asvtrials · 13 days
hate that i want you
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parts ...part one ...part two TBA
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hoshifighting · 9 months
Choi Seungcheol
One Shots
— Secret Agent/Enemies to lovers (WC: 3.2k) smut, crack
— Cherry Picked (WC: 4.9k) fluff & smut
— "S" on My Chest 'Cause I'm Ready to Save Him (WC: 7.1k) smut, Angst & Mafia
— Friends with benefits (WC: 5.8k) smut, angst
— Hit the Books, Hit the Sheets (WC: 3.4k) smut & fluff
— Bodyguard (WC: 8.8k) smut & angst
— Secretary x Boss's son (WC: 8k) smut, fluff
— Ex-Boyfriend! Seungcheol - Jealous! Seungcheol (WC: 3.4) angst & smut
— Threesome - Jeonghan & Seungcheol (WC: 5.6k) smut
— Milf! Reader x Son's bestfriend! Seungcheol (WC: 1.7k) smut
— Villain! Seungcheol (WC: 13k) smut, angst, superheroes, crack.
— Nerd!Seungcheol (WC: 6.6k) smut, crack
— Gym Rat Roommate!Seungcheol (WC: 3.2k) smut
Jealousy + brat-taming
Sub Seungcheol
First Oral - Virgin Reader (f. receiving)
Virgin Seungcheol
Sugar Baby!Seungcheol
321 notes · View notes
ohtobeleah · 11 months
Flight Deck // Bob Floyd
-> Prologue: Conspiracy Theories
Summary: In an attempt to prevent Bob from running for the hills believing you’re a murderer. You sit him down to discuss your past.
Warnings: Mentions of Death of a loved one. Mentions of house fire. Bob Floyd x F!reader.
Word Count: 3.4k
Author Note: Day Twenty Four of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Disowned by Family, Oxygen Deprivation, Silent Treatment. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Flight Deck Masterlist
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The cafe was closed. The flashing open sign that signaled to patrons that premium coffee beans were ready to be freshly ground and a plethora of pastries, toasted sandwiches, crumbly but oh so gooey cookies and massive muffins were fresh and ready to be devoured, was switched off against the window. 
The awkward silence that filled the atmosphere was almost too much to handle as Bob sat across from you in the book nook. There was a flat white with one sugar and a macaroon sitting on a small tea plate before him. He didn’t like macaroons, but there had only been a few items left to choose from come closing and his favourite apple and cinnamon muffins had all but vanished from the menu.
It was his fault really, he’d been caught up in his own insecurities for far too many weeks to realise the damage he’d unintentionally caused. You didn’t deserve to be ghosted like he ghosted you. The silent treatment was a poor representation of the man he wanted to be. He never should have believed you were capable of such things. The rumors he had heard about you had a nasty bite. They left a sour taste in Bob's mouth—sometimes he wished he’d never listened, and especially the Jake fucking Seresin of all people. What Hyde saw in him Bob would never truly know. 
“You don't owe me an explanation—“ Bob began as he looked down at his hands that rested between his thighs under the table. He’d been picking at his cuticles for the past ten minutes as you shut the cafe down to other customers and locked the front door. It was one of those rare occasions where your son, five year old Oliver Lipscombe, was at after school vacation care. 
“You’ve already heard the rumours.” You replied, there was a sadness in your voice Bob couldn’t miss. He knew he’d hurt you. It was never his intention, but his fight or flight response had kicked in and his immediate reaction was to avoid you at all costs. It was his brain's defense system telling him that he was in danger, to run as far away as he possibly could so that he wouldn’t be hurt. 
He grew up doing that, running away from any situation that could have caused him any kind of pain. Emotionally or physically. Bob Floyd was a runner, a flight risk of you will. 
And that’s exactly what the Weapons Systems Officer who had started to fall in love with you did, despite his heart screaming at him to stick around and just ask you what the hell was going on and why there was a rumour: 
A rumour that you’d killed your fiancé and burned your house to its very foundation to hide the secrets you kept close to your chest. 
“I've never talked about this with anyone besides my lawyers before.” The zucchini and corn fritter that sat on the tea plate in front of you had gone stone cold. Usually you looked forward to a treat after you closed up. 
But sitting across from Robert Floyd, the first man you’d ever bothered to look at let alone entertain the idea of beginning a new chapter of your life with, since your entire life was turned upside down, you hardly had any appetite. 
“It’s always stayed with me—and it’s taken me three years to push it back from this cortex part of my brain.” You point to your head, hopefully explaining what your therapist had told you to Bob. “To the frontal part of my brain, the memory.” Again, you pointed to your head—only this time your finger touched your forehead gently. “It took me three years to just put him somewhere else in my mind with the help of psychiatrists and the clinicians.” Bob could tell you were already becoming visibly upset, the teary look of numbness and pain lurked behind your gaze as you looked towards him, but not at him. It was like you were looking right past him as he sat before you. “They helped me move him around so that he wasn’t going to be in my mind's eye in the daytime or in the night time—or any time.” 
Three years ago your entire life changed. Just shy off three months ago you thought the missing pieces to your very traumatic puzzle were coming together again. When you first met Bob you were a little weary, afraid to put yourself out there. But he lingered. His presence was welcome and soon enough you found yourself making unapologetic advances towards the reserved but gentle man who adored your apple and cinnamon muffins. 
But six weeks ago, Robert Floyd took you and your son, Oliver, out for dinner at the Hard Deck and he never returned your texts after. He didn’t call or stop by. Your apple and cinnamon muffins began to rot and go stale in the display. Turns out you really were just making that particular recipe for him. 
“The human body, or the human mind, Bob—isn’t perfectly equipped to deal with trauma despite our very need to believe it can handle everything life throws your way.” That’s what your therapist had told you when the nightmares wouldn’t go away. That’s what she had told you when you could smell the smoke in your room when you laid awake at night. That’s what your therapist had told you when you had been named a person of interest. 
Bob sat quietly, watching and listening to you speak like you were on autopilot, like you were reciting an analysis done by some professional who had assessed your physiological state of mind. Still—your eyes remained trained on him, but you were looking right through him. It was eerie, to say the very least. 
“The brain can't be positioned to deal with the tragedy of another human being being murdered, it just reminds you that it could’ve as easily have been you or someone you love, and when it is someone you love, when something like that happens to someone close to you—the brains just doesn’t know how to exist with that kind of trauma.” 
“So—“ Bob spoke up in the lingering silence as you dropped your eyeline down to the cup of tea that was now lukewarm that sat beside your fritter. “What exactly does the mind do?” 
You let the silence echo off the walls of your humble cafe. The Flight Deck as it was appropriately called for the Navy Town that had taken you in with open arms. Accepting the stray you were like you had done with your cat, Oreo, that was older than some of the Admirals that frequented your caffeine corner. You let the silence go for as long as you could—until it was thick and all consuming and you had to remind yourself to breathe again. It was always that burning feeling, your lungs igniting from a lake of oxygen that reminded you to breathe. 
“It starts to play games.” You sighed as you tried to let go of the pressure that had built up in your jaw. Anxiety laced your nervous system as you spoke and Bob could practically smell it. “It starts trying its best to process the grief, the loss, the pain.” 
It made sense in a way, Bob had truly never stopped and looked back at his own past, he’d never tried to process his sorrow or his own feelings about what had happened to him during his early childhood and teenage years. He just repressed the rage, the anger, the feelings of betrayal and despair that he felt and ran. He ran as far away as he could and never looked back. 
Now? He was sitting in a small but beautifully designed coffee shop owned by the most beautiful woman on the planet, listening about how the mind isn’t equipped to deal with trauma. Ironic isn’t it? 
“Sometimes if you’re lucky your brain just decides to block the memory all together, but sometimes it begins to create scenarios.” You reached out to rip a little bit of your fritter off as Bob remained still, he was just trying to soak up everything you were saying. “It starts to question the ‘who done it’s’ and the ‘how comes’ and the small intricate details that could have been avoided to avoid the disaster and the choices made that ultimately led to it.” You paused for a second, taking a small but satisfying bite of the cold fritter to stop your stomach from doing backflips. “And when none of that helps? It looks for a different angel, conspiracy theories are born, it’s the very reason why the whole ideology that the Bush administration was responsible for September Eleventh came about.” 
In your book nook there sat a book that had always caught Bob's eyes. Ground Zero by Alan Gratz. He could see it behind you just off to the left, shoved between an array of true crime, fiction and biographies. The books were communal—like a library built on a trust system. You take a book, you bring it back and if you have any old books at home you’d like to share? They always have a spoke on the oak shelves. 
“People need answers to help them process the utter magnitude of such a tragedy, and when they don’t find it internally, and still can’t process the facts laid out in front of them, the brain searches elsewhere.” Your sudden chuckle caught Bob by surprise as you wiped away tears that streamed down your cheeks. “And you always think conspiracy theories are wild and far-fetched and exactly what they are—theories designed to help people’s minds deal with trauma that their brains can’t comprehend.” That’s when you really took a deep breath in for a moment and looked up at Bob through watery lashes and deep sorrow. 
“You always think that conspiracy theories are fake and aren’t grounded in any kind of truth or reality until you're suddenly in the middle of one and your brain is running a million miles an hour trying to understand what the hell is happening.” 
Bob knew that your name was shrouded in rumors he never should have believed. He felt so guilty for allowing his own personal issues with trust and loyalty to alter his perception of you. As he sat across from you and watched your tears fall freely, he knew he should have just asked sooner, he never should have grown distant, tried to back away, he should have just asked what happened. 
“My fiancé was murdered.” You explained as quickly and as calmly as you could. “We’d been arguing earlier that same day about some upcoming bills that were due to be paid towards our wedding.” It seemed so arbitrary the more you said it, whenever you did think about it you caught yourself wondering had things been less heated that morning, you wouldn’t be sitting here—defending yourself in front of a man that had broken your heart before he even got a chance to officially be anyone beyond the title of ‘Close, sometimes we have sex, my son thinks you’re his best friend, friends.’ 
“He decided that he was going to go for a run around the estate.” You had to pause for a moment as Bob raised an eyebrow your way. It wasn’t the mention of murder that got his attention—it had been the mention of an estate. “The Lipscombes are old money, estates, luxury homes, cars, hotels, restaurants, you name it.” 
“What was his name?” You hadn’t been asked that question ever. It took you a moment to process as you just stared at Bob in shock. “Your fiancé? What was his name?” 
“Harrison—“ A little over two years had passed since you had said his name out loud. “He liked Harry.” Bob saw a genuine smile creep itself across your face, he adored it. It was one of the many things he admired about you—your infectious smile. It didn’t last long however. “It was such a petty argument and I spent a lot of time wondering if we had just paid what the photographer wanted then he’d still be here.” 
“Can I uh—“ Through a nervous croak Bob cleaned his throat and shifted in his position. “Sit next to you?” It was a simple question really, but the weight of it was truly something else. 
Bob really did like you, he’d just made a horrible choice in judgment. 
You nodded in response silently as your bottom lip trembled with a sorrow all consuming. Bob was quick to move from sitting across from you, to beside you with an arm slung up and around your shoulders to draw you into him for comfort. 
“He never came back.” You continued explaining your past through tears that seeped into Bob's flight suit. He’d come straight from work to the cafe with another bunch of apology flowers. He was as unrelenting as he was endearing. “And I can still remember that feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach, that feeling that something was wrong, Ollie was only young, he doesn’t know that his dad was killed, he just knows that he died.” 
“What happened?” Bob asked tentatively as he held you, your face was pressed into the comfort of his shoulder and chest as you slid down the booth a little.
“It’s still unsolved.” It gave Bob the chills. “But after three days of searching the property we found his body in the shrubbery that led into the forest, beaten up, stabbed, he was unrecognisable.” 
“Oh my gosh—“ It was pretty confronting to hear, but as Bob held you close and guided you through what he could only describe as remembering the worst day of your life, he knew that the more he knew, the more he understood, the easier it would be to move forward.
“Yeah, he was the love of my life.” You didn’t want it to be a secret. “Besides the odd argument, which just so happened to have happened before he died, we were good.” You could remember quite easily what it was like to be loved by someone. “We loved each other so much, there was no malice or spite or secrets.” That’s when you paused and sat up out of Bob's hold to take a sip of your tea. The lukewarm liquid soothed your throat, calmed your nerves and grounded you in reality. 
“So when I was being asked to come in for questioning a few days after his body had been found I didn’t know what to think.” 
“The police thought you were the one who killed him?” 
“Them and the entire town.” You nodded as you pressed your lips together. “Trial by judgment doesn’t leave a hell of a lot of room for innocent until proven guilty.” 
“What about his family?” Bob was invested now, not that he wasn’t before. But the more you spoke and the more you told your story the more Bob felt himself understanding. “What did they think?” 
“Oh—“ You had to laugh through the painful memories, Bob just pulled you back into him when he saw you shake your head in defeat. “They were the first ones to point blame, someone killed their baby boy and the only possible person who could have done it was the soon to be wife.” 
The Lipscombes were old money, which meant they had a hell of a lot of assets to protect. It made sense why they turned on you so quickly when their son turned up dead after an argument with his soon to be wife. But what didn’t make sense was how easily they portrayed you as a woman with ill intentions. 
“I loved him so much, with all my heart for five beautiful years Bob, and those people who I considered family, who are my son’s family, decided without any hesitation that it was my doing, that I was capable of murder.” 
But the worst part of all was still yet to be told. You had never spoken to anyone about the events that took place the night before you decided to run and never look back.
“Family isn’t always forever.” Bob understood better than most just how easy it could be for the people who were meant to love you the most could turn their backs on you. “And I gotta say, if they were so quick to ostracize you then they weren’t good enough to be a part of your life.” 
“Little hypocritical coming from the man who thought he was going to be my next victim don’t you think?” Okay, Bob deserved that. He took the hit but instead of pulling away to sit in his own shame, he leaned in and gently tilted your chin up. For a second he hesitated, wondering if he was crossing some invisible line. But when your teary, water filled eyes trailed between his baby blue orbs and soft lips that tasted of spearmint gum, he knew that it was safe to gently press his lips against yours. 
The kiss was fleeting, but was well received. You didn’t hesitate to kiss Bob back in your moment of weakness. Talking about your late fiancé’s death in your cafe with the man you so hoped would love you with all your baggage in toe seemed like something right out of an episode of the twilight zone. But, you pulled away and continued telling your story. You wanted everything laid out on the table for Bob to access and decide if he could handle it. 
If he couldn’t? You wouldn’t blame him. You’d be all alone again but at least that meant no one could hurt you. 
“Eventually the police dismissed me as a person of interest, they had no evidence to support that I was involved and the security footage from the front and back doors all showed I didn’t leave the house in the timeframe the coroner determined the time of death.” 
You could smell it, the burning smell of smoke that deprives you of oxygen. It lingered in the air around you as much as it did in your memories. You hadnt smelt it in years—the smell of your entire life burning down around you. 
“Logan, one of Harry’s best mates since high school had come over to help me clean up the house, he cooked dinner and I put Ollie to bed and said goodnight and I ended up just crashing on the lounge.” Bob knew what was coming next, he remembered Hangman telling him when he was on his high horse. 
But knowing the rough outline never came close to the actual details. 
“It was the smell.” You sobbed as Bob held you tight. “I couldn’t breathe.” Oxygen deprivation was something you’d never experienced to the degree you did that night. “The smoke was so thick and consuming, I woke up coughing and couldn’t see.” 
“The house was on fire.” Bob mumbled against the top of your head, he was just trying to process everything you were telling him. And you were trying not to spiral back into that moment. 
“HELP!!” The house was full of thick black smoke as everything went up in flames. “HELP ME! SOMEBODY?” You couldn’t see your hand in front of your face as you shot up from the couch. “OL—“ Allconsuming smoke filled your lungs as you coughed and splattered and tried to cover your mouth. “OLIVER!” 
“I crawled my way over to where I thought the stairs were and raced up to grab Oliver from his room.” You remembered it all too well, the feeling of not being able to breathe, the smell, the fear of losing your child after losing his father. “I was practically hanging him out the window by the time the fire brigade arrived, the neighbours who owned the estate across the way were up and saw the orange flames.” 
“Do you know what caused it, the fire?” Bob asked as you calmed a little in his warm embrace. The next two words that left your mouth sent chills down Bob's spine. He thought maybe you left a candle burning, that maybe the oven was on? That perhaps there was an electrical fault or lightning stuck somewhere. 
While Bob was searching for an explanation, he could still smell the smoke. All the oxygen from your body had been absorbed and you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak, couldn’t see. It was like you were being totally consumed once again by that deprivation. That all consuming smoke that nearly killed you. But when you felt Bob's hands in yours? Suddenly—you could speak. 
“It's still undetermined.” 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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starkwlkr · 1 year
tv/movies and actors masterlist✨
— here are my works for various tv and movie characters and actors that i love <3
tv series
the bear
michael berzatto
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cillian murphy
barbenheimer series
nolan!reader x cillian murphy headcanons
family (nolan!reader)
what a night (nolan!reader)
she’s everything, he’s just ken
jealous girl
i think i need someone older
hugh jackman
marvel actress!reader masterlist
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santaasi · 6 months
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☾ – smut; ☁︎ - angst; 𖤓 - fluff
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𖤓 top secret (fbi!jj maybank) – 1.3k
summery: you and JJ are the best FBI agents who went undercover at a charity dinner to catch a dangerous criminal. but JJ can't concentrate on the case at all, because all he can see is your smile
☁︎ shadows (x routledge!fem!reader) – 2.3k
summary: when emotions take over and shadows are swallowed up, all you need is to find a person who will become your light (based on shadows by sabrina carpenter)
☁︎ 𖤓 dance with me (x dancer!fem!reader) – 5.9k
summary: jj maybank loves the sea, the sandy beach of north carolina and the warm sun. new york is the exact opposite of all this. and he hates it. but she... she changes everything.
☁︎ 𖤓 violence (boxer!jj maybank) – 4.7k
summary: jj maybank wants to put the whole world at her feet, but the only way he knows in this life is violence
☁︎ 𖤓 hate to be lame (fwb!jj maybank) – 4.3k
summary: you hate to admit it but you might love jj maybank (inspired by hate to be lame - lizzy mcalpine, finneas)
☾𖤓 enjoy the now (gf!reader) - 3.2k
summary: left alone in the car, the tension grows by the second… and none of you are ready to resist it
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ᯓ★ nothing yet
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𖤓 raison d'être (x shy!reader; muggle au) – 2.3k
summary: james potter never thought that the most terrible day of his life could give him a new reason for existing
☾𖤓 moth to a flame (x black!reader) – 3.7k
summary: what could be more forbidden than loving your brother's best friend?
☁︎ yours: forever and always (ex!james potter) – 1.6k
summary: even after betrayal you're still ready to accept James in your heart.
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☁︎ waiting for you (x bsf!fem!reader) – 1.4k
summary: loving James Potter has become the biggest mistake of your life
↳ stay (part 2) – 1.7k
summary: james potter’s life doesn’t make sense without you.
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✧ latest update: 26.09.24 ✧
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silly-zai · 1 month
BSD warrior cats au masterlist
(MY au obviously this isn't for everyone's aus and this post is mostly js for me and to keep it organised)
OG concept post (TW: sh mentions) some stuff may change from this
15 -> the au (1) (how it translates over plus a tiny bit about how the sheep work in this au)
Character design (1) (TW: minor sh mentions)
Bits of info mostly about character relationships
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your-nanas-house · 5 months
𝕛ꫀ𝕣ꪮꪑꫀ ꪜꪖꪶꫀડ𝕜ꪖ- ρꪖ𝕣𝕥 𝟙
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Together is better
The Teddy Bear ♡
Cute little thing
Headcanon quite!Y/n x Jerome Valeska
RAINY mornings
Little Tomato
I’m keeping the baby 
The ex-psychologist 2
Night outings 
Don’t tell anyone 
Cuddles time
The best day of my life 
Their song 
I care about you 
Mr and Mrs Valeska
Ride 2
His sunshine 
I help ya
Circus (Fox series)
If Jerome had a crush on Y/n as a kid in the circus
Secret weapon
Annoying ginger 
That amazing night
If Jerome would be shorter than the Reader 
I’m yours if you are mine
Mad baby
Arranged marriage 
My assistant
Man of my dreams  
My Y/n
Her World
A stone 
I want him as my daddy
I want him as my daddy 2
Quick smut stories 
My bride-to-be
True love
Personal mission 
“Ex-wife, Bruce…”
Get the gun back 
Night out
I let you in 
"Don't lie to me!"
Her first kiss 
Chubby bimbo!Reader with Chubby chaser!Jerome 
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venus-giirl · 2 years
A morning with Mikey 💓
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Fandom: Tokyo Revengers. 
Rating: just a fun morning with your boyfriend Mikey. 
Word Count: 494
N/A: It's kind of short, but it was fun to write about it.
The morning after an intense week of high school was, without a doubt, your favorite day. You don't have to get up early and you can sleep all morning (unless you are one of those people who usually wake up early to get on with your daily routine), or stay up a little longer enjoying the warmth of the soft, warm blankets.
The best thing about those two days of rest is the nice, warm sleep that you start to wake up little by little. And the best thing is knowing that you don't have to go to school.
You slowly open your eyelids after lazily looking at the time on the medium-sized clock on the bedside table next to your bed. 7:56. A perfect time. Earlier than you expect. You settle back in but notice the emptiness of the rest of the large canopy bed.  So you decide to open your eyes, adjusting, little by little, to the small ray of morning light. A warm morning but for the fact that he was not beside you.
"Mikey, honey, what are you doing so early?" You say, in a voice hoarse from sleep, when you see him at your desk writing something, next to your little pink light bulb. He even looked funny.
"I'm trying to do your math homework". He says without turning around.
"But if it's due Monday, we can do it together Sunday morning. As always."
"I know, but I want us to be free this weekend to go out and have fun or go on a date on Sunday."
"Oh...honey...". You sigh in a soft tone. He always had those details with you. He was so sporadic that you didn't know his next plan or what was going through his mind.
You get up and go in search of him. Bending down slightly to place a light kiss on his neck.
"You look so handsome when you pull your hair back." He smiles and turns to look at you with his cute black horn-rimmed glasses.
"I like it better when you push it away with your hands" He winks his eye.
You ignore his comment and move on to look at your notebook. It's true I was doing math homework. Not that it was bad. But, of the two of us, he was much better than you.
"Have you done yours too?"
"Yep. As of a while ago."
"And have you done your language homework, too?" you stammered, waiting for his answer. Which you know.
"You know I'm not good at it. I have a hard time differentiating between nominal and verbal predicates." You laugh remembering that afternoon when you tried to explain the difference. You considered it mission impossible after two hours.
"Next week we have the exam..."
"Shut up, baby. Don't remind me."
You laugh again as you pull your hair back into a bun to go take a shower. Not before you realize what she's wearing. You hadn't noticed until now.
"Yes, honey?"
"Are you wearing my Hello Kitty t-shirt...?"
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aphrogeneias · 1 year
character masterlists
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eddie munson
steve harrington
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72 notes · View notes
lovers-rck · 10 months
– masterlist ☆
– 𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘴
– 𝘩𝘢𝘻𝘦𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘩𝘢𝘯
– 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥
– 𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯
- 𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯
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hotchnerobsessed · 1 year
His Favourite Pair - Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
🤭 = fluff / 😰 = trauma / 🥵 = smut
😜 = suggestive content
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
About This Series:
**This series is complete**
-Fem!Reader x Hotch
-Non-BAU Reader
-Established Relationship (dating)
-Lots of fluff and lots of smut!!
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
• Part 1 🥵
When the team has to leave for a case, one that Hotch tells you might take longer than usual, you decide to sneak a pair of your underwear into his suitcase before he leaves.
• Part 2 🥵
When Hotch gets home from the case, he wants to try his hand at using his gift on you.
• Part 3 🤭 + 🥵
You surprise Aaron with boudoir photos and a new lingerie set for Valentine’s Day.
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acesgarden · 1 month
࿐࿔ Fandoms (I write for)!
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Heroes of Olympus
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007, 2012, Bayverse, Rise, Mutant Mayhem, Tales)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Kimetsu no Yaiba
School Bus Graveyard
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i-may-be-an-emu · 30 days
SFTH Fic Masterlist
#36. Toby’s Secret Pocket
Full masterlist here
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM Face masterlist
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PJM1 is coming soon
Jimin IG story 5 February 2023
JM on TikTok 5 Feb 2023
JM TikTok 11 Feb 2023
JM dance challenge part 2
JM TikTok 18 Feb 2023
JM dance challenge part 3
JM new dance clip 25 Feb 2023
Face mood
JM concept photos - hardware version
JM concept photos - software version
Hard vr. Soft
JM Face emotion of the day
Enjoy it he tells us - Set me free pt. 2
The comparison - Lie and Set me free pt. 2
Hobi’s IG story 17 March 2023
Set me free pt. 2 - the visuals
JK told us
Fuck yeah JM
SMF pt. 2 - practice pic
JM Set me free pt. 2 - dance practice
Finally user j.m is promoting his song
What I missed when I was sleeping 20 March 2023
What I missed when I was sleeping 20 March 2023
JM ‘Set Me Free Pt.2’ MV Photo Sketch
Like crazy - teaser
I guess we can start sharing pics from the album, right?
Okey guys, we can now reveal the big secret
JM Like crazy - my crazy thoughts
JM Face photo sketch
JM arriving for his KBS performance recording 24 March 2023
PolyC once again
Spotify with JM behind the scenes
JM  ‘FACE’ Album Cover Shoot Sketch
Jimin after day
Like crazy dance practice
I really love this interpretation
JM IG 25.03.2023 9:09 pm KST
Is letter a song for army?
Bringing this back
JM like crazy - dance challenge
If we didn’t think already that JM was a sweetheart
JM Face playlist
Bighit official IG - JM filters
JM like crazy dance challenge up
JM and Hobi dance challenge up too
Letter - the lyrics that didn’t make it
Serendipity and Letter
JM and the new Like crazy filter
JM at the Inkigayo pre-recording 28 March 2023
JM Like crazy photo sketch
Like crazy MV shoot sketch
JM at M countdown
JM M countdown full performances
JM now fulfilling the dreams of some super lucky fans
Set me free pt. 2 M countdown fan cam
Like crazy M countdown fan cam
Like JM like crazy
JM on Music Bank
What will JM eat for dinner?
JM performances Music Bank
Jimin “FACE” Special Cut for ARMY
Like crazy (English version)
Jimin Inkigayo 2 April 2023
Jimin’s “FACE” Selfie Diary for ARMY
JM Like crazy on Studio Choom
JM no. 1 Billboard 100
Tommy part of the JM fan club
Jimin W-live 4 April 2023
JM Weverse 5 April 2023
Full English subbed JM interview at SBS radio - Like JM Like crazy
JM IG 5 April 2023
JM and Niki (Enhypen) behind the scenes
JM IG 7 April 2023 8:23 pm
JM Choreography practice BTB
A day with JM in NYC - Vogue USA
Face off - what is it all about?
JM and Yoongi on Yoo Jae Suk’s DdeunDdeun
JM-JK 12 April 2023  
JM Spotify 14 April 2023  
Jimin’s ‘FACE’ album activities - behind the scenes  
Letter is for JK.  Period.
Letter again
Serendipity is now the preface and Letter is the forever
Dear.Army again
JM ‘FACE’ Music Show Promotions Sketch  
Did JK promote other members like he did JM?
JM and the MVs for Face
Lookie what’s coming
Like Crazy new insights
JM Production diary
JM Production diary
Coming soon
So he does know how to use his IG story
JM Production diary keyword interview
JM Production diary trailer
JM Production diary - The truth untold
JM Production diary - JM’s favorite lyrics from Face
Nah I couldn’t wait for my post for you guys to see this
JM Weverse 23 October 2023
Just me or same vibes?
We just lost him at that point
JM production diary documentary and live 23 October 2023
Muscle memory
JM production diary - the commentary
JM fanmeet 30 October
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duhizmochvare · 1 year
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ilovehimyourhonour · 1 year
the bookcase ;
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! stray kids
! enhypen
! seventeen
! tomorrow x together
! ateez
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