#mandalore maul
ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
New Darth Maul insert reader coming soon~ 😃🥰😍✨
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istaricelebelasse · 28 days
An AU where Maul kills Sidious on Mandalore, causing new problems for everyone including, but not limited to:
The Chancellor of the Republic being murdered on a neutral planet
Dooku and Maul arguing over who is the True Sith
Mandalore being Mandalore aka trapped in a civil war, fending off the republic, and also hosting a Sith Lord on a Victory Rush
Sidious’ plans unravelling in new and fun ways as things are unwittingly (or deliberately) set off
Maul, on his Victory Rush, continuing to plot his revenge on Obi-Wan
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Can we already start talking about how Maul got his ass dragged by a 5 foot nothing togruta equivalent of a baby itty bitty lion cub because boooooy the cartoon did not do a great job of showing just how young she really was lmao, the live action really puts things in perspective
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twinterrors29 · 2 years
I think it would be very funny if after Obi-Wan kills Maul in Rebels, an entire small army of Mandalorians turned up in the desert (led by Sabine, who got tipped off by Ezra) to harass him into becoming the rightful leader of their government
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starwarcer · 11 months
Maul waiting for Ahsoka to arrive (real)
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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some clone wars s7 art!!! that siege of mandalore arc just-- 🤌 + maul being his unhinged self.
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proxi-dreams · 9 months
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Forgot to post here, but a fanart piece I did in september! I heard Sam witwer was gonna be at one of the cons so I made a piece to showcase my love for his role as Darth maul! He was great to talk to, got a signature and we talked alot about the experimental lighting I did for this piece which I had a lot of fun doing! Hope ya like and stay tuned!
Art is mine
Star wars belongs to Lucasfilm/disney
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vertiska · 4 months
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speed paint on my insta: sparks.street
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darth-memes · 11 months
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ejfivercommander · 1 year
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The Sith Code
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anakindoodles · 1 year
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If I started these on May 4th does it still count?
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I've said all of this stuff already but I'm pissed rn and it's therapeutic to type it out:
Maul's presence on Mandalore in TCW s7 is NOT a priority. The political situation on Mandalore, while shitty, has been the same for the civilian population since s5, with or without Maul there. Things can wait a bit.
Sure, capturing Maul is possibly time sensitive (since they don't know how long he'll be on-planet), but taking back Mandalore isn't. If Maul leaves before they show up the planet is just as easy to take. Bo-Katan is using his presence as an incentive because she doesn't have the necessary forces to win, whether or not he's there. The situation is only urgent for her because if Maul leaves then the Republic has no reason to help her cause. The situation is not urgent for Mandalore because, again, it's been the same for basically a year - Maul's presence has little impact on the people, his forces are the problem and they have never left.
The Republic didn't "refuse" to help after s5, they just had no more reason to. Almec is still legitimately Prime Minister (accepted by the people) and Mandalore is an independent sovereign system that has spent actual years refusing outside interference. The second Maul bails "helping" goes back to being called "invading".
Capturing Maul is also not even a priority to the Republic (Republic =/= Jedi Order) because Palpatine ordered the Jedi to stop bothering with him in s5. Officially Maul is 'just' a crime lord, and he's not allied with the Separatists or even attacking the Republic. It's well established in TCW that the Jedi don't have the manpower to deal with the underworld anymore. What's the point of dismantling black markets and crime rings if the planet gets bombed into oblivion the next day? Priorities.
The Jedi can't do what they want with Republic resources. As awful as it is, the Clones belong to the Republic. The Jedi can be ordered to pull out of a situation whenever the Senate pleases. (see above)
Capturing Maul (what would be the Jedi's goal going to Mandalore) would really best be accomplished somewhere he doesn't have all his forces backing him up (again, confronting there is for Bo-Katan's benefit because her own goal isn't just to capture Maul but to beat his forces which she wants the Republic to do for her)
The Battle of Coruscant is ABSOLUTELY a pivotal point in the war and the main priority. The second the Separatists show up above the Republic's central seat of power? The political and military capital? The most densely populated planet in the Galaxy? It's time to drop literally everything else. The Senate is there. The Temple is there. A LOT of their troops are stationed there. There are hundreds of thousands of billions of people living there. Even pulling forces out of allied worlds to go help Coruscant wouldn't be a dick move, just a desperate one - nevermind waiting to send troops to a neutral-on-a-good-day-and-more-or-less-enemy-the-rest-of-the-time world.
The Jedi don't even refuse to help.
They don't.
Why am I typing all of this to defend their refusal to help? They don't refuse to help.
Obi-Wan wants to take a hot minute to THINK ABOUT the implications of going guns blazing into neutral sovereign territory to confront a dude who has an extremely personal vendetta against him and is known to set traps of precisely this kind. (And Obi-Wan is right to consider these things because HEY! IT IS A TRAP! MAUL SLAUGHTERS A BUNCH OF CLONES AS A BREADCRUMBS TRAIL TO LEAD SOMEONE HE HOPES TO BE OBI-WAN INTO A TRAP!)
Obi-Wan also answers to the rest of Council, just like every other Council member. Bo-Katan gets pissy that he's not giving an answer right that instant because SHE needs Maul to still be there, but thinking things through is literally Obi-Wan's job description.
And after all this, after the attack on Coruscant and the political considerations, THE JEDI DON'T EVEN REFUSE TO HELP.
The Mandalorian traditionalists' favorite pastime is attempting to kill Jedi. Not too long ago, Bo was right there when Pre was trying to kill Obi-Wan. And then trying to kill Ahsoka. And then allying with the Sith (who notoriously want to kill all the Jedi) on two separate occasions (Dooku and Maul). The Mandos PRIDE THEMSELVES on hating the Jedi. There has never been in canon an instance of a Prequels-era Mando warrior helping a Jedi out for altruistic motives.
Bo-Katan is appealing to the Order's decency (saying that her people suffer etc etc) but she doesn't even have the honesty to couch it as a real, desperate plea for help. Instead she presents the situation as transactional, as though she was bringing anything concrete onto the table. If the Republic comes in, takes Mandalore for her and captures Maul, she has contributed to the effort how, exactly? What has she given the Republic? How many people fight for her is left pretty vague but we really don't see that many of them. Plus it's her planet. Fighting for it isn't her giving the Republic anything, it's still her helping herself. And yet she gets incredibly pissed when Obi-Wan takes time to examine the 'deal.'
In light of the two previous arguments, the Jedi would in fact have been perfectly justified in telling Bo to eat some freaking humble pie.
Sure it's Obi-Wan specifically who okays the operation, before the rest of the Council can make a decision, but do they order the troops to pull out afterwards? Nope. Do they sanction him? Nope.
They do help.
They really shouldn't have let Bo-Katan in charge but hey, they get all massacred after that and the Republic's backing is literally what gives Bo-Katan legitimacy in the eyes of many clans for decades after (see the Protectors' position in Rebels. Her legitimacy stems from SATINE'S and the Republic apparently backing her up as Satine's heir. It's not from kicking Maul out.)
(I love Bo-Katan as a character but as a person she's. huh. a lot. She changed from outright villain to morally gray character because the villains got a lot worse not bc she got better lmo)
So the Jedi absolutely did help afgfdsdfgfdsdfd why are people getting pissy about Obi-Wan - who has a complicated history with Mandalore that involves a loved one getting murdered in front of his eyes by Maul - hesitating to help
They really didn't refuse to help.
They really had every reason to
It would have been perfectly reasonable in fact
Yeah they have a mandate to protect innocent people but there were a lot more innocent people on Coruscant
Innocent people who did want their help instead of yelling GTFO every time they showed up
Because the Mando civilians sure didn't want them there
Oh and also? They didn't refuse to help
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Duchess Satine was the last Mandalorian leader to sit on a throne like a goddamn person
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sudden-stops-kill · 1 year
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seige of mandalore arc...by jason benullo
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prankprincess123 · 1 year
You know, technically, Ahsoka should be Mand'alor. The title - and saber - are passed through trial by combat, and as of the Lawless arc in CW Maul was technically the Mand'alor. If any Mandalorian had been capable of rightfully claiming the darksaber from him, they wouldn't have needed Ahsoka to come deal with him. And this little girl kicked his butt so hard, and at least temporarily saved Mandalore. Following this trail of ruling, by Mandalorian tradition, Ahsoka Tano should be Mand'alor.
And now you could argue that she didn't kill Maul, therefore she's disqualified, but that would simply lead the trail of rightful Mand'alor to Obi-Wan. Or you could argue that any and all claims after Jango are illegitimate - despite being disowned by his people - which would lead to Mace. And both of those trails would lead to that final Death Star confrontation, and to Luke.
Do with this information as you will
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