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drbarbaralouw · 9 months ago
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Supporting a loved one who is ill is a new and precious part of your relationship. As you embark on a road trip to wholeness, you will grow with that person. Read more: https://www.barbaralouw.com/index.php/blogs/in-my-rose-garden/180-supporting-a-loved-one-who-is-ill
If you feel helpless or stuck I invite you to contact me and make an online or in-person appointment today!
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stimpunks · 8 months ago
Disability Inclusion Fund Grant Proposal
We recently applied for the “Disability Inclusion Fund Grant” and thought we’d share our answers to their questions. Table of ContentsQuestionsGuiding Values1. How has your organization’s programming and strategies used an anti-ableist framework?2. In what ways have your organization’s programming and activities built collective power to address ableism?3. What are some of the key program plans…
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autiplural · 1 year ago
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(via Medical trauma AI Art - ND UK)
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I am not a complainer by nature.
When the surgeon asks, "How are you doing?"
and I say, "I would like to revise my other side.”
I know I look calm and poised.
I know I suggest it in a pleasant manner.
But that DOES NOT mean I want to have brain surgery for funsies.
Hell NO!
Brain surgery sucks. No offense meant.
But recovery wrecks my life for months.
I can't be the mom I long to be.
The wife I used to be.
Or the therapist I need to be.
I am choosing this Hell a forth time
because I am currently living in it anyway.
Every time the dishwasher runs.
Every time my 9 year old is himself -- a loud rambunctious little boy.
Each time my husband runs his table saw and constructs something magnificent. I can't walk steadily for the rest of the day.
What am I supposed to do? Ask them to stop? Earplugs only help so much.
Nah, bro.
I am asking for you to cut my head open
so I can give them THEIR lives back.
So they don't have to dance around me anymore.
It's such a chore to be the one everyone works around.
Can you imagine what it’s like for them?
It's not about me. It's not about your numbers.
I just want my world to stop swaying with every clangor.
I want my world to stand still for THEM.
Even the air conditioner sets me back. But you didn't ask me that.
I could see it in your face.
I know the look by now,
I've had plenty of medical trauma
before reaching your virtual office space.
You could hardly wait to shut the metaphorical door in my face.
Wondering when my soul sucking need for surgery is going to end.
Well let me tell you, my friend,
I am also waiting to see how this story ends.
Like on it our lives depend.
#medicaltrauma #superiorcanal #scds #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #brainsurgery #brainsurgerysurvivor #brainsurgeryrecovery #mypoetry #mypoeticjourneytohealing #originalpoem #poem
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mirletaliz · 5 months ago
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Do you know what today is?!
It's my #bariversary!
(In my best Tony! Toni! Tone! voice.)
I have always struggled with my #weight. My entire life.
However, the effects of my MVAC chemo cocktail completely jacked up my metabolism, and despite my efforts, prescription medications, and physician supervision, my weight skyrocketed to an all-time high. Not only did it continue to climb, but it was affecting my health and triggered new diagnoses that will follow me for life.
I was uncomfortable in my own body. I had been resisting the surgical route due to the #MedicalTrauma and #PTSD from my #BladderCancer experience, but I knew that without intervention, it would not have mattered if I beat cancer or not.
I waved the proverbial white flag, got referred to a local bariatric team and started the long process.
It has now been 2 years since I had #GastricSleeve surgery.
My life looks different now. Progress has been slower than me or my medical team would like, but there has been progress nonetheless.
I am proud of the strides I've made even though I still have a way to go to reach my goal weight. I've continued to work despite life challenges and lots of physical plateaus.
Getting #bariatric surgery is not an "easy way out." It is not a quick fix. It is a tool in a long list of possible lifestyle changes that one could make.
Even if you have surgery, you still have to change how you think and how you move through the world. Most of all, you have to continuously DO. THE. WORK!
Highest Weight 380
Surgery Weight 336
Lowest since surgery 275
Current Weight 286
Goal Weight 180
Down 105 lbs, 17.1 BMI points, 18.34% body fat, and nearly 29 total inches...and still going!
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provokingdrama · 2 years ago
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I started drawing this out the other day but hadn't posted it because I didn't want it to be misinterpreted as ecstasy or something. This sketch is about the adverse/allergic reactions I've had to certain antipsychotics (and various medications - opiates and things with codeine, and some anti-emetics) called Acute Dystonic Reactions or Extrapyramidal Symptoms. Uncontrollable seizure-like movements. This sketch is of the worst reaction I had in late April 2010 after being re-prescribed Zyprexa after having been off it for a while. My psychiatrist wasn't very good. Anyway it was a full-body reaction that I literally expected to die from. Every muscle group was affected and contracting. My face and tongue included- I was worried I my tongue would suffocate me (it was blocking my throat) or that the most important muscle would be affected- my heart. I was hyperventilating because my diaphragm was involved, and if it affected my lungs I thought it would get my heart too. Anyway, there was a lot of back arching involved at the ER. I don't remember anything more bc I was given Cogentin (Parkinson's drug) after my 2nd trip to the ER that day. Anyway, thought I'd share even unfinished. If I can finish it I'll paint it, it's a traumatic event I'd like to process artistically. It helps. Thanks for reading. #art #dystonia #convulsions #trauma #darkart #graphite #pencil #sketchbook #sketchart #badmedicine #processingtrauma #medicaltrauma #horror #horrible #lifeasart #graphiteonpaper #graphitedrawing #thanksforlistening https://www.instagram.com/p/CiEy4LnP9Wp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drbarbaralouw · 10 months ago
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Supporting A Loved One 101
Sometimes silence is welcome.
The trauma of an adverse medical diagnosis such as cancer brings an awkward wordlessness because it feels like there are no words to describe what happened. There are not enough words to describe what is on in one’s mind, emotions or body. In a single moment, life changes forever.
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bbspersonification · 4 years ago
Can I just rant for a moment? I am Highly Emotional (due to a few Hormonal Imbalances and Mental Health issues) and considered by medical standards Obese.��
Now that this is established, why is it so difficult for doctors to understand that I am aware of what body I am living in, and I am not coming to them for an evaluation of weight loss or emotional stability. When I go into a OBGYN office and I request to be seen for dangerous and concerning issues they write me off as either mentally unstable, "Crazy" or just "fat"? 
I have developed over the years an eating disorder, emotional trauma, and an avoidance for getting medical treatment due to the constant theme of being told I'm crazy or just fat. While I am aware that being "obese" and "overweight" comes with it's own set of medical problems, is it not a doctor's responsibility and job to care for a patient without this lack of regard? I also am unable to see a therapist for my mental instability due to the lack of coverage from my medical and inability to pay out of pocket, so this makes it difficult to care for myself in this way as well.
I am at the point where I am so fearful of ever talking to a doctor, especially a specialist, about my health because of this constant brush off. I have been looking and recommended for weight loss surgery for my health, but due to my medical I currently have I am not considered Obese enough to have weight loss surgery or even start the process. I also can not afford to pay for the process out of pocket. I've lost a lot of respect and trust in doctors, especially doctors in Skagit County, WA as a whole. I am extremely tired emotionally, mentally, and physically. I am just done...
-Rant over
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endosupportunited · 5 years ago
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I really believe this is something that must be spoken about more. It’s #mentalhealthawarenessmonth and I personally feel that in my experience, the effect your physical health can have on your mental health is all too often ignored. I’d be really interested to hear any of your thoughts or experiences in the comments below!💜 Love to all x #endo #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiscommunity #endosisters #endowarrior #chronicillness #chronicpain #invisibleillness #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mentalhealth #medicaltrauma https://www.instagram.com/p/CAk_8g2D91H/?igshid=zgxxyfuvg1yt
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bonegrenade-archive · 8 years ago
medicaltrauma replied to your post “It really sucks that you can’t flirt with the Grim Reaper in Sims 4...”
you can if you put your heart in it and use cheats
Honestly, that’s exactly how Taako would want it too
He’d use cheats to marry death
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drbarbaralouw · 10 months ago
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In My Rose Garden by Dr Barbara Louw for people who are recovering from adverse medical diagnoses such as cancer and stroke, as well as mastectomy and amputation.
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nswenosi · 8 years ago
medicaltrauma replied to your post: going to the gender clinic
AAAA good luck!!! im sure itll be ok!!
I hope so yeah!!T v T thank u hhhh
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sroloc--elbisivni · 6 years ago
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ms-newvegas · 2 years ago
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ksleahy · 7 years ago
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In support of the @byp100 campaign to remove the statue of J.Marion Sims that stands outside of the New York Academy of Medicine. J. Marion Sims bought Black Women and put them through repeated untested surgical procedures without anesthesia. J. Marion Sims is known as "the father of modern gynecology" yet rarely do people know or talk about the unethical experiments he performed on Black Women and the endless pain and trauma he inflicted on them. He would not use anesthesia and did not receive consent from the women; most of the women were either tied or held down. Black bodies especially the bodies of Black women are not disposable. Black bodies are not empty vessels that feel no pain. Black bodies are not meant to be left bleeding on medical beds, city or rural streets... Black bodies feel, we are whole beings that are deserving of love, respect and living in worlds where we are acknowledged, seen as human beings, part of this Earth, this universe. Black girls and women are meant to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Our pain will not go unrecognized especially the pain of our ancestors. We envision futures where we are protected and capable of living with full access to our human rights. #byp100 #reproductiveherstory #reproductivejustice #rj #gynecology #blackhistory #medicalhistory #medicaltrauma #generationaltrauma #towardsliberation Check out @colorlinesnews Article: http://www.colorlines.com/articles/new-target-statue-removal-father-gynecology-who-operated-enslaved-black-women
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bissynutblog · 8 years ago
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Waiting for the most experienced phlebotomist, who is at lunch. #idonthaveagoodfeelingaboutthis #labwork #medicaltrauma
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