#matagot au
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months ago
Matagot AU
Adribat + GCS Headcanons
First time he met Harley and Ivy, like really met, not just a quick "hello," was after his dad got arrested.
Adrien was only going to stay in Gotham for a few months, a year at the most. For the first month or so, he would shift between hotels, shelters and staying on the streets. Sleeping in the morning and staying up at night under the care of Catwoman.
Selina knew something was up with Adrien and ended up doing her own investigation. After some gentle nudging, she was able to get him to tell her what was happening, confirming what she learned, and after some more gentle nudging, got him to agree to live with her, Harley and Ivy.
Harley liked Adrien as soon as she saw him. Selina may have called dibs, but like hell was she just gonna let the cat have him to herself. She'll be the best aunt he ever knew!!
They walk Bud and Lou together. It took some time for Adrien to get used to them and for them to get used to Adrien, but Harley's happy to have another walking buddy.
He's never even met the Joker, but after hearing about him from Harley, Ivy and Selina, Adrien knows it'll be on sight. Fuck the Joker.
Ivy does her best to answer any questions Adrien has about her plants. Doesn't matter how simple or complex, she's willing to answer.
She also gets him into gardening. He has a small area he can work on. They work together to get plants he can keep. It's mainly venus flytraps and a lot of cacti.
While Matagot is mainly seen with Catwoman, sometimes people spot him with Harley and/or Ivy.
People are used to seeing a new bat/bird added to the Batfam. There are socials dedicated to spotting a new one and figuring out if it is a new one or if it was an old one with an upgrade. So when they saw Matagot, they thought he was part of the Batfam (which, technically could be correct, depends on who you ask).
↑ No one was expecting him to be waiting on Catwoman. Some thought he was waiting to catch her, but when she handed him a duffle bag and they both booked it when Batman and Robin showed up, they realized: ah, the cat adopted a kitten.
↑ that officially got the tag Batdad VS Catmom to trend. People were fighting over who was the better parent for "strays."
Harley takes advantage of her psychology degree and offers to give Adrien some well needed therapy.
It takes him some time, but he does eventually open up to her. His sessions usually happen when they're taking Bud and Lou out for a walk. Harley listens as he opens up about his childhood, the expectations put upon him, the constant disappointment, feeling like he wasn't really worth it despite there being people (Marinette, Kagami, Felix, Chloe at one point, etc.) who told him he was. How he felt lonely even when he wasn't alone. How he was never given the answers he sought out, they didn't have to give him the full answer if it would risk something. But, was he that untrustworthy that they couldn't even let him in a little? Somedays he wonders if taking the cat miraculous back was worth it. Because somedays, somedays he's scared of falling asleep and waking up to Plagg being gone again. Only this time there would be no one on his side to help him fight for his miraculous and kwami back. This time, the horse miraculous might be used. It'd be a quick voyage and...
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armsoftheangelsss · 8 days ago
okay, skyjacks high school au. jonnit is a student. dref is the school nurse. gable is the p.e. teacher. travis is the theater teacher. do you see my vision.
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schizosusie · 7 months ago
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made a tma au. podcasts
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lovetunneldown · 10 months ago
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skyption designs woohoo
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pinacolada-posts · 1 month ago
Working List of Magical Realism AU ((i won't shut up about this au someone put me down like a dog))
Lewis H - human (reeks of werewolf)
George R - human
Charles L - human
Carlos S - human
Oscar P - human
Lando N - human
Fernando A - human
Lance S - shifter (jaguar)
Esteban O - matagot (black cat)
Pierre G - human
Yuki T - human
Liam L - human
Alex A - human
Franco C - human
Valterri B - human (witches' blood)
Z Guanyu - heavenly being
Nico H - human
Kevin M - human
Max V - human
Sergio P - human
Logan S - shapeshifter
Daniel R - human
Jack D - human
Oliver B - shellycoat
Kimi A - human
Gabriel B - human
Nico R - werewolf
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orchideous-nox · 3 months ago
Ooooh hi Nox <3
Trick or treat??
Hiii < 3
Have a little behind the scenes/research fact for my current WIP a vow out to the dark from my Pirate AU!!
I wanted to give Evan a "pirate name" like how Remus is "The Sea Wolf" and Lily is "Waterlily". The first idea was "The Rose Killer" or something like that with rose in the name but it wasn't giving the right vibe.
Due to the premise of the fic being "let's hunt the rat", me and some friends played around with some ideas in a call which resulted in something Pied-Piper related like "The Rat Catcher", and then there was also "The Gardener" (sorry Wild, still not happening) but it just wasn't sticking. Then I remembered Evan is French and I had a whole other language and culture to work with.
I was researching French folklore and fairytales, looking at "cauchemar" and The Mare, I looked at Perrault fairytales and ended up finding out about a spirit called a matagot or mandagot from French folklore. A matagot normally takes the form of a black cat but can also be other animals, and can be either evil or helpful towards humans such as providing weath but also extending suffering upon a human's death if not released. Matagot also exist within the Harry Potter universe, and (I'm assuming) rhymes with Evan’s nickname for Barty which was "mon matelot" meaning "my sailor" which comes from Middle French.
I'm very excited to show people this new Evan, 6 years after we last saw him, and how he became the Matagot, captain of The Death Eater.
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xtwstedtalesx · 11 months ago
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Yes, canon Grim’s tail is indeed a pitchfork. The regular cat tail is a detail of my Myth AU. Matagots (the kind of Myth Grim is) take on the appearance of a regular black cat. Grim is a bit of an outlier and maintains his fiery ears to make a unique impression. His tail is naturally a pitchfork as well, but he tends to keep it as a regular cat tail to avoid any associations with devils or imps. Still, if you want him to change his tail he’ll gladly do it for his master.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year ago
I was gonna suggest a cryptid AU were all the boxers are mythical creatures from their country of origin (Like Joe being a tatzelwurm or matagot, Aran being a puca, and Don being a oricuerno etc. Little Mac is just a human who joined the wrong boxing league.)
But now I kinda wanna hear about a Winx or general fairy type AU.
im sorry but i cant get the "she was a fairy" sound out of my head aughhhhhghgggh, fairy au hcs below
Glass joe - small fairy that keeps getting mistaked for a butterfly, guides people to safety away from danger when needed
Von Kaiser - somewhat smaller than average fairy that usually spooks kids who misbehave (not doing chores, not listening to your parents, not eating healthy)
Disco Kid - normal sized fairy that just dances around to cheer up people, has a large swarm of fireflies around him
King Hippo - normal sized fairy that brings good harvests to people who need it & steals crops from people who dont deserve it (by that i mean being generally bad)
Piston Hondo - another normal sized fairy that scares bad people into being good (people who litter, bullies, mean people) think of him as a upgraded Kaiser
Bear Hugger - normal sized fairy that will send a squirrel after you as a warning when you litter, if you keep it up he'll eventually send a entire ass bear to your doorstep, And it you somehow keep that up he turns your house into a animal sanctuary by filling it with birds, bears, meese, geese, cheese and BEEES!!
Great Tiger - somewhat smaller than average fairy that sings to warn people about the others, how bear hugger will send a bear to your house if you litter, how glass joe means no harm and how King Hippo will steal your crops if youre a dickhead
Don Flamenco - normal sized fairy that steals hearts (and names) by flirting with those out to get him, usually hides out in a tree trunk and will come out to help people get with their crush
Aran Ryan - small fairy that likes causing havoc, even being near him causes people to feel dizzy, hes that much of a problem, he'll steal your crops for fun, kidnap your livestock for shits and giggles along with chucking you in a lake if you piss him off
Soda Popinski - normal sized fairy that comes out during the winter to keep people who get lost safe, will usually guide them to their house, a shelter or somewhere warm
Bald Bull - normal sized fairy that does not want you near his territory, usually warns people by wrecking & twisting trees to the point where it looks like someone took a bite out of it, if you somehow dont back off he'll put a curse on you or make your livestock ill
Super Macho Man - normal sized fairy that appears to people who are too obsessed with their appearance and annoys them out of it by being more obsessed about his appearance to make them realize how dumb they sound, can and will steal any mirrors to look at himself
Mr Sandman - bigger than average fairy that appears to protect people who are in danger, usually putting a curse on the attacker and guiding them to safety, usually scares off the threat since hes tall as fuck
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reversereaction · 27 days ago
Under your skin | ich bin mir nicht sicher, welche Fragen es damals so auf ask.fm gab, daher sorry, falls es das schon gab.
Erstmal vorweg: Das neue Kapitel ist mal wieder gelungen und das wohlverdiente Review wird folgen <3 Ich liebe, wie du Hao darstellst und auch Past-Hao ist genau nach meinem Geschmack, aber dazu später.
Nun komme ich mal zu meiner Frage rund um den Cast und den Boys.
Ordne den Charakteren zu:
- Ein magisches Tierwesen
- einen Zauberspruch
- Ein magisches Unterrichtsfach
- Eine Kaffeesorte bzw. Teesorte
- Ein Genre
Ich erinner mich auch nicht, aber ich denke die Fragen gab es damals nicht und generell habe ich ja auch keine gespeichert, weil ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit wie ask.fm abgestellt wurde, mein Laptop den Geist aufgegeben hat und das war alles zu viel Stress für mich. :‘D
ich freu mich auf jeden Fall, dass dir das Kapitel gefallen hat 🥰
und bin schon gespannt, was du zu der Vergangenheit sagst, ist ja der erste Rückblick in der Story. 🙈
» Ein magisches Tierwesen
Landon: Goldene Schnatzer – Ein kleiner, zarter Vogel, der mittlerweile fast ausgestorben ist und der originale Schnatz bei Quidditchspielen. Mittlerweile steht er unter Artenschutz und die Strafen fallen hoch aus, wenn man einen der seltenen Vögel verletzt. Sie sind harmlos, flink und die Flügel und Augen galten früher als wertvolles Handelsgut.
Emery: Demiguise – Ein zierlicher kleiner Affe mit silbrig-seidigen Fellhaaren, aus welchen Tartnumhänge hergestellt werden. Demiguise sind ruhige, aber auch kluge und neugierige Wesen. Sie können die wahrscheinliche Zukunft vorhersagen und sich unsichtbar machen, daher sind sie sehr schwer zu fangen. Eigentlich sind Demiguise allerdings von grundauf hilfsbereite Wesen.
Min-Jun: Appaloosa-Knuddelmuff – Die amerikanische Züchtung von Knuddelmuffs, die ironischerweise mittlerweile aus Asien und Europa importiert werden, da das Züchten von magischen Tierwesen für die längste Zeit illegal war und daher keine Züchter mehr in Kanada und den USA gibt. Außerdem war ein Aooalppsa-Knuddeluff Min-Juns erste Haustier.
Mateo: Matagot – Katzenahmliche Tierwesen mit schwarzem Fell und übergroßen leuchtenden blauen Augen, weche gruselig wirken. Treten sie aus der magischen Welt heraus, tarnen sie sich als herkömmliche schwarze Hauskatzen. Generell sind Matagot harmlos, außer wenn man sie angreift, dann vervielfachen sie sich nämlich und greifen an. Matagot sind wegen ihrer gewissenhaften Art perfekte Wachtiere.
» einen Zauberspruch
Landon: Reparo – Den Reperaturszauber ist einer von Landons meist genutzten Zauber, vor allem als er auf Weltreise war, war er sehr froh, dass er diesen Zauber perfektioniert hatte.
Emery: Revelio – Ein Zauber den er gerne für die Arbeit beim Alador Press verwendet und generell liebt Emery alles, das ihm helfen könnte Geheimnisse aufzuecken.
Min-Jun: Episkey – typisch für einen Medizinstudenten ist der passende Zauber für Min-Jun natürlich ein Heilungszauber. Das spiegelt auch ganz gut seine hilfsbereite Art wieder.
Mateo: Protego – was möchte Mateo beschützen? Sich selbst? Andere? We don’t know.
» Ein magisches Unterrichtsfach
Ich habe mal versucht ihnen zwei Fächer zuzuordnen, weil manche sind vielleicht einfach zu obvious wegen ihrer Studienfächer. :‘D
Landon: Magische Tierwesen | Zauberkunst
Emery: Zaubertränke | Wahrsagen
Min-Jun: Kräuterkunde | Transfigurations
Mateo: VgddK | Arithmatik
» Eine Kaffeesorte bzw. Teesorte
Landon: Earl Grey & Lavender Blend – Landon ist kein Kaffeetrinker, ganz stereotypisch trinkt der Engländer Tee.
Emery: schwarzer Kaffee & Cappuchino – Sein Kaffeekonsum ist besorngiserregend, aber Min-Jun kann sich da gleich mit einreihen in den Club.
Min-Jun: Iced Americano – Egal welche Jahreszeit, Iced Americano ist seine erste Wahl, aber er trinkt auch mal heißen Kaffee, dann aber auch schwarz.
Mateo: Yerba Mate – Mateo trinkt nicht wirklich Kaffee und auch recht selten Mal Tee, aber wenn er wirklich müde ist und einen kleinen push braucht, dann wählt er Mate.
» Ein Genre
Landon: fantasy & adventure
Emery: murder mystery
Min-Jun: hurt & comfort
Mateo: coming of age
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starswallowingsea · 1 year ago
Rinniki Changelily AU aka My attempt at getting some of you to listen to Skyjacks (a proposition)
So what is Changelily? Let's start there. It's the ship name for Travis Matagot and Margaret in the podcast Campaign: Skyjacks. Travis is an immortal changeling who likes playing illimat and Margaret is a member of the Black Lilies. Seems simple enough, right?
Well, their history goes far back. The original Margaret knew Travis when he was still going by William. He hadn't made his deal with the Forest Queen yet and they were just two young people in love with each other, tragically torn apart by the River. The Forest Queen and the River are Luminaries, sort of like Gods in the Skyjacks universe and this will be important later.
So then we find out that Margaret has been reincarnating and reuniting with Travis, only for their story to end in tragedy again and again and again. That is, until the present day. Margaret has joined with an organization called the Black Lilies who use their magic to help people for a price. Travis runs into her at one of their stops and she helps him regain his limb that he sacrificed to the Butcher, another luminary. That's the kind of magic we're talking about here.
So where does Rinniki come in? Well, I just think they would be neat. Rinne and Travis have a lot of interesting parallels from running away from home to being really into gambling. Maybe even being different birds--
Whereas Niki would fit right in as a Black Lily, especially if you think about being able to use cooking as his medium for magic, working things into the different processes while he's hearing out the propositions of his customers. We already have Hart Root Tea, which can be blended to the ideal of the person who wants it in order to change their appearance (HRT, do you get it?) with different herbs and brewing methods, so its not a huge stretch to apply that to other forms of food preparation.
Rinne, for his part, has ended up joining a sky pirate ship and traveled around the world scamming people out of their watches and having fun running away from his problems. Somewhere along the line he becomes The Changeling as well which helps break that cycle that he (Rinne/Travis) are stuck in with Niki/Margaret and well.
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months ago
Matagot AU
In case anyone wants to know where this started:
Not sure how far I'm going to get into this AU, but I figured some of y'all would be interested. So... :)
First thing ya gotta know, I never plan for any ship in the lovesquare to be the end goal. Just not my thing, I don't like it. And in all honesty, whenever I think of the Matagot AU, I don't see any romantic relationships developing. Purely platonic friendship and familial love.
Because he knows he can change the way his costume look, it'd easy for Adrien to change his appearance to ensure no one makes a connection between Chat Noir and Matagot. The only reason Ladybug can is because of the bond they've developed and her knowing his identity.
↑ Unfortunately, despite them having revealed themselves, it wasn't the happy moment they both wished for.
And while some would have argued for Ladybug to take back the cat miraculous, seeing as Monarch was dead, she didn't want to. Even if she did, she wouldn't be able to.
There are many ways kwamis bond with their holders. Stories of "true holders" have circled around for centuries, people who had been "destined" to wield a certain miraculous. But the reality is that those so called "true holders" actually formed a sort of soul bond with their kwamis. A special connection between the two that added some additional protection to them and the miraculous. One of which is only they can remove the miraculous.
Plagg formed one with Adrien shortly before Monarch made his first appearance, and Tikki planned on forming one with Marinette but could never find the right time to bring it up.
Of course things aren't easy at first. Trauma aside, Adrien has a lot of trust issues and things he's internalized. As I mentioned in the linked post, people wanted someone to blame because Gabriel was dead. And who better than his son? A lot of blame was shoved on to Adrien to the point where things that were unrelated to Monarch and people being akumatized were also blamed on him: You got fired? It's Adrien's fault. Your significant other left you? It's Adrien's fault. You got expelled? It happened because of Adrien. You were robbed? Failed a test? Broke your grandma's favorite vase? It's all Adrien's fault. It happened enough that he began to internalize it and now feels like he has to apologize for literally everything. Because it's all his fault, right?
*Catwoman entering the Batcave with Matagot, each with a smoothie* Nightwing:...what ya got there, Catwoman? Catwoman: a smoothie
Bruce and Selina definitely get into "minor" arguments about her taking in a boy and teaching him how to break into places and steal.
Honestly, it's kinda fun not having to be hero in Gotham. Chat Noir and Catwalker were both heroes. Matagot isn't. Vigilante, anti-hero, either works. Maybe people back in Paris would question it. But, he can't really find himself caring. He will feel bad if it reflects badly on Ladybug though. He's not gonna stop but he'll feel bad.
Personal therapist Harley Quinn, most of their "therapy" sessions is just breaking shit with bats. Sometimes they're joined by Jason /Red Hood. Don't tell Bruce/Batman.
When Marinette makes her way to Gotham, it's part of a school trip that students had to pay for. The trip was divided so some students went to Gotham and some went to Metropolis. The reason she chose Gotham over Metropolis was because she had been visited by Wonder Woman.
Originally, Diana planned to train Marinette herself, but after learning that the holder of the cat miraculous ran away, she told her she'd help her get in touch with her friend, Batman. If anyone can help her find Adrien, it's him and his team. And, if she's willing, she'll talk him into giving her more training. With that, Marinette decides she's heading to Gotham.
Adrien avoids his old classmates and friends like the plague when they arrive. While they didn't really do anything, some of them did participate in blaming him for everything. If he sees one of the few he fully trusts is alone, he might talk to them. Might.
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paintedsunshine · 3 years ago
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now we’re finally aligning (more than maybe i can choose)
bringing this back because i found a satisfying way to put all 4 images in one :)
individual posts with more detailed image descriptions can be found here: spring, summer, autumn, winter
[Image Descriptions:
A series of nature illustrations in the style of the art nouveau movement, each scene shows two animals in serene landscapes. The animals are Changelings — Margaret and Travis Matagot from the Campaign Skyjacks Podcast. Each scene has an ornate frame that is labeled with the matching season in a large vintage font, summer and winter have their label aligned to the bottom, spring and autumn to the top. The series is placed upon a gradient of pink to green to orange to blue, reflecting each seasonal color theme.
Image 1: This scene depicts spring. It’s dawn. A brown sandhill crane gracefully opens her wings, a large white snake hanging from her neck, curled around it like a living scarf. The crane is posing on a meadow with patches of lavender and yellow daisies. The horizon shows a large front of clouds that is illuminated in shades of purple, pink, and orange by the sunrise. The frame for this scene is pink, very ornate and overlapped from the lower left and right corners by two flower arrangements of black lilies and Baby’s Breath.
Image 2: This scene depicts summer. It’s day. A brown otter rides on the back of a white coyote who is looking back over his shoulder at the viewer, the otter has her eyes closed as she sniffs the air. The pair are crossing through a calm shallow river with green water and large brown stones. The river gains speed after passing over a small stone dam to their left. A weeping willow’s leaves hang above their heads. A patch of white Marguerite Daisies grows from the lower-left corner. The frame for this scene is simple at the bottom and complicated at the top, where it includes a bouquet of sunflowers in both upper corners and stylized waves in the middle.
Image 3: This scene depicts autumn. It’s dusk. A brown stag with large branched antlers stands in a forest, on her antlers perches a white raven. They are both looking at the viewer, framed by long trees in the background that lean toward them. The pair is backlit by the setting sun that casts through the orange, red, and yellow foliage. The frame for this scene is dark brown, thick, and the lines branch in and around each other, imitating the roots of a tree.
Image 4: This scene depicts winter. It’s night. A brown fox and a white rabbit walk side by side through a thick layer of snow. They are both exceptionally round and fluffy from the cold, looking off to the right. The rabbit is sitting and doesn’t sink into the snow as deeply as the fox. In the background are a group of five large fir trees, their branches covered in snow, leaving only a small portion of the dark star-less sky visible. The frame for this scene is blue, uncomplicated, and delicate with elegant curves. A few bare branches and a tree trunk grow in the foreground of the left side of the picture.
End ID]
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For we rise and we fall, and we crash on the coastlines (Only our love will last 'til the end); Chapter 1
thank you to @drowninginstarlights for editing! Heads up for Travis’ and Gable’s terrible dad’s and mom death!
the journey of a selkie, a cursed fisher, a lighthousekeeper, her aprentice and a very confused mortal as their lives intertwine and the magic around them grows.
or a selkie au with general folklore themes!
In the end, Uriel doesn’t even remember what happened. All they have are pieces of their memories, flashes of knowledge. They remember being afraid of the sea, ever since they were young. They grew up in a big coastal city, where the sea was as much your enemy as your only source of income. They remember their father, a deeply unpleasant man. They remember anger. They remember a fire, and a boat sinking, and they don’t think they’ll ever be sure what actually caused it, but that doesn’t matter. There was no doubt in their father’s mind that it was caused by them.
They remember, before that, being in school and being taught not to curse people, not even as a joke, and certainly not on the sea. Magic is finicky business. It doesn’t take much for things to get out of hand.
So here’s the thing. They remember their father spitting his last words at them, but they can never remember the exact phrasing. Must have been something like “may you dwell upon the sea forever,” or “may you never stray far from the sea.” It must have been, because they remember thinking Odd words for a dying man .
There is power in the last words of a dying man, they did not think.
After that, they couldn’t drown. They remember not being able to drown. They don’t remember the months after, the ones they must have spent on some shore somewhere, slowly realising something in their father’s wording must have made it so they couldn’t die. So they couldn’t ever leave.
They stared out to the vast expanse of the ocean, now both their prison and only companion.
William’s father hated magic. He was a wealthy man whose money made money, and he’d never seen any point in such frilly business as magic.
William’s mother, however, had loved magic. Not only that, she’d respected it, and believed that it was important to teach it, as much as any of the other fundamental truths about the universe. There were even whispers that her own mother had come from the sea itself.
Like anything his father hated and his mother loved, William adored magic. He’d stand and stare with great intent whenever his mother had shown him even the most basic of protection charms. But then she’d fallen ill, and then suddenly she was gone. Really gone, gone as in there was no trace of her left in the house, not even her body. It hadn’t taken long for Father to get rid of all her possessions too.
“She’s gone back to the sea,” William would tell people. They’d look at him uncomfortably, clearly thinking this was just a child struggling to process grief, but he always knew better. The only thing he always wondered is why she hadn’t taken him with her.
Years later, his father was on a trip and William was alone. He had grown up attempting to forget about his mother, about everything, but he couldn’t. He’d grown up to enjoy being left alone in his vast house where he never felt at home, spending the downtime between his father’s presence nursing his wounds.
He stared out of the window of the penthouse, dreading his father’s return, hoping with every inch of him that his father’s ship wouldn’t make it to port.
Eventually, he couldn’t stand there any longer, so he turned inwards. There wasn’t much left of his mother’s teachings in the house, his own memories turned fuzzy with time, but he had managed to snatch a single grimoire from the library. Bargains were easy, he imagined, and especially so for him. He too, in some way, belonged to the sea.
So in the middle of a dark, cold night, while the full moon hung heavy in the sky, he went to plead to the waters.
“I am not, I must admit, entirely sure what this whole deal is,” he said, the moonlight shining off the sand around him, “But you took my mother from me.”
He looked at the lapping edges of the water. The sea remained just the sea. The waves came and went.
“I get that you won’t just drown my father for me, and I don’t particularly have much to offer but-” he shuddered a bit, knowing what he was about to do was cruel and very dangerous, “You can take me, William.”
As he spoke his name, the wind picked up suddenly. It smelt of salt and distant rainfall.
“You can take me like you took my mother,” he continued, “And in exchange, I want you to make sure his ship doesn’t get here.”
The sea seemed to agitate, the waves picking up, dark even in the moonlight.
“Did you hear me?” he yelled, raising his voice over the rushing wind, “You just need to drown-”
As he spoke his father’s true name, the world went black.
He hadn’t expected to wake up, after that. It seemed fair enough, a life for a life. Maybe he would get to be a cool water spirit, scaring tourists. Or maybe a fish, with no memories at all. He did not expect to wake up and find himself a seal.
He knew about selkies, sure, but waking up and being a seal was still a shock. He stared at this new body, his new completely different body, attempting to rationalize what he knew was true - that it was him.
The other thing he did not expect was to wake up looking onto the ocean, and seeing a storm raging. There was a ship, tossing up and down with the waves, a very familiar ship. It was so close to port, but he knew that it couldn’t make it. It was sinking. His father’s ship was sinking.
He knew it was the sea showing him their deal was signed. He hadn’t known, not truly, the enormity of his choice until he stared at it, burning in front of him. He didn’t know how to feel as he stared into the sinking ship.
How many people had he just killed? What was he supposed to do?
He stayed there for a long time, looking on until the ship fully disappeared under the waves. Eventually, when there was nothing but dark wreckage on the surface, he dove down into the water. Time to learn how to be a seal.
At least now he didn’t have to be human anymore. At least then he could swim far away, see where the ocean currents take him.
It’s not like there was anyone at home missing him anyway.
Eventually, Uriel got their hands on two things: a small living, and a fishing boat. The boat was just a little too small for them, but it was cozy. She was old enough that her boards creaked in the wind, ropes faded and fraying, and the paint was so worn that her original name was entirely illegible.
Uriel couldn’t die, and they couldn’t leave the waters for too long,or they got antsy. They’d never gone away for long enough to test the ocean's patience, but it wasn’t hard to imagine the consequences. So living on the water was their only option, and as they still enjoyed food and food cost money, fishing it was.
It was a lonely existence, but they discover you can get used to even the loneliest things. They had eternity in front of them to learn how to do their job, and do it well.
They settled in a small town by the name of Safe Harbour. Uriel knew painfully little of magic to understand the how or why, but the town was protected somehow and the magic was strong. Everyone was perfectly content to buy Uriel’s fish, and never talk to them unless they spoke first.
Routine took over and life was almost pleasant. Uriel wasn’t exactly happy, but they imagined this is as happy as people like them got to be, so they pressed on. There was always more fish to be caught.
William met Uriel the only good way of meeting people, which is while robbing them. By now, he was perfectly capable of hunting for his own food, but it was such a chore, and a boring one at that. Other seals could tell he was different, that the sea owned him in a different way, and anway, he couldn’t actually talk to them. He didn’t have to be a seal, all the time. But it wasn’t like he could really talk to the humans either, and the vulnerability of being human once again always set him on edge. So he stayed a seal, and passed back and forth through towns, being a general nuisance.
The only consistent thing about his life these days was stealing, and that was practically second nature. So he didn’t think anything of it when he swam up to a small fishing vessel to get his lunch for the day.
He managed to climb up on the deck, and was about to flop back into the sea, triumphant with a fish in his mouth, when he heard a loud voice.
“Hey!” they shouted.
He froze, turning to look at the irate fisher. He wasn’t the type to be afraid, not anymore, but this person was incredibly tall with long, flowing hair that was almost stark white tied haphazardly back. They had the look of someone who had been on sea for years, but they also didn’t look older than maybe their late twenties. They were also holding a harpoon, pointed menacingly at him.
He wasn’t the type to be afraid, but he was, perhaps, a little nervous.
“I swear those damn seals get smarter every time,” they muttered.
He dropped the fish out of his mouth and sighed. “I have always been this smart, I'll have you know.”
This made them pause, looking at him baffled for a second before they let out a cry and charged at him with the harpoon.
“Whoa, okay no need to be rude,” he said, attempting to quickly move out of the way. But he was, in fact, a seal, and seals aren’t made for quick motions on land, to his dismay.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. He transformed into a man.
The stranger stopped again, the harpoon dangerously close to his body.
“Who are you? And what are you doing on my boat?” they say.
Travis couldn’t help but grin as he held up his hand, with his fish clutched in it. “I feel like it’s rather obvious.”
Uriel didn’t know how to feel. There was a man on their boat. That’s an undeniable fact. First there had been a seal, and now there was a very annoying silver haired stranger, wearing a ridiculous coat and actively stealing their fish with his bare hands.
They could deal with seals. They could deal with other sea creatures. They weren’t in any way prepared to deal with this.
“Asking for names, just like that?” he said, “How rude of you.”
They could feel more annoyance bubbling up inside them. “I wasn't asking for your name!”
The stranger smirked at them again, clearly enjoying getting them riled up. They should have harpooned him to death then and there. They’ll never know why they didn’t.
“Well, you may call me Travis Matagot anyway,” he said magnanimously, dropping the fish and extending a hand.
They stared at it incredulously, before deciding that their life was already so weird, this might as well happen. They shook it.
“You can call me, uh…” they said. It had been so long since they had to give out names like this. “Gable,” they settled on eventually.
“Like the roof thing,” he said, deadpan.
Gable felt their cheeks heating up. “Shut up!” they said, still holding a lowered harpoon in their other hand, “You were stealing from me, what makes you think-”
“I was hungry,” he said, shrugging. He seemed harmless, if very annoying, so they cautiously put the harpoon down.
“Can’t you fish? You are a seal part of the time, apparently.”
Travis visibly relaxed a little once they’re no longer armed. “Now, why would I, when I can have others do it for me?”
“You could have just asked me,” they said.
Now it was Travis’ turn to be taken aback. He stared at them. “What?” he said.
“I have a lot of fish soup,” Gable said, knowing what they were saying is surreal but being certain that by now they were far too late to stop this trainwreck of a conversation.
“Like in general?” he seemed almost amused.
“I always make too much,” they admit.
That's how Travis ended up in their painfully crowded combined kitchen and living room, his coat draped over the back of the chair he was sitting on, staring at a hot bowl of fish soup.
He almost wondered if he ought to accept food at all, but although he didn’t know what to make of Gable yet, they certainly didn’t seem the type to trap him eternally by feeding him.
Gable stared at him, almost self consciously. He almost wanted to pretend he didn’t like it, just to see how they’d react, but regrettably he was hungrier than he thought, and the soup was surprisingly good.
“You liked it,” they said, grinning.
“It was fine,” he said, stopping himself just short of asking for seconds.
“I have spent a lot of time perfecting that soup, Travis.”
He laughed. Time had been something of a laughable concept for a while now. “Well, can’t have been that long. How old are you, twenty five?”
That made his companion pause. They looked down and, honest to god, started counting on their fingers. “Probably forty by now,” they said, looking at him sheepishly. “No clue what that is in seal-man years, or whatever.”
He stared at them, somewhat intrigued at last. But not enough to pry, certainly. “First of all, you must have heard of selkies before,” he said. They gave him a blank stare that meant they honestly probably hadn’t. “And I don’t know either, we don’t age, exactly.”
Gable shrugged. “Sure, did you want more soup?”
“Well if you insist,” he said, passing his bowl to them.
They fell into this new routine together easily. Travis would come and try and steal things or otherwise be an annoyance. Gable would threaten him with increasingly odd weapons or just bodily throw him off the side.
And sometimes Travis stayed, and ate Gable’s repertoire of fish based dishes, or mucked about in the small space of the boat. They both occasionally went to town, although mostly separately, as Gable had the reputation of a gentle constant and Travis was rather more of a trickster cryptid.
They never talked about the pasts that plagued them or the curses on their heads, and they were both entirely too stubborn to admit this is the happiest they had been in a very, very long time.
There wasn’t a single moment that they realised they had become friends, and certainly not one they acknowledged. There was only a night, and a tipsy Travis falling asleep on the couch, his silver gray coat left behind, still slung over the chair he usually ate at. There was only a morning Gable spent staring at it wistfully, telling themselves they shouldn’t read into it.
There was him waking up, not for a second doubting his coat would still be there, safe and untouched.
And so in the fragile silence of their friendship, time pressed on.
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So question about the monster au staff: we know that Crowley is a harpy but what is everyone else? The only one I have idea for is that Crewel is like a werewolf but a dalmatian. A were-dalmatian. Unless you’re keeping it a secret which is perfectly fine!
Oooh, you’re actually right on the mark about Crewel being a werewolf! Though I hadn’t settled on a specific dog breed, it would be a shame to not let him be a were-dalmatian, now wouldn’t it? >wO
Fear not though! Compared to the Deity!AU where I haven’t revealed them yet, the Monster!AU isn’t going to have any secret or surprise reveals of characters. In fact, here’s the list of staff members, what they are, and some basic details I’ve come up with them so far! The details between each species can grow and change as ideas come or suggestions from you guys come along, so if anything crosses your noodle-doodle brains feel free to hit me up with them! >83
Also, I have to point this out now while I’m thinking about it: while these characters may be monsters in this AU, they still retain their facial features from the game. The way I’ve drawn Vil is essentially how they typically would appear if they do not have a secondary form like a werebeast. Transformations into these secondary forms take very little to no magic and do not generate much blot.
Crowley: Crow-based harpy. Typically has his wings protruding from his back, though he can swap them to his arms for a quicker reaction flight—and of course, for dramatic entries for special lessons. Like any other harpy that uses magic though, he can use his feathers to create or summon objects for a short time. Compared to what we’ve seen so far in game, he is more open in showing he cares about his students and Yuu and will do what he can to protect them from harm. Fun fact, he looks hilarious when he gets startled and his feathers fluff up!
Crewel: Werebeast, dog/dalmatian variation. Still the fur-clad fashion-loving teacher, Crewel’s “fur coat” is actually part of his pelt for his secondary form and is rarely seen far from him. Even when he’s not in his werewolf form, his hind legs and tail and even clawed hands are still enough to separate him from looking completely human. Can and has transformed into his werewolf form to carry students by the scruff of their fur/jackets to detention and is large enough to rival a horse, though it is unwise to ask him for a ride (unless you are Mini!Yuu).
Trein: Werebeast, cat variation. Just as stern and serious as his normal self, this is enhanced by his feline reflexes and senses as he uses his hearing to catch when someone is falling asleep in class. Much like Crewel, his hind legs and tail and clawed hands are enough to separate him from looking human—though his robes tend to conceal certain parts from being initially obvious and Lucius being in his arms don’t make his claws that obvious. And just like in the voice lines in the game, he and Crewel do not get along that well. His cat familiar Lucius is based off of the matagot/mandagot.
Vargas: Werebeast, bear variation. If you thought this man was a powerhouse, this version of NRC’s coach is going to put a whole new spin on the word! With claws and muscles for days, it seems like there’s nothing that can stop him once he starts charging—and he does on occasion chase after his students to encourage them to run faster, though all the students see is a wall of pure terror racing after them. It isn’t uncommon to see him in his werebeast form lifting heavy objects to maintain his strength and wear out his inner beast so he can maintain his control. Compared to Crewel and Trein—who both have fine control over their transformations, Vargas is more…chaotic with his transformations and considers it a workout.
(A/N: When it came to Vargas, I was torn between him being a minotaur or a werebeast, but figured a predator would be more suitable for him than a steer. XD)
Sam: Shadow creature. Quite possibly the most unusual amongst the staff, Sam can take on both a 2D and 3D form and seems to know what all happens across the school. His form in his more “solid” 3D state is much more like how he appears in game, though in varying shades of gray and black and dripping ink. In his 2D state, he can look like the shadow of anyone or anything—the only time anyone can tell it’s him is if they were to look down at the shadow in question and see if flicker to a different shape. Luckily for students he doesn’t do it often. One would think he thrives in darkness, and he does—but he can get bigger in the light, so it doesn’t count as much of a weakness.
Grim: Chimera, ??? variation. The strangest monster variation at the school and the only known chimera to attend NRC, Grim has no memory of his past nor of what sort of variation he is. In fact, no one is quite sure either. With a tiny pair of horns, wings, and reptilian hind legs, he looks by all accounts to be one, though he isn’t the same size as many of them and could be mistaken for being a cub instead of a fully-grown adult given his venom can only momentarily paralyze his target when used to make a quick escape. When it comes to Mini!Yuu, he will allow them to carry him like any other toddler would a cat.
(A/N: Yes, I know I made him a chimera in the Deity!AU as well, but come on, commonly depicted chimeras fit him to a T! Between breathing fire and having feline features, how could you say he’s not a chimera in this AU?)
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digo3d · 3 years ago
Welcome to my blog!
Âllo (i am not french) random name on the internet who has stumbled into my horrid void, uh, welcome!
I am the cretinous creature dubbed 'Digo3D', although you may call me Deegs.
This void called, uh, 'my blog' is filled mostly with fan content/lost content of the 1961 Hanna-Barbera cartoon, Top Cat, although some of my most popular posts are of Bugsnax, an adventure game produced by Young Horses in 2020.
I reccomend following me for Top Cat content rather than Bugsnax, as I post about it very rarely.
I've also created a horror AU of Top Cat called The Matagot AU. (To be officially teased at a later date.)
But some speedround facts about me/information you should probably know about me are (important things in red):
I swear. A lot. If you're not a fan I recommend you leave.
My page will most likely consist of body horror, monster horror, psychological horror, and horror in general. I do put in tags like #analog horror n such that you can filter if you so please. I also put themes that might be disturbing to some in the piece in tags as well so you can filter those as well (EX: #parasites #eyes #scopophobia #arachnophobia etc etc)
I am pansexual + nonbinary lmao
I'm deaf
Ur mom
I fuckin love the two scrapped fellas (Roxy and Skratch [moreso Skratch])
My favorite Top Cat fellas are Spook, Brain, and Fancy, so I mostly post about them but I love T.C, Chooch, and Benny as well.
Jellystone! stans DNI unless you're looking for an essay on why the show is a disgrace to the Hanna-Barbera name. (If you're just chilling you get a pass, any bullshit about how Spooky is better than Spook or whatever will get you yote to the shadow realm because I don't want to hear it.) /srs
I don't do commissions as of right now
If you're a top cat blog please can we be friends
Proshitters, racists, MAPS, LGBTphobes, zoophiles, and ableists can unkindly take a boot up the ass on the way out. There's the exit. Leave. Never go near me again if you don't want me to come through your screen and slap you so hard you disintegrate.
I do ship the Top Cat boyos (Spook x Brain mostly and then like two x OC ships so) so if you're not a fan you don't have to say anything. I know. I've been in the FNaF fandom, this ain't my first rodeo.
And I believe that's it.
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queercore-curriculum · 4 years ago
PLS go ahead and go off about qu. 1 and 10, i am intrigued!
YES, thank you so much for asking! And for the wonderful prompts, of course!
1. RQG characters are now the characters in another podcast you love. Whose places do they take, and how does this change the narrative?
I’ve spent a lot of time imagining the RQG characters in the world of Campaign: Skyjacks, which is my favorite podcast of all time. Here’s how I’d cast them:
Hamid as Jonnit Kessler. I mean, it’s a very clear parallel. Both have Big Protagonist Energy. Both are all about that coming-of-age narrative. Both are gifted at magic. Both have outstanding style. Both are known for vomiting. Neither of them can drink. 
Wilde as Travis Matagot. Another extremely clear parallel. Travis is basically a nastier, more insecure, American Wilde. They are so similar,  it’s fantastic. I’d actually love for this to be a crossover, and for Travis and Wilde to meet each other and just. Not get along, at all. Or maybe have a lot of sexual tension, who knows? 
Zolf as Gable. Lots of great parallels here, particularly their crises of faith, their shared acts-of-service love language, and strong sense of responsibility for others. Also Gable’s old-married-couple dynamic with Travis is very Zoscar. All the existential crises, lol. I’ll also say that Azu could be a good fit for Gable as well—big, powerful, sweet, charmingly awkward—especially because Azu and Hamid’s lovely friendship is more in keeping with Gable’s dynamic with Jonnit.
I could go on and on about this, but my answer for #10 is very long and it’s getting late lol. I’ll just have to write an RQG/Skyjacks crossover or fusion at some point. Spéir is just such an unbelievably great world!
10. Invent a plot for a Harrison Campbell novel; fictional or from canon.
Oh my god I love this question so fucking much. I have a deep, unhealthy obsession with Zolf’s deep, unhealthy obsession with Harrison Campbell. I just think it says so much about his character—this idea that he thinks of love as something you read about in books, just a story that gives you comfort but isn't real. ZOLF SMITH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
All this is to say, I’ve plotted out four Harrison Campbell novels:
When Passions Collide 
Jennifer is a commercial fisherwoman who has worked on a trawler since she was fourteen. Her captain is an absolute garbage person and she barely makes enough money to live, so she dreams of one day buying a trawler of her own. 
Richard is an apprentice painter who is making his professional debut at an exhibition in London in a few months, but he has yet to produce a painting that’s worthy of showcasing—all of his work is technically exceptional but lacks that spark of inspiration that brings a painting to life, and he wants to paint someone with a story worth telling. 
One day he goes to the docks to practice drawing from life, and when he sees Jennifer he’s captivated by her physicality and realizes that her body carries this story he’s been longing to paint. So he chases her down and asks to paint her portrait, and while she’s skeptical she agrees when he offers to give her all the money he makes when the painting is sold. Richard spends the rest of the novel painting Jennifer’s portrait and getting to know her, because he needs to understand her for the painting to really come to life. 
If you want to read more, you can find passages of my take on When Passions Collide in my fic Before a Fall (for which I created the Jennifer/Richard tag on AO3, one of my proudest RQG fandom accomplishments). I plotted out the entire novel and developed backstories for the characters and generally got way too into it, but I’m pretty proud of what I came up with and actually thought about writing an original novel based on When Passions Collide for a while. Maybe someday!
Love in a Time of Hardship
Violet and Rory have been friends since childhood, and Rory has loved Violet all their life. But Violet doesn’t have time for romance because she wants nothing more than to leave their rural community and go to medical school. 
Flash forward, and Violet has graduated medical school and is now an infectious disease specialist. When an aggressive pandemic sweeps through her hometown, Violet returns to work on the team researching a cure. Rory still lives there, and still loves Violet as much as ever. Violet still believes work comes first. But when Rory gets sick, suddenly Violet’s work is personal, and she realizes how much she has to lose. 
The Heart Beats Faster
An erotic lesbian romance that takes place at manor house party. I haven’t put that much thought into this plot, other than it’s definitely inspired by Think of England by K.J. Charles and has an extremely sexy scene in a greenhouse that’s basically the legendary “spoils of war” scene from the Drarry fic Transfigurations by Resonant. 
Questions of the Heart
Ok so this one is pretty meta. But in my coffeeshop AU fic Coriander, Wilde is a novelist who’s basically writing self-insert fic about him and Zolf while sitting in Zolf’s café. And on an RQG Discord server I was talking about how I kinda ship Zolf and Harrison Campbell because that fan/creator thing they’ve got going on is rife with sexual tension, and my friend Rain was like, what if Harrison Campbell came into the cafe a few years before but Zolf didn't recognize him, and was also inspired to write self-insert fic about him and Zolf?
So the premise is, Campbell went into Zolf’s café and soaking wet from the rain, and this handsome, muscular dwarf gave him a free curry so he could warm up, and then defended him from a mean customer. And Campbell was inspired to write a novel featuring Zolf as a protagonist. 
So he writes Questions of the Heart, which is a murder mystery/gothic romance with a lot of pathetic fallacy that’s heavily inspired by Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights (but make it extremely pulpy). Zolf’s character is named Jonah (lol) and there’s a femme fatale inspired by Sasha named Melanie (lol). Harrison Campbell’s self-insert is a Jane Eyre-type that Jonah defends even though they don’t really know each other. And the basic theme is that Jonah has some kind of idealized/overromantic vision of the protagonist that gets disabused somehow, but then he ends up falling in love with him for who he really is. Also there’s a Jonah/Melanie/Harrison Campbell insert love triangle. 
Alright I’m sure that was WAY more than you bargained for, but thanks for giving me an excuse to be extra AF, this was extremely fun <3
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