#maybe using humour as a coping mechanism is not actually a good coping mechanism
okay. i know this is an extremely emotion scene but when i saw this i actually stopped crying and burst out laughing because this?
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looks a helluva lot like this
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
can we have a headcannon of y/n (female) thats throwing dark humour around everytime and have 141 + Rudy, Alejandro nd konig react to her lmao 🤣
Can we have that? 💜 Thank you
Girl. Literally me. (I give my coworkers whiplash but they dish it pretty good too lmao)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Might actually get a decent laugh out of him, we’ve all heard his horrendous hilarious jokes, so we all know he can dish it, but can he take it? Depends on the type of humor
If it’s self-depreciating, probably not. Doesn’t really get it? Like he does but he sees you too positively for the humor to click.
Unalive jokes? Definitely not. Hates hearing it from you even if you’re laughing about it, so if you want to make them, you better be cheeky about it (“Head down, sergeant you’ll get spotted.” “Aw sweet, you think so?” You don’t have to be near him or even see him to feel his glare)
Jokes about your traumas? Not super keen on it but if you’re at a point in your life that you feel ok enough to laugh about it, he’s not one to take wind out of your sails (“Damn, this drink hits harder than my dad.” “Sweetheart. Please.”
But if your jokes are similar to his, then your chances of getting a laugh out of him went up exponentially (he thinks he’s so god damn funny and he’s right. king.)
“How do you turn a salad into a Cesar salad?”
“Stab it 23 times.” Soap audibly groaned,
“That’s my girl.”
All in all, you’ll get a deep sigh with pinching the bridge of his nose for every joke you make, and maybe you’ll get a pretty laugh from him (god I bet his laugh is so nice 😭)
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
(laughs nervously) what the fuck?
He’s heard Ghost’s jokes firsthand, so the dark humor isn’t new to him. He might even laugh with you and crack a few of his own
Honestly, as long you’re having a laugh he’s not really that worried (still a little worried tho)
He trusts that if you’re feeling particularly bad about something, you’d talk to him about it and he’s here for that
He kind of enjoys the theatre of it, the dramatic reactions to something so seemingly mundane,
“So when are you gonna take me out?”
“To dinner? We just ate, bonnie.”
“… not what I meant but I love where your heads at.”
“Not in a million years.” He laughs kissing your temple and squeezing you against him
“So you’re saying there’s a chance? It’s just a matter of when, got it. Thanks babe, I owe you”
John Price:
He’s not thrilled about it but he’s worked with Ghost so he’s somewhat built a tolerance
He knows you sometimes use dark humor as a coping mechanism but he’ll tease you saying you should come with a warning label
He’s definitely choked at hearing some of the things come out of your mouth, at least the jokes relating to your own traumas, those always give him whiplash
He finds your situational dark humor much funnier than anything you might say that involves you being harmed, even if it is a joke that’s kind a nightmare scenario for him
Those will definitely get a chuckle out of him, just please stop making jokes about yourself, he loves you a little too much to stomach them
“What does my dad have in common with Nemo?” He refuses to answer, he knows, he fucking knows
“They both can’t be found.”
God damn it, sweetheart
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’ll join you for sure lmao
He’ll see you sparring on the mats with Soap and he sees you land a particularly rough kick that he managed to block
“Damn babe, that was clean. Now do it right here.” He’s pointing at his temple, you laugh and throw your sweaty towel at him
You’re out on recon and you’re making your way towards the targeted area,
“I’d be terrible if I was discovered, sure hope there aren’t any snipers to take me out. That’d be awful.”
Price groaned even as Kyle stifled a chuckle,
“Come on, love, we’re a bit too good to let that happen to you.”
“That’s the real tragedy, honestly.”
“Enough, you two.”
He thinks you’re funny but low key a little worried at how easily the jokes come to you
But if you’re laughing and having a good time, then so is he!
Sometimes you really do say some crazy things and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or to hug you
He likes the jokes that have nothing to do with you much better, you’d be sitting at a briefing in the far corner when you lean in and whisper quietly,
“Köni, what’s red and bad for your teeth?”
“A brick.”
He stifles a laugh and shakes his head, you can see the corners of his eyes crinkle as he tries to hide the smile.
Alejandro Vargas:
Honestly, he kind of gives me the vibe of “telling a joke becomes receiving a lecture”
Like you’ll make a joke and look at him and he’s deadpanned,
“Mi amor, that’s no laughing matter.” And then he goes into a full lecture about why what you said was out of pocket and a little hurtful
It’s not that he doesn’t understand the humor he’s just concerned
But, he prefers the goofier jokes I feel like,
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or at least it does if you throw it hard enough.”
“Mensa.” He pushes your shoulder playfully with a laugh.
Dumb jokes like that get a good laugh out of him, just don’t make them about you please he loves you so much and he will lecture you
Rodolfo Parra:
Mortified in Spanish
“Mi vida, please don’t make those jokes.”
They break his poor little heart :( he loves you so much it makes him sad to hear make such harsh jokes about yourself or even see such awful things
He sighs every time he hears one of your jokes and gives this look 🥺
He doesn’t like that you joke about yourself or the things that have happened to you like that
He understands that humor is sometimes a coping mechanism, but he’d much rather talk through the things you’re joking about
He just cares about you so god damn MUCH
But if they’re nonsensical, then he’ll chuckle quietly,
“You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving.”
“What? Amor you definitely-”
“You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.”
“Dios mío, amor.” He chuckles.
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marsgod · 2 years
the fact that we actually became friend because of ur first matchup event and now u have another one is just >>>>>
so to honour (a previously nonexistent but shhh) tradition imma request again, but this time for genshin instead of twst.
i'd sure hope u know me by now but still (ill help jog ur memory if needed and try describe myself in a diferent way than i usually do too). my mbti is intp im a cat person and i hate getting up early in the morning w every bone of my body. my green flags are that im a good listener, loyal, selfless (when it come to ppl i care abt) and i value honesty. my biggest red flags would be the fact that my top kin is (unfortunately enough) dazai osamu from bsd (idk if u know who that is but hes not someone u wanna relate to even after reading real dazai's books) and the fact that i use humour as a coping mechanism (it does make me extremely funny but still)
im still look the same, except my hair is shorter cuz i had to cut it at the beggining of the school year since my school doesnt allow dyed hair. so no more blue tips :(
my hobbies are literally anything creative from painting to writing (ofc) and my dream date is still smth like stargazing on top of this very specific abandoned building near my house w a picnic if junkfood or visiting all the hole in the wall type places in a city of all dif types (from restaurants to smoll libraries to unknown thrift shops) and holding hand in the public transport to get there.
still u get the ideea.
(also u dont have to do this if u dint want to i wont take it personally or anything)
and again congrats on ur milestone ily dont forget to drink water and eat something! (its 1 am as im writing this i had a history essay to finish lol, but i know its like midday for u so enjoy the rest of ur day im going to sleep now byee)
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╰┈➤ I’d match you with… Thoma!
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Thoma is like.. The ultimate animals person in general, imma be honest, and he’s def gonna take you on cat island dates for lunch and stuff
Maybe camp there if you two get the chance!
He’s slightly concerned at the humor as a coping mechanism, but if it helps you then you’ll receive a slight nod with and small smile
He might snort due to being caught of guard
Thoma writes these little entries just to keep track of when was what, but writing overall isn’t his thing, but lean/lay on top of you while you write and mess with your hair<33
since Thoma generally makes it a point to get to know local residents of wherever he’s at, he learns about any “secret” and hole-in-the-wall places fairly quickly, specifically for food!
Abandoned buildings specifically make Thoma sorta jumpy, but he loves you so he’ll go for you
Thoma will just be incredibly nervous and sweating
Not super into PDA but still likes to hold your hand and. all that<333
Thoma, unfortunately, gets up with the sun, and manages to run into every possible thing while still drowsy
Don’t be surprised if you wake up scared shitless because Thoma just ran straight into a door frame.. Or your desk, or literally anything
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“- And the tabby over there is Mei, she’s an old lady.. Be careful, she’ll scratch you!”
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gwarden123 · 1 year
To talk about something I actually did like, I watched The Long Kiss Goodnight yesterday. It’s got not one, but TWO really big explosions. I’m sure there are modern movies that have practical explosions rather than CG fireballs, but I can’t remember the last time I saw one and it was nice to see. It’s like the undulating rooftop set in Tremors. It’s nice when a movie puts in the effort.
The movie does get a little quippy at times. But this does make the movie a little more fun than what could have easily been quite a dour, Jason Bourne type of movie. Especially since the story is arguably darker than Jason Bourne. The quips also tend to be kept for the more cynical characters. I might be splitting hairs or losing my mind, but it felt like, while the sincere characters could be funny, the cynical characters used humour to put some distance between them and the rest of the world. More of a coping mechanism to deal with everything that they’ve done. I might be reading too much into things, however.
Samuel L. Jackson as Mitch Hennessy is probably the closest thing I’ve seen to a live action Harry Du Bois. Just a very fun dirtbag character. He feels very natural, not tropey or forced like a lot of similar characters might end up feeling. He has good chemistry with Geena Davis as well. He’s just very fun to watch.
The kid has a tendency to suffer from Movie Kid Syndrome, acting more like someone’s idea of a child rather than an actual child. Someone who has never spent much time around children and maybe doesn’t even like them. Thankfully, she does get to act more like an actual person at one or two points when it actually counts. I’m not quite sure I’ve ever seen a child get angry like that at a parent in a movie, definitely not one so young.
The movie does get a little goofy at points, particularly towards the beginning. It sometimes has a somewhat comic book idea of trauma and memory and identity. On the other hand, the movie does later suggest that the protagonist might have been lying about not remembering things, at least some of the time. This does seem to bear out as the movie carries on, but it could also have simply been covering its ass. It mostly doesn’t matter, because the movie is generally entertaining and its logic is suitable for what it is.
I did also quite like the music. It is mostly orchestral, blockbuster spy thriller stuff, but there was at least one point where I noticed the music using the sound of a silencer as a beat in a way that I thought was quite interesting. I’m not a music person, so it’s not my area of expertise. I also quite liked how loving and supportive the love interest was, in a way that you do see with male love interests, but it’s not always a given. And, since I’ve been complaining about endings, the ending of the movie does mirror the opening quite nicely. There’s even a thematic and tonal shift of day to night from the beginning to the end of the movie. Although, it is probably as simple as big explosion looks better at night.
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Assessment 1
TASK 2: Story angles
Lisa Hanawalt - narrative 2
We see teenage Lisa Hanawalt sitting cross legged on her bed (or perhaps in her high school green room?), drawing pad in hand and chewing the end of pencil. She is trying to tell a story/illustrate in a conventional way. Its clear she’s trying to express some complex emotions and feelings (perhaps her anxiety?), and so she tries to make the illustrations and story serious and almost grim to reflect how she feels. 
The camera cuts to a blank screen, the texture suggests that this is a page from her drawing pad. An animated version of Lisa walks into frame. We realise that she’s inside her drawing pad, trying to illustrate the blank world around her. The animation is void of colour and she’s made up of little more than a few scribbles. She’s trying to draw sharp shapes and realistic characters to reflect her serious story, but they keep falling apart into a mess of scribbles and doodles. We see a cloud of doodles form around her, and it grows at every failed attempt as she becomes more and more frustrated with with her work. 
Suddenly we see a pop of colour (maybe a voice?): its a ridiculous anthropomorphic character (perhaps a horse?). she’s full of colour, drawn in a cartoony manner, and full of whimsy (this character represents Lisa’s art style and how she uses vibrancy and humour to tackle complex topics). Around her is a small halo of colour as her bright colours bleed into the bank page. For a brief moment we see the storm cloud of scribbles start to dissipate.
But Lisa rejects this. We see her stretch her doodle hand far across the page and rip it out of the book. She jumps into the new page, pencil in hand, and attempts to regain control of the narrative. But the anthropomorphic character pops up again. We see her try to remove the character a few more times: by erasing her, scribbling over her, etc. 
Now the doodle cloud is completely surrounding her. She hunches down in defeat and begins to cry. As she does the doodle raincloud starts showering her with rain. Off screen we see a bit colour enter the frame and then the feet of our anthro character as she stands above Lisa. She bends down and puts a hand on her shoulder. Lisa is bathed in warm light and colour as her and the character share a smile. The storm cloud begins to dissipate completely, and as Lisa is helped up by her new friend she transforms from the barely held together doodle mess, into a colourful anthropomorphic character herself. And suddenly in front of her we see this surreal, vibrant world full of colour, and its clear she feels more understood here than she ever had from her previous drawings. 
Is is possible to have some sort of monologue/dialogue for this? If so, it would be great to have the anthropomorphic character crack jokes about the story she’s trying to tell or the anxiety she’s feeling, with that being a reference to the comedic way in which Hanawalt approaches complex topics and themes. 
The main things I wanted to discuss in this narrative was Hanawalt’s unique surreal art style, her distinct anthropomorphic characters, and her way of using animals, wacky worlds, and comedy to discuss very serious topics (especially mental health related). I wanted to convey how this style of storytelling is actually very effective for reckoning with complex emotions and how her use of absurdism lends her to truly the most effective storytelling related to mental health that I have ever seen. I also wanted to highlight how animators sometimes take themselves too seriously, and how women especially are not given the same grace in creative spaces to be more funny and absurd than their male counterparts, as well as how Hanawalt wants to change that. 
relevant contextual quote:
“Yeah, I mean, I’m an anxious person. I have a lot of weird coping mechanisms, and I haven’t quite seen that represented in the same way before. So Bertie felt like a good, original character to me, and it’s just fun to plop a character with those issues into different scenarios and see how she reacts.” - Lisa Hanawalt,  Vogue, 'Tuca and Bertie Is Back, and Creator Lisa Hanawalt Is Over the Moon'
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rambing-of-a-fool · 1 year
cw: suicide, suicidal thoughts, mental health, depression, anxiety, swearing
huh. first post. it's a funny thing having a clean slate to do anything with and then getting totally lost on what to actually say. my name is untitled (mainly because i don't want a family member/my counsellor to find this account, see it's by me, and then set me up with a new safety plan.) and i am 18 as of writing this. i live in the south of england and i'm depressed, to be blunt. my counsellor at college said being honest is a sign of getting better because, well, i'm the kind of person to very much avoid talking about how shit i'm feeling and i use humour as a coping mechanism. god, i sound like a depressed comedian. maybe that's a good idea for a future career path. this blog is gonna be me talking about my day (when i remember this exists) and any random thoughts i get. i'll probably also post song recommendations as well and because i don't want this entire blog to be sad, i wanna post the good parts of my life as well. because that is what a realistic look at someone with depression's life is like. not every day is gonna be horrible and make you wanna jump off a cliff. some days are good and some days are shit. and to be honest, the days that are shit are honestly the worst ones. even a mostly good day can come crashing down around you because of one bad thing because, when you're depressed (and if you're autistic like me), those fuck ups and bad parts are like getting punched in the face. i also have an ask me anything set up and a submission so if you have questions, or want to share something, go ahead. - untitled
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jungshookz · 4 years
skate a little piece of my heart; jjk
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; rollerskatinginstructor!jungkook!! sfw!! fluff!! honk honk humour!! jungkook is a very handsome instructor and y/n can’t tell if that’s a bad thing or a good thing
➺ wordcount; 6.3k
➺ summary; your two left feet and complete lack of balance isn’t the only thing that’s making you weak in the knees this valentine’s day. 
➺ what to expect; “rollerskating is already hard enough as it is, and now i have to do it in front of him?!” 
➺ currently spinning on the record player; how deep is your love; bee gees
                                     »»————- 💫  ————-««
“this is so dumb.”
“safety is never dumb, y/n!” taehyung raps his knuckles against the top of your helmet and you scowl before swatting his hand away, “now, where are your kneepads?”
you let out a groan before tilting your head back slowly, your eyes widening in slight panic at the surprisingly hefty weight of the helmet
your arms flail for a second and you immediately reach up to grip both sides of the helmet before forcing your head back up
you nearly snapped your own neck there
of course, snapping your own neck would mean not being able to skate because you’d technically be dead… so maybe that’s not such a bad idea after all…
(by the way, it’s concerning how many times you’ve considered literal death just to get out of doing something.)
“are you going to lift your leg for me or do i have to do everything for you?”
you look down to see taehyung down on the ground in front of you holding one of the knee pads and you frown lightly before lifting your leg and placing your sock-clad foot on his knee
“please tell me this is the last of the safety gear…” you whine, “tae, i literally look so dorky right now- no one else is wearing helmets or knee and elbow pads!” you gesture to seokjin and namjoon who are busy putting on their skates over on the other bench before scoffing lightly and crossing your arms 
if namjoon (arguably the klutziest one out of this group of people) isn’t even wearing a helmet, then what does that say about you??
you’ve seen him trip over nothing and scrape both his knees so why are you the only one wearing all of this junk?!
“i took you ice-skating over christmas and you fell flat on your ass more times than i could count, and you insisted that you didn’t need any safety equipment even though it was alarmingly clear that you did. i basically spent two hours making sure you didn’t die-” taehyung looks up at you with a raised brow, “do you want to fall and split your skull open in front of everyone?”
“if it means not having to gear up in all this dorkware- then, yes. i would love to have my brains splat across the rink in front of everyone. in fact, that would probably be less embarrassing-” you grumble, flinching slightly as taehyung suddenly yanks hard to tighten up your laces, “i’m an adult, taehyung! grown-ups don’t need to wear all of this!” 
“grown-ups don’t throw tantrums either, but here you are…” taehyung mutters under his breath, putting your foot down before giving your knee a slap, “perfect! we’re good to go!”
“yeah, yeah…” you reach under to scratch at your elbow only to feel your nails scrape against the smooth surface of the plastic protection shell and you resist the urge to rip it off out of frustration
taehyung decided that it’d be a great idea to bring everyone to a rollerskating rink for valentine’s day this year instead of… letting people go out to intimate dinners and celebrate on their own… because, quote, ‘i just want all of us to spend more time together, and what better day to do that then on valentine’s day?? …ooh, we should call it pal-entine’s day. ha! get it?? because we’re all pals-’
(he was dumped recently, so everyone’s kind of letting him run the ship for now. …basically, no one can say no to taehyung unless they want to see him burst into tears. he’s still in a very delicate state.)
but, honestly… a rollerskating rink!
out of all the places to go to!
you already have two left feet, so forcing said left feet into shoes with wheels is a horrible idea
“i think it’d be best if i just sat back and watched you guys!” you try for the umpteenth time to get taehyung to let you off the hook, “plus, they sell chilli dogs here and they actually smell really good and i kind of want to order one for myself even though it might end in me having to get my stomach pumped-” you gesture back towards the refreshments counter and taehyung shakes his head before sticking his hand out for you
“there’s plenty of time for you to scarf down a rubbery hotdog later- now, c’mon-”
“i don’t even know how to skate!”
“that’s fine, you’ll learn! it’ll be like riding a bicycle except you are the bicycle-”
“you know, i’m just going to be complaining the whole time, and it’s going to ruin your time here. honestly, tae, why am i here??”
“because i’m not emotionally stable enough to spend valentine’s day alone yet and i need to surround myself with as many people as possible otherwise i’m going to be alone with my thoughts and i’m going to spiral!” taehyung’s voice cracks as he snaps at you and you immediately press your lips together and avert your gaze, trying to ignore the weird glances the two of you are getting from the strangers around you
“okay, well-” you push yourself up off the bench before wobbling slightly and reaching over to grab onto taehyung’s arm for stability, “i don’t know about you, but i’m most certainly ready to tear up that rink!”
“perfect!” taehyung chirps, quickly reverting back to his ‘everything is fine and i’m definitely not dying on the inside’ state, “and don’t worry. rollerskating is much easier than ice-skating, so there’s less of a chance of you potentially embarrassing yourself here-” taehyung gives your hand a pat as the two of you shuffle your way towards the entrance gate, “trust me, you’ll get the hang of it as soon as you start!”
“you saw me on ice…” you snort, your knees already wobbling as you take your first step into the rink, “i really don’t think i’m going to be any better on wood-”
“well, lucky for you…” taehyung lets go of you and you immediately cling to the railing in panic, “i went ahead i hired an instructor for you!”
you frown as you pull one hand away and rub your fingers together 
god, why are the railings so sticky-
“you- woah, hold on a second-” you look up and over at taehyung with wide eyes when you finally catch on to what he just said, “i’m sorry, you did what?”
“what? i can’t stay by your side and watch you all night.” he shrugs, placing his hands on his hips as he stands in front of you, “we were moving so slowly on the ice that i was sure it was starting to melt underneath our skates-”
“you just told me you don’t want to be alone and now you’re handing me off to someone else instead of spending time with me??” you frown, manoeuvring your stance so that both your hands are gripping onto the railing behind your bum, “why force me to skate if you’re not doing it with me?”
“i mean, i obviously want to spend time with you, but i also don’t want to be skating, like, one mile an hour-” taehyung snorts, “i’m forcing you to skate so that one day, we can skate together without me having to worry about you slipping and sliding all over the place like a baby giraffe!”
“well, why can’t you teach me instead of paying for someone else to do it?”
a brief moment of silence passes as taehyung rolls over to get you to release your iron grip from the bars
“…because teaching you how to skate instead of actually spending time skating sounded really boring-” he mutters quickly, your eyes widening as you turn to look at him
“also-” he cuts you off, placing his hands on your hips from behind as he starts to roll you forwards slowly (though, you haven’t noticed this yet because you’re still focused on the fact that he didn’t want to teach you - you’re a great student!!), “there was a girl who kept smiling at me when i was strapping you up in all your gear, and i need to find out if i still have game or not-”
“this sounds more like you’re trying to fill the empty void inside of you with meaningless sex, which, by the way, isn’t a very healthy coping mechanism-” 
“i will fill this empty void inside of me in whichever way i want, thank you very much-” taehyung snorts, shaking his head, “plus, it’s too late to back out because the policy states that they don’t take refunds and he’s already here-”
“wait, what??” you immediately look back to the front, the fact that you are being rolled towards someone now sinking into your brain, “who- oh my god, stop rolling me-!”
taehyung’s fingers dig into your hips as he comes to a sudden halt, “what??”
“spin me around.” 
taehyung blinks before slowly turning you around so that you’re facing him and you pray to god that you don’t look like some kind of rotating rotisserie chicken right now  
you open your mouth to speak when you finally see taehyung’s face again but he continues to spin you slowly so that you end up in the same position you were in a second ago
“for god’s sake, taehyung- spin me around so i’m looking at you, you moron-”
“ohh, okay, i thought you just wanted to spin you around for fun-”
“why would i want you to spin me around for f- okay, that’s not important right now-” you shake your head, “i just want to say that the only reason why i’m doing this is because you kind of sprung this on me last minute and i don’t want to inconvenience anyone, but just know that you now owe me big time- now, spin me back around and wheel me to whoever i’m going to be stuck with for the next couple of hours.”
“noted!” taehyung chirps as he rolls you back so you’re facing the front, “he’s right over there by the other entrance- the guy in the yellow-” your eyes flit around until they land on the guy in the yellow and you immediately feel your heart starting to beat a little harder in your chest at the sight of the guy in the yellow, “his name’s jungkook, he has a shining five-star rating, he’s a wonderful teacher according to all the parents whose kids he’s taught- i’m pretty sure you’re his oldest student so don’t embarrass yourself-”
you feel your mouth go dry when jungkook reaches down to adjust the bottom of his tied button-up shirt before opening the sides of it a little more to show off his chest
he reaches up to twirl a loose tendril of hair around his finger before gently pushing it back and running his hand through his hair, poking his tongue against the inside of his cheek briefly 
oh no
oh, no
he’s attractive
he’s very, very attractive
“tae.” you keep a polite smile on your face as you slink your right arm behind you to attempt to blindly punch him in the gut, “why didn’t you tell me that the instructor was cute?”
“oh, i’m sorry.” taehyung responds sarcastically, “i didn’t think attractiveness was an important factor when considering an instructor.”
“well, it is when the instructor looks like that-” you feel your cheeks warm when jungkook smiles brightly at the two of you before waving enthusiastically, “rollerskating is already hard enough as it is, and now i have to do it in front of him?!”
“i don’t know what there is to freak out about. the guy’s handsome- so what?” taehyung waves back at jungkook before giving your hips a playful squeeze, “if anything, you should see this as a bonus - you get some eye-candy while you learn!”
“okay, well, don’t make me sound pervy-”
“not to mention, he’s your age! so it’ll be like you’re just hanging out with a friend-”
“a friend?! taehyung, i’m wearing overalls, my hair is in pigtails, and all this protective gear that you shoved me in makes me look like an eight year old-!” you gasp when you feel yourself suddenly bump into something hard and taehyung quickly loops his arm around your waist to keep you from toppling over
it’s a second later that you realize the something hard that you bumped into was jungkook’s obviously broad chest, so obviously this rollerskating lesson is already off to a fantastic start 
“woah, you got it?” jungkook holds both his hands out in case you fall over and you let out a nervous chuckle before reaching up to push your helmet up slightly
“i’m fine!” your voice cracks and you clear your throat quickly, “…hello.”
“hi! it’s nice to meet you- y/n, right?” jungkook sticks his hand out for you to shake and you smile nervously before reaching out to take it, “my name’s jungkook! i’m super excited for today. we’re going to have a lot of fun together.”
you don’t know if it’s just because he’s clearly one of those fun and overly friendly! instructors or if he’s just naturally bubbly but he’s talking to you like you’re a child
(you probably could’ve ditched the pigtails today.) 
“okay, i’m going to go off now so let me just hand y/n over to you-” taehyung arm slips from your waist before he gently rolls you towards jungkook, “you two have fun!”
your hands immediately slap down on the railings right as you feel yourself about you slip and you let out a breath of relief
that was a close call
“we will!” jungkook smiles, waving at taehyung as he skates off, “you enjoy yourself out there!”
you watch helplessly as taehyung skates away, jungkook turning back to look at you with a (very handsome) smile
you feel your heart skip a beat once again and you immediately curse in your head 
…you’re screwed.
                                    »»————- 💫  ————-««
“because of the balance and control required, it’ll take a little bit of getting used to- but once you get the hang out it, rollerskating is super fun!” jungkook reaches out so you can take his hand, “do you wanna let go of the bar for me?”
there are a lot of things you’d like to do for jungkook but letting go of the railing and potentially falling in front of him is most definitely not one of them
“you know, i think i’m good!” you chuckle, your knuckles practically going white at how tightly you’re gripping onto the railing, “why don’t you just keep talking while i… you know, get used to the feeling of just standing while wearing skates?”
“okay, if that’s what you’re comfortable with, that’s what we can do. let’s see… ah!” jungkook perks up, clapping his hands together before gesturing down to his own feet, “so, you’re gonna wanna keep your feet shoulder-width apart. can you do that for me?”
you look down at your feet, not at all surprised to see that they’re practically glued to each other
shoulder-width apart
you can do that, right?
you lift your right foot up slowly before quickly moving it farther away from your left foot, your skate skidding slightly against the floor as you stomp down
goD these skates are clunky
you’ll never understand how people find this activity genuinely enjoyable
“see? not so bad, right? now, i’m really going to need you to let go of the bar for me so that we can move onto the next step- i swear i won’t let you fall if you take my hand.”
your eyes flicker down to his outstretched hand and you twist your lips uncertainly, “you promise?”
jungkook places his hand over his heart, “i promise.”
you lift one hand off the rail and quickly take jungkook’s hand, pausing for a second to make sure that everything feels okay before quickly lifting the other hand off the rail
you practically slap your hand down on jungkook’s other palm and let out a breath of relief as soon as he grips it tightly, and you look back in concern when jungkook starts to pull you away from the railing
“there you go! see?” jungkook smiles brightly, giving your hands a squeeze to get you to focus on him instead of the bars, “not so bad, right?” 
“yeah, i guess so…” you puff out, feeling your heart starting to pound harder not onLY because the safety of the railings have been taken away from you but also because jungkook’s hands are… very soft.,,. and very warm,.,. and very pretty.,., and all-in-all very nice
“okay, step two. so, this next part is going to make you feel a little silly, but we have to walk like ducks because it just makes the process of walking easier. you kind of have to point your toes outwards- yeah, just like that! and don’t forget to squat a little-” jungkook hums, leaning over a little so he can look to see if your stance is okay, “perfect! we’re just going to keep practicing until you get used to walking...”  
“you know, taehyung actually took me ice-skating over the holidays and i fell, like… ten times.” you snort, keeping your eyes on your skates as you take one small step after another, “i thought rollerskating would be easier but i feel like there are more rules to worry about…”
“oh my god, don’t even worry about it-“ jungkook snorts, shaking his head, “i’m an awful ice-skater. you’d think it’d come naturally to me because i can rollerskate- plus, i don’t see the fun in ice-skating! i know it’d never happen but i’m always paranoid that the skates are going to slice-”
“-the ice open and you’re going to fall through and plunge into the icy water?”
“exactly! see, you get it.” jungkook grins, leaning down a little to check your posture again, “you know, you’re a complete natural. i don’t know why you were so nervous to begin with!”
you snort in response and resist the urge to tell him that his face was one of the major things that contributed to your nerves 
“ooh, and you know what else i hate about ice-skating?” jungkook gasps, “that if i fall and get my hands on the ground, someone’s going to skate over them and amputate all of my fingers.”
you immediately burst into giggles and he gawks playfully
“are you laughing at a genuine fear of mine, y/n?? i didn’t take you to be someone who could be so cruel…”
“no, i’m not laughing at you!” you smile softly and you can’t help but note how warm and comforting his presence is, “i’m just- i said that exact same thing to taehyung when we were ice-skating and he said i was being ridiculous, so it’s nice to know that someone shares the same opinions on ice-skating as i do.” you instinctively squeeze jungkook’s hands when you feel the wheels roll out from underneath you a little and you end up jerking forward a little 
“woah-! you’re okay- i’ve got you…” jungkook rubs his thumbs over your knuckles reassuringly as he waits for you to regain your balance and start walking again, “i told you i wouldn’t let you fall, remember?”
“yeah…” you smile shyly, feeling your cheeks heat up a little
you don’t feel as nervous anymore
no wonder jungkook has a five-star rating as an instructor
he’s great!
“also, you do realise we’ve walked, like, an entire round around the rink, right?”
“what? we have?” you pause, looking up from your skates for the first time in ten minutes 
you’re almost at the spot you were at right when you first started
you didn’t even realize!!
that’s so cool!!
you walked an entire round without falling (a lot of almost-falling, but you’ll take it)!!!
“i mean, i don’t know about you, but i feel like we can move on to gliding now…” jungkook whistles lowly, “you’re a very fast learner so i’m not worried.”
“gliding is…” you lean over a little when you notice taehyung having a blast at the other side of the rink with his new companion, the two of them skating side by side
she laughs at something he says before playfully swatting at his arm
it’s just good to see him smiling and not crying for once 
one of the things that you love most about taehying is that he’s so in tune with his emotions, but when his ex (he forbade you from saying her name) broke up with him, he cried so much that you were pretty sure he had completely dehydrated himself 
so it’s nice that he seems to be enjoying himself! 
“so, gliding is-” jungkook steps over to get right into your line of vision and you quickly look back at him with an attentive smile, “basically turning your steps into smoooooth strokes. instead of dropping your foot straight down, you’re going to be pushing it forward and out. it’s kind of hard to explain gliding… you kinda just have to let momentum carry you forward and do its thing, you know? it’s literally just a one foot after the other situation.”
“well, if you can glide backwards, i’m sure i can figure out how to do it normally.” you point out, jungkook snorting in response
“trust me, you’ll be able to pick it up quickly. remember that when you’re gliding on one foot to keep your other slightly hovering above ground so it doesn’t interfere-” jungkook stops himself when he notices your brows knitting together (you seem to do this a lot when you’re focusing too hard on something), “ah, you know- i find that it’s easier to glide when you’re not actually focused on the gliding!” he chirps, giving your hands a reassuring squeeze, “if it helps, you can keep your eyes on me instead of staring down at your skates.”
if anything, staring directly at jungkook is going to throw you off your game compared to keeping your eyes glued on the ground
“okay, i will... try not to focus on the gliding while simultaneously focus on the gliding.” your tongue instinctively pokes out slightly in concentration as you push forward with one foot, being sure to keep your other a little above ground just like jungkook said 
you quickly switch to the other foot when you feel your right foot slowly starting to lose momentum, pushing off with your left instead and lengthening your stride so you can skate a little further 
look at that! 
not bad!! 
“look at you go, superstar!” jungkook cheers encouragingly, grinning from ear to ear as he watches you gliding flawlessly, “you were born for this!” 
“you know, you may have a point- woAh-” your skates roll out a little from under you and you lurch forward, jungkook quickly sliding his grip from your hands to underneath your elbows to keep you from falling, “...yeah, so i spoke too soon.” you huff, blowing a strand of hair away from your face as you glance up at jungkook, still bent over at a ninety degree angle
“it’s my bad, i think i may have blown up your ego with all my compliments-” the sides of his eyes crinkle as he laughs, “all good?” 
you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and feel a piece of your soul float out from your body when you realise you basically look like a little old woman clutching onto one of those rolling walkers
the possibility of jungkook being interested in you was low to begin with, but now it’s probably been squashed entirely
“uh, yes!” you clear your throat as you force yourself to stand up stick-straight, your knees clacking together for a second before you get back into position, “all good! i’m all good. we’re good.” 
oh boy 
if it makes you feel any better… it can’t get any worse than this, right?
“i-” you jolt when the music suddenly clicks off and is replaced by the shrill ringing of microphone feedback
“youch.” jungkook winces, raising his shoulder slightly and tilting his head down towards it so he can try to cover up one of his ears 
your brows furrow in confusion as you look up towards the speakers, unsure of if there’s just a technical difficulty or if something important is happening, “what’s going o-”
“sorry for the interruption, skaters! we just wanted to cut in and wish every single one of you a happy valentine’s day...” 
a large disco ball lowers from the ceiling as the lights begin to dim, the room suddenly engulfed in a warm pink glow as visions of glinting sparkles and hearts reflect from the disco ball onto the wooden floors along with the velvety walls
oh, god
you look up towards the speakers and resist the urge to curse and shake your fist at them like an angry old man
haven’t the people here considered that there might be single people in the rink?! 
…on valentine’s day…??
yeah that doesn’t make much sense
“grab your lover and glide along the floor as we play you some romantic tunes on this romantic evening… also, to the owner of a baby blue mercedes-benz convertible- i repeat, a baby blue mercedez-benz convertible... your car is parked in a tow-away zone. that’s all!”
the bee gees’ how deep is your love starts to play and you quickly pull your hands away from jungkook’s, your face flushing in embarrassment at the sudden change in atmosphere
you wobble slightly as soon as you pull away and immediately stick both your arms out in a poor attempt to keep balanced
all you have to do is glide your way towards the exit so that you’re not just awkwardly standing in the middle of the ring while lovey-dovey couples skate around you
it’s only then that you realise that jungkook is facing away from you and seemingly looking for someone
you tap him on the shoulder and he turns to glance at you, “yes?”
“who... who are you looking for?” you frown, leaning over to peer over him so you can see what he’s seeing
“hm? oh, i was just looking for your boyfriend…” he trails off, continuing to look around the rink, “the two of you probably want to skate together right now and you’ll get to show off your brand new gliding skills, which is exciting-”
“boyfri- are you talking about taehyung?” you snort, quirking a brow in amusement, “he’s… oh my god, he’s definitely not my boyfriend. i’m only here for emotional support because he just got out of a relationship- we don’t have to get into it- the point is, he’s not my boyfriend. i don’t, uh, i’m not in a relationship at the moment. i’m… very single.”
why are you still talking?!
you clear your throat as you look for the nearest exit gate
“oh!” jungkook blinks before turning back around to face you, “in that case-“ your eyes widen in surprise when he sticks his hand out for you to take, “shall we?”
you blink down at his outstretched hand cluelessly before suddenly realizing what it is he’s asking
“oh, i-” you snort, immediately shaking your head, “no, you don’t have to do that…”
“what do you mean?” jungkook frowns, tilting his head curiously, “you don’t want to skate with me? after all we’ve been through?? y/n, you’re breaking my heart here!” he jokes, clutching at his chest before pouting (quite cutely) at you 
“n-no!” you laugh lightly, shaking your head, “i mean, of course i’d love to skate with- i-it’s very nice of you to offer, and i know you’re obviously being paid and stuff but you don’t… ah, you don’t have to force yourself to skate with me if you don’t want to...” you mutter, reaching up to scratch the back of your neck, “like, i’m sure taehyung’s already planning to give you an extra big tip for basically babysitting me all night so you don’t have to force yourself to do anything extra-”
“no, i wanna skate with you!” jungkook interrupts, skating over so that he’s standing next to you instead, “plus, it’ll be good practice, right?”
“well, i-” you don’t get a chance to respond before jungkook’s suddenly slipping an arm around your waist and holding onto one of your hands for extra support, “i don’t know, i suppose i’m just not used to gliding without holding both of your hands so i’m just worried i’m going to make both of us fall somehow which would be mortifying-”
“that’s alright, i can hold both your hands if you feel safer that way,” jungkook chuckles, his arm sliding away from your waist so he can swivel around and stand in front of you again, “after all, it’s better to be safe than to be sorry!” he takes your hands gently as he starts to skate backwards, his thumbs rubbing the tops of your knuckles comfortingly
-‘cause we’re living in a world of fools... breaking us down... when they all should let us be... we belong to you and me...
how deep is your love continues to echo all around you and even though you feel a little awkward skating around with your instructor to a very romantic song, you have to admit that this was a great choice of song for valentine’s day 
it’s a timeless classic! 
“so, you, um…” jungkook clears his throat after a minute or two of comfortable silence, turning back for a second to glance over his shoulder and make sure he’s not about to crash into anyone, “what kind of things do you like doing?”
and it’s me you need to show... how deep is your love?
“rollerskating. is it not obvious?” you joke, looking up at him and reminding yourself that you should make more of an effort to look at him and noT constantly at the ground, “um, i don’t know! that’s kind of a broad question, i guess. i like... i like... i like painting-! i mean, i’m not good at it, but it’s a pretty relaxing hobby...” 
“painting is nice!” jungkook nods slowly in agreement before perking up slightly, “say, have you ever been to a pottery studio?” 
“you know, i actually haven’t!” you shake your head before staring past jungkook’s shoulder in thought, “i should go to one... it sounds like a lot of fun! do you...” you cough quietly and avert your gaze slightly, “do you go there often with your... uh, significant other?” 
“me? oh, i’m not in a relationship.” jungkook chuckles before giving you a shrug, “none of my co-workers wanted to take the valentine’s day shift because they actually have someone to spend valentine’s day with, so... that’s why i’m here!”
“oh! so, you’re…” you trail off before pressing your lips together and giving him a firm nod, “i see.”
so you’re both single?
very interesting 
you can’t help but wonder if he’s looking to change that  
you don’t even get a chance to turn around to see what’s going on when suddenly someone’s basHING into you from behind and making you lose your balance
and the next thing you know you’re stumbling forwards and poor jungkook’s reflexes aren’t fast enough because-
“oh-!” you land on top of jungkook with your legs on either side of him, your knee pads clacking loudly against the ground, “oh, shit-” 
“sorry! my bad!” taehyung glides past you with a sheepish smile before not-so-subtly gesturing to the girl he’s got on his arm and giving you an obnoxious wink and a thumbs up as a way to let you know he’s definitely getting boned tonight
you want nothing more than to rip your skates off right now so you can chase after him and bash his head in 
you turn to look down at jungkook, immediately raising your hands up off his (broad, broad) chest as your entire face flushes bright red, “i am- i am so sorry- are you okay?? is your head okay?? i can- i can give you my helmet!” you wince, reaching up to unbuckle your helmet before hastily taking it off and tossing it aside
“don’t sweat it, i’m completely fine-” jungkook laughs lightly before shaking his head, propping himself up onto his elbows and blowing a curled strand of hair away from his eyes with a puff, “my head’s fine! luckily i didn’t hit it on the ground or anything like that, but my ass-”
“oh, god. i’m so sorry- here, i’ll-” you attempt to get up off the ground only for the wheels on your skates to roll out from under you and for your knee to smack against the ground again, jungkook grunting as you bounce on him a little harder than intended, “oh, jesus christ-”
there’s no way you’re going to be able to get up because of these stupid skates and now your very cute instructor is a hostage in between your thighs!
“this is so humiliating, i am... so, so sorry- i’m definitely forcing taehyung to give you a generous tip after all of this is over-” you laugh uncomfortably, your hands about to place themselves on jungkook’s chest again before you quickly move them so that they’re on either side of his head instead
of course, this position isn’t any better because now you’re just staring down at his face directly 
little white hearts from the disco ball float over his face and though you know this is hardly the right time, your heart can’t help but go badumpbadump at the reminder of how pretty jungkook is 
“okay, wait, what if i-” he suddenly sits straight up and your eyes immediately cross at the close proximity of your faces, “hi.”
you don’t know if it’s even possible but you feel your face get even redder and you find that you’re unable to look away from jungkook 
he has very sweet-looking eyes 
they’re a very nice shade of brown 
“i- uh, hello.” you clear your throat quietly, pressing your hands as close to your own chest as possible so that you’re not touching jungkook, “hi.” 
the last thing you want is for him to accuse you of groping him
but maybe it’d be a good thing to get a lifetime ban from the rollerskating rink
then taehyung will never be able to force you to skate again!
“we should take your skates off so that we’re not stuck like this all night.” you twitch when you feel jungkook’s hand slide down the side of your calf before reaching the top of your skates, “do you think you can undo your other one for me?”
“ah- yes. yes, i can do that.” you turn away so you can look back at your skate, reaching down and ripping the velcro strap before hurrying to undo the laces
you feel jungkook fumble at your skate, yanking the tie loose before trying to help you wiggle your foot out of it, “okay, just pull your foot out-”
“yeah, lemme just-” you have to shuffle forwards in order for jungkook to pull the skate off of you and your nose crinkles when you realize you’ve just gone ahead and fully pressed your chest to jungkook’s 
just wonderful 
(for the record, he smells really good... but you’re pretty sure you sound like a creep right now, so maybe you should go ahead and scrap that thought.) 
“what happened to not letting me fall?” you joke lightly as you get up off the ground, hoping to ease the tension a little from whatever all of that was, “are you sure you’re okay? i didn’t break anything?” 
“i promise you i’m totally fine-” jungkook gets back up onto his feet and bends down to pick up your skates before popping up to look at you with a grin, “and it only happened because i was distracted!” he pauses for a brief moment before tilting his head, his smile softening, “can you blame me? you’re very pretty.”
you weren’t expecting him to say that
“oh, that’s- ha… that’s very nice of you.” you reach up to scratch the back of your neck before letting out a nervous chuckle, “you are… also… quite… visually appealing.”
quite visually appealing  
why are you speaking like an alien trying to convince everyone that they aren’t an alien?!
“so, there’s still about half an hour left of your lesson left, but i feel like you’ve had enough of skating for now.” jungkook changes the subject quickly and you can’t help but notice that his ears are starting to get red, “we can just sit on the bench and rest... or do you... uh, do you maybe want to share a chilli dog with me?” he asks quietly, and for the first time since meeting him he’s the one who looks away from you first 
“...you know, i think that might be the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me.” you giggle, reaching over to loop your arm through his when he sticks it out for you, “i would love to share a chilli dog with you.” 
“not to flex or anything, but i do get the employee discount…” jungkook clicks his tongue, reaching up to pop open his collar obnoxiously before turning to give you a wide grin, “and if that doesn’t impress you, i don’t know what will.”
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
SWORD agent story idea backstory
here is the backstory for Y/N Y/L/N from Sword agent idea, you can imagine him however you want, you can choose any kind of name for him
I will be including all the information on him that I have come up with so far, If I come up with anything that seems good enough I'll add it
Agent Y/N Y/L/N,
He was born in (your birthplace) and is currently 21-22 (as is Wanda and Pietro) he doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday because his parents never took time celebrate with him
both his parents don't have any kind of relationship with him (or with each other), they only reach out when they need something and they claim all his accomplishments as their doing
He is a very gifted individual, he has a very high intellect, he is highly trained in many fields of combat, he is very physically fit, and he became an enhanced individual after a training mission gone wrong
He graduated high school at the age of 15 and was enrolled at west point, he graduated west point at 18, and then went on two tours (both lasting 2 years) in the United States Army before he was recruited by SWORD there he enters the agent training/recruitment program
He comes off as immature and reckless or careless to most regular people, but to more perceptive-and maybe mind readers-he is more self-conscious and uses humour as a coping mechanism, he is an extrovert that has anxiety in one on one settings (except with his emotional support Pietro)
He has yet to allow himself any kind of romantic relationship because he is scared of ending up like his parents
His powers are enhanced strength and stamina along with fire-based abilities, much like Inferno, he can create fire, he can control fire around him, he can control the temperature of the space around him, he can make walls of fire, and uses his flames to fly, he surprisingly likes the cold and anything cool, when he gets sick he doesn't get a fever his body actually cools itself (which surprises him) he doesn't tell anyone about his powers except Director Rambeau, Director Fury and of course Pietro (steve knows because he read his file and questioned Fury on him)
He got the nickname Ignes after he got his powers during the first week of training, no one from his group knows about his powers they just think he accidentally set a training room on fire
He has a large sports background, he played soccer, track and field, rugby, diving, swimming, and does triathlons, he finds them all very fun and takes breaks from them when he no longer finds joy in them
He loves to read and finds solice in a good book
Most will find him either in the library in a quiet corner (mostly at night with a cup of tea) or training in the various workout rooms
That is all for now! I hope you like it, if you have any questions about him let me know! AGAIN THIS IS FREE TO USE!!! COMPLETELY FREE TO USE!!
I just posted chapter 1 for the story! go check it out!!
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leejungchans · 4 years
— dance with me?
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word count: 1.7k
pairing: dino (svt) x ateez oc (juliet)
warning(s): none!!
genre: an overwhelming amount of fluff bc i love lee chan
set on february 11, 2021
summary: during a late-night date on dino’s birthday, he asks juliet a special question.
juliet’s masterlist
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minnie 🐭❤️ [22:16] i’m heading down now!! (◕‿◕) don’t drive off without me please ur so sexc 😩😩
From where he is, parked a street down from the building where ATEEZ’s dorm is in, Chan shakes his head fondly, looking out the window from the driver’s seat for any sign of his girlfriend.
Sure enough, just a few minutes later, Juliet emerges from the building’s entrance, glancing down the mostly empty street before spotting the familiar car.
Under the light of the street lamps, he can see that she’s wearing a huge puffer jacket with a scarf wrapped around her neck, purple hair stuffed under her beanie to avoid catching the attention of prying eyes. With all the layers she has on, she reminds him of a waddling penguin as she speed-walks towards the car.
Chan unlocks the door as Juliet approaches, her eyes smiling while she settles into the passenger’s seat before leaning over the console to hug him. “Happy birthday, Channie,” she beams, taking off her mask to nuzzle the bottom half of her face into the thick material of her scarf.
“You already said that,” Chan teases, also smiling as he watches her fumble with the seatbelt for a bit.
“That was from almost twelve hours ago at 12 am! I think it’s illegal if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday again,” Juliet protests. “Sorry for being late, by the way. Have you been waiting long?”
“It’s only a few minutes, don’t sweat it.”
“Okay, but there’s actually a good reason! I was about to leave the building when Mingi-oppa called me because I left your present on the table, and I had to go back up to grab it! So you have him to thank that you have a birthday present.”
Juliet takes out a small gift bag, its handles tied together with ribbon so he can’t look into it, and hands it to him with a sweet grin. “Don’t open it now, though,” she warns half-jokingly.
“What? Why?” Chan whines. “I can’t even open my own present on my birthday?”
“No, because if you open it now then I’ll have to explain the meaning behind your gift, and if I do that I might actually cry. There’s a card inside explaining it.”
“What if I want to hear it from you?”
“Then you can call me when you get home,” she responds cheekily.
Chan relents. “Fine, you win. But you didn’t have to get me anything, I hope you know that,” he adds the last part seriously.
Juliet smiles reassuringly. “I know, but I wanted to. I hope you’ll like it, though.”
“I know I will.” It’s at that moment when he finally gets a good look at her face, the light from the street lamps hitting it just enough for him to note the dark circles under her eyes. “You look tired, baby. Don’t get me wrong, you’re beautiful no matter what, but is everything okay?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” As though on cue, Juliet brings a hand up to cover her mouth as she yawns. “Just a little tired from comeback preparations and practising for Kingdom. I’ll be fine, though, don’t worry.”
“I’ll always worry about you,” Chan admits. “You shouldn’t have come so you can rest.”
Juliet frowns. “No, I wanted to see you. Plus, it’s your birthday.”
“Okay, but you have to promise that you’ll take care of yourself.”
“I always do!” A pause. “Okay, sometimes I don’t, but I’ll try,” she promises genuinely.
Chan smiles. “Good. Let’s go, then. Seatbelt on?”
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“Um, where exactly are you taking me?” Juliet asks suspiciously, noting that they’re currently driving up a hill away from central Seoul.
“Patience, Minnie. You’ll find out soon,” Chan says with a mischievous smirk. “We’re almost there.”
She feigns an offended gasp. “I am always patient! I’m just asking because I’m too pretty to meet my end now.”
“If something happens, I’ll protect you.”
“Nice try, but don’t think I haven’t watched that episode of GOING SEVENTEEN with you guys in the haunted house,” Juliet teases with a raised brow. “If anything, we probably need to call Wonwoo-ssi or Minghao-ssi.”
Chan groans. “Can we not talk about my members when we’re on a date?”
This only earns a laugh from Juliet. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“You’re going to tease me even on my birthday?”
“It’s how I show affection!” she defends while the car comes to a stop at the side of a dimly lit road. “Are we here?”
Upon his nod, she unbuckles her seatbelt to hop out the car, snow crunching under her boots. Immediately, harsh winds whip at her face and she shivers, the temperature even lower due to the higher elevation.
She hears a lighthearted tsk from behind her before feeling her jacket being draped over her shoulders. “You left it in the backseat, silly,” Chan says softly while he helps her into it, referring to when she took it off during the car ride. “You’re going to catch a cold.”
“No, I won’t. I have you to remind me,” Juliet says cheekily, earning herself a light flick on the forehead. She follows Chan to a clearing a few paces away from where they parked and immediately realises why he took her here.
Seoul, with its sparkling lights, is captivating at night when you’re in the heart of the city, but perhaps even more so when you’re looking at it from afar. She can’t help but admire the stark contrast between the tranquil hillside they’re at that compared to the vibrant city centre it overlooks.
“I sometimes come here with the members when we want to be away from... the loudness of it all,” Chan explains quietly as they move closer to the railing. “To think. Or just to take our mind off certain things.”
Juliet leans closer to his side to link their arms, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“Don’t come to places like here often?”
She snorts. “I don’t just let anyone drive me to a dark hill in the middle of the night.”
Chan laughs, gently resting his head on hers. “You have a point. Does this mean I’m the only person allowed to take you here?”
“I’d like that. I also have a horrible sense of direction, so I don’t think I can remember the way here even if I tried.” Despite her quip, something in Juliet feels fuzzy and warm at the thought of this place being one only they know of.
It brings a sense of giddiness, the same one she felt when she was much, much younger; when she and her friends first decided on a secret hideout at their school back home in Sydney. Only this time, there’s more to it than just childhood innocence.
Juliet doesn’t know much about love. She’s had crushes here and there throughout her life, but none of them ever developed into something further. Of course, until she met Chan.
She doesn’t know much about love. But this feels like it.
And that’s more than enough for her.
His voice cuts through her thoughts. “I actually have something to ask you.”
At her hum, he continues.
“I was wondering if you’d want to be on Danceology. You know, like for a collaboration. We can choreograph and dance it together... anything you want, really.”
Juliet looks up at the boy with wide eyes, not knowing if she heard him correctly. “You’re sure?”
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. Or you don’t have to decide now, I know you’re really busy these days. No pressure at all.”
“No, no,” she clarifies. “I meant if you’re sure you want to do one with me?”
The look in his eyes is so tender that she feels like crying. “I wouldn’t want anyone else.”
Something tells her he’s not only referring to Danceology.
Juliet leans her forehead on Chan’s shoulder to hide her face from him. “You’re going to make me cry on your own birthday,” she mutters.
“Is that a yes?”
She nods against him while blinking away the hot tears prickling at her eyes, feeling his lips press against her temple.
“That’s the best present you could’ve given me.”
“Yah, you can’t say that!” Juliet says, somehow finding it in her to crack a joke. What can she say? Humour is one of her many coping mechanisms. “You’re only supposed to say that if I didn’t give you anything! What does that make the gift I got you?”
“Best of the best?” At her laugh, Chan presses again, “am I still not allowed to open it?”
“No, you’re not.”
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[00:05—Outside ATEEZ’s dorm]
“Okay, fine, you can open it.”
“What made you change your mind?” Chan grins, already reaching for the small bag in the backseat.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Juliet admits, smiling as she uses the dimmest setting of her phone’s flashlight to illuminate the dark interior, the overhead light being too risky to turn on at this hour lest they want to draw unwanted attention to themselves. “I guess I want to see your reaction.”
She stares quietly as he undos the ribbon tying the handles together before looking into the bag and taking out a small box. Despite her shyness and the sudden urge to jump out of the car and run back up to the dorm, Juliet continues to hold up her phone as he takes out the silver band within it.
It’s simple, minimalist, inconspicuous enough to wear during the day but at the same time uniquely his due to the custom engraving on the outside of the band. A snowflake.
She bites the inside of her cheek from nervousness as Chan silently reads the small card that came along in the bag, subconsciously tracing over her neat handwriting with his finger.
“Like a snowflake, I fell for you hahahaha (´。• ᵕ •。`) You asked me to be yours during the first snow of the year. I hope that is only the start of many more years to come. Happy Birthday, always be happy and healthy ❤️ And don’t forget to take care of yourself!! (♡`Д´) If you forget I’ll come over and nag you, but maybe you’d like that more than not ㅋㅋㅋ — 🐭❤️”
Chan’s eyes are glossy when he finally meets her curious and worried gaze, trying to gauge his reaction. He beams brightly.
“Told you I’d like it.”
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find their collaboration here!! 😼
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a/n: blessing you guys with this gif bc look at him go!! ;-; stream dino’s dancelogy to be sexcie 😼 pls don’t let juno flop </3 also i thought it’d be too mean if i didn’t tell you what the present was bc i definitely considered not saying anything about it 👀👀 anyways let me know what you think about this chapter 🥺 personally i am <///3 bc bwhehwhs i want what they have but also i’m not very good at writing fluff whjehdhw i cringe at myself sm when writing it 🤡
thank you so much for reading 💕 please do consider leaving feedback whether it’s a reblog, a reply or an ask, it would mean the absolute world to me as feedback really motivates and supports creators 🥺 and feel free to chat with me about juliet or anything else through my asks!! as always, take care and have a good day!!
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artobotsrollout · 3 years
The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking I'd like to bring Jazz into Harbingers.
He's smart and lovable and deserves screen time!!!!! Exodus did him dirty. I'm so sorry Jazz you deserved so much better than the role of frequently ignorant devil's advocate. 😭 (I'm also still salty at how bad Micheal Bay messed up Jazz like?!?!)
He'd have his own arcs to explore! *exploration into possible deeper arcs is below the bullet points
With the Decepticons losing Starscream and Knockout, the least loyal to the cause so the most likely to give up information, they're gonna need someone to gather Intel and insight into what Megatron's loyalists are doing.
He would really work well with the general energy Team Prime in TfP has and would connect well with the humans. MORE SLICE OF LIFE MOMENTS!
Optimus is already a serious character which is a big reason imo Ultra Magnus wasn't the best choice to bring in to fill a SIC role. Giving Jazz a more second in command role would be an ideal choice. He would be a good fun contrast to Optimus. With the energy of TFP having some really dark moments, bringing on someone like Jazz would bring hope and fun to a dark situation. He'd be a fun character to have that stands well on his own or with others!
With Starscream and crew taking on a neutral role, there needs to be another higher ranking person, besides Optimus, who is clever, chill, and good with people. Jazz helping Optimus build bridges and keeping a cool head would be helpful in working together, so the first insult thrown by say... a grumpy Wheeljack, Ratchet, or Ramjet won't escalate too far.
On the flipside, having another person who can keep team members in line besides Optimus and Ratchet would add variety and other unique approaches to situations.
As a leader figure, he could connect with the team w/o being as distant as Optimus. (more dads? In MY team prime? It's more likely than you think.) Maybe even be the character to bring in the emotional validation that TfP sorely lacked.
Another person to make fun of Megatron is always good.
Starscream is very clever and having someone who can keep up with his witticisms and not hesitate to call him on his bluffs would be a good edition. While Optimus is clever, I have a hard time seeing him actively engaging with some of Scream's sharper digs or calling people out on things that aren't essential. And I feel like Starscream and Ratchet would both rant about things together but also argue in circles together. XD. Jazz and Starscream could have a somewhat friendly relationship w lighthearted banter while also having some of that warning laced into what they say.
Stealth missions? Hell yeah another whole avenue of stories to explore!
With stealth/spy missions being more of a thing, Smokescreen could be developed further and become an essential member with emphasis on diversionary tactics like he was in other continuities.
While Arcee fills some of the above roles, I feel like a bouncier playful character is enough reason to make him a great addition.
I may or may not want to have Soundwave and Jazz have a music battle.....
*2. He could bring his own character arcs.
I could touch on how important he was to the rebellion against the senate and what he and Optimus were like back then. Having been with OP since the very beginning he'd be pretty exhausted as well
I could see him sometimes using humour/ putting on a smile as a coping mechanism. That's a big avenue to explore too. Maybe even making light of situations that are actually pretty dark. Maybe even accidentally making things awkward by joking about something awful that happened to him. This would be stemming from one thing he and Optimus would have in common: they both have a certain blanketing numbness due to being overwrought.
Imo he could be a good person to explore the masks sometimes made to cover depression or despair with. Maybe even touching on using distraction as a coping mechanism. But I wouldn't want this exploration to be the reason for his interests, instead it would be like, as a person he genuinely loves playing and listening to music, learning about earth and well... learning new things in general. He's genuinely a nice dude.
I could just see him not taking a moment to pause on his off hours and constantly trying to keep himself busy. Anything to keep giving himself purpose and reason to move forward. I think most agree that no cybertronian would be emotionally well adjusted this late in the war. He, like everyone else, is doing what he can to hold himself together. Jazz could try and keep the person he was before the war around for others but mostly himself. The war has taken everything from everyone. He doesn't want the war to take away pieces of who he is as well.
Anyways this post is way longer than I expected it to be and while writing it I went from "I'm considering adding Jazz" to "I'm adding Jazz". This is what I have so far but be aware some things may change as I develop things more!
Jazz would have been one of the members to steal the show if he had been added. Hasbro was too afraid of his power but I want to free him >:O!!!! . Dnchsjdkw
If you're still here after that massive ramble/glorified brainstorm session please take the greatest honour I can bestow, the Autothots Badge of Thottery. Thank you.
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NSFW Alphabet with Fujin.
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Oh god, we are back on the NSFW Alphabet bullshit. No one requested this, and I was meant to be writing Bi-Hans, but like, Fujin happened. NetherRealm really are redeeming themselves with this design. Short haired Fujin has ruined me. So here you go, 7 pages of poorly written smut. Most of which was written after a bottle of wine. Enjoy! Warnings: Smut, believe it or not, shocking I know. 18+ under the cut. Mentions of kinks, smut, oral sex and all that good stuff.  GIF doesn’t belong to me. 
• A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Fujin is so soft and caring after. To reiterate the point, you’ve fucked a god, you’re going to be exhausted and a little sore. He knows this. And almost feels a little guilty deep down, but when you reassure him everything’s fine and you just need some TLC he cheers back up. He’ll bring you whatever you desire. You want a bath? He’ asking what essential oils you want. You want a drink? Warm or cold is his question? Also, slight inappropriate use of his power but Elder Gods be damned, if you’re too warm, he may just magically summon a bit of a breeze to cool you down. He wants you to be comfortable and content. So that’s his end goal. • B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) He like Raiden has elected to choose this form, but he unlike his brother, does have a preference for what he prefers. He loves his hair (He knows this isn’t really a body part but still) it’s a huge erogenous zone for him. He loves the soft caresses but also doesn’t mind the occasional tug. He also loves his arms. They are very, very defined, and extremely strong. He’s not entirely sure why you fawn over them, but who the hell is he to argue? Loves it when you run your hands up and down them. Trace those glowing tattoos and get him all riled up. Loves it. He’s built and there is no denying it. Run those hands up and down his taut muscles and await for sinful noises. If he had to choose one part of you, he would struggle. He thinks every part of you is amazing and would genuinely struggle. He’s not sure how to answer when you ask him ‘Chest, Ass or thighs?’ He’s really not sure. Kind of stares, has to ask Kung Lao for clarification. Raiden would be clueless and would have to consult the Elder Gods for an answer. And who said Big Brothers knew everything? When he finds out you’re referring to your body, he doesn’t blush, more just an affirming ‘Ohh’ before him letting you know his preference very casually, more than likely in an inappropriate situation. Queue him letting you know that he prefers your thighs and ass whilst you’re sparring. He will also run his hands up the back of your thighs when you’ve got him pinned, only for him to playfully, and as discreetly as possible, squeeze your ass, before pinning you back. • C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) He’s far more open to experimentation than you would have first thought, but it comes with time (No pun intended there… maybe just a little one) At first, he’ll insist on cumming in you, it’s his preference. It’s just an all-round good way to finish, he loves been inside you and it spares mess. As his confidence grows, if you were to ask him to cum on your thighs, pull out and cum on your stomach, he would definitely indulge you. He’s very curious about Earthrealm customs, and that applies to ‘Mortal sexual customs and courtships’ as he puts it. Very sexy. He’s not overly bothered by cumming in you or on you, he’s sort of neutral to it in a sense and very laidback. If you want him to cum on your chest he will do. But he does like cumming in your mouth. The first time you sucked him off, his hand was knotted deep in your hair, you were on your knees whilst he was stood, hands gripping the back of his taut thighs like your life depended on it. You’re sure you left nail marks but that’s beside the point. When he warned you he was about to cum, you carried on and made a point to keep eye contact locked as you swallowed it all. He was shocked a little bit and you swore you saw a blush spread across his cheeks. A very faded one but you saw it, you’re sure of it. He’s open with how much he likes it, but he’s still very laidback about it all. As long as you’re both having fun and pleasured, then he doesn’t really care where he cares. • D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Dirty Secrets for The God of Wind? He has a few. Can Gods blush is another question? You swear they can, faintly and barely there, but you swear you’ve seen one creep of his face a few times. He’s far more open about his secrets and desires than his brother is. He won’t scream them from the top of Sky Temple, but he’s open with you about them. He’s so nonchalant about his desires and dirty secrets, which begs the question, if you know them, are they dirty secrets? You guess they are, because by god, if anyone in The White Lotus or his Brother found out, you’re sure they’d be a little shocked. Fucking you at The Sky Temple is definitely up there. It’s something he’s done before. Elder Gods be damned. He had to have a hand clamped round you mouth, the walls are paper thin, so you couldn’t make much noise. So, fucking in locations you really shouldn’t is up there. It’s the adrenaline and the way a blush would spread across your face. Slight adrenaline on his part, but he loves seeing you get worked up. Rough sex is on there too, but more on that later. • E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) He’s got some experience under his belt. He’s an Eternal God who looks like he’s chiselled from Marble. He may be the younger of the two, but he’s still been around for a long time. That doesn’t mean he’s fucked a lot of people though. He’s got a bit of experience but not a lot to brag about. You’re his first Mortal though. So, he’s inexperienced on that front. He doesn’t want to break you or hurt you, so he’s very cautious with you at first. His sexual repertoire isn’t out there either, he knows the basics, but he wants to learn. And like I said, he’s in love with Earthrealm and wants to protect it something fierce. He also wants to learn everything about Mortals. He’s constantly remarking on how curious Mortals are with their sex acts. • F = Favourite position (this goes without saying) Has a penchant for wall sex, he’s not sure why he likes it so much. He understands it’s not overly comfortable for you, so he tends to get started with it. There’s just something about you both getting heated, him pressing you up against the wall, and showing off all that godly strength. It’s impressive, most people would cramp and couldn’t keep it going, but he, isn’t just any mere mortal, is he? He’s got the strength and stamina to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to stand after. He’s still on the cautious side though. He adores and loves you, so he’s still very cautious. He does like you on top too. He loves the feel of your legs at either side of his, splayed over his thighs so deliciously, the feel of your hips against his, and your hands clawing at his shoulders for leverage to help you fuck him. It also gives you prime access to his hair. He doesn’t care if it’s short or long at the time, he wants your nails raking through his locks and tugging them. It really gets him going. You can also do that whilst he’s fucking you up against the wall, it may be why he has a preference for it so much. His sex positions were very limited when you first got together. But throughout the months and years, he’s found a new array of positions that he likes. Doggy is also on there. He is very vocal the first time you fuck in this particular position. Commenting in bated whispers about how he loves watching your ass back up against his cock, hungrily craving more, he also can grip your thighs and hips for leverage. As well as slapping your ass if he’s feeling adventurous. He  has prime view of your thighs trembling as you cum too. So, all in all, 11/10 position. Who knew a god could be so sinful? • G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) He can be serious in the moment, and he can also be a little humorous. It’s all to do with the context. He’s more laidback and a little bit goofy in his personality. And that carries over into how he is during sex. If the moment calls for seriousness and is very intimate, then he will be less humorous. He’s very in the moment during these moments. He finds humour to be a good coping mechanism if he’s ever ensure. When you’re experimenting, or trying something for the first time, he will breathily chuckle or make a slick joke. Nothing vulgar or anything to turn you off, more comments that have a light speckling of jest to them. His voice is so light and airy, that anything sounds good in it too. So, all in all, it will depend on the context of why you’re fucking. Intimate he’s serious, quickie and first time trying something, expect a light dash of humour. He’s charming so it works, he always has the right amount and it’s never too much. • H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) As laid back as he is, that does not translate into his grooming routine. He’s very neat and everything has to be neat. It’s trimmed and he’s very meticulous about his grooming routine. So, whilst that aspect doesn’t match his hair, you’re actually shocked to see that the carpet does match the drapes. He’s unsure why you’re staring at them, then back at his hair, then back down at his crotch. He kind of tilts his head, propping himself up on his elbows, and staring with you. You blush a lot when he catches you staring and asks you ‘Is something wrong?’ with a slight frown, worrying that he hasn’t been as precise and neat with everything. When you let him know, that most people you’ve been with, don’t have white fucking hair, he just chuckles. Relief is flooding over that intrigued and curious face of his. • I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Okay, so when it comes to intimacy, it once more will depend on context. He can very intimate, slow, passionate and romantic if the situation calls for it. It’s more reserved for special occasions, really reiterating that he cares for you and loves you. These occasions could be anniversaries for example. Or, if the moment just feels right. If it feels like one of those moments, in which you’re getting lost in each other’s touches, and every touch feels fuelled by the desire to be close to you. He will be more intimate and more romantic in the moment. He’s very intuitive of your needs and how the mood of the room is. Please don’t expect however, big romantic sexual gestures, such as rose petals on the bed etc. He doesn’t get them. Expect creative and tailored romantic sexual encounters. Extremely intimate shower sex has happened before. Sex with Fujin will always make you feel divine and loved though. He’ll always leave cool touches that seemingly set your body on fire with desire after. Touches that are laced with want, need and desire for you. And he’ll always give your body compliments that make you want to moan a bit too loudly. Lots of whispered words in your ear about how perfect you are too. • J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) He may not have the time but he’s not one to ignore his desires. He knows he has a whole realm to protect. A realm that is always in trouble. But how the fuck is going to stop Quan-Chi or Shinnok if he’s distracted? Can’t fight The Lords of Evil with an erection. Okay, he didn’t say that or think that, but you get the gist. When you asked him if gods jerk it with a small smile on your face, laughing in your head about it, when he asks you what you mean by ‘Jerk it’ and you mention masturbation, he simply and very casually responded with he does. Because he can’t get distracted. You almost spit your drink out with how casual he is about everything sexual. He’s so unbothered about everything and so fucking casual it shocks you. He’s not constantly doing it, it’s more when the desire rises and the need, he’s going to take care of it. When he meets you, he finds himself doing it less and less. Your hands feel a million times better than his own do. • K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Okay, so I’m going to be real with you guys, he’s not entirely sure what you mean when you ask him what his kinks are. You will have to explain this slightly odd Earthrealm custom to him. He’s not overly sure if any of the things he likes falls into kinks, but he soon realises that he has a few. He loves hair pulling, he loves to have his hair pulled and raked through more specifically. The noises he makes are unbelievable and they are something else. So, hair pulling is definitely one of them. He’s also a big old switch. He’s so laidback and chilled, he’s into you been more dominant and him been dominant. Whatever the mood calls for. He can be dominant when he wants to be, but he can also let you take control. He does prefer to be a little more on the dominant side. He will never let you know how much he gets turned on when you call him ‘A God’ or tease him about his status. But his cock will always betray him and will twitch and get that ever so slightly bit harder. It’s not that he thinks he has power over you, it’s more the way your lips twitch into a smile, and the way you either moan or whisper it. He’s not overly into biting or marking, but if you ask him or beg him to bite you and mark you up, he’s not going to deny you. He can leave marks that seemingly will last an eternity. He may also have a slight temperature kink. His power is one that can sort of be incorporated into your sex life with great care and ease. But he does love lowering the temperature of the room, watching your body react, as a cool breeze sweeps over your naked form. The way you writhe, bonus points if he’s got your arms pinned above your head. • L = Location (favorite places to do the do) He’s very adventurous when it comes to locations. He has to be extremely careful at Sky Temple, because ahaha you shouldn’t be there. A blind eye can be turned when you’re both chilling on the balcony, faking meditation, to escape a slight lecture. But nothing intimate is supposed to happen there. So, if you’re going to fuck at Sky Temple, it’s his room and you have to be very quiet. But when he’s at your apartment or house, anywhere is fair game. You’ve had sex in your bed, the shower, the couch, on top of your desk, against the wall, countertops, anywhere that strikes your fancy. You once even fucked him in the back of your car, it was dark, and you’d been at the beach and had been driving back. Adrenaline fuelled wouldn’t even cover it. He’s so curious and intrigued by Earthrealmers and their sexual appetites. He’s down to try any location, as long as it doesn’t land either of you two in too much trouble. He has little shame because Gods don’t really know much of shame. But he understands, it can be quiet embarrassing if anyone was to walk in and catch him literally balls deep in you. So as long as it’s secluded enough, and you won’t get caught it’s all chilled. • M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Oho what would motivate a god and turn them on? A fair few things you find out. As mentioned throughout this sinful, smut filled essay, he loves having his hair pulled, tugged or played with. It doesn’t matter if he’s got his long flowing hair, or his short hair, just please play with it. It really gets him going, it can make him go from soft and gentle, to, I need to raw you, very quickly. Soft, fluttery touches get him going too. Especially on his inner thighs or his arms. If you grip his arms and tease, with some strayed fingers that are tickling any bare skin on show, it’ll make him hitch a breath. You also taking control really gets him going. If you were to push him down on your couch, straddle him, and start teasing his neck with your tongue. He’s going to be read to go. His cock slowly hardening underneath you. Anything that involves you two close together, will get him going and turned on. He’s also into having you run your nails up and down his back too. Though this is a more ‘in sex’ kind of moment. He loves also seeing your body, so if you were to undress in front of him, he’d love every second of it. Savouring it because fuck knows when you’ll get the time again. Those glimmering silver eyes, devouring your body, making you feel absolutely divine and making you feel flushed and warm all over. Who knew the God of Wind could make you feel so heated? • N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) He’s not big on degrading your or been degrading. It’s definitely on his no list and one of his turn off. Also, anything that can or will hurt you, he’s not asking anything. He knows he’s stronger than mortals, and he is very careful with you. Any wince and he’s going to be asking if you’re okay. He cares for you deeply and he would hate himself if anything happened to you. He’s also still a God and he’s a very happy-go-lucky one too, so anything that’s said with malice or hatred is going to turn him off. He isn’t into that. He also holds you with such respect, he isn’t going to say anything that he deems to be untrue or degrading. He isn’t doing that. He loves and cares for you. It’s not happening. He isn’t into sharing either. When having a slightly awkward conversation, about threesomes, after watching a TV show. He decides that’s not for him. So that’s no on the cards either. Also, anything that creates a lot of mess is a no go for him. Barring him cumming on your face, because, you know, you clean it up ever so well. And he does love watching you clean it up, enough, that he’s ready to go again. So there’s another motivation. He also doesn’t do power play or dynamics majorly. He doesn’t mind been dominant and taking control, but he will not have you on your hands and knees begging for him. He’s not vain nor prideful, so anything that involves anything above teasing and you breathlessly uttering the phrase ‘Please’ is going to turn him off. He knows he’s a God, and whilst he doesn’t mind the odd teasing phrase and utterance of it, he’s not going to ram home the fact he’s a God and demand anything because of that status. He respects you too much for that shit, you’re his equal and it’s not his style. • Oral = (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He hates saying that he prefers receiving. He just loves it. From the first time you wrapped that tongue around his cock, he became enthralled by the act, and it can make him lose control very easily of his volume control. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t give, because he does give and will always offer to reciprocate the act. He does love having your legs spread either side of his head, splayed especially for him, god he loves it. He just loves receiving and it’s his preference. He had no idea that oral sex existed, so he’s pretty thrilled by it. He makes some sinful noises when his cocks down your throat, hands knotted deep in your hair, trying to keep control, powerful legs taunt as he stands before you. You can make the God of Wind come undone with your mouth, that’s a pretty impressive fete, but certainly not one that you can put on your CV/resume. His skills giving aren’t great to start with, he literally discovered he could pleasure you with his mouth a few hours ago, you cannot expect him to have skills magically. He does gain the skills though, because he’s determined, focused and wanting to master it. So, you know, makes up for it with enthusiasm. That, and his hands feel so good against your thighs, running little teasing circles. • P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Fujin’s pace will depend entirely on the context and mood. He can do slow and sensual when the time calls for intimacy and romance. But he can also do fast and rough, when you’re both worked up and needy for each other. If he had to pick a preference, he prefers to start off with a teasingly slow pace, before picking the speed up and intensity. He can also start intensely before winding it down to intimate. He often lets you pick the pace and roughness, as he wants you to be comfortable. But like I’ve said earlier, it depends on context and who’s feeling more dominant. He loves both equally as well. He loves soft, slow and sensual sex, when he can worship your body, and you can caress his body. He loves the feeling and sense of been entwined together, your bodies and hearts beating as one. But then again, he loves fucking you hard and rough against a wall, whilst you struggle to keep your grip on your words and they soon become incomprehensible, as he literally fucks you silly. Your hands are knotted in either his hair or running down his back, his volume control is turning to mush as well. He loves sex with you, because you show him that it can go either way. Sex isn’t like masturbation, it’s not a chore and something to be taken care of. Sex can be about intimacy and it can also be about pleasure and desire. So, he’s easy going with pace, but he does prefer a mix of soft and sensual and roughness. • Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) He’s very laid back when it comes to quickies. He does prefer to explore and take his time, but sometimes, the need arises for quickies. So, he’s down for them. He’d never really experienced quick sex before you, but upon discovering them he’s not initially keen, but they grow on him. Sometimes you just need a good hard fuck and he can appreciate that. He does prefer taking his time though, so you only really have quickies when the need arises. • R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) For a God he sure does like taking some risks and does love to experiment. The experiment part comes from the desire to learn more about Earthrealm and his curious and inquisitive nature. As his confidence grows, so does his desire to experiment, he’s more worried about you, so he tends to restrain himself a little with experimenting till you reassure him you won’t break. As for risks, he’s into been risqué in terms of locations, but nothing that will endanger you. He’s down for that. He’s not into embarrassing you, so anything that may bring about shame or embarrassment he’s not about. He knows little shame, oh the folly of been a god, but he doesn’t want to upset you. So, risks with some locations yes and experimenting with positions yes. But nothing too dangerous. • S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Yeah, he’s a God, so he does have a lot of stamina to match that status. He can potentially last a really long time, and his recovery is ridiculously quick. He could have just finished in your mouth, watching as you lick off the escaped cum that’s escaped from your mouth, and his cock is already twitching and hardening again. How long he lasts however, depends entirely on how long you’ve been fucking and also how hard he’s going. To start with, he could last a fair bit, but your cunt always managed to make him cum far sooner than he anticipated. He does begin to last longer the more you fuck. But if you’re both fucking hard, and are both really turned on, he can cum quicker than normal. It all depends on the mood. And whilst he may  be able to go for multiple rounds, it all depends on how you’re feeling. He wants to make sure you’re comfortable and content, so if you want to go again, great hop on, if you don’t that’s fine you can cuddle. • T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Whilst he doesn’t own toys, big surprise there, and he has no idea about much of this stuff, he is intrigued upon finding one or two you own. He will outright ask you what it is. Not if people are around though. You hid them well, which means not everyone needs to know about them. He’s so open with you telling them about them and would honestly be open with using them. Some he’s not keen on but he wouldn’t mind using one or two on you. He’s not threatened by a lump of silicone and plastic. He’s made you orgasm multiple times with his hands, cock and tongue, he’s pretty sure with his skills, but not in a vain way, but he’s assured with his skills at making you come undone. Toys, to Fujin, are just something different and an odd Earthrealm custom that he wanted to indulge in and explore. Only to find he’s okay with occasionally busting them out. He knows you’re not going to run off with a dildo, so he’s really not envious of them. That, and he knows he can’t be around as much as he wants to be, so if you want to fuck that dildo and think it’s him when he’s away, you go ahead and do that. Very supportive in your pleasure. • U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Fujin does like to tease a little bit. Not a lot that it turns into edge play or edging to the point you’re screaming out and begging for him to make you cum. He’s not into that. A breathless ‘Please...’ or things along that line are okay. He’s more into teasing with his hands, running little circles round your bare skin, gripping your thighs when no one is looking that sort of thing. It really does get him going. He will also tease slightly with the temperature. One minute, a cool breeze is washing over your naked skin, making you ache for him… only for the breeze disappear before it can ghost over your erogenous zones. That kind of teasing is okay, because he will give into you easy. He doesn’t mind you also teasing him with his God status. As long as it’s not powerplay like. That does make him a little uncomfortable. ‘Show me how a god fucks a mortal’ is okay, but ‘I need to pleasure your godly cock’ is a no go. So, a little bit of teasing goes a long way with him. • V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) The noises this man makes are unbelievable. They make you ache for him and are just sinful. Who knew someone so holy, divine and godly could sound so sinful? He can be very loud with his moans. He tends to have to keep quiet if there’s a chance of you getting caught, which always kills him on the inside. He has fairly decent control of his volume, unless you’re deepthroating his cock, whilst moaning, sending vibrations up his shaft and into his spine. Making him tense and lose control. He loves hearing your noises too, it’s his goal to make you moan loud in his ear, a smirk playing on his lips as he hears it. Literal music to his ears. He will also whisper things in your ear, his voice is so light and breezy, everything sounds fucking so good in it. It literally does make you weak at the knees, from his way of speaking, to his loud moans that rip from this throat. Moans that make you worried you’ll get a noise complaint, not that you care at the time. • W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) NSFW: He literally knows no shame and doesn’t always understand mortal shame. So, be prepared for inappropriate questions outside of the bedroom and the sanctity of your house. Queue him asking about a blowjob in the middle of the art gallery, after witnessing some erotic art. He can also kiss you with such intensity and be so blissfully unaware of what it does to you, that you’re left hot and flustered, after he catches your lips and playfully nips at your lip whilst you’re having a nighttime swim. He’s also so sinful for a god. So much so, you’re not sure people would believe you, not that you’d want to share your sinful secrets with everyone. SFW: He once got back early from a mission early. Only to have you mention that you were a little sad. Bippity boppity boo, the winds clapping, and you look up from your book, to see he’s stood on your balcony. Ready for a night in of just holding you and catching up. He secretly wants a slice of the quiet life. And would love to settle down with you. He loves you so much. He wishes he could spend the rest of eternity with you. He thinks you’re perfect for him and that you were destined to be together. He’s never been more devoted to finding a way you can be immortal, if you express a similar wish to spend eternity with. He keeps up hope of finding a way the extend your lifespan. But he knows deep in his heart, that he is glad to have spent and found you and shared a short amount of time with you; than to have never met you, and him to have spent his eternity without knowing you. No matter the pain it will cause him. Raiden would also be there to help him either extend your life, because you make his brother happy, and he is a supportive older brother. • X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) It’s impressive and is larger than average. He’s got a big dick guys, I’m not going to skirt around this. It’s not overly large but it does stretch you. Probably pushing past the 7” mark. It’s actually pretty thick as well. He’s so blissfully unaware of how big his dick actually is and is almost unphased when you remark how big it is. Good job he’s an expert at foreplay. His cock is in proportion to his body and it just looks right on him. • Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) It’s not overly high but it’s not low. It’s more in the middle. If you’re down for fucking, then he’s down for fucking. He’s also down if you both just want to do some mutual masturbation, or oral sex. Whatever you want. Sometimes though, he would just like to hold you and cherish the moment. He’s not all about the sex either. Your relationship is extremely important to him, sex is just a bonus. And as much as he loves learning about new things and experimenting, he does love just a chilled night in, where you’re wrapped up in each other’s arms. • Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He falls asleep after you. He loves falling asleep with you. After sex, you end up talking about anything and everything. Shit gets philosophical on a night. And you love listening to his stories about all the things that he’s lived with. He’s lived a long arse time too, so there’s a fuck ton of stories. The cool sheets entwined and covering your bodies, legs and limbs tangled. His hands manipulating a cool soothing breeze to cool you down. Your head on his chest, whilst you trace his tattoos as they glow in the dark of the room, his words lulling you to sleep. He’ll make sure you’re sleeping soundly before falling asleep, planting a soft kiss on your forehead, before whispering how you complete him. He’s a fucking giant softy.
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crazymisscarly · 3 years
on today’s episode of essay-length hot takes nobody asked for:
So I freak out and internally implode whenever ~bughead~ doesn’t let their ship set sail as much as the next person, but I’ve been (over) thinking about it and maybe doing all this weird ‘everyone breaking up and going to the person they dont really work with’ is actually a good thing in the long run.
Not saying I like it, in fact I have approximately seven fanfics that deeply demonstrate HOW MUCH i don’t like it, but this is the canon storyline we’ve got.
Since the writers clearly want to drag it all out for as long as possible because they… want to (their choice, its their work of art, we can only glare at it from afar), perhaps they’re trying to go full circle and prove that couples like bughead, varchie, choni and even kangs are the ones that will work out in the end.
here’s my reasoning:
Yes, I have scrolled as fast as humanly possible through my dashboard to avoid the jughead and tabitha gifs, and earlier today learned that they sang ‘perfect for you’ and my immediate reaction, after I’d finished mourning their platonic friendship, was just *vomit emoji*. But, then I saw the lyrics to perfect for you…. And it sounds like Jughead is trying to change himself into being someone ‘perfect’ so that tabitha will like him. That just doesn’t strike me as either healthy or long lasting. He shouldn’t HAVE to change himself to be in a relationship with Tabitha. Get better, yes, because he’s recovering, but change himself??? They were good friends, they worked well as a team, but in none of those interactions did he try to change himself to make her happy. So why is he now??
And take Fangs and Toni for a moment - they just had a baby together, and they’re apparently in love after one episode (hey if it works for barchie and veggie then why not -.-), but really, aren’t they doing this because they work well as a team and are starting to think ‘maybe we can be a perfect little happy family’???
And Veronica and Archie (won’t lie didn’t watch the musical ep so can’t be sure) broke up because they see themselves doing different things in life (?) and veronica wants to go back to New York. And she wants to work on herself (valid)  and for some reason goes back to Reggie the sister-swapping gigolo next ep (whom she made THIS face at when she found out:
Tumblr media
But I digress.)
With this in mind, I would assume Veronica is fearful that, like she lost herself in her relationship with Chad, she’ll lose herself in her relationship with Archie because he isn’t a big time New York City high roller like Reggie must want to be. So she’s hoping that maybe Reggie, who she works well with in a team, could be the one for her.
Now, Betty and Archie…. My soul shivers with cold despair as I even type this, but let’s humour them for a second. Archie is upset that veronica has left him, betty has been shown to use sex as a coping mechanism to avoid her trauma, makes sense they might start their FWB situation again, right??
Betty is devastated by the loss of her sister and needs to stay in Riverdale, Archie needs to stay in riverdale because he has 673 jobs there, and both of them have shit they want to move on from or be distracted from - they’ve been shown to work well (dare i say it?) as a team, and they’re apparently good friends with each other, so why not give dating a go since their first choices (and make no mistake, Veronica is Archie’s first choice and Jughead was Betty’s first choice) are unavailable and they’re both depressed, traumatised and lonely??
So this should all be just fine and dandy, then right?? Everyone’s happy with their friends-to-lovers relationships, they can frolic blissfully in Pickens park with the loves of their lives shouting “Go teamwork!” Because this is the height of passion! Right??
None of the above mentioned ships have achieved anything more than showing that the characters are SETTLING for the relationships that are ‘second’ best because they’ve come to the conclusion that this is safer than going for the ones they really love. You can’t get burned by your second choice because they don’t hold your heart in their hands - after all, you haven’t truly given it to them.
So if all goes to what I think (hope) is the plan, then by the end of this mysterious 5 episode event, most of these ships should have realised that their relationships are all just relationships of convenience. They aren’t passionate about each other. They are trying to force themselves into a ‘perfect’ relationship that suits what they think they need.
But inevitably: 
Betty will realise that nobody understands her like Jughead. Nobody else lets her feel vulnerable and shows her its okay to open up. Jughead will realise he doesn’t have to change himself to suit a relationship, and he and Tabitha can still be friends - Betty accepted his darkness for what it was, and he loved her even when she showed him hers.
Veronica will realise that she doesn’t have to give up being who she is, even if she chooses to live in Riverdale. And she doesn’t need to be with another Hiram-Lodge wanna be - she loves the small town boy who tries to be good rather than rich. She sees the value in his desire to help others, and HE sees her passionate nature and refusal to give up when she knows something is right!
Toni and Fangs will part amicably as happy little coparents, and i’m sure Kevin and Cheryl will eventually sort their shit out - what’s beautiful about these four though, is that they’ve been working on themselves all season and have actually spoken to each other a fair bit. I’m not even going to pretend to know whats up with Cheryl, but she at least leaves Thornhill occasionally now, and while I don’t know how its going to happen, i’m sure kangs and choni will rise.
On that note, fangs still doesn’t know kevin wanted to win him back, so that can be some actual tension between the characters in the coming episodes.
So where does that leave Tabitha and Reggie?
I can see it going two ways:  1. Tabitha franchises pops diner and moves back to Chicago where she doesn’t need no man, and Reggie keeps being a little philanthropist car salesman (possibly still hooking up with veronica’s sister) 2. #Teggie rising??? 
They’re both very driven people, both business-minded, both excited about the opportunities life has to offer AND they’ve both been shown to be incredibly ambitious. 
They’ve hardly interacted this entire season…. Maybe the writers are Saving a sneaky little surprise for when all the main ships get back together??
We can hope.
Anyway, I wrote this instead of an overdue essay (a real one for my masters degree) so i’m gonna leave my theories in the tumblr void for the time being. Let me know what you think :)
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not-poignant · 3 years
Hi Pia, please excuse my broken English. I feel the need to let you know how you saved me earlier from almost driving myself into a panic attack.
I sent a difficult email, and I kept pacing around my apartment, anxiously waiting for a response for about two hours. I finally had the idea to watch the first episode of TGBBO s6, and instantly felt calmer, and it just distracted me totally.
My heart was filled with love for Efnisien every time Tamal popped up on the screen, and I intend to watch the rest of the episodes.
So, I was curious to know who is your favorite from that season? And what do you usually do when you feel extremely anxious? Sorry if these are repetitive questions, I am kinda new here. Lots of love. 💚
Hi anon!
I'm so glad GBBO helped you! Honestly sometimes shows like that can just be so good, and it's good to have a little rotation of comfort shows that you know just make you feel better (for me it includes GBBO, but also The Office and Community, as well as recent Smosh Pit and Smosh Games YT videos).
It's so awesome that you were able to send that difficult email! You did so great, and the fact that you were able to stop and think and give yourself something comforting when you were scared and panicky is something that all of us have struggled to do at some time or another, and I hope you're really proud of yourself!
(I really love Tamal, Nadiya and Paul from that season, and I have a soft spot for Alvin, lol - Tamal's sense of humour makes me so happy. And I'm so glad he's been doing well ever since then, but Nadiya is just so expressive and awesome and creative, I fell in love with her).
As for me, hmmm, what I do when I'm extremely anxious varies! Sometimes I write. Sometimes I watch some of the above shows. Sometimes I chat in a group chat. Sometimes I listen to music (like, really loud, through headphones, so that it drowns everything else out). Sometimes I play video games like Stardew Valley and in the past things like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Writing is actually one of my go-to coping mechanisms, so when I'm really panicky, I'm often sitting at the computer, writing to deal with it. And sometimes I walk while listening to music, but that's less common at the moment.
And sometimes I just have a panic attack x.x
(Oh, and maybe I shouldn't be admitting to this, but sometimes I just reread my own fanfiction and fiction. Knowing other characters are going through things I've been through, and reading them be comforted through that, is actually something that I find really helpful when I'm stressed out). :D
I hope you're taking care anon!
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oldsmobile-hotdogs · 3 years
Willex + ⛵️💍💫
ohoho bestie i had fun with this (also it’s almost 2k oops lol)
it’s also available on ao3!
may i present to you:
Two Ghosts... Having a Date on a Stolen Boat... They Might Kiss...
Alex had to admit: even for Willie, this act of delinquency was a lot.
When he’d first floated the idea of joyriding a sailboat under cover of night to Alex, albeit somewhat casually and hypothetically as they strolled along the pier during a mild June afternoon, Alex had gone along jokingly in that way you do when a friend asks who’d be eaten first if the whole group were trapped on a desert island.
But then Willie had brought it up again on their next- Date? Outing? Meeting?
(Alex was vehemently avoiding putting labels on their spending time together, just in case Willie were to put a different one on it to the one he ascribed it.)
And then on their next, next… hanging-out session… Willie had mooted a date for the grand theft boat and didn’t phrase it much like a question. And then he’d gently pointed out when the sailing class stopped for the night on said date: a Sunday, no less, so it closed before the sun even got close to setting, meaning anyone inside the little shed where they stored the paperwork and lifejackets would certainly be gone by the evening.
This wasn’t accounting for how objectively shocked Alex had been to learn that Willie knew how to sail, of all things. He knew Willie knew how to skate, though that was hard to miss, and he knew Willie had mentioned he used to surf a little when he was alive, but as far as Alex was aware, and he was sorting through all of their conversations just to be sure that he was sure, Willie had never mentioned he could sail.
In retrospect, that could have largely been because he couldn’t, strictly speaking. Alex had watched on in a strange mix of awe and terror as Willie had untied a small sailboat that lent itself easily to being pitied, if he was honest- all chipping paint and scuffs on the body and sunbleached sails- from its docking, and then suddenly he'd been yanked onto the vessel by his arm and made to crouch just behind Willie, close enough for the wind kicking up to whip his hair occasionally in Alex's face, and then Willie had knelt behind the sails and done something, Alex couldn't be sure what, that meant they were off. It was pleasant at first, which had surprised him immensely. Initially they were travelling relatively slowly, but still smoothly, not too far out from the shore, and the longer the joyride had lasted at this pace, the closer Alex had been to letting himself relax.
But then it had very quickly become apparent that Willie was somewhat out of his element: not majorly- he'd probably taken a few classes in a summer, maybe- but enough that he had psyched himself out. And whenever Willie felt psyched out, he turned reckless. Well, more reckless.
Despite the fact that he was a ghost, which meant that even if they had capsized they would have both been able to breathe, and that even if they had crashed no one would have been hurt and it would be physically impossible for the crime to come back to them, Alex had found himself with a white-knuckled grip on either side of the boat as it had picked up speed almost exponentially and began coasting erratically from side to side, the sail changing direction so obviously and violently that even an absolute novice, which Alex was, could have seen that something was wrong.
'You alright up there?' Alex had asked, even though "up there" was about four inches from his face.
'Yeah, I'm just- hold on-' And then Willie had let go of the tiller, which had filled Alex with the fear of God for a good six seconds, before rolling his shoulders back, shaking out his hands, exhaling a quick breath through his mouth and grasping it again. Willie must have gotten himself out of his Beserker state in that time because the boat had then begun moving in a relatively straight line again and, after a little while, had eased itself back down to a manageable speed. Alex would have to ask about that coping mechanism when he got the chance.
After what felt like maybe ten more minutes of sailing lightly around, but may have been quite a bit more, spent mostly in comfortable silence, Willie had pulled clumsily back into where the boat had previously been docked and Alex had clambered out from the little space he had been guided to originally and had remained in the entire joyride, tying the rope back around the little wooden pole that tethered it to the beach. Sailors' knots Alex could do. He'd been so afraid of getting lost in the woods one spring when he was a child, although an opportunity had never presented itself for him to go into the woods, that he'd read a Boy Scouts handbook cover to cover to the point where, even now, if he closed his eyes, he could see the passage on how to sterilise river water laid out in front of him.
'When you're done come back onto the boat. I wanna sit here for a little bit.'
Alex had looked up from his handiwork to meet Willie's gaze. His eyes had been bright, filled with the leftover mischief from their escapade, and a soft smile which had made Alex wonder if Willie had something else up his sleeve had played on his lips.
'Okay, yeah, I'll be back in a second,' he had replied, leaning down one last time to tighten the knot in the right places.
Willie had genuinely expected Alex to tell him to stop at some point, but the more Alex had gone along with what was originally at least partially a joke, the more Willie had wanted to see if he could actualise what had previously only ever been a poorly planned pipe dream. When everything started more or less crashing down around them, however, and their outing previously slated as some dangerous, blockbuster-level adventure had fizzled out into the anticlimax of the season, Willie couldn't help but worry that he had done something to threaten what the two had going for them, which would be poor timing, considering.
Now sitting sideways on the boat together, ghost legs phasing into the shallow water below, hands in touching distance if one of them just worked up the courage to splay their pinky finger a little more, Willie was getting nervous. A little giddy, too, at the possibility of this going right, but mostly nervous.
'Alex?' he began, a little embarrassed, though he knew that was needlessly so, at how his voice hiked in pitch from the nerves.
'Yeah?' Alex responded, his eyes suddenly fixed on him. Willie felt his face grow warm at this, and hoped the relative darkness afforded him some ability to hide the blush he knew was developing.
An added problem was that now Willie had no idea what to say next. He was great at listening to people divulge their emotions, sure, but he always struggled a little with expressing his own, preferring to offer solutions to the other people in his life's struggles and pretend like his own feelings weren't always too close to overflowing for comfort. Willie was suddenly hit with the overwhelming urge to backtrack as quickly as was humanly possible.
'No, never mind, actually. It's not important.' Willie attempted to sound casual, but was unsure of how successfully it actually came off.
'Well, see, now I definitely wanna hear what you had to say,' Alex retorted jokingly.
‘No, it’s stupid. Really.’
‘No, it’s not,’ Alex was now looking Willie pointedly in the eyes. ‘I don’t think you’ve said a stupid thing ever-’ Willie opened his mouth, ready to counter him- ‘Not when it counts.’
And it’s not like that admission of blind faith in Willie made the next words out of his mouth any easier, but they were now propelled from hiding by an added energy that wasn’t there before.
‘Okay, so I went to Tokyo a few weeks back-’
‘You- ...okay.’ It was obvious that this anecdote would have Alex wanting to throw himself into one of his crises about the afterlife and ghost powers and the limitations of poofing, but he was, so far, very valiantly, in Willie’s opinion, holding back. ‘You’ll have to tell me about that later.’
Willie couldn’t help but giggle at how resigned Alex sounded. ‘Oh, I will, hotdog, don’t worry.’
'Anyway,' Willie began again, more confident now that the conversation had taken on some humour. 'So I went to Tokyo, and I was walking down a street with a bunch of vendor stalls, and I saw this one stall and I, uh.' He paused a little, taking a few gentle breaths to build up the courage necessary to continue. 'I remembered my Mom telling me about these, uh, these rings.' Willie could almost feel Alex's eyes widen as he drew out the small, purple pouch that kept them safe from his hoodie pocket. He rushed to clarify. 'They're not- it's not a big thing in Japan. They're not like promise rings.' Alex audibly exhaled. 'Yeah, don't- I wouldn't... spring that on you.'
'No, yeah, I didn't... think you would.'
A silence came over them, uncharacteristicallly awkward, and Willie felt a little hopeless to save the moment.
Eventually, it was Alex who broke it. 'So, these rings?'
'Yeah,' Willie quickly responded. 'I stole them.' Alex chuckled under his breath. 'They're called couple rings, and people- well, couples- they buy them to mark the fact that they're- well, that they're couples.'
'Seems simple enough,' Alex joked, evidently warming to the idea.
'Oh yeah, very simple.' Willie could feel a smile spreading across his face. 'And there's no implication that you're gonna, like, do anything else later on either, which I like because, I mean, we're ghosts.' He gestured at how their legs became translucent where they dangled into the water. 'And that's probably already enough thinking about "forever" on its own, without the added pressure of any big promises.'
'Yeah, I agree.' Alex let out a sigh.
There was a beat of quiet before Willie continued.
'But obviously actually seeing them and putting them on is the main event, so I'm going to get them out of the pouch now, finally,' he joked, pulling open the hole in the top and lightly shaking two thin, silver bands out onto his hand. He then placed them gently onto the edge of the boat, and turned them so that Alex could see clearly what they looked like, or as clearly as was possible at this time of night.
'They've both got this line engraved in them almost the whole way 'round, and then one has a star stamped into it, and the other has a moon,' Willie explained, the nerves returning now that his gift was out in the open.
'I can see that,' Alex responded breathily, leaning a little closer to the rings. 'Willie, these are- they're beautiful. Thank you.'
'I thought you could be the star,' Willie suggested, the arm of his that was further away from Alex reaching up to rub at his neck, lightly avoiding how to respond to Alex's gratitude.
Gingerly, Willie closed the gap between their hands and slipped the band onto Alex's ring finger, and then donned his own. Neither of them spoke for a little while, both stunned into silence and afraid to break this air of closeness they'd achieved. Once again, Alex was the first to move.
'So, this definitely means we're dating, right?'
Willie flung himself backwards into the hull of the ship, his hair somewhat cushioning his head as he landed, his legs sticking up over the top, now opaque. 'Ugh. Yes, hotdog, we're dating,' he called back up in fake annoyance.
'Cool, just checking,' Alex called back.
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dat-carovieh · 3 years
Got some interpretation on Hank’s character that got prompted by some discussion on Discord about the stickers on Hank’s work desk. They all seem to somehow send a message about some boomer guy who is racist about androids, hates his ex-wife, is in general a grumpy asshole who is a prick to everyone. But is he really and if not, how do you explain the stickers?
So, let’s first have a look at who Hank interacts with throughout the game to see if he really is a grumpy prick like the stickers suggest. We will get to the stickers later. I will not include Connor for now, because I think that has been talked about a lot also this post is already a novel. But let’s talk about side characters.
We have of course his co-workers. Most memorable is probably Gavin. He clearly doesn’t like Gavin and Gavin clearly doesn’t like him. Gavin is pretty shitty to Hank, despite Hank being his superior. So I think Hank calling Gavin an asshole and not being friendly with him makes sense. How about other co-workers, we don’t see a lot. I can only think of Ben and Chris. They seem to be respecting each other. In Partners Hank arrives, gets greeted by Ben, has a polite conversation about what happened, Ben teases him a little, Hank does not get rude about it, maybe a bit grumpy, but well he’s annoyed about his new partner. He than walks around the crime scene and asks questions. When he talks, he is polite to the person he talks to. He talks to Chris in public enemy (Please excuse if I forget instances, I have played the game a couple of times, but my brain isn’t perfect) He enters, he makes a joke, in my opinion it’s funny and in no way rude, he’s annoyed with the FBI, yeah but I think that’s normal. He asks Chris questions, listens to him, polite conversation, they seem to clearly respect each other and have a good and professional relationship. Later Hank is clearly really affected by what happened to Chris, no matter if he got killed or not.
Jeffrey is a little harder. They do yell at each other, it’s not really pretty, there are clearly issues between them. They go way back and I can imagine they butt heads a lot because Jeffrey is disappointed in Hank for letting himself go and giving in to his depression and alcoholism. I can imagine he had tried to help Hank and he resisted a lot, Hank seems like the type. So there is a lot of tension that comes out between them.
I mentioned the FBI earlier, so clearly, we have to talk about Perkins, THAT MOTHER FUCKER. Yeah, I hate him, he’s an asshole, Hank thinks the same. But honestly Perkins was super rude from the beginning. Chris introduced them and instead of a “Hello” or whatever his first words were “What is that” about Connor. Yeah, fuck off Perkins. Hank has actually been really polite with him there, if you take in the circumstances.
Let’s move to the Eden Club. Who does he interact here? Ben, briefly, polite professional, he calls Gavin an asshole, when he’s not there, he doesn’t really say anything to Gavin when they’re in the same room, despite Gavin being a little shit again. Eden Club owner? He’s polite as he questions him, he does mention that he likes his dog more and more the more he learns about humans, which honestly, if you look at why he says that, understandable. Then the Traci, this is easily missed, I only saw it on my fourth playthrough, he is trying to gently let her down and it’s incredibly adorable. The guy who supposedly absolutely hates Androids and thinks they’re just machines tries to not hurt this android sexworker’s feelings even though he believes she doesn’t even have feelings.
We see a little bit of his private life at Chicken Feed where he meets Pedro, a guy who apparently gives him questionable betting advice and last time Hank apparently lost quite a bit of money with Pedro’s advice. But he’s not mad. He mentions it but he is quickly convinced to bet again and he’s in general super friendly to Pedro. Gary, the guy who owns Chicken Feed, him and Hank also seem to have a good relationship. Someone who wouldn’t want to interact with humans and who is annoyed by them (like me sometimes) wouldn’t actually built a connection to the guy you buy your food from. I’m talking from personal experience here. Yes, I’m always friendly to service workers I interact with but I don’t really say more than greeting, thanking, wishing a good day and anything important for whatever I’m buying. Hank clearly knows him better and talks to him. Jimmy is less clear but the way he says to him “Wonders of technology, make it double” it seems like they know each other, they chat on occasion. And I think that extends to other Service workers. He would be friendly at the grocery store when something doesn’t work out r at the restaurant when getting the wrong dish. You know like millennials are, because he is a millennial.
That we go to Kamski. I’m not sure why he seems nervous while talking to Chloe because I’m pretty sure with all his experience he doesn’t get nervous in front of a pretty woman, that seems like it would be really bad for the job. I don’t know what’s with this, maybe cause she’s an android and he’s not sure how to interact with her? But he is very polite to her, greets her and asks for Kamski. Despite her being an android, he supposedly hates. He is less polite to Kamski, but he’s a little shit, who honestly is wilfully withholding information from the police, which is a crime, but he’s rich so I guess he gets away with it.
 So, what about the Stickers than? Let’s have a look at the Stickers and see what we have.
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I’m just gonna list what we see there, so you don’t have to get through my grainy screenshots and also, it’s accessible for screenreaders.
We have three categories, let’s start with anti Android: -“We don’t bleed the same color” -a blue triangle, crossed out, underneath it says: “No more androids”
That’s it, only two, we know he doesn’t like androids but like mentioned before he is still really polite to them, well his relationship with Connor is starting bumpy and based on player choices might get bumpier. But what is it, he hates? He doesn't like androids in their non-deviated state because of what humans want them to be, he hates that humans basically built human shaped slaves. And honestly, I kinda get it. Connor shoots the Tracis? Hank likes Connor less. Hank shoots Chloe, Hank is mad. Connor spares them? Hank tells him he did the right thing. Connor asked him why he didn’t want him to chase Kara across the highway and the first thing he says is “You could have died” before he remembers he’s supposed to hate androids. Yes, he gives positive feedback when Connor shoots the kitchen android but he was actively threatening all of their lifes.
Next, we have a sticker mentioning an ex-wife, only one. It says: “If I wanted to be ignored I’d talk to my ex-wife” There is something else there but it’s blocked by another sticker.
Seems like classical boomer humour “Haha I hate my ex-wife” or it’s ironic. There is no other instance of an ex-wife being mentioned. For all we know, he might have never been married. Hell he might be gay. Cole might have been adopted. The sticker might be ironic. Or he got it from somewhere and just sticked it on or he did it very shortly after the breakup when he was pretty mad.
Third are the grumpy ones. We have more from them. -“If you’re not a bartender, go away!” twice -“How is my driving? Call: 1-555-IDONTCARE” twice -I’m not grumpy. I just don’t like you.” -“Warning, to avoid injury, don’t tell me how to do my job” -“If you have a complaint, please do to hell.” -“Happy people make me sick”
This screams edgy millennial to me. Also the fact he has stickers twice seems like he just got them somewhere and slapped them on because he found them funny. He didn’t buy them specifically.
The bartender ones? Don’t we all like to make fun of our mental illnesses? He knows he’s an alcoholic, might as well make fun about it. The ones about driving? Wouldn’t you stick them on your car? Why is this in the office? Because they’re stupid but somehow funny, just slap them on there. I’m not grumpy? I would totally say that as well. And I believe people told them he’s grumpy so he probably saw this as fitting. I have to admit I don’t have a specific interpretation to telling him hoe to do his job and the complaint one. The one about happy people? This man is heavily depressed, that’s a coping mechanism, it’s again making fun of your own mental illness. But yes, all in all they boil down to edgy millennial.
 I’m well aware that this is probably not what David Cage intended but to be honest I don’t care what David Cage intended. He tried to push boomer Hank on us with these stickers but the Hank we got was different. I don’t know if that’s Clancy’s doing or if this is just another plothole. But that is my interpretation of Hank, nobody asked for.
Anyway, I love Hank and I’m making it everyone’s problem.
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morewyckedthanyou · 3 years
MASH fandom
Thanks for the ask! 😄 I was hoping someone would ask me about my latest hyperfixation too... and you delivered.
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Before I'd even watched a single episode of the thing, I already knew I loved Klinger based on the few Tumblr posts I'd seen. After starting to watch the show, however... I very soon realized I stood no change and Hawkeye was going to be another favourite. I guess bi-coded disaster characters using humour as a coping mechanism are my downfall. This is a theme when it comes to many of my favourites in different fandoms.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I'm probably going to upset many BJ fangirls and fanboys with this one but... when he first appeared on the show, I did like him and I had high hopes for his character. But I very soon grew kinda bored. I don't dislike BJ but I also really don't think he's all that complex or interesting. :/
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I don't really have one in this fandom I think.
my ultimate favorite character™:
Mulcahy my beloved 😘
prettiest character:
Objectively speaking I guess Margaret. She is really pretty, there is no denying it. However I am also biased and I enjoy seeing Mulcahy in his tight black t-shirts a lot. He also has kind eyes and a kind smile which make him immediately very pretty in my eyes.
Honorary mention goes to nurse Kellye, because I think she's simply adorable and if I were trying to have a good time with someone while being stuck at a MASH unit during the Korean War, it'd be with her. She's my type. 😏
my most hated character:
I love to hate Frank.
my OTP:
Because apparently I like to make myself suffer from the lack of content... Hawkcahy.
my NOTP:
Again I'm probably upsetting all the BJ fans but I really don't care for Hunnihawk.
favorite episode:
Oh god, I really don't know... There are so many good episodes that I like for different reasons. But some of my all time fave episodes are Dear Dad, Fallen Idol and Mulcahy's War, just to mention some off the top of my head.
saddest death:
Even though it happened off-screen... Henry. 😭 I really liked him and when Radar announced his death... you bet I cried.
favorite season:
I haven't actually watched all the seasons yet - I still have the last 3 seasons left to watch and a few episodes from season 8 as well. But out of the ones I have seen... I'd say maybe season 6? It has good Mulcahy centric content, and also we now have Charles who replaced Frank - I was really getting sick of Frank.
least favorite season:
Out of the ones I've seen, maybe season 2? There wasn't enough Mulcahy content for my liking for one... but I also think there were some "filler" episodes that I didn't care that much about. Although, then again, I do like some episodes in season 2 a lot.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
I don't hate him. I just find him kinda boring. Yes I'm talking about BJ again oh god forgive me BJ fans.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Trapper. But I think Hawkeye does fit in this category quite well too, lol.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Radar deserves nothing but the best. He is just a baby and doesn't get nearly enough credit or respect all things considered.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Idk, does my OTP count? Hawkeye is the only one depraved enough to make a pass at the priest and also corrupt him succesfully I think.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
Don't ask me why because I can't even explain it myself but for some reason I think Klinger/Radar would've been kinda cute. 😂
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