#may be interpreted as one-sided / platonic if you'd like!!
zayt0uny · 5 months
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woe, assorted ness and pu scenarios be upon ye 💥 feat. ness’ bi awakening in real time
(these are based on prompts i was given upon requesting em!)
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
So, it started!
Fandom: FNAF
Character: The mimic
Type of fic: concepts
I don't think there's much to add for this plot that wasn't said in that brainrot that was posted some time ago about him.
Yeah, sure! I'll see what I can do for The Mimic. In this concept I refer to the character as just "The Mimic"/It as I'm not sure if there's a canonical gender pronoun (Wiki says The Mimic is Genderless and says "It")?
Also, FNAF related side note; I love how I've seen a 🦊🐻 and 🐇 anon but no chicken XD It would've fit so well. There may have been a 🐣 anon but they never interacted so idk....
Potential spoilers for FNAF: Ruin and Tales From The Pizzaplex?
Yandere! The Mimic Concept
Pairing: Romantic (It thinks so, at least)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Murder, Blood, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced affection, Forced "relationship".
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The Mimic does exactly what you think it would.
It mimics what's around it... that's how it's survived this long.
It's creation was meant to be an AI that learns and mimics things it sees.
This is how The Mimic learned to copy its creator's son, it's also how it learned violence.
Mimicking what's around it caused so many gruesome murders by its hands.
The Mimic takes up violent behavior way before you even meet it.
It's locked away underground yet occasionally still finds new victims.
How it transitions into yandere territory is this according to the brainrot I was sent:
It copies other behavior.
Maybe The Mimic sees two Pizzaplex workers getting a bit too... friendly with each other.
Perhaps on the job they decided to use the private time to show some affection.
Holding hands... hugging... kissing... telling each other they love one another.
The typical stuff you'd see with couples.
Sadly... they quickly become victims of The Mimic.
But not before The Mimic learns something new.
The Mimic learns a new thing to copy... compassion.
Or at least... a twisted form of compassion.
The Mimic picks up on what couples do, yet the violence it learned before still lingers in its code.
Who knows, maybe the AI even finds jealousy to copy from the same couple or some other workers.
That or jealousy is something it learns on its own.
The Mimic is finding ways to process these new lessons and behaviors up until you find your way into the underground Pizza Place.
You could be another guard sent to clean things up or just an outsider who managed to find themselves stuck here while exploring.
Either way, as you roam the underground levels, you're being stalked.
The shambling Frankenstein of a bot follows you around yet its intentions are unclear.
It stays out of your view and it processes what it wants to do next.
It's mind goes to violence again... like all the rest.
Then it thinks of something else... copying how those other humans treated one another.
Their interactions appeared... softer... more positive.
The bot recalls when it was once praised and cared for.
It remembers being playful and being treated well.
Perhaps it feels it wants to recreate that... it wants to feel that love again.
For this concept The Mimic's actions could be interpreted as "Romantic".
Yet that's mostly because that's what it saw.
If it saw more platonic actions it would mimic those with you, but I'm going to make this concept more akin to the brainrot I was given a long time ago.
Either way... The Mimic intends to feel loved again.
With you as its target of affection.
Your encounter with the bot is no doubt creepy.
First of all, the appearance of the bot is mixed parts and strangely humanoid compared to its more animal-like peers.
Then there's the fact it can mimic voices.
The Mimic would use the voices of victims to lure you closer to it
It would then try to mash together voices to communicate with you.
It also doesn't have much of a moral compass.
So when it eventually comes up to you to act out the affection its mimicked, it has no idea its wrong.
When it eventually corners you, you fully expect to die.
Maybe the machine even has dried blood on it from previous victims.
You cower in place... expecting some sort of physical blow.
Only for the machine to kneel down in a clunky fashion and lightly reach out to you.
You feel cold and rusted metal on you skin as the bot tests things out.
It tries to find a comfortable way to speak with you and not scare you.
You may even feel the tall and lanky seven foot bot pick you up to stand you in your feet.
For being a killing machine... towards you it appears oddly friendly.
More than friendly actually... affectionate.
It tries small things with you.
Things like grabbing your hand and just holding it, maybe even patting your head.
Then there's times it holds you a bit too tight.
Or it feels it's appropriate to press its rusted teeth to your skin in what can only assume is a kiss?
Or it's biting you?
You can't tell and really don't wish to know.
As you roam about the Pizza Place, The Mimic follows.
You feel uneasy as it clinks and clanks around behind you.
Glowing eyes never leave you as it tries to learn from you.
The Mimic would definitely copy things from you.
It copies your voice and movements in an attempt to relate and appeal to you.
If it looked different and didn't murder... one could find it twistedly cute.
The Mimic still keeps the violent behavior it learned, however.
For example, if you were a worker and another guard came down to check on you, The Mimic reacts with hostility.
Or if you came to explore the ruins with a friend?
It doesn't like the idea of this other person touching or talking to you.
Up to this point The Mimic hasn't displayed violent tendencies with or around you.
You've been able to tolerate its strangeness towards you.
Things go down hill the moment another person is involved.
Like some sort of switch... the moment its eyes lock onto your friend/coworker, it stops playing nice.
Before you can say anything The Mimic attacks.
You scream yet it doesn't respond.
The bot pounces on your companion and tears into them like an animal.
There's blood... gore... the sight in unbearable and horrid.
Yet it's not like you can do anything.
They're long gone by the time The Mimic touches them.
As a result, you run.
You run to look for an exit and escape.
The Mimic is disappointed when it stops attacking as sees you gone.
In an attempt to find you it leaves its mess behind to search.
Things change by this point.
The Mimic still has a twisted sense of affection towards you.
But you don't see it as harmless anymore.
The Mimic doesn't understand the fear you hold towards it.
When it finds you it tries to mimic the behavior it learned from you.
Although you don't respond positively as you can see it dripping in blood.
The moment you met The Mimic, your fate was sealed.
This is because it doesn't plan on even letting you leave.
It will just drag you deeper underground and continue to mimic affection towards you.
It won't kill you... but if you fight it...
It's violent behavior does tell it to break something of yours to make you comply.
The Mimic is a very interesting character in this sort of story.
All its doing is mimicking and learning due to its adaptable AI.
It isn't entirely conscious of its actions, at least not to the degree of other bots.
A yandere Mimic is the result of a poor combination of events.
If The Mimic was properly contained... you'd probably never be in this situation...
Yet now you're here... locked away underground... with a robotic amalgamation watching over you like a hawk.
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st4rrth0ughts · 6 months
Kavetham/ Haikaveh/ Alhaitham + Kaveh character analysis because yes
a/n: why is their colour christmas themed
This post will contain Kaveh and Al Haitham's past, Haitham's story quest, voicelines spoilers, Sumeru Archon Quest spoilers, shipping mentions!! proceed with caution. Enjoy my 2nd yap session :3
First, Al haitham. No, he is not a cold, apathetic alpha male that will abuse Kaveh (you heard me), he is a man with depth, depth!! He is the Scrbe of the Akademiya, now the Grand Sage, and he not remotely near anything of the fanon interpretations i mentioned above.
He is a man who not so much as struggles with emotions in that sense, but can be extremely blunt when getting his point across, as see throughout the archon quest. Because of this, people around the Akademiya and i think some people outside(?) call him cold, mean, and many negative traits.
Al Haitham was extremely close to his grandmother, and he has no recollection of his mother and father, who died very early in his childhood by a car accident. His grandmother, as far as i know, was one of his closest, perhaps his only family member. And she's dead.
Now, onto the blunt side (i'll get into Kaveh through his paragraph, trust). This blunt side of Al haitham is shown when speaking to Kaveh (i think during his story quest), which may spark the view in game and maybe some fan's interpretations that they hate each other's guts. But Haitham really does care for Kaveh, he just doesn't show it lik how Kaveh shows his care for Haitham, yk? Its a miscommunication issue between these two.
In turn, Laveh is a emotional, and emotionally intelligent man. His kindness is often taken advantage of. An example, Dori and her palace of alcazarzaray, which until now, he still owes debt towards her until now. Kaveh himself is a man who has a heavy and deep story to him. His father had passed away, and he had to watch his mother fall into a deep depression, and eventually, she moved to Fontaine after being offered a job there. So he's alone, great. Kaveh is a man who is emphathetic of the people around him, and ever so thoughtful. But it has its flaws. He's emotionally volatile, and far too considerate of everyone around him. A doormat, essentially.
Now, Haitham and Kaveh's bond. Romantic or platonic, they have history, you cannot deny that. They've known each other since theri schooling days at the Akademiya, and even if everyone who sees them on surface level, think of them as roommates who bicker, hate each other's guts, no. 100% wrong, incorrect buzzer, go cry. They care for each other, in their own little ways, you know? If they did hate each other, you'd think they'd even talk?? Im sure ecen if their roomates, they'd find ways to avoid each other if their enemies.
Kaveh and Haitham's bond, shipping or not, runs much, much deeper than simply schoolmates turned roommates who bicker and argue all day. If Haitham doesn't care for Kaveh, he'd surely kick him out. Dont forget, even though he collects rent from Kaveh, he's willing to let him stay. No enemy does that (yes, im looking at you enemies x y/n stories, no, haitham and kaveh are not that dynamic) for you except in your dreams. Likewise, if Kaveh hates Haitham's guts, he would most likely find his own place by now, even if he is kind and generous with mora, he'd save just to get away. So no, they dont hate each other, enough about 'enemies to lovers' troupe with them.
Now, this may be a lil bit of a stretch, but their voicelines contrast each other perfectly. Kaveh's favourite foods are hot soup and fruits, and Haitham's least favourite food? You guessed it, hot soup because he doesn't like eating that while reading. Even one of their idles match, its even canon, Al Haitham likes to take Kaveh's house keys, making Kaveh wait and have to ask Al Haitham to open the door. The two of them were made with love by hoyo, and whether you ship these two or not, they have a deep and close bond that unless you read their voicelines and stories, and other character's observations of them, its a little bit difficult to understand them both, separately or as a ship.
Conclusion: Al Haithem and Kaveh are complex characters by themselves, and their bond is equally as intricate as them. I may not play genshin as much, but i love them both.
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sailormoonrarepairweek · 11 months
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Welcome to the third annual Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! The event will take place from March 24th - March 30th, 2024, but I'm announcing the themes early to give everyone plenty of time to create their fanworks.
What counts as a rare pair for this event, you ask? Any pairing that isn't Usagi/Mamoru (or any of their incarnations), pretty much! (Don’t get too hung up on the word “rare”. Just roll with it, okay?) They usually have their own week, so this event is a chance for fans to show their love for pairings other than the Miracle Romance, canon or not. You can even include poly, platonic, and cross-over ships, if you'd like! Almost anything goes, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
Fanworks should somehow incorporate the one of the day's themes. (You can pick just one; you don't have to use both.) How you choose the interpret the theme is up to you!
A non-UsaMamo pair must be the MAIN focus of the work (although Usagi/Mamoru can appear as a side pairing or as part of a polycule).
All ratings allowed.
No smut involving underage characters, which I'm defining as under 18 years old. Otherwise, as long as the characters are portrayed as adults in the fanwork, go wild! Just please make sure to properly tag.
Pairings of all sexual/romantic orientations welcome.
Fanfics should be a minimum of 500 words. Poetry may be shorter, though. (If you would prefer to write drabbles instead, you can write five separate 100-word drabbles about the day's themes, but a day's entry should still be at least 500 words long. You have over four months until the week begins and plenty of time afterward if you don't finish in time. That's plenty of time to write 500 words. I don't think that's too much to ask.) If you're writing fanfic, I REALLY would prefer you post your fics on AO3 or Fanfiction.net and provide a link to your story, but if you must post on Tumblr itself, please make use of the "Read More" option.
Fanart should be a completed drawing. (Any fanart portraying nudity or anything of an R/NC-17 nature should be cropped if immediately visible on your Tumblr post and/or posted with the appropriate community label. You can post the full image under a "Read More" or provide a link to the image on another site.)
Graphics, image boards, playlists, cosplay photos, crafts, meta/essays, etc. are also welcome!
Comments, kudos, and reblogs are encouraged, but don't be a jerk! If you're not a fan of a pairing, please just ignore and move on.
On Tumblr, if you tag #smrarepairweek2024, I will reblog your post. I'll tag explict art and fics reblogs as #nsfw, so feel free to block that tag if you'd rather not see those posts.
Please do not post your works anywhere until the day dedicated to your chosen theme. An AO3 collection has now been set up for this year's event. (Adding your work to the collection will not be required.) If you'd like to look back at the last event's works, the 2023 collection can be found here.
And here is the 2022 collection.
Day 1: Magic/Mundane Day 2: Hugs/Kisses Day 3: Fire/Ice Day 4: Music/Silence Day 5: Birth/Death Day 6: Break-Up/Make-Up Day 7: Free
(Event Organizer: @kaleidodreams)
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maycuryweek · 2 months
For Brian's birthday, we are giving him the best: Freddie! ❤️
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Welcome to MaycuryWeek2024!
The dates for the event are 2nd-8th September, 2024. In the weeks leading up to it, we will post and reblog things featuring our happy couple.
Where to post:
The main places to post will be here on Tumblr and on AO3! If you use other sites, post the link here on Tumblr and tag us here at [blog] and use the #Maycuryweek2024 tag to make sure we see it!
What we want:
Any fan media celebrating Brian May and Freddie Mercury! Fic, art, phone wallpapers, playlists, anything you like—just as long as it's focused on them!
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Anything you'd like to write, draw, create—please make sure it's centered around the relationship Brian May and Freddie Mercury! Polyamoury and platonic fanwork is more than welcome, as long as the primary focus is on Maycury!
Make sure you tag your works appropriately! If it's NSFW, use the correct categories on AO3 and tag it as such here on Tumblr as well! We wanna make sure people know what they're getting into.
Prompts are just to give inspiration! You’re welcome to use all of them or none of them, You may interpret them as loosely or strictly as you’d like. If you have something else you wanna do, do it! Other AUs and situations are welcome and encouraged!
Historical accuracy is not a requirement! That's the joy of events like these. Feel free to have fun with it all!
Please do not post or interact with the NSFW content if you are not 18+. Thank you.
Please don't interact with hateful comments. Delete them as soon as you can.
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Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!! Our inbox is open!
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Maycury Week Prompts:
Day 1:
Line: “Try to be straight for one more brunch.”
Song: “Scandal”
AU: Same Luggage, Didn’t Check the Tags
Trope: Right Place, Wrong Time
Day 2:
Line: “Did you really have to be so honest?”
Song: “Love of My Life”
AU: Hallmark Movie
Trope: Stuck in Traffic
Day 3:
Line: “Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?”
Song: “Staying Power”
AU: Married at First Sight
Trope: Playing Scrabble to Talk
Day 4:
Line: “Have you ever wondered if Ben and Jerry made more than ice cream together?”
Song: “Save Me”
AU: Supernatural
Trope: Bringing Out the Silly Side
Day 5:
Line: “After all... I'm just a boy, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love me.”
Song: “It’s Late”
AU: Neighbors
Trope: Meddling Friends/Family
Day 6:
Line: “I can’t keep kissing strangers pretending they’re you.”
Song: “Jealousy”
AU: Soulmate Marks
Trope: Pretending Not to Date
Day 7:
Line: “There’s no place like home.”
Song: “‘39”
AU: Second Chances
Trope: Didn’t Realize It Was You
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art and graphics made by @sunnymeddows
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pomplalamoose · 8 months
Hey bae 🙏 do you think we could get something about turning sith!luke to the light side?💗
Hiii dear anon, thank you for your ask🩵
It's been a while since I received one and I'm sooo excited, especially since I get to talk about Sith!Luke, my beloved
I wasn't sure what exactly you wanted but I hope you like this discussion of possible scenarios anyways <33
• when it comes to turning Sith Luke back to the light, I think it really depends how and why he choose the dark side in the first place and what interpretation of him we're talking about
• if, for example, he turned during the original trilogy, you'd have to approach him differently than it would be the case if he grew up raised by Vader
• while his struggle to remain on the right path for himself and the galaxy is often highlighted in the movies and books, trilogy Luke never strays too far away from what Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him
• he certainly has his darker moments in which he considers everything he loves lost, but ultimately, even then, he'd rather sacrifice himself for the greater good than reach for the power Vader, and later the Emperor, offer him
• "Never. I'll never turn to the dark side"
• "Soon I'll be dead and you with me"
• so should he fall or, for whatever reason, deliberately make the decision to join the dark side, I see two possible ways in which this could turn out, his stubbornness and wish for justice and equity being one of the more important factors
• 1) he's convinced it's for the best and in favor of many
• it's hard to resist a seemingly easy solution in times of crisis, especially if it's offered in a tempting way and Luke is by no means unreceptive to manipulation
• however I do believe he'd realize his misconception rather quickly and so the most prominent thing keeping him from pursuing the light again wouldn't be his ignorance but his deep shame
• because of the weight he carries he's very hard on himself and no less so as a Sith
• consumed by the dark side he'd probably be less focused on improvement but on self doubt and hatred instead
• he may even go as far as to remain in this situation willingly as a way to punish himself
• not only would he think himself deserving of being miserable but also think it's for the better if he never comes near his loved ones again, afraid to hurt them
• here his stubbornness hurts him decidedly more than others because obviously there's still good inside of him, he just isn't allowing it to be there in favor of another misconception and self doubt
• ("I don't deserve to be around my family after what I did.", "Because what if I'm truly evil and don't know it?", "What if they fall victim to one of my mistakes and get hurt?")
• in this case it'd definitely be possible to make him see reason
• Luke is able to and eager to learn from the past, as well as adapt to a new point of view
• if he can believe it's for the best to join the dark side, he can believe the opposite once more
• it may need patience and coaxing, much affection, assurance and insistence but through your love (romantically as well as platonically) he'd be able to find himself again
• 2) his opinion of the galaxies political situation changes to such an extent that he's convinced his fall to the dark side is genuinely important in order to implement a just system
• I will be honest, I have no idea how that would even happen but let's stick with the idea anyways because we're taking about Sith!Luke here
• (maybe he was brainwashed???)
• in this scenario I imagine it to be rather difficult to make him reconsider
• not only is he now convinced of what he's doing is inherently good but also of the fact that the people not sharing his opinion have some devious plans to make those he's so set to protect suffer
• Luke firmly stands by what he believes in and while that is a wonderful attribute to have it's rather problematic when it's used for harm
• that man is ready to fight for his convictions and I see him defending them in a way similar to how he resisted the dark side in RotJ
• he's still Luke though and not stupid, I belive it still possible to reason with him especially if you're someone he admires or otherwise holds dear
• in order to get him to listen to you though you'll need time and patience to get under his skin
• now let's take a quick look at the interpretatiom of the Sith!Luke I write about
• to some extent he's still the same person as trilogy Luke but while they share certain traits, they turned out like opposites due to the circumstances they were exposed to during their lifes
• basically my Sith!Luke is a "What if Luke and Leia were raised with the dark side by Darth Vader"-version in which he grows up in a galaxy after the Empire defeated the Alliance and thus doesn't know anything about Jedi since they just,,,don't exist anymore
•(granted, this is a rather dark AU but I saw no other way in which Luke would act like he does in my fics, without any hope of him changing his ways)
• (there are of course works that discuss a different outcome, exploring Luke turning to the light side despite being raised as Sith, so it is of course a possibility if that's what he's set up to do)
• (I, however, like to center my Sith!Luke around the idea of just that being unthinkable since it's so far fetched and ooc for a person so full of light and good)
• (please keep that in mind when continuing to read, xx)
• this too is the only case in which I think it wouldn't be possible to turn him to the light side because the concept in itself is a foreign and outdated one
• it does exist, yes, and Luke is aware of it too, after all he's well studied and educated, has to be if he is to be the successor of his father
• but it is nothing that seems worth looking into further since the classical "fight" between good and bad is a thing of the past
• because while Luke may not agree with every political stance his family takes he knows he'll be the Emperor sooner than later, able to make changes as he likes
• in this regard, depending on the role you take on in his life, you might be able to slightly influence his decisions and/or his treatment of a certain group of people
• if you're important enough to him he'll listen to what you have to say, though he won't necessarily implement it into the system
• you are well advised to approach such attempts carefully though since you don't want him to suspect you of disregarding his status and position
• or, even worse, want to alienate him from his family and loved ones
• because no matter the universe, Luke would move worlds for those he cares for and accordingly (mainly Sith!Luke) grows easily suspicious when someone so much as questions their behavior, motives, etc. or insinuates to be against them
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gazingstarsabove · 5 months
slow dancing in the dark😏
·Headcanons for the madcom peeps on how they would do in slow dance! It's up to you if you'd interpret this as romantic or planotic!!
—•Hank would definitely just stare at you in the dance floor, just standing there awkwardly, until you put a hand on his shoulder, and you guided his hands to your waist. He only moves side to side and follows your lead, but when you go and move somewhere else it's guaranteed he'd step on your foot. A little bashful, he'd just be staring into your soul behind those red goggles of his, his grip on you a little light. When you try to spin, he'll let go and just stare at you, confusedly. Will only do it once and never again
—•Sanford would be alright, though he needs a little footwork. He doesn't know where to place his hands, and he's sort of worried he'll make you uncomfortable, but it's aight. Little smile on his face as you two dance to the song, saying things that embarasses him, usually making you laugh. He'd try to spin you, but it usually ends up with him having to let go of your hand lol. He's trying! But he's atleast decent. Will only do it if he's in the mood, or if you force him to lmfao
—•Deimos is the one to willingly invite you into the dance floor, but man, believe me you'll regret it. Nonetheless, it wasn't really slow dance, it was just him dragging you all across the dance floor. Hands everywhere, and he keeps stepping on your feet. You dance in a more zigzag form, and he spins you like a damn beyblade, making you slightly dizzy. But in the end, it usually ends in a slow pace. Will do it every damn time.
—•Doc would decline your invitation, but he'll usually dance with you when there's not much people in the room. He holds you by your waist, the other hand on your hip. He only dances with you side to side, he doesn't spin you, he a little too killjoy™ for that. Will say this is a waste of time, but still continues to dance with you. He actually very much enjoys dancing with you, if he weren't just so grumpy all the time. Will only do it when his crew is in the room, or if it's just you two.
—•Tricky dancing? WOWEE!! it's more likely than you think. He doesn't know what slow dancing is, so he just sways your whole body side to side, aggressively, holding you by your underarms. He also does that thing where he lifts you up, and starts spinning you around. May or may not take over the dj to switch up the mood to something more exciting. Will always dance with you, boogy style or something "slow"
—•Jeb is very bashful, but he usually brushes it off as "I'm too much of an old man to do this type of shi", or anything to do with his age. But he will do it when you're alone, radio playing and it's only you two in the room. He's actually really sweet, removing his sunglasses to look at you properly, halo above his head serving as a little warm spotlight. His movements precise, and calculated, and doesn't mind spinning you a few times. Will only do it if you two are close, or if he thinks fondly of you.
—•Sheriff is the one to invite you, and he usually uses an excuse like "get your feet workin'", or "don't just stand there!". He's actually real good in slow dance, his hand on your waist, the other holding your hand. He would whisper sweet nothings to you, being really flirty as he dances you, even if it's platonic. He'll spin you, and does that thing where he lowers your upper body and holds you by the back, his other hand holding yours, as he bites on a rose. Dunno where he got that, romance shit!! Will do it everytime
—•Auditor urhmm. I mean gurly he'll dance with you, but urhm just make sure to wear gloves if you plan to hold his hands. He'll get all whiny about it, “And what serves the purpose of participating in this dance?”, like he be questioning everything. But he's actually really good than he lets on. He'll spin you, only once though, bc he knows how fast grunts can get motion sickness. He'll only do it if you're alone or if his agents set it up.
—•Phobos will get all giddy if you invite him, or if you planned the dance yourself. He goes on boasting about it, his ego and pride skyrocketing out of the damn tower. He doesn't mind dancing in public or private, spending time with you is enough. He'll probably get you those elevated platforms, so you two can properly face one another. He'll get you two spotlights, demanding his agents to make the mood a lot more intimate and sweet. Get ready because your dance is gonna have a lot more spinning, he's gonna make snarky remarks if you get dizzy, but he'll stop if you ask him to. Will always do it with you
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summertimemusician · 11 months
Linktober (Shadow) 2023
Welp turns out my exam season throughly steam rolled through my general Linktober plans, so you get this VERY late thing for now folks who find this, at least until I decide whether to continue this until I finish it even though it's no longer Linktober or if I'll make whatever other stories come later their own thing after exam season is over (mostly because the original for this one is my preferred draft, and that I feel the one for the Link/Dark Link prompt would be kind of wasted if it just sat there collecting dust cause I worked hard on the tension and horror there lord darn it, along with a few others mainly involving Fae Hyrule, Twilight, Time, First, among other Links like Legend, Sky, Warriors, just all of the boys, I wanted to give them all proper spotlight and still want to do that in any way I can). Welp. *Downs coffee like a shot* Also really need to find out how to make a Masterlist on mobile, figure out how AO3 works and answer asks.
Anyway, not really any warnings this time besides Reader Not Being Okay (par the course really) and angst.
As always can be read as either romantic or platonic, Reader is gender neutral on purpose, technically is meant to be read as either Hero's Shade Time x Reader or First x Reader mainly, but you can interpret it as any Link really lol
Good reading!
This corner of Faron Woods was quiet this time of year.
The woods were solemn in this Hyrule, the sliver of moonlight barely enough of a guide through the mist, it was silent but for the soft padding of animals through the underbrush and the howl of a wolf in the distance (not Wolfie's, not musical enough). The stars were your only company as you were separated from the group, the air was cold agaisnt your skin as you attempted to find your way.
Being alone in the forests of Hyrule never spelled anything good for anyone, but as you felt the brush of a hand tenderly twined in yours, the ghost of leather and the faint clinking of steel, and a faint glow of pale gold and ivory cutting through the veil of the night, mindful of roots you may trip onto and never flickering too far out of sight you couldn't feel safer, even  if instead something like melancholy threatened to lock your throat with the chains of silence, you felt as warm as the soft twilight glow and as frigid as ice, frostburned with the bitter cold of your own warring emotions.
You can't help but chuckle a bit whille holding a old scabbard close to your heart, it's a wry sound, "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
There is no answer, of course there isn't, but you don't mind, you know he'll listen, thorns wrap around your heart and crawl up your throat, the smell of lilies and steel coats and sticks in your throat like honey, or maybe blood, "... I didn't think you'd show up, you know? I always considered the possibility but..." You trail off, you feel something brush your side, you can only see him in the corner of your eyes or with a passing glance, there but not, existing but gone, so you keep your eyes on the road and in the flicker of light, so you carefully don't look to your side, you don't think you could contain the shaking in your heart otherwise, to stare at inevitability and prophecy, "... I know, I know you're fine. At least for now, I apologize for all the trouble I gave you."
'It's alright. It could never be a hardship aiding you.', the voice echoes in your ears, and you swallow thickly, breath hitching, the warmth of the sun in the fields of Hyrule, the wind caressing your hair, the song of the animals in Faron Woods, someone holding you carefully, fondly. The warmth of your hand in his. Not really here, but not gone either, more feeling than true echo.
You chuckle, and try to pretend it's not a bit breathless, something like a wounded keen, "... You're too kind. Too, too kind, thank you."
Spirits in Hyrule never spell anything good, in this wild land of light and shadow in a gestalt of divinity. There are some exceptions though, even if it hurts to witness then. So you follow him through the dark, certain that as you've guided his way once, he'll lead you now to where you need to go.
... The clearing he leads you to is open, but by no means truly quiet among the trees, there is no peace to be found for the armored skeleton here. You choke on sorrow, on unfinished business, on the cruelty of being brought to ruin and being denied peace, and you stumble towards the familiar figure, almost in a trance as your vision blurs, roots and thorny vines wrap over rusted armor and a thorn cape, the skeleton's void sockets piercing through your soul, illuminated by the solemn gaze of the wretched moon and it's uncaring maids of honor in the stars.
You fall to your knees near the decaying skeleton, biting back against the wounded sound that attempts to leave your throat with enough strenght to bleed, you lay the scabbard by his side with a bouquet of lilies and shiver at the gentle, phantom touch, so soft, so loving it almost leads you to ruin all over again.
'... It's foolish to grieve for someone who isn't gone yet.' the thought comes to you, yet you can't help it. You still hurt for him, you still hold onto the fury at the heavens themselves for denying them quietus. For denying them rest over and over and over again. To watch this cycle and be helpless to stop it all due to the will of uncaring gods.
Alive. Dead. Alive. Dead. Denied full rest over and over again, to watch the chance at rest to the kindest of souls found in this world you found yourself in.
You barely register the touch to your cheek, ephemeral as it is, as you can't help but shed tears, can't help but grieve. Because if you don't, who will?
You know by now that some wounds can never heal, some rifts can never be mended. Even with the guarantee of cyclic, eternal rebirth, some things never return to how they were. And reminding yourself of this inevitability to them will never not hurt, even if you know it's futile to blame anyone but the one god who started this, and maybe the goddess who stood complacent to it. It leaves a bitter taste in your mouth that it'll one day come to this, that the frost of death and the sharpness of pain will leave a mark the sands of time can't scar over.
You reach a trembling hand towards the one in your cheek, try to find catharsis in the remains of decayed, dead yet ever eternal, ever growing love. And you breathe.
'We'll meet again. So do not mourn for me, please.'
You don't think you could deny him if you tried. Not when you know he's trying to soothe you, to thaw your sorrow. To allow your heart's healing to fallow.
"We will, I know. I'm sorry for making you worry." You chuckle, leaning into the cold, trying to brand the memory of the shadowed, but not gone love given to you so you can return it in kind. Just until you meet again, just until you can give all you can to his not yet decomposing self, grasping onto what remains of him, "I love you."
'I love you too. Until we meet again.'
The cold is gone, the echo of love leaves. And you breathe, and pretend you don't feel empty.
(When you see Link again, reuniting with the Chain on the next day's twilight. You hug him as tight as you can, and hope you he doesn't notice the tears in your eyes. And that you don't feel the lingering traces of a frigid embrace.
When no one is looking, you wave goodbye to the shade. And pray he dreams of warmer days until he finds quietus.)
#linked universe x reader#hero's shade x reader#linked universe time x reader#first x reader#hylia's chosen hero x reader#first link x reader#also know as What Happens When Summer Watches Corpse Bride after Playing MJM#I'll never not be emotional about the Hero's Shade and how it's an inevitability that Time will always die relatively young#how First died alone in the surface and likely never got a proper burial#And the fact we never learn what happens to the heroes after the task is done and THE ONE INSTANCE#we do is to learn they died young in some manner (ex Time. The Link before Hyrule. First.#Probably Twilight if we go by the theory Wolfie in BOTW is a spirit sent to help Wild#Technically pre calamity Wild because losing your memories is technically death of identity although that's for another story#and related to Lost#Most of the more effective LoZ games present themselves as either dark fairy tales and I'm running with that concept#Plus it's literally LEGEND of Zelda. Hardly do things end well for protagonists in actual legends and mythology involving gods#I think I have a right to worry#Anyway I'll probably elaborate more later because I'm tired lol#gotta perish to tackle studying and THEN be free to start on the pages long LU/LoZ essays /jk#unless?#we'll see#summer writes linktober 2023#summer writes linktober shadow 2023#summer writes#this short fic was also brought to you by the death holiday we have here in my country because it always makes me sad#and thinking of the Hero's Shade and what happens to First basically made it Depression times 100 lol
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risuola · 1 year
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─⁠☆ i write and create graphics myself so don’t steal, don’t copy, don’t plagiarize, pretty please
─⁠☆ don’t repost on any other sites, do not turn my writing into tik toks or videos, don't translate into other languages and recommend on other pages
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this blog contains nsfw topics, you enter at your own risk. 18+ contents are tagged as such — minors do not interact with nsfw. please, please, please read warnings so you don’t get triggered or offended
─⁠ generally, i do not take requests, but I do take suggestions. if you have ideas, fantasies or thoughts that you'd like to explore through my writing, i’m open to know — send them through the ask me box
─⁠ don't spam me if i don't write what you asked for. i'll write what i find interesting, not what i'm requested to write. this blog is my creative space and i'm not creative if i'm forcing myself. i also may interpret your idea differently than you had in mind, so don't get mad at me if that happens. i also take a long time to write, please have mercy on me! :,)
i'm an adult, i have my life to live so please, don't expect me to post here daily or regularly. there's no schedule.
─⁠ english is not my first language, so errors may occur
─⁠ be kind and cultural, constructive criticism is welcome, pointless slurs are going to be blocked. i’m too old to get offended by most things, although I want this to be a safe space for myself and everybody else
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─⁠ i work under assumption of a reader being a young female, age not specified unless it’s important to the plot ─⁠ visual characteristics such as hair length or figure may be briefly mentioned but generally, i try to leave them open for reader’s imagination. gender neutral reader might occur.
─⁠ i like writing strong female characters ─⁠ i'm not the one to write helpless, good-for-nothing, extremely weak women. i like when women have some balls, so if you're into stuttering, super-shy reader, always blushing and looking down ─⁠ this blog might not be the best place. although, such characters might appear once in a while if that's what i find fitting in the story
─⁠ this blog is multifandom — i'll write for whichever fandom I please. now it's mostly jujutsu kaisen characters
─⁠ all of the characters I write for are adults ─⁠ if in the fandom, character is a minor, he'll be considered only for fluffy/platonic pieces (eg. Yuji, Megumi). no nsfw for minors. reader is always an adult as well
─⁠ for Sukuna I generally write under assumption of him being his own person, having his own body
─⁠ my page contains smut, fluff and angst writings, sometimes they are one shots, sometimes series, i do write headcannons and thirsts. it might get dark, it might get violent ─⁠ I love a little bit of drama
this blog might contain topics such as: threesome, dub-con, heartbreak, violence, bloody scenes, heavy angst, self-harm, hurt, abusive behaviors ─⁠ again, read warnings!
─⁠ male reader, character x character
─⁠ scat/piss/vomit kinks, heavy misogyny (in the main plot, it might occur as a side motive), r*pe, mommy kink/dom reader, feet, lactation, pedop*ilia, pregnancy sex, period blood kink, incest
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go back to main page | enter the masterlist
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italeean · 1 year
HIHI ELLE!! AAAAAAAA CONGRATS ON 350 FOLLOWERS!! YOURE SO COOOL!! Remember me when you’re famous 😞✊ I know I’m not rly in the t community but I hope it’s okay I send an ask for the event?? My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, video editing, and video games. I love psychology and literature, both classic and more recent. I also like webtoons and manwhas. I don’t like parties or big groups of people, or watching sports. I prefer one on one interaction or small groups of people, and going outdoors and exploring rather than going to a crowded place in a city. I hope it’s ok I participate in this event if I’m not too much into the t community, but I’m very much so a ler. For the fandom I’ll go with Haikyuu, platonic relationship, and I have no gender preference. Tysm in advance if you accept!! 😻😻💙💙
Waaaahh hello my dear ❤️❤️ It was such a pleasant surprise to see you participate 🥹 Thank you so so much... you're so kind and sweet and cool!!! I hope you'll enjoy your match-up ❤️🍡 *some dango for you*
🔮 For this event, I match you up with... ASAHI
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• First of all, Asahi is not the biggest social butterfly out there (no offense obviously) so I think you'd enjoy hanging out with one another • He's also very athletic, which means you'd be able to go out and explore all you'd like • He's also a very good listener, so you could tell him about psychology theories or interpretations of classic and modern literature • I also see him as the kind of guy who'd get invested in the books you tell him about to understand you better • You could also join the third-years during the visit to the temple for New Year's, or just hang out with them!! • I can totally see you sneaking a few pokes to Asahi's sides when he gets too anxious... it's a little subtle thing you do to make him snap out of his spiral of negative thoughts • You could also help him with his designs, since he becomes a designer and you like drawing • He'd totally use your art pieces, may it be drawings, sculptures or video edits, for his fashion lines • 6 words for you: VIDEOGAME. NIGHTS. WITH. HIM. AND. NOYA. • You could probably tickle him also when he gets too invested in his work and basically forgets he's a human being with physiological needs... you know, just to "kindly invite" him to take care of himself • I also have the feeling that Asahi would be a little more talkative with you because he'd be more comfortable with hanging out alone with you and his anxiety would be much more bearable • I see your friendship as a quiet one, full of mutual listening and quality time... both you and Asahi are the kind of friends everyone needs
🔮 Tickle scenario
The sun, the chirping birds, the fresh air, the quiet swish of a nearby torrent, the sound of your steps... this was your ideal afternoon. Just you and your best friend Asahi.
It was refreshing both for you and for Asahi. Even if he was Karasuno's ace and had gained poularity after the sudden rising of the volleyball team, he didn't exactly like the popularity or the fangirls that constantly tried to be around him. Obviously he was always respected with everyone who approached him, but sometimes he felt the need to get away and just spend some time in total peace and quiet, and when he needed that peace and quiet, you were the only person he wanted to be with.
You weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, and you've never even had a crush on one another. You were best friends, and from a certain perspective you even had a deeper bond compared to a couple who has recently started dating.
Asahi was a very quiet and reserved person, who sometimes had difficulties with expressing how he felt, but you could always tell what was going through his mind without him saying anything. The ideal afternoon for both of you was being together just the two of you reading, talking or taking a walk in the nature, just like you were doing today.
You had just reached your usual spot near the torrent, where you usually took a break before going back home. "Ah... I really needed that, thanks Asahi." You smiled thankfully at the ace, who sheepishly smiled right back at you.
"Anytime, and honestly I needed that, too." The tall guy replied, "So, how's school going? Are you doing something interesting in literature class?" He sat down on the grass and patted the spot right next to him, inviting you to sit next to him.
"Oh yeah, I really like both the author we're analyzing and how the teacher explains it!" You took your seat next to your friend, "What about you? I hope that the last year of high school isn't too brutal." "Well..." he began, "I won't deny that it's very difficult, but I'm managing!"
"I'm sure you're taking care of yourself though, right?" You inquired while raising your eyebrow in an inquisitive way. "Well..." He scratched the back of his head, and that was all you needed to hear.
"How. Many. Times. Did. I. Tell. You. That. You. Gotta. Take. Care. Of. Yourself?!" You scolded him, emphasizing every word with a poke to his torso. "Ah! He-heyyy..!" Asahi tried in vain to escape your pokes, "I-i knohow... but- no wait!"
You didn't even let him finish his excuses, you just went for his stomach and scribbled your fingers all over the soft skin, protected by the thin fabric of the shirt.
It didn't take him long to give up. Despite his menacing aspect, he was quite weak to tickling, which you obviously knew as his best friend. "AAAHAHAHAHAHA okaHAhay Ihihi gihihiveHEHEhe..!" He pleaded, and you stopped. You were feeling quite merciful. "Fine, but you better take care of yourself from now on!" You pouted.
Asahi chuckled and gave you some headpats. "Fine, fine... you win..." He laid in the grass and glanced at the clear blue sky. You did the same, but before that, you grabbed your backpack, took out a packet of nikuman and gave it to the tall guy.
"Eat this, I imagined you weren't taking care of yourself so I grabbed something from Ukai-san's shop." Asahi thanked you and stared eating immediately. "So," he said "tell me about that book you're reading..."
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fennel-tea · 2 years
Roland/Angela for the ship asks
A+ OTP 10/10 Absolutely Godtier
okay, so the non-spoiler reason: Their dynamic rules. I think they bounce off each other incredibly well, they pick up on each other's mannerisms in a way I think is really sweet, Angela forcibly and violently removing all of Roland's limbs in the literal first two minutes of the game is probably the best meet-cute I've ever encountered.
It never feels like Designated Het (because, well...it isn't), Roland is also one of the only characters who just...never really questions Angela's personhood, and honestly I just adore them even just platonically. They get each other. But I, being myself, love it when things are just a little bit Messy.
Which is where we get into the spoiler reasons under the cut.
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The second The Reveal happened the friend who was watching me stream had a moment where we were just like "....welp this went from good ship to godtier ship"
I'm quoting myself from a previous discord conversation but the thing about Library of Ruina is that the core conflict is two extremely traumatized people knowingly walking into a sunk cost fallacy and having to consciously choose to break the cycle of violence for the sake of themselves, the people around them, and especially each other and I FUCKING LOVE IT ITS SUCH A MESS
They are both so fucked up in so many of the same ways and their conscious choice to continue to push their individual revenge agendas is unhealthy, and they know it is, but they both rationalize it as "I've come this far, I can't stop now"
...even if they don't necessarily want to.
By the end of Ruina, Roland and Angela love each other. Doesn't matter which way you interpret that, they really do.
They're dear friends (in Angela's case, Roland is her only friend)—Roland straight up starts crying when he ultimately chooses to turn his weapon on Angela, because the situation they're in sucks so fucking bad and he hates doing it, but if he stops then what was the point of all the pain and death? Does it render Angelica's death meaningless?
If Angela stops then what was her literal megaannum of pain for? Does it render all the suffering she inflicted, under Ayin's programming or otherwise, meaningless?
Angela and Roland, like the Sephirot back in lobcorp, are both so wrapped up in their own issues and personal pain that even beginning to push past that for the sake of themselves and each other, is a monumental task in itself. But.
It's that conscious choice that saves them.
In either of the endings where one kills the other they're both left waltzing down a lonely and miserable spiral that leads to their ultimate death, but choosing to finally stop carrying that pain as a shield so they can forgive each other means both of them get a second chance at life, to be happy, by each other's side, and just. They find fulfillment in each other!! They Get each other!!
augh god I fucking love Angela/Roland y'all I love characters who are two sides of the same coin idk how this is as much of a rarepair as it is
I get why people would be put off by it being het but it's got fucking Flavor
...also, if I may be a nitpicky little hagette for a brief moment, I keep seeing the notion that Roland is a father figure to Angela, which. what on earth are you smoking. you don't have to shove every character relationship you'd rather view platonically into Neat Nuclear Family Roles I promise it won't kill you
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weebswrites · 3 years
Gremlin Mc is ME! Literally I am a tiny stupid gremlin but I'm cute so it's fine. Also may I say hello, I love your content and You🥰. But may I request gremlin Mc coming home with a duck or some type of bird. I want this because this is what I LIVE for. O have a chicken,KFC, Duck, Quaker Jacker, cow, Betsie, and pigs, Bacon and Pork chop.
The Demon Bros When You Bring Home a DUCK
A/N: my 200th post hehe. Also that's so cool that you have so many unique pets! I visited my family in California recently and they have seven ducks, it was super fun. I don't remember any of their names though except one is called Luna
(more gremlin mc content here)
Lucifer is perturbed. He just doesn't get why..? He'd get a cat, dog, or even a rodent. But a duck?? They live in parks and ponds, not the House of Lamentation for Diavolo's sake. Definitely gives you shit for it, but lovingly. Kinda. Over time he and your duck friend grow a weird bond and you often find the two of them spending good ol quality time together in his office. One day a small bed appears for le duk. Their bond is unspeakable and who are you to question it
When you show Mammon he gets super excited, matching your energy way better than you anticipated. Then he stops, after about two minutes, and asks why. You laugh, appreciating that his instinct was to match your energy. After explaining why getting a pet duck was the coolest thing you've ever done and will ever do, he gets it. Very much on board and is right by your side when you introduce them (gender neutral duck) to the family
Leviathan matches your energy, but gets it from the start. You walk into his room holding your new friend and whisper "Levi, look who I found", shit eating grin plastered across your face. He looks from you, to the duck, back to you. "What the fuck, MC". You burst into laughter and bring the duck to him, placing them in his lap. He looks the duck in the eyes, and instantly the two are best friends. I mean, this duck even quacks along with the intros to their favorite anime ops. When I say best friends, I mean best friends. They're hardly even your duck anymore
"Satan, come here" you whisper. He does, of course, and you lead him by intertwined hands to your room. You've completely renovated the balcony of your room to a duck sanctuary (shhh MC definitely canonically has a balcony I promise), complete with duck. He stands there for a few minutes, taking it all in, and then turns to you. "MC, I love you" he says. This was something so you to do, it made him fall even more for you. Simp! (can be interpreted platonic or romantic, readers choice)
Asmodeus' first concern is the mess. Also Lucifer finding out, but you reassured him that you and Lucifer were close enough friends that you'd get him on board. Or at least to tolerate it. Once he was sure you weren't going to get destroyed by Lucifer, he was So excited for you. From a distance. Fr tho he loved this for you and thought the duck was the cutest thing he'd ever seen (next to himself of course)
Beelzebub thought to himself how good duck tastes, but decided he probably shouldn't say that about your new pet. Instead, he smiled, wrapping an arm around you as the two of you watched them waddle around and inspect where they'd be living now. You discussed possible names, and your plans for making sure they got enough exercise during the day without getting ~attacked~ by a random demon
Belphegor thought it was a dream. When you showed him at first he was fresh out of a nap, and then went right back to bed once you showed him. But when he went to your room later and heard a series of quacks from behind the door, he realized you finally got the pet duck you'd been wanting for so long. The two of you low-key parent this duck together, like it's a child of your own. He checks to make sure they're getting enough exercise, fed enough, and more
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doodlebloo · 3 years
ur take on whether or not u can trust someone ab not shipping real folks is based as always dude. one way i try to avoid real bitch shippers is blocking anyone who makes a headcanon or sum that seems even the slightest bit out of character and more like the cc's. what r they gonna do? dm you? cry? you gonna cry? oh also by blocking anyone who makes dnf or karlnap truthing posts.
real shit being a part of the cbeeduo side of tumblr has been stressful as fuck n its why ive distanced myself a bit bc im fucking tired of seeing shit in the tags thats just fucking disrespectful and gross. major respect for being a cbeeduo main in this day in age o7
(Do not reblog this ask)
You'd think in a fandom that has a shitty reputation based on a few weird people making everyone look bad you'd see less of people thinking a whole community is weird just because a few weird people are making them look bad.
And like once a community (like beeduo enjoyers) gets a bad reputation from a few weird people it makes everything look that much worse. Like for example if a community not notorious for having to deal with truthers posted something like "Omg x streamer said hanging out with y streamer was the hilight of their week!" It would be fine, but if a beeduo main posted it everyone would be suspicious. Which is kind of deserved! Because for some reason beeduo specifically attract irl shippers like a moth to a flame!
And it's really uncomfortable because as much as you can SAY over and over that you're not an irl shipper, there's no way to prove it. You can SAY that you don't have an alternate Tumblr acct for truthing under a different name, but even if you let someone comb through all your files you still may be able to hide it! It's entirely based on the honors system, and I don't know about any of you but I wouldn't accuse someone of truthing without genuine, solid PROOF that they're doing something fucked up.
It's really difficult because like the line between character and cc is THERE. It is. Tubbo is not a half goat ex president with burn scars nukes and a son. Like there is a line. But with this fandom it's really hard to make like AUs and such unless it's like still a fantasy setting like medieval setting or space or something. Bc if you're like "High school au!" Then like ok... How is your version of c!Tubbo who has never fought in wars wasn't found in a box has no scars doesn't have a son etc really THAT much different from just normal Tubbo? It's very complicated and hard to do in a way that's not weird
It's just a slippery slope. Which is why I AGREE with Ranboo's phrasing! He kind of HAS to be that vague, because the more vague he is the more leeway it gives him later to call out anything specific he thinks is gross. I get that and also He Especially has every right to be wary of IRL shippers and truthers, considering his chat's recent obsession with "jokingly" calling him gay/saying he came out. (Which, by the way, INCREDIBLY hypocritical to make gay jokes abt a streamer and then accuse other people of irl shipping/truthing but I digress.)
Also I don't even know that I'd consider myself that much of a CBeeduo main! I literally have just written a handful of fics about them (2/3 of my bigger ones are mostly c! benchtrio) but for some reason these two characters have the most like complicated and vague set of boundaries for writing them literally ever. Like I don't want to write anything that makes anyone uncomfortable at all, but I also don't want to say that everything cBeeduo has ever done in canon is platonic, bc I don't know what Ranboo and Tubbo's intentions were. And as time goes on it only seems to get more and more complicated and people seem a lot less willing to tolerate other interpretations (ppl who see them as /r being called truthers, ppl who see them as /p being told they're wrong or getting made fun of).
The way I see it there are only two correct ways to handle things like this: either BLOCK the person who made the content just like you said, or try and TALK to them - y'know, like in a civil way? Tell them what part of their thing you think might be breaking boundaries, if they agree they'll change it and if they don't you can block each other? No callouts no death threats no nothing? That sure would be nice huh.
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Relationship Compatibility Pick a Pile
Are you and the person you are thinking of compatible?
*You do not have to be in a relationship with them currently*
Remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Do not try and force it to fit. If you would like a personal reading you can click here. There I have my shop where I offer all of my readings. Or you can dm me with what you'd like.
*Please read before you pick a pile*
I say spirit when I am channeling and writing out your readings, if you do not believe in spirit that is totally okay, this message is still meant for you if you feel that it is! Whatever you believe in is valid and you can ignore when I say spirit if you don't believe in it or, replace it with whoever you believe is giving you this message. If you have any questions or you just want to talk about this feel free to dm me!
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Pile One (Amazonite):
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-Partner One (Could be you or them)-
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner one but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Their Personality:
Two of Wands:
You are a natural-born leader with charm and charisma that makes everyone like you instantly. The future is always on your mind, constantly trying to make your dreams come true. You are also extremely courageous and competitive, which allows you to accomplish your goals.
Their Dreams/Ideals:
King of Wands:
The King of Wands has been working towards success their whole life and now they have gotten it. They are constantly working towards the things they want and they end up getting those things. Through their hard work, they have also grown a following of people who view them as the boss. This is what you dream of. You want to be in charge and successful. You want people to follow your lead.
Queen of Swords:
The Queen of Swords stands their ground and doesn’t let anyone walk all over them. The people in their life know exactly where they stand with them and the Queen loves that. You dream of being this person, of being confident enough to stand up for yourself. You dream that one day you won’t care what people will think when you stand up for yourself.
Where their Loyalties lie:
King of Cups:
The King of Cups is exceptionally empathetic, in fact, some would say that the King is the epitome of empathy. You are extremely empathetic and you take pride in this. Even if you want it to change. Your biggest fear is having people think negatively of you so you do everything in your power to make sure they think you’re nice. That is where your loyalties lie. In your desire to be liked by everyone.
What they’re willing to commit:
King of Pentacles:
This King is the provider. They have accumulated a lot of success and wealth in their life and they are now at the point where they want to settle down and be the provider in their relationship. This is you, you are willing to be the person that the other can rely on.
Nine of Cups:
The Nine of Cups is all about wish fulfillment. You are willing to make all of your lover’s dreams come true. You want nothing more than to make them happy and you feel that the only way to do that is by making their dreams come true.
Partner Two (Could be you or them)
Their Personality:
The Empress:
The person you are thinking of is extremely warm, compassionate, and loving. They are very creative and highly intelligent, they may even work in art.
Six of Swords:
They are also a very strategic person. They are constantly looking for new approaches to problem-solving. They love to work through problems and get through obstacles.
Their Dreams/Ideals:
Two of Cups:
The Two of Cups is the card of true love. The person you are thinking of dreams of being in a happy and healthy relationship. They want to be with their soulmate.
Eight of Cups:
The Eight of Cups depicts a person leaving their life and starting over again. This person dreams of starting their life over again. They want to drop everything and run away, to begin again.
Where their loyalties lie:
Seven of Wands:
The Seven of Wands usually comes out to represent a period of time when you are not on good terms with someone. Your person may be fighting with someone currently and their sole focus at the moment is to come out on the winning side. A good thing about this card is that it usually predicts that you will come out on the winning side.
What they’re willing to commit:
Ten of Cups:
The Ten of Cups is a really good sign in any love reading. It talks about fairytale endings. This person is willing to commit their all to make this relationship just like a fairytale. They want to settle down and create a family with you.
Your Overall Compatibility:
King of Swords:
You both can have a steady and stable relationship, but only if you are willing to accept each other for who you are. This King can represent a relationship that is overbearing and controlling if both parties do not accept the other for who they are. Spirit is telling you to not try and control the other and mold them into what you want them to be.
The Relationships Long-term Potential:
The World:
This is a great card to get especially in an outcome position for love! This represents a relationship where your partner or future partner literally will want to give you the world. Spirit is saying that this relationship has great long-term potential!
What you need to know about this relationship/what it will teach you.
Bitch Fire:
Stand up for yourself. This card talks about how it is time for you to stand up for yourself and with the cards coming out for partner one showing that they dream of standing up for themselves, this is a perfect card to get here. This relationship will teach you to stand up for yourself, it will help you to grow your confidence.
The message of this card is; “Slow down and celebrate yourself”. This relationship will allow both of you the chance to slow down and take a breath. Sometimes life gets hectic and it’s hard to celebrate yourself, this relationship will encourage you to take breaks, to recognize that you deserve to be celebrated.
Overall with both of these cards coming out it is clear that this relationship will help you to grow your confidence, it will teach you that you are worthy of not only love but that you are also worthy of being celebrated.
Channeled Songs:
Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls or Sleeping with Sirens
Cheyenne - Grayson Chance
IDK you yet - Alexander 23
Lover - Taylor Swift
Pile Two (Fuchsite):
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Partner One (Could be you or them)
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner one but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Your Personality:
Six of Pentacles:
You care deeply about those around you — you will stop at nothing to help friends and family in times of need. Your connection with spirituality has taught you to be calm and patient, pushing you to always strive to perform good deeds for the benefit of others.
Your Dreams/Ideals:
The Moon:
Your intuition may not be good right now, you may be the person who has a bad judge of character. You dream that your intuition will get better, that it will help you to be a better judge of character when you first meet someone.
Where your Loyalties lie:
Four of Swords:
You may feel as though your life has come to a complete halt, that there is no movement in your life. You do not want to be around anyone in this time choosing to be alone.
Temperance is almost the exact same. You are at a period in your life when nothing is happening and you find yourself wanting to be alone. Temperance calls for a period of rest. Your loyalties lie in you right now, you are focusing on yourself and your recovery.
What you’re willing to commit:
You are the person who is willing to do anything and put in all the effort for your relationships. Sometimes to a fault. You end up being the only one making an effort in your relationships. Spirit wants you to be aware of this.
Partner Two (Could be you or them)
Their Personality:
Three of Pentacles:
This person is a great team player and has really great communication skills. They could work in construction which they take great pride in. They have great problem-solving skills and don’t back down from arguments easily. They are a very good listener as well.
Their Dreams/Ideals:
Eight of Swords:
They are feeling trapped in their current life and they dream of breaking the chains that are holding them back. This is usually a signifier of a very controlling relationship whether it is romantic, platonic, or a boss-employee relationship.
Where their loyalties lie:
Four of Pentacles:
This is the card of possessiveness. The card of wanting to hold onto what you have with all of your might. Your person may have things in their life that they do not want to let go of and are not going to get into a relationship that will make them let go of those things. If you are in a relationship with them, then they may be feeling very possessive over you, and do not want to let you go.
What they’re willing to commit:
King of Pentacles:
The King of Pentacles is the provider. They have accumulated so much in their life and now they want to be the sole provider for those that they love. Your person is willing to be your provider, they want you to rely on them. This doesn’t have to always be about money but the Pentacles usually symbolize money.
Your Overall Compatibility
The Hanged Man:
This is the card of having to make sacrifices in order to get what you want. So, that being said, Spirit is saying that you can make your relationship work if and only if you are willing to let some things go first. I get the feeling that it isn’t you that is not willing it is your person and if that is the case you may just have to let them go.
Relationship Long-term Potential:
Ten of Swords:
A lot of readers interpret this card as the worst card to get in the deck. It symbolizes disaster and destruction. So, Spirit is saying that this relationship is not going to benefit either of you in the long run. This card when talking about a romantic relationship symbolizes one that will bring you nothing but disaster and depressive thoughts. If you are in this relationship Spirit wants you to get out and move on to much better things.
What do you need to know about the relationship/what will it teach you?
This is the card of being stuck in a situation that makes your self-esteem worse, one that you feel like you can never get out of. Spirit is saying that this is you in the relationship, it is a very toxic situation and makes you think very negatively about yourself. Spirit is telling you that you can’t fly away if you allow yourself to be stuck in this relationship. You need to get out if you are already in it, if you are not in it then you should not pursue it.
Channeled Songs:
Drive - Oh Wonder
Pillowtalk - Zayn
Same - Josh Knowles
Sauced Up - Fifth Harmony
Pile Three (Rose Quartz):
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Partner One (Could be you or them)
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner one but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Your Personality:
Six of Wands:
The Six of Wands represents an extremely confident person who is a natural leader. They are very organized and are willing to take risks if they need to. They are also very optimistic and love being in the spotlight. Spirit is saying that this is you.
Your Dreams/Ideals:
The Devil:
The Devil is all things desire and passion. Sex, greed, drugs, and love are all things symbolized by the Devil in Tarot. You may feel like you don’t have enough of this in your life and you dream of having it. You want the extremely passionate maybe borderline toxic love, you want to have fun but the kind of fun that allows you to break the rules sometimes even laws.
Where your Loyalties lie:
Ace of Cups:
As most know Aces in Tarot, most always signify a new beginning and in the case of the cups it talks about a new beginning in love. You are in search of a new relationship. One that brings you nothing but happiness and makes all of your dreams come true. If you find someone and they don’t live up to those expectations you are quick to drop them and look for a new person.
What you’re willing to commit:
Knight of Swords:
The Knight of Swords is the one who will stand up for those they love. They are usually pretty aggressive people and are willing to fight the people that mess with the ones they love. Spirit is saying that in terms of what you will bring to the relationship, you are willing to fight for the person who you choose to settle down with.
Partner Two (Could be you or them)
Their Personality:
Ten of Wands:
Your person is extremely hardworking and talented but is prone to self-punishment and overexertion. They are the one who will put everyone else's needs above their own. They may think that they are just very generous but in actuality, they are too afraid to address their own needs. Which then makes them take on everyone else's problems and neglect themselves.
Their Dreams/Ideals:
Knight of Wands:
The Knight of Wands is the fastest moving court card. They are extremely enthusiastic and work hard to get the things they want. They are willing to do anything to manifest their dreams into reality. Your person dreams of being this way.
Where their loyalties lie:
Two of Cups:
This is the card of true love. Your person wants to be in a happy and almost fairy-tale-like relationship. They much like you are not going to settle, they want what they want and if someone doesn’t give them that then they will move on to the next person.
What they’re willing to commit:
Page of Wands:
The Page of wands is extremely friendly and enthusiastic. Your person is willing to add a great deal of excitement to your relationship. They want the fast-paced and extremely fun love, so they are willing to provide that.
Your Overall Compatibility
The Magician:
This is the card of manifestations becoming reality. So, this would mean that you both manifested this relationship. They symbolize you getting the relationship that you want from this person.
The Empress:
This is a very positive card to get in terms of love. I will say though that it does represent pregnancy so if you are not trying to have kids keep this in mind. But, overall this card is a great card to get when talking about love, this relationship will be one where you can start a family. When it doesn’t represent pregnancy it is still positive, representing you being with this person for a long time.
Relationship Long-term Potential:
Nine of Cups:
This is the card of wish fulfillment. So, it is almost guaranteed that you will get everything that you wished for from this relationship. A happy home, a family, marriage, etc. This is a good sign of a lasting relationship!
What do you need to know about the relationship/what will it teach you?
This is the card of forgiveness. So, this relationship will teach you and your person how to forgive the people in your life, including yourself more easily.
This card speaks of slaying all of your dragons. Spirit is saying that your relationship with this person will help both of you to stand up for yourselves and fight back against people and things that are not doing you right.
Channeled Songs:
Dopamine - Borns
Don’t Cha - The Pussycat Dolls
More - 5SOS
Iris - The Googoo Dolls or Sleeping With Sirens
Pile Four (Sodalite):
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Partner One (Could be you or them)
For the sake of simplicity, I will be calling you partner one but you may resonate with partner two, and if that’s the case you will need to swap out the yous and theys.
Your Personality:
Eight of Pentacles:
You are extremely devoted and dedicated to the jobs you pursue. You may be in a junior position or a learning position but you still love the beginning stages of anything you pursue, you find it extremely exhilarating. You may often find an interest in things that others do not. It is also very hard for you to trust anyone, it takes you a long time to fully let people in.
Your Dreams/Ideals:
The High Priestess:
You are highly sensitive and intuitive but you may not be as in tune with it as you’d like. You dream of gaining better access to your intuition. You want to be extremely spiritual.
Where your Loyalties lie:
The Chariot:
You are constantly on the move from one thing to the next. Going wherever your heart desires. Your loyalties are to your pursuit of happiness and if someone doesn’t want to tag along and only holds you back then they are not the right one for you.
What you’re willing to commit:
The Tower:
You have developed a thick skin and have taken on the takes no shit attitude. You are willing to be the strong person in your relationship, the person who stands up to the haters and doesn’t let anyone harm you or your person.
Partner Two (Could be you or them)
Their Personality:
Queen of Swords:
Your person is extremely wise and a great critical thinker. Their ability to think critically almost always overtakes their emotions. They can lucidly perceive every situation they get into. Their worldview is dominated by logical thought.
Their Dreams/Ideals:
Nine of Cups:
Your person dreams of having all of their wishes fulfilled. They want all of their dreams to come true. They want to be the luckiest person alive.
Where their loyalties lie:
Three of Swords:
The Three of Swords is the heartbreak card. Your person may have had their heart broken recently or in the past and it is really affecting their everyday life. Currently, they fear getting heartbroken again. They don’t ever want to go through that again. So, they are avoiding people who they think may break their heart.
What they’re willing to commit:
They want a happy and healthy relationship. Temperance is all about equilibrium, so, a balanced happy healthy relationship comes with that. They will do anything to get that relationship.
Your Overall Compatibility
Four of Pentacles:
The Four of Pentacles is a very possessive card. When it is talking about relationships it signals that someone in the relationship is very possessive and wants the other person under their control. Yes, they are interested but you are the judge of if you want that kind of relationship or not.
Relationship Long-term Potential:
Six of Swords:
This is the card of generosity. It usually means that your person is willing to support you for the foreseeable future. One drawback is that it represents charity for now, not forever. That doesn’t mean your relationship has no long-term potential it is just warning you to remain in the present.
What do you need to know about the relationship/what will it teach you?
This is the card of something lovely growing from your situation. So, Spirit is saying that this relationship will help you to heal and to grow into who you are meant to become.
This is the card of not being afraid to use your voice. This relationship will allow you to use your voice and to sing your heart out.
Channeled Songs:
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Changes - Hayd
Best Years - 5SOS
Skin - Rihanna
Blank (Whatever you want it to be)
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Welcome to the second annual Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! The event will take place from March 12th - March 18th, 2023, but I'm announcing the themes early to give everyone plenty of time to create their fanworks.
What counts as a rare pair for this event, you ask? Any pairing that isn't Usagi/Mamoru (or any of their incarnations), pretty much! (Don’t get too hung up on the word “rare”. Just roll with it, okay?) They usually have their own week, so this event is a chance for fans to show their love for pairings other than the Miracle Romance, canon or not. You can even include poly, platonic, and cross-over ships, if you'd like! Almost anything goes, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
Fanworks should somehow incorporate the one of the day's themes. (You can pick just one; you don't have to use both.) How you choose the interpret the theme is up to you!
A non-UsaMamo pair must be the focus of the fic (although Usagi/Mamoru can appear as a side pairing or as part of a polycule).
All ratings allowed.
No smut involving underage characters, which I'm defining as under 18 years old. Otherwise, as long as the characters are portrayed as adults in the fanwork, go wild! Just please make sure to properly tag.
Pairings of all sexual/romantic orientations welcome.
Fanfics should be a minimum of 500 words. Poetry may be shorter, though. (If you're writing fanfic, I REALLY would prefer you post your fics on AO3 or Fanfiction.net and provide a link to your story, but if you must post on Tumblr itself, please make use of the "Read More" option. If you don't have an AO3 account and would like an invitation to create one, I recently remembered I have some old invites I can give out. Just message me with the email you would like to use for your account, and I will be happy to send you one!)
Fanart should be a completed drawing. (Any fanart portraying nudity or anything of an R/NC-17 nature should be cropped if immediately visible on your Tumblr post. You can post the full image under a "Read More" (if you think it'll get past the sensors) or provide a link to the image on another site.)
Graphics, image boards, playlists, cosplay photos, crafts, meta/essays, etc. are also welcome!
Comments, kudos, and reblogs are encouraged, but don't be a jerk! If you're not a fan of a pairing, please just ignore and move on.
On Tumblr, if you tag #smrarepairweek2023, I will reblog your post. I'll tag explict art and fics reblogs as #nsfw, so feel free to block that tag if you'd rather not see those posts.
Do not post your works anywhere until the day dedicated to your chosen theme. I have created a collection at AO3 where you can submit your entries if you'd like. (Adding your work to the collection will not be required.)
Day 1: Past/Future Day 2: Sweet/Spicy Day 3: Friend/Enemy Day 4: Dream/Nightmare Day 5: Fake/True Day 6: Hot/Cold Day 7: Free
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
hey man, I was around from when you posted your dsmp/mcyt art. I just want to say, I really don’t think it’s okay to not disclose that you���re a pro-shipper after the fact. I would have liked to know back then. I know you don’t do mcyt art anymore (or it seems like it) but it really leaves a horrible taste in my mouth knowing I interacted with your posts and your art and you weren’t fully open about which were ships and which weren’t.
It’s upsetting. I personally think it’s disgusting, but I don’t think I’m going to change your mind, so that doesn’t matter.
All I’m saying is, with those kind of topics it’s important to disclose that information to your followers. You don’t need to blast it on air, but enough that people aren’t going to like your more innocent posts or possibly following without knowing what they’re getting into.
I like the way you’re doing it now, with just a simple post. So props to that.
Thank you for your time.
- 🍓
gonna be honest, yeah, you're right, but at the same time it's kinda hard to disclose it, especially when you're still figuring yourself out away from other people
like, imma say it up front now, i've drawn frans, not even like aged up frans (except for maybe one or two post), and i don't recall too much if i got a shit ton of hate or support for it, for all i can recall, it may have been equal, but the hate hits harder, so from then i just kinda kept proshipping under wraps, or put a pretty little "chose how you see it uwu" bow on any other ship i drew
which to me at least seems fine, it's art, interpret it however you want. as far as i'm concerned, once my art is out there, death of the author is immediate, and my intentions don't matter as much as the interpretations. if my intentions where ship, and someone sees it as platonic, cool. if my intentions where platonic, and someone sees it as ship, that's cool too. i'm not gonna police how people see my art, i've done that before and it's exhausting, and also feels uuuuuhhhhhh hella manipulative on my part frankly, don't like it, don't like doing it. this shit?
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callout post @/self, haha, um, shut the fuck up and stop walking on eggshells for people, ya egghead, like damn uwu
but ye, no, i've been a dick, mostly outta social fear (if you where in the early days of undertale fandom, you'd know)
imma do better. again, i've just kinda been away, expecting to get yelled at or some callout post, and i'm sure someone's made one in the time i've been gone, but i haven't seen it (and um, that, one reply... :/ )
i think my other problem is, is i just expect someone to come into my inbox and send "kys" over and over, or tell me another dead hamster story (yes that happened, no i will not elaborate, the more i repress it the better), on the bright side all these ask, including yours, have been a shit ton better than what i expected. it's an actual conversation and not just screaming insults from the start, which is great
but yea, no, sorry i didn't say anything sooner, my history on here made me scared to say anything outright, and keepin it to myself because of that made it hard to understand where i even stood on anything ship related. i think there's even some techno x quackity post where i'm still kinda confused about it, cuz the ship itself, at least the way i portrayed it, even if it is a ship, was like queer platonic, or at least had that vibe, and i was still confused and wary about even calling it a ship
i've just reached my breaking point i guess, and i kinda think it's for the better
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