#mdzs ask game
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Wangxian goes to horse jail for their crimes against equines.
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least-carpet · 5 months
Maybe a chengxian' meeting post-canon? Platonic or romantic, as you prefer
100 years later, I have given up and concussed Jiang Cheng in the name of love and yunmeng shuangjie reconciliation. You know, if it's not working, give it a smack!
This wasn’t precisely the way that he had imagined this reunion going, reflected Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng lay across his lap, blood smeared dark against his forehead, face illuminated by a streak of moonlight.
Not that he’d imagined seeing Jiang Cheng again. Well—not on purpose—sometimes it crossed his mind, when he saw Jin Ling out of the corner of his eye. Something about the posture was very like Jiang Cheng as a teenager, if a little more brash and impulsive. Jiang Cheng had always been more hesitant in public, aware of the eyes on him.
Anyway, it had occurred to him, mostly against his will, when he saw Jin Ling or he smelled the sword oil Jiang Cheng had favoured (still favoured?) or someone mentioned Lotus Pier. He’d flung it away each time for some future version of him to deal with. Now the future was here, and it sucked.
Wei Wuxian squinted at the ray of moonlight. At least they wouldn’t be suffocated. The section of the cave they were trapped in had at least one opening that went up to the outside world.
They had tracked a very strange yao back to the cave where it lived, him and Lan Zhan and the juniors, and crossed paths with a Jiang team led by Jiang Cheng himself following the same kind of yao. Unfortunately, it seemed that they lived in packs. The resulting fight had gone badly. An over-eager hit from Lan Jingyi had smashed one into the wall, and that had triggered a cave-in, and now Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were alone in the dark together behind an enormous pile of rocks. On top of everything else, Jiang Cheng was unconscious, which Wei Wuxian really did not like.
The only thing he could think of to do was prop Jiang Cheng up in his lap and wait for him to come to. He didn’t know what Jiang Cheng would make of it when he woke up, but Wei Wuxian decided that he would cross that bridge when he came to it.
Jiang Cheng groaned and opened his eyes. “What happened?” he asked.
Wei Wuxian looked down at his face, and winced. Those pupils were not supposed to be different sizes.
“You took a hard hit to the head,” said Wei Wuxian, as cheerfully as he could. “Just stay still, will you? Rescue is on the way!”
He assumed, anyway. Lan Zhan wouldn’t just leave him here. He was very reliable like that.
“Rescue? Why the hell are we being rescued? What did we do this time?” complained Jiang Cheng. Something about his voice tugged at Wei Wuxian. It was less assertive that it usually was, tired, almost—whiny?
“You don’t remember?” said Wei Wuxian. This was bad. This was very bad. “There was a yao. Actually, there were quite a few yaos…”
Jiang Cheng let out a disapproving little huff. Distantly, Wei Wuxian noted that he had made no effort to get up from Wei Wuxian’s lap.
“If we’re late to dinner again, A-jie will be upset,” he mumbled.
Wei Wuxian froze. This was very bad indeed.
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holy--milk · 1 month
for the ship bingo... xisuyao
oh, did you mean the one true JGY ship????
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btw, i can't stress it enough. one of the most important things about xisuyao (to me) is that neither LXC nor SMS want to be in a polycule. in general and especially together. like yeah, they will fuck at least once. they may even enjoy it (but they'll never admit it out loud). but this is not a functional throuple. the only reason they're investing into a bed large enough to fit three adult men is because JGY was getting too stressed out about having to choose one man to stay with and neither of them wants to see him stressed out.
meanwhile, JGY is having the time of his life in the middle of that large bed, sandwiched by two handsome men whose love for him is greater than even their mutual disgust.
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whetstonefires · 5 months
A LA MEME. MDZS, Really nice guy who hates only you, hate at first sight?
It was totally inappropriate for a corpse to be popular.
But there it was: the Ghost General was more well-liked every day. He seemed to spend all his time wandering around rescuing maidens from monsters and lifting wagons off of old men. In a few years he'd be a hero of the people.
Even the cultivation world didn't expect harm from him anymore. Most of Jin Ling's peers addressed the corpse as qianbei; Jin Ling didn't, but he seemed to get on with him well enough.
Jiang Cheng hadn't actually said out loud, when he saw Wen Qionglin parting ways with Sect Leader Jin with an exchange of polite salutes, he killed your father, but he'd looked it. Jin Ling, fluent in Jiang Cheng's expressions, sighed.
"It was an accident," he said. "And he's apologized. And, you know, uncle, he was held prisoner by Jin Sect almost my entire life, you can't say he hasn't paid for it. And..."
And they had killed his whole family. And his older sister.
Jiang Cheng looked away. "Huh."
When Jiang Cheng had made his first, clumsy attempt at mending a little of the gruesome breach between himself and Wei Wuxian, the Ghost General had been there, glaring daggers at him from behind the Yiling Laozu.
It had been more disconcerting than it should have been, and Jiang Cheng had stumbled, interrupted himself, and fallen silent enough times that eventually Wei Wuxian had taken pity on him, reached out, patted him on the arm one time, said, "Good talk, Jiang Cheng," and extricated them both from the situation.
Freed from the burden of conversation, he'd returned Wen Qionglin's glare, and lost. Corpses didn't need to blink.
He didn't want the bastard to like him. Which was just as well since it was out of the question. Jiang Cheng had never for a second in his life liked Wen Qionglin; from the first time he'd laid eyes on him when they were youths he'd interpreted him as a pathetic, burdensome coward, and despised him for it.
Owing the man his life had made it worse--he hadn't even wanted to be saved, and it was Wei Wuxian's stupid horrible charm and habit of interfering where he wasn't wanted that had done it, and like hell had he owed anything, when that person's family had murdered his. (I owe him nothing, he'd told himself once, because Wen Qionglin had been the reason he lost Wei Wuxian.)
Another time, he found himself in both their company and drew apart, letting the Yiling Patriarch and the Ghost General play at being mentors to the youth. Neither of you lived to see twenty-five, he wanted to shout. What do you think you have to teach them?
Even Jin Ling...it made him furious. Furious to glance over and see a corpse's stiff face conveying softness.
Furious to look past the crowd and see Lan Wangji's eyes falling on Wen Qionglin with an unmistakable resentment. And to know that it wasn't the stiff propriety of the Lan Wangji of their youths, objecting to the heresy of that fierce corpse's existence; that it was the look of a petty, jealous man resenting the way Wei Wuxian knocked his shoulder together with the Ghost General's and laughed.
"Where do you get off hating Wen Ning?" he asked the next time he found himself alone with Lan Wangji. It was a stupid thing to ask, but if he let himself think about how they were threshing through the underbrush looking for Wei Wuxian, about the last time they had looked for Wei Wuxian together...
Lan Wangji ignored him.
Jiang Cheng snorted. "Okay. So maybe you don't hate him. But he likes you! He's so deferential it makes me want to puke."
Lan Wangji favored him with the merest hint of a sneer, just enough to show he was listening to Jiang Cheng talk.
"You're disgusting," said Jiang Cheng. "Do you really think he shouldn't have anyone but you in his life? That he's your property?"
Lan Wangji's stride broke. It was a triumph, in a way--Jiang Cheng had never thrown him so badly in all the years they'd known each other.
"Each man judges others by his own heart," said Lan Wangji, thick with contempt, and then he was walking ahead with pointed rapidity, determined to separate from Jiang Cheng, until staying together would have meant chasing after him, and Jiang Cheng turned and went the other way, muttering blackly.
In the end, fittingly, neither of them caught up in time to be of use. Wen Ning, with his homing sense for Wei Wuxian, had shown up out of who the fuck knew where and bailed him out.
Jiang Cheng stumbled upon the haunted spring just in time to see a sodden, bedraggled Wei Wuxian launch himself away from his pet Wen's supportive arm and fling himself against the upright form of Hanguang-jun, which bent around him with a reverent murmur.
Jiang Cheng was already turning away in disgust to head back home, hating that he'd let himself be dragged into this, when he heard Lan Wangji say with careful, solemn deliberation: "Thank you, Wen Qionglin. For taking care of him."
Jiang Cheng glanced back against his will to see the Ghost General saluting deeply, wide-eyed, infinitely humble, his murmur that it was nothing special, Hanguang-jun, nearly drowned out by Wei Wuxian's delighted shouting about how good his Lan Zhan was and how much Wen Ning deserved to be appreciated.
Jiang Cheng walked away.
Wen Qionglin wasn't rude to him. Not in any way you could point at. And he knew full well he'd be making an ass of himself if he tried to pick a verbal fight.
After all, they had killed Wen Qionglin's older sister.
The whole cultivation world had done it, but only Jiang Cheng had done it after Wen Qionglin saved his life. He'd told himself he owed no debt for that, and perhaps he hadn't, but the fact remained: of the two of them, one had been brave and virtuous and earned the loyalty of Wei Wuxian.
And one of them had been pathetic, a coward, a burden.
Jiang Cheng could never look at the man without seeing the look in his dead eyes across the length of Suibian.
Jiang Cheng had never been good at lying to himself, especially if the lie was meant to be comforting. He always tried it anyway. Comforting lies used to sound so true, in Wei Wuxian's mouth; he should never have gotten into the habit of relying on that. To letting that person think Jiang Cheng was someone who needed to be swaddled in falsehoods to give him the strength to bear up under his own duties.
Wen Qionglin was a kind, gentle, courageous dead body, shy and courteous and increasingly appreciated for his virtues, in this strange new world created in the wake of Jin Guanyao's disgrace. And whenever his eyes fell on Jiang Cheng they were cold, hard, flat, contemptuous.
Every time he looked at him Jiang Cheng could nearly hear him thinking, like a cold wind against the back of his neck: I should have left you in that heap of corpses with the rest of your family.
What are you worth, Jiang Wanyin, that so many should be spent in saving you? That Wei Wuxian would drag us all into the shadow of death to make you whole, only for you to turn your face aside when it was me lying there, and let him die for us without lifting a finger?
Selfish, whining coward. If only I had left you there to die.
If only, Jiang Cheng imagined spitting back, anger hot and bracing in his throat. If only! I never asked for any of it! How dare you expect me to repay you!
But Wen Qionglin never spoke any of the words out loud. He only looked, cold dead flat black eyes. A frozen river. Sometimes Jiang Cheng thought that if he lashed out hard enough he would break a hole in the ice, and be devoured whole.
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
Hello, new danmei fan here. I'm really late into danmei, just started last year (so I missed the hype). Just when I confused which blog to follow, I found your blog. Thanks so much for this blog of yours, it really helped me to understand more of the stories. I just finished MDZS, TGCG, SVSSS and now I'm reading 2Ha.
For this ask game, can I ask MDZS or SVSSS?
Before I start reading, many people said that SVSSS is inferior to other MXTX works, after finishing the books, I disagree, because I enjoy them all the same....
I mean, if starting last year is considered "late," then I'm also behind, because I only started reading things a few years ago lmao! But it's never too late when fandoms are still booming (for better or worse). So I see we're finishing out the mxtx novels.
Favorite Character: Wei Wuxian
Favorite Arc: all Drunk Lan Wangji encounters!
Character I Think is Underrated: Lan Wangji, if i have to hear “he’s boring” from people who can’t read one more time…
Character I Think is Overrated: all of the antagonists and villains. Jiang Cheng is not "single mother!jiujiu," he is just a bitchless Wen Chao. Jin Guangyao is not "poor little Meng Yao forced to do things against his will," he is a a calculating murderer who will scheme against, betray, and kill anyone who stands between him and ultimate power. Madam Yu is not a "girlboss" (unless we accept the real meaning of that word, which is a woman who gains power by ingratiating herself into oppressive systems as the female alternative to corrupt male leaders), she is a domestic abuser who made every single person in her family and husband's clan miserable.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Wangxian
Something I Love About the Book: I love the way this book is adamant about good always eventually being rewarded. That even if the outcome of doing good was terrible, that does not make the effort wasted or useless. Lan Wangji protecting Wei Wuxian at Nightless City was worth it even if he was almost killed for it, because it made sure that the yin tiger tally did not end up in the Jin Clan's hands as a completed weapon. Wei Wuxian saving the Wen was worth it even though he was killed for it, because A-Yuan got to live. Wen Qing and Wen Ning saving Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian was worth it even though Jiang Cheng betrayed them in the end, because their clan still got to live through its last descendant. None of their actions were met with immediate rewards, but the larger implications of them led to better outcomes than had they just kept to themselves and the status quo of corruption, as everyone else had.
SVSSS (my favorite of the three 🤗)
Favorite Character: Luo Binghe, hands down
Favorite Arc: Holy Mausoleum Arc, cause y'all (Shen Qingqiu 😒) gonna stop falsey accusing my baby, today!
Character I Think is Underrated: Bing-mei version of Luo Binghe, not because he's "unpopular," per se, but because mainstream fandom's perception of him seems to be that he is just Bing-ge who cries, and this is a complete mischaracterization of his character based on popular fanon. I see too much hate for him in this fandom because of it
Character I Think is Overrated: Shen Jiu. The man was a child abuser and died to one of his victims because he chose to be a child abuser. There is nothing tragic or unfair about that. Leave that man in the ether where he'll hopefully never have a chance to harm another person again.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Bingqiu
Something I Love About the Book: Shen Qingqiu. The man is trying his damndest to do right in what he considers a doomed narrative, but the moment he realizes that his efforts have actually made things worse, he immediately pivots his actions. He never tries to justify himself, deflect from criticism, or misplace responsibility. He has one goal in mind, and that is to make as many people's lives as he possibly can better than what they originally ended up as.
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chengxian for ship bingo pls!!!
Hey bbg 💜❤️
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I think that shipping them because of canon and in spite of canon can and should co-exist. Cause look at those CQL acting choices, the way novel Wei Wuxian tries so hard to not think about him but then goes and subconsciously looks for him in everyone he meets. He tells Jin Ling to stop acting like Jiang Cheng at Yi City, why is that Wei Wuxian? WHY IS THAT??
Anyways I'm insane about them. Which is pretty apparent. I'm not too sure about wanting them to be happy, cause Xiao Zhan and Wang Zhuocheng both look really pretty when they cry so like... 🤷‍♀️. But I'm also not sure if they haven't kissed already, cause you know Wei Wuxian would be the type to say they should kiss "for practice"
THESE BASTARDS ARE SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING!!!!!!! They fit so well together it isn't even funny. They grew up together, they trained together, they slot in together in order to function properly like those cardboard aeroplanes
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It's great
I am also a very big fan of this video
And here's the blank bingo sheet
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xie-lians-cooking · 9 months
Headcanon for Lan Wangji?
He’s named every one of his bunnies and is the only one who can tell them apart.
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panther-os · 1 month
Six Sentence Sunday
tagged by @reconstructwriter
rules: post the last six sentences you wrote
this one's all I've got for something tentatively titled "the river garden"
"What was it?" Jiang Cheng grumbled to himself, scratching at his temple with the hand holding his brush and leaving a smear of ink on his cheekbone. "A-Yuàn, A-Yuǎn, or A-Yuán?"
The sleeping, feverish child he'd only met once - so very briefly - did not respond.
Jiang Cheng sighed and looked down at the list of eleven different characters he'd sketched out. "Fuck it," he decided, circling the one that meant fate, "whatever it was before, it's A-Yuán now. I'll come up with a courtesy name when you're older, one your Xian-gege would approve of - from wherever he's laughing his ass off at me now."
tagging @atohii @mogseltof @noxsoulmate @blackbirds-on-the-marsh
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spriteofmushrooms · 11 months
Chengxian, 17
From this ask meme.
17. things you said that I wish you hadn't
When Wei Wuxian enters the dream, he sees Jiang Cheng immediately. He's seated at a table and fussily arranging dishes. He looks wan. Still, his expression is so open like this; Wei Wuxian can read every thought that crosses his face. His anxious little shidi was so cute.
Next to Jiang Cheng sits a dream of Wei Wuxian. It's his original body, which makes sense. Wei Wuxian rubs his chest as the dream of Wei Wuxian pokes Jiang Cheng. 
"Shidi, we're going to eat the food anyway. Why does it matter if one thing is next to another?"
Jiang Cheng slaps the hand away. "You know a-jie worries about us running a household by ourselves. We have to show her we know how to host."
His dream self laughs. "She likes fussing, so why shouldn't we give her more opportunities?" But he still stands and scrutinizes the arrangement, then declares, "This composition is deeply pleasing. Not only do the colors complement the spatial relationship between all of the elements, but on the whole it presents a harmonious spirit. However, there is one flaw."
Jiang Cheng is looking up at the dream with wide eyes. "What is it?"
The dream plucks a dumpling and pops it into his mouth. "Rogue dumpling."
Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes and turns away, then smiles.
From Wei Wuxian's left, a voice says, "I know it's a dream. You don't have to save me."
Wei Wuxian turns to see the far more splendid version of his shidi that feels so foreign. This Jiang Cheng is sharp, luminescent, and closed. Wei Wuxian's gaze flicks between the two versions. With the original to compare the dream with, the dream is more obviously unwell.
"What's wrong with him?" Wei Wuxian asks.
Jiang Cheng raises an eyebrow. "Nothing. Tell Jin Ling I'll be out soon."
"Do you know how long you've been unconscious?"
"I thought around three shichen, but that seems like too little time for you to be here," Jiang Cheng says, gaze on the tableau.
"Almost two days," Wei Wuxian snaps.
"Shut up," Jiang Cheng says, flicking his robes into ever more perfect alignment. "A-jie is coming."
"Your yang energy is being drained even now. Do you want me to tell your nephew that seeing shijie is more important than seeing him?"
At the table, dream Wei Wuxian says, "A-Cheng, if you don't stop, I'll tell shijie you don't sleep enough."
"Whose fault is that?" dream Jiang Cheng sulks.
Wei Wuxian turns his head in time to see a flash of silver and violet as his dream self cups Jiang Cheng's face, but then his view is obscured by the real Jiang Cheng.
"Get out," Jiang Cheng hisses.
"Gege, not here," dream Jiang Cheng demures.
"I'm wearing Zidian," Wei Wuxian says.
"Then how about here?" his dream self says.
"Why am I wearing Zidian, Jiang Cheng?"
But he never gets an answer; Jiang Cheng pushes him out of the dream and wakes up.
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peridot-tears · 12 days
Fic Writer Q & A!
Tagged by @dragongirlg-fics UwU
How many wips do you have currently?
2 for Lianhua Lou, 3 for Mo Dao Zu Shi.
Lianhua Lou
strings played against his throat, my whumpfic in which FeiHua's escape from Jiao Liqiao goes wrong, and Di Feisheng marries her to ensure the wellbeing of Li Lianhua, who becomes her concubine. Just updated uwu
My unpublished modern AU where Di Feisheng is an MMA fighter cowboy, Li Lianhua is his chiropractor, and Fang Xiaobao is the new sheriff in one of those Chinese towns they built purely for tourism. In this case, it's an Old West theme. Here's a preview.
Mo Dao Zu Shi
My Mo Dao/Percy Jackson crossover where WangXian and friends romp through Camp Half-Blood!
My Wen Xu/Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji AU where Wei Wuxian is adopted by the Wens instead of Jiang Fengmian. I swear I subvert so many jianghu tropes, this could be its own original novel, but here we are lol.
My two-part where Jin Zixuan flees to Lotus Pier and manages to alert the Jiangs in time for the Wang Lingjiao's attack. It's mostly written from Yu Ziyuan's perspective, and it's been a delight.
More Q&A below the cut!
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
Definitely #1 under Mo Dao. It's a huge labor of love, but I'm thinking maybe I thought too big with the plot. It could have just been a fun teenage romp, but then it turned into a drama that handles much larger themes, and the trouble is in being able to tie up all the plotlines I suddenly have.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
Usually when I have two days in a row off of work, so my brain has had at least 24 hours to clear out and think about fun. I go into a pleasant fugue state, meaning I'm focused, but I can occasionally take a five-minute break to chatter about it with my frens or listen to a song. (I'm answering this post while I'm working on fic btw.)
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
Oh nah lol. I sometimes line some chill songs or ballads up in the background or like a Buzzfeed Unsolved marathon for background noise, but sometimes it has the opposite effect where I can't focus at all. So sometimes I just write in complete silence.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
Balls to the waaaaaaall babeeeeeee. Aside from the ones that're born from me chattering with frens. Both my Lianhua Lou fics and #2 under MDZS are from very specific and thorough chats that I screenshotted for reference.
I tag @westiec @theleakypen @kingsandbastardz @tavina-writes @heyholmesletsgo @the-wintry-mizzenmast and whoever else wants to do this, how do I know this many people lol.
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oneeyedoctogod · 2 months
For the "send me an AU and I'll give you 5 fun facts" meme:
MDZS AU where YZY died giving birth to JC. Up to you whether JC survived or died with her.
Send me an AU and I'll give you 5 fun facts!
Surprisingly, not having an abusive mother lets Jiang Cheng grow into a slightly better person! Who would have known not being a victim of abuse would give people less trauma! Wild. He notably gets along better with his father and with Wei Wuxian since there's no one to shout poison into his ears.
Jiang Fengmian still doesn't adopt Wei Wuxian (because Wei Wuxian doesn't want to cast away his parents). There are less rumors about him being Jiang Fengmian's bastard (except in Lanlin Jin but that's because Madam Jin is bitter)
Jiang Yanli is still the best shijie to ever exist, and she is still very (a bit too much even) maternal with both her brother and Wei Wuxian.
Jiang Fengmian doesn't remarry (he already has his heir after all). Rumor is that he's been thoroughly traumatized by his first marriage. At the very least, once the period of mourning is over, he seems happier and more at peace.
When Wang Lingjiao comes into Lotus Pier to get revenge on Wei Wuxian (and to conquer it for the Wen Sect), it's Jiang Fengmian who welcomes her, which makes their dialogue a little less funny* Lotus Pier still falls and Jiang Fengmian still dies (he takes the place of Madam Yu), but without the arrogant and hot-blooded Madam Yu to set things off, more disciples manage to escape and it's not a complete victory for the Wen Sect.
*I'm sorry, but everytime I read the convo between Madam Yu and Wang Lingjiao, I can't help but laugh. Seeing Madam Yu about to explode because a servant dares to criticize her decoration taste is hilarious.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
This new official yi city art from the Japanese audio drama reminds me so much of the essence of your creachers .. personally I think they're taking inspiration from your wonderful fellas
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They're in the recording booth!!!!
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least-carpet · 8 months
If you want, 10, 11, 12, 13! (mdzs)
I answered 10 here, but here are the other ones!
11. What is your most sinful headcanon?
It occurs to me that I don't really know what this means. Like, sexiest? Most violent? Are thoughts sinful?
Once again, I bow to Ms. MXTX. I can't compete. But I guess, off the top of my head, I would say that Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's relationship was Weird. I can accept many expressions of that Weirdness, but as teenagers they should be Weird and Intense about each other in a way that's invisible and quite natural to them and a little strange to other people, not straightforwardly romantic but also not immediately familial. This can run the gamut from "Wei Wuxian climbs into Jiang Cheng's bed whenever he's lonely and wants a cuddle" to "they have wrestling matches where they take turns holding each other down" to skinny-dipping together to "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." If they were teens now, Wei Wuxian would take chewed gum out of Jiang Cheng's mouth to share and not even think about it. He would drunkenly sit in the bathtub at a party and watch Jiang Cheng pee instead of pausing the conversation. (Tell me you have seen some intense teenage friendships without telling me you've seen some intense teenage friendships.)
Oh, and Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, and Nie Huaisang fooled around a little while drunk in the Cloud Recesses. The exact amount/degree is flexible.
12. What is your cutest headcanon?
Jin Ling may not have many friends his age, but that's because there was period where most people in new Jiang Sect were generally not having babies post-war. There just aren't that many kids his age in the sect. But he's doted on by the older disciples, who have contributed in no small way to his spoiling.
13. What is your heart-breakingist headcanon?
Hmm, I'm not sure! How about this: Jin Ling liked Lan Xichen a lot, and—once things slow down a little after the main story—he worries about what happened to him. Not that he can do anything about it, and his seclusion is not even in the top three worst things that have happened lately, but he misses his xiao-shushu's nice friend around Jinlintai quite a bit.
Ask me fandom trash questions!
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holy--milk · 2 months
AU where Suyao is canon
... so like. just the canon?
asdfghjkl okay, on a more serious note:
LXC dies from a qi deviation, his famous last words being "you're actually choosing THAT GUY over me????"
after that, everyone kinda forgets about the whole XY thing. even NMJ. so JGS is no longer pressing JGY to get rid of him in a timely manner, NMJ passes away on his own like a year later than he did in the canon.
with the lan and nie sect being weakened by the loss of their respective leaders, JGS is sure to take over the cultivation world now, right??? WRONG. SMS offs him as a 5th anniversary gift for his beloved. no prostitutes are involved, this is a very ethical murder this time.
oh, and JGY never married QS in this AU because SMS was very open about his feelings from the start and they've been secretly dating since like. a couple of years after the sunshot campaign ended. JGY doesn't know QS is his half-sister since madam jin never felt the need to disclose that information, but they end up having a wholesome friendship!
LWJ absolutely hates their guts but can't do anything about it because "chief cultivator has a shit taste in men" (which is objectively untrue btw) is NOT a valid reason to overthrow someone.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
Okay, but what do ✨YOU✨ think JGY would think about LXC’s flute solo trait? 🤣
I'm experiencing deja vu, anon, because I feel like I have for sure answered an ask about this once before!! but I can't find it, woe etc.
anyway, jgy will patiently sit through as many flute solos as his er-ge feels compelled to perform, both because it is always a joy and a delight for him to listen to lxc play, and also because it's not like anyone else in lxc's life is granting him the space to express his feelings in whatever way makes him feel the most at ease!
like in all seriousness, lxc spends so much of his time and energy across all adaptations of the canon taking care of everyone else around him, and there is exactly one person in his life who makes space to provide him with support (emotional and material), both before and after he actually has the power to do so.
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jgy's love language in the text consistently manifests through gift-giving (e.g., fairy for jin ling, all the presents he gives to huaisang which are tailored specifically to his interests) and acts of service (e.g., protecting and sheltering lan xichen during the war, using his newly acquired influence to secure the funds to rebuild the cloud recesses, as well as [iirc] preventing lwj from facing too much political blowback after wwx's death; literally dropping everything in the middle of hosting a banquet to help huaisang with yet another problem, etc).
so basically, imo, if what lxc needs every so often is to exorcise his own emotional demons through impromptu flute solos, there is no one in his life better equipped to understand why than jgy.
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also for the relation meme, jin ling! Thoughts on jin ling!
Jin Ling and his Jiujiu! 💗
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
This boy may call that man his Jiujiu but we all know that fucker is his dad. Like let's be real. They both love so much and they both express said love in the same way, using anger and passive aggressiveness to show their worry and care. It's adorable. Also the part in book 1 where Jiang Cheng has Wei Wuxian tied up with zidian after catching him and Jin Ling is shown to be 100% able to read Jiang Cheng's facial expressions????? Absolutely love that for them. Jin Ling is said to be lonely, unmanageable in temperament, and dislikes being looked down upon. SOUNDS FAMILIAR, HUH?? I love Jin Ling with all my heart
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