95 posts
Ask The Devil, His Right Hand Man, and my OCs. Other characters are also available for asking :D
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deckofcardau · 3 days ago
Cuphead one shot set in @maxtheweirdo1812's Infection au. Don also belongs to @maxtheweirdo1812. Peter belongs to @phoneheadedemployee
Peter was only travelling with Don because there was power in numbers. The horned cup was annoying at best and unbearably positive at worst. The unlikely pair had been travelling for a few weeks now.
Don spotted dark clouds blanketing the sky. "We should take cover.. the forest won't be safe in the storm," he noted aloud.
Peter nodded slowly, examining his surroundings. The phone headed man saw the lighthouse not too far from them. The old building looked surprising good considering the state of the world.
"The lighthouse. It should do for the night"
Don grinned and Peter led him to the dock beside Elder Kettle's old cabin. The cabin had long collapsed since the infection spread. The dock also wasn't in the best condition. The wood closest to the sea was moldly and falling apart. Curiously the dingy tied to a dock post was destoryed. Although the damage didn't look weather inflicted.
"Looks like we have to swim.. C'mon sunshine n rainbows"
The phone headed man shed his jacket and dipped into the sea water. It was incredibly cold but he figured he and Don could warm up once inside. Don hesitated but followed after Peter. He shivered as he swam but Peter paid Don no mind.
The pair soon made it to the shore where the lighthouse stood. Don lifted his hand to knock but Peter stepped ahead of him and tried to open the door. Locked.
"Peter! You should be glad it's locked! That's so rude! I can't believe you"
"Can't you? I didn't assume anybody lived in there"
He paused for a moment in thought before back up to the water's edge and rushed at the door, slamming his weight into it. The phone headed man fell with the door, stirring a puff of dust. He heard Don's disapproving sigh. The pair was distracted by the sound of footsteps.
A tall figure stood in the doorway of the stairwell. The figure stepped closer. Once soft, vibrant, red and amber fur was dusty, matted and wirey. Even a glimpse of cobwebs tangled in the fur. They could even see their ribs. The figure's eyes were blue. At first it was hard to tell, as their eyes were glossed over with paranoia.
The pair were so focused on the figure poor condition that they didn't see the growing hostility. Lips curled back in an animalistic snarl, pupils narrowed into dangerous slits, hackles raised. Don stepped back, his unmatching eyes wide in fear and caution.
"OUT FLITHY PLAGUE RIDDEN MORSELS! OUT OUT OUT!" The figure's voice has raspy and broken as if it hadn't been used in quite some time. It had a strong quality to it that may have once been charming.
"Hold on, we just came to spend the night. We'll be gone as soon as the storm passes," Peter softly said, keeping his gaze locked with the figure's. One hand slowly inched toward his dripping belt, for his knife, just in case.
"I don't care why you come. GET OUT! You've already brought the flith inside. No more damage must be done"
One more step and the pair could see that the figure was a bat. A bat who seemed to be made of fruit, apple and lemon specifically. No wonder he seemed so hostile.
"Out. Now. Before I slit your throats and leave you to the fish"
Peter grabbed Don's wrist and dragged him back to the sand outside. They would have to shelter somewhere else. Soon, too. Those storm clouds were moving quickly now.
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deckofcardau · 3 days ago
Anyways, here's this :P
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deckofcardau · 17 days ago
I got lazy. It's the day before my birthday, cut me some slack, okay?
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Anyways hi, happy Valentine's, here's some workhusbands :3
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deckofcardau · 29 days ago
Coughs (warnings in vid and tags)
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deckofcardau · 1 month ago
"Don't you cry no more."
For millenia after Harmonia disappeared and left the Children of the Tree behind, heaven has been run by the archangels and hell had 3 people in charge, which changed on occasion. Alistair, the one to trick Adam and Eve and set free the Children of the Tree (later known as the 4 Horsemen), was the first one to appoint his most trusted (and the only one to appoint a woman), Brutus and Kimberly, and rule hell. Then came his children Azazel and Lilith, which led to Azazel taking the throne and appointing his two, Alaric and Larry. Not very long after, Lucifer overtook Azazel with his already appointed King Dice and Peter Hancox, which pissed off the three former leaders. How dare their sons take the throne when they've barely had the time to use it?
They've found their way back, but it comes at the price of wanting their sons' heads. Lucifer and his employees are determined to keep the tradition going, though, no matter how petty they are.
(AU inspired by Supernatural, Miracle Musical, and Chonny Jash amongst other things.)
Start reading here. The more you progress, the better the writing gets, I swear.
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deckofcardau · 1 month ago
I'm working hard I swear, JROTC is hard :(
Take this
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deckofcardau · 1 month ago
So, you all know the pinned post? The AU introduction?
Yeah, so uh.. may have strayed from that concept, may have something cooler in mind to introduce you all to the AU while being real with it.
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deckofcardau · 1 month ago
Y'know it would be rlly cool if someone went through and read the whole fic so far and analysed my characters and told me abt their analysis..
It would be rlly helpful if someone did that, tbh /srs
I feel like I've narrowly grasped my own characters, and it would really mean alot if someone analysed them!! Not only would it be super cool knowing someone has taken time to read something I wrote in full, but it would allow me to properly understand my characters and see if I've achieved what I wanted to and how the audience perceives them!! It would allow for better content, after all!! :D
Anyways, here's this
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deckofcardau · 1 month ago
Peter is essentially canon to this AU probably 😭😭
Curio: *rapid tapping*
King Dice: *response tapping*
Peter: the hell are they doing?
Devil: they do Morse code, don't worry about it *drinking coffee*
King Dice: *aggressively tapping*
Curio by me
Peter by @phoneheadedemployee
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deckofcardau · 1 month ago
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{Confession:} "I'm gonna be so fr, I actually prefer King Dice x Peter from the deckofcardau blog over Devildice..."
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
Hey guys, I've got a chapter in the works, don't you worry. Still alive, not losing interest!! Just having a hard time keeping my device for writing above 20% tops since I'm having to charge 2 devices back and forth. Thank you, and here's Dice's dad 😼😼
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
Why's Pirouletta's suit a spade? And how's she doing?
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AKA, Matt wanted an excuse to not draw Pirouletta after 7 failed attempts.. 💔
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
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Heheh >:3
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
Please talk about abbadon >:)
Heheheh >:3
Abbadon, if it's not obvious by the ears and the horns to match, is Lucifer's slightly younger sister. She's the sin of envy, but weirdly enough, she's really polite and sweet.. or attempts to be. She's been stuck in purgatory since the 1800s when she and Lucifer were given a chance to enter heaven, which was later spoiled by another angel overhearing them tell their Dad to stop trying to talk to them. When she tried to defend herself and her brother.. Raphael took care of that.
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
PETER!!! Thoughts on Mugs and Cups?
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Kinda cringe, but you probably get the point :')
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
I am once again asking you to
I'll answer whenever I can, but ask like, anything as long as it's SFW.
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deckofcardau · 2 months ago
New chapter eventually, but in the meanwhile, here's this
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Sigh, I love the gays..
Thinking maybe after school starts again I'll write it so my devices don't like.. yk.. die so easily.. Okay bye <3
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