#maybe destiny? idk. those two probably fit the best
kaitlyn-pink · 3 months
If your Summoner is a God/Goddess, what kind of God/Goddess they are?
(cool person edition)
AAA Ok I think out of the ones that aren’t taken she’d probably be goddess of war and protection
Edit; okay going back I think that she’d also be judgement or like justice
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Omg! If you do short winter drabbles maybe the kids start a snowball fight and both Steve and you trip and fall, you on top of him ofc bc we love a good cliche and after years of dancing around each other you finally take the leap and kiss him and oh surprise he likes you back!! idk if this is inspiring, just throwing ideas out there 🥰 I love your blog btw congrats on your milestone you deserve it!! 💕💖
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AN | It’s an actual drabble for once! Please this got me so soft 🥺🥺
Warnings | Mild Language
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 900
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Be careful!” you didn’t even know why you bothered to yell at the kids. None of them were even paying attention to you, already too wrapped up in their little snowball fight, “someone’s gonna get hurt!”
“Andddd they are totally ignoring you,” Steve popped up right next to you, making your entire body flush with warmth despite the frigid temperatures. You beamed at him and shrugged your shoulders as if to say what a shocker. He matched your smile before delicately reaching over and brushing a few snowflakes out of your hair, “don’t worry, sweetheart, I’d never ignore you.”
And oh. He really had to go and pull out the sweetheart card. It was almost as if he knew that made you weak in the knees and want to kiss him on the spot. He probably knew, to be quite honest; you were pretty sure you weren’t subtle in your affections towards him. But if it bothered him, he never complained; maybe he just liked the attention.
“How very sweet of you, darling,” you teased, almost losing your mind when he looped his arms through yours. It was such an innocent gesture, but the thoughts it inspired in you were downright sinful, “Steve?”
“Come on,” he motioned his head across the park to where a few small holiday pop up stalls were located, “let’s go and get some hot chocolate.”
“Ooh, yes please,” what could possibly be better than Steve Harrington and hot chocolate? Nothing. You paused for a moment before giving him a serious look, “will there be mini marshmallows?”
“Of course!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
One of the things you always loved about Steve was how easy and effortless it was to spend time with him. You supposed he was your best friend for a reason after all. The best friend you were madly and hopelessly in love with…even if he didn’t know that. 
Once you had your hot chocolates in hand, you were walking around the park, talking about anything and nothing at the same time. You could hear the kids laughing and screaming, way too invested in their little snowball fight. It was funny to watch them playing; it seemed like not that long ago that had been you and Steve. It seemed like so long ago, but at the same time you still felt like those kids at heart.
You could see the evidence of the fight all over the walking path, broken and scattered bits of ice all over. You were wearing decent boots so you weren’t too worried about slipping…but it seemed like destiny had a different plan. One foot forward after a moment of not paying attention, and….immediately you felt yourself start to slip. A small yelp of surprise escaped your lips, and Steve tried to catch and keep you from falling, but he too just went down. He did his best to shield you from hitting the cold, hard ground, but it was no use. The two of you were in a heap on the icy ground, hot chocolate spilled all around you. 
“Babe,” Steve’s eyes were wide as he looked you over to make sure you were okay.But when he saw the look on your face, a smile there despite the tumble he relaxed. You brought into a fit of giggles at the tangles of limbs the two of you had become, “are you alright?”
“Yes,” you promised, leaning forward to wipe a smudge of chocolate off his face, “I’m okay. What about you, Stevie?”
“I’m alright,” his big, soft eyes studied, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. You hadn’t realized you were still touching his cheek until you noticed him leaning into your touch. The way he was looking at you made you want to die from the sweetness. Had he always looked at you like that? Fuck. He had. Why was it just now that you were noticing? You pulled your hand back suddenly, almost as if he had shocked you. He chuckled softly and shook his head in amusement, “what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“Umm…” you opened and closed your mouth a few times before deciding fuck it. You leaned in and kissed him, nothing more than a small peck, a saccharine brush of your lips over his. But it felt so right. So utterly perfect. When you pulled back he was beaming at you, brighter than the sun itself, “h-have you always looked at me like that?”
“Yes,” he promised softly and your heart felt like it was going to burst with happiness - and all the love you had for him. He leaned in and kissed you again, his hand gently holding your face, “I’ve just been waiting for you to catch up.”
“I love you, Steve,” your voice was a whisper, almost as if you were afraid to say it out loud.
“I love you,” he whispered back, exchanging soft looks and shy smiles, “I-”
“Stop kissing!” Dustin’s voice cut right through both of you, ��it’s gross!”
“Watch it Henderson!” Steve shouted back before turning to you again, “come on, let’s get out of here and somewhere warm.”
“Will there be more hot chocolate?”
“There will be more hot chocolate.”
“And more kisses?”
“All of the kisses.”
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yae-35 · 1 year
Ive had these two neverafter ocs for a while but I never really planned on sharing them because despite having watched all episodes intently until now I am just a Girl with Half the Facts and idk how I could fit one of my ocs into the story in a technical/magical sense. Especially my second OC bc she has that Main Character energy peppered into her story and idk if Neverafter's rules can be aligned with her story
Theyre basically a duo of kids around ylfa and pinocchio's ages. The older one (who's probably like, a few years older than ylfa, around the 15-16 yr age range) is the youngest of the twelve dancing princesses who ran away from her controlling, emotionally-gray, father. She harbors extreme resentment against him and her brother-in-law for banning them from entering and essentially destroying the one true place she and her sisters had felt joy. Ofc in their eyes, they are protecting these girls, they're just going about it in such a Horrible Bad way... They feel guilty, but they're not in regret, y'know? Overall, it's a messy situation, and I feel like out of the two of the kids, she's more susceptible to the princesses' agenda, and it's one of those situations where Destiny's Children need to convince her to be on their side or else the princesses will swoop in.
My second OC is an iteration of the ugly duckling who doubles as the secret love child of Odette and Odile, a little younger than Pinocchio. So it goes like this: in the multitude of versions of the Swan Lake that exists, there's a version where Odette and Odile were enemies until they were Awakened. They became friends, then something more, until one day one of them lays an egg. Odile is a sorcerer's daughter, and I feel like she knows that this egg is a symbol of her and Odette's love for each other, and this symbol is an error to their story. She also knows that in this particular world, there are forces that will try to elimate any and every error to the best of its possibilities, like cells in a body that attack any invaders that could compromise the body's health. It's either 1) Odile managed to gain or has always had access to power as great as Baba Yaga's (or the Stepmother's) and managed to pushed this egg into a story where its deemed as an element to be allowed existence not unlike Pinocchio being shazam'd into another random Pinnochio's husk? 2) Odile knows the Baba Yaga, and the offer of such a power made to the Stepmother wasn't the first of its kind made by the Baba Yaga, Odile is just more... err??? let's say level-headed when it comes to using said power. That or the Baba Yaga only gave her a sliver of that power, just enough to push that "tumor" of an egg into a more accomodating host/story. The "duckling"'s whole schtick or arc is that she's tired of her worth being tied to her appearance and/or the anticipation of her appearance, but it's expressed in the way that only a 7-ish year old can.
They are a party of two, and the dancing princess is basically the guardian of the "duckling". Their own mission is to basically stay put in this world, and maybe find the duckling's parents. The duckling herself is ambivalent to finding her parents, but the dancing princess has been having visions of two women, in black and white tutus, calling out in the woods for the duckling's name ever since she took the duckling under her wing.
Idk what happens after I just know that Odette and Odile are like the wlw version of Henry and Timothy and they're looking to adopt this angsty teen with parental hurt.
They're both precious to me because I too have daddy issues, and if you know me and my blog, I love everything wlw and I have a soft spot for kids (CHIRP FEATHERFOWL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WILL ALWAYS HAVE A PLACE IN MY HEART) I also really dig the vibes and themes of "we are the children this system was supposed to protect, but didn't" that Neverafter has going on because it just SPEAKS to me
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leondraisaitlsglove · 2 years
(A bit pretentious, I know)
Or, if you're looking for a fancy German compound word, could I perhaps interest you in "Sollbruchstelle"? (Word by word it means sth like should/planned-breaking-point)
Since idk if you know German, I shall leave you with a likely very mediocre explanation:
It's basically a part where something is made to be broken. For example, when you have those board game figures you have to push out of a piece of carton, it's the bits of paper that still connect the figure to the rest of the paper. (Was that understandable? Probably not, sorry.) Another (to me somehow less fitting but probably more comprehensible) example is those plastic seals you have to cut to open a box; like, you have to break them to get to and get use out of the thing.
I've been meaning to write sth inspired by that word for the longest time I think you could make that so beautifully angsty
Sorry for rambling so much, I'll go now 😅
i loved this prompt with my whole heart. so I tried to mash the two together. You can also read it on AO3
Leon had met many people over the years. Fellow players, would be teammates, coaches, trainers, owners, arena crew and fans but not a single one of those first introductions would matter to him unlike how meeting Connor Mcdavid did.
Connor was flown to Edmonton (pre-draft) to be shown around in case the Oilers won the lottery. Which in hindsight could’ve been Leon’s energy that ended up manifesting them the win of Connor entirely, but he’d never tell anyone that.
While Connor was getting paraded around, Leon was using his optional skate day in full force. He was trying his best to remain in the NHL this season, except deep down he knew it was gonna be short lived. Still he went about his day working on his one timer, meeting with the trainers, looking over some game footage, and then hitting the gym.
And maybe part of him wanted to hang out at the rink long enough he could meet this elusive Connor fellow. But Leon only caught glimpses of the guy through frosted windows, cut corners and low shadows. Until he was leaving the gym, fed up and tired with headphones blasting the new Drake album. Leon was picking a song when he felt himself collide with another force.
When the shock wore off Leon saw his phone and earbuds on the ground alongside Connor laying directly next to them.
“Holy shit are you okay?!“ Leon cursed as he towered over Connor. The panic of hurting Connor and by default somehow ruining the guys career before it even began. He felt his palms begin to sweat.
Leon had seen his tape, seen his pages of stats, seen what talent the guy had since he could skate. He was born for it. That’s what everyone said. And Leon believed them.
“Are you okay?” Leon repeated after catching his breath. The way Connor sat there, like a child looking confused as to why he was on the floor.
Leon stepped forward and put a hand out, Connor looked up at him and the second their eyes met Leon knew something was there between them. Bright, innocent green eyes stared at him as Connor shrugged and took Leon’s hand helping him up.
“Sorry man- I was just- trying to catch my breath from all…that,” Connor gestures vaguely in the direction behind him.
Leon nods “It’s a lot huh” remembering his draft year and all the promises he was told that never actually stuck.
Connor sighs “yeah as much as I’d dreamt of these kinds of moments. Meeting teams, hearing how talented I am, how excited they were to finally meet me.  They kinda really suck.”
���You feel like a trophy, less like a human.”
Connor nods with enthusiasm “yeah yeah you get it. I’m uh Connor by the way.”
Leon smirks, “I got that from the whole looking suffocated thing.”
Connors eyes widen as a blush creeps around his collar, “uh right right sorry um- I mean uh-“
Leon chuckles, “I’m messing with you.”
Connors shoulders relax, “right. and you're Leon Draisaitl right?”
Leon feels his heart skip a beat, “The one and only.”
“I’ve seen you play, you're crazy talented” Connor says casually and now it was Leon’s turn to blush.
“Well, flattery will get you nowhere in this town but thank you. Same to you mcjesus.”
Connor rolls his eyes, “I see the nicknames travel along with the highlight reels huh.”
“Oh you know it.”
Connor then grins, “well I better get back to the welcoming committee but it was nice to meet you.”
“Same to you Connor. If you don’t end up here, well I guess I’ll blame myself.”
Connor laughs the most heartfelt laugh Leon’s heard in a while. It’s beautiful. “See you later Leo.” And then he’s gone.
For the first time ever, someone shortened his short name and made it sound like a term of endearment.
“Leo” the sound vibrates around him.
“Leo.” The voice says again.
“Babe, wake up” this time more clear.
Leon groans and pops an eyes open to see Connor’s concerned face staring at him. “Whaaat?” He whispers still half asleep.
“You were talking in your sleep…”
“What’d I say…”
“I couldn’t tell but you were laughing. Freaked me the fuck out.”
Leon leans over and kisses his shoulder, “I’m sorry… I uh…”
“I was dreaming about the first time we met.”
Connors face goes still before he says, “when you ran into me and I fell on my ass.”
Leon grins, “I was positive that I hurt you.”
“I was more embarrassed than anything…well except-“ Connor pauses.
“No no finish your sentence.”
Connor rolls his eyes and sighs, then turns his head to look at Leon. “You can see where I’m going with this right” he pointed between the two of them “I thought you were insanely hot, even before meeting you. So literally running into you. I told myself to play dead for a second otherwise I would’ve probably confessed on the spot out of sheer nerves.”
Leon finds that fanasinating. He turns over and faces Connor fully, cheek smushed into the pillow. Leon lets out a low laugh, “you never told me that.”
“I think there’s a lot of things we’re still learning about each other.”
Leon’s face turn into a thin knowing smile.
“What?” Connor asks.
“You can’t laugh” Leon replies.
“I swear I won’t.”
Leon pauses, “That day- I knew we were gonna be more than friends.”
Connor hesitates then says, “what do you mean?”
“I mean that we were never going to be just friends, we were always going to be destined for more. Regardless if it ever happened.”
Connor pets through Leon’s hair and sighs, “You were someone who became such a constant in my life right from the beginning. And then how we became what we are on the ice definitely helped. I think we were always special individually and when we met… it just felt like reconnecting a part of your body that you had lost along the way” Connor adds, his fingers now playing with Leon’s ear.
Leon leans forward and kisses his lips. With barely a breath between them Leon whispers, “No one to this day has made me feel the way you do.”
“Marry me?”
Connors eyes flip back and forth between Leon’s eyes, searching for the punchline “seriously?”
Connor kisses him.
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crystaljins · 3 years
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Characters: Yoongi x Reader
Word count: 7.4K
Synopsis: You aren’t the chosen one. You’re not gifted with any special powers, or secret abilities. You’re just a plucky orphan who decided you’d come along for the ride. 
Bringing down an empire is no biggie, right?
Yoongi x reader
Notes: I actually really don’t like this fic, in all honesty. It’s definitely one of my weaker ones, but since I put a lot of effort into writing it, I thought I’d post it anyway! I’m having a real big writer’s block and everything I write just feels.... jilted and inauthentic. IDK. I feel like I’ve lost my ability to tap into what a character feels T.T ANYWAY even if I don’t like it, maybe you will! So please try and enjoy
This is written for @thebtswritersclub​ March prompt, “Adventure”!
Warnings: Poss some fantasy type violence? Sparring, Yoongi is a little mean sometimes but he has RESPONSIBILITIES! Lots of conversations from very not-socially-distanced positions. Mentions of wars and evil empire
Genre: Fantasy, angst-with-a-happy-ish-ending
It’s easy to see that Yoongi is angry. From the heavy thud of his boots against the firmly packed dirt to the furious hunch of his shoulders, everything about him screams that he is livid. Even the way his travelling cloak flutters about his form is ominous, like the dark roil of storm clouds on a distant horizon. 
You follow closely behind, meek and sufficiently scolded. He’s been like this for the better part of the afternoon, ever since you left the previous town behind. 
“Um,” you pipe up, hoping to power through the stormy silence that hangs over you. You’re rewarded with a lethal glare- no one does cold fury quite like Min Yoongi.
Hanging your head, you sigh, continuing following at a dutiful three paces behind the furious man. You find yourself missing Jungkook, sure that he would have the ability to overcome this kind of tension, were he here. Or even Jiyeon, as much as you dislike her- perhaps the “chosen one” wouldn’t trigger such ire in her fated mentor. Really, any sort of third companion would do, if not to pacify Yoongi, then at least to keep you company. Long silences aren’t really your thing, after all. 
You square your shoulders, straightening. At the next town, Jin and Hoseok await your arrival, and then you will have at least two more companions to chat to when Yoongi enters one of his “moods”.
Not that his “moods” happen very often. For a man who is almost infamously gruff and who seems to permanently have a scowl etched upon his face, his actual personality is fairly calm and unbothered. Years of journeying across the realm of Adlentur have resulted in an attitude where there is very little that can truly throw him off. 
Apparently, you possess that unique ability, for the calm mask he often adorns is nowhere to be seen. Even when you’d followed him out of your hometown and demanded to accompany him a lick of ability, magical or not, to warrant your accompaniment, he hadn’t batted an eye. He had merely squinted thoughtfully at you while Seokjin and Hoseok insisted that you would merely be deadweight, before turning around and announcing that if you couldn’t keep up, you’d be left behind. 
He’s doing his best to leave you behind now; you’re struggling to keep up with his rapid pace. It’s so speedy that you feel a twinge in your freshly-healed ankle. With a wince, you stumble a few steps, and the ground comes rapidly rising up to meet your face. Before it can make contact, however, a stabilising hand encircles your elbow and you’re yanked upright. 
Yoongi stares at you, a delicate but angry flush creeping across the high points of his cheek bones and down his neck. 
“Thanks.” You offer sheepishly, before gingerly setting your weight upon your foot once more. The healers had warned you that the fractures were severe enough that even with the extensive healing you’d likely still be a bit tender for the next few days. 
“Does it hurt?” He demands, and you wince. You straighten and shake your head. 
“It’s just a bit weaker than normal.” You rush to assure him. These are the first words he’s said to you since you woke up in the clinic of the village you’d been staying in. Since then, he’s sort of just stormed around in a furious silence. 
The incident that had set him off had been an attack on said village. Of late, the sporadic surges of nightmarish beasts that left few survivors and decimated village populations were becoming more frequent, and this particular village was no exception. This village was lucky in that it had a protector; Yoongi is gifted with special abilities and highly trained in combat. You have no idea where he got the abilities from and why he is so skilled, but it saved your life when he first came to your village, and it didn’t take him long to begin saving lives in this village. 
But Yoongi is only human (you assume), and the beasts were numerous and powerful. People can slip under the radar in times of chaos and he hadn’t noticed the small child in the path of danger. 
You had, though. You had seen the oncoming danger but unlike Yoongi, you are not trained in combat. You aren’t gifted with special abilities. You’re just an orphan who witnessed what he could do. You’re nothing special. 
But you couldn’t just leave the child to die. 
According to the healers that Yoongi had carried your broken, bloody body to, you had gotten off easy. A broken ankle, a shredded arm and deep lacerations across your body. The healers had been skilled and Yoongi had supplied them with some of his own magic to give them the ability to heal your wounds- within just twelve hours the only remnants of your scuffle with the monster was a slightly weakened ankle and some ugly scars from some of the deeper wounds that even the healing magic couldn’t overcome. 
Despite his foul mood, Yoongi’s hands are gentle as he guides you to sit on a nearby rock. He crouches before you and reaches for your ankle- his hands are warm as his thumb slides against the ball of your ankle. He’s so careful as he rotates your ankle upwards, testing the range of motion. Even in his anger, he treats you like you’re made of glass. 
 He hadn’t treated you like this when you first started out. He’d just kind of begrudgingly tolerated all your quirks, watched as you bulldozed your way into his little travelling party. But then, as time went on, he’d become more tentative. More careful. He’d tell you to hide when an attack came on the village so you didn’t get in the way. You’d meet a new person and his arm would come up in front of you, like he’s shielding you from a threat. It’s almost subconscious. But it’s annoying. 
“It’s fine.” You say, tugging your ankle away from his grasp as sitting straighter on the rock. You feel like a haughty child when he raises weary eyes to glare at you. 
“It was shattered yesterday.” He reminds you. “If we’d been in any other village, you’d probably be out of commission for months. And I would’ve left you behind because we have to save-“
He cuts off abruptly but you can fill in the blanks of what he’d say. 
An ugly thought overcomes you; what if I were her? It’s poisonous and burns in your chest. Jealousy is an ugly emotion but you’ve been familiar with it a long time. Ever since Yoongi and his crew arrived at your village in search of the long-awaited “chosen one”. It’s probably a dream every orphan harbours; that they are special and unique and wanted, and the murmurs that followed Yoongi’s arrival had probably triggered a similar feeling of longing across the many orphans that take up residence in your village. 
Alas, that chosen one is not you; you remember your parents very clearly. Warm, kind, loving. They succumbed to the plague that had left the orphanage you grew up in overflowing. In such a full and overwhelmed establishment, it is easy to sneak in an extra child. And that’s what Jiyeon had been. Always on the outskirts, a little special and unique. She could never quite fit in with the other kids and for some reason you’d always resented that. Not only that; the way she never even seemed to try. She possessed some unique spark, some unfathomable dignity. Alone, dirty-cheeked, unwanted even in an orphanage, and yet there was always something special in her. And it never left her even as the two of you grew up and took your leave from the orphanage.
It hadn’t taken Yoongi long to find her- apparently Seokjin had some sort of specialised divination powers and he’d known who she was the instant he’d laid eyes upon her. Agnes, the local breadmaker, had taken her on as an apprentice and you’d even been in the store when they entered, seeking her out. There’d been something mysterious and terribly exciting about them- it had felt like the opening scenes of those adventure novels Jungkook would read out to the other kids in the orphanage. 
And you’d witnessed the disaster that had followed- the attack on the village, your home, by those merciless monsters, the death of people you’d known, and Jiyeon’s ensuing kidnap. Someone apparently didn’t want Jiyeon taking up the mantle of her destiny.
You’re not sure why you insisted you come along on the journey to save her- you never liked Jiyeon. You didn’t know Yoongi or Seokjin or Hoseok. And your closest friend was adamant that he’d stay behind to assist in the rebuilding effort of your village. 
Maybe it was something ugly; a desire for it to have been you instead. The one with special, hidden powers and an endless exciting adventure before you. As Yoongi looks up at you, you could believe that maybe that was your motivation. Maybe you wanted to be the one he was looking for.
“I would have caught up.” You finally say, instead of sharing any of those ugly thoughts. “If you’d left me, I’d have hunted you down and followed.” 
Yoongi gets abruptly to his feet, and you nearly tumble off the rock in surprise. 
“You’re a fool!” He cries. Your eyes widen, but he’s lost to a tirade. Alabaster skin has flushed a furious crimson and the dark points of his eyes have hardened- they glint at you like unyielding steel. “Don’t you understand what we’re doing here? We have to rescue the chosen one or the world as we know it is over. We’re on a time limit! This isn’t some fun whacky adventure with friends- peoples’ lives are at stake! And you’re just throwing yourself around like a thoughtless child!”
You stiffen defensively. 
“I’m not being thoughtless-“ you protest, anger heating your words as you spit them out, but Yoongi cuts you off.
“You are! What powers do you have? What abilities? None! I allowed you to come because I didn’t think you’d get in our way so much!” He snarls at you. You throw yourself to your feet, your eyes blazing and your heart thundering furiously in your heart. “Instead you’re throwing yourself into fights you know you can’t handle! You should have left the kid to me!”
“So I was supposed to just sit and stay where you’d left me? Like a dog?” You cry. “When people are dying around me? When a child was about to lose his life?”
“You were supposed to not get hurt!” Is what Yoongi shouts. 
And then he goes abruptly silent, his mouth closing so violently that you hear his teeth click together. He cups a hand over his mouth and turns abruptly away, shoulders hunched. 
The change in mood is so sudden that you feel like you have whiplash; you almost lose your balance with the about-face. Yoongi keeps his back to you for a long moment, and there’s something hurt about the way he curls himself away from you. Finally, he takes a long, shaky inhale and when he finally turns back to you, his eyes are glazed with emotions you can’t understand. It’s not fair that he gets to stare at you like that, that he gets to make you feel two feet tall. 
“Why did you come?” He finally asks, levelling you with a wary look. 
The air feels heavy. You and Yoongi have had a good relationship from the beginning- he’s a little protective and a little bit gruff, but on the whole he’d looked out for you and if anything, you felt closer to him than you did to Seokjin or Hoseok. So this is likely the first time the two of you have clashed like this. 
It’s probably the question he should have asked when you first demanded you accompany him. He should have questioned your motives. He’d had just enough interaction with Jiyeon to work out that she was a bit of an outcast before she’d been kidnapped; he should have known that she’s not your friend. Maybe that’s why you’re so fond of Yoongi; because he hadn’t asked any of those things. He’d looked at the plucky orphan and given you a chance. 
You’ve questioned your own motives many times; why are you on this journey? Why didn’t you stay in your rightful place with Jungkook back at the village? Why did you insist you help rescue Jiyeon? There are motives you can’t shake; that it was for glory. Recognition. So that you could play at being hero. So that you could catch the attention of the mysterious, handsome stranger who is currently eyeing you like you’re an unfamiliar but dangerous beast. 
But you want to believe the motive in the depths of your heart is true; that are your core, you are good. 
She’d met your eyes, the moment before those beasts grabbed her. She’d stared straight at you and begged you for help.
“Because people need help.” You finally say. You gaze straight at Yoongi, willing him to understand. Willing him to believe. Willing him to see the good in you that you want to believe is there. 
Yoongi offers you a searching gaze; deep, dark eyes seem to pierce through to your very soul. He’s always had sharp eyes- he picks things up faster than anyone you’ve ever met and he notices things that no one else would even think to look for. It’s terrifying and exhilarating to have all the focus directed completely on you, even if it is only for a heartbeat. Like he’s disassembling you, piece by piece. 
And then he turns away, shoulders stiff and posture ready like a well-trained soldier, and he begins to march off. 
“You get two days of recovery. And then we start your training.” He glances over his shoulder at you. “If you’re to accompany the chosen one on her journey, then you must be able to defend yourself. Otherwise, if you continue to burden us like this, I shall chain you to your home at the village personally.”
And you can’t read his expression for the life of you, but there’s just something fond about the way the light glints off his steely eyes. 
“Can’t I train her?” Seokjin complains, chewing through a mouthful of dried meat. He looks you up and down like he’s seizing up your weakness and you stick your tongue out him childishly. “I think she needs some work on her defensive skills; perhaps I can come at her with a stick and she can try and fend me off.”
“That just sounds like you want revenge for the mouse she put in your bedding this morning.” Hoseok offers helpfully. 
Yoongi chews through his rations slowly and thoughtfully before levelling a glare a Seokjin. 
“You can train her as soon as you best me in a fight. If you’d like, we can test that out right now and I can give (Y/N) a day off-“ 
“That’s fine.” Seokjin hastily cuts him off. “You know what, actually I think I need to do some meditation this morning, make sure they haven’t shifted Jiyeon’s location and that we’re still heading in the right direction.” He scurries off, not sparing a look behind him and you resist the urge to snort in laughter. Perhaps the mouse had been unnecessary, but some sort of revenge had been required after all Seokjin’s recent comments on the amount of time Yoongi had been taking to train you. 
It had been months now, since Yoongi had decided you needed training; you were still a beginner by all means but Yoongi is a good teacher and with each day that passes you grow more adept. It leaves you a little sad; had he been able to mentor Jiyeon and cultivate her special abilities like he intended, perhaps the world would already be saved and the growing evil sealed permanently. 
“You never did say why you decided to start learning to fight, (Y/N),” Hobi comments conversationally; though he is just as much a coward as Seokjin, he does have some sort of immunity to Yoongi’s withering glare. This leaves him undeterred by Yoongi’s subtle hints that he is unwelcome at your training sessions, for the most part. 
“If she’s coming along on a dangerous journey, she needs to learn to defend herself.” Yoongi cuts in. He finishes the last of his meal, and gets to his feet. He stretches languorously, like a  cat, peering at you through squinted eyes. “I’ll give you an hour and then we’ll get started. We’ll make camp here for tonight and cross the river in the morning.” 
He wanders off, leaving you with Hobi. Hobi watches him go with mild curiosity. 
“What happened between you two when we got separated?” Hobi wonders aloud. He tilts his head and stares at you. “Something just... seems different with you two.” 
You pause to consider; true to his word, Yoongi had given you another couple of days to recover, and then he’d started his training. The two of you would spend the day hiking and in the evenings when you’d made camp for the night, he’d teach you the basics of combat. But despite his rigorous training, there was no denying that Yoongi treated you differently after that day. Not hugely different- his protectiveness hadn’t changed, and he wasn’t any less gruff than usual. He just seemed... a little warmer. Kinder, even. Except when he was training you and then he’d turn into a demon spawned from the depths of hell. 
“Nothing we haven’t already told you; a village got attacked, I got injured, and Yoongi decided I should be trained in combat to stop it happening again.” You recall. Hoseok shakes his head in absolute bafflement. 
“See, those all sounds like standard things for Yoongi, but then he also doesn’t seem like Yoongi. He’s so... different with you.l Hoseok admits. “I’ve known him for years now, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he...” he trails away, before looking at you curiously. “Ah.” He makes a little noise of understanding. 
You lean forward eagerly. 
“What?” You ask. Hoseok holds a thumb and forefinger to his chin thoughtfully. 
“Nothing. I just want to try something. Hold still.” And that’s all the warning you get before Hoseok dives at you. Your eyes widen as you lurch back, but you are caught off guard and so Hoseok is able to pin you easily. 
“Hobi!” You cry in protest, but he just grins and leans in close. You can’t help but notice how compromising the position you are in is, pinned beneath Hobi, and when he drops down low enough for his mouth to tickle your ear, you can only imagine what the pair of you look like to a third party. 
“Yoongi’s the jealous type, by the way.” Is what he whispers, and that’s all he manages to tell you before a very loud throat clear interrupts him. 
Hobi leans back, settling on his heals but not bothering to get off you. Yoongi stares down at him, unimpressed. His lips are pressed firmly together, but otherwise his expression is unreadable.
“Ah, Yoongs,” Hoseok says cheerfully. “I was just thinking I’d test (Y/N)’s reflexes. See how your training is going for myself.” 
“Hoseok.” Yoongi says cooly. He smiles but it has no warmth in it. “Surely you’ve seen me fight enough; are you doubting my ability to train her?” 
He offers a hand out to Hoseok, who accept it cheerfully. Freed from Hoseok’s grasp, you sit up, brushing dirt off your tunic and then glaring at Hoseok. 
“Never.” Hoseok says warmly. He’s entirely too cheerful and smug and you don’t know why.
“What the hell, Hobi-“ you snap, but Yoongi cuts you off. 
“I changed my mind, (Y/N),” he says abruptly. He pins you with shimmering dark eyes. “We’ll start our training now; Hoseok has just helpfully pointed out some shortcomings.”
“You’re welcome.” Hoseok offers, before taking his leave to find Jin.
He’s gentle as he helps you to your feet. 
Everything about him is almost overly careful, as he leads you away from the camp site to a small clearing. There’s a tension to his figure that you don’t quite understand- it reminds you of the fight you’d had, where he’d turned away from you, overcome with emotion. 
Yoongi takes a long, deep breath. 
“Are you ok?” He finally asks, when the tension has bled from his posture. You nod cautiously, and Yoongi nods awkwardly to himself, before sighing heavily. He shoves a distressed hand through his hair, and the dishevelled look makes him look younger, somehow. Yoongi hasn’t been very forthcoming with personal details about himself, particularly his age, but normally he looks just a bit older than you. But the look he gives you now is almost boyish, like a confused child lost in the woods. 
“Hoseok’s always been nosey.” He comments. “He likes to do unhelpful things because he thinks he’s helping me.” The almost frazzled way he says the words is so unlike the composed man you know; you feel like you have whiplash and you don’t even know the reason behind his sudden and unexpected fluster. 
“You mean pinning me?” You wonder. Yoongi nods, agitated, before stepping close to you. 
“What did he say to you?” He asks. “When he was... he was... I saw him say something. What’d he say?” 
You pause to recall the cryptic words- that Yoongi is the jealous type. It’s certainly an interesting little tidbit to know; a small part of you wonders if that jealousy would ever be directed at you, but you dismiss it just as quickly. But for the life of you, you can’t think why Hobi might have brought it up in such a context, or why he even thought it appropriate to pull the stunt in the first place. 
“That you’re the jealous type.” You share, wondering if Yoongi will offer any further clarity or insight into the situation or if he will keep his thoughts to himself like he often prefers to do. 
Something sparks in Yoongi’s eyes, and this, at least, is an easy emotion to interpret; irritation. 
“Let’s just get started.” He grumbles. He guides you through your regular warm up. You’re thankful you’d eaten earlier than the others for you’re sure you’d have a nasty cramp if you hadn’t. Yoongi is short and clipped in his delivery and it’s clear the hounding from his peers earlier has left him in a foul mood. 
Finally, after a series of difficult drills that he’s been practicing with you, he allows you a brief reprieve. 
“You’ve come a long way.” He observes, while you take a long drink from a waterskin. When you stare at him questioningly in response, he settles down next to you and offers something close to a smile. It’s a little terser and a little awkward, but there’s a warmth to his eyes that you’ve steadily become acquainted with despite the rarity of its appearances. “Give it another few months and you’ll be able to keep up with even Jin.” 
“I probably won’t.” You remind him. “Jiyeon’s being held at the next town- you’ll probably be too preoccupied training her to have these sessions with me.” 
Yoongi stiffens, just slightly, but you’ve become accustomed with the way he expresses himself throughout the journey and you know the statement throws him. 
“I can manage two pupils. It might even be helpful for her to spar with someone closer to her skill level.” He finally says. You nod, getting up and stretching, bouncing from heel to heel as an indicator that you’re ready to go. 
“I suppose it might.” You offer, but now your mind is preoccupied. In the next few days, the four of you will enter into the territory where Jin can sense Jiyeon is being held, and they will begin her rescue mission. Following that, Yoongi had planned to withdraw to his hometown where he can safely train her in preparation. From there, the campaign begins; they must raise up an army mighty enough to take on the Empire and remove whatever curse upon the land the Shadow Emperor has wrought. It’s a long, arduous path ahead of them, one you definitely hadn’t thought through. But with your meagre, beginner fighting skills, surely you shall be more hindrance than help, as pointed out by Yoongi all those months ago.  
Yoongi picks up on your distraction when he’s able to pin you in a fairly simple maneouvre. He plants a forearm against the base of your throat and pins your legs beneath the weight of his body. His body is warm against yours and the force of the blow that sent you sprawling has you breathless. You bring up your hands, trying to dislodge his arm, but he’s stronger and surer than you and it doesn’t budge.
“Distraction can cost you your life.” He comments, and his voice is a low rumble. His breaths come deep and heavy- warm puffs of air tickle your skin and his torso heaves against yours. 
“Sorry.” You mutter. The pressure against you eases as Yoongi sits back but he doesn’t shift his weight off you. 
“I was distracted too.” He admits. He rolls off you and straightens, dusting off his pants before extending a hand to you. “Let’s leave it here and pick up tomorrow. It might even be our last training session without Jiyeon so I expect you to work hard.” 
You take his hand and the mention of her name has something dark and ugly churning in your stomach. This whole situation has your heart sitting cold in your chest like unyielding stone. You had confessed to Yoongi that you had come along on this journey because someone needed help- what about after? What role did you have to play in all this? Yoongi had just assumed you would continue to accompany them, but is that really what you should do?
“I’m the jealous type too.” The words come out of you softly, unbidden- you almost don’t realise you’ve said them until you see the way Yoongi stiffens. 
“What?” He asks, turning back to face you. His expression is about as readable as a blank page- you’re sure the Emperor’s fortress would be easier to breach. 
You swallow deeply and steel yourself. You’ve already said the words- it’s time you faced these pesky feelings before you make a decision you regret. 
“I’m the jealous type too.” You confess, a little louder. “I don’t want to be your second pupil. I don’t want to be someone along just so Jiyeon’s less lonely and has someone to spar with. I like training with you. I want to keep training with just you. And the thought of sharing this time with her... it makes me feel jealous.” 
Yoongi is silent, staring at you in confusion. It takes him a few baffled blinks before he manages an answer. 
“We don’t have enough time for two separate sessions.” Is what he offers, the words slow and almost slurred in confusion. “And Jiyeon’s training takes priority.” 
It’s a slap in the face, even if Yoongi doesn’t mean it in the way you’re thinking. He doesn’t seem to understand, but you want him to. You want him to comfort you and take away the ugly feelings storming inside you. 
“I’m not talking about training.” You finally say. “I’m talking about us. You and me.” 
Yoongi looks like you’ve just punched him in the stomach- the look of absolute bewilderment on his normally calm face would be funny if your heart didn’t feel like it was about to plummet straight through your body into the ground below you. 
“I have feelings for you.” You blurt. “And I’m scared. Because Jiyeon’s the chosen one. She has to be your priority. The world needs that. But if she’s the priority... if she’s the one that needs to be trained and cared for and raised.... where does that leave me? Less useful than a packing mule.”
Yoongi’s expression is stony, but you can see the emotion shining in his eyes. His normally composed exterior is completely shattered, and for just a brief second you catch a glimpse of fragile, vulnerable longing. 
And then his expression steels and it’s like a door slamming shut. 
“I don’t have time for feelings.” Is what he says. He’s brusque and his words are firm and if you hadn’t caught that glimpse of emotion, it would almost seem cruel the way he delivers them. “And if this is what you are spending your time worrying about, then I think it best you return to your village.” 
And then he leaves you, alone in the clearing to clean up the mess you’ve made of your own heart. 
Despite his rough dismissal, you do not go home. You’ve come too far to not at least see Jiyeon safe and rescued. What comes after is something you can worry about when it actually happens. 
Seokjin and Hoseok can tell something happened, but they are awkward and unsure about how to proceed since both you and Yoongi refuse to speak of it. Instead, the two of you arrive at some sort of wordless truce; he won’t send you home and you won’t bring up your feelings again.
The four of you arrive at the town where Jin can sense Jiyeon’s presence. It’s a fairly unremarkable town, just small enough that it’s hard to enter without people noticing your presence but just large enough that they probably can’t guess at your motives. It takes a few days of reconnaissance to discover where Jiyeon may be; this town happens to house a small, undercover faction of the emperor’s top mages, and a days’ hike out of the village holds a secret dungeon. 
The decision is made to leave you behind, and though normally you’d insist you accompany them, a piercing glare from Yoongi has you meekly agreeing to stay overnight in the in . Your instructions are simple; if the four of them do not return by 6am the next morning, you are to cross the country and head to the town of Sabre, Yoongi’s hometown. From there, you should find the aid necessary to rescue the chosen one, and from there it will be up to Yoongi’s friends and family to replace Yoongi’s role as mentor and teacher to the chosen one. 
You’re seeing the them off under the cover of night when Yoongi finally acknowledges you.
You’re about to turn back to the inn and retire to the room that you’d hired out when he calls your name. You turn back in surprise; Jin and Hoseok watch in confusion as Yoongi walks towards you. He shoves a hand through his hair in distress before coming to a halt before you. 
His expression is oddly soft as he casts his gaze over you. 
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs. It’s soft enough that Jin and Hoseok can’t hear,  but you hear the words as loud as day. “I’ll... I’ll see you in the morning.”
Despite everything, despite the ache in your chest, despite the overwhelming worry and concern, despite the fear, you smile at him. He looks surprised for a moment before you notice the slightest curl form at the edge of his mouth in a weak smile. 
“I’ll see you in the morning.” You promise. 
You do attempt to sleep that night; after all the plan is to leave straight away and flee to Sabre as soon as Jiyeon is rescued. You have a long an arduous journey ahead of you and you’re the only one who has the luxurious option of sleep. But you only manage fitful bursts, filled with nightmares. Finally, the dawn rolls around, though you do not feel rested in the slightest. 
You rise with a sigh, readying your scant belongings and changing into appropriate travel gear. 
And then, you wait. Waiting is agony- that’s something you learn as you settle beside the window of your small room and watch the sun peek between imposing stone buildings. The sky warms from a dull grey into a blushing pink, and then a bright blue. And all the while, you catch no glimpse of your friends. Six am comes and goes. No one had warned you how deeply terrifying your role would be. Waiting and uncertain. Are they dead? Captured? You do not know- they didn’t grant you the luxury of any information; just left you behind to deal with the mess, under the guise of “safety”.
Stiffly, you rise from your position. You do not dare check the clock. You do not want to know how long past the meet-up time it is though it must be at least a few hours. Your instructions had been to leave strictly as 6am lest people
come looking for you, but that hour has come and gone.
“You’re a liar.” You mutter to yourself as you step out into the crisp morning air. It had only been last night that he’d promised to see you again; so quickly he broke his promise. 
You kick the dirt aimlessly before beginning a quick stride for the edge of town, your head down. “A coward and a liar.” You assert, though your voice is thick with unshed tears. 
You’ve just stepped into the woods that surround the edge of the town when you hear the crunch of boots in dirt and the clink of armour; soldiers are out and about. Perhaps they’re searching for your friends after a successful mission and Jiyeon is safe; perhaps they’re searching for any backup to exterminate and ensure her continued imprisonment. 
You’re searching for a way to conceal yourself when an arm wraps around your bicep and nearly yanks you off your feet. You stumble back into a firm, warm presence, and one hand covers your mouth while an arm snakes around your waist, stifling your cry. 
You don’t hesitate to utilise the momentum of your fall. You swing your elbow around to where you estimate your attacker’s abdomen is. They release a soft “oof” and you utilise the way that their arm goes slack to swing forward in the same moment you bring the heel of your foot slamming down over theirs. 
They grunt and hunch over in pain.
“It’s me!” A familiar voice hisses, releasing you so that you can whirl around and see your attacker.
“Yoongi?” You say, before remembering the approaching guards and lower your voice. “You’re here?!”
“I am.” He comments softly. “Jin sensed you hadn’t left yet and I.... came to get you.” He confesses. 
A clank of armour and the distant sound of voices has the two of you freezing; now is not the time for reunion. There will be time for catch up and explanation later. For now, you are in imminent danger until the soldiers pass you by. 
Yoongi secures a hand tightly around your wrist and guides you through the undergrowth in a low crouch. He moves in the opposite direction of the voices, brushing branches out of the way. 
“There’s a hollow ahead; we can hide there until they pass by and then we’ll make for town. The others will be waiting for us there.” He glances at you over his shoulder. 
You don’t know what passes through his expression, but you feel his grip tighten just a fraction and his pace quickens. 
The hollow he speaks of is a tree- rain has washed away the soil that the tree clung to. In its place, twist, skeletal roots knot and weave to form a dark space just large enough to hide some if they scrunched themselves up very tightly. You pause to raise an eyebrow at Yoongi. He pointedly ignores your scepticism, pressing pointedly on your shoulders until you obediently crawl into the space. He is not far behind- you feel the warmth of his form as he crowds you in. You’re about to comment that you don’t feel particularly hidden when you feel the brush of his magic; the shadows around the roots thicken. It’s a spell you’ve seen before- people’s eyes seem to just slide over the places that Yoongi’s shadows conceal. 
“So are you going to tell me why you’re still here and not halfway to the next town when we agreed you’d leave three hours ago?” He murmurs from where he is crouched over you. Crushed up against him like this, he is a large, foreboding presence. Were it not for the glint of warmth to his eyes, the relief at seeing you safe, you could almost be afraid of this terrifying man. If he is, indeed, a human at all. 
You could do a lot of things in that moment- pour out the anxiety and worry and misery and anger you feel and watch him boil in it; instead you release the fragile shard of vulnerability you had been trying to keep a tight hold on. 
“I couldn’t accept you’d died.” You confess. 
Yoongi’s eyes soften, and he drops his head so that it rests against your shoulder. His hair tickles the side of your neck and you feel the heavy weight of his breath as he exhales slowly. 
“I’m sorry.” He confesses. You shake your head, attempting to shift back. Some distance would be helpful to the loud racket your heart is currently making. 
“It was out of your control.” You remind him. “It’s hard to be punctual when you’re fighting against an empire.”
His arms tighten- a hand lifts from the soil and fits into the curve of your waist, anchoring you against him. 
“Not about that.” He confesses. “About.... about what you said earlier. About your feelings- I can’t stop thinking about it. About you. I have so much I must do and I can’t afford distractions and yet...... there is so much I want to be distracted by, (Y/N).”
He feels your surprised inhale, the way your ribs hiccup beneath his palm.  
“I’m supposed to be protecting Jiyeon and yet when Jin told me you were in danger...”
He doesn’t have to finish the story. Here he is, holding you desperately against him like at any moment you may crumble. He left the chosen one vulnerable, unprotected and untrained to save you. The plucky orphan who should have never been apart of this tale in the first place. 
Against your volition, you hand comes up to slide against his cheek. His eyes squeeze shut at the gesture- it reminds you of a cat, the way his eyes squint in contentment. 
“I understand.” You admit. “I.... It’s not your fault.”
Those are the only words you can muster. How else can you articulate the way it has clicked in place? The burden Yoongi bears; the long, scary road ahead of him. He cannot afford to be thinking of the things he cannot have; and he cannot have you, as much as you both want it. 
You know he understands what you meant; that your words have lifted a heavy burden from his heart. He did not want to hurt you; but he cannot drag you in. 
You lean up, tilting your head up just slightly so that you can have a brief taste of the life you could have had; if you were born in a time of peace and prosperity. Perhaps you could have wedded. Had children together. Grow old with your hands linked together, smiling with recollections of a life well-lives. His lips are soft but firm, and the kiss is filled with sadness. 
You eventually make the decision to go home. It’s not inmediatelt; you persevere for a while. You accompany them on the arduous journey back to Yoongi’s hometown. You assist with Jiyeon’s training as Yoongi intended. But eventually you come to accept the truth; this isn’t your journey to be on.
Jiyeon, who was suspicious of your presence at first given your history, is the one who protests the most, oddly enough. Perhaps you are the small piece of familiarity in a sea of chaos and fear, to her. And oddly, you are sad to say good-bye. Despite never liking her as a child, as an adult you begin to see it. The heart for others, the unwavering compassion and determination. She has the heart of a hero. 
But that’s why you must return home; a hero needs a home to fight for, after all.
Yoongi’s goodbye to you is subdued. He does not voice his sadness- Jiyeon even goes so far as to scold him to his dismissiveness. But you know; you can see it shining in his eyes. If he lets go, he will break down. And you are leaving to prevent that; your goodbye will be for naught if he lets himself crumble here. 
“It’s not forever.” You reassure your friends. Jin nods, tearfully, while Hoseok rests a comforting hand against his shoulder- normalky he would be the one sobbing the loudest, but he is to chaperone you home and then he will rendez-vous with the others in Yoongi’s hometown. “I’ll see you when the war ends. If any of you die, I’ll be very cross with you.”
That does it; the briefest, weakest smile from Yoongi. 
And so ends this chapter of your adventure.
The war lasts five years. Villages are ravaged, lives are lost and empires are brought to their knees. Joyous bells ring throughout your town when the news reaches you; the emperor has fallen. 
For you, you don’t think much of it. The war had left countless children orphaned, and to the best of your ability you take as many in as you can handle. Ever since you and Jungkook took over the orphanage, funds have been tight and there have been endless mouths to feed. So the news of the war ending leaves you surprisingly underwhelmed. The end of the war will not mean food appears from nowhere or make these children un-orphaned. If anything, your job gets harder now; as people lick their wounds and the fallen empire recovers, you will have your hands full with your children. 
You’re informing Jungkook of this opinion quite loudly in the tavern one evening. It’s past curfew for the children and old Bertha had offered to keep an eye on things so the two of you could have a night off. 
You’re surprised when a nearby customer snickers. Casting your gaze, you notice four hooded figures seated around the door. That in itself is not suspicious, for many travellers prefer to keep their identities concealed as they pass through. 
What is suspicious is the brief glimpse you catch of one of the hooded strangers, the slight tilt of a smirk that seems almost familiar. 
Having noticed your attention is drawn, one of the travellers lean forward. 
“Do go on.” A familiar voice sounds. You nearly drop your glass as you blink a few times. Suddenly, your heart is racing. 
“Do you know these people?” Jungkook asks curiously, eyeing the group with mild interest. 
You’re too stunned to reply, so the initial traveller, the one who had snickered answers for you. He tugs his hood off to reveal chestnut hair, a heart shaped mouth, bright glittering eyes. 
“I sure hope she does since we came all this way to find her.” Hoseok cries enthusiastically. 
You distantly hear the sound of a chair sliding across wood and then realise the source is you, leaping from your chair. 
“H-hoseok?” You cry. He grins. 
“The one and only!” He caws. He gets to his feet to engulf you in a monstrous bear hug. 
The other travellers take the opportunity to tug their hoods free; first Jiyeon appears, beaming at you, then Seokjin. 
And then Yoongi. Five years has not aged him, though you always had considered the possibility that he is immortal. 
Hoseok seems to realise he’s lost your attention, for he releases you and begins interrogating Jungkook. 
You’re far too preoccupied with the man before you. 
“Yoongi.” You breathe. 
The smile he offers you is surprisingly light and warm. Like a cat blinking contentedly in the rays of the morning sun. And despite it being nearly half a decade since you last saw him, your heart races just the same. 
“You did say it wasn’t forever.” He offers you simply. 
And as your eyes water and fill with tears, you offer him a weak smile. 
And so begins the next chapter of your adventure.
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ninjas-and-coffee · 3 years
WU SUCKS but not the reason you think
I'd like to preface by saying Wu has made a lot of mistakes and should be held accountable. But like the main arguments against Wu be like.
1: Morro
2: Traumatizing kids
3: Keeping secrets
4: Mot treating his nephew like is damn nephew.
5: Flirting with his brothers wife.
And the thing about that needs talked about. 1:Morro. First off getting kids hopes is not cool. It can be detrimental to development depending on the age of the child. BUT. Not a single soul told Morro to train tirelessly for 60+ years after his death to take revenge and be the green ninja. Absolutly no one. Wu had compassion for his failings and wanted to show Morro he could still he great without being the green ninja. But the little brat ran tf off and got trapped and died. And he got cursed, how- we dont know. But its implied that it's either intentional entrapment or you have to be a terrible person, guess which category he probably falls into. Mind you Wu also told our OGs that they could also be the green ninja and none of them went off the rails to settle some invisible score. Morro made his choices and he made shit ones. Wu was an influence but not the problem. Morro is unstable, dramatic, and holds grudges Wu didnt cause that.
2: the traumatic experiences the nina go through are also not exactly his fault. He didnt just pick them off the streets. THERE WAS A PROPHECY. Ok? Yall with me. Fate isnt uncontrolled by anyone the ninja needed to be trained to help Lloyd fight the Overlord. That wasnt his decision. And yall act like the ninja couldn't leave whenever they wanted to. He didnt gaslight them or belittle them in anyway that wasnt for teaching. Please bring me receipts if you think otherwise. I do admit he could help a little more, be more clear, but when has a old magic teacher character ever been straightforward. With that logic fuck Dumbledore, and Gandalf, and any wise old teacher that goes to find chosen one who once again are chosen by fate not the master himself. Yall literally cant blame Wu for Child's Play and you cant blame Wu for their experience with Nadakhan either. The enemies that go out of there way to attack the ninja are not a direct cause if Wu himself. Usually. It be like blaming Garmadon for Chen. Yes they had history but it's still not his fault
3: Secrets. I will admit there is next to no reason for keeping secrets from the ninja. Considering history always has kind of score to settle. But considering his age and the apparent imprisonment or death of his past enemies there no way to predict every problem that comes back to screw him over. The Time Twins for example. Yes they came back for Wu. But he did remove their powers and separated them over 20+ years ago. They were not exactly threats to his new students now were they? Again with Aspheera, who was literally locked in a tomb why take the time to educate the ninja on a problem he had no idea was going to come back for him. Same with Morro to a more confusing degree. MORRO DIED. How was he to prepare the ninja for that? Yes please tell me how they were supposed to prepare for a dead guy. I'll wait.........k. he should be more forthcoming with the ninja, about things he knows could harm them, like the Serpentine after Lloyds released them, Chen, the Overlord, the effects of Travelers Tea, Tomorrow's Tea, Oni, Etc. But most of the time the ninja go and do it first then wonder why Wu didn't warn them.
4: His nephew. Wow his parenting sucks. Morro is not his damn child let's start there. Comparing their relationship is unfair. Wu cared for Morro the way he cares for Kai and Nya. He never accentuates a paternal relationship with then. Cause they are students, students he has to train with he intent to send them out onto dangerous battle fields and mind games. He was alone so yes it looks different but it's also a leap to just assume that Wu viewed Morro as his own despite treating him the exact same way as his 6 other students. Now back to Lloyd. Why didnt he get his nephew from Darkleys where it was known he ran away from multiple times? I DONT KNOW. No one does. That is a bad move I can only theorize about. Maybe Misako said something about staying away, maybe he wasnt kept in the loop about his nephews whereabouts due to idk KICKING HIS FATHER INTO HELL. C'mon yall. Now in the later seasons my best guess is that he doesnt know how to differentiate his nephew from the chosen one side and the goofy child side. Hes never had a child and his early relations with Lloyd were scarce and when Lloyd came to live with him. It's not due to some familial obligation, destiny literally called for it. Putting some definite strain on their relationship. I'm not excusing it he should try better, but he'd have to build a relationship from nothing and most people know their immediate family upon birth or during childhood which is not the case here. Wu treats his nephew more like a vessel of power than a person which isnt cool but knowing that the kid might not come back after every fight is a good damper on happy relationships is it not?
5: Misako. Good lord I don't have to explain this one. No excuse. It shouldn't be happening. BUT. After Garmadons death she was a free woman as gross as it is. It's more a flaw on her than it is him she chose to have a baby with one brother and still try to get with the other. And I know it takes two to tango but dont get mad at the idiot that the cheater is cheating with. Be mad at the cheater. The thing people really dont get about love triangles. The "other guy" brings on the questions/options but the person who cant choose or screws with both parties is the one in the wrong. Lloyd seems ok with it. Because Tommy said so. I dont particular give two shits about his take on the show half the time. If Lloyd were actively against it the Wu would probably stop. If the Fsm family acted like a normal ass family we probably wouldnt be here. But their priorities are a little screwy compared to typical nuclear families. Not an excuse just some perspective
NOW, why he is a bad character despite all of those arguments. he chooses to train soldiers rather than care for impressionable teens. Yes the situation called for it but the pressure could he alleviated if he decided to actually help before the world was on fire. He chooses to teach by experience than be upfront. Which works sometimes but not when actual lives are at stake. His trial by fire teaching works but the possiblity it could go wrong is to big to be brushed aside. His seemingly unreachable vault of empathy is hard to swallow. He rarely actually feels things for other people, his lack of enthusiasm when they pull through something hurts to watch. His lack of empathy about raising his nephew to attempt to kill his father is frightening. The pride he demonstrates by choosing not to disclose his past until it's too late is dangerous. He doesnt directly put down the ninja unless he has to and its more implied than anything and is on his students and this fandom for taking it so harshly. He trusts them a lot because he doesnt see them as kids anymore. They are warriors and it was necesary. He should have more compassion. He should be more straight forward, he should try to act like a person and not some ethereal being of elsewhere that doesn't have time to appease feelings or care about people until after hes wronged them. His values are off kilter sometimes which is whatever until it starts to hurt people
But yall need to stop blaming him for other people actions. Morro was a mess to begin with. His problems are in the past because he took care of them already. Misako came onto him. (He should have resisted but he didnt start shit she did). He needs to try to be an uncle alongside being a teacher. He needs to act like a fucking person more than the infinite cache of wisdom and unforeseen unused power that he acts like. And also it's a kids show. How many children think the way yall do?, we're teens/YAs we're reading into things. A LOT which makes everything more complicated. Comments rebuttals open. There's a collection of little mistakes hes made along the way that dont fit into these categories but these are the main reasons I know people hate him and the little things add fuel to the fire. I will legit talk about anything Except for the morro thing I am so tired of seeing it Morro made his choices hes a fucking Villain Wu didnt make him that way being a bitter asshole did that. Thanks for reading!! :3
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as much as I'm looking forward to the Goosefeather MAPs and animations to We Don't Talk About Bruno, I know he's the most selected character for the MAP so I wanted to share at least one or two alternatives for those who want ideas for the song but don't want to reuse Goosefeather;
idea 1 -
We Don't Talk About Rock
Jaypaw, in an attempt to understand his powers and his destiny starts asking the ancient cats, including his former self, Jay's Wing, about the strange, hairless cat known as Rock
this question brings all of the ancient cats - tribe, Clans, and otherwise - crawling out of the woodworks to share their horror stories.
Jay's Wing and Half Moon talk of how Rock's ominous ways nearly ruined their relationship, him warning the two of them that their love was never meant to be, though the two still tried because they truly loved each other
Dove's Wing talks to Jaypaw about how Rock's ways affected the ancient cats - her spying on the strange tom as he would pace through the tunnels with that stick of his. [also implications about the birth of Dovewing and her powers]
Lion's Roar, likely influenced by the stories his mother Shy Fawn told him growing up, tells the most frightening tales of Rock.
[possible Townsfolk include Broken Shadow, Falling Rain, and Running Horse in that order, but you could use any ancient/DotC cats]
Star Flower sings about a strange old cat who led her to the Clans, promising her the life she always while Turtle Tail sings solemnly about her feelings towards Gray Wing and how his affections would be for someone else, as told by the same cat who made the promises to Star Flower
[aware that I am aware that it's meant to be Dolores singing about missed love, but Turtle Tail fits better here specifically]
As the older spirits all converge, the founders of the Clan begin to arrive, catching the attention of all the ancient spirits, who themselves are preparing for an important meeting discussing the prophecy itself, none of them wanting Rock to be brought up in any conversation, so they start to try to silence Jaypaw's questions while reminding him of their experiences
idea 2 -
We Don't Talk About Yellowfang
A Firepaw in ShadowClan AU
but with Yellowfang being exiled so soon after he was brought to ShadowClan [let's be real, he was likely kidnapped] he starts asking around about this strange old she-cat who gave him a warning before she was forced to leave ["beware the shattered shadows this forest casts"]
asking around he learns of a lot of strange and frightening stories;
Wolfstep and Fernshade tell Firepaw of a warning from Yellowfang that made the news of Fernshade expecting Wolfstep's kit's rather nerve-wracking for the couple [a warning of Badgerkit/fang's death, which hasn't happened yet]
Runningnose talks about how his former mentor seemed stressed, her mind racing with a strange prophecy that she never really talked much about and how that, in turn, had the other cats around her worried as well
Clawface is the cruelest when describing Yellowfang, making her out to be this horrible and frightening cat. He's intentionally trying to fuck with Firepaw by telling more of a horror story.
[for the Townsfolk, in order, I was thinking Tangleburr, Mudclaw [ShC], and Ashfur [ShC]?? less certain here]
Russetfur talks about her experience with Yellowfang and how the medicine cat thought highly of her and saw a bright future for the molly [referencing her future deputy position]
Littlepaw, meanwhile, more sadly speaks of how Yellowfang didn't see much brightness in his future. Probably refencing how he nearly dies before having his realization over wanting to be a medicine cat. Maybe implied future LittleCinder? idk that's the best I got.
Of course, with Brokenstar and Blackfoot starting to return, everyone starts trying to hush up, fearful of being punished if they're caught talking about Yellowfang
anyway these are just some ideas I've been in a weird music kick lately
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giffingthingsss · 3 years
J/C, C/7, and Me
Disclaimer: I am not necessarily a J/C shipper. I just have eyeballs and enjoy the show. Long ass post. 
In the Beginning
Was a Janeway/Chakotay romantic plot baked in? I tend to think not. At least not at the very start. But this is pure speculation on my part.
If romance is your goal, then it’s much more interesting to have Chakotay not immediately being 100% supportive. (An AU where they never get lost and it’s just Janeway pursuing this Maquis leader and maybe eventually being persuaded and helping him, please.) 
I think initially they were flirting with the idea of Janeway/Paris. The character of Tom was described as being a potential love interest for Janeway. That idea doesn’t seem to have made it past the character sketches, but you can see a trace element of it in the very beginning. 
The writers played with a number of character combinations. A pretty natural chemistry was cropping up between Captain and First Officer. Little things were dropped into scripts. Performances certainly came across as interested, whether intended or not, who knows. 
Ramping Up
Where before there were hints and moments, Resolutions kicks off a series of flashing red sirens.
From this episode on there would be declarations of... ‘you bring me true peace’, and ‘I’m frickin jealous, okay?’ and bawling declarations of ‘you can’t die!’ These developments are not in the shipper’s imagination. They’re building toward something. Clearly. Obviously. Said all the people with eyes. 
For the first couple seasons, Janeway being engaged kind of kept this at bay. But now they’re fully playing with it. 
Road Block
However, Kate Mulgrew (and maybe others, I dunno) was like, ‘sure. develop the relationship. but no sex. the first female captain isn’t going to be having booty calls in the ready room. not gonna happen. people are going to take this captain seriously.’
So they played with it here and there, but it could only go so far. Kate seemed to want the best of both worlds. A deep, complicated, growing relationship, that never tipped over into the sexual. Her focus was on getting the crew home. 
Beltran flat out says (in one of the books I own that I don’t feel like digging out) that Chakotay was in love with her. But Beltran was getting frustrated. When Year of Hell came around, he apparently called up the writers and said, ‘how long is this guy gonna keep throwing himself at a woman who never reciprocates? it’s getting pathetic. either do something with these two or don’t.’ 
Loner Janeway
Along the way, I think Kate became enamored with the idea of the loneliness of command, the sacrifices it entails. Fell in love with the poignancy of it all.
This is not something that’s out of character for Janeway. Beyond the fact that in the beginning she was engaged, pairing off was a luxury she didn’t think the captain had. So any kind of romantic relationship she might pursue would have to start with her being broken out of that mindset. 
That’s basically what Resolutions did. Once they finally pried Voyager out of her fingers, you could see a burgeoning love very clearly. But then Voyager came back. And with it her... resolutions. 
Coulda Woulda Shoulda
If they had wanted to snip it and move on, they should have had that conflict between Janeway and Chakotay at some point. Perhaps after Beltran called them up and said, ‘hey. Make up your minds.’ 
Have the characters actually talk about it and reach a conclusion and there ya go. But maybe the writers just didn’t know wtf they wanted to do with it and wanted to leave their options open. And then did nothing at all. 
Me, a Non-Shipper
Personally, I tend to agree with the Mulgrew side of things (and can also see why Beltran would be bored with the eternal holding pattern and not mind when they said ‘hey, you can kiss Jeri Ryan.’)
They developed the Tom/B’Elanna romance, which was great. We didn’t need non-stop romantic plots. I think the shippers could understand Kate’s reasoning and were willing to go with the slow burn...if the writers had actually sat down and decided that’s what they were doing. If only they hadn’t dropped the ball at the very end.
Here’s the thing: if you build up a relationship like that, you can’t be upset when people notice. And you can’t give up on it behind the scenes without telling the audience on screen. ‘There are some lines we never cross’ might have been an attempt, but was too late. And was certainly not closure. The audience deserved better. 
C/7? WTF!?
Well, if you thought there was no build up for it, it’s because there wasn’t. If you felt like it was whirlwind and came out of nowhere, it’s because it was, and it did. Apparently even in the writer’s room. 
Brannon Braga wanted Seven to die in the finale. He was writing her episodes to gear up for that. Human Error, the episode where Seven experiments with romantic ideas with a holographic Chakotay (with a kiss that was apparently the result of a dare Beltran made to Jeri), was written with Seven’s death in mind. It wasn’t supposed to be the opening salvo of an actual relationship. 
I think Seven of Nine should have bit the dust. I think there had to be a real sacrifice for this crew getting home, a real blood sacrifice. Seven of Nine was, for me, designed to be a character that was gonna die tragically. I planned that.... There’s an episode called Human Error that I wrote...she's trying to feel emotions. She actually succeeds and then almost dies. She learns there’s a Borg implant, that if she becomes too human, it will kill her. And it was that moment in my mind that would set up the finale, where she realized she can’t live here, she can’t live there. And she dies getting her family home. - Brannon Braga
I’m glad they didn’t go that way for various reasons. I love Endgame as it is. But it’s interesting to know the thought process. They weren’t gearing up for romance, they were aiming for tragedy. At least Braga was. 
Human Error was only about six episodes from the end. At the time of that writing, that's what was in at least his head. 
Human Error was not written with an eye toward a C/7 future. Without that episode I doubt highly C/7 would have been a thing. And it wasn’t even written to make it a thing.
Endgame obviously didn't go that way. Janeway-palooza instead. So. What do we do now? What to do with Seven? And from here on, all I have is speculation.
'Well, we've got this holodeck scenario from the episode we wrote when we were planning to kill her off that hints that she might like Chakotay. So. I guess we'll go with that.' 
It appears to me that they retooled recently written story elements to fit their ending, to provide more motivation for that ending.
They picked the three people it would kill Janeway most to lose. Tuvok, obviously. An ongoing torment, visiting him every week. Seven dies (a remnant of plan A) and in a sense takes Chakotay with her. 
This is all fuel for Admiral Janeway without making it about saving her lover (unless you’re a J/7 shipper, in which case, hog heaven).
When you think of it only in terms of ‘what can we do to make the finale work’, it’s not terrible. When you think of it in terms of seven preceding years, it doesn’t work at all. They got myopic. 
In hindsight I think the writers could probably admit it was a mistake in terms of the show, and they should have resisted the urge to do something that was thrown together and jarring rather than nothing at all with Seven.
Apparently neither Mulgrew or Beltran were opposed to C7 in the end. Maybe because they had at points been a bit frustrated with each other behind the scenes. Whether those frustrations were forefront in anyone’s mind at the time, idk. 
I tend to think Kate really was over the idea of Janeway’s destiny having much to do with romance at all.
It is interesting that when Seven first arrived on the show, Kate specifically mentioned not wanting the writers to throw her with Chakotay. At that point perhaps feeling a tad possessive. Perhaps didn’t want him ‘sullied’ by the busty blonde.
But this was seasons in the past by the time the finale rolled around, and I doubt highly it had anything to do with anything. Who knows. 
Me on Endgame
Personally, I'm glad Endgame was a Janeway palooza. I love 99% of Endgame. I’m glad it was about Janeway vs.Janeway vs. Borg Queen. I wouldn’t have wanted it to be about J/C either.
But if you’re not willing to go there, leave it then to the imagination. It's cruel to basically tell your audience that these two would be together if not for their delta quadrant circumstances, and then rip the rug from under them the second they get to the quadrant where this romance is supposed to be possible. Not cool, man. Not cool. 
When I first saw Endgame (as a non-shipper with eyes) C/7 was jarring and weird. But I thought the scene where Seven was distancing herself was well acted and stirred up an emotion or two (even if it was a little histrionic, considering they'd just started dating). So I wasn’t throwing things at my television. Just confused.
I also basically dismissed their future relationship. They got home after like one date, not ten years of marriage. And now their lives will completely change. So I just kind of hand-waved it away. "It did its job for the episode, but the future's changed and they won't last. So whatever."
Headanons on Janeway’s romantic reasoning and original timeline reaction to C/7
Captain Janeway had no idea how long it would take to get back home. Obviously you hope for tomorrow, but it could be twenty years from now. She resigned herself to not pursue romance. Her sole purpose in life was to get the crew safely home.
So I speculate her reaction to C/7 would be quite stoic. She would recognize it’s not fair for him to just pine away, possibly forever. That she has made this choice and he shouldn't have to be alone because of it. Her being alone is just part of the price she must pay, the burden she must bear. Her own wants and needs must take a backseat. She has greater responsibilities.
In fact, I can see her encouraging C/7. She would see it as a form of selfless love. ‘It doesn’t matter that he’s with me; it matters that he’s happy.’ Of course feelings would rear their heads from time to time, but she would quickly corral them into that channel.
Lots of lovely internal martyrdom. She would make it her mission to make sure they were both okay and happy. A bit of a masochistic streak that she buries under a sense of nobility and sacrifice.
This is the kind of angle I think Mulgrew came to prefer. That lovely little tragic pang. She loves drama, if nothing else.
“It’s a lonely thing, but I’m gonna get this crew home.” - Kate Mulgrew
“You always made it hard for yourself. If there was a rocky path and a smooth one, you chose the rocky one every time.” - Coda
This is a woman with a lot of love to give. But finds herself, or perhaps unnecessarily forces herself, depending on your view, in a place where that’s not a possible life choice. So those instincts expand outward, enveloping them all. She finds fulfillment in the well-being of the crew and the ship as a whole. 
Post Endgame
Their trip was shortened by a lot because of Endgame. The future is no longer written in stone. So the possibilities are endless, the sky’s the limit. And apparently Seven’s a lesbian (I haven’t seen it, but I hear tell). So. There ya go. 
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(She is crying here, btw. I never noticed before I did that episode and feel the need to point it out once again. Lest anyone else still not have noticed.) 
If you actually read this whole thing, congratulations. Hopefully it made sense. I now continue with my rewatch and probably won’t talk much about this in the future. Unless something new comes up, I’ll just continue to be a non-shipper with eyeballs, enjoying whatever’s around. 
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incorrectspnforfun · 4 years
^^ nah, dw, it didn't ruin the show for me. thanks for your opinion. i just wanted to build on what you said, sorry it's long XD you're right that they did mention other characters, and there was the montage, and who knows, maybe the lack of other characters in 15x20 is just because of covid. the thing for me is that sam living this "normal life" and never mentioning hunting, and dean dying young on a hunt, those are the endings they would have gotten had they stayed on their respective paths 1/
at the beginning of 1x1, so it feels like doing all those things since then and changing their destiny (at least i think they did that? feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) didn't really matter. plus i always thought that dean’s line of "going down swinging, guns blazing" was just something to hide his fear of doing exactly that. dean was planning to retire as a hunter, he had managed to completely distance himself from being "daddy's little soldier", but in the end he still died his dad's case? he got out and then was pulled back in just to die, it's... sad. also, you're absolutely right that the core of the story is about the brothers' relationship. but i think this relationship evolved with time. in the beginning it was just the two of them, and it was "toxic codependency" (i think that's how other characters said it?), but as they grew up and met other people they... didn't exactly grow apart, but they took some distance, at least emotionally speaking, and their relationship became way healthier because of that. maybe i'm just imagining things, but this final episode, with a road trip case a la season 1 and barely mentioning other characters, felt like going back to the beginning (...which was probably the whole point ^^") and almost erasing the fact that they became different people since then. idk if that makes sense? also, the actors were always very vocal about mental health issues, but this final episode showed us traumatized characters ending up either dead or living unhappy, and only being happy once they’re dead. i *do not* like this subtext. i know it's definitely not their fault, they said they didn't like the ending way before we knew what the ending was, but *someone* decided this was a good way to end a story that was, at its core, all about hope. sorry, it was even longer than i planned ^^"
Alright. I just cut all of them together so it was more or less consecutive lol. Let’s try to break all this down! (And no worries about the long response! I’m happy to talk about it, and I’m so glad you’re sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate you taking the time to type all of that out! <3) 
For starters, I’m really glad it didn’t ruin the show for you. I’ve heard a lot of fans saying that it’s their ex-favorite show now and they can never watch it again because they didn’t like the finale, and that makes me really sad, so I’m glad to see someone who still appreciates the show even if the finale wasn’t their fave. :)  
In terms of lack of characters because of COVID, I think that’s definitely true. I know the cast and crew had been saying that they wanted more guest stars in the last two episodes, but they had to take some of them out because of COVID concerns. Overall though, they did say that it didn’t change the core story they wanted to tell too much, so I think the Sam and Dean-centric ending would’ve still been like that, but maybe with a few more character appearances (like Shoshannah Stern, for example. I really believe that the reason Sam’s wife was blurred out was because they couldn’t get Shoshannah Stern back for some reason, but they wanted us to believe it was Eileen). 
When it comes to the boys’ destiny, to me--and, in my opinion, this is exactly what the show was trying to show us--their destiny was always supposed to be one brother kills the other. It was the destiny meant for them at the end of Season 5, and it was the destiny and final ending that Chuck had written for them at the end of Season 15. But, time and time again, the brothers’ love for each other and love for the world kept pushing against that destiny. In the end, by defeating Chuck, and by helping each other up and not backing down, they did write their own destiny and fight against it and, ultimately, give themselves free will. 
Now, in thinking about Dean’s death and the brothers’ codependency (yes, you were right, that’s what the angels and such called it), I see your point about Dean’s words being a mask for his fear, and while I agree that he often did use them in that way, in the end, I think his fear was less about dying on a hunt and more about dying alone, but also about making sure that he isn’t taking Sam down with him. His death scene in 15x20 says that loud and clear. Sam tries to leave to get him help, but all Dean wants is for Sam to stay with him, and then his last request is for Sam to come closer so that he can make sure his little brother is okay. That said, though, I do agree with you that they’ve taken some emotional distance from each other and had a healthier relationship because of it--which is why, despite Dean dying and Sam surviving, Sam let him go and didn’t try to bring him back, because they had achieved that emotional distance. 
All of that in mind, I, personally, feel like the only way this story could end was with Dean dying and Sam living to old age, eventually joining his brother in heaven--so basically, exactly what we got. 
I hear a lot of people saying that Dean deserved to live a normal life and live to old age--he had that job application on his desk, he had a dog, etc.--but while I agree that he deserved that happy life, I feel like it wouldn’t have been happy for him. Dean’s tried the normal life thing before, several times, and it’s never worked for him. He can’t stay away from hunting for too long, because he’ll always be looking over his shoulder, and/or he’ll always be worried about his brother. If Sam would have died, he also never would’ve forgiven himself or gotten over it and wouldn’t have been able to live a normal life. In general, as much as I would love for Dean to live a normal life and have a chance at happiness, it’s never fit his character. Even with the growth he’s experienced in the last several years, the way he’s grown up and the things he’s been through just won’t let him experience an apple pie life. 
Sam, on the other hand, has always had a connection to a normal lifestyle and has always had more of an ability to have that. If you ask me, a lot of that is because of Dean--since Dean grew up so fast, Sam never had to, so he had a chance to go through normal childhood experiences and learn how to live a life outside of hunting. As such, his attempts at a normal life usually were pretty successful, and it follows that any attempts he makes in the future could be successful too. The big thing that stops all of that, though, is Dean. While Sam, in the last several years, has said that he’s okay with his hunting lifestyle and happy doing what he’s doing, it’s less about the actual hunting and more about being with his brother. Sam, in general, is miserable in the hunting lifestyle. It’s not what ultimately makes him happy, but being with his brother does. Because of that, he accepts the lifestyle for everything that comes with it because it means bonding with Dean and seeing him happy. As such, he can’t live a normal life if Dean’s around, because he knows it’s not what Dean wants, deep down, and it would mess with the dynamic they’ve built through all these years of hunting. So, the only way Sam can live a normal life is if Dean dies (kind of like in Season 8. When he thought his brother was dead, he actually did live a normal life for a while, and he probably would’ve continued to do that for the rest of his life if Amelia’s husband hadn’t come back and if Dean hadn’t come back). 
Now, with all of that said, you’re right in that this does connect directly to how the brothers likely would’ve ended up in Season 1. However, what’s different is the strong bond that Sam and Dean have now developed over the years. Yes, if Dean hadn’t gotten Sam at Stanford way back in Season 1, Sam (probably) would’ve lived a white picket fence life, and Dean would’ve died on a hunt. The difference, though, is that both of those things would’ve happened without either brother being aware of what the other was up to and, frankly, probably not necessarily caring as much (in Sam’s case anyways). 
With the Season 15 ending, though, Sam lived his white picket fence life, but his entire life was built in tribute to his brother. He named his son Dean, he kept the Impala, he had pictures of the two of them all around his house, and his son even had an anti-possession tattoo. While Sam was able to live a normal life, he never forgot about his brother, and Dean was--just like he said in his death scene--always in his heart and always remembered, because of all that they had shared for the last fifteen years. 
The same goes for Dean. While Dean did die on a hunt like he normally would’ve, if Dean had died in Season 1, he would’ve gone up to heaven, relived his best memories (which all probably would’ve been with kid!Sam), and that would’ve been it. Instead, in Season 15, we see Dean go to a heaven that’s been re-created into something that he deserves by people who love him and who he loves very much (Jack and Cas) that he (and Sam) were able to influence heavily. And yet, with the entirety of heaven open to him to see anyone he wants (including Cas), what does he do? He goes for a drive and waits for his brother--the brother that he’s bonded with for the last fifteen years. He could see anyone, and in Season 1, if heaven had been like that, he probably would’ve. But instead, he just sits and waits for his brother, because ultimately, that’s who makes him happy. We never would’ve gotten that if it weren’t for the bond that Sam and Dean created with each other in the last fifteen years. 
As for the “traumatized characters ending up either dead or living unhappy, and only being happy once they’re dead” subtext, that’s completely valid, and I can see how that would be upsetting. Personally, I didn’t see it that way at all, mostly because I feel like the characters weren’t necessarily happy after they were dead. Dean was only happy in heaven once Sam was with him, and Sam actually was happy throughout his life with his family, even if he was still mourning his brother, and ultimately, he was able to live a life and continue that happiness in heaven when he reunited with Dean. Cas was happy before he died (hence, why he died) because he finally admitted his love for Dean. While I fully acknowledge that not a lot of them necessarily got the chance to deal with their trauma in a prolonged way, I feel like their individual deaths helped them cope in some way. That’s just my opinion though, and I can definitely understand where you’re coming from. 
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, but I hope that all makes sense! (Also sorry mine was so long too! Lol.) <3 
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musashi · 3 years
are there any stories/facts about your job/coworkers you can comfortably share? maybe something cool they did/you did with them recently? anyone that stands out in particular among them, without getting too specific for. clear reasons?
what's cheeseburger up to atm? any notable stories or anything about him recently, or has he been just living his best life as usual?
which of the skyloft NPCs do you particularly like? for arguments sake, this is excluding the more story relevant ones, so no groose + his gang, no zelda obviously, etc.
as an opposite to that, talk about groose! i've always loved him as a character, and the bits you've said about him and his relationship with link and zelda is always great! also, any notable kin memories you have of groose? especially things that occured after he left skyloft, or even after the demise fight. what did he get up to after the credits rolled?
fun stories about your loftwing? were there any traits you and him shared notably? or any that were more opposite?
what are some of your favorite things about your favorite iterations of zelda? what i mean by that is like... what do you like best about tetra/wind waker zelda? what about skyward zelda? botw zelda? they're similar but all unique people, so what endears you the most about each of them?
i know this is a lot, so don't feel like you have to answer in any specific time frame. take as long as is comfortable, and i hope this helps!! ~🍄
these are so many!!! thank you for being so generous!!!
are there any stories/facts about your job/coworkers you can comfortably share? maybe something cool they did/you did with them recently? anyone that stands out in particular among them, without getting too specific for. clear reasons?
most of the ppl i work w are. kinda rude to me all the time so i mostly just drown them out so i don’t go insane. but there is this one kid who is just, like, a ray of sunshine every time he walks into a room. and he works so hard and he cares about his work and i feel like he’s the only bitch who gets me. we vibe over zelda and will just get into debates about the lore on the clock and i look forward to seeing him a lot. 
what's cheeseburger up to atm? any notable stories or anything about him recently, or has he been just living his best life as usual?
he’s just doin he. he sleeps a lot. sometimes in boxes. sometimes under beds. sometimes directly on top of me.
a few weeks back i went to the ER for what i figured out was a kidney stone and while i was literally on my bed writhing in pain trying to hold out until my grandparents got there cheeseburger just like, jumped up on top of me and immediately starting pissing on me, as if to say haha, check this out. i can urinate better than you.
which of the skyloft NPCs do you particularly like? for arguments sake, this is excluding the more story relevant ones, so no groose + his gang, no zelda obviously, etc.
i love all of them so much oh no... everyone i love i love for kinnie reasons like i am tempted to say jakamar cause even though he’s kind of a sleazy dude he, as previously mentioned, smuggled me woodscraps to whittle fsdgjkfsgh
but parrow gives good hugs. and henya always has snacks hidden somewhere. and pumm will give you soup on the house sometimes if he can tell you’re in a rough mood. and and and........ i wuv skyloft. this is all kinnie bullshit actually.
as an opposite to that, talk about groose! i've always loved him as a character, and the bits you've said about him and his relationship with link and zelda is always great! also, any notable kin memories you have of groose? especially things that occured after he left skyloft, or even after the demise fight. what did he get up to after the credits rolled?
talked about him a lil bit in my last ask hehe
fun stories about your loftwing? were there any traits you and him shared notably? or any that were more opposite?
aepon & i were the kind of pair where we seemed really dissimilar on the surface but i think if anyone actually knew us they’d be able to discern pretty quickly that we were 100% twinning. like at face value i was a pretty calm and quiet person who was just, like. spacey and sleepy and vibing while things happened around me, and aepon was this absolute speed demon who had the biggest, loudest presence any time he entered a space. ppl in skyloft called him my red terror.
but the thing about my bird is that he was stubborn to a fault, and recklessly brave, and he just didn’t. stop. and he loved fiercely, the second i was awake in the morning i’d hear him circling overhead and shrieking his happy little shriek, he’d fill my head with all his thoughts of hanging out with me while i was trying to concentrate on work. all those things, we had in common, but i wouldn’t have been able to tell you that. someone like zelda probably would have. 
i think the best representation of it is at the beginning of everything when the tornado took zelda, the both of us just. dove right in. nothing else mattered, no conflict existed within either of us, i didn’t have to steer him in or send my intentions into our shared headspace, he just turned into an arrow flying straight into danger, and i went with him and we were one living being. like that’s our core. we are very opposite, until shit gets real, and then we are this beautiful unity tearing through the clouds. 
what are some of your favorite things about your favorite iterations of zelda? what i mean by that is like... what do you like best about tetra/wind waker zelda? what about skyward zelda? botw zelda? they're similar but all unique people, so what endears you the most about each of them?
oot!zelda’s determination to defy fate... the way she refuses, from the start, to give in to darkness even though she’s only a little girl. the way she sees my commoner ass just waltz up into her private garden after breaking into her house still dressed in my stupid forest clothes and shes like. oh fuck yeah, wanna help me overthrow the gerudo king? and we’re, can’t stress this enough, ten. she’s so confident like she never worries about being powerless or out of her element, she never for a second believes this isn’t something she can fight. and when everything goes to shit she just keeps fighting!!! and still has the time to remind me that i can keep fighting too!!! literally where did she get that personality i love her so much!!!!
tetra’s fucking... simmering fire. her perfect balance between action and thought. like you can tell she’s pissed off and wants to start throwing punches but she always has the self-control to assess if it’s the thing to do in the moment. I CAN’T DO THAT!!! i’m pissed off i want to swords!!!! that motherfucker over there is PROVOKING ME!!!!! and tetra has the same fire inside her but she’s always just, like, “shut the fuck up, link. put your sword away. we need to get the jump on him.” and im like, AHHHHHHH because she’s always right. literally always. i don’t know how she does this but i think about it constantly. i love her level head and her scheming heart and her choice to carve her own destiny. i like how she finds out she’s a legendary princess from an age long past with sacred blood and shes just like ‘that’s cool but actually i’m tetra and i like to cuss and steal.’ and just does that forever. it resonates with me especially because even though the gods acknowledged me as the hero of winds i, like, wasn’t a ‘true’ incarnation of the hero. it’s just what i decided to be with what i was given. she and i are two sides of that coin and there is something beautiful abt that i don’t have words for. in a lot of ways she was my inspiration.
skyward!zelda’s um. everything? everything. i am so in love with her. i am so in love... with her. i am finding it harder to describe her than everyone else here which is so silly because she’s easily the person i was closest with. she’s just, like, made of fire and love? of passion. everything she is stems from what she loves--she loves old legends, and cliche romance stories, and stargazing, and going on adventures. zelda romanticizes everything in her life, she’ll stop mid-sentence to make you look at the sky because it struck her as particularly beautiful today, meanwhile i’m just like. thats the sky i see it every day i live here. and she’s so brave, so fierce, so resilient--there’s literally nothing that could scare her, i’m certain she got to the surface and immediately started spitting curses at blins, if ghirahim had actually found her alone she would have tried to come at him clawing and spitting. i was always so chill because all my anger was Stored in The Zelda, she’d just fight half my battles for me before i could register they were battles. idk. zelda was such an optimist who took everything in stride and believed, no matter what, that she could make it her own and make it beautiful and find something to adore within it. i might have had a quieter disposition, but she was always better at dealing with change than me. it was calming. i love her so much.
botw!zelda’s passion and inquisitive heart, oh my god, oh my god. i’m going to fucking fight everyone in the kingdom who ever made her feel like she talks too much. god it enthralls me, the way she just talks and talks and talks and LETS ME LISTEN, she lets me just SIT THERE and BASK IN IT like some kind of COLD REPTILE ON A ROCK. i literally cannot comprehend how she can fit so much knowledge about so many different things in her brain, and the way she’s ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT, literally just getting together with her techie friends and building whole ass machines when she was like 6 years old. shes looking at me like ‘oh this child prodigy curse my shortcomings why cant i be pulling enchanted swords when IM 12′ and im like PRINCESS YOU’RE FUCKING COOLER THAN ME LIKE CONGRATS I TOUCH A SWORD SOMETIMES AND YOU COULD LITERALLY MAKE A ROBOT TO DO THAT FOR YOU oh my god the way she doesn’t see how incredible she is makes me go insane i feel insane just thinking about it she’s the coolest fucking person i’ve ever met she’s the coolest person in hyrule the kingdom is too good for her i want her to take apart hyrule castle brick by brick and just leave a note behind that says ‘im too cool for you’ and then she gets on my ancient magic motorcycle and rides off into the sunset to some paradise far away and if i’m LUCKY she takes me with her. i love zelda
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song-fox · 4 years
Introducing: another self-indulgent AU that I made up completely on a whim because I was feeling nostalgic.
Long post ahead, I got suuper carried away and also I can't do the cut thing TwT
And now: Sanders Sides Ever After High AU (with some alterations to fit the characters and story more, obviously)
-Virgil, son of the Evil Queen from Snow White's story
-Roman, son of Snow White (honestly were these^ two even a question of who they would be lmao)
-Patton, son of Cinderella
-Logan, son of Belle
-Remus, son of the Mad Hatter (him and Roman aren't related in this AU)
-Janus, son of the Cheshire Cat
-Remy, son of Sleeping Beauty
-Emile, son of Cupid
(Btw, by 'son' I mean descendant. These guys are just descendants of the original characters and live out the og fairytale, idk why they're called the sons and daughters of the characters in the actual show)
Now, onto the story!
Ever After High is a school where all the kids of fairytale characters go and learn more about their respective fairytales, magic and whatnot. Separated into Royals and Rebels, those who want to follow their destinies and those who don't, these kids are just trying to navigate through high school and figure out their place in the fairytale world.
Virgil Queen is... somewhat of an outcast. Son of the Evil Queen, one of the most malicious villains in their history, and he doesn't exactly try to live down the title. He hexes anyone who bothers him a little too much, he snaps at people who judge him for 'being too mean' (he was just defending himself, grow up), and he's best friends with one of the weirdest kids in school. Oh, and he was the first ever Rebel at school. He was the one who (accidentally, mind you) started the whole split between Royals and Rebels when he refused to sign the Storybook of Legends and accept his destiny as a villain, encouraging others to do the same. Did it result in an hour-long lecture from the principal and an even longer scolding from his mother? Of course. Does he regret it? Not in the slightest.
Remus Hatter, son of the Mad Hatter. He's a little... let's say, strange? He keeps summoning things out of nowhere with little to no explanation. He keeps talking to 'narrators' (Thomas is a favourite of his). He can and will beat you black and blue if you so much as look at Virgil too unkindly. And he is obsessed with tea. His outcast status made him and Virgil fast friends, and they've stuck together ever since. Proud Rebel and lets everyone know it (he loves his dad and all and definitely lives up to his Mad Hatter title, but it's just not his thing, y'know?). Resident wildcard and probably the subject of at least 90% of sentences from his classmates that start with, "There was this one kid at school who..."
Janus Cheshire is a rather unusual case, to say the least. No one knows if he's a Royal or a Rebel. He seems pretty committed to confusing and pranking the heck out of other students... but he's also, like, super sweet? Especially to Patton Ella. One moment he's making sure you've taken care of yourself properly and handing out water bottles, next moment he's stealing your textbooks and leaving ominous notes about breaking your kneecaps. You'd be lucky if you've ever had a conversation longer than a few minutes with him, especially if he's visible while talking to you. Closest friends are probably Remus and Logan, reluctant frienemies with Virgil.
Now, onto the Royals.
Loyal Royal and proud as hell, Roman White, son of Snow White. Not too popular, but it would definitely be fair to say that he has a certain influence over the students. Perfect parentage, triple threat, girls absolutely smitten for him, what else could he need? His relationship with Virgil is certainly... strained, but they get along just enough to be begrudging roommates. Well, Roman was the one who persuaded the headmaster to put them together in the first place... but it's for Virgil's own good! Who knows what could happen if he didn't follow his destiny? There would be fights and arguments and holes in his story, and he'd never get his happily ever after! That's important, right?
(After a certain conversation with Remy Briar, Roman's not so sure anymore.)
-Patton Ella, son of Cinderella and a Royal. Well, sort of. He wants to follow his destiny and all, but it's kinda difficult to do that when you catch feelings for someone who is neither from your story nor a prince. A certain Cheshire has caught his eye for now, and he's just hoping he won't screw everything up. He's also got a job at a nearby shoe store, surprisingly enough. Patton doesn't really understand the Rebels, but he certainly tries his best to be nice to them, especially when Janus has been so nice to him all the time. But even so, being a Royal is messy and restrictive... but he can't be a Rebel, can he? That would be wrong! ...right?
-Loagn Beauty, son of Belle (Roman is insanely jealous of his surname). He's just about what you'd expect from the son of Belle: book-smart, adventurous, idealistic, and harbouring a crippling case of gifted kid burnout, which is a lot of fun. A bit of a floater around school- got a lot of friends (people admire him for his intellect and, as his name suggests, beauty), but is only really close with a few. Surprising a lot closer to Virgil, Janus and Remus than any other Royals. Roman doesn't think it's suspicious at all. Logan tries not to think about it. After all, Roman isn't worth his time; gods know how he got so many friends. He may be a Royal himself (sort of), but at least he can still see how obnoxious the prince truly is.
-Remy Briar, son of Sleeping Beauty (yes I changed the surname shut up). He's loud, full of sass and caffeine, and the absolute life of the party. Even Virgil finds himself enjoying one of his parties every now and again. He's spiteful and petty enough to make a Canadian goose weep tears of envy, always caught up in someone's drama, and, obviously, a Royal. Totally. Sort of. Well, technically... maybe. But... he doesn't want to sleep for a hundred years. He doesn't want to follow his destiny and lose all his friends to something as stupid as a nap. But what would people think of him if he didn't? He's been eyeing up the Storybook of Legends lately. Virgil's curious. Patton has been caught staring a few times. And Remy keeps disappearing from his own parties to go look for 'something'. As the Cheshires would say, "Curiouser and curiouser..."
-Emile Cupid, son of Cupid and last of the bunch. Neither a Royal nor a Rebel since he doesn't really have much of a story to follow. Instead he only wants to enjoy school and help out his fellow classmates, whether it's in the love department or not. And contrary to popular belief, he actually doesn't use heart-tipped arrows to make people fall in love, despite his bow and quiver that say otherwise. He just never really saw the point in using them; if it's meant to be, then let it happen on its own, right? And speaking of, he supports the Rebels and fully believes in following your heart, and hey, who is he to ignore his own when it gets a little nervous around a certain rose in the thorns (or should he say... briar)?
High school is hard enough when you've got drama on who's doing what and why, so imagine how it must be for these kids when there's magical storybooks and curses and destinies on the line, too.
But hey! They can navigate it, as long as they've got each other!
(Just might make a full story on this 👀 who knows 👀👀)
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mindlcssartist · 4 years
is that [LAURA HARRIER]? no, that’s just [ADELAIDE 'ADDIE' ATKINS]. [SHE] is [TWENTY-SEVEN] years old and is a [B&B OWNER]. rumor has it they’ve been in town for [FOUR YEARS]. on a good day, they’re [RESILENT & ALOCENTRIC]. but watch out! they can also be [DECEITFUL & TACITURN]. [GROWING PAINS BY ALESSIA CARA] plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill!
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tw: child neglect, arson, cheating.
hello hello hello! you all can call me g and i invited myself to this party to introduce to you my baby addie SO, without further ado, let’s do it shall we?
Adelaide Atkins Savoy is the daughter of Edward Atkins, an English salesman/conman and Ann Savoy, a French teacher that came from a (somewhat) noble family.
The Atkins family moved to Peachtree, Georgia from England when Addie was five years old after a business initiated by Edward, her father, went awry with the Savoys. Addie’s grandpa, who probably lost the most out of the business con but loved Addie to no end and wanted her grandkid to have a decent life, decided to fly the Atkin-Savoy family and bought them a wonderful, luxurious home on Addie’s name.
Her childhood was… an odd one, to say the least. Her parents still acted like they were part of the Savoy family while in Georgia (and with the housing/jobs Addie’s grandpa got them, there was no reason to doubt them) so they fit perfectly with Georgia’s finest, they were living a double life of sorts, socialités in debt who schemed their wealthiest friends without them knowing. Her parents promptly got Addie to work alongside them, either as a distraction or as an active asset in their plans and she couldn’t quite deny her skills to them alas, Addie did stuff she wasn’t proud of, illegal stuff she could get away with because no one suspected the little girl with the ponytails.
Edward Michael Atkins Savoy, Addie’s younger brother was born when Adelaide was around eleven. Ann lost interest on Eddie pretty quickly so Addie pretty much raised the kid as well as she could after she turned thirteen. The two formed an unbreakable bond very quickly.
She learned many skills during her time with her parents: pick locking, html, pickpocketing, boxing, sewing (which served the young woman well when her parents decided to stop buying their kids clothes and she started making them for the two of them instead), whatever her parents required of her and whatever she could learn to make sure her brother was well taken care of, she’d learn.
CHILD NEGLECT TW The worst instance of their parents neglecting both Addie and Eddie happened right after Eddie turned five. Their friends found out about how the couple had played them and the Atkins family lost all respect within the community, so they quickly started to go in debt with banks and strangers to try to live the life Ann and Edward were so used to. By this time, the matrimony had mostly forgotten their kids to the point where they stopped providing for them unless they needed Adelaide for some job, so it was all Addie’s responsibility to not only care for her brother but her parents somehow. She started working (an honest job) when she was fourteen and never truly stopped.
ARSON TW when Addie was seventeen, one year from graduating high school Edward and Ann made a decision: they needed money to pay off credit debts and alas, they needed to burn down the house the Savoys had bought for the family because they needed the insurance money. Addie started to storage as many stuff as she could when she was informed of what was going to happen (was guilt-tripped into staying silent) and the night her parents actually burnt the house down, Addie grabbed Eddie, everything she had gathered, a car a friend had lend to her and flee Peachtree, the two siblings didn’t look back. Adelaide didn’t finish High School.
After the two siblings escaped Peachtree, they situated in Arkansas for about a year, where Addie worked around two, three jobs in order to take care of herself and Eddie. No longer after a friend encouraged her to give her testimony (and all the proof she had gathered that backed up the claim that the fire had been premeditated) and she put her parents in jail for arson and child neglect, gaining her brother’s full custody and whatever money was left from the insurance payment.
The Atkins have lived in: Florida, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New York and now New Jersey, always trying to make a home out of these places to no avail.
In one of these cities, Adelaide met a dark, mysterious man who she quickly fell in love with when she was no more than twenty-three years old and for the first time in her life, she opened her heart and mind, fully, to someone else other than her brother and close friends. However, not everything was a fairytale: it didn’t take long until Addie discovered the man she had fallen in love with was engaged to be married to another woman, and their relationship ended as abruptly as it started, leaving her completely shattered and heartbroken and thus, the Atkins siblings arrived to their final destination: Springhill because it was their next point in the map. they’ve lived in the city for a little over four years now.
After working as a waitress/bartender/cook/whatever she could get to make a living for her and Eddie, Addie got a letter from the Savoy family one day with the news that her grandfather had died and had left behind a trust fund for her, enough money for the two siblings to live off comfortably for the rest of their lives. However, the oldest decided to only use enough to buy a nice house for the two of them and to open a modest, lovely b&b, their major source of income. They have a nice life.
She and Eddy don’t really talk about their past a lot, unless any of the parts truly trust the person they tell their story to.
Most days, Addie is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, the kind of girl who smiles at everyone she meets and greets strangers with a smile on the daily. She likes making people around her happy. She thrives when people around her shine.
However, she can be very closed off and go as far as to be very deceitful? I mean, she is sharp, even though people don’t think she is because they write her off as a “southern belle” type, but what most people don’t know is she can be cunning whenever she sets her mind on it, she learned from a very young age how to take advantage of everything she had to get what she had her mind settled on.
The one thing she cares the most about in the world is her brother, Eddie. The boy is pretty much her own and has been since the day he was born, she would stop at nothing to make sure he is fine and he is happy.
Her hobbies include painting and sculpting (which she makes some money off of), gardening (the Atkins sibling’s home is a glorified zen garden by now) and designing (she sometimes uses this skill to make clothes for selling to friends and acquaintances).
She has fleeting relationships that never take to anything serious (committing issues plus a ton of other issues let’s be honest), but it doesn’t mean she isn’t opposed to the idea. She simply believes it’s not in her destiny to find the one.
Loyal to no end, good god. It takes a lot for her to feel comfortable with someone to call them her friend but once she does, she is the most loyal friend. Also the mom friend, no matter how close you are. If it’s even a little bit chilly outside and she sees a stranger shivering she WILL give them her sweater, has medicine and candy on her at all times.
She can be quite impetuous and extremely curious to the verge of being noisy, but never in a malicious way, unless you mess with someone she cares about.
Whatever you throw her way, she’ll land on her feet.
P L O T S (*will be a wc on main)
Ex-boyfriend*: There could be many ways to go with this, many reasons why he never told her he was engaged in the first place or why he lead her to believe he was equally in love with her, but boy do we love the angst in this household and I would love to see what this connection could bring.
Best friend: Either the best friend who help the Atkins while the lived in Georgia (preferably) or a new friendship they’ve built in the years they’ve been in Springhill Addie would be nothing without this person. She trusts them more than her own shadow and would kill for them in a heartbeat.
Foreign cousins: Maybe someone seeking vengeance because of what Addie’s father did to the family? Maybe they don’t even know they are related, everyone loves having someone you can tell “well, now i know where the craziness comes from”.
Muse: Whenever she’s stressed or just… inspiration strikes, Addie calls this person to either use them as a model or a canvass. She has every line of their body engraved on her memory and she still finds them fascinating and could spend hours painting them. We can discuss what shape this plot could potentially take.
People she works for: Either her art or the clothes she makes, I’d love to write about any of those.
Hook-ups: past, present, ended in good terms, ended in bad terms, one-sided infatuations that couldn’t go over due to Addie’s commitment issues… I want it all!
Possible love interest who will make her want to commit for once and open her heart again??????
Friends, enemies, neighbors… just love my baby, she and Eddie will love you back!
Okay, wow, if you made it through… honestly bless you and you deserve a freaking award. if you read this mess (i literally haven’t slept AT ALL because i wanted to binge the politician and idk if it makes any sense) and you still wanna plot, hmu of like this post and i’ll come to you!
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Todoroki Shouto
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I felt like doing a character meme!
Favorite thing about him:
Is it cheating to say everything? It is? Okay… I love how he’s painfully kind while also painfully bad with people. I love how he swore not to use his fire half, and he took that oath so seriously that he felt pulling Midoriya aside to apologize and explain (in depth) was necessary. I love that his hand trembled when he went to see his mom—especially that he was so afraid of being like Endeavor, he couldn’t bear to show his face to her for years in case she mistook him again. I love how he learns from his mistakes, whether it’s combat-related like blocking his field of vision against Stain or emotional like realizing how his spiteful focus on Endeavor has blinded him to the needs of people around him. I love how he doesn’t feel the need to posture and act like he has the answers: he can openly admit he doesn’t know and that he needs to reflect more to find the right path for him. I love how rude he is. I love how he unquestionably leapt to Midoriya and Iida’s aid in Hosu. I love his fight against Midoriya.
Least favorite thing about him:
Hmm…most of my problems are with Horikoshi, not Todoroki. I like that Todoroki’s reaction to Endeavor vs the nomu was complex, that he was afraid for Endeavor, cares about him, and is ambivalent about the idea of Endeavor’s “redemption,” but I wish his love for his dad had more of a foundation—from what Horikoshi shows us, I have no idea why he cares about Endeavor other than a vague, dissatisfying “he’s my dad” feeling. Why are Todoroki’s feelings more complicated than flawless loathing? What’s the basis for his ambivalent affection towards Endeavor? I wish I knew more.
Okay, for about Todoroki specifically in-universe…I guess I wish he would talk a little more. He seems like he struggles with finding a middle ground between saying nearly nothing and oversharing.
Favorite line:
That’s a nasty scar you got there *SLUUURP* and are you All Might’s lovechild. I also loved it when Todoroki glared dramatically at Endeavor and then failed hard at introducing himself to the kids.
…And I love the line where Bakugo stridently claims no, he will not tell stupid Deku his brand-new, top-secret hero name, and Todoroki cluelessly asks, “Could you tell me, then?”
Midoriya, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Iida—I think those relationships really speak for themselves <3
This fic made me love Todoroki and Kaminari, please give me Todoroki working on his sense of humor and he asks Kaminari for help, only to repeatedly and ignorantly roast Kaminari while attempting to learn.
Also, Asui and Todoroki are really underrated; I feel like they’d have understated but interesting chemistry. They’re both exceptionally blunt, and unlike some of the others, Asui is perceptive+grounded enough to notice how awkward and uncertain Todoroki is (instead of the coolest, handsomest boy in class image). I’d LOVE to see them talk about their siblings, since Asui is the oldest and she takes care of her mini frog siblings, and Todoroki is the baby of the family who’s trying to figure out his relationships with Fuyumi and Natsuo (and eventually, Dabi). Oh, and Asui has more respect for authority than Todoroki does, so also seeing them clash over that would be interesting.
Or! Maybe Todoroki finally, accidentally catches Hagakure in one of his area ice moves and feels really bad about it, so Hagakure teaches him to watch out for her by making a game out of sneaking up on him. She also exercises some teenage flirtation in his direction and he has no idea.
Or imagine Jirou trying to figure out if Todoroki has feelings for Momo and accidentally becoming friends as she susses him out and realizes he’s an irredeemable dork instead of ice prince badass. She’s appalled he doesn’t know much about music!
OTP Rarepairs:
Todoroki/everyone basically, so it’s more interesting to talk about my todo rarepairs than run of the mill ships. 
Todoroki/Shinsou is cute…they both enter class 1-a with the attitude “I’m not here to make friends” and get hit with a match versus Midoriya in the Sports Festival—oops! They both became heroes partly from antagonistic spite, to defy Endeavor / the stereotype of brainwashing, which throw long shadows over who they fear they could become, and despite being on the quiet side they’re both pretty dramatic. Idk much about Shinsou’s backstory, but he definitely has a bit of a depressed, wary aura about him together with his fiercely idealistic, “I will never be like that” attitude, a combination that would resonate with Todoroki.
Probably at first Shinsou would be pretty cold to Todoroki, since even after being accepted into class 1-a he’d have some lingering resentment for those who are naturally blessed and admission was a slam dunk, and, in an effort to prove himself against the quietest of the strongest students, he’d make it his mission to provoke+brainwash Todoroki. Despite himself, Shinsou gets attached as he tries to figure Todoroki out, and he realizes the sorts of obstacles this “naturally blessed, slam-dunk admission” student had to overcome to get here.
In short, I’m a sucker for it ok, brotp or otp i’m down, but also in this case the romantic element of seeing themselves in each other gets to me bad.
Second rarepair, Todoroki/Hawks—hear me out ok!! These two would have the funny elements of Hawks/Endeavor but without Endeavor’s grossness. Even after he makes pro, Todoroki admires Hawks as the number two hero whose playful, casual MO is radically different from his own, more solemn style, and Hawks delights in being obnoxious and pokes fun at the straightforward, a bit dense Todoroki every opportunity he gets. Todoroki recognizes Hawks’s playful demeanor and knows he’s joking, but…being a dork…he doesn’t know what to say, so he just responds with total seriousness. Hawks is perceptive enough to know Todoroki noticed the joke, and Hawks’s awareness of that transforms Todoroki’s awkwardness into a dry, deadpan sarcasm, and the two of them can actually, like…have banter.
Working with Hawks semi-regularly, Todoroki has to rise to the challenge of meeting Hawks’s quips with enough insight and empathy to intuit the bleaker truths behind Hawks’s facade as this guy who doesn’t want to work too hard. Todoroki grew up as Endeavor’s tool, Hawks grew up as the hero commission’s tool; Todoroki responded with defiance, Hawks responded with salty compliance; Todoroki prioritizes his personal moral compass over the law/government, Hawks prioritizes the government over both his moral compass and the law; and Todoroki admires All Might, whom Hawks professes not to be so fond of, while Hawks admires Endeavor, knows Dabi, and all the obvious issues that brings up—so I think these two have tons of common ground to build a rapport and also clash with each other in ways that would be interesting for their development. For example, Todoroki can tell Hawks it’s your power and encourage him to take hold of his own destiny instead of being used, and Hawks can help Todoroki work on the shortage of social acuity he inherited from Endeavor.
I love the brotp but the otp has such comedic potential fused with such tragic potential, like by taking hold of his fate Hawks makes some choices Todoroki can’t forgive, and by helping Todoroki learn to connect to people Hawks opens him up for a world of pain when things go south, I can’t resist.
As long as the execution is good, I’m good. A ship that I hate in one person’s hands, I might love in another’s.
Random headcanon:
Todoroki is the #1 cockblocker in Class A. Nobody kills romantic tension like Todoroki wandering in, oblivious to what he’s just interrupted.
Also, Fuyumi gave him The Talk.
Unpopular opinion:
Hmm…not sure how unpopular this is, but while Todoroki understands that Endeavor abused Rei, but I don’t think he understands that Endeavor abused him too. Clearly Todoroki understands that it was bad, but now he’s one of the best students in one of the best high schools in the country instead of on a psych ward (Rei) or in the ground (Touya), so he doesn’t realize just how bad it was. Sort of a, “I was strong enough to take it, so it wasn’t really bad, not like how he was to my mom.”
Also, I love tododeku and I love dadzawa, but I’m frustrated by the number of fanfics that portray Todoroki as meek and crushed under Endeavor’s boot, in need of rescue.
Okay, one last one, because I’m not sure how unpopular any of these actually are. I think Todoroki is actually pretty anxious to fit in with his peers? Like he seems pretty aloof and doing his own thing, but I think it’s more due to uncertainty over what to do than because he’s that naturally withdrawn.
Song I associate with him:
Unbreakable by Miracle, Ember by Katherine McNamara, and Brave by Riley Pearce come to mind.
Favorite picture of him:
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VS Midoriya – Todoorki’s whole awakening, self-actualization sequence is beautifully, beautifully animated. I love the flashes to black and white and the graceful, profound arc of Todoroki raising his left hand.
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Ch43 – His haunted expression when he extinguishes his fire, forfeiting to Bakugo.
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Ch63 – He looks so sweetly earnest when he realizes he screwed up by disregarding Yaoyorozu’s opinion, and he immediately takes action to fix it.
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Ch112 – His badass expression when he and Inasa wordlessly team up.
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Ch164 – His sour, cross expression when Endeavor embarrasses him.
I had to make some painful choices on which scenes to leave out, but I think five is enough.
I’ve also done these questions for Bakugo, Uraraka, Endeavor, Amajiki, Sir Nighteye, and Shinsou!
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
About that Carry On Prinxiety AU
For now I laid out a bit of the plot, if you want to share some ideas just hit me up~
This is going to be a LOT to take on my shoulders but I will try and probably fail BUT TRYING IS KEYWORD (i really do believe in myself don't I? Everything under the cut!)
Since they all have their peculiarities, I'm gonna say that yes Virgil might be the Baz and Roman could be the Simon of this story, but I think either would fit for different reasons so they just have the same energy and will keep their own characterization. (If I'm able to not go ooc on this one wish me luck)
If I'm creative enough I'll try making an American school that is located in Florida, so that the characters know nothing much about what's happening in Watford and I can still make references without chronological contradictions.
Thomas could probably be the head mage too. I'm imagining him being very interested in the Normal culture and dressing like a Normal adult instead of the head of a great magical school, his "obsession" (kind of like Arthur Weasley's, if you will) is not really well-liked by most of the mages (especially the Old Fams), some believe that the students should have a better example instead of a man that always seems on the verge of leaving the magic world behind. The students, on the other hand, love him very much thank you. (yes even the ones whose parents insult him)
Oh my god I just had an epiphany: imagine Thomas obviously being in love with Disney and maybe Roman is very close to him so like he's talking about Virgil and Thomas just STRAIGHT UP STARTS SINGING SMTH LIKE THE MUSES' PARTS IN WON'T SAY IM IN LOVE OR LIKE THAT LION KING ONE AAAAAAAA and Roman is like ssss t o p but in the end joins in because he's w e a k (same)
Anyway for the main bois what I was thinking was that, with the prophecies about the Chosen One being there for a long time and them not knowing about Simon or anything, (this is becoming like Skam, there are many Snowbaz in the world) they just so happen to find in Roman an extraordinary amount of magic
Everybody is convinced Roman might be the Greatest Mage, the info flies out into the magical world of America but they decide to not share the info with other states. Roman gets very excited about this and works hard and trains himself in preparation for the big moment where he was going to have his big fight.
Virgil is his roommate (oh my god they were roommates), and of course, they can't stand each other at all. Virgil is definitely fed up with this story about the Chosen One, which Roman brings out in any possible conversation, so he uses it against him to tease him. Just imagine Roman bragging about something and Virgil being like "yeah but for a Greatest Mage you still haven't done anything so Great", or like Roman is having trouble with a spell or a subject? "Aren't you the chosen one?", Virgil only brings it up to make him mad and loves his flustered face. (keyword "loves" *wink*)
As much as I'm hopelessly in love with the idea of Vamp!Virgil (which would fit if he had Baz's role), I just had an angsty idea so I'm saving it for later c:
Hey how about a half-elf Virgil??? Anyone? Sorry I love elves
As for the time they spend together, they do the same thing as Simon and Baz, they avoid each other, spend time out of their room if the other's in there, make up different routines so they don't have to share anything and only really stay in the same room if they have to sleep. (idk why i said "if" like they don't need sleep)
Let me remind you that the beds are very close.
One time Roman woke up in the middle of the night and screamed in fear upon seeing a figure on the window.
It was just Virgil and he almost fell out, he would have probably smacked his head if it wasn't for the roommates' anathema or whatever it is called in english.
Virgil said he just couldn't sleep but he will never admit it was because of a pretty violent nightmare.
Roman does really think that he doesn't sleep at all and just uses his magic to stay awake judging by the dark circles under his eyes.
idk about you but I like the idea of Logan being something similar to Penelope, so Logan is Roman's best friend, they had met in the first year and Logan seemed one of the only ones who didn't approach Roman only because of his fame about being the Chosen One. Logan is simply amazing and brilliant at all subjects and surprises everyone since he's said to come from a family with weak powers.
Roman finds in him a very valid studying companion and he has to admit a lot of his best spells come from practicing/learning them from Logan. Also Logan loves explaining the stuff he's learnt, while Roman has this insatiable will to know everything to be able to defeat whatever bad guy will present in front of him. They basically become inseparable, despite having some friendly fights that are always solved with a snack break.
They !! deeply !! care !! for !! each other !!
Out of the other characters idk if Patton would fit anybody entirely, but I'm going to keep the 3v3 groups, so Pat will most likely be hanging out with Roman and Logan, he's actually very good friends with Virgil (none can escape Patton's friendliness) and tries to reason with Roman when he's mad about something Virge might have said. He's probably the reason why he hasn't killed Virgil yet. Patton doesn't come from a big family and lives with his grandmother when he's out of school. (I still have to develop this)
Forget about Dev and Niall and get ready for Deceit and Remus. I don't wanna give a headcanon name to Deceit bc I don't have one so he's gonna be a mysterious boy and everyone will call him Dee since it's the nickname I use for him. Both of them are two chaotic messes in their own ways. Dee, despite still being composed most of the times, is VERY fixated on his society discourses and arguments, he could come up to you one day out of the blue being like "so about the plan to overthrow the government" and you probably never even heard of it in the first place
Remus, on the other hand, messes a LOT with spells and you can see him traveling to the weirdest places. One day he was found trying to make the water creatures do a circus bit for him. People don't know how he's able to make his way through tests, but it's actually because he loves bugging Dee since he doesn't give the slightest shit about the weird things he suggests and they often end up studying together.
(I had the wildest thought thinking about Remus as Trixie)
Virgil, Deceit and Remus are what people call the "Untouchable trio", only because they come from the highest and oldest of the Old Families. They had been friends ever since kids since their Families met quite often, they never really fell apart despite being very different from one another. They're actually pretty chill people, it is only their surnames that make some people wary of them. They're not generally approached by anyone.
Idk if I wanna bring Emile and Remy in this, but I am tempted™, I'll think about it
So, Roman, am I right? Forgot to say he comes from a pretty big fam of hunters, they're the types of people that are lovable but won't hesitate to kill a bitch if needed.
But Purp, where's our creativitwins content? Thing is, yes they're actually brothers, but they were separated ever since kids for reasons none really knows? They never talk about it, even if asked to. They were given to two different families. They're aware of each other, but none has ever seen them interact. (I might find some angsty backstory on this just you wait)
Up until here Roman has always believed himself to be destined to the greater good, he's the chosen one, his destiny is the one to be the protagonist of the magic world and its hero.
At least that's what he thought until the fifth year.
One day during the fifth year, Virgil was doing homework on his room's table when Roman bursts in, louder than usual, and throws himself face-first on the bed, uncaring about ruining his hair or his clothes. That was an unusual sight since he never came into the room before evening or even before dinner. Virgil immediately knew something was wrong, but he didn't realize how serious the thing was.
So of course, he teases him a bit trying to get some info from him but only makes the situation worse. When Virgil calls him Greatest Mage as a joke, that's when Roman finally snaps at him in a way that Virge would have never expected. Roman really is enraged, yells at him and throws his pillow across the room since he can't hit him. He storms out of the room when he feels tears forming in his eyes, but can't really hide his sobbing as he goes away.
Virgil is just standing there, aware that he had just made Roman cry for the first time in his life and hated the sight with his whole being.
Roman had just learnt that he wasn't, in fact, the Chosen One, nor the Greatest Mage. Just an ordinary mage, like anybody else, who, in his opinion, had no other destiny than to finish school, find a job and just ... live?
So he's destroyed, all those dreams revealed themselves to be castles built in the air.
School is ending and Roman is just a bit numb, he's not really failing his classes but he's not as bright as ever. He barely leaves his room and doesn't talk to his friends as often, who are very concerned. Even Virgil tries to talk to him at some point. Thomas visits him when he has time and tries to work through the issue with him, but for the rest of the fifth year, there's nothing much to do to cheer him up.
Things seem to go back to normal as years pass and he's not in the spotlight anymore, none really talks about the Greatest Mage anymore and mages just carry on with their studies as they've always done. Everything's fine and normal.
And Roman hates it. But he's working in the shadow, so none notices his discomfort.
It only happens when he reaches the eighth year. It's impossible for Virgil to not recognize that Roman is slipping away at night and only comes back after some hours, either with dirty clothes or things tangled in his hair, he always came back different from when he left, meaning he definitely was wandering off outside.
One night he really can't stop thinking about how worried he is that Roman might get in trouble by himself, while he could probably prevent that, so he decides to follow him. Apparently, Roman is trying to find some kind of important and scary adventure to prove to himself that he's not as useless as he thinks himself to be, but Virgil still doesn't know this.
Virgil doesn't know what to do about the situation and decides to talk to Patton about it, in the end, the two of them decide to make a plan to talk to Roman with Logan, too.
On the other hand, Roman had been seen hanging out with Deceit or Remus, or both at the same time, trying to pry out information from them about how to get to certain forbidden spots of the school if he ever needed to. Surprisingly they don't ask many questions.
Chaos ensues when one night everything goes horribly wrong.
SO YEAH these are a bunch of things that I got right off the bat, I still have to think about the entire plot but don't want to spoil anything, basically the story would begin on the eighth year, just like Carry On, when Roman starts sneaking out. There might be things I need to fix but still I repeat that this is just a draft or a bunch of ideas that I got together somehow.
Tags: @soul-of-a-vixen & @flowersheep who wanted to know more about it~ (I'll write it as soon as I can!!)
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kicktwine · 5 years
This is a long post about Avatar and Ninjago and it mostly contains story!!! Because some! Of! This! Setup! Is! RIGHT there!!! And I like it very much. I’m sorry it doesn’t have many pictures! I do not control my right hand, but I do control how much I can yap about avatar and ninjago. READMOREではある
Our story begins with Kai and Nya, because they’re dramatic and I love them.
Kai and Nya are siblings, currently traveling on their own around the world with their not-actually-their-uncle-or-grandpa, Garmadon. Because Wu doesn’t get to be Iroh, even though I have to give up Garmadad for it — don’t worry he immediately adopts Lloyd once he meets him.
Kai and Nya used to live in the Fire Nation, emphasis on the used to, because while Kai is a firebender, Nya is a waterbender. She started displaying waterbending abilities at 12, and 12 is not a great age for control. And they could only have gotten the two distinct bending styles from their parents, blacksmiths in the royal courts, so in an act of political trash-fire-ness, Lord Chen finds this out thanks to royal jerkwad Clouse. You Know. Fire Lord Chen.
(Kai challenges him, in a fit of protective anger, to what is supposed to be a clean agni kai, but someone cheats. He actually can’t see all that well out of his right eye, anymore)
And Chen being who he is, he brands them all as traitors, presumably killing their parents, allowing the children only one lifeline to regain their honor (and home, and life, and—), and that’s to find the missing Avatar. You know, the one who’s been gone for a hundred years? Silly, impossible task, meant to get rid of them.
So they do.
Meanwhile, by which I mean a hundred years before this, Lloyd is happy. Really happy! Their temple is sweet and calm and brimming with life, he’s being taught by (his absolute favorite) the monk Wu, and he keeps being happy until he’s told, one day, the whole village is told, actually, that he is supposed to be this great and powerful being. This incredibly godlike human boy, with the power of destruction and creation at his fingertips, and though he doesn’t want to be, the title of Avatar is given to him and most everything else Is taken from him.
He’s scared, now. Mostly.
And you know the story — terrified of the choices made for him, of his own destiny, he traps himself by complete accident for a century, until…
Kai and Nya do find the Avatar. Traveling near the water tribes (dangerous, but theirs is not a fire nation ship)
And he’s… small. Admittedly.
Uuuuunlike his very large flying companion.
(Did I mention flying bison gets swapped with an energy dragon? Wind dragon? Very, very tied between naming the dragon Morro and naming her something less angry. Like Skittles :P)
Lloyd reminds Nya of a puppy. He reminds Kai that their entire lives hinge on bringing back (to his death) bringing (killing) this one, scrawny little kid. It’s so, so easy, and though they’re outwardly nice, they both know what has to be done. Until…
Lloyd is made of light. He radiates power, sure, but he radiates confidence and happiness and surety and it will be okay and morning runs along the beach and warming up by the fireplace and… he… has this infuriating ability to shine straight through the cracks made of doubt in your heart.
Kai doesn’t think he can do it, after a while. After seeing how his life got torn apart, after getting one too many cautious smiles and getting into one too many silly and only slightly dangerous situations that end in a hug, of all things, the twins agree. There is no way they’re taking Lloyd back to the Fire Lord.
So they don’t.
The’re different. They’ve traveled, they’ve learned, Garmadon is so proud of their growth he takes them out to the best tea they’ve ever had (which is weird because Lloyd always thought it was just leaf water) and they think that maybe they have a purpose again.
They want to help Lloyd take down Lord Chen.
Along the way, they pick up a lot more stray puppies.
Jay’s not supposed to be in the Earth Kingdom, but there he is! They’d probably kill him if they ever found out he was a Fire Nation refugee, because that whole concept reeks of suspicious. Which is why he hardly ever bends (and when he does, it’s not firebending it’s lightningbending) and keeps his handy-dandy best friend earth bending buddy with him.
And Jay has wanted to do something about *gestures* … all this, for forever. Incredibly nervous and constantly fiddling with some sort of tiny contraption as he is, he’s willing to tag along with the group. He’s the one who convinces Cole, probably the only Earthbending teacher they’re going to find, to come with. Cole is very, very apprehensive, because this is very dangerous, particularly for… actually everyone in the party. This is just very very dangerous. But Cole always wants to help, and after some shenanigans, begins to teach the young Avatar earthbending.
So things are like! Great, right! You got all the elements. Except like… that’s it. That’s basically handing a kid a glock and telling them to murder this one specific dude but giving them no other info. Research would… be nice. Probably.
Lucky for everyone stumbling into this yokai library, Zane is a researcher! And not a teenager, though 20 is barely not-a-teenager territory. He’s been in the library for years real-time, a couple weeks to his perception, but he’s learned so much. And he actually doesn’t super want to leave until he realizes its a very dangerous time-sinky place to be, and he can always come back. Besides, he was always taught to help those who can’t help themselves, and helping save the whole world from the Fire Nation is kind of top of that list, huh! FRIEND: GAINED
(How convenient!)
And the SIX of them go off and have ADVENTURES and TRAVEL and DO ELEMENTAL THINGS and SOMEONE SHOULD BE BUMI BUT IDK WHO, and the mailman is the cabbage seller, and Skylor isn’t Azula even tho I love Azula Skylor is like more of a Mai character, but Pixal is there too, I haven’t figured too much out but anyways Garmadon is Iroh and that’s the only thing you need to know. Lol
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hardcoretwins · 5 years
Hmmmmm….. He’s very... interesting...
You know, he kinda physically resembled Varian to me. (Brace yourself. Long rant incoming.)
He said Adira was lying to them and where they’re going only death awaits, Adira said that he’s sadistic and will stop at nothing to destroy them.
But Hector isn’t a villain. If anything, he’s exactly like Varian. Sure, he’s violent, dangerous, clever, has large rodents as pets, knowledge about things the gang doesn’t understand, and he’s very determined to fight back against anyone no matter what side they’re on, but actually he’s everything EXCEPT sadistic.  
Everybody who supports Varian will understand me when I say there may be more to Hector, Adira, and Quirin than we all may think (of course). In the flashback the three of them were given strict orders by their king as protectors to keep anyone and everyone from finding the moonstone and unleashing its evil upon the world the world no matter what. Those were King Edmund’s dying wishes. Adira wanted to venture out and find the sundrop, something they only believed to be a theory. We don’t know too much about Quirin, but from the looks of it he wasn’t on board with her, risking everything for a fairytale. Heck, the flower could have been completely fabricated just to give the people hope for all they knew. Hector had to keep reminding her that to do anything other than obey their king was treason. And from the few flashbacks we have, Edmund seems to have the weight of the entire world’s survival on his shoulders. Ideally, he wants to do only what was best for entire world.  As of now, only Hector remains loyal to King Edmund, somebody who only had the entire Earth’s best interest at heart.
The thing that stands out to me about Hector is that he doesn’t come off to me as manipulative or conniving in any way shape or form, which is a trait you’ll find in most disney villains. He’s not as mysterious as he seems, and he doesn’t seem to give two shits about who any of them even are. Which came off as strange to me considering most villains we’ve met so far has tried to manipulate someone in the group to get something, or set up an entire stage to exact revenge or some shit, and the major villains, like Gothel or Vairan, uses Rapunzel for her hair and for her powers.
But not him. He didn’t show up to sit here and play mind games with everybody. He’s not out here lying to anyone, trying to manipulate them or lead them down a particular path for his own personal gain. That’s one of the things I loved about him. He knows he’s the baddest bitch in the land. If he wanted Rapunzel for her power, he seems like the kind of person that would just get it, no story arch or anything. But he doesn’t want her power. He doesn’t have any vendettas, or grudges against any of them. There is literally no self-satisfying personal gain from fighting her or her friends at all. So why does he?
I believe everything he said about Adira wasn’t a lie. He just really doesn’t seem like the kind of person to give a shit about who Rapunzel associates herself with. But seeing Adira, a known traitor to their kingdom, show up with an entire wagon full of people who know about the moonstone? Now that’s a cause for alarm. I think he may have become aware of the group after the island fiasco, seeing as how they’re following the rocks. I think he was following them, figuring out their names, if they’re a threat, where they’re all going, etc. But to be honest, he probably does that to everyone who stumbles upon the rocks, just to make sure they don’t get curious. But I think it wasn’t until after seeing them Adira, who told them about the tree before the episode started, did he realize it’s probably a good time to intervene and put an end to this before it becomes a problem. Which gives me the impression that he’s very observant, stealthy, and although it wouldn’t seem likely, capable of making rational judgements. I say this very liberally of course, because if he was following them for some time and didn’t try to intervene until they found the tree, then he probably follows a lot of other people too, like travelers and such, until they leave the rock trail or go away. If he were a sadistic madman like Adira says, something tells me he would just kill anyone who so much as happens upon the rocks or got too close to the tree without actually finding it. 
Hector is in a very complicated spot in the show right now. Everybody has their own motivations for their actions. Varian wants to figure out the mystery behind the rocks to free his dad, Rapunzel wants to find out what’s at the end of this trail because she believes its her destiny, Cassandra wants to protect Rapunzel and maybe fight whatever evil they encounter, Eugene was to go wherever Rapunzel wants to go, Lance wants to stick with Eugene because he doesn’t have a place to just fit in and call home by himself in Corona (Idk about Hookfoot and Shorty), Adira wants the sundrop to arrive safely at the moonstone without complications because she believes Rapunzel is the key to ending this mess, but Hector seems to be the only person that doesn’t have any personal reasons for being involved. In fact, he’s only thinking about the bigger picture, no personal gain, and refuses to believe in something all because of something like “hope” or “dreams”. If they get there, and Adira’s “fairytale” plan fails, the moonstone’s magic could become unleashed, corrupted, and possibly destroy the world. Hector’s not a villain, he’s trying to save the world. He just doesn’t look like a hero. Heck, he probably cares about protecting the world twice as much as the group does. He’s practically honor-bound to obeying King Edmund’s dying wish. 
Only Quirin, Adira, and Hector know what the moonstone power can really do. They’re the only living people who’s ever seen the thing and knows what exactly what it’s capable of doing. They may not know everything, but they know enough to know it shouldn’t be messed with. And this is where I believe Hector can be used as a comparison to Varian. Varian wanted to know more about the rocks to try to stop it before it became a problem as well, but Fredrick forced everybody to turn a blind eye and ignore it. All these secrets… secrets, secrets, secrets… secrets were the reason he lost Quirin. Varian stopped giving a shit about good and evil then, too. He only knew the rocks were evil and this evil needed to be destroyed no matter the cost, and naturally this got him pegged as a villain, because doing so involved Rapunzel being in danger. And like Hector, he was totally on board with sacrificing one person to save others. The problem is, neither of them knew that Rapunzel was damn near indestructible. Ultimately, Varian just lost it and wanted everybody to hurt as bad as he does. 
Varian gave the series its first real step forward in potential. Hector can give the series a huge leap if he becomes a recurring character. After he recovers, I can see him being more hands on than Varian or Gothel was, and even going as far as to follow the recurring trope of the Tangled villains and end up completely unraveling by the end. Similar to how Gothel lost her shit and chained the child she raised from infancy to a wall, stabbed Eugene, and swore to run away with her so no one will ever find her again all in a fit of complete desperation and rage. And we all know how Varian ended. Since I believe Hector is actually a calm, collected, reliable, and loyal protector, I can see each of his failures actively getting to him. Each time we see him, he’s slowly less calm, slowly less collected, and little by little he becomes more and more determined to the point of breeching desperation. He will fail; Rapunzel is indestructible after all. The closer she gets to the moonstone, the more dangerous he becomes. He can’t stop her, but if she gets past him, then he would have failed King Edmund. If he fails, the world could pay the price of his failure. Remember, he doesn’t even believe the sundrop exists, let alone trust whoever Adira is gambling on.
In the end, I can see Hector’s fall out in the season finale, just like Varian and Gothel (in the movie). But unlike Gothel (who’s desperation derived from selfishness, greed, and vanity), and Varian (who’s desperation derived from grief, anger, and a need for justice for his father), Hector’s desperation will derive from a special type of fear, panic, and anguish, in a final attempt to fulfill his purpose to prevent this potential cataclysm, ALL only for Rapunzel to find out he was telling the truth about Adira being known for being traitorous and lying to them, and that he and Cassandra were right all along. Cassandra nearly killed him near the end of the Great Tree episode. What would Rapunzel do if he, an honor-bound man who only wanted to spare the world from destruction, ends up dying because they trusted Adira? I wonder if he’d haunt her dreams the way Gothel and Varian have. As if watching Cassandra’s hand burn because she wouldn’t listen to her wasn’t bad enough, right?
 Anyway, I know this is a lot. I just wanted to get my opinion of the guy out there before I start seeing people make stories or fanart of him being this cold, malicious person that I really don’t feel he is. In conclusion, I like this guy. I hope we start seeing more of him and less filler episodes. I feel like the island was enough of a waste of time. As for Adira, that may be a discussion for later. I had a feeling about her earlier in the show, but now after this episode, I think we all  just have to wait and see.
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