#marie is so bossy i love her
sawyerconfort · 1 year
Prompt 47 with Marie Laveau👁️???
Hey! I'm back!
Let's begin with the prompts, shall we?
I love Marie, so I hope you like it, anon!
Requests are open and you can see the prompt list here!
(Notice how all my plot problems have to do with Hank… so much so that he's not even in the requests options ;))
47. "you're so jealous." | marie laveau x reader
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You were on the fence about Marie and Hank's relationship. Of course, he was a witch hunter and you knew his missions also involved hunting down voodoo practitioners like her. But that wasn't all that made you hate the man.
It could have been all in your head, but the way he looked at her... And how she seemed to respond, always trying to seduce him like a vampire seduces a victim...
Not that you meant to sound possessive, but it was unavoidable.
When you saw him appear, and Marie whispered in your ear to wait in the hall, so as not to make a bad impression, your brain was already on alert. They spent hours locked in that room and the intrusive thoughts filled your mind with paranoia.
But you didn't have the heart to confront your girlfriend about it. Until then.
"We're going to need your hair cut soon, honey," she told you on one of the days when the salon didn't seem crowded. Marie always made time to be with you as soon as she saw you, you were kind of the exception to all the problems she had, and when no clients showed up, then that was even better. "Make sure you don't book somewhere else, or I'll get upset, hm?"
You smiled and were about to kiss her teasingly when the hunter's figure appeared through the window and sent your brain into predator mode. Noticing your hesitation, Marie looked out the window in the same direction and a crooked smile appeared on her lips.
"Don't worry, (Y\N), I'll send him away soon," she promised, pulling away from you and opening the door for him. Hank was frowning and you seemed to scowl back when you saw the two of them whisper.
And then, they went to Marie's room, hidden between four walls.
You resisted the urge to huff and tried to distract yourself with some of her magazines while you waited, but their secrets wouldn't leave your mind. Nor the jealousy.
They took longer than the last time to get back, and when Marie left, she had the same smirk on her face, looking at Hank. He glanced at your face and simply slammed the door, looking disappointed, fire shooting from his mouth.
"Would you like to help me close up the salon, (Y\N)?", Marie asked, as she was already fixing the windows. You got up in silence and avoided looking at her in every possible way, afraid that you might end up giving the wrong idea. When you were finally closed off again, you left for her quarters first, not expecting her to follow you.
The rest of the afternoon and early evening was silent, you didn't say anything about Hank or the customers like you usually did, and Marie was dying of curiosity and wanting to tease you about what was causing your bad mood.
She left the dishes with you and went to tidy up some things scattered around the room, still hoping that you would join her. Taking a relaxing shower, you went to the suite and sat on the bed, with your girlfriend looking you up and down.
"You're so jealous, it's cute", she whispered, holding you from behind, by the shoulders, and whispering in your ear. "Don't worry, (Y\N), he's not my type. He is an idiot. He's not even good for a sex toy."
You looked at her and shook your head. "I'm not jealous."
"Oh no?" Marie raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you avoiding me? Why are you answering me with half words? Are you sure it's not really jealousy?"
"No, Marie."
"Well, I say it is," she interrupted, and practically threw herself on top of you, kissing your lips with an inexplicable desire. She kept you pinned to the bed until you lost your breath, and when she pulled away, her smile was still mischievous. "It's jealousy, yes, look at the way you kissed me… It almost looked like you wanted to guarantee possession."
You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, sweetie, you know the rules…", she bit her lip. "Don't worry, (Y\N), you're the only one I love and I'll always be yours, nobody else's. I promise."
You looked at her. "Stop, it's not jealousy."
"Awn, you have an adorable pout on your lips…", she said, taking your face by the chin and giving you a peck. "Stop being silly, (Y\N), want me to prove to you that you don't need to have that kind of reaction, hm?"
Before you could say anything, Marie kept kissing you, gaining your attention and your full desire, just as she had wanted before. You two engaged in an intense and revealing night of love, just like all the others.
At the very least, you were sure that voracity and that irresistible body someone like Hank would never be able to call his own.
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fourmoony · 7 months
Hi! I don’t know if you’re taking requests right now but your writing is so beautiful and genuinely so captivating!
I was hoping for a possible angst / fluff kinda fic! With Remus x reader
Starting off how the two met in school and how they became friends so fast + the rest of the group…going onto how the two began dating in their 3-4th year at school…onto when they left school into a proposal and marriage.
Then when the war begins again is when the angst slips in..maybe how Remus finds reader under some rocks or even them protecting Remus..for them both to be together at the end with their hands holding and it’s all angsty!
If this isn’t your cup of tea that totally okay! <33
Hi lovely!! Thank you so much for requesting!!
this is heavy on the angst, little on the fluff, hope that's okay!!
remus lupin x reader | masterlist - 1.9k words
from the vaults, since writing gives me the heebies rn
cw - death
Remus remembers the day he met you; your pristine, fresh pressed Hogwarts robes, and your swotty attitude, charging down the Express like a tyrant, wielding confidence he sorely lacked. You'd been on the hunt for whoever set off the stink bomb just outside the carriage you were in (it was James, showing off to Sirius, their friendship quickly and surely bonded together with the residual smoke of that foul little rock). Remus remembers you, often, that way. Always ready to take responsibility - or force it onto others, for their actions - and do what you believed to be right.
He knew in that exact moment, with the soundtrack of James and Sirius' hysterical laughter, the smell of pure, unbridled dung lingering in the air, that you were the bravest person he'd ever known, that when the sorting hat was sat atop your head mere hours later, there'd be no pause, no debate, you were Gryffindor through and through.
The only thing Remus hadn't accounted for, was that he, too would be placed in Gryffindor - with his nauseous stomach, shaking hands, and scars that made him feel small, rodent like, a glint of gold in the window that catches the eye long enough to peak interest, but amounts to nothing worthy of attention; rather, disgust.
Remus still sees a lot of that up-tight, bossy attitude in you, now. But more than anything, your bravery prevails. The war has taken a lot from you, from everyone he holds dearest. The first time, it was hard. Bearable, because James and Lily were alive, because Sirius wasn't locked up and losing his mind in Azkaban. There was hope, because they had Harry, and nothing was going to happen to any of them because everyone had to live to see Harry grow up.
Fools. The lot of them had been fools, he realises. This time, it's different, harder. There are no friends, no family left. It's you, and it's Remus. It breaks Remus' old, cobwebbed heart to see everything that has been taken from you both. The innocence, the joy. All that's left of you, these days, is bravery. Bravery that shines so bright, like a leading light, bravery that holds him together on the bad days, bravery that pulls sad, scared Remus out of his cocoon of dread and fear, forces him into the light. You've always been good at that - at love, at protecting the people whom you love.
It's what you do. They hadn't known it at the time - and really, how could they have? - but James and Sirius set off a stink bomb outside the carriage of a young muggle-born girl, terrified of her new school, her future, what this change would do to her. The stink bomb went off and Mary MacDonald had dissolved into hysterical tears. From the moment you came into Remus' life, you've been a protector. Your heart is your leading light, your entire being, a soul so pure it'd make angels weep.
He shouldn't be surprised. Really. The minute it the south wall of the castle blows up, Remus should know the lengths you'll go to. The things you will do to make sure the people you love are safe.
There's dust and rubble everywhere, clouding his vision, choking him until he can't breathe, and in the minute before the wall crumbles around you, your body taking ninety percent of the blast, hands fast in pushing Remus so hard he has no choice but to stumble back, away, in a daze, he sees your eyes. They're calm. So calm it's unnerving. He knows everything that people will say you never got the chance to tell him. He's known since he was sixteen everything you feel for him, the love, the gratitude, the admiration.
You've had a life together. Not all of it has been good - war and death, losses and pain so unimaginable Remus wonders how either of you ever got through it. But the quiet moments, the happy moments, not marred by battle, or grave stones, weeping, or bone crushing sorrow. The moments where all that mattered was both of you, the love, the happiness; the joy Remus felt with you is nothing he ever thought he'd get to experience, would ever deserve.
He knows. He knows you love him, he knows you're okay with the choice you've just made. But he's surprised.
In all the years you've spent together - all the funerals you've attended together, planned together - he always thought that when the time came, you'd both go together. Asleep, old and decrepit. Something peaceful, after the life you'd shared.
But the blood is still thrumming in his veins, the cogs in his brains till whirring as he stares at the pile of rubble that's fallen around you. He thinks, rather foolishly, and only for a second, that you may have survived. He thinks your sheer will and determination could still be pulsing in your heart, the bravery you wear so honestly wrapped around you like a coat of armour. But the bond that ties you to him, the mating bond, the marriage bond - Remus has never known which is which, it's all an overwhelming amount of love, to him - pulls taught. It snaps, like wisps of smoke between you, and Remus breaks with it.
He breaks so fast and so hard that the world crumbles around him and he loses track of where he is, what he's fighting for. It comes out of nowhere, a flash of light, of bright green light and Remus is grateful to be spared of the agony, because it's barely been two minutes and he had already felt like he was dying, anyway. The pain is nothing, in comparison to losing you, to live in a world without your laugh, your smile, your hard-headed attitude. He couldn't have done it, and so he feels peace as he crumples to a heap on the ground.
Maybe a silly part of him thought that you'd be waiting at the other end. In a way, you are. But, also, you're not. Because he's watching you as you charge down the Astronomy Tower stairs, the fourteen-year-old version of himself hot on your heels. He remembers this like it was yesterday. He'd kept his secret from you so well until that year, when the growth spurt started and the wolf got bigger and the scars ran deeper, in more noticeable places. The one that ran across his face.
You'd been horrified, he remembers. The look of unbridled fury as you demanded to know who on earth had done such a thing. You were never horrified of him. No. Just the mere idea that someone had hurt him, and it made Remus feel loved, protected. You made him feel loved and protected.
He watches as you reach the bottom of the steps, twirling to face him with your signature unimpressed scowl. He feels fondness like a ball of sunlight in his chest, mouthing the words 'you're a dirty liar, Remus Lupin!' along with you, the sound of your posh swotty accent ringing in his ears.
He'd went back to his dorm that night and made the decision to tell you, came up with a plan, the easiest way to break it to you. You arrived at his door two hours later, half way through his idea list, and told him you'd figured it out. He knew then that he loved you. For all you were bossy and uptight, he loved you, your impatience, your brain, your heart. Remus was in love.
You fade from his view and Remus steps forwards as though he might be able to grab you, keep you there. But the sound of your voice ringing out turns him on the spot, and you're by the black lake, picking daisies with Sirius to make daisy chains. The memories come flooding through, reliving his life through the good moments and the bad. He watches you both fight, cry, makeup. Getting together was a long, painful process, too many miscommunications, missed opportunities. You never did nail down how to express any feelings other than anger and frustration.
But the moment he had you, Remus never let go.
He watches the memories flash by, remembers every one with a heart so full it could burst. A beautiful life, is what he had. Painful, marred by coldness and death and a beast in his heart that he could never tame. But it was beautiful, and it was full of laughter and love, and joy because he had you.
There's your first kiss, heated and mid argument - because back then, Remus had to rile you up enough to snap just to get a lick of emotion from you. You were brave in many ways. Emotions were not one of them. All the milestones are there, flitting past faster than Remus would like. The end of O.W.L. exams, the party that followed, the frantic, unpracticed hands that flitted over each other's bodies in a secluded hallway that night. Summers at the Potter Estate, lounging in the meadows by the cool stream, fires and empty cans of cider, laughing until his bones hurt and his eyes shone with tears.
Your first flat, old and dingy, but you'd danced that first night in the kitchen for so long that the broken heater didn't matter. You'd made it a home.
The day Remus proposed, terrified out of his bloody mind, shaking so hard he dropped the ring box and you'd yelped as the silver banded ring went flying. He saved for years for that ring. You'd said yes, tears of joy and love and elation at spending the rest of your life with him, and spent the next hour looking for the ring in the grass with the help of Padfoot.
You walking down the aisle, a vision of pure beauty, that signature smile you reserved only for Remus, who was waiting at the end wondering what on earth he ever did to deserve you.
Snippets of a life well-spent fly past in a hurry, the blink of an eye, and Remus begins to feel melancholy. The rest of eternity as a conscious soul, reliving all of his best memories, but missing you still. He wonders if you feel the same, if you're watching the best parts of your life fly by, wishing there was more time, more words, more everything.
"We wasted so much time forgetting what life was like, then." Your voice is soft, wistful.
Remus turns and you're there, lips pressed in a thin line, looking very much like you're ready to scald him for following you this far. But Remus Lupin decided a long time ago that he'd follow you to the ends of the earth, so what is death, to that?
"I never forgot. It just got hard to get back to that, I suppose." He wants to reach out and touch you, see if you're real, or a figment of his imagination.
You hum in pensive agreement, "I was always happy with you. You know that, don't you."
How could he ever doubt it? "Down to my soul."
That smile. That mischievous, knowing, loving smile that Remus knows like the skin and bone of his body. Your hand extends to him, as real as the day he took yours in his, and promised to love you until death parted you both. Your chin jerks to the white plane ahead, Remus has no idea how far it stretches or where it goes, but he follows you, anyway, hand in yours.
"Everyone's waiting for us." You tell him.
So, Remus follows you home.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Mearps blurb idea where reader comes home drunk after an event or work party, Mary spends the rest of the night taking care of reader as they drunkenly tell her how much they love her. Reader is being all sappy and sentimental as Mearps desperately tries to just get them to call it a night and go to bed.
more than II m.earps
mary was just starting to doze off, tucked up on the lounge watching a documentary about whales when her phone rang, meaning she jolted upright with a small gasp and fumbled around for it.
"hello?" she answered groggily without seeing who it was, well aware that it was nearly on its last ring by the time that she picked it up. "mary?" she frowned at the unfamiliar voice. "yes...whose this?"
"it's olivia." mary relaxed realizing it was her girlfriends best friend, not having recognised her voice over the phone. "oh god. what's she done?" mary sighed, knowing you'd gone out with your friends a few hours ago, and she hadn't expected you back until the early hours of the morning.
"well she's had about...ten shots too many? she can barely walk. could you maybe come and get her? i'm so sorry she told us not to call you but there's no way we can get her in a taxi with any of us she won't listen." mary chuckled knowing exactly how stubborn you were, grabbing the address of the bar and agreeing she'd be there shortly.
she sent olivia a message once she'd pulled up outside, parking in the pick up zone and getting out, leaning against her car as she patiently waited, watching drunken party goers stumble past her. "oh wow." mary mumbled, hiding a smile beneath her hand as your friends dragged you outside.
"mary!" you slurred with a cheer once you spotted your girlfriend, attempting to run toward her but unable to hold yourself up you stumbled, your friends quick to grab you and help you over. "sorry about this, she just kept throwing them back." olivia winced as you collapsed into your girlfriends arms, placing sloppy kisses to her neck as mary pushed your head away gently.
"it's fine, go and enjoy the rest of your night girls. i'm sorry she has no self control." mary laughed, waving them off once you'd been safely loaded into the car, everyone ignoring your drunken protests that you were fine and were ready for the next bar.
"where we goin?" you mumbled, head slumped against the window as mary shook her head with an amused sigh. "to the pub." she answered, starting up her car. "really!" you beamed, head snapping up happily.
"no you beautiful idiot, we're going home and you're going to bed." mary chuckled, ignoring your whines and pouts sent her way as she pulled out from the curb. "don't touch it!" mary warned, smacking your hand away as you reached over to fiddle with her stereo.
"so bossy, i love it." you slurred, head thumping back against the window as your girlfriend shook her head, hand coming to rest on your thigh as she drove, glancing over with a snort of amusement as you'd already passed out, mouth wide open.
pulling into the driveway the older girl made sure to take a video of your snoring before slipping her phone back into her sweats and making her way round to your side. she was careful when opening your door, quickly catching your limp body.
"oh mary! hello baby." you giggled, eyes fluttering open as the girl leaned in to unbuckle you, helping you up to your feet, practically carrying you to the front door as she closed her car door with her foot, ignoring your drunken rambles.
"mary i love you so so much." you sighed, burying your face in her chest as you swayed, really only held upright by your girlfriends strong arms wrapped around you.
"i love you too. now lets get you to bed!" mary heaved as she swiftly picked you up properly, carrying you toward the bedroom. "whales! you love whales." you noticed the documentary paused on the tv with an excited gasp.
"do you love whales more than you love me?" you asked with an offended scowl as mary gently placed you down in bed. "i could never, i love you much more than any whale." the taller girl assured, running a hand fondly through your hair as you hummed happily.
"do you love me more than football?" you asked, collapsing backwards into the pillows as your girlfriend grabbed out some clothes to change you into. "yes i do." she answered with a chuckle as you gasped again.
"wow. that's a lot!" you spoke in disbelief, watching her through half lidded eyes as she padded around your bedroom. "do you love me more than tequila shots?" mary asked with a smirk, helping you to sit up as she started to take off your dress.
"no, not tonight." you patted her shoulder with a lazy smile, grinning as she pinched your sides for the comment. "hands up, work with me here." mary grunted, struggling to get your dress up and off as you continued to try and help her, which really only hindered it more.
finally she won out, trying to slip a hoodie over your head as you pushed her away. "what is it love?" mary asked with a tired sigh as you shoved her away again. "i want your hoodie, the green one." you ordered as sternly as you could manage.
"this one?" mary gestured to the hoodie she was currently wearing as you nodded, reaching out to try and tug it off of her. "you're something else babe." mary chuckled, pulling it off and tugging it down over your own head.
"don't think you need that." you grinned, tossing the other hoodie off the bed as your girlfriend stood in front of you in sweats and a sports bra. "perv." mary teased as your eyes roamed her body, licking at your lips.
"yep." you nodded, making her laugh as she pulled the hood up an d over your head, pulling on the strings to tighten it as you whined in protest. taking your moment of distraction mary reached down and grabbed the other hoodie, pulling it over her body and ignoring your boo's as she did.
helping you to your feet again mary walked the two of you to the bathroom, pulling you up to sit on the counter as she stood in between your legs, toothbrush in hand. "you're so beautiful." you sighed, head slumping to the side as you admired her.
"so are you." mary smiled, hand gently grabbing your chin as she started to brush your teeth. "baby stop trying to talk!" the blonde laughed, gasping as you decided to spit some toothpaste down her hand. "ew!" you groaned as she wiped her hand on your face, helping you rinse out your mouth and cleaning your face with a towel.
"carry me." you demanded, holding out your arms as your girlfriend easily picked you up, carrying you back and dropping you carefully onto the mattress.
"cmere sexy." you grinned, taking her hand and pulling her down on the bed, quickly crawling on top of her. "baby no." mary gently pushed you away as you tucked your nose into her collarbone, leaving sloppy kisses along her neck.
"we're not doing anything my love, you're very drunk." mary smiled knowingly, booping at your nose as you pouted, your chin resting on her sternum as you laid on top of her.
"kiss me." you ordered moodily, shuffling up so your mouth hovered about hers, mary pecking your lips sweetly a few times and ignoring your demands for more, gently rolling you off of her.
she wrestled to get you under the covers, dodging your constant attempts to latch your lips onto her neck, joining you once she'd flicked off the lights and engulfed the room into darkness.
"stop it, cheeky." mary laughed quietly, wrapping her arms around you and pulling your back into her front as your hands attempted to wander up the inside of her hoodie. "mary i love you so much." you slurred, head craning back to gaze up at her.
"i love you too, very very much. now go to sleep love, it's late." mary pressed a tender kiss to your warm forehead, closing her eyes. "i love you more than tequila, more than flowers, more than chocolate, more than summer time, more than-" marys hand came to rest over your mouth as her lips tugged into a smile.
"i love you too, again. now go to sleep!" mary demanded with a shake of her head, removing her hand and tangling it in your hair as you hummed, turning around in her hold, your head resting on her chest as her short nails scratched your back.
"oh! and more than the smell of rain, more than movie popcorn, more than-" marys hand again covered your mouth, words muffled against her skin. "baby, please be quiet and go to sleep." mary almost begged, exhaustion grating at her as you nodded.
and all was quiet, for a moment anyway.
"baby, would you love me if i was a worm?" "oh my god."
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omgwhatchloe · 7 months
some lil headcanons because im bored🐺
-if arthur or someone else brings back bad meat, sean gets toothache while eating the stew. he doesnt make it obvious on purpose, but the way his eyes brim with frustrated tears as he holds his cheek and throws his stew to the side makes it quite hard to hide.
-lenny has absolutely no awareness for other people when it comes to stretching. more than once he has stretched and accidentally half-punched someone in the face. he stretched his arms out near sean and the silly irishman thought he was putting his arm around him and fully leant in. lenny did not correct him.
-dutch is the only one in camp who likes those records. for everyone else theyre an absolute mood ruiner and they cannot be happy until theyre turned off. he, similarly, absolutely cannot stand sean’s jawharp.
-sean lost his front tooth as a kid, completely his fault. he got told multiple times to calm down by his da and stop running around, but sean being sean he didnt, ran straight headfirst into their table and knocked his tooth out. scream-cried, would not calm down, was yelled at but also held.
-if mary-beth doesnt like the ending of a book, she will just write her own ending. maybe add her own characters. she is yet to realise this is, in fact, fanfiction.
-molly comes up with the most stupid insults during a fight. once called dutch a soggy milk bottle. why? she doesnt know. no one knows.
-1907 jack could talk mega shit about anyone if someone let him.
-1899 jack loves insects. he loves to bring worms for bait for pearson, or snails to stick on john. sometimes he brings arthur butterflies to draw. he brought dutch, who was in a tent, a slug once and was confused on why he freaked out and demanded he “get it off the rug right now”
-hosea snores like crazy. makes bill and lenny (who have their bedrolls next to him) want to tear their own eardrums out. while the other members hate it, it doesnt stop them sitting upright immediately and panicking slightly when they hear him pause for too long
-lenny would love board games, but, inspired by another post i saw, would get extremely bossy and frustrated when people wouldn’t play right. takes it extremely seriously and is a sore loser to add onto it. cannot stand people who dont play right. playing half-heartedly? fuck off. your out. go away. go. quit halfway through due to the fact hes made it boring? get the hell out of his sight. he will NEVER forget this. cheating? fetch the guillotine. your beheaded.
-tilly is so blunt in showing shes not interested when someone flirts with her, and she knows it. she will literally stare them dead in the eyes and go “ew”, maybe with a facial expression to match.
-kieran used to have a lisp.
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nav-i-nav · 7 months
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“We found Basil tending to his garden, as usual! He was so confused when we whisked him away towards the forest! Just wait until he sees what we prepared for him! I bet he’s going to love it!”
📷🌻 Happy birthday, Basil! 🌻📷
Small one-shot for my AU below… thank you if you read it….!
"Hurry up, Basil!" Aubrey urged, pushing the mint-haired boy with all of her strength, her large ribbon bouncing on top of her head with each step she took. The girl huffed and puffed, almost tripping and knocking the gardener over in the process. Nevertheless, she continued, her cheerful but bossy tone echoing throughout the flower field the four friends were passing through."Or else we're not going to make it on time for your surprise birthday party! Mari would be really mad if we–”
As soon as those words left her lips, she stopped dead in her tracks, her smile turning sheepish as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Oops.…"
Next to her, a short boy with messy hair let out a loud groan, puffing his cheeks in annoyance.
"Great job, Aubrey!" He exclaimed with disdain. Next to him, Sunny narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue in disproval. "You ruined it!"
"It was an honest accident, okay?! No need to be such a jerk over it…" The girl snapped back at him, turning around to face him and crossing her arms. "Besides, you almost spilled the beans when you dragged Basil away from his garden anyway, so don't try to act like you know how to keep a secret either, Chico!"
Aubrey then returned her attention to Basil with the same shy expression, ignoring Chico's protests as she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. “Can you please act surprised once we get to the treehouse? Mari and Hero worked really hard to get everything ready for the party and I’d be really sad if all their hard work went to waste because of me.”
Basil simply shrugged, a small teasing smile forming on his lips as he giggled. “What party?”
The girl let out a big sigh of relief, giving him a thankful nod before she nudged him forward. “Well, let’s keep moving then! We can’t waste any more time standing around here like a couple of lost sprout moles!” As she said that, she shot Chico an accusatory glare, to which the boy  replied with an offended “What?!”
“Oh, quit playing dumb!” Aubrey tapped her foot against the ground, her brows furrowing as she pressed her lips together. “You know as well as I do that if it weren’t for you and your stupid obsession to prove you’re strong, we wouldn’t be running late!”
“It’s not stupid!” Chico argued back, placing his hands on his hips and rolling his eyes. “If we hadn’t dealt with those sprout moles who knows what might’ve happened. What if someone got hurt?”
“Since when do you care if someone gets hurt or not? All you wanted was to show off!”
“Did not!”
“You so did!”
“You’re such a liar!”
“Guys…” Basil let out an awkward laugh, stepping in between the two of them. “If you keep arguing like this, we definitely won’t make it to the treehouse in time.”
Aubrey opened her mouth, ready to protest, but she simply huffed and nodded, crossing her arms and looking away from Chico. “Fine.”
Basil waited.
"But we definitely wouldn't have had to take so many twists and turns if it weren’t for Chico always fooling around. Hmph!”
There it is.
“That’s not true!”
“Yes it is!”
“Nuh-uh! Both you and Sunny kept getting distracted as well! Stop acting as if it’s all my fault!”
Basil sighed, giving up trying to get his friends to listen to him. Why did all their conversations have to end with the two of them fighting? He knew neither of them was actually upset, but still… Couldn’t they at least try to get along just once?
At least they managed to find this field of flowers after having to take so many shortcuts. All the flowers were different shades of blue and purple, their petals gently swaying in the summer breeze. Basil had made sure to take note of all the different kinds of plants he found as they made their way amongst the grass. Ah, if only they could stop for a little while so he could take in the scenery better…
Well, there was no benefit in dwelling over it. And he could always come back here another day. But the sky was so pretty… 
Slowly, Basil pulled out his camera, focusing the lens on the flowers. He held his breath, and…
The photo slowly slid down into his hand, the gardener grasping the Polaroid with care as he waited for the image to fully develop. Slowly, the colors began burning into the paper, all the hues mixing together to reveal a beautiful scenery.
The mint-haired boy smiled, satisfied, and put the photo in his pocket, he didn’t want it to be damaged until he could place it in the photo album, after all. He couldn’t wait to show everyone. Sunny would probably want to draw–
He snapped back from his thoughts, looking back at his friends. 
“Where’s Sunny?”
Aubrey and Chico stopped their bickering, the two of them turning back to Basil with confused expressions, confusion that quickly turned to shame. Basil’s smile soon vanished as he let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. That was all he needed to know. 
“He wandered off on his own, didn’t he?”
No response.
That was all he needed to know. Basil shook his head, looking around the flower field to see if he could find any trace of his best friend. Unfortunately for him, Sunny proved to be quite the sneaky one, as there were no footprints to follow. He pressed his lips together, before taking another deep breath and putting on a bright smile, his tone cheerful and calm. “Th-that’s okay! We’ll just have to look for him. I doubt he got too far away, so why don’t we split up? The field isn’t that big, anyway.”
“Good idea, Basil!” Right away, Aubrey nodded, already bouncing on her feet as she looked around. “I’ll take the left and Chico can take the right!”
“Why do I–”
“And Basil,” Aubrey continued through gritted teeth, shooting Chico another warning stare. “can go back to where we came from to see if Sunny went back.”
Before Chico could try to argue again, the gardener hummed in agreement, pressing his hands together. “Sounds like a plan! Let’s meet up here in five minutes, okay?”
His friends answered with an “Okay.” at the same time, though Chico was clearly still upset about having to follow Aubrey’s lead, grumbling under his breath as he walked away. Likewise, Aubrey’s bow kept bouncing up and down as the girl cheerfully hopped away. She reminded him of a bunny.
Once he was alone, Basil began walking back the way they came, scanning his surroundings as he tried to find any sign of his best friend. As he walked, he couldn’t help but hum a little tune to himself, his hands brushing against the forget-me-nots and lavenders’ soft petals. The flowers’ fragrance filled his nostrils, making him calm down. Despite how he tried to keep his composure, in truth, he was a little afraid. By all means, he didn’t doubt Sunny was strong enough to take care of himself, and he wasn’t one to rush into battle, but this was still an unknown place, as pretty as it was. 
Aubrey always told him he worried too much about them, but he couldn’t help it. He loved his friends more than anything, so if anything were to happen to them….
Basil always made sure his friends stayed safe. It was a bit tiring, sure, but caring for those he was closest to always filled him with a warm sense of fulfillment and peace. He did feel a little bad from time to time, constantly chasing after them and nagging them to be careful, feeling like he was being too pushy or too nosy, but they never seemed to mind. Well, except for Chico… hehe…
He kept walking until he caught a glimpse of a blue rose out of the corner of his eye. Curious, Basil crouched down, reaching his hand out towards the flower. As his fingertips traced the edges of the flower’s petals, he couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by it. He had never seen a rose such as this. What was such a rare flower doing all alone, surrounded by so many different flowers?
He had the urge to take it back with him and care for it so he could show it to his friends. Something about it was so unique and appealing that he just couldn’t leave it here and–
“Ouch!” Basil winced, taking away his hand as one of its thorns managed to pierce through his gloves and prick his finger. He could feel his eyes tearing up a little due to the pain. As he took off his glove and examined his hand, he could see a thin trail of blood slowly dripping from the tip of his ring finger. Despite the thorn’s small size, the cut stung quite a bit. 
“I guess I deserve that.” Basil chuckled, shaking his hand to get rid of the blood. Indeed, he had been selfish and didn’t consider what would happen to the rose had he tried to pluck it. Maybe there was a reason it chose to bloom surrounded by so many different flowers. He hummed, rummaging through his pockets as he looked for a bandaid for his injury. 
As he did, he couldn’t help but muse. He hadn’t changed, had he? He cared for his friends, yes, but he did so because he was afraid they would leave him if he did something wrong. He did his best to smile and be kind, but sometimes it was quite tiring to chase after Chico or to remind Sunny to take a break from drawing. Sometimes he’d even have to stop Hero from taking on another chore even if he was already very busy. 
Just now he had thought about how exhausting it was to constantly have to play peacemaker whenever Aubrey and Chico argued. But, was it so wrong to feel that way? 
Basil ran his hand through his hair as he stood up, a small, resigned sigh leaving his lips. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. He should be grateful he had such good friends! Sure, they could be a little rowdy and careless from time to time, but at the end of the day, they were still kids. And he was one too. He couldn’t act like he was more mature than them just because he wasn’t as impulsive as them, now could he?
To be honest, the gardener wished he could have some of the bravery and enthusiasm they had. Although he didn’t like exploring as much as his friends, he was always coaxed into accompanying them. It was fun, but also a bit too extreme for his taste…
Oh well…
As he heard his friends’ quick footsteps and cheerful voices growing closer, Basil took one last look at the lonely blue rose hidden in the grass. 
Maybe one day he’ll be able to do as he pleases. 
But for now, he’s more than happy simply tagging along in his friend’s adventures. 
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May I offer another deconstruction of a Maribat trope? More specifically the one where a Batboy comes to Dupont, immediately hits it off with Mari & helps expose/ruin everyone and they live happily ever after!
You can't tell me they wouldn't take (1) look at Gabe & immediately have him as a prime suspect. Thus, maybe Tim, Jason, Dick or Damian goes for 'study overseas' & Gabriel graciously offer to let them stay with him for the business connections.
Cue them also immediately picking up on the rancid vibes of Lila, Bustier, Damocles BUT ALSO Marinette bcz surprise! They know how to spot a stalker! They also know how to remain objective & actually investigate. They point out to Adrien that the high road approach is wrong but still take into account that (1) his upbringing conditioned him to be passive & (2) Mari didn't tell him abt the threats and from what they've seen, Adrien definitely would've have let that slide.
And no, they don't bring Mari into the fold bcz they overheard her complaining to Alya abt Adrien's sudden divergence from the private schedule she somehow got her hands on? How she was going to sabotage a random girl for winking at Adrien teasingly?? How they're gonna have a family & hamsters??? And how she expects everyone to listen to her bcz she's their 'Everyday LB'???
Yeah, no. And if they find out she's the actual LB, still NO.
Bcz they see how much of a mess everything is. How she keeps CN out of the loop, expecting him to be the distraction, the goofy sidekick & meatshield. How that applies to the rest of her 'team' who aren't given consistent training. How she makes herself the lynchpin for everything.
More importantly, they see how underutilized CN is. So they take him under their wing in & out of the mask. Experimenting with his Cataclysm & enhanced senses, showing him the darker nitty-gritty places where the downtrodden go to be forgotten, how to act instead of react & assert himself in ways that matter. CN gains popularity as others note how proactive he is in stopping pettier crimes outside of akumas, how he takes the trouble to visit past victims & lend them an ear, etc.
How he & the other vigilante work even better than him & LB.
Naturally, she throws a fit, thinking they're trying to 'undermine' her. Nevermind that they've made more progress in the past month than she ever did in almost 2 years. When she tries to demand CN hand over his miraculous, he refuses, done with her bossiness, & she declares him a 'traitor'.
Cue Mari getting a restraining order & more blogs pointing out the unfair power dynamic of the hero duo. In the end, HM isn't even defeated with a bang but a whimper as CN & the Batboy knock Gabe out before he transforms, send evidence to the police and leave. LB is now left alone to explain to Paris what happened & deal with the fact that they now think she's either incompetent or a glory hound who purposely didn't do her job to milk the attention while Marinette is ALSO blamed for the fallout at Dupont bcz she's as complicit as the rest of them.
CN & Adrien disappear from Paris and maybe the Teen Titans gain a new member. One who's treated as an equal, a friend & after a while, family.
(Idk, for some reason, him joining the Titans sounds more plausible than the Batfam. Thoughts?)
I definetely think the Titans would be a better group for Adrien in terms of social growth because of the variety of people in that group, but the Batfamily is definetely a close second. It doesn't hurt that he's the closest thing to a Batfamily character outside of the costume (we'll just say that he's Selina's nephew ;) )
Lovely post btw!
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 10 months
All is Well Part 3
To Be Frank
Summary- Frank really can’t stand Ransom and his stupid shiny hair.
Pairings- Frank Adler x Dutchess!Reader, Bucky(Winter Soldier) x Dutchess!Reader, Ransom Drysdale x Dutchess!Reader, Steve x Bucky (James) x Daisy!Reader, Jake Jenson x Precious!Reader.
Rating- Explicit, 18+
Warnings- polyamorous relationships, sex mentioned (PiV), Hand job, Oral (f receiving), 18+ only!!
Word count- 3.4 k
Authors notes- This was co-written with the lovely @theinheriteddutchess so go give her some love!! 💕 She knows Frank best so I had to follow her lead on this one! 🥰
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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A kiss to you, his wife, his Dutchess, a glance at the man next to you in bed; get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and check on the rest of the guys. Everyday started like this, it was perfect. Frank Adler is a simple man, he loves his wife, loves his boat, loves his niece, loves his job, and he has even grown to love some of the people in this house. Key word ‘some’ of them, and even that took time.
“Bucky? Breakfast ready?” He is answered by a grunt and a plate full of eggs and bacon shoved his way. He quickly eats his food and drinks is coffee in the silence of the morning. It’s blissful. He heads downstairs and checks on the guys down there. Jefferson gives him a wave through his open door, Cap grunts and pulls on his chains, Frank just shakes his head as he walks around the corner. He is greeted by a naked Ransom walking into his bedroom.
“Morning Frank!” Ransom says as he waves over his shoulder before he closes the door. Frank rolls his eyes, he keeps walking and grabs the bag of Mary’s things. He brings them upstairs and tucks them away in her bedroom. Shes off visiting her grandma for the summer but she will be coming back soon and her room should be ready. He grabs another cup of coffee before he heads out the door.
Frank goes to work as a part-time professor at the University. A job he got on his own merit and not by the strings pulled by his wealthy family. It’s only part time because he enjoys working on his boat too much to just give that up. Also, he needs to get out of the house sometimes because living in a home with two other women and about ten men wasn't easy. It is noisy, and there is always a mess wherever he goes. Frank suspects Ransom is the culprit because he doesn’t know how to clean up after himself, he prefers others to do it for him. Frank does not like Ransom, no one does. Except for Daisy and Precious and apparently you. And Jake, but Jake likes everyone. It is infuriating that you like hanging around Ransom… Frank doesn’t get it; the man is insufferable, yet Frank can hear you laugh in the other room when the Ransom makes another wisecrack on someone else's behalf. He dreads the day Ransom has a chance in your pants. It was bad enough that Winter moved in on you. That was a hard adjustment and Frank finally gave in but he draws the line at Ransom.
Frank likes Winter; the man is quiet and polite, careful. Too careful if you asked him, but with everything he'd been through, it was understandable. But over the past year Frank went from having just one person in his bed to having two. Winter is a blanket hog, woman hog, and a living furnace! He likes Winter, he does, but in the beginning Frank found himself a little frustrated. It was frustrating because it had taken you months of being with Frank before you allowed Frank to hug you. To get comfortable enough to relax and let your guard down around him. Frank had to work overtime with you, earning your trust to allow him in, allow him to change your life. But Winter walked in and within a week, the two of you had your arms wrapped around each other. That was the sight Frank was met with whenever he walked into any room. "He needs it", you would explain. And that was it. For all your bossiness and hard edge, when you saw someone in pain, you couldn't help reaching out.
Thankfully Ransom still has his own room in the basement with the others, because if you ever moved him into the bedroom, He thinks he might actually leave! Fucking Ransom, with his fucking sweaters and his fucking perfect hair. At least Winter has the decency to have bedhead when he wakes up. But not Ransom…and if he did, it still looks like it was styled by a professional. Winter doesn’t like him either, which helps them bond over the weeks that Ransom weaseled himself into their lives. Before that, they had eyed each other a little wearily at times. You were Frank’s, his Dutchess, and Winter was the wounded warrior who desperately wanted to be loved. Frank should have seen it coming.
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Frank is a married man, and Winter isn’t a homewrecker. Feelings grew and Frank had seen it slowly developing. You, Frank’s wife, his Dutchess, had seen Winter hurting, desperately needing comfort and love; you couldn’t help allowing him into your heart.You wanted nothing more than to show Winter that he had a home and was safe with you, with Frank even. When Winter arrived at the house he would only talk to Steve. Steve was a friend, even if he couldn’t remember everything, he knew he could trust Steve, and you. For some reason you felt… safe. With only two friends, Winter was bound to fall for you, Frank couldn’t fault him for that, you are wonderful, you are everything. After a few months went by Winter noticed how ‘at ease’ he felt with you, Frank noticed as well. The little things made him worry, the cuddles, the soft touches, they were intimate touches, ones that Frank would share with you and now you are sharing them with another man. Frank didn’t truly worry until you started to look at Winter the way you looked at him. Frank knew then. He had to bring it up.
“You like Bucky- Winter- whatever we are calling him.” It hung in the air for a moment. You smile for a moment at Frank being tongue tied but then you realize what he is saying and the smile fades.
“Yes.” You sigh. There was no denying it. You wouldn't lie to Frank. You wouldn’t lie to your husband.
It wasn't instantly okay though.
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Frank didn't want to lose you, and you wouldn't do anything to hurt him. You had to stop, Frank was your husband, you made a choice, you love Frank not Winter. But Winter was slowly opening up, trusting you and a few others in the house. He was starting to feel safe and at home. So when you stopped he couldn’t understand why there was distance, no cuddling, no touching?! And why you seemed to hesitate when just talking to him. It broke him, the first time he felt seen and loved in decades and now he messed it up, it had to be his fault, you are too good. Winter withdrew and kept to his room. Even Steve couldn't get him to come out and talk to him. Steve had to get to the bottom of it, asking you what was going on, if Winter had done anything or if you were upset with him.
“What?! No! Winter is perfect.” You exclaim. “I- Frank and I realized that feelings were starting to develop… and I love Frank.”
Steve nods and sighs. Steve wanted to help Winter but how could he tell you to forget about your husband to help his friend?! The mood changed after that and it made everyone on edge. Winter was different from the others, in all his strength, he was still a vulnerable man. Frank couldn’t help but feel guilty. Which was ridiculous, He had the right as the husband to not share his wife. Even if Jake and Steve don’t care, he does. Although Bucky turned out fine, too, right? He'd made tremendous progress. But Winter wasn't Bucky, the same face, same experiences, but a completely different man. Winter was still starting his road to recovery. And you…are a natural caretaker, Frank could see how hard it was not to help. To stand back and not do everything possible to make the man feel better, that wasn’t who you were. So, Frank made a decision.
“You have feelings for him and he needs you.” Frank sighs as he crosses his arms and leans against the counter. It’s late, everyone else is already asleep for the night. Frank worked on the boat a little too late, he was so caught up in trying to get his words just right that by the time he looked at his watch he knew he’d have to wait for the house to be quiet at night before he could have his word with you. “I still need you though. I love you and we made a vow-”
“Frank I’ve kept my distance-”
“Let me finish. I love you and I am your husband, so I know you. And I know it’s killing you to not be there to help him.” Frank rubs his face and the stands up straight. “I don’t know how this is going to work, but I know we need to make it work because I can see how sad you are. I can even see how sad Winter is. He needs you.” Frank admits, it’s a weird weight off his chest. He didn’t need to be coddled but Winter did, you need someone to coddle, take care of, it’s something you rarely got to do with him. It’s that moment he realized you need Winter as bad as he needed you.
“Thank you, Frank.” You pulls him close and kiss him. “I love you. Nothing and no one will ever change how much I love you.” Frank nods and kisses you again.
At first Frank didn’t want to see it at all. When he left for work, whatever went on, was separate. He didn’t see or hear and no one told him about it. It grew from there, walking into rooms without knocking, or sweet moments that just couldn’t be contained till Frank left, he grew to be slightly okay with it all. Nowadays, Winter seems to trust Frank and Frank even lets Winter help with the boat. As ‘horrible’ as Frank might have thought this would end up, it actually ended up to not be a disaster. Winter is better at calming you down when you are worried, Frank could do it but Winter is just better at it. Frank is better at coming up with solutions and fixing the problem. It was the best of both worlds. If Frank ever spotted you two kissing, it wasn't weird anymore. Seeing touches and hearing noises that Frank also pulled out of you wasn't odd. He wasn't even bothered by the look on Winter’s face afterward. That's when Frank realized Winter was part of this life you all were living and it was strangely fitting.
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Now, the ‘Winter Soldier’ made Ransom think twice about sneaking in and taking “advantage” of his wife, his Dutchess. And it was Winter’s loathing that turned out to be the thing that genuinely bonded them. Winter is a great bodyguard, constantly making sure Ransom didn't find a way to get his slimy hands on their woman. Frank doesn’t understand how Precious and Daisy even look at the man. He was just glad you didn't. You wouldn't. No way. No matter how Ransom made you laugh! You had him and Winter, that would be enough.
Frank really can’t stand Ransom, he doesn’t know what it is about him. Maybe it’s his stupid perfect hair, or his privilege that makes his hands soft and smooth unlike Frank’s rough ones. Maybe it’s the way he just assumes everyone should know who he is. Frank can’t put a finger on it exactly, he just knows he can’t stand the guy. Honestly, he didn't even feel sorry for washing his red Christmas sweater with that pretentious white sweater. Pink fitted Drysdale's bloated face perfectly. His yelling sounding through the house when he found out it was ruined? That still puts a smile on Frank’s face to this day. Winter glanced at him from the side of his eyes, quickly took another big bite out of his stack of pancakes, freshly made by Bucky for breakfast, and wisely remained silent. Though Frank swears the man's lips had lifted slightly.
Frank didn't feel guilty, not one bit. Not even when you theatrically held the Christmas sweater up that evening, "You forgot to put this away; it's freshly washed. Weird though, I could've sworn we put it away, seeing as it's summer!" You eye him, and Frank shrugs. He didn't need to say anything because you both know it had been him. "Ransom’s going to find out it was you when you wear it at Christmas."
"If he's still here at Christmas." Frank challenges and you sighs.
"He never wants to leave. He's already having fun with Daisy and Precious. He likes it here."
"As long as you don't-" Frank says under his breath.
"What?! Like him?" Dutchess asks.
"Sleep with him.” Frank corrects. You look away from him, which makes him suspicious. “You won't, right?” Frank asks a little more unsure and suspicious.
"The man probably doesn't even like me." You mutter say. That was bullshit, Ransom liked anyone he couldn't have and the man was already trying. There was a reason Winter had put a lock on the door a month ago.
"He does." Frank states. You blush, Frank notices.
"He does?" Even if Ransom had been standing in front of you naked saying, 'I want to fuck you!' You probably still wouldn’t have believed him.
"He's not getting in," Frank says firmly. "Also his hair is too shiny.” Frank says with a little annoyance, you can’t help but laugh.
"His hair is too shiny?? Come on, you're being ridiculous." You kiss his cheek and leaves the bedroom, bumping into Ransom along the way, your laugh drifting down the hall and pulling at Frank’s heart. What he really meant was, I don't want you to love him more than us; he's a dick that doesn't deserve you or anyone. Please don't fall for his stupid tricks. But he also really hated that stupid hair…and everything under it. He is lost in thought as you walk back in to retrieve your phone. You see Frank, his brow furrowed and lost in thought.
"Frank," you speak softly as you walk closer, placing your hand on his cheek, "I have you and Bucky; what more could I want?” You kiss him and leave again. Frank still can’t help but worry, sadly he has seen Ransom naked, and he's heard the others when they fucked him. Frank notices how Ransom watches you when you aren't aware. Maybe they should put another lock on the door or this time on his you. Frank didn't trust him one bit.
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*** 4 Months later- September ***
“Fuck!!! Yes, keep going!” Ransom moans as you stroke him in your hand. He stares down at your chest, still contained in your bra. “Please let me touch you?!” He begs. You smile and shake your head as you lean forward and press a kiss to his chest, grazing over his nipples while you quicken your pace with your other hand. Ransom moans loudly as he cums hard all over your chest, a little bit slipping beneath your bra. “Mmhmm fffuuuckkk!” He screams. You work him through it and then leave him to come down from his high a little more as you clean off your chest and hands with a wet rag, you toss him the rag after you’re done. “When will I finally be able to fuck and cum in that sweet pussy of yours. I mean I love your hands, chess but-”
“You know the rules, Ran. Now go, I still haven’t cum yet.” Ransom smiles and pulls your body close. You are still dressed except for your shirt. Ransom goes to lift your skirt, scrunching it right at your ass. You decided on a long flowy skirt today and Ransom is about to make that a problem.
“You know I’d love to stay and help you with that.” Ransom leans in to kiss you when the door swings open and Frank appears, Winter standing beside him.
“You know the rules, Ransom. You got your fuck, now leave while we take care of our girl.” Frank says as he moves close to you. Winter stares Ransom down as he walks by. Random sighs and shakes his head.
“I don’t get to cum in her and I don’t get to make her cum.” Random says as he picks up his clothes. “Seems to me you’re just devaluing her. Making her nothing more than a wet hole for me.” Winter turns to attack and you call him off.
“Winter, come here.” Winter walks over and you run your hands through his hair as you pull him into a kiss. You then push him to his knees, he goes willingly. A leg thrown over his shoulder and your flowy skirt thrown over him for privacy since he is still shy about being sexual around anyone other than you or Frank. He is eating you out in seconds, starting the job Ransom isn’t allowed to do “You want in my bed Ransom? This is how we are doing it. You have to earn your privilege,” you place your hand over Winter’s head, who is still below your skirt. “Mmhmm just like that, baby.” You moan and close your eyes for a moment. When you open them you look at Ransom, “Also, I’m the wet hole?” You question. “You’re the one who is already thinking about finding someone else to ride you after you leave. You are more than that but until you can be honest with yourself about what you need, then this is how it will be.” Ransom scoffs as he leaves the room. Frank turns his gaze back on you and kisses you deeply.
“I love you, Dutchess.” You smile against his lips.
“I love you too, Frank. Mmhmm I love you, Winter.” You say as you pull the man up from his knees.
“I love you, Dutchess.” He kisses you, you taste yourself on his tongue. “Who do you want to bring you over the edge?” You smile as you look at your husband.
“Frank, baby please.” You say and you pull him close.
“Gladly” he says as he kisses you and starts to undress. Winter kisses your shoulder.
“I will make sure you’re not disturbed.” Frank nods a thank you and Winter gives a small smile back.
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When Ransom finally managed to get you to believe him when he said he wanted you, the only way Frank agreed were two rules. These two things had to remain for him and Winter alone. Only they get to cum inside you and only they get to make you cum. Making you cum was special and only the men who truly loved you deserved that privilege. And cumming inside you was because Frank and Winter wanted to be the ones to claim you in that way. They have earned your love and devotion and they wanted that to be left for them. There was no birth control reason for it seeing as you are on the pill, it was more a relationship step that Ransom was nowhere near. Surprisingly Ransom agreed although he seems to be rethinking the agreement now. Your moans traveling down the hallway, the moans he hears but never gets to cause, they are different then the ones you make during sex with him. He wants to have all of you one day. He walks by Daisy’s room and hears late night sex happening in there too, then he hears a soft question and a happy, tearful answer.
“Yes, Bucky! I’d love to marry you. Stevie?”
“Looks like we’re getting married again, Daisy girl.” After is filled with more quick breaths and moans from what Ransom can only assume is the three of you. Daisy gets two men, Dutchess gets two men, does Precious, or whatever Jake calls her, have two men?
“Hey, precious!” She turns around and faces Ransom. “Got any room in your bed?” He smirks. She shakes her head.
“That is not a name you get to call me. Besides, is that really what you need.” She asks. Ransom's lip curls up as he fights to roll his eyes. “If you can't answer, then no bed. For now you need to go shower and clean up your room downstairs.” Ransom pouts a little. “Go now, no pouting.” Ransom leaves and Jake comes up behind Precious.
“Oh no, are you bringing home a stray?” He teases and Precious smiles and shrugs.
“Hmm, what do you think?”
Taglist: @rainydayandmondays @theinheriteddutchess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cjand10 @janineb86
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lovelykil · 10 months
hiii!! ^_^ i love your work sm! could i request killua with a reader that’s hot tempered and bossy, but secretly very soft <33 sort of like a himedere!!! platonic or romantic is fine. thank u and have a great day (≧∇≦)
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: ➛ killua
hc; himedere reader x killua
cw; none
note; tysm :33 also I had to look this up and I found out my fave kakegurui girl (mary) is a himedere !!!! I love her sm I just thought she was a tsundere (*≧з≦)
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ngl you two will always be in each other's faces, screaminggg
cause a himedere and a tsundere⁉️
oh boy
romantic or not kil hates how bossy you are and will always fuss, most times will NOT listen to you and does the opposite.
which pisses you off and then you two end up arguing, arguing turns to screaming and that's when Gon has to split you two apart, sweat dropping.
"guys stop fighting! You're gonna end up killing each other"
"Yeah well I'm ABOUT to finish it."
again dating or not he does love to tease you just more so if you are together.
loves to get under your skin and watch you blow up with anger as he smirks to himself
you know that cat thing he does? yeah he does that lmao
when it comes to affection you both lack it, terribly.
made for each other fr.
just the slightest hint of vulnerability makes both of you shiver in disgust. You want people (him) to praise you, kneel upon you.. worship you.
not at all 'simp' over some stupid guy,,
but deep down you actually had a soft spot, and he exposed it entirely on accident.
sometimes it's just the way he looks at you in rare moments, his soft sapphire eyes gazing over at you they are like gems.. glistening with beauty that reminds you of when waves crash in the ocean late at night.
your heart melts, suddenly feeling your body tremble. Your face flushes a bright red as you frown, turning away from him.
"stop staring at me!"
"what?! I was asking you a question stupid!"
or the way he touches you, whether it's an innocent handhold so he can guide you away from an enemy or he actually just wants to touch you for some needy reason.
makes you.. feel some type of way !! (`ヘ´)
"HEY! keep your nasty hands off me, you'll get my perfect skin dirty." Σ(`Д´ /// )
what a duo you two make
gon is always overwhelmed
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Hii!! I don't know if you still write for The Good Place but if you do, could you give us some nsfw and sfw headcannons being Tahami Al Jamil's partner? if you don't write for it then feel free to ignore this, thank you for reading!
dating tahani al-jamil would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Tahani Al-Jamil | AO3
synopsis: If soulmates do exist, they're not found, they're made. Tahani never took that advice seriously until she met you.
warnings: gn!reader. fluff. nsfw on the second part.
ps: i'm still writing for tgp, feel free to request more for that show! tahani is such a great character, hope you like it!
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• Tahani strives for excellence. No. She pursues excellence. With claws and teeth. Tahani is driven by the need to improve, to be the best, to always surprise. She thinks the same way when it comes to relationships.
• She doesn't withhold efforts to make sure you're happy. Tahani will fight to make sure you never, even for a moment, question whether she's the best person for you. Tahani will do anything to show you that she is the only possible choice.
• Do you have a favorite cuisine? French, Japanese, Brazilian food? The jet is coming. She will take you to the fountain. Oh, you're not happy with your haircut? For Tahani you are perfect, but with just one the best hairdresser alive will attend to you. Is your room messy? Stay calm. Marie Kondo is coming.
• Don't you have a skincare routine? Tahani knows exactly what's best for your skin. Every night it feels like you're in a teen movie: skin care, hair hydratation, and anything else you want to do to take care of your body.
• It is very important to Tahani that you attend her events. Tahani wants your company and your support. There's nothing to calm her down when she's on stage like seeing you watching her with heart eyes. She loves to see the pictures online, how you're always glowing beside her.
• Tahani is rooting for your success and is not afraid to invest in you. If you have a dream, she will help you make it come true. Her own dream is the two of you, successful, supporting each other for the rest of your lifes.
• When Tahani feels jealous, she is the most passive-aggressive person that ever lived. She is able to offend and still make the person doubt whether they are really being offended. That grace that hides what Tahani really feels always makes you laugh
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• Tahani is intense. She sucks all the oxygen out of wherever she is. Tahani doesn't go unnoticed, and that applies to everything. This applies to the way her hand is almost crossing the line during an event. How her eyes pierce your soul. How delicate and graceful words hide double meaning.
• Tahani knows what she wants and knows how to get it. She's bossy, but you always knew that she was. Tahai guides you, puts your hand where she wants to be touched, makes it clear what she wants you to do.
• She would never do anything in public, ever, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't want to get laid during one of her events. Lock the bathroom door and have fun. It's dangerous, maybe people can be suspicious about why the best host in the world suddenly faded away, but it's so good.
• Tahani knows that she's attractive (can we please talk about that scene where she was Eleanor's soulmate, please? 🥵). Tahani will flirt like hell and will tease you about it. She's great at it.
• And you can kill me for that, you can hate me for that, but I will never, ever, be silenced: Tahani loves to smoke a joint after an orgasm. That's it. I'll never be censured! No one can stop me!
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
THE GOOD PLACE TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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spotaus · 7 days
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Okay, this was long overdue tbh 😔🙏(N Lore (?) Under the cut!)
I've been meaning to make N a new ref for a bit, so here we are! Since she's my skele-sona I kinda want to do a quick rundown on her design elements for fun, then her in-universe lore!
(Note: I refer to her a lot with she/her, she is technically a she/they/he/it genderfluid kinda girly, but I made her before gender tomfoolery registered in my brain so I default to 'she/her' out of habit-)
Her Halo/Crescent/Horns were initially inspired by wanting her to have metaphorical horns instead of slapping points onto her skull. She's also a shape-shifter, so her human form uses the crescent like a hair clip! Also based on the moon a bit.
The wings/tail are things I ended up w/ in the long run. The wings used to be optional + usually based on specific birds, and the tail was thicker w/ an end piece that looked like a fountain pen tip, but the long windy one abd the black wings were more fun to draw/animate!
Virgin Killer sweater used to be a Grey sleeveless turtleneck, but I just like the aesthetics here better.
Arm Gloves/Leg Socks are half because I hate drawing arm bones, abd half because I thought it brought more dynamic shapes into the design! Also... kibty... (inspired by gloves/socks I own)
Pants: She's always worn snow-pants in her design, and they used to have hanging suspenders, but I removed them. Why they're amarica colored I couldn't tell you... I just like the color combo 😔
Cracks on her face: The forehead crack is inspired by when I tripped and smacked my forehead onto a stair corner as a kid (blacked out, don't remember the hospital trip that followed?). Chin crack inspo is a random scar I have on my chin!
Color on Bones: I actually just added this, but my skin gets blotchy when I'm nervous or embarrassed, and I like the visual that N's magic does that to her Often lol. So! It's like blush! (It's also on her collarbone but you can't normally see it, haha-)
Blue + Purple: I actually don't have symbolism here. Just that I had another oc (B) who was my *other* skelesona insert oc, and *her* colors were blue and purple. N used to have white eyelights I think? Silver? But N and B traded off some traits in a point where I tried to combine them, and the result was this current version of N! Actually...
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Old Art jumpscare...
So, I stole the pattern from her jacket and put it kn her pants, stole the crack in B's forehead and gave it to N, her Halo kept tilting further left, and I revoked shoe privileges?? Idk man, it's been a wild ride.
Oh! Her hands *do* still have holes in them too.
N is less like Me and more like a bossy little minion I custom-made to go harass my ocs. She exists anywhere, anytime, and is only restricted my universal laws if it makes a situation more interesting. Very much a mary-sue. Meant to play almost a 'narrator' role!
She has beef specifically with Ichor (because I put hin thru so so much in the early days-) and is very chill with Phishbone and Pretender. She loves to chill in different aus with different people, but she adores just being obnoxious to my ocs specifically. Objectively, *not* a good person 🙏
And yeah. She looks different in has new clothes everytimr I draw her, but this is a good basic design base!
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mmufanatic · 2 months
Ghosts/MMU headcanons
Anna is Alison in this au and Zosia is Mike because I don't think Zosia would put up with them.
-I can see him as Julian (mostly because of the politics), the captain or as Robin, purely because he'd love turning the lights on and off all the time because he's a chaotic little shit. Mostly as the captain though.
-He makes Anna download Duolingo for him but she has to actually do it everyday while he tells her what to put. (Think the captain with his run every morning but Duolingo).
-This can take hours as he is very competitive and wants to complete all the daily quests
- actually he's so melodramatic I can kind of see him as Thomas if Ralph lived there. He goes all 'Romeo and Juliet', 'kill yourself and marry me' when Ralph comes over.
-I can see Daisy as Fanny as they're both bossy and Daisy is canonically good at Deportment
-(only her husband didn't need to kill her as she was having an affair with the housekeeper anyway)
-she tells off Alexander, rather than Anna like Fanny does to Alison because she likes Anna but she can find a lot of fault with Alexander
-she is quite disapproving of anything after her own time ('Oh let's just do away with books and telephones then! Let's all become addicted to these new mobile phone things!') but was pleased about how women's rights have got better and was interested when she saw something about Pride on TV.
-(she now makes Anna play a lot of Girl in Red for her).
-I can see her as Pat because he keeps the peace with everyone and Hazel is responsible but I can also see her as Mary
- She would definitely follow people around chanting 'Get out, get out, get out...'
- I can also see her having all the superstitions that Mary has
- so kind of like Pat from Mary's time (she died how Mary did).
- she loves puzzle games online so Anna has to play a lot of them with Hazel telling her what to do
- Hazel is the only one (apart from Eric and Nuala) who doesn't burst through bedroom/ bathroom walls unexpectedly (Alexander and Beanie forget and everyone else just doesn't care).
- She would definitely be Kitty but quieter
- she just follows Anna or the others about to be included
- she does always get Anna to put the cartoons on for her in the morning though (Alexander watches them with her).
-Anna has definitely ended up buying way more Christmas/ Halloween/ Easter decorations than she needed because Beanie was so enthusiastic and no one can say no to her
-she found beanies very funny because it's the same name so Anna knitted her one even though she can't wear it. She just likes to look at it.
- I think Kitty would be Thomas since they both always have a crush
-(I can also see her as Julian just because of all the parties and the dirty jokes)
-she has a crush on pretty much every man who walks into the house
- (Imagine 'Free Pass' but its Kitty and George arguing over whether the actor is hot).
- definitely Julian.
- it's her who pushes Anna out the window, like in the show
- sometimes changes the channel or finds something a bit inappropriate online. She is in big trouble if Alexander or especially Beanie sees it ( then Kitty and George have to deal with it).
-I can see him as Kitty but maybe dying in a different way.
- maybe hypothermia from falling in the lake or poisoned by his step brother?
- he's very enthusiastic about pretty much everything (will watch anything on TV, loves every song on the radio, always wants to be involved in what's going on)
- he's the most trouble because he never stops talking. Ever.
- He follows Anna around talking and gets offended if she ignores him ( even if she's on the phone).
- she is Robin because she would love messing with the lights
- also I can imagine May going down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole
- Humphrey (because I'm not sure who else he would be).
-Jemima because she would love the dramatic entrance and freaking everyone out
- Annie because they're both so outspoken
- in this au she stayed long enough to meet Daisy. Daisy mourned for her when she got sucked off.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
molly, when you write kate and edwina`s relationship in your fics that is always so sweet and caring it like more based in the books right??? becasue they did such a mess in the show with kate lying to edwina and with edwina not paying attention to kate. In fact, do you belive that edwina should have listened to kate when she command her to not let anthony court her??? that feel bad honestly, kate was like being bossy with edwina.
Okay, I’m going to run through this one more time really quickly because I have like 12 hours of videos on season 2 that you can watch that details all of my opinions on these things but the dynamics at play here are a lot more complicated than we’d like.
It’s below the cut. This post is not tagged for a reason.
First off, I had my characterisation of Mary and Edwina set long before the show came out. Basically: I’m the one writing it so I’m gonna do whatever I want tbh. There are plenty of other people who write the dynamics differently.
Before we discuss Kate lying to Edwina let’s discuss the events of the show up to the point where it would have been best if she had told Edwina.
Kate Sharna meets a handsome man in the woods. He was cute, and charming, and sure they flirted a little and Kate liked Anthony a little. We see this because-
She sees Anthony again at Lady Danbury’s ball and she confirms that she thinks he’s handsome (Mary’s look to Kate in this moment is so sweet, don’t even get me started). She then seeks out Anthony’s company again after she sees him dancing (poorly) and sees him talking about how he’s not interested in getting to know the woman he’s marrying. Worse, he talks about them as though they’re all the same, interchangeable and only really good for one thing: Having children so you can fulfil an obligation and move on with your life. Anthony immediately tries to flirt with her again and Kate feels honestly stupid. She came to London thinking she was prepared for the task ahead and at the first hurdle she’s found out that she wasn’t. She feels awkward and uncomfortable and upset and she needs to regroup.
Anthony has now set his sights on Edwina. There’s no interaction here.
Anthony makes an idiot out of her by essentially organising someone to spend time with her. It’s insulting and disrespectful. Edwina then has her moment of teenage rebellion
They go to Aubrey Hall and this is where the shift starts to happen. They play Pall Mall and they have a moment of shared sameness where Kate starts to realise that maybe the version of him she saw at first is the real Anthony. They then have that moment with the bee but this is only the beginning of Kate recognising what she;s actually feeling for Anthony. She’s still not very sure.
They have their moment in the library they go hunting, they actually spend time together, learn about each other and they dance together and this is when Kate begins to be sure that she;s having actual feelings for Anthony. Here. Following the fact that Edwina already wants him to propose. So she’s already in a difficult position. This was the perfect time to tell Edwina and get I think some blowback but it would have been minimal.
Anthony has already proposed out of his own fear.
The window was minimal because of the fact that Anthony acted out of his own fear for what he felt. He was so sure that if he just proposed to Edwina all of this would stop. It was more than expected of him at this stage. To the outside world, Mary is right, he has shown her every attention in the world. He took her and her family to his home privately, if he had withdrawn even then there would have been questions about what was wrong with her. Bare in mind, that Kate has no confirmation from Anthony that he has feelings past lust for her so even if she told Edwina she was in love with Anthony: What could come of it? She feels it would be selfish to ruin it for Edwina, to ruin it for Anthony because if what she feels.
This is further complicated by the fact that Kate is used to sacrificing what she wants for what Edwina needs. This started because it was made clear to Kate when Edwina was about 10 that she needed to marry nobility for them to have any hope. Kate couldn’t marry because she herself would have then been expected to look after her husband’s family and there was no guarantee that they would allow her to have the same amount of contact with Mary and Edwina so I think this just seemed best at this point. Because Kate, in a way, feels that she owes Mary the life she gave up in Marrying her father. In choosing Kate and her father Mary gave up her life in England and Kate wants to give it back. This is misguided because Mary doesn’t actually want it back but alas, Kate hasn’t asked. So Kate’s entire life focuses on Edwina’s education now. Mary is obviously deeply depressed and I think when they were in India was probably less distant with the girls than we see. Being in England has likely brought up a lot of shit with her husband and family and the ton in general so I think we’re seeing Mary struggling more than she has for a while. Somewhere along the line Kate has likely stopped only doing what Edwina needs and has started giving Edwina what she wants. Frankly, we need to stop viewing their relationship as sisters and start seeing it as an unequally mother daughter relationship. Edwina is also, very used to getting what she wants, and she’s 18. So I think when she learns that there’s more going on with Kate and Anthony and even with Mary to a certain degree: She’s surprised because she is used to being at the centre of their family unit. So that shatters as well. Do I think this was managed perfectly in the show? No, I have my own ideas about how to fix that but Netflix isn’t paying me so I’m not gonna hand them out.
So we’re now in a situation where really: Everyone feels betrayed
Edwina feels betrayed by Kate.
Kate feels betrayed by Anthony but more importantly she feels betrayed by herself. Because she should have put aside her own needs she shouldn’t have been there in the way.
And Mary feels betrayed by herself as well. And here’s where most people get this wrong (in my opinion) Mary does not feel betrayed by Kate. Mary feels guilty. Because the second she saw Anthony kneel in front of Kate she realises exactly how much she has let slide. Exactly how much Kate took on herself. Because I think until that point she genuinely thought she still had the kind of relationship with Kate where Kate would have told her this. Kate was telling her the truth. Kate is her daughter, who she has never known hide sections of herself away. Why would she now? Thus isn’t even to mention the fact that Anthony gets a lot of praise for defending Kate to the Sheffields but Mary did it first. Mary stood up to her parents and said: That is my child, take it or leave it.
So no. I don’t think Kate was bossy with Edwina. She was very hurt at what she’d done and she was trying to make Edwina see that Anthony wasn’t going to love her. Which she was right about. Edwina probably should have listened. Would have saved everyone a lot of time but I also think she was a young girl who got swept up in the romance of being in a Different place and being so sought after. I’m not saying she’s vain, I’m not saying she’s frivolous, there are plenty of signs that she too was under a lot of pressure. But she got swept up in the moment. It’s easy to do.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 9 months
Always get a bit frustrated whenever I see a comment on a kitty-edit that's like "Oh Kitty had such a sad childhood, but at least she has the Captain now."
Don't get me wrong, I love their relationship, it's adorable, he is definitely her dad as evident by how she views him as such in flashbacks the same way Alison is her sister.
But I feel like people forget that their relationship is actually fairly new? She outright says in the first series that she does not like him and that he's only got worse since Alison arrived. It's not until S3 they start to warm to each other and what makes it work so beautifully is how it coincides with Cap becoming more true to his (fabulous) self, rather than trying to be the bossy soldier. Basically he fits the mould of her real father, both good and bad, but the more he subconsciously reminds her of how cold and strict her father could be, rather than his sweeter moments, the less she wants to be around him. When he starts to let his real self show and become more the man she wishes her dad had been is when that bond starts to form. That's what I find interesting about them.
However the suggestion that Cap is the only one to care for her or even the one who cares the most I feel does a real disservice to the other ghosts. They all absolutely adore her in their own way.
Her friendship with Mary was adorable and I love how protective Mary was of her even before Kitty died, insulting her father for ruining her fun, then standing up for her when she stood up for Cap, them gushing over things together like the rice krispies and the snow globe, making up their inventory song, Mary comforting Kitty at the party and putting her to bed. How heartbroken Kitty was at losing her and desperate to believe she would come back.
Every scene she and Pat have together, him being her dance partner but also him being the one to take on trying to explain death to her and doing as a parent would, how he probably did the first time Daley had to deal with death, it's just so relatable how he didn't want to be harsh but needing to be honest.
Julian calling her a "dear, sweet thing", him being the only one to attempt to explain to her how baby's are made (graphic and disturbing as it was), how he's ready to tell her the truth about Santa but as soon as he's sees the look on her face it's enough to melt his Tory heart is the peak Christmassy scene of that episode for me.
Thomas hugging her at the panto (one of only two hugs we get in this show!) and being so grateful for having her as his manager, how gentle he is when he asks to inspect her hands for the spider bite.
Robin knowing her pregnancy shtick is nonsense but going along with it like a brother being roped into his kid sister's make believe, rubbing her feet for her and sitting with her most of the day, him leaving a party that he loves to take moment to encourage her to cry her feelings out and then helping Mary put her to bed, how she only has to call his name and he's jumping in to scare off the plaguers.
Everything with her and Humphey! How she's the one who is the most concerned about where he is and making sure he's in one piece so he's not left behind, these two have the most adorable Uncle and Niece vibes.
Fanny is the only one I feel the show let slide on having her bond with, I think the most progression they have is Fanny praising Kitty's speaking in S4. Kinda miffed about this one because without Mary and with Alison gone, they're the only girls left and it would have been nice if they'd developed a mother-daughter bond.
Last but not least her and Alison! Their relationship is so important to S3 and how it contrasts to Alison's storyline with Lucy. Even though Lucy turns out to be a fake, it's still a good show of the importance of found family as much as blood family, how Kitty is jealous at first but then becomes the catalyst for figuring out who Lucy really is and protecting Alison from being scammed. It's such an important arc for her character that gets sadly forgotten, how she's not smug with joy that Lucy is gone at the end but just expresses sympathy for Alison losing the sister she never had. "You're the sister I never had" was the line that I first choked up at in this show. Also props to Kitty for literally annoying someone into being a true. best friend, she gives the rest of us losers hope!
Overall just how lucky Kitty is at the end of the day, that yes she had this privileged but ultimately toxic upbringing and died very young - but now she's surrounded by these people who absolutely adore her and might not always cope with it the right way but they just want to protect her because she is so sweet and endearing. If I could add any scene to the finale I feel like Alison should have got to have one talk with Kitty where she assures her that yeah they'll be apart but she's always at the end of the phone and will visit often, but also assuring her that she still has SEVEN people who love her to bits which is more than a lot of us get.
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xmarziex · 11 months
》ғʀɪᴅᴀʏ ɪ'ᴍ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ《
Mary Ann x fem!reader
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Song: Friday I'm in Love - The Cure Summary: After the events of the failed Pet Wash, Mary Ann gets slightly jealous and R reminisces. Warnings: fem!reader, green-dyed pets, Mary Ann being jealous, adorable, fluffy, no animals were harmed in the making of this one-shot (green dye), is much more different than I had imagined in my mind Requested by: Requested Words: 3.8k
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It was green.
Everywhere your eyes landed as you seemed to turn in a full circle as if in slow motion, was green. You had no clue how they managed to turn Princess Flufferina green or how they did the same to the dog, rabbit, pig and bird but they had all become the vivid colour of green, their colours or lack thereof being completely blended into green.
You looked down at Princess Flufferina in your arms, your eyebrows furrowed. You could've sworn, bet your life on it that she had been a beautiful snow white only a moment ago. You were certain that she hadn't had a speck of colour on her fur, besides the small particles of dirt. You took a moment to glance towards Mary Ann, who had now begun leaning backwards on her heels, looking anywhere but at you. Alfalfa doing the same when your eyes landed on him, but unlike Mary Ann, he had been covered in the dye himself.
The silence was almost deafening as you looked back down at the now green cat, "I was gone for five minutes, how did this happen?" Your glare made its way to Spanky as your index finger now pointed in his direction, your voice coming out sharp, "What did you do?"
Spanky glanced behind him, before pointing towards himself as his eyes returned to yours, "Me?" Spanky's voice squeaked as he lifted his hands in surrender, the hands that were conveniently covered entirely in the evidence, "What makes you think it was me?" You raised an eyebrow at the vivid colour that seemed to stain his hands, causing him to quickly put them behind his back as he smiled innocently, before his eyes settled onto Mary Ann, his face now that of a pleading child.
You were quick to deposit Princess Flufferina into Mary Ann's arms, pointing towards all the animals in the garage's proximity, "Now I ask again Spanky," you glare at the boy fiercely, "What did you do?"
The boy looked away his voice becoming small, "Someone, and I'm not naming names, may have added green dye instead of soap."
"Would that someone happen to be... Oh, I don't know," You stalked closer, pretending to think of the matter, as you tapped your chin before you crossed your arms completely, a glare still adorning your face, "You?"
"Maybe..." Spanky avoided eye contact, afraid of being turned into stone from the fierce glare he was receiving, before squeaking out, "Yes."
You had always been the oldest rascal, having been a year older than the others since you had started school a year later than all the other kids. Your first ever friend had been Mary Ann, who had despite your usual standoffish personality, continued her endeavour to be your friend, which in terms made you closer with the rest of the rascals who were all too happy to have another rascal in their midst, even if you were a bit bossy at times.
Spanky closed his eyes at your potential rath, Alfalfa taking a step back. You had always felt the need to be the responsible one in the group, especially when it came to ideas presented by Spanky, most of his ideas seemingly ending in trouble, the kind that you always had to fix.
You glanced at Mary Ann, who was petting the cat in her arms, causing you to sigh softly, your eyes returning to the slightly frightened boy. "Firestar better not have a speck of green on his orange fur Spanky or so help me god," Your eyes narrowed, "Now where is he?"
The cat purred as it made its way up to you. You were quick to gently pick him up observing every inch of his orange fur for any green dye, before sighing in relief, which in terms made Spanky reciprocate the action. The orange cat snuggling closer into your arms, as your hold seemed to slacken, "See he's perfectly fine," Spanky inputted as he cleared his throat.
You glared at him slightly, your glare less deadly than before, now that you knew Firestar hadn't suffered from Spanky's obviously failed pet wash. "You got lucky," you shook your head in disapproval, "If there had been a speck of green on him, I would've had no problem making you disappear.", You rolled your eyes when he seemed to gulp fearfully, "You better take responsibility for all of this, because I certainly had nothing to do with it."
Spanky relaxed as he sighed heavily, "Fine." Pouting but also relieved he didn't get the whole lecture that he usually got when he did anything wrong, which happened most of the time. He never minded your bossy attitude, even if he never told you so, it kept him grounded, especially when all he did was make stupid choices, that usually got the other rascals into trouble. He liked the fact that even though you knew they were going to lead to nothing but chaos, you would still follow, even if he had a feeling it was only because Mary Ann was involved.
You gently placed Firestar on the ground, the ginger cat prancing directly towards Mary Ann as she continued to pet Princess Flufferina. It was a sight you liked seeing, the way the orange cat never seemed to go to anyone else, your lips twitching in what appeared to be a smile.
Mary Ann seemed to relax at that, as you patted Spanky's shoulder softly before making your way over to her, her dimples showing as she smiled at you. You stuck out a hand as you closed the distance, poking one of her cheeks, the temptation to touch one of her dimples becoming too much, the giggle you elicited from her being all too worth it.
"It's time to face the music," you said as you bent down to stroke Firestar's fur, as the orange cat began to purr. You looked back towards Spanky as you spoke, the boy digging his shoes into the ground, with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. "The worst thing they'll do is most likely ask for their money back." You gave a reassuring smile.
Spanky groaned at that, "There goes the money for Grandma's bakery."
You smiled sadly in return, "Don't beat yourself up," You sighed, feeling a warm hand begin to stroke your hair as you made to get up, only to meet Mary Ann's eyes, "I have faith we will find a way to save it." You smiled softly at the girl.
Mary Ann smiled in return as she leaned in to kiss you on the cheek, "I have faith in us also." Your cheeks heated up at the gesture, the dimples of her smile making your cheeks heat up even more.
The pet owners were most definitely not satisfied with the new makeover their pets had received. You witnessed it from your position inside the house, your back leaning against the closed door, each kid walking up and getting their now green animal. Mary Ann stood directly beside you, Princess Flufferina still in her arms purring softly, Firestar was rubbing his orange fur directly against your left leg, repeating the process again and again as he purred. Alfalfa and Spanky were in complete panic as they occupied the makeshift counter of their 'business'.
"Come back," Spanky begged as he looked around at the abundance of unsatisfied customers making their departure, "If you don't like green, we can make them any colour you want."
"I don't they wanted them dyed at all..." You grumbled, receiving a slight elbow to the ribs from Mary Ann causing you to wince and rub the spot she had elbowed softly.
Darla had finally made her way to the stand, looking directly at Alfalfa in exasperation "Alfalfa," the boy's eyes widened at his obvious crush, "What happened to you?"
"Oh, just been working hard," his voice trembled in slight panic and nervousness.
Darla smiled with a pep in her step as she looked at the two boys, "I'm here to pick up Princess Flufferina, is she ready?"
"Ehhh, sure..." Alfalfa replied, sharing a look with Spanky as he panicked, before his eyes returned to hers, "And wait until you see her exciting new look."
Darla's smile immediately dropped as wariness took over her features, "What new look."
You took a deep breath as you stopped leaning your back on the door, reaching for the handle, "She's going to have a heart attack," You quickly tugged softly on one of Mary Ann's braids as you gave a nervous smile, "Prepare your ears."
"Let's hope it isn't that bad," Mary Ann whispered, reciprocating your nervous smile in reassurance. You twisted the door handle, pulling the door open for Mary Ann, allowing her to step out first, Firestar following suit as you walked out the door next. "Here you go, one Princess Flufferoni," You felt it coming before it even happened as you covered Mary Ann's ears, as Darla looked at her cat in complete shock, screaming at the top of her lungs; loud enough to make yours and potentially everyone in the proximity of the neighbourhoods, eardrums nearly burst at the octave you thought was impossible for any human to go.
You rubbed your face before chuckling nervously as her scream finally finished, your hands detached from their place against Mary Ann's ears, "It isn't that bad."
"Isn't that bad?!" she yelled exasperated, motioning towards the cat, "She's green!"
You grinned in mock confidence, "Yeah, but doesn't that just make her unique?" you tried to convince, leaning forward with an elbow on the counter you had found yourself against, "I mean who else can say they have a green cat?"
Spanky nodded his head, "Yep and it's all thanks to me" he smiled as he observed Darla who was now looking at him, "Doesn't she look good?"
Your eyes turned sharp in an instant as they landed on him, "Spanky," your voice coming out low, "That isn't what I meant when I said take responsibility."
"Fine." He pouted, crossing his arms sulkily.
"As I was saying," you put your focus back onto Darla, your grin returning, "Imagine how jealous your friends will be when they see you have a green cat, and they don't." You scratched behind Princess Flufferina's ears softly before lifting her out of Mary Ann's arms, who seemed to be reluctant to give her to you as she seemed to be slightly glaring at Darla, Firestar seeming to do the same thing as Mary Ann bent down to pick him up now that her arms had become free.
"You might be right," Darla was deep in thought as she observed her cat.
"Not might, I am," You pushed forward, handing the cat back carefully, the grin never leaving your face as you tried to convince her, "They're all going to want a green cat for themselves after they see Princess Flufferina."
Darla nodded her head, a bright smile now taking over her face, "You're right," she rubbed the cat's green fur, her eyes shining now that they met yours again, "Thank you, Y/N" She leaned forward and placed a kiss on your cheek as she smiled. You heard a slight hiss in the background, as your cheeks heated up. It didn't help that Mary Ann was the only person to ever kiss you on the cheek. "I'll definitely come back soon." Darla batted her eyes at you.
You felt yourself be pulled back roughly, the hand on your arm sending a shiver down your spine, only for your eyes to meet the glare of Mary Ann as you seemed to turn. Her glare hadn't been directed at you, but Darla whose eyes looked at the hand on your arm, meeting Mary Ann's glare with one of her own. You would've called Mary Ann's glare adorable if it hadn't been for the palpable tension in the area. "Or don't come back at all."
The hold on your arm stopped you from stepping back from the tension emitting off the two girls, Darla's smile turning sickeningly sweet, "I bet Y/N would like me to come back," she turned back to batting her eyelashes at you, "Wouldn't you?"
You looked between them both with a gulp, "I-"
The hand on your arm moving down to your hand squeezing it stopped your words. Mary Ann seemed to step forward in front of you as Darla and she squared off. "There really isn't any point," Firestar was being held in only one of Mary Ann's arms at this point as if he was also a part of the battle, with what looked like a scowl on his own face, as he hissed towards the other girl. "She'll be too busy to even talk with you." The devilish smile took over her face as she spoke.
Darla scowled at that, Alfalfa and Spanky backing away from the group, not wanting to be in the middle. "I think she can speak for herself," Darla's glare turned deadly, and her attention moved back towards you as she smiled, "Can't you Y/N?"
You cleared your throat, "She's right though, Darla," you scratched the back of your neck with your unoccupied hand, "I usually am busy running errands and making sure things go right."
Darla pouted at that, "Well that's a shame," she then thought for a moment, "Maybe we can hang out by ourselves another time then".
Mary Ann's hand tightened around yours as she gritted her teeth, "I'm sure Alfalfa is free to hang out with you," she then looked towards the boy in question, "Isn't that, right?"
He chuckled nervously at that, "Yeah, of course" he blushed, "I'm always free."
Darla reluctantly agreed with a roll of her eyes, before seeming to storm off with Princess Flufferina in her arms.
"Not even a goodbye, how rude" Spanky grumbled.
You raised an eyebrow, "You did kind of turn her cat green."
Spanky let out an exaggerated sigh, "What are we going to do"
"You mean about Grandma's bakery?" You frowned.
Spanky seemed to reciprocate the expression, "Yeah."
You knew how he felt, being as upset as the rest of them when it came to Grandma potentially losing the bakery. So you did the only thing you thought to do, you smiled softly, "We'll figure it out," you then paused, "Just no more green pets."
Spanky nodded his head, Mary Ann started to lean her head on your shoulder, and Firestar curled up in her free arm as she stood next to you. "We can figure it out in the treehouse later."
Spanky rose a brow at Mary Ann, "Why not now?"
"I think I've seen enough green today, and Alfalfa is covered in it" You grimaced as you motioned towards the boy who still had green dye all over him.
Mary Ann began pulling you towards her home, as you said goodbye to the other rascals. "You're sleeping over tonight remember?"
You chuckled as you smiled the bright smile that was only reserved for her. "How could I forget?" You let her pull, following her lead every step of the way. You hadn't noticed when Firestar had been let down, as he seemed to follow the both of you. You did notice when she seemed to use her now free hand to wipe your cheek with concentration, receiving a smile from you.
You looked around Mary Ann's room, the orange cat making himself at home on her bed, curling up comfortably. It hadn't been the first time you had been here, sleepovers remaining a constant action in your friendship with her.
Your fingers seemed to trail across the abundance of plush toys that seemed to litter the head of the bed, your eyes catching on to one in particular. Your fingers brushed it, before grabbing a hold of the small polar bear.
It still looked brand new even though you had won it for her a few years ago. You remembered the day like it was yesterday, it was the day that you had made her smile, a smile so beautiful that it would forever cloud your mind.
"I'm never going to win this," Mary Ann grumbled sulkily as she tried the claw machine again, tongue poking out slightly, the arcade they were in already bustling with the sound of people playing other games.
You stood beside her, watching as she tried and failed to capture the polar bear plush that seemed to escape her grasp. "Don't say that," you smiled softly at her, "my mamma always tells me that I should never give up, and that if I wish for something hard enough. Then I'll be able to catch it."
Mary Ann smiled slightly, "Does your mom actually believe that?"
"I mean, I don't think she would've told me it if she didn't" You scratch the back of your neck nervously.
She laughed softly, before going back to the machine and putting another quarter into it, before having another go. It was so close, the way the claw captured its target. Mary Ann's eyes brightened as it slowly came towards the exit, before it dropped back into the pile of other plush toys, leaving her to groan.
Mary Ann pouted, "This is stupid".
You just stood there watching and supporting her as she used quarter after quarter to try to win the polar bear. By her last quarter, it had already hit the afternoon, having been there since morning trying to capture the plush that you assumed just didn't want to be caught.
It was already time for her parents to arrive and pick her up, so instead of leaving with the bear, she left sad and with a dejected look on her face as she sighed, giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she left with them.
A look of determination seemed to take over your features as you pulled out your allowance and put a quarter into the machine. You spent hours, trying and failing to get the plush, you knew that these machines were rigged, it felt almost impossible. It didn't deter you as you prayed upon your final quarter.
It popped into the machine with a 'clang', your hand shaking as you placed it on the joystick. You took a deep breath to calm your shaking nerves. The claw began to move as you tried getting it into the perfect position, it was in slow motion as you pressed the button and the claw began descending, capturing its target in what seemed to be a loose grip.
The polar bear shook in the claw's clutches, seemingly on the verge of falling, your heart was in your throat as you watched it slowly make its way to the exit point. Your breath had caught, the claw getting ever so close. The plush dropped.
You were on the verge of screaming in happiness, tears welling up in your eyes as you grabbed the plush from the prize flap. You hugged it close to you, ecstatic that after hours you had finally caught it. You were grinning like a complete idiot as you waited for your parents to finally arrive.
Rain was pelting outside as you held the plush under your jacket. Your smile didn't seem to drop as you hopped into the car making sure to hold the Polar bear incredibly close as you asked if your parents could drive you to Mary Ann's quickly. It took a little convincing as you explained that you just wanted to give her the plush as soon as you could.
It didn't take long, her home came into view as you got out of the car quickly, running out to knock on the front door. It wasn't Mary Ann who opened the door though, it was her mother, your mother who had caught up behind you and was quick to apologise.
You waited as Mary Ann's mother let you both in and out of the rain, your smile grew bigger as you caught sight of her, a look of confusion on her face as she saw you there and not understanding why you had been grinning so big, but it had felt infectious as a smile seemed to take over her face too as she ran and hugged you.
"I got you something" You pulled away from the hug.
She smiled in confusion, "What?"
You pulled the plush out from your slightly soaked jacket, presenting the polar bear to her. You watched her reaction closely, as tears of happiness seemed to begin forming in her eyes. "Think of it as an early birthday present" your voice shook nervously.
"You got this for me?" the dimples came out as her grin grew bigger.
"I don't like seeing you sad," you expressed as you pushed the polar bear into her arms, "It makes me sad".
"I wasn't sad" Mary Ann mumbled, rolling her eyes as you raised an eyebrow at her.
You watched as she examined the polar bear closely, before tackling you to the ground with a laugh as if she didn't mind the fact that you had been previously soaked by the rain. But you didn't seem to mind either as you looked up, it was the smile that you had hoped for, how the dimples were almost so pokable, you loved that smile. It was the brightest smile you had ever seen, and to you it was beautiful.
You heard the door open as you looked up at Mary Ann coming back into the room, "Do you think my mamma was right?"
Mary Ann tilted her head in question, "About what?"
"That if I wish for something hard enough, that I'll be able to catch it." You questioned with a small smile.
"I think it depends on what you want to catch," she replied with a smile of her own.
You smiled as if you had a secret, an answer to that question as you stared at her dimply smile. The one that if you could, you would capture it, because it was beautiful and one you hoped you could watch forever. And so, you wished and hoped that maybe one day you could. Capture it in a moment and keep it forever close. You hoped that the smile she presented to you would forever be reserved only for you.
You watched her as she petted Firestar gently, the ginger cat purring and melting into her hand, a sight that you had always enjoyed. Your eyes shone brightly as they admired the girl.
"I think I've already caught it."
»──── ◦•✗•◦────«
Jamie Speaks:
Mary Ann is just the cutest.
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luminouslywriting · 5 months
Been scrolling through the graphics of your new fic and I’m so excited for it. The fact that Ruth is over in Europe and her parents totally don’t think she’s involved in the war in any capacity cracks me up. Has she always been a trouble maker or is this just a rare exception? Is she the oldest of 7 or where does she fall in line?
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Ahh I always love answering oc asks! So yes! Ruth is the oldest of seven children and to be quite clear, she's definitely the most responsible of the lot.
Her sibling lineup is as follows: Ruth (born in 1918), Jonah (born in 1919 and was going to school to be an engineer before the war; he's in the Pacific serving as a Marine currently), Alice (born in 1921 and married right out of High School; she's a seamstress and more "traditional" than Ruth), Sarah (born in 1922, she's engaged to a nice boy from church and their parents are THRILLED), John (born in 1924 and currently serving in the Navy), Abe (our little gaslighting son born in 1927 who JUST wants to be a soldier), and Mary (born in 1928).
It's not that she's NECESSARILY rebellious....it's just that her parents really wanted her to live a traditional life. They were cool with law school because Ruth was so "i'm doing this and you can't stop me" but they've been pushing her getting married ever since her graduation and that has led to some...less than honest conversations about her escapades in her free time.
However...for reference, Ruth has a firm "i can do it better than you" mentality. This is thus seen by her joining the track team in high school because a bunch of boys said she couldn't run faster than them. Side note, she did in fact go to state and has state records for track because she definitely beat all of their times out of spite.
She decided at the tender age of 15 to become a lawyer because Robby Rosenthal said he wanted to be one and she knew she'd do a better job than him. ACADEMIC RIVALS WHO?! So anything she puts her mind to, she accomplishes and there's no stopping her. That isn't to say she's ever really caused trouble though, per say.
Especially considering that she joined the JAG Corp in order to help with court martialing during the war....she's bossy, mature, responsible, and ever-so-slightly manipulative. She knows what she wants and she knows exactly how to get it. Which is clearly why her parents think she's just working on women's rights issues in Europe and pursuing an engagement rather than, you know, participating in the war effort haha!
Feel free to ask me as many questions as you'd all like! I love getting to talk characters and fanfic :)
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wheels-of-despair · 11 months
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Enough | A Make Up Story | Tom Grant x You | Series Masterlist
Chapter 3: The Emptiest of Threats Words: 2k
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You woke before Tom did the next morning.
Well, gave up on trying to sleep. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw her. And the redhead. Tom tossed and turned most of the night, but his snores indicated that at least one of you got a little sleep.
You crept out of bed and to the tiny bathroom, trying to avoid catching your own bloodshot eyes in the mirror, then wandered into the kitchen. With a glance toward the sleeping stranger you'd just shared a bed with, you begin pulling out the necessary ingredients for a Virgin Mary. Jade had drank herself into many a stupor, and claimed this was the only cure.
After making sure you didn't sleep alone in your car, entertaining you with banter and making you dinner, easing Tom's self-inflicted suffering was surely the least you could do. Once the drink was mixed, you stuck it in the fridge and waited for him to wake up.
You sat at the kitchen table and stared blankly out the window. Maybe this was exactly what you needed: To see that Jade would never belong to you. No matter how much you loved her, or how desperate you were to make her love you back… she was still Jade. She would never be satisfied just… being. She always needed to try something new, or go somewhere she'd never been before, or be with someone different. She would always get bored with you after a week or two.
You could tell yourself these things all day long, but that didn't make them hurt any less.
And poor Tom. Been with his girl for three years, he'd said, and she was under Jade's spell in a week. You couldn't blame the girl; it had happened to you too. There was something mystical about Jade, and you didn't think you'd ever understand it.
A groan from the bedroom interrupts your miserable thoughts. You turn your head and fight back a smile when you see him clutching his head with both hands. Time to let the Virgin Mary do the Lord's work.
You shake two aspirin from the fresh bottle you'd bought just for her into your hand and fetch the cup from the tiny fridge, padding quietly toward him. You fight your instinct to sit on the edge of the bed; it's how you delivered Jade her morning mix.
"Here," you offer, leaning over to offer him the cup from a safe distance. He unscrunches one eye.
"Wha's that?"
"Aspirin and a Virgin Mary."
"Don't want it."
"It'll make you feel better."
"Don't wanna feel better."
"Well I want you to, and since I could totally take you right now, you better sit up and drink this damn thing before I make you."
To your surprise, he listens. It was the emptiest of threats. He sits up, holds out his hands, and accepts your offerings. He pops the pills in his mouth, chugs the drink, and finishes with a dramatic gag. If you weren't so emotionally drained, you'd probably laugh at him.
"Go get cleaned up, I'll make you breakfast."
He mumbles something - the only thing you can make out is the word "bossy" - but he does get up and stumble his way toward the bathroom.
It's nearly lunchtime, so you have a repeat of last night's late dinner waiting for him when he comes back out. A few wet curls cling to his forehead from where he'd splashed water on his face. He sits across from you, and you share a silent meal. When you finish, neither of you moves to get up.
"What will you do now?" he asks.
"Go home, I guess," you shrug. "What about you?"
He sighs and looks down at his hands. "Dunno. Don't really wanna quit my job to avoid her, but like… if I have to see them together every day, I'm gonna have to go drown myself."
"Don't do that."
"Do what?" he asks, leaning back and crossing his arms.
"You know what." You mirror his position. A staring contest ensues, and he finally concedes by standing.
"You ready to go rescue your car?"
You grab your bag and walk to the door. He gestures to the grocery bag on the counter.
"Eat it, toss it, I don't care." Like you'd ever be able to eat any of her favorite things again. You step outside into the sunshine, ready to try leaving this place behind… again.
Tom follows you out the door. You walk side by side down the path toward the office, eyes constantly scanning around you, watching for them.
Miraculously, you make it to the office unnoticed, Tom grabs the keys, and you hop into the little truck without having to speak to anyone. The ride to your car is silent. You just want this to be over with. You'll probably even welcome the dazzling mediocrity of home after this ordeal.
"Can I help?" you ask when Tom stops behind your car.
"Nah, sit tight, I got it." He gets out and pulls a chain off the back of the truck, walks toward your car, and ducks out of sight. A minute later, he's back in the truck. He puts it in reverse and revs it, and although your little monster puts up a fight, it eventually gives in and pops back up out of the ditch and onto the road.
"Thank you," you tell Tom, genuinely grateful for everything he's done for you in the last 12 hours.
"Don't worry about it," he grins. He gets out to walk you to your car… where a dark trail of liquid leads from the front end to the piece of metal still in the ditch.
"Fuck me," you groan.
Tom blows his cheeks full of air and lets it out slowly. "Yeah, that's not good."
"You don't say," you deadpan.
"Calm down, I know a guy."
"A guy who works on weekends?" He scrunches his nose in a wince.
You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, letting out a long and exasperated breath until you hear the squealing brakes of an approaching car.
"Hey, mate!" Tom calls to the slowing vehicle. You stand awkwardly next to your car while he talks to the driver - a bearded twenty-something - and force a tense smile when he looks over at you. The guy pulls away a minute later, and Tom returns to your side with a smile.
"That's Kyle. He works with me. He's gonna call the auto shop for us and find out if someone can come get it today. If he can't reach anybody, he'll ask Kai to come help."
Great. Asking for help from Kai, the glare-y one. You close your eyes, lean your head back, and extend your arms.
"The fuck are you doing?"
"Waiting for a lightning strike to finish me off," you explain. "Right here, God! Let's just get this over with!"
Tom chuckles. "Come on, you're alright." He lightly slaps your open palm to get your attention, and you look at him with cynical eyes. He tilts his head toward the other side of the road and begins walking across. With a sigh of defeat, you follow him, climb the small rise, and sit next to him in the grass.
"You don't have to stay with me," you tell him quietly, absentmindedly playing with a fray on your jeans. "I'm sure you have better things to do. I'll wait for the guy, get him to take me into town, ride out the rest of my vacation in the cheapest motel I can find. Hopefully the junk bucket gets glued back together before I'm expected back at work."
"What do you do?"
"On paper, I'm an office aide. Which is workplace jargon for 'we're too cheap to hire separate secretaries, so you get to take orders from everyone'."
"You like it?"
"Why do you do it if you don't like it?"
"Does anybody actually like their job?"
"I do," he shrugs. "I know it's not like… what most people dream of. But I like it. I like fixing things. Stuff where you can see results. Give people a home away from home. And the hours are nice. I can take off to go surfing sometimes."
You smile at the almost dazed look on his face.
"My parents think I'm mad," he continues. "Should've worked harder in school, gone to uni, become something respectable they can brag about. But I like it here. Been coming here since I was a kid. Used to pitch a fit when it was time to leave. Wanted to stay here forever. That's why I asked Ru…"
Tom's face hardens. After a moment of unbearable silence, you can't help yourself.
"I think it's nice to know what you want. I envy you for that."
"You never wanted anything?" He picks a blade of grass and twists it in his fingers.
"All I ever wanted was Jade." It comes out so quietly, you think the wind may have blown it away.
Tom heaves a sigh and looks at you. "We're fuckin' pathetic, aren't we?"
You burst out laughing at the same time.
You spent the next hour talking nonstop about everything and nothing as you waited for help to arrive.
Tom was a great guy. He was smart, and funny, and without him, you would've spent this time spiraling further into your pit of despair. The discussion flowed easily from one topic to the next, not another awkward silence in sight. You suspected he was trying to keep himself from thinking about a certain someone as well, but you were grateful for the conversation and the company nonetheless.
You were wiping away tears of laughter and holding your aching sides over a story about his very first surfing lesson when the tow truck puttered to a stop in front of you.
The guy - Doug, he'd grunted when you introduced yourself - had your car hooked up and ready to go in minutes. You pick your bag up and turn to Tom.
"Well, Tom… whenever I think of the worst day of my life, I'll always think of you."
He grins.
"Really, though. Thank you for everything. It was nice to not be alone through… this." You can feel yourself welling up at the thought of the crushing reality you'd soon have to face, and try to blink away the tears. Doug gets back in his truck and slams his door. "I should go." You look at Tom fondly, trying to burn his kind face into your memory. "Bye, Tom." He's really not gonna say anything? Okay, Tom. You take a step toward the truck.
"What if you didn't?" he says in a rush.
You stop in your tracks, then slowly turn back to face him.
"What if I didn't what?"
"Kinda have to, Tom." He shakes his head.
"Don't waste your money on a shitty motel. They're still charging summer rates. Stay with me. No charge. I'll take you to get your car when it's ready."
"Tom, you've already done too much for me, I couldn't possibly ask you for more."
"You didn't ask, I offered."
You hesitate.
"Stay," he says. The look in his eyes - almost pleading? - stabs you in the heart like a dagger. Is this what you looked like when you were silently begging Jade to keep you?
"Are you sure?"
He nods.
And after a moment of stunned silence, so do you.
"Thanks, mate," Tom says to Doug. "Just call the office and ask for me, yeah?"
The gruff man in the truck acknowledges the dismissal with a grunt, and drives off with your hunk of junk.
You both stand in the road and watch the truck until it turns a corner and putters out of sight, then turn to face each other.
"Well…" you both begin at the same time, laughing instead of continuing your sentences.
"Back to hell we go?" you joke.
"Guess so," he smiles.
You close your eyes and stick out your arms again. "Okay, God! If you're gonna do it, please do it before I have to pay the mechanic's bill!"
Tom laughs, grabbing your bag and pushing you toward his work truck. "Move it, drama queen."
"You love it," you grin, climbing into the cab.
Tom neither confirms nor denies this as he starts the truck with a smirk and begins the process of turning around.
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