#mariana trench divers
radishthefool · 2 years
Kindness Goblins, Three-Leaf Clovers, and Mariana Trench Divers: About flooding the internet with words of kindness, calling out to the invisible majority of kind people, and finding each other at our lowest points.
I'm currently going through yet another episode of deep shit due to an unsnarlable mix of deep shits. I feel helpless and alone, and often it gets so bad that I end up having a nonverbal breakdown on top of everything else.
I realised one of the reasons that latter snarl happens is because my adhd masking behaviour becomes more and more untenable to maintain, and I end up either needing to write entire essays or not communicating at all.
And if I know the other side won't understand or maybe even read my essays because they're not familiar with neurodiversity, I lose all willpower and hope to even begin the unsnarling process.
So this time, I decided that my coping strategy was going to be to post kind and helpful and fun comments underneath youtube videos. I also call out trolls and bigots, and explain in excruciating detail why I think their comments are unkind. I call it being a kindness goblin.
Even if only I do it, and nobody reads them, at least I fulfill my urge to be kind and helpful. But already I've gotten comments back thanking me for writing a compliment, or sharing an idea. So already I'm cheering up some people or helping them.
For too long, trolls and bigots could foul up the internet unfettered. Despite not being fed, they thrived, and have now also contaminated the real world. Trolls and bigots could easily imagine they were the loud majority, and kind people felt invisible, isolated, and alone.
But if stupid trolls and bigots can change so much for the worse by repeating the same three flawed arguments over and over and never getting into actual conversations, and if the host of the waffle house can spread far and wide, then surely us kind and diverse and creative and empathic people can manage to start a movement towards a culture that is kinder and more fun. First on the internet, and then beyond.
And if I explain my goal in the comments and on tumblr, the kindness may even spread, inspiring others to be kind and helpful and fun. And then if comment sections are filled more and more with kindness and empathy and true attempts at connection and communication and helpfulness, surely that will have real-life effects further down the road.
I've seen kindness and (neuro)diversity going hand in hand time and time again. (Neuro)diverse people flock around kind and creative youtubers like Brennan Lee Mulligan and Dimension 20, Drawfee, and so so many youtubers/tiktokers who live in the art, diversity, feminist, and progressive corners.
We've seen what people can do when they're too sensitive to injustice and too aware of nitty gritty details to gloss over a company's attempt to replace an open-source agreement with a greedy stranglehold. Especially if they retalliate without having to fear for their livelyhood or safety, let alone their country's stability.
The current world calls out for that very same mix of petty, unrelenting, thorough consequences for those many petty, greedy, openly hostile and mean companies' actions.
We need visible kindness, we need to visibly try to help and support other people, kind people need to find each other and connect, we need to combine all our diverse forms of kindness and creativity to address the world's current infestation of meanies in totally new ways that don't have to involve violent revolution, poverty, and chaos. The many kind people don't need the few meanies, especially now that we have the internet to help and support each other.
So by now impulsively writing this rambling long text, I hope I can reach the people who already kind of think like me, who are used to having to work hard to understand and be understood. Who get me without me having to kindly and patiently work around bigoted insecurities, around translation issues between different modes of thought. And especially who don't require my unending patience and creativity to work around the privilege like the people who've never had to change anything about themselves to fit in, and now feel as if they have suddenly and unfairly come under attack when those who've worked so hard to be allowed to play along at the fringe in return start demanding a fraction of the effort we've been putting in all our lives.
Thanks to the Black Lives Matter activists, I realised black people asking and explaining nicely time and time again meant it was easier for those who are content with the current situation to ignore them. Most of us non-black people literally only heard them once they got angry. Some of us finally got it, many more responded to the perceived slight of their familiar and safe status quo with increasingly open and heartless viciousness.
I realised the same was happening to other non-white people, to women, to neurodivergent people, to LGBTQ people, to (mentally/chronically) ill people, to all those people who find themselves in multiple of these groups, or different ones altogether (to a lesser extent than the cruel effects of systemic racism on black people of course, but the process of exclusion is similar every time).
It was happening to me, and I had never realised that that was what was going on. The world sucks right now, and especially kind and (neuro)divergent people cannot ignore that pain and injustice. Either because we can't escape it, or because we can't forget it, or both. We feel bad, but a lot of that stems from us not being able to just continue on while the world is so bad.
I feel so angry. And so sad. For myself, but especially for all the other marginalised and excluded and suppressed people. And I will not stay conveniently invisible any longer. If I feel super bad because the world sucks, and because my body and brain suck, and because nobody around me actually helps me, and because I know there are so many kind people out there suffering at least as much as me, while maybe even blaming themselves like I did. Trying not to be a bother, like I did. Trying to get the people we (think) we depend on to finally get it when we explain it just right, like I did.
So I will speak up. Not as neatly and concisely as I'd like, because my brain and my body and my emotions are severely snarled. I thought I'd have to condense my entire adhd web of thoughts into a catchy single headline, or many neatly organised and well-structured chapters to maybe get to get one step forward. And I'd still like to do that. As you can maybe tell, I love writing (and when I'm not bone tired from everything, I can actually edit my writings very well).
But I know there are others out there who think like me, who will get me, or who are willing and able to work on getting me. And all I can think of right now is to throw out my snarled windweb on the internet, and hope it tangles with some like minds whose cognitive networks of associations and ideas and ideals can connect to mine.
I'm realising so strongly that the more I feel like I'm going off into the deep end, the more I'm actually connecting with my true self that's usually so well hidden behind that neurotypical mask that even I don't really know her yet.
And until recently I had no idea where I could find like-minded people. I had honestly given up on the idea that it is even possible for (neuro)divergent people like me to talk to people without exhausting ourselves and then still more often than not ending up disappointed because they still didn't get us at all.
And often, they were the ones who got angry or upset from that interaction. Because it 'didn't make sense,' because they didn't expend any effort to try and understand, because it was easy for them to turn around and just continue living their life as before.
But now I do know. There are so many similarly-thinking and/or similarly-feeling, and/or similarly-motivated people out there.
And if their minds are as associatively wired as mine, they will come across either this message or the ones hopefully following from and spreading outwards from it, and will spread their own messages that got inspired from reading these.
And if their thought processes work differently, but somehow their mind latches on to something I've written here, or something someone else writes or says or creates or does because of it, then these ideas and thoughts can get translated and transformed into other types of ideas and other forms of thought. And then we've got ourselves a stew going.
I hope that by bothering the world with my long-ass writings, I will find my fellow long-winders, wide-thinkers, and high-hopers.
So step one is being a kindness goblin in youtube comments. And I'm doing that. Step two was writing this, and I did it. I've been wanting to do this forever, but my (mental) health was never good enough for long enough to work on it consistently. To structure it properly. To develop the ideas in a sequential way.
But maybe it's better this way. My mind actually prefers working in many parallel and not-so-parallel processes at the same time. Of connecting and associating and spreading out and circling around points of interest and then reconnecting and rewiring but differently. But more.
I kind of like the idea of approaching these boringfied and invisibled world problems in my adhd way, just seeing where my thoughts and ideas and impulses takes me, and then watching what happens because of it.
After all, creativity does not happen after well-structured, logical, and well-worn sequential steps from a single rock solid axiom. It happens through a more divergent thinking process (which contrasts with convergent, more linear thinking).
Creativity happens if we allow our mind to meander, when we feed it with potentially connective thoughts and ideas and experiences, taking everything into consideration, not suppressing or dismissing the 'bad' or 'silly' options, trying to find new areas of overlap, of crossroads where diverse concepts can come together in new and previously unpredictable ways that only make sense once they've been connected.
For that, we need flexible, widely-connecting and widely-connective minds where many tabs can stay open. Mental systems that allow for empathy, uncertainty, comparison, connection, reasoning, feeling, and change. A mental network that isn't so strictly and narrowly wired that it can't accommodate any new information without threatening to collapse in on itself, thus triggering extreme reactions.
Step three will be adding some tags. Tag one will be 'kindness goblins.' I enjoy the image of many wildly different little creatures, hyperactive and stoic, flexible and stubborn, unpredictable and rigid, fast-talking and quiet, all of them unique yet unhasitatingly supportive. Our unified chaos would surely overrun and overwhelm lumbering trolls and rooted-in-place bigots.
Tag two will be 'three-leaf clovers.' Initially I just added that icon at the end of my youtube comments as a little present. A gift of kindness, and a small token of my appreciation for reading until the end.
But after another commenter asked about its meaning, I came to realize it's a beautiful symbol: three-leaf clovers are more common than four-leaf ones, but you'd never know it when looking at how often we see them represented online and in different media. Similarly, kind people are an invisible majority. There are more kind people than jerks, but you'd never know it from all the jerks we see online and in most media.
Tag three will be for people who are in the deep end right now, or know what it's like to end up there. I will call us the Mariana Trench Divers, because we go deep, explore all the nooks and crannies of our own minds and the entire world until we run out of breath, but we always end up coming back to give it another go up there.
Often those returning from the deep bring cool but weird stories. However, it can be disappointingly tough to find the people who will listen and care. Or who do listen and care, but that's it. Causing our stories to never move beyond these passive listeners. The stories run aground at the first stop.
There seem to be so few of us, and we've always been told we're uniquely different and nobody could ever understand us because our minds just don't make sense. So it's no wonder all of us feel like nobody else cares.
But I care. I love hearing new information, or old information but through a different lens, I genuinely adore weird ideas, unexpected connections, and unfinished thoughts. They get my own mind going. And then, if I can throw my own ideas and connections and experiences back into the mix, and then that gets absorbed in other people's mindwebs and gets their creative juices flowing, and those results come back around to me, and so forth, then I'm at my happiest.
And plenty of other people care as well. Did you know neurodivergent people make as much sense to each other as neurotypical people do to each other? It's true, researchers found that autistic people find it quite easy to communicate with each other. And I've experienced time and again that the same is true for adhd people.
And sure, those two groups, and all those other marginalised groups, can think very differently from each other as well. However, we can find each other in shared experiences, in a shared awareness that we need to work towards understanding and connection, in a shared willingness to actually do so, and a shared capacity to explore options of making it possible.
We don't actually have to fit in the world as it is now. It has been sterilised and monocultured until any trace of diversity and creativity and kindness has been driven to the fringes. Except the fringes are now online, and we can find each other, and all our beautifully different minds can surely come up with ideas that, compared to the boring, mind-numbing world of today, will be kinder, more creative, more diverse, and more fun.
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ranchers au idea before i go to sleep
iv e gotta go to bed like really soon but before i go take another au idea that may or may not have shreds of its beginnings already typed up in my notes:
Astronaut jimmy crash lands on a planet thats 100% ocean, meets eldritch-corrupted former 50s style deep sea diver tango miles and miles beneath the surface
cause if ya think about it the deep sea and space arent that different...
astronaut Jimmy, grew up just before a hypothetical space age absolutely OBSESSED with space, now is an adult and can explore the stars; he wants to leave earth and just be out there free, loves nothing more ("astronaut" somewhere between the style of star wars and style of what we have today, space travel is available to the public but not revolutionized yet, still dangerous and a bit crude, think modern space aus but you have to wear a space suit, ships and tech are on the clunkier side and we still havent discovered/have just barely discovered extraterrestrial life)
deep sea diver* Tango landed/lived on an ocean planet a long time ago and slowly became more and more corrupted, turned more into one of those horrifying deep sea creatures (sea maybe not a traditional one, maybe with conditions just a tiny bit more plausible for stuff to actually live there. but still. like. 10x as horrifying as whatever we've dredged up outta the mariana trench)
(*i wanna lean into the 'most horrifying eldritch abomination youve ever seen in your life thats like that because its living miles and miles beneath the sea', but i also wanna keep the whole 50s deep sea diver outfit/vibe as someone who left their planet to go somewhere terrifying and dark because it suited them better. and he stays there!! for reasons i guess!!)
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teddywesworl · 24 days
would y'all enjoy the un fucking hinged fic playlist for the big bang. of course you would
Track list:
A Normal Life—Marianas Trench
Fly Away—Lenny Kravitz
Toxicity—System of a Down
What the Hell Have I—Alice in Chains
Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)—Meat Loaf
Holy Diver—Dio
It's All Coming Back to Me Now—Celine Dion
Nothing Else Matters—Metallica
Wheel in the Sky—Journey
Never Let You Go—Third Eye Blind
im so serious
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celestinagoldentrail · 5 months
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This is where everything is an act (literally)!
They are indeed legit alagaddans but this is where it's different! They did in fact have a shitty time back then and they were acting all of it just for the memories! This is where each of them were finally able to express themselves, see it as the future!
Although, in this au, there are a lot of things that aren't really that legit and just made for the fans to applause!
Rubedo/Rue is married to a gal named Veronica from Spain! (I'll draw her soon!)
Citrinitas is indeed married to Liam but those two have a son named Daniell.
Albedo is married to a man named Alex from England.
Nigredo is married to Doc, AKA Jack G Noir!
Celestina and Lakelynn are yes, married
The Ambassador was chucked out of the 'insanity' it had and finally felt other feelings other than pride and arrogance.
The King is finally restored to sanity and is very happy.
The Alaggadan citizens all have also regained sanity. The king apologized for his behavior and of course, they still love him!
The Brother's of Death dropped the deal they made with the king when he lost a gamble with them, returning all the citizens souls.
Eventually the king got his wife back (Isabella)
The SCP foundation has let all the SCPs out after rehabilitation except for specific ones like the machine SCPs and The Meatball House thing.
Alagadda is now a safe place for any ages.
Celestina is a legit florist in USA, she used to live in the middle of Point Nemo.
Bianca is actually 22 years old and works as a bartender! She's eventually married her Alaggadan girlfriend, Sylvanna.
Liam and Zachary are indeed bestfriends from birth and they both came from different countries; Liam being from the Philippines and Zachary being from Sweden!
Ceris is helping the humans explore the ocean. He now resides in Mariana Trench!
Minerva has a husband named Felix Trench. She did once have a crush on Albedo but moved on.
Alexander is a diver now, often visiting Ceris and the others!
The Ambassador actually has a humor!
Retalea is basically Rubedo's next neighbor and best friend she gossips with!
Do know that this AU will have my most focus so I'll be focusing more in this and drawing more of the AU :D
@aidiotloool Hope Rubedo being with someone else out of camera doesn't affect anything!
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dig-jules · 1 year
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I read this sentence and all of my internal organs imploded like a scuba diver at the bottom of the Mariana trench
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msdarkwoodsworld · 1 month
Four Lovecraftian Horror Story Shorts
Story 1: The Awakening Below
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Dr. Aaron Blackwell was renowned for his underwater explorations, but nothing had prepared him for the cave system beneath the Mariana Trench. Funded by a mysterious benefactor, he led a team of divers to uncover what lay in the uncharted depths.
"This place gives me the creeps," said Lucy, one of Aaron's top divers, as they descended deeper into the abyss.
"Steady, Lucy," Aaron urged. "We’re making history here."
The deeper they went, the darker it became. Then, through the murky waters, they saw it—an ancient, gargantuan structure, covered in bioluminescent markings that pulsed like a heartbeat.
"Is that a temple?" Aaron wondered aloud.
As they approached, the water vibrated with an eerie frequency, making their heads throb with whispers of alien syllables. Against his better judgment, Aaron reached out to touch the structure.
A rumble shook the waters, and the structure began to rise, revealing itself to be only a small part of a colossal, living entity. Eyes the size of houses opened, and the divers froze in terror.
"Back to the surface, NOW!" Aaron shouted.
Their ascent was chaotic, but the entity pursued them, its whispers turning to shrieks in their minds. Aaron reached the surface, gasping for breath, only to find the sky churning with unnatural colors and alien constellations.
"You have awakened The Slumbering," Lucy said, but her voice was no longer her own. Her eyes were voids of infinite black. "Welcome to the new reality."
Story 2: The Eternal Manuscript
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Robert Turner, an antiquarian bookseller, prided himself on finding rare texts. One evening, he discovered an ancient manuscript buried within a box of old tomes.
"Strange," he murmured, examining the leather-bound book. Its texture felt disturbingly alive.
Ignoring his unease, Robert opened it. Instead of words, the pages were filled with shifting geometric patterns, shapes that defied logic. The room around him seemed to bend as he continued to stare.
"What... is this?" he whispered, even as he felt himself pulled into the pages.
He started to hear a low, droning chant, describing elder gods and forgotten evils. The words twisted in his mind, causing his vision to blur. Shapes within the manuscript began to move and converge, forming grotesque faces.
Feeling a compulsion he couldn’t resist, he read an incantation aloud. His voice echoed unnaturally, amplified by forces unknown.
The air around him grew thick, and the room darkened. From the shadows, slender, multi-limbed creatures emerged, their eyes glowing with malevolent intelligence.
"You have summoned us," one hissed, its voice scraping like metal on stone. "Prepare to join our eternal library."
Before Robert could react, the creatures grabbed him, pulling him into the manuscript. He screamed as his body dissolved into ink, the book absorbing his very essence.
The manuscript closed itself, now resting innocently among the other books, waiting for its next reader.
Story 3: The Cosmic Observatory
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In a remote part of the Arctic, Dr. Elena Carter built an observatory to study the cosmos. Equipped with advanced telescopes and alien detection equipment, she aimed to unlock the secrets of the universe.
"Elena, are you really sure about this?" her colleague, Dr. Steve Hargrove, asked. "We've never pointed the telescope at those coordinates before."
"That's exactly why I'm excited," Elena replied, eyes alight with anticipation.
As they focused on the targeted coordinates, the telescope revealed a cluster of pulsating lights forming a spiral pattern. This was no ordinary star system; the lights seemed to convey a deliberate, almost sentient design.
"It's...beautiful," Steve marveled, but his voice wavered.
Soon, bizarre patterns began to form on the observatory's monitors. The signals grew in intensity, and a haunting melody filled the air.
"Can you hear it?" Elena asked, entranced by the sounds.
The music grew louder, harmonizing with an unearthly chorus. Dazed, they stepped outside, and Elena's gaze was drawn upward.
In the sky, an ominous formation appeared—an ethereal doorway opening to an abyss of shimmering colors and dark voids. Alien entities, with forms that defied logic, began to descend.
"They have answered," Elena said, her voice a mix of awe and fear.
The beings reached out with tendrils of light, touching Elena and Steve. Their skin prickled, their minds flooded with an overload of alien knowledge. They screamed, their consciousness breaking under the cosmic revelation.
When the morning came, the observatory was deserted, monitors still displaying that haunting melody. All that remained of Elena and Steve were their empty clothes and the disquieting feeling in the air, as if the universe itself had shifted.
Story 4: The Waxen Keeper
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James Morrow was the night security guard at the Arkham Wax Museum. The museum's latest exhibit featured unsettlingly lifelike figures of ancient gods and cosmic horrors crafted by a reclusive artist named Ezra Blackwood.
"You're really gonna stay here alone with these things?" the day guard, Bill, joked. "You're braver than me."
James chuckled nervously. "Someone's gotta do it."
As the night wore on, James patrolled the dark, empty halls. The wax figures seemed to watch him, their eyes glinting in the dim light. He couldn't shake the eerie feeling they were more than just statues.
Near midnight, a low hum filled the air, and James noticed one of the figures—a grotesque depiction of an ancient, tentacled deity—had shifted. Its eyes, previously dull, now glowed with an unholy light.
"What the...?" James muttered, stepping closer.
The figure moved its head slightly, and James jumped back, heart pounding. "Bill? Is this some kind of joke?"
A deep, resonant voice filled the room, echoing from everywhere and nowhere. "We are the Watchers of the Beyond."
James backed away, only to find himself surrounded by the wax figures, all now animated and converging upon him. Their movements were slow, almost deliberate.
"You have tended our prison well," the voice continued. "Now it is time for your reward."
The tentacled deity extended a limb, touching James lightly. His skin began to harden, and he felt his muscles stiffen. He gazed in horror as his hands turned into wax.
"No, please!" he begged, but his voice was already thickening, becoming as solid as the wax enveloping him.
In the morning, the museum had a new exhibit—a perfectly sculpted wax figure of James, frozen in eternal terror among the other eldritch abominations.
Visitors would marvel at the lifelike details, never knowing that James was still conscious, trapped forever within his waxen prison, a silent guardian of the ancient horrors.
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scarletttheclown · 2 months
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little designs for the deep sea divers im working on, meet Doctor Otto and camila hart. Otto is an amercian scientist, both him and his wife met when working on a giant project to dive in the deepest trench, the Mariana Trench. Camilia is a brazilian ocean/marnie scientest and her along with many enginners helped make the new diving dresses, much like stander drivers dresses, yet they could filter the oxygen in the water, making it so that you can breathe underwater.
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scuba-divers · 3 months
Hey!! I’m Scuba Diver, an undead thingy that lives in the Mariana Trench. I happen to be an artist, cosplayer, music producer and a marine biologist that has come to Tumblr to post my art!! I am a male and I go by He/Him/It/Its pronouns and I am 15. Don’t ask how I get internet down here, please.
On the side, I make VRchat avatars and 3D models and produce music on Ableton Live, mainly hyperpop-like shit.
I tend to swear a lot and post extremely bright coloured art, so if that’s not your thing then you may not want to follow me and//or you may want toblock me. I will try and tag my eyebleed art, but I am not always going to tag my swears. If you feel the need to block me due to this: Don’t worry, I understand! Swearing and eyebleed aren’t everybody’s thing, regardless of age or maturity.
I am half Japanese and half Scottish! I am pan/omniromantic and sex-repulsed [apothisexual]! I am a hobbyist marine biologist.
I like marine biology and general S.T.E.[A.]M nerd stuff. Hopefully you guys can withstand my nerd ramblings.
Anyways, after the ten millionth redo of my intro, I need to go again due to the wizard.
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trekwiz · 1 year
I thought there were enough red flags that they should have known better... but that's even more apparent with specific details in their backgrounds:
He holds three Guinness World Records, including longest time spent at full ocean depth during a dive to the deepest part of the Mariana Trench.
He also said the Titanic dive had been meant to take place in June 2022 but was delayed because "the submersible was unfortunately damaged on its previous dive". He said no-one was injured in the incident.
Sounds like someone who should have recognized the danger.
Mr Nargeolet, 77, a former French Navy diver, was also on board.
Nicknamed Mr Titanic, he has reportedly spent more time at the wreck than any other explorer and was part of the first expedition to visit it in 1987, just two years after it was found.
The 77-year-old is director of underwater research at a company that owns the rights to the Titanic wreck.
According to a company profile, Mr Nargeolet has supervised the recovery of thousands of Titanic artefacts, including the "big piece", a 20-tonne section of the boat's hull.
This one has no excuse at all for missing the red flags.
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aetherive · 2 years
Can I have some deep sea related pronouns, names and honorifics please ?
Demisia (in reference to the demisia tunnel from Gemini Home Entertainment)
Lumi (from ‘bioluminescent’)
Lm. - Honorific of ‘bioluminescent’
Myst./Mystery or Mysterious
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stablediffusion · 2 years
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“Bioluminescent Cyberpunk Jellyfish, Deep Sea Diver, Extreme Light, Distant Cyberpunk Atlantis, Organic, Bio Domes, Coral, Deep Ocean, Robotic, Mariana Trench Midnight Zone, Bubbles, Hyper Realistic, Hyper Detailed, Digital Art, Trending in Artstation, Studio Quality, Photorealistic, Photo, By Jes...”
Give us a follow on Twitter: @StableDiffusion
ht prompthero_
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stanfave · 1 year
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Live today: James Cameron set to discuss deep sea exploring in a CTV News exclusive
Oscar-winning Canadian filmmaker James Cameron is set to visit Ottawa today to attend the launch of a Canadian Geographic exhibit about his feats of deep-sea exploration, and take part in a fireside chat with his long-time mentor.
In an exclusive broadcast by CTV News, Cameron will participate in a fireside chat with his mentor of more than four decades Dr. Joe MacInnes to discuss the “Magic of Mentoring,” organized by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and attend the opening of the exhibit "PRESSURE – James Cameron into the Abyss."
Cameron will also speak one-on-one ahead of the event with CTV News Chief Political Correspondent Vassy Kapelos, who is set to host the fireside chat.
Ahead of the exhibit launch, Canadian Geographic’s explorer in residence Jill Heinerth — a Canadian cave diver and underwater explorer, and author of Into the Planet: My Life as a Cave Diver — told CTV News Ottawa the event is the opportunity to celebrate “mentorship and ocean exploration” with “two of Canada’s finest ocean explorers.”
“I could listen to these guys for the rest of my life,” Heinerth said. “Because honestly … James Cameron has made these great films that are so iconic to everyone, but he has (also) contributed greatly to undersea exploration.”
“That also is largely part to his connections with Joe MacInnes, who was the first person to do a scientific dive underneath the North Pole, as well as many other feats,” she added.
MacInnes, an 86-year-old Canadian physician, author, and explorer, met Cameron when the latter was 14 years old and visited Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum, which was at the time featuring a submersible MacInnes had designed.
The upcoming Ottawa exhibit will feature Cameron’s “Deepsea Challenger” submersible, which he piloted to explore the deepest part of the ocean in the Mariana Trench in 2012 — a venture during which MacInnes served as advisor and medical director.
The conversation will include information on Maclnnis’ role as a mentor for Canadian explorers like Cameron, who have dedicated their time to ocean observation and research.
The fireside chat will be streamed live exclusively on CTVNews.ca and the CTV News app between 3 and 4 p.m. EDT. Highlights will be broadcast on CTV News Channel and CP24.
Visitors can view the exhibit, titled "PRESSURE – James Cameron into the Abyss," at the Alex Trebek Theatre, located at 50 Sussex Dr. in Ottawa, with free admission from noon to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to Saturdays until Sept. 1.
With files from CTVNews.ca’s Dorcas Marfo
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/oi4xjZO
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yumi007 · 1 year
"Titanic" director Cameron talks about the U.S. submarine accident: the warnings all fell on deaf ears, and it's shocking to see the tragedy repeated 111 years later!!!! At the time, the Titanic received numerous warnings from other ships and radio stations alerting them to the presence of icebergs and glacial areas. However, these warnings were not taken seriously enough due to a number of factors. Some of these factors included: Complacency: the Titanic was considered one of the most advanced and safest ships of its time, and those on board may have been overconfident and not sufficiently alert to potential dangers. Speed quest: the captain and crew may have been under pressure to achieve higher speeds and set sailing records, leading to the decision to continue sailing at high speeds in glacial areas. Communication problems: Radio communication technology was not advanced enough at the time and there were problems with the communication system that may have led to some warning signals not being accurately communicated to decision makers on board. A combination of these factors led to the ignoring of warning signals, which ultimately led to the sinking of the Titanic. The tragedy caused widespread concern about maritime safety and led to the establishment of stricter ship safety regulations and improved communication systems to ensure that a similar disaster would never happen again. Unfortunately, according to ABC News and the Daily Mail on the 22nd, Cameron said he was shocked by the striking similarities between this tragedy and the "Titanic" shipwreck. The shipwreck tragedy will occur in 1912, is due to the captain constantly receive warnings that the front of the iceberg, but he was still bent on going full speed ahead, so that hit the iceberg, resulting in the ship's 2,224 people on board 1,514 people were killed in a major tragedy. This is the first time that Cameron, who considers himself a diving fan, publicly broke his silence and expressed his views on the "Titan" tragedy. Cameron said many diving enthusiasts are very concerned about the "Titan", some of the top deep-diving engineering even wrote to the "Ocean Gate Expeditions", said they are engaged in activities too experimental, must be certified, but also unsuitable for carrying passengers to explore. The similarity between the two tragedies, he says, is that the warnings went unheeded. Diving all over the world, but 111 years later, the tragedy occurred in the same place, it is really shocking, feel simply bizarre. Melon bemoaned the fact that Paul, a 77-year-old French oceanographer, was a legendary diver, a longtime friend whom he had known for up to 25 years, and that it was almost unacceptable that he had died in such a tragic way. Cameron himself had completed 33 dives to the wreck of the Titanic, and had even traveled to the Mariana Trench, the deepest known place on Earth. "The five people who died on the Titan included OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, 61, British businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulman, 19, as well as British billionaire Hamish Harding, 58, and Frenchman Paul-Henri Nadège, 77. Ole. They are spending a quarter of a million dollars each on an expedition to see the world-famous wreck of the Titanic with their own eyes. The most devastating blow for their families is that experts say there is little hope of finding their remains.
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Supermassive Games Live Brief
The Chosen Concept - The Void Below
The idea that I chose to do was the "void below" The game's description is as follows: I came up with a straightforward concept for this.
You are an experienced deep-sea diver on a quest to investigate the Mariana Trench, which is the deepest spot in any of the world's oceans. A strange, ancient metropolis unlike anything you've ever seen is what you find as you plunge deeper and deeper into the abyss. But as you explore further, you start to understand that this metropolis is not of this world and that the creatures who once lived there are not amused by your intrusion. Before it's too late, you have to solve the city's secrets and flee.
so this is the basic premise for the idea for this live brief, after Creating a basic idea, I dive deep into the internet to search for references regarding underwater horror in movies and games, I collected references and compiled them to form this story.
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After choosing the environment I wanted to work on, I was struck by the idea of what to add to bring out the horror element in my environment; that's when I saw the Alien movie again and got my inspiration from that movie series. I researched more about the art style that was used in that movie and other related artists in that specific art style.
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After the reference collection, I chose an alien type of monster like an egg farm for a boss who was recuperating in the tank and inside a temple-like structure to revive after 500 years.
I even came up with this variation for the game's narrative: You become aware that the beings have been distorting your sense of reality as we make our way out of the city. They have been changing your recollections and making you see things that aren't there. You start to doubt everything you've gone through and are unsure of what is true and what isn't. It served as a holding area for the beings' experiments on humans. The metropolis was only an illusion created by them through mental manipulation. The actual horror is that there is no way out of their realm; you are confined there. He has to surrender his life, or give up, if he wants to get out of this prison.
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regard-luxury · 2 years
Most Stunning And Extraordinary Watches Luxury, Innovation And Artwork P4
It additionally includes a brilliant black, sunray-finish dial with arms and hour markers in 18 ct yellow gold. The mild reflections on the case sides and lugs highlight the refined profile of the 42 mm Oyster case... XThe Oyster Perpetual Deepsea Challenge in RLX titanium with a Cerachrom bezel insert in black ceramic and an Oyster bracelet.It options an intense black dial and enormous luminescent hour markers. Waterproof to a depth of eleven,000 metres , with a unidirectional 60-minute rotatable bezel, the Deepsea Challenge is an extension of the experimental watch created in 2012 to accompany James Cameron within the Mariana Trench... REVOLUTION is a quarterly magazine that lives and breathes horology.
X...The watches’ robustness and shock-resistance are confirmed by withstanding 5000 g. It can handle extreme shocks and bumps like when the wearer rides a mountain bike, skis an exhilarating downhill slope or runs an bold path. XKrayon takes another step, opening a bit wider the door into the world of nice mechanical complications. This first female incursion into the world of mechanical complexity based on Krayon phases the ballet of the stars trilobe nuit fantastique and the measure of time towards the backdrop of a personalised, refined woman’s ephemeris... X...Rolex achieved perfection when it turned its attention to redefining the aim and functionality of the bezel. Typically, a bezel operates independently from the interior mechanism; nevertheless, the Ring Command bezel within the Yacht-Master II regatta chronograph operates along side it.
Oversized lab-grown diamonds make the rounds of its 18k purple gold or stainless-steel bezel. For divers, timing was every little thing, and Breitling got down to give them the most clear-cut dive watch attainable by eliminating any characteristic that didn’t help their lifesaving needs underwater. What remained have trilobe nuit fantastique been clean traces, chunky luminescent indexes, squared-off hands and a high-contrast dial ring, all aimed toward maximum legibility. The new Superocean retraces the Slow Motion's celebrated design codes, while adding trendy options, like a ceramic-inlayed bezel and brightly colored dials...
The watch is water-proof to 300 m , as nicely as being shock-, sand- and saltwater-resistant. The bronze model makes use of a special alloy that has glorious resistance to corrosion, yet will still develop a delicate patina over time that makes the watch even more distinctive. The two strap options have a folding clasp that enables for micro-adjustments of as much as 15 mm for simple put on over rashies and wetsuits. For security, the bezel is uni-directional on most sizes and bi-directional with a patented lock on the 46 mm.
The business thus provided good employment in the metropolis and that is how Hakose started a four years, in his personal phrases “extremely powerful with no time to sleep” apprentice. Today, he’s one of the internationally acclaimed Japanese lacquer artists, however his need is to have his works used on a daily basis by his shoppers. He runs his personal workshop and takes a quantity of apprentices to move on his information. Minase may be very proud to have the ability to collaborate with such a great artist who shares the brand’s values. XThis Spin Time timepiece integrates a Flying Tourbillon at its heart that completes its rotation in one minute. In a technical and aesthetic tour de force, the mixture of the Spin Time show mechanism with a central Flying Tourbillon is a first in watchmaking history.
Divido dials are either crafted in plain urushi colors , or copper stamped and hand-painted. XThe classic but modern design of the Limited Edition Bremont Longitude marks a significant milestone on this journey. Not solely does the Longitude house the brand’s first manufactured movement from its new ENG300 movement series nevertheless it additionally incorporates unique brass from the historic Flamsteed Meridian Line on the Royal Observatory Greenwich, London. At Greenwich, the brass Flamsteed Meridian line marks the historic position trilobe nuit fantastique where the first Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, made his observations and laid the foundations for accurate timekeeping and navigation... XHighly refined, beautifully finished, and providing fashion and comfort across many wrist sizes not often present in a sports watch, the elegant new C65 Aquitaine takes the retro diver to new peaks – and depths.
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