#max daily lion
hallowshumour · 2 months
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Various side characters for deans universe.🦨🦝🐐🦁
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the-banana-0verlord · 2 years
hello! I saw that you opened requests ^^ if that's okay with you, I'd like to order some funny hdcns for the dorm leaders (if you want all except idia and kalim, since there are a lot of them) when mc decides to dress up as a bat for halloween because he thinks that that's cool and it means getting noticed ✨ but it ends up looking more funny than scary, even so, mc is proud of her costume and will spend her time proudly modeling everywhere because in her mind she still thinks she looks cool~ despite the laughs hehe thanks <3
Thank you for the request! The dorm leaders are probably going to be the exception to the 5 characters max rule.
How the dorm leaders would react to a reader who dresses up as bat for Halloween but it ends up more cute/funny than scary.
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Notes: gn reader, reader gets low-key bullied lol.
Riddle Rosehearts
🥀Doesn't hesitate to tell you your costume isn't scary when you try to startle him by jumping in front of him in the doorway when he was passing.
🥀This boy cannot read a room because he was sheltered his whole life.
🥀When he realises your feelings are hurt, he tries to make it up to you by helping you make it even more scarier.
🥀It's fruitless, but you have so much fun you don't mind.
Leona Kingscholar
🦁Your pout is cute, and he's not one to pass the chance to tease you.
🦁You would look cuter in a lion costume but that's just his opinion...
🦁Actually, now that he thinks about it, you look like one of those Diasomnia scums.
🦁Yeah his smuginess is tainted.
🦁If you wear little cat ears maybe he'll forgive you~
Azul Ashengrotto
🐙Acts cool but inside he's completely melting.
🐙Holy shit you're cute Holy shit you're cute Holy shit you're cute Holy shit you're-
🐙Honestly, you should monetize your cuteness.
🐙Wait it's supposed to be scary? Honey, he deals daily with the Twins. You've got nothing on him.
🐙But he can play along if you give him something in return~
Kalim Al-Asim
☀Immediately squeals and jumps high and down about how cute you are.
☀He stops when he sees your pout.
☀After you explain everything to him, he starts screaming in what's supposed to be fear, but he stills has his bubbly smile and demeanor.
☀So yeah, you're not convinced at all.
☀Jamil, however, runs into the room panicked. When he arrives he's not very happy and asks if you got your costume from the dollar store.
Vil Schoenheit
💅He recognises the efforts you put in your costume, but he simply cannot let you walk around in that ridiculous thing.
💅Still, you refuse to get it off. You made it yourself, you're keeping it on.
💅Since you're the only person who's more stubborn than him, he gives up eventually.
💅At least put some accessory to lessen this fashion atrocity!
Idia Shroud
🎮OMG you look like a cute anime character!!!!
🎮Now he just needs you on a body pillow.
🎮Actually, strike the pose, he IS putting you on a body pillow.
🎮That is if he has the courage to ask you. Because right now, his hair is bright pink and he isn't able to utter a word.
Malleus Draconia
🐉It's funny how you thought you could scare him, fufufu~
🐉But he'll let it slide since you're so cute.
🐉Others would also find you cute, but Malleus's stance beside you is enough to make them cower.
🐉He absolutely knows this, but he lets you live in the blissful impression of having a scary costume.
🐉Also god forbid someone tells you about it.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Have a good day/night!
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il-predestinato · 2 years
I thought of Christian being a defense against the dark arts guy... There's no way he's teaching Charms 😂
Yes! DADA was my first thought too. I briefly thought maybe Transfiguration and then he can have a fierce rivalry with Divination's Professor Wolff (he honestly talks about W14 like it's worse than the Grim). 🤣
Lestappen blurb time (aka. how I coped while watching Ferrari during FP3):
"We need to talk," hissed Max as he slid into the empty seat next to his target. He slammed the piece of parchment down in front of Charles, who blinked lazily at his irate tone. "About you hogging the Quidditch pitch."
Charles sniffed and peered down at the tiny writing on the parchment: 'I, Professor Vasseur, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice before class from Wednesday to Friday, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.'
The Slytherin Quidditch captain gave him an indifferent shrug. "Perhaps you would like to take it up with Professor Vasseur."
Max glared at him. "That's three out of five weekdays!"
Vasseur may wear a jolly little smile, but the Potions Master was a die-hard Slytherin at heart and Charles knew it.
"With your math skills, no wonder you're so good at Arithmancy." Charles beamed at him, ignoring the twitch in Max's jaw.
"The rest of us need to practice too," he snapped.
"Then book the pitch early, Captain." Charles rolled his eyes, as he flipped open his copy of Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Max groaned.
"What now?"
"I left my textbook in the Prefects' bathroom."
Charles wiggled a single eyebrow at him.
"Don't start -" warned Max.
"I wasn't going to say -"
"On top of your bathrobe."
It was Charles' turn to groan, but he still begrudgingly pushed his own book towards the centre of the table so they could share. "Max, I swear people are going to find out -"
"Well, that would be a damn shame, wouldn't it?" grumbled Max, nudging the textbook closer to himself, only stopping when Charles rapped his knuckles with a sharp tap of his wand. "Daily Prophet headline: Fierce Quidditch rivals caught sucking face in Prefects' - OW!" The pointy end of Charles' wand found his sternum, singeing the edge of his Gryffindor house tie.
Max turned to glare at him, but suddenly found every eye in the classroom trained on him.
Their instructor crossed his arms. "Anything you'd like to share with the class, Max?"
"No, Professor Horner," he mumbled, still glaring at Charles who was doing his best to hide a smirk.
The Head of Gryffindor House frowned at his student. "Then perhaps you would like to demonstrate the progress you've made on the Patronus Charm." Christian gestured for him to stand.
Max straightened his tie (making a mental note that Charles owes him a new one) and took a step into the aisle.
"Make sure it's a powerful memory," emphasized Christian. "The most positive one you can summon."
Max couldn't help but spare a sideways glance at Charles. He smiled. "Last May, " he whispered to Charles, "me holding the Quidditch Cup in front of your face."
Charles' hand twitched dangerously around his wand, but he refrained from cursing Max, clearly preferring not to spend those hard-earned Quidditch practice hours in detention with Professor Horner instead.
Max raised his wand. He had fully intended to summon the memory he had described to Charles - but a clearer, brighter, more recent memory came to his mind unbidden:
The two of them. Five hours ago. After placing an Anti-Alohomora Charm on the door to the Prefects' bathroom. Charles laughed after some of the soapy water splashed into Max's eyes. The joke was on him though after Max leaned in to kiss him - an effective distraction - and then unloaded a handful of colourful bubbles right between Charles' parted lips. His Slytherin rival had sputtered, batting away the offending green soap bubbles (the colour really did match his eyes) and lunged at Max -
"Expecto Patronum!"
A silver lion burst forth from the tip of Max's wand and roared, drawing impressed gasps from their fellow fifth years. His Patronus then pounced across the length of the classroom to the sound of scattered applause.
"Well done!" praised Christian, who looked more than a little impressed, a rare admittance from their usually unbothered Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. "A fully corporeal Patronus is beyond even N.E.W.T. level. Twenty points to Gryffindor."
Max sauntered back to his seat, but not before shooting Charles a smug grin. Almost on cue, his Patronus made a beeline for Charles, circling twice around him before shaking its mane playfully in front of the Slytherin. Charles rolled his eyes but petted one of its giant paws - as much as one could pet a non-solid entity. The lion purred in response before making a final leap out the window and out of sight.
Charles shrugged, but his lips quivered to suppress a smile; the dimples gave him away. "Not as impressive as mine," he whispered.
The warmth from his breath lingered against Max's cheek.
Max cleared his throat, turning away to regain some composure. "My lion is bigger than your horse," he sniped back.
"It's a thestral, not a horse!" corrected Charles indignantly.
FYI @cupidskissx @alestire @strawberryfieldsandflowers and anyone else I have rambled to recently about Hogwarts Lestappen, Crucio is permissible in dire situations 🙃, but it's never morally appropriate to hog the Prefects' bathroom. I have standards, you know.
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Platonic Yandere! Voltron x Reader
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These are my first headcanons I’ve uploaded so they might be a little all over the place and unorganized💀💀 but anyways hope you guys enjoy?
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I don’t know if having all of them obsessed with you is a good thing or a bad thing
On one side, they’d be willing to do anything in order to protect you
But on the other, there’s literally no way you’re ever getting away from them, not with the defenders of the universe being your personal guard dogs
You had to have been friends with at LEAST one of them before finding the blue lion and I’m feeling Pidge was the first one to have been the starting catalyst
So once you’ve met everyone else, something just clicked in their brains
Your whole being was just so comforting and familiar for them that they didn’t even realize their feelings towards you becoming twisted
You wouldn’t be able to go anywhere by yourself
Feel like eating something? Good thing Hunk’s tagging along, maybe he’ll make you a tasty meal
Need to train in the training deck? Well, Keith feels like his fighting skills are getting a little rusty
Want to look over the star chart? Luckily Coran and Pidge are right there to help you understand some of the patterns
Want to get some rest in your room? Allura’s already suggesting you guys should have a slumber party in her room!
You won’t get any time to yourself, not with one of them breathing down your neck
There will always be one of them right next to you wherever you are
Like they’re clinginess is unreal💀 some will make their clingy needs obvious (LANCE, Hunk, Coran) while the others will be a bit more discreet about it (Shiro, Keith, Pidge)
I feel like Allura would be in between
But despite this, none of them are willing to take the risk of you roaming around outside the castle
You could try and run from them, maybe the aliens on the planets they visit will want to keep you for themselves, or the galra might show up and start attacking!
Because of that lingering fear, missions are usually done with you back in the safety of the castle with Coran and Allura (if she hasn’t begun piloting the lion yet)
They’re usually left on babysitting duties with you which they don’t honestly mind…
All of them would be SUPER overprotective of you to the absolute MAX, telling you the castle was the only place that could keep you safe
If they aren’t around that is
Being around them in the castle begins to feel more an obligation, and you feel more like a prisoner
Which is why you prefer Shiro out of all of them because he’s the only one who gives you some amount of freedom
Shiro understands what it’s like to be kept as a prisoner and understands just how restricting your situation is
He definitely tries to work out some negotiation with you
To make up for the others obsessive need to constantly be around you, he forces them to chill out and just let you be
Kind of like a schedule of some sort
With Shiro’s light supervision, you can finally take a moment for yourself without having to worry about the lingering eyes you’ve felt since leaving earth
Just don’t take advantage of Shiro’s kindness because the little privacy he’s given you can easily be taken away and you’d be back at stage one with the group hogging for your attention
Because this group is diverse in personalities, it can be extremely draining having to deal with them all on a daily basis
Lance and Keith fight for your attention, Lance being more loud and open about it
It’s like a tug of war situation with them, constantly having them bicker over who gets to hangout with you and fighting for that right
“Hey y/n, I say we make a break for it. You, me, we’ll make a great pair just saving the universe!”
“You really think they want to spend time with you?? I think y/n was on their way to the training deck right?”
It’s exhausting to say the least
Having Pidge run on and on about programs she’s working on can be draining and you often find yourself dozing off until she wakes you up, forcing you to listen to her rants and programs she’s currently working on again
(Definitely has some sort of tracker on you, everybody knows about it except you)
I feel like Hunk wouldn’t be as bad as the others but he does force you to cook with him in the kitchen, constantly wanting your inputs and needing compliments, not allowing you to leave until you’ve taste tested all of his new dishes
Manipulates you into staying with him by saying no one appreciates his cooking💀 makes you feel bad so you reluctantly stay in your seat
Allura and Coran…
They have never felt such intense feelings for a person before, so it really throws them off once they’ve developed their twisted version of affection for you
Their planet was destroyed and now that they finally found a home in you, they’re both willing to do anything in order to keep you in the safety of their arms
“Y/n just the person I was looking for! I need your help in running some tests for me”
“Ah y/n there you are! I was starting to get worried when I didn’t find you with the others,,”
Shiro plans on keeping and protecting the innocence he saw in you when you guys first met
Definitely gives overprotective dad vibes
He’ll be forceful with you if you try and do anything dangerous, like trying to go out on missions or even trying to escape them
I don’t think escaping is even possible tbh, they all kinda desperate ngl💔
Overall, this group is dead set on keeping you with them
It doesn’t really matter what you want because you don’t really understand the true dangers the universe can throw at you
They just want to keep you safe and happy
As long as you follow along with their rules and requests, living in the castle with this group won’t be as terrible as compared to you constantly fighting against them
That won’t be well received by either of them, especially Allura and Shiro
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microwavedmetal · 1 year
Chatfic AU where the party has their own discord server.
They have a Star Wars channel in which the boys can nerd out. Every so often, Will accidently repurpose it into a Han Solo stan channel
They also have a D&D rp channel. However, they must always remain in character. Whenever someone mistakes it for the General channel, they get this kind of response like "Cinema? Weekend? I, Lucas the Lion, have never heard of such a thing in my entire life. Leave at once if you are going to spew absurdities in our tavern!"
Dustin is a bot programmer. And he is pretty good at it too, but he doesn't always show it because he'd rather use his skills for evil. Meaning, he uses them for pranks and make them activate on trigger words. Think haiku bot, but eviler. Sometimes, Mike picks a fight with them in the Bot channel.
They have a Counting channel. Lucas is pretty invested in keeping the strike going, so Max obviously breaks it to mess with him
Mike creates a Art channel one day. Only Will was given image posting permission.
They have server roles. It's their D&D class.
Sometimes, Mike writes increasingly homoerotic ficlets in the Fandom channel (because they have a Star Wars channel AND a Fandom channel). Will is obsessed with them
They use the School channel to cheat help each other out with homework. El likes to ask the others for new ways to subtily piss off her English teacher through her essays (teach had it out for her since her first day). Will shows with his numerous questions just how hilariously bad he is at math. He hates the subject so much he based one of his most malicious spell runes off the trigonometry unit circle in a campaign.
They have a Pet channel. Will avoids it ever since Chester passed (he's still mourning). Dustin used to post about Mews daily until it swallowed and choked on the exotic amphibian specie he'd found and kept as a pet. This channel has remained dead ever since.
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deadallover · 2 months
I've been trying to connect a lot of loose ocs I have together into deans universe or the shock value verse. As I'm hoping to make a project with it if I can see it through lol.
I am going to yap now. Insane lore dump for dean and a few miscellaneous ocs, plans.
Last night I uploaded 36 old one off loose designs I'd doodled up over the last few years to my toyhouse (theyre currently all private unless I end up using them), so I could sort them into a world with the other shockverse, and work out which characters work well. Only rules are it's a mundane modern real life seeming world and all animals have to be real world animals (so my dragons, and snot are out), however in this world lots of secret magics are real, hence how dean became undead.
There's a cult to Cain, the goatlike demonic shadow of the sheep god character now named Abel I designed.
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Cain and his cult is who reanimated Dean. Ive decided Sid Silverman, Deans catfish agent and guardian has a tattoo on his chest for this cult of Cain, hes a member. When dean was fatally hit in his accident, he called satanic cult leader bird oc Father Damien, who summoned Cain himself to reanimate him and bring him fame and power in exchange for deans soul. So thats all connected nicely.
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Rhys (camel) is his best friend, roomate and somehow unaware of the zombism, Dean fights to keep that the case as rhys is a gossip. Rhys is a very sweet friendly guy, hes literally a light for dean and is always there to help dean out. Deans rival pop princess cowgirl Heather is also there, shes also gonna get a new character im bringing back, a raccoon called Dizzy, whos like a big bubbly party girl but actually sweet unlike heather. They're besties and hang around together and antagonise Dean, but they like Rhys. I also plan on designing a new girl character whos gonna be a hippy chick (im thinking literally a hen) when I get ideas for it, who follows dean around on tour.
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And I've got 2 old characters I'm bringing, a skunk who is now a paparazzi/cameraman named James, hes a total weirdo conspiracy nut. and a lion who is now a news anchor called Max Daily, definitelya fake name, he loves gossip, prying into peoples lives and spreading whatever fake news gets views.
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Ive never been a lore guy so i hope this is fine. I'm hoping to be able to connect stories and interactions with these characters now i have a more solidified world for them. A LOT of this is wip. But maybe one day I make a few funny lil comic pages? I've never been a good storyteller so please bare with me haha.
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Have you seen this childhood show: Miniforce (2014-2016), South Korea (Korean, English)
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Commentary/Context/Memories: I literally don’t expect anyone to know this even slightly, but I was OBSESSED with it. The owl character, Sammy, was my main back in the day.
[Mod A: From reading the description, I like how with Dinotrux (which was like Transformers for dinosaurs), this show was like Power Rangers for animals. They had Volt the yellow squirrel, Max the blue beaver, Sammy the red owl, and Lucy the pink fox who teams up together to become the Miniforce, whose goal was to keep things peaceful between humans and animals, and also to fight the supervillains. In their daily life, they are taken care of by a human named Suzy as pets. To fight evil, they change into the human shaped Force Bots (so maybe this is more similar to Voltron, except instead of humans and lion bots, it’s animals and human bots which is a pretty cool reversal!) and each has a specific weapon/power. Sounds like an interesting show, but I feel that I will truly know peace when the only girl in the group is in a colour other than pink haha]
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jamtoasties3316 · 10 months
So lion as a Alpha fucking and mating Max. At first Max would be so scared of lion because he is so big and he thinks the fia just made lion to replace him. But in reality they made him to breed max to have a new generation of racers that have a 100% racing genes. So they let lion fuck max pussy til he is loose and pregnant.
Max being so confused when Fia show him Lion. Lion is like him, but bigger, stronger, ans smelling of musky Alpha.
Fia wants them to breed no matter how much Max protests! They put Max in a breeding contraption, so he is perfectly angled for Lion to mount him. Lion fucks him nice and deep, makes sure to impregnate Max right away and bites and mates Max even though fia didn't want it!
Lion would be a doting mate to Max, care for him and make sure to fuck him daily, let Max be a pretty Omega wifey!
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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[Special Gacha] Platinum Gacha ~Sorey~ Duration: 1/9 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 1/22 (Mon) 15:59
Chance to get the new Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ Sorey and the previously released 5☆ Mikleo [Casino], Edna [Theater], Alisha [Swimsuit] and Rose [Wedding Dress].
The already-running awakening partner Mikleo can be used to awaken Sorey.
✶ This gacha features a Step Up gacha, where you pay a discounted rate to draw 10 characters and continuously raise your chances of pulling a 5☆. Steps will not be resetted even if you get a featured 5☆.
✶ You will also get rewards after a certain number of steps, and with the 20th you will be able to choose one of the featured characters (you need a total of 800 Asteria Stones to reach the 20th step.)
In this gacha will also reappear other Bond Awakening enabled 5☆ characters. The rates of this gacha’s featured characters will be higher than other 5☆.
For the event, the single daily pull will cost 3 Asteria Stones instead of 5.
There’s also the paid option to get a 5☆ character with a multi roll.
Sorey’s artes and skills details:
Wind 5☆ Sorey
Stats at LV80 HP: 24,100 | Power: 1,940 | Defense: 2,370
Mystic Arte: 獅子戦吼 Lion's Howl Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 85 | OL: 45 (high hit type)
Arte1 - 虎牙破斬 Tiger Blade Power: 200% (Target: Single) | Hits: 6 | Activation: 60%
Arte2 - 旋狼牙 Wolfwind Fang Power: 240% (Target: All) | Hits: 9 | Activation: 30%
Arte3 - 砕塵牙 Shatterfang Power: 360% (Target: Single) | Hits: 18 | Activation: 10%
Co-op skill: Physical Attack Short Boost 8 (attack type) Increases physical attack by 145%  for 90 seconds (wait time 06:00)
Wind 6☆ Sorey
Stats at LV80 HP: 27,500 | Power: 2,250 | Defense: 2,720
EX Skill: The wind party members' attack will be increased by 130% in the wind frames
Mystic Arte (OverLimit gauge at MAX): 獅子戦吼 Lion's Howl Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 85 | OL: 45 (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Heals the wind members by 30%
Mystic Arte (Awakened Mode OverLimit): 獅子戦吼 Lion's Howl Power: 300% (Target: Single) | Hits: 155 | OL: 80 (45+35) (high hit type) Bond Awakening Bonus: Target enemy defense -40% (activated turn)
Arte effects added by Bond Awakening:
Arte1 - 虎牙破斬 Tiger Blade Target enemy defense -15% (activated turn)
Arte2 - 旋狼牙 Wolfwind Fang All enemies' defense -20% (activated turn)
Arte3 - 砕塵牙 Shatterfang Target enemy defense -60% (activated turn)
(Co-op skill is the same as the 5☆)
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lamaison · 1 year
I played as much of the Dreamlight Valley update as I could this morning, so these are my thoughts!
(SPOILERS ahead)
The parks-inspired star path is the first one since Halloween to tempt me to get the premiere level. The items are so cute! I SCREAMED when I saw the Figment topiary item. I love Figment and it's beautiful.
Started off with the alien quest with Buzz, which is gathering scattered alien toys. This one basically says it's going to take multiple days and I found 6 out of 25 today. I don't mind because there's a lot to do in between and I can look for them as I do my dailies. I'm very curious as to where it's going though, because something that takes that long has to have a bigger thing at the end.
The Lion King realm was very fun! It had a couple different small areas which make it feel bigger and more involved. Pride Rock is pretty, and fits perfectly in the area I planned for it.
There are a lot of fun new craftable items that our pet companions can interact with, and as always new shop items (I didn't see any yet - my offerings today were underwhelming) and recipes. I look forward to the wiki people updating with those so I can see everything available.
There are also a couple other mini quests that we didn't know about triggered by finding things around the valley. So keep an eye out! And though they didn't mention a continuation of the main story it seems like we are getting smaller hints and revelations about it with all of these quests.
As part of one of the new quests we fix a sound system and Scrooge mentions it belonged to someone Goofy knew. ARE THEY HINTING AT MAX?! Please I would love it if they added Max to the game.
There are new bugs like butterflies and fireflies flying around, but I'm not sure if we'll eventually be able to catch them. The tool ring is complete but I guess they could always add to it.
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b737m · 1 year
Part 5: What do I think?
Although Boeing’s desire to make the 737 Max as competitive as possible as quickly as possible is understandable — especially in a duopoly marketplace like narrow-body jet planes. The industry that they are in cannot afford to put the desire for quick profit over safety. Thousands of people fly in Boeing and Airbus jets daily, and these people must be assured of their safety. Now, not all the blame is on Boeing, the pilots in Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines both made mistakes in handling the erroneous activation of MCAS. Some blame can be placed on the FAA, which was not as engaged as a regulatory body needs to be in the certification of a new plane. These issues appear at this point in the timeline to be rectified.
The FAA now has more oversight over aircraft manufacturers and the certification of new aircraft. It requires the disclosure of safety-critical information to the FAA, so that a system like MCAS cannot be concealed in the future. The legislation expanded the FAA's oversight and included whistleblower protections for the future. This legislation also includes other safety-related and oversight protections and requirements that will result in more scrutiny of new planes in the future. 
The issues at Lion Air and Ethiopian Air are less clear-cut. With the increased scrutiny of new aircraft, it's more likely that pilots will be trained on new planes before flying them. But the safety issues at Lion and Ethiopian Air run far deeper than can be accurately covered here, so we will leave it at with better training, pilots will be better able to respond to incidents. 
MCAS has been modified, it is no longer more powerful than a pilot could be. It takes data from both AoA sensors, and if they disagree, MCAS does not run instead, a warning is shown on the controls. MCAS can no longer repeatedly run as it did before, it will only run once, preventing the sine curve flight path that was seen with the crashed planes. 
There are a lot of points in the timeline we’ve discussed that Boeing could have done a better job, however, I’d like to focus on the way that Boeing handled their messaging in the aftermath of the Lion Air crash. 
I would suggest that Boeing fully release the information they have on MCAS along with training information on the 737 Max. With the training, they put out an update to the way that MCAS functions. They can require that pilots complete the training before being allowed to fly the Max again. Doing this voluntarily could go to build goodwill with the regulatory bodies — and anyone who may wish to sue or prosecute Boeing. Showing that they recognize that they made a mistake in how they initially rolled out the 737 Max. This alone should bring about a quicker end to the saga. If Boeing grounds the plane when the first report comes out about the potential future casualty rate of the 737 Max, and then trains pilots on MCAS and adjusts its functionality, Ethiopian Air ET302 may never crash. 
I believe this is a utilitarian approach to resolving this issue. While Boeing may face more severe punishments (Like fines or prosecutions), it may be able to salvage its reputation. Not least of which, the 157 people who died on Ethiopian Air ET302. This benefits society more and certainly allows for a less messy end to the 737 Max saga. Being forthcoming with this information allows Boeing to protect their reputation, it may even prevent the damning documents detailing inside conversations about safety and requests for training. 
Boeing doing nothing at this juncture leads us to the present where Boeing denied culpability and changes only came as a result of the Department of Justice investigation and congressional hearing. 
Should Boeing follow the first suggestion with the exception of altering MCAS, they may just be prolonging the time until the next 737 Max crash happens. This only serves to draw out the investigation process, and could end up being worse for Boeing, as questions then could be raised as to why Boeing did not alter the operation of MCAS when they created the trainings. 
Bailey, Mark, and Keven McAlester. Downfall: The Case Against Boeing, Netflix, 2022, https://www.netflix.com%2Ftitle%2F81272421&usg=AOvVaw3CSSsbMZpxvie5HD6N85Nq.
"Boeing - News Releases/Statements." Boeing, 22 Mar. 2021, https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?item=130336.
"Downfall: The Case Against Boeing." Netflix, 2020.
"FAA to reform new airplane safety approvals after 737 MAX crashes." Reuters, 19 Dec. 2020, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-congress/faa-to-reform-new-airplane-safety-approvals-after-737-max-crashes-idUSKBN29304N.
"U.S. authorities to assist in investigation of Ethiopian Airlines crash that killed 157." The Washington Post, 10 Mar. 2019, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/us-authorities-to-assist-in-investigation-of-ethiopian-airlines-crash-that-killed-157/2019/03/10/29b693ec-4349-11e9-8aab-95b8d80a1e4f_story.html.
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believemetheodore · 2 years
Northern Attitude pt. 4
Ted Lasso x Rebecca Welton
Divorce is hard. it doesn't matter if you're the one who got left, or you're the one doing the leaving. When an unexpected blizzard puts a dangerous twist in Ted's hiking adventures he's rescued by an axe-wielding, lumber-chopping, blonde angel. Oh, and there's only one bed.
Warnings: divorce mentions, mentions of Ted's dad, implied sex, let me know if you want me to add anything.
(Side note: this was supposed to be 3 chapters max. But now it's going to be 5. Apparently, I just have a lot of thoughts and feelings)
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In like a Lion, out like a lamb. The heavy winds and torrid icy weather fade quietly into a green spring. Rain becomes white noise beating against windows and rooftops. Ted wonders what the trees along the trails in the park must look like with their new leaves; how many new critters, and returning ducks must be enjoying the foliage and the defrosted lakes and rivers? 
He thinks about Rebecca daily. Hoping that she’s staying dry and warm as the new season’s downpours water the ground, and nature’s renewed life. 
Henry catches a cold in early April. A Saturday afternoon of splashing around in puddles and playing freeze-tag in the rain left him with sniffles and a chill. Ted makes soup from scratch, just like his mother used to make, and Henry seems content to watch movies on the couch in between bouts of sleep. The two of them end up missing the baseball game they were supposed to attend, but Ted couldn’t care less. 
“Can we watch it on the TV?” Henry asks. “Sure bud, so long as you think you’re going to be comfortable enough on the couch”. 
When his fever spikes, the boy curls up close to Ted’s side, his face buried against his chest. He can’t stand seeing Henry ill, but with his eyes shut, and his breathing slow and deep as he dreams, Ted remembers holding him when he was born. He recalls the promises he made to keep his little boy safe, to make sure he always feels loved.
There’s a guilt that creeps in; a sorry sort of feeling as he holds his son closer, guessing how much longer he’ll be able to take care of Henry in this way. Soon, he’ll be too tall to curl up next to him, too heavy for Ted to carry him up to his bed, too grown to want to seek out his comfort. 
He wonders if this might be the last time for all of those things. How many ‘last times’ have come and gone already, without either of them noticing? 
Ted doesn’t remember the last diaper he changed, or the last time he woke up at 3 am for an early morning feed. He struggles to recall the last time Henry asked to be picked up or the last time he needed a parent to give him a bath. 
His mother was always free with her affections; she still plants kisses on his cheeks and forehead when he goes to see her. His mom was always a hugger and never had a problem telling him she loved him. No matter how old he got, Ted was always her baby, as embarrassing as he found her adoration he understood it.
His dad talked a lot. There was never any mystery about Ted’s inherited loquacious nature. But, his father rarely shared his feelings. Ted can see now that while he never said anything, there was love in all his actions. 
Ted didn’t understand as a kid why his father asked him so many questions about his day. He couldn’t wrap his head around why his dad might care about what he learned at school, or what games he’d played with his friends after school. He never thought to care about why his dad was always the parent who volunteered to stay home when he was sick. 
He remembers being about Henry’s age, home sick from school, and feeling awful about his dad having to miss work. He worked so much and so often, Ted had always assumed he must’ve enjoyed his job, but when Ted cried as his father set down a plate of toast, and a glass of watered-down ginger ale for him he asked; “Why would I want to be anywhere else? You’re here?” 
Ted hadn’t had a good enough answer so he only shrugged. “Being your dad is the best job I could ever have,” he assured him before adding conspiratorially, “And between you and I, it’s nice getting to play hooky”. 
In memories of his father, Ted sees himself. So worried about being too much for others, never brave enough to actually wear his heart on his sleeve. He can hear the love his father gave him in his own laughter, and penchant for jokes. He feels his father’s fears when he looks at Henry, concerned that he’s failing to remember the tiniest of moments, perturbed by the prospect of missing the bigger moments too. 
. Ted knows he needs to do better in order to be better. He knows the best thing he can do is stop bottling everything up, he can’t take care of the people he loves if he doesn’t look after himself first. 
So, when his sleepless nights and restless days return, he books two weeks off of work, determined to return to the place he felt at peace, in the interest of collecting up the pieces of himself he’s allowed to fall by the wayside. 
He doesn’t know if Rebecca is still there, in her cabin in the woods, nor does it really matter. Every moment he had with her was more than enough if that’s all he gets. He’s made peace with that. This trip is for himself, he knows no one can fix him but himself. It wasn’t Michelle’s job, and it’s not Rebecca’s, but Ted knows that the days he spent hiking, and cozied up on Rebecca’s sofa made him want to be a finer version of himself. 
Beard had noticed in the day following his return to work his attempts to be kinder to himself, commenting on how it was about time Ted started taking some of his own advice. He felt more complete, somehow more whole, and far more centred than he had been in years, and he wants to feel that way again. 
The drive out of town is shadowed by thoughts of his father. Every dart game they played together, and the first one they never got to play together. His heart holds his rage, and his grief in equal measure. It feels an awful lot like fear when it claws its way out his throat, digging into his rib cage, and pressing on his lungs. 
He has to pull over. Choking on his own breaths.
Fathers and sons. They’ve written enough songs about it-- Ted wonders how many different forms the same type of guilt can take, and he can only hope he doesn’t pass it down to Henry. 
The park is unrecognizable from when Ted last wandered the trails. As he expected, the trees are all in bloom, bright green leaves leaving kaleidoscope shapes across the forest floor with the light shining above the canopies. The hills and valleys have become home to fresh bursts of tall grass, and sprawling plants. The chattering sounds of the birds and bugs prove to be a constant soundtrack for his hike up the first hill. 
His pack is lighter this trip, no heavy sweaters, or thermal pants to lug around. His knees and his back appreciate the lack of snow, each step he takes now feels half as heavy, and the same trek he took months ago takes half the time it did before. By noon, Ted passes the first cabin he stayed in previously. He stops to drink his water, and have a snack; stretching out his legs before resuming his journey. 
It’s raining now, but Ted doesn’t bother to stop to slip his raincoat on. The dirt turns to mud beneath his feet, and he only slows his pace to tread more carefully. He silently thanks the branches overhead for their natural umbrella, filtering the downpour into a drizzle for him. 
Rebecca’s cabin is harder to find now that the foliage is in it’s fullest state, but the puffs of chimney smoke serve as a beacon, leading his way off the gravel trails, and down the hill on beaten footpaths, carved out by repeated travel rather than official travel suggestions. 
When he climbs the steps up to the front porch, and knocks on the door, he gets no response. She isn’t home, and as the rain begins to fall harder in the small clearing he can only hope she’s dressed warmly, and keeping relatively dry. He settles on the top step, covered by the awning, watching the raindrops leave pockmarks on the softened ground. A chill runs up his spine as the wind blows and he hopes Rebecca will return soon. 
Ted knows what his mother would’ve told him about showing up at people’s homes unannounced, and a part of him feels dreadfully rude, but as the sun begins to set he finds his concern over Rebecca’s well-being is enough to override the fear of intrusion. 
He has no plans of making himself her guest again, he only wants to say thank you again, and visit the woman he’s decided to consider a friend. He’s packed his own food, and he knows where the guest cabins are. He’ll be off and on his way once she’s home. 
“Ted?” her voice shakes him from his drifting thoughts as she approaches, her slide of firewood trailing behind her. Her face is hidden by the hood of her black and white raincoat, but he grins at the sight of her baby pink rainboots. 
He’s down the steps without thinking, helping her load the wood into the shed next to the house. 
“What are you doing here?” She asks, slipping off her hood to get a better look at him. “The four seasons aren't just a cool band or a swanky hotel chain. I had winter all checked off. Thought it might be fun to collect the other three”.
“I can’t believe you came back,” she’s smiling, though there are tears in her eyes when she pulls him into a tight hug. He’s sure it’s more than just the joy of seeing him that’s got her tearing up. But, he doesn’t ask, he just holds her closer. 
“We should get inside before one of us catches a cold,” She states, pulling away, and nodding her head towards the door. 
The cabin is cozier than the last time he saw it if that’s even possible. The fire needs to be stoked, but still casts its shimmering orange light. He takes it in as they slip out of muddied boots, and drenched outer layers. 
She’s hung artwork on the walls, wildflowers, and butterflies in lifelike watercolour studies. The throw pillows, and blankets on the couch have changed too. Plusher fabrics, even more pastels, and fun colours liven up the space. But the brightest thing in the room, without a doubt, is her. 
Rebecca’s hair curls at odd, uneven angles, and sticks to her cheeks and forehead in its damp state. Her cheeks are pink from the wind and the cold spring rain, and she is an absolute vision. Prettier than he could’ve remembered her, and if the sparkle in her eye, and her Cheshire grin are anything to go by, she’s happy. 
“I’m sorry,” he tells her. “I usually don’t show up places without an invite--”. “It’s okay,” She cuts him off, “I’m glad you’re here”. 
“I didn’t come empty-handed though!” She watches silently, bemused, as he shuffles through his bag before digging out a plastic food container, with a small pink box inside. He hands it to her. 
“What is this?” “Take a peak,” he encourages, eyes wide and buzzing with excitement. 
Biscuits. He made her biscuits. It was the least he could do. 
She takes a bite, and he watches her enjoy herself. 
“Is there anything better than a food that makes you feel all warm and snuggly inside?” he wonders aloud. 
She shakes her head in response, setting the box down on her kitchen counter, 
“Mhmm?” She stands in front of him now, closer than she was before. Her hand brushes his elbow, moving up to rest on his chest between them. “I think you should kiss me”. “Great minds think alike,” it’s not difficult for him to agree; his left hand is warm against her wind-chilled skin when he leans in to kiss her.
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writeraven · 14 days
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“Jealousy is the fear of comparison.” — Max Frisch
TAGS: [ ravenael. » A Series of Unrelated Events ]
LINKS: [ Tumblr » Collection, Fandom | AO3 » Work, Collection, Series ]
FANDOM: Wizarding World » Harry Potter.
STATUS: Complete; 1 chapter (2 parts).
GENRES: Flash Fiction, Family, Slice of Life.
COUNT: 917 words.
SHIPS: Harry & James Sirius.
CAST: Harry Potter, James Sirius Potter, Ginny Weasley.
HOST: [FFnet] Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges.
CHALLENGE #1: [Theme] Jealousy.
CHALLENGE #2: [Blood Traitors] Potter-Weasley Family.
“James!” Ginny Potter was at her wit’s end, yelling for her stubborn son to get out of his room and come down for breakfast. With a frustrated sigh, she turned to her husband. “Harry, can you do something about him? I already have my hands full with two here.” She glanced down at the young Albus Severus Potter and the even younger Lily Luna Potter.
Laying down a copy of the Daily Prophet of the day on the dining table, Harry Potter finished his hot chocolate in one gulp and stood up, shaking his head at another one of James’s difficult tantrums. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
As he ascended the stairs, he wondered if it was a mistake to send James to a Muggle school. He had hoped it’d help Ginny to ease her load in taking care of three children at once; it also helped to separate James from Albus for a bit, for the former seemed to have taken a liking to bully his younger brother with pranks that greatly reminded Harry of the Weasley twins… and his own father, James Senior. He took up Hermione Weasley’s advice to give James an earlier school experience at a Muggle institution before going to Hogwarts, but he wasn’t sure if that had made the matter worse.
Unlocking James’s door with an Alohomora Charm, Harry was greeted by the usual chaotic mess in his eldest son’s room. He had to duck down as a book suddenly came flying towards him.
“Go away!” James screamed, throwing balls of parchments at his father. “Leave me alone!” Tears were flowing down the young boy’s cheeks, his brown eyes glowering at Harry. The latter was taken aback at the furious look—one that Harry would hate to see if he had accidentally stepped on one of Ginny’s many landmines on her bad day. The resemblance was uncanny.
“James,” Harry tried to calm his son down, clearing up the maelstrom of papers with a wave of his wand. “Did something happen—"
James cut him off with a sarcastic laugh. “Why do you care?” he snapped. “Nobody cares about me—Al and Lily are all you need! You throw me into a Muggle school so that you can spend more time with them, yeah?”
“James, listen to me—"
“Enough! I’m out of here!” With a roar of finality, James threw his red lion alarm clock at his father before storming out of the room. In the moment of distraction as Harry caught the clock with a hand, he couldn’t stop his son from stalking out the front door.
“James!” Ginny was equally shocked at how the situation had escalated as she rushed out of the kitchen to see what the din was about. “What is he thinking, leaving the house like this?”
Exhaling slowly, Harry raised a hand to stop Ginny from going after James. “I’ll take care of this,” he muttered, glancing down at the frightened younger children hiding behind their mother. “You stay here to keep an eye on them.”
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It wasn’t hard to find James. The young boy didn’t run far; he merely went to a deserted playground nearby, sitting on a swing alone. Harry approached slowly, careful not to alert the son of his presence. He only called out to James in a soft voice when he was in the other swing next to the boy. “I’m sorry that I didn’t notice it earlier.”
James still refused to look at his father. “…Isn’t it too late to apologize?”
“It’s never too late to apologize,” Harry replied in the same gentle tone. “It’s my fault for not understanding how you feel.” He paused, looking up at the clear sky. He had felt jealousy towards his cousin Dudley from time to time when he lived with the Dursleys in his childhood days; even if they were his distant relatives, Harry always felt an unbreakable wall between his magical background and the normal, Muggle life that the Dursleys had been adamant about upholding. They were fearful of the gossiping neighbors if anyone found out about Harry’s ‘mumbo jumbos,’ as his uncle, Vernon, had put it.
Of course, Harry knew that it wasn't the same as the blood bonds he shared with James. “I… don’t have siblings like you, and I was never close with my cousin. I won’t pretend that I can understand how you feel, but there are times I do feel like the world is unfair.” He let out a short laugh. “I do get jealous of others, too.”
James said nothing; though, he sneaked a glance at his father before looking away again.
As the awkward silence between the two dragged on, Harry cleared his throat to break the tension. “But what I really want to say is that I love you as much as I love Albus and Lily. You’re still my child as much as they are.”
James didn’t seem convinced. “…Really?”
“Empty words mean nothing.” James narrowed his eyes at his father, unwilling to give in so easily. “How will you prove that to me?”
Harry stared at his glaring son for a moment, then he smiled. “How about we just stay here and continue to talk like this for a while?”
That made James raised his eyebrows at his father. “What about Mom?”
“Oh? Do you want to go back home now?”
“No.” The annoyed look on James’s face finally cracked into his usual mischievous grin. “How about we run away from home a little longer—and further?”
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Inspiration for the last part of this story comes from the song “Apologize”, by Timbaland featuring OneRepublic.
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vuals · 3 months
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Joint Support Gummies : Promotes joint health and mobility in a tasty gummy.
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Mushroom Coffee Fusion - Lion’s Mane & Chaga: Coffee blended with brain-boosting Lion’s Mane and immune-supporting Chaga.
Mushroom Extract Complex: Immune and cognitive support from a diverse mushroom blend.
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head-post · 3 months
Boeing sales plummet after multiple scandals
Boeing sales continue to fall amid the Alaska Airlines disaster and other safety scandals. The beleaguered airline received just four new orders in May, and none for the 737 Max. That plane has been at the centre of several disasters, including a January Alaska Airlines flight when a door plug flew off in the plane minutes after takeoff, Daily Mail reports.
The same model was involved in two disasters four months apart that killed more than 300 people. The Lion Air crash in 2018 and the Ethiopian Airlines crash were both caused by the same sensor malfunction. Whistleblower allegations of safety failures, coupled with reports of falsified inspections, have only made Boeing’s situation worse.
By comparison, rival manufacturer Airbus recorded 27 orders in May. Boeing also had to contend with Aerolineas Argentinas cancelling its order, bringing its total sales last month to just three aircraft. This follows poor sales in April, when Boeing reported seven sales and no sales for its 737 Max.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Natalie Merchant - Carnival
She goes on to do a lot of movies was around for quite a while here in Stan get into it you can't figure it out it's such a big war all over the place and it becomes gross back against the max who are screaming blaspheme and all sorts of things and they're the ones singing the Warhammer and they're using inappropriate tones and terms even for our son yeah they're calling him the despondent one and Hera is a respondent I mean so you're just sitting there and they say it's actually better cuz he says what should I do pretty ships and preach the ships and said no it's fine and I have to sit here tell you get out of it all until you Harry Houdini's get out of it all and that's what he says and they can't understand it no they get it so it's quiet for a while and then start blabbing finally to say this we can't afford to be blabbing and they tried to stop and they can't and they're considered to be sick no this starts it all off and it is the beginning but really these things are pregnant what happens is that a lot of people online against them not just foreigners and some more luck but the pseudo empire the warlock minority more luck in all of the races of the realm and of course we do too and they start falling and people do better this is the maneuver and people are getting ready and our son was saying if you go on this mission you might not come back it's the heart of the beast the monster and he really said it's the heart of the Lion and people see it they know what he's saying and it says that we shouldn't say it and it's true
Thor Freya
Some have waited a long time to see my husband do what he used to do back then and he seen it today and Olympus helped and they ran a check they did it again and we're doing it now and start our place to say and we're going on to the next video and they might say it there
We're going to say it here. We're recruiting for this mission.
Bja Jenna
I'm going on the mission and you can't stop me no one can stop me
I'm going to the mission too and you can't stop me I'm going to wait for this for a long time they want to fight they're going to get one
I don't think it's funny Trump sitting on the information we're not going to let him we're going to go in there and we're going to do the job
Ken and I accept the mission from Mac Daddy
We're all going to accept it and we're waiting for the order we're going to get it together
Michael too
We're going ahead and putting a list together no that we are going to assign the mission and we need people to monitor other stuff we need armies so big ones and we need them globally so the mission is going to be global
Ben Arnold
We are watching this is a huge deal this is a big huge deal a friend here did not call it he said this is where I think they leave from and it's a mission and a lot of people will probably get hurt and he cannot call it for people to go in this mission and he says we know what Ravel our son is with and we know what he's into and what's going on and they worked with their counterparts that say the minority warlock and they got a commercial going here about the Toyota tundra and he says no it's a Tacoma and I was going to say that it's fun though cuz he may have done it and he loves that truck and it looks better than it did and it's white and people I suddenly seeing that it fence and the two videos together made sense it says there's a third I don't know what it is and they're probably going to tell me but all those who want to volunteer for this mission please do soa
Mac daddy
I'm requesting everybody who wants to volunteer for this mission to do so we're going to go down and organize manner we will have organization between our groups this is going to be intense I'm going to have fleets and they're promising support already and the foreigners are too wow
Tommy f is chiming in and promises support then we can get back to the daily grind if we want to and people say we might not once we see what it is good hey
Bja jenna
In a way our friend is going on the mission well nephew and it says no I'm not it's just my car maybe but we can't transfer the title until we get here good ideas it's an insurance issue but we do understand that together
We have a lot of Hope for this but this is a dangerous mission only those who are seasoned veterans should apply it but I'm requesting that anyone who feels like they should to do so we have tons of ancillary jobs globally and up the coast we wish you the best tonight and to all I am your queen unless Lori comes out and I would cede to her. She kept us together to thick and thin but he says that it was not to stick yet it just had started and they took her out of the way so she may have done a little better than me and we found a lot but I think that we need her and people say it too but mac daddy says she's a figurehead and she would have been attracting violence and the Max and it would have been a war I do hear that and I thank you all for listening
Queen Camilla Parker bowels
Would like to conclude by saying this is an excellent message we need to print Olympus thank you all for listening Hera Zeus we needed this with our jobs are coming up they're massive and these two are in a detachment that they can't physically see us and we need to head up the projects and they have the two parties plus us and Thor and Freya really it's Frank Castle hardcastle Duke nukem Blockbuster Thor Freya zigzag of the first two are heading it up there's a big list for his and I'm going to issue my list now
Nuada Arrianna
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