#maybe vbs or nightcord or something
I just realized how obsessed I truly am because my sister’s friend downloaded Sekai and I’m out here writing whole entire paragraphs and sending A TON of clips giving reasons why he should pick WxS even though this isn’t even a choice that matters
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snow-at-twilight · 10 months
Casual Clothing Refs Boards: Nightcord at 25:00!
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With this post, we conclude the casual clothing ref boards series! Kanade's was super fun to put together LOL. Mafuyu actually had a startling lack of art in casual clothes since she's usually in her school uniform, but you know...
And just to reiterate: all of the art in these posts are either from cards or collab/promo art! I created these boards and shared them as a resource for everyone to use! Feel free to reblog/save as reference! I hope they help you in your artistic/writing endeavors!
L/N | MMJ | VBS | WxS | 25-ji
Some notes/personal observations under the cut:
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What do I even say? LOL
She really does only wear her sweats/tracksuit and shorts.
'Faintly Glowing Elpis' actually has her in a slightly different jacket, but it was from a year ago in PjSk timeline so she's seems to have shifted to a different jacket.
She also has one 'formal' outfit, which she wears in 'Determination Ignited' and 'Opening Ceremony Held in the Classroom' - collared white shirt and grey sweater (oversized?).
She also has a black winter coat she wears when it's snowy/chilly out!
Kanade is peak 'what is comfortable and practical' and doesn't futz around with fashion much.
If you (as a creator/artist/writer) want to put her in something beyond what she usually wears, you can probably chalk it up to Ena or Mizuki taking her clothes shopping.
again, usually is wearing her school uniform in card art, but from what we get of her casual attire:
Usually is wearing her 2D live outfit.
blue, white, beige, purple colors. Sometimes black top.
Long skirts or pants, plenty of cozy sweaters/cardigans over button-downs/collared shirts.
Something about her attire screams 'nurse' -> Probably the light/muted colors.
Another character who rarely has short sleeves.
I just want to note she's usually drawing/painting in the long-sleeve print shirt and shorts, but may also wear a hoodie as seen in 'I Want To Capture That Expression'.
Sometimes goes for cardigans.
You can count on her shirts having a collar and some sort of ruffle or soft puff sleeve.
Also has ribbon around her neck or the black choker on her 2D Live.
Skirts enjoyer, you don't really get her in pants.
As for colors, go for white, beige, maybe a black, and also pink!
They have a lot of different ribbons to tie their hair up in!
Wears their 2D Live outfit a lot, but the outfit you first see in 'A Moment of Jest' with the white shirt and black/pink suspenders + skirt is actually something they seem to wear often as well.
Usually has a ribbon/bow around their collar as well, but it's a lot bigger.
Frilly/ruffled dresses and whatnot, but also wears suspender-style too.
Blue, white, pink, and some black.
I think the only piece of art we actually have of them in some form of pants (aside from their middle school 'What Gave Me Courage' card) is their most recent 'You Gotta Come, Or Else I’ll Be Sad' card.
Reminder that Mizuki will buy and alter clothing if it isn't to their tastes.
You can see their closet in 'A Long-Awaited Notification'. Plaid patterns!!
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proseka-headcanons · 7 months
You know how Kohane is a fan of WxS? And there's a popular HC (at least I think it's an HC, feels real to me tbh) that Akito is a MMJ fan? HC: At least one person in each group is a fan of another group.
Ichika loves listening to Nightcord's music, she'll often try to play their songs on her guitar. Saki, an Airi fan, obviously loves MMJ (this grows after that one Valentine's Day where she made chocolates with Airi and Emu). She'll never admit it, but Shiho loves WxS. They make her smile and feel good, and honestly it's nice to see someone who cared for her chasing his dreams. And Honami surprises everyone when she's able to memorize VBS's songs. Both covers and original (Honami busting out the rap for Shanti and the entirety of Machi to the surprise of literally everyone around her).
Minori finds herself visiting PXL more often just to see WxS perform (and okay, maybe she also wants to spend time with them and this is the best time to ask). Haruka listens to Leo/need's music whenever she's working out. Airi does her best to attend as many of VBS's live events as she can. And Shizuku actively listens and waits for Nightcord's music.
Kohane, while obviously a WxS fan, also enjoys listening to Nightcord, especially on days where she feels upset and needs something that will help her cry, rather than cheer her up (because that's what she needs at the moment, a good cry). An has a secret account she uses to watch MMJ stream (she's worried that karma will come after her for all the teasing she's done against Akito, she has no idea the other VBS members already know she has a secret account because they watched her log in). Toya, ever the supportive (adopted) brother, goes to Leo/need's concerts (sometimes even skipping practice to do so). And much like Shiho, Akito will never admit to being a WxS fan (imagine if Tsukasa or Rui found out? What if they pull him up on stage like they've done with Kohane? No thanks... okay, fine, Nene can know. JUST NENE!!... He isn't sure where he stands with Emu knowing.)
Tsukasa jumps from group to group depending on what he's working on, currently he's mainly listening to VBS. Emu will sometimes join a MMJ stream and be one of the most active chatters (sometimes being reported for spam). Rui tends to have Nightcord on in the background as he works. Nene listens to Leo/need and will sometimes ask Ichika if she has the lyrics so she can learn them.
Kanade enjoys MMJ and will listen to any song of theirs that Mizuki has shared (since she tends to get them first), she loves how it makes her feel and she'll often use those feelings towards her own compositions. Mafuyu listens to WxS music, both as a way to, maybe, better understand Emu, and as a way to, maybe, just maybe, better understand her own emotions. They do a good job displaying them, so... Ena refuses to admit she loves VBS. It has nothing to do with Akito or the fact she's the one responsible for her little brother chasing street music. Totally (it is but if she admits it, she'll cry). Mizuki has made several MVs for Leo/need. They sit in a flashdrive she carries around. She loves their music and sometimes hopes to run into one of them (Saki most likely seeing how she's Tsukasa's sister) so she can give them the MVs (hopefully they like them, she was so nervous making them).
In short: they're all friends and supportive of each other, your honor 🥺 trust me 🙏 I know it to be true
OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH also wait rq does anyone remember Tsukasa SCREAMING "LEO/NEEEEED AAAAUIFUFU" because it lives in my head rent free. I love them all being friends and being supportive -🦈
THIS IS SO CUTE AAAAAARJFHDJFHFH I WILL LITERALLY CRY/pos mizuki making leo/need mvs.......... who meets them first who do they get to give the mvs to do they like them i need to knOW /nf - 🎀
as mod rui him liking nightcord should be canon. their songs are perfect background music and also just perfect in general. these are all so cute rhhrgrhrhrhgr biting you /pos — 🎈
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Which college majors you think that prsk charaters will have?there will be future events exploring that part of the future? Some character are easy to know which college major they will have like kohane with photography or with ena are sure that there will be a event where she decides if she wants to go to art university or not.but with others are more insecure, like what type of career outside of being a idol midori will what or what careers the rest of vbs will do????😭😭
i'm assuming that since MMJ moved onto the credit course, they'll do whatever the university equivalent of that is (or just not go to university) since they'll probably get even more idol work once they're adults and have less restrictions on their contracts. as for everyone else, it's hard to guess this far in advance since some characters might change their minds or find something that interests them much later on. but i'll write down some thoughts anyway.
shiho i imagine will do something music related, maybe there's a major where she could just do bass? honami previously mentioned that she wanted to be a caregiver, and even though she's going pro with L/n now I could see her doing something connected to that for university. Saki strikes me as the type of person who'd struggle to pick one, she'd probably find a lot of different courses interesting. I'm not too sure about Ichika, maybe something music related as well?
Like you said, I imagine photography is something that Kohane would take in uni. For Toya, maybe something music related, like composition? It goes well with his character arc, especially considering Walk on and on. As for Akito and An, I'm not so sure. Neither of them get outstanding grades, so I imagine neither of them will do something very academic. Maybe something in music or sports?
Nene and Tsukasa are definitely doing theatre, specifically acting. the question is if they study abroad (they've both noted their desire to travel abroad although we do not know if this applies to university). Rui i imagine will either do some sort of engineering course or technical theatre course if that's something that's available. Emu probably some sort of economics or business course since she's going into the family business and she's got the smarts for it. If not, iirc it's implied her sister does some sort of childcare course (she mentions working with kids in the Lion Dance New Year event), so maybe something like that.
Niigo is the biggest question of if they'll go to university. If they do, I think Ena will do art, but that's a more obvious one. Mafuyu, if she's in a fit enough state by this point, I reckon will do nursing. She's been realising that it was her dream before her mother trampled it now, but we'll see how things go. With Kanade, it depends on if she's in a fit state again. If not she'll probably continue with online school (i think this is more likely tbh but we'll see how things play out). Music composition for her obviously. Mizuki doesn't have the best track record with school, but I imagine they'll do fashion like their sister. Maybe even the same school, but that would require them to go abroad (they have Nightcord though).
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tdlosk-concepts · 9 months
if there was a saiki k x proseka crossover, i think these would be the units.
some characters do not have comparisons; and before i dive in, i would like to tell you why. there are simply not enough characters in the disastrous life of saiki k. you may think, "but there are most definitely over twenty characters," and while you would be correct, i am only using pk academy students, and furthermore, virtually only main characters. i highly encourage you to enjoy thinking of either your ocs or the proseka characters being in the group, because i am very aware that without these characters, the story would not be possible!
there were three tdlosk characters i wanted to include, but could not. these are mera, hairo, and arisu. i just couldn't make them fit anywhere, i apologize. i felt like untrained reverse-hermit mizuki every time i had to type out that no character could fit properly into a slot.
be warned, i go on paragraph-long rants in here. like, almost an essay about teruhashi. actually, my vbs rant is very long overall, composed of like two essays. enjoy!
L/N; Nendou(Ichika), Chiyo(Honami), Reita(Saki), and Saiko(Shiho). Most of these are the OGs, and I could see them doing a school band. Don't ask why I thought Saiko belonged here, I hink he would be cute in a school band setting. Or maybe I'm biased. And I think Nendou would play the role of "getting the group back together," and if that makes Nendou play Ichika, so be it. Reita would play the role of "sickly little guy," and also the one ti set everything in motion, so that makes him the Saki of the group! I think Chiyo as Honami explains itself, but it's mostly because I think of Chiyo as having sweetheart/caretaker vibes. Saiko as Shiho, however, seems like an odd comparison. To simplify down so that I'm not blubbering about it nonsensically, they are both relatively tsundere, and while they do want a friend group, they tend to act like they don't need or want it.
MMJ; Suzumiya(Minori) and Makoto(Shizuku). Nobody could possibly fit into the role of Airi or Haruka, and sadly, they both had to be forcefully excluded, and I apologize. Now, onto the hard conclusions I drew and stretching I did. Fair warning, MORE MORE JUMP! is my least favorite unit. I haven't read its main story, and I know next to nothing about the members. However, from what I can tell, Minori, while clumsy and unlucky, has the spirit to do great things. That, I would compare to Suzumiya after her guardian spirit is rehabilitated. While not setting of explosions every other minute, she's still naturally clumsy, and she also has rather high spirits despite that. Makoto as Shizuku was a hard task to pull off, and I feel it may be a disgrace to Shizuku's name. However, considering that Makoto is famous within the TDLOSK-universe, I couldn't not put him in MMJ. His placement as Shizuku was only because I view Makoto as relatively tech-illiterate, so that headcanon of mine allowed me to draw at least one connection. I apologize for the weak conclusion.
VBS; Satou(Kohane), Kuboyasu(Akito), and Kokomi(Touya). Sadly, I couldn't think of anyone to compare to An, I apologize. Teruhashi as Touya explains itself, but I think I should explain why I chose it over Teruhashi as Mafuyu. The reason is; Teruhashi would start singing street music out of spite for her brother, like Touya and his father. As far as I have learned in proseka, while Mafuyu did do lyrics as a method of rebelling from her mother, that wasn't the only reason. While Touya did ENJOY singing, it wasn't something he was set on doing until the end of the main story. With Mafuyu, she already wrote music before meeting Kanade and the others, and still made music outside of Nightcord at 25:00, and it was one thing sje was sure she enjoyed. Teruhashi doesn't seem like the type to be set on something unless she was made to realize she enjoyed that thing seriously, and not just as a method of rebelling. In the show, she, sadly, doesn't do much outside of what she thinks will make her seem like the perfect pretty girl, most exemplified when she goes for ramen with Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki, and even though it's disgusting, she thinks that not eating it makes her stuck-up. I relate this more to Touya, instead of Mafuyu, because the one person she doesn't act in front of is Makoto. Mafuyu still acts like she is very in-line with her mother's views most of the time, as exemplified by the fact that even when Mafuyu's mother upsets her, she usually holds her tongue. On the contrary, Touya is shown to correct his father, and show his anger to him, such as when, in the VBS main story, his father states "And to think it was from just one bad influence," to which Touya retorts to "leave Akito out of this," because it wasn't Akito's fault he rebelled. Teruhashi is shown to correct and yell at Makoto when he pisses her off, which lead me to connect her to Touya. Moving on from that, I should explain some if my other examples. Satou as Kohane is a strange one, I know, but it works out in my head. Satou is very ordinary, and that is how he views himself. He has plain ambitions, plain interests, and plain hobbies, much like how I would describe pre-Vivids Kohane. This is including the mild social awkwardness. Satou is shown to be a perfect ambivert, knowing how to navigate a social situation, but not typically starting his own conversations. Even before meeting An, while Kohane did have friends, such as Minori, and she could have full conversations with those friends, she has not, to my knowledge, been shown to have started many conversations before she and An started the Vivids. Satou is shown to have only three friends, as far as I can remember, and never does he start a conversation with them, it's always the friends that start the conversations. I feel like if Satou explored hobbies outside of the regular, he, much like Kohane, would find something that brought him confidence and that he enjoyed doing. Kuboyasu and Akito are relatively self-explanatory, but there is some explaining to be done. Kuboyasu, much like Akito, is self-conscious reguarding how he appears to others, and is VERY focused on getting to what he wants, and where he wants to be in his life. In the same way that Akito wants to surpass RAD WEEKEND, Kuboyasu wants to be a normal highschool boy.
WxS; Kaidou(Tsukasa) and Kuusuke(Rui). A strange duo, I know. HOWEVER. Kaidou has an intense need for attention, making him a perfect candidate to be the equivalent of Tsukasa. Kuusuke as Rui explains itself. I sincerely apologize for having two blank spaces in a unit again, but nobody fully fit.
N25; Saiki(Kanade), Akechi(Mafuyu), Aiura(Ena), and Imu(Mizuki). I feel like I'm vaguely insulting Mizuki by comparing them to Rifuta, but simplifying a character's personality is NOT below me. I think I should start with the weakest connection, that being Akechi as Mafuyu. I chose this over Akechi as Emu, and honestly, I'm not sure that was a good decision. The only reason, and I mean ONLY reason, I chose to compare Akechi to Mafuyu, was because I view Akechi as having had a bad and possibly abusive relationship with his father. It could be me taking a comedy show too seriously, and I won't go too in-depth about the headcanon, because it's not currently important. But anyways, moving on. Saiki as Kanade is very self explanatory, given how they both have wished on multiple occasions to "disappear" or "sleep forever." It's also about Saiki's guilty conscience, relating to Kanade blaming herself for her father's coma. Aiura and Imu as Ena and Mizuki respectively are both very self explanatory.
Please tell me if you have other ideas!!!
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sora227 · 1 year
COOL TAGS IG: Akitoya woooo, Ena tries her best, I hate Shinonome Dad, VBS cool, totally NOT inspired by the new-ish cover uuhhhh TW: emotional abuse, physical abuse (not graphic), depression (oh no), suicidal thoughts?
____________________ fic start! ____________________ “Dude, I’ll see ya later!”
Shinonome Akito waved to his partner, Toya. They were walking home from their practice session, and they arrived at Akito’s house. Toya reached over for a high-five, and the ginger happily slapped it. He turned around, still smiling. Staring at his house, he was feeling good enough not to go inside. I wish…
Akito felt different. No, no, this isn’t like the “I’m not like other people” things. He really isn’t something special. Hell, that’s one of the reasons he hates himself. His voice, his personality… it’s not interesting enough. He’s not good enough for anyone, especially not himself. And his parents, and his sister, his bandmates… that’s it? He’s such a fucking loser.
Back to the point. He doesn’t know what this feeling is, nor does he remember when he started feeling it. It has felt there since forever… but he knows it definitely started this year. A sinking feeling that shatters him from the inside out. It hurts. It hurts a lot. But he keeps on swallowing it, keeping it inside of him. 
Whatever. I mean, the others didn’t seem to mind. Well, maybe Toya did. But he left now.
Holding his breath, he stepped into his home, getting hit with the dull aura in it. He quietly walked around, making sure not to disrupt the one that might be there. Was his father here…? Akito checked the living room, where his dad usually was seen working on a piece. Nope. 
He sighed, untensing. Walking upstairs, he opened the door to his room. Throwing his bag inside it, he decided that he might as well visit his sister, who was probably eating her “breakfast.” He knocked on the door to Ena’s room twice, signaling that it was indeed Akito, and not their parents or something. He heard a groan, before the door clicked open. He stepped back to make space for the pouting Ena.
“Why are you here?” the older one placed her hand on her hip. Her expression was akin to one of annoyance. She was wearing a long sleeved green shirt with exposed shoulders, and black shorts. Her hair was slightly more tangled than usual. Akito was just wearing his school uniform, as today he was too lazy to change for practice. Ena looked Akito up and down, waiting for him to respond. “Well? I don’t have all day.” 
“Um…” Akito opened and closed his mouth. He never was able to like- speak. I mean, no duh he can speak. But it doesn’t feel normal to speak about his problems. It doesn’t usually come out. And if it could, it never would anyways, because of his stupid little ego and his self-deprecation. His problems don’t matter, and people would stare at him in pity… ugh, it sucks just thinking about it. Seriously!
Ena sighed. “Get in.” She seemed to understand… Akito stepped into her room. It was filled with paintings, but other than that, her room looked average. And her bed was messy. He looked at her drawing tablet. It was filled with sketches of some new animation she was working on.
“Which one’s your favorite?” He turned around, spotting Ena. He then proceeded to look around. A flower. Gray clouds. A sunset. A very twisted version of her room. All of them were great, which made him wonder why their father hated them. But the one that caught his eye was one of her bandmates she talks to on Nightcord. He knew all of them. But this one was different… they were all marionette puppets? Oh, he knew that song that they made.
“That one? I know you saw the pv, so maybe that’s why…” Ena pondered upon it. Akito never really needed to speak around Ena, she usually knew what he was thinking. Usually. Sometimes, she gets it wrong, but that normally doesn’t happen. Okay, it happens at least once every week. But still. 
Akito nodded, staring at it. Asahina-san was the one that wrote the lyrics, no? They were dark, but… they felt real. Almost as if Asahina knew how he felt… a little. And Akiyama’s outfits look pretty awesome. It’s Akito’s job to judge people’s outfits, so that compliment is a lot. Yoisaki’s music fit the tone, too. Maybe he should try writing something like that… oh, who is he kidding! He already writes like that. Hey, maybe he should show some of his songs to Ena.
Remembering Ena, he turns around. She was sitting in her chair, drawing. Akito walks over to the corner he usually goes to. He sat there in his sister’s room multiple times before. Usually to escape his dad. He eyed down an empty sketchbook. He hated it.
You see, the two siblings pretty much had switched talents. Akito is naturally talented at art, but enjoys singing more. Meanwhile, Ena has a natural talent for music, but clearly is very passionate about painting and sketching. It’s a curse to both of them. They are stuck in the game of jealousy, because what else could they feel?
Akito kept on staring at the notebook. Might as well… he grabbed a pencil from his pocket and started sketching. If there’s one thing that he and Akiyama agree on, it’s fashion design. Although Akiyama prefers cute outfits, and Shinonome more street-style, they still agree on most things. Hey, maybe he should try drawing something cute and show it to them… they would be happy, although they might invade his personal space…
He starts with an oversized hoodie. Scratch scratch, the pencil lightly rasped the paper. He’s definitely going to add some charms with that. He adds some shorts. Um… what else? Akito isn’t really enjoying this right now. Maybe another day, when his motivation changes. He erases the drawing and starts again.
A regular shirt. The belt is high, and the shorts are short. He adds a little design in the front. Now, what can I do to make it look more unique? Akito looks around. Ena’s curtains are a little ripped. He thinks about that. He could make the shorts slightly ripped, but it would be too basic. Maybe the sleeves? No, too weird. The hems? Make it slightly ripped, it’s unique, and not too weird! Akito smiled, erasing the bottom of the shirt to change it.
He doesn’t remember what happens next, but 4 pages are completed, filled with outfits. He’s a little tired of that, though. Maybe a grayscale image of something? Uh, he doesn’t know… Akito closes his eyes. What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Toya. It’s Toya. Why the fuck did Toya have to appear first? Akito sighs, but goes to draw the bi-colored haired boy anyways. 
Akito doesn’t know how, but the entire page is filled with Toya after seemingly 12 seconds. All. Of. It. Toya smiling, Toya writing, Toya playing some arcade game. Geez, is he that down bad? 
He already knew about his feelings for the other, so it isn’t something new. But the fact that he can draw Toya perfectly simply by thinking about him is a little concerning. 
CRASH. Akito jumped an inch in the air. Instantly looking up, he squints his eyes at the sight. Ena broke a vase, probably pissed over a drawing she made. She was breathing heavily, tears in her eyes. It stopped his creative moment. That might be selfish of him, thinking that, but it’s true. He stomped his foot, clearly angry.
“What’s wrong now? You scared the fuck outta me!” He crosses his arms. Ena looks over at him. She snarled at him. Yup, she’s in those moments again. His dad does, his sister does, and he himself has these times where they… kinda get in their feelings and lash out at whatever is nearby. Definitely not healthy.
“Why are you still here? It’s been a damn hour. Dad hasn’t been here yet, either!” Ena stood up, placing her hand on her hip, “What the hell have you been doing?” Akito rolled his eyes. This bitch… tryna tell me what to do? 
“Stuff. Why is it your business?” Akito scratched the back of his head. How was he going to leave right now? He’ll try but… “Because it’s MY ROOM!” Ena broke a pencil, trying not to break entirely down. Akito got up as well, clutching the sketchbook. She’s really in it, huh?
Upon seeing the sketchbook, Ena’s face scrunched up even more. “Why the FUCK DO YOU HAVE MY SKETCHBOOK?” Her rage practically consumed her whole as she ran towards him, snatching the sketchbook as Akito tensed. “THIS IS MINE, NOT YOURS YOU FUCKER!”
“But-” “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Ena shook Akito, causing him to feel slightly nauseous. “Are you trying to fucking SHIT ON ME?” What? He was pushed onto the wall, causing his shoulder to hurt slightly. He wasn’t shoved that badly, considering the fact that Ena barely ever went outside, but maybe it will leave a bruise.
“I WORKED. SO. FUCKING. HARD TRYING TO DRAW, BUT OUR STUPID FATHER CAN’T EVEN NOTICE THAT.” Ena threw the sketchbook across the room. “AND NOW YOU COME IN WITH YOUR LITTLE TALENTED ASS TO FUCKING TEST ME?” So that’s how she feels? “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” Ena shoved him out the door and slammed it.
He never got to see the sketchbook again.
Akito didn’t come out for dinner after that. He locked himself in his room for the rest of the day, and hoped it would stay that way. The entire time he was practicing, practicing, because he has to get better. Everyone he knows is talented in Vivid Bad Squad except for Akito. He knew that. Even when the other members of the squad told him he was wonderful, they were clearly lying. After all, everyone else says otherwise, right? Even his father tells him how untalented he is…
So, he must keep practicing! Even if his throat starts getting sore, he must. Then, he can catch up to the other members and help them surpass RAD WEEKEND. And if he doesn’t… Well then, he could just leave. He doesn’t want to keep holding them back. Especially Toya.
His voice cracked at one part. No, restart again. He made sure his voice was slightly softer in that part so it wouldn’t kill him. Good. He continued, making sure he hits all the high notes and does the low notes well. But he continued after that. He practiced solely on Fragile. It was a song Akito wrote about his partner. A fuckin’ love song. And yet the taller man still did not take a hint. An just patted his back when that happened.
It hurts knowing that he’s the one that’s stopping them from achieving their dreams.
Eventually, he stopped, only to get a drink of water. A small, tiny break. He chugged it, before checking his phone. Just a message from Kohane talking about the next practice session. He was going to start again, when he heard his door open. “Finally, Akito, you stopped with your racket.” Well, fuck.
He turned around to see his father, the one and only Shinonome Shinei, with his arms crossed. Akito squinted his eyes. “Why are you here?” He said, with a bit too much sass. Oh, he’s screwed. His father shook his head. “I live here, imbecile.” Oh look, now he’s using this tone too! I’m fucking dead, Akito thought.
Akito slammed his water bottle down on the counter. “Okay, but what do you want?” He turned around, trying to hide the fact he was trembling. A sign of weakness. His father sneered. “I was going to remind you again to not do what you call ‘practicing’ after 9 pm, but it seems you finally took my advice for once.” 
He better not notice I’m shaking here, Akito thought. He bit his lip, “So you came to insult me again, but decided against it ‘cause I shut up? How kind of you.” His father tightened his fist, not a good sign. “I’m not insulting you, I’m simply telling the truth. You have no talent singing. You are mediocre at best. There’s no point in chasing dreams that cannot come true.”
Akito’s lips formed a straight line as he gritted his teeth. That old hag- trying to tell me what to do? But the thing is, he wasn’t wrong. Akito wasn’t terrible at singing, no, but he was plain… nothing. He had nothing interesting in his voice, it wasn’t deep and unique like Toya’s, it wasn’t loud and accented like An’s, and it definitely wasn’t high pitched and dramatic like Kohane’s.
He’s good, but not good enough.
But he’s also very, very selfish.
“But can’t you get this in your stupid head for once? I am NOT going to back out of singing! It’s been my dream for so damn long, and I’ve… I’ve worked so hard! I CAN’T JUST BACK OUT NOW! I can’t leave my friends, unlike you I’m not shitty! Well, maybe a little, but I- I just don’t want to! I love music with my heart! And that will NEVER change!”
Shit. He blurted that out. He started mentally listing all the worst possible outcomes that will occur. Why did I do that, why did I do that, why- His father stepped closer to him, causing him to brace in preparation of what will happen next. Oh, he knows damn well what will. 
“You dare speak back to me, boy? I am your father, I know what’s best for you. Singing will just let you down because you’re not talented enough for it. Your drawings are an actual work of art, better than your sister’s! And yet, you still throw away that talent of yours!? Useless child, only good enough to talk back to his parents. Why are you doing this, huh? HUH?”
Akito stood there, dumbfounded. He could hear his father’s breath ringing in his ear. His own was getting faster. His mouth felt stuck together like someone glued it together. “I… I-” He managed to blurb out, his eyes widening even more.
“I what? Are you worthless enough that you got scared? Scared of WHAT? This is your fault, you NEVER listen!” He’s right. He’s right, I am worthless. I don’t know why- His dad. Was just. His hand went up and. 
Akito just closed his eyes, accepting his fate. All he could do was sit and hope it ends soon.
He was gone. It was over. Right? Akito doesn’t know. He “wakes up” crouched on his bed. 
The entire experience was a blur. He doesn’t remember most of it. All he knew was pain, and then he ended up lying against a wall, then his hand hurt, then this, then that… all in tiny fragments. Now he was conscious, and trying to locate his mind.
He was hyperventilating in silence. His chest hurt as it went up, down, up, down. In, out, in, out. Everything was fine! Totally. What happened? He knows his dad came, they had a fight. Then his dad used all his anger out on him, and now he just left. Bye-bye.
Oh, right. He got hurt. Akito searched for any wounds. His face was hurting like a bitch right now, so that must be the main point where his father hurt him. He felt a lump on his cheek, ouch that hurt so much, make it stop make it stop- yup, that definitely needs covering. 
He notices a mark on the wall, and his hand hurts as well. So maybe when he was in that spiraly-state, he punched it…? Nothing new, anyways. He also felt a part of his hair… feel weird. It was more tangled than the rest of his orange locks. He must’ve tugged at it a lot then.
Still nothing new.
Akito, still trembling, scooted over to his phone. He checked notifications again. An posted a  picture of a hamster giving a thumbs-up. He smiled slightly at this. Toya responded with just a “K”. Goddamnit he loves him so much. Akito snapped a close up at his eyes, making sure the wound isn't visible in the picture. He sent it to the group chat.
*Shinonome Akito - BAD DOGS sent an image.*
k bbgs
The first to respond was An, totally falling for it. Akito laughed at the message.
Annie Slammy
shinonome-kun, that scared me a little!
NOT Piano Man
Akito, why did you take a photo of your eyes?
why not?
NOT Piano Man
Can we talk privately?
Akito frowned. Is Toya dealing with his father again?
Looking over at the other unread messages of his, he saw one from Ena
I’m sorry.
Akito ignored it, he can’t deal with that right now. He continued looking at others.
lil’bro, you good?
Seriously? Why now? He sighed, going to him and Toya’s dms.
Shinonome Akito - BAD DOGS
here! what’s up? 
Akito, you’ve been acting strange lately. What’s wrong with you? Right now, I mean?
Well, shit. Akito gulped, trying to think of an excuse. Too much homework? He usually just doesn’t do half of it, so it's not viable. Tired from practicing? He does it too much, but would never admit it. Nervous about a test? Nah. Sister in hospital? Akito doesn’t want to pull a Tsukasa, although his sister was actually in the hospital. Now she’s out. Sick? No thanks.
Toya seemed to notice Akito’s silence, because he responded with a:
I understand you’re not good at expressing your emotions. I just don’t know how to help you, no matter how much I want to.
Akito felt a pang of guilt hit his heart. Ouch. He never thought Toya felt like this. His lips pressed into a line as he thought. Feeling overwhelmed, he was tired of it all, pretending and shit, but he can’t speak about it, so… He just needed some advice.
Shinonome Akito - BAD DOGS
How then?
It took a little while for Toya to respond, leaving Akito feeling worse than before, but when he did, it surprised the ginger a little.
Well, if you can’t just talk to someone head-on-head about it, why don’t you try writing a song?
Huh? Yeah, he’s written plenty of songs before. His head swivels thinking. A lot of people liked Cinema. But sometimes he has to censor half his thoughts. They usually aren’t as bad as they could be, but sometimes he lets a lyric or two slip by. No one seems to care.
Seems. But they probably did care.
Akito texted back.
Shinonome Akito - BAD DOGS
i already do though?
I know, but only when you feel like it’s important enough. Even if you’re simply sad about something, it’s best to write it down at that moment and capture it.
Ouch. That hit like a truck. Toya’s not wrong, though. Akito never really notices his feelings, it’s just practice, practice, practice, Toya, Ena, his dad, Toya, his idiot dad, practice, Ena, Toya, work, Vivid Bad Squad, more practice, Toya, Toya, Toya Toya Toya.
Toya. How does he manage to understand? This could also help him write better songs. More practice. Maybe Toya isn’t wrong. But again, when is he ever wrong? Akito’s heart skips a beat. He’ll take this small, good feeling and cherish it. It’s what he needed.
Shinonome Akito - BAD DOGS
Thanks partner. that helped.
You’re welcome, Akito.
Akito smiled, before shutting off his phone. It was night. It’d be better if he slept, so he might as well go to bed. It’d be better if he slept forever and never woke up, but Toya… Ena wouldn’t forgive herself. He’ll definitely stay a while longer. And he’ll take up on that songwriting idea, too. He shouldn’t let his small, okay enough talent go to waste.
He feels a bit selfish for wanting this slight warmth to stay forever.
How egoist.
Author's note: Holy shit Sora actually posts her emo Akito fanfic??? God damn. I'm so nervous to post this wtf help help throws up sobs pls go well pls go well pls- but thanks for reading!
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junko-jinko · 5 months
Hi!! If you don't mind me asking, what's your favorite commission song and cover song from each prsk group?
oh shit let me dig up the list of commissioned songs
I'm gonna answer mostly based on the songs that are available on EN because I'm not up to date with what songs are on JP. Also this response ended up being pretty long and detailed, hope you don't mind! (putting it under cut for that reason. it is a seriously long answer because I have Thoughts)
Commission songs
Leo/need: Flyaway or Teratera orrrr Voices. These are actually the only l/n comms I even really like. Voices only started to grow on me after hearing the Luka and Shiho cover of it. Writing this answer made me go check out the full version of Teratera for the first time and they really left the best parts out of the game huh. So maybe if I have to pick one it's Teratera.
More More Jump!: Parasol Cider 100000000%! what a banger honestly. Had that stuck in my head for hours on end during the event and did not mind it one bit
Vivid BAD SQUAD: Maybe Ready Steady? I'm a Giga enjoyer and the VBS covers have been pretty nice Hitsuji ga Ippiki is a close second though! If I was including the JP songs then Beyond the Way I forgot about Moodlight. Moonlight is my favourite, the melancholic vibes will always be number one for me (this is in no way foreshadowing for the rest of this list, no way)
Wonderland x Showtime: I am in hell, truly, trying to pick just one and not every single one. Back when I started playing proseka for the first time I really adored Tondemo Wonders and it's still one of my favourites out of all proseka songs along with Potatoes but. This one is definitely between Mr Showtime and Donna Ketsumatsu. The angst of both of these songs, the melancholy!! I think it's gotta be Mr. Showtime though, I prefer the style of music of that song over Donna Ketsumatsu.
25-ji, Nightcord de: Since Kitty is not yet released on EN, this is easy, it's Samsa. I absolutely lose it whenever that song plays anywhere (my friends can testify to me going nuts at a con when a dance group doing N25 dance covers started playing Samsa). Used to listen to this song daily and I even read Metamorphosis thanks to liking the song so much (knowing the plot adds a lot to the song imo). Honestly love almost all of N25 comms though!
VIRTUAL SINGER: I'm including this here just so I have a reason to put ÅMARA on this list. What a banger. Wish I didn't suck at stair notes so bad because I would be playing this on expert all the time otherwise
...I also now reread the ask and realised that you also asked for cover songs... I think picking those is even more difficult than this and since this post is already super long
Cover songs
Leo/need: Ok so. Lost One's Weeping is probably my first favourite vocaloid song ever and I want to put it as my favourite for that reason alone but. Dramaturgy because I am also a huge fan of Eve due to, you might have guessed, the melacholy vibes. Also the Ichika cover of that is very pretty! Lost and Found is also a top contender, somehow I don't yet hate it due to how much it gets spammed by tierers
More More Jump!: This would maybe be Darling Dance except I don't really like the MMJ cover. Same with Vampire. So the answer is Viva Happy (Mitchie M my beloved. Best at tuning Kaito if you ask me)
Vivid BAD SQUAD: I actually like every single one of the cover songs so far on EN. Maybe Bring It On? unsurprisingly Aun no Beats is a close contender lmao. I really like kagepro songs and I'd like to include them here but they did something to the drums in the proseka versions that I don't vibe with at all.
Wonderland x Showtime: I thought I was in hell before... Nonsense Bungaku comes to mind first along with Goodbye Declaration. Honestly I don't think they have a single bad cover... You know what I'm gonna make an exception and use a song that's not on EN yet, I think my fav cover from wxs is Childish War (though they missed a huge fucking opporturnity by not making it a Ena and Akito cover, seriously). That song is like the second or third vocaloid song I ever liked, so it has a special place in my heart, enough so that I'm planning on doing a pair cosplay of the Kagamine twins in it with a friend (also the og MV art is by Miwashiba!! I love their games and art a lot!) I think it's a superb cover, Tsukasa yelling it is very fitting and all that.
25-ji, Nightcord de: Phony, no questions asked. N25 has a ton of great covers but Phony is just Good.
anyways. those are my favourite songs.
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angeltism · 4 months
since you + your beloveds would be 4 people, which prsk group would you guys be? excluding nightcord because i feel like that would be an easy answer
me personally I have no musical talent in terms of instruments so I'd suck at being in a band unless maaaaybe I was a dedicated singer?? and I have no idea if any of them can play instrumence™ either so I'm just gonna cross out L/N for that.
um. me and mary I think would die if we had to do idol choreography and work-outs and stuff. I have faith in Rook and pretty sure Ivette wouldn't Totally Die either but that's only half of us. so. no more jump :(
vbs COULD maybe be?? a thing??? maybe??? the anxiety of performing in front of others and competitively would be Very Scary however performing in front of others applies pretty generally so I'd kinda just have to Get Over That at some point I think. or else I'd be in like. no group. heart. so. maybe???
wondershow could aaaalso maaaaaybe work but performing on a stage and having to dance around and stuff, again, would probably kill me (and mary too most likely) but it at least seems less severe than being a literal idol or something, y'know? it could be fun. this just made me associate all of us to a wondershow character actually that's funny.
in terms of what's least likely to Kill us, either physically with exercise overload or having to learn how to play an entire instrument (I'll never look at a trombone the same after my mandatory music class), vbs seems the most fitting, in second place would be wxs probably
but I mean, yeah, the obvious choice is niigo, but this was very very interesting and funny to think about so thanks for this :D
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strawberryjamsara · 2 years
Top 5 best and worst PJSekai covers
I’m gonna make this top 10 because I have some strong opinions. No alt vocals, but I WILL be adding VBS archive versions since they are different versions, and it’s my list.
Under a cover because this got long
1 worst: VBS Gimme x Gimme
Gonna start with worst rankings so when this ends it’s on a positive note. The first time Akito and An have a solo song together, and it’s atrocious. An is off key, Akito sounds half asleep, and neither of them are trying to harmonize when they sing together. It sounds like the voice actors just got in separate recording booths and mumbled their way through the song.
1 best: Nightcord Venom
Maybe I’m biased because I love mizuena but I spent the better part of a 4 hour car ride listening to this song which has to count for something. And also, while I have heard comparisons between this and the bandori version, since Rans vocals are much more powerful and distinct, I think Mizuena deserve credit for what they do by making this song a duet. The way the lyrics are split between them is brilliant, giving the song a push and pull feel not present in the original, seen by the front and backing vocals at the “love (pain)” repeating, and each girl shouting “No!” At a different time in the song. And I don’t think their voices are anything to sneeze at either. They’re putting everything into the performance.
2 worst: WXS Love Ka
So there’s one distinct problem everyone has with this cover. “They just took Meikos voice and layered it over Flowers and called it a day.” And yeah. That’s bad. They are selling these covers on albums and that is insulting to expect people to pay for. I’ve heard people say Nightcord should’ve done the cover, but even if they did, that wouldn’t save them from the fact that there’s this glaring issue. But I think the chorus is also pretty dreadful. The gang doesn’t have the same energy as usual, and wow, does it show in how boring, yet pitchy the voices sound. I appreciate them trying to take WXS out of their comfort zone, but why bother if you’re not even gonna tune their virtual singer?
2 best: VBS Dramaturgy
This is superior in every way to the in game version. Akito and Toya’s voice actors put absolutely everything into this, and you can hear it when they start to harmonize and you feel yourself floating out of your seat. Plus, Akito, the guy whose character song is Cinema, and Toya, who kept trying to find his purpose from classical music to street singing a song about trying to find your role through the lens of acting? Why wasn’t this the in game version? Speaking of which…
3 worst: LeoNeed Dramaturgy
Turn on Virtual Singer, or purchase Ichikas solo vocals from the cover shop or you’ll be subjected to the most screechy ear destroying vocals you’ve ever heard. It’s weird because Ichika and Miku’s voices usually work well together (Yes, I know but bear with me here) so why for this cover does it devolve into a screaming mess?
3 best: Nightcord Villain
So giving a song about transgenderism to your transfem coded character AND their friend whose “finding themself”? Okay, I see what you’re doing colopale
Okay but putting readings aside this song is great. I love when Mafuyu is given more intense vocals in songs, especially how it happens more and more overtime. Character development! I also love how powerful their voices sound together, and also while it doesn’t count towards the cover, I love how they get in the face of the camera in the MV. It’s perfect for a song about forcing the world to look at you when you’re reviled.
4 worst: WXS Your Save File Has Vanished
So the in game version of this song? Perfect. Mwah. I love it. I wouldn’t change it. It’s incredible. So of course, the album version changes it. And in my opinion for the worse.
Tsukasa is missing his usual energy and yelling that makes his vocals distinct, while Emu’s lines are handed to a Len that… I’m gonna be honest he sounds out of tune in this version. Him and Rin. And they both have way more real estate in this version of the song so… yaaaaaaaaay.
Just listen to the in game version again.
4 best: WXS Telecaster B Boy
So this is another trans anthem, and while I do think another Mizumafu cover would’ve been great, I think WXS brings an energy to this song that Nightcord couldn’t have. Tsukasa’s charming counting, Len’s joyous voice, the way they have so much fun building to the chorus before letting out every bit of energy in their bodies, it’s such great fun and it is one hell of an ear worm.
5 worst: LeoNeed Roki
So I might get some raised eyebrows for this but here’s the thing. I’ve heard good covers of Roki. In a good cover of Roki you want your two voices to sound distinctive. They’re two different people with a similar vision, and it creates a sound like a conversation and cameraderie. If I were to choose two voices for the song I’d pick Shiho and Saki. Shiho is all about that band life, and Saki is her best friend who’ll follow her and has a distinct sounding voice. But hell, why not get the whole band in? But Leo/Need has this weird rule that only Ichika and Miku can sing and maybe the rest can sing one or two lines (and I have my own argument for why the lead singer argument doesn’t work but I won’t say it here cause that’s its own post). But Ichika and Miku are not distinctive. They are not having a conversation, or different people, they’re just… singing together. Yes it sounds good. But it’s not a good Roki cover.
5 best: More More Jump Melty Land Nightmare
Songs that will make you cry. Not only does this cute idol group pull off a tragic love story with flying colors, but they color code it. Giving meltys lines to Airi and Minori and Blue Girls lines to Shizuku and Haruka is a stroke of genius, and the constant Miku’s repeating of “Welcome To The Melty Land” almost makes her feel like she’s the watcher in this situation. It has such a distinct and beautiful feel, and if anyone dares to tell me that More More Jump isn’t a good band I’m pointing them towards this masterpiece.
6 worst: Nightcord Charles
This might surprise people because I’m such a big fan of Mizuena but… this is not a good cover of Charles. Maybe I’m biased because I heard Bandoris cover first, and Roselia blows it out of the park, but these two don’t put any emotion into what’s supposed to be a song about emotional partings, about not wanting to let go. Hell, I’ve listened to other covers of the song I loved and still don’t like this one, so like… I really think it’s just a bad cover. I’ll cut a little slack since it was early in the games lifespan and these two did later give us Venom but… not a fan.
6 best: WXS Law Evading Rock
Hey I heard you didn’t like Law Evading Rock. Fuck you i fucking hate you.
Jokes aside, this song is just a really good time. The “Whoa oh oh”s, Tsukasa swearing, and Rui just having a good time. The chorus is fun, Tsukasa has his obnoxious in your face vocal style, and the tuning for Len is just right. Though I worry about the poor little kid being exposed to the language in this song. In a song about doing your best to be unfit for society, I like to think Tsukasa is spurring on this number for Rui’s sake.
7 worst: Nightcord Otome Dissection
This was actually the song I downloaded the game for…..
I found other songs. I think the alt vocals are all that make the Sekai version worth saving when Miku sounds utterly devoid of life in this version. I also kinda think the line distribution could’ve been done better. No lines given to characters that make me jump out of my seat and go “HOLY SHIT” and that’s disappointing for a song I’m so enthusiastic over. I kinda think it would’ve worked better as a Mizuena or Kanamafu cover.
7 best: Nightcord Cutlery
Kanade and Mafuyu’s voices are so calming to listen to… even in a song as depressing as this. It creates a bit of a somber mood, listening to the two of them lament on their lives, Kanade asking Mafuyu to stay, Mafuyu asking Kanade to end it. It’s sooooo chilling yet also gorgeous. I also like how Mafuyu is the one who mentions food being pale. A reference to how her sense of taste is gone.
8 worst: Nightcord Aishite
Another Nightcord song? Yes, because I was so excited for Nightcords Aishite, and despite the incredible music video, the singers didn’t really bring their A-Game to this one. With how Mafuyu has been getting more and more bombastic songs like Useewa and Enas loud voice, I was so excited for how they’d be screaming those notes in this song, but they’re pretty quiet in the midst of it, and you don’t want that for this song. You want to get loud and messy, like you’re screaming from the depths of your soul.
8 best: VBS Alter Ego
This has NO right to go as hard as it does. Everyone’s singing together, loudly, proudly, and intensely, and it all adds up to a perfect storm of music that gets stuck in your head like nobody’s business. I love how every member of VBS gets to sing together, and sound good, I can’t put into words why this cover is good but… man. It’s good.
9 worst: WXS KING
I don’t have anything to say other than it’s inferior to the original and the bandori version is better
9 best: More More Jump Shoujo Rei
Another MMJ singing a tragedy song, and wow do they do this one great. Haruka and Shizuku’s calming melodic voices as they wistfully recount their tragedy, and ask for a way to avert it… might be a parallel to how this sort of thing happens in real life. People can seem fine on the outside, but you never know what they’re thinking until they step onto the track. It’s so pretty to listen to but so heartbreaking and melancholic at the same time.
10 worst: LeoNeed Kagerou Daze
Just turn on alt vocals or Virtual Singer ANYWAYS
10 best: WXS The Online Gamers Splenchor
I think giving Nene a song about video games is a stroke of genius (they should also give her and Rui Luka’s Little Mermaid but that’s for another day) and also, I think her Emu and Miku are always a good trio. Name one bad song with the three of them. You can’t. The three of them just vibing to a song about the addictive nature of online games is a perfect song, especially with the video games event.
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Project sekai wishlist
YumeYume - perfect mmj song, I love how Miku is tuned she would sound perfect with MMJ. Sega please let me have a minori alt
Doremifa rondo - again, love Mikus tuning here, I'm conflicted between WXS and MMJ. Probably WXS, but I feel MMJs voices would work better
Reverse rainbow - again. Obviously minoharu duet. They'll probably give them a vocaloid but hoddamit I want a minoharu duet they're so perfect for this
Koneko no payapaya - erm. This really is coming out as a MMJ list huh. So to be fair on myself I think this would be nice for an emunene duet
Sing and smile - I so want a wondershow cover of this song. But would it work better for MMJ? Idk! I just hope they let us have a Len cover like in mirai cuz godddd his tuning there was perfect. But knowing colpal....it def won't happen
Mousou sketch - FINALLY! A SONG THAT ISNT MMJ OR WXS VIBES! this is a leoneed song obviously. Id love for this to be a ichishiho cover, maybe with a honasaki alt. Or just give them solo covers
Tricolor airline - HOW HAS THUS SONG NOT BEEN GIVEN TO MMJ YET??? ITS PERFECT FOR HARUKA. I pray they use Mikus original tuning
Kimi no taion - obvious leoneed song, I feel ichisakis voices would be perfect for this
Hello Mr earthling - I have no clue if I want this as a WXS cover or just a solo Miku song, Mikus original tuning is so good colpal please...
Watashi no jikan - I just rlly like this song, they had solo Len and Rin alts in mirai lmao. It was one of the last songs you can get, id love for them to add it for the vocaloids (please use the mirai Len and Rin solos PLEASE)
Crime and punishment - obvious Nightcord song. I rlly want a kanamafu duet of this
Cat food - I feel like the vibes are perfect for WXS but it's not a priority song for me, it could be good for MMJ too
Yuukei yesterday - we have a kagepro song in game already sooooo. This would be rlly cute for nenekasa imo
Dance of the corpses - PLEASE COLPAL. LET US HAVE MORE KIKUO SONGS. I've thought abt this song for wondershow but it definitely fits Nightcord better
Tengoku he ikuo - now HERES a perfect kikuo song for wondershow, I just wanna see emu sing this tbh >w<
This fucked up wonderful world exists for me - TSUKASA ASS SONG PLEASE COLPALLLLL
The girl who sells misfortune - please colpal...give it to mafuyu....
Secret police force - one of my fave songs, it goes to leoneed ofc
Skeleton orchestra and lilia - can't believe I forgot to add the best vocaloid song of all time. Wondershow sweeps this song
It's okay by daijobu p - uhh I just really like this song, no sekai cover just the normal Miku Rin and daijobu p
Okaasan - doesn't rlly work for any of the characters but I'm good with it being a vocaloid only song
Shama - I rlly like miyashita yuus cover of this song I don't think anyone can top it, I also like the original flower version. Both versions bring something different and new from each other I rlly like it. I really wanna say wondershow for this but it'd probably fit VBS better 😒
Pokkan color - I would love to give this to wondershow but I feel like this song is better without a sekai cover
Young girl A - god colpal please. I'm on my knees. I love this song so fucking much you have to. You have to put it in your damn game. I feel like this would be nice for a leoneed cover plus saki solo, she fits alot of these kinds of songs imo but I'm not a saki expert
Disappearence festival - this song is relatively new and by a newer producer but I really like this song (it's a Rin song teehee) I have no idea if it would work for wondershow, I think it should probably stay a vocaloid cover
Mesmerizer - this would be rlly awesome as an emunene cover but i think having it solely for the vocaloids is a good idea
Fear garden - another Rin song, I know it doesn't rlly fit anyone I just really REALLY like this song
Monochrome dream eating baku - fun fact I didn't know this was a vocaloid song cuz I always listened to an osomatsu San voice imitation cover. Anyways easy ruikasa song thank you very much
Idiot - this COULD fit VBS or Nightcord. I listened to this song alot back as a sophomore. It's very mean, maybe mizumafu duet or akito idk, if it was made a sekai cover they're gonna fuck up Mikus tuning so bad 😔
Adolescence - I know we have the 10 yr anniversary cendrillion cover but like. I prefer adolescence.
Anti the euphoric holic - I am very attached to the usuk hetaloid cover I dont think anything can top it but just for the sake of adhering to my middle school self this is going on the list. Ruikasa could fit, or maybe it'd be better as a group WXS cover, hell nightcord could do well here to. I never saw the lyrics cuz that meant having to listen to the original and I just. Haven't done that. Which is funny cuz on the YouTube reupload you can see me asking where I can find the lyrics cuz I wanted to animate the cover 🙈
Gomenne gomenne - okay. This is DEFINITELY not gonna be added to project sekai. But this is why it's called a wishlist. It definitely won't have a sekai cover lol
Triple baka - how hasnt this been added yet??
Popipo - give it to wondershow. A song about vegetable juice with the resident character of hating vegetables is perfect.
You're a useless child - again, another song that probably won't get a sekai cover. Who would even cover it is hard to think abt, it would be a pretty cool saki cover where it just ends up that the singer and the child are both her and she's been berating herself the entire time. Idk!
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something that ive found interesting about pjsk is how not all the characters canonically sing. i have a list, which is:
canonically sing:
- ichika
- mmj
- vbs
- nene
maybe sing??
- the rest of wxs
- at least one of the nightcords
don’t sing:
- the rest of l/n
obviously singing is vbs’s whole deal, and with mmj being idols them singing is important. the other three groups are where things get interesting
starting with leo/need, ichika is the vocalist. (note, i have only read up to same dreams, same colors so some of my info might be wrong). none of the others have been mentioned to sing at all, and seeing as how ichika taking lessons from nene and learning to sing is a huge part of her character, it can be inferred that the other girls don’t sing at all. maybe they do backing vocals?? but i feel like they would have mentioned that.
wxs is weird. because obviously nene sings; her whole deal is that she is a very talented singer, she’s called wxs’s “songstress”, etc. but i feel like singing has never been something brought up for the other three? like i cant recall a show that they put on where anyone besides nene sang. i cant remember if their christmas show was a musical (tho i remember nene singing at the end but idk if there were any other songs) or if the potato ghosts show was one, but i distinctly remember their little mermaid show being just a straight up play, and when nene sang to fill up time space tsukasa mentioned that like “huh theres no singing in this show”. but i think tsukasa has also mentioned singing before? i dunno wxs is weird 😭
and then theres nightcord. nightcord is also so weird. because in their group they all have a job, composer lyricist artist editor. and since there are lyrics to the songs - who is singing them?? like at least one of them has to be a singer?? i guess kanade?? since she has a mic in her room, but none of the nightcords have ever talked about being a vocalist. which i find so odd.
sorry for the super long ask but this has been rotating in my brain for soooo long and i think its fascinating how in a game about music some of the characters don’t canonically sing.
No screenshots because I’m typing this in assembly but I think every character in the game does sing just going off the fact that the game considers Virtual Lives to be canon.
However as you said, how much everyone sings varies by character/group. VBS and MMJ all sing as main vocalists. Niigo all sing but iirc it’s never really discussed how they distribute vocals for their original songs; we know their cover songs though so that may be something to go off. This might be discussed in a card story or something, not sure.
In WxS, Nene is the main singer, but it’s mentioned that Tsukasa sings too, probably because he’s often the lead role (I am star! Dance and sing!). Rui and Emu do sing, but I don’t know how much they do outside of Sekai stuff, I reckon they’re mainly ensemble (especially Rui since he usually only plays smaller roles in their shows anyway since he’s the director).
I remember this one School Sekai area conversation with Honami and Shiho where Shiho suggests that Honami try doing a solo vocal & drum part in a song. Ichika is their vocalist though, the other L/n members just do backup.
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project-sekai-facts · 11 months
Maybe they'll overlap events with world link but you have to choose which event to give points to before a live. Because i think the problem with having two events at once isn't with players having to choose between the two (most people already have to do that when two events they like are in a row) but with the leaderboards overlapping.
Assuming the event bonuses are calculated separately, let's say someone has a team that's 360% (all event 4*s and 2 cards matching unit and attribute) for the wxs event, and worth 0% for the nightcord world link (not including all the stuff with support unit).
The n25 event will get about 20% of the points that the wxs event will, meaning that if T1 for wxs is at 200,000,000 (the current estimated T1 for curtain call on en, as i can't access jp history atm), that same person will have about 40,000,000 for n25, which could put them near T100. And that's with two popular groups together, it would only get worse if you combined l/n or mmj with one of the more popular 3.
So separating the leaderboards by only allowing points to go to one event at a time would prevent this problem. Now of course it's only a matter of time to see if colopal makes a logical choice for once or if world link events are hell.
Actually this reminded me of something anon. I went over it in that 3rd anniversary master post but WLEs do have their own unique event bonus system. It lets you have a team specifically for boosting event bonus (smth that is in most other idol games by default) which can have like 12 cards I think it was on it. None of these cards contribute to your actual score but they will boost the bonus significantly. Which would actually make it WAY easier to grind event points because you can get more from less. So what I’m thinking now is maybe WLEs will be in a separate lobby, like how ranked match has its own lobby and leaderboard.
But also maybe I’m overthinking it. Like obviously the more points for less songs score bonus system is designed because of the fact each chapter of the event only lasts 3 days, so maybe they’ll just shove the support team builder on the event page. But then again the whole more for less would also be useful if you were trying to rank another event at the same time. Not to mention this event having a story that works differently to a normal event story, a unique gacha, probably not having a specific banner character due to the story focusing on every member, and the fact it starts at the time October 3 would probably end on a normal schedule (8pm on Nov 8th)… I dunno maybe this is like its own thing. Clpl please just actually tell us what the fuck is going on.
Whatever happens there will probably be changes made to the event by the time we get to the VBS one.
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