#married royai
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griseldabanks · 10 months ago
48 for Ed and Al, please?
(Upon further discussion, changed to 37.)
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Note: This in in the same AU as this fic.
Prompt: "Now what?"
They should have been home already. Ed paced up and down the living room, trying not to pay attention to the rain pouring down outside the windows. He didn't pull the blinds down, because every time he rounded the coffee table, he looked out the window pointing up the street. He would see their headlights as soon as they turned the corner.
Oh, how I wish for soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart lost in the dark—
Ed whipped his phone out of his pocket. No Nightwish today.
No sign of life did flicker
In floods of tears she cried—
Nope. Not Blind Guardian either.
I can't feel my senses
I just feel the cold—
Maybe Seventh Wonder would be better than Within Temptation. But as soon as he tapped on the Mercy Falls album, he remembered why he rarely listened to them. The shriek of tires, the crash of metal and glass....
Cursing under his breath, Ed ripped his headphones off and tossed them onto the couch along with his phone. But that didn't help much, because now he could hear the rain pattering loudly against the windows all around him.
They were late. Why were they late? What was Riza doing, dawdling around like this? Didn't she know they had karate this evening? If they were late to practice, Izumi-sensei would give them an earful and probably just make them do push-ups all night....
He rounded the coffee table again and banged his shin against the corner. Letting out his juiciest swear words and hopping around, clutching his right leg, did little to stop the throbbing pain. And then he landed wrong on his prosthetic foot and tumbled to the ground.
For a minute, he just lay there, still clutching his bruised shin and staring at the dust bunnies under the couch. This was so pathetic. He was pathetic. Nothing but a cripple who couldn't even walk around his own house without falling over. He couldn't even listen to his music without his heart pounding, or look at the rain outside without thinking of that day, that horrible day when he lost everything important to him....
No. Not everything. He hadn't lost everything...yet.
Al and Riza were out in this. Roy...well, who cared about Roy; he could just go and get soaked. But Al...maybe he'd been too scared to go outside in the rain. Maybe he and Riza were stuck in the therapist's office until the rain let up.
Or...maybe they were on the road. Cold rain showering down. Windshield wipers going as fast as they could. Then the shriek of tires, the crash of metal and glass, blinding pain....
Ed surged to his feet, staggering slightly as he got his left leg under himself. His heart pounded in his ears, but not loud enough to drown out the sound of the rain, and his ears were ringing because he couldn't seem to draw enough breath, but he could still hear that rain, and what if Al could hear it too, so much louder than this, and what if—
The grumble of the garage door opening jostled Ed out of his spiraling thoughts. He sucked in a huge breath and hurried into the dining room, ready to throw open the door to the garage himself, just to be sure....
Before he could reach it, the door opened, and there Al was, safe and sound, coat wet but otherwise no worse for the wear. Immediately, his eyes met Ed's across the room, and they immediately knew what the other was thinking. Al had made a beeline for his brother, knowing perfectly well that Ed was home alone, unable to think of anything but the thousands of ways everything could go wrong.
Al opened his mouth and said, “B-B-Brother....”
Ed stared at him for a moment, heart still thudding loudly in his ears, and then he collapsed in a heap on the floor again, a huge sob bursting out of his mouth. Al was there in an instant, tossing his coat onto the floor and kneeling in front of Ed, pulling him into a hug.
Ed drew in a huge, shuddering breath. “Al...?”
That voice in his ear was the same one he knew so well, exactly as he remembered it, but he hadn't heard it in so long. He'd wondered if he would ever hear it again.
And that was why Al was apologizing, in stuttering stops and starts, voice choked with tears. As if any of this was his fault.
Ed hugged his little brother back, tighter and tighter, and rested his head against Al's shoulder. The tears came thick and fast, but for once he didn't care. He had his brother back.
Al was sniffling too, and after a few moments, two more arms wrapped around them both. Ed hadn't even heard Riza come in from the garage, but she was here now, and she was crying too. What a mess they all were.
Riza's fingers stroked through his hair, running down his braid and then back up to his scalp again. Her hand didn't feel quite like Mom's, but...it was something. The way Al leaned into her, the tears of joy she shared with them...it felt good. More than good.
Ed wasn't sure how long they'd all been sitting in a heap in the living room when a key turned in the lock and the front door opened, letting in a chilly gust of wind. The jingling of keys, the rustling of a coat hung up on a hook, the thump of wet boots kicked off by the door, were all familiar sounds. Welcome ones, too, Ed realized. Fancy that.
“Hello?” Roy called. “Anybody home?”
“In here,” Riza called with a wet laugh.
“Why are you all sitting there in the...dark?”
Ed didn't look up, but he could feel Roy standing right behind him. Great, now he would know Ed had been crying....
He felt Al look up, and even without seeing it, he could feel the smile on Al's face. “J-J...Join us.”
“Al! You're...You're....”
Al nodded, and then Roy flumped down onto the floor with the rest of them, his big, strong arms wrapping around all of them at once. He let out a disbelieving laugh, quickly followed by Riza's breathless chuckle, and before they knew it, all four of them were laughing and crying in equal measure.
Sitting here in a heap on the floor, with the rain pouring down outside and his brother in his arms, Ed felt something he hadn't felt in a long, long time. Something...warm and safe...something like...home?
When their laughter died down and they all drew back a little, wiping their eyes (even Roy), Ed looked at Al. “Now what?”
Al thought for a moment, then turned to Roy. Taking a deep breath, he said the longest sentence he'd spoken in years. “C-Can I...can I c-call you...D-D-Dad?”
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bisexualriza · 6 months ago
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royai but in their tomodachi life outfits
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wintercb · 2 days ago
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When you watch an anime and find a man learning that his late mentor had a daughter, you know how the story goes. 😏😏😏
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riacte · 8 months ago
my personal consequence of watching hermitcraft is that my favourite dynamic has shifted from “power couple who are the best for each other and match together perfectly and they defy the world for their love” to “suspiciously codependent colleagues”
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heavenlyshadowhunter · 5 months ago
You're heard of Queerplatonic Royai, now get ready for Divorced Royai. They gave in to the pressure and got married — after all, what else is expected of you when youre in a committed relationship? But they got divorced because they realized that marriage isn't for them. They are still together, and they are still lifelong partners, it's just not romantically because now they're divorced.
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kaybkay8 · 1 year ago
Lol rewatching fma is a trip. Mustang has everyone thinking he can't function without hawkeye...only for the bad guys to take her as a hostage. Well jokes on them they find ways to give messages to each other and plan a coup. The level of facades these two project for others is really well done.
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chryseis · 2 years ago
I have this idea for a conversation between Ed and Riza like ten years after the Promised Day that had been bouncing around my head for like a week, maybe I'll finally get to it this afternoon.
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js589 · 1 month ago
I could well be wrong, but I seem to recall years ago (like, a decade plus at this point), there was a remark in one of the art books or a guidebook that wasn't officially translated into English that had something to the effect of Roy becoming head of state and Riza basically being his aide forever and that precluding them getting married. Basically, Roy's goal—and any judicial action that results from Ishval war crimes prosecution—means they probably don't get married, but the feelings are there.
...Also the translation reading "Hiroshi" rather than "Hiromu" does make me question the general accuracy of this, but I myself cannot read any form of Japanese so if it's an easy mistake because they're written similarly, I'll give the benefit of the doubt, but I do want to know what this source actually is (because watch it be the exact thing I'm talking about lol).
It just feels like this is another one of those "people reading a bit too much into a translation and overstating the implication" thing.
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sidsinning · 6 months ago
Thinking about how only part of Riza's back tattoo is burnt bc Roy couldn't bear to hurt her any further despite her request to burn it all away
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Thinking about how Arakawa straight up answered the question about why Royai aren't together saying it's literally bc of military rules that they aren't married
She knew what she cooked here
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riza-hawks-eye · 5 months ago
The Royai moments the anime adaptations left out bc they are COWARDS
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(I believe in fma manga supremacy)
Riza's Grandpa asks Roy to marry her.
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So this one needs outside material to explain, but Arakawa confirmed in the 2nd Guidebook (released only in Japanese and French) that Grumman is Riza's maternal grandfather. Not necessarily a big Royai moment but, still it's interesting how Riza's only known living family ships it, and that Roy doesn't exactly say "no" to his request.
I am forever fascinated as to why any of this exists in the first place, what did you mean by this Arakawa? why have Grumman make this suggestion in the first place? 👀👀👀👀👀👀 What were you suggesting? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Anyway, I wish we had an in-text confirmation of Riza's relation to Grumman and I wish this moment had come back to the story at some point. Even if it was just Riza glaring at Grumman being like "Grandpa why are you trying to marry me off?????"
2. Roy's "Get your hands off my wife!" moment.
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He really said, "is he bothering you queen?" I wish we had more protective Roy and frankly, I don't understand how this scene didn't make it to Brotherhood? Riza was getting manhandled by a tin can and clearly not into it. The fact that a tin can serial killer developed a crush on her is concerning to begin with. It just wouldn't be in character for Roy to be cool with this. Roy is also a jealous boyfriend, what can I say?
3. The "I'm glad you're alive" moment.
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For some dumb reason, Brotherhood changed this so when Riza apologises for worrying him, he just snaps "save it for the end of the mission!" Like, why Brotherhood? why would Roy ever snap at Riza like that? especially when Riza is generally the one who is laser-focused on the mission. Roy has enough faith in her, he's not going to see this brief apology as her being distracted or less competent. The manga dialogue is also meant to show how Maes's death is still a fresh wound for Roy, so of course he's on edge at the prospect of losing Riza too.
4. He literally asks her out
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I feel like both anime adaptations really wanted Roy to be more of a womaniser than he actually is. But this scene lowkey confirms Roy has limited game and he only really wants Riza. It feels like dude jumped at the opportunity to ask Riza out the moment she technically stopped being his subordinate.
5. Roy's codename for Riza actually coming back
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Seriously, I love how Arakawa took the time to establish "Elizabeth" as Riza's codename only to use it later to have Madame Christmas suggest that Roy regularly spends time with "Elizabeth" to the point where it's weird that he isn't with her now. And then, when Roy bemoans how "another man took Elizabeth" (an obvious reference to Riza being taken hostage by Bradley) one of Christmas's girls gets excited at the idea she might have a chance with Roy. The suggestion is that Roy isn't normally available on account of his seeing Elizabeth.
It's a strong hint to the idea that Riza and Roy might have *something* going on and are bypassing the fraternization laws through codes. At the very least it suggests that Roy isn't interested in anyone but "Elizabeth". Also look how bummed out he is that his wife is gone. Why did the anime rob us of so much pathetic whipped Roy? WHY?
6. Just a lot more touching in general
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There's actually a lot of touching between these two in the manga. It's mostly during the big fights like the Promised Day or the battle with Lust and it really cements them as a true battle couple.
In the case of the Promised day they are literally fighting in each other's arms. Riza is leaning on Roy as she's on the verge of passing out from her wounds, and Roy is clinging onto her now that she has become his eyes. The way they hold each other shows how they are each other's crutch and how one always empowers the other. It also symbolises how inseparable these two are as moments ago Roy was at the Gate and before that Riza was on the brink of death, they could have lost in each other for good but they're still standing strong together in spite of everything.
The post-Lust fight is just a nice moment were Roy clings onto Riza out of sheer relief that she's okay and he hasn't lost another loved one. Even though he's on the verge of passing out from pain and blood loss, he still finds the strength to reach out to her.
Then there's the scene in the tunnels where he lowers her gun for her. The noticeable difference in the manga is that he does this after he takes off his ignition gloves.
The anime forgets to do this. It seems like a minor difference but it's kind of a big point of characterisation. Because we know that Riza has been hurt by flame alchemy, from the process of having the tattoo done to her by a trusted parental figure at a young age, to the trauma of seeing how much damage it did at ishval, to her very literally being burned by the flames so that it won't do anymore damage. Roy is the one who burned her, he's the one who used her secret to do unspeakable damage and suffering, why would he hurt her again by letting her go anywhere near flame alchemy?
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My final thoughts: Manga Roy is altogether more dorky and in love with Riza than his anime counterparts and I miss his adorkable self.
I also feel like Arakawa was so good at subtly hinting at how in love these two are and how they basically *do* function like a couple even if they might not be together in the conventional het married with babies way.
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boo-b1tchcraft · 1 month ago
Fullmetal Alchemist Headcannons:
a few headcannons i’ve been thinking of lately, mostly post-series, lots of royai of course hehe
I feel like a lot of the FMA characters are hard of hearing just because of the amount of explosions and gunshots they have to listen to constantly. I like to imagine Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye eventually being able to settle down and live a happy domestic life while keeping their careers idc. So if they lived together they’d have to try not to shout across the home at one another to talk.
Post-series Izumi and Sig insist on having Ed and Al over for dinner with their families at least once a month when they’re not off too far away.
When their kids get older Ed encourages them to be like Winry. He knows he’s smart but he knows that she’s a different kind of smart. He hopes they’ll pick up her talents in order to help people like she does. That doesn’t mean he’s entirely against having a bunch of mini Edwards running around lol.
When Al first met Mustang and Hawkeye, he kind of just assumed they were married or something, the way they flowed together. He was a little disappointed to know that they weren’t but he understood why, with fraternization laws and everything. Al’s a bit of a romantic.
I saw @doctormichaelaquinn on here say that Ed knows the Colonel and Lieutenant had feelings for each other but just assumed Roy Mustang was too dumb to do anything about it and I feel like that’s accurate lol.
Of course Roy and Riza trusted Ed and Al enough to tell them, or rather soft launch when they finally made it official. I’d imagine Riza would invite them over for a visit when they’re in the area. Roy Mustang would be over at her place because of course he would. The boys would come over and kinda just be like “General?”. But of course they know that Hawkeye and Mustang are hardly ever apart so they wouldn’t think too much of it. Then Riza would be in the kitchen making food and Roy would help. The boys are sitting at the kitchen table and happen to see Mustang hug her from behind while looking over her shoulder at what she’s preparing. Ed and Al give each other a look. When Hawkeye leans in and gives Mustang a peck on the cheek, the boys give each other another knowing look. Ed was relieved to know that Roy wasn’t just being a creep. “Finally,”they both think.
We all know Roy Mustang is a flirt. Sometimes when they’re alone, Riza lets herself fall for it. Only sometimes though! At least that’s what she tells herself.
Roy knows Riza would do whatever he asks of her, and she has, so post-series he tries his best not to ask too much of her unless completely necessary. Not that he didn’t care about that beforehand, but after all they’d been through, he hates to see her overexert herself and the last thing he’d want is to see her in any kind of pain ever again. When they’re at home, Roy dotes on Riza but he tries not to make it obvious. She sees right through him. How could she not? She secretly loves it but doesn’t believe she deserves it. Roy wants her to feel like she does.
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leorai4life · 8 months ago
I'm realising that my main OTPs are all characters who have never been explicitly confirmed to be together lol
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Leorai - basically canon, but we never got any kisses or hugs like the other couples in 2012 did. Enemies to lovers with a purely emotionally intimate connection. They will stab you cutely if you hurt their beloved~
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Zutara - enemies to lovers vibes, ferociously protective of one another, badass fighting duo. They never became canon, ofc, but their romantic chemistry and emotional intimacy was off the charts.
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Shadouge - started off as 2 people only looking out for themselves and focused on one goal (revenge, jewels) but the longer they were around each other the more vulnerable they became with one another. Would trust each other with their goddamn life.
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Royai - they're basically married, your honour. Know each other's body language off by heart, would follow the other to hell and back, would rather die than live in a world without one another.
They all just give off soft "I will protect you and care for you even though you could do it yourself" vibes. I guess I just love badasses who are also the most emotionally intimate pairings you'll ever meet <3
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littlewitchbee · 2 months ago
kid fic!!! this kid!!
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Roy doesn't become fuhrer and they both have to learn to live with that reality while still trying to make the world a better place. Part of that is both of them resigning. Then they decide to get married (been together long enough, right???) I don't have a lot down, but I imagine it's hard for both of them and there's a lot of resentment at first, especially in the first few years out of the military. But they love each other and their daughter, so it will work out ☺️
"Riza watches his hand where it lingers on their daughter's face, her eyes glued to the fading scar that splits his palm, at the glint of the setting sun on his wedding band. She knows his hands as well as she knows her own, knows just how capable of destruction they are, knows that they're just as capable of a gentleness she never thought she deserved."
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rizaposting · 11 months ago
have not been able to shake a weird little idea that I have no idea how to start or how to end where the premise is: ~5 years Post-CoS or maybe longer, Ed somehow manages to get blipped back into Amestris (Al also, but he got tossed somewhere else) and somehow contacts Mustang and they just end up sitting in a bar trying to figure out How The Hell This Is Possible What The Fuck. Mustang is older and more mellow and that kind of freaks Ed out, who wants the familiarity of bickering with him in this desperately weird situation. They're both kind of cagey and don't know what to say and neither of them are very forthcoming about their lives.
Eventually they end up going back to Roy's home and he's got a nice house in the suburbs with a weird gravel driveway and there's a single porchlight left on, and Roy says "Oh, by the way, keep your voice down my wife is asleep" and Edward is like "who the fuck would agree to marry you lmfao" And Roy is just. Mmh. Because he's really not looking forward to Edward finding out he married Fucking Lieutenant Hawkeye.
The issue is that there's a clear story there, how did the Elrics get there? Where is Al, what is he doing? Etc. But all I want to focus on is, like... Ed as an observer to domestic royai moments LOL. Rummaging through all their pictures and trinkets. Sleepy Riza shuffling around in a fluffy robe in the mornings like a grandma. Roy trying to take up gardening and being in an ongoing war with the rabbits that are eating the shit out of their raised beds. The closed door that Ed is NOT allowed to look into that's totally not a half-built nursery that puts some of their suspicious behavior into perspective. Do you see my issue? I could tell a cool story but my brain is slop
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bisexualriza · 7 months ago
we know that Berthold was a pretty shitty father to Riza, and we know it's all because of his alchemy research. but because i'm currently in a pre-canon headspace, i've been speculating reasons for his neglect outside of just his obsession for alchemy.
incomprehensible brainrot below.
what if he straight up did not want a daughter. maybe he wanted a son instead, and his wife passed away before they could try for another child. it would partially explain why he showed more favor to Roy during his apprenticeship; Roy was the son he never had.
sexism aside, that can even be simplified to Berthold wanting a child who can perform alchemy. we don't know if Riza never showed an interest in it, or just wasnt able to grasp it, but she definitely isn't an alchemist in canon. (however. fanon secret alchemist Riza, i love u) it also explains his favoritism towards Roy as the prodigy child alchemist he also never had.
hell it could be a combination of both. Riza just wasnt good enough for him :(
on some darker notes, what if he didn't like Riza because, in however many ways, she reminded him of his late wife?
we dont get much information about Mrs Hawkeye, only the fact that she "died a long time ago", said by teenaged Riza in front of her father's grave. i emphasize teenaged because it means that, somewhere in her early childhood was when her mother died, and it's unclear if she remembers her mother, or even knew her at all.
we know that Berthold has been researching flame alchemy for decades, possibly before Riza was born, possibly before he even got married. whether or not that was a happy marriage is up for debate, but it clearly it was....substantial enough to produce Riza. maybe with his wife present, Berthold wasnt so deep into his research. maybe for a short period of time, he was actually a loving husband and father.
but then his wife did die. all he had left was his daughter. instead of the logical thing and, ya know, being appreciative of the only family he had left, he buries himself in his work as a result of his grief. distancing from his very young daughter, neglecting her in the process. why would he do this? because she reminds him too much of his wife.
Riza probably gets her blonde hair from him, sure, but her Big Beautiful Brown Eyes had to come from somewhere else, that being her mom. maybe even some parts her personality, outside of her reclusiveness, are just like her mom, like her sense of humor. he didnt cherish the fact that some parts of his wife were left behind in their daughter. the memories were too painful.
this would be even more emphasized if Mrs Hawkeye died tragically, like in an accident that could've been prevented, or even in childbirth (honestly Riza being "responsible" for her mother's passing would make this even more messed up.....Berthold blaming her for losing his wife, Riza never getting to meet her mother at all....)
anyways those are brain thoughts i've been circulating that i dont know what to do with. save yourselves, i'm too far gone in the pre-canon royai rabbit hole.
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theblueeyedfirebender · 7 months ago
Fanfiction Masterlist.
(Updated 12/5/24)
The following are my works over on AO3, in no particular order. Mostly FMA/Royai, with some SxF/Twiyor and ATLA/Zutara.
Bon appétit ❤️
The Counteroffer
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.7K
On the eve of Mustang’s inauguration as Fuhrer, Riza Hawkeye submits her resignation.
(love confession, light angst with a happy ending)
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 1.6K
Riza Hawkeye never intended on living past age thirty-two. It wasn’t that she wanted to die. She simply did not expect to live.
Written for Royai Week 2024, Day 5: Gift
(angst with a happy ending)
Death and Taxes
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 5.4K
“You’re proposing we marry,” Hawkeye responds, slow and dangerous, “for tax purposes?”
Something prickles beneath Mustang's shirt collar. He resists the urge to tug at it, instilling his voice with an even coolness as he pretends to examine his cuticles. “A mutually beneficial arrangement, wouldn’t you agree?”
(mutual pining, marriage of convenience)
The Art of Living On
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 3.9K
She has never done this. Has avoided it at all costs. Because she is unfit, she tells herself. Her hands are made for firearms and filing office paperwork, not soothing fussy babies. Her edges are too sharp, too jagged to provide comfort to anyone. She is scarred and bloodied and barely knows the love of a mother herself.
But the baby wails, pleading.
Written for Royai Week 2024, Day 2: Appreciate
This story was adapted into a podfic (audiobook, but make it fanfiction) by @klainelynch. Listen here.
(domestic fluff, light angst with a happy ending)
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word counts: 2.8K
She listens to him pull in a breath, his voice taking on the sharp edge of alarm. “Lieutenant?” Warmth runs over the back of her hand. Down her forearm. “Lieutenant, is everything alright?”
She can hear the downward turn of his mouth, the ridge that forms as his dark brows draw together. She knows the way his spine pulls straight, his hand gripping the phone receiver with knuckles blanched.
Shadows are beginning to fray the edges of her vision. A terrible weakness is sinking into her, heavy and bone-deep. She needs to hold pressure. She needs to sit down. “Colonel,” she says again, weariness and panic threading through the syllables.
Something drips from the bend of her elbow.
A gift for @shuboxx ❤️
(angst, hurt/comfort)
Uncle Zuko
Katara x Zuko
Rating: T
Word count: 2.6K
Of all the things his hands have held - from dragon eggs and ancient texts to the element of Fire itself - this is by far the most precious, the most powerful: a new generation, one born into a world without war.
Zuko is forced to hold Sokka's baby, and feelings happen. I published this story years ago on FFN under a different title. This is the updated/revised version. I haven't written much of them lately, but Zuko & Katara are, and will always remain, my otp.
(domestic fluff)
Forts, Flashlights, and Forgery
Loid Forger / Twilight x Yor Forger / Thorn Princess
Rating: T
Word count: 5k
And like climbing a rooftop, disarming a bomb, forgery is essential to espionage. An ability applied not only to paperwork and documents, but one’s very self. To smile and lie and feel no remorse, to shed one’s outer layer and replace it anew. To cut ties, change faces, and walk away, again and again, morphing into whatever - whomever - deemed necessary to the success of the mission, the safety of the collective, regardless of personal cost.
It is a talent which has defined him, erased him. A fraud. A fake. A shadow.
(domestic fluff, light angst)
The Bookshelf - WIP
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.3K
“It has a ladder.” Falman remarks, impressed.
(Or: Fuhrer Mustang gifts Hawkeye a bookshelf, and the rest of the Team starts to figure things out.)
(fluff, humor)
Strong Whiskey and Slanted Light
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: G
Word count: 908
His team is alive. The Elric brothers have their bodies back. Havoc can walk again. And from her place in the driver’s seat, Riza Hawkeye - alive and breathing - glances sharply in his direction, brows raised in a rare moment of removing her attention from the road ahead. He doesn’t miss the way she winces at the sudden movement of her still-healing neck. “Sir?”
“It’s just a question, Lieutenant. I’m curious.”
Written for Royai Week 2024, Day 1: Curiosity
(light angst, mutual pining)
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 999
“And how are you this evening, my dear?” he murmurs, the playful formality simmering between them. His bowtie has gone missing, Riza observes. As well as his tailored jacket, and the top few buttons of his collared shirt are undone. Suspenders hang loose around his hips, and the scent of his cologne - a blend of tobacco, leather, and vanilla - drifts to her, freshly applied despite the lateness of the hour.
“Very well,” she responds over the rim of her wine glass, wondering if the darkness is enough to conceal the heat creeping into her face. Likely not. “Only I wish you wouldn’t call me ‘my dear’.”
(fluff; formerly titled Mrs. Mustang)
As You Were
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.4K
Maybe it’s the fact that she’s dropped his honorific.
Maybe it’s the fact that they are somehow both alive. Maybe it’s the fact that he can see her, when he’d believed with such certainty that he never would again. He can see her and she is beautiful, and for once he doesn’t understand why he ever chose to banish that thought from his mind when it is so clearly the truth.
The Flame Alchemist's Daughter
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 6.4K
The ink is a burden. The knowledge is a curse.
Disclaimer: I wrote this before I fully understood the mechanics of Mustang's flame alchemy (I literally finished the series in March 2024; I'm new here, so my bad). I realized later that some of the implications here would not make sense in canon. That said, I still love this story. I'm proud of it and it's freaking fanfiction so who cares.
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 1.6K
In the wake of his election victory, Roy Mustang makes a very important visit to Fuhrer President Grumman.
Prequel to "The Counteroffer."
(fluff, light angst)
Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang
Rating: T
Word count: 2.2K
Each time he has laid eyes on Riza Hawkeye’s tattoo, the course of Roy Mustang’s life has been permanently altered.
(angst with a happy ending)
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