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I've had this sketch for literal years and I think it's time I release it to the world
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wynandcore · 1 year ago
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Able: mechanic by day, music star by night
I wanna know how they met so badly
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sleeppyreader · 2 years ago
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It's so symbolic, I love it.
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shouldtheydivorce · 5 months ago
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Reason for divorce:
Listen. When you are two immortal people who keep running into each other and hate each other but also promise that they won’t die without the other, there’s way too much to be figured out in couples counseling. Also Travis’s wife is alive again, and Gable lied to him which because of magic reasons could’ve been Life-Threatening, so they need to figure it out.
Honestly tho fighting each other and then making out in the rain while their surrogate son fights the embodiment of the dangers of the sea alone goes pretty hard.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years ago
travis matagot just -- the very concept of him unlocks something deep and feral in my brain, even aside from all the changeling stuff. an angel looked upon you once as a child and, after seeing every possible thread and pathway of the man you will grow into one day, said 'I see no sin here' even as its holy flames consumed your screaming parents and the town around you. that angel, having stumbled head over heels to earth after killing god, later deliberately loses their name to you in a card game so the eyes of heaven can't find them. you and the angel have proceeded to annoy the everloving FUCK out of each other for centuries because you just keep. bumping. into each other!!!! through the power of like Narrative and also simply being two of the only people who've even been around that long. you've kept their name for them this whole time and never breathed a word of it, even though they seemingly never even explained why they wanted to lose it in the first place. you've sworn to die together or not at all.
what if you met an eldritch horror as a child and then became their best (and most irritating) friend/life partner/frenemy/perpetual thorn in their side (affectionate). I'm obsessed with this idea of being divinely judged as unworthy of damnation so early in your life and having to have that in the back of your head forever even as your self-loathing and trauma start piling up over the centuries and you have done so many shitty things along the way. like. is he trying to prove them wrong. is that part of his whole thing about trying to escape the narrative. or is it to prove that 'no actually awful things happen to me because I'm awful, you got it wrong from the start (fuck you btw)' because at least that feels like a choice, like some kind of control to hold on to? what is going on here travis. what the fuck
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sagesrqcollection · 1 year ago
Sage’s Tags
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jaubaius · 2 years ago
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hynku-vileme-jarmilo · 1 year ago
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scarsukoshi · 5 months ago
Stále myslím na cool týpka z advíku v cosplayi Izzyho Handse a na to jak stupid jsem a vždy se jen pozdravíme a nezeptám se nikdy na fotku...
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its been one of those weeks... pass the trable!
This is a redraw that was long overdue
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no-naem · 8 months ago
i miss kayano
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onestellarghost · 27 days ago
missing them today (trable)
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venerablelama · 14 days ago
You want some glass? Of course it is :)
In the fourth season, the series began to draw parallels between Katra and Glimmer. Season five only confirmed this, showing that they're not so different.
Re-watching She-ra, I noticed that Adora is very drawn to Glimmer specifically. Of course, she loves Bow, too. But I think Adora subconsciously saw Katra in Glymer, which is why she was so drawn to her. It was to her that Adora had gone to sleep the first night in Bright Moon. It is Glimmer who calms Adora down the most in the Mystacor episode when Adora was being chased by shadows. In addition, one of the shadows took the form of a Glimmer. In Glymer, Adora saw something she had sorely lacked and wanted in those times from Katra: support.
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The fourth season emphasized specifically on their relationship.
Adora feels so strongly about Glimmer being trained by the Shadow Weaver, not just because the witch is evil-evil. It's not explicitly said, but I think Adora could blame the Shadow Weaver for their breakup with Katra, who did everything he could to keep the girls apart from childhood and instilled complexes in Katra. So Adora's worry is the fear that the same thing will happen to her and Glimmer. So she tries her best to keep Glymer away from the Shadow Weaver. Adora tries to do for Glymer what she couldn't do for Katra: protect her from the Shadow Weaver. At the same time, she tries to reason with Glimmer.
Glimmer herself feels her powerlessness and her own uselessness. And it's important for her to feel important. She doesn't understand why she needs all this power and authority if she can't do anything. Because of Glimmer's devalued status, she is greatly hurt by Double Trable's words about She-ra being in charge. And Glimmer almost makes the same mistake Katra did: turns all his feelings into anger and starts blaming Adora. In a fit of emotion, she says things she later regrets.
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Imagine how Adora feels at that moment.
She's been through this nightmare before, and now it's repeating itself with another person dear to her heart. What she had feared had happened. After that, Adora pulls away. She is in so much pain and distress that she decides to suppress these feelings. Adora can't look at Glimmer for a while.
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And here they are, two lonely and confused souls.
Glimmer and Katra are united not so much by mistakes and common character traits as by Etheria and a common love for Adora. It was about these things that they began their conversation during the truce. Their shared love for Adora pushes them to take action. Out of love for Adora, Katra saves Glimer, as she does not want Adora to get hurt. Out of love for Adora, Glimer agrees to save Katra and is the first to get Adora to admit that she wants it too. Because Glimer doesn't want Adora to suffer.
Of course, Glimer and Katra wanted it themselves, but the main reason was the common love for one person.
But the most interesting thing is that the Glimmer becomes what connects Katra and Adora.
Glimer helps Katra remember how much she loves Adora and who she really is. Glimer is the first to notice Adora's condition and forces her to admit that she still loves Katra.
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In the end, I want to talk about the poses of Katra and Glimmer.
Tension is coming from Katra. She covered herself up as tightly as possible so that she could curl up in case of anything. She is also ready to pounce on a potential enemy.
Glimmer sits open and relaxed. She has a comfortable position to fight back in case of anything, but at the same time she is very relaxed, so she is comfortable. It is located widely. Katra seems to be cramped. Although there is a Glimmer in the camera, not a Katra.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years ago
"If we are going to die, it's going to be at each other's hands!!!!!!"
fjdskfjsadl ah yes... the travis & gable tl;dr. I can't believe how much skyjacks has revolutionized the field of setting up the perfect narrative stakes around immortality as a trope by introducing the buddy system to it. it's about............... the not without you of it all
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bbydollblitzo · 3 months ago
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Am going on abentur wif papa in de trabl bag/boy en abentura con papi en la bolsa de biajar
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astrahannah · 4 months ago
Moje dnešní přednáška o omegaverzi na Ostrakonu dopadla dobře!
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Jsem šťastná za každého, kdo přišel, a pár lidí mi i dalo pozitivní feedback, což je prostě super!!! Mám z toho mega radost fakt že jo
Má začátku sice byly trable s technikou, párkrát jsem se trochu zamotala do své věty, ale jinak myslím, že fajn!
Dostala jsem doporučení na akademickou práci o erotickém fanfiction, zmiňující dubcon (který jsem zmínila ve své prezentaci), což by mohlo být zajímavý, takže i za to jsem ráda
Jako celkově jsem moc spokojená, moc ráda, něco takového bych si klidně někdy i zopakovala, ale bohužel moc netuším, o čem bych mluvila. Třeba mě někdy něco napadne🤷
Jsem ráda, že jsem do toho šla, kdybych se zalekla, přišla bych o fajn zkušenost.
Ostrakon celkově je zatím fajn, ještě tam půjdu zítra, jen je škoda, že hodně přednášek, co tam je, je pro mé dojíždějící já moc brzo nebo pozdě. Pokleslé anime z archivu podivína a zní zajímavě, ale tak pozdě sama na nádraží a pak domů nepojedu. Pro Gachimuchi přednášku platí to samé, snad trojnásob, a furt nevím, jestli se mi chce vstávat, ať stihnu Zaklínač kvíz, vzhledem k tomu, že stejně nemám tým a jen bych koukala... Uvidím, ale každopádně jsem ráda, že jsem tam dneska byla!
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