Beatles Requests!
6 posts
Hello! To get out of my writing slump, I will write anything you want me to!(Although mainly Beatles, I will write for other bands too if you specify!)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
harrisonswifey · 3 months ago
Lowkey I love George Harrison
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harrisonswifey · 3 months ago
I’ve just seen the fic now and I love it! ty so much!!! <3 <3 <3
No problem at all!! If you’re after anything else like literally anything I’ll write it for you it’s so fun yay!!! I’m glad you love it!
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harrisonswifey · 3 months ago
Would you be fine doing a fic about Paul and Linda? I don’t have any specific requests just something sweet with those two
I’m sorry that I don’t know too much about Paul and Linda but what I do know is that they lived in Scotland and loved each other very much! I hope you like it!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷
As the year drew to a close the bitterly cold winter had brought a delicate frost to the sprawling fields, decorating each blade with miniature crystals of ice. Heavy, thick clouds painted the vast sky an overbearing grey. A chill in the wind rattled the delicate icicles which hung from every twig of every tree across the landscape. The winter this year was much harsher, much duller, much colder, than any other Paul had ever experienced. Things looked bleak as he peered out of the kitchen window, watching the tiny flecks of ice fall in flurries thick and fast as his mind tried to make sense of the muddled events of the year.
Things had fallen apart, that’s for certain. Gone were The Beatles’ days in the sun. Those long, wild days of music and laughter seemed like centuries ago to Paul. The only things left were the money problems, the memories and the silence. Years ago, Paul thought it would’ve been impossible to break apart the group. They were like brothers, and closer still. When their hearts froze on one another, the cracks surfaced. There was no use in denying it; The Beatles were breaking up. All passion Paul had for music had vanished alongside his closest friends, leaving a painful, gaping hole which he thought nothing would ever be able to fill. But what could’ve been done? Was it too late to fully make amends? What might’ve happened if they’d stayed together? The wind outside stirred the snow with a howl, causing spiralling waves of snowflakes to thrash against the glass panes. Lost in thought and drowning in regret, he stared blankly, unphased by the sight. His trance was only broken by a peculiar, yet welcome feeling. Two hands were placed on his sides, startling him and bringing him back to the cozy kitchen.
“You’re up early.” Linda said with a quiet laugh.
Paul turned to face her and took her hands in his. Just the sight of her bright, warm smile was enough to melt the snow and keep the bitter cold at bay. With Linda, everything seemed right.
“Sorry, love. I thought you were having a sleep in.” Paul replied, the corners of his lips already turning up into a smile now she was here. Linda shook her head.
“Ah, it’s just not the same without you in bed with me. It’s alright, though. Shall I make us a drink?” She said, already moving to fill the kettle.
Paul returned his gaze to the frozen landscape, his mind returning to those difficult to answer questions.
“You alright?” Linda asked with a slightly apprehensive tone, setting the kettle to boil upon the stove. Of course she could tell. Since 1967, the two of them had been joined at the hip. They’d become perfectly attuned to each other’s needs. The slightest disturbance made her worry terribly for him. Paul sighed.
“Yeah, it’s… y’know.” He huffed, laughing slightly as he realised it was pointless to stress another person out.
“Oh, don’t tell me it’s all this silly band stuff again.” Linda replied, trying to make light of the situation as she poured two mugs of steaming hot tea. “You don’t have anything to worry about. The money’ll be sorted — besides, we’re not really desperate, are we? We don’t need it! We’ve got our house, our family!”
Linda took a step forwards, taking Paul into her arms.
“And we have each other, don’t we.”
A smile, soft and grateful crept across Paul’s face. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her closer to his chest. For a moment, he swore their hearts were beating as one.
“You’re right.” He said with a relieved sigh. “I know I go on and on about it. I’m surprised you’re not sick of me.”
“Oh I am!” Laughed Linda, pulling back to peck Paul on the cheek. He laughed, cheeks reddening.
Reluctantly releasing her embrace, Linda brought the two mugs to the hardwood table, pulling her usual chair closer to Paul’s. With a smile, Paul sat, pulling her by the hand to sit with him. He brought the steaming mug to his lips, the taste of the tea soothing him slightly, a reminder that the simple things sometimes are the best comfort. Not like there was anything simple about his lovely Linda! He took his right hand in her left, a perfect reflection, the couple drinking and watching through the window as the snow elegantly fell down in silky white swathes. The cold couldn’t permeate the glass, not when they were together, swaddled in the blanket of each other’s love. Linda smiled into her tea.
“Hey, the only thing we need to be worried about is what to get the girls for Christmas!”
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harrisonswifey · 3 months ago
Working on my first request YAY! I’ll try and get them out as quickly as possible!
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harrisonswifey · 3 months ago
Hello!!!! Your blog is lovely
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harrisonswifey · 3 months ago
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• Welcome to my blog! •
A little about me!
My favourite Beatle is George!
I’m pansexual!
I’m British!
What I’ll write!
Self-insert fics!
The Beatles are my specialty but I will branch out if you suggest it!
Sometimes shipping fics if requested
Any request (WITHIN REASON! I won’t write anything I deem as immoral or illegal!)
DNI IF YOU ARE: Racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, MAGA, or just rude and judgemental in general.
That’s all! Please feel free to raid my inbox!
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