#meaning bella died alone
they were correct, arthur lester really is easy to hate
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
The way akishinji and ashbella both have dramatic coma scenes and dramatic shot through the heart scenes like we’ve gotta stop meeting like this 😩
#the klock keeps ticking#theres actually so many similarities between these two pairings which is. probably why theyre my favorite pairings ever#like theres shinji and ashton they are guys with long hair/crabby/trying to be cool but theyre lame/emo/fingerless gloves/repressed#care so so deeply about their friends and break their fucking backs trying to protect them but are terrible with expressing their affection#with words so they come off as uncaring and rude/associates with shady people/buried beneath lies they tell to their friends/hate themselves#plans to die alone because they think they dont matter/bad at sincerity/has it bad like really bad for aki/bella#they love aki/bella for their kindness and sincerity and they feel theyre unworthy of it and that theyre a burden#gets [REDACTED] and held by aki/bella#then the aki isabella similarities are like older sibling who works too hard/stubborn/bad at reading social cues#too good for this world/will punch their friends if needed/bad at self care/emotionally repressed/kinda clumsy and silly#when they find out about shinji/ash trying to get themselves killed they get very angry and emotional and have a big confrontation#lose an important family member despite all their efforts to keep them safe/have trouble understanding their own feelings#especially if those feelings are romantic#and like both couples love to argue and bicker but care for each other so deeply its annoying lol and theres lots of miscommunication#cuz god theyre bad at having feelings and expressing them to each other and theyre long term friends#the coma scenes and the shot through the heart scenes are waaaaay better on the ashbella end though thats a given#since the letter has significantly better writing good god lol#like the emotions are very real and they fuck me up so bad then p3 its like. aki cries for 3 seconds and thats all you get cuz god forbid#a character in this series get to like. be written in a satisfying way lol#the letter just works so much better like akishinji would benefit from those scenes but ashbella needs like no work aksjks#plus ‘this is how it should be’ is a line that i fucking hate cuz of how its treated afterwards meanwhile fucking#‘you are going to die ashton frey. and you are going to die alone’ ‘she got one thing wrong though. i did not die alone’#that shit gets me so bad every single time ITS SO GOOD and such a slap to the face#realizing that youve made a grave error and youre actually loved deeply and matter a lot right as youre dying and feeling relieved#cuz you may be dying. BUT YOU DIDNT DIE ALONE YOU DIED BEING LOVED AND CARED FOR#like idk at least his death is able to mean something for him as a character its still a moment of growth#shinji doesnt learn anything he fully dies believing he deserves it and that everyone will benefit from it#god awful writing right there boooo
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panlight · 1 month
The other thing about the New Moon timeline and Alice apparently not calling anyone to let them know Bella is alive is like . . . she's the one who can see the future?? She also knows Rosalie and Edward really well just as like, people. Did she not foresee Rosalie calling Edward in either capacity?? Rosalie is not around any werewolves and Jacob isn't around Alice 24/7 in Forks so that's not even any excuse.
16th  (Thurs) – Bella jumps off a cliff alone and Jacob rescues her – Harry Clearwater dies from a heart I attack – Jake and Bella almost kiss – Alice returns. (NM15–16)
17th  (Fri) – Alice and Bella catch up. (NM17)
18th (Sat) – Charlie goes to Harry’s funeral – Edward is told that Bella is dead – Alice and Bella race to Italy to stop Edward from killing himself
PLENTY of time between Alice showing up in Forks and the funeral for Alice to prevent this from happening even if she couldn't see the future.
For the record I don't 'blame' Alice as a character here; I don't think this was a character choice although I suppose you can handwave it that way if you want, like she's so removed from human experience that the first thing ANY human would do in this situation (call home and be like "hey remember how I left in a panic because I saw Bella kill herself? Surprise! She's actually alive.") did not occur to her. This was a plot necessity. I'm fully convinced SM wrote all of New Moon with this Romeo and Juliet miscommunication "one of of them thinks the other is dead" situation in mind. It has to be this way because it's the whole point and Alice has to just stand around like an inactive Sim rather than calling to tell Jasper or Rosalie or anyone else what happened even though she's in pretty close contact with Jasper at every other point after this.
I guess the other explanation is that she DID see this all happening but decided this was the best possible way to get Edward to come home so she just let it all play out?
"I mean sure I could have called and told Rosalie that Bella wasn't dead before Edward finally picked up the phone, but then Edward would just mope for another six to twelve months and I wouldn't get to steal a yellow Porsche, so."
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bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 23 - prompt 23: Rescue [word count 798]
Sirius had learned to recognise every single sound around him. He could hear the legions of rats plaguing Azkaban scurrying in the walls. They hadn’t come into his cell after the first night he had spent there, when the first rat to poke its head in the newcomer’s cell had ended up crushed in Padfoot’s jaw, paying for another rat. He could hear every sound traveling down the corridor. He could tell how many Dementors were by his cell by the swish of their coats alone. Sometimes a hysterical laughter echoed from who knew exactly where up to his cell. The first time he had heard it, Sirius had had to lean on the wall and had immediately transformed into Padfoot again, curling up in the corner opposite the door. Now when he heard it it barely fazed him.
“Hello there, Bella. Still alive then,” he would murmur before resuming what he was doing which was usually trying to stare out of the small grated window above his cot.
Other sounds traveled to his cell, mainly screams or begging, and other times a voice talking. Sirius had taken quite some time to recognise the voice, despite having heard it often in the corridors at Hogwarts years before. Crouch Jr. The only person left for him to blame for Regulus’s death since Orion and Walburga had apparently died from the utter shock of having no heirs left after October 31st. And now he was stuck in a place where the other’s voice would drift through the door, sometimes arguing loudly, sometimes possibly reciting whole pages of books Sirius remembered having studied himself, sometimes laughing almost as hysterically as Bellatrix, sometimes repeating the same word over and over like the night before when Sirius hadn’t been able to sleep because the whole prison seemed to be filled with one word.
“Rose, rose, rose, rose, rose, rose, rose.”
Come dawn, Sirius hadn’t been able to know if he wanted to ask Crouch when he had become so interested in botanic or just strangle him.
So it was natural for him to hear an unusual sound as soon as it echoed somewhere. Footsteps. The Dementors only glided, and no one was ever allowed to visit Azkaban. It was a double sound, as if two people were walking in the corridors, their steps different. Sirius was about to move to the door to better listen when the footsteps stopped somewhere. A couple of seconds later, his door blew up in a flash of bright green light and smoke. Sirius coughed and tried to better look at the shape coming through the smoke. He blinked, feeling his heart skip a beat, then he was crushed by two arms.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, my love,” Remus’s voice whispered in his ear.
“Moony,” Sirius looked up at his boyfriend’s face. “I thought… I mean, they must have told you…”
“They packed you up without even a trial and sent Harry away somewhere just as fast. It was all too easy, I knew something was missing even if I don’t know what.”
“I swapped with Peter. He was Secret Keeper instead of me.”
As he watched the colour drain from Remus’s face, Sirius realised he had never been able to say that sentence out loud. Remus swallowed.
“Alright,” he managed to say. “We’ll deal with this as soon as we’re back on land.”
“How did you get in here?”
“I had help,” Remus motioned to the door.
The green smoke had almost cleared by now, and on the threshold stood a pretty blonde woman, her hands calmly crossed on her very pregnant belly.
“Pandora Lovegood,” she smiled at him. “You might remember me as Pandora Rosier back in school.”
Sirius just nodded. The Rosier twins, other people who had constantly been around Regulus. He remembered the Order meeting when Alastor Moody had proudly announced Evan Rosier had been killed in a run-in with the Aurors.
“She’s got a knack for explosives,” Remus said as if it was the most natural thing in the world, running around Azkaban with the sister of a Death Eater. “The smoke stuns the Dementors as well.”
“But not forever,” Pandora said. “Come on, I have another cell door to blow up before we can go, and I don’t want to be too long, my husband worries easily.”
“Which door?” Sirius asked as he followed Remus in the corridor, strewn with motionless Dementors.
“Barty Crouch Jr,” Remus said. “I had to agree to it to rescue you.”
“Crouch?” Sirius repeated. “But he’s been condemned to life here!”
“As were you,” Pandora smiled. “Besides, there’s something him and me have to tell you about your brother.”
“Regulus?” Sirius breathed.
“Come on,” Pandora started down the corridor. “We have an awful lot to do.”
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xetlynn · 9 months
Twilight- The Switch of Daylight: Chapter Three,
Heartbreak and Wolves
(Alice? x Reader x Jasper?)
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[two] [three] [four]
At the end of the school day, I watched as Edward takes Bella’s hand, guiding her to the woods. I knew he felt me there, watching him. I felt his relief as I didn’t go to stop it from happening. I should’ve but a part of me was extremely hopeful that Bella being upset would truly stop him.
Boy was I wrong.
I felt a gust of wind from behind me, my bedroom window open.
I slowly walk into my room, all there was, was a letter on the ground.
Not even the decency of saying goodbye in person. I get a handwritten letter.
I stare at it but I don’t go to it. I don’t move my legs to grab it. Instead I let it sit there. I turn out of the room and into the living room.
My body was hard as a rock.
Fragile like porcelain glass. It stayed still.
I knew what the letter meant. They were gone.
They left and I didn’t even knew what that meant for us.
Any of us.
I then realized that Bella was all alone in the woods. I quickly snapped out of my mood and ran out of the door.
I heard Charlie’s cop car speeding down the road so I rushed into the trees.
Listening for my sister. Once I locked into her whimpers of cries, tripping down to the ground I sped up.
Rushing to her.
How could he leave alone like this?
How could they do this to her?
“Bella…” I whisper out, hearing her but not seeing her. I start to freak out, not realizing she was behind a tree on the ground.
“Bella.” I fall down beside her.
“He left!” She hyperventilated. I grab her, and she clings onto me.
“They left.” She cries out, I stay silent, rubbing her back. Letting her cry it out. We sat together on the dirt ground.
After moments that felt like minutes, that I knew have been hours she finally sits up and looks at me.
“You knew?” She hiccuped and my eyebrows lifted a tiny bit.
“You knew didn’t you?” She pushes off of me, falling backwards. “I didn’t-“
“Don’t lie to me, [Name], you knew.” She states, not asking anymore.
“No, I mean yes. I did, but listen.” I stick my hands out trying to reason with her but she shut me out.
“Why didn’t you tell me? We- I could’ve stopped them. We could’ve changed their minds.” Her eyes start to water once again, I didn’t even know that someone could cry this much.
“Bella I tried.” I frown.
“Not hard enough, we could’ve done it somehow!” She argued. I just stared at her.
“We could’ve- we could’ve…”
“No, Bella.” I go to touch her but she pushes away from me. My hand freezes in the air.
“Go away.”
She lays down, I shake my head.
“I’m staying with you.” I sit still. “[Name], please.” She mumbles, getting onto her side and staying there.
“I can’t just leave you in the woods Bella.” I sigh.
“Just leave, [Name]! Please, go!” She screams, sitting up for a moment only to fall back down.
It reminds me of when we were kids and she pushed me away unintentionally. Being an older sister I guess it’s normal to push away the younger one.
Yelling at me to get out of her room, that I’m ruining her life by trying to hang out with her and her friends.
The flashbacks of us being little girls.
Then those flashbacks of my lives before rush into my mind. Always having older siblings, being brothers or sisters. Them shouting at me to go away. I stare at her, she doesn’t look up at me and as instinct I go away.
Not to the house but just away.
I go to the stores down by the reservation. Just wanting a minute to myself.
Not remembering the fact that my dad thinks I’m at home sick right now.
My mind getting flooded with all the memories I have of my past lives. My head starting to pound. I sit down on a bench outside of a library. I hold my head, remembering too many things at once.
Seeing the Cullin’s faces too many times.
Over and over again.
My child from one of my past lives.
My deaths over and over again.
My families as they mourned over my body.
Alice and Jasper that somehow got to me right before I died.
Or were almost there but it was too late.
Feeling the fear that inducted inside of me every single time my fate had came.
I should be dead right now.
I am dead right now but for some reason I still am living.
I hated the feeling of not feeling my heart beat or not having the warmth of living.
My lungs filling with air.
Instead I have cold dead silence.
It doesn’t even feel right panicking because my heart doesn’t quicken in pace.
It stays still. I grab onto my chest and I want to just grab at my heart.
“[Name].” A voice shocks me out of my phase.
“Hm?” I glance upward to see a man in a uniform. He looked familiar.
“You gave your dad a spook. Same with your sister. Can you come with me?” He lends a hand but instead of taking I just nod and stand up.
“Sorry, I needed fresh air.” I chuckled. “And for my sister, I haven’t seen her.” I lie. He nods.
“Ah, understandable. Well to me at least. I’m sure your dad is going to have a lecture waiting for you two at home.” He warns me, I smile at him, following him to his car.
“Hey, this is Erin, I’ve found the younger Swan sister.” He calls over the radio. I get into the backseat and he rushes to the drivers seat.
“Bella hasn’t been found?” I sit up straighter. “Yeah, I’m sure she’s just like you and needed some fresh air.” He assures me.
Pulling into my house’s driveway I see my dad on the porch sitting down. I get out of the car quickly right as someone opens the door.
“[Name], why weren’t you at the house?” He stands up, immediately bringing me into his arms.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to leave a note.” I apologize, he squeezes onto me just like he did when I came home from being missing.
I felt my shoulder go wet and I realized he was crying. Or trying not to cry.
“It’s like you girls love giving me heart attacks.” He sniffs. He wipes his tears before letting go of me.
Staring at him like this reminds me of how Alice and Jasper were just asking me to fake my own death.
Him reacting to us just going missing I could never do that to him.
“I’m sorry. Have you guys found Bella?” I ask quietly. “Not yet.” He clears his throat, standing up straighter.
Then at the edge of the woods, Sam Uley comes out carrying Bella. Sam, I haven’t seen him since I was a kid. I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger.
“It’s Sam Uley. He found her.” Billy speaks up.
Charlie bolts over to them, I’ve never seen him move this fast. He wraps his arms around Bella, lifting her from the attractive man.
“Thank you, Sam. Thank God.” I hear my dad say, Billy comes over to me and I give a small smile.
Charlie carries my sister into the house.
Harry and Billy give Sam and nod. He does the same thing and goes to back away.
I went to follow after him but Billy grabs onto my wrist.
Before I acknowledge Billy, I watch Jacob come into view of everything and he wants to chase after my dad and sister but he knows that it’s not time yet.
Charlie just got her in his arms.
I then watch him awkwardly make eye contact with Sam in passing, quickly looking away as fast as he looked at him.
“He knows. About you. He doesn’t like it.” Billy speaks up as he knew I was going to go after Sam, he shakes his head. I frown, glancing over at the man.
“But I- Please.” I pleaded with him. Billy sighs. “I can’t stop you.” He lets me go and I run after the bigger man.
“Sam! Sammy!” I call, now jogging up to him and I caught up.
“Go away, [Name].” He grunts.
“That’s no way to greet an old friend.” I lightheartedly joke. We were now away from everyone. No one could hear us.
“How come you know what I am?” I cut him off. His body freezes in place.
“You can’t smell me?” He questions me and I sniff the air, looking around.
“I smell wet dog but what does that have to do with anything?” I fold my arms.
“You really are clueless? The Cullin’s didn’t tell you anything about us?” He asks as if that’s going to make me know anything.
“Us?” I stammer, confused as ever.
“Werewolves?” He says. I furrow my brows and go to laugh.
“Werewolves?” I repeat him in disbelief.
“You can’t believe werewolves are real being what you are?” He rebuttals in a disgusted way.
“I can’t even believe what I am is real.” I sadly say, watching his face drop a little bit.
“You didn’t want to become what you are?” He tilts his head.
“Who does?” I strain out a laugh. “I didn’t have a choice. It was either this or death.” I inform him. He doesn’t say anything.
“You believe it should’ve been death. I understand.” I smile sadly.
“No, it’s not that.” He lets out a breath.
“I just wish this didn’t happen to you out of all people.” He steps closer to me, touching my shoulder, he jolts from how cold I am but he keeps it there.
“Sorry I didn’t come see you sooner.” He sincerely says. My eyes brighten, staring back into his own orbs. “I was in transitioning.” He explains.
“I forgive you-“ “[Name]!” Billy yells after me. I glance back.
“Can we talk another time?” I ask him, he was staring back at Billy and then at me. “I… don’t know about that.” He hesitantly responds.
“Please.” Wind blows past us and his scent hits me strongly. I didn’t even really notice it until he pointed it out. It really smells like a wet dog.
“Tomorrow night, come to the rez.” He takes his hand off my shoulder and then I notice the warmth that I felt went away. Now I’m back to the coldness.
“Okay, I’ll be there around 8:30.” I tell him as he starts jogging, kicking off into a run.
I go back to my house, Jacob comes up to me.
“Where did you two go?” He nudges me. “I uh, I needed some air.” I felt dazed.
“I’ll talk to you later.” I gently patted his arm, walking off into the house.
“[Name], can you get her dressed into something comfortable?” He asks, I nod, going upstairs to Bella’s room.
She was laying down staring at the window across from her bed.
“Let’s get you dressed in something not covered in dirt.” I tell her, going into her dresser and pulling out a sweater and leggings.
“Why didn’t you go with them?” Her voice rasps out. I take a breath in.
“I couldn’t leave you or dad.” I tell honestly. Shutting her door, I threw the clothes down next to her and I help her sit up.
“My body feels like collapsing.” She whispers.
“I’m here to catch you.” I say back.
Masterlist: A&J
Two and three are shorter than I’d like but the rest shouldn’t be. Heheh Sam is a fine man😻 love square???? LMAO
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catwrites9 · 1 year
heyy i hope you're having a good day/night! <3
i wanted to request some general ellie williams relationship hcs? sorry im not the best at making requests ^_^
thank you so much! :))
Sorry if you meant the game Ellie but I write for HBO Ellie so here’s the head cannons
Sorry if this was bad I rushed it in the end because I just need to get this done so I don’t have to worry about this while I’m writing my scream story and yes I keep adding characters so I have to rewrite a bunch
HBO!ellie Williams relationship hc
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Warnings- mentions of the name David but not the events that happens with him. Might be spelling mistakes or sentences that don’t make sense I tried to prof read but I’m half asleep.
Ok I will kinda be pulling from my book for some plots of story here.
How you two got into the relationship
The way you first met was not the best considering the fact you thought her and Joel were fedra so you may have thrown her but it was on a couch so she didn’t get hurt. After that you all went together to Jackson, over time Ellie definitely warmed up to you.
Now after everything with David she would definitely let her emotions run through and take over once you were taken somewhere else.
The moment she sees you she’s speechless and just hugs you and holds your face. She was scared because she though you died. She pulls in and kisses you. The immediate fear on her face after that is because she thinks you don’t love her.
She tries walking away and apologizing but you pull her in for another kiss and tell her you love her.
You make it official later that day when you two are alone and cleaning each other's wounds.
Now for the headcanons
She’s definitely very protective of you even if you can easily protect yourself.
She’ll lecture you if you make a dumb decision and almost get bit, she’s not trying to be mean, she just cares about you too much to see you die.
Words of Affirmation is definitely one of Ellie’s love languages that she loves. She loves when you tell her you love her or that she did a great job at something.
Also she’ll never admit it but she loves when you compliment her.
She’s very protective of you, you have to be in her eye view or have a hand on you at all times.
I feel like she definitely is not a physical touch person except for you and maybe Joel.
She would definitely get jealous not because she thinks you will cheat, it's just that she doesn't think that she’s good enough for you.
You would have to later inform her that the person you talked to was not better than her, she would definitely get embarrassed after but I mean she got the confirmation.
Definitely the type to after a long day just plop down on your chest and fall asleep.
If Ellie sees you sad or if she’s bored at night she would definitely read her pun book to you.
She is definitely a hugger/ heavy cuddler like you would have to tell her something because she is hugging you while your doing something.
I feel like Ellie would both a big spoon and little spoon, some nights she wants to hold you and some nights she needs you to hold her.
Idk why I always think of this but I feel like Ellie would not be a good cook like to the point that she is banned from the stove and because she almost lit the house on fire.
I love Bella Ramsey<3
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tumb1rprincess · 18 days
Oh jeez, this nightmare went from weird to scary really fast. My stomach dropped when Kellin started describing Bella’s plaque.
“I’m not scared, I’m pissed off.” lol such an Arthur thing to say.
Oh no, Arthur’s starting to doubt John, he suspects he’s hiding something. And knowing him, he’s just going to ignore this feeling until he decides to act on it at the worst possible time.
Something something about how Faroe drowned, so anytime an entity wants to get Arthur to crack, they make it so he starts drowning and it scares him to death every time
We pretty much knew Arthur was suicidal after Faroe died, but hearing him explicitly say it felt like a punch to the gut. And he mentions his parents too and if him enjoying being untethered meant he was happy Faroe died, oh man, this is getting heavy and Arthur crying always makes me cry. And I know emotions like that are so complicated. Like, feeling any happiness after losing someone can make you feel guilty, you feel like it’s a betrayal to them and you should keep feeling sad and you think you don’t even deserve to be happy. The line “Did that mean, in some small way, I appreciated the death of my child?” is going to be playing on loop in my head for a while though. That line hit really, really hard.
Larson starts quoting the Robert Frost poem and I immediately go “Shut up.” It feels wrong hearing him say it.
Oh my god, oh my god, Arthur was at a fucking tavern and getting drunk and feeling like he wasn’t good enough for Bella or to be a dad and he was one step away from leaving and during that whole time, Bella was dying. Oh god, he wasn’t even there and Faroe was alone. Jesus Christ
Larson, if you ever say you and Arthur are the same again, I will kick you in the teeth. Go to hell
Oh god, the duck pond, Arthur saying those were the happiest times of his life, my heart, aaaaaagh.
You’re telling me that on top of Collins hunting them down, now they have Scratch to worry about? Jesus, things just got a whole lot worse.
I’ll See You In My Dreams playing at the end instead of the usual radio static? Cherry on top of this whole freaking rollercoaster of an episode. Jeez
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night-dazai · 8 months
The Demon Never Died - 2
Dazai X Reader
Synopsis: you are stuck in a room tied up with rapists outside and Dazai has agreed to surrender to save you . Will your kidnappers let you go or not ?
Your head hurt , your hands burned and your whole body felt light but heavy and jelly like “ where am i ?” you thought trying to open your eyes to be blinded by colourful yellow and white lights . Your realised your hands were cuffed with metal handcuffs your legs tied with a soft rope kind of material and you sat in the middle of a bed in a motel kind of room . “M..motel ?” you mumbled to hear a voice , you turned your head in fear to see a tiny computer screen near the door “ she woke up boss “Someone spoke but not to you . You just sat trying to listen but soon the voices became to muffled you could not make out much . Wriggling your hands in those cuffs only hurt you , your brain still fuzzy kept playing all the bad memories Dazai calling you , men breaking into your house. Teras were threatening to spill but not wanting to cry infront of your kidnappers you turned your back to them facing the bed you sobbed crying your lover's name again and again . Its not like you did not have a family, you were brought up by your mom and dad for the past 20 years of your life and when you turned 19 they had to go to the US . You wanted to stay in Japan and thus you did . Meeting Dazai as one of the works of Fukuzawa was accidental but the moment you saw him you knew he could make you fall and you did fall . But what surprised the whole detective agency was that he fell for you too. The director who was your uncle's closest friend had a one-on-one meeting with you asking if you were okay with this , cause everyone knew the dangers around him and anybody in the agency . Why even Dazai tell you ; yet you chose him” why?” “Don't know “ you said making the bandaged man look at you confused “ Bella, I have a lot of past also and that might not be nice for a girl like you “ he said again his playful tone gone it was more like someone trying to order you . Which you hated the most “Dazai , i am not a very normal person also so dont worry i dont care “ . Not convinced he spoke again “ Darling i might to fight , and even it wont happen but ther-” he got cut with you flicking his forehead “ kill, dont care .” you took a sip of your coffee and spoke “ Do you know one thing “ your voice clam and soft and for the first you were opening up to him no opening up to a human , you also had you share of past trauma. “ A female hurt would just want to get out of that place thats what society has taught us , run away , dont make any more mistakes “ his brown orbs stared at you as you proceeded “ but after calming dow. You have no idea how we fell , we would rather have that person who hurt us even killed “ you paused realising how dark you went but little did you know it was nothing compared to how drak he was “ i mean that does mean i want to kill and stuff but if you are with me i can be sure i won't be hurt or harmed so dont worry and even if I am hurt you are here again so comfort me, “ you said opening your arms for a hug . Dazai got into your arms “Bella you are stuck “ he said nuzzling into your neck “he..ehst..stop” you said feeling all weird “ why dear we are couple “ he said looking up at you . “Dazai… “ you cried but now dry on tears decided to stall and make time for him to come and find you “ i am not your gf for no reason “ you mumbled and turned back to face the camera “what to do ?”
Dazai went into the bathroom after watching the video “its been 10 mins go get him “ Ranpo said making the blonde trun at look at him “ let him clam down first “ he said raising his glass. Everyone quietly started at the laptop screen where it played of video of you trying to remove the rope on your leg , they all heard you and saw you and soon the screen changed “ get us Dazai we will let this girl go unharmed like nothing happened but he should come to us alone and with no weapons and he should be tied up “ . The voice that spoke through the black screen was annoying and horse Athushi was fuming and Koyo who has never showed much emotion was fighting back the urge to break the laptop in front of her” is there any ability users with you ?” Tanizaki asked frowning with anger. “We dont , trust we are just normal people who hate him send him to us “ they said once again and before Ranpo could talk “ i will come , one condition i will bring another girl with me , she is not an ability user but she will take y/n from there and i will surrender, “ Dazai said coming into the room . His face had the most unreadable expression. Before everyone could protest Fukuzawa spoke “ he has to go if he wants to save her “ . The other side gave out a horrendous laugh before telling them the location to meet .
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This is how he looks when telling them he agrees to come to the location .
I am sorry guys 😭😭😭I seem to be dragging this longer than I thought .
I will end this in the next part and you guys can wait for a part 4 which will be lovely seggs .
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therealvinelle · 9 months
Do you think there needs to be a minimal amount of venom or a specific concentration of it to turn someone?
My thought was that a single bite is enough to turn an adult and since Twilight vampires don't have fangs that directly inject the venom it must be the little amount of saliva that's on their teeth that does it. So you dont need much but could one vampire spit into a town's water supply and turn a bunch of people that way?
Granted, it'd be a horribly inefficient way of doing it IF it works in the first place (the person needs a cut or other small injury for the venom to enter the bloodstream, no control over who turns and who doesn't, you might end up with 20 newborns at once and have the volturi come after you etc.) but the potential for chaos is so delicious. Also it'd be really funny if that inspired another law: 1. keep the secret 2. no immortal children 3. don't spit into a town's water supply, you nasty people.
Partially answered: less venom injected simply means longer incubation time. This is the case with real life viruses too, and where it entered the body can also impact incubation period.
I think, judging by the fact that this hasn't happened in canon, there are no records of people turning into vampires without being bitten, venom probably doesn't survive very long on its own or when exposed to elements that are not a human.
Carlisle did invent syringes for Breaking Dawn, but we don't know what material those were made of, how long they'd been sitting when Edward used them nor, crucially, if they actually worked. Edward bit Bella everywhere he could manage in addition to using the syringes, it could be the venom in the syringes had already died or lost potency by that time and Bella was turned from the bites alone. Carlisle, who was on a time crunch with limited resources, would not have had an opportunity to test these.
In other words, we know from people only becoming vampires in canon from direct exposure that venom can't survive on its own, and the syringes don't prove that venom could survive under certain conditions because we don't actually know that those syringes were potent.
Fascinating question, anon! Know that there was a lot of virology babble in this post that I had to delete upon remembering I had no idea what I was talking about.
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is there a male and a female dementirs or they're hermaphrodites or how they're actually produces? HOW THEY'RE WORKING? how they're understands wizards? where did they go after ii war?
+is there solitary confinement in Azkaban? are there family ones and then Bella and her husband together? are there separate for the animagi if their condition is known? for werewolves? so many questions
Well, I collected what I could regarding dementor breeding in canon, which, well, it isn't much:
“I thought dementors guard the prisoners in Azkaban,” he said cautiously. “They did,” said Fudge wearily. “But not anymore. They’ve deserted the prison and joined He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I won’t pretend that wasn’t a blow.” “But,” said the Prime Minister, with a sense of dawning horror, “didn’t you tell me they’re the creatures that drain hope and happiness out of people?” “That’s right. And they’re breeding. That’s what’s causing all this mist.”
(HBP, 14)
And in an interview on October 2000, JKR stated this:
One young Canadian boy earlier asked her how Dementers breed. "I was just so pleased that he thought about it and pleased that I had the answer," Rowling told The Canadian Press. "These evil creatures don't, by the way, breed but grow like a fungus where there is decay."
(From here)
Usually, I don't put much stoke in what JKR states outside the books, but specifically in this case, I do agree with her. Her statement regarding how dementors "breed" makes a lot of sense with what is known about them.
Dementors, like Poltergeists and Boggarts, are categorized by the Ministry of Magic as Non-Beings, meaning beings who aren't quite alive and therefore can't truly die. We see it in how Dementors can't be killed but only driven back. They can't be killed because they aren't alive in the first place.
The Pottermore article reiterates it:
Many in authority thought Azkaban an evil place that was best destroyed. Others were afraid of what might happen to the Dementors infesting the building if they deprived them of their home. The creatures were already strong and impossible to kill; many feared a horrible revenge if they took away a habitat where they appeared to thrive. The very walls of the building seemed steeped in misery and pain, and the Dementors were determined to cling to it. Experts who had studied buildings built with and around Dark magic contended that Azkaban might wreak its own revenge upon anybody attempting to destroy it. The fortress was therefore left abandoned for many years, a home to continually breeding Dementors.
(From Pottermore)
They breed where there is misery and they aren't quite alive, therefore whatever their reproduction is like, it isn't the normal way.
So, let's look at what we're told of Ekrizdis, the dark wizard who built Azkaban which encouraged their breeding:
The fortress upon it was originally home to a little-known sorcerer who called himself Ekrizdis. Evidently extremely powerful, but of unknown nationality, Ekrizdis, who is believed to have been insane, was a practitioner of the worst kinds of Dark Arts. Alone in the middle of the ocean, he lured, tortured and killed Muggle sailors, apparently for pleasure, and only when he died, and the concealment charms he had cast faded away, did the Ministry of Magic realise that either island or building existed. Those who entered to investigate refused afterwards to talk of what they had found inside, but the least frightening part of it was that the place was infested with Dementors.
(From Pottermore)
To me, this seems to imply Dementors are attracted to places of pain and misery, something we know from Remus Lupin, as well:
They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them. [...] If it can, the dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself . . . soul-less and evil. You’ll be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life.
(PoA, 187)
Now, Lupin's second statement is a bit misleading, since it simply a dementor's kiss might make you a dementor, but we know that's not how this works, he is speaking in hyperbole here. A dementor's kiss sucks out your soul and leaves a husk behind, but doesn't create a dementor.
The first part is what's more interesting in regard to dementors breeding. They infest places that are hopeless and filled with pain and agony.
Summarising all this together, I think dementors don't breed, per se, they are drawn to places of hopelessness and despair, and these places, in themselves, breed dementors. Dementors are actual dark creatures who function of dark magic — hence, emotion. This means that strong emotions of hopelessness, fear, and pain literally create dementors. They're like the evil version of fairies in them being created out of human emotion.
Once a lot of them are present in one location, they themselves, cause despair and hopelessness in humans around them and like that create more dementors. This is how they breed, they are born from despair, then their presence causes more despair and more dementors are born. Rinse and repeat.
About dementors in general, from what Sirius said it seems they don't really see. They sense human emotions and work according to that:
So, one night when they opened my door to bring food, I slipped past them as a dog. . . . It’s so much harder for them to sense animal emotions that they were confused. . . .
(PoA, 372)
As for how they communicate with wizards, the answer seems to be that they can talk:
“I must go down to the dementors,” said Dumbledore. “I said I would inform them when our search was complete.”
(PoA, 166)
They can be informed of things, they can make deals, they can sorta be reasoned with, at least, they understand English it seems, even if sometimes they like to act like they don't. Considering Fudge and Dumbledore mention talking to the dementors, they likely have a way to talk back and describe their wants. Dementors are sentient and capable of more complex thoughts like revenge, and patience if it means more food later. They understand these things. Though I imagine their voice sounds awful, like nails on a chalkboard inside your skull. Like, I headcanon they more project their voice to your mind rather than properly speak.
Harry mentioned Dementors make sounds:
There was a soft, crackling noise, and a shivering light filled the compartment. Professor Lupin appeared to be holding a handful of flames. They illuminated his tired, gray face, but his eyes looked alert and wary.
(PoA, 83)
My headcanon is that this crackling is how they speak aloud to each other, but they do the projecting their words thing I mentioned earlier when they want to talk to wizards.
For the second half of the ask, I'm pretty sure the only option in Azkaban is mostly solitary confinement. The cells seem to be only for a single prisoner at a time, they don't have "yard time" or anything like that, so they never leave their cells. Even their food is brought to their cells by Dementors. The only people they seem to have contact with are the other prisoners they can see/hear from their own cell or when the sparse few visitors come by.
Here are a few statements regarding the conditions of Azkaban:
The fortress is set on a tiny island, way out to sea, but they don’t need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they’re all trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought. Most of them go mad within weeks.
(PoA, 188)
I saw the dementors bringing him in, watched them through the bars in my cell door. He can’t have been more than nineteen. They took him into a cell near mine. He was screaming for his mother by nightfall. He went quiet after a few days, though . . . they all went quiet in the end . . . except when they shrieked in their sleep. . . .
(GoF, 528)
But the real solitary confinement is caused by the dementors. Prisoners live inside their own heads, going mad. As illustrated above. It's why Fudge was so surprised by how sane Sirius was:
but I was shocked at how normal Black seemed. He spoke quite rationally to me. It was unnerving. You’d have thought he was merely bored — asked if I’d finished with my newspaper, cool as you please, said he missed doing the crossword. Yes, I was astounded at how little effect the dementors seemed to be having on him
(PoA, 209)
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22ayla19 · 8 months
Summary: You took an oath that even if you die, you will definitely meet in your next life, under the same pomegranate tree where you first met.
Warning: AU, mentions of death (reader died in a past life), reincarnation, angst, tarot reader, clairvoyant.
From the Author: I was able to complete the world quest with Deshret only recently and gods, how mesmerizing it is. I'm very interested in the desert, it's a pity that there is little lore on it.
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To say that I’m not like everyone else, everyone will think that I’m an upstart, posing as a simpleton, but I’m really different from ordinary people. You see, I am a person with an unusual gift, I can see spirits since birth. They say that newborn children and animals are very sensitive to the paranormal, my parents believed in this up to a certain point, until I grew up and began to scare them with the words “Mom, dad, look! There’s Aunt Bella!” Yeah, Aunt Bella, who died in an accident due to the fault of one drunk driving... Mom then almost fainted.
That's pretty much how all the paranormal stuff started with me. I am already 25 and roughly speaking, I have become a local fortune teller, as some call it, which sounds very rude, since I am a clairvoyant and a tarot reader to boot. Of course, I charge for my services, but it happens that sometimes deceased clients come to me, that is, spirits who ask me for help, to finish things or say important words that they did not have time to say during their lifetime. Honestly, I would not pay attention to them, but there was one case when I ignored the spirit and as a result, the daughter of a deceased woman died at the hands of her husband. I still feel guilty for not warning that girl...
Fortunately, today is my day off and I can take a little break from the daily hustle and bustle. I decided to lie in bed and watch Egyxos at the same time. So what? I live alone, no one bosses me around, I can at least be a child alone with myself. Since childhood, I have loved everything connected with Egypt, and I am studying to be a historian and the topic of my diploma is Ancient Egypt, the secrets of the pyramids and pharaohs.
My joyful and exciting mood was ruined by a call from a friend. Still, it would be better to set the “do not disturb” mode...
- Hello, friend!
- What do you want (F/N)? Get to the point, you wouldn’t have called me if it wasn’t very, very “important,- I answered my friend displeasedly. Well, it's true! I told her not to call on my day off, but she again probably asks for a triangle layout for the first men she meets.
- Well, you’re so mean,- she pouted, for sure. - In short, I met two guys here, they’re so nice. One is so tall that...
- I don't care what they look like. Their names and two bottles of cognac at your expense, and I’ll make you a triangle layout - I’m really not interested in her personal life right now. I value (F/N), but she is very amorous and after a couple of betrayals, some scoundrels (which is putting it mildly), she is desperately looking for that very man who will only love her and not get under the skirt of others.
- I guess I’m tired of you with my men, aha-hah... Sorry, Y/N...
- To hell with you. I’ll make a schedule and bring some booze to me next weekend. Agreed?
- Agreed! I'll be waiting for a message from you! Bye bye!
- Where are you going?! Tell me the names of your men! How can I make a schedule for you? - how I love her instant forgetfulness with all my backside.
- Oh, oh! Andrew and John are their names.
I made this triangle layout and purely theoretically, something might work out between her and Andrew, but it depends on both of them, I can only suggest a possible scenario. But John has something dark behind him, so it’s better for a friend not to get too close to him. I wrote the message, and then it’s up to (F/N).
I would like to eat some fruit now, I really want pomegranate or pomegranate juice, but the only option is to leave the house and go buy it, but I’m too lazy. Eh, there’s nowhere to go, maybe I’ll buy myself something else, I’ll go and get ready quickly.
It didn’t take long to get ready, only about 10 minutes, I left my apartment and went towards the supermarket. Already on the spot, I began to look for the fruit I needed. I quickly found it, took the bag and, touching the pomegranate, I had a vision.
Love... such a strong feeling, but at the same time weak. One day my love destroyed the one I loved very much. I don't want... I can't lose you too...
My habib albi, you yourself said that love is a very strong feeling, so let me become your strength, your support in such troubled times.
My Merit...
I want to share my love with you, like I once shared a pomegranate with you. Even though I am destined to die as an ordinary mortal, I will definitely return to you under that pomegranate tree where we met.
The vision disappeared, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. I have experience as a clairvoyant, but for some reason I felt empty and lost after this vision. I didn’t even want to buy pomegranates, but since I came to buy them, I’ll buy them. Although it is interesting that similar visions will continue to appear.
. . .
A month later I went on a little trip. I needed material for my thesis, and I would draw it from the history of Egypt itself. Of course, now it is possible to find the missing information on the Internet, but it is still much better to see all the secrets of Egypt for yourself.
The strangest thing is that when I arrived in Egypt, visions began to torment me. From them I only understood that the king fell in love with a girl who became both strength and weakness for him, but because of the unrest in the country, both she and he died. It’s a sad story, but there’s something left unsaid in it, but I can’t figure out what it is.
Today I have a meeting with an expert who will talk about Heliopolis, one of the oldest and most important cities in Ancient Egypt. The meeting with this expert will be the last, since after this I will have to return home and complete the material for the diploma. It’s sad, because I want to know even more about Egypt, it fascinates with its secrets.
I was supposed to meet with the expert in the park near the museum, but since I arrived earlier than the appointed time, I decided to take a walk to pass the waiting time.
Walking through the park, I noticed a pomegranate tree. It’s strange that it is in such a place, but looking at it, for some reason I remembered a fragment of my visions, where the king met a girl under a pomegranate tree.
I walked up to the tree and began to look at it. An ordinary fruit tree, there is nothing so distinctive, but for some reason it attracts you. It’s as if some unknown force wants to say something, but cannot.
For about 5 minutes I stood and looked straight at the tree that I didn’t even notice how a fruit fell from the tree, but it fell not on the ground, but on my head. I managed to catch the pomegranate in my palm, but my head now hurt from the blow.
- Miss, are you okay?
- Yes, I'm... fine..
Looking at the man who was looking at me worriedly, I felt a surge of joy, happiness, but also bitterness. I felt the same as in my first vision about the Tsar and my favorite, but for some reason it was joy that I felt.
It was at this moment that, out of luck, another vision came to me.
My dear, Merit... I could not protect you, I could not protect my people... My ambitions became the grave of both Nabu Malicath and you. If my sacrifice can cure the plague on my lands, then I will give my life without regret. My only wish is to meet you in the next life under the same grana tree where we met.
- Maybe you should still go to the doctor, miss? - the man became more worried at the sight of my numbness. I couldn’t tell him to his face that I was imagining a moment from the past. They'll take her for a crazy person.
- Everything is fine with me. There’s no need to worry, I’m just tired after several weeks of work - it wasn’t a lie, since I’m really tired, but I won’t tell just anyone about my paranormal powers. Although the words “just anyone” do not quite apply to this situation. It’s difficult to describe in words, because looking at the man in front of me, I felt that I could trust that he was someone I once knew, the feeling of deja vu did not leave me.
- Excuse me, have we never met before? You just seem very familiar to me...
- Oh, it’s unlikely that we’ve ever met, this is the first time I’ve seen you, miss. Perhaps my words will seem absurd, but maybe we met in a past life?
The question itself sounded like a slight flirtation or even a joke, but for some reason, behind the man’s back, I saw a shadow, or rather the image of the king who appeared in my visions. Time seemed to stop, I didn’t hear anyone, as if I had fallen into a trance, but the man’s voice made me realize one important thing.
- I have been waiting for our meeting for a long time, my dear Merit, - an important detail that I have been missing all this time. I was the same Merit from the visions. More precisely, my past life. And the man in front of me is the same man who swore to wait for me in my next life. He is the same king who sacrificed his soul to stop the plague because he could not save the life of his beloved.
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tia-amorosa · 2 months
Sunset Died - Michael & Peter
Trip for two (Part 4)
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The trip is something special for Michael. What he had always experienced with his father, he was now experiencing with Peter. And slowly their hunger started to kick in. "I'm curious to see how this combination tastes. Garlic, paprika and tomato…"/ "Believe me, it tastes fantastic together. And the good thing is, we'll both stink…"/ "hehe, definitely".
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After the first bite, Peter wasn't quite so enthusiastic. "mh…hm, maybe we should have fished somewhere first"/ "And where? All the lakes here have practically been filled in"/ "hmm…"/ "See… Oh man, I miss our beach. We really had a lot of fun there"/ "Yes… And there was good fish"… Even though he wasn't necessarily thrilled with the taste of the roasted vegetables, Peter ate everything anyway, after all, he was hungry too.
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After dinner, Michael didn't want to lie down in the tent straight away. Instead, he lay down on the blanket in front of the tent and looked up at the night sky. Peter joined him a short time later "Are you OK?"/ "mhm. It's so quiet out here. Even though there are no more cars in the city, everything is still somehow… loud."/ "It is. There's hammering, drilling, people are trying to get their houses warm for the winter".
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"Do you think everything will be a bit more normal here again one day? I mean… I've got used to all the walking, it's not wrong that there are no more cars, but… there's just so much missing. In summer it was always nice to be on the beach or at the fairground…"/ "mhm. Now we have to provide entertainment here ourselves".
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"I'm not just talking about entertainment. We used to be able to just go into a store with our pocket money and buy whatever we wanted. A magazine, or lemonade". Peter thought for a moment and smiled. "Or a bag of potato chips, man, that would be great now"/ "hnhn, yes, or cookies…"/ "hehe. No, they should first make sure that we all have a working heating system. You know… I think there's something going on in the background…" Peter's voice became more serious.
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"Do you think…they're deliberately not giving us any help here? It's been almost a year now… They should have asked about us a long time ago. I mean… Three people came back, they found a way back here…"/ "Exactly… Actually, someone from the military or some other aid organization should have turned up here a long time ago".
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"Do you think they've forgotten us? Or think we're all dead?"/ "It's possible. Certainly not forgotten… But you've experienced what happened here yourself. Maybe no one wants to look… but I still have the feeling that someone here knows exactly what's going on."
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"I think … that the Altos know something. I mean… Have they ever helped us in all this time? We kids in particular should have been given better support. I don't know what I would have done if Xander hadn't turned up on our doorstep one day…" Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah, even if he screws up now and then, he takes care of you guys…hmm, do you think he might know something?".
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"I don't know, I don't talk to him about his work and I don't think he would tell me anything. Besides, he's often pretty exhausted when he gets home, so I don't want to bug him…"/"hhh, oh man. ". Peter rubbed his eyes, he'd been up a long time and it was quite late. "Let's go to sleep now, shall we? " / "mhm."
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While Peter and Michael are already in their sleeping bags, Xander is a little surprised that evening. "hm. You do realize that this is my bed, don't you?"/ "I know that. But if Michael's not there, I don't want to sleep alone in the room"/ "ah… OK, then… Shall I read you something again? But the three little pigs are not for the night, that's an explicit instruction from your brother"/"hm, then another story…".
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A children's book, appropriate, but not quite age-appropriate. Bella has long since outgrown the level of knowledge she gains from this book. She knows that herself and she's sure Xander knows that too. But it's something light, something that doesn't strain the mind too much, but also tires you out at some point because of all the colorful pictures. "Well, and that was triangles, circles and lots of other shapes."
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After the girl fell asleep, Xander was in his own thoughts. "I got used to you guys really fast. Maybe… I should go check on her after all? I'm off tomorrow… Finally. And I haven't had a chance to check downstairs to see what's going on. Nick has the key. But a locked door isn't necessarily an obstacle, hnhn. Sleep well, girl".
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover ☺
poses partly by @justanothersimsblog (I don't know if I have chosen the right simblr to mark, unfortunately your Sims 3 Poses download page is not accessible?)…
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panlight · 2 months
Hey, I love your content, I wanted your opinion on Carlisle and Esme rom and seprate story. I feel like they were such significant personalities and SM just put too little of them. Like this dude Carlisle just saved (sort of) 3 people. For a vampire and their main food being humans (ik he's vegetarian) and he just like bit 3 of them without sucking them dry like a caprisun is commendable, and he didn't even get that much of a role or credit. And Esme's kid died as a newborn. Still she took Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett and Bella (Renesmee as her grandkid) as her kids. I don't have kids (definitely too young) but I'm preety sure that that's hard right? Your own newborn is dead and yet you still accept 7 kids who aren't even related to you or yours as your own. They both have not gotten enough credit for what they did or gone through. Plus they both found each other. They deserve a book separately for some credit I think. What's your opinion?
Carlisle was, for sure, the most interesting character for me in the first book and largely part of why I kept reading the series at all. A well-meaning vampire doctor is just delightful and not something I think someone more vampire genre savvy would have done. Also the thing I like about vampires and other monsters is the Tragedy so his backstory as the son of a pastor who was turned on a vampire hunting raid and had to hide and then hated himself and tried to starve was written JUST FOR ME. Perfect, no notes, exactly what I want in a vampire story.
(This is why the happily ever after of BD did nothing for me).
Esme in the books didn't capture my imagination as much since we didn't learn nearly as much about her and she was less central to the action. But learning more about her in SM's comments on the Twilight Lexicon and in the Guide definitely made her more interesting to me. Leaving an abusive relationship is one of the most difficult things people can do let alone in the 1920s, while pregnant. Esme's made of tougher stuff that people give her credit for, and I love that idea that her first husband, though human, was a monster and her second husband, while a vampire, is not.
I know some people find their relationship kind of blah or too vanilla compared to the drama and dysfunction of others, but for me part of the charm IS how relatively 'normal' it is in contrast with the fact that they are immortal vampires. Like if they were just a suburban mom and dad I'd be like, snore, but they are vampires who choose to live like a suburban mom and dad and that's . . . kind of interesting? It's partly the determination to not let being vampires define them, but there's some denial, some melancholy there too. IDK, I think it has the potential to be more interesting that the folks who just see them as 'mom and dad' give them credit for.
As to whether I'd want a book about them . . . IDK. I like the version of them and their story that I have in my head (which is like 95% canon compliant), and worry that SM would mess that up for me.
Fanfiction it is!
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Hiii, how are you?
Do you think that when Kate met Garrett and told her family that he was her partner, how do you think Tanya reacted? I read on a blog once how lost Tanya could have felt, like, now I'm the only one without a partner? What do I do? Do you think she was afraid that what happened to Irina would happen to Kate?
(Note: beautiful author, satisfy my curiosity…, give us a little spoiler for the next chapter 👀👀👀)
Hi, there!
I´m just peachy, thanks for asking. Hope you´re doing great as well? 🤗
Very interesting question indeed! I think her initial reaction was a mix between elation and...dread(?). Like, I think she felt overjoyed at first, so happy that her sister found her other half because she knows what it feels like - longing for something that just doesn´t seem meant to be. I don´t think the sisters (well, Tanya and Kate at least) would ever openly admit it, but I´m pretty sure this fear of having to spend eternity "alone" (without a partner) was often at the forefront of their minds.
Speaking of: I think that´s ultimately what made her snap out of it. Like, once the initial excitement of Kate having found her partner died down, realization (dread) set in: Her sister now had a partner as well, which means she´s the only unmated vampire in her coven.
Where does that leave her?
I´m 100% certain that Tanya felt quite lonely, especially with everything that went down with Irina as well, at that time. Ofc she had her family, and she couldn´t be happier for Kate. But I believe a (not so) small part of her feared that she would be...overlooked, at some point? Kinda? Like, watching everyone around her huddling close with someone, whispering to each other, being each other´s anchor in such trying times-
I just wanna give her the biggest hug and never let go, yknow what I´m saying?? Girl deserves love and happiness too. 😭💔
Then they lost Irina, creating a void that can never be filled again. Her family grieves with her ofc and is there to support her, but I think it´s just not the same as grieving with a partner by your side - someone who understands you on a whole other level. It´s just a different connection, and seeing everyone around her have that connection while she´s just...alone? Man, just thinking about it makes me wanna-
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I don´t think she feared Kate would suffer the same fate though. Laurent and Garrett are entirely different people.
Garrett was smitten with Kate from the moment he saw her. He never once left her side. He endured excrutiating pain to stop her from getting herself killed by the Volturi. He was ready to die for her (and her family). His love is genuine.
Tanya knows all of this because she witnessed it herself. She has no reason to fear for her sister.
Laurent, on the other hand? We don´t know much about his relationship with Irina, but I´m pretty sure he knew the Cullens and the Denalis consider each other "family". That includes Bella. Yet he was absolutely ready to off her and probs wouldn´t have told the Denalis a damn thing. Or he´d have made it look like an "accident", or blame the wolves probs. ("I tried to save her, but they got to her before I could.")
Imo, Laurent has always been a snake. I wouldn´t put it past him to throw Irina under the bus if it meant a situation would work out in his favor. Also, technically, Irina only saw Renesmée (which led to yknow what) because she was on her way to visit the Cullens to make amends for her behavior at the wedding and all that stuff about Laurent in general. So, really:
Laurent has brought the Denalis nothing but pain and suffering, right from the start.
With Garrett? Not happening. Not a chance. He´s a good one, and Tanya knows this.
(Since you asked so nicely: 😘
chapter title: "Home"
chapter "song" (so far): Human Heartbeat
summary (so far): Carmen the Confused Bean
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋🫶
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motherfuckingmaneater · 6 months
Do you think Bellatrix felt protective of Regulus? Have they talked about Sirius and the possibility of her joining them? Bella and Reg's relationship is very underrated
Definitely protective. He was their heir after all. Though I personally like to throw in a little deviation now and again and suggest Bellatrix would've fought for heirship herself (I just feel given the complexity of her character as well as her pride would make her this way, particularly after Sirius leaves) after Sirius leaves and even more when Regulus dies.
I think Sirius is a sore subject for the both of them when he leaves. I personally don't think the brothers were as close as fandom likes to make them out to be. I rather like the idea of Sirius and Bellatrix having more kinship and Regulus and Narcissa having more kinship. I feel like Regulus and Narcissa embody the perfect heir type trope the Black family probably heavily doted on whereas Bellatrix and Sirius who no doubt embody everything Black (physically, in terms of temperament and in magic) are a little more rebellious. I mean...a gryffindor and the first female death eater anyone?
Back to Bellatrix and Reg however; I do appreciate their relationship too. I've said it in my previous post for a similar question but I think Reg is 100% head over heels for Bellatrix, she's everything he looks up to for a long time. I think she is far more confident than he is, far more exceptional with magic, far more perceptive, ultimately embodying everything he desperately wants to embody. She is the ultimate big sister to Reg (and Cissy & Andy).
I think Regulus closes off in talking about Sirius after he leaves because he resonates far more with his mother who is seething burning anger, but I think Bellatrix likely continues talking about Sirius with Orion - even if it is just to discuss what they should do about him. So I doubt they discuss him very much. I can however imagine Regulus overhearing Bellatrix and his father and wanting to talk to her about it when they're alone.
Bellatrix and Regulus are very different in my opinion, but there's no doubt they absolutely adore each other.
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wastingstarsss · 10 months
What's your favorite part/element of Rumple's story arc?
SHSKSHS HOW DO I NARROW IT DOWN??? THERES SO MANY ELEMENTS I LOVE. Okay I’m gonna put this as a few points here.
My top favourite element, the first thing I thought of, is his relentless battle with himself for goodness. He is half and half, half himself and half the dark one. And he’s been this way for centuries, so of course it’s an ongoing battle that’s not easy to drop. He continues to fight it, continues to try to be good, even when he has moments of weakness. He picks himself up again and continues. Whether it’s for Belle or Neal, he doesn’t stop trying to be good. Isn’t that so human of him? Rumple believes himself a coward, but it’s so brave to continue to try to be good when you have a dark curse latched to your soul and the world is seemingly saying “hey, goodness is impossible.”
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My second thought is how STRONG his capacity for love is. He takes the curse of the dark one for it. He battles against the curse because of it. When he becomes the dark one, one of the first things he does is end the ogres war and free all the children. He didn’t have to do that. Baelfire was not on that field, yet he did it anyway. He dies for love. He lives again for love. He continues to fight to keep his loved ones safe, even if that means he risks himself. He spends what, 300 years (?), living alone because of his love for Baelfire, because he’s so determined to find his son. And sure it causes some problems. He loses Belle because it’s either her or his magic, and his magic will lead him to Bae. He causes people to hurt because his capacity for love is so fucking strong, it’s never going to be a mild thing. It’s everything or nothing. He dies TWICE for love. And we can’t forget, before Rum became the dark one he gave what little he had to beggars and took care of his emotionally abusive wife, even when he could barely stand with aid. He crippled himself and ruined his reputation for love. His capacity for love fills him to the brim and I adore it.
Final point is: you mentioned his story arc, and he has many? It twists and turns a LOT. So far I’ve focused on elements but I think my favourite arc (and it’s HARD to pin down) is the bits with him and August in s1. And you might be thinking “Bella, that is a weird fucking choice” but hear me out. With August he faces what he’s feared for so long: that his son hates him enough to try and murder him. And he takes that wholeheartedly, actually goes to therapy for it, and approaches who he thinks is his son and delivers a heartbreakingly emotional speech. And even when he realises August isn’t Bae, after their little dispute, he reunites August with his father cause at the end of the day, Rumple is always going to be papa and he can’t stand to see lost children screaming out for their parents, whether that’s actually screaming out or a haunting look in their eyes. That moment of kindness? In the shop when he invites August in and Marco is there? He didn’t have to do that, but he did it anyway. Why? Because Rumple is a good man. He saw a lost child and it reminded him of his son, and isn’t that the point? Neal is his driving point. He is what makes Rumple good.
(Bonus arcs for your consideration: ALL of Skin Deep, the Neverland arc is hauntingly beautiful. And we get Goldstiltskin. Beauty in s7, oh- and that one moment where Rumple says to Emma “please, he’s my son” in s6 about Gideon. Heart wrenching. When he faces his mother and says the world is dangerous because of villains like her and himself- the tone in his voice and the look on his face!! I die inside. And finally, and this is more of a funny bit than a ‘deep’ bit, but that one scene in Underbrooke where he introduces Milah and Emma to each other always cracks me up.)
@martianbugsbunny thank you so much for the ask!! What are your fave elements in rumples story arcs?
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