#maybe a little blurb or something
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url-is-url · 19 days ago
Edwin Slaughter is so interesting to me because he's so emblematic of my conspiracy theory that the Order of Saint George... has no idea what the fuck it's doing.
We know from the Book of Slaughter that the Order looks for children in the foster system with certain "psychological profiles" to recruit, which you can generally read as animal-torturing little demon children like Paris and Tybalt. Taking the baby serial killers and pointing them at the monsters seems like a solid strategy. And you can see how authorities might come to the conclusion that Edwin was a creepy morbid child - when his mom dies in one of the flashbacks in House of Slaughter: Scarlet, we see him putting makeup on his dead mom's face when the cops show up. Very weird and fucked up thing to be doing!
But like... is it? We know from Book of Butcher that Jace was 13 in the early 00s, and Edwin seems to be in roughly the same age cohort as him, Aaron, and Erica. Which means that Edwin's mom is presumably around the same age as my mom and my mother-in-law, and I can tell you that a LOT of women in that generation have a complex about not leaving the house without makeup. If you're outside the house and you're not wearing makeup, you're basically naked. If you're a little kid and your mom just died and you know first responders are gonna have to remove her from the house, and you're a) too young to fully process what your mom being dead means and b) too autistic to fully process what this will look like, putting your mom's makeup on for her is a very kind, loving thing to do.
Yes, Edwin Slaughter is a weird, morbid little man who likes to draw corpses because they're so much more interesting than the diagrams in medical textbooks.
He's also nice. That doesn't seem to be a trait that the Order cultivates. The main lesson Maxine's been learning in the Books of Slaughter, Butcher, and Cutter is that nobody in the Order besides black masks really have to care about slaying monsters and saving children. In House of Slaughter: The Butcher Returns, Aaron alludes to Cecilia "whipping the feelings out" of the white mask trainees - it's left unclear if that's literal or not, and most of the adults in the Order seem to be in backstabbing political hell while Nolan and many of the other azure masks are in specifically backstabbing psyop spy shit hell.
And then there's Edwin. He's pals with Bait, the misfit of the white masks (and loses horribly to this, like, ten year old at chess!). When kids approach him at the campground he's happy to show them his drawings. He laments that it's hard to parse exactly what people are asking for, but he genuinely enjoys helping them find stuff in the library. When Nolan confronts him about his suspicious biometric readings, he's not defensive or combative; he is, in fact, stoked to help solve a mystery. He's shockingly well-adjusted (...compared to everyone else at the Slaughterhouse, at least). Just a nice, friendly, helpful guy who's good with kids, even if he's a bit awkward and has morbid hobbies.
AND 👏 HE'S 👏 COMPETENT 👏 AS 👏 HELL👏. This man solo'd a whole-ass dragon! He had the completely galaxy-brained idea of dumping his supplies overboard so he could use his own fear of starvation and yucky lake water as bait for a dragon. Most of the actual hunters would have probably gotten stuck on "but but but dragons are extinct in North America dragons haven't been seen in centuries" until they got eaten. My man Edwin clocked that dragon within a couple issues, and, again, came up with an insane way to lure it out into ramming range. Give him an emerald mask immediately! We see that the scarlet head of house likes him better than Gerde, who is seething and poorly coping about this.
In one of the flashback issues of SIKTC, we see Erica ask if it's possible for baby animals to manifest monsters and Aaron tells her she's being intellectually lazy. I bet if she had had an opportunity to ask Edwin instead, they would have busted that shit wide open!!!
Erica cares so so so so much, and she tries so hard to be kind to people... and she's smarter than the Order. She figured out that a puppy could be a creator ex nihilo and she beat the woman who had presumably killed many other rogue hunters (and damn, what does it say about the Order of Saint George that this is a recurring problem?). Edwin is really nice and likes to be helpful and isn't particularly interested in conflict... and he's smarter than the Order. He recognized a dragon for what it was, kicked its ass, and is currently solving the mystery of what happened to the House of Blood. The rest of the House of Slaughter thinks they're bad at being monster hunters AND YET they are arguably the most effective hunters around. Let's not forget that Louis Boucher, second only to Erica as the North American black mask with the most kills in the field, doesn't seem terribly impressed by what the Order teaches its trainees. And Maven was on a totally different relationship wavelength with her flock of monsters than anybody else we've seen.
What I'm saying is the Order of Saint George probably isn't that good at hunting monsters and also it's smart to care about people. And also if Erica, Edwin, and Louis teamed up they would probably burn it to the ground in about ten minutes and the Order would be fucking clueless.
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humming-fly · 2 months ago
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Bit of a funny year for art! Definitely some feast and famine months in there, with June having basically nothing shifting over to July which was my most prolific artfight season to date haha - a bit more style experimentation this year than in years past which was fun!
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aroaessidhe · 7 months ago
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2024 reads / storygraph
Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments & The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle
books 2 & 3 in the Edinburgh Nights series
paranormal mystery set in a climate-ravaged future Scotland, plagued by ghosts and magic
follows a 15yo Black girl who’s finally gotten an in to learn scientific magic properly - but it turns out to be an unpaid internship, so she has to take more jobs delivering ghost messages and investigating mysteries to take care of her gran and little sister
in book 2 she’s investigating a strange illness centred on a magic school for boys
and in book 3 she’s attending a global magician conference held in a creepy castle - when someone’s murdered, and they’re locked in until she figures out the culprit
Zimbabwean magic, friendship, disabled characters, no romance (so far)
#The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle#Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments#Edinburgh Nights#T.L. Huchu#The Library of the Dead#really enjoy this series!#the worldbuilding is very interesting - kinda combo climate-ravaged future but also in some aspects societally it feels kinda 1800s#(especially with the vibe of the mystery/paranormal elements)#I saw that the author (who is from Zimbabwe) describe it as ‘if edinburgh was a third world city’ which actually makes a lot of sense#Also I have to make the wendell & wild x lockwood & co comp again#I felt like book 2 was a little all over the place? I slightly lost track of the other-realms stuff lol#I really loved book 3 though - definitely more direct plot-wise#I like how it explores her journey through learning that the magic society is just as corrupt and shitty as anything else and maybe she#doesn't want it after all. as well as how the stress of everything is getting to her is causing panic attacks#love the scottish accent in the audiobooks!#so many interesting different supernatural elements. yay for sidhe in book 3 (tho only briefly)#hold on. do the book covers reflect the colour of her locs. (ok not quite for book one which is usually blue but there is a green variant)#ok I did say no romance but also I can’t tell if I’m just imagining Something between ropa & priya bc in book 3……they had some moments.#I mean I enjoy them as platonic moments also but just noting here in case it DOES turn out to be intentional and something that happen??#also fair warning the promo for book four seems to spoil somehting that's not even in the blurb??#aroaessidhe 2024 reads
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nightjarring · 1 year ago
Actually listening to the ASOIAF books has made me start to think that people who treat this series as the ultimate example of Bad Gross Male Fantasy Writing might actually just be stupid.
Idk how you read these without taking note of the fact these books are explicitly about people who are othered by the incredibly harsh, rigid society they live in. The vast majority of the perspective characters are disadvantaged in some way, most of them are either physically disabled, women, or otherwise socially outcast, or some combination of those things. The books so far are an incredibly detailed exploration of the intersection of privelage and disenfranchisement and I am actually annoyed at all the people giving writing advice who bust these out as the ultimate What Not To Do bad icky no-no series.
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rexscanonwife · 11 months ago
Aaaaa it's technically not my birthday anymore now, but it's been the best birthday ever. Perfect, really. Thanks to my wonderful partner and my friends (especially my best friend) who've gotten me where I am now 🥺
As part of my birthday festivities my partner and bff watched ROTS together over stream, then my partner and I watched the finale of the clone wars together and UUUGGGHH. It was their first time ever and MY first time since the first time (so like. Two years ago.) And man...
I will never ever get over star wars. And Rex? Will always be my forever husband. Ever since then I've been completely devoted to him, head over heels. Even if other f/os take center stage once in a while, he's always the one I come back to. I've thought before that there's something SACRED about the way I feel for him, about the passion and work and time I've put into his story with Brea. And tomorrow I'm getting a whole ass TATTOO representing him. ON MY BODY FOREVER AND EVER.
He's always gonna be my captain, and there's nothing I would do differently about that.
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resplendent-dwellings · 6 months ago
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mercyedes · 10 months ago
writing is so frustrating because it isn't lack of motivation that keeps me from being able to finish these fics, it's literally the opposite lol. i have so much motivation and excitement and so many ideas that my hands just cannot put all that from my head onto the google docs it's like my brain is too busy to focus lol.
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wh0dunit · 10 months ago
jessalyn has such southern gothic horror final girl energy even though the entire premise for her disappearance is of her own creation and the antagonist of the story is the continued perpetuation of the thornton family's sins, so retroactively she is both the villain and the victim.
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akkivee · 9 months ago
"all the asks" chill babe there was 1
lol yeah but if they’ve been following for a while then that outlier is going to feel a kinda way bc i legit never talk about it 😭😭😭
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invinciblerodent · 1 year ago
I feel like I talk so much about them that maybe I should make a pinned post or something, about who my currently active characters are...
and not until listing them for myself did I realize that as of right now, they're all between roughly 45 and 65.
the gang is all here and everyone's knees are making fun new noises
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charofthestars · 2 years ago
He wakes up with a start, and stares up at the metal ceiling as his heart thuds in his ears.
Dreams. Just more dreams.
Charlie rolls himself off his mattress and stumbles into the tiny bathroom attached to his quarters, splashing his face with water before he tugs his rumpled braid loose and works on re-plaiting the thick, tangling locks.
Brown eyes stare back at him from the mirror. They’d been a different color in his dreams. His fingertips tingle, remembering the heat and surge of power, of something Other about himself that had been under his control.
It hadn’t been so bad a dream, this time.
His shoulder blades itch like the ghost of a wound has burrowed into either side of his spine, and all the craning arms and scrubbing his back against a door frame couldn’t satisfy that unsettled under-the-skin feeling.
Charlie eventually gives up and pulls on his jumpsuit, zipping it most of the way up his chest before he heads for the door. Breakfast wouldn’t wait for mindless reminiscing on dreams he was already forgetting.
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tetzoro · 3 days ago
posting a few drafts today methinks !!
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take-ya-to-the-ghey-bar · 5 months ago
alt! x2 ;; gimme gimme :}
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Just what was this creature stood before him? It obviously wasn't an Oocca, despite looking perhaps a little similar... Whatever this creature was, however, the wolf couldn't sense any hostility coming from them. And so, while his stance remained slightly guarded-- Link did relax enough to step just a bit closer, stretching toward the other to give a curious sniff.
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"And here I thought it was strange enough to see a fish walking around in a suit..." The blonde young man sighed this comment while blue hues stared up at the other before him. This guy was some sorta bird, right?-- Yeah, he had to be... what with the tail feathers and all. "So what're you? An owl or something?" After a beat of silence, he couldn't help but ask the question-- hazarding a guess as well, rather than waiting for the other to actually answer him first.
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rxttencaviar · 8 months ago
i swear at this point im gonna "read another book" the atla people
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rinasauruss · 3 months ago
closer than quiet
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summary: Rafe is so tall he has to lean down to hear you better. that's it.
warnings: none, me thinks. just a suggestive line at the end ;P
word count: 590
AN: I couldn't help myself, so I wrote this blurb! this is my first time writing Rafe, let me know what you think! English is not my first language, so I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors. feedback is appreciated!
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The soft hum of the waves was a steady background to the crackling of the bonfire, the flames dancing as the heat mixed with the cool bite of the night breeze. You stood near the fire, feeling the warmth spread through you, but the presence behind you was what made your skin tingle the most.
Rafe was close, an arm wrapped around your waist with a casual ease that made you feel both safe and exposed at the same time. His thumb traced slow, absent circles over your stomach, his other hand holding a beer with the same relaxed grip he used when he wasn’t thinking about much at all. Topper and Kelce were deep in conversation, their voices more distant than usual, as if the world around you had faded into something quieter. Rafe barely added to the chatter, content to stay in his own head—or maybe it was you who had his full attention. You weren’t sure, but it felt like you did.
You turned your head, looking up at him, a soft smile playing on your lips. "You good?" You asked it quietly, as though you already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear him say it anyway.
Rafe didn’t immediately respond, the sound of the ocean filling the silence. Instead, he leaned down, tilting his head as if to catch the softest whisper, even though you’d only spoken in your normal tone. His presence grew even more intense with the movement, his height hovering over you, his face drawing closer in that effortless, unspoken way that made you feel smaller and more drawn in with each inch.
"Hm?" His voice was low, just above a murmur, the sound of it vibrating through your chest.
You flushed at the gesture, a subtle warmth rising in your cheeks. His closeness, his height, the way he made the space around you feel like it shrank to just the two of you—it was disarming in the best way. His breath fanned over your skin, the warmth of it sending a shiver down your spine, and you could almost feel the heartbeat beneath his chest as he leaned in further.
You swallowed, your voice a little shakier this time. "You doing good?" You repeated, hoping your tone sounded steady, but there was no hiding the way he affected you.
Rafe’s grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he felt the slight hitch in your breath, his arm tightening around your waist, pulling you even closer. It was as though he knew exactly how much he was making you feel.
"Yeah, m'good, baby," he hummed, his voice deepening in that way it did when he was in his element. "Just thinking."
"About?" you asked, a whisper now, almost afraid to ask but too curious to hold back.
He tilted his head again, moving in just a little further, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. The closeness, the heat of his breath, was enough to send a shiver all the way down your spine, leaving you breathless.
The moment stretched between you, charged with unspoken words and everything that lay beneath the surface. The bonfire crackled, the night air was cool, but Rafe’s presence was all you could feel now, the pull of him drawing you in further than you’d ever planned to go.
His voice was soft, smooth, laced with that teasing edge that always made your heart skip a beat. "Just thinking about how much fun I’m gonna have taking this little dress off you later."
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(support banner by @cafekitsune )
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xavierfan · 6 days ago
more bre3ding/cr3amp1e p-links pls 🫣
warnings: sexual content below! p-links and sexually explicit descriptions are in this post
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i genuinely don't know what to say anymore but this is sylus. on everyone's soul, THIS IS SYLUS
this one too
this too
sylus likes to fuck his seed back into you himself, he does so quite softly. it's an extremely intimate act when he does it, he's gentle and slow, and it's really not about possession to him. he just likes it— the warmth, the slickness, the sound, and the lewdness of it all.
> heavy breeding kink with no hints of possessiveness, he straight up just wants you to have his kid idfk. he would definitely say stuff like, "you're going to make a wonderful mother to our kids." / "kitten, one day you're going to get pregnant and i'm going to be so lucky." / "fuck, kitten, you want me to fuck my cum back into you, right? you want me to get you pregnant, right?"
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idk why but this one gives me a caleb vibes
this one is also him
this one too
this too 😭😭😭
i keep adding caleb links im tweaking
caleb really enjoys watching his cum leak out of you. he would tease you, "pipsqueak, you're wasting it", as he just watches you squirm. to him, this is something akin to 'marking' you, walking up behind you later while out talking about, "think you're still leaky, pip."
> he's also probably got a crazy breeding kink mixed with a little —or a lot— bit of crazy obsession idfk, shit like "when your belly gets big, everyone's going to know who you belong to" / "one day i'm gonna get you pregnant" / "you'd look so good carrying my child, pips" / "if you let it all out, you'll hurt my feelings pips."
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i think rafayel kind of goes feral once you let him cum in you... like he just keeps going idk
teasing him
rafayel is less breeding kink more crazy about you. loves anything to do with you, sex is not an exception, and he puts you on a pedestal a little differently to the rest of the boys. a bit like a mutt, you let him cum in you and suddenly he can't stop rutting into you, trying to chase another high.
> less breeding kink, more pathetic subby male who is so fucking excited to be fucking you. "fuck. fuck. fuck. 'm gonna cum again, please? please let me keep going?" / "princess, you feel soo good, please." / "princess, i'm sorry, let's keep going..." / "i'll be so good for you, princess, let me keep going."
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sorry i know you specifically asked for breeding and i know this isn't but it still has cum ...
this is also zayne idk
zayne rarely ever finishes inside of you, citing that it's not good for you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to. idk how to explain it, he doesn't let himself finish inside of you because he's worried he'll lose self control.
> heavily likes the idea of breeding, like it probably takes everything in his body to not ram into you as he feels his balls squeeze, probably in your ear talking about "you'd look so beautiful pregnant." / "want to start a family with you." / "one day i'm going to get you pregnant, no need to worry." / "if you keep asking me to cum in you, i just might one day..."
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i think xavier would like you fucking yourself with his cum... like shoving anything that comes out back inside
this one too
anotha one
xavier just wants to watch your fingers plug your hole up to prevent any more spillage. it brings a smile to his face to see how desperate you are to keep all of his seed inside of you, it probably gets him hard all over again prompting him to say something like, "don't worry, there's more where that came from."
> no specific breeding kink per say but likes the possessive element of pregnancy like caleb, "they'll know what we get up to at night." / "maybe when you're pregnant he'll stop coming up to you" / "want everyone to know how good you make me feel every night"
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notes : i couldnt find that many links 😭😭😭 i've been searching all day so i'm sorry anon... pls forgive me... i hope the little blurbs makeup for the lack of links :(
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