#mathias wang
riceacolyte · 8 days
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modelsof-color · 1 year
Trans Models
Valentine Alvarez
Emmanuel Adjaye
Grace Valentine
Magdaleno Delgado
Joakim Gjemmestad
Zair Cheseaux
Moses Battiest
Leyna Bloom
Aaliyah Hydes
Nadia Blocker
Ariel Nicholson
America Gonzalez
Charlie Nishimura
London Scully
Ceval Omar
Qi Han
Anjali Lama
Nico Grigley
Bin Wang
Venuz Lee
Olivia Lee
Mathias Lamin
Eleazar Ibarra
Aaron Philip
Nathan Westling
Oslo Grace
Justin Xavier
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icelandsgirl · 11 months
List of My 35 Favorite Hetalia Fanfictions
This list is mostly for me to go back to, but if you wanna check them out, I do recommend. So good. I ranked them in order of my favorites because it's my list and I do what I want.
Gutters (glassamilk, July 2010) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6122026/1/Gutters 'The Calamity' has left the world stripped and dying. Alone in a civilian bunker in Munich, Sealand will be reunited with the last known living member of his surrogate family and together, they will set out across Europe to find those they have lost.
The Danish Slaughterhouse (Decada, November 2012) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8744418/1/The-Danish-Slaughterhouse At Mathias's insistent begging, the rest of the Nordic Five decide to go visit this "new, bigger, totally badass" mansion of his and spend some vacation there. But the stay might not be as pleasant as Mathias had let on...
the Soviet Insanity series (Shadows in the Light of Day, October 2014) Part One: Interference https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10728361/1/Interference One of the unwritten laws for surviving in Russia's house is that you never, ever interfere with his punishment of your friends. Unless you're Lithuania. Then, no one's going to stop you. They're all too frightened to stand up to Russia...but Estonia is going to change that. Part Two: Latvia's Absence https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10758808/1/Latvia-s-Absence Lithuania and Estonia's punishment may be over, but the Baltics still have to survive the aftermath. With Latvia forbidden to speak to the others and Lithuania determined to unravel the mystery behind Latvia's 'disappearance', will anyone notice how strange Estonia is acting? Will Latvia be able to cope without his friends? And will they all be reunited? Part Three: Insanity https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10862382/1/Insanity Reconciled to the belief that Lithuania and Latvia do not care about him, Estonia makes a desperate plan that he believes will save them all, but may in fact destroy him once and for all. As Lithuania struggles to make sense of Estonia's behavior, he is confronted by a nation who is only just realizing what has been happening to the Baltics for years. Part Four: Web of Delusions https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11007515/1/Web-of-Delusions For now, the Baltics, Belarus, and Ukraine seem to finally be safe. However, when Lithuania's pity for Russia overcomes his common sense, he ends up even further entangled in the web of insanity that they are all trapped in. As Estonia and Belarus try to find a way to break free, Lithuania makes a last attempt to save Russia from himself.
Þetta Reddast (nicegaai, January 2023) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44430493/chapters/111752707 Berwald, Mathias, and Sigurd are cousins. Emil is Sig's little brother. All of them have the same thing wrong with them. (Maybe it's genetic.)
Evig Eies Kun Det Tapte (slire, June 2015) https://archiveofourown.org/works/4147929?view_adult=true Set 1349 → 1350 AD. During the Black Plague ⅔ of Norway's population perish. After a year of wandering his country looking for God(s), he seeks sanctuary in Copenhagen.
When I'm Falling Down (quinndalynn, February 2012) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7855439/1/When-I-m-Falling-Down Left alone by his so-called Nordic 'family' once again, Iceland grapples with the monster inside, meanwhile pondering how he only truly thinks himself to be alive when he's falling.
A Certain Sort of Loneliness (APHPuffinChild, December 2016) https://archiveofourown.org/works/8809477/chapters/20198536 Emil has never dealt well with change - it always made him feel like he was being left behind.
The World Is Ugly (KnoxInSocks, April 2017) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12461154/1/The-World-Is-Ugly Emil Steilsson has always lived with depression, but it only gets worse when he moves from his home in Iceland to America with his older brother. The only thing keeping him sane is the gorgeous boy in his class, Leon Wang, who went through a similar experience a few years before.
Cold Dark Sea (roughdiamond5, April 2016) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11908631/1/Cold-Dark-Sea Leon trusts Emil until the last beat of his increasingly undead heart.
The Monsters In Us All (Shini-chan, June 2021) https://www.quotev.com/story/9310191/The-Monsters-in-us-all-Dark-Yandere-Hetalia-x-Reader/6 "Oh dear, look what you have done. Stealing my heart and then acting like it is no big deal. Now you pay the price, love. And the price is you!"
Unstable (SwiftNinja91, July 2012) https://www.deviantart.com/swiftninja91/art/Insane-Iceland-x-Therapist-Reader-Unstable-P1-317521066 Emil seems perfectly fine... despite the occasional creepy behavior.
She'll Never Know (Alfredosauce, August 2022) https://www.quotev.com/story/10382221/Hetalia-x-reader-ONE-SHOTS/19 Everybody’s pumped for the week-long skiing trip in Switzerland. While Emil and you are back to showcasing your weird relationship— “platonically” holding hands and sharing beds, Mathias never catches the drift like everyone else does and demands the same treatment from you. Emil eventually gives in to jealousy and denounces his friendship with you the first night in. He thought he was satisfied with these developments, all until he overhears a conversation between Mathias and Lukas two days later. Seems like he wasn’t the only one pining for you. His chance at revenge arrives when he finds the Dane unconscious in the snow after a freak accident.
Lights, Camera, Action! (smileygohappy, June 2022) https://archiveofourown.org/works/39743103/chapters/99499203 Lukas is a professional adult film star who has gained a wondrous amount of recognition and fame over the past few years. To keep up that ongoing popularity, he then asks Emil for a favor—to be in one of the adult films with him.
Tall Cold Grass (Jacquzy, June 2011) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7043530/1/Tall-Cold-Grass It was wrong. It was disgusting. He was his brother, his dearest baby brother, and he could still remember how he'd first found that small, frightened child, shaking behind the tall, cold grass.
A World Without Light (Wheatley, December 2014) https://www.quotev.com/story/5769241/A-World-Without-Light-a-DarkHetalia-Nordics-story/1 When the gods gave Norway one last chance to be with the people he loved most, they told him he needed to give something up that was important to him. He gave them his sanity. Now locked in a world of pain and darkness, Norway searches for his lost ability to smile again.
Bad Decisions (Secondhandpianist, March 2023) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18148376/chapters/42914384 Eirikur generally liked to believe that he was a good and responsible person. He always paid his bills on time, he hardly ever missed work, but could he be considered responsible or even good after he found out what he’d managed to get himself into?
Texting (MeowHime, October 2015) https://www.wattpad.com/story/51275813-iceland-x-abused-reader-texting You'd lived in abuse for years, and your family would constantly remind you that you were worthless. On a whim, you joined a group chat, since socialising wasn't your strong point. There, you met a boy under the name of Iceland_Puffin. You became friends, and since then, had exchanged phone numbers and texted each other every night. Little did you know, he was transferring to your school.
Sovn, Lillebror (ReykjavikBondivik, November 2017) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12741583/1/S%C3%B8vn-lillebror Depressed Iceland is Depressed™.
the Suicide Season pair (ticcking, March 2018) https://archiveofourown.org/series/966831 Russia is slowly dying (and he no longer likes to hurt people); Puberty is hitting Sealand like a bus, and something is wrong with America...
Frogs In a Pot (Leafy_leaf, September 2022) https://archiveofourown.org/works/41793708 “Don’t let someone be mean to you. You’re a very sweet child, so I worry you’ll be taken advantage of.” His boss said. Well, he had certainly tried to avoid being taken advantage of.
Shrinking Norway (PolarbearNinja2, June 2014) https://www.deviantart.com/polarbearninja2/art/Hetalia-Fanfic-Shrinking-Norway-Ch1-458571199 Shinking Norway.
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hetacupid · 1 year
Hetalia Human Names
NOTE: This is my personal interpretation and the names may diverge from canon and established fanon. Also I might update this every so often to make it more accurate, depending on the information I find.
Table of Contents
The Main Characters
Western Europe
Northern Europe
Eastern Europe
Southern Europe
Western Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Southeast Asia
Former nations
The Main Characters
Italy Veneziano: Feliciano Vergano
I chose the name Vergano instead as it keeps the essense of the original surname, but is actually Italian.
Italy Romano: Lovino Vergano
Germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt
Japan: Kiku Honda
Prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt
America: Alfred Franklin Jones
I like the headcanon of his middle name being "Freedom", but Franklin is my personal favourite.
England: Arthur James Kirkland
I came across this in a fic a while back and never looked back. This man needs a middle name.
France: Francis Bonnefoy
Russia: Ivan Braginsky
China: Yao Wang
Canada: Matthew Williams
Western Europe
Austria: Roderich Edelstein
Belgium: Laura Janssens
Liechtenstein: Erika Vogel
Luxembourg: Henri Janssens
I've also used the name Gabriel before, but it doesn't seem to be used much in Luxembourg, so Henri would be more fitting.
Monaco: Louise Bonnefoy
The name Louise and it's masculine variant, Louis, appear a few times in the Monaguesque royal family.
Netherlands: Willem Janssens
Willem appears a few times in the Dutch royal family, and it sounds a bit older than other suggested names, which reflects his age and general vibes imo. I really like this name.
Switzerland: Sebastian Zwingli
Personally I see his name "Basch" as a nickname for Sebastian. It's also easy to adapt to his official languages: Sebastian/Sébastién/Sebastiano. The Romansh variant would be Bistgaun, but the archaic version seems to be Bastgaun, which is more similar to Basch. I headcanon that he goes by the name "Basch" in all languages to make it more cohesive.
Northern Europe
Denmark: Mathias Rasmussen
I'm from Scandinavia myself and I don't know if it's widespread, but I've heard people say "all Danish people are named Rasmus" more than once, so I like to incorporate that into his surname.
Estonia: Eduard Kaasik
Around 50% of Estonia is covered in forest, and one of the most common tree types is birch. Kaasik is a common surname and means "birch forest".
Finland: Timo Väinämöinen
Iceland: Eiríkur Steinsson
Steinsson means "son of Stein (given name meaning stone)",. Also Emil isn't traditionally Icelandic, but it's widely used. Personally though, I prefer the name Eiríkur.
Latvia: Raivis Bērziņš
The surname Galante corresponds with the modern Latvian opera singer Inese Galante, but I couldn't find anything to suggest it's commonly used or that it's Latvian at all. Bērziņš is one of the most used Latvian surnames and means "birch tree", like Estonia's surname. Personally, I don't see the Baltics as siblings, but I think this would be a cute reference.
Also, based on what I read, surnames became common in Latvia around the 19th century, with Bērziņš being one of them. Latvia could have picked up whatever the people around him (Estonia) was using and made it his own.
Lithuania: Tolys Laurinaitis
Norway: Sigurd Bondevik
Sweden: Berwald Oxenstierna
Eastern Europe
Belarus: Natalya Arlovskaya
Bulgaria: Mihail Petrov Isporov
Isporov is the family name and is derived from an alternative name of Asparukh, the first king of the First Bulgarian Empire.
Czech: Tereza Novakova
Hungary: Erzsébet Héderváry
Moldova: Marcel Popescu
Poland: Feliks Łukasiewicz
Romania: Vladislav Popescu
Slovakia: Jozef Novak
Ukraine: Iryna Chernenko
Southern Europe
Greece: Herakles Karpusi
Portugal: João Silva Ferreira
Spain: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Western Asia
Cyprus: Stasinos Karpusi
Stasinos was one of the first European poets who wrote the epic poem Cypria.
Turkey: Sadiq Adnan
TRNC: Tarkan Adnan
South Asia
India: Rajesh Thakur
East Asia
Hong Kong: Leon Wang / Wong Kulung
Macau: Chen Wang
South Korea: Im Yong-soo
Taiwan: Mei Lin
Southeast Asia
Thailand: Prasert Chakri
Vietnam: Lien Nguyen
Cameroon: Emmanuel Mawdo Ahidjo
Many of the most commonly used forenames in Cameroon are of French or English origins, such as Emmanuel.
Mawdo means ‘elder’ in Fulfulde.
Ahidjo refers to the first president of Cameroon.
Egypt: Gupta Muhammad Hassan
Seychelles: Michelle Mancham
Cuba: Carlos Machado Rodríguez
Australia: Daniel Kirkland
New Zealand: Zachary Kirkland
Hutt River: Christopher Kirkland
Kugelmugel: Leopold Edelstein
Ladonia: Erland Oxenstierna
Molossia: Jacob Jones
"JJ" :)
Sealand: Peter Kirkland
Seborga: Romeo Vergano
Okay listen. I have no explaination, I just really like this name. Also, if the names of the trio is Peter, Wendy, and Romeo, they're all named after characters from literature. I think that's fun.
Wy: Wendy Kirkland
Former Nations
Ancient Egypt: Neferure
References the only biological child of Hatshepsut.
Ancient Greece: Helene
Ancient Rome: Marcus Valerius Maximus
Marcus is the praenomina (given name) and refers to how Romulus and Remus were said to have been twins of Mars, the god.
Valerius is the nomen gentilicium (hereditary name) and means “to be strong”.
Maximus is the cognomen and means “the greatest”.
Germania: Alaric
Holy Roman Empire: Otto Beilschmidt
Personally I like the idea that HRE and Germany aren't the same person, but share the same body.
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Fantasty Au
Me and my friend were talking about this I thought I should share this to you guys because I need to post more anyways.
Alfred F. Jones[America]: Half Wood Elf - Half Human
Matthew Williams[Canada]: Half Wood Elf - Half Tiefling
Arthur Kirkland[England]: Human
Francis Bonnefoy[Frances]: High Elf
Yao Wang[China]: Dragon
Kiku Honda[Japan]: Dragon
Ivan Braginski[Russia]: Orc
Katyusha Braginski[Ukraine]: Orc
Natalya Braginski[Belarus]: Orc
Ludwig Beilschmidt[Germany]: Orc
Gilbert Beilschmidt[Prussia]: Orc
Feliciano Vargas[Italy]: Saytr
Lovino Vargas[Romano]: Saytr
Gupta Muhammad Hassan [Egypt]: Desert Elf
Kemet Hassan[Mama Egypt]: Desert Elf
Sadiq Adnan[Turkey]: Desert Elf
Heracles Kurpus[Greece]: Wood Nympth
Berwald Oxenstierna[Sweden]: Human
Tino Väinämöinen[Finland]: Snow Elf
Lukas Bondevik[Norway]: Tiefling
Mathias[Denmark]: Human
Emil Steilsson[Iceland]: Tiefling
Peter Kirkland[Sealand]: Human
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Certaines de mes oeuvres francophones préférées :
Les Misérables, Quatrevingt-treize (Victor Hugo) Nadja (André Breton) Les chants de Maldoror (Lautréamont) L'enfant de la haute mer, Le forçat innocent, Les amis inconnus (Supervielle) L'automne à Pekin, L'écume des jours (Boris Vian) Antigone (Anouilh) Le misanthrope, Dom Juan (Molière) Cyrano de Bergerac (Edmond Rostand) Ondine, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (Giraudoux) La bête humaine, Germinal, Au bonheur des dames (Zola) Manuel de savoir-vivre à l'usage des rustres et des malpolis (Desproges) Le Horla (Maupassant) Claudine à l'école, Claudine à Paris (Colette) L'oeil du loup (Daniel Pennac) De cape et de crocs (Ayroles / Masbou) Comment Wang-Fo fut sauvé (Marguerite Yourcenar) L'île mystérieuse, 20000 lieues sous les mers (Jules Verne) Les fleurs du mal (Baudelaire) L'arbre à soleils (Henri Gougaud) La passe-miroir (Christelle Dabos) Les dingodossiers (Goscinny / Gotlib) Malpertuis, Les derniers contes de Canterbury (Jean Ray) Archives des anges (Alix de Saint-André) Du domaine des murmires (Carole Martinez) A la mystérieuse, Fortunes (Robert Desnos) Les animaux dénaturés, Contes des cataplasmes (Vercors) Sambre (Yslaire) 38 mini-westerns avec des fantomes (Mathias Malzieu) Les liaisons dangereuses (Laclos) Alcools (Apollinaire) Chansons (Maeterlinck) Gaspard de la nuit (Aloysius Bertrand) Mémoires de Louise Michel écrits par elle-même (Louise Michel) Romancero aux étoiles (Jacques Stephen Alexis)
Aaaah y’en a tellement !! Merciiii!
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angelboydream · 2 months
Alexander Wang - Sisters from Pavel Brenner on Vimeo.
Milano Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2022 Berlin Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2021 Berlin Commercial Nomination 2021 1.4 Awards Longlist 2021
Official Summer 21 Campaign for Alexander Wang Music by GRRL
Cast: Ashley Wang, Piya Chitsmaran, Yoa Mizuno, Olive Zuker-Brunzell, Sandra Diola, Seven Liu, Greena Park, Stella Tran, Bayana, Oprah Wambui, Juliet Marcroft, Grace Baik, Celline Lee, Lyn, Alejandra Avalos, Anisa Brown Stunt Double: Isabella Miller, Serena Li, Rhea Cullentas, Robyn Diamond, Keerati Julsophon, Nicole Cookpitman, Mizzel Serra, Johnathan Gleason Director: Pavel Brenner Cinematographer: Christopher Ripley Executive Producers: Malcolm Duncan, Fabien Colas, David Laven, Alex Wang Creative Producer: Camilla Gai Producer: Christina Jobe Sound Designer: Bastien Benkhelil Production Designer: Tyler Evans Art Director: Angus Bernsen Set Dresser: Theo Cohn, Erica Laguan, Brendan Sheley, Oliver Bernsen 1st Assistant Director: Mel Anderson 2nd Assistant Director: Alex Dolan 1st Assistant Camera: Jacob Perry 2nd Assistant Camera: Joe Ashi Loader: Chastin Noblett, Jake Duggar Gaffer: Mathias Peralta Set Lighting Technician: Chris Ginnaven Key Grip: Pablo Ruff-Berganza Best Boy Grip: Andres Gutierrez Best Boy Electric: Nick Haynes Grip: Jesse Curl Steadicam Operator: Bill Hunt Drone Pilot: Andrew Petersen Gimbal Operator: Jake Howard Drone Tech: Bryce Howard Drone Dudes: Ryan Bunnell Balloon Tech: Dave Cupp Digitech: Jason Wang Motocrane: Robert G Streeper Jr, Neil Maciejewski Talent / VIP relations: Kameron Kubicki Casting: Anita Bitton / Establishment New York Casting Associate: Calvin Wilson Stunt Choreographer: Isabella Miller, Serena Li Stylist: Worthy Dye Background Stylist: Damien Lloyd Hair Stylist: Edward Lampley Hair Assistant: Sol Rodriguez, Jessica Padilla, Alysha Walks, Jenelle Oldham Make Up Artist: Tarezka Fras Make Up Assistant: Mina Abramovic, Mila Nesmeyanov Nails: Sojin Oh Production Manager: Takara Joseph Production Coordinator: Sho Schrock Production Assistant: Ari Garber, Chris Hamilton Storyboard Artist: Camilla Gai Production Truck Driver: Jesse Martinez G&E Truck Driver: Filippo Bencaini Camera Truck Driver: Bill Colino Motorhome Driver: Richard Linville Craft Sevices: Xochil Chavira Studio Teacher: Michelle Garcia Medic / Safety Officer: Sharr Siamson Covid-19 Safety Officer: Jamie Pinon
Photographer: Hao Zeng Photo Assistant: Ryan Elliot, Justin Brooks
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youngsoulcity · 7 months
Alfie Jukes / EYES WIDE
Produced by Mathias Wang
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blog-quantran · 1 year
Alexander Wang - Sisters from Pavel Brenner on Vimeo.
Milano Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2022 Berlin Fashion Film Festival Official Selection 2021 Berlin Commercial Nomination 2021 1.4 Awards Longlist 2021
Official Summer 21 Campaign for Alexander Wang Music by GRRL
Cast: Ashley Wang, Piya Chitsmaran, Yoa Mizuno, Olive Zuker-Brunzell, Sandra Diola, Seven Liu, Greena Park, Stella Tran, Bayana, Oprah Wambui, Juliet Marcroft, Grace Baik, Celline Lee, Lyn, Alejandra Avalos, Anisa Brown Stunt Double: Isabella Miller, Serena Li, Rhea Cullentas, Robyn Diamond, Keerati Julsophon, Nicole Cookpitman, Mizzel Serra, Johnathan Gleason Director: Pavel Brenner Cinematographer: Christopher Ripley Executive Producers: Malcolm Duncan, Fabien Colas, David Laven, Alex Wang Creative Producer: Camilla Gai Producer: Christina Jobe Sound Designer: Bastien Benkhelil Production Designer: Tyler Evans Art Director: Angus Bernsen Set Dresser: Theo Cohn, Erica Laguan, Brendan Sheley, Oliver Bernsen 1st Assistant Director: Mel Anderson 2nd Assistant Director: Alex Dolan 1st Assistant Camera: Jacob Perry 2nd Assistant Camera: Joe Ashi Loader: Chastin Noblett, Jake Duggar Gaffer: Mathias Peralta Set Lighting Technician: Chris Ginnaven Key Grip: Pablo Ruff-Berganza Best Boy Grip: Andres Gutierrez Best Boy Electric: Nick Haynes Grip: Jesse Curl Steadicam Operator: Bill Hunt Drone Pilot: Andrew Petersen Gimbal Operator: Jake Howard Drone Tech: Bryce Howard Drone Dudes: Ryan Bunnell Balloon Tech: Dave Cupp Digitech: Jason Wang Motocrane: Robert G Streeper Jr, Neil Maciejewski Talent / VIP relations: Kameron Kubicki Casting: Anita Bitton / Establishment New York Casting Associate: Calvin Wilson Stunt Choreographer: Isabella Miller, Serena Li Stylist: Worthy Dye Background Stylist: Damien Lloyd Hair Stylist: Edward Lampley Hair Assistant: Sol Rodriguez, Jessica Padilla, Alysha Walks, Jenelle Oldham Make Up Artist: Tarezka Fras Make Up Assistant: Mina Abramovic, Mila Nesmeyanov Nails: Sojin Oh Production Manager: Takara Joseph Production Coordinator: Sho Schrock Production Assistant: Ari Garber, Chris Hamilton Storyboard Artist: Camilla Gai Production Truck Driver: Jesse Martinez G&E Truck Driver: Filippo Bencaini Camera Truck Driver: Bill Colino Motorhome Driver: Richard Linville Craft Sevices: Xochil Chavira Studio Teacher: Michelle Garcia Medic / Safety Officer: Sharr Siamson Covid-19 Safety Officer: Jamie Pinon
Photographer: Hao Zeng Photo Assistant: Ryan Elliot, Justin Brooks
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feelingsmixed · 1 year
Preliminärt material till en teori om misogyni
På senaste tiden har Tiqqun och Den Osynliga Kommittén fått en renässans i Sverige. Jag säger renässans men ska ärligt erkänna att jag inte vet om de har varit populära i landet förut då jag inte har bott här och inte heller följt den vänsterintellektuella debatten så länge. För att kort initiera de oinvigde: Tiqqun var en vänsterkommunistisk fransk tidskrift som fanns kring millienalskiftet. Alla tidskriftens artiklar var skrivit anonymt och utgivet under namnet ’Tiqqun’. Den osynliga kommittén är ett anonymt franskt författarkollektiv som, om än ingen vet exakt, anses vara i alla fall några av de samme personer som var en del av Tiqqun. Texterna av både kollektiver är präglat av idéen om att där finns ett pågående krig där Imperiet försöker erövra mer och mer av världen och den mänskliga subjektiviteten. Centralt står idéen om kommunen, inte som en fysisk plats utan ett sätt att organisera sig på, som utgångspunkt för attacker mot den kapitalistiska infrastrukturen[1]. Språket är ofta förförande estetisk och mystisk, och där refereras lika ofta till biopolitiktänkare som Foucault och Agamben som där görs till Marx.
Den mest rammande kritik av Tiqqun är skrivit av Jackie Wang för nästan 13 år sen: https://loneberry.tumblr.com/post/1245886356/a-critique-of-the-theory-of-bloom-by-tiqqun. Här kritiserar hon en av deras andra texter ’The Theory of Bloom’, en text där Tiqqun utifrån karaktären Bloom i James Joyces Ulysses karakteriserar den moderna människa som en alienerad, blasé varelse ude af stand till att känna känslor. Wang kritiserar texten för 1) studentikos nihilism och 2) för att ta mannen som det implicite utgångspunkt för subjektet.
Jag ska inte försöka gissa vad det är som har gjort Tiqqun populäre på den svenska vänstern på senaste. Kanske det är för att Tiqquns Preliminary Materials Towards a Theory of the Young-Girl blev tagit upp i Stormens Utveckling för några månader sen. Den bok blev i alla fall senast tagit upp i det nyaste nummer av Flamman där Mathias Wåg använder den för att förklara ungdomens dalande politiska engagemang. Kort sammanfattat är Young-Girl ett sorts klipp-klistra essä, så kallat trash theory. Det är enligt författarna inte en ’färdig’, välformulerad teori utan början på teoretiserande där de använder citat och utklipp från allt från filosofiska värk till modetidningar. Det kan också ses i sättet boken är layoutat där författarna byter mellan olika teckensnitt. Det ser ut så här:
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Enligt författarna ska Young-Girlförstås som den ’visionsmaskin’ där Imperiets slagsmark manifesterar sig. Young-Girlär kapitalismens perfekte subjekt. Hon kännetecknas vid sin konsumtionslust, hon är ytlig, bara upptagen av sig själv, hon förvandlar allt, även marxistisk teori (!) till en del av sin image. Hon tar inget på alvar, allt är ett skämt, ”The Young-Girl reduces all grandeur to the level of her ass.” På ett sätt är hon den kvinnliga motsvarigheten till Bloom fast där Bloom känner sig alienerad från det kapitalistiska samhället tillpassar Young-Girl sig perfekt till det, förkroppsligar och reproducerar det.
I Flamman använder Mathias Wåg figuren Young-Girl till att försöka att förstå varför kidsen inte är vänster i artikeln ’Vi är alla kapitalets unga tjejer’ med underrubriken ’Är du en That girl eller Granola girl? I sociala medier lär sig ungdomen att uttrycka sina begär genom konsumtion i stället för uppror. Så har en hel generation förlorats till högern.’ Den var även på numrets framsida:
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Wågs frågar varför färre och färre ungdomar organiserar sig politisk, och varför fler och fler inte identifierar sig utifrån politisk tillhörighet utan nu gör det utifrån intressen (fritidsintressen that is, inte materiella intressen). Enligt Wåg ska svaret hittas med hjälp av Young-Girl. Via sociala medier interpelleras ungdomar till att bli mönsterkonsumenter genom en sjuklig upptagenhet av utseende och image. Både Tiqqun och Wåg försöker försäkra oss om att det inte handlar om äkta tjejer utan att tjejen fungerar som en bild på kapitalismen. Vi är ’alla’ kapitalets unga tjejer.
Kvinnor har alltid använts som symbol och därigenom blivit reducerat till en bild, till kvinnan, fråntaget sin mänsklighet för i stället att stå som tecken för något annat. Det bästa exempel på detta är hur kvinnan har använts som bild på nationen. Enligt Ruth Lister (2002, 195) har kvinnor ”been accorded a critical role in the reproduction of nations, not only in terms of physical reproduction and the transmission of culture but also as symbols of the nation, its spirit and honour, to be defended in war by male citizens”. Tänk på propaganda från Nazi-Tyskland där kvinnan framställs som en kärleksfull moder (en central del av Kinder Kirche Küche-ideologin), Sovietpropaganda där kvinnan porträtteras som en trofast arbetare eller tänk, som Per Aage Brandt har poängterat, på den berömde tavla av Eugene Delacroix ’Friheten letar folket’ där en kvinna med blottat bröst letar revolutionäre fransmän i julirevolutionen, hennes nakenhet symboliserande förändring. Metaforer är aldrig oskyldiga och de är heller aldrig tillfälliga. Om vi alla är Young-Girl, varför ska bilden så vara kvinnlig? Och varför ska den använda dessa klichéer om kvinnor – att vi är ytliga, att vi inte förstår politik, att vi bara är upptagna av oss själv?
Wåg slutar sin artikel med att säga att det som behövs är en feministisk rörelse emot individualisering och varufiering.
Men hallå!!!
Är det Young-girl-analysen gör inte exakt att individualisera kapitalets strukturer genom att centrera den unga tjejen som det tydligaste uttryck för kapitalismen? På den årliga danska marxistkonferens för 1000 år sedan (i 2017) hörde jag ett upplägg av Anna Cornelia Ploug där hon sa något som jag har kommit ihåg sedan dess. Ett problem vid en form för individualiserat feminism är att den gör oss uppmärksamma på att vårt sätt att vara i världen på är format av patriarkaliska strukturer, att våra individuella beteende är med att reproducera patriarkatet. Men bara för att vi blir uppmärksamma på det betyder det inte att vi längre känner patriarkatets tvång och bara kan undslippa det. Alla feminister har cirka 1000 gångar dekonstruerat varför vi känner oss missnöjda med våra kroppar och vårt utseende men vi fortsätter att känna så. Detta skapar mer än politisk förändring bara en dubbel dålig självkänsla hos kvinnor. Först känner vi oss dåliga över vårt utseende, sen känner vi oss dåliga över att känna oss dåliga över vårt utseende.
Relaterat blir internetet i Wågs artikel till något som per definition är dåligt för politisk organisering och social förändring. Det är på internetet att The Young-Girl interpelleras och som konsekvens pacificeras. Vänstern ska alltså inte försöka att konkurrera med högern online utan ska i stället koncentrera sig om att skapa verkliga mötesplatser där ungdomar kan organisera sig politisk. Fint. Men är internet och politisering verkligen motsättningar? När jag var en Young-Girl, boende i provinsen långt borta från möjligheter till politisk organisering, var det via internetet jag politiserades. Jag spenderade timmer på att läsa om feminism och antikapitalism, ideer jag inte hade möjlighet att få offline. Det gjorde att jag när jag flyttade till Köpenhamn som en lite äldre Young-Girl kunde ta del i politisk organisering.
Det som frustrerade mig vid att läsa Wågs artikel handlade dock inte så mycket om detta. Likaväl som internetet per automatik inte är dåligt, så är det inte heller bara bra. Självklart är det ett problem att så stor en del av vår kommunikativa infrastruktur ägs av kapitalistiska jättar och är så fyllt av reklam. Självklart måste vi försöka att förstå vad detta gör vid oss som politiska subjekt. Men varför ska det göras på ett sätt där vänstersnubber använder kapitalismkritik som en ursäkt för misogyni?
Brandt, Per Aage. 2016. 'Kvinden er et levende emblem'.
Tiqqun. 2012. Preliminary Materials For a Theory of the Young-Girl. Semiotext(e).
Wang, Jackie. 2010. A Critique of The Theory of Bloom by Tiqqun: Power, Subjectivity, Difference, and Unbecoming
Wåg, Mathias. 2023. ‘Vi är alla kapitalets unga tjejer’.
[1] Jag är min goda vän Ludvig skyldig för denna koncisa beskrivning av deras strategi
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nuadox · 2 years
Virtual pet game BitPet takes you for a stroll (video)
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- By Nuadox Crew -
BitPet is a company that has its beginnings in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) gaming environment. BitPet is now releasing a game bearing the same name in which you must care for virtual animals.
The virtual pets can only survive if they are socialized and taken outside (encouraging users to increase physical activity).
Video: “Slush Product Launch: BitPet (CEO Mathias Grønstad & Co-Founder Alf Inge Wang)” by Slush, YouTube.
The game is similar to Pokémon Go, which Alf Inge Wang has thoroughly researched. Wang is a professor at NTNU’s Department of Computer Science and a BitPet co-founder.
“Pokémon Go has a positive effect on players’ physical, mental and social health, but the effect only lasts as long as you keep the game going. I wanted to find a game concept that provides similar positive health effects over a longer period of time,” explains Wang.
Header image by huoadg5888 from Pixabay (with added cartoon effect).
Source: Steinar Brandslet, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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riceacolyte · 8 days
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character vignette: mathias louw
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China B2B Marketing - Online Konferenz am 1.12.2022
Ich habe die Ehre beim Online-Event "Digital Jungle Conference" am 1. Dezember 2022 (alles rund ums Thema B2B Marketing in China) etwas zum Thema SEO für China erzählen zu dürfen.
Ihr werdet von mir einen kurzen Rundumschlag dazu bekommen wie SEO grundsätzlich funktioniert mit dem kleinen Twist worauf dabei in China zu achten ist.
Außerdem, da viele von Euch das Thema für China an eine lokale Agentur auslagern werden, gebe ich Euch am Ende noch Tipps mit an die Hand, wie Ihr schnell merken könnt, ob Ihr gerade an eines der leider immer noch vielen existierenden schwarzen Schafe geraten seid (damit Ihr gleich weitersuchen könnt).
Außerdem werden noch eine ganze Reihe weiterer spannender Speaker zu sehen sein zu den Themen: „Successful market access and business development in China“ (en), „Update on Judicial Protection of IPR in China: Effectiveness and Principles“ (en), „Einführung in das Alibaba Ecosystem und die B2C E-Commerce Plattform Tmall“ (de), „Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Chinas Rechtsrahmen“ (de) und „(Messe-)Video-Promotions im B2B Bereich“ (de).
Mit dabei: Nils Horstmann (eviom), Wendy Li-Teichert (eviom), Judith Yong (EU Tech Chamber, China-Alliance), Zhengzhi Wang (Globe Law), Patrick Kuehl (Alibaba.com), Mathias Müller (Rödl & Partner) und Jiaqi Zhu (Vogel Communications Group) und natürlich ich selbst Marcus Pentzek (Searchmetrics)
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nofatclips · 5 years
Queendom by Aurora from Infections Of A Different Kind (Step 1) - Director: Kinga Burza
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childofthemoon86 · 6 years
@weekofhetalia Day 6: Mermaids/pirates
The Drowned Rose
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Pairing: none Characters: America, China, Turkey, Estonia, Denmark, Prussia, England (mentioned). Rating: K+ Word count: 2445 Cross posted on FF.net Summary: A rumour of a lost pirate ship is all it takes to set a rag tag group of unlikely friends on the hunt for sunken treasure. But out in the deep blue sea, just what will they find? After all, no one really knows what just might live in the endless black…
“We’re close, I can feel it.” Alfred grins excitedly as he looks over the displays, watching the changing sonar graph for even the smallest object below. “You say that about every dive.” Spinning on his swivel stool, Al blinks up at the man leaning up against the cabin wall. Yao Wang, the supervisor and project manager for this little excursion, frowns down at him. “This time’s different,” Al insists, “it’s definitely here, it’s just gotta be.” “Humph, it better be, or this is coming out of your pay.” Yao huffs. This’ll be their sixth dive of the area, and Yao is far from pleased with their lack of progress. “Ah, lay off him.” Sadık calls as he comes in, “He’s got spirit, and out here that counts for more than you might think.” “Yeah!” Al proudly agrees, glad to have the backing of their lead historian. “None of that will matter if we don’t find anything.” Yao counters. “Just wait, you’ll see.” Al frowns, before the beep of the sonar grabs his attention. He spins his seat around, eagerly looking back to the graph. But, as a diver, Al’s no expert in reading the bright oranges and whites that form fuzzy shapes against the blue background, not that that stops him trying. Rather that job belongs to their navigator. “Is it the ship?!” Al cries at the strange block shape on the graph. Sitting at the other side of the console, Eduard leans over, only taking a second to scan the graph before deciding, “Could be a smaller wreck, but not the one we’re after. It’s far too small, and the depth is wrong.” Sagging at the false alarm, Al slumps a bit in his seat. “Chin up kid,” Sadık says, “if it’s out there, we’ll find it.” Turning to Eduard, he adds, “how much farther to our search zone?” “We should be entering it any minute now, right Mathias?” At hearing his name, the energetic blond up front gives a thumbs up, steering the boat out to the deep waters. “We should be over the drop riiiiight abouuuuut… now!” On cue, the sonar graph starts to change, showing the sudden increase in depth to the sea floor, and hopefully, the wreak they’re all looking for. “Look sharp boys, we’ll be heading down soon!” Gilbert shouts from the bow, getting the his and Al’s dive gear set up. “Now all we gotta do is cross our fingers.” Sadık grins, leaning over the controls to stare out at the open sea before them. X It all started with a rumour. As a salvage diver, Alfred makes his living recovering all sorts of lost or destroyed wreaks, but his favourites have always been sunken ships. There’s just something eerily beautiful about dropping down into waters so deep and dark, that only his flashlight can show him the way, to find the untouched remains of once grand seafarers. He’s been on hundreds of dives, and helped bring up everything from lost WW2 planes, to sea mines, to cargo containers. But ship wreaks have always had a special place in his heart. So when working on a dive in the Caribbean, and he over heard a rumour of a lost pirate ship, he just had to get in on it. Getting a team together was the easy part, he’s made more than a few crazy friends willing to go on a possible wild goose chase with him. Convincing Yao to dedicate the resources needed however, that was the hard part. He needed proof that this ship existed, and might still be out there. And who better to help him get it than his good friend Sadık? “A lost pirate ship huh?” The man parroted, quirking a brow at Al over his desk. “Yeah, you think it’s the real deal?” “Hmm, could be, plenty of pirates ran those parts in 15 to 1800’s. Know who’s it might be?” “Not a clue.” Al grins, “all I heard was it was an English ship, and apparently it had some sort of super important, stolen treasure on board when it sank.” Chuckling, Sadık shakes his head at the young man across from him, “Don’t they all?” But before Al can say anything more, he nods, “Alright, I’ll look into it.” And that was how Alfred and his rag tag team now find themselves searching the wide blue expanse far from the coast of the Caribbean. After several  weeks of research, and a few rough guesses on  location and time frame, Sadık came through, and with a bigger pitch to Yao than even Al could have hoped for. “I think we might be looking for the Blood Rose.” Sadık grins broadly, only to be met with blank stares from the rest of the group. “And what’s that?” Yao huffs. “Only the single most prolific pirate ship of the early 1600’s. Reported to have been responsible for sinking over 100 naval ships, both French and Spanish, committed upwards of 70 raids in more than 8 countries, and captained by one Arthur Ignatius Kirkland, a man arguably more blood thirsty than Red Beard himself.” Al, Gil and Mathias’s eyes all light up at the description, even Eduard seems intrigued, but Yao is a hard man to impress. “And?” He taps his foot impatiently, staring Sadık down. “Heh, always about the profit, right Yao?” Sadık smirks, “Well how’s this take your fancy?” Flipping open a rather old and tattered log book, he points to a page filled with writing. “This is a list of all the items stolen from a Spanish fleet transporting, among other things, silver and gold medallions from the New World back to Spain. And here we see it’s listed as having been attacked by an English ship. The date coincides with the last known sighting of the Blood Rose, before she mysteriously vanished eight days out to sea.” As Yao reads over the cursive script, the others can slowly see him being won over. “That’s a lot of gold.” He murmurs, blinking as he reads further down the page. He then frowns as something catches his eye. “Escalas de sirena? Mermaid scales, really?” he asks, pointing to the strangely circled item. Shrugging, Sadık gently closes the book. “All sailors believe at least some myths, why not Mermaids?” Choosing to ignore the strange item, Yao finally makes his decision. “Well what are you all just sanding around here for? Go pack, we’ve got a wreak to salvage.” X The beeping of the sonar brings Alfred out of his daydreaming to blink down at the screen. Lifting Al’s arm out the way, Eduard looks over the screen, before smiling. “Looks like we’re got a hit.” “Is it our ship?” Al asks, suddenly back to being full of energy. “Hmm, the size is right and it’s in the right place.” Eduard nods, adjusting the read out to get a better look, then turning to Al, “Only one way to find out.” “Sweet! Mathias, park us right here!” Al cries, jumping to his feet. “Way ahead of you!” The man laughs back, idling the engines. “Finally.” Yao sighs, finishing off his tea. Rushing to pull on his gear, Al hurries to join Gilbert on the stern. With oxygen tanks checked, wet suit snugly in place, and cameras at the ready, the pair waste no time in jumping in. Once off the boat, Gilbert leads the way down, following Eduard’s instructions to the suspected wreaks location. It’s an easy routine for both divers, but they also know they still have to be careful, anything could go wrong, and at these depths, pressure is their biggest danger. They continue on down, the dappled light from above quickly dying out as they encounter a shoal of fish being chased by dolphins. They both pause for a moment, Al turning his camera to the frenzy for a few shots of the rare sight, but time is against them here, so they carry on down, into the endless black below. A light mounted to their caps and one on their chest light the way, until finally, after a near twenty minute dive, they reach the seabed. All manner of fish and crustaceans scuttle away at their presence, Al even spots an octopus swim past, but none of that is what their here to find. Following the directions of the sonar, they swim onwards, keeping to the sea floor as they look for anything man-made to point them in the right direction. “You should be coming up on the structure now.” Eduard’s grainy voice crackles in Al’s ear, filling him with excitement as he hovers by Gil’s side. Then, finally, after weeks of searching, they find it. A huge man-of-war styled frigate sitting on it’s side, half resting upon a bed of rock and the centre of it’s large hull caved in. But they can’t be certain until they see the name. Not wasting a second, Al powers forward, heading for the broadside, where he know’s he’ll find what’s left of it’s name. While Al gets to work, Gil turns his camera to the wreak, transmitting the images back to their boat. “Holy shit.” He smirks, “Even if this isn’t our wreak, this is one hell of a find.” “It sure is.” Sadık’s voice crackles back in awe. “Gil!” Al shouts needlessly into his mask, “It’s her! It’s the Blood Rose, we found her!” Coming over to join Al, Gilbert dutifully films the uncovered name for the rest of the crew to see. In large fancy print, the mostly faded red letters spell out the ships name, even if it is half covered under coral and sea creatures. Though the ship has clearly seen better days, now mostly rotten at the bottom of the sea, it’s once grandeur is clear to imagine. But none of that interests Yao. “What are you two just floating about for?” The man snaps, crackling in their ears, “Get to work! I want to know everything this wreak has to offer.” Both divers roll their eyes at their boss’s demand, but they do as told anyway. This time it’s Al who takes the lead, carefully surveying the opening in the hull, before going in. Gilbert hovers close by, acting as Al’s early warning in case of danger. Who knows what’s made it’s home in here, sharks especially they have to watch out for. It takes some time, as they manoeuvre their way around broken beams and rotten floors, down to reach the cargo hold. It’s not like in the moves, where gold glints and shines back at them the second they’re in, rather they have to go looking if they want to find anything of value. In a wreak like this, the goods might not even be in the ship anymore, possibly having been lost in the sinking, now scattered across the seabed. If that’s the case, they’ll be lucky to find a single coin or two. Not to mention, Alfred’s least favourite part, all the skeletons. “Wah!” He jumps, flailing around as he comes face to face with a skull sitting beneath a beam. Laughing Gil swims past him, picking at the few remaining bits of cloth still covering the bones. “Kesesesese, never gets old.” “Oh shut up.” Al huffs, moving on. Seems they’ve found the crew, no doubt having been trying to save the ship from going down. But them all being in cargo hold is unusual. “Hey Gil, you see what I see?” “Hmm?” Looking over, Gil frowns at the sight before them. “If the ship had this much damage to it, why’d all the crew head here?” Dozens of skeletons clutter the very back of the hold, not where the damage is, but where a number of crates sit piled together. “If I had to guess,” Gil smirks, “I’d say they were trying to save whatever’s in those boxes.” Both divers know a jackpot when they see one, and, as much as Al hates skeletons, that doesn’t stop him from getting to work moving them out of the way. But unseen by the pair, a shadow watches from within the black, eyes trained on their every move. Tossing the bones to the side, they quickly uncover one of the crates, but it’s seized shut with years of rust and rot, making it impossible for the pair to open. Down here any way. Instead, testing the weight, and deeming it able to be moved, they make their decision. “Oxygen is getting low,” Gil sighs, “Mathias get ready for pick up, we’re coming back.” “And we got a present to boot!” Al laughs as the pair begin the long swim to the surface, crate carefully carried between them. “Good,” Yao crackles, “hurry back now.” “Will do.” Though they say that, surfacing is just as precarious as the rest of the dive, and both of them know they can’t rush it, not if they don’t want to get the bends. As they leave, the shadow trails after them from a safe distance, but it does not depart the ship, head tilting as it watches them take the box away, until both are nearly out of sight. Once gone, the shadow worms it’s way back through the ship, to bones scattered with little care. A strange whine escapes it at the sight, before gently reaching, it picks up a skull, holding it close in a strange hug as it moves to set it back atop one of the crates. By the time Al and Gil surface a short distance from the boat, both Sadık and Mathias are eagerly waiting at the stern for them. They swim over, lifting the box up to hand over first, before climbing on board. “Ahh…” Al sighs, flopping back across the floor the second he removes his tank. But he doesn’t lie about long, as Yao is quick to order everyone around. “Jones get up, your leaving a puddle. Beilschmidt I wan’t you ready to dive again as soon as possible. And Adnan, I-” “Want the crate open, yeah, yeah.” Sadık waves Yao off, doing his own inspection of the box first. “Aha!” He cries, “Look, there’s still a partial print of the Spanish navy on here. We’ve definitely found something stolen from them. While he gushes over the discovery, photographing the symbol for his records, Mathias returns from the cabin, looking a bit too happy to be wielding a crowbar. “Give me that.” Sadık laughs, “can’t have you destroying artefacts now.” Together the group gather around, all holding their breath as Sadık slips the bar in, and counts, “1, 2, 3!” Cracking the lid open, he hurriedly slides it back to reveal…
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hetaliawhatifs · 6 years
What did the countries do on 420? Did anyone get high and do something outrageous?
(We’ll just include the countries that participated with “outrageous” acts)
America: Alfred…Well…Alfred tested the caloric intake levels..What? He gets the munchies..Also, lots of watching old cartoons just to have some cheesy laughs. 
Denmark: Mathias built a viking ship out of legos and demanded everyone call him “King”. When no one did, he pouted and built himself a pillow fort that said “No jerks allowed” and hid in there until Berwald forced him out. 
2P! China: Zhao cleared an entire buffet table and was going for more until he was “escorted” out by the owners. Swore he was going to climb the Empire State Building…promptly climbed up a light post before falling onto a cop car…He was later detained by police. 
2P! America: Got detained by police due to Zhao screaming “NO BALLS” at him when it came to jumping over a cop car…Allen then tried to jump over the cop car, and fell on top of it. Along side Zhao. Then to top it off, started wrestling…on top of the cop car. 
2P! Germany: Lutz spend most of 4/20 at a rave party, so he didn’t do much other than drink and smoke pot…but what got him is when he went to send a…dirty picture to someone, and ended up pressing “select all”. So, everyone in his phone (That’s a lot of people) got a…fun…picture. 
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