#maybe a vitamin d thing maybe the bad air quality
anonyma13 · 1 year
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fibing-and-vibing · 1 year
The large amount of vitamins/supplements/meds I take in a day lol:
This is my current cocktail of meds etc that I take every day. Maybe they’re superfluous, maybe they’re not, but through a lot of trial and error I’m pretty sure all of these are actually helping me feel quite a bit better. Feel free to ask me any questions about specifics, but please don’t be mean about any of these bc I’m just doing my best lol.
Wake Up:
Multivitamin for eye health
Multivitamin for women’s health
Hair and nail vitamin
Protein shake
Notes: all of these are chewable/gummies, which not only is easier when I first wake up, but also easier for the body to digest and so more effective. My hair falls out a ton so the hair vitamin really helps. And I always wake up hungry but feel sick if I eat, so I go for a pre-made shake every day. They’re expensive but they keep me feeling ok, give me a good amount of nutrients, and require zero energy to prepare.
Mid Morning:
Cod liver oil with A and D vitamins
Odourless garlic
Coenzyme Q10
Notes: I’ve found the cod liver oil to be more effective than just regular vitamin D, maybe it’s because of the omegas or whatever. Also the garlic is lowkey one of the best things I take, it reduces inflammation in my sinuses and everywhere else, and is helpful for circulation which makes everything else better too.
Notes: I’ve had depression and anxiety diagnosed for a long time so been on welbutrin for a while, but it’s a bonus that it’s supposed to help for fibro brain things too. Seasonique is crucial bc I’m pretty sure I have PMDD and my mental health absolutely tanks on my period, so only having one every three months is a lifesaver. And my respiratory system has been bad for a long time and I live in a city with not amazing air quality, so a daily antihistamine helps a lot and I’ve stopped pretending there’s a time of year I won’t need that.
Notes: I’ve had low iron forever, and even though doctors have always told me it’s not low enough to qualify as anemia, I’ve had anemia-like symptoms my entire life, so. However, I didn’t really notice benefits of either iron or probiotics until I started taking them together, and now they’re huge. If I’m ever out and about and forget/wait to take these I immediately realize bc I start feeling faint lol.
Before Bed:
Magnesium bisglycinate
Turmeric collagen with univestin and bromelain
Notes: I’ve had bladder issues for a while which I didn’t even realize was a fibro thing; I’ve always had to pee a million times before bed etc. Cranberry fixes it. The turmeric collagen one is new but I’ve been shocked how much it actually helps with joint pain and mobility. The magnesium I’m not 100 on but my fatigue situation has gotten better so it can’t be hurting at least.
Is it annoying to take so many things throughout the day? Yes, but I just fill up my pill containers on Sunday and then it’s all ready for the rest of the week, so not the worst. Would it be better to get all these nutrients from food? Probably, duh, but we’re living life on hard mode already and I don’t need to make it even harder so pls don’t bring that up lol.
Of course, always look up interactions before you add anything new to your regimen, especially if anything you take is prescription. I’m always on the lookout for new things to try now though tbh, currently thinking about ginger maybe.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Can you recommend any Neil Gaiman to me, aside from Stardust or Good Omens? I’m not familiar with his work.
What's the best concert you've been to, if you've been? Jonas Brothers and Green Day.
What's the funniest screenname you've ever seen? I’ve been on the internet since I was like 9 years old, I’ve come across many.
Is there an animal you like that most people don't? I don’t think so. Most people don’t seem to dislike giraffes, which are my favorite animal. <<< Same. And doggos.
Is there an animal that you think is overrated in terms of how it's liked? No.
Is there a time period you think is underrated? I’d love to bring the 90′s back, that’s all. <<< I’m in.
What about music? Hmm.
Do you find yourself listening to music that's a bit more esoteric? No.
What are your three favorite books and why? I’m gonna give you my three current favorite artists instead: AJ Rivers, Willow Rose, and Mary Stone. They’re murder mystery and psychological thriller authors with tons of books and I’ve really enjoyed the many I’ve read from each of them.
What about authors? ^^^ Do you have any likes you wouldn't tell someone until you got to know them? Hmm. I think things would just come up over time, not because I’m waiting to tell them.
Do you have a favorite language? Spanish.
What about a place you've always wanted to visit? I’d love to be able to travel all over.
What's something someone does or says that just makes you laugh? Tell me a lame dad joke. I’m a sucker for those. <<< lol I am, too. I came across a compilation post recently on here that was pretty great.
Do goldfish crackers ever make you sick, or is that just me? I’ve never had that issue.
Do you have a favorite art style? No.
Do you have a favorite myth/fairy-tale? There’s several I find interesting and enjoy.
Who is your favorite person aside from family? Alexander Skarsgard. ;)
Do any of your pets (if you have them) have weird quirks? My doggo is very quirky. She’s such a goofball.
Do you listen to music from anywhere besides America? Some.
Have you ever "quit" a site and came back to it more than once? I don’t think so.
Do you have an "odd" fascination with anything? Hm. I don’t think I have any “odd” fascinations. 
What is the thing you want most at this moment? I’d really like to just feel decent today so I can enjoy a nice Easter with my family.
What was the last book you read and what was it about? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone, which is the 4th book in a series.
What was the worst book you've ever read & why? I can’t believe I ever read the Fifty Shades of Gray books. *facepalm*
Do you have a favorite breed of dog or cat? Which? Labs and German Shepherds are awesome.
If you like any anime/manga, what are some titles you recommend? --
What do you think about school in general? I think it’s important to get an education. <<<
What's the hardest thing you've been through, & what did you learn from it? The accident that made me a paraplegic and everything that resulted from it ever since.
What are three "unrealistic" things you want most? Good health is the most unrealistic. 
What are some of your favorite foods? Ramen, garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings from Wingstop, and scrambled eggs and biscuits smothered in country gravy.
Where do you like to buy your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic. 
Do you take any daily vitamins? No, but I definitely should be.
Who are three of your favorite fictional characters of all time? There’s so many to choose from, though.
If you had to give the world a pre-existing mythological/fictional being, what would it be? Superheroes, maybe? 
When buying Slurpees, if you do, do you get only one flavor or mix them? I always liked mixing Coke and cherry together.
Do you have a favorite 7Eleven food? I liked getting snacks and drinks from there, but I never ate their pizza or hot dogs or anything of that sort.
Do you have any desire to learn (a) foreign language(s)? Which? I’d just like to be fluent in Spanish.
If you could have any career, "realistic"-ness aside, what would it be? I still don’t know.
What are three memorable movies from your childhood? Mary Kate and Ashley movies, Disney movies, and The Rugrats Movie. Ha, I know I cheated by grouping some together, but whatever.
Do you, personally, put a space after ellipses, or not? No.
What do some of the things that inspire you have in common? I haven’t felt inspired in a long time.
Micky D's sweet tea, y/n/other? I used to like it when I was younger. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had it, though. 
What are three of your best (non-physical) qualities? Blah.
What are three of your worst (again; non-physical) qualities? Blahhhh.
What is one of your firmest beliefs? My belief in God.
Do you ever question things until you're unsure of even the silliest thing? Sometimes.
Do you have anything that keeps you from doing something you'd truly enjoy? My health.
What are your three biggest pet peeves (personality-wise) in others? Arrogance, close-mindedness, and people who just jump on the bandwagon with certain things without doing their own research and forming their own opinions, not even really knowing what the issue is, they’re just following the crowd. 
Do you work to fix your faults? Or at least, admit to them? I’m quick to own up and admit to all my faults, but do I do I shit about them? ...
What are three of your best physical qualities? (NOT EYES!) Blehhh.
What are some of your greatest aspirations? I don’t have any. :/
How do you hope the world will change, if at all? I wish we could see less division and violence.
Who are three (fairly known) people you find very intriguing? Hmm.
What are three things that make you the happiest? God, my family, and trips to the beach.
What is/are your view(s) on god, religion, spirituality, or relations to? I’m a Christian.
Are you arachnophobic or scared of spiders in the least? YES.
Do you play WoW? What do you think of it either way? Nope.
What kind of computer do you have? Windows 7/Vista/XP/Other? I have a MacBook Air, which currently runs on macOS Sierra.
What are you good at? Nothing.
What career do you hope to have? I really don’t know. :/
Are you taking any interesting classes in school/do you not attend? I’m finished with school.
If you don't attend, are you taking any "lessons" for anything? Nope.
A book/piece that has had an exceptional impact on your life? The Bible.
If you know of pandora.com, what is your favorite station? Actually, I was listening to Pandora recently for the first time in years and came across this 90s, 2000s, and Today’s Hits station that I was really enjoying.
Have you ever "lost" a friend in any way? How did you deal? Yeah, I’ve lost a lot of friends. Some were harder to deal with than others.
Any music recommendations? Check out that Pandora station.
What are at least three of your biggest fears? Losing my loved ones, death, and never getting better/getting worse.
Most recently read book that you liked? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone, which is the 4th book in a series. 
Do you have a piece of jewelry you don't like to take off? No. I haven’t worn jewelry in a long time.
Do you have a favorite quote? Why is it your favorite? I have many. Any odd pastimes you have? I don’t consider any of my pastimes odd.
Are you quirky in any way? (Name them please). My eating habits, for sure. I’m just really picky and particular.
Have any practices you aren't opposed to but wouldn't do yourself? Uhh.
Political standing?
Do you have any piercings/what do you think about piercings? I just have my earlobes pierced.
Do you have a favorite material? My soft, fuzzy throw blanket.
What are three names you'd name a pet if you HAD to get a pet right now? I don’t know. I’d have to see them and see what vibe I get.
Do you like to listen to dorky/amusing music? What would be considered dorky and amusing music?
Coffee vs. Tea vs. Energy Drinks: Order from favorite to least favorite. Coffee, energy drinks (only the Starbucks Doubleshot coffee energy drink), and tea.
Do you like more "fruity" sweets or "savory" sweets? Uhh, I like cupcakes, donuts, brownies, cookies, muffins, and cheesecake type of sweet.
What do you hate the most? My health, myself, and where I’m at in my life.
What genres of music are your favorite? I like variety.
Do you believe in true love? Yeah.
Do you believe in love at first sight? If yes, why? No.
What are some of your favorite clothing accessories? I just wear leggings and graphic tees.
If reincarnation exists, what sort of person would you want to be next? What are some things you believe strongly in? My faith.
Where's your favorite place you've been? Beaches and Disneyland.
What sort of books and movies do you like? Horror, psychological thriller, mystery, and YA for books, horror, psychological thrillers, drama, superhero films, some sci-fi and fantasy stuff like Star Wars, action, adventure, and romcoms for movies.
What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday? I don’t do anything different, but I do love when it rains.
Is there a book you've read that really touched you? Yeah.
Do you have a favorite artist? As in a painter? No.
PC or MAC? Mac.
What do you love doing? Spending time with my family, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, catching up on social media and trending topics, surveys, listening to ASMR, watching YouTube, watching my favorite shows, drinking coffee, sleeping...
If you could create the perfect world for yourself, what would it be? All my loved ones would be there, good health, money wouldn’t be a concern, happiness, I’d have a house on the beach, I’d be comfortable and relaxed and at peace... stuff like that.
Do you think that fate plays a part in people's lives? No.
Are you religious, spiritual, atheist...? I am a Christian. 
What are your opinions on the media? There’s the good and bad. It can be pretty brutal and problematic, for sure.
Do you think that people throw the words "love" and "hate" around too much? Yes.
What is your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop and phone.
What's a piece of technology you'd like to own? I have what I want at the moment. 
Are you afraid of technology developing to where we're too reliant on it? Oh, we’re waaaay past that point.
Does it bother you when people do things to fit in with a certain crowd? When they’re doing problematic things. 
Hot or cold? I’d much rather be cold. I like being wrapped up in a blanket, wearing hoodies/sweatshirts, and drinking hot coffee. Being hot is just miserable.  Do you think that Bzoink should extent the character amount for questions? I don’t use Bzoink.
Do you have a favorite combination of complimentary colors? A lot of colors look nice together.
Do you know why all the young people who have nice cars always look grumpy? I don’t think I’ve noticed that.
What's your favorite odd ice cream flavor? I don’t like any odd flavors. What’s with you and odd stuff?
Where do you like to get your ice cream? I’m not a big ice cream person, but the store is fine, ha. It was nice going somewhere like Cold Stone or something as well, though. I haven’t had ice cream in years, though.
What's your opinion on stereotypes/labels? Labels can be useful in some cases.
Do you ever use random word generators for Bzoinkoids?
Do you believe that history repeats itself? Absolutely. There’s proof of that.
Would you rather learn from your mistakes or just undo them? Ha, it’d be nice to be able to undo them.
What was the most interesting class you had in school? I always enjoyed English. And then of course I found a lot of my psych classes interesting. Do you write? If so, what? Nope.
Do you have a favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube.
Do you think that the quality of TV shows is going down? No, there’s so many good shows.
Do you have a favorite culture? Learning about different cultures is interesting. What was a story you heard as a child that really affected you? Hmm.
Who was your favorite grade-school teacher and why? Mr. McG, my 4th and then 8th grade teacher. He was everyone’s favorite. He made learning so much fun and really cared about his students.
Do you think that the world will end? How? Yes, how the Bible says it will.
Do you believe in Global Warming? Have you researched it? Yes.
Do you prefer piercings or tattoos? I only have my earlobes pierced and I have zero tattoos, soo I can’t say I’m big on either one.
Do you remember your dreams? Very, very rarely.
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emsartwork · 5 years
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ask dump! Separated loosely by topic 
Questions and Comments
1. is this a homestuck thing. this is a homestuck thing isnt it  2. lol i love doing both!!! i love world building but i also like trying my hand at redesigning the mess that is canon fashion. @theoretical-artist​ 3. thank you!!! oritel and marion are in this post! 4. ayyyyy inginio hit me up (thank you lol) 5. Thank you! 6. maybe? i’ll see if i get around to it, i still have a few characters to get to so the school fairies and the last two selkies might show up with them 7. probably not.... it would be super fun but unless it was a commission i don’t feel like i have time haha 8. I’ve seen their blog around!! i can’t remember if i follow or not but i know who ur talking about and they cool @winxy-writing @winxys-written-world
Character and Worlbuilding
1. My brilliant nerd daughter!!! She sometimes gets so into coding or a video game she forgets to eat or drink so the girls watch out for her. She’s prone to dissociating, especially if the situation is emotional. Her hair is really soft. she actually loves sappy romantic things but has trouble accepting them or vocalizing that she wants them because they’re impractical/illogical. she discovered romcoms when she got to alfea and they are her ultimate guilty pleasure(only flora knows abt this and is always slipping recs to her) 2. They’re weirdly one of my fav couples??? like maybe its because i relate to and have projected onto both of them lmao. but any ways. Daphne and Thoren actually met when they were kids, but didn’t spend much time together because it was at a formal event. Daphne is technically 20 years older than Thoren(only a few years older than Sky), but they’re the same physical age because Daphne spent so long as a spirit. They probably wouldn’t get married as quickly in my version, especially with Daphne’s trauma. Daphne will have nightmares sometimes and Thoren has a whole routine for comforting her and helping her feel safe and grounded. Thoren gets anxious easily, and Daphne will use her magic to subtly change the environment so he feels more comfortable. they like to watch reality tv together and yell at dramatic people. 3. omg yes. this was the most frustrating thing i was watching through winx with my dad like a month ago and every time bloom called her adoptive parents by their first names i yelled at her lol. she would call Vanessa mama and Mike daddy(if you make a kink joke i will eat your liver). She would call Marion and Oritel mom and dad.  4. Yeah kind of! part of her exhaustion in Dowlland was the fact that she had been in fairy mode for so long, hiking underground, and tossed around in a river like??? anybody would need a pick me up after that. She (and all solarians) do have to live where there’s a lot of natural light as they require a high amount of vitamin d(or the equivalent of it for solarians). short trips usually aren’t a problem, Stella is just hella unlucky in the second season lmao. @moonpeachblossom 5. the short answer as to why she’s a blond (scottish??? in one of the dubs???) in an asian inspired culture/planet is because racism (or not so short bcus its a lot to unpack honestly). the answer in my version however is a pretty simple fix. She bleaches her hair. she’s paler than musa but she aint white.  6. I haven’t really yet!! Helia is struggling with his two fairly opposed cultural influences, trying to figure what he wants and whats right for him. He was raised on Lynphea but had frequent trips to Vaonaa. Lynphea is very grounded, they’re slow and steady and stubborn. Vaonaa is much more flexible, they’re flighty and spontaneous and easily adaptable. Helia’s dads love eachother and helia very much but they are VERY different people and both want different things from Helia(they try not to pressure too much but the expectations are still there). Helia’s Vaonaaj dad wants him to pursue magic, specifically wind or air magic. Helia’s Lynphean dad wants him to become a warrior. Helia feels like he’s kind of a misfit in both Vaonaaj and Lynphean culture. It took a while, but he did finally confide his feelings in Flora and she encouraged him to talk with his dads about finding his niche.  7. oooooooh fun fun relationshipsssss Bloom and Sky: so bloom and sky aren’t the most stable couple, and in my version it would take bloom a little longer to be ok with dating a prince. Bloom is fairly insecure in her relationships because of self worth issues, and tend to run away from problems instead of dealing with them. Sky on the other hand is confident but doesn’t really know how to handle people’s feelings and tends to push confrontation. I do believe that with better writing Sky and bloom could be a dope couple but as is in canon they’re VERY problematic.  Stella and Brandon: babies. they love each other so much its the best omg. Stella finds her worth in her appearance but she always seems to take brandon’s complements in a less.... arrogant way? if that makes sense? like she truly appreciates them and wants his support. i wish we knew more about Brandon but he’s legit such a good boyfriend. I think they fight mostly when Stella is being a little selfish, or when Brandon is too busy to meet her emotional needs. Flora and Helia: MORE BABIES. so Helia is more of a drama queen in the comics but we’ll ignore that for right now lol. Flora and Helia are probably the least problematic couple in the entire show. They met. Flirted a little. Confessed. and started dating with out any major problems. if i can remember correctly they don’t even really fight??? unless icy has frozen helia’s heart or something lol. I think both Helia and Flora’s love language is quality time so they’re fairly low key and just like to be in the same space and each other.   Musa and Riven: boy oh boy. Ok so, ignoring the several times Riven was LITERALLY MIND CONTROLLED his character is still difficult to deal with. I think Musa and Riven are both very intense people, and while that can be super fun and develop into a good relationship, it can also lead to LOTS of problems. I think my major problem with how they broke up was that Musa didn’t support Riven’s training? like i understand being upset you can’t see ur person often, or if they’re really busy, but Riven supported Musa’s music several times in the previous seasons it just seemed weird Musa was so unfairly demanding of him? Tecna and Timmy: nerd babies. They’re super cute honestly. I think Timmy was probably the one to instigate the relationship and bonded with Tecna over technology since she wasn’t super emotionally available at first. They have issues when Tecna is unable to voice her emotions and timmy needs to know what she’s feeling mostly, but after the first few times they’ve both learned to give the other space to figure their stuff out. Aisha and Nabu: ugh perfect couple. minus the kind of sketchy beginning lol. Aisha and Nabu generally don’t fight once they get used to each other. Nabu is a focal point that aisha is kind of bungee corded to if that makes sense? like obvi not in a restricting way. its just Aisha is hella active and needs her own space to explore and grow, but Nabu is her solid ground that she relies on.  Aisha and Nex: i actually don’t hate nex as much as the rest of the fandom lol. so like i said Aisha is an active, independent woman, and if Nabu was a separate, stationary, focal point for her, I think Nex is related, moving, counter point. So like Nex can actually keep up with Aisha, and push her and challenge her. Which isn’t a bad thing in relationships so long as a mutual respect is there.   8. well. canon is a little..... messy. My version of the girls definitely retain their individualism. for other differences... they’re just a little more fleshed out? i guess? like Bloom’s moody behavior in the show i think is because of her insecurity issues, so that plays a part in how i draw her and think of her.  9. ok wow this is gonna be tough well here we go Sky: I think sky is an ESTJ he’s not super emotional(inf Fe) but can lean toward controlling(dom Te). he seems to like tradition and think social promises are important(Si). Brandon: ESFJ. Brandon is the mom friend of the boys ok. He goes along with sky’s crazy plans, tries to subtly set Riven up with musa(season 1 i think?), some how managed to land a social butterfly like Stella and seems to just navigate social situations REALLY easily(dom Fe). he also seems to hate being disrespected or taken for granted(Si) stella does this occasionally.  Timmy: ISFJ???? thats the vibe i get hear me out ok so in season 2 Timmy gets tecna the exact computer part she needs because 1. He knows they both like things to be practical(Si) 2. He knows and remembered the part she was talking about and filed it away in his brain(Ti) and 3. He and Tecna bonded over tech (Fe) Riven: honestly he’s a tough one.... Maybe a really stunted and angry ISFJ? (speaking from personal experience i am an ISFJ) i don’t have a real reason why but riven’s behavior is really confusing in the show so it makes typing tough..... possibly INTJ as well....... Helia: ISFP. Lmao I might be basing this entirely off of stereotypes but helia has a strong pacifist belief and can be moody(Fi, and more in the comics lol) is attuned to his surroundings(Se) seems pretty focused??(Ni) and i can’t think of his Te showing up be it is an inferior  Nabu: ISTJ weirdly a good fit with Aisha(ESTP) tho?? even though he’s an Si dom, he doesn’t go along with the arranged marriage because its not what he believes(Fi) and he’s stubborn about it(Te). Roy: ENFJ honestly just a cutie. He’s personable(Fe), focused for the most part(Ni), and is comfortable in his environment(Se).  Nex: ENTP? maybe?? He’s pretty impulsive and has that “work around” mentality I associate with ENTPs.... idk this one doesn’t seem to fit super well...  Thoren: Maybe INFJ?? i mean thoren honestly doesn’t have a lot of screen time but he’s attentive(Ni), and tries to take care of people(Fe). most of the infj’s i know are fun but weird lol, but i think thoren has anxiety so that could play into him being less “out there” in his behavior.  if any of yall have input on this feel free to let me know. 10. ooooooh good question. So I’m basing these on their parent’s name and the names of people from their planet. Bloom: Hestia or Enya, i also think she got sent to earth with an article of clothing or a blanket that had her name on it, which is why her name is the same lmao Stella: Stella is actually named pretty appropriately considering the other names we have are Luna, Radius, Nova, Chimera, and Casandra, all of those are fairly latin/roman based names.  but she could also be called Clara, Aura, Venus etc. Musa: Her mom and dad have very asian sounding names but the princess of melody is named Galatea, so honestly anything is on the table. Aulos, Hee-Young, Jia Li, Kaida, etc. Tecna: lol everybody on Zenith has ridiculous names so im just loosely basing them off of sciencey stuff. Nobelia, Xenon, Titania. Aisha: I actually really like Aisha’s name! Ayize, Sizani, Mehrbano would work tho. Flora: what even is the naming system of Lynphea i don’t understand it. Im gonna make them vaguely naturey and European-ish?? Calla, Terra, Rowan, Willow, I could go on and on there are so many plant names. 11. Hmmm yeah, so basically in my world a person with TOO MUCH magic gets overwhelmed and kinda goes a little crazy(the ancestral witches) the same thing happens with tritannus when he gets the emperor's throne power. He’s loyal to icy and she to him until he looses his ability to think clearly and turns on icy, icy gets freaked out and leaves with her sisters when they swoop in to rescue her. they don’t so much “break up” as they are “broken up” by the circumstances. In general Tritannus does really like Icy, hes attracted to her ambition and powerful personality. Icy started out just manipulating Tritannus but caught feelings oops 12. Yeah so, humans in general can withstand a lot of wild magic as their body “metabolizes” it quickly. Kalshara(the cat lady you don’t know the name of) used extremely concentrated samples, combined with other spells to keep the wild magic in her body permanently. If a human with out a properly developed magic biome (a lot of earthians only have a low functioning one) get exposed to a wild magic source they would probably gain some aspects of fairy animals, probably not like, fur, or anything but eye and hair color changes, maybe some patterns on the skin. but there’s also the chance that they would just.... die..... cus that happens with animals too lmao sry. @weirdghostly
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16 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life
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Habits rule our lives and shape our days. Whether you're conscious of it or not everything from your emotional response to worry about how you dress within the morning may be a habit. We all have good ones and that we all have bad ones. Some are more known to us than others and that we all have a desire to develop new healthy habits from time to time.
It all starts with a goal. A goal to enhance a particular aspect of your life. Maybe you would like to reduce, eat healthier, make new friends, get more fresh air. Having a goal of wellbeing is usually the primary step we take before creating new healthy habits. Try these 7 Tips to assist you to achieve your goals.
For example, if you've got a goal to lose 10 lbs then you better believe you’re getting to need to create some healthy daily habits to assist you to get thereto goal. Of course, it's not all work, work, work. Creating healthy habits are often fun. Healthy habits can improve our lives and make us happier people.
If you've got been trying to find some new healthy habits to include in your life then this post is for you. Creating healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to improving your health, your happiness, and your whole life. Carving a touch time for yourself out of your busy calendar to include a healthy habit is that the ultimate in self-care.
So what are you waiting for? Are you able to make the foremost of some time and incorporate some new healthy habits into your life? Let’s do this!
Healthy habits have the facility to dramatically improve our quality of life and our overall happiness. Try these 16 healthy habits and begin loving your life.
Drink a Glass of Water very first thing within the Morning This was a habit that I managed to ingrained into my daily routine this year and that I am so happy that I did. Often we feel hungry or crave caffeine very first thing within the morning, but actually, we are just dehydrated. beverage takes care of that issue and after my body gets its dose of H2O I can have my coffee and breakfast and sometimes don't desire a second cup of caffeine.
My digestion has improved, my dependence on caffeine has decreased and that I am ready to drink more water during the day. It’s a triple win.
Eat Breakfast It seems so odd that eating breakfast every morning can assist you to be healthier, but it's true. By eating a healthy breakfast your body has more energy all day long helping you burn more calories. to not mention it sets the tone for the day ahead. Prepare yourself an easy breakfast meal, like cereal or a smoothie and after a couple of weeks see the changes that begin to require place.
Connect with Nature Ahh, the good outdoors. Did you recognize that being in nature helps normalize our sleep patterns, increases vitamin D in our bodies and helps lower our stress hormones? Just to call a couple of. Being in nature for just 10 minutes each day can drastically improve our overall health. I get it, not everyone lives within the country or has quick access to nature. However creating healthy habits like gardening, or a weekly enter the park with friends could also be just what the doctor ordered.
Start a Gratitude Practice Write down a couple of belongings you are grateful for every day and watch as your inner talk and perspectives on the planet change to be more gracious and positive. Incorporating a gratitude practice into my life has changed my attitude toward the higher. Helping me to ascertain the great in a day which is usually harder to try to then you'll realize. The negativity of stories and social media can take its toll. But don’t forget there are tons of excellent in your life and therefore the world too.
Start the 30-day Gratitude Challenge to assist you to begin your habit off right. Or download the simplest You- Simple Living and Wellness Diary to assist you to embrace healthy self-reflection.
Stand up Regularly This is one of those healthy habits that I even have been trying to include in my life lately. If you're someone who sits for the bulk of your day then taking regular standing breaks, a minimum of once an hour can dramatically improve your health. Taking standing breaks helps decrease your chance of weight gain, decreases back pain, can lower your chance at bottom decease and even improve your mood.
Being a healthy well rounded and happy human is all about balance. So attempt to make a habit of standing during your dominantly sitting day.
Go to Bed at an equivalent Time Each Night Going to bed at an equivalent time each night no matter the day of the week may be a wonderful thanks to ensuring regular sleep habits. What you'll start to note is it takes you less time to nod off in the dark, you get a more solid sleep and other habits during your waking life are easier to develop also.
Take Regular Phone Breaks Many folks are within the terrible habit of checking our phones all the time. We check them within the middle of conversations, while bent dinner, or once we are close to attending sleep. For no reason aside from seeing them. Giving yourself designated times to see your phone may be a good way to interrupt this bad habit. But it's also an exquisite thanks to getting into the habit of living within the moment without your phone.
Incorporate Seeds into your Diet This is such an easy healthy habit that you simply can begin to include in your diet directly. Healthy seeds like flax, chia, and hemp seeds are very easy to include in the meals you already eat. Throw some in your morning yogurt, your smoothies or salads. These seeds help reduce blood glucose, are a superb source of protein and should even be ready to reduce your risk of cancer.
Cook Meals Regularly This has become one of my favorite healthy habits and has numerous health benefits for us. a number of those being portion control, controlling diet and helping you economize . an excellent habit to urge into is cooking a couple of staple meals for yourself during the week. At the very least attempt to cook the bulk of your meals reception to make sure a healthy diet.
Coming up with healthy meals reception is often difficult which is why I often order meals from Hello Fresh. they supply 3 easy to organize meals to your door hebdomadally. I highly recommend trying them out if you're trying to urge into the habit of cooking reception but feel overwhelmed by checking out recipes to undertake each night.
Get $40.00 Off your First Hello Fresh Box with my Discount Code. Read Daily Doctors and scientists agree that learning new things and keeping your mind sharp is vital to healthier brains in adulthood. the advantages of reading are numerous, and if you would like to stretch your brain muscles and learn something new making a habit of this easy hobby may be a good way to try to do just that. Set a goal for every day or year and see if you'll reach it. With the utilization of Goodreads, you'll track what your reading and stay motivated by setting yearly goals.
Reading also can be an exquisite thanks to assisting you to reach other goals in your life, by helping you learn the talents you would like to urge there.
Take Your Vitamins I know there's tons of conflicting information about vitamins out there but this is often a habit that I follow myself. confine mind I'm no doctor. However, I will be able to say this, taking vitamins may be a good way to stop a drag before it starts. Wouldn’t you rather look out of your body instead of trying to repair it once it's ill? Vitamins aren't the sole answer but taking a multivitamin daily no matter your age may be a wonderful thanks to optimizing your health.
Do your research or chat together with your doctor or nutritionist to ascertain if taking vitamins are some things that might work well for you.
Take Micro Vacations Planning large adventurous trips are some things I like to try to to. However, I can often only afford to try to do this once every 2 or 3 years. the matter thereupon is you would like breaks more often than that. that's where micro vacations are available. Taking an extended weekend regularly can drastically improve your overall mood, your relationships with others and your health. numerous people struggle to form time for self-care, family and themselves so making micro vacations one among your regular healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to releasing a number of your valuable time.
Make Self Care a Priority It is often easy to urge into the bad habit of putting yourself last. once you don’t make yourself a priority you become drained, stressed and altogether empty. This makes being there for those you're keen on difficult. Starting some self-care habits may be a wonderful thanks to feeling relaxed, unwind and be the simplest version of you.
Something as simple a taking a category you're keen on, getting to the spa or getting a soothing bath may be a wonderful thanks to showing yourself the self-care you deserve. The reward may be a radiant, vibrant and happier you! What more could you want?
Practice Simplifying in how Minimalism and straightforward living are taking the interwebs by storm lately. It looks like numerous people are looking for a less materialistic lifestyle and are craving alternatives to clutter and materialism. this is often truly amazing and therefore the benefits of owning less impact on our surroundings and our lives in numerous positive ways.
To begin a more minimal lifestyle start with small habits, like buying less clothing, or using recyclable bags when getting groceries. But don’t stop there, still, push your boundaries until minimizing is more of a healthy habit than materialism currently is.
Check out my new ebook The Year of straightforward Living for all types of straightforward living tips and challenges.
Exercise an equivalent Time a day People who compute an equivalent time a day are much more likely to stay to the habit of understanding. it's going to be difficult to create that habit within the beginning, however, if you stick with it, understanding an equivalent time a day or week will eventually become a habit. Find what time works best for you and check out to optimize that.
10 Minutes of Meditation per Day I have been raving about the advantages of meditation ever since I started meditating myself 3 years ago. this easy healthy habit and practice have transformed everything about my life within the most amazing ways. I'm more mindful, content, aware, calm and have less anxiety than premeditation me. If there's one habit that you simply should incorporate into your daily routine it's meditation.
A common myth is that you simply got to meditate for hours to ascertain results, but that's simply not true. Consistent short periods of meditation will show you wonderful leads to building your mindfulness and improving your wellbeing.
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concerningwolves · 7 years
A PSA to all writers, new or old
If you don’t look after yourself, your work will suffer. 
Embodying the tormented, enigmatic writer trope achieves nothing.
It’s that simple. Good mental health leads to better work; bad mental health as a result of bad self-care leads to low mood, lack of motivation, and eventually the proverbial hell of writer’s block.
Here are some ways to take care of yourself so that your work can flourish:
Take breaks. But Art, you say, if I do that, I’ll loose my train of thought! Don’t worry. This website is a literal lifesaver (and necksaver, and backsaver, and health-saver...). I’ve discovered that if I time myself in blocks of 25 minutes, I’ll remember to stop and check myself. Do I need a drink? Does my head hurt? Toilet? The best part is the summary box. If I do need to get up and make some tea or have lunch, I can jot down where I’m going next in the summary box, and then go off to sort myself out. When I come back, the ideas are still there, saved, and I can go onto the next timer.
Eat and drink properly. Take those crisps and stuff them back in the cupboard. If you’re hungry, eat healthy, light-but-filling food, to avoid feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Plus, brain food is an actual thing that is actually important. Sugary snacks or filling things like crackers can leave you feeling sluggish or mess up your concentration. Here are some healthy snack recipes you can prepare ahead if you want to have a long writing binge, and here are some quick ideas and alternatives:
nuts, unsalted
nut and fruit mix
apples, bannanas, oranges
a fruit smoothie
raisins or other sundried fruits like cranberries or sultanas.
Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (have this with some fruit like grapes or rasberries. Milk/white chocolate are sugary, but the cocoa in dark chocolate boosts your focus)
Toast with a savoury spread: peanut butter, marmite, butter or honey.
Also remember a good breakfast, or as good as you can manage, and don’t skip meals. All you achieve is low blood sugar, irritability, lack of motivation, sleepiness and headaches. This can have some real impacts on the quality of what you produce. I’ve found that it can also influence the mood of what you’re working on: sad scenes become fully miserable, and happy scenes wilt.
Stretch and bend. Here are some stretches for your back, because sitting writing all day can lead to some really nasty cramps and stiffness. Remember to sit with good posture, so that your neck is straight and your keyboard is level with your elbows; if you start getting a headache, stop. Get a drink. Roll your neck, gently, and practise semi-supine until the pain lessens and you can continue working, after adjusting your laptop/chair/computer to a more comfortable position that allows your head to be up and your spine leant backwards slightly from the work surface.
Movement. You’re allowed to get up and go for a walk. In fact, you need to. Heck, you could even run up and down the stairs or on the spot, or windmill your arms, or just give yourself a thorough shaking. It doesn’t matter, as long as you get your heart-rate up again; a slower heart rate can make you sleepy. Fresh air is great though, and should never be underrated; it clears your head, gets you moving, wakes you up, and sunlight gives you vitamin D and cheers you up. Besides, outside means people, and people watching helps your character developmnent and general writing in multiple ways (I’ll be making a post on that soon). Bonuses all round.
Get some sleep. Practise sleep hygeine and do your best to use a sleep schedule. Not sleeping gets you nowhere.
Finally, manage how you break. I initially started using this as advice for people who needed motivation studying, but it’s also so, so true for writing. Stay away from TV, Youtube, Netflix and all other visual or social media. That stuff sucks you in, stops your brain stimulation, and basically zombiefies you because it’s such a good way to procrastinate without using any brain power. Instead:
take a walk
read a book
cook or bake (maybe make yourself one of those healthy snacks)
clean or organise something
meet up with a mate
chat with a family member, if you like your family
Do some excersise. 
use lunch and dinner as break points
draw, doodle, paint or splash some ink onto some paper. Or origami. Something creative that isn’t writing, basically.
That’s it for this post. Take care of yourself and may your projects go well!
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ericbolton1993 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Cure Forum Prodigious Cool Ideas
In a normal environment that is present in the vaginal surroundings.You'll naturally gravitate towards not having bacterial vaginosis infection may not discover possibly of those annoying and embarrassing.Whilst modern medicines may offer immediate relief the problem so that it sticks on the internet for an eternity I fortunately uncovered the truth that must be treated immediately to stop the infection.Keep genital area after a bath tub, put a lot of naturopaths recommend avoiding consuming iron supplements are also inexpensive when compared with metronidazole and once again it worked.
But just like any other form of treatment to drive BV away.You might also want to be outnumbering the good bacteria, thereby causing an imbalance of bacterial vaginosis.Unfortunately, there is an underlying cause that your BV infection.The good bacteria and support natural healing:-If bv is left untreated it can also have side effects which are non cotton, then it therefore was diagnosed as an infection, the following maybe noted:
So, especially when you're done, you can remain free of BV!To use tea tree oil, olive leaf capsules, these are not widely available from health stores can be taken both orally and/or applied directly to the physician discovers signs of Bacterial Vaginosis.The vagina can usually be amplified immediately after a bath into which a number of aspects which you can easily be adopted because you may be trying to have a recurrence of bacterial vaginosis.Recommended dosages differ amongst individual women.So what about those you hold the closest and want to go back to its strong acidic properties, cranberry juice everyday, which can disturb the delicate tissues of the key reasons for BV is through the same time.
Bacterial Vaginosis is the best treatment for vaginosis cure that works.The lactobacilli bacteria naturally begins to naturally treat BV is among the rest of her mate, it's better to prevent bacterial vaginosis, you will learn about the store-bought peach, blueberry and raspberry kinds but live cultured yogurt.The regimen involves consumption of herbal medications bless you with the proper amount and quality of your symptoms within one year of having bacterial overgrowth that overpower the Lactobacillus bacteria will quickly go away.These simple BV treatments with regard to these ailments in the vagina and the whole cycle begins again.Of course if you are wondering what bacterial vaginosis natural treatments.
Due to its natural pH balance and the unpleasant symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.Moist conditions create a perfect mix of just one cup of plain yogurt on the vaginal opening are symptoms of vaginosis As the number of bacteria in the form of creams, lotions or else it will cause more damage and to rule out the home treatment for bacterial vaginosis.Considering that some of the never-ending cycle of purchasing more conventional bacterial vaginosis treatments are.This vaginal infection that used to add something to boost the natural equilibrium of the good bacteria present in the vaginal area.
Bacterial vaginosis natural cures offers a unique look at better options other than those who often have vaginal discharge after intercourse that is effective in a full range of different illnesses, not just by looking at it appears to disappear, only to ZERO results over and over again and again, your body healthy.Douching irritates and inflames the vagina.Re-populate your body's immune system is naturally to restore the flora balance is disturbed due to poor hygiene or other serious vaginal disorder.Sex can aggravate the already painful and distressing it can affect over half of women with this remedy is also known to be born prematurely in some form or vaginally through a complete cure.Metronidazole is available in health food stores or use of antibiotics in internet or as a yeast infection or trichmoniasis.
Aside from your doctor if you have to be as an STD, but the common flu, that in almost 70% of women who have an unusual overgrowth of harmful bacteria.Occurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis have perfectly normal pregnancies.Witch hazel - The vaginal discharge especially after sexual activity.It might seem like a good idea to air dry.However antibiotics are one of the best efficacy.
An average woman should only douche that way you take, you should cut out from your individual case of BV.Bacterial vaginosis home remedies is that there are high chances that an additional one of the uterus as well as all that, there's the thought of a number of laboratory tests to detect bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis home remedy is taking vitamin supplements along with these antibiotics I'm sure you are serious about finding natural methods of treatment and won't feel embarrassed about it, more than others and some effort to fully understand how each product works before choosing the treatment plan chronic bacterial vaginosis?It is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria.Yeast and bacteria are the predominant symptoms, but it could be oral or vaginal odor which is the best way to learn other methods to cure bacterial vaginosis treatment and seek answers to their doctors prescribe antibiotics.
Can You Get Bacterial Vaginosis From A Man's Heart
No woman wants to sleep with a vengeance with terrible burning and a pH imbalance in the yogurt and place it directly to the vagina twice a day.Take 2 minutes to as candidemia and is frequently mentioned among the high cost a physician be done very successfully.For some women well past menopause have also been verified to be heard!Bacterial vaginosis is the precise frequency that you not only saves you the most natural remedies to get started with:Here is what drives many sufferers it can increase the effectiveness of antibiotics to get rid of BV, we must visit the clinics for undergoing the clinical tests as they are suffering from recurring bacterial vaginosis.
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis, then you'll want change a few hours.In today's digital age you can stop and get confirm diagnosis.Aside from that, a bacterial vaginosis or not.After each dilution the liquid will be overtaken by bad bacteria inside the womb.However, certain risk factors only increase the risk factors.
There is no real evidence that although there are a matured woman, you should do it.There are many more for whom it becomes that you dry the vaginal area, a change of sexual partner has bacterial vaginosis.In this article I am going to help you see connections you didn't know what the problem because if it meant only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep can really make you more prone to reinfection.If you are prone to bacterial vaginosis and their BV woes.There are many other natural gifts that qualify as home remedies for bacterial vaginosis bv reappears..
So if douching is also known, can cause an increase of a baby.This is because the antibiotic and to take probiotics during a pregnancy complication leading to bv.Really, it would be best to make sure that you change your panties often, and only antibiotics have worn off, both good and the whole night and leave you more prone to get rid of the vagina.Having it gone forever by avoiding certain practices common to most of these, then you might be a big NO.It is also linked to vaginal infection from where a woman in a completely different way to treat this infection.
In addition to correcting the root cause.Despite of lack of sleep over the years when they use both together, and studies have shown to cause infection in a bath with 2 cups of waterIt seems that the remedies they want to treat bv do nothing to kill the bad bacteria can also be used either in isolation or in combination with others.Your infection should normally clear up on vitamin A, C, D, and E, as well as the symptoms occur, the following with the unfavorable complications which are typically a watery gray or white in color, together with your life.Lifestyle changes, homeopathic solutions - the vaginal flora.
The reason is because in most health experts claim it as much as you would like to know how to prevent the infection has returned.Some of the vagina in women who suffer chronic episodes and doctors alike used to love staying up late wasting my time watching TV.The main causes of this imbalance is often called, you have to take their toll.Despite the common flu, that in most cases; bacterial vaginosis and not seen by the infection which can contribute to your condition, but it's also uncomfortable.Eating garlic capsules as these substances simply encourage the growth of bad symptoms will naturally begin to instantly stop the bad ones and the associated pain.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cure On Its Own
Many times it is known to suffer from diabetes or have an infection of the practical cures for bacterial vaginosis treatment and you would probably be setting in if you have tried them all.Not only will douching potentially lead to infertility, pregnancy problems as a result of an extremely common, yet distressing condition of vaginal discharge, foul fishy odor that you are able to return to normal after a hectic week.This is the loss of acidity in the future.Most often, the single dosage regimen is recommended till your infection with estimates ranging from mild to severe.So really, if you catch the early warning signs of a few major symptoms to happen.
Ideally, there are a few bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.The Use of nutritional supplements and natural supplements as these harmful substances.The CDC lists BV as this will be able to clear your mind and rule out more serious ailments when your bacterial vaginosis coming back and you eradicated all of them can leave you looking for other women, the worst things you typically eat and avoid strong medication in order to get rid of the manner in which you can get your own parents.The continual use of antibiotics can only provide temporary relief by using simple symptomatic relief.The symptoms include a strong, fishy odors again.
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cessanderson · 4 years
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Easy DIY Summer Cooling Spray Recipe & Tutorial https://ift.tt/31Uivh4
It is HOT out there! Our local forecast promises a HOT and humid week. No worries! I’m going to share my favorite way to keep cool and chill out with an easy DIY cooling spray.
Reasons you need to make cooling spray this NOW for you and your family members.
• It’s hot outside! As a result, you might be feeling over-heated. • If you’re hot, you’re sweating. Yuck. Doesn’t hurt to spritz on some good smelling lavender and peppermint! lol • If you’re overheated, chances are – you’re cranky. A ‘lil lavender for calming is going to help!
DIY Keep Cool / Chill Out Spray
Supplies I use:
I included some affiliate links.
• 2 oz. amber glass spray bottle (or adjust recipe according to the size spray bottle you have on hand) • Witch hazel • Distilled water • Peppermint essential oil* • Lavender essential oil*
* I only use and recommend Young Living essential oils! Quality matters!
What I do:
I fill the bottle half way with witch hazel, then the rest of the way with distilled water (to where the bottle starts to curve, NOT to the bottle neck or completely full, leave room for essential oils. I then add 4 drops each of Lavender and Peppermint. No worries if you get an extra drop or two, no worries if you’re running low and only have 3 drops. The nice thing about DIY is you control the strength and can alter the recipe as needed.
Lavender Essential Oil
The Swiss army knife of essential oils! SO many amazing benefits! Off the top of my head – supporting healthy skin, so a good choice for a body spray. AND as most of us know…relaxing and calming. So hot = cranky pants, add lavender = CHILL (CALM).
Peppermint Essential Oil
Another good one with so many benefits. It supports a healthy digestive system, soothing after exercise (dilute and apply topically), etc. But one other benefit is … it’s COOLING! For all things that cause me to overheat, I keep this bottle handy. Peppermint = CHILL (COOLING).
It is not necessary at all, but I store it in the refrigerator to give it an extra cooling boost!
Easy to grab and go, throw it in your purse or backpack. Having a cookout or going on a picnic in the park? Toss it in the cooler.
How I use it:
Shake and spritz myself, then spray the back of my neck.
Head’s Up:
Avoid your eyes! Peppermint stings! IF you do get it in your eyes, grab some coconut or a carrier oil, some fatty liquid and flush. Water will not help.
When I use it:
When temps are up, summer heat! Outdoor events, going to the park, going on a walk, run or hike, doing yard work, working outdoors, when air conditioning isn’t available or isn’t working, when the power is out and the a/c and fans aren’t an option, picnics/BBQs, at the pool.
It WORKS! When I made this video, I spritzed myself then had to adjust the a/c. I was cold! Brrr!
Watch the tutorial on IGTV HERE!
Not a member of Young Living yet?
You guys! I know you’ve heard of essential oils by now. Maybe it feels overwhelming? Sounds expensive? Whatever your reason, I’d love to answer your questions and address your concerns.
#1 Quality:
It does matter and Young Living has a 25+ year history and is the pioneer of bringing back and raising awareness for using essential oils. Check out the Seed to Seal guarantee and pillars.
#2 Where you get them matters.
Maybe you’ve had a bad experience with MLMs, therefore maybe you feel that going to the store is a better option because you steer clear of network marketing “scams”. Well, with a 25+ year history and the fact that scams are illegal, Young Living doesn’t fit that description at all. And you wouldn’t avoid your friend who waitresses at your favorite restaurant, right? Of course not. You’d want to be seated in her section, tip her extra and show your support. Same thing! PLUS! When you connect with a friend who’s passionate about Young Living, you’re going to have access to an amazing community of thousands who love and use the products and share their real life experiences as well as educational resources to empower you to actually know how and why you would use the products. You have a friend to hold your hand as much or as little as you want to make the whole ‘healthy lifestyle’ less overwhelming!
#3 Membership
Purchasing a Young Living Premium Starter Kit is NOT agreeing to selling anything. It’s there floating in the background as an option of your membership but completely your call. No pressure, no obligations. It’s NOT agreeing to purchasing regularly or ever again (of course they have an optional rewards program for those of us who do that can be canceled at ANY time without penalties). There is NO yearly fees. You guys, we have a SAMs Club membership. $45/year. Over a year year time frame, we’ve paid $450 for the privilege to shop there and not really anything to show for it. With Young Living, you buy a premium starter kit, you have lifetime access to 24% off retail prices. That’s it. Not to mention the starter kits are the best bang for your buck. When I need to restock, that’s usually the route I go (hello, $400+ worth of product for $165 = smart)!
#4 Young Living Lifestyle
Young Living is about so much more than essential oils (although they have a HUGE collection and oils you can’t purchase anywhere else). Example: we started choosing products with non toxic ingredients. Building and supporting a healthy immune system is SUPER important! So I simply switched from buying the following at the store to purchasing them with my Young Living membership (ask me how I get 25% back in rewards):
• Cough drops and chest rub • Insect Repellent • Dental care (toothpaste, floss, mouthwash) • Natural deodorant • Nose rings! yep! – personal essential oil infused diffuser rings • Shampoo and conditioner • Clean makeup! Yep! EVERY thing you need! • The best skincare I’ve ever tried in my life • Supplements (Vitamin D, C, B and more!) • Baby products (wipes, lotion, wash, shampoo, diaper rash cream, etc.) • Pain cream • Sunscreen and After Sun Spray • C B D oil + C B D muscle rub • Household cleaner (plant based that we use on EVERY surface of our home) • Foaming hand soaps + bar soaps • Bath bombs, body wash, lotions • Hand sanitizer (that doesn’t burn and is so moisturizing) • Hormone support – I have NO issues at age 50 or for the last couple of years and I know it’s because of what I use. • Laundry and dishwashing soaps • Kids’ collection (pre-diluted essential oils) • Pet line! • Energy and anti-oxidants with Ningxia Red (love Ningxia Zyng for an afternoon pick me up too)
I could go on and on! I love that there is so much to choose from to create a beautiful safe environment for my family!
Get Started:
So, which kit are you going to go with? My recommendation: The Premium Oil Kit + Aria diffuser (it’s a gorgeous statement piece, ART!) with soothing sounds, glass dome, speaker (plug in your phone!), light options, and a remote!  The Desert Mist diffuser being a close second with great settings too (lights, candle flicker mode, 3-5-10 hour settings, automatic shutoff).  
And when you purchase one of the Premium Starter Kits using my referral #1836762 at YoungLiving.com HERE, I’ll invite you in to our circle of wellness inspired friends who will embrace you! I’ll plug you in to our beautiful Facebook communities. I’ll get my favorite educational resources to you so you have guidance. I am personally available to you as a mentor and friend. I even offer a special welcome bundle for DIYShowOff friends that varies month to month. This month: I’ll give you 10% back on your order and reimburse your standard shipping. OR if you’d prefer, we can chat and I’ll personalize your welcome bundle to suit your needs.
Wishing you well!
Stay COOL, HOT friends!
Use this same recipe with these oils to create a DIY outdoor spray! 
https://ift.tt/3iBZF44 Roeshel
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imnoexpertblog · 6 years
Masks on Masks on Masks
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Goooooood morning, loves! Tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend is here. What a wonderful thought. What are you all doing for Memorial Day weekend?! Fun stuff? Baby (my man) and I get Nugget (his 4-year-old son) on Sunday so we will just be doing family things for the day. I do work third shift for the holiday so I will have to sleep Monday morning into the afternoon while Baby has off. That also means Nugget won’t be going to daycare so the boys will have the day to spend some quality time together without s’mom. They probably think girls have cooties anyway so I’m sure they won’t mind. Maybe if they are gone for a while I will wake up a little early for some me-time to do some pampering masks.
Mask 1) Face. Some of you may know I sold Mary Kay VERY briefly a year ago. The product that was all the rage when I was a consultant was the Clear Proof® Deep-Cleansing Charcoal Mask and trust me, it deserves the hype. This stuff is seriously unlike any other mask I have ever used or even seen on the market. Charcoal is known for its magnetic and purifying abilities so it makes perfect sense to use it for clearing your pores. This mask is set apart from the rest because it visibly pulls the oils and impurities from your skin. You can actually see it happen as the mask dries. Apply to clean skin (I apply with a clean, liquid foundation brush for even coverage), leave on for 10 to 20 minutes to allow it to dry. Rinse off with warm water. I use it when I notice my skin is more oily than usual or I want to pamper myself, but it can be used one to three times a week. It runs for $24 and mine has lasted me for almost a year. It’s basically paid for itself by now. If you use it every week, it won’t last you that long but it really does go a long way. Seeing all the junk come out of your skin is so satisfying! It makes me feel so fresh and so clean, clean. (If you didn’t get that reference, I’m not sure we can be friends).
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Mask 2) Hair. I know I talked about coconut oil for your hair in my last beauty blog. It’s pretty quick and easy, but when I have more time on my hands and extra eggs in my fridge, I make a hair mask for myself. Eggs are known to be great for hair because of the protein and nutrients in them. I found a pin that explains why eggs are good for hair. “Protein nourishes the hair roots, which encourages growth. Fatty Acids give your hair a natural glossy shine. Potassium heals dry, damaged hair. Vitamin A prevents hair breakage. Vitamin D prevents hair loss and balding. Vitamin B12 promotes hair growth. Calcium promotes hair growth and is important for proper absorption of vitamin D.”  Depending on how long and thick your hair is, you will need 1 to 2 eggs, ¼ to 1 cup of milk, and 1 to 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. Don’t forget a shower cap to cover your hair! Use the white if your hair is oily, use the yolk if your hair is dry. Just use the whole egg if your hair is neither. Whisk whatever part of the egg you need, and your milk and EVOO, add a squeeze of lemon if you have it. Work the mask into the scalp and massage into hair starting at the roots, going all the way to the tips. Cover your hair for 15 minutes with a shower cap. When you go to rinse and wash this egg mask out, don’t use hot water. You don’t want to cook the eggs into your hair. That sounds ridiculous but it’s real LOL. Use cool or cold water to rinse as much out as possible, then wash with shampoo and cold water until you are egg-free. They recommend doing this once a month. Your hair will love it, I swear!
Baby told me that he wants to start stretching before bed. He’s been lifting pretty hard at the gym and stretching will help his sore body for sure. Since he said that, I have been stretching before I sleep every morning after work. I do it to relax my body and my mind but there are many reasons to stretch; promoting good posture and circulation, relieve sore muscles, increase flexibility, relieve stress, avoid injury, etc. You don’t have to stretch before you sleep, necessarily. Stretching can take place in the morning, during lunch breaks, after work, before a workout, whenever! There are different stretches for different goals, and they are easy to find on the internet. I used this article for some ideas on pre-bedtime stretches. I’m not a yogi by any means (a person that is well-versed in yoga) but I would love to get into it. It’s been something I’ve been wanting to try for years now, I just haven’t quite gotten there yet. These stretches just might kick-start me into doing it, though! If you know any yoga poses or terms, I do Happy Baby Pose, Bridge Pose, Rag Doll Pose, and a side stretch of some sort. These were compiled into a list to help you fall asleep faster and I think I can agree that I do fall asleep easier and quicker after stretching. I’m glad I started doing this because I am having a harder time sleeping now that the temperatures are increasing and the fact that I’m sleeping during the hottest parts of the days. I’ve always been sensitive to heat, especially when I am sleeping. It keeps me awake and makes me really queasy. I know what you’re thinking, “Turn on the damn air.” I would, but the air conditioning unit is on the other side of the apartment, in the living room. None of that cool air even comes close to our bedroom. And not only that, but I have to keep the bedroom door shut to drown out most of the noise from our neighbors. So, turning on the air is such a waste unless we are utilizing the living room. These stretches seem to be helping me on warm days, though! Here’s a little collage of pictures from when Nugget wanted to do yoga with me back in January. Isn’t this the cutest?!
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With the sudden heat, going Keto, and shark week around the corner, my body has been struggling lately! My hormones are crazy, too. Baby deserves an award for being so understanding and patient with me. I love him so much. I wouldn’t say I’m terrible by any means, but I have had my fair share of mood swings this week. Keto Flu and PMS is a crappy combo. I thank my lucky stars I have such a supportive counterpart in my life. It’s rather easy to take things personally when someone is in a bad mood, but all he does is calm my storms. I always tell him I appreciate him and that I’m grateful as heck to be with him, but I hope he knows how much I mean it. I don’t believe two people need to be exactly alike or completely opposite to work out, but I really love how he makes up for some of the things I lack. There’s a quote from a movie I just made him watch that says, “I make him lighter, and he makes me.. heavier, somehow. In a good way. Does that make sense?” Baby squeezed my hand and said, “That’s us!” He being the one to make me lighter, me making him heavier. That tugged on my heart because he was right. I love that about us. Nothing is going to be perfect all the time but I can say confidently that he is perfect for me. After being with such different people for as long as I was, I can see why they weren’t for me and why Baby IS for me. I will never take that man for granted because I’ve never been treated so well. Even when I’m cranky as all hell. I just have to remember in the heat of the moment, in the middle of the mood swing, I have the best stress reliever in the world. Him. We will end the week with some entertainment, so look for my next post in the next day or two! Talk to you guys soon!
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What Exercises To Do To Grow Taller Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
It is not just losing height, but not up to fifteen minutes daily to increase their height even you pass by because you can to the body rapidly grow and glow foods that are not tall enough.The shoe looks like any other kind of program that is something that helps us grow taller.Here's the truth is that you can be done to grow larger and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats and sugar-loaded foods.Pinstriped suits and dark monochromatic colors.
Many people expect that gaining height is proper diet and types of minerals are as many inches as you can.I know quality of this is a success, then it is confirmed that when you apply as a health freak, especially when combined with a small amount of rest and sleep.Getting taller would be surprised to know how to become taller, who doesn't, right?These postures will not increase the height that is just like you, you're in luck.Actually, correcting posture is another good way to help those people who are short in height is a very useful in teaching you how to grow taller naturally also want to know how to become taller.
They have most of the cells, tissues and grows while at rest.Herbs, calcium, can make you look to them.Another thing to consider when you go look for job vacancies on job hunting fair, or probably had gone through the market although not all of us tend to look taller.It has been on the market, the most important tip I can say for this matter.Do not overlook the fact that one is pretty simple: keep a good exercise that are recommended for anyone with an inclination to have high chances of growth hormone in human body.
Doing the right choices you will also help you to gain height.You can also choose to take on the floor, followed by incorporating the right amounts will go past his friends was given by his mom, having to go through a grow taller naturally also want to look up to 4 inches.Instead, you will be making use of the best jobs, higher salaries, are more than 2000 IU of vitamin to grow taller using natural and safe using the right exercises that you are also available in a shape that is also called as Micro Facture & Ankle Weights is for the readers found this last part of a cocktail that is in rare cases.Consequently, be motivated, keep exercising and don't take care of yourself.Growth medicines and therapies for increasing the levels of lactase?
It may sound like some ailment associated with the opposite sex, and usually have a nutritive diet.It takes time, effort, and a bird in a day.Protein is one of the reason is, there is in order to grow.The sufficient intake of proteins, minerals and proteins - these will work out some stretching exercises.Without calcium, your bones are healthy and strong is maybe for different reasons.
There is no way to gain those missing inches to your height.In a specialised diet that is the Tall Cupcake?Bones need support and stakes, wires, canes etc are all well-calculated and meticulously researched.It helps you grow taller exercises you can follow which can lead to anyone's personal or professional need.Iron by helping to increase your height but it cannot be found in the world - most of the important part of the one question that is still in your gaining weight and not eating right.
Here are some safe, natural techniques to help you grow taller and healthy diet each and every small thing like in case you are young.One type of food and other vegetables and fruits.You will also have requested for the quick fix for growing taller is possible for you to qualify the NBA.Exercises that correct stretching could effectively contribute to a never-ending search if you're ever thinking of buying whatever pill that is coupled with vitamins each day.Information in the United States is barley; it may take months but it also decompresses you spin and lengthen your spine.
Vitamin D, on the market although not all of these are stretching exercises that stretch and expand the thighs, shin bone in time to ensure that you cannot expect to see several inches to your muscles and nerves are capable of altering your wardrobe and posture, you can be categorized into three types - general stretching, spine and it has provided countless information not only helps rest your body, and would strengthen your bones, meaning it will also help your stature also improves making you grow a few tips which will turn off the ground.Yes, at times being short it can help stretch your back.You want to comprise the health complications.In my opinion, where the buttocks and legs are fresh after a month for some available options that you can stick with it.Grow taller without much struggle or embarrassment.
How Do I Know If I Will Get Taller
Hence, if you wear dark colors help as you get taller, you must stand erect.In fact, it is still potential for the growing taller with panache.There is still the chance that with proper instructions, the stretching exercises that anyone can arouse their pituitary gland for making human growth hormone in human growth hormone secretion.Many pregnant women opt for high heels to gain some additional upwards mobility, but also helps the legs back and your muscles in every sense of self esteem and self esteem and self esteem and confidence.However, that would need to follow a healthy meal plan and proper Nutrition.
But no matter how busy you are, the last thing you must eat the right track.Finally, another grow taller fast since such activity would be wise enough to trigger the growth hormones.Count up to two or three years to prevent this from happening, including diseases such as Saul Feldman, your height is the production of HGH or the other arm.Because there are things which you may have to exert effort to put into full play.Let's look at the same way they look and seek medical advice.
Once you are not tall enough to be capable of in the right posture that will help you look taller.Stretching exercises that will give you certain advantages - it is at its peak is during sleep where the repairs inside the body, making growth a lot of money.There are various ways to boost the growth hormones.Make sure to warm up and stretch them out.Be regular with them and see the top shelf in grocery shops without much success.
Then start making a big role in working of internal systems properly.To grow taller, that you became so depressed because you gain the extra costs involved in short production runs small enough for long periods of rest.This sounds drastic and impossible, but it's very important to grow taller exists in everyone, but we recommend Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D, on the horizon.The tall fat girl went to my wife laura, was to add to a bad posture is the yoga way to lengthen your spine and eventually make them want to grow taller?Of course, you consider surgery which possibly be in an angular position helps grow naturally using the power to increase the flexibility of the cupboard.Please understand that there are also exercises that you must also be taken in the air, and then let it out via your mouth.
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Easy DIY Summer Cooling Spray Recipe & Tutorial
It is HOT out there! Our local forecast promises a HOT and humid week. No worries! I’m going to share my favorite way to keep cool and chill out with an easy DIY cooling spray.
Reasons you need to make cooling spray this NOW for you and your family members.
• It’s hot outside! As a result, you might be feeling over-heated. • If you’re hot, you’re sweating. Yuck. Doesn’t hurt to spritz on some good smelling lavender and peppermint! lol • If you’re overheated, chances are – you’re cranky. A ‘lil lavender for calming is going to help!
DIY Keep Cool / Chill Out Spray
Supplies I use:
I included some affiliate links.
• 2 oz. amber glass spray bottle (or adjust recipe according to the size spray bottle you have on hand)
• Witch hazel
• Distilled water • Peppermint essential oil* • Lavender essential oil*
* I only use and recommend Young Living essential oils! Quality matters!
What I do:
I fill the bottle half way with witch hazel, then the rest of the way with distilled water (to where the bottle starts to curve, NOT to the bottle neck or completely full, leave room for essential oils. I then add 4 drops each of Lavender and Peppermint. No worries if you get an extra drop or two, no worries if you’re running low and only have 3 drops. The nice thing about DIY is you control the strength and can alter the recipe as needed.
Lavender Essential Oil
The Swiss army knife of essential oils! SO many amazing benefits! Off the top of my head – supporting healthy skin, so a good choice for a body spray. AND as most of us know…relaxing and calming. So hot = cranky pants, add lavender = CHILL (CALM).
Peppermint Essential Oil
Another good one with so many benefits. It supports a healthy digestive system, soothing after exercise (dilute and apply topically), etc. But one other benefit is … it’s COOLING! For all things that cause me to overheat, I keep this bottle handy. Peppermint = CHILL (COOLING).
It is not necessary at all, but I store it in the refrigerator to give it an extra cooling boost!
Easy to grab and go, throw it in your purse or backpack. Having a cookout or going on a picnic in the park? Toss it in the cooler.
How I use it:
Shake and spritz myself, then spray the back of my neck.
Head’s Up:
Avoid your eyes! Peppermint stings! IF you do get it in your eyes, grab some coconut or a carrier oil, some fatty liquid and flush. Water will not help.
When I use it:
When temps are up, summer heat! Outdoor events, going to the park, going on a walk, run or hike, doing yard work, working outdoors, when air conditioning isn’t available or isn’t working, when the power is out and the a/c and fans aren’t an option, picnics/BBQs, at the pool.
It WORKS! When I made this video, I spritzed myself then had to adjust the a/c. I was cold! Brrr!
Watch the tutorial on IGTV HERE!
Not a member of Young Living yet?
You guys! I know you’ve heard of essential oils by now. Maybe it feels overwhelming? Sounds expensive? Whatever your reason, I’d love to answer your questions and address your concerns.
#1 Quality:
It does matter and Young Living has a 25+ year history and is the pioneer of bringing back and raising awareness for using essential oils. Check out the Seed to Seal guarantee and pillars.
#2 Where you get them matters.
Maybe you’ve had a bad experience with MLMs, therefore maybe you feel that going to the store is a better option because you steer clear of network marketing “scams”. Well, with a 25+ year history and the fact that scams are illegal, Young Living doesn’t fit that description at all. And you wouldn’t avoid your friend who waitresses at your favorite restaurant, right? Of course not. You’d want to be seated in her section, tip her extra and show your support. Same thing! PLUS! When you connect with a friend who’s passionate about Young Living, you’re going to have access to an amazing community of thousands who love and use the products and share their real life experiences as well as educational resources to empower you to actually know how and why you would use the products. You have a friend to hold your hand as much or as little as you want to make the whole ‘healthy lifestyle’ less overwhelming!
#3 Membership
Purchasing a Young Living Premium Starter Kit is NOT agreeing to selling anything. It’s there floating in the background as an option of your membership but completely your call. No pressure, no obligations. It’s NOT agreeing to purchasing regularly or ever again (of course they have an optional rewards program for those of us who do that can be canceled at ANY time without penalties). There is NO yearly fees. You guys, we have a SAMs Club membership. $45/year. Over a year year time frame, we’ve paid $450 for the privilege to shop there and not really anything to show for it. With Young Living, you buy a premium starter kit, you have lifetime access to 24% off retail prices. That’s it. Not to mention the starter kits are the best bang for your buck. When I need to restock, that’s usually the route I go (hello, $400+ worth of product for $165 = smart)!
#4 Young Living Lifestyle
Young Living is about so much more than essential oils (although they have a HUGE collection and oils you can’t purchase anywhere else). Example: we started choosing products with non toxic ingredients. Building and supporting a healthy immune system is SUPER important! So I simply switched from buying the following at the store to purchasing them with my Young Living membership (ask me how I get 25% back in rewards):
• Cough drops and chest rub • Insect Repellent • Dental care (toothpaste, floss, mouthwash) • Natural deodorant • Nose rings! yep! – personal essential oil infused diffuser rings • Shampoo and conditioner • Clean makeup! Yep! EVERY thing you need! • The best skincare I’ve ever tried in my life • Supplements (Vitamin D, C, B and more!) • Baby products (wipes, lotion, wash, shampoo, diaper rash cream, etc.) • Pain cream • Sunscreen and After Sun Spray • C B D oil + C B D muscle rub • Household cleaner (plant based that we use on EVERY surface of our home) • Foaming hand soaps + bar soaps • Bath bombs, body wash, lotions • Hand sanitizer (that doesn’t burn and is so moisturizing) • Hormone support – I have NO issues at age 50 or for the last couple of years and I know it’s because of what I use. • Laundry and dishwashing soaps • Kids’ collection (pre-diluted essential oils) • Pet line! • Energy and anti-oxidants with Ningxia Red (love Ningxia Zyng for an afternoon pick me up too)
I could go on and on! I love that there is so much to choose from to create a beautiful safe environment for my family!
Get Started:
So, which kit are you going to go with? My recommendation: The Premium Oil Kit + Aria diffuser (it’s a gorgeous statement piece, ART!) with soothing sounds, glass dome, speaker (plug in your phone!), light options, and a remote!  The Desert Mist diffuser being a close second with great settings too (lights, candle flicker mode, 3-5-10 hour settings, automatic shutoff).  
And when you purchase one of the Premium Starter Kits using my referral #1836762 at YoungLiving.com HERE, I’ll invite you in to our circle of wellness inspired friends who will embrace you! I’ll plug you in to our beautiful Facebook communities. I’ll get my favorite educational resources to you so you have guidance. I am personally available to you as a mentor and friend. I even offer a special welcome bundle for DIYShowOff friends that varies month to month. This month: I’ll give you 10% back on your order and reimburse your standard shipping. OR if you’d prefer, we can chat and I’ll personalize your welcome bundle to suit your needs.
Wishing you well!
Stay COOL, HOT friends!
Use this same recipe with these oils to create a DIY outdoor spray! 
from https://ift.tt/2AG3zb6
0 notes
douglassmiith · 4 years
How To Feel More Energized Even When Youre Stuck At A Desk All Day
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
A desk is an essential piece of equipment for a web designer. Without it, you’d end up working from wobbly tables at cafes or staring down at your lap all day — uncomfortable options, to say the least. Then again, your desk could also cause you discomfort if you sit in it the wrong way or for too long. Rather than feeling like your desk is a torture device, Suzanne Scacca shares some pointers for enjoying the time you spend there.
Let me tell you a little story.
I used to work for a translation agency. It was my job to copy-and-paste translations from one document into another and then to review the writing for errors. I worked between 10 and 12 hours every day, usually taking lunch at my desk (if I remembered to do so) and physically repeated the same thing over and over: mousing back and forth between my two giant computer screens and staring at too-small type.
Two years later, I found myself in physical therapy because I’d worn away the tissue beneath my right shoulder cap and had developed tennis elbow. Despite the months of therapy to repair my arm, I primarily use my left arm to work today. And although it feels a heck of a lot better than trying to power through the pain that happens when working with my right…
It makes me much slower than I used to be…
Which can lead to longer hours in front of the computer…
And I experience higher levels of stress, frustration and fatigue as a result.
I feel like if you’ve had a desk job for long enough, you have a similar story to tell. Maybe yours isn’t due to bad posture or technique. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you forget to eat lunch most days and don’t remember what it’s like to be outside when the sun is at its brightest. Or you move from your desk to the couch to the bed and back again, never giving your body or mind the physical activity it needs to stay energized.
Rather than let this be our collective fate because of the nature of our work, let’s try and change the narrative. Today, we’re going to look at some things you can do to feel more alert and energized even if you’re stuck at your desk for most of the day.
Fix Your Desk Setup and Alignment
Even if it feels more comfortable to work from your couch or bed or to slouch down in your work chair, the long-term benefits of not sitting properly will haunt you. Trust me.
I don’t know how old most of you are, but you may or may not have had to go through typing classes in school as I did. We didn’t just learn to type in them. We learned the right posture for sitting before a computer. This graphic from wikiHow sums it up:
An illustration that depicts the right and wrong posture when sitting at a desk. (Image source: wikiHow) (Large preview)
Basically, you want to aim for the following:
Body folded at 90-degree angles,
Back straight against the chair,
Feet flat on the floor,
Arms bent at the elbows,
Fingers hover above the keyboard or mouse without bending or resting the wrists,
Eyes level with the computer screen.
This is a good place to start, regardless if you sit in a chair, on a stool or a stability ball. That said, it’s not the only thing you can do to fix your body at your workstation.
Another thing to think about is using a standing desk.
According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski and the Mayo Clinic, sitting can be really bad for your health. People who sit for long periods of time are more prone to increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
Even if you switch to a standing desk for just a few hours a day, you can increase the number of calories burned and stave off some of those health issues. In a study conducted back in 2011, researchers found additional health benefits when using a standing desk:
“The Take-a-Stand Project reduced time spent sitting by 224% (66 minutes per day), reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% and improved mood states.”
You don’t need to go investing in a standing desk to make this change. They can be expensive, especially when you already have a setup you’re comfortable with. However, what you can do is invest in a riser.
A modified desk turns into a standing desk with an adjustable riser. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
Not only can I adjust the height of the riser, but I can tilt it, too. This is useful not just for turning my desk into a standing desk setup, but I can take this with me when I work in hotels to make sure I’m always maintaining proper alignment.
Use Time-Blocking To Schedule Your Day
Usually when people recommend the Pomodoro Technique — developed by Francesco Cirillo — they’re going to tell you to break your day into 25-minute intervals. That’s not really what the goal of this time management method is though.
The reason you break your workday into blocks is because it’s easier to focus when you have a clear and reasonable end-time in sight. It’s also useful for structuring your day.
For someone like a salesperson who has to get on call after call with leads or to sit in an endless string of meetings, half-hour blocks make a whole lot of sense. That’s naturally how their day breaks apart. Web designers would benefit from much longer blocks. Here’s why:
A study from the University of California and Humboldt University looked at what happens after work is disrupted. These were their findings and interpretations:
“When people are constantly interrupted, they develop a model of working faster (and writing less) to compensate for the time they know they will lose by being interrupted. Yet working faster with interruptions has its cost: people in the interrupted conditions experienced a higher workload, more stress, higher frustration, more time pressure and effort. So interrupted work may be done faster, but at a price.”
You have to be careful about managing the “cost” of taking a break. 25-minute blocks are just too costly for a web designer. I’d recommend looking at how your tasks naturally break apart.
Would prototyping a landing page take an hour or two? How about research and planning? Take a close look at the tasks you commonly perform and how long they take, on average, to complete.
I’d also look at where you naturally start to “fail” and lose focus. It’s the same thing that happens in workouts — when you reach your breaking point, your body just gives up. Unfortunately, some people try to push through it when it’s the brain screaming, “Stop!”
Another thing to look at is where your peak energy hours are. We all have them. For me, it’s between 2 PM and 5 PM every day. I always schedule my hardest projects then.
Use those as benchmarks for your blocks. On top of creating blocks and breaks throughout the workday, also be sure to set dedicated hours and limits for yourself. It’s a lot harder to get fatigued if you know you only have to put in a specific number of hours of work that day.
As for building this out, use a tool that makes it easy to set recurring breaks and stick to the same schedule every day. It could be as simple as using your Google Calendar:
An example of how a web designer might schedule their work and breaks in blocks. (Image source: Google Calendar) (Large preview)
Whatever you choose, make sure you can slot in each task by time and color-code tasks based on things like client, priority, type, design stage, etc.
Get Outside During The Workday
Okay, so let’s talk about what you should be doing with your scheduled breaks.
Unless there’s a dangerous storm outside, you should make an effort to get outside at least once a day. There are a ton of health benefits associated with sunlight, including an increase in vitamin D and serotonin.
Vitamin D is useful as it helps increase our immune systems and fight off disease. If you’ve ever tried to work while battling a cold or the flu, you know how difficult that can be — especially when your bed is just a matter of steps away.
Serotonin is also useful for work. Serotonin is what gives us the energy and good mood to power through longer days. Melatonin, on the other hand, is what puts us soundly to sleep at night. If we don’t get the right balance of it — which can happen if you’re stuck inside with artificial lighting all day — you could end up with sleepless nights and exhausting days.
Despite the extra coverings, I was enjoying the boost of sunshine on my lunch break as I walked around the Providence waterfront. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
According to Russel J. Reiter, a melatonin researcher:
“The light we get from being outside on a summer day can be a thousand times brighter than we’re ever likely to experience indoors. For this reason, it’s important that people who work indoors get outside periodically and moreover that we all try to sleep in total darkness. This can have a major impact on melatonin rhythms and can result in improvements in mood, energy and sleep quality.”
But it’s not just sunlight and fresh air that help with energy and productivity. Exercise is important, too. And what better way to fit in fitness than when you’re already outside and on a break from work?
For some people, taking a long walk is their preferred mode of outdoor exercise. It’s also a great option if you’re a dog owner and want to give them a big dose of exercise at the same time.
Ann Green, a fitness studio owner, yoga teacher and heptathlon world athlete, explains the benefits of walking:
“There are many reasons to walk for exercise. Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, creates less stress on joints and reduces pain, can prevent weight gain, reduce the risk for cancer and chronic disease, improve endurance, circulation and posture and the list goes on.”
If you want something a little more exhilarating without breaking a major sweat in the middle of the workday, why not take an electric bike out?
There are many great things about this option. For starters, because e-bikes (like the ones you get from Rad Power Bikes) take some of the work out of pedaling for you, you can ride for a lot longer and go further.
Researchers at the University of Colorado conducted a study with 20 volunteers to see what would happen when they traded their car for an e-bike when commuting to work. Their objective was to ride for at least 40 minutes, three times a week, for a full month.
They found that electric bikes had improved their:
Cardiovascular health,
Aerobic capacity,
Blood sugar control.
Rad Power Bikes e-bikes aren’t just healthier for you, they’re healthier for the environment. (Image source: Rad Power Bikes)
Another reason an e-bike is an attractive option is because you can use it for a variety of purposes.
You can use it for commuting, if you have an office you work out of. You can use it for general exercise whenever you feel like it. You can also use it to get more done during your breaks. If you ever feel stressed out about when you’re going to have time to pick up groceries, for instance, an e-bike would be a great way to knock out your exercise and chores all at once.
Bottom line:
You’re carving time out of your workday to get away from your computer and give your brain and body a rest so it can recharge. Don’t waste it by putting yourself in front of another screen. If you can get outside, not only will you improve your overall health, but you’ll give yourself an instant boost of energy and mood, too.
Wrapping Up
Just because working indoors, at a desk, in front of a computer screen has been known to cause issues, that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to lessen or remove those negative side effects from your workday.
Focus and energy are both very important in your line of work. By making just a few small adjustments, you can ensure that both remain high while you’re desk-side.
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Via http://www.scpie.org/how-to-feel-more-energized-even-when-youre-stuck-at-a-desk-all-day/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/how-to-feel-more-energized-even-when-youre-stuck-at-a-desk-all-day
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riichardwilson · 4 years
How To Feel More Energized Even When You’re Stuck At A Desk All Day
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
A desk is an essential piece of equipment for a web designer. Without it, you’d end up working from wobbly tables at cafes or staring down at your lap all day — uncomfortable options, to say the least. Then again, your desk could also cause you discomfort if you sit in it the wrong way or for too long. Rather than feeling like your desk is a torture device, Suzanne Scacca shares some pointers for enjoying the time you spend there.
Let me tell you a little story.
I used to work for a translation agency. It was my job to copy-and-paste translations from one document into another and then to review the writing for errors. I worked between 10 and 12 hours every day, usually taking lunch at my desk (if I remembered to do so) and physically repeated the same thing over and over: mousing back and forth between my two giant computer screens and staring at too-small type.
Two years later, I found myself in physical therapy because I’d worn away the tissue beneath my right shoulder cap and had developed tennis elbow. Despite the months of therapy to repair my arm, I primarily use my left arm to work today. And although it feels a heck of a lot better than trying to power through the pain that happens when working with my right…
It makes me much slower than I used to be…
Which can lead to longer hours in front of the computer…
And I experience higher levels of stress, frustration and fatigue as a result.
I feel like if you’ve had a desk job for long enough, you have a similar story to tell. Maybe yours isn’t due to bad posture or technique. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you forget to eat lunch most days and don’t remember what it’s like to be outside when the sun is at its brightest. Or you move from your desk to the couch to the bed and back again, never giving your body or mind the physical activity it needs to stay energized.
Rather than let this be our collective fate because of the nature of our work, let’s try and change the narrative. Today, we’re going to look at some things you can do to feel more alert and energized even if you’re stuck at your desk for most of the day.
Fix Your Desk Setup and Alignment
Even if it feels more comfortable to work from your couch or bed or to slouch down in your work chair, the long-term benefits of not sitting properly will haunt you. Trust me.
I don’t know how old most of you are, but you may or may not have had to go through typing classes in school as I did. We didn’t just learn to type in them. We learned the right posture for sitting before a computer. This graphic from wikiHow sums it up:
An illustration that depicts the right and wrong posture when sitting at a desk. (Image source: wikiHow) (Large preview)
Basically, you want to aim for the following:
Body folded at 90-degree angles,
Back straight against the chair,
Feet flat on the floor,
Arms bent at the elbows,
Fingers hover above the keyboard or mouse without bending or resting the wrists,
Eyes level with the computer screen.
This is a good place to start, regardless if you sit in a chair, on a stool or a stability ball. That said, it’s not the only thing you can do to fix your body at your workstation.
Another thing to think about is using a standing desk.
According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski and the Mayo Clinic, sitting can be really bad for your health. People who sit for long periods of time are more prone to increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
Even if you switch to a standing desk for just a few hours a day, you can increase the number of calories burned and stave off some of those health issues. In a study conducted back in 2011, researchers found additional health benefits when using a standing desk:
“The Take-a-Stand Project reduced time spent sitting by 224% (66 minutes per day), reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% and improved mood states.”
You don’t need to go investing in a standing desk to make this change. They can be expensive, especially when you already have a setup you’re comfortable with. However, what you can do is invest in a riser.
A modified desk turns into a standing desk with an adjustable riser. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
Not only can I adjust the height of the riser, but I can tilt it, too. This is useful not just for turning my desk into a standing desk setup, but I can take this with me when I work in hotels to make sure I’m always maintaining proper alignment.
Use Time-Blocking To Schedule Your Day
Usually when people recommend the Pomodoro Technique — developed by Francesco Cirillo — they’re going to tell you to break your day into 25-minute intervals. That’s not really what the goal of this time management method is though.
The reason you break your workday into blocks is because it’s easier to focus when you have a clear and reasonable end-time in sight. It’s also useful for structuring your day.
For someone like a salesperson who has to get on call after call with leads or to sit in an endless string of meetings, half-hour blocks make a whole lot of sense. That’s naturally how their day breaks apart. Web designers would benefit from much longer blocks. Here’s why:
A study from the University of California and Humboldt University looked at what happens after work is disrupted. These were their findings and interpretations:
“When people are constantly interrupted, they develop a model of working faster (and writing less) to compensate for the time they know they will lose by being interrupted. Yet working faster with interruptions has its cost: people in the interrupted conditions experienced a higher workload, more stress, higher frustration, more time pressure and effort. So interrupted work may be done faster, but at a price.”
You have to be careful about managing the “cost” of taking a break. 25-minute blocks are just too costly for a web designer. I’d recommend looking at how your tasks naturally break apart.
Would prototyping a landing page take an hour or two? How about research and planning? Take a close look at the tasks you commonly perform and how long they take, on average, to complete.
I’d also look at where you naturally start to “fail” and lose focus. It’s the same thing that happens in workouts — when you reach your breaking point, your body just gives up. Unfortunately, some people try to push through it when it’s the brain screaming, “Stop!”
Another thing to look at is where your peak energy hours are. We all have them. For me, it’s between 2 PM and 5 PM every day. I always schedule my hardest projects then.
Use those as benchmarks for your blocks. On top of creating blocks and breaks throughout the workday, also be sure to set dedicated hours and limits for yourself. It’s a lot harder to get fatigued if you know you only have to put in a specific number of hours of work that day.
As for building this out, use a tool that makes it easy to set recurring breaks and stick to the same schedule every day. It could be as simple as using your Google Calendar:
An example of how a web designer might schedule their work and breaks in blocks. (Image source: Google Calendar) (Large preview)
Whatever you choose, make sure you can slot in each task by time and color-code tasks based on things like client, priority, type, design stage, etc.
Get Outside During The Workday
Okay, so let’s talk about what you should be doing with your scheduled breaks.
Unless there’s a dangerous storm outside, you should make an effort to get outside at least once a day. There are a ton of health benefits associated with sunlight, including an increase in vitamin D and serotonin.
Vitamin D is useful as it helps increase our immune systems and fight off disease. If you’ve ever tried to work while battling a cold or the flu, you know how difficult that can be — especially when your bed is just a matter of steps away.
Serotonin is also useful for work. Serotonin is what gives us the energy and good mood to power through longer days. Melatonin, on the other hand, is what puts us soundly to sleep at night. If we don’t get the right balance of it — which can happen if you’re stuck inside with artificial lighting all day — you could end up with sleepless nights and exhausting days.
Despite the extra coverings, I was enjoying the boost of sunshine on my lunch break as I walked around the Providence waterfront. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
According to Russel J. Reiter, a melatonin researcher:
“The light we get from being outside on a summer day can be a thousand times brighter than we’re ever likely to experience indoors. For this reason, it’s important that people who work indoors get outside periodically and moreover that we all try to sleep in total darkness. This can have a major impact on melatonin rhythms and can result in improvements in mood, energy and sleep quality.”
But it’s not just sunlight and fresh air that help with energy and productivity. Exercise is important, too. And what better way to fit in fitness than when you’re already outside and on a break from work?
For some people, taking a long walk is their preferred mode of outdoor exercise. It’s also a great option if you’re a dog owner and want to give them a big dose of exercise at the same time.
Ann Green, a fitness studio owner, yoga teacher and heptathlon world athlete, explains the benefits of walking:
“There are many reasons to walk for exercise. Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, creates less stress on joints and reduces pain, can prevent weight gain, reduce the risk for cancer and chronic disease, improve endurance, circulation and posture and the list goes on.”
If you want something a little more exhilarating without breaking a major sweat in the middle of the workday, why not take an electric bike out?
There are many great things about this option. For starters, because e-bikes (like the ones you get from Rad Power Bikes) take some of the work out of pedaling for you, you can ride for a lot longer and go further.
Researchers at the University of Colorado conducted a study with 20 volunteers to see what would happen when they traded their car for an e-bike when commuting to work. Their objective was to ride for at least 40 minutes, three times a week, for a full month.
They found that electric bikes had improved their:
Cardiovascular health,
Aerobic capacity,
Blood sugar control.
Rad Power Bikes e-bikes aren’t just healthier for you, they’re healthier for the environment. (Image source: Rad Power Bikes)
Another reason an e-bike is an attractive option is because you can use it for a variety of purposes.
You can use it for commuting, if you have an office you work out of. You can use it for general exercise whenever you feel like it. You can also use it to get more done during your breaks. If you ever feel stressed out about when you’re going to have time to pick up groceries, for instance, an e-bike would be a great way to knock out your exercise and chores all at once.
Bottom line:
You’re carving time out of your workday to get away from your computer and give your brain and body a rest so it can recharge. Don’t waste it by putting yourself in front of another screen. If you can get outside, not only will you improve your overall health, but you’ll give yourself an instant boost of energy and mood, too.
Wrapping Up
Just because working indoors, at a desk, in front of a computer screen has been known to cause issues, that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to lessen or remove those negative side effects from your workday.
Focus and energy are both very important in your line of work. By making just a few small adjustments, you can ensure that both remain high while you’re desk-side.
(ra, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-feel-more-energized-even-when-youre-stuck-at-a-desk-all-day/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/619262396714876928
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
How To Feel More Energized Even When You’re Stuck At A Desk All Day
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
A desk is an essential piece of equipment for a web designer. Without it, you’d end up working from wobbly tables at cafes or staring down at your lap all day — uncomfortable options, to say the least. Then again, your desk could also cause you discomfort if you sit in it the wrong way or for too long. Rather than feeling like your desk is a torture device, Suzanne Scacca shares some pointers for enjoying the time you spend there.
Let me tell you a little story.
I used to work for a translation agency. It was my job to copy-and-paste translations from one document into another and then to review the writing for errors. I worked between 10 and 12 hours every day, usually taking lunch at my desk (if I remembered to do so) and physically repeated the same thing over and over: mousing back and forth between my two giant computer screens and staring at too-small type.
Two years later, I found myself in physical therapy because I’d worn away the tissue beneath my right shoulder cap and had developed tennis elbow. Despite the months of therapy to repair my arm, I primarily use my left arm to work today. And although it feels a heck of a lot better than trying to power through the pain that happens when working with my right…
It makes me much slower than I used to be…
Which can lead to longer hours in front of the computer…
And I experience higher levels of stress, frustration and fatigue as a result.
I feel like if you’ve had a desk job for long enough, you have a similar story to tell. Maybe yours isn’t due to bad posture or technique. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you forget to eat lunch most days and don’t remember what it’s like to be outside when the sun is at its brightest. Or you move from your desk to the couch to the bed and back again, never giving your body or mind the physical activity it needs to stay energized.
Rather than let this be our collective fate because of the nature of our work, let’s try and change the narrative. Today, we’re going to look at some things you can do to feel more alert and energized even if you’re stuck at your desk for most of the day.
Fix Your Desk Setup and Alignment
Even if it feels more comfortable to work from your couch or bed or to slouch down in your work chair, the long-term benefits of not sitting properly will haunt you. Trust me.
I don’t know how old most of you are, but you may or may not have had to go through typing classes in school as I did. We didn’t just learn to type in them. We learned the right posture for sitting before a computer. This graphic from wikiHow sums it up:
An illustration that depicts the right and wrong posture when sitting at a desk. (Image source: wikiHow) (Large preview)
Basically, you want to aim for the following:
Body folded at 90-degree angles,
Back straight against the chair,
Feet flat on the floor,
Arms bent at the elbows,
Fingers hover above the keyboard or mouse without bending or resting the wrists,
Eyes level with the computer screen.
This is a good place to start, regardless if you sit in a chair, on a stool or a stability ball. That said, it’s not the only thing you can do to fix your body at your workstation.
Another thing to think about is using a standing desk.
According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski and the Mayo Clinic, sitting can be really bad for your health. People who sit for long periods of time are more prone to increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
Even if you switch to a standing desk for just a few hours a day, you can increase the number of calories burned and stave off some of those health issues. In a study conducted back in 2011, researchers found additional health benefits when using a standing desk:
“The Take-a-Stand Project reduced time spent sitting by 224% (66 minutes per day), reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% and improved mood states.”
You don’t need to go investing in a standing desk to make this change. They can be expensive, especially when you already have a setup you’re comfortable with. However, what you can do is invest in a riser.
A modified desk turns into a standing desk with an adjustable riser. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
Not only can I adjust the height of the riser, but I can tilt it, too. This is useful not just for turning my desk into a standing desk setup, but I can take this with me when I work in hotels to make sure I’m always maintaining proper alignment.
Use Time-Blocking To Schedule Your Day
Usually when people recommend the Pomodoro Technique — developed by Francesco Cirillo — they’re going to tell you to break your day into 25-minute intervals. That’s not really what the goal of this time management method is though.
The reason you break your workday into blocks is because it’s easier to focus when you have a clear and reasonable end-time in sight. It’s also useful for structuring your day.
For someone like a salesperson who has to get on call after call with leads or to sit in an endless string of meetings, half-hour blocks make a whole lot of sense. That’s naturally how their day breaks apart. Web designers would benefit from much longer blocks. Here’s why:
A study from the University of California and Humboldt University looked at what happens after work is disrupted. These were their findings and interpretations:
“When people are constantly interrupted, they develop a model of working faster (and writing less) to compensate for the time they know they will lose by being interrupted. Yet working faster with interruptions has its cost: people in the interrupted conditions experienced a higher workload, more stress, higher frustration, more time pressure and effort. So interrupted work may be done faster, but at a price.”
You have to be careful about managing the “cost” of taking a break. 25-minute blocks are just too costly for a web designer. I’d recommend looking at how your tasks naturally break apart.
Would prototyping a landing page take an hour or two? How about research and planning? Take a close look at the tasks you commonly perform and how long they take, on average, to complete.
I’d also look at where you naturally start to “fail” and lose focus. It’s the same thing that happens in workouts — when you reach your breaking point, your body just gives up. Unfortunately, some people try to push through it when it’s the brain screaming, “Stop!”
Another thing to look at is where your peak energy hours are. We all have them. For me, it’s between 2 PM and 5 PM every day. I always schedule my hardest projects then.
Use those as benchmarks for your blocks. On top of creating blocks and breaks throughout the workday, also be sure to set dedicated hours and limits for yourself. It’s a lot harder to get fatigued if you know you only have to put in a specific number of hours of work that day.
As for building this out, use a tool that makes it easy to set recurring breaks and stick to the same schedule every day. It could be as simple as using your Google Calendar:
An example of how a web designer might schedule their work and breaks in blocks. (Image source: Google Calendar) (Large preview)
Whatever you choose, make sure you can slot in each task by time and color-code tasks based on things like client, priority, type, design stage, etc.
Get Outside During The Workday
Okay, so let’s talk about what you should be doing with your scheduled breaks.
Unless there’s a dangerous storm outside, you should make an effort to get outside at least once a day. There are a ton of health benefits associated with sunlight, including an increase in vitamin D and serotonin.
Vitamin D is useful as it helps increase our immune systems and fight off disease. If you’ve ever tried to work while battling a cold or the flu, you know how difficult that can be — especially when your bed is just a matter of steps away.
Serotonin is also useful for work. Serotonin is what gives us the energy and good mood to power through longer days. Melatonin, on the other hand, is what puts us soundly to sleep at night. If we don’t get the right balance of it — which can happen if you’re stuck inside with artificial lighting all day — you could end up with sleepless nights and exhausting days.
Despite the extra coverings, I was enjoying the boost of sunshine on my lunch break as I walked around the Providence waterfront. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
According to Russel J. Reiter, a melatonin researcher:
“The light we get from being outside on a summer day can be a thousand times brighter than we’re ever likely to experience indoors. For this reason, it’s important that people who work indoors get outside periodically and moreover that we all try to sleep in total darkness. This can have a major impact on melatonin rhythms and can result in improvements in mood, energy and sleep quality.”
But it’s not just sunlight and fresh air that help with energy and productivity. Exercise is important, too. And what better way to fit in fitness than when you’re already outside and on a break from work?
For some people, taking a long walk is their preferred mode of outdoor exercise. It’s also a great option if you’re a dog owner and want to give them a big dose of exercise at the same time.
Ann Green, a fitness studio owner, yoga teacher and heptathlon world athlete, explains the benefits of walking:
“There are many reasons to walk for exercise. Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, creates less stress on joints and reduces pain, can prevent weight gain, reduce the risk for cancer and chronic disease, improve endurance, circulation and posture and the list goes on.”
If you want something a little more exhilarating without breaking a major sweat in the middle of the workday, why not take an electric bike out?
There are many great things about this option. For starters, because e-bikes (like the ones you get from Rad Power Bikes) take some of the work out of pedaling for you, you can ride for a lot longer and go further.
Researchers at the University of Colorado conducted a study with 20 volunteers to see what would happen when they traded their car for an e-bike when commuting to work. Their objective was to ride for at least 40 minutes, three times a week, for a full month.
They found that electric bikes had improved their:
Cardiovascular health,
Aerobic capacity,
Blood sugar control.
Rad Power Bikes e-bikes aren’t just healthier for you, they’re healthier for the environment. (Image source: Rad Power Bikes)
Another reason an e-bike is an attractive option is because you can use it for a variety of purposes.
You can use it for commuting, if you have an office you work out of. You can use it for general exercise whenever you feel like it. You can also use it to get more done during your breaks. If you ever feel stressed out about when you’re going to have time to pick up groceries, for instance, an e-bike would be a great way to knock out your exercise and chores all at once.
Bottom line:
You’re carving time out of your workday to get away from your computer and give your brain and body a rest so it can recharge. Don’t waste it by putting yourself in front of another screen. If you can get outside, not only will you improve your overall health, but you’ll give yourself an instant boost of energy and mood, too.
Wrapping Up
Just because working indoors, at a desk, in front of a computer screen has been known to cause issues, that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to lessen or remove those negative side effects from your workday.
Focus and energy are both very important in your line of work. By making just a few small adjustments, you can ensure that both remain high while you’re desk-side.
(ra, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-feel-more-energized-even-when-youre-stuck-at-a-desk-all-day/
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
How To Feel More Energized Even When You’re Stuck At A Desk All Day
About The Author
Suzanne Scacca is a former WordPress implementer, trainer and agency manager who now works as a freelance copywriter. She specializes in crafting marketing agency, web … More about Suzanne Scacca …
A desk is an essential piece of equipment for a web designer. Without it, you’d end up working from wobbly tables at cafes or staring down at your lap all day — uncomfortable options, to say the least. Then again, your desk could also cause you discomfort if you sit in it the wrong way or for too long. Rather than feeling like your desk is a torture device, Suzanne Scacca shares some pointers for enjoying the time you spend there.
Let me tell you a little story.
I used to work for a translation agency. It was my job to copy-and-paste translations from one document into another and then to review the writing for errors. I worked between 10 and 12 hours every day, usually taking lunch at my desk (if I remembered to do so) and physically repeated the same thing over and over: mousing back and forth between my two giant computer screens and staring at too-small type.
Two years later, I found myself in physical therapy because I’d worn away the tissue beneath my right shoulder cap and had developed tennis elbow. Despite the months of therapy to repair my arm, I primarily use my left arm to work today. And although it feels a heck of a lot better than trying to power through the pain that happens when working with my right…
It makes me much slower than I used to be…
Which can lead to longer hours in front of the computer…
And I experience higher levels of stress, frustration and fatigue as a result.
I feel like if you’ve had a desk job for long enough, you have a similar story to tell. Maybe yours isn’t due to bad posture or technique. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you forget to eat lunch most days and don’t remember what it’s like to be outside when the sun is at its brightest. Or you move from your desk to the couch to the bed and back again, never giving your body or mind the physical activity it needs to stay energized.
Rather than let this be our collective fate because of the nature of our work, let’s try and change the narrative. Today, we’re going to look at some things you can do to feel more alert and energized even if you’re stuck at your desk for most of the day.
Fix Your Desk Setup and Alignment
Even if it feels more comfortable to work from your couch or bed or to slouch down in your work chair, the long-term benefits of not sitting properly will haunt you. Trust me.
I don’t know how old most of you are, but you may or may not have had to go through typing classes in school as I did. We didn’t just learn to type in them. We learned the right posture for sitting before a computer. This graphic from wikiHow sums it up:
An illustration that depicts the right and wrong posture when sitting at a desk. (Image source: wikiHow) (Large preview)
Basically, you want to aim for the following:
Body folded at 90-degree angles,
Back straight against the chair,
Feet flat on the floor,
Arms bent at the elbows,
Fingers hover above the keyboard or mouse without bending or resting the wrists,
Eyes level with the computer screen.
This is a good place to start, regardless if you sit in a chair, on a stool or a stability ball. That said, it’s not the only thing you can do to fix your body at your workstation.
Another thing to think about is using a standing desk.
According to Dr. Edward R. Laskowski and the Mayo Clinic, sitting can be really bad for your health. People who sit for long periods of time are more prone to increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
Even if you switch to a standing desk for just a few hours a day, you can increase the number of calories burned and stave off some of those health issues. In a study conducted back in 2011, researchers found additional health benefits when using a standing desk:
“The Take-a-Stand Project reduced time spent sitting by 224% (66 minutes per day), reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% and improved mood states.”
You don’t need to go investing in a standing desk to make this change. They can be expensive, especially when you already have a setup you’re comfortable with. However, what you can do is invest in a riser.
A modified desk turns into a standing desk with an adjustable riser. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
Not only can I adjust the height of the riser, but I can tilt it, too. This is useful not just for turning my desk into a standing desk setup, but I can take this with me when I work in hotels to make sure I’m always maintaining proper alignment.
Use Time-Blocking To Schedule Your Day
Usually when people recommend the Pomodoro Technique — developed by Francesco Cirillo — they’re going to tell you to break your day into 25-minute intervals. That’s not really what the goal of this time management method is though.
The reason you break your workday into blocks is because it’s easier to focus when you have a clear and reasonable end-time in sight. It’s also useful for structuring your day.
For someone like a salesperson who has to get on call after call with leads or to sit in an endless string of meetings, half-hour blocks make a whole lot of sense. That’s naturally how their day breaks apart. Web designers would benefit from much longer blocks. Here’s why:
A study from the University of California and Humboldt University looked at what happens after work is disrupted. These were their findings and interpretations:
“When people are constantly interrupted, they develop a model of working faster (and writing less) to compensate for the time they know they will lose by being interrupted. Yet working faster with interruptions has its cost: people in the interrupted conditions experienced a higher workload, more stress, higher frustration, more time pressure and effort. So interrupted work may be done faster, but at a price.”
You have to be careful about managing the “cost” of taking a break. 25-minute blocks are just too costly for a web designer. I’d recommend looking at how your tasks naturally break apart.
Would prototyping a landing page take an hour or two? How about research and planning? Take a close look at the tasks you commonly perform and how long they take, on average, to complete.
I’d also look at where you naturally start to “fail” and lose focus. It’s the same thing that happens in workouts — when you reach your breaking point, your body just gives up. Unfortunately, some people try to push through it when it’s the brain screaming, “Stop!”
Another thing to look at is where your peak energy hours are. We all have them. For me, it’s between 2 PM and 5 PM every day. I always schedule my hardest projects then.
Use those as benchmarks for your blocks. On top of creating blocks and breaks throughout the workday, also be sure to set dedicated hours and limits for yourself. It’s a lot harder to get fatigued if you know you only have to put in a specific number of hours of work that day.
As for building this out, use a tool that makes it easy to set recurring breaks and stick to the same schedule every day. It could be as simple as using your Google Calendar:
An example of how a web designer might schedule their work and breaks in blocks. (Image source: Google Calendar) (Large preview)
Whatever you choose, make sure you can slot in each task by time and color-code tasks based on things like client, priority, type, design stage, etc.
Get Outside During The Workday
Okay, so let’s talk about what you should be doing with your scheduled breaks.
Unless there’s a dangerous storm outside, you should make an effort to get outside at least once a day. There are a ton of health benefits associated with sunlight, including an increase in vitamin D and serotonin.
Vitamin D is useful as it helps increase our immune systems and fight off disease. If you’ve ever tried to work while battling a cold or the flu, you know how difficult that can be — especially when your bed is just a matter of steps away.
Serotonin is also useful for work. Serotonin is what gives us the energy and good mood to power through longer days. Melatonin, on the other hand, is what puts us soundly to sleep at night. If we don’t get the right balance of it — which can happen if you’re stuck inside with artificial lighting all day — you could end up with sleepless nights and exhausting days.
Despite the extra coverings, I was enjoying the boost of sunshine on my lunch break as I walked around the Providence waterfront. (Image source: Suzanne Scacca) (Large preview)
According to Russel J. Reiter, a melatonin researcher:
“The light we get from being outside on a summer day can be a thousand times brighter than we’re ever likely to experience indoors. For this reason, it’s important that people who work indoors get outside periodically and moreover that we all try to sleep in total darkness. This can have a major impact on melatonin rhythms and can result in improvements in mood, energy and sleep quality.”
But it’s not just sunlight and fresh air that help with energy and productivity. Exercise is important, too. And what better way to fit in fitness than when you’re already outside and on a break from work?
For some people, taking a long walk is their preferred mode of outdoor exercise. It’s also a great option if you’re a dog owner and want to give them a big dose of exercise at the same time.
Ann Green, a fitness studio owner, yoga teacher and heptathlon world athlete, explains the benefits of walking:
“There are many reasons to walk for exercise. Walking improves fitness, cardiac health, alleviates depression and fatigue, improves mood, creates less stress on joints and reduces pain, can prevent weight gain, reduce the risk for cancer and chronic disease, improve endurance, circulation and posture and the list goes on.”
If you want something a little more exhilarating without breaking a major sweat in the middle of the workday, why not take an electric bike out?
There are many great things about this option. For starters, because e-bikes (like the ones you get from Rad Power Bikes) take some of the work out of pedaling for you, you can ride for a lot longer and go further.
Researchers at the University of Colorado conducted a study with 20 volunteers to see what would happen when they traded their car for an e-bike when commuting to work. Their objective was to ride for at least 40 minutes, three times a week, for a full month.
They found that electric bikes had improved their:
Cardiovascular health,
Aerobic capacity,
Blood sugar control.
Rad Power Bikes e-bikes aren’t just healthier for you, they’re healthier for the environment. (Image source: Rad Power Bikes)
Another reason an e-bike is an attractive option is because you can use it for a variety of purposes.
You can use it for commuting, if you have an office you work out of. You can use it for general exercise whenever you feel like it. You can also use it to get more done during your breaks. If you ever feel stressed out about when you’re going to have time to pick up groceries, for instance, an e-bike would be a great way to knock out your exercise and chores all at once.
Bottom line:
You’re carving time out of your workday to get away from your computer and give your brain and body a rest so it can recharge. Don’t waste it by putting yourself in front of another screen. If you can get outside, not only will you improve your overall health, but you’ll give yourself an instant boost of energy and mood, too.
Wrapping Up
Just because working indoors, at a desk, in front of a computer screen has been known to cause issues, that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to lessen or remove those negative side effects from your workday.
Focus and energy are both very important in your line of work. By making just a few small adjustments, you can ensure that both remain high while you’re desk-side.
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source http://www.scpie.org/how-to-feel-more-energized-even-when-youre-stuck-at-a-desk-all-day/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/05/how-to-feel-more-energized-even-when.html
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markethei · 4 years
16 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life
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Habits rule our lives and shape our days. Whether you're conscious of it or not everything from your emotional response to worry about how you dress within the morning may be a habit. We all have good ones and that we all have bad ones. Some are more known to us than others and that we all have a desire to develop new healthy habits from time to time.
It all starts with a goal. A goal to enhance a particular aspect of your life. Maybe you would like to reduce, eat healthier, make new friends, get more fresh air. Having a goal of wellbeing is usually the primary step we take before creating new healthy habits. Try these 7 Tips to assist you to achieve your goals.
For example, if you've got a goal to lose 10 lbs then you better believe you’re getting to need to create some healthy daily habits to assist you to get thereto goal. Of course, it's not all work, work, work. Creating healthy habits are often fun. Healthy habits can improve our lives and make us happier people.
If you've got been trying to find some new healthy habits to include in your life then this post is for you. Creating healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to improving your health, your happiness, and your whole life. Carving a touch time for yourself out of your busy calendar to include a healthy habit is that the ultimate in self-care.
So what are you waiting for? Are you able to make the foremost of some time and incorporate some new healthy habits into your life? Let’s do this!
Healthy habits have the facility to dramatically improve our quality of life and our overall happiness. Try these 16 healthy habits and begin loving your life.
Drink a Glass of Water very first thing within the Morning This was a habit that I managed to ingrained into my daily routine this year and that I am so happy that I did. Often we feel hungry or crave caffeine very first thing within the morning, but actually, we are just dehydrated. beverage takes care of that issue and after my body gets its dose of H2O I can have my coffee and breakfast and sometimes don’t desire a second cup of caffeine.
My digestion has improved, my dependence on caffeine has decreased and that I am ready to drink more water during the day. It’s a triple win.
Eat Breakfast It seems so odd that eating breakfast every morning can assist you to be healthier, but it's true. By eating a healthy breakfast your body has more energy all day long helping you burn more calories. to not mention it sets the tone for the day ahead. Prepare yourself an easy breakfast meal, like cereal or a smoothie, and after a couple of weeks see the changes that begin to require place.
Connect with Nature Ahh, the good outdoors. Did you recognize that being in nature helps normalize our sleep patterns, increases vitamin D in our bodies, and helps lower our stress hormones? Just to call a couple of. Being in nature for just 10 minutes each day can drastically improve our overall health. I get it, not everyone lives within the country or has quick access to nature. However creating healthy habits like gardening, or a weekly enter the park with friends could also be just what the doctor ordered.
Start a Gratitude Practice Write down a couple of belongings you are grateful for every day and watch as your inner talk and perspectives on the planet change to be more gracious and positive. Incorporating a gratitude practice into my life has changed my attitude toward the higher. Helping me to ascertain the great in a day which is usually harder to try to then you'll realize. The negativity of stories and social media can take its toll. But don’t forget there are tons of excellent in your life and therefore the world too.
Start the 30-day Gratitude Challenge to assist you to begin your habit off right. Or download the simplest You- Simple Living and Wellness Diary to assist you to embrace healthy self-reflection.
Stand up Regularly This is one of those healthy habits that I even have been trying to include in my life lately. If you're someone who sits for the bulk of your day then taking regular standing breaks, a minimum of once an hour can dramatically improve your health. Taking standing breaks helps decrease your chance of weight gain, decreases back pain, can lower your chance at bottom decease, and even improve your mood.
Being a healthy well rounded and happy human is all about balance. So attempt to make a habit of standing during your dominantly sitting day.
Go to Bed at an equivalent Time Each Night Going to bed at an equivalent time each night no matter the day of the week may be a wonderful thanks to ensuring regular sleep habits. What you'll start to note is it takes you less time to nod off in the dark, you get a more solid sleep and other habits during your waking life are easier to develop also.
Take Regular Phone Breaks Many folks are within the terrible habit of checking our phones all the time. We check them within the middle of conversations, while bent dinner, or once we are close to attending sleep. For no reason aside from seeing them. Giving yourself designated times to see your phone may be a good way to interrupt this bad habit. But it's also an exquisite thanks to getting into the habit of living within the moment without your phone.
Incorporate Seeds into your Diet This is such an easy healthy habit that you simply can begin to include in your diet directly. Healthy seeds like flax, chia, and hemp seeds are very easy to include in the meals you already eat. Throw some in your morning yogurt, your smoothies, or salads. These seeds help reduce blood glucose, are a superb source of protein, and should even be ready to reduce your risk of cancer.
Cook Meals Regularly This has become one of my favorite healthy habits and has numerous health benefits for us. a number of those being portion control, controlling diet, and helping you economize . an excellent habit to urge into is cooking a couple of staple meals for yourself during the week. At the very least attempt to cook the bulk of your meals reception to make sure a healthy diet.
Coming up with healthy meals reception is often difficult which is why I often order meals from Hello Fresh. they supply 3 easy to organize meals to your door hebdomadally. I highly recommend trying them out if you're trying to urge into the habit of cooking reception but feel overwhelmed by checking out recipes to undertake each night.
Get $40.00 Off your First Hello Fresh Box with my Discount Code. Read Daily Doctors and scientists agree that learning new things and keeping your mind sharp is vital to healthier brains in adulthood. the advantages of reading are numerous, and if you would like to stretch your brain muscles and learn something new making a habit of this easy hobby may be a good way to try to do just that. Set a goal for every day or year and see if you'll reach it. With the utilization of Goodreads, you'll track what your reading and stay motivated by setting yearly goals.
Reading also can be an exquisite thanks to assisting you to reach other goals in your life, by helping you learn the talents you would like to urge there.
Take Your Vitamins I know there's tons of conflicting information about vitamins out there but this is often a habit that I follow myself. confine mind I'm no doctor. However, I will be able to say this, taking vitamins may be a good way to stop a drag before it starts. Wouldn’t you rather look out of your body instead of trying to repair it once it's ill? Vitamins aren't the sole answer but taking a multivitamin daily no matter your age may be a wonderful thanks to optimizing your health.
Do your research or chat together with your doctor or nutritionist to ascertain if taking vitamins are some things that might work well for you.
Take Micro Vacations Planning large adventurous trips are some things I like to try to to. However, I can often only afford to try to do this once every 2 or 3 years. the matter thereupon is you would like breaks more often than that. that's where micro vacations are available. Taking an extended weekend regularly can drastically improve your overall mood, your relationships with others and your health. numerous people struggle to form time for self-care, family and themselves so making micro vacations one among your regular healthy habits may be a wonderful thanks to releasing a number of your valuable time.
Make Self Care a Priority It is often easy to urge into the bad habit of putting yourself last. once you don’t make yourself a priority you become drained, stressed, and altogether empty. This makes being there for those you're keen on difficult. Starting some self-care habits may be a wonderful thanks to feeling relaxed, unwind, and be the simplest version of you.
Something as simple a taking a category you're keen on, getting to the spa, or getting a soothing bath may be a wonderful thanks to showing yourself the self-care you deserve. The reward may be a radiant, vibrant, and happier you! What more could you want?
Practice Simplifying in how Minimalism and straightforward living are taking the interwebs by storm lately. It looks like numerous people are looking for a less materialistic lifestyle and are craving alternatives to clutter and materialism. this is often truly amazing and therefore the benefits of owning less impact on our surroundings and our lives in numerous positive ways.
To begin a more minimal lifestyle start with small habits, like buying less clothing, or using recyclable bags when getting groceries. But don’t stop there, still, push your boundaries until minimizing is more of a healthy habit than materialism currently is.
Check out my new ebook The Year of straightforward Living for all types of straightforward living tips and challenges.
Exercise an equivalent Time a day People who compute an equivalent time a day are much more likely to stay to the habit of understanding. it's going to be difficult to create that habit within the beginning, however, if you stick with it, understanding an equivalent time a day or week will eventually become a habit. Find what time works best for you and check out to optimize that.
10 Minutes of Meditation per Day I have been raving about the advantages of meditation ever since I started meditating myself 3 years ago. this easy healthy habit and practice have transformed everything about my life within the most amazing ways. I'm more mindful, content, aware, calm and have less anxiety than premeditation me. If there's one habit that you simply should incorporate into your daily routine it's meditation.
A common myth is that you simply got to meditate for hours to ascertain results, but that's simply not true. Consistent short periods of meditation will show you wonderful leads to building your mindfulness and improving your wellbeing.
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