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theonlybegottensim · 6 months ago
Literally Mary-Sue Pleasant:
After finding out Daniel cheated:
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Moved out of the house after breaking up:
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phoenixcharm54 · 6 days ago
General Fanfic Writing Tip #27: If you are concerned that your original character might be a Mary-Sue, ask yourself the following questions: 1) Do any characters in your story dislike them, and if so, are those reasons tied to an aspect of their personality? 2) Do they have a meaningful character flaw that impacts them in the story that is unrelated to how powerful they are? 3) Do they grow as a person from the start of the story through to the end? If the answer to any of these questions are "yes," the character is probably not a Mary-Sue.
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medium5 · 2 years ago
I am actually so serious I think it really messes with a childs creativity and joy to tell them to never make a mary sue OC. Like that unbridaled form of joy where you make a self insert OC who super cool and everyone loves them and they have every superpower in the world SHOULD be something a kid makes, it nourishes their ability to create things for fun and not be stifled by "oh but what if my character is too overpowered and cringey...". whatever
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She is the typical Mary-Sue, she wants to be the protagonist of a romance with Maxime and that is why she hates Saint-Just.
She must have unblocked me, I found this in the frev tag.
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To all the people who liked this post.. Why? Even if you were liking it ironically, its still wrong, you're encouraging her to do this shit.
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@lost-splendor @sana-goose @tinnitye @revolutionarywig @littlemonchi @god-help-me-pls @minakoiiv @micromegazz @bonebeautyart @fennellworth @sunny0lily @sandwicheatr
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thelinesofmylife · 1 year ago
Is the power of Mary-Sue an inherently bad guy power?
Okay, let me explain. I know that the Mary-Sue is usually on the side of good, but I got to thinking about something; if a Mary-Sue was the villain, would care quite so much that they seem to have these near reality bending powers?
How often have you seen the big-bad evil guy seemingly pull a fast one at the last minute in order to one-up the good guys? Just a complete, out of nowhere act that justs forces a story into overtime? Have some secret, unknown ability, artifact or trinket that seems to the point of breaking immersion?
Ongoing villains are notorious for this. Carmen Sandiego did more unbelievable things and escaped in more unfathomable ways. Have a mini helicopter that can turn into a rocket to escape the aircraft of the law? We would slam a Mary-Sue for having such a hairbrained device, but Carmen Sandiego? Oh yeah, perfect sense.
Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget? You'd expect someone of that level of wanted would so easily get detained. (Inspector Gadget isn't a Mary-Sue, just a cyborg Maxwell Smart (yes, that's the reference), the bumbling fool with near Mary-Sue powers, but their wacky hijinks makes up for it.)
How many times has a bad guy pulled a fast one to escape capture, death or worse, through seemingly near impossible means, but we don't care they're doing it, just so long as they get defeated in the end.
And I think that's it. As writers, we want our heros to overcome obstacles and it can't be overcome too easily or quickly, as that spoils the fun. (First act defeats are rarely permanent and are often either deliberate acts by the bad guy for some larger plan, or just a plot set-up for someone else to break them out.) The heros need their big bad evil to fight against, or else we're just watching them take down some ne'er-do-well and then get back to their boring life between these sporatic bursts of activity. Do you want to know how the main character folds their laundry? Not after the epic robot fight.
The size and scale of a hero is directly proportional to the obstacles they have to overcome. If the villian isn't gifted the powers of the Mary-Sue, then they may be overcome too quickly and the heros won't be as legendary as we want them to be. This is, seemingly ironically, why Mary-Sue heros suck so much. If the villian has no real threat, then the hero doesnt seem that amazing; the Mary-Sue problem in a nutshell.
So don't throw out your Mary-Sue characters; cast them as the villians and see what your non-Mary-Sue heros need to do to defeat them.
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helgatisha · 1 year ago
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Download: boosty | patreon | simfileshare
The author screenshots by @john-ts-sh-ai <3
Cast: Bella Goth, Mortimer Goth, Nina Caliente, Nervous Subject,Mary-Sue Pleasant.
ENG | You will NEED
- andrew’s pose player
or WW (tutorial)
- teleporter any sim (x1 on the same spot)
or using mc command center
Including: 30 poses
all in one
CAS - mean or horse lover trait
| Tag ‘’ helgatisha ‘’ so I can see it
– The poses all of them are from the CAS traits and slightly edited. I hope it will be useful for you –
- andrew’s pose player
или WW (урок)
- teleporter any sim (1 шт. в одном и том же месте)
или с помощью  mc command center
входит: 30 поз
все в одном
CAS - черта характера задира или любовь к лошадям
| Тэг ‘’ helgatisha‘’ так я увижу вас
please read and respect my tou
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mummer · 3 months ago
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thinking about this
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sammyshuno · 6 days ago
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cami-cosmos · 1 year ago
I'm glad self-inserts and mary sues have been (for the most part) accepted by fandom. Or, at the very least, they aren't as hated on and attacked as they were in the past.
In the ye olde days™, 12-year-old me was absolutely terrified of making a "mary sue," to the point that I wouldn't post anything I made. Even worse, the characters I did make were dull and boring to achieve "realism." God forbid would I even THINK of making a character that was anywhere close to me as a person. Luckily, I was able to grow past this and started making art that made me happy, no matter what others might think. But what about the other 12 year olds who saw that their OCs were "bad" and got discouraged? There's so many people out there who stopped engaging in art simply because they made an OP character.
Creating characters is about expressing your creativity and feeling a connection to your art. It's going to be a different, unique experience for everyone. For one person, that might mean making a gritty, realistic OC. For another, it could be making a perfect version of themself to ship with a character they like. If making that "bad" mary sue is what makes someone happy, let them do it! Focus on what makes you happy and thats what matters. (live and let live basically).
Basically, if you want to make a character, DO IT!! Make that Undertale self-insert that dates Sans! Draw your neon pink alicorn princess pony! Feed your inner-child and create what makes you HAPPY!!!
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newts-gay · 9 months ago
where is my alicent “i shall have one of her son’s eyes in return” hightower?
where is my alicent “you may do as you wish husband, when i am cold in my grave” hightower?
where is my alicent “congratulations, stepdaughter. what a blessing this is for you” hightower?
where is my alicent “do keep trying ser laenor, sooner or late you'll get one that looks like you” hightower?
don’t even get me started on alicent “bastard blood shed at war” hightower
she would have been way too powerful for anyone’s screen (especially with olivia’s brilliant performances) and tb stannies kept her from us
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somewhereincairparavel · 4 months ago
there's just something about reyna being so desperate for a romantic connection after venus tells her that she'll never be loved by a demigod. when she was even willing to date octavian, when she immediately latched on to percy after he arrived at camp, and then, of course, her unrequited feelings for jason.
this is partly why I dislike people blaming jason for "leading her on" because there's absolutely no canon evidence to suggest that reyna was vocal or obvious about her feelings to jason or ever made a move about it. especially considering the venus incident where reyna had begun to avoid him. it would've ironically given jason the opposite impression. it's only mentioned that they shared something special, which could just as easily allude about their close friendship. jason said that he never felt anything romantic towards reyna, they were both pretty restricted when it came to love because they had an image to withhold at camp, they also had this external pressure of being the potential picture perfect couple. he liked sharing roman history knowledge with her as a best friend, they wanted to visit cool historical monuments together, which he appreciated, and he trusted her deeply, but that was all there ever was to it. their connection was dominated by sweet platonicity, in his perspective, atleast.
reyna misinterpreting jason's behaviour as something romantic also makes sense to her character because she wanted to be loved that way. it was reyna's wishful thinking that caused her inevitable heartache and that adds nuance to her character.
reyna had her own faults in the downfall of jason and her's friendship, just like jason did. and that makes them good characters. they both refused to reach out bc of hesitation and it isnt just jason's fault as the fandom claims it to be.
when jason said reyna distanced herself from him and was never quite the same around him after the venus incident?? do people not understand that jason's hesitation to reach out must have stemmed from that?? worried that she'll distance herself again?? or when reyna greeted piper in boo and didn't even take a glance at jason? reyna had too much pain inside of her so she couldn't reach out. and that's okay.
they never ended up clearing the air because of this lingering hesitation, causing reyna to have everlasting guilt after he passed. and that is also okay. they were just kids who cared about eachother but didn't know better.
their relationship is way more complicated and heartbreaking and reducing it to "jason lead her on and broke her heart, he's the real red flag" does injustice to BOTH their characters.
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sammyshuno · 9 days ago
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Switching gears over to the Pleasant household! 💼
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