#matt does an off topic post
sturnsreckless · 17 days
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summary. . . cute things matt does in a relationship
warnings. . . mentions of slight insecurity
a/n. . . i was on the plane and thought of this so wrote it down in my notes app and im now writing it while waiting on my second plane and this song has been stuck in my head for weeks now. also i didn’t proof read this because i was rushing to get on my flight but i wanted to post it now
you finish your small skincare routine and put on your pyjamas before climbing into matt’s cozy bed, snuggling into the covers as you get tucked up under them.
matt follows right behind you, climbing into the warm bed. he immediately pulls you flush against him, wrapping his strong arms around your waist with his chest to your back.
you let out a content sigh as you feel his body relax into yours, you place your hands over his hand that is draped over your exposed stomach.
he nuzzles his head into your neck and lets out an equally content sound, his breath warm against your skin. his arms wrap even tighter around you, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“you just gotta be cuddling me, don’t ya?” you giggle out as you close your eyes, trying to fall into a deep sleep.
matt chuckles lightly against your shoulder, his breath sending a shiver down your spine. he pulls you even closer to him, his warm chest pressing firmly against your back.
“mhm you know it” he whispers out, leaving a kiss on your neck.
you had been talking matt’s ear off for the past hour about someone in your college — you didn’t even think about how bored matt must be, listening to you talking about the same topic for over an hour.
“then she said to me-“ you stop yourself as you check the time and realise how much you had spoke, you looked up at matt and saw he still had the same smile of adoration sitting on his face as he did an hour ago, “did i ramble on again…sorry” you awkwardly say, scratching the back of your neck.
matt chuckled softly at your comment, his eyes sparkling with love as he looked at you. he took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, his thumb rubbing circles against the back of your hand.
“don’t be sorry” he said with a warm smile, “i could listen to you talk for hours.”
a huge smile came onto your face at matt’s sweet compliment but insecurity quickly taking over you, “you sure… you sure i’m not talking your ears off? i know i yap on and on all the time… but you’re sure?” you ask with a hint of insecurity in your voice.
matt’s heart softened at the hint of insecurity in your voice. he gently pulled you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist as you laid on his shoulder in a comforting embrace.
“i’m absolutely sure.” he reassured you, his voice firm yet tender. “i love hearing about your day, about things you love, about anything and everything. it’s a part of who you are, and i love every bit of it.” he gave you a gentle squeeze before leaning forward to look into your eyes with complete sincerity.
he knows they’re your favourite and always makes sure to pick out the prettiest bunch. he gives you them before dates too, just so he can admire the way your face lights up when he gives you them.
at the moment, matt was out with nick and chris at a meeting. you were bored so you texted him just to see what he was up too.
| hey baby! where are youuuu? also see if you pass gas station on your way home could you pleaseee get me a blue slurpee????
you pressed send and waited for a reply. you weren’t expecting a reply straight away since he was at a meeting.
matt sees his phone light up with a text notification — once he saw it was from you, a smile lit up his face. the meeting he was just in was boring, your simple check-up made him feel better.
| heyyy we’re just leaving, don’t worry i’ll get you aslurpee. see you soon, i love you
matt sets his phone down in the cup holder after hitting send on his text. his attention goes back to the road as he turns in at 7-eleven to get you a slurpee and flowers.
he walks into the gas station and picks up a bunch of baby breaths and tulips for you, he then gets your blue slurpee, before he leaves he grabs a few bags of your favourite candies and paying, walking out the store and back to his car.
he hands the flowers over to chris and the bags of candies, sitting the slushie in the cup holder before driving off back home. he’s excited to get home and see the look on your face when he gives you the flowers.
he walks inside his bedroom, shutting the door with his foot as he has flowers and candy in one hand and the slurpee in the other, “hey baby, i’m back” he says walking to the desk and putting all the things he bought at the store down.
“oh my god… hey, you’re back” you say, putting down your phone and getting off his bed as you walk into his open arms.
he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. he can’t help but bury his face against your neck, leaving light kisses there.
you felt shivers down your spine as he left kisses on your skin, “how was your meeting?” you asked.
“boring” he mumbled against your neck, still peppering light kisses there, “i missed you” he added quietly, nuzzling closer.
you let out a small giggle but your heart swelled at his comment, “matt, baby, you saw me before you left this morning” you said pulling back from him.
“i know… also i got you a present.” he said walking back over to the desk and picking up the flowers and your slurpee.
your eyes light up as you see the bunch of flowers in his hand and the blue slushy, “matt..they’re beautiful. thank you so much, i love you” you say as he holds the flowers out for you with a smile.
you take hold of the flowers, you admire them with the cheesiest smile on your face.
matt loved buying you flowers, it was his favourite thing to do.
you and matt are sat on the sofa, a little space between you two. you were sitting with your knees up as your phone leaned against your thighs, your hoodie pulled up to your chin. you were scrolling on pinterest and adding photos to your boards, you were in your own little world until you heard matt let out a giggle.
you looked over at him as he looked over at you before talking, “look at this cute picture i took of you when you weren’t looking! it’s so cute, you’re adorable” matt gushed with a smile over his face as he turns his phone towards you to show you the photo.
you squint your eyes slightly to get a better look at the photo but when you get a full view of it, your face turns to a deadpan expression. you don’t see the cuteness matt was talking about, all you saw were flaws.
your messy hair, the unflattering angle, your glasses sitting lob sided on your nose, your bare face with no makeup, and the big pimple on your forehead.
“dude. be so for real, that photo is fucking horrible” you say leaning back to your original position but still looking at matt as he turns his phone back round and admiring the photo.
he playfully kicks your leg with his foot as he giggles, “hey! i thought you looked really cute in this picture, why’re you so negative?” he tilted his head, a curious look in his eyes.
you squinted your eyes and quirked an eyebrow at his reply but you felt butterflies in your stomach as he still complimented you, “no matt! look at my hair, it’s a mess, you can see my double chin, my glasses are lop sided, and look at that fat pimple on my forehead! and i have no makeup on. i actually feel disgusted looking at that right now”
he rolls his eyes, “okay fine, your hair isn’t perfect. your glasses are slightly lop sided, i didn’t even notice the pimple and you look amazing without makeup! why would you be so disgusted at the picture you? you look so cute in it.” he glances between the picture and your face, genuinely not understanding what’s so bad about it.
you jokingly roll your eyes at his obliviousness, “it’s ugly as shit, i just look bad. that’s why im disgusted.” you giggled out.
matt sighs. he doesn’t believe you for a second, “i’ve seriously never thought you looked bad! you’re so pretty, and this picture does not change it one bit” he grins and pokes your cheek and moves your glasses up your nose slightly, “it’s a cute picture and you’re a cute person. get over it”
you lean your head back on the back of the sofa with a smile on your face, “fine, i give up. you win.” you say leaning your head on his shoulder, he leans his head to the side and kiss your forehead.
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1pepsiboy · 5 months
Car video with Matt Sturniolo - Fluff! (request)
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Matt Sturniolo x reader!
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: swearing, a little kissing
A/N: This one got away from me and I had to reign it back in because it's not supposed to be smutty lmaooo But here it is!
It’s close to midnight as Matt parks the van in a random spot at the favorite lot. The two of you got fries, chicken nuggets with sweet n’ sour sauce (mostly for him), and a large milkshake to share. You plan to do a car video to post on his individual channel.
You have no idea what you were going to talk about. Matt had fans submit their own questions for you two to answer.
After setting up the camera, which included Matt going out to check it, you start recording and picking at the food.
Matt starts the video off. "Hey everyone, (y/n) and I are here. Uhm... basically we're going to do our own car video without Nick and Chris. We don't really have a topic, but you guys submitted questions on instagram. Babe, have anything to start us off?"
Now, he looks at you as you’re mid fry. You chew quickly as possible, wiping your hands on a napkin, as he giggles under his breath.
"Thanks for the warning," you remark with a laugh. "Uhm, not really... I'm just here for the vibes."
"For the vibes?" Matt crooks a brow and looks you up and down. Then he takes a nugget and dips in the sauce.
You roll your eyes. "Don't yuck my yum."
Matt stuffs the nugget in his mouth. "Okay, Chris."
All you do is flip him off and take a sip of the milkshake.
"Just ask the questions."
"Okay, okay." He laughs as he readjusts in his seat after grabbing his phone. It's quiet for a couple minutes while he gathers them. "Oh, let's start with this one. What's our favorite thing about each other?"
"Oh, quick disclaimer, sorry babe." Matt shoots you a nervous smile. "I will edit screenshots of the questions onto the screen so you can see who they're from. And uh.. if you'd like to get featured in videos, follow us on instagram to see the next time I ask for questions. I'll put the @s on the screen and in the description below."
You slowly chew on your straw after taking another sip, patiently waiting for him to be done. It's already been fifteen minutes and you are almost positive Matt forgot the extra battery pack. Granted, you could've asked Nick where it was and brought it; too late.
"Okay, what were you going to say?" Matt prompts.
You think about making another snarky remark in how it'd been so long since he asked the question that you don't remember it.
Tapping the straw on your pursed lips, you pretend to think. "Well... I have many favorite things so it's an unfair question."
Matt lightly rolls his eyes. "Look, I know you love everything about me, but what's your favorite?"
"Oh, everything?" You laugh. "You think so highly of yourself, don't you, Matty B? Let's go the different route then." You look directly into the camera. "Guys, this kid will not accept anything sort of unorganized or clean. Not for more than five minutes if he can help it."
Matt's jaw drops and he snatches the cup out of your hand. "Your least favorite thing is how organized I am?"
"Yeah, live a little! You won't die if there's like a wrapper or two on your desk, or if the toothbrush isn't in the holder."
"You are an absolute monster, (y/n)!" Matt cracks. He points between you and the camera. "Don't believe a single word she says. She leaves more than a wrapper or two, and her skincare is all over my bathroom counter after she does her morning routine."
You shrug. "I don't see a problem with that, and I don't think the fans will either."
"Guys, leave a comment if you're more like me or (y/n)." He barely scoffs under his breath, eating another fry. "You're lucky you have other amazing qualities that I overlook the messiness."
Now, you couldn't help blushing. “Such as?”
Matt shakes his head, a smile spreading on his lips. “You’re understanding about a lot going on, you know, like the channels, life, and stuff. So it’s easy to talk to you about it, like if I’m ever anxious or something.”
“Top fucking notch quality right there,” you say. “Anything else? I love the praise.”
“I thought this was reserved for in private, babe.”
Your eyes go wide and you almost spit out the fry you just put in your mouth. “Matthew! Stop!”
Matt giggles under his breath. “Sorry. Uhm… You can rock a men’s polo and make the best playlists for me… Obviously you have such a vibrant personality.” 
“That I do.” You nod in agreement. You reach out to brush back some of his hair, causing some pinkness to rouge on his cheeks. “I love how cautious you are about decisions, keeps me from letting impulsive thoughts win.”
“Which is a lot,” he shoots a look at the camera.
You can only roll your eyes in response. “Anyway… You’re the most caring person I know that will drop anything to help someone you love. The only time you won’t ask a lot of questions… Oh! You’re actually the best big spoon ever.”
He bites his bottom lip, failing to hold back a cheesy grin. “Really, babe?”
You close the space between you, and Matt instinctively rests his hand in the crook of your neck. You crawl over the center console onto his lap when you realize it wouldn’t be just a few kisses.
Time gets away and you sort of forget that you are filming. Your hands roam each other’s bodies over and under clothes. Both of you leave butterfly kisses on the other’s neck.
The lights in the van suddenly dim away.
“Shit. Fuck,” Matt says, his lips pink from yours and hair tousled more than usual. “I think the camera died.”
“And we technically only answered one question.” You bite your lip with a laugh. 
He laughs with you, running a hand through his hair. He lays back and looks you in the eyes. “I should’ve known not to start with that question.”
“Should we try doing this again on a different night?”
Matt sighs heavily. “Probably… It would suck to scrap all the footage though.”
A smirk rises on your lips as you move back to the passenger seat. “You want to include clips of us making out?”
“Obviously no.” He rolls his eyes. 
“Let’s just keep going then. Use my phone to record.”
Matt kisses the crook of your neck. “You’re the best, babe.”
You shoot him a look. “Be careful, Matthew.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He throws his hands up in defense. (He really wasn’t that sorry.)
*You can request others from this list or send me new ones!*
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st7rnioioss · 7 months
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ੈ‧₊˚ chris x fem!reader warnings: kissing, flirting, chris and reader being annoying, a lil suggestive towards the end. this is based off this request!
⋆˙⟡ —
Me and Chris were in the car waiting for Nick and Matt to start the car video for today's weeks. I was straddling Chris's lap in the passenger seat, my arms around his neck, his grabbing my hips. "Fuck, we might have to continue after filming-" Chris chuckled, but I was quick to cut him off with another heated kiss. Suddenly our door flew open, revealing Nick. He tilted his head to the side, raising his eyesbrows.
"Seriously? You made out in the kitchen, then went to the living room, and now used the car as an excuse to make out again?" Nick groaned, leaving the door open for me to leave. I was completely red. Nick was right. I slowly got off Chris with a shy smile, shutting the door behind me to get in the backseat behind Chris's seat. "Sorry.." Chris mumbled to Nick, fixing his messy hair in the rear-view mirror. I leaned in to wipe his face from my lipgloss, as well as mumbling a quiet 'sorry', causing him to smile extremely cheesily,
⋆˙⟡ —
"Guys, I got so mad at Y/n this morning because I realized she forgot to give me a goodnight kiss last night," Chris tried to say in a serious voice but instantly broke into laughter. My jaw was practically on the floor, playfully hitting Chris's shoulder. Me and Chris couldn't stop laughing, but Nick and Matt looked at us with unamused expressions.
"What! I gave you, like what, five?" I giggled in defense, raising my brows at Chris who was laughing hard.
"Yeah, no. Not enough," Chris laughed, attempting to take a sip of his Pepsi without spitting it out.
"Chris shut the fuck up, we don't care. She might as well kiss all your boo-boos," Nick rolled his eyes, turning to give me a quick apologetic smile.
"She already does,"
⋆˙⟡ —
My eyes were practically glued on Chris. He was eating something I didn't really pay attention to, looking at Matt as he talked about today's topic - which I also kind of forgot since Chris easily went off-topic and took me with him.
"You're staring at me," Chris giggled when he noticed, turning his head around the headrest on his seat. Matt instantly stopped talking, scoffing at Chris due to this being his millionth time being cut off tonight.
"Can't help it, you look nice," I smiled back, my cheeks turning a slight pink, both because Chris still found ways to make me nervous, but also in embarrassment, knowing this video would be on the internet. I looked at Nick beside me with a proud smile. He was staring at me with a blank expression.
"I might have to kick you guys out of this fucking car if you keep going like this, we can't have a twenty-minute video of your fucking back facing the camera!" Nick yelled at Chris in disbelief, throwing his hands up. ⋆˙⟡ —
"Oh, can I have some," I cooed, sticking my hand out above the armrest. Chris looked back at me, and just as he was about to give me a piece of his chocolate he stopped. "It's gotta cost you," He smiled shyly, keeping his gaze on mine, withdrawing his hand quickly before I snatched the chocolate from him. "Fuck you," I mumbled with a smile, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips. One of Chris's hands went to the back of my head to hold the kiss for a little longer, before pulling back to hand me the chocolate, both of us with beet red faces. I leaned forwards again to wipe Chris's lips from my lipgloss again. "You guys are fucking unreal. There's no way we're posting twenty minutes of you guys flirting and kissing." Matt groaned, crossing his arms and looking out his window.
"Shut up, tough guy. You're just jealous," Chris teased, his cheeks slightly red, poking Matt in his side as a way of attempting to tickle him. Or to take the attention away from his red face. "Chris, get the fuck off me!" Matt pushed his hands off him, earning a loud laugh from both me and Chris and a glance from him in the rear-view mirror.
Friday, the same week "Oh my fucking god," I chuckled, getting up from Chris's bed to walk to his desk. My For You on TikTok was absolutely bombarded with edits of us. I saved a few of them in secret before I showed them to him. He was mid-game in Fortnite, but a tap on his shoulder made him look up from the screen.
"What's up?" He asked, looking up at me from his gamer chair. I put my phone down on his table, scrolling as we both watched. "Chris, look at all these," I smiled excitedly, showing him the loads of edits on my For You page. I could've sworn his eyes lit up for a second, watching the stupid amount of edits.
The edits consisted of specific moments in the video. The kiss Chris basically blackmailed out of me, his near-infinite glances in the rear-view mirror, and just our bickering while Nick and Matt scoffed.
"Oh wow," Chris giggled, looking up at me with a smile. He took off his headset, grabbing me by my waist to throw me over his shoulder. "Chris, stop!" I laughed, hitting his back playfully as to say 'Let me go!' He didn't let go though, instead plopping me down on his bed to lean over me, one hand beside my head, the other grabbing my waist, planting a kiss to my forehead. "God, I love you so much," He smiled, pressing another few kisses to my face before finally closing the gap between our lips. He swiftly took my bottom lip between his teeth, making me gasp softly. Chris took that as an opportunity to slowly slide his tongue into my mouth, his hand on my waist sliding up my body to hold my head in place, grabbing my hair gently. "Shit, are you trying to kill me," I practically panted with a smile as I pulled back, yearning for air. I let out a few heavy breaths, running my thumb across Chris's cheek. He looked down at me in awe. "I love you more by the way," I chuckled, pressing a kiss to his nose, running a hand through his headset-messy hair.
"No way! That's impossible," Chris smiled before he left kisses from my cheek to my jawline, corner of my mouth, neck, behind my ear, tugging at my shirt to reach my collarbone.
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a/n: i hope this lived up to your expectations LMAO. so sorry i havent been posting much, i've never had this little motivation ever
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lilies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @luv4lanadelrey @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @kailaniihttps @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 let me know if you'd like to be added!
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© st7rnioioss. all rights served. please do not repost, copy or steal any work of mine without giving credits and asking for permission first.
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chrissv4mp · 3 months
chap 3 , come visit me in jail — | — ...back — | — next...
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summary: the morning after you and chris bond, he just seems to fall deeper in love with you and your amazing personality. he falls so deep that when he sees a negative comment on your recent instagram post, he feels he has no choice but to do something about it.
pairing: stalker!chris × singer!reader
warnings + topics: cursing, stalking, weapons, murder, blood, obsessive behavior, breaking & entering, crying, chris is crazy, choking, drowning, etc. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS.
author's note: here's where it starts to get intense.....👀
author's note 2: series title mention in this one has me floating🗣🗣
word count: 6.6k
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"bet i could change your life."
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liked by nicolassturniolo, oliviarodrigo and others
y/nwhosthat you're never gonna believe it
view all 678 comments
mysteriousman no tag in the first photo i see....
-> y/nwhosthat didn't even know there were tags on this app??
-> y/nsonlylove says the girl who uses them in every single one of her posts🙁 u got them searching for answers now
hearts4chrissy i know my man's hands when i see them chris honey come home💔
latinosfory/n they are reaching omg😭
matthew.sturniolo all these rumors and im still focused on the frank ocean lyrics🤷‍♂️
-> y/nwhosthat everyone should be focused on his inspiring lyrics
-> wishingherwell MATT???
theyenvy.michael ugly ass girl tf get off this app👎
chris feels a sudden anger wash over him as he reads the most recent comment on y/n's post, and his hand wraps even tighter around his phone before he clicks on the guy's profile.
he's 20, and he's also in boston. chris scrolls down, cringing at his weird objectifying comment in his bio, "ho's are only useful in the kitchen, i stand by my statement🤷‍♂️"
fucking douchebag, chris thinks as he scrolls down on his page. he clicks on michael's recent post and is met with a mirror picture of the boy in his messy bedroom. there's posters of half-naked girls and polaroids of him and his friends on the white walls behind him.
he scrolls left, and there's a video. chris doesn't even need to watch it because when he sees the first frame, he already knows he might lose it. the first frame shows off michaels blurry foot only inches away from a small puppy on the side of the road. the brunette feels sick already. how many red flags did this guy have?
another scroll and chris finds himself looking at a blurred picture of michael and his friend hugging. only one normal photo in this entire dump. chris doesn't even want to scroll down further on his page.
as he turns off his phone and throws it to the side, his free hand clenches into a fist. chris has never felt this angry before, and just the thought of michaels comment makes him even angrier.
before getting up, he grabs his phone. he runs up the stairs, heading straight for nicks room as he barges in. he stands at the doorway and watches as his brother jumps in shock.
his hair is still messy, not having time to do it before chris came in, "chris, what the fuck!"
"oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack. fuck you," the older boy grumbles before walking over to his bed and sitting at the edge, "what'd you need?"
nick's tone is softer now, and he pats the side of his bed in a motion for chris to come over and sit. chris does just that, taking a few deep breaths before he throws himself back against his brothers bed.
"i don't know. i wanted to ask if you've ever felt so angry that you just wanna destroy everything around you." chris sighs, propping himself up on his elbows to look at the dark-haired boy beside him.
he just laughs softly, nodding, "yeah, almost always. why, what's going on?" there's a subtle look of concern on his face, and chris frowns.
chris shrugs, eyes trailing off to look at the wall across from him, "i was... reading comments, and i saw one that infuriated me like nothing did before. and, nick, i know you've told me not to let 'em get to me, but..." he takes his lower lip between his teeth, "this time it was on a loved-ones post, and i can't control it anymore."
nick frowns, his concern rising as his eyes meet his brothers, "okay. just talk to me, i don't want you doing anything... bad this time. remember what matt and i have told you to do when you feel that way. take deep breaths, yeah?"
chris' eyes widen at his brother's first words, his chest feeling tighter as he suddenly finds it harder to breathe. his mind wanders back to that night.
"hey!" a man's voice is heard from behind chris and his brothers, and the younger boy is the first to turn. he recognizes that voice, and it only ticks him off further.
chris waves his hand, a small gesture that even makes him cringe. why was he wasting his energy on this dick? the guy doesn't wave back, only scoffing as he stomps in chris' direction.
"what's up?" there's a faux look of happiness on the brunettes face as he steps forward, now right in front of the much taller guy, "c'mon, talk that shit you were spitting all over madi's posts, you weren't scared when you posted it."
the brown-eyed man laughs, tilting his head as he squints his eyes at chris, "i'm not scared now, either. the fuck? i said she was a dumb bitch who can't even—"
chris doesn't even let him finish, his head filling with so many thoughts he couldn't even comprehend. his entire body felt hot, like he was on fire. the one thought that was screaming out to him finally pushed it's way in front, kill him.
he lands the first hit on the guys cheek, and it's not soft. he doesn't stop either, his free hand coming up to punch the man in the stomach. his motions are quick, and he doesn't give the man time to think before punching him right in the nose.
the blond stumbles back, coughing as his nose leaks red down to his lip. his head turns back up, looking right as chris before he stomps up to him and swings right at his face.
nick gasps as he watches chris fall to the ground, his lip and nose already bleeding red. matt comes up to the guy, standing between his brother and the infuriated man in front of him, "hey, hey, let's calm down, yeah? this was a misunderstanding."
"misunderstanding? no, i don't think it is. i know what i said, and i'm not gonna take it back. who even are you, you look like a fuckin' mamas boy."
matt inhales sharply, looking back up at the man before he begins to speak again, "listen, we don't want this to get any more violent than it's already become. let's just talk about it?"
the taller man laughs, wiping his bloodied nose with the back of his hand as he looks down at matt, "nah, you're little boyfriend over there can speak for himself. wait, he can't, can he? pussy ass bitch."
chris groans as he stands to his feet, nick hurrying to grab him before he does anything worse and possibly get sent to the hospital.
matt only sighs, his skin starting to crawl slightly at the man's words, "we're not doing this, sir. my brother didn't mean anything, and we're sorry, okay? let's just leave it at that."
he feels himself get pushed back, and only then does he look up at the brown-eyed boy.
"matt, let's go." nick calls from behind him, eyes moving to the beaten-up guy in front of his two brothers, "we're leaving, it's over now!" he yells to the guy, dragging chris by his shoulders in the opposite direction.
chris struggles against his older brothers grip, and when he digs his nails into nicks skin, he finally lets go. matt is pushed out of the way as chris lunges toward the man.
his hands go for his neck, squeezing tightly as they both stumble to the ground. chris' fall is shielded by the body under him, but the older man's fall isn't. chris doesn't hear the crack as they fall to the floor, his head pounding so loudly he can barely even hear his brothers screaming at him to stop.
but he doesn't, tears brimming in his eyes as he remembers the look on his best friends face as she showed him. chris never wanted madi to feel that way ever again, and he was gonna make sure she never did.
"chris, get the fuck off of him!" matt almost screams, his voice low as to not alert anybody around the area.
nick stands there in shock, the empty parking lot now feeling much bigger than it was. he felt like if he ran he would never be able to escape.
chris sobs as matt drags his weak body off the unconscious guy, holding his brother in his arms as they fall to the floor softly. matts grip is tight on his younger brothers waist as he holds him close, his eyes wide in fear as he watches blood pool around the blonds head.
"fuck. i'm sorry, matt," chris doesn't know what else to say, he doesn't even know why he's apologizing to his brother, "'m sorry, i—i didn't mean to.."
matt drowns out the sound of nick gagging behind him as he tries to reassure the brunette in his arms, shushing his softly as he looks around for any passerby who maybe saw what happened.
nick is hunched over, his back facing both of his brothers as he throws up. this wasn't the type of night he was expecting, and it sure as hell was the one he's experienced, "oh my god, chris."
"did you fucking kill him..?" nick gags again at the thought, not even being able to turn around to look at the body.
"chris." the brunette jumps at the sudden voice, his eyes snapping towards his brother as he finally comes back to reality, "were you listening? i said that—"
"yeah, yeah. i was... listening." chris smiles sweetly before jumping off the bed and going to leave, "thanks, nick. seriously."
the taller boy smiles, and chris gives him an awkward wave before closing the door and making his way down the stairs.
his fingers run across the handrail as he descends down the stairs, the smooth texture soothing him in the slightest but then being taken away as he turns the corner to the kitchen.
eating would get his mind off things. plus, he hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday, going straight to bed after he got home from y/ns house. he felt like he had the world in his hands and he didn't want anybody to ruin that, so he just slept.
sleeping always made him feel better, more energized, and somehow even happier. but when he woke up and had to face the real world, he just felt weaker, smaller. he felt like all eyes were on him and everybody around him was judging him.
as chris reaches for a cabinet, his phone buzzes in his back pocket. great, just what he needed. grabbing it, he unlocks it with his face and then swipes down for his notifications. his face lights up, and his lips curve into a smile as he sees y/ns username at the top.
he quickly taps on the text, holding the device with both hands as he leans against the corner of the counter, now too focused on his phone to even remember what he came in here to do.
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chris' demeanor changes quickly at the new information that michael is y/ns ex-boyfriend. he hasn't let her go, and that was gonna be a huge obstacle in his plan.
he'd need to get rid of him, and he'd need to do it quickly. they always sooner than later, right? it's better to get the job done first than to set it aside and maybe even forget about the task.
chris also wasn't interested in seeing michaels comments on y/ns posts any longer. sure, this was the first time he's seen them, but the boy definitely wasn't gonna stop and chris never wanted to see that fucking profile picture again.
so, that's how he found himself running down the second flight of stairs and down the hallway to his room. he knew what he needed, he thought about this entire thing before he'd even met michael. he was planning on using this for jamie, but then he wouldn't be able to hear your beautiful voice for way longer.
michael was the perfect victim as well. he wasn't well known, and he sure as hell wasn't a likable person, so who would miss him or even notice his sudden disappearance? fuck, even chris wouldn't and he was gonna be the one doing the job.
the door to his room swung open, and chris immediately headed for his walk-in closet, shutting the door as to make sure no one would see him. he couldn't have his brothers knowing, they'd probably put him in a mental institution this time.
chris turned around, back facing the door as he moved his shirts, spreading them apart to reveal the small shelf behind the clothing articles. there was another black box, but this time it was wooden and a little bigger than the one he kept for y/n.
he wasn't careful when opening the box, throwing the lid behind him and hearing the small thud as it landed on the carpet. he reached into the box, pulling out a safety pin to unlock the doors. the last thing he pulled out was a lengthy knife, the handle fitting perfectly in his grip.
chris didn't know anything about actual murderers, but he definitely got a good knife to do the job. maybe he wouldn't even have to use it, he didn't really want to, either. he wanted his hands around that boys neck while he begged for chris to take mercy on him.
he wanted to see tears brimming in his eyes as the life was being squeezed out of him, slowly. chris knew that he wanted michael to have a slow death, a painful one, and suffocating was definitely up on his list.
before rearranging his closet again, chris placed the lid back on and grabbed his items. he took his backpack as well, storing the 2 small items in there along with some binders to cover them up. he was sure someone would recognize him out here, and he wasn't gonna risk anything.
he slipped on a dark grey hoodie along with a black jacket, finishing off the outfit with some black jeans and a pair of black air forces. it was a sketchy outfit, but who cared? chris was breaking into someone's house. he didn't need to be stylish right now.
all that was on his mind was michael and the many options of how he could do this. chris paced back and forth in the empty space of his room, rubbing his temples in an effort to soothe the growing headache that he was facing. his mind was screaming with every possible thought imaginable, some of them telling him to back out and others telling him to man up and stop being a pussy.
chris would hold off a little longer, though. it was still bright out and he wasn't gonna do this in the daylight, he wasn't that uneducated in things like this. he'd watched some serial killer documentaries, so he'd say he knew... stuff.
it was 2:55 when he stopped thinking about the entire thing, his head going elsewhere as hunger overcame him. now he remembered what he was in the kitchen for earlier, a snack.
as chris walks up the stairs, he sees matt leaning against the kitchen counter on his phone. there's a smirk on his face as he chuckles softly at whatever he was watching.
the microwave is on, the buzz being the only sound other than matts quiet breathing and chris' footsteps entering the kitchen. he's still dressed in his black outfit, and matt puts his phone to the side just to look his brother up and down.
"are you on your way to a funeral or..?" matt questioned with a smile on his face, cocking an eyebrow at chris as he finally stepped foot into the kitchen. the first thing he did was grab a pepsi, setting it on the dining table before leaning down to open the freezer.
"no, just decided to wear whatever i first saw. i'm going out with sam tonight, so i probably won't be back until late." chris hums as he pulls out a mini pizza before walking over to where matt is standing.
matt moves over slightly, looking up to check the timer on the microwave only to see it's been just a few seconds. he groans as his head turns back to chris, watching as he takes the frozen pizza out of the box and sets it on a metal pan.
he preheats the oven and then lets the pizza sit on the stove as he goes over to sit at the table. matt joins him soon after, deciding to chat with his brother to pass the time.
"where are you goin'?" the older brunette asks, picking at the hang nails that stood out on his fingers. he winced as he pulled one off, shaking his hand by his side in an effort to stop the pain.
chris looks over at his brother, emotion unreadable as he stares at his brother with nothing behind his eyes, "oh. we're gonna.. meet up with this guy. he says he's got somethin' to show us."
matt nods, confusion washing over him as he sees chris' dilated pupils. it couldn't be the lighting, they just replaced the bulbs and it wasn't even dark yet. what was he thinking about?
"cool...? just be safe, i don't want anything bad happening to you." matt huffs, patting his brothers shoulder before getting up to check on his food.
chris turns in his seat, watching as matt stops the microwave and takes out his bowl of ramen, "i'm always safe, don't worry about me, matt. we're the same age, and you treat me like a baby."
matt raises both of his eyebrows in an exasperated manner, grabbing a fork out of a cabinet as he blows on the steaming bowl, "yeah, i wonder why."
chris laughs, "fuck off, matt." his brother chuckles as he walks past chris and back up the stairs to his room, leaving chris alone with his thoughts. again.
the brunette made a quiet beat on the table, tapping it and nodding his head as he recreated the beat to one of his favorite songs. once the oven beeped, chris got up and placed the metal tray into the oven and set a timer.
chris went to sit back down, stopping when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket again. this time, it wasn't a text from y/n, but a dm from her ex. michael.
theyenvy.michael — the fuck is you trying to steal my girl for?
you — im not? y/n is just my friend, kid. also aren't u her ex? ong ur trying too hard
theyenvy.michael — nah, she's my bitch fr. stay tf away from her, aight?
you — right. bcuz she's totally okay with u calling her a bitch. get tf off my dick....
you — she fr dodged a bullet when breaking up w you. ur profile is not it.
theyenvy.michael — ur not bouta dodge my bullet👎 watch out bro
chris scoffed, cracking open the lid of his pepsi as he took a sip. who did this kid think he was? chris wasn't scared of him. if anything, michael should be afraid. he should be terrified of what's about to happen tonight.
but he's not gonna be because he's not gonna know. chris loved taking people by surprise, jumping out at the perfect moment, and having a good laugh about it. only tonight, chris would be the only one laughing. chris would be the only one still alive to laugh.
the brunette glanced at the time again, 3:20. he didn't want to wait but he had to, nobody could see him. if anybody did, he would be the main suspect in the murder. chris couldn't even have a single thing that would point at him. chris couldn't even have y/—
"chris!" nick's voice breaks chris out of his trance, his head snapping towards the staircase that nick basically flies down, "oh my gosh, you're never gonna believe me!"
the brunettes eyes widen in terror, his mind racing with endless ideas as he looks to his brother for answers, the same expression on his face, "what? nick, what happened?!"
nick squealed, gripping onto chris' shoulders as he shook him violently, "there's a track on y/ns new album featuring melanie!"
chris' face drops, and he almost shoves his brother to the floor as he stands to his feet, "you are by far the worst person to announce news ever." he scowls, turning around to check on his mini pizza.
"come on, it's huge news! i seriously didn't know that y/n and melanie knew each other and oh my gosh! the song title just makes me even more excited—" nick trails off as he stares at chris, who is taking the metal tray out of the oven and placing it on the stove.
"and you're not listening." nick frowns, and chris parts his lips to speak.
"oh, no, i am. i just don't find this topic interesting, seeing as you're the only person in this house who cares about melanie martinez." chris shrugs, and nick raises an eyebrow at the boy as he leans against the dining table.
"what's up your your ass? you were just all happy-go-lucky, and now you're acting like a dick. did someone say something or...?" nick asks, head tilting in confusion as he watches chris transfer his pizza to a paper plate.
the younger brunette sighs, letting his shoulders relax as he shuts his eyes softly, "sorry. i'm just stressed, there's a bunch of things on my mind right now."
"like what?" nick pushes quietly, taking chris' previous seat the table.
chris stays silent, eyes opening again as he holds his breath. once his face begins to turn red, he speaks, "uh, work. social media, stuff like that."
nick sighs, nodding, "we can always take a break, you know?"
a break, seriously? chris thinks to himself. how could chris ever catch a break and let himself relax while all this was happening around him? he had to keep y/n safe, he had to get rid of anything and anyone who bothered her, and he had to film videos with his brothers. he just couldn't find time to let himself rest.
"i can't." he finally mutters, staring down at the marble counter as his fingers tap against it. he hears nick get up behind him.
then, he feels a hand on his shoulder, "you can, chris. just take things slow, focus on yourself for a little while. i promise you'll feel better." his voice is soft, calming, reassuring.
but chris doesn't know if he can trust that little change of tone. it wasn't that easy to just let everything go, not for him at least.
he couldn't even let a simple comment go past him. chris just always needed to do something about it and he hated it. he hated that he was like this. why was he like this?
chris didn't even know he crying until nick started to pat his back, muttering, "it's okay, i got you. let it out."
what was happening to him?
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liked by ysbtril, matthew.sturniolo and others
christophersturniolo impulse
view all 238 comments
matthew.sturniolo kids off his meds
-> christophersturniolo kid is alive
y/nwhosthat u said u were going to sleep, ur really breaking my heart christopher💔
*liked by creator*
-> trevssturn these secret relationship rumors are starting to become a lil believable...
-> matthewslovee babe the rumors are based off one post😭 let's settle down
nicolassturniolo oh brother what's he on about now
-> christophersturniolo shhh im plotting👀
xx4mygf notice how the only comment he hasn't replied to is y/ns
theyenvy.michael im ong coming for you lil boy
-> christophersturniolo stop meat riding bru
8:45, chris stood on the sidewalk across from michaels house. he turned his head down, looking at the picture he had screenshotted of a car, michaels car in his driveway.
he found it when scrolling deeper, almost throwing up at all the horrific things he found on the page. he was surprised nobody had reported him yet, he was sick. michael had also been stupid enough to take a picture of himself right in front of the 4 numbers on his house.
as for the street, well chris didn't need to search much for that either. again, michael led him right to it, posting a video of himself walking down the sidewalk with his friends as they laughed about something stupid.
chris was waiting here for a few minutes, pacing up and down the sidewalk so as not to seem suspicious and get caught by michaels neighbors. he didn't want to get asked any questions today, especially not when he was right in front of his first victims house.
as he started to get impatient, chris looked around before running across the street and quickly jumping the fence. he landed on his feet perfectly and quietly snuck to the back door of the house, looking around the house through the sliding glass door.
sliding his backpack off his shoulders, he kneeled in front of the lock, grabbing the safety pin before sticking it into the key-hole and twisting it around. he took his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration as he continued to try and pick at the lock, smiling when he heard the click.
as he stood up, throwing the safety pin somewhere behind him in the grass and throwing his backpack on his shoulders again, he slid the door open carefully. he listened to the soft sounds of the neighborhood, trying to pick up any sound of talking or footsteps coming closer.
when he didn't, he threw the door open and stepped in before shutting the door again. his fingertips slid across the dusty frame of the door carelessly before he shut it again and traveled deeper into the house.
his eyes landed on the freezer first before roaming all around the kitchen. it was trashed, like nobody had lived here in ages and rats had taken over, but there were none, only open chip bags and splatters of unknown sauce. crumbs adorned the floor, crunching under chris' feet as he took steps toward the fridge.
what's the harm in getting a little snack? he was hungry due to walking here all the way from his house, and michael wouldn't mind. he would he gone, so who would care?
chris grabbed an orange popsicle from the freezer before closing it and making his way to the living room. he took a seat at the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table as he licked at the frozen treat.
when the brunette had finished it, he threw the damp stick into the garbage by the entertainment center before walking to the window at the front of the house. he kneeled in front of his, elbows resting on the windowsill as he waited for michael.
as he waited, his backpack suddenly felt heavier on his shoulders, the feeling of guilt and regret starting to wear on him. was he seriously gonna do this? it wasn't like he didn't want to. it was just that... he didn't even know, honestly.
he knew he was doing it for him and y/ns relationship, so they could live happily with no distractions or obstacles. but, then again, they would still have to face arguments, the publics opinion, and the many rumors that would start to spread. that's why, when chris finally gets you, you'll both flee the city and live somewhere together. alone where nobody could find you guys.
sure, chris would have to explain why, but it didn't matter. if you really loved him, you wouldn't care the things he's done to get there. or maybe you will. maybe you'll hate him and turn him into the cops. if that's the case, then chris might just have to get rid of—
"hey!" chris jumped at the muffled sound of a mans voice, and he turned his head to look in the direction of it, "come on, oscar."
it was michael, tugging roughly on the leash of his dog so as to get him to follow michael. the dog did follow him, his head hung low as his paws patted the concrete below them with quiet thuds.
chris just wanted to rush him right now, but he couldn't. he had to wait until he was inside, catch him off guard in the safety of his own home where he thought everything was normal. he would take care of the dog later in a... better way than what he'd do with his owner.
he jumped back as he heard the brown-eyed boys' footsteps, leaving the windowsill as he made his way further into the house. he hid in a closet down the hallway, shutting the door with a quiet thud as he stayed as still as he possibly could.
the door opened, and chris heard the click of the leash being undone, followed by the footsteps of both michael and oscar. chris watched through the blinds of the closet as michael put his dog into the metal kennel before shrugging his own backpack off and placing it on top of the kennel.
he walked down the hallway, and chris swore he felt michaels eyes staring right into his. he shuddered at the feeling, tensing up when michael neared and round the corner to his room.
chris heard a door open, and then rummaging. the brunette quickly jumped out of the closet and turned the corner, walking into michaels room and seeing his back turned as he faced his own closet. chris' eyes flickered between his bathroom and michael before he stepped closer.
when michael began to turn, chris threw his backpack off and grabbed the black-haired boy by the hood of his jacket, tugging him backward and hearing him gag.
"what the f—" chris quickly shut him up by throwing him against his wall harshly, hearing michael gasp as the wind was knocked out of him.
his eyes widened as chris stomped toward him, his hands going straight for the neck as he began to squeeze. the brunette felt another cold pair of hands on his as he stared michael in the eyes, his brown ones wide and filled with terror as he recognized chris.
chris' just stared, a smile creeping onto his face as he pressed michael harder against the wall. the shorter boy strained against him, choked noises falling from his lips with the little air he had.
"help—" a strangled cry left him, eyes brimming with tears as his vision became blurry. chris noticed, and he almost felt guilty. almost, "plea—sorry! i.."
this wasn't enough for chris. sure, michael would die in his hands, slowly and painfully, but chris wanted him to really feel it. when michaels eyes started to flutter shut, chris let go of him, letting the boy stumble to the ground.
the brown-eyed boy gasped for air, grasping his neck softly and rubbing the area where chris had squeezed. there was anger slowly creeping into him, the fear now long gone as his eyes darted around the messy room.
michael began to crawl, and chris let him. the brunette didn't let the boy go far, grabbing him by the hair and dragging him toward the hallway. michael kicked his feet, grunting but not even trying to yell. he was still confident he could win the fight, and chris gave him credit for that.
"let me go you fuckin' freak!" he struggled, and chris just ignored him as he continued to drag him down the hallway and to the bathroom, "bark, you useless piece of shit!" michael yelled at his dog, and oscar only looked at him sadly.
chris kicked the boy in the back, making him cry out before throwing him further into the small bathroom. the brunette shut the door, locking it before turning around to grab michael again.
he grabbed him by his hair again before throwing him against the wall just for the fun of it, smiling as he saw the hurt look on the shorter boys face. chris stepped further into the bathroom, leaning over the tub as he went to turn the water on. he reached his hand in, plugging the drain and watching as the water began to fill up.
michaels eyes widened in terror, his hopes going down as he watched chris turn back to him. more tears fell from his eyes as his body began to tremble. he felt pain everywhere, and he couldn't even move an inch without feeling a sharp sting. chris squatted in front of the boy, tilting his head as his hoodie fell off his head.
"where did that tough boy on the internet go, huh? or are you seriously just a poser." chris scoffed, taunting the boy with a sadistic smile on his face. when michael didn't answer, chris began to yell, "answer me!"
michael winced, sniffling as he listened to the water in the tub, "i don't have to answer to you, asshole. you're not gonna fuckin' do anything. you're scared."
chris raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly as he moved closer. he watched as michael flinched, and only then did a pang of guilt hit him. his smile dropped, and he just stared michael in the eyes. his gaze was dark, full of anger, guilt, sadness, and so many more emotions he couldn't even comprehend.
"i'm not scared, michael. you're shaking, look at you. you should be absolutely terrified of what's to come. nobody will notice you're gone because you're a fucking maniac that nobody loves. not even y/n still loves you, kid, you're trying too hard." chris masks his feelings with a smile, patting michaels cheek in a teasing manner before standing up to check on the tub again.
he turns the handle, stopping the water from flowing out before his turns back to the brown-eyed boy on the floor, "never said i was a nice guy, did i?" chris laughs at the scared expression on his face, walking over to him and watching as he tries to crawl away.
chris only grabs him by the hair again, dragging him harshly toward the tub as he hears michael scream and cry for mercy, begging chris to let him go. chris ignores him, resting his free hand on the edge of the tub as he drags michael toward him.
his knees are on the tiled floors, and chris gives him a soft wave before dunking his head into the cold water and watching as bubbles erupt from the boys nose and up to the surface. chris only watches with a blank expression, his stomach twisting as he feels the shorter boys hands trying to push him away but slipping and falling to his sides.
chris holds his ground, his grip on michaels hair tight as he pushes him deeper. his entire upper half is almost over the edge now, and chris doesn't realize until he feels water splash onto his cheek. his eyes move to michaels arms, flailing in the water and making a mess of the bathroom. his head turns to look at the bathroom door, taking deep breaths as he feels tears prick in his eyes.
he chokes on his spit, eyes closing as he tries to drown out the noises of splashing water and endless gurgling. chris' knuckles turn white as he grips tighter on both the tub and michaels black hair, finally starting to sniffle as tears begin to run down his face. he didn't know what he was doing, but there was no going back now. chris couldn't let michael go because if he did, the boy would only go to the cops and snitch on him. chris was past the point of no return, so he just let the whole thing happen.
the brunette begins to sob as the sounds of splashing die down, his grip on michaels hair finally loosening as he lets his entire body fall into the tub full of water. chris holds his face in his hands as he stays in a squat, his left hand soaking half of his face.
"shit, shit, shit. god, you're such an idiot, chris!" he scolds himself quietly, wiping his tears before he gets to his feet and takes even deeper breaths.
he's still not put together fully, but he pushes through it, looking back to michaels lifeless body before he leans over and grabs his hand. his fingers are still adorned with rings, and chris just takes the first one he sees and stuffs it into the back pocket of his jeans. chris quickly unlocks the door before walking back to the bedroom, taking careful steps as he looks around for his backpack.
when he spots it, he throws it over his shoulder, slipping into the straps hurriedly before leaving the room and walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. he takes the leash off the top of oscars kennel before he unlocks the metal crate, letting the dog out.
"hey, buddy," chris coos, petting his head softly as he sniffles once again, "i'm gonna find a better home for you, i promise. i'm so sorry."
oscar only whines, and chris just latches the leash onto his collar before guiding him through the living room. he takes another long look around, a millions feelings eating him up inside all at once. he doesn't feel regret... he doesn't even know what he feels.
chris freezes when he finally hears it. sirens. sirens coming closer and closer to the house that he stood in, "fuck. fuck, fuck, what—"
the brunette looks around, turning back quickly before sprinting through the kitchen and darting towards the backdoor. chris throws the door open, not even caring about the loud banging sound as he runs out of the house, the leash tightly wrapped around his hand.
"come on, boy!" chris yells as quietly as he can, and oscar continues to gallop behind him. he continues to make his way through the backyard, trying not to focus on the sirens that grow increasingly louder. how hasn't he realized the silent alarm? he was too caught up in his plan to see the red alarm above the backdoor.
chris opens the metal gate, running down the back alleyway and deeper into the neighborhood, not stopping even when he crosses the road. he loosens his grip on the leash as he makes it far enough from the house, hunching over as he tries to catch his breath.
he turns to check on oscar, giving him a few gentle pets before he reaches into the back pocket of his jeans. his hands find the small ring, and he pulls it out with a smile.
this ring would be on your finger someday, and chris wouldn't feel even a small amount of guilt for what he had done. he hoped you wouldn't resent him for it, either. that would just mess the entire thing up, and he didn't want to hurt you.
but for now, he'd just have to live with the memory.
"you could be my wife."
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jadagul · 3 months
Matt Yglesias has a point he likes to make about progressive attitudes towards political platforms. Basically all the progressive activists realize that Republican candidates benefit electorally from moderating (or appearing to moderate); but they seem to resist claims that Democrats would benefit similarly. E.g. from today's post about Kamala Harris:
9. To win, Harris needs to find ways to moderate her image, and critically, she is going to have to be allowed to do that by her supporters. 10. Donald Trump is in many ways a bad politicians and a bad candidate. His numbers are terrible, his manner is off-putting, and his record is plagued with scandal. But his “be allowed to do that” score is off the charts. If it’s convenient for him to start saying nicer things about electric cars in exchange for Elon Musk’s money, he does that. If it’s convenient for him to pretend the Republican Party isn’t deeply committed to banning abortion, he does that. 11. Every progressive I know recognizes that these Trumpian stabs at moderation are good for Trump, and that it’s good for the left to try to expose them as lies. The progressives who recognize that need to see the symmetry here.
I think he's right about this, but I understand why a lot of progressives aren't convinced by this. Yglesias describes Trump's abortion position as "moderating", but you could also describe it as moving to the left.
I think a lot of progressive activists really believe that leftist progressivism is genuinely popular in the US. (It's not! But they believe it.) So they believe that Republicans would benefit electorally from shifting to the left, and that Democrats would benefit electorally from shifting to the left. This is why you get all those things about "Democrats would win if they'd just take a firm stance in favor of liberating Palestine and launching a single-payer health care system" or whatever the topics du jour are.
Like, this is badly wrong. It does not accurately describe the American political landscape. But it's an internally coherent model that (1) explains why Republicans benefit from moderating but (2) wouldn't expect Democrats to benefit from moderating.
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loveforquanrui · 9 months
your most recent reactions post is so well written, i love it sm you’re such a good author ❤️
i was wondering if i could request a zb1 reaction to moving in with you and what they would do/how’d they act? i understand if not
have an amazing day 😇
hiii anon!! Thank you so much for the compliments and thank you so so much for requesting! :') It really made my day. Sorry I took so long but here it is, I hope you enjoyed it <3
to be with you than alone
제로베이스원 - jebewon (ot8) moving in with you and how they are, gn reader. i did not include yujin because I did not feel comfy writing about him in this topic. There are no disclaimers I believe but let me know if i missed any!
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caretaker but gives you alone time when needed
as soon as he got your approval to move in with you he was so happy, but tried not to show it
he had been wanting to move in with you for a while now
once he moved in he was already on boyfriend duty 24/7
knows that you have trouble sleeping so he is ready to give you the comfort that you need <3
does chores for you but probably won't do his (he's so in love pls)
ALWAYS wake up first to prepare breakfast for the two of you
in the case that he is busy with schedules he would leave a simple note
constantly tries to take care of you
BUT he does not want to overwhelm you so he lets you be alone sometimes
don't be fooled though, he is sometimes peaking out of the corner of his eye to make sure you are okay
always music playing in the background and helpful
when hao moved in with you, you swear you've never heard this much music during your lifetime
there is not one second where you don't hear him singing, practicing his violin, or playing his new songs
you don't mind it ofc!
Hao has such a lovely voice so you are always pleased to hear it
You and Hao decided to split the chores in half so it can be fair to both of y'all
Every night before bed Hao sets up his night playlist and you both fall asleep in each others arms listening to his favorite songs
The playlist is made full of calm songs that remind him of you but he doesn't tell you that, he's too shy to admit
When mornings come you usually do your morning routine in the bathroom but..
by the time you get out to your surprise
the bed is made and Hao is no where to be seen
he was shy AGAIN but he wanted to help
literal royalty treatment
ever since hanbin moved in, so many worries and stress factors have been lifted off you
chores? what even are chores?
you're not lazy in fact you are used to doing your chores but ever since hanbin moved in, he doesn't let you do them
when night comes, both of you head to the already prepared bed
he'll make sure you are sound asleep first before sleeping himself
like jiwoong he also wakes up first
he wants to prepare anything you could possibly need before you wake up
slippers incase the floor is cold? check! water on the nightstand? check! glasses if you need them? check!
before he moved in your fridge was practically empty but now it's always filled since he wants to make your favorite foods every day
he just cares so much about you and you are his literal royalty so he will be treating you as one
a fun sleepover everyday
when matthew was moving in you remembered the HUGE setup he brought with him
for matthew a pc and a monitor were not enough there was more to his set up
you weren't much into gaming so you just let it slip across your mind as one of his hobbies
while you would clean the house, he would always say
"y/n!! y/n!! come watch this match"
and that's how he got you into playing video games with him
soon enough he was buying you your own set up
your apartment lowkey became a gaming lounge for you and matthew
ofc there was also other hobbies that came with matthew moving in
Strength training was one of them
Boy, does Matt love working out
Matthew slowly began to introduce you to multiple hobbies everyday
There was not a single day that did not feel like a fun sleepover with friends
looking out for you while maintaining pure happiness
taerae is so responsible
he is in charge of buying what is needed or missing in the apartment (he gave himself that role)
he makes sure you are saving your money since he doesn't want you to have any worries
you and him cook together or take turns making meals for each other
he made a secret cabinet full of your favorite things, which he takes out whenever you have a bad day
when you are ready to go to sleep taerae is getting ready to perform for you
he will sing you to sleep
he won't stop singing until are asleep
he knows you love hearing his beautiful voice, since he has noticed that you always fall asleep with a smile on your face
He wants to see you smile and he will do anything to see that beautiful cute smile of yours
change in both of ya'll life
you and ricky living together was like that one episode from F4 Thailand
both of you had to adapt to each other different habits
ricky started to learn how to do things himself but even so you wanted to treat him like a prince so you offered to do stuff for him
For example, cooking? done by you. laundry? also done by you.
to compensate for all the hard work you do for him and yourself
Ricky replaces your own furniture with newer more expensive ones with TWICE the comfort
you both always end up falling asleep at 4am or even later sometimes
why? because ricky is constantly tugging on your arm saying
"y/n let's watch this kdrama"
you had to admit he had some good reccommendations
while adapting to something new was difficult for both of you
you didn't let that come in the way of you having fun with each other
whether that was by watching kdramas or playing dress up in each others closet
you both always remained happy
chaos yet surprising matureness
oh gyuvin..
once he moved in you got your first ever noise complaint
it wasn't just because of gyuvin though.. well..
techincally gyuvin made you laugh really hard then there was knocks
there was simply never a moment of silence with the happy bambi now joining your household
if you were gone for longer than five minutes you would hear
and there you would go
but to your surprise gyuvin was actually very mature despite what many may believe
when those noise complains came in he apologized and really toned it down for everyone
he helps with any bills you may have to pay and even often pays them for you
he makes sure you are always okay with his presence since he knows people can get drained from his extroverted self
despite his playful nature he is very mature and caring
respectful and caring
before moving in Gunwook had a strange request
"Let me meet your parents"
he had already met them but he wanted to make sure they were okay with him moving in with you
once he got the approval, similar to Hanbin it was instant royalty treatment
began to keep an extra of your comfort items incase it was needed
Gunwook is very observant therefore he always keeps an eye out for items you may be using
when he sees they are about to be finished
he buys some new ones and tries secretly to hide them
you always act surprise which brings him to cutely jump out behind you to say "See I'm psychic, I already knew what you needed"
Did I mention that your apartment has become a "gunwook cuddle station"
you both are cuddling ALL THE TIME
gunwook cares so much about your comfort that you were always his first priority
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Hii guys I hope you all enjoyed. Especially because it’s not my best work but I tried my best <3 also CONGRATS TO ZB1 and HAO ON THEIR AWARDS I LOVE MY JEBIS 🥲🥲
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starlitiris · 3 months
how I imagine some hxh characters would react to their s/o having sa trauma
erm hiya folks welcome to my first ever hxh headcanon post
there's only gonna be like 5 characters here, but I do wanna do more than just these guys. i plan on making at least a part 2 for this with different characters. i just don't know who i'm gonna pick yet :/ feel free to make requests for the part 2! this isn't exclusive to the hxh men so if you wanna request any of the hxh girlies then go for it <3
WARNINGS: very brief and non-detailed mentions of sa, implied murder and torture, also very brief and non-detailed talk about sex
Ging Freecss
when the topic comes up in conversation and you eventually open up to him about what you've been through, he listens intently. no matter how much or how little you tell him about it
when you've finished telling him, he doesn't have much to say about it. he nods and hums to let you know he heard you.
his reaction might come off as him being disinterested or not wanting to know about everything you've just unloaded onto him, but he really REALLY does care, and he's glad you felt comfortable enough to open up to him about it
you might apologize for trauma dumping on him, but he'll quickly shut you down.
"don't you dare apologize."
he'll hold your hands, gently rubbing his thumbs against the back of them
if you start to cry, he'll wipe your tears away and pull you in to hold you close (if you're okay with it at the time) while you let all the waterworks out
again, he won't have much to say about it. he doesn't want to pry for more details than you're willing to give, either.
he isn't the greatest at talking about feelings and putting things into words, but he'll make sure you know he cares through his actions
he'll hold you for as long as you need to be held, then do something nice for you. like get you some of your comfort food and put on a nice movie you two can watch together on the sofa
after you open up to him about your trauma, he's more attentive to your comfort when being physically intimate. not that he wasn't before, he just pays extra attention to it now. it's sweet
the topic of sa comes up while you two are hanging out alone together
you make a comment implying that you yourself have experienced that kind of abuse
uvo is slightly taken aback and pries
you kind of awkwardly explain to him what you went through in minimal detail
"… huh."
you aren't sure what to make of this reaction, and silence falls between you two.
then he asks for the name(s) and address(es) of your abuser(s)
this catches you off guard
you know exactly why he wants that information you really don't even bother asking
whether you give him the info he asks for is entirely up to you! <3
uvo may be a murderous bandit but he understands the importance of respecting your boundaries. he isn't a COMPLETE monster!
he won't bring it up again or ask you anymore questions about it, but he will keep it in mind
a few days after you opened up to him, he'll really contemplate what you've told him
and later on that day he'll probably pretty bluntly ask you if there's anything specific you're not okay with. like if there's a certain way you don't like being touched, a certain thing you don't like to do, etc.
and ofc when you tell him he keeps that in mind as well and makes sure to avoid the things that make you uncomfortable
Feitan Portor
he listens quietly as you tell him however much you're comfortable with telling him.
he falls silent for a moment after you finish telling him. you can tell he's thinking.
you start to worry that you should've kept your mouth shut. feitan can be really hard to read sometimes.
"when did this happen?"
it's up to you whether or not you answer any of these questions.
though, if you chose not to answer any of the questions he had, he'll likely find out who it was that hurt you one way or another
it's inevitable that he'll find out
very quickly after you told him about it as a matter of fact
no matter how much you might not want him to
he will find your abuser(s)
he will approach them
and he will do what he does best
and he'll let you know about it, too
i imagine the way you find out is when he comes home after hunting your abuser(s) down
"i took care of them."
you'll either be very grateful or absolutely befuddled
assuming it's the latter, you ask him what he means by that and what he did
you also remind him that you seriously didn't want him to do anything drastic
"why are you mad? i only gave them what they deserved."
you're stressed that he went against your wishes and sought out your abuser(s) anyway, but he tries to make it up to you by treating you to some tea and cuddles
he's unusually sweet to you that night, but you aren't complaining
as much as you might be super not used to it like at all
Illumi Zoldyck
you're not sure how you expected your boyfriend to react to this kind of information
he doesn't seem to react much at all honestly
clearly had nothing to say about it
you just sigh and let it be
illumi is an apathetic person. you knew that going into this relationship, so you really can't say you expected much
nothing in illumi's behavior changes after you tell him until you're in the bedroom with him
"is this okay?"
"is it alright if i touch you there?"
"are you sure you're up for it? we can hold off."
you are oh so very confused
but when you realize why he's being extra cautious, your heart melts
you answer his questions truthfully, you reassure him that certain acts are okay, you tell him if something makes you uncomfortable, and he respects your boundaries fully
again, outside of the bedroom he's just as illumi as he was before you told him about your trauma
but he continues to be extra mindful of your comfort when you're being physically intimate
he might ask less questions overtime as he learns more about what you are and aren't okay with, but he'll always check with you when necessary to make sure you're doing okay
Chrollo Lucilfer
imagine you two are either going on a scenic walk together or laying in bed preparing to sleep when it comes up and you tell him what you're comfortable saying to him
he listens to you intently
he might ask you a few questions about it, but only a couple. he doesn't wanna pry too much.
"when did it happen?"
"was it just the one time?"
"who was it?"
once again, whether you answer any of those questions is entirely up to you.
he doesn't act weird or uncomfortable about it, and gently changes the subject when he sees you're ready to move on
the rest of your day/night continues normally without it coming up again
the next day, chrollo gets to work on finding out everything he can about your abuser(s)
completely without your knowledge
it wasn't that difficult to get the information he needed
once he has what he needs, he tells you he's off to an important meeting and leaves
you didn't bother asking who he was meeting with. knowing the kind of shit he gets involved with, you wouldn't have expected him to tell you anyway.
once he's gone, he wastes no time in disposing of the human garbage that is your abuser(s)
then he cleans up, comes home, asks you about your day and treats you to a fancy dinner
he never tells you what he did
if you do somehow find out, though, he'll be completely honest about it and tell you what you wanna know
and as for physical intimacy, nothing really changes
he was already very respectful of your wants, needs and boundaries before you told him
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luvangelbreak · 6 months
Sturniolo Triplets/Sam & Colby as a rock band
Nicolas Sturniolo Drummer
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The drummer is the backbone of any band and Nick is for sure the backbone of the triplet's careers. He holds it all together exactly like a drummer does on stage and on top of that, he’s often the one breaking into song and tapping along in their videos. Drummers are known to keep the show running by guiding the rest of the band and I feel like Nick would hate to be in the spotlight so being a drummer would give him the perfect balance of involvement and hiding without the stress of being directly looked at on stage or otherwise.
Matthew Sturniolo Bassist
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Matt is a bassist and if you disagree, argue with a wall because I don’t want to hear your wrong opinions. Bassists, like drummers, are some of the most crucial people in a band. They give the song a feeling you can get from any other instrument and it makes or breaks a song. Matt is also a bassist because although bassists are at the front of the stage, they are often in their own worlds as they lose themselves in the music. They aren’t seeking out any attention but they’re not going to be mad if they get it.
Christopher Sturniolo Rhythm Guitarist/Backup vocalist
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I know so many people are going to say Chris should be the lead singer but I feel like Chris is not all that into singing. He’s a rap guy at heart and that’s why he’s perfect for a backup vocalist. He has pipes but he doesn’t have a very wide range so he could nail backup vocals in his range. He would also be the rhythm guitarist because keeping a steady flow with the music while singing would be great for his ADHD brain. Two things at once to focus on but neither of them are too hard that he would get overwhelmed.
Samuel Golbach Rhythm Guitarist
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We know my boy Sam can play but I feel like if he were in a band, he would undoubtedly be the lead guitarist. He’s cool with going along with the rhythm guitarist but when he gets his moment to shine, he will bask in all of its glory. Lead guitarists often add life to a song and I think Sam being such an outgoing person, it makes perfect sense for him to play such a loud role in a band. He’s also already fire at the guitar so who knows maybe he will actually become a lead guitarist in a band one day.
Cole Brock Lead Vocalist
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We know Colby can sing. That’s just a fact. Man’s has pipes. But the reason I put him as a lead vocalist is because he gives off such a confidence and charisma that is needed on stage. Half of a lead vocalist's job is bringing phenomenal stage presence and I feel like Colby would know exactly how to engage the crowd without making it tacky or tiresome. Even though he is an introvert at heart, he could snap right out of that and fall in love with the adrenaline of being a frontman on stage. He likes being the centre of attention and this is the best way to get it.
a/n: this is for my girl @muwapsturniolo she gave me so many ideas for these types of posts w her half-blood ones. lmk if u guys want any specific topics for me to put the triplets/snc as !! this also comes from my love of music and i feel very passionate abt this so if u disagree, ur wrong <3
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j4yvex · 7 months
My romam empire is Tord Larsson.
No, not the guy with the hair horns and red hoodie that everyone simps for.
The guy that left the animated show his friend started because he wanted to make a name for himself, got harassed for that, got harassed when said friend died, posted a video about the fact that he didn't know (+his condolences to friends and family and to clear up certain topics) and got harassed AGAIN, which caused him to delete his channel off the internet, not to be seen again.
I wonder sometimes.
Did he manage to get well known for his own work? Does he still watch the Eddsworld channel? Does he still make silly comics? Does he sometimes make comics that are related to Eddsworld? Does he store them in a folder in his room to forget about? Does his finger sometimes linger over the DM button on Matt Hargreaves profile? Does he think about Edd whenever he drinks Cola? Or does he avoid that drink? Does he pretend like everything relating Eddsworld never happened?
Does he have certain regrets? Does he regret leaving Eddsworld - Or does he regret ever joining it in the first place?
Most of all- is he alright?
I think all we can, and should, do is wait and see if he ever decides to get public again. It's totally understandable if he doesn't though. He went through too much during his time on the internet already.
Tord isn't just a character.
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firedragon1321 · 7 months
How to Spot an AI-Generated Tai in the Wild!
Because I am insanely obsessed with the blorbo and AI art is a hot-button topic right now, here's a silly thing. I'm sure most artists can tell the difference between real and AI art. But my autistic brain wants to pick apart Tai's character design a bit so here you go. This applies to all seasons, touching on basic traits Tai has between them. So I won't go too much into clothing here (people like to dress him up in different cool outfits anyway- keep doing that).
Note that this isn't true to all models, but works 90% of the time. AI art is advancing so quickly that this may be obsolete by tomorrow. Also, real art might "fail" these little tests simply due to lack of experience drawing the character. If you suspect someone is posting AI art, just block and move on. Report if you want, but you know how Tumblr feels about AI. Most importantly? Don't use this post to be a dick.
WARNING: This post uses AI-generative images found from around the Internet for demonstrative purposes. No credit is given because if the "creators" wanted credit, they should've learned how to actually draw. :)
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Tai has this nice, tanned skin tone that the rest of the Adventure DigiDestined do not have. While he keeps it in 02 and tri, he loses his color in Kizuna. A real fanart piece is most likely to reflect this, or even add color to his paler designs.
Most AI models have a generic pasty white skin tone for anime characters. This applies to any anime character, not just Tai. I believe this model might have gobbled up his Kizuna skin tone. But I've seen fake Tais even paler than this.
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There are some AI models that combat this. But the standard AI identification tricks apply. Here, the tongue is mushy, and the highlights on his goggles make no sense.
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Ah yes- my point of expertise. Tai's hair is a difficult thing to draw. I don't blame anyone for dropping the ball here. But AI does have some notable, repetitive failings.
A "legit" Tai tends to have fluff, rather than spikes. The bangs consist of one stripe over the forehead. The few spikes present designate messiness, but the general shape is actually curvy (look at the top right side of the head for the most wavy lines). The size of the floof ranges between adaptions and even storyboard artists.
AI-generators are convinced that all "anime hair" is spiky. Notice this AI Tai has more spikes and less curved lines.
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Then, there's this one, which drops the ball on Tai and Matt so bad that both characters resemble Bakugou from My Hero Academia.
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Eye shape and color has some leeway depending on the artist's style. Adventure/02, tri., and Kizuna supply three different eye styles. However, there are still some dead giveaways.
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Revisiting this AI-generated image, the eyes look...familiar. No?
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How about now? The modern Pokemon anime style has been completely absorbed by AI models. Sometimes, Digimon and Pokemon will be confused for each other, resulting in similar eye shapes and other traits (look at the noses, too).
There's some times you can look at an art and know with confidence it was human-made, such as-
MS Paint blobs/sketches on lined paper/anything showing layers/etc. They're too unrefined for an AI image creator to want to profit off of, so why would they make them?
Some fetish art. A lot of kinksters are using AI, which is why deviantArt made good ammunition for this post. But many have distinct art styles that AI has not copied yet.
Western-cartoony art with hard or thick lines. AI is allergic to these traits atm. Notice the softer, thinner outlines on all three fakes.
Clearly attempting to master Tai's unique traits, even if they don't translate well (e.g.- a dome vaguely shaped like his hair is more credible than a "perfect" hairdo with too many spikes).
All of this could change tomorrow, at the rate at which AI advances. I'm fairly good at deducing AI art from human-made art. But a recent piece almost tricked me (interestingly, it was Davis- not Tai- who looked off). These things are constantly evolving. But in addition to the usual tricks, knowing your blorbos can help identify AI images so you can freely block (or, when applicable, report) the idiots who made them.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 5 months
dude but the whole face family is a mess of mental disorders and shit. At least if you want to nitpick. Australia and Murica are both ADHD, Canada a depressive lil shit, England is autistic and france bipolar as fuck. I'm still figuring out new Zealand so I can make bingo!
What happened to hi hello how are you 🥲
Im fucking kidding lets go
I have many thoughts on this topic. I just wanna say first that i dont really want to talk about specifically what mental disorder or whatnot each of these characters have. I have my personal hc that i keep private just cus ive strayed so far from canon or even the classic hetalia 2014 country stereotyping. They are my blorbos in the purset sense of the word. So, i feel like if i told you “yeahh murica is adhd on legs” i think it would come across as insensitive.
But on the other hand, in the past 2 years that ive been in group therapy on and off, i have come to be comfortable with talking about mental disorders and dont find it as triggering or offensive as i know some people do. Which is also very valid. People deal with things the best they can and when youre in the trenches of ocd, having a weirdo (me ✊😎) say a fictional character is going through it, it might not sit right. So i wanna keep this as non triggering as possible.
As almost everything i hc, this is something I’ve looked over. And i do agree to a point. Alfred is definitely someone who exhibits traits like excessive talking, impulsiveness, interrupting conversations, difficulty focusing at something that he finds little interest in etc etc. He is easily distracted and tends to find certain people boring. But he also does not have time management skills and he does not forget tasks and plans. Could this be adhd? Sure. Does it have to be? Of course not. So i tend to leave it up in the air. Some people might find comfort in interpreting it as adhd and some would rather stay clear. Both viewpoints equally valid.
I truly dont know about Jack or Arthur. Eleanor too. Honestly i dont really try to make up disorders for them. One thing i dislike is the labeling. If someone, even a silly character, does show traits of some disorder, id rather not have it outright mentioned. It can be cristal clear that Matt has a full on depressive episode, but let me figure that one out myself, chief. I am all in favour of making these fuckers complex and give them shit to shovel, but the moment we start throwing mental disorder labels around, i think the focus strays. But again, only my preference. To someone else, its a comfort.
However, as he is my knight of the highest order, my highest ranking babygirl, my worst punching bag: Matt is depressed as shit. He functions but, God, at what cost?
Does he have depression? Probably. Will i ever make a serious post about his depression specifically? Probably not.
Francois though. He has no disorders, no hardships or difficulties. Makes it easier for me to actively and effectively hate. We are currently negotiating a stalemate, as ive, just today, heard Sous le ciel de Paris after forgetting that song existed. Good fucking song tho. Willing to negotiate the terms of Francois’ surrender.
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vikenticomeshome · 6 months
Cyberchase Character Discussion (for your local Cyberchase trivia quiz) - #2: Matt
I made a post while back talking about archiving material from the Cyberchase website, including the now-removed character bios. I made a post about Inez, intending it to be the first in a series, and then I put it aside. Now I'm getting back to it.
#2: Matt
So, let's start with his character bio in "Meet the Cybersquad". This was released in 2001, before the series started airing in 2002. I don't know how much of this is still canon, given how much time has passed.
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We learn that Matt, like Jackie, is 11 years old. He is presented as Cyber-detective, which is interesting. All of the kids engage in problem-solving. I never really thought Matt was into detective stuff specifically. He is big on the use of his yo-yo when thinking, and he does come prepared with tools in his backpack.
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His favorite color is green, which makes sense, as he wears a green turtleneck in almost every episode. He enjoys pizza and pancakes. He enjoys Brian Jacques's "Redwall" books, so we know he isn't squeamish. I love that his favorite is "anything by Will Smith". This bio really is a product of its time. His favorite movie is "Star Wars". He might be referring to "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" back when it was titled just "Star Wars", or he could be referring to the franchise as a whole. I wonder if he canonically liked "The Phantom Menace", which would have been the only movie from the Star Wars prequel trilogy out at the time.
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His listed pet peeve is waiting (for anything). That part is definitely still canon, though he has gotten less impulsive and more patient as the series has progressed.
He also has a ton of pets, and this isn't even counting any livestock his family owns on the farm. He has:
A Bearded Dragon named Boomerang
An Armadillo named Spike
An African Water Frog named Sharky
An African Water Frog named Fins
A dog (mixed Golden Retriever and Yellow Lab) named Obi Won Kadoggie
I didn't even know pet Armadillos were a thing.
That's it for the "Meet the Cybersquad" page. I'm a little surprised that they didn't mention that Matt lives on a farm with his family. They also didn't mention his love for Greek Mythology.
We can also look at his introduction from the official Cyberchase prequel web comic, "How It All Started: Episode 3", for this information.
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Narration: Matt lives on a farm with his family, and dreams of being the homerun champ. Little does he know he'll soon be a hero of a different kind.
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Narration: Matt is into Greek Mythology big time!
Here is Matt's official Cyberchase trading card.
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His favorite line, as listed here is "OK, what do we know?". I thought that was actually one of Jackie's common lines, right next to "Let's get organized". I would have used "Touchdown!" here. It also talks about him being interested in magic. I don't remember that interest coming up, even in the Shari Spotter episodes. He's great at skateboarding, yo-yo tricks, milking cows, and trying new things.
He can also be ruthless, like that time he threatened to destroy The Hacker's Grim Wreaker ship.
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We can talk about his impulsiveness and recklessness, like in Season 2 Episode 8: "Whale of a Tale". He saw a steam-filled death pit, where he couldn't see the other side, and tried to jump over it. He thought it was only one meter, due to a partially-obscured sign.
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It wasn't one meter.
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This is not good! This is not good at all!
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Off topic, I love how expressive they made Inez in this episode.
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And of course, he wants to try again.
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He was also at the center of the Cybersquad's disastrous attempt to promote Motherboard's re-election campaign against The Hacker in Season 2 Episode 4 "True Colors". He accused The Hacker of lying about his good deeds without any proof, and it turned out that The Hacker was telling the truth about them after all. Matt's efforts to bring up The Hacker's prior crimes were also seen as mud-slinging.
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I'm not here to bash him as a character. I like Matt, flaws and all. He's a member of the Cybersquad. All three of these actual children have been in way over their heads since the start.
Even in these two instances, the show is careful to show that he learns his lesson. In the incident with "Whale of a Tale", he is one who has Glowla re-check her work and catch her addition mistake when she is computing Spout's new shutdown code.
In the incident with "True Colors", Matt admits that he was wrong in his emotional accusation against The Hacker. Then, he corners The Hacker with the question about curing the virus, which forces The Hacker to lie about the cure. Finally, the Cybersquad as a whole catches The Hacker in the lie about the triangle-based cure. I really need to do a full post on that episode, as it was brilliant.
Let's look at something else. Matt is quite strong. Here he is in Season 2 Episode 6 "Mother's Day" with Inez standing on his head, while Digit stands on Inez's head.
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And here's Matt effortlessly lifting the "Good Vibration" artifact, which is bigger than him, from Season 2 Episode 9 "Double Trouble". Even Jackie and Inez are fleeing from his power. Okay, so they were probably fleeing from The Hacker, who was off-screen, but still.
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What else can we say about Matt? Well, he was originally going to be called Kyle, who had a different haircut and smaller feet. Apparently, Kyle wasn't considered a good name for a farm boy.
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No disrespect to whoever made Kyle, but I prefer Matt's final design. We have the Who's Who document. It does give us a few nire pieces of information. For example, he loves jokes and puns, which I don't remember coming up much in the show. It also confirms that his favorite cybersite is Radopolis.
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I swear that I read some source that claimed he was the "leader" of the Cybersquad. However, I cannot find it now. I didn't think this team structure had a true leader, since all the kids here equal partners.
That's about all I can think to say about him for now.
EDIT: I forgot that Matt had a bio on the Nelvana website as well. I thought only Jackie got one, since I found one for her. I never found one for Inez, Dr. Marbles, Motherboard, The Hacker, Buzz, or Delete. It doesn't help that they used a picture of Jackie on Matt's bio.
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I like the line about him inventing trial and error. If he can collect royalties off that, then he is set for life. It talks about his hands-on learning style, which was a major point in the episode "Problem Solving in Sangri-la". This bio emphasizes him charging forward without a plan, which is a well-known character flaw.
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themculibrary · 27 days
Natasha Romanoff Pairings Masterlist
advantage (ao3) - FauxGateaux loki/natasha, clint/maria G, 10k
Summary: Set near the end of Avengers Assemble. After Loki has been scraped up off the floor of Stark Tower, the Avengers keep him in Nick Fury’s glass cage on the helicarrier while awaiting for transportation to Asgardian justice. During his overnight stay, he is monitored and interrogated by Natasha Romanov. How much does Loki share with the her, and what impact will this have on their futures?
all for you (ao3) - Anonymous bucky/natasha E, 16k
Summary: Bucky really, really likes the idea of his belly being big and getting even bigger. He also really likes the idea of being pregnant as well as being stuffed full of come, on his way to being pregnant after being bred. His dom, Natasha, can’t actually do either of those things to him though. Which would be too bad… had they not found a creative way around it involving showers, shower hoses, and a hell of a lot of dirty talk.
although it’s so romantic on the borderline tonight (ao3) - paperclipbitch bruce/natasha T, 6k
Summary: Post-movie. “You shouldn’t google yourself,” Natasha tells Bruce.
beauty and the beast (ao3) - Panda365 bruce/natasha, pepper/tony T, 47k
Summary: A few weeks after the battle of NY, the original 6 are adjusting to life at Avengers tower.
Through various missions and time off the clock, the team must put aside their differences to save others and each other from their own demons.
(This is a Bruce/Natasha centered story full of angst, comedy, and friendship. Be warned of potentially triggering topics of suicide, anxiety, and depression.)
butterflies & hurricanes (ao3) - Cristinuke clint/natasha E, 49k
Summary: He hasn’t been the same since New York. In fact, she’s never seen him like this, never this low. Or, the story of how Natasha became the outlet Clint needed.
co-captains (ao3) - orphan_account peggy/natasha T, 4k
Summary: This is starting to move beyond normal co-captain behavior.
common ground (ao3) - Writegirl natasha/nick T, 4k
Summary: Natalia Romanova was many things: a killer by thirteen, a Black Widow at fifteen, on the run from the Red Room by sixteen and captured by SHIELD at seventeen.
“You have a simple choice in front of you. Either you want to live, in which case you give us your total cooperation. Or you want to die, in which case the kill order will be carried out within the next ten minutes.” The agent stood and went to the door. “You have five minutes to make a decision.”
darkness will be rewritten (ao3) - princessironspider natasha/tony N/R, 109k
Summary: Peter is Tony’s biological child.
Natasha Romanoff has been married to Tony Stark secretly for years.
What would the movies be like if this were the case?
family means no one gets left behind (ao3) - writewithurheart maria/steve/natasha M, 19k
A re-imagining of the movie where it actually interacts with the rest of the MCU instead of doing backflips to go around it…
golden locks, silver arms (ao3) - Caspinn, kalkoenvsneoklak bucky/natasha, howard/maria, pepper/tony, clint/bobbi, peggy/daniel M, 52k
Summary: Before she was known as Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow and member of the Avengers, Natalia Alianovna Romanova was an assassin. Trained to kill at a very young age, Natalia is considered the best asset at the Red Room. Getting the chance to train under the Winter Soldier must be one of the best opportunities for her. And indeed, both their lives change because of it. Though, if it’s for the better? That’s up to debate.
i’m so tired (of being afraid) (ao3) - himynameisv natasha/matt T, 35k
Summary: Steve glances at her with what she can only describe as a small, fond smirk. “You’re not alone in this,” he murmurs.
She breathes in, gathers up the courage to grasp him on the shoulder. “Neither are you,” she says.
They stand there, mourning together in the silence, because that’s how the two of them have always been.
(Or: Natasha Romanoff had three families. She’s going to get them back and/or die trying.)
i’m staying at my parents’ house and the road not taken looks real good now (ao3) - hannaenomia maria/natasha N/R, 22k
Summary: Natasha takes The Avengers to her family’s farm to recover after their first run-in with the Scarlet Witch and promptly flirts with Maria Hill in front of everyone, whether she admits it or not. (Black Widow comes before Age of Ultron in this storyline)
in your hand (ao3) - SpideySense777 natasha/tony M, 32k
Summary: Major Spoilers for Black Widow if you haven’t seen it.
Tony and Natasha overcoming her betrayal after Civil War and finding peace in the fact they are screwed up people.
las vegas (ao3) - elcapitan_rogers steve/natasha E, 219k
Summary: Steve was freaking out over his own wedding and the gang decided to take him to Las Vegas to unwind him.
my unshaped form (ao3) - atrata bruce/natasha E, 26k
Summary: Of all the people they could have sent, they send Bruce Banner. In his defense, he seems to realize he has no chance of finding her.
no grave can hold my body down (ao3) - Eustacia Vye (eustaciavye), tobemadeofglass loki/natasha E, 27k
Summary: When Natasha, head waitress and barista extraordinare, gets a visit from a new client at SHIELD Cafe, the last thing on her mind is that he’s anything different. Certainly, he’s paler than she is, and hardly eats anything when he comes in, but that doesn’t mean he’s something other than human. Does it?
peggynat (ao3) - slayyybestie peggy/natasha N/R, 3k
Summary: tumblr requests for peggynat fic
the one with natasha and wanda’s agreement (ao3) - kenscarquin wanda/natasha E, 45k
Summary: “What kind of agreement,” she’s whispering her words now, Natasha’s mouth just inches from her own.
“Sex. Friends with benefits. No strings attached. That kind of thing,” Wanda’s knees weaken as Natasha speaks, the words sounding so out of place but at the same time, so fitting coming out of the red head’s mouth. “Are you interested?”
til the clocks run down (ao3) - andibeth82 clint/laura/barton M, 257k
Summary: "I think I do love her.”
The words don’t shock her – not really, not when she lets herself think about it. She does believe that Clint hadn’t been sure about how deep his feelings for Natasha went the first time he admitted his attraction to her. But Laura would have been a fool to believe there wasn’t something more developing, especially after being around them in the few times they’d visited together since Clint’s confession. It had been easy to tell how their partnership was becoming comfortable, a relationship as worn and cozy as the one Laura’s built for herself with the man she’s loved for almost eight years.
[the beginning, the middle, and the journey home]
undercover in our overcoats (ao3) - Dayadhvam peggy/natasha T, 5k
Summary: Prague, 1968. Neither Agent Carter nor the Black Widow would have called it anything like love.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
Honestly is the Best Policy - Max Fried
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I’ve debated on whether I wanted to post these or not. But it’s my writing and I love him so much and even if it doesn’t do as well as my hockey stuff, I’m fine with it
**I’m also starting a Max Fried x Olson!Sister series as well and have about 8 imagines written for it so 😈** <—- this fic isn’t associated with it. Stand alone imagine
“You know, things would be so much easier if we were honest with each other!“ Max shouted at you, “Fucking hell, Y/N.” He continued, “You sit here and deny and deny, but you know damn good and well you’re sitting there lying to yourself. About me.” He paused, “about us.”
Max had been one of your best friends since you moved to Atlanta, you running into him in a coffee shop. He though you were pretty and you held the door open for you, which not many people in Atlanta do, so he offered to buy your order; which you gladly accepted.
You two had remained close for the last few years, the two of you remaining just friends. The topic of anything more hadn’t came up until recently and you were thankful for that.
You couldn’t risk losing Max.
But as time went on the dating subject came up more and more, but not by you or Max.
By your families.
Hell, even by standers at parties that were just trying to make conversation.
But the more it came up, the more it started to damage your relationship with the pitcher.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You whispered as you avoided eye contact with him.
“You cant even look at me, Y/N.” He clicked his younger as he shook his head, “This was pointless.”
You scoffed at his comment, which happened to just ignite the fire even more that was already surging throughout his body.
“Why can’t you be honest with me? With yourself?”
“I don’t know what you-“
“I want you to tell me you love me, dammit!” He shouted, “Cant you see I’ve been in love with you for the last year?” He continued as his breathing got heavier and heavier, his heart continuing to race as he realized he just admitted something he told himself he’d never tell you- not at least in this lifetime.
Your face went ghostly pale and your mouth went dry as you watched Max pace the room.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” He finally broke the silence, “I-“
“Just shut up.” You cut him off causing him to whip his head up, but the only thing he could see was you crossing over to him. Your hands grabbed his head as you tugged him down to your lips, his hands instantly going to your waist, pulling you flush against him.
“I’ve been waiting for you to do that for a long time.”
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time too.” He grinned at your confession as he brought one hand up to tuck a piece of hair that came out behind your ear.
“You know, had we had this conversation just a little sooner, we could have been doing that for a little longer, right?” You chuckled.
“Only took one final question from Matt about our relationship for us to snap.” You chuckled as you cuddled your head against his chest, his hand cupping the back of it.
“So where does this leave us?” He asked the question that had been dancing in the air.
“I’m not sure.” You admitted, “but I know I don’t want to be just friends anymore, Max.”
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tekutiger · 6 months
There's something I've been wanting to post here for about a week now, but I've been putting it off, waiting for the Dawntrail Benchmark to release. (That can be found here btw: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/ffe3a1a5430a5a8168ca9782ab9ec0e57cd5be62)
On the official Square Enix forums (both English and Japanese), there is an entire thread for the Graphical Update Viera Noses. Our communities are not exactly thrilled with the changes, to say the least.
The (current) last page of the English thread can be found here: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/493947-Graphical-Update-Viera-Nose/page19
The first page of the English thread can be found here: (or you can just go to the link above, scroll to the bottom and click "First") https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/493947-Graphical-Update-Viera-Nose
I tried checking here on Tumblr if this had been posted already but the FFXIV tags are spammed so much 🫠
The Japanese thread link is within the EN thread somewhere, I forget which page.
If you play a Viera, you've probably noticed that your beloved WoL doesn't quite look the same- specifically the nose, and to a lesser extent with their eyes.
That's all pointed out and discussed in the thread. And yes, I did voice my opinion to it 🙃
I'm trying to find some comparison screenies of my bunboi and fembun to contribute here.
The thing I was worried about, and still kind of am even after going through the benchmark- is the strange "shine" you see on bunboi's noses in certain areas, or at random times. I couldn't find any rhyme or reason to why or when this would happen 🤷🏻‍♀️
We were also shown a preview of bunboi's with their nose like 7 shades darker than their skin tone and that didn't sit well with me. Between that and the shine? No. Just no.
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This is current graphics 👆🏻
Another thing I noticed in the benchmark is that they removed the colored eyelashes from Face 1 (the face I'm using on my bunboi). It's literally like, 1 of the 2 primary reasons I chose this face to begin with. (They usually match your hair color.)
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Dawntrail Benchmarker 👆🏻
You can see some of this "so called shine" in some of these, but it's not as bad as I thought it'd be originally. I guess I can live with it and over time I'll probably get used to it.
I can probably even get over the fact that his white eyelashes are gone, though I'll miss them. I don't know... 😖
I do appreciate the updated quality of the hair, and the iris/eyes, and his facial feathers. I also like that the added "lip color" I gave him appears to be matte and not a gloss, but I'm not sure how other people will like that, lol.
ALSO. There's a very specific scene in the benchmarker that shows your WoL's face so much better but for some strange stupid reason you cannot take screenies during it. I feel like SE really let the ball slip there.
There's probably a reason for it, and then again there might not be- because if I really wanted to, there are loop holes and I could still get those screenshots if I had more time, Lol 😅
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Current graphics 👆🏻
I don't have a plethora of screenshots of my fembun like I do of my bunboi- but looking at my fembun specifically I'm realizing her bunny nose doesn't seem that prominent, even now? I guess I thought it was defined more 🤔. Perhaps it's the lighting of this specific shot.
I was going through this phase of changing her hair color from red to yin yang colors, back to red, back to yin yang, rinse & repeat, so...
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Dawntrail Benchmarker 👆🏻
Again, I appreciate the high quality in the iris/eyes, hair, facial features- like her tattoos.
It does seem like the highlights in her eyes get a little lost, if that makes sense? The anime type white reflection. Not just for her but for my bunboi too. I think that goes for all character now- I've seen this commented about all across Twitter (yeah I know it's called X, but I'll never call it X).
Her bunny nose seems to disappear in many scenes and then it "seems" to be there in some scenes. I don't know what to make of it.
I feel so wishy washy with this graphics update. There are parts I like and parts I dislike. At this point I'm wondering if it's that whole mentality of "People dislike change" / "People fear the unknown" and over time we'll get used to it.
But also, I've seen some comparisons of people's characters and the overall appearance, the overall vibe of their character has totally shifted. It's understandable they're upset.
I want to offer a couple of pieces of advice here. If you have any commentary to add about Vieras (or any other characters really- like moon kitties got royally shafted on their fangs)- please visit that thread and put your two cents in. Hopefully SE will see it and potentially listen to the community feedback. But in the case of Moon kitties, there's likely a respective thread for them so you'll have to seek out that thread.
The other thing is, take advantage of this benchmarker in tandem with our free fantasia (coming soon). I feel the character creation screen does not properly display what our characters are going to look like once ingame. Do not take the character creation screen at face value. Create and/or modify your character in the benchmarker (you can save your character data). Play it out- make sure you're happy with how they look in the benchmarker. Then go on and use that fantasia. You can load the saved data from the benchmarker into the real game. (unless they changed things, which I highly doubt)
Edit: Adding in some links to other threads ⤵️ (Its been mentioned by others that it's best to keep posts pooled in one thread vs. spread sporadically out across several threads. If SE or Mods are likely to read anything, it's going to be in one centralized large thread.)
Thread: [Dawntrail] Miqo'te face 4 Keeper nose smudge nerfed
Thread: Benchmark/Graphics Update - Lip shape concern and eyes
Thread: Keeper fangs nerfed in the update
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cheylouwho · 11 months
Dude, ever since you mentioned Trey being the one that wrote the last special I can't stop thinking about it... How much say or influence do other writers or people have on eps? How true do you think that is now? Because when I think back on it, the special did have a certain vibe to it like that. It did feel like it hit those classic notes. o-o
Sorry to answer this late, but I consulted the other SPHS members to kinda wrap up the thoughts I had
Basically based on what we've seen in BTS footage (example being Six Days To Air), it's usually Matt, Trey, and a handful of people sitting in the writers room on day one coming up with topical things on their mind and jokes surrounding them. Always M+T but sometimes in there with them there's Kyle McCulloch, Bill Hader, Vernon Chatman, etc. From what it seems, they all help stir up some concepts/find the humor or the satire, and then Trey is the one who plugs them into a narrative. Anne Garefino isn't a writer but is quoted to be an influence on several occasions as to what does and doesn't go into an episode, so I think while the writers room holds importance, it's not the end-all be-all of the show. As far as I'm aware only Trey is the one who actually sits down and writes it all into an actual script on his own while the animation team/voice actors work in tandem and Matt encourages him/gives him feedback and ideas/keeps him on essentially suicide watch.
(Also, based on April Stewart's newest post, they don't let her seen anything beyond the lines she specifically needs to voice/scenes she's in, which is either a purposeful choice to MCU her, or because they only give her what they need because the plot is always evolving and it may not be as relevant for her to know since it will likely change.)
As pointed out by one of the SPHS members, on the commentary tracks (rip I miss you), Matt usually isn't the one to bring up the narrative points/characters/plot/setting when he's speaking. He usually is very drawn to talk about the topic of the episode and why they came about (usually they were pissed off about something), while Trey will be focused more on the narrative plot and details and the characters and how they feel. Since Matt isn't the one actively writing the scripts this makes sense; he seems to often be the one with a strong idea of what they're targeting for the episode. I often joke I can tell when an episode is "Matt-centric" and that he contributed a LOT in the writers room. But still, Trey is the one putting it together.
Ultimately, I think the core of SP has always been the quote "South Park is what makes us both laugh". I think the writers room is just a way for them to figure out what's funny and then Trey goes from there. There's less plot development coming out of them and moreso the making of each other laugh to create a jumping off point with a topic in hand. BASICALLY, TLDR, I have no idea if they did or did not have writers in the room for the recent special due to the strikes influence, but M+T are more than capable of filling that role alone since it's mostly just for the joke planning phase, and they already know how to make each other laugh
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