambient cursed energy which you were getting used to.
You were a lot more distractible and unfocused due to this discovery and you wished more than anything you could ask Edo about it. He would know what was going on and how to help you adapt.
Because of your new distraction, your already average grades began to slip some and training became more difficult than it already was. Even when you couldn’t fully hear the new noises, the fact that they were there would nag at you.
What was going on? Why were you suddenly able to hear something different? Was it due to being around so much cursed energy? Or were you just naturally developing something new?
Today you were sitting in the grass arena for training, doing some meditative exercises. You didn’t mind doing these since they were much easier than sparring or weapons and were similar to what you had done with Edo but there was one aspect about it that you hated.
Closing your eyes.
As a deaf person, you rely heavily on your other senses, particularly sight and you felt very vulnerable when your eyes were closed. You really only felt safe closing them in the privacy of you own room when you went to sleep. You’d always been scared of the dark as a kid for the same reason and you felt lost without your vision.
But you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, placing your hands with your palms down in the grass on either side of you to keep yourself oriented. You were sitting in the middle of the group so you felt safe enough to close your eyes in the first place but were still really on edge. You were comforted by the fact Toge was sitting closest to you, well within reach to touch you to get your attention.
Your heartbeat picked up and you felt like you were a little kid in the dark of your bedroom again. But you focused on the feeling of the grass under your fingertips. You toyed with individual blades, feeling the smooth, waxy surfaces, the blunt edges and pointed tips. You associated the feeling of grass with the color green and it felt like you were directly touching the color. Your other hand pressed down on the ground and you felt the blades crunch under the weight of your palm, feeling the subtle vibrations on your skin.
Grounding yourself in reality and placing a larger amount of trust in Toge, you kept your eyes closed for the exercise. In all honesty, you ignored Gojo’s instructions for the exercise and simply focused as intently on the noise as you could.
There was something about Toge’s innate cursed energy that sounded different and stood out the most to you. His normal noise was a steady humming sound, consistent but not rapid. Not quite like Kai’s whose was lower like a bass speaker but warmer than that. But you would notice small fluctuations in the humming. Like it would get warmer or colder here and there. The duration of the hums would also change like it would pick up speed or slow down as well. They were very subtle shifts but you could still hear them.
The meditative session went really well and you were able to tune into the new sounds better than you had before. You made a point to try and do this again and maybe ask Toge to sit with you.
The session ended and while you clearly didn’t know Gojo told everyone they could open their eyes, Toge reached over to get your attention.
You felt his hand gently rest on top of yours for a second and you felt your face heat up as your eyes snapped open. He briefly left his hand on yours, having been gentle to not scare you and clearly a little tentative.
We were doing a meditative exercise with Gojo today and I knew he usually had us close our eyes for it to help us focus. I noticed Y/N get particularly nervous about that prospect, her clasped hands clenching tighter and I quickly put two and two together.
Since she couldn’t hear, she relied on her other senses a lot more and sight is particularly important to everyone, deaf or not. She must feel particularly vulnerable with her eyes closed. I didn’t really know what to say to her to reassure her and I didn’t have time to pull my phone out so I simply scooted over closer to her, giving her space but sitting close enough to reach over to get her attention.
I peeked my eyes open a few times during the exercise and noticed Y/N intently moving her fingers through the short grass next to her crossed legs. Everyone else had their hands on their knees like I did and I knew Gojo hadn’t instructed us to do that. Did she just not catch his instruction? Or was it something else?
I closed my eyes, getting lost in thought and not really doing the exercise. I don’t know why I was so intrigued by the way her fingers intently picked and felt each individual blade of grass, palm grazing over the surface and occasionally pressing down to the dirt. Was she feeling something I wasn’t?
I moved my hand down into the grass but didn’t feel anything aside from regular old grass. Her fingers moved with clear intent despite their subtlety and gentleness. That’s when something struck me.
Was this her way of enhancing a sense to compensate for her lack of sight and hearing? There was a pattern to her fingers moving in the grass and I thought she might be grounding herself that way. Feeling something tangible around her due to two of her senses being gone. That was really smart and I internally applauded her adaptability. She could have just sat there with her eyes open to do the exercise or not done it at all but she took a deep breath and did it, accommodating her own needs.
She’s more resilient and quite frankly amazing than I originally thought.
The lesson ended and Gojo told us we could open our eyes as we were done. But of course, Y/N didn’t see or hear his instruction. I reached over to get her attention, placing my hand on hers as opposed to her shoulder like she had mentioned. I didn’t want to give her the impression that someone was behind her while she was already in a vulnerable state and she knew I was sitting next to her so I figured it would be the best way to not scare her.
I watched what looked like a blush dust her cheeks when I did, her eyes snapping open and looking down at my hand on hers. I pulled my hand back now that her eyes were open and she gave me a grateful smile but there was a hint of something else with it. Embarrassment? Maybe touching her hand was the wrong move. She didn’t seem upset about it so I dismissed it.
As the days passed, you still couldn’t quite pin down what it was but you eventually got distracted from the new noises by your slowly growing friendships. You would spend more time with everyone, getting to know them better. Your friendships with Maki and Yuta progressed faster than they did with Toge and Panda due to the communication issues but everyone was putting in the effort to understand you and were as patient as possible.
Panda was always upbeat and playful with you, using physical touch to convey his jokes and humor.
Maki was pretty straightforward, telling you things bluntly and to the point. But you appreciated her honesty with you and the fact that she wasn’t beating around the bush to make you feel better. She was the last person that was going to pity you.
Yuta was sweet and always put in extra effort to make sure you were understood. He always had a notepad at the ready just in case and would read out anything you wrote down for the group.
Toge communicated with you mostly through gestures and body language when the two of you couldn’t type or write. You found yourself paying particular attention to him and learning how to read his expressions. This was hard since he covered half of his face but he is very expressive which helps compensate for your inability to see his mouth. You had an easier time understanding him over meals when he would pull down his sweater or take off his face mask and you started to miss seeing his smile when he’d pull them back on.
Along with hearing everyone’s innate sounds changing, there was something off about the ambient noise of campus. Particularly at night. You would hear a low thrumming that would slowly pick up in the evening and die down in the mornings, completely gone during the day.
It was weird and gave you an unnerving feeling. Something about it felt wrong. Like it wasn’t supposed to be there or sound like that. You had no idea what it was but maybe it was just something on campus that you were learning to hear. Like one of the controlled curses they used for practice or something. That would explain the weird feeling.
But you couldn’t quite convince yourself it was normal. There was just an aspect about it that you couldn’t pin down that was... wrong. You had no idea how to describe it to anyone so you dismissed it as best you could. But on occasion it would wake you up in the middle of the night and the eerie feeling accompanying it made it difficult to fall back asleep.
—You okay?—
Toge asked this morning over breakfast. You were really tired, not having gotten good sleep due to the weird thrumming noise.
—Just tired. Didn’t sleep good—
You answer honestly, giving him a small shrug as you handed his phone back.
—Were we keeping you up?—
—No. It’s not you guys. I don’t know what it is but it’s really weird. Idk I’m probably just hearing something new that’s normal around here—
—What does it sound like? Can you tell where it’s coming from?—
—It’s a low thrumming. It gets louder at night and is gone during the day. It’s like it’s everywhere. Might just be the collective energy of everyone or something—
—Hmm. Weird—
—Ikr lol—
You were grateful Toge didn’t think you were crazy for hearing something new and his casual attitude about it was relieving. He wasn’t sensing anything wrong so it was probably just a weird new sound you were learning to hear. Maybe it was Tengen. That would explain why it sounded like it was everywhere. Yeah. That was it.
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ugly6astard · 4 months
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system toolbox ☘︎
dealing with dissociation, coping, and self-care
what is a coping mechanism
how to identify your triggers
99 healthy coping skills [3]
⌒warning! there is a brief mention of religion in this document [3]
there are 7 pillars of self care: mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social.
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don't know where to start?
the new yorker- 2024's best books PSSST! if you're a student, you may be able to access the new yorker free or 50% off!!! [1]
online jigsaw
self compassion prompts
how to create a better sleep routine
changing sleep habits with insomnia
how to form good sleeping habits with ptsd
how to start exercising
how to start exercising as a disabled person
10 easy exercises
exercises for wheelchair users
how to exercise with chronic pain
free pill and medicine reminder app
what the freak is a daily gratitude
daily gratitude prompts
youtube channel focusing on meditation and calmness
youtube channel focusing on meditation and mental wellbeing
meditation 101 for neurodivergent folks
meditation for kids/littles
⌒warning! some of the reccomended books deal with sensitive topics, such as identity, pregnancy, racism, etc. [1]
identifying and communicating with parts
a common way to identify switching and different "parts" emerging is journaling! this doesn't have to be consistent, pretty, or detailed. sometimes it can be sticky notes about how you felt kind of angry with the date scribbled in the corner, and sometimes it can be full on documentation about what you believe was a switch. putting these diary entries together can feel like putting together a puzzle. (for example, i met jade because they would frequently scribble down, "this body stinks, im taking a shower now." when no one else would. also, there may be noticeable changes in handwriting or speech patterns to look out for!
parts, alters, personalities, fragments, headmates, whatever
journaling 101
journaling technique (bullet journaling/bojo)
journaling technique (the vomit system) [4]
what to write in your journal
⌒warning! this video talks about vomit. [4]
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alyjojo · 27 days
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September 🏋🏽‍♂️ 2024 Monthly - Scorpio
Preshuffle: It was a message - there is nothing you can do about the impulsive, fun, immature-ish? energy in someone else that is otherwise practical & totally stable. It’s part of them. Could be dealing with a fire moon/rising.
Meditation: A crouching tiger 🐅 getting ready to pounce on another crouching tiger, very intense, they both attack and start wrestling all over the place - and the scene/camera pans out to see dozens of other tigers. Google: a pack of tigers is called an “ambush.” The two fighting are siblings.
Main energy: 7 Pentacles
What’s going on in September:
Wheel of Fortune rev, Ace of Pentacles, Justice, The Hermit & 7 Swords
This reading is keeping it 💯 I respect that. Ain’t shit happening this month 😆
7 Pentacles is the energy of having just planted a whole field of something, it’s been watered and cared for, now you’re just waiting for it to grow, and the Desert & Planning oracles with The Hermit…you’re going to be spending some time doing solo activities, catching up on shows and sleep - saving your money seems to be a big part of the reason. I do see an opportunity to have fun with friends/family, but there’s a waiting period for that so maybe someone’s birthday is later in the month.
Wheel of Fortune is rev so you’re coming out of a time of difficult cycles and lessons, you had a lot going on and it was hard to just…chill. Sit. Breathe. You can do that now. Geranium shows you as a flower 🌺 in a brand new squishy pot with lots of room to grow, 7 Pentacles is just a period of waiting to grow, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Treat yo’self. Those of you that are trying to date might go out once but I see you largely throwing in the towel this month. All of the fish are poison ☠️🤣 I’m seeing this 7 Swords card where the boy is carrying 7 fishing poles and I lost it, some of you are on dating apps trying to see what’s out there and throwing them right back when you try. BAD FISH 👎 Some of you may have had a bad experience with a Pisces, that’s the only sign showing up repeatedly. You could’ve had to spend a lot on something legal, parking ticket, child support, public intoxication…etc. or needing to spend money on some kind of repair or necessity has left you checking the couch for quarters (does anyone even do that anymore?) Your reading is cracking me up, some of you are naturally very funny with sarcasm, and have no lack for admirers & potential friends. I do see one around at some point, friend, co-worker, or potential partner idk, they could be just falling off the planet & ghosting. Or you are. Could be a bad fish.
Most of you are putting effort into your own self care, peace of mind, tending to your home, kids, family, etc. Some may even be declining an invitation to celebrate and staying in instead. It’s an energy of “I need to wash my hair.” Do people say that anymore? This reading…7 Swords shows avoidance, you’re avoiding everyone. Could be a parent, a spouse, especially an ex-spouse, or friends/coworkers that want to go to happy hour on a random Friday; you will happily decline and enjoy your peace and quiet at home, thank you, it’s the reunion of some old show you’ve binged watched 100 times 🏡
Side story: you may have cut off someone who was sneaky, deceptive, trying to get away with some shit and there’s been a final decision made to separate from that. You or them. Someone could be waiting on the outcome of a divorce or that could be this month and you’re “celebrating” alone, at a new beginning that’s not all that new because you’ve already planted 7 seeds here, its only a matter of time before your next harvest/bounty - financially, I assume. Most of you are quietly strategizing your next move with Planning Phase & 7 Swords, this is intellectual strategy & focus being shown. Like playing chess ♟️
Signs you may be dealing with:
Pisces, Taurus, Libra & Cancer
Oracle: ✨
32 Struggle 🥴
Struggle is a part of life - so much so that you probably know people who seem to constantly attract one struggle after another into their lives. This is their comfort zone. While struggle is natural, it is natural only so far as it lends itself to learning lessons and overcoming inner personal challenges. Beneath every one of these struggles is the gift of enlightenment. The satisfaction of a lesson learned. Use this knowledge as the light at the end of your dark tunnel. What lesson is this struggle teaching you? Alternately, after a brief setback, this situation will start to right itself.
Carried Away 🥰
Let yourself be caught up in the whirlwind of a romantic moment.
Desert of Isolation 🏜️
Traverse the desolate spaces of solitude to uncover reflections and resilient survival.
Planning Phase 🤔
Take a step back and plan the necessary steps to move forward so you may turn your goals into reality.
We enter into September as:
Geranium 🌺:
“This is another beginning.”
What appears to be an end may not be one after all. Often situations that generate our greatest fears turn into remarkable opportunities. It’s time to let go of the past, and trust that whatever is coming is better than what you’ve known to this point. You are ready to begin again. A new opportunity is coming from a place you don’t expect. There is a regeneration of some kind going on. Whatever you were pulled away from in the past was for the purpose of bringing you to a higher place. It’s time for whatever has been dormant to bloom again. Trust there is a higher plan. This is truly an exciting time.
What is to be learned in September:
Topaz 💛
“If I seek peace, I must embrace my fears.”
Topaz speaks: “To be enlightened is to realize that to gain peace, fear in the heart must be faced.” If Topaz has come to you, he is telling you that it is time to stop talking about what you intend on doing. You must just do it. Things happen for us when we take action, which is the only way to break through what is holding us back. The change that is called for here is surrender, which is an action in itself. No great tasks were ever achieved easily. Remember we do a lot to avoid what we feel will hurt us; you must understand that the pain will recede if you face your fears, allowing you to walk through to the other side. Topaz whispers “Pray for guidance and you will be assisted.” Do not despair, for if Topaz has come to you, relief awaits. By facing your fears, peace and enlightenment will be your reward. That is the gift. All you need to do is ask.
Topaz may be a lucky color 💛
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thapsyrensays · 2 years
♀Venus through the Houses in Astrology ✨
This thread will be my interpretation on how to best engage with the energy of Venus based on what house she is in for you. This is just one or a couple of ways, this list is not exhaustive by any means.
1H: You need to pay attention to your physical appearance. Regardless of what you think of your looks, Venus demands you honor her through devotion to beauty. Pay tribute to your physical vessel as Venus would herself.
2H: Buy yourself something; whether it’s big or small. Pay attention to what matters to you. Eat good food. The point is to honor Venus through honoring what you hold dear to you, what things do you value?
3H: Spend time communicating with someone close to you. Bonus points if it’s a neighbor that could use a little boost. Reading a book, writing, or some other form of flexing your brain would be good too!
4H: When’s the last time you gave your home or bedroom a makeover? Now is the time. Spruce up something in your home, rearrange furniture, hang up a tapestry. Spend time with your family in the home— play some games, enjoy a nice meal together.
5H: Let’s have fun! What do you enjoy doing? Do you have kids? Spend time with them today, it’ll give your heart joy. Otherwise, engage your childlike energy and focus your attention towards doing what you love. Painting, cooking, singing, etc!
6H: Move your body! Get up and do something to make your body feel good. Whether that’s yoga, hiking, dancing, etc. Have you been needing a bit more order and routine in your life? Venus here may need you to focus that loving attention towards finding balance between work, others, and yourself.
7H: Socialize. Honor your connection to others; how you choose to engage in this will be up to you. But go spend some intimate time with another.
8H: Go make some money. Do your finances need some attention? You’ll feel better if you handle it. Study some occult, magic, astro, or esoteric knowledge.
9H: Learn something new! Bonus if it’s deepening your spiritual path as this is naturally known and the House of God. Teach someone something, careful not to be pushy. Travel and adventure is also ideal.
10H: Be responsible. Handle work issues so they don’t plague you. Put some effort into your career— whether that’s the 9-5 life or entrepreneurship. But you need to take some control over your path. Be your own authority. Make sure your public image is matching the intent you’re putting out.
11H: Be with friends— whether online or in person. Find a group or network that shares a common love or activity with you. Discover a new tech item or app that you have fun with.
12H: Do your shadow work. Meditate. Find ways to bring yourself joy that are independent of other embodied energies. Working on yourself will make you feel better about everything in your Life. Take a nap.
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coolkoalabedtime · 1 year
Explore the profound influence of meditation apps on children's mental well-being in this insightful blog post. Delve into the benefits and potential drawbacks, shedding light on how technology is shaping young minds. Discover the nuanced impact of digital mindfulness tools on the mental health of the next generation.
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