#marlene wanting her cute meeting as well
lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 7 - Soulmates
@wolfstarmicrofic July 7, word count 594
Remus was getting a headache. He’d gone out with a group of his friends for what should have been a quiet drink, but the bloke at the next table over with the too-long hair and too-tight jeans kept jumping up in his seat and shouting loudly at his friends. Declaring this and that and, having loud cheers returned to him.
By the fifth loud speech, Remus had had enough. He picked up one of the beer mats from their table and expertly flicked it at the other man’s head. Unfortunately, the man had turned at the same time Remus released the beer mat, and it hit him square in the face. 
“Ouch!” He cried, toppling off his chair, clutching his nose. 
“Shit, Sirius!” His broad, messy-haired companion jumped to his feet and picked Sirius up off the floor. 
“Damn it,” Remus groaned as he hauled himself up and went to apologise. 
Sirius was sitting in his chair, refusing to let his friend look at the damage to his face. “Hi, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to hit you in the face,” Remus apologised. 
“That wasn’t very nice,” The broad man stood up. He was almost as tall as Remus himself, but his well-muscled body made him seem bigger. Remus bowed his head. 
“I know, and I’m sorry,” The man narrowed his eyes at him from behind the gold frames of his glasses. He moved aside, so Remus could see Sirius. 
“Don’t tell me, tell him,” He jabbed a thumb at Sirius. Remus swallowed and stepped forward. 
Sirius’s steely grey eyes flicked up to meet his own golden honey ones and Sirius gasped. His hands fell away from his face, revealing the thin cut between his brows where the card had sliced his skin. Remus returned the gasp on seeing Sirius’s full face. 
Sirius got to his feet and stood far closer than a stranger usually would. Remus’s hand rose of its own accord and his finger lightly traced the mark he’d left on Sirius’s skin. 
“I’m so sorry,” He whispered. Sirius took Remus’s hand and brought it down to his cheek, leaning into the touch. 
“Forgiven,” Sirius told him, their eyes never leaving each other. It was the most intense meeting he’d ever had. 
He returned to his seat slightly bewildered and with Sirius’s number saved safely on his phone. 
“Did you really hit a guy with a beer mat and end up with a date?” Marlene teased him. “Here Remus, throw one at the lass over there!” Marlene pushed a mat into his hands. He just stared down at it, not seeing it, as his mind replayed everything that had just happened. He was dragged from his thoughts when Sirius swooped down in front of him and pecked a kiss on his cheek. 
“I’m off now, sweetheart, can’t wait for tomorrow,” Sirius winked at him before following his friends towards the pub door. He had no idea what came over him, but Remus couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see Sirius again. He downed his beer and legged it after Sirius. 
He fell out of the door and straight into Sirius’s waiting arms. “I had a feeling you’d be coming too,” Sirius smirked, linking his arm with Remus’s and leading him home. Remus had never gone home with a stranger before, but Sirius didn't feel like a stranger. He could have sworn they'd met before. He felt like he knew him already even though they'd only exchanged a handful of words. Remus walked away with Sirius, feeling that he was finally home.
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
Serene living
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pairing: Barty crouch jr x gn!reader
word count: 1.2k summary: Barty Crouch Jr loves his girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N loves their boyfriend and after a little conversation Barty gets a little jealous.
a/n: this wasn't requested but I miss writing so this just came to mind as I was listening to music
Barty usually spent the better part of his day slacking off, he would convince Evan to spend their time pranking the first years around them whilst you, Regulus and Pandora spent your time near the black lake talking and reading in peaceful serenity. This was often interrupted by your significant others raucous laughter and him and Evans thudding footsteps. You meet Regulus’ bored expression and Pandora’s dreamlike giggle, and you roll your eyes playfully as your feel Barty fall down next to you and throw his arm around you.
You shove him playfully and whine as he pulls the book you planned on reading out of your hands. “I’m trying to read Barty” your groan only fuels his playful expression as he stands up and starts reading your passage out loud in a dramatic fashion. “His eyes darkened at her lustful gaze- woah what the fuck is this” he cried as he skipped through the pages trying to read your obviously very…fruitful choice of novel.
Your cheeks warm as Regulus quirks a brow over his own copy of what you know to be a well known queer romance with some very descriptive passages. You whine and make your way to stand as Barty continues to parade your novel around the tree you all had been leant against. Barty starts a small jog around everyone in hopes of you not catching up to him and your annoyance turns fond at his sparkling eyes and melodramatic tone as he continues to retell the characters sexual endeavours.
“Wait, how the bloody hell did they get into that position? Love, your book is very confusing” he complains as Evan snorts into his hand at Barty’s inability to understand. You manage to grab the novel from his hand and scowl at him, his playful gaze meets yours and when he sees your little scowl, he makes it his mission to make you laugh instead. He begins to quickly pepper kisses all over your face in hopes of hearing your laughter and he is once again successful in his plan as your melodic giggles fill the air. You can feel the smile on his face as he places small kisses on your neck.
“You two are so cute” Pandora’s sweet voice pulls you both out of your moment as you smile over Barty’s shoulder. “Vomit inducing more like” you hear Dorcas say as she places her school bags on the grass as she lays down. “Thanks Dora, why so salty Cas? Marlene ignores you in class or something” Barty teases and Dorcas throws up her middle finger as she covers her eyes from the bright sun. You laugh as you pull Barty down to sit next to Regulus as you make your way in between in his legs and lean back into him.
“I’ll have you know I had double potions with Slughorn before this break” you all simultaneously wince or negatively react at her statement, Slughorn’s lectures could go on for ages and all of you were accustomed to the few students who had fortunately fallen asleep and not been caught. You sigh happily and snuggle into Barty’s soft wool jumper as you hear Pandora talking to Evan and Doracs about the new crystals she had found in the woods while looking for Wrackspurts.
 You hear Barty hum as his hands play with your fingers before he leans down closer to your ears in order to mumble a question to you “You want to take a nap in the dorm love?” and you mindlessly hum as you think about it, shaking your head you look up at him. “No, I quite like it here, are you tired?” you question him softly and he shakes his head softly as he pecks your forehead. You both tune into the current conversation that’s being had, something about James Potters good looks coming from Regulus and Evans disagreement, he’s more into Sirius to Regulus’ disgust whilst Dorcas thinks Remus is the more attractive Marauder whilst Pandora shyly expresses, she prefers Peter.
They all turn to the both of you with deadly serious expressions that you’re almost scared to find out what they’re about to ask you. “Who’s the most attractive out of the Marauders?” Its Evan that poses the question to which you scrunch your face in an animated thinking expression. Barty answers with zero hesitance “Remus.” He says confidently and you raise your brow at him “You’ve thought about this” you accuse him, and he shrugs with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What? Am I not allowed to recognise the beauty that is Remus bloody Lupin?” he defends, and you shake your head at him.
“James.” You shrug and Regulus meets your eyes with a smirk full well knowing that you both had this conversation before you and Barty had started dating after a couple drinks at a Slytherin party. Barty’s hands tighten around you, and you look up to see his face in a scowl. “What? Can’t handle Y/N having other peoples attention?” Regulus smirks at him in teasing and Barty huffs petulantly. “Why’d you say that” he whines as he pouts down at you. Your laughter makes his scowl deepen further. “So, it’s okay for you to admire Remus’ beauty but I can’t say I find James Potter fit?” you laugh at his pettiness, and he rolls his eyes. “That! Was very different” he points out and you cackle harder.
“Calm down Bartemius, nobody is stealing from your psycho ass.” Evan snorts and you start wheezing as Barty puffs his chest out in what you assume is supposed to be pride “damn right.” He says as he pulls you closer to him. You both often were never found far from one another, Barty was always someone who showed his affection through touch and normally whenever you were in his vicinity he often found his body seeking you out, always having an arm around your waist or your hands interlocked as you both took notes in class.
As you calm down from your laughing fit and the conversation shifts onto something else you see the Marauders make their way towards the black lake as well and without thinking you lift your hand and shout across the grounds. “Alright Potter?” you grin and as he turns around to look for you he smiles and waves at you “Yeah and you?” you laugh loudly as you basically feel Barty’s heated glare “Alright thanks” he nods and makes his way to where Sirius, Remus and Peter are waiting for him. Once he turns back around the group bursts into laughter as Barty scowls at all of you.
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fourmoony · 10 months
hii so i was thinking could you write smth with james getting flowers for the first time from reader? it would be soo cute
hi lovely! thanks for requesting.
james x reader fluff | 711
James' shoes are haphazardly abandoned beneath the coatrack when you push your way through the door.
You're holding two bags in each hand, the crinkling of them loud in your ears as you struggle to move through the door way. The coat rack wobbles when one of the bags catches a coat that's been thrown over the top and you let out an exasperated swear under your breath. James rounds the corner with curious eyes, already changed out of his work clothes despite having only been home for what you know to be twenty minutes. He looks cozy in his Christmas pyjamas, socks pulled up with the bottoms tucked into them.
He smiles bright when your eyes meet his and steps forwards to take two of the bags from your hands. You hand them over gratefully, smiling to yourself when his lips press to your head in greeting.
"Hi, lovey," He murmurs, pulling away to make for the kitchen.
You follow, hot on his heels, chasing the scent of his boyish body wash and the warmth of his heart. "Hi. How was your day?"
James sets his bags on the kitchen island and you follow suit, "It was good. Got lunch with Sirius. He sends his love."
"No Remus?" You ask as you fall into a practiced routine of putting away the shopping, together.
It's domesticity at it's finest and you love every minute of it. James has a way of making the smallest things mean the world. With him, things like changing bed sheets or folding laundry isn't so boring. Simply because he's there, soft voiced and willing to help.
He squeezes your hip as he passes, headed to put the milk in the fridge, "Nah, he's got a deadline to meet next week, probably won't crawl out of his hole until after."
You make a mental note to check in on him through the week, even just to tidy up around him while he works, make him a meal that has more nutritional value than a Tesco microwave meal or a kebab. "I hope he's feeling more inspired than last week. Marlene said he was staring at the wall for over an hour when she went round to drop off the shortbread Mary made."
James hums in agreement, rustling around in the second bag. Cellophane crackles and your boyfriend makes a questioning noise - "Lovey, why didn't you tell me your flowers were dying, I only bought them last week."
You turn from where you're trying to stuff a bag of oven chips into the overly stuffed freezer drawer, eyebrows drawn together because your flowers aren't dying so why is James saying that they are? His eyebrows are furrowed, too, and he's standing with a bunch of bright yellow sun flowers in his hand. You smile, "They're for you, silly. Not me."
As if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
It only makes James more confused. "Why?"
Well, for starters, they're big and beautiful, and remind you of a summer's day - same as James. Secondly, he'd said only last week that his mum had grown them in her garden when he was a young boy and he missed the sight dearly. You tell him this and watch as his big hazel eyes turn soft, the hand that isn't cradling the bunch of flowers reaching out for you.
You crowd his space, happy to be so close to him, all cozy and warm and smelling so handsome. The tops of his cheeks are pink and he's smiling so wide it makes your heart melt. He looks almost bashful.
"I've never had someone buy me flowers before." He says it so quietly you're not sure if you were even supposed to hear.
"Well," You press your lips to the underside of his jaw, "Now you have."
He smiles even wider, presses his lips to yours and you feel the familiar warmth spread through your body at his touch. His fingers brush along your waist line, eyes on his bright bunch of sun flowers.
"Thanks, baby."
His smile is sweet and sticky like honey, a familiar feeling in your chest, and all you want to do is kiss him again. So you do. He welcomes it.
"You're welcome, Jamie."
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dollcieee · 2 months
Beside you
Advent Children Cloud Strife x fem! reader
<3 Just another normal day in Midgar
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Cloud has been delivering packages all day outside of Midgar, the sunlight burning through his skin. The motorcycle roared to life as Cloud straddled the smooth machine, his gloved hands gripping the handlebars with a firm yet phlegmatic grasp.
He just really wants to go home, back to you. All this work has drained the energy out of him and he needs to recharge. He already thought of what he's going to do first once he gets back. Take a shower, talk to you, eat lunch with you, watch some news with you, take a nap with you, cuddle with you, or perhaps...
Lost in thought, Cloud sees ahead of him the sight of the domineering power-base that is Midgar. With a twist of the throttle, Cloud unleashed the motorcycle's potential, propelling forward with an exhilarating burst of speed. The wind whipped through his blonde spiky hair, his mako colored eyes focused on the road, as he leaned into his ride home.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨🧁୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
After parking Fenrir to the side of the small cottage house, he walks back to the front door to be greeted by a small cute sign that reads 'Cloud &Y/n's house', going inside, he's greeted by the smell of sweet pastries, the smell overwhelms his nose in a good way.
'Y/n must've made those blueberry muffins again..'
Walking over to the kitchen, he meets the perpetrator of the creations of blueberry muffins, his sweet and amazing girlfriend, Y/n.
"Welcome back! You're just in time, the muffins are all good to eat" y/n places the tray of muffins to the table, walking back to the near kitchen counter to take off her frilly apron, folding it neatly and putting it inside the drawer.
"So..how was your day?" They both sat down at the table facing each other, Cloud took a muffin and looked at it. The muffin boasted a golden-brown crust with tantalizing cracks, revealing pockets of juicy blueberries nestled within., "it was okay..nothing much going on" he takes a bite of the muffin as he chewed, Cloud savored the harmonious blend of moistness and density, relishing the interplay between the muffin's rich buttery notes and the bursts of tangy sweetness from the plump blueberries.
"You?" Cloud asked, "Oh me? Just selling some bread and helping Tifa out at the bar" she replied, taking a bite out of her muffin.
They quietly eat their muffin. By the time they're finished, Cloud washes the dishes while Y/n dries them, leaving the two in a comfortable silence.
It would always be like this, moments of complete silence but it never bothered the two. To them each other's presence was enough, Cloud wasn't really the type to express his feelings much, but Y/n understands and knows Cloud loves her very much just like how she loves him as well.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨🧁୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
"I'm gonna take a shower, wanna join me?" Cloud grabs his towel in a rack and gazes upon his girlfriend scrolling through her phone, "I'm good, just showered earlier" she quickly smiles at him and back at her phone.
"Okay, I'll be quick.." he walks upstairs, leaving Y/n downstairs. Cloud walked into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him. He turned on the shower, feeling the water gradually warm up as it slides down from his hair to his back and down to his feet. He lets the soothing stream cascade over their body, washing away the day's stress. The steam filled the room, creating a tranquil and comforting atmosphere, enveloping Cloud in a peaceful embrace.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨🧁୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
"So many brownie recipes.." She kept scrolling up on her phone. She's been planning on making brownies and giving them to Marlene as a thank you for helping her clean the bar.
Y/n adores Marlene. Whenever she sees Marlene doing something like reading a book or playing outside of Seventh Heaven with her friends, she imagines herself taking care of her own child. The thought of being a mother warms Y/n's heart.
She wonders if Cloud liked the idea of creating a family of their own someday.
"A family with Cloud.." she whispers, looking at the window in front of her blankly.
"What's that?"
"OH- Cloud you scared me" Y/n places a hand to her chest, shocked by the presence of her boyfriend behind her "Well that was quick" she laughed, checking Cloud out, he went from his everyday clothes to a black t-shirt and some gray sweatpants to go along with it.
"I told you I'd be quick" he grabs a chair and sits down beside Y/n, his head resting on her left shoulder. Y/n tries to act cool as possible, she continues to scroll through her phone searching for a good brownie recipe. Hoping Cloud didn't hear what she said just now.
Cloud looks at Y/n her eyes focused on her phone. He wanted her to talk about their day again. He felt that the conversation they had earlier was too short. But it seems like Y/n has other things to do, he could start the conversation but..
'Y/n might think I'm clingy.. I'm not clingy!'
'But Y/n might think I don't want to talk to her..'
'I'll just look at what she's doing' Cloud sighs softly. Looking down at her phone, he sees numerous links to brownie recipes.
"What's that?" Cloud asked, Y/n has the tendency to talk a lot when it comes to baking. He doesn't understand most of it, but it got his girl all happy and talking, so he just nods along, happy that Y/n can share the things she likes with him.
"Oh, it's just these past few weeks Marlene has been helping me with cleaning the bar at night. I just wanna make her some brownies as a 'thank you', and also if she wants, she could share some with her friends if she wants to" Y/n clicks a link, reading its contents while still talking to Cloud, "I've also been wanting to learn how to make brownies, they don't really sell brownies down here so it's hard to find such sweet delicacy." Cloud hums in agreement, reading through her phone as well, "And when I make Brownies, I wanna put small cute toppings like marshmallows...or peanuts!" she smiled at the thought of sweet tasty brownies, "Hey, when you go outside tomorrow can I join you? I'll buy some ingredients for the brownies and also stock up our fridge. It's kinda getting empty now hehe.." she giggled wholeheartedly.
Cloud wraps his arms around her waist, pulling Y/n closer to him. He raises his head up and kisses her on the temple, then snuggles his face into the side of her neck.
"Of course...I'll go with you, because.." Cloud pauses for a moment "because I wanna spend some time with you..."
"We're gonna have a long date at the supermarket then" she laughs, and he just smiles, hugging her close to him.
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labyrinthhofmymind · 3 months
some jily 7th year stuff cause we need more of them and i’m obsessed:
the marauders officially initiate lily into their nerdy group (this involves them ominously inviting her into their dorm like they’re some sort of cult) and showing her the marauders map and the invisibility cloak (she proceeds to have a full on existential crisis because she cannot believe the four idiots in front of her have such powerful objects in their possession) they also try and give her a nickname but she refuses (they ignore her)
lily practically lives in the boys dorm room. she sleeps in james’ bed most nights, and has become so accustomed to them all walking around half naked. she always wakes up when james goes to early quidditch practice, but she’s never annoyed about it, only giving him a kiss and telling him to kick butt on the field (she obviously then goes back to sleep afterwards) during the times james is up late or up early, lily will literally just sleep in his bed alone, something the marauders also get accustomed to quite quickly (one night sirius jumped into james’ bed cause he wanted some cuddles but was horrified to find lily there instead, it only took a couple of minutes before sirius wound up sleeping beside lily, an activity they would end up doing quite often, both of them just wanting a sibling that loves them)
lily is the biggest cheerleader for james at all of his quidditch games, painting cute little gryffindor coloured flags on her face and making banners. it gets to the big quidditch game at the end of the year and james is so nervous, but lily makes it her personal mission to get him a good breakfast, an early night in bed, and as calm as possible (it works cause it’s lily evans obviously) and every single time james wins (or loses) a game he will fly over to lily and give her a kiss
for james’ 17th birthday, lily decided she wants to throw the biggest party in hogwarts history for him. using her connections from all the houses, as well as her good graces with the teachers and excellent leadership (and bribery) skills, she creates a whole committee dedicated to throwing james the best party ever. the party has everything james loves, even his parents (lily got them to appear in the fireplace via the floo network so he could talk to them on his birthday) and nearly the whole school rocks up (because everyone loves james potter) at some point during the night james takes lily and hides out in the astronomy tower so they can have a moment alone. lily’s worried that it’s because james doesn’t like his party but james assures her that that’s not it, and even starts getting emotional, saying that no one’s ever cared for him like she does, and that even after everything, he feels like he doesn’t deserve her. lily ofc also gets emotional, and they both just sit there stargazing for the rest of the night, gushing about how much they love each other (and talk about all the embarrassing moments of the night)
- james is determined to get into marlene and mary’s good graces, so he takes them out for a day at hogesmade (it the most chaotic and hilarious thing ever, mary and marlene tease him mercilessly and make the whole experience torturous for james)
- when lily meets effie and monty for the first time, she is terrified out of her mind that they won’t like her and therefore james won’t like her anymore (effie and monty ofc love her, and turns out lily is shell shocked about how good looking monty is, teasing james about it and saying how she might’ve picked the wrong potter)
- in the later half of 7th year when the war takes a turn, james takes it upon himself to do as much research on muggles as possible, wanting to be informed and not accidentally be prejudiced or arrogant in any way (lily has no idea he does this)
- james serenades lily on valentine’s day by singing ‘I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do’ by ABBA (sirius, remus, and peter are his backup dancers and mary and marlene are his backup singers)
- lily is the only one who knows about the marauders being animagus (she already knows about remus being a werewolf) and at first was really angry they did something so reckless but eventually came around and took it upon herself to cover their tracks as much as possible (because they’re way too obvious about their secret)
- james is lily’s date to petunia’s wedding (lily was dreading the entire night and james was determined to make it fun) and so they ended up extremely drunk, leaving early and crashing a muggle club where they danced right in the middle of together
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msmk11 · 30 days
Marlene McKinnon x fem!reader
WC: 749
CW: Fluff; boys (ew!)
Summary: You are oblivious to boys' advances
Day 22 of mk's mad dash
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You don’t notice anyone approaching you until the light filtering through the trees onto your book disappears. 
“Can I join you?”
The voice comes from Xenophilius Lovegood, who’s standing before you with his book bag slung over his shoulder.
“Yeah, of course,” you respond, shuffling over on your picnic blanket so that he can join you.
The Ravenclaw plops down onto the spot next to you with a smile, “Whatcha reading?”
“Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It’s a muggle book.”
The blonde quirks his eyebrow at you, “Never heard of it. Is it any good?”
“Oh yeah. It's one of my favorites, actually.”
He nods, “Maybe I’ll have to borrow it from you sometime so that we can talk about it.”
You smile back at him kindly, “that’d be really nice. I always love to talk about books.”
Silence settles between you and you look down at your shoes, too shy to meet his gaze. 
“Not that I mind, of course, but why’d you decide to come over here?”
Xenophilius startles from his thoughts, “Hmmm? Oh, I just wanted to enjoy your company. Can’t blame a guy like me for wanting to spend time with a pretty girl like you.”
You blush a little and brush him off, “Well I’m always happy to have your company, Xeno.”
“Oh yeah? Even when-”
“Now what do we have here?”
You look up and see your best friend, Marlene, standing before you, leather-clad arms crossed across her chest.
“Marls, Xenophilius and I were talking, you’re being rude,” you scold, sending the boy next to you an apologetic look.
“Just wanted to come sit with you,” the blonde girl says innocently, “you can keep on with what you were talking about. Don’t mind me.”
You know there’s no point in arguing with her so you turn back to Xenophilius, “Sorry, what were you saying?”
He eyes Marlene warily before clearing his throat, “I uh, sorry, was just wondering if we could hang out again sometime. Maybe at Hogsmeade this weekend?”
“Oh! I mean, yeah, that would be lots of fun! We’d all love to hangout with you,” you answer kindly.
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, “we?”
“Yeah! Me, Marlene, Lily, Remus, and all the others. What’s one more?”
The blonde coughs and his gaze nervously flits between you and Marlene, “Oh, no, that’s okay. I was thinking we could hang out on our own. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be intruding,” you insist.
You look back at Marlene who, for some reason, has a shit-eating smirk on her face, “right, Marls?”
She looks at Xenophilius casually, “No, of course we wouldn’t mind, Xeno.”
The boy coughs again and smiles awkwardly, “It’s fine, really. How about another time, okay?”
You’re really rather confused why he won’t just agree to come with your friends, but you don’t push it, “Okay, okay. Another time.”
The blonde boy gets up and swiftly collects his bag, walking away with a quick wave. 
You turn to Marlene, “that was strange.”
She only busts out laughing, “yeah, that was strange alright.”
“What’s so funny?”
“Honey, I love you, but you are so oblivious sometimes.”
“What do you mean?”
“He was totally trying to ask you out.”
“WHAT?!” You screech, heat already rushing to your cheeks, “No he wasn’t?”
Marlene pulls you into her side and presses a kiss to your head, “He totally was, love. You’re just too cute and innocent to realize it.”
You pout and bury your head into her shoulder, “How was I supposed to know? I never know when boys are flirting with me.”
She pulls your face away from her shoulder, “If they’re always seeking you out, wanting alone time with you, and calling you pretty, they’re probably flirting with you.”
“But you do all those things,” you say, confused, “and you’re not flirting with me.”
Her hand that’s rubbing soothing circles on your back stills, “Who said I wasn’t.”
This time, it’s your heart that stills, “What?”
“Who said I wasn’t flirting with you?”
Your gaze darts down to her lips and you hope she doesn’t notice.
“Marlene,” you whisper.
The blonde reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “can I kiss you, sweetheart?”
You don’t even have the time to answer, her lips on yours in an instant.
With the way her skin feels against yours, you think you’re pretty okay with being oblivious to boys’ advances if it means you get to have Marlene instead. 
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 months
“Coffee Shop”
@pandalilymicrofics - 1260 words
Pandora didn’t even like coffee, so it was rather difficult to explain to her friends why she returned to this specific coffee shop at 7:15 on the dot, two mornings a week, every week. Especially considering she spent an absurd amount of money on a cup of tea every Monday and Friday, only to abandon it half-finished.
They were even further confused when she brought a book or magazine along with her, just to summarily ignore it. Her standard excuses were, “I’m admiring the scenery” or “It’s just a guilty pleasure.”
I doubt they believe me, but what am I supposed to say? I’m obsessed with a mum?
It started innocently enough. A month ago, Pandora spotted a curvy redhead with an impossibly cute toddler on her hip walking into this shop. She followed curiously, intending to say “hello” and possibly ask for her number. Except, she didn’t.
After showing up at this same time every day over the next week, she determined the redhead’s schedule. Internally, Pandora acknowledged it was slightly unhinged behaviour. She could have approached any one of those days, but couldn’t bring herself to interrupt their adorable mummy/son dates.
Then, he showed up.
Pandora sat in her usual seat, fuming. She hadn’t even tasted her lavender and cinnamon concoction yet. Instead, she assuaged her disappointment with a pastry.
Although the redhead didn’t wear a ring, she should have assumed she was seeing someone already. No one as pretty as her stayed single for long. Her only consolation was in how much the little boy favoured him, he had to be the toddler’s dad. She hadn’t missed her chance then, there wasn’t one.
“Panda? What’s wrong?” Dorcas asked, sliding into the booth next to her and slipping her arm around Pandora’s shoulders.
Pandora forced a smile, then dropped it when Dorcas stared back at her. “All the pretty girls are either taken, straight, or both.”
“Preaching to the choir, doll. Who are we glaring at?”
“See the redhead?” Pandora asked, nodding subtly. “She comes in here twice a week at the same time, so I do too. I was working up the courage to ask for her number, but…well.”
Dorcas eyed the couple thoughtfully, then shrugged. “No rings. Maybe they’re exes?”
“Don’t get my hopes up, Cas.”
“Do you want me to scope them out?” she offered.
Pandora turned to face Dorcas fully with her arms crossed over her chest. “Are you mad? No, I don’t want you to annoy a perfectly normal—”
The front door of the coffee shop slammed shut, cutting Pandora off. Suddenly, Dorcas laughed as if she’d said something hysterically funny. Startled, Pandora didn’t even get a word out before a blonde mullet in combat boots stomped over to their table.
“What the fuck, Cas?” the woman hissed. She kicked the leg of a chair and when it popped out from the table, she flipped it around and sat on it backwards. Prooping her arms on the chair’s back, she glared at Dorcas, then Pandora. “Who are you?”
Dorcas smirked. “This is Pandora.”
When she didn’t introduce the woman, Pandora rolled her eyes and held out her hand. “Pleasure to meet you. I didn’t catch your name?”
“Hey Marlene, what’s up?” a deep voice asked. It was him.
Marlene ignored Pandoras hand and scowled up at him. “I don’t need your help, James. I’m perfectly capable of confronting my girlfriend without back-up.”
“G-Girlfriend?” Pandora choked out. She swatted Dorcas’s hip when she regained control of herself. “You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!”
“That’s because I don’t. McKinnon here is just a clinger. The one-off that won’t leave.”
“One-off? We’ve been on three dates! In lesbian land, we’re practically engaged.” Marlene pounded a fist on the table in protest, upsetting Pandora's cup and spilling it on the floor. “Oh shite! I’ll buy you another one.”
“Nice one, Marls.” James tossed serviettes at the spill and started cleaning it up. “I’m James, by the way. Her—”
“My future step-son,” Marlene snarked.
James sighed. “Don’t ask.”
Pandora exchanged curious glances with Dorcas, then shrugged. “Alright then.”
Marlene opened her mouth to speak and was promptly interrupted by James. He plopped on the seat beside Pandora and asked, “Can I borrow your phone?”
“I’ll be real quick. Just need to text someone,” James insisted. “I’ll give it right back.”
Pandora reluctantly unlocked the phone and handed it to him. “Fine.”
He held it for all of thirty seconds before giving it back. “Thanks!”
She glanced at her texts, but didn’t see any new messages sent to unknown numbers. Before she could ask, a cup was held out in front of her face. Attached to that cup was a small child with an eerily familiar grin, and by extension, his mother.
“Oh, thank you,” Pandora said, her voice embarrassingly breathless.
The redhead smiled when she accepted the cup, and Pandora’s heart pounded in her chest. Everything else faded away, as though they existed in a space and time all their own. She’d seen that smile from afar, but up close, it was radiant! A sparkling jewel amidst a pile of stones.
“Lavender chai tea with cinnamon, right?” the woman asked.
“Yes! How did you know?”
“You order the same thing every time you come in.” Her freckled face was even prettier with a slight blush. She adjusted her son on her hip and ruffled his unruly curls. “I’m Lily, by the way, and this is Harry. I noticed your drink hadn’t been replaced after Marlene’s tantrum.”
“I’m Pandora. Nice to—”
Dorcas snorted a laugh. “Tantrum is right. She thinks if she pouts prettily enough, I’ll give in.”
“That’s because you do,” Pandora deadpanned.
Marlene rolled her eyes, but was once again interrupted before she could speak. A blur of dark hair rushed into the shop at a full sprint, nearly colliding with Lily and Harry. Pandora flinched, but James lunged forward and caught him. It wasn’t until he settled back into the booth with Regulus in his lap that she registered who it was.
“Reg?” Dorcas said.
Regulus scowled. “Don’t look so surprised. You just texted me, Panda.”
Pandora pulled out her phone and checked. Sure enough, James had texted Regulus from her phone. Your not-so-secret boyfriend is at the coffee shop with his ex.
“Ah, that’s why you borrowed my phone,” she said, shaking her head.
“That was you?!” he huffed incredulously, swatting James’s shoulder.
James buried his grin in Regulus’s hair. “I missed you. Besides, your friend was staring daggers into the back of my head.”
Pandora turned to defend herself, but Lily was gone. Her heart sank in her chest. I lost my chance.
“Why?” Regulus asked.
“She has a crush on Lily,” Dorcas answered.
James chuckled, then reached out to turn Pandora’s cup around. “That’s convenient.”
Written in loopy cursive were four words, “Same time next week?,” followed by a phone number. Lily asked her on a coffee date! Pandora quickly added the number to her phone and texted, Yes! I’d love to have coffee with you and Harry.
“Wait, so you’re not—” Marlene said, sitting up straight.
“No, she’s a friend. You threw a fit for no reason,” Dorcas taunted, looking awfully pleased with herself as Marlene all but crawled in her lap. “Jealous twat.”
Boxed in by the couples on either side of her, Pandora focused on her phone as three little dots danced across the scene. When the response came through, she nearly melted on the spot.
We can’t wait. xx
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tarasmithshifts · 3 months
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. 3 years 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 17-20 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏: sirius, remus, james, lily, peter, dorcas, marlene, mainly people from gryffindor and ravenclaw
— ୨୧₊˚ click here to read part 1
「 ✦ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ✦ 」
i will not say anything, just enjoy 🌷
// in some parts by the end i will mention suicide so please be warned!
— ୨୧₊˚ the first meeting of the order of pheonix
ohhhh that was excitingggg. the first meeting that we went to was at the burrow (weasley' house) there we met molly and arthur (they are super lovely, molly is such a great person AHHHH i could talk about her for hours) she was around but did not take that much part during the meeting because she needed to take care of the kids (fred & george were born in april!). so yup we also met alice and frank longbottom they are very nice and i really catched up with alice. also we were surprised but we saw marlene and dorcas there too, also after like 30 minutes james and lily showed up. alastor moody was there, peter, gideon and fabian prewett - they are molly's brothers! very nice and it was cool to meet them, they are joking around sometimes, james catched up with them :))
there was also edgar bones, cradoc dearborn, dedalus diggle, elphias dodge, aberforth dumbledore (he did not speak much and we did not approach him lmao), rubeus hagrid (which we knew from school of course, it was nice meeting him again because he is sooooo positive he always tries to make everyone smile, which sometimes piss off alastor but who gives a shit lmao) first meeting was a pure chaos, everybody tried to get to know each other, some people we knew from school but only by seeing them at the table etc., like molly, arthur, alice and frank. they were in older classes so we didn't know them that much. remus got to know arthur more, as well as i got to know molly!
finally dumbledore arrived, everybody sat down, and we had this huge debate on what should we do, what do we need to focus on etc. moody said that he will choose some of the younger ones (so me, remus, sirius, james, lily, meadows, dorcas, peter) to train them even more, he then approached me and said that me and james have great potencial (or something like that) and that he heard that i want to be an auror so this will help me blah blah blah. so yup i will be trained by moody y'all
and also sirius finally started to take the events of war seriously, he was trying to get into the topic, he asked what he could do etc.
omg guys me and remus met those super nice ladies that are our neighbours :))) they are super cute goooosh i love them so muchhh
they live literally next to us and one day when i was in the garden and remus was at the order meeting with james, this lovely lady waved at me and i was like "girllll who are you" like it was the first time i saw her EVER she literally appeared out of nowhere, but she started talking that it's nice to meet me so i just continued talking with her and we really catched up and she invited us for a tea to get to know each other, but at first i was like “dumbledore said that we should be careful” and then i was like “fuck it” and went to her and we talked for maybe 3 hours so her name is sophie edinson she is 72 and she lives in the house with alice murron 💗 she was mostly telling me about herself and that she worked at the hospital few years ago but she left the job to live in yorkshire with alice 😽
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— ୨୧₊˚ about sophie and alice
okay so there is some info that i would like to share with you about them, because later i will probably forgot to mention like half of things that i will tell you now, or i will just skip some situations because they will not be important later on :)))
1. sophie and alice are together! sophie is a lesbian and i bet that alice is bi but she did not mention it or i just forgot 😭
2. i did not script them! which is super funny and i love them so much literally THANK YOU UNIVERSE
3. sophie is a which! i found out by accident when i saw her work with magic i her garden, and when i said to her later that me and remus are wizards too, she laughed and said “i KNEW IT!” so the hospital she worked in was st mungo’s 😭
4. sophie was in hufflepuff 🌟
5. alice is a muggle 💘
6. remus LOVES them. especially their cakes LMAO
7. sophie knows dumbledore and dumbledore knows sophie! i have no idea how but it is what it is lmao
so that's how mostly it looked like - we were at the meeting of order, we were taking care of ourselves, we were spending time with sophie and alice, we were listening to vinyl records. alsooo i started my "training" with moody, so it's extraordinery experiance too
O C T O B E R & N O V E M B E R
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in october i went to my first ever mission from order it wasn't dangerous, but it was still something! i was there with marlene and gideon prewett, there is not much to talk about here because nothing really happened
james and lily got engaged!!!!! LITERALYY AAAAAAAAAAAA
they told us during one of the late night talks after order meeting by the end of the month, and when i tell you, EVERYONE WERE IN SHOCK. then sirius started jumping at james' head, everyone started cheering (i mean everyone that were there lmao) we put on some music and started dancing. it was a really nice moment 💘💗 in october remus went on some missions from order, those were really small ones so everyone were fine.
in november it was mine and sirius birthday, so we had a little party in my house in yorkshire, it was a quiet one, we put some music on and just talked. i think that because of time (i mean the wizarding war) everybody were too sad and concerned about what is happening around us yk.
but from good news - sirius and marlene are dating, it's another thing that i did not script and i was pretty shocked but yup here you go.
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when i tell youuuuuuuuu living in yorkshire in the 70s during winter is the best thing ever 💘
me and remus invited alice and sophie to spent christmas with us, they agreeded so we had a very nice christmas eve :)) the next day we visited james and lily, then we went over to sirius, who is apparently living with marlene. also we had a meeting of order during christmas, i spent some time on training with moody too, it was very nice, we ate dinner together at the burrow, and i need to tell you this - MOLLY IS A GENIUS OF COOKING. THE FOOD WAS SO AMAZING OH MY GOOOOOOOD. she is wonderful my god 😭😭
i bought a piano to my house in yorkshire because both me and remus can play and we were talking about it how nice it would be if we would have one - so i decided to buy one
for the new years eve sirius and marlene invited us over, we had a good time there, yk, laughing, dancing, celebrating, so it was a good beginning of 1979... or was it???? i wouldn't say so lmao
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𝓓𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝓑𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬
it was probably the longest winter i have ever experienced in this dr or any dr ever, literally it was so cold and snow was everywhere until the end of march, so IT WAS PRETTY LONG but still
also during january remus had a pretty bad full moon and wasn't able to do anything properly for a week and a half so he skipped meeting of the order, because he just lied down for 10 days after the full moon night, james, lily (because she knew after remus told her like a year before this) and sirius went over to see him, he was just saying that they should no tsee him like this etc., sirius literally mocked him and told him to not be stupid lmao
i died my hair brown this time! but i got back to blonde after like 2 months lmao
we were finally sent for a bigger mission from order, and, hi guys, i thought a fucking voldemort. literally. he was there. and when i tell you, i think nothing ever could prepare me to see him and FIGHT HIM? like bro wtf. i was there with james, lily, frank and alice ONLY, there were like 4 death eaters including tom riddle. pretty scary experinace, no doubt, but everyone went out of this situation in once piece, so everything was fine!
about peter
you might ask, why i do not talk about peter here?
because he does NOTHING. literally NOTHING. he is just there - on meetings etc, but he does not talk to anybody that much, he is just existing in order. his magic is useful he has been on missions with moody and albus's brother, but still. when i tried to talk to him, he quickly ended the convo, so i was like "ok, you don't want to talk, i don't fight it" so i just stayed that way. he talked to james more than anyone else, so if he told james something, james was telling it to us when we were meeting each other or smth. so that's why i literally do not talk about him here. because he doesn't do anything useful or interesting either.
that's how it goes
F E B R U A R Y & M A R C H
those were quiet months, nothing really happened, it was the time that also death eaters quiet down a little because there was so much mess happening because of their actions, yk there was a huge possibility that they would get caught, so they decided to hide. in march we celebrated (quietly but we did) remus' birthday! and guess who finally showed up??? PETER. he finally decided to meet up with us + marlene and dorcas
alice and frank were attacked by death eaters AND voldemort, they escaped but they were really tired after all, they needed to change houses because death eaters knew where they lived, so, for almost whole april they lived with weasleys at the burrow, until it was safe enough for them to buy something new.
M A Y, J U N E & J U L Y
during may and june, remus was on one mission with james, but they really did nothing for the whole week and i was just there sitting all alone and shit, well nothing happened, OH YUP SORRY i found out that sophie is a 1000000% a witch, and because of this we spent even more time together, especially when remus wasn't around
in julyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy something happened.
we (me and sirius) got a freaking letters with this black stamp with this "emblem" of our family tree, and holy shit, i could not be more stressed while opening a freaking letter.
oh my god guys
orion black is dead, he killed himself.
like ??????????????????????????????????????????
i mean, we both did not cry or smth, he was awful, but still yk? i mean when you read it i think we all know what happened. and we didn’t know this because nobody told us until sirius found out in azkaban
that regulus black is dead
so yup
it started to get really weird for us, because we couldn’t contact anybody from family except for andromeda, but we decided not to because we knew that she may be in danger because of us after that, so we didn’t do so
guys guess who fought with voldemort again!!! (never again please) i was there with remus james and lily, also moody joined us literally in the middle of this fight or whatever that was
i mean i think we more fought death eaters than voldemort but still, he was there so it counts i think 😭
i think that literally after fighting death eaters i can do anything in this dr, like, are you kidding me? and when i think that after some time i could be working in the ministry, what the fuck i guess 😭😭😭
1979 was a very nervous year, because of many things so i will point them lmao
1. remus’s full moons were very bad for him, like never. it was probably the worst time of his life and when he told me that i believed him right ahead. it was like a torture for him ☹️
2. the house of black was falling apart, and you know, after we got letters that told us about the death of orion, and that he killed himself, sirius was wondering why, because it was not in his style to just kill himself, so we had a feeling that something bad was happening at grimmuald place, and it was weird because me and sirius did not talk about it at all
3. the amount of times we had to fight with death eaters and how the amount of those attacks increased in this year
「 ✦ end notes ✦ 」
hi 😜
i’m already in halfway through part 3 so it will be out soon enough 😽 thank you all so much for all the support that you gave me because i would never though that on my silly little blog about me shifting there will be 550 of us?????????? literally WHAT 😭 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 love youuu and see ya 😜
also i know that there are many mistakes (i mean grammatical and shit) and i will edit it after i will publish part 3 lmao 💗💘
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starrylayle · 8 months
My fave marauders ships and dynamics as a multi-shipper !! Ok so, there are certain ships I like to imagine as canon in the canon universe, and there are other ships that I prefer in aus and such but still ship them so much!! So I thought I’d just ramble abt them here lol.
My fave ships that are canon/I think I should be endgame:
First off, Jily ofc. My loves. I’m generally not super excited abt str8 couples but they’re just too cute. My fave dynamic with them is that they’re academic rivals — well at least lily thinks they are, James is just hopelessly in love with her and enjoys competition lol. Lily thinks he’s an idiot, immature and a bit of a bully at first but slowly warms up to him as she sees his kind-heartedness and stance on justice. Plus, she’s always found him a little hot :)
Wolfstar, duh. I don’t think I have to go into detail coz I already do so much on my blog lol.
Dorlene — aaah I love my tragic, angsty lil lesbians. Sucker for the quidditch-rivals-to-lovers trope. Ooh and i headcanon Dorcas as transfem. But yeah if you’ve read ‘the hands that feeds’ by rollercoasterwords that’s basically how I see their dynamic.
Fralice — cuties and did not deserve the ending they got ;((
Rosekiller — ok, ok. I know I’ve ranted abt how I don’t like the fanonization of their characters in fandom,, but I will admit I do like them together. Especially when they’re depicted as the awful people they are lol. I like to think that they’re still hooking up in GoF on nights where barty’s poly juice wears off lmaoo. Also random but I hc Barty to be in ravenclaw.
Pandora x Xenophillius (idk how to spell his name) — I like to imagine Pandora as a goth who runs an underground magical weed business and Xeno as a hippie weirdo and conspiracy theorist. Both are bi/pan tho and have def hooked up with ppl of the same gender before.
Andromeda x Ted Tonks — iconic. Love them. Andy was the og rebellious black family child.
Emmary — love, love this ship. For context, I picture Emmaline as a little older than Mary (maybe 2 or 3 years) and they meet when Em’s at the order. Mary’s a bisexual girlie who’s predominantly been with men at this point, and Em’s a big Butch lesbian who loves Mary so much but isn’t sure if Mary likes her back, at first. Ofc they end up together after the first war but when Em wants to join the second war, Mary oblivates herself and retreats to the muggle world entirely because she cannot bear more pain.
My fave ships that I like to think are semi-canon, as in their unrequited, or right person wrong time, or both have feelings that the other doesn’t know — they just don’t workout for some reason:
First off, Marylene — my absolute fave, right person, wrong time ship. Love the whole, ‘Marlene loved her too early, Mary loved her too late idea’. I’m a sucker for best friends to lovers ahhh. I imagine that Marls had crush on Mary since they were eleven and came out to her later, and although Mary was supportive she didn’t like her back at that point. Then Marls got with Dorcas and maybe Mary got a tad bit jealous. And then Marlene was killed ofc so Mary moved on and went with Emmaline, but she never really stopped loving Marlene.
Nobleflower — bi narcissa and Alice rights!! I like to think that they had a bit of a homoerotic friendship back in their hogwarts years, but the fact that they were on opposite sides eventually pulled them apart. And so Alice gets with Frank and Narcissa with Malfoy. Aaah so tragic I love them
Lily x Remus — I like to think Lily had a little crush on Remus when they were younger but she got over it and they became besties !!
Bellatrix / Lady Zabini — Toxic murder comphet lesbians!! Tho I imagine they ‘broke up’ their fling coz Bellatrix was murdering with pure blood fascism in mind,,, and lady Zabini was just like,, why can’t we just kill ppl for the sake of killing them?? 🥺🥺
Jegulus — ok so I don’t like jegulus as a canon(ish) ship, buuut I love me some unrequited jegulus, specifically from Regulus’ side coz sorry I just personally don’t see James ever liking Reg in canon. I imagine Reg goes into hogwarts wanting to hate the guy who stole his brother but ends up falling for him just the same. He has internalised homophobia and hates the fact that he’s gay, esp for someone like James lol.
Bartylus — My hc is that neither of them liked each other romantically, but they settled and got off each other to pass time. It’s transactional, at least it’s starts off being..maybe barty’s a little more into it than reg thinks they are.
Peter/Bertha Jorkins — I like to imagine they dated for awhile during hogwarts — until Bertha got bored of him and dumped him. Peter never really got over it and was still bitter.
Peter/Sybil — oooh I remember this one was trending on marauders tik tok awhile back but I’m still not over it. Happens after Bertha/Peter. Sybil breaks up with Peter maybe coz she gets a prophecy that he becomes evil. Peter is confused and heartbroken.
Snily — ok hear me out!! I don’t care for their portrayals in a lot of fics coz I think the pro / anti Snape bias is always there — but I would be open to exploring the complexity of their dynamic in a fic when snapes actions aren’t justified or excused, but he’s not portrayed as a one dimensional bad guy. And I think it would be interesting to explore more of Lily’s character and why she stuck by him so long.
Ok, now onto ships that I only enjoy in aus:
Marylily/macevans — by far my fave ship in aus. Best friends to lovers >>>> also half the marauders edits saved on my phone are marylily edits lmaoo they’re just so cute!!
Jegulus — requited this time!! If it’s an au and James is not reduced to a generic sunshine people pleasing character, then they’re a little cute I’ll admit. Not the biggest fan of the 'best friend's brother' trope but the drama is entertaining at least.
Mary/Dorcas — I don’t think they’re a very popular on here but I personally like it. In a way they’re opposites but they’re motivations are a lot more similar than they realise.
Pandalily — so, so cute. Fanart is spectacular
Dorlily — so academic rivals to lovers coded
Prongsfoot — specifically in aus where James and Sirius are on opposing sides, for example, slytherin!Sirius au
Wolfstarbucks — James and sirius share everything!! Including their lovers apparently. Mostly enjoy it as a crack ship tho.
Well this was fun!! I love multi-shipping <33
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rookofthekingom · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 30 – prompt 30: Calming Draught – word count 960
TW // perceived homophobia
Remus Lupin is furious. He came out to his friends a week ago—something that made him so horrendously nervous that he literally had to take a calming draught beforehand. And now the person he was most scared to tell is reacting like this?
“Moony, wait!” Sirius yells from behind, his desperation audible. Remus doesn’t slow. “Just—wait a minute, please.” His voice breaks on the last syllable.
Remus scoffs. Without turning around he replies scathingly, “I actually kind of don’t want to fucking talk to you right now.”
Which is completely fair, Remus thinks. Because having your best friend completely freak out when you tell them you’re gay is not a great feeling. Especially when you have a hopeless, horrible crush on said best friend, which made you all the more nervous to tell him. Especially when you felt an excruciating mix of anxiety, hope, and crippling fear, and spent a fair amount of time coming up with all the possible scenarios that could result from the whole thing. But he hadn’t been prepared for this outcome. The one where Sirius didn’t overreact—no, that might have even been preferable—but the one where he turned cold and cagey, completely avoiding him for a week. Until today, when he couldn’t escape being in Remus’ presence.
Today, when Marlene gathered them all around to announce that she’s a lesbian. And Remus is so, so happy for her. Of course he is. So incredibly happy, in fact, his cheeks ached from smiling when she told them. A smile that rapidly slipped off his face when Sirius, the man who had handled the news of his best friend being gay extraordinarily horribly, accepted and even celebrated Marlene’s announcement. Which of course he should have! It just—hurts, that he for some reason couldn’t handle Remus’ own announcement with even a fraction of that enthusiasm. Hurts, to have his best friend and crush, for fuck’s sake, react so overwhelmingly positive to someone else’s coming out and so negatively to his own.
So no, he’s not feeling particularly warm towards Sirius, and really fucking wants to be alone. Something that Sirius really does not seem to understand.
“Just—stop!” Sirius, having finally caught up to him, desperately grabs him by the arm and forcibly turns him around.
Remus violently jerks an arm to throw him off. “Sirius, what the actual fuck?!”
The other boy immediately lets go. The determined light in his eyes, however, doesn’t fade. “Please, give me a chance, okay? Just to talk to you?”
“I already did talk to you, and you quite frankly didn’t handle it very well. So excuse me if I don’t necessarily feel like giving you the time of day right now,” Remus snaps.
“No, I know, I just—“ He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. Remus really hates himself for noticing how cute he looks as he does it. Hates himself for how his stomach swoops when Sirius grabs him by the arm again. Hates himself for how he follows Sirius’ insistent tugging as the other boy pulls him into the nearest empty classroom and closes the door.
“I know, okay! I fucking know. Just-” He sighs. Opens his mouth, then closes it. Clears his throat and tries again. “I’m sorry, Moony. I really am. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me, it’s like I know up here,” he says, tapping his head “that’s it’s completely fine to be gay and that’s it completely fine for you to be gay, and that logically I’m completely fine with it because there’s nothing wrong with it! But then it’s like—like I try to picture you with some random guy that doesn’t even know you, and I feel sick, Remus, physically sick to my stomach.” Sirius earnestly meets Remus’ eyes, as if he’s silently begging him to understand.
But in front of him, Remus is quiet.
Sirius groans and grabs his shoulders with a frightening urgency that actually makes Remus jump. “Moony, don’t let it be some bloke. He—he has to know you, yeah?”
Sirius shakes his head and grits his teeth. “No, you’re not getting it—he has to know you. He has to know that you like chocolate, and he has to get you chocolate every week to restore your stash. But he can’t ever get anything darker than 70%, because he has to know what kinds of chocolate you like. And-“
“-and he has to know that you’re a fucking genius, that you come up with all of our best pranks, and he has to know that you like to curse, and he has to like it when you curse, okay? But he has to pretend that he doesn’t.”
“And—and he has to get you extra food whenever you’re hungry, especially before full moons, and he has to keep getting you food even after full moons, when you say you’re not hungry, but he has to know that you have to eat anyway.” Sirius’ grip on Remus’ shoulders is painfully tight now, his gaze imploring. “He has to know that you put on your socks before your pants in the morning, and that you wet your toothbrush before putting the toothpaste on it, and that you secretly like Quidditch because sometimes he’ll catch you watching him from the stands instead of reading your book, and… and he has to know all of your favorite authors, he has to notice all of the little expressions you make when you’re reading, and he has to think of you whenever he sees a book that he thinks you might like.”
“I’m not done yet, Moony!” he snaps, rather viciously. His voice then gets quiet.
“He has to love you.” He’s whispering now. “He has to have always loved you.”
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do you think maybe you can do a marlene mckinnon x reader where marlene is jealous of someone who is flirting with the reader and gets all clingy and stuff and reader thinks it’s adorable and reassures marlene she has nothing to worry about thxxx
warnings: jealousy, alcohol, use of ‘love’ and ‘gorgeous’ on reader, parties
genre: i guess angst, fluff
pairing: marlene mckinnon x reader
word count: 530+
a/n: i actually hardly ever write marlene so this was fun! and sorry about the name i have absolutely no idea what to call it 😭
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was late on Friday night at a party, and you’d had a bit to drink. Okay, a bit was an understatement, but you still weren’t fully drunk. You’d told Marlene that you were going to get more drinks, and as you walk over to the bar, you notice a well-dressed Slytherin that you recognized from your Potions class. He’s looking at you, and you try to avoid eye contact, although it’s hard.
When you get to the bar and begin ordering drinks, the same guy from earlier walks over. He leans against the bar, looking at you, then gives you a flirty grin. “Can I buy you a drink, gorgeous?” 
Your eyes widen slightly, but as he says it you realize that you’ve got an opportunity to get a free drink. After a moment of consideration, you answer; “Sure, that would be nice.” You try to keep your response non-flirty but not to the extent that he’d notice.
He asks what you’d like, and you tell him Marlene’s order. He buys it for you, and he exchanges [mostly one-sided] flirty banter with you. You laugh at his jokes and answer his questions, but after a few minutes you can feel Marlene’s eyes on you two. 
Once you tell him you’ve got to go, he writes down his number on a napkin and hands it to you, with a simple ‘Call Me’ written on the top.
He was still standing there when Marlene stomps over, death glaring him and immediately grabbing onto your arm. “Hello, Love, who’s this?” She asks, tone possessive and still staring at the guy even as she talks to you.
You have to bite down on a laugh at the adorable pout she makes, nose scrunched up. “I- this is… I didn’t get your name, actually?” You ask the guy, still holding in a laugh.
“Evan,” he answers, expression confused at Marlene’s use of a pet name and the way she just walked over. 
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Evan.” You say, smiling. “This is Marlene.” You introduce.
“She’s your…?” He trails off with a questioning look on his face.
“Girlfriend.” You finish with a grin, trying not to be too cocky. You then hand the glass to her, still admiring her cute jealousy.
“Oh.” He says, eyes widening. “Okay. Well then. Nice meeting you.” He walks off, towards a group of other Slytherin’s. 
You dissolve into giggles at the combination of his reaction and abrupt walking away, and Marlene’s possessiveness. 
You turn to her, smiling as she still glares in his direction, clutching her glass with white knuckles. “You look like you want to explode his head,” You laugh.
“I’m trying.” She mutters, still not breaking her staring contest with the back of his head. “He was practically undressing you with his eyes!” 
“He wasn’t, Marls,” You say with an eye roll. “Plus, I’d never leave you for him.” 
“You say that now…” She says, narrowing her eyes at him.
You press a kiss to her forehead. “You’re so cute when you're jealous.”
“Am not!” She protests, finally looking at you and crossing her arms across her chest.
You giggle. “You’re jealous, and a terrible liar at that. Now c’mon, finish your drink and let’s dance.”
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resident-gay-bitch · 7 months
Modern au where the girls meet in college and get assigned random roommate and they’ve never met before because they are all study abroad students spending a year in the US. Lily from England is with Dorcas from an African country ( I don’t know which one to choose if I don’t choose mine lol so I’ll leave that to you). Mary ( not sure which country but I’m getting middle eastern vibes) is with Pandora ( I kind of want to give her mythology roots like Greek yk ? ). Marlene ( I want to give her Indonesia what do you think ?) with Alice ( definitely Europe vibes here )
Anyway they meet and bond about discovering American culture and how ridiculous some of the stuff is and they do make American friends but they keep coming back to each other and they become closer and closer but also the time comes that they each have to go back to their countries and you have a really tearful/angsty goodbye
Just feel like giving them really different backgrounds because it’s women history month and women from all around the world should be celebrated and also people from a lot of different countries are just really cool as a friend group
Anyway some head cannon for this au
Each of their dorm is fully decorated to the point you can see their personality when you enter the room
Mary is the kind to stay up to do homework and Pandora wakes up really early which creates some funny situations between them
All of them fight over who has the best cultural food ( Lily is not allowed to participate she is British/lh)
They do the American college thing to the full extent like going to football games, having parties and stuff and still aces their classes somehow
That was really long but oh well here are my two cents lol hope you like it <3 I really like your writing btw
Hi hi!!! Sorry for taking so long to respond to this, I saw it a few days ago and was too tired to respond and I’ve just been in a state of brain mush ever since.
Okay, I love this idea SO SO much! Especially them all coming together to be confused about American culture lol, I think that’s so funny.
I 100% agree with all of these ethnicities for them as well, I can see it all clearly (the Pandora being from Greece just makes sense idk why more people don’t HC this).
One headcannon I’ve been having lately is that Marlene is Australian because like, she is literally the definition of an Aussie bogan in my head (if you’ve never heard of Amyl and The Sniffers go check out their music because I think they’re SO Marlene Band Au coded).
And any Aussie out there will know this well and true, but for some reason all aussies just dip to Indonesia (specifically Bali) every winter to escape the cold, like it’s actually amusing how many just disappear over there. SO many of my friends have gone on Bali trips it’s ridiculous.
Anyway, you suggesting Marlene be from Indonesia just popped the best idea in my head where like her dad is Australian and took a trip with his mates to Bali. I’m thinking they would frequent the bar next to their hotel and get drunk there every night and he fell in love with one of the bartenders that snuck him free drinks every time he complimented her and then they hooked up one night and she got pregnant without realising and then he went home and she freaked out. Luckily she got his number because they fell in love and then like she moved to Australia to raise Marlene. I think that’s such a funny cute way to tie our headcannons together.
And yes Mary is 100% the type to stay up so late where as Pandoras in bed by nine and up with the sun.
Their rooms would be the swankiest rooms you’ve ever seen.
They would 100% all bully Lily for her comfort meal, which is beans straight out the can, and would all shove their fav foods down her throat. She’d love it though and pretend to complain about it all the time so all her friends would keep making her all these amazing snacks and meals.
They definitely would get involved with the whole American college experience but no one is prepared for how Marlene acts at the college football games. She’d spend one third of the game complaining about how this isn’t real football (Insert AFL which she grew up watching with her dad - footy), a second third of the game skulling beer and challanging random college boys to drink offs and shoeies (idk how to spell it, when you drink out of a shoe), and the last third screaming so hard when their team gets a point or goal or however it works and going balisic and booing the opposition and screaming about the unfair umpiring, and she’d 1000% be the loudest there.
Sorry, I’m passionate about Marlene.
But yessss this is such a good idea lol I love it! Thanks for sending in the ask, I really appreciate hearing about the girls <3
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niamhthefae · 1 year
Some marauders fic ideas because i can't write and want these to exist
Strawberry Popping Candy- dorlene- in which, marlene isn't expecting anything interesting to happen in this new town,at most she might meet a freind or discover a cool café. but it's probably going to be just like it always is.she changes her mind when she meets dorcas meadowes at the skateparkand is offered some of her strawberry popping candy
Sk8er boi- wolfstar- in which sirius has been doing ballet since he was 7 years old, always told to avoid the "rougher boys" that hang around the alleys beside the studio, then he comes across remus lupin,who proves to him that 1,theyre not that bad, and 2, his parents aren't always right about the world.
It's Twilight- an interesting half joking half not fic that is basically twilight, but better and gayer with one of the ships. it can be pretty much any pairing.
Bloody Kisses- jegulus + wolfstar-victorian/edwardian era- sirius and regulus are vampires, remus and james are vampire hunters that just got out of school. when regulus kidnapped the two and brings them back to the castle as "food" he doesn't expect him and sirius to fall in love with the two boys.
okay so this is another historical one but ssshhh I like history- litteraly just them but in the victorian era or something. idk we just need more historical aus because i want to read about my gays and my favourite time periods!
litteraly just their hogwarts years or a muggle au boarding school thing that's slytherin skittles instead of marauders centric because i love those guys so much. obviously dorlene and rosekiller and probably jegulus with wolfstar and everything else going on but it's more background bc it's not about them rn
Ice Cream Sundaes-any ship,maybe wolfstar tho?- in which [blank] is sick of working at an ice cream parlour in order to make money over the summer and [blank] is eating an awful lot of ice cream in order to see a certain boy/girl. basically one of them is on holiday with some freinds in Cornwall or Wales or something and they keep dragging them all to this ice cream place to see the other an dthen one day they get a napkin with their ice cream with the others number on it and "call me?" written on it. and then we get cute summer movie nights and dates on the beach and shit.
• Timeless- wolfstar or jegulus- where one of them (probably one of the black brothers) is immortal or a vampire or something and every time the other is reincarnated they fall in love, the tale of them falling in the present day, maybe with flashbacks to previous times when similar stuff happened. with angst about the immortal worrying because "they're just going to die again"
• i havent got name ideas but SPIDERMAN REGGIE with sirius being aunt may and the ships of your choice
•haunted- kind of bbc ghosts vibes- [blank] is a tired,sad ghost who has gotten very bored. then [blank] moves into the house they reside in, and things get a lot better. probably some sad stuff because while they love each other (platonically or romantically) they can never touch, no hugs, no kisses. just talking and offering their company
anywayz there's a bunch of my ideas that I can't be bothered to write,feel free to use them or even just imagine them if you really want. and if no one sees this then oh well
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padfootagain · 1 year
Because We Are Made of Dreams (II)
Chapter 2 : Kiss and Resolutions
Hello!! Here is chapter 2 for my rewriting of my first fic ever!! Things are slowly set into motion…. I hope you like this new chapter!
Pairings: Sirius Black x Original Female Character + Jily
Warnings for this chapter: None! Just cute and… nothing particular, really, just setting things into motion.
Warnings for the series: graphic depictions of violence and torture, graphic depiction and mentions of child abuse, mature themes.
Summary: The Marauders come back to Hogwarts to begin their sixth year there, and many things will change for them during these coming months. Outside the safety of their school, the world is growing darker. Inside the Castle, they'll find both new friends and enemies.
Word Count: 5895
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"Potions and then Divination,” James announced, letting the sheet of paper fall right into his plate. "I think they're trying to kill us..."
The first day of classes was always a busy one. In the Great Hall, it was time for an early breakfast spent chatting with friends, meeting new people, and most of all it was time to discover the timetables that would organize their lives for the entire year. And sometimes, students were everything but satisfied about it all…
"And again the Slytherins in Potions," muttered Sirius, "It's like they actually want get us into trouble. I mean, haven't they realised yet that it's never a good idea to put us all in the same room?"
Remus nodded, barely touching his food. The full moon was only a week away, and he was already beginning to feel the first effects of his monthly transformations.
“Some of them are alright, though,” Peter tried to cheer his friends up. “Meg’s very nice!”
“I know, Wormtail, I am aware,” Sirius mumbled, chasing his remark away with a quick gesture of the hand. “When I talk about the Slytherins, I mean the idiotic ones.”
“The wannabe Death Eaters,” James nodded, shoving a mouthful of pancake into his mouth.
“And sadly, there are quite a few of these here,” Remus heaved a sigh. “I’ve heard that Jackson - the seventh-year Ravenclaw, you know? – I’ve heard he wants to be a part of it too, after he passes his NEWTs.”
“How nice,” Peter groaned, a dark expression passing on his face, before he would take a sip of pumpkin juice.
“I’m giving us two classes with Snivellus and co. before it all goes to shit,” Sirius predicted, shoving some egg and bacon into his mouth.
“Yeah, well… we’ll see,” Remus shook his head, taking a tiny bite out of his toast. “What else do we have on Mondays?”
While the Marauders were busy talking about their timetables, Clara, Alice and Marlene came to sit next to the four boys, filling the last spots still available around the Gryffindor table.
Professor McGonagall handed them their timetables as well, and Alice soon let out a moan.
“Divination…” she groaned, desperate.
“You should have taken Ancient Runes,” Clara chanted to annoy her some more, until Alice shoved her away. They two of them let out a merry laugh.
Alice was distracted from thoughts of her terrible class though, when her boyfriend took the empty seat next to hers, and dropped a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Where’s Lils?” he asked, looking around with a frown.
"She's coming. She still had some things to… organize… plan… schedule… or whatever," Clara answered with a vague gesture that clearly indicated that she had no interest in whatever Lily was busy with at the moment.
Casually listening to the girls’ conversation, Sirius couldn’t help but chuckle at Clara’s disgusted expression.
"Now… are you telling us that you’re unorganized, Clearwater?" Sirius asked in a mocking tone, his mouth full of bacon again.
"Very much so," Clara admitted.
“I thought you’d be like Evans: uptight.”
Clara was about to answer, an amused smile on her lips, when she was interrupted by Marlene suddenly grabbing her by the arm
"Oh! Love is in the air..." said Marlene excitedly.
They all followed her gaze towards the doors. Indeed, Liam and Lily were talking, standing on the threshold of the Great Hall. The girl nodded, blushing and grinning, and finally headed towards her friends at the Gryffindor table, whilst Liam was joining the Ravenclaws. Lily sat down next to her friends as if nothing had happened, but no one around the table was fooled.
"All right, spit it out, Lils! Now!" ordered Alice.
"He just wanted to talk to me," the prefect answered, picking up a toast in the most casual fashion she could manage.
"And...?" her three friends encouraged her in unison.
"And... we're going to take a walk at noon."
Marlene was so excited that she almost emptied the bottle of pumpkin juice all over Peter.
"Girls, you really are ridiculous, " Lily admonished, but she couldn’t refrain her grin.
She suddenly stopped eating, her fork halfway between her plate and her mouth.
"Do you think I should wear lipstick?" she asked bluntly.
The boys all rolled their eyes, all of them listening to the girls’ conversation by now.
"Pink!" Clara answered in an instant.
"Red!" replied also Alice, in chorus with Clara.
The two girls exchanged a look, before focusing again on Lily.
"Definitely red!" confirmed Alice. "Your lips are perfect, Lils, show them!"
"Don't trust her," replied Clara. "It's not an official date, is it?"
"No, we're just going to talk," Lily shook her head, taking a bite into her toast.
"Then follow this crucial rule of make up: "no date, no red"!"
"This rule is bullshit, Clara," Alice fired back.
The young witch narrowed her eyes and pointed her fork at Alice.
"It's one of my Mum's rules, it's not bullshit! By the way, here is the explanation: it's not an official date, you're just going to talk with him, which means that there is a high probability for nothing to happen at all. After all, you could realise that he doesn't want the same thing as you, that he’s jerk... whatever. In this case you will not want your lips to be irresistible, quite the contrary. But, if everything goes fine, and you want something to happen, you will need lipstick. So, wear pink lipstick. And by pink lipstick I am obviously referring to this lovely one you have, you know the very light one..."
"I don't have any bright pink anyway," Lily smiled.
She seemed to think for a moment, eating slowly, before she could take a decision.
"Sorry Alice, but Clara's right. Pink lipstick it is."
"But Lils, your lipstick is not even pink, it's too discreet!"
"Discretion is good for you, 'cause it's leaving you a way out," replied Clara.
Lily shook her head.
"Pink lipstick, definitely."
James was still half-listening to the girls' conversation, half-listening to the debate that had resumed between Peter and Remus concerning their classes of the day. Had he been asked about the matter, he would have told her not to wear any lipstick at all. She was already perfect, and she didn't need red or pink lipstick to improve the delicate curves of her lips. He always wanted to kiss them anyway…
He shook these thoughts away. He had to stop thinking like this. James had taken a decision, an important one, and he needed to stick to it. Lily was the past. Lily was the past. Lily was the past...
The ginger girl finally took a look at her time table.
"Potions and Ancient Runes, which means Divination for you two."
Alice groaned again.
"Oh, come on Alice, it's not that bad," Frank laughed at his girlfriend.
"It is," Sirius joined in. "It is and has always been utter bullshit."
"Why did you take this class then?" asked Marlene.
Sirius pointed an accusing finger at James, and the four girls rolled their eyes.
"Your problem, Alice, is that you're too honest in Divination," stated Clara. "You have to make things up!"
"I don't know how! What would you do?"
Clara heaved a dramatic sigh, and her four friends already had amused smiles on their faces, knowing that whatever she was going to say next ought to make them all laugh. It was a talent of hers, really.
"I don't know, Alice, I can't answer that question. You have finally discovered my darkest secret: I have the Inner Eye, and I can prove it."
"Prove it then!" Sirius challenged her, already chuckling.
Clara closed her eyes, throwing back her head and making her hands tremble above the table. She took a deep and theatrical tone.
"I see... I see that Lily is going to burn her tongue with her tea..."
At the same moment Lily choked and put her napkin on her mouth, tightly closing her eyes. She had clearly burnt herself with her tea…
They all burst into laughter.
"See? Nothing complicated really," Clara winked.
“How did you know I’d do that?” Lily frowned, but stopped her friend when she was about to answer, knowing all she would receive as an answer was some teasing. “Actually, you know what? Never mind…”
They all laughed again, and for the first time in years, all the Gryffindors enjoyed their breakfast together in a merry gathering.
After breakfast, they all headed together towards the dungeons. It was a bit weird to walk with the boys, but it turned out to be quite pleasant. It was a nice surprise to start their first day. James and Lily barely spoke to each other, and so the girl didn't scowl at him, nor made a scene. And James chose not to ask the girl anything, and merely enjoyed the casual conversations that crossed the group. Clara was grateful, as she was enjoying her own conversation with Sirius. It turned out that he wasn’t as superficial and childish as she had thought he was. Perhaps he wasn’t so bad, after all…
They were walking down the magical staircase, holding the railings as it turned smoothly to the left, pivoting while suspended in mid-air. They had barely reached the entrance of the corridor, leaving the stairs behind, when they passed by a group of fourth-year students. Most of them were Slytherins, but there were a couple of Ravenclaws and Gryffindors as well. Sirius froze at the sight of a dark-haired boy in their midst, sporting the green and silver colours of the Slytherin house. It took him a few seconds to muster the will to walk again, but he did so anyway, following his friends. Clara had stopped to wait for him, a frown on her brow, but she asked nothing. She followed Sirius’ stare instead, glued onto the Slytherin boy, and she was quite taken aback by the striking resemblance between the two teenagers: this boy was an almost-identical replica of Sirius, only two years younger.
Sirius walked past him.
He nodded his head to his younger brother, but Regulus only replied with a disdainful look and strode away, without another look towards Sirius.
The Gryffindor clenched his jaw, looking over his shoulder to stare at his younger brother as he disappeared up the stairs.
"Your brother?" Clara asked.
Sirius had managed to avoid Regulus on the train and at the feast the previous night. Though it was obvious that he couldn't escape from his little brother forever in this way-too-small castle, Sirius had hoped that their first confrontation since he had run away from his parent's house would be delayed as much as possible. And he couldn’t hide it, the way it still hurt to have his younger brother look at him this way. Because this… this wasn’t Sirius’s fault. None of it was…
"He didn't seem very happy to see you," Clara added.
"Long story."
She noticed that he Sirius didn’t seem eager to speak about it, so she dropped it. Instead, she picked up the conversation where they had left it, and asked him again about his favourite Queen song. Sirius smiled. He felt grateful for it.
When both James and Remus turned towards him, wearing worried frowns, he gave them a reassuring nod.
He would be alright. He was always alright.
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Lily could feel Severus’s stare burning a hole in her skull, and she hated it.
After what had happened at the end of the previous year, she couldn’t be his friend anymore. She couldn’t talk to him, let alone sit next to him and partner with him for this class. After all, he had insulted her; he had betrayed her, in more ways than one.
His loss. She was determined to not let him ruin her new year at Hogwarts.
She was now sitting next to Marlene, but she couldn’t ignore the disappointment in the Slytherin’s eyes as she walked past him, as she took her seat next to her Gryffindor friend. She couldn’t ignore the way he stared at her now.
And she hated it. She hated it because it made her feel guilty, when none of this was her fault. He was the one who had fucked up, insulting her, becoming friends with people who looked down on her as their inferior, at best; as some kind of vermin to get rid of, at worst. She couldn’t be his friend anymore, and it wasn’t her fault. He had no rights to glare at her like this, as if she was the one making the other suffer…
She tried to focus again on the task at hand, writing down the ingredients for the first potion they would study this year.
Moonstone, seaweeds, dried grass…
She had noticed Avery sitting down next to Severus. And Avery was not a kind person at all. He was part of the most fervent followers of Voldemort’s ideology in the school.
What was Severus doing with this kind of people?
She shook her head, copied the list of ingredients written on the blackboard again.
Mandrake, salt, a pinch of silver dust…
She hated herself for feeling guilty, as if she was abandoning him, somehow. She wanted to believe he could still be saved, but what was the point? Over and over again, it seemed, he kept on proving her wrong.
Was it truly selfish, then, to push him out of her life? He could only bring darkness, and there was enough fear and hurt outside the protective walls of the school. No, it wasn’t selfish to push him away. He was the one who was wrong, she reckoned she had been patient enough with him. If he wanted to follow the wrong path, it was his choice. She would be sad for him, still. Maybe, one day, he would realize how wrong he had been…
Again, her quill wrote down instructions, although her brain wasn’t registering any information for now, it was too busy thinking about the past.
Stir for fifteen minutes until the concoction becomes grey.
She heard some quiet laughs coming from somewhere behind her, and wasn’t surprised when she caught Sirius and James trying their best to stifle their laughter. She saw Remus glimpsing over his shoulder too, and shaking his head at his two friends, amused, while Peter smiled at the mere sound of his friends’ quiet laughter.
It was strange to start her sixth year spending time with these guys, but James seemed willing to let her be and it was a great improvement, for sure. And then, there was Liam, that she was about to take a walk with, and maybe… maybe he would be her boyfriend by the end of the day.
It was a crazy year already, for sure… full of surprises.
The lesson passed by rather quickly, even though it was a little dull. But as she was throwing her bag on her shoulder, Slughorn asked Lily to stay for a moment. She couldn’t refrain a wince as he asked Severus to do the same. The teacher waited for his classroom to be empty to speak to his two students.
"Why aren't you two partnering anymore?" he asked, crossing his arms before him. “The two of you work so well together, it’s a shame!”
"It's personal, professor," Lily answered quickly, so Snape would not have a chance to give his own excuse, "I don't think I can work with him anymore, that's all."
"Well, I'm quite sad to hear this. Is everything alright, though, Ms. Evans?"
"I'm sorry, professor. But yes, everything is fine. I simply don’t want to work with Severus for now."
Slughorn seemed to hesitate, but chose to drop the subject. Next to Lily, Snape was remaining silent, but he clenched his fists, hiding the gesture behind his back.
"Well, off you go then,” their teacher added with a smile. “It doesn't matter very much I guess, and you can't be late for class on your first day, not on my account!"
The two students exited the room in silence. It was heavy, painfully so. Too much to last for too long. Severus ended up taking a deep breath, before trying one more time to convince her…
"Sev, don’t,” she quickly interrupted him, unwilling to listen to arguments she had heard a hundred times before. “There's nothing you can say that will make me forgive you for what you did last year. You insulted me and humiliated me in front of the whole school..."
"I'm sorry, Lils. How many times will I have to apologise?"
She stopped walking and heaved a deep sigh.
"It's not just about last year, Sev. It's everything. I don't recognise you anymore, and the gang of Slytherins you've become friends with… they aren't good people, and they'll get you into trouble."
"But Potter and his gang won't get you into trouble, will they?" he snapped.
"I saw you at breakfast with them this morning, and you came with them to the dungeons. They aren't good people either, Lils! Have you forgotten what they’ve done? What Potter has done?"
"You're acting like you’re jealous again, Sev, and this is another reason why I can't be your friend anymore."
She strode towards the staircase, but she stopped and turned back one last time towards the Slytherin as she was climbing upon the first step.
"And just so you know, James Potter may be something of a git sometimes, but at least he and his friends have nothing against muggleborns, against people like me and my friends. He's annoying, but he doesn't insult me. And he drives me insane, but he’s never been mean to me or tried to control me. So, I guess between the two of you, my choice is easy to make."
She ran up the stairs, fleeing from Severus's hurt gaze.
She felt guilty, terribly so. She hated to see so much pain in the eyes of someone who used to be her friend… And yet, she knew she had taken the right decision. Maybe, one day, things would get better between the two of them. But for now, she couldn’t simply forgive and forget.
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Sirius was starting to doze off, partly hidden behind his crystal ball. Their extremely old teacher, Professor Needles, was trying to explain how they could all use this extraordinarily powerful tool to glimpse into their future, but no one was really listening; except for Remus, as always. But as the boy was listening to every class anyway (even History of Magic, and Merlin knew that was the worst), it didn't really count.
The classroom in itself wasn’t helping the bored students to remain focused. It was dimly lit with only a couple of tiny round windows, decorated with stained glass that painted colourful shapes upon the wooden floor. The walls of stone were covered with heavy tapestries, making the air of the room heavy with the dust that settled between the threads. They were old, dusty, and their colours had faded long ago, making some of the images barely readable now.
In this heavy atmosphere, it was hard not to feel tired; and the boring monologue of their teacher, spoken with a monotonous voice, was not helping.
"By the way, Prongs, are you alright?" Peter asked, sitting straighter again, in an attempt to stay awake.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" answered his friend, taking off his glasses and rubbing his sleepy eyes.
"Well, I don't know, Lily and Liam will probably be officially together by the end of the day, so..."
"How delicate, Wormtail, as usual…" Sirius replied dryly, while keeping his eyes closed, his cheekbone resting in his palm.
Peter scowled at him.
"I'm fine, Wormtail, thanks," answered James.
It was a lie, obviously. He wasn't fine at all, actually. How could he be fine? Lily would soon be snogging some stupid Ravenclaw, how could James be alright?
The mere thought of Liam kissing her made him nauseous…
But he was determined to not let any of his feelings show. He was going to get over Lily, and he had no intention to wallow in self-pity. She was moving on, and he was going to do the same. Or well… moving on… He guessed Lily wasn’t moving on, as she had never felt anything for him at all…
He cleared his throat, folding and unfolding the corner of his parchment in a bored gesture. He was fine. Everything was fine…
"You know what, Prongs? You should do the same as Lily," Sirius told him, finally opening his eyes to look at his friend.
"What do you mean?" James questioned him, resting his chin in his palm, still playing absentmindedly with his parchment.
"You should find yourself a girlfriend."
"I’ve already tried this Sirius, remember?” James answered with a wry chuckle. “Many times. And it never works."
Sirius shot him a mischievous smile, a triumphant glint alit in his grey eyes as he sat straighter again and leaned a little above the round table towards his friend.
"Ah, but you’ve tried to heal yourself with snogging and sex… I'm talking about the real thing right now."
"What do you mean?" asked Remus.
Even he couldn't focus too long upon the nonsense their teacher kept on speaking.
"You should try to have a real girlfriend, to have a serious relationship," Sirius added.
James didn't answer. It didn't sound that stupid, actually...
"I mean," Sirius went on, "maybe if you're with someone who actually wants to be with you, you'll want to be with her too after a while. And then, you'll forget Lily."
James nodded slowly.
"That's a good idea, I reckon."
"It's weird, but sounds logical," agreed Remus.
“I’m a little hurt that you both seem surprised by the fact that I’m having a brilliant idea.”
“Those are pretty rare, coming from you,” Remus teased him, owning himself a playful glare.
"Now, we have to find you a girl, Prongs,” Sirius stated with a bright grin on his lips. “Operation HGP is on!"
"Operation what?" asked Peter.
"H.G.P: Hot Girl for Prongs."
The four boys chuckled, choking on their own laughter as they tried to remain as quiet as possible. But their teacher kept on monologuing, and he didn’t notice a thing. He was slowly pacing through the classroom, his dark robe making a soft sound as it brushed upon the floor at every step.
"I know, I'm the best with codenames," said Sirius, "no need to remind me."
"You're the best, Pads," agreed James.
"Or the most idiotic, it depends on the point of view," replied Remus mockingly.
They doubled over with laughter, choking as they tried to remain as silent as possible.
But as they grew calmer again, James grew unusually weary, his shoulders slumping down as if a heavy weight had been thrown onto them.
"Do you think she will go out with this jerk?" he asked his friends, staring blankly at the crystal ball in front of him.
"I'm afraid there's a rather high probability for her to accept, Prongs," Remus answered slowly, a sad smile full of compassion on his features.
James sighed, straightening his glasses.
"Well, operation H.G.P. it is, then."
He smiled, but didn’t manage to fully hide his sadness, while he kept on staring at his crystal ball, wondering what would happen at noon...
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He saw her coming his way across the grass. The sun was blue and bright despite the heavy rain from the previous night. The air still smelled of it though, of the raindrops that covered the earth and grass and trees for a while. The ground was still a little muddy, but Lily didn’t seem to care as she strode towards him, shooting him a bright smile as she spotted him. It was quiet in the grounds: a gentle breeze drawing ripples and strange patterns across the lake; in the distance, the Whomping Willow slowly swayed; a steady white smoke escaped towards the sky from Hagrid’s hut.
And as she walked closer to him, Liam reckoned that Lily truly was beautiful in this September sun…
She joined him by the Lake, at last. He noticed that she looked nervous, her freckled cheeks slightly coloured with a blush.
They spent some time casually chatting about their summer holidays, about their first classes of the morning. But Liam was becoming more and more nervous with each passing minute. So, when the conversation died down by itself after a while, he slowed down their pace, lingering on a spot of the shores of the lake where merpeople sometimes dwelled during the summer.
It was empty now though, a patch of pebbles and sand bordered by high grass and calm water.
She turned to him, frowning a little as if to silently ask him what this was about. He took a deep breath, and dived, even though his voice was uncertain and a little weak.
“We should talk about what happened yesterday."
Lily nodded, but didn't say anything. She looked down at the ground instead, clearly nervous now.
"All right, I guess it's better if I'm direct," Liam announced.
He inhaled sharply, trying to control his shaky voice, to gather his courage, to calm his crazy nerves...
 "I really like you, Lily,” he blurted out the words as if he was afraid to grow too scared to speak them out loud again if he waited, if he tried to say it in a more delicate way. “And… I'd really like you to give me a chance."
"You do like me?" Lily cautiously asked him, looking up at him once more.
Her gaze was intense and hypnotic, made of vivid shades of green under the bright sun. The Ravenclaw had to force himself to answer.
"I do. And yesterday, it felt like you liked me too, right?"
Lily blushed hard, but nodded.
"I like you too,” she confessed, her words passing slowly her lips, as if with reluctance. “But... I would be lying if I claimed that I’m confident with all this. So, I don't want us to go too fast... Now, that being said… I’m really happy with what happened yesterday on the train."
Liam grinned at her. She was wearing a discreet, but beautiful pink lipstick, and her lips were even more tempting in this shade. He was sure that she wasn't wearing it that morning, she had probably put it on just before meeting him… for him. His grin doubled in size at the thought.
"It's fine by me. I mean… I get it. I’m not particularly used to this either, so… We should take things slow. But I'd love it if you wanted to be my girlfriend, Lils."
She smiled, nodding again.
"I'd love that too," she answered, blushing even more.
He smiled, his voice soft and gentle when he asked his next question.
"Is it alright if I kiss you right now?"
She nodded once more, and he took her face in his hands, kissed her softly on the lips by the shore of the calm Lake.
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"SO?" Marlene asked the moment Lily sat at the Gryffindor table at lunch.
Lily didn't answer, but her grin and the reddening of her cheeks spoke volumes. Her three friends almost shouted in the middle of the Great Hall, causing their classmates to look at them. Frank almost choked on his chicken as he started laughing.
"I told you to wear red lipstick!" Alice winked, full of mischief.
"Pink was perfect," Lily replied with a laugh.
"So, you finally have a boyfriend. Definitely not too soon..." commented Marlene.
Lily threw some bread at her friend, shushing her.
"It's weird though that James hasn’t said anything about it," Alice pointed out. "Even this morning when we were talking about you and Liam in front of him, he didn't react at all."
"I hope it stays that way,” Lily answered in a sigh. “I'm tired of his stupid game, really."
"You know, I was thinking about this and…" Clara said slowly, choosing carefully her words. "I'm not sure that it was just a game anymore. Yesterday, he asked on the train what was going on between you and Liam, and he really did look hurt when I told him you were close."
But Lily rolled her eyes.
"It just hurts his monumental ego that he couldn't change my mind. He doesn't care about me, Clara. I'm a challenge, that's all, and he was disappointed because he didn't win."
"I don't know, Lils, I think he's more honest than you think about you two," replied Frank.
"No, he's not. Trust me, he's not."
Frank and Clara shrugged. After all, Lily didn’t like James, and she had chosen, Liam who seemed to be a nice guy. He was a prefect, he was a safe choice, he seemed to suit the girl quite well. As Clara glanced over at the Marauders further down the table, they were laughing and joking merrily, as if nothing was wrong. She shrugged again, focusing on her mashed potatoes. Maybe Lily was right. Maybe it was nothing serious at all...
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James took out a bottle of ink, a quill and a piece of parchment.
He was sitting with the rest of the Marauders in the empty space at the centre of their dorm. It was night already, they were coming back from dinner in the Great Hall. But it was not time to sleep, the Marauders had some work to do.
It was a tradition, really. As Remus passed the bag of jelly beans to Peter, he couldn’t refrain a smile. It was nice to have these rituals with the boys. It made him feel at home. It made them all feel like they were more family than mere friends…
Since their second year, the four boys gathered like this after their first day of class, sitting on the wooden floor while eating treats, in order to write down their list of resolutions for the year. The list would then be hanged next to Remus’s bedpost, and he was the one in charge to remind the group of the missions they decided to fulfill before the next summer break.
James cleared his throat, dipping the tip of his quill into the dark ink.
"All right, fire away!"
Behind him, Frank closed his curtains, laughing softly and thanking himself for the sound-proofing spell he had cast on the curtains during his third year. This spell really was saving his life... or well, his nights at least...
"I'll start the list with 'getting over Lily Evans', I reckon it's an important point," James added, half-joking as he began to write. “What else?"
"No Exploding Snap for Peter in the dorms," said Remus.
"Hey!" Peter protested, but he was quickly interrupted by James.
"No Wormtail, Moony's right. You really did scare us last year when you set your curtains on fire..."
The boy added Remus's remark to their annual list of resolutions, straightening his lopsided glasses.
"Don't accept students in their second year on the Quidditch team," said Sirius wisely.
James nodded and wrote it down, sadly remembering how the second-year boy he had selected the past year had vomited on his broomstick at the beginning of their first match…
"Clean up the dorm," said Remus.
Sirius and James looked up at him with surprise.
"You still have hope? After five years?"
Remus sighed.
"Write it down anyway," said Peter. “For Moony.”
James shrugged and bent over the parchment again. He ran a hand through his messy hair as he quickly went through the list.
"Prepare a good prank against the Slytherins before the end of September," James added.
His three friends enthusiastically nodded.
"Spend more time with the girls," said Sirius.
They all frowned at him.
"Which girls?" asked Peter.
"The Gryffindors, of course. Who else could I be talking about?”
Remus rolled his eyes, annoyed.
"Padfoot, we've already talked about that, and there's only one tiny rule concerning your passion for girls and boys you must follow: do not touch the Gryffindor girls in our year. Is that really that complicated?"
Sirius glowered at him.
"I didn't mean that, Moony. I said talking to them, not snogging them. Besides, you’re saying that as if I was only thinking about sex, which is not true at all."
"Why do you want to talk with them anyway?" asked Peter.
Sirius shrugged.
"I don't know, they're okay, I guess. And you can't deny that we had a good time during the trip to Hogwarts yesterday. Clara's funny."
James narrowed his eyes.
"Do you want to talk to the girls or to Clara?"
Sirius rolled his eyes.
"The girls. I'm just pointing out the fact that they might not be as boring as I thought they were."
Remus threw him a stern look.
"Sirius, I know them better than you. And Clara is funny, it's true. And she's clever, and kind-hearted, and she's also a human being whom I appreciate very much. I officially forbid you to try anything with her. Do you understand?"
"Moony, again, I said talk, not snog. She's a Gryffindor in our year, I know, thanks, and I don't intend to 'try anything with her'. I just enjoyed talking with her. It's not like I've been flirting with her, anyway. Why are you so upset?"
"It's not like you usually care about girls, Pads," replied James.
"Okay, you know what, don't write it down. I just meant that we should try to be more friendly with them, and know them better, because we've all enjoyed their company today, but as you seem to think that I can't control myself..."
"That's not what I meant, Padfoot," said Remus. "I just don't want you to hurt her, that's all. She's very pretty after all, and..."
"I didn't say all this because I thought she was pretty, I just genuinely enjoyed talking with her. For Merlin’s sake, I’m not a pervert. I’m not obsessed with sex..."
"So, you don't find her attractive at all?" asked Peter, propping up an eyebrow.
Sirius sighed and shook his head, annoyed.
"Of course, I think she's attractive, Wormtail. I'm not blind. But she's a laugh, I enjoyed myself with her today, and on the train. End of story."
James bent over and started to write.
"Prongs, don't write it down, it'll upset Moony."
"No you're right, Padfoot. We should talk to them more."
"All right. But also write down the fact that Sirius can't touch Clara, nor any of the girls," Remus said.
"Already did."
"I can feel your trust and faith in me, guys," replied Sirius, glowering at them.
"It's not that way, Pads..." said Remus. “I’m just… you can’t handle a relationship, don’t try to deny it. And I know Clara, she wouldn’t settle for anything less. So… just… don’t…”
"It's okay Moony, I understand. I’m well aware of the fact that I’m emotionally unstable.”
“What? It’s true,” Sirius shrugged, genuinely unphased by the statement. “They’re nice, though.”
“Alright, I’ve written that down,” James nodded, looking up at his friends again. “What else should we put on there?”
They spent most of their night chatting and laughing and joking, while adding another item to their list from to time to time. It was a merry night in the boys’ dormitory.
A good way to start a new year…
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black
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silver-wield · 6 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 8
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
Time to hit the Saucer!
The second we arrive, the girls are pulled into a short dance sequence against Andrea. After that we're introduced to Dio.
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As usual, Cloud's pretty face gets him unwanted attention. Dio wants to duel. It's not a hard match, and yet I hate it so much. Cloud's proud of himself for kicking some virtual ass, and specifically looks for Tifa as he celebrates to see if she's watching. She is. He's happy.
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After that the group splits after a diplomatic vote with the girls and Red going to have fun. Cloud would've gone with but when Tifa asked he had a vision of Sephiroth and she suggested he get some rest instead. He and Barret head to the ghost hotel.
We get our introduction to Cait Sith and his predictions, which kind freak Cloud out. Makes me wonder if he's superstitious.
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Cloud has a nap and we get another interlude with Zack. At one point he strokes Aerith's hair and then goes downstairs to talk to Elmyra and Marlene. He then goes looking for Biggs to cheer up Marlene.
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Back with the main crew and you get to take a wander around the park with whoever you have the highest affinity with. Obviously I went with Tifa and it was cute watching her and Cloud hold hands 😍
Cait Sith interrupts to let them know about a shooting. Cloud and Tifa defend Barret and state he couldn't be responsible. They volunteer to find the real culprit and Dio slaps a cuff on Cloud to stop them running away. This accessory becomes important later.
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Cloud's blindsided by goons and everyone wakes up the following morning. Gus, the leader of the dust bowl, is willing to hand over the gunman if Cloud wins a chocobo race. It takes some sidequests to get Piko racing fit, but then it's off with Esther to the races!
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Meanwhile, we see Elena in the desert complaining and reminding us she's only 18 🤣
Cloud wins his race. It really wasn't hard, and I say that as someone who hates chocobo racing. The others are let out of their prison cell to watch Cloud win and celebrate 🥳
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After that it's an annoying trek through the desert following a frigging condor until we find Barret. Shocker, he's not the gunman who killed the people at the arena.
I'm not gonna spoil this part, but it's amazing and emotional and made me cry 😭
The combat with Barret was pretty fun and the transitions between stages were awesome!
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Elena has her not vanilla ice cream, and we have to deal with a whiny Palmer in a massive mech. And this comes right off the back of a highly emotional scene. I needed a minute to get myself together 😭
After the battles are over, Dio appears and that bracelet becomes relevant. We get the buggy, Dio gives us a distraction and Barret takes charge clearing the road.
I sucked at this. I tried. I really did. This goes towards Barret's affinity for his date too, so do your best!
After we escape, it's a fast paced drive across the desert until Yuffie's motion sickness forces us to stop and get our bearings.
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We have a quick stop in to find Reeve all cheerful as he doctors the wanted poster for the golden trio. Why would this make him happy? Why would he be happy in general? Well, he's teamed up with Cloud and co and finally feels like he's doing something instead of banging his head against his desk every time he tries to make Shinra do some good.
We also stop in at Rufus office for another meeting between him and Glenn, who we can see now is some apparition of Sephiroth's that'll trying to start a war. Why? Because war means death and those souls who died angry can be corrupted and used to fight the white whispers in the lifestream.
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And it's back to Zack, so I'm assuming Cloud took another nap since we return to the crew the next day. He's off looking for Biggs like he promised Marlene, and we see them find each other. The interesting convo between them will be next interlude.
Barret's arc remains one of my favourites. It's everything I wanted from Rebirth and it's at this point I started getting excited to play the game. Before that I was kinda meh about it, but this chapter onwards everything is fantastic until we hit that long ass boring cut scene at the start of chapter 14.
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satelitis · 1 year
okok so this is gonna be all of my hs2 comments throughout the season
TAO AND ELLE 🤬 get your asses together already
omg imogen she is so pretty !!!
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who the hell is this guy?
nooo they’re separated!!! ))):
why is charlie the only one in different clothes—
ew elle is weirdly flirting w/ tao 🤨
omg if my bf doesn’t get me oreos for our 2 month anniversary then i don’t want it 🤦‍♀️😐😐
“No more kissing at school 😡 it’s too risky 😣”
omg issac—
omg they invited imogen 🥺🥺
omg charlie tryna help nick come out to imogen is everything 🥺🥺
pov nick:
“i’m bisexual actually” 😜
take a drink everytime i say omg
:0 THEY KUST KISSED INNFRONT OF EVERYONE well they’re friend group but still
“bye” 😋
“bye” 🤭
charlies parents need to gtfo—
“no hankypanky” SHUT THE HELL UPPPP
charlies teachers need to get out
uhm charlie’s mom gtfo now let them be gay around each others houses
awww their texts ))):
ew ben ugh GO AWAYYYY 😤
“i told you my rules and now you’re here till the end of the day😐” SHUT THE FUCK UP
anyway 🤭
you and nick are NOTHING alike get that through you’re dumb thick ass scull
omg felix 🥰🥰🥰
naomi !!! 😚
we love taos mom <33
“is that elle? she’s so pretty!! :DD” omg :(((
bens gonna throw hands w/ nick i just know it
awwwh charlie snuck out again!!
taos smile is so cute
i can definitely tell who got the good genes
I- omg
“i just wanted to meet the guy who turned my little brother gay” STFUUUUUUU 😤
olivia coleman better drag his ass
Charlie )): babes you gotta eat… )): i feel so bad for him ☹️
awh the voice memo ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️💗💗💗💗
“ik you and charlie are really good mates 😄”
the coach just walked in on them lmaooo
we stan the coach!!! and her wife 💐💐
OMG TARA!! she just… oh no… i mean oh yes but in an oh no way ://
omg a boy just invited issac to the party hehehehe
they really thought they did something by not letting the boys and girls share a room
tara, darcy, nick, & charlie :
awh he is willing to go see a movie he hates but she loves just for her )):
“Look after him or you die :))”
why the fuck are those popcorn things so huge?
oh no oh no oh no oh no tao and elle nononononononononononononono )):
i hate this fucking party i would break down then and there that is WAY too overstimulating
toriii stopp )))):
oh my god i need to skip a couple scenes one sec
ok phew they’re just having tea now
kit conner speaking french is EVERYTHING
everyone being so surprised nick can speak french is so funny.
tao and elle are so cute 🥰
“I dare charlie to kiss Ben 😻” shut the fuck up
darcy has food poisoning 😶
omg they’re adorable wtff
nick is a right side of the bed person…idk how i feel about that tbh
ok phew it’s not escalating
:0 oh no. Oh no. do it and i will turn this off bc now i’m scared—
awwh nick ml )):
ugh ben just go away
oh no tao )):
Charlie’s mom can fuck off tbh
I would kick Charlie’s ass at Mario Kart tbh
“Oh my god they’re gonna kiss!!!” I love darcy sm
Awh issac )):
Issac representing aroace is amazing
i’m so confused
tao )):
ben get your half assed apology out of here and go take a shower musty ass
david go away
oh my god
oh my god
oh my god
david im gonna kick your ass
why are they doing dishes in the dark 🤔
”Boyfriends ❤️ (Im bi, actually)”
wait wait where is darcy?????
tao and nicks friendship >>>>
awh darcy )):
we love how supportive of a gf tara is!!
omg elle’s dad jsjsjsjej
issac bringing a book to prom is everything
nicks friends give me mixed signals but atleast they’re supportive !!
bitch ass mom 🤥
crying again 😃
them just saying i love you to each other over and over again ))):
awh charlie )):
nick helping charlie is everything
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