#man our goals in the last minute hit like crack
svkhky · 6 months
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svk vs gbr, iihf ww IB 7:1 (klimášová, bednárik, marsden, hlinková (2), gálisová (2), beňáková)
or: smiling when you allowed in 4 unanswered goals is never a good idea because janka hlinková will make it 5
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #207
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starters: [ 10 ]
What did we get?
No, this joke is not over.
Don’t tell him how to actually do it.
What is it?
Do you have more coal?
How does this help us?
He fucking didn’t do that on purpose.
That was the last time we ever saw him.
Why are you out of breath?
Well, you’re normal sized.
And you chose the coffee table?
I was slowing down for you, that's why.
I like that, it's dangerous.
How do I get back in the air?
Hey, listen man, we didn't get to practice.
What is this, Starbucks?
That’s right, I made that joke.
I’m glad you practiced that on Sunday.
Stop being a dumbass.
Ooo, Buttons.
I might go push him.
Oh shit, we can set up cameras.
Oh my God, it is dark.
I’m gonna set this camera out here, and hope I don’t get killed.
Why don’t I have a weapon?
I keep hearing shit!
We are hiding the whole night in this motherfucker!
Dude, he’s here.
That scared the fuck out of me!
We have to get away, my voice is cracking, I’ve had enough of this game.
You killed my woman…thank you.
I made something special to start today off.
I made someone a home…
You have to go earn it you little fucking bitch.
We're in a different dimension!
What have you done to me?
This is nice…let's go fuck it up.
What the fuck did I just draw?
I always enjoy recording with you.
Just so you know, I'm desperate for footage.
Now this guy probably wants a lot of money from me.
I shit you not, we missed it by one.
You rolled the bad number for us.
Oh my God, this guy and his logic.
Look at you now, broke bitch.
Gee, this guy gots some anger problems.
Dude, this game is laggy.
They don't have time.
We didn't talk strats at all.
I died and there was no lamp.
Call him a bitch when you hit him!
They're gonna hear you in the halls.
Give it to me, I know how to read.
You might have enough.
My game’s crashing.
It'll be fixed in a minute then.
I knew I would be the fucking last one.
He’s always doing that shit, man.
That’s useless.
I deserved that!
Are we allowed to snitch, I’m snitching.
I have the most boring cards.
That’s a mystery, isn’t it, my friend?
I shouldn’t have lied.
This game is trash!
I clicked it too!
That is not what you should’ve done!
It’s like we haven’t played for an hour.
What, it’s your turn, go, I’m letting you go again.
I'm on fire…wait, I'm actually dying!
I can't see anything.
It growled at me and ate my ass and I died.
You can try, I'll watch you, go for it.
It’s pitch black outside.
I don’t know, but I totally didn’t just drop him off a ledge onto your head.
What is our goal here, by the way, are we going to get shit on by shit we don’t understand for two hours and be done or what?
Wait, you guys are just now getting here, you were trying this whole time?
We killed that thing five minutes ago.
You're the one who got fucked by that possessed demon cow.
Go run away and bleed all over the place, you fuck.
Don’t put that in either.
I’m a broke bitch cause I jumped off the edge.
I need money!
This guy gets top.
I have dog-shit cards.
You couldn’t keep it going, you suck.
Who’s clicking like a motherfucker over there?
I don’t give a fuck what you got, bitch.
This guy’s got layers to him, he’s like a lasagna.
Kermit's getting his second DUI right now.
He transformed into something else.
I'm good.
This fucking witch is still in the lava.
How many did you fucking make?
What is the lumbar for?
Sounds about right.
Why won't the trees grow?
Is that where we are going?
We’re hella late.
Don’t shoot him.
You read like me.
Can’t even do that right.
I know it’s there.
And we’re still getting chased.
Til death do us part, bitch!
You gotta let go!
Hey, he’s about to stab that goat in the ass.
We’ll kill them on the way back.
Right, I’m stuck in a tree!
Santa, son of a bitch!
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ererokii · 4 years
Heyyyyy, so I just finished the Aot 2 game and was kinda messed up by the ending... sooo in honor of that, could you possibly write something about the reader sacrificing herself to distract the Titans so that everyone can get away safe and she doesn’t come back for a few years? I’d prefer something with Jean but it’s completely up to you! Thanksssss
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Thank you so much for requesting, I had a fun time writing this and I hope you love it!
For those that don’t know, this is based off of the Attack on Titan 2 game! This contains some spoilers from the game!
Year 3, 850
Three years of intense training are now behind me as today is the long-awaited graduation. Unfortunately, I could not come in the top ten, but Shadis believes that I have potential. My goal from the beginning hasn’t changed. I plan to dedicate my heart to the Scouts and take out the armored titan myself. 
XX, 850
Reiner and Bertholdt escaped, and we were able to retrieve Eren and Ymir. Not long after the fight with them, we gained insight that Wall Sina has been breached. This is it. Now or never. The battle to keep our human race alive was at stake. I will not let defeat take over my body. 
Jean’s eyes scan over the series of letters in the journal that belonged to an assumed fallen comrade. Every day for the past three years, it has always been the same routine. 
Get up, train, socialize with comrades and read this journal. 
By now, he wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t have memorized the whole book. Each inked word seemed to lose its meaning, and its color as the pages began to fade away, just like his hope did. 
The tips of his fingers grazed the rough sheets of paper, a lump forming in the back of his throat. No matter how many times he has read this, he can never shake off the dull aching pain in his heart when he realized he had looked over the last entry once again. 
Currently, he’s sitting in his room, the window open that allows the cool breeze to wash over his body. Goosebumps form on the nape of his neck as he shifts his attention to the walls in the distance. The moon took its place in the sky, the light shining down on the walls as if it were mocking him. 
His tongue peeks out and swipes across his lower chapped lip, hoping that the wetness is enough to moisture them. His fingers continually flip through the pages after the last entry, staring down at the blank pieces of faded white sheets.
The vivid images replay in his mind on the day Wall Sina was breached. Reiner, Bertholdt, and the Beast Titan were all there. The Beast Titan was a surprise to everyone. Out of all the battles, Jean has fought, this one was by far the most blood-curdling. The thought of humanity dying out on that field was enough to ignite a feeling in all the soldiers. 
When Eren and the rest of the scouts defeated Reiner for the second time, there was enough time to take Annie’s crystal back to an underground cellar. But because it weighed more, the horses were at a disadvantage. 
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Jean likes to think that you survived. Maybe you were residing in the new buildings of Wall Maria once the scouts took it back. Perhaps you didn’t want to be apart of the Scouts anymore— then maybe you would be safe. 
The slamming of the door catches his attention as the sound of pants and coughs are heard. 
“What, Connie?” He sighs and slicks his hair back. “What could you possibly want at this hour?”
“S-Someone’s approaching headquarters! I think it’s Y/N!”
His body grows cold at the sound of your name. “Y/N..?” He whispers underneath his breath, thinking that his mind was playing games. “How are you so sure?”
“The person is wearing the Scout uniform with no horse! We haven’t been scouting outside! It has to be her! It can only be her!”
“That has to be impossible,” he stands abruptly from his wooden chair, stalking towards his comrade. “She’s dead.”
“Weren’t you the one who told us to have faith?!”
“I did. A year ago. It’s been three years, Connie. She’s not coming back.”
“Jean,” he whispers, unsure if he heard right. “We all know you were heartbroken when she sacrificed herself but—“
“She’s gone, Connie!” His arm swings out as his fist collides with the wall, a surge of pain shooting through his arm. “Because I couldn’t help, she’s dead! We were useless! Maybe we should have let Reiner take Annie back so she would be here! But she’s dead!” 
His voice cracks as a lump grows in his throat, limiting the use of words. His nails dig into his palms, nowhere near, causing the amount of pain he felt within his heart. 
Only a few minutes pass as Connie leaves his friend alone, not wanting to upset him further. 
Jean’s mind begins to flood with the memory of your departure. His eyes are squeezed shut as the clear liquid runs down his face, damping the wood of the desk underneath his arms that rest under his head. His grown out hair sways slightly from the cold air that sent shivers down his spine. 
“The horses can’t go as fast with that big thing in the cart! There’s just too much weight!” Connie yelled out as he and Jean steered the horses forward as Titans trailed from behind. 
You, Mikasa, Eren, and the crystal that held Annie sat in the cart. The horses ran at top speed. Your fingers gripped the leather of the journal, nails pressing against the material. 
Your eyes are trained on the hoard of Titans that seem to get closer and closer by the minute. 
“Any minute, they’ll be on us!”
“I know that, Connie!” Jean grunts and glances over his shoulder. The determination in his voice washes away as his eyes widened, face growing pale as he watches you slide the journal into Eren’s hand as he lies unconscious. 
He was no fool to know what you would do. The air is knocked out of his lungs as the faint noise of the gear rings in his ears. It’s like he’s living in slow motion. His mouth opens as he screams out for you, begging to keep you on the cart.
Your alluring eyes bore into his own as your lips curve into a small smile, mouthing something to him as a hook shoots out from its confinement and into a tree, shooting your body forward. 
A hoarse sob leaves his mouth as he sits up, covering his face with his hand as his shoulder shakes violently. Jean can feel himself washing away from reality and falling into the deep void that was his heart as he cries. Each waking second he knows he’s becoming insane.
As harsh as reality was, the man wanted to live in his fantasy world, where you were still aliv—
His body stifled as he heard the sound of a voice he knew by heart and loved dearly. His pupils are wide in shock as he stares forward at the walls' chipping paint in his room. 
“Impossible,” he trails off in a whisper, hands beginning to shake in uncertainty. “It’s impossible..”
“Jean...turn around,” you whisper into the tense air, walking forward as the creaking of the floors alerted him of your presence. “Please?”
“Maybe I have finally lost it,” his voice comes out in a lower octave as he runs his hand through his hair. “I guess that’s what I get for not sleeping.”
“Jean, it’s me!” You plead as you place your hand on his shoulder, feeling how tense he was under your fingertips. “It’s me..Y/N.” 
“No, she’s dead. I saw her leave us. You aren’t even here. You’re just a figure of my imagination to make me feel better so I won’t wallow in my pity.”
Your heart aches at his confession as you suddenly wrap your arms around him from behind, burying your head in his neck as your hair tickled at his exposed skin. “I’m home now, Jean,” your voice cracks as tears well up, the liquid hitting against him. “I’m back..”
“How can you?” He questions, relaxing upon touch. From a face showing sorrow, it shifted into one of seriousness. “I s-saw you leave us. You can’t be alive..it has to be a joke.”
“I survived Jean..can’t you see?” You press your cold hand against his warm cheek, feeling his warmth radiated off of his face. “I’m here..flesh and blood. I’m alive...I came back to you.”
Jean tilts his head to gaze up at you; his mouth parted as he gazed into your eyes. All the words he had to say now left his mind as his lips became parched, peeling his tongue out to lick them. “You are here..”
“I am!” You laugh through the tears, cupping his face in your hands. “I was in a shelter in Wall Rose. I was injured for a long time before I was able to return here.”
Words couldn’t express how the boy was feeling, only actions. He abruptly wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing you flush against his body. “You’re here now..”
All of his worries and hidden thoughts could now be thrown out the window and buried deep underneath the earth, a place he would never have to reach. You were alright, alive and breathing.
And especially in Jean’s arms.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
The Concussed Midfielder (Kelley O'Hara x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  can u do a ko imagine with the reader getting a concussion and still playing? thank u!!!
Of course, it had to happen after the last substitute was used, at the 89th minute in with time to be added.  
A corner kick courtesy of Tobin’s foot was flying into goal when you leaped in the air.  
All you felt was the crack against your temple, before you hit the ground with a thud like a sack of potatoes.  
Carli Llyod had sunk the header into the net, but instead of the usual celebration, your teammates had surrounded you.
“Y/N? Can you hear me?” You hear Christen say and you grimace, face scrunched up in pain.  
Meanwhile, on the sidelines Kelley is pacing back and forth like a caged lion, Alex doing her best to hold the woman back.  
“You can’t go out there Kel.” She whispers in her ear and the defender shakes her head.  
“I don’t give a shit, that’s my girlfriend!” She snarls angrily watching as the medical team makes it to you.  
Out of the corner of her eye she spots Vlatko having an intense conversation with the ref, who continues to shake her head until she turns away.
“What’s going on?” Alex asks as she and Kelley move towards the man, who shakes his head.  
“They won’t let her come off...” He sighs. “Since we’ve used the last of our subs.” 
Kelley’s eyes narrow, her lip curling in a snarl when she sees the ref talking to the medical staff.  
Your hand rests on your temple, a lump and bruise forming where the woman’s elbow had connected with the side of your head.  
“You really expect her to stay on!?” Megan shouts angrily at the ref, grimacing when you slap your hands over your ears.  
“Shhh, it’s okay.” Julie whispers as she runs a hand down your back.  
“This is totally against the rules!” Emily growls angrily.  
“We’re sorry Ms. Y/L/N, but we’re unable to take you off.” The medical member frowns and your brows furrow in confusion.  
“Wait, you want me to stay on?” You ask in disbelief and the members of the medical team all share a glance, frowning.  
“If it were up to us, you’d come off...” The male member of the team turns to the ref, his eyes narrowed. “But it isn’t up to us.”
The ref blows her whistle and you groan, slapping your hands back over your ears as she ushers the medical team off.  
On the sidelines Kelley snarls, wiggling in Ashlyn’s hold, the goalie having to get involved when she realized you for SURE weren’t coming off the pitch.  
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Kelley screams at the ref, who only sends her a glare before she makes her way towards where you and your teammates are, Alyssa gingerly helping you to your feet.  
You stumble slightly, head spinning.  
“Let’s go ladies-
“Can you give her a second?!” Christen bites angrily, green orbs narrowed, the usual calm woman’s angry demeanor scaring the ref who takes an abrupt step back.  
“Yeah you’re making her stay on when she doesn’t need to.” Crystal snarls.  
“Don’t push yourself okay? We’ll keep the ball away from your feet, we’ve only got a few minutes left.” Christen glances around the group, your teammates nodding.  
“I mean I can still play...” You pout, but one look from the women surrounding you and you know you’re in no way getting the ball for the rest of the game.  
Deep down you realize rather quickly it’s a good thing when it because painfully apparent that running is far from in the cards for you, your vision blurring and head spinning.  
You were thankful when the Brazilian player who’d been on you the entire game had slowed to move with you, an arm around your middle as you walked on the field, your hand on the side of your head.  
It remains that way until the whistle blows, Kelley sprinting onto the field and wrapping her arms around you, the two of you collapsing to the ground.  
“I WON’T STOP UNTIL I GET YOUR JOB AND THAT’S A PROMISE.” Kelley screams at the ref, eyes full of fury.  
“Kel.” You wince, the defender frowning as she wraps her arms tightly around you, the medical team almost immediately by your side.
“Let’s get you taken care of Y/N.” One of them says and you nod.  
“I don’t feel so good.” You mumble, your stomach churning and Kelley frowns, glaring at the ref who you realize is being swarmed by the media.  
“Let’s get you in the back.”  
The medical team, along with Kelley, Christen, Tobin and the others help you towards the back, stopping when you wretch, vomiting in the grass, nearly falling over when you bend down.  
Kelley tightens her hold on you, a lump forming in her throat at the sight of you in so much pain.  
“We’ve got you Y/N, we’ve got you.”  
It’s obvious to them that you, without a doubt, have a concussion, which you knew would most likely result in a career change for the referee who made you stay on field considering the media was on her the second the final whistle blew. 
“Well, you’re the center of attention today.” Alex frowns as she scans Twitter, fans outraged that you were forced to stay on the field after taking a blow to the head.  
“The fans are about to square up.” Emily snorts, skimming the multiple expletives the fans are using to refer to the referee as.  
“I think I’ve seen her called a bitch over a dozen times and that was in one post.” Ashlyn snorts and you smirk, grunting when Kelley holds the bag of ice to your temple.  
“I’m fine Kel.” You pout, the defender shaking her head as she holds you from behind.  
“Tell that to the bruised knot on your head.” She grumbles, burying her face in the back of your neck, nuzzling into the indented flesh of the nape of your neck.  
You lean heavily back into her, letting out a deep and lengthy sigh.  
“I’m sorry I scared you.” You whisper tiredly and Kelley shakes her head.  
“You didn’t do anything, the ref did...” She growls the last bit and you smile.  
Christen clears her throat, grinning.
“Referee fired amid fan outrage after USWNT player Y/N Y/L/N is forced to stay on field after suffering a head injury.”  
Megan throws a fist in the air while the others clap softly, in respect of the fact that you’re literally concussed.  
“Good, she was a bitch.” Tierna mumbles under her breath and everyone turns to her, their eyes wide.  
You snicker, a grin stretching across your face.  
“T, only we can use that language.” Alyssa shakes her head and Rose scoffs.  
“Ashlyn literally swears enough for the entire team.”  
The team starts to bicker until Kelley lets out an angry growl, everyone turning to her with wide eyes.  
“Oh yeah...”  
“Sorry Y/N.”  
You smile.  
“It’s okay, Kelley’s just acting like the Bull Terrier she is.” You snicker and the defender rolls her eyes, mumbling into the back of your neck.  
Kelley moves to rest her chin on your shoulder and you turn around, smiling when your eyes lock.  
“I love Bull Terriers.” You giggle and Kelley beams, cheeks pink as she leans in to press a kiss to your lips.  
“And I love you.”  
Emily snorts.  
“So, you’re not disagreeing with the fact that you’re a Bull Terrier?” Emily asks and you snicker.  
Tobin snorts.
“I see Kelley as more of an, angry ankle biter myself.”  
Kelley snarls.  
“Fuck off.”  
Tierna rolls her eyes.  
“And you say we need to watch our language.”  
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Yesterday's Lie" from The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who absolutely won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
Here it is! The midseason finale of The Owl House Season Two! An episode featuring Luz going back to the human realm, is hyped up to heaven about how painful it'll be for the audience, and features more anxiety by how Creepy Luz is a thing. And BOOOOOOOOY howdy were fans not ready for this. I'm sure as hell not ready for when I wrote this intro at *checks time* thirty minutes before watching the official premier. Yup, the words you're reading right now are from me in the past, when everything was still pure and simple. Whereas future me is still probably destroyed by the events that transpired. Isn't that right, future me?
Future Me: Actually, it wasn’t that bad. The ending hurt, sure, but other than that, it wasn’t too painful.
Wow, that is some neat input! At least, I think it was. I wouldn't know because I literally wrote that after watching the episode. With the words you're currently reading being written at *checks time* twenty-six minutes before the premier...this whole intro is confusing, isn't it, future me?
Future Me: Sure is.
Yeah, it's definitely confusing. In any case, let's dive into this spoiler-filled review as we find out together just how painful this episode was! Take it away, future me!
Future Me: Will do! Major spoilers ahead, folks!
Now, let’s review, shall we?
Luz’s Room: We only see it for a short time, but everything about it just screams Luz. The pile of weird-looking stuffed animals, the witch hat in the center of the floor, and the fact that she has bunk beds, a single child's dream (Or so I've heard). It's a small thing, but I love it.
Vee: Here she is! The character previously dubbed Creepy Luz who now turns out to be yet another new addition to the ever-growing list of characters that we, as a fandom, would give our lives for. Because holy s**t was Vee the best type of expectation subversion. Showing us all the ominous ways of how she basically took Luz's place made fans assume that Vee was an evil doppelganger. Turns out, she was just a tortured soul that was desperate to live a new and better life and lucked out in finding Luz's. What Vee does is...questionable at best, but seeing what she went through with the experiments Belos pulled on her, you understand why she would do it. And I personally love it's that same background information that makes Vee resentful of Luz of all people. Luz's life is a relative dream come true, and running away from that would be insane to someone who spent most of their existence through imprisonment and experimentation. It's an intriguing point of view, even though it's admittingly flawed given how it's mostly Camila that seemingly made Luz's life bearable. But the flaws don't matter. What matters is that you can see where Vee is coming from, and to me, personally, I think she's understandable enough to make me root for her to have some kind of happy ending. Whether as Luz or as herself, I'm hopeful to see Vee get some semblance of peace.
Camila: *Round of applause* Don't mind me! Just taking the time to love how all them sons of b**hes who thought Camila was a bad mom are now heavily invalidated. 'Cause, guess what? Camila is a fantastic mother, both to her daughter and her daughter's doppelganger! Allow me to walk you through the highlights:
How Camila looks like she’s not okay with the fact that "Luz" is clearing out her weird stuff, seemingly acting too different to the Luz she knows. Added to the fact that Camila doesn't like it.
How Camila drove Luz to camp whether than letting her take the bus
The fact that Camila takes that box of junk back in, not willing to part with the tin foil sculpture Luz made.
The way she was willing to play along with the game she thought Luz was doing, supporting her daughter's creative mind that Camila admits to being glad to see.
And, best of all, the willingness Camila had to help this poor creature, despite the lies it lived.
It's that last part I really want to touch upon, though. Because an action like that shows just how much Luz's heart comes from Camila. The kindness and generosity of helping this poor creature, who she has every right to run out on, proves how Luz learned to be everything she is today through Camila's own loving heart. Vee was scared and hurt, and the second Camila saw that she was then more than willing to help because of it. It's something that Luz would do, and it proves that even though Camila didn't exactly get everything right, she's still a great mom where it counts.
“A new life”: A perfect line.
Initially, it makes audiences think that it has everything to do with replacing Luz. It's only through future context that we know it's about escaping the s**t show Vee once lived through that it's clear she's talking about starting over. It hits us with intrigue on the first viewing, only to hit harder with the feels during a second. Really well-done.
Luz in the Mirror: A well-done surprise that makes fans curious about how this even happen in the first place. Kudos to you, writers.
The New Portal: I don't mind that they found a way to build this off-screen. Showing Luz and the gang slowly building a new portal would have been a little too tedious to watch, and it's so much better to just start this episode out with it. Besides, maybe we'll get the slow and steadier version now that we've seen how quickly building one might not have been the best way to go, given how fast that thing fell apart.
Luz Between Dimensions: I have no clue what the hell that place she was in is called, but it's awesome! The overall design of the realm is the correct type of unsettling, like it's oozing with mystery, but it's somewhere that you probably don't want to be in for too long. Whoever designed it deserves all of the credit because I don't want to even think about all the hard work that went into making this look as well-made as it was.
Luz Resisting to See Amity: What? Luz and Amity are adorable, and seeing Luz's immediate thought about seeing Amity makes my shipping heart scream with glee. Don't judge me!
Hiding Luz’s Dad’s Face: Well, that was a fun story while it lasted.
So, it turns out that Luz's dad really was a part of Luz's and Camila's life at some point, but not anymore. As for why remains to be seen, as we don't really know yet if we'll see him make an appearance. I'd say that the odds are high that he will, given how much of a point this episode made about keeping his face hidden. Shows don't usually do that unless the goal is to hype up some official reveal, and I can't wait to see what comes of it.
Luz Telling Herself to Count to Five: Hey, more evidence for how I relate to Luz! I know how it feels to be all panicky about a specific situation, and I only got better when I took the time to calm down for a bit. Sometimes, I even tried the "count to x" method that Luz used...it never worked, primarily because it made me feel worse when people told me to do it, but I still tried it! Plus, there's also some narrative foreshadowing when after Luz says five, the realm shows her Vee, or Number V, which is a pretty cool detail you'll notice on a rewatch.
Luz Helping Vee: I gave Camila praise for helping Vee in the end, but that doesn't abstain Luz from her own set of recognition. The second that Luz realized that Vee wasn't really a threat and is far from evil, our favorite human does what she can to help and even makes a deal where they're both happy. Because, of course, Luz is that perfect of a protagonist who is more than willing to help others in need. And it's why we love her so.
Looking for Magic that Eda Left Behind: A pretty cool idea that gives Luz and Vee a chance to bond and giving us an insight into Eda's past antics and misadventures in the human realm. Not much I can add to it, though.
Gravesfield: It's surprisingly not as jarring as I thought it would be to spend an episode in the human realm. I thought for sure, after all that time in the Boiling Isles, there would be something off about walking around a normal environment for a change. Turns out, it's almost easy to get used to. Or, for me, it is.
But I will say that there's this neat use of colors when comparing Gravesfield with the Boiling Isles. In Gravesfield, the coloring looks dulled down and standard, which is a stark contrast to the bright vibrancy of everything we've seen in the Boiling Isles. It's a subtle way of showing how things are different, aside from the major discrepancies we could come to expect. And I think that's why I appreciate it much more.
Eda’s Called Herself Marylynn in the Human Realm: Hang on...hang on...do you mean to tell me that the crack theory about Eda being Stan's ex-wife is actually true?
...What even is this show?!
Vee Making Friends with Camp Members: This shows the most apparent difference between Luz and Vee. Where we see Luz is already fearing the many ways that could go wrong with interacting with teens, Vee revealed that she adapted to her situation and had a chance to make friends. The implications of this are worth discussing another time, but for now, I'll say that it's pretty intriguing that we gain this much insight into both Luz and Vee through such a small thing.
Belos Wanting to Learn How Basilisks can Drain Magic: ...Didn't Raine say that Belos was taking away magic? If so, I think we can figure out how he's doing it. The question now is: Why?
Jacob (The Curator Guy): This guy was a riot. At first, Jacob seemed like a threat with the way he trapped Vee and was apparently stocking her, but the second he goes off about his conspiracy theories, it becomes clear what type of character he is. And was it a blast seeing how much of a crackpot this man is. It wasn't cool seeing him wanting to dissect the precious angel that is Vee, but I still chuckle about things like his "Flat Eather's Certificate." So while he's not that much of a threat, he's still fun to watch.
The Owl Beast was in the Human Realm: ...How did that happen? When did it happen? And how the hell did Eda get out of a situation like that?! Who knows, but it's still a shocking piece of news to learn.
Luz Telling Camila the Truth: Hey, she faced her fear after all! Although, the results aren't as pleasant as when Amity faced her fear two weeks ago.
Camila is a Veterinarian: ...One insignificant reveal...managed to destroy so many fanfics. I mean, we probably shouldn't have just assumed Camila was a nurse...but what the f**k else were we supposed to think?! Sorry for seeing the scrubs, and the first thing that came to my mind was "nurse" and not "vet."
By the way, that had to have been intentional, right? There's no way that Dana Terrace didn't think we'd assume Camila was a nurse. She'd had to have put off a reveal like that just to trip up her fans. And if that's the case, then that is a major d**k move...but that's why I mildly respect it.
Two Human Brothers went to the Demon Realm: Turns out we don't have to be in the Boiling Isles to learn more about it. Because now we have more information about how two humans were taken to the Isles with the help of a witch, thus setting up a grander reveal if it turns out that one of the humans was Philip and the witch was Belos. Because if that's true...then there's more of a history between those two than we thought.
Jacob has a Training Wand: This helps me believe that it's highly likely for Jacob to make a return and to have a power boost for when he does. After all, focussing all that attention on the training wand is way too convenient for it not to come up again in the future. Meaning we're most likely going to get more pain from Jacob if he shows up again.
Camila Beats the Crap out of Jacob for Vee: ...Writers, don't make me choose between Camila and Eda on who's the better cartoon mom. I know Eda's technically not a mom...BUT I STILL DON'T WANT TO CHOOSE DAMNIT!
Also, the sandal...just...
Why the f**k does Camila have a sandal in her purse? I don't know. Is it still funny that she does? Most certainly.
Camila and Luz’s Talk in the Rain: Ooooooooh, I was not ready for this...
I wasn't ready for the crying.
I wasn't ready for the hurt in Camila's eyes when she found out Luz chose to stay in the Boiling Isles.
I wasn't ready for Camila asking if Luz hates being with her that much.
I wasn't ready for Luz profusely stating how it was never Camila's fault.
I was not ready for Camila to tell Luz that she'll try to do better.
And I definitely was not ready for Luz to barely have enough time to promise that she'll come back.
This episode wasn't the twenty-two minutes of nonstop angst that I thought it was going to be...but this short scene more than make up for it.
Luz Tries to Stay Strong: Yet another thing she unwittingly learned from Camila. Camila tried to keep a brave face when Vee was with her and Luz, most likely not wanting to tear either of them down in the process. Luz does the same thing here as she avoids talking about the details of what went down in her sort-of journey back home. And seeing her clearly fake smile slowly droop into an uncertain frown, it uh...it definitely tore me up inside.
I want to say it's perfect, but there's one major issue that really bogs this episode down.
Continuity Error in How Vee Replaced Luz: Having Vee take Luz's place the same day Luz appeared in the Isles is a smart idea on paper...if it wasn't for the fact that it's impossible.
Because Eda closed the portal door the second that she saw Luz, meaning that there's no way for Vee to go to the human realm. It's a major plothole that makes no sense, and it might just be the first time ever that this series wasn't so closely knit with its story. Which ends up taking a dive in quality in the process.
I'd say that "Yesterday's Lie" is an A-. Everything about Luz, Vee, and Camila is incredible, combined into a story that ends in tragedy and uncertainty for the future. That plothole may drag things down a bit, but everything else is handled so well that I'm not lying when I say it's easy to forgive and forget.
(And that's ten episodes in a row without a single stinker. HOW THE F**K DOES THIS SEASON KEEP WINNING?!)
52 notes · View notes
pinencurls · 4 years
“I could just hold you and listen to your voice all night long.”
Hiii so this is my entry to @stellarboystyles‘s three year anniversary fic challenge! I’ve been busy with getting ready for classes starting and balancing other stuff so I wrote it on and off for a week and a bit but I hope you all enjoy! Feedback is so so encouraged and appreciated <3 
Here’s my masterlist of some other stuff I’ve written x 
Enemies (more like friends but oops) to lovers, prompt 9 “I could just hold you and listen to your voice all night long.”
14k+ :) Not read through sorry! pls let me know of any mistakes and I’ll correct them <3 (also i k n o w the title's bad but i couldn’t think of anything, pls feel free to leave any recs.)
- - - - 
It isn’t that I hate Harry. He just makes me feel...insecure. He’s never said or done anything directly but it’s hard to feel good about yourself when all your closest confidants seem to compare you to somebody else, somebody they so clearly hold higher above you. There wasn’t a single day I could meet a mutual friend of mine and Harry’s and not have them sing his praises, and apparently everyone was a mutual friend. I’ve known Julia and Theo for years, we all met in uni when they first started going out but it wasn’t until a year ago that I somehow ended up finding myself a regular within the friendship group they’d formed when they both went into the music and fashion industries. They had ties everywhere and after a pure coincidence of running into them and their circle at a pub, almost all my weekends were spent in various art galleries or new restaurants owned by somebody’s cousin or the guy they met last night at a Fleetwood Mac concert. 
I’d met Harry about five months into hanging out with the group. He’d known them a lot longer than I had, weaving his way into the little pockets of interesting people for years since the x factor. I was busy with work the first few times he was in town but after a while, Nick, the persistent party planner of the group who always managed to wrangle us together, insisted that I just had to meet him.                  . . . . . 
Eleanor’s house is huge and buzzing with hundreds of strangers. I cling to Julia and Theo’s side, Nick and Eleanor are nowhere in sight - most likely playing host or drinking too much chardonnay in another corner of the house. These four are the only people I can say I really know here, sure there are a few familiar faces on the dance floor, either from having met them at any of Eleanor's past elaborate parties or just because of they’re not so subtle fame. That’s another thing, all the people sipping wine and dancing around me are fairly...well known. Either just within the industry or to the general public too, they’d all gain fairly high status. It was a fluke really that I got on so well with Julia when we first met on a fashion course in uni. 
Julia had big goals, all of which she was on track to fulfil, that conflicted slightly with mine. Her goals consisted of runway show models clad in designer brands she might one day contribute to whereas mine were more...anti, that whole world. It took a few years to find a steady footing but eventually, I was proud of where I’d ended up: a comfortable little cubby in the fashion and sustainability columns of a handful of independent magazines. After a few nights out with Julia, I was pleasantly surprised to find her shared interests and solidarity in my work and ambitions of her own within the same ideology. But whilst that’s all well and good, I’m still very much the small indie journalist that slips through the cracks when it comes to small talk at these kinds of events. It became apparent pretty quickly that my latest articles on how fast fashion had begun its destruction of a liveable environment in developing countries weren’t as relevant or interesting to the people promoting Prada and Calvin Klein as the next met gala theme. 
“Do you want another drink?” Theo asks from beside me, pulling my focus from my scan of the room. 
“No thanks..I’m good.” I murmur, debating how long I have to stay before I can slip out and feel a little less awkward around all the people I have no clue how to talk to. “Think I’m gonna head off actually..”
“Look I know you hate networking, but this is just a chill get-together yeah?” Theo chuckles, squeezing my shoulder before taking another sip from his gin and tonic. “We’re in the same boat about these snooty things but tonight’s not like that, relax a bit will ya.” 
Theo works mostly with small-time music artists, producing debut albums and such so we share the same deep discomfort for the many events we often find ourselves at. It’s how we got close really, week after week we’d trail behind Julia as she strikes up conversations with Hollywood elite...and he always makes getting piss drunk in someone’s pool house exceptionally fun. 
Before I can further any excuses about getting home to start on the legitimate and ever-growing pile of work deadlines on my desk, a tall man in far too much Gucci to belong anywhere but in a room full of models and artists makes a beeline straight from the bar to our awkward party. 
“Harry!” Theo shouts, embracing the slightly tipsy man in a hug he reciprocates. 
“It’s been too long mate, how ‘ave you been?” Harry cheers, leaning back from the hug and grinning down at his friend. 
“I’ve been good - busy, enjoying the free bar as always.” Theo jokes, motioning between his and my matching G and T’s. Harry’s eyes wander up from the drink, realisation dawning on his face as he smiles again.
“Ah and you must be the famous Olivia,” He reaches his hand out to mine and shakes it lightly. “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself, ‘m Harry, it’s good to finally meet you, love.”  
“Likewise.” I smile, trying to suppress the blush his words of endearment tease. I can’t deny the natural charm and charisma everyone always talks about now that it’s hitting me straight on. There’s something about the way he doesn’t hesitate to hold eye contact just that little bit longer that makes the room go still for just a second. He’d got it down to a T.
“Aww I see you two have finally met!” Nick interrupts. My hand falls from Harry’s grip as he’s welcomed into another hug. “About fucking time as well, been trying get this one to take a night off for weeks!”
“I literally came out with you last Thursday!” I counter, not missing the smirk setting on Harry’s face as he watches Nick and I’s back and forth. “And the Saturday before, come to think of it I’m always out with you Nicky.” 
“Not when Harry’s in town though n’ that’s a different kinda night.” Nick laughs, his beer sloshing slightly in his free hand as his other remains draped over Harry’s shoulders. 
That was maybe the first sign of my slight resentment for Harry. All night I wandered around with Theo hearing little bits of conversations, all surrounding the star of the party. I understood this wasn’t his doing, his humility was clear in every one of his bashful attempts to turn the conversation away from his growing achievements and onto literally anything else. He was, however, a self-proclaimed narcissist. Every time somebody would swoon over him and insist he stay the topic of conversation, a smirk tugged at his lips and stayed there as he consumed the endless and animated praise from almost all the party guests. 
I’d expected some of his qualities to be untrue, learning from the past never to believe blindly of someone’s pure character when you didn’t truly know them. Especially when they frequented the gossip columns. But it wasn’t him so much, he was true to his motto of kindness and courteous even as people fawned over him, it was more the attention that surrounded him. As the night went on it became clear what Nick meant even if he didn’t know it himself. A night out with Harry was different because everyone made sure to capitalize off how different he made them feel.
. . . . .
“Can I get you anything else M’am?” The young waitress asks as she clears up my empty mug and saucer. My eyes falter a little as they adjust from the blue light of my laptop I’ve been staring at for the last twenty minutes. 
“Um- oh please could I just get a refill?” I ask. 
“Sure thing - mint tea right?” She smiles, adjusting the mug in her hands to make a quick note. 
 “Yeah..s’perfect - thank you.” She’s gone before she hears my delayed gratitudes, definitely used to the throngs of bemused writers tapping away at their laptops for hours. 
I turn back to my open google doc. So far it’s written in two parts I have no idea how to connect and my senseless rereading hasn’t resulted in any legitimate progress in almost an hour. I’d accept the rut I’m stuck in and work on something else for the day if I didn’t only have the day. Last night had been filled with plans of settling in early and finishing the last two thousand words on an upcoming sustainable clothing brand. That all went out the window of course as my phone buzzed off the kitchen counter with Nick’s insistence of yet another night out to celebrate ending the work week - his was quite different to mine. It was easy to ignore the persistent beeping of my phone as new texts and call notifications popped up every three minutes, but less so when the rhythmic bursts of noise were replaced by knocks on my front door. 
Within 40 minutes of opening it to Nick in a silk shirt and jeans too skinny for someone pushing thirty, I was two drinks in and dancing to Blue DeTiger with a pair of hands on my waist that I didn’t entirely recognise. It was just the six of us: Me, Nick, Ellie, Theo, Julia and Harry.
He was hard to ignore, not that I was trying particularly hard. On the drive over, the limited backseat space in Nick’s car and close proximity had practically forced me into his lap. Even with thighs pressed tightly against each other, we hardly talked, a few polite hellos here and there and then silence as we listened to Eleanor recall her latest night with whichever blonde bassist was her ‘soulmate’ that week. The whole ride over, Harry kept his hands on the thigh closest to the door and leant his shoulders the same way as to touch me as little as possible - which was still quite a lot considering the packed five seater pushing seven passengers. It was fairly common knowledge we weren’t close and I got the feeling he wasn’t too keen on me, but he could at least not act like touching me would be the worst thing ever. 
As the night went on he clung to Theo, ever the cuddly drunk, and I stayed more to the pleasant stranger I’d found on the dance floor.
No meanest was ever intended between us but I couldn’t help but watch the kindergarten like bitterness grow as everyone just loved him. We couldn’t go anywhere without a crying fan or two approaching the sweet and smiling man who always answered their questions affectionately and hugged them goodbye. The times he was out of town were always filled with comments about his absence, as if none of us were good enough without his added presence. I couldn’t help but wonder why they even bothered to bring me into their little group. The lack of closeness between Harry and I felt almost like a lack of closeness to the group as a whole, despite how much my individual friendships with everyone advanced. 
Just as I thank the waitress - Alice, her name tag read, and take the first sip of my third tea (I had to switch after a particularly strong starter coffee) I notice a familiar man out the corner of my eye looking just as rough as me. Of course he’s wearing it better than I am. 
Harry collects a drink from the counter and bows his head slightly in thanks, turning and catching my eye just as he’s on his way out. He waves with his free hand and shoots me a candid smile before making a quick change in direction towards my small table. 
“Long time no see,” He pulls the chair opposite me out a little as he chuckles at his own joke. He perches lightly, temporarily. “How’ve you been?”
“A little hungover, I won’t lie..” I laugh, surprised by the whole encounter. “You?” 
“Same, I might have had a shot or two too many,” I nod knowingly and shut my laptop softly. He sips what smells like coffee before going on. “Are ya workin? Sorry to interrupt.” 
“Oh no- I mean I am but it doesn’t matter really, ‘ve kinda hit a dead end.” His eyes hover, waiting for me to go on. “I was gonna get it done last night but Nick had other plans..” 
“Yeah Nick’ll do that to you,” He laughs, “What’re you writing ‘bout?” 
He leans slightly forwards, holding eye contact and shuffling comfortably into his chair. 
“Oh just this promotional piece on a new company, they’re hiring young women and training them to make these handmade clothes. They’re paying them above minimum wage and focusing on sustainability so this editor I’ve written for before offered me it.” I’m not really sure how sincere he is in his curiosity, he always seems to have time to listen when Julia has a new design plan or Theo’s found a new artist but that’s different really. I stop before I start to ramble, just in case. 
“That’s so cool, what kinda stuff are they making?” He prompts, resting his chin on his fist, imitating the posture of an eager little kid. 
“They've started stocking stuff by other independent artists but mostly dungarees and these cool cord trousers, they’d suit you actually, even got some 70s style ones.” Now that the two worlds are colliding in my head, I can’t help but imagine Harry in a pair of their forest green cords, the wide legs would almost bury his vans but a part of me is pretty sure he’d love them. 
“Thanks, if they come at your recommendation I might have to get my hands on a pair,” He smiles, his tone’s a lot different to the usual polite cheer, it’s difficult to place where it’s landed before he’s talking again. “Reminds me of that show you took us to with the upcycled clothes, all those dungarees made of old quilts - remember?” 
It’d been a small exhibit just outside of London I’d mentioned offhandedly and somehow ended up showing everyone around. It was nice to have them all in my world for an evening. Marcus, a friend of mine from college, had put it together and created a lot of the pieces. He and the others I’d met through my work were fairly shocked to say the least when Harry Styles came traipsing through the doors behind me. All night he quietly asked Nick questions, to which Nick only responded by motioning towards me and wandering off to the bar. 
“I do - I’m surprised you do to be honest.” It slips before I can decide if it sounds passive aggressive or not. To be fair, it had been a surprise to me, meeting everyone at the train station and watching Harry and Nick scramble out a taxi and run towards us. He’d been dressed in proper gallery attire and seemed genuinely thrilled to be joining in on the rare night I actually played host. 
“Course I do, it was a good night...I’d choose it over Nick’s tequila Tuesdays anyday.” His phone buzzes on the table, a text popping up in green. “Oh I- my manager’s waiting sorry.” 
A sheepish smile is accompanied by a loose arm movement towards the door where, out on the street, I see Jeff. He’s shaking his head and motioning for Harry to hurry up. Had Harry sat down to talk to me whilst his manager had been waiting this whole time? 
“It was good running into you, good luck with it all,” He stands. “See you friday yeah?” 
I’d totally forgotten about his “Whenever I’m in town Friday film night.” until he mentioned it. I’d been twice in the past and stayed quietly to my corner of the sofa, only watching as everyone else laughed at whatever romcom had been chosen that night. 
“I-maybe.” He shakes his head as I smile, not quite ready to commit a whole evening to watching Nick raid Harry’s wine cellar. 
“You better, I’m gonna need to hear more ‘bout those cords.” He points his hand in a kind of joking reprimand/wave before he’s gone back down the aisle of tables to the door where Jeff ruffles a hand through his hair and laughs when his hands fly to fix the now birdnest of brown curls. 
I open my laptop back up, skimming over the last few lines I wrote to get myself back on track. I take a sip and my tea’s gone cold. 
. . . . .
“Are you coming to Harry’s tonight?” Eleanor asks down the phone, her voice chipper as she no doubt raids her closet. 
“Maybe, I don’t know..I’ve got this deadline Monday morning that I’m nowhere near meeting.” 
“Come on Liv, we haven’t seen you all properly together since last month, and last week doesn’t count it was too loud to actually talk!” She chimes in, the sound of clothes being tossed to the floor clear in the distant background. “Have you got a problem with Harry or something?” 
“No Elle, of course I don’t-” 
“Then why do you guys never talk? You hardly come with us when he’s around and when you do you barely even say hello.” Eleanor complains, she’s mentioned it in the past but it’s been easy to blow off with excuses of how busy he usually was making his way around the room to greet everyone or how we just hadn’t known each other that long and weren't particularly close yet. 
“I just...I don’t know, I don’t think he likes me very much.” I pause. I still haven't decided what last Saturday was in the cafe. “We’re not really close and I’d prefer not to spend another night listening to people tell him - and everyone else - how great he is.” 
“You’re saying that like he’s some arrogant twit, if you came out with us more you’d see what he’s really like around his friends. Or you know, you could actually talk to him when we’re together and see that he’s not a dick?” 
It was a fair point. I haven’t made much of an effort over the past year to spend any time with him outside of larger gatherings or to have genuine conversations with him that went past the weather or a new jacket one of us had on. Maybe he really is a good guy away from all the pretentious crowds and watchful eyes he usually called to our group. He’d certainly seemed different in the quiet Saturday surroundings of Blondies Coffee Roasters in between sips of coffee. 
“Okay, okay yeah I’ll see you there.” We hang up a couple of minutes later and I’m left alone in my kitchen again.
. . . . . 
“Hey!” Harry cheers as the door swings open to reveal him in yet another pair of flared pants that hung comfortably around his waist. “Come in, come in.” 
We all pile in through the doorway as he steps aside. Arms weaving through each other as we hang coats and jackets and Julia passes Harry the fruit platter she’d made (and scolded us all for picking at on the drive over.) 
“Oh very appropriate,” Harry laughs as he uncovers the tray to reveal an array of sliced watermelon, strawberries and grapes, He sets the fruit down on the table in the lounge for us all to eat and shakes his head lightly. I look up at Julia for an explanation but she’s too busy claiming the comfiest loveseat for the night. “I’m never telling you anything again, Jules.” 
Julia and Harry tease each other for a moment more until Theo catches my confused stares and laughs to himself. 
“Harry wrote a song ‘bout fruit- another one actually,” Theo starts, tucking himself beside Julia and letting her take over before he can finish. “S’not just about fruit though is it H?” 
Harry blushes slightly and settles his glare on Julia as he carries six wine glasses through to the table. 
“‘S about watermelon, it just has some..” He clears his throat as he fumbles for his next sentence. “Other themes to it too.” 
“As if mate,” Theo’s laughter booms, “ Basically Liv, he wrote this new song the other day all about how much he loves to-” 
“Watermelon!” Harry yells, pointing an accusatory finger at Theo. “S’all about how much I love watermelons...I’m a fruit guy.” 
“Oh are we talking about the pussy song?” 
All heads snap round to see Nick, obviously having let himself in and now chuckling softly to himself as he leans against the archway into the room. 
“Oh sorry H, were you tryna give an interview answer?” 
Harry just slaps his palm over his eyes and lets his shoulders shake for a minute before he bounces back to host mode. 
“Okay!” I can’t help but notice how flushed the tips of his ears are as he claps his hands together, desperately trying to move on from the conversation. “Who wants wine?” 
Fifteen minutes later everyone is settled onto the sofas with an array of throws between us and a layout of fruits, crisps and other mid rom com snacks that make me feel bad I left my flat in too much of a hurry to remember anything but hummus. 
“Okay - Sixteen Candles, When Harry Met Sally or Mamma Mia?” Nick calls out, waving the tv remote above his head to get everyone's attention. An outpour of votes follows - you’d think between only six of us we’d be able to sort out a process by now but still we fall into momentary anarchy as the room divides. 
“Mamma Mia is a classic!” Eleanor protests as Nick’s shaking his head. 
“And Billy Crystal isn’t?” He yells back, eyes wide and genuinely offended. 
“Colin Firth is arguably more iconic, Nick really, come on.” Theo sighs. He accepts the high fives Ellie and I reach out to him and saluts us both. 
“We’ve all seen Mamma Mia before though, we’ve never watched When Harry Met Sally all together,” Julia points out, winning a smirk and nod of approval from Nick. 
There’s a beat of silence while Nick weighs up the votes in his head. He tilts to the side slightly and eyes Harry up, our gazes following. 
“Come on, you’ve got the last vote here, and I know how much you like Meryl.” Nick gasps a little, the mention of Meryl Streep as a wager to win Harry over to his opposing team was definitely foul play in his eyes. 
“Yeah but he loves When Harry Met Sally...and he is a narcissist..” Julia offers into the debate, a few snickers follow her comment before we all turn to look at Harry. We’re all already half a glass in but I could swear for just a moment his eyes lingered over me, fluttering down to my smile before turning back to announce his decision to Nick. 
“I’m afraid I am in the mood for a bit of Abba,” Cheers and not so subtle murmurs of frustration fill the lounge as Nick scrolls through the Romance bar on Netflix before clicking on the film of just over half of our choosing. 
Everyone goes quiet as the film starts, breaking out into bursts of song only as the cast does. From the conversation in the car, it’s pretty clear everyone has just been through a pretty tiring week. We all tended to pile our workload a little heavy so it was always nice to escape for a few hours at the weekend and relax together.
Just as Voulez-vous plays through the room, a slightly tipsy Nick leans into Harry to serenade the singer with his own rendition. The duo sway slightly, both narrowly avoiding Nick’s wild limbs before there’s a crash and Harry’s cursing. 
“Oh- H, Sorry!” 
Nick’s wine glass that’d been balanced on the coffee table in front of him moments before now lays on its side. The, luckily white, wine trickles down onto the rug but most noticeably splashes into Harry’s lap. I’m not entirely sure how he managed it, it must have flown forwards when it was knocked but Harry quickly stands to access the damage. 
“I’m so sorry Harry I-” 
“Don’t worry mate, I’m just gonna go change and toss these in the wash..could you wipe that up for me?” Nick nods, looking a little less cheerful and a lot more guilty now as Harry makes it way out the room. He calls behind him: “Keep watching I’ll only be a second!” 
Nick finishes wiping down the table and rug just as Harry jogs back into the room. I don’t mean to and I’m never one to check people out..unless very subtly, but I can’t help but let my eyes linger a little. 
He’s still in his plain tee but instead of his fancy pants he’s found some soft wash denim jeans. The whole look paired with his thick rimmed glasses and how his hair's gotten tousled about by Nick throughout the night just made him look so...ordinary. Not in any bad way, anyone who met Harry knew he could never be ordinary, no matter how casual he dressed, but something about seeing him abandon the more dressed up looks and go for the comfortable option just made him seem different. 
In a second his green eyes are complimenting the look too as he gazes down at me. 
“Hi,” He mouths, nobody’s taken much notice of his return, yet another musical number taking everyone’s attention. It’s my turn to blush a little now. I avert my eyes quickly, anywhere really, before sneaking a quick look up at him to smile back. 
Ellie had helped Nick in the “For fucksake save Harry’s rug it probably costs more than your car” mission and had stolen the seat beside him after they were done. It slipped my mind until Harry set the new bottle of wine on the table and sunk down into the space beside me, He curls one leg underneath him and slips me one more smile before turning back to the screen just as Donna and Sam start singing SOS.
. . . . . 
“Ah shit, I think I left my book!” I curse just as we make it down the road to Julia’s car. Parking was shit so by the time we found a spot we’d ended up a good 15 minutes away from Harry’s house. “You guys go on, I’m only round the corner anyway.” 
Theo and Julia were familiar with my stubbornness so let me go, yelling their goodbyes after a few hugs as they drove away, Ellie and Nick do the same as they clamber into a taxi. I turn quickly in the chilly air and make my way back down the street to Harry’s drive, punching in the familiar code at his gate before running up to the door hastily. 
It was open - as always, so I let myself in. He was probably still cleaning the lounge up after we all got a little too tipsy. 
“Hey it’s me...just left my book sorry!” I call down the hallway. It’s quiet despite the light Paul Simon playing in the distance so I make my way quickly to the sofas I’d spent most of the night on, praying to avoid an awkward run-in with Harry. 
Although we’d actually shared some light conversation throughout the night and a handful of smiles, I’m not sure we’re quite at the stage in our friendship that me more or less breaking into his house wouldn’t be awkward to run into. 
The lounge is empty when I get there. The side tables are still littered with wine glasses and tacky red rings on coasters but no Harry in sight. Or book for that matter. 
I start pulling back the cushions carefully - god knows how much they cost. Despite scouring the one spot I’d pretty much clung to the whole night -  incidentally beside Harry -  I have no luck. Nick tossed the book back to me at some point in the night after reading it by my recommendation but knowing him it could have ended up anyway. I follow the breadcrumbs of our night down another hallway as I vaguely remember Nick talking about a certain plot twist as we searched Harry’s kitchen cupboards for the wine he’d sent us off to restock. 
As I come around the white archway into his kitchen I catch a glimpse of him from around the kitchen island. He has his back turned to me but he’s leant forwards against a counter with ring covered fingers clutching the edge, a glass of amber liquid set slightly away from him. 
“Oh, sorry I was just-” He jumps a little at my voice, turning quickly to face me with his now free hands coming up to hold his chest. When his eyes finally meet mine they’re red and it takes a second for him to register the tears still streaming from them before he replies. 
“Shit, fu- what are you..are you alright?” His hands bat between tangling into his hair and wiping the tears from his cheeks, anything to avoid actually looking up at me again. 
“Yeah, I just..um..left my book,” I mumble, taking a step closer to him when I notice how his hands shake as they move timidly around his face. “Harry, what’s wrong?”
“Uuuh um.” He wanders for a moment before slapping a palm lightly atop the counter and pulling out his infamous grin. “Nothing much, how bout you - find your book?” 
“-Harry..” I take another step close, “I know we’re not, ya know..close. But you can talk to me.” 
There’s a beat of silence when he keeps up the act, I’d almost believe it if it wasn’t for his bloodshot eyes and anxious fingers drumming against the tile. 
“What’s wrong?” 
He pauses for a moment, assessing whether or not to tell me whatever’s weighing so heavy on his shoulders. But the dam bursts. 
“Fuckin’ everything Love” He laughs, rubbing his palms over his face. I try to focus on the matter at hand: Harry weeping in his kitchen. But that name’s only ever left his mouth directed at me a handful of times and it’s never made my stomach flutter quite as it did just now. “Just..Fuck I’m so lonely Olivia.” 
I don’t really know any of the details but between conversation - mostly overheard, and the media frenzy, it was hard not to be aware of Harry’s break up two months ago. I can’t claim we were close enough to discuss it, having hardly ever talked beyond trivial issues, but I knew that despite them only being together two or so months, he’d been incredibly distant for the weeks that followed the break up. 
“I hear about you and Aubre..I’m really sorry it didn’t work out for you guys-” Harry laughs almost, a pained sort of chuckle that told me I was way off with this one. 
“It’s not..that isn’t why I..” He takes a deep breath before lifting his head up slightly to focus on where his fingers still tapped out a nervous beat on the counter. “I was lonely before her...and with her. I just, I can’t seem to get it right ever...feels like nobody wants to be with me for the right reasons.” 
“Hey no..what about tonight? Your house was full of so many people who love you yeah? Maybe your bougie wine collection had something to do with it but still,” He laughs at that, peeking up from behind his fringe for just a moment. “They- we love you ‘k?” 
“I know but, ‘clock hits the am and everyone leaves, it just gets...it gets so fucking lonely to see everyone in perfect pairs ya know?” 
I don’t really know what I’m doing but I’m doing it - my arms wrap over his shoulders and lock with a hand at the nape of his neck. We’ve never hugged before beyond a general greeting but anyone watching wouldn’t know it, his face burrows quickly into my shoulder and his arms cocoon over my waist, holding me tightly and slipping under the thick layers of my jacket. 
“I know exactly what you mean, H.” 
The hug lasts longer than I imagined it might. He smells of vanilla and the coffee he brought back in bulk from Jamaica. He lets out a shaky breath and melts further into me, nuzzling my neck softly with the tip of his nose. His curls are soft between my fingers and I find myself shhing him, lulling us both into a tired kind of calm. 
Another moment passes in the silence of his kitchen before Harry lets out an awkward cough and straightens up, pulling out of our hold and immediately covering his face with his palms again. 
“I..sorry Jules and Theo must be waiting for you..” Harry murmured, wiping the last of his tears away and letting his hands fall and fidget by his sides. 
“Oh no don’t worry they..um they already went I was actually just gonna walk.” I tell him, making his head perk up a bit. 
“Wha-It’s past twelve Liv it’s not safe, how far do you even live?” He clears his throat and his voice is clearer now, it feels like a whole different world to the one we were in just a minute ago. 
“It’s fine honestly, only take like thirty minutes walking - I’ve done it before-” I ramble, eager to put this situation behind me before I embarrass myself anymore. 
“No - let me drive you yeah?” Harry shakes his head, adamant. 
“Harry..we’ve been drinking all night, I think that’s more dangerous than me jus’ walking.” I laugh, holding his gaze for a second longer than I usually would - fuck, how do we usually act around each other?
Before I come to a conclusion, his eyes rest heavy on mine and I can see the cogs turning in his brain as he tries to work his way out of this one. Ever the people pleaser. 
“Then stay.” 
“You said you know how it feels.” He cuts in, unwavering now as he doesn’t let my eyes fall from his. “So stay …’s safer anyway.” 
. . . . . 
“I can take the sofa, really Harry I don’t mind,” I reassure as he tosses me an old t-shirt and joggers to sleep in. “It’s comfier than my bed anyway. 
His guest bedrooms had just been painted and were still pretty fume filled so the sofa or his bed were the only options. For twenty minutes now he’s tried to convince me to take his bed and leave him on the sofa, despite the fact we both know he’s a little too tall to sleep without his feet hanging off the end. 
“But you’re my guest!” He protests again, coming up from his wardrobe to stand in front of me, hand on hips and an expression of concern on his face. 
“And you’re almost six foot!” 
“Hey, I am six foot.” He takes a deep breathe, exhaling through his nose in defeat before speaking again. “Okay, you can sleep on the sofa but if anyone asks I was the perfect host and you bullied me into this.” 
I laugh softly, this whole new side of Harry had never been directed solely at me before and it was honestly refreshing. Usually Nick or another friend was the target of his jokes and playful demeanor and I only noticed it from afar but now he was right in front of me, hauling pillows off his bed and sticking his tongue out when he caught me staring. 
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” He asks for the third time since I agreed to stay the night. We’ve just finished setting up the sofa to sleep on and despite the duvet and many quilts far more lush than my own actual bed, he seemed unconvinced it was enough. 
“I’m sure” I sit back into the pile of blankets and pillows, tucking my feet underneath me and looking back up at Harry. “If you’re really not, just come watch a film with me and see how cozy it is.” 
The quick change in dynamic was a lot smoother than I’d imagined. Within an hour of being alone together we’d already talked more than in all our past interactions, not to mention how close we’ve gotten. He only nods his head quickly and he’s settling under a quilt beside me, rummaging around for a controller to pull up netflix again. 
“Mamma Mia two?” He asks. 
I chuckle a bit and nod. At the beginning of the evening I hadn’t quite seen it ending in a Mamma Mia marathon with just me and Harry. 
He presses play and as the opening display begins we both lean back into the sofa and pull the blankets up over us. It’s only in the quiet of the first few scenes that I notice we’re matching. We’re both dressed fully in his clothes, grey joggers and t-shirt - his rolling stones, mine fleetwood mac. And it all smells of him. I pull the blanket a little higher over my chest and the faint, but now familiar, scent of vanilla and coffee fills my lungs and for a second all I can focus on is how desperately I want to be in his arms again. 
. . . . .
“-ow” A groggy voice mumbles from above me and I feel myself being pulled forwards slightly against something hard - and warm. 
I’m a few seconds from falling straight back asleep before I feel the painful ache in the side of my neck. I reach a hand up to gauge my current situation and feel my fingers plunging into soft hair - soft hair that ends too soon to be mine. 
“Hi..” I recoil my hand quickly back to my side and push myself up so I’m sitting slightly. I look down and see Harry, half asleep still and hand still resting on my side. 
“Oh-hey sorry,” What do you say when you wake up beside the guy you barely knew but simultaneously had been incredibly vulnerable with just the night before? 
Harry seems to be waking up now and certainly more aware of our predicament as he pulls his hand away from where it was holding firmly onto the material of my - his - t-shirt and pushes himself up to sit against the arm of the sofa. 
“We must have fallen asleep..sorry I didn’t mean too, ya know…” His eyes flutter between where I sit opposite him and the “Are you still watching?” Netflix screen. 
“It’s fine, accidents happen an’ everything.” I smile, slipping out from the warm cocoon of blankets to stand. “I’m just gonna wash up quickly and I’ll be out of you hair.” 
Before I can rush off to tame my hair and hopefully find some toothpaste to rid me of my morning breath, Harry clasps his hand gently around my wrist and tugs slightly to get my attention. 
“Not in a rush Love, I’ll make us some breakfast.” He says it effortlessly, like it was a regular occurrence for us to fall asleep cuddling on his sofa. He stands, groaning as his knees pop appreciatively and lets my hand go before he’s disappearing into the kitchen.
“Okay…” I murmur to myself. “....okay.” 
. . . . .  
Alice is back at my table with my second refill before 11am. I thank her and take a gulp of the fiery ginger tea before reading over the last three paragraphs I just wrote. The spice licks my tongue as I tip the cup up for a second sip; it’s autumn after all. 
In the last two weeks September had slipped into October and all the trees in London had received the memo. I’d been busy, hoaled up in the quietest corner of Blondies the whole time with coffee filling all my senses. I haven’t seen everyone together since that night at Harry’s. I grabbed lunch with Eleanor the Monday afterwards and told her nothing, preferring to avoid the texts my phone amassed over the fortnight. I've turned down all proposed group activities and focused on work instead. To be fair, I do have a lot to get done. There were always seasonal pieces in my to do list and with the weather getting colder it was time I got to them before it was Christmas already. 
I haven’t talked to Harry either. He made us pancakes with blueberries and maple syrup in the morning and we haven’t even texted since; I’m not sure that we even have a private text between us. Eleanor and Julia have told me how much fun they’ve all had the times I’ve politely but persistently declined, I can only assume Harry’s in the mix with them all. He’s in town for awhile if I’m remembering our breakfast chatter correctly, it makes sense that they’re all hanging out together really when they don’t often get time together. Ellie’s phone calls keep me from sliding into thoughts of how easily I could fall right out of the group and not be missed, at least. I was just taking space for work. The fact that most of my afternoons at the cafe disappeared into me analysing anything I might ever have felt or said to Harry means nothing at all. 
Neither does the heightened pace of my heartbeat when he walks through the stiff wooden  doors of Blondies. 
He orders what I assume is his regular black coffee, scans the room for a second and lands directly on me. He hesitates a little to hold my gaze, turning his head to look outside before looking back at me and smiling. He thanks the server and takes a few quick steps towards me, weaving in between the packed tables to my little spot hidden away in the corner. 
“Hi,” He smiles again, although his toneos overshadowed by a slight anxious hilt. “Can I sit?” 
Nodding, I close my laptop and pull my tea closer to me to make a space for him. 
“Hi.” He repeats, smiling a little sheepishly. 
“Hi,” I wait a second, nervous to start when I’m so unsure of how this conversation has already gone in his head. But he doesn’t say anything so I push through and bite the bullet against my better judgement. “Look, about that Friday I-”
“Can I just-” He cuts me off, leaning forwards and opening his hands out as he mulls over his next few words. “I’m sorry if it was awkward at all, I didn’t mean for anything to happen and I thought we were fine an’ everything but then I haven’t seen you in two weeks and Ellie keeps saying you’re not comin’ out. Did I do something wrong?” 
“Oh god no,” I hurry, “You didn’t do anything it was just - I didn’t expect to wake up..like that...and it was just a really quick change because we’ve never really been close and suddenly it was just, us, like that.” 
He nods, pushing a loose curl back a second later that broke free in the motion. He seems understanding as he looks down before leaning his elbows against the table so only the two of us can hear what he’s about to say. 
“I know, I didn’t expect it either but, can I just tell you I’m glad that it happened?” He leaves a three second pause for me to flounder in confusion before continuing. “What I told you, ‘bout feeling lonely, it messes with my sleep all the time. I just get stuck in my own thoughts but the night you stayed over I slept fine - perfect even.”
Not sure what else to do with this new information, I nod for him to continue.
“I know we’ve never been close, but hanging out with you just really calmed me down.” He smiles, gaining confidence now in his vulnerability tucked away in our little hiding place. “Thank you for staying.” 
“I get what you mean.” I mumble, slightly anxious any of the busy customers with prying eyes could overhear my confession. “I never really know when to stop working and I think I got the best night sleep on your sofa I’ve had in awhile, which really speaks volumes about how crappy my mattress is.”  
He chuckles. Relief seems to settle in as he lets his shoulders relax and face soften. 
“I was thinking - especially now that I know it was good for you as well, maybe it could become more of a regular thing?” He asks, his forefinger and thumb pinch together and twist one of his rings a little - a nervous habit, I’m sure. 
“How do you mean?” 
“Like..when we all go out, maybe we go home together, you know - so we can sleep better.” He moves down to focus on the metal rose he’s still fumbling at. “If..if you don’t want to or you think it’d be weird it’s fi-” 
“I’d like that.” I reach forwards to comfort him, absentmindedly cupping my fingers around his. “I think it’d be nice, to get a good night's sleep I mean.” 
“I’m glad.” He beams.
“..That and you make a mean blueberry pancake.” I tease, earning a light chuckle from Harry. 
Just like our last cafe encounter, the ping of a his phone beats me to my new few words. He checks it quickly, shaking his head and glancing down the large room to the shop front where, once again, Jeff waits. He seems a little more agitated this time, waving vigorously whilst trying not to attract the attention of passersby, all  rather unsuccessfully. 
“Bollocks okay - I’ve gotta go,” Harry swears, collecting his coffee from the table and pushing his chair back quickly. “I’ll just - we can text before we go out next yeah?” 
“Cool, yeah - wait a sec, let me just give you my number.” I reach up for him to hand me his phone but he doesn’t make any effort to move, instead he blushes slightly and stares at the floor. “..What?” 
“I um, I already have it.” He fiddles with the hair at the nape of his neck before talking again. It’s hard not to remember how it felt when it was my fingers carding through his brown curls. “I got it from Theo awhile back when we were going to this thing, felt weird not having it. I hope that..okay and everythin’” 
I nod, smiling up at him. The idea of him having a part of me for this past year without me even knowing is oddly precious. The fact that he felt odd about not having my number and going to the effort of getting it from Theo was unbelievably endearing. 
“That’s fine, helpful actually.” I smile still, “Text me before we meet everyone and we’ll make a plan or somethin’” 
“Okay,” He smirks, his slight cocky nature reemerging. “Will do, Liv. See you soon?” 
“See you soon.” 
Jeff flies a hand up to his hair like before but this time is met with a grinning Harry who doesn’t seem to mind so much. 
. . . . . 
Unknown Number 
‘Hey! Is tonight good? We can slip off after drinks at the gallery. H x’ 
I look down at my phone. Caught off guard by the sudden text, I’d almost forgotten out arrangement. Julia invited us all to a gallery opening of one of her friend's new exhibits. Even as I flicked through my wardrobe for the right jacket, I hadn’t put two and two together and realised I’d be seeing Harry again for the first time since our chat at Blondies four days ago. 
I save his number and I think quickly, not wanting to leave him on read when he knew I’d be leaving to see them all any second and most likely spend the whole tube journey on my phone. 
‘Hi :) That’d work for me yh, just let me know when you want to leave and I’ll make an excuse. Liv x’ 
With another thought rushing through my head, I send a quick follow up. 
‘Can we keep this between us right now? Might be a bit tricky to explain to the others.” 
‘Read my mind love.’
‘See you in a bit :)’ 
I’m still not the hugest fan of the airy feeling that rushed through my stomach as I read over the pet name. He was just from Manchester, it was normal up there to call everything by casually affectionate little names. It didn’t mean anything at all. 
. . . . . 
“Livia!” Nick calls out when he sees me scanning over the faces at the entrance to the gallery. I smile instantly and make my way over, quickly falling into his arms as he rocks us for a second. “Haven’t seen you in an age!” 
“‘Ve been working, we can’t all piss about Monday to Friday.” I giggle, smiling wide as he murmurs something under his breath and plants a big kiss on my cheek. “Is everyone here?” 
I try not to look suspicious when I peak over around us, trying to pick a certain brunette from the crowd.
“Yeah, they’re just over there with Julia’s friend.” Nick points and I see him immediately. He’s dressed just as I expected - half gucci half grandpa sweaters. “I’m gonna get us drinks, meet you there?” 
“Mhmmm” I hum, breaking out of his hold and slipping through the crowds to our small group of friends. 
“Hi!” Julia smiles brightly. She hugs me quickly before stepping aside to give Eleanor and Theo their turns. They all whisper quiet ‘Missed yous’ in my ear as if I’ve been gone for years. 
“Hey,” Harry appears by my side as everyone else turns their attention to the front of the crowd where it looks like the artist is setting up to introduce the night. “How’ve you been?” 
“In the last four days?” I chuckle, “Good. Not been sleeping great, but I’ve got a lot of work done so that’s been great.” 
He nods approvingly. A smile tugs at his lips at the mention of sleep, almost like some secret inside joke we’ve managed to form between just the two of us. 
“Me neither. Jeff’s been buggin’ me what feels like every hour with deadlines.” I find myself squeezing his hand a little under his long coat sleeves so nobody can see. “Looking forward to just collapsing tonight, if I’m honest.” 
“Me too.” I smile tiredly, tonight had been a big ask come to think of it. I've had work piled up twice my height all week and even having worked day in and day out I’ve still only made a crack in the mountain of final edits and emails to respond to.
Harry squeezes my fingers back and our hands linger in each other's hold until Nick emerges beside us and the artist begins her speech. 
. . . . .
 The comfortable chatter surrounding the booth we’d taken up a few hours ago died down as the clock ticked later and later. We’d left the gallery a while ago now in favour of the after party at a pub down the road but by now the heavy scent of beers and various gin based concoctions were giving us all headaches. 
“I think I’m gonna call it a night guys,” Harry announces, a slew of groans following from the group. “Sorry, sorry! It’s been great but it’s getting late.” 
Julia and Theo move out the way to let him out the booth. He slides across the red cushion to stand, pulling his coat over himself as he sneaks a quick look at me. 
“I think I’m gonna head off too,” I smile, waiting for Eleanour to stand and let me out as another wave of complaints flooded me. “Sorry! I’ve got work and the tube’ll be hell any later.” 
“Well if Harry’s going too couldn’t he take you home?” Julia suggests, looking between the two of us as we now stand slightly away from each other. “You drove right?” 
“Yeah, I did.” Harry turns to smile at me, amused clearly by how our plan was being unknowingly encouraged by our friends. “C’mon, I’ll drive yeh.” 
I nod, biting back a smirk. We say our goodbyes and wave as we slip out the heavy pub doors out onto the road outside. It’s started to drizzle slightly and I resent choosing the jacket without a hood. 
“I’m just over here,” Harry points a little ways off. “Hurry, think it’s about to pour.” 
We walk quickly down the street and through a metal gate into a car park when there’s a loud rumble of thunder and immediately the rain thickens. 
“Fuck!” Harry laughs as he scrambles for his keys, we match each other's paces until we’re practically sprinting to his car in the far corner of the lot. The click of the locks sounds out and his lights flash red a second before we’re both pulling the doors open and throwing ourselves inside onto warm seats. 
We catch our breath, chests rising and falling with uneven pants before our laughter settles and Harry slots the keys into the ignition. 
. . . . . 
“Do you want anything to eat?” Harry asks as he closes his front door behind us and we kick out shoes off in his hall. “I think I have some takeout menus somewhere..” 
“I’m not really hungry, thanks though,” I cut off his search as he walks through to his kitchen and starts opening draws. “Kinda just wanna go to bed now.” 
He nods and rubs a hand under his eye in silent agreement of my exhaustion.
“I’ll make us a tea, meet you up there yeah?” He calls over his shoulder, having turned quickly to retrieve various packets from his cupboards. “Chamomile okay?” 
“Yeah chamomiles good,” I hover for a second in the archway leading into the kitchen, suddenly awkward to be alone in his house again. “Where um..where is it?” 
He looks over his shoulder at me, slightly confused. His eye brows unfurrow when I motion behind me. 
“Oh- just up the stairs and third room down the hall..on the left.” He smiles, turning back to the cupboard to look through his extensive mug collection. 
I nod to myself, spinning on my heel and making my way up his stairs. I’ve never gone beyond the downstairs of his house before and even then I stuck to the kitchen, dining room and lounge. It felt odd to suddenly have access to something as intimate as his bedroom, I try not to overthink things as I push open the third door I see.
The first thing I see is his large bed, there’s probably enough room for three people on it and there’s definitely enough pillows to go around. The room as a whole is tidy, whether it’s always like that or only organised so precisely for my visit, I don’t know, but the thought makes my stomach flutter. 
I walk up to the side of the bed with no charger on it’s table and set my bag down. We hadn’t talked about the logistics of our...arrangement, but I’d brought the basics to last me through the night. I plug my charger into the wall and take out my wash bag and a set of clothes to sleep in before sliding my bag under the table. I look around for a second. Somehow I hadn’t really thought through the fact that by the end of the night, I’d be in Harry’s bed. With Harry. In a completely platonic way with the only function to soothe our mutually crappy sleeping habits. 
I hear Harry walking up the stairs just as I slip into the un suit to wash up and get changed. He’s humming a song under his breath. The clink of mugs being set down is followed by wardrobe doors opening and closing and a light thud of clothes being thrown on the bed. 
I wait a few minutes to make sure I don’t walk in on him changing. Opening the door tentatively, I step out into the room in a large sweater and pajama shorts. Harry turns to look at me, he’s in the same t-shirt he wore last time and a pair of boxer shorts and the whole situation suddenly seems so amusing. After just one night of falling asleep on the sofa together, not having ever talked before, here we are standing at our most vulnerable about to cuddle in his bed together.
“Hey,” He nods, looking down at himself. “Hope this is okay...I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or-” 
“It’s fine,” I reassure him, “I didn’t really know what to wear either.” 
His eyes flicker down my body and he smiles back up at me. He motions to the bed and we both nod a little awkwardly before making our way over to our sides. I climb in and instantly let a small groan out as my body sinks into the mattress, the pillows and duvet feel almost like a cloud as I burrow under and pull my tea up to my lips. 
Harry chuckles from beside me, I peak over the mug to seem him grinning down from where he sits slightly taller in the bed.
“Sorry, you look comfy.” He laughs a little, 
“I am, your bed’s insane.” I set my mug down and turn to him, bouncing slightly to emphasise the quality of his mattress that probably cost more than a year of my rent. “I really should start earning millions, feel like it’d suit me.” 
He returns his tea to the bedside table and copies me, turning to face me with his legs crossed. 
“It definitely would.” He smiles, bouncing a little before I let out a yawn. “Tired?” 
“Exhausted.” I mumble, hand still covering half my face. Harry reaches behind him to turn to switch the lights above his headboard off before pulling the duvet back for us to slip under.
“C’mere,” Without hesitating, I shuffle back slightly until I can feel his chest behind me and an arm come up to rest around my hip. “‘This okay?” 
“Mhmmm,” I hum, “What about our teeth?”
“We’ll brush ‘em in the morning,” I nod, groaning again as all the aches in my body subside as I sink into his arms and the foam mattress. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” I mumble, embarrassed to have let myself go so easily around him. “Your mattress is just unbelievable. Might have to make this a regular thing.” 
I speak before I think, mind clouded with sleep and my eyes already fighting to stay open. 
“That’s the plan, love.” 
. . . . . 
When I wake up, Harry’s arms are tight around my middle and his body’s like a furnace behind me. I vaguely recall pulling my sweater off in the night to cool down as I lay now only in a vest and shorts. I slept better than I have in months though, despite the warm breaths on my neck turning my cheeks flushed. 
The mix of Harry’s company and his safe haven of a mattress made for the perfect night sleep. I push back slightly into his chest and feel his arms tighten around me and a low murmur of his voice in my ear. The clock on my bedside table reads 6:30. It’s a Saturday and I can quite easily imagine spending the rest of my day - weekend even, exactly like this. 
I slip back to sleep for a little awhile before I’m woken up to a low groan behind me. Harry shifts slightly, burying his face in the base of my neck and squeezing around my waist again. He must still be half asleep to be this comfortable with me. 
I’m proven right when it takes another fifteen minutes for him to poke his head up over my shoulder and mumble: 
. . . . . 
Our routine works smoothly for weeks. After sleeping so well the first few times, it became a given that we’d pile into Harry’s car after every night out with our friends and go back to his. Sometimes we’d get takeout or watch a film, but it wasn’t so rare that we’d just stumble out of his car, or a taxi - depending what the night had entailed, and walk with eyes almost closed straight to bed. 
I stopped bringing things every night about two weeks in when a new toothbrush appeared next to Harrys and an oversized t-shirt of Harrys found its way onto my side of the bed. We also ditched the awkward pleasantries. Spending two or three nights a week in his house, I’d become pretty familiar with it all. I sometimes brought us breakfast if it was a weekend, or left a coffee beside the bed for him if I left for work first, We had very easily slipped into an oddly familiar sense of domesticity. It was strange to never mention any of it to our friends, it made it special though. We helped each other, and it was all just between the two of us. Nobody else knew Harry taught me how to make coffee just the way he likes it, or that we share his lavender shampoo sometimes. 
“Ols?” Harry calls up the stairs to me. We’re running late to Julia and Theos anniversary dinner. 
“Coming!” I yell back, reaching into his wardrobe to snatch a jacket before running down the stares. 
“Oi! Slow down love, you’re gonna fall,” He complains, holding his hands out at the bottom of the stairs to catch me as I skid a little on the wooden floors of his hallway. “Hey! This’s mine!” 
He tugs playfully on the opening of his jacket. I pull the fabric from his grasp and smile up at him. 
“Not anymore…” He scrunches his nose up and pulls me towards him. The sudden movement pushed the air from my lungs suddenly. “-Fine! Just for tonight...nobody’ll notice anyway, you only just got his one.” 
He shakes his head, bringing his fingers up to tickles across my stomach quickly before letting me go and clapping his hands. 
“Shoes now!” He points down at my sock clad feet, “Come on we’re late already.” 
I sling my bag over my shoulder and slip my boots on before trailing after him to the front door. He’s pulled his large green coat off the hangar before he’s looking back down at me, brows pulled together in confusion. 
“What’ve got yeh bag for?” 
“Ah see Harry, I tend not to leave my stuff places I don’t actually live.” I laugh.
“You’re not coming back tonight?” The confusion’s not joined by a hint of sadness as his hands fall from the door knob and he turns to face front on. 
“Oh I..hadn’t thought ‘bout that. I’ve gotta water my plants.” I haven't been home in two days, I spent the whole day at Blondies yesterday then headed to Harry's after a few drinks with him and Nick. We’ve hung out around his house all day, sleeping in and finishing our last few bits of work for the week. “I can let them go a little dry I guess-” 
“Can I come to yours?” Harry cuts me off to ask. “It’s just, I haven’t ever seen it..and that way your plant’ll be fine.” 
I stay quiet for a second. Our world of sleepovers and movie marathons and home made curries for dinner existed within his house. My flat was small in comparisons to the homes of our friends, who were all, delicately put, pretty well off. Not that I wasn’t, I’d just gone into a lower paying area of my industry. I lived alone anyway so there wasn’t much point paying thousands in rent when I didn’t need much space. 
“It’s fine it you want a night to yourself I can just-” 
“It’s not that, H, I just didn't really think about how we only ever come here.” I mumble the last part, “Come back to mine, I don’t feel like going back on my own anyways.” 
I smile a little, unsure of where we stand on the whole admitting we’d grown pretty dependent on each other’s presence, front. He smiles back, twisting the door open and holding it for me as I slip under his arm. 
The car clicks unlocked and I settle into my seat. I reach over to push my seat belt in as Harry pulls his door shut and the car rumbles to a start. 
“Can’t believe Jules and T have been together so long.” He sighs as we pull out onto the main road. 
“Tell me about it,” I gaze out the window as rain dribbles lightly. “Feels like the year just went straight by.”
“They seem so happy still, like they’re still honeymooning,” Harry hums. 
“I remember when they just started going out in Uni, even then it was obvious they’d end up together.” 
“I like those kinds of people. The ones who make each other just completely themselves, ya know?” He glances over at me before turning back to the road. 
“Yeah...they’re proper soulmates aren’t they.” 
. . . . . 
“Okay but seriously, what the fuck is up with you and Harry?” Eleanor bursts out as soon as we reach the bar. We’ve been sent off to get the third round whilst the others stayed at our favourite booth of the pub we frequented. 
“Wait what?” I yell over the loud chatter of the pub, “What do you mean?” 
“You know what I mean!” She’s still waving her hand out for the bartender when she glances down at me again. “You’re tryna say you’re suddenly so close and nothing’s happened between you?” 
“We’re not that close.” I quip, “We’ve just talked a bit more lately, I guess.”
“And nothing’s happened?”  She raised a brow at me suspiciously. “You guys have left together every night for the past few weeks, just admit you have feelings for each other.” 
“No, nothing’s happened.” I sigh, unsure if I sound convincing or not. “We just live close and it’s too cold now to get the tube back so late, he’s just being nice. You know Harry...he’s like that with everyone.” 
Eleanor laughs a little, shaking her head. She places our order with the bartender when he makes his way to our side of the bar before turning back to me with her arms crossed. 
“He’s nice to everyone, but he’s not just being nice to you.” She smirks, “And he usually doesn't give just anybody his clothes.” 
She reaches out and rubs the fabric of my - Harrys - jacket between her thumb and forefinger. She looks up and quirks her brows up a little again. Before I can splutter out an explanation our drinks are being laid out on the counter beside us and Eleanor is pointing to the ones for me to carry and turning back to our booth. 
A surge of anxiety washes over me as I follow Eleanor back to the group. My breaths feel unsteady and I can’t help but dart my eyes to get a quick glance at Harry to see if he’s experiencing the same kind of interrogation. He seems fine though, laughing at something Nicks said. 
Soon we’re at the booth, slipping back into our seats and setting the drinks out in front of everyone. Harry’s eyes hover on me for a few seconds, brows raised a little in question. I smile and shake my head - everything’s fine. 
I don’t miss how Eleanor glances between us throughout the whole night. Especially not when a different two get up for the next round and Harry and I are pushed next to each other when they climb back into the available seats. Harry seems a little suspicious too. He clearly hasn’t noticed Eleanor’s strange behaviour - or doesn’t care - because he’s kept gazing down at me every now and then since we came back with drinks hours ago. When I stop looking up at him, nervous Eleanor might question me about his constant and slightly nervous glances when we’re alone, he reaches his hand under the tables and pulls mine into his lap. He squeezes our hands every now and then. He’s always a touchy, cuddly drunk. Normally it’s a bit more obvious; he’ll wrap his arms around one of us on the dance floor or lap his head on a shoulder, nothing too intimate. Just friendly. But now he’s stroking his thumb over my knuckles and tapping out the beat of the current song playing with his foot, his knee bumping mine. 
Julia and Theo are the first to go. Relief settles in me at the idea of not being the first two to leave for once. There’s no way Eleanor wouldn't’ve have noticed me and Harry sneaking the other a glance like we usually do to signal we’re ready to go, without some kind of distraction. 
“It was so lovely guys, feels like we haven’t just sat down and talked in so long!” Julia smiles, leaning into Theos side tiredly as they say their goodbyes. 
“I think I’m gonna head off too, it’s getting pretty late,” I smile, waiting for Harry to speak when Theo pipes up before him. 
“Livs, you want a lift?” Theo looks down at me. 
“Oh Olivia, that’s a good idea, you were just saying how it’s too cold for the tube.” Eleanor beams, smiling cheekily as she knows I’m the only one who’ll understand her subtle teasing. 
“Oh I-” I stutter before Harry’s squeezing my hand again and looks up at Theo. 
“I was actually gonna take her home, we’re only 10 minutes apart so it’s just easier.” He smiles politely, if I couldn’t feel his foot hooking over mine I’d believe he was just being nice and helping out a friend. 
“Yeah but you’re gonna stay a little while aren’t you?” Julia countered, “We’re pretty close, it’s fine really.” 
I nod, motioning to slide out of the booth. Harry lets me by, dropping my hand before anyone else could see. Julia, Theo and I say goodbye quickly and head out to the car park. As soon as we’re all strapped into their car, I pull out my phone and click Harry’s contact. 
Meet me at mine x
Okay - what was that about? 
I’ll explain when u get here, just something w Eleanor
U might have been right about the jacket :/ 
Theo pulls up outside my flat and I jump out the car, thanking them quickly and waving them off. I climb the stairs of my building and click the keys in my door, pushing it open and kicking my shoes off the second I get in. After a fifteen minute frantic clean, the place is looking slightly better. There’s no time to perfect it as I hear my phone buzzing on the counter, a dorky photo of Harry in one of his infamous sweaters all sprawled out on the sofa and sticking his tongue out at me flashes the screen. 
“Hey, I’m just outside,” He talks softly, “What number are you?” 
“24, wait a sec and I’ll buzz you up.” 
I tread quickly to the button by my front door and let him up, hearing a quiet thanks over the phone and a “See you in a sec”  before the line goes dead. 
A minute later there’s a quiet knock at my door. I open it and see Harry, he looks a little more tired than when I left him forty minutes ago, he rubs his knuckles under his eyes and sighs softly. 
“Hey, come in.” I pull the door a little wider, stepping aside to let him inside. He walks past me, eyes watching the floor whilst I lock the up behind us and turn to face him. There's an awkward tension in the air that I haven’t experienced with Harry before, maybe a little that first night when I walked in on him in his kitchen, but nothing like this since we’ve gotten closer.  
“What happened?” He asks quietly, lifting his head with an uncertain look on his face.”You barely even looked at me. 
“I..” I stumble over what to say, I’ve been thinking I could just explain what Eleanor had said and have it done with but now I know we’re not going to be able to just leave this. If somebody’s going to find out about our arrangement then something would have to change. “Ellie thinks there’s something going on with us and she kept staring all night. I just, I couldn’t give her anything to be suspicious about.” 
“S’that what you mean about the jacket?” I nod, “What did she say?” 
“Just that we seemed closer, talk more I guess.” I sigh, “She didn’t believe anything I said.” 
“What did you say?” He presses. His tone is unclear, he seems less hurt now and more focussed on getting answers from me. 
“I just, I told her nothing’s happened.” I mumble, “She asked about us leaving together and I told her it was just because we lived close and it’s easier than the tube.” 
Harry bobs his head a little, taking in what I’ve just told him before laughing a little. He shakes his head and brings his palms up to his face, cursing under his breath. We stand in the quiet of my hallway before he speaks up again.
“Can we still do this?” That catches me off guard. Of course I knew we’d have to stop sometime when one of us started dating or a friend found out, I just hadn’t thought seriously about it happening anytime soon. “If she does find out, would that be the worst thing in the world?”
I shake my head, taking a step towards him to close the gap between us that’d been building my nerves throughout this whole exchange. 
“I don’t wanna stop hanging out.” I confess. Harry quirks his lips up a little, obviously relieved as he pulls me to his chest. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and rests his chin on my head as we breathe together for a moment. All the while we’ve been spending nights at his, there’s been no serious moments like this. We’ve opened up about vulnerable subjects and confessed more than we probably should have to each other, but never anything like this. There’d never been a  time I thought I could lose him. 
“What if something did happen.” He whispers into my hair. 
“Like what?” I murmur, voice a little muffled by his jacket. 
“Like..” He trails off a little and I’m pretty sure I hear him inhale a little and smell my hair. “Like what if I kissed you..or something.” 
“Or something?” My chest tightens, stomach fluttering suddenly. 
“Mmhhhmm,” He hums, “What would happen then?” 
“Eleanor would have a field day.” 
Harry laughs, shoulders shaking a little as he giggles above me. He loosens his grip on my and pushes away to create a little space to see me again. 
“Oh yeah?” He teases. 
“Uh huh,” I smile, “She’d never let us forget it if she knew she was right.” 
“And what would she be right about?” Harry lifts his hand to cup my face, tilting it slightly to make sure I’m staring right up at him. 
“..Something..happening.” I whisper, “Having feelings for eachother.” 
Harry grins, cheeks a soft rosy between the outside cold and the new blush. He strokes the pad of his thumb against my cheek and beams down at me. 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Uh huh…” 
“Really..she’d be right about that?” 
“I’m pretty sure-” 
Before I can tease anymore, Harry’s leaning down to press his lips against mine. I inhale sharply, closing my eyes and looping my arms around the back of his neck to hold us in place. His hand still holds my face firmly, thumb fluttering over my cheek a couple times before he pulls away and we both breathe in deep. 
“She’s definitely right.” He smiles, tone turning serious for a moment. “I really like you Olivia.” 
Butterflies surge through my stomach for the millionth time since he walked through my door. Blushing and happy, I tighten my arms and push my face back into his shoulder. 
“I like you too H….just a little bit.” 
“We don’t have to tell anyone, just want this to be ours for a little while.” I can hear the smile in his voice as he leans back down to whisper into my ear. 
“I want this to be ours forever.” I hum, words quiet and part of me hoping he doesn't hear my honest confession. 
A comforting quiet settles over us. I remember how tired I really am as I melt further into Harry’s body, breathing in the sweet cinnamon and vanilla scent. His breathing lulls me half to sleep as I let my eyes flutter shut and bury my head further into his neck. I feel him lifting me up as my body relaxes against his and I catch his last few words before I he’s shifting me into his arms and walking us up the stairs. 
“I could hold you ‘n listen to your voice all night long, love.” 
. . . . .    
“Oh my god!” Julia yells out, unravelling a long shawl from pristine white tissue paper. “Okay whoever got me, thank you so much!” 
She continues to squeal a little as he wraps it over her shoulders and presses the end to her nose, inhaling the lavender scent of her favourite designer brand. 
I’d only spent one Christmas with the whole group before but it was clear secret Santa was a bit of a tradition. Between the six of us we all had other friends, family and mostly, relationships. Organising a secret santa within our group just relieved some of the stress of present buying - and it was fun. 
We’re all sitting around Harry’s living room, it felt the homiest  to us after all. The kiddy advent calendar I bought for him hung by the fireplace reading December 21st. We’ve all finished our egg nogs, meaning it was officially present time. Over the next few days we’ll all be driving up and down the country to visit family, meaning today’s the last day most of us will be seeing each other. Harry had whined about me leaving, begging me to stay another day with him or better yet - spend christmas with his family up north. 
It was when I told him my own parents were spending the holidays visiting my sister and her kids in New York that his campaign started. We kissed almost three months ago now and have been on a slew of dates since. Between all the secret dinners out, brunches and farmers market trips, we haven’t found time for the talk. We had no official title. I’ve heard Harry refer to me as “m’girl” a couple times when I’ve wandered into the kitchen and overheard him on the phone to mitch, but nothing he’s told me himself. Despite this, he still insists I have to come and spend christmas with him and his close family. The idea of me hanging out with my young cousins and distant relatives apparently doesn’t satisfy him. 
“Are you serious!” Eleanor gasps as she unwraps her own present. Everyone had picked the perfect gifts for each other this year. In a pure coincidence, I ended up with Harry’s name after Nick made me trade because he’d already bought Julia’s present for her. I’ve been nervous about it all evening, I was sure he’d like it, a little too sure. That was the problem. One night, wrapped up in Harry’s bed, he’d recalled his latest tragedy to me: He’d taken shroom with Mitch on his last trip to LA and subsequently decided to skinny dip in the sea, losing his favourite mustard cords in the process. The only times we’ve seen everyone else has been with the both of us present and , to my knowledge, he hasn’t mentioned this to anyone else. The brown paper package that sat on the coffee table could invite a few more questions that I was prepared to answer. 
“Harry, you’re next!” Ellie grinned, hugging her present to her chest. 
Thanks to our early secrecy, there’s been no opportunity to tell our friends we were dating. Eleanor hasn’t stopped her constant questioning but we’ve kept up a pretty good front of excuses. It was still freezing out so it made sense for us both to climb into his car together at the end of the night. Nobody had to know we would be going home to the same house where we’d climb into the same heavenly bed and scramble eggs together in the morning. 
“I’m going, I’m going!” Harry laughs as Ellie tries to hurry him up, playing perfectly into her role as the youngest in our group. 
He pulls the first fold of paper back with his ringed fingers and immediately looks up at me as the mustard fabric shines up at him. He grins wide, beaming back at me before pulling the rest of the paper back and laying the trousers out in front of him. 
“No babe...where did you find them?” He’s running his fingers down the cord, in awe to have his favorite trousers back - or at least a copy. 
I don’t miss how Eleanor and Nick’s heads turn to share a look of shock as the pet name tumbles out. Before I can put anything together, Harry’s standing and leaning over the coffee table. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug and whispering his thanks in my ear. 
“Wait I dont - how did you know it was h-” Julia pipes up, before she can finish she’s cut off by the joint gasps of Nick and Ellie as Harry plants a wet kiss to my cheek - then my lips, and laughs at our friends reaction. 
“I knew it!” Ellie yells, pointing frantically between the two of us, Harry now having stepped over the table and come to sit next to me, pulling me into his side.
“What was-” Julia stammers, “Since when!” 
Harry’s eyes flutter down to my face. He giggles quietly when he catches on to my glare. This wasn’t exactly how I’d imagined the evening going. 
“Have you just been lying to my face for the past three months?” Ellie asks, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting her lips. 
“Five,” Harry mumbles, almost just as an inside joke for the both of us to enjoy. I slap my hand against his shoulder to shut him up but the damage is already done. 
“Five months!” Even Theo’s joining in now. “How didn’t we know?” 
“It didn’t start out like this honestly, we would’ve told you.” I try and explain, eager for this to quiet down so we could get to the roast dinner waiting for us in the oven. 
“How did it start?” Nick pokes, drawing Julia and Ellie’s attention as the same puzzled expressions adorn their faces. 
“Unimportant,” Harry brushes off, standing up to tower over us all and reaching a hand back for my own. “We better get dinner, we wouldn't want burnt potatoes.” 
Harry pulls on my arm gently, leading me out the room before anyone can object. 
In the kitchen, he picks up a tea towel and starts to check on the food, prodding at the parsnips. I roll my eyes as he ties his lavender apron around his waist and tentatively pulls the potato tray from the oven. 
“Harry..” I sigh, trying not to laugh as he turn to face me, spatula in hand. 
“Yes dear?”  
“What was that?” 
“Oh - You’ve gotta shimmy a little spatula under the potatoes or they’ll break apart-” 
“No, obviously not that,” He makes it so hard so stay stern, a giggle leaks out as he lifts a hand to rest on his hip. “Why did you do that?” 
“I want them to know.” drops his utensils, tone sincere as he takes another step towards me. “I want our friends to know how much I love you already, and you remember about my mustard cords so..it felt like the perfect time.” 
“What?” I stutter, looking up at him from where he’s pulled me into his chest. His hands rest on my waist, rings a little hold against my exposed skin. 
“You remembered the trousers I lost last month in LA -”
“You love me?” 
His eyes go a little wide, a smile peaking through as the sides of his mouth quirk upwards. Realising what he just said, he lifts a hand from my waist to rest it against my face and lean down a little. 
“Of course I love you.” He whispers, his voice a little croaky and I can see tiny droplets gathering in his eyes that make my heart flutter. 
“Love you too..” I mumble. I wipe a thumb over his cheek before pulling him down into a kiss. I feel his smile against my own, and everything’s perfect for just a second. 
“So you’ll come to Christmas with me?” 
. . . . .
Hiii I hate the ending :)
Tysm for reading !! pls leave a like or reblog (it rlly helps <3) if you enjoyed it x
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remmushound · 3 years
Bay/rise 24!! Sorry it ends quite suddenly; the fighting went on for longer than I anticipated. @selfindulgenz @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88
Content warning!! Panic attack and violence are featured!!
Four solid turtles landed with solid thuds on the rooftop. Leo was thankful for the quick approach of sunset that cast the city into the shadows they learned to live by. One quick look around the rooftop revealed nothing out of the ordinary as far as Leo could see.
“Thought you said she’d be here Don?” Leo sighed. It wasn’t that he disliked going out of his way, not when the life of an April was at risk, but they couldn’t risk coming out when the city was still active.
“She should have been.” Donnie whispered, checking his wristband as his forehead wrinkled in concentration, “I don’t have footage of her leaving…”
“Well, you see a teenage girl anywhere?” Raph growled.
“Man, I was excited!” Mikey snapped his fingers, “This would be like the third chick I know! Hope she thinks I’m cute!”
“Who wouldn’t think you’re cute, Mike?” Raph snarled.
“Aw, thanks bro!”
“Guys!” Donnie said, his goggles now pulled over his eyes as he looked around the area. “I think I figured out our issue.”
The air around them was filled with the stuff. Like pink cloud of cotton candy betraying the faintest traces of Dimension X. He gave the goggles over to Leo so the leader could observe for himself. Leo became unusually quiet as he eyed the strange cloud, then gave the googles back to Donnie and stalked off to the corner of the roof to get what little privacy he could to mull over his thoughts.
“What’s Samurai Jack over there bummed about?” Raph huffed, his voice betraying the concern for his brother.
“There’s traces of Dimension X here.” Donnie explained.
“So? We already knew Bubblicious was back.” Raph shrugged.
“Yeah— we knew he was in his dimension, not that he could get into ours. If he can come through again, then he might be trying to bring the technodrome through.”
“So? We beat him once!”
“And Mikey was nearly cracked like a walnut! I’d rather not go through that whole situation again— it hasn’t even been a year!”
“Well we know what to expect this time so it shouldn’t be that difficult!”
Donnie opened his mouth, but then quietly reserved. “Leo— I— if Krang’s in the city still, I could probably track him?”
“What are the chances of that?” Leo asked, almost imperceptibly soft.
“Uh… not very likely… but if there’s even a small chance then…”
“Then you should try. Go ahead, then.”
Donnie nodded and set his tracker to work. 
The wait was the longest ten minutes of Mikey’s life. Granted, every minute usually passed like an eternity to him, but it was always a lot harder when he got like this. Always without warning, it could seize him and squeeze him tight like some icky, cold octopus. Or maybe it was like… the thing he couldn’t think of. Maybe he was still there and that’s why he couldn’t breath and that’s why his chest felt tight and painful and why the world was suddenly spinning circles. He wanted to sit, so he did.
“Hey bro, you good?” 
Raph’s touch was innocent enough, just a simple wrap of his arm around Mikey’s shell and a gentle squeeze, but for Mikey it was agony. It was like fire shot through his body and he just needed to run because if he didn't then his mind was screaming at him that he would die—
Donnie’s announcement came just in time to save Mikey’s life. “Hey Leo, I got a hit!”
That caught Leo’s attention. “Great. Where to next?”
“I’m only going to ask this once more. Where are the turtles?!” Baron Draxum demanded, his voice booming with a robotic enhancement.
“Last I saw, they were in Nunya.”
Cassandra laughed and pointed at Baron, making the yokai glare back at her with angry eyes. “You walked right into that one! Just like ligma!”
“Ligma? Who’s ligma?”
Both Cassandra and April laughed that time. April’s eyes were forever trained on the orb. April had long since given up on escaping the restraints but she was still bubbling with fury at seeing her precious orb in the grip of someone so villainous. Cassandra had the artifact strapped safely to her belt. Yet still, for some reason, April laughed along with the foot soldier that could destroy everything she protected at the slightest whim.
“You are really getting on my nerves, little girl…” Draxum leaned over April with a threatening scowl, his lion-like features visible even through the new armor that covered him. 
“Why are you doing this?” April knew what she was doing. She had spent so long with Donatello that the drama and the tears came to her like the flick of a switch, the emotions on the outside not at all matching the inside. Outside, she was a mess of tears and distress while inside her mind was calculated and almost cold as she considered every possible escape. “I thought you changed…”
Draxum laughed. A cold, chilling laugh with no warmth in at all. No care for the fate of the teen in front of him. Caring only for his own self-preservation and willing to toss everything and everyone aside to achieve the goals in his mind.
“You seriously think thousands of years of being evil and I could switch to being all sunshine and daisies because some pathetic failure of an experiment asked nicely?”
April couldn’t hide her rage, giving a battle cry as she tried to lunge out of her seat. Baron Draxum pulled away at the last minute and laughed as April topped over, unable to catch herself due to her restraints and slamming her face hard into the cold concrete. Her war shout turned into a painful cry as the impact reverberated inside her skull and rattled her to her core. It took a few seconds of numbness before pain returned to her tenfold.
“Oops.” Baron Draxum laughed, “Sorry.” He laughed and raised his hoof to give her another solid blow, but the impact never landed.
Baron Draxum looked up just as a massive figure came from the sky in a flip, a powerful kick landing on his outstretched leg and making the sheep bleat in a pain of his own. All April could see from her position on the floor were a set of massive green feet, but she didn't have to wait long before the chair was lifted effortlessly off of the ground and back upright, her binds undone with a quick flash of a pocketknife.
“Hi, I’m Michelangelo.” The massive green giant gave a dopey smile and pointed to his orange mask. “Like, don’t be scared dudette I’m totally here to be your prince in shining armor! Uh. With no armor!”
“Huh. Okay.” April had seen weirder.
Like she were little more than a sack of potatoes, April was lifted bridal style and carried away from the conflict by the strange mutant calling himself by her friend's name.
“Where’s Krang?” Leo demanded, aiming his katana at what he perceived as a mutant attacker.
Baron Draxum stared curiously. “You must be the Leonardo of this world. Strange. I imagined you smaller!” With the enunciation of the word, Draxum brought a vine down upon the leader and whipped him hard against the soft of his chest, sending ninja flying backward with the force.
Before Draxum could revel in his victory, a bigger force slammed into him and knocked him off his hooves, sending Draxum into the air a few feet. The yokai came down hard but turned his slide into a charge. Raph had his sai ready, deflecting the blows that Draxum tried to land on him while landing a few punches when the opportunity presented itself.
“Master Draxum!” Cassandra was momentarily distracted and Donnie took the opportunity to jump out of his own hiding place and swing his staff toward her. Cass caught onto the attempted attack from the corner of her eye and swung her naginata to intercept the blow, locking her and the mutant into a struggle. 
Cassandra dug her feet into the ground as hard as she could, dragging the turtle as close to the other spar as she dared before putting everything she had into a sudden turn that caught Donnie off balance and sent him stumbling into Raph.
“What the Hell Don—“ Raph lost his focus and Baron Draxum jumped, slamming both hooves hard into the giants chest to send him knocking into Donnie once more. Then a sudden ankle-swipe from Cassandra had them both on the ground tangled in each other's limbs.
Cassandra ran to Draxum’s side and they gave each other a fist bump.
Leo charged back into the fray with a blow aimed at Draxum, but Cassandra caught sight of the attempted attack and shoved her master out of the way.
Leo’s charge handed hard against her and he didn't stop charging until he had slammed her into the wall.
“Cassandra!” Draxum, despite his years of experience, was dumbfounded by the sudden rescue from the general. He looked behind him when he heard another battle cry and spun to catch Mikey mid-jump, the vines wrapping around Mikey’s shell securely before spinning him around and tossing him carelessly. Mikey ducked into his shell before the impact and didn't come back out.
“You children are getting on my nerves!”
Raph and Donnie untangled themselves from each other finally and charged Draxum as a unit.
“Good teamwork.” Draxum brought his vines neck-level with the charging brothers and knocked them both flat on their carapace with their own momentum.
Cassandra was still too preoccupied with her assault on Leo to lend any assistance to her master. Leo was caught off guard by how weaselly the general was, zooming in and out and up and down and, by the time any of his blows were ready, she was already somewhere else. He didn't want to praise the enemy, but damn was she fast!
“Would you— stop moving?!” Leo was starting to get frustrated.
Finally, the soldier kicked off his chest and landed a short distance away on her hands and feet, shooting up quickly and brandishing her naginata. “FOOT CLAAAAAAAAN!”
She charged Leo again and flashed her weapon, the blade just barely brushing across Leo’s plastron before he was able to pull back and dodge the attack.
“Do not waste all your energy at once, general.” Draxum’s voice was surprisingly steady despite taking on Raph and Donnie’s attacks at once. He deflected another one of Donnie’s attacks and once more the lanky teen stumbled. “You need to work on your balance recovery.” Another attack from Raph that Draxum had been anticipating. “You need to mix up your attacks!”
Raph growled, “STOP GIVING ME ADVICE!”
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
Why do you read that stuff?
I like a man who brings me weapons.
Nice wake up call.
We won't have to find them. They'll find us.
Revenge, as they say, is a sucker's game.
I'll settle for tearing this jerk IN HALF!
Want to see me use both hands?
That's no way to treat a lady!
That was no lady.
Thanks for saving my bacon before it got fried.
Look, just promise you'll call if there's trouble.
Go ahead, try something!
I'd love to do that again!
That wasn't a tranquilizer dart.
It was loaded with a mutagenic formula!
You don't know anything about her!
Why are you stomping on my friend here?
I was particularly proud of my death scene.
You never let me drive.
The important thing is, you're alive.
Are you sure this is a good idea?
Something's not right here.
Then you leave us no choice!
How are we supposed to find them?
Please, I beg you, be quiet.
This isn't a good idea.
I'm best qualified to go.
My memories are clouded.
Why should I trust you?
If you can't trust me, then trust your heart.
Why do you fight me, my love?
We are destined to be together for all eternity.
I will choose who I love!
Now we'll see what this creature looks like up close.
Why stare at marks on a page when you can rent the video?
Well, I can't read and I don't think I'm missing anything.
Harrier jets! They can take off and land like helicopters. When your life's this exciting, who needs books?
Are you all right?
I had a little trouble.
This beach isn't safe after dark.
Do you need a doctor?
Come on in. I've got a fire going.
There's little I can offer in return, except my thanks.
You understand, I don't get any real pleasure from this. Well you've got courage, beastie. I'll give you that.
Funny, something about your voice made me think you were a soldier, once.
You were there.
I'm old, but I'm not that old.
I'm glad you came back.
I'm afraid I can't stay, but I think I left something on the terrace this morning.
Have you come across a large canister?
The name sounded phony.
I do know him, but he's not a friend!
A magic book?
They're worthless. No magic at all.
The written word is all that stands between memory and oblivion.
Without books as our anchors, we are cast adrift, neither teaching nor learning.
Books are lighthouses erected in the dark sea of time.
Is this how you welcome all your guests?
They have a sense of humor. You have none.
Yeah, I know, you're as relieved I am that everything's back to normal.
Wouldn't it be great to be a shapeshifter?
Well, let's just get this over with, shall we?
How can I be of service, hmm?
Out with it. I haven't got all night.
I'm sure you'll fit right in.
What is it you really want?
This just might be fun after all.
I thought everyone knew this.
Shapeshifters, elves, fairies, you mean they're real?
You mean, you thought I was ugly?
I want you to get rid of the humans. ALL of them.
Does this look like Aladdin's lamp? I have limits, after all.
Humans love a battle hearty.
I'll never get the hang of jumping off rooftops.
I'll always be there to catch you.
Do it, and you win your freedom.
It will be my pleasure. But afterwards, I'm going to need a very long nap.
There. You're free.
The sun, it's glorious! I never thought that it could feel so good.
I'm sorry about the bomb. But it proves how dangerous this case is.
When someone messes with your partner, you're supposed to do something about it.
You still haven't learned that crime doesn't pay.
A trade?
Let's just say, I don't trust you with it.
So, now you know my weakness.
Only you would regard love as a weakness.
A momentary lapse, I assure you.
Halloween! Tonight is the night!
Come on. I've wanted to stroll down a city street with you for a long time.
Marry me.
Are you serious?
We're genetically compatible, highly intelligent, and have the same goals.
You could've been hurt. I should've been with you.
Oh-well, spilt milk. Let's move on to plan B.
Don't listen to him. It's a trick! He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it!
Even if what you say is true, why should I help her?
Because you know what it means to lose some you love.
Not a good night for you.
You can't believe anything he says.
If someone like him can love, perhaps there is some hope for this world.
Take this as token of my love.
Upon this I pledge my heart to you forever.
Why do you need all this?
I wanted it, so I took it.
It's so unlike you to attack first.
I simply invited you here to talk.
Our past encounters have not inspired me to trust you.
It's crazy to even consider going!
I'm not interested in reminiscing!
Have you no respect for anything?
Believe me, I know exactly how you feel.
I will never be like you!
I do not wish to hurt you.
I do not wish to be you!
What am I to do?
Do nothing.
Do not worry.
Live in the moment.
Attend the petty angers and jealousies that fill your heart.
Fortify yourself with love and trust.
Fulfill the vows of love you make, for they can surely save you.
Time travel's funny that way.
Get away from me, you sentimental fool.
It's a pretty good likeness.
You know more than you're letting on.
T'was your handiwork.
very life is precious.
Take care not to become what you fight against.
Vengeance begets only a further cycle of more vengeance.
Do you want vengeance or a solution?
This is bigger than either of us has ever faced.
We'll have to work together to stop her.
You are the cause of all this.
Humans will learn to respect you.
I would rather they fear me.
What are you doing to help?
That's one way to settle an argument.
I thought I'd rid myself of you long ago
You've forgotten about me.
You're too late. You can't save them. No one can!
I'm not here for them. I'm here for you.
I want it over between us!
I wear this as a reminder of your treachery.
Let's not start that again. You blame me, I blame you. Aren't you tired of talking about it?
I'm not here to talk.
Killing me will gain you nothing but your own death.
Death is never the answer. Life is.
I'm just so tired
Your thirst for vengeance has only created more sorrow.
I offer you one last opportunity for forgiveness and mercy.
I merely offer a sample of what you planned for me.
You have learned nothing.
I will still have my revenge!
What do we do with them?
You come in handy now and then.
I'm quite glad the plan worked.
I'm no hero, I just do my job, and my job for tonight is over.
All I want to do is hit the sack.
Why would you want to hit a sack?
How long was I out?
Even shadows must be true to their shade.
We don't need to wait for sunset.
Is it supposed to hurt that much?
Just get on with it.
Recognize the woman?
She seemed familiar, but I just couldn't place her.
You're getting real good at bypassing alarms
Don't give me credit.
It was too easy!
Maybe misery loves company.
If you're human, then you're subject to human laws.
Either way I win!
I fear no human!
There are forces at war within me.
I will return some day, if I can.
You sound like every human employee I ever fired!
Crush all of them together and you couldn't squeeze one iota of personal integrity from the lot!
No excuses, creature!
Learn to take responsibility for your own actions! And STOP whining!
Oh, I am trembling in my chair.
You believe I am not responsible. Yet I remain your prisoner?
Who said you're not responsible?
It doesn't matter that you were tricked, you know now that your actions inflicted grievous damage. Do you take responsibility for them or not?
Well, what are you going to do?
You seem distracted, having second thoughts?
We'll celebrate over breakfast.
No more excuses. I accept full responsibility for my actions. I was wrong.
Integrity is never easy. It's a daily struggle, a costly struggle.
I know I owe you a great debt for the mistake I made a year ago.
If the text wasn't new to me, it was at least worth revisiting.
All I know is I'm about to be wiped out!
It doesn't have to be that way.
I can break these chains. But only you can get me past the bars.
Automatons know nothing of betrayal or honor. They know only what they're programmed to know.
Only living beings possess the ability to change, and make new choices.
You've given me much to consider.
We are friends.
I'd rather not have your death on my conscience
You'll never reach the bridge!
You have two minutes until impact, one minute before I detonate.
I don't want any innocents hurt!
If it goes down, I'm going down with it.
I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Yes, well, you have that effect on people.
I built this company for you!
I'd probably give it to you, if you'd just stand up and ask me for it honestly!
Asking for it wouldn't be any fun at all.
'Fun' is still more important to you than honor. I can't understand that.
Well, maybe you'll have better luck relating to the next generation.
You should've heard him laugh.
Made my hair stand on end, if I had any.
Surely you know I am not in the habit of playing childish pranks or laughing maniacally in the dark.
Do you even know how to laugh maniacally?
Don't tempt me.
Typical. You do and do and do for them, and what happens? They twist the knife in you!
I think I've created a monster.
Have you ever considered the bounties of genetic engineering?
Or maybe cybernetics is more your style?
Save the horror show for Halloween.
I'm sure tired of taking punishment, and I'd love to be able to give some back
That's the source of the trouble.
I hope you not planning to eat your catch.
Now that I'm in charge, I'm not taking any more of your cracks!
You're barely our species!
I'm in charge, here!
I find him very attractive.
Well, that's sicker than usual.
I'm a partner in a freak show!
I should'a figured it was crazy to stick with this crew
And if you play it smart, there'll be plenty of lettuce for everyone!
I should get my own cable TV show.
Oh, me and my big mouth.
It is the cure! It has to be!
Of course it's the cure! You must trust me!
It was you all along! I trusted you!
You turned me into a monster and I defended you!
I'm sorry it had to turn out this way.
You always overplay your hand
Tell me something' Why me?
You're old, and getting older.
I thought you might even appreciate the opportunity.
Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?
Nothing terrifies me, because nothing is beyond my ability to change.
True immortality isn't about living forever, man; it's about what you do with the time you have.
When all your scheming's done, what will be your legacy
You're still alive! It's a miracle!
Boy, the city sure is different when it snows.
Not a bad life, all things considered.
There is a cure. There must be!
You can't keep me in here forever!
I'll get out! Do you hear? I'll get out!
About time you came back.
Why did you kidnap me? What do you want of me?
See, it wasn't as hard as you made it sound.
Ah, you wish to be immortal.
If the procedure is successful, I'll release you.
This is just a sculpture's model. The real thing is life sized, and lifelike.
What's in this for you?
Service is its own reward.
I wouldn't even know where to start looking.
You may as well be of some use to me.
Open this cage, and I'll show you how 'useless' I am.
It's hard to top that.
What you seek demands a heavy price.
Death and old age have their price as well. And it's too expensive for me.
Without your sword, you're helpless.
Swordless? Maybe. Helpless? NEVER!
What you choose to do with your life is your own affair, as long as it's got nothing to do with me.
You're just full of surprises.
No, let him go. He's earned it.
I wish it hadn't turned out this way.
I was so close to finding out if the legend was true. Now there's no one to test it on.
Throw down your weapon!
Is this a whole city of fools and lawless ruffians?
I'm the law here, pal!
You are a guardian, like myself.
I will submit to your law.
You are learning.
It will take some time.
Prepare to do battle!
I have no fight with you.
What is this, merit badge test night?
Oh well, better make sure it's an uneven fight.
The weak are to be protected, not exploited.
Aaah, who died and made you king?
If you don't know anything, why were you shooting at us?
Do I really need an excuse to have a good time in my own home?
They say a man's home is his castle, and what fun would a castle be without a dungeon?
If it gets any more saccharine in there, I'm going to put a finger down my throat.
I'd sure like to know how you got here, but I'm programmed to shoot first and ask questions later.
I demand a favor.
Death is always pointless. That is the point.
I demand reparation! My son was cruelly and unfairly taken from me!
Death is the ultimate fairness. Rich and poor, young and old - all are equal in death.
Our planet cannot support so many lives at once.
I apologize for any trouble I caused in my efforts to reclaim it.
It seems I'm out of practice dealing directly with mortals.
It seems I am unaccustomed to dealing with a god
We have all gained rare enlightenment this night
Mmmm, what a peculiar sight.
Now, that's odd.
Do you often go wandering about at night, young lady?
My dear, are you saying you don't remember your own name?
I can't seem to remember anything. I feel lucky I know how to talk.
How did I end up in the middle of the Pacific?
I guess I could use a ride
I thought you looked familiar. We've met before.
Do you know what a scroll is?
Get your claws off me!
You might want to reconsider your request.
We're gonna die!
I will not let anything harm you.
You win. I'll behave.
I cannot believe you pulled the trigger on me.
Just shut up and land.
I just don't remember! I'm not even sure I want to remember!
I understand your words, I simply do not believe them.
You have been long expected.
This trough is filled with acid. In about ten minutes its going to do a very nasty job on that soil carving, not to mention your rugged good looks.
It's my first real stab at clichéd villainy. How am I doing?
How are you doing this? No machine can hold me!
I should sue you for trademark infringement.
I've always considered myself a trickster at heart.
History cannot be changed.
You will not win!
What are you going to do? Bite my kneecaps off?
I know from experience the transforming power of a child's love.
The future is not written yet.
I have a sunny disposition and I'm always kind to animals
I've always respected you as a fellow inmate
He's a fool, but he may be useful.
I can work with that!
Now, now! That's your friends' genetic make-up you're insulting.
You are master now?
I should've known. But why this subterfuge?
Hey, I live for subterfuge!
I do not want escape, I want vengeance!
There's no such thing as "a little" vengeance.
No catches. No tricks. No strings.
So, things have come full circle.
You know how I feel about you, right?
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fablesrose · 4 years
Tell Me a Story 1
Description: The local mafia has served Y/n well previously, but with the way things are going now, enough is enough. Instead of getting out, why not take everything down? So she makes a few calls, but things don’t always go to plan.
Word count: 2,205
Pairing: cop!Dean x mafia!reader
Square filled: fake dating
Warnings: none this chapter
Masterlist ~ Bingo Masterlist
Remaining parts will be in the Bingo Masterlist
A/n: This is for @girl-next-door-writes‘s Make Me Feel Bingo. I wanted to write a specific scene and then made a whole AU in order for this to work and it became infinitely more complicated than it needed to be. Enjoy! 
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“Tell me a story.”
Chuck was a dangerous man. He didn’t look it, but he had an eye and a leash where you would never expect it all over the city. No one knew what he wanted, what his end goal was, maybe that was what made him dangerous.
Those words made me nervous. Chuck loved a good story and if the man next to me didn’t tell one up to his standard, then it wouldn’t end well for either of us.
This was all my idea. It was me who got the cops involved. I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Sam, I know you don’t want to hear from me, but-”
“What do you need?”
“The Fallen isn’t doing too hot right now.”
“I can help you get out Y-”
“It’s not as simple as when you slipped between the cracks Sam,” I hissed at him through the phone. I don’t know why I even tracked him down, he had a good life now, but I needed to do something.
“Simple? You know it wasn’t simple.” Sam sounded offended.
“Exactly. It wasn’t when you did it, and like Hell is it simple now. It’s a thousand times worse in every way since you left. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go.”
“Okay, fine, we’ll figure something out.”
“Thanks- Someone’s coming, don’t contact me in any way for at least four days. You know the drill.” I hung up the phone and went on my daily business.
Four days later I received a text with a phone number in it, “He’s clean. He’ll help.”
I saved the number in my phone and deleted the conversation. I had to tread lightly.
I tried to control my anxiety. If I was found out I wouldn’t be surprised if Chuck burned the whole city to the ground.
So needless to say I did a fantastic job of hiding my anxiety.
Eventually, when I was sure that I was alone I pulled up the number Sam gave me. I guess it was now or never.
The phone rang a couple of times before a man picked up and rattled off his law enforcement credentials and his name. Okay, maybe this guy could help me.
I took a deep breath and spoke out loud the sentence I had been practicing in my head for the last few days which was a risk in and of itself, “I’m a high ranking member of The Fallen and would like to be of assistance in taking down the current, highly wanted, leader of said… organization.”
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, “Pardon?”
I sighed, my anxiety creeping back in, but what came out was an annoyed clip, “I said I’d like to snitch on my boss, a highly wanted individual, now can you help me get rid of him, or did Sam lie to me?”
“You know Sam?”
“Well, no der.” I tried to calm my beating heart, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a mistake, “I’m sorry for wasting your time, this was a mistake.”
“No no, wait.” I heard him swallow, “I’m going to talk to some people, let me see what I can do okay?”
My voice cracked, “Okay.”
The call ended, and all I could think was, Well there’s no backing out now.
Never before had I felt like I was in a dystopian novel more than this chapter of my life. I was nervous, like even the TVs were watching my every move to see if I was thinking traitorous thoughts, straight out of “1984.”
Every meeting, every glance in my direction, every moment of silence, and I swore everyone there already knew what I had done. But I kept a straight face in the serious moments, laughed when it was polite, and I wasn’t dead yet.
The day came when I met him in person. The safest place I could think of was my apartment. I paced back and forth for the whole afternoon constantly watching the clock, then it seemed like ten minutes after four it was six o’clock already. He was due to my doorstep any minute now.
A knock came to the door and I felt stone cold.
Slow steps took me to the sound. I opened the door a crack to see who it was. A tall man stood on the other side, in casual clothes thank goodness. He was casually looking around, but to the trained eye, I could tell he was watching to see if anyone was paying special attention.
“Yes?” Don’t give too much away, don’t volunteer any information. Yet.
He finally focused on me and I took into account the strong structure to his face, one could either call him intimidating or handsome, depending on his mood. Right now he was walking the line while leaning towards the former.
“I believe you’ve been expecting me,” he spoke quietly, his voice sounded very similar to the one I heard on the phone, but one could never be too careful.
“Oh? And what’s the connection between us?” I hoped my face was perfect innocence, but I knew my eyes were calculating and cautious.
I closed the door to unlock the chain. I quickly let him in.
“I assume it’s safe here?” His eyes scanned the room, looking for anything that could be a problem.
I locked the door behind him, “As safe a place as any. I personally had soundproofing installed. Not many people come here, less chance for bugs. Neighbors are friendly, mostly elderly couples.”
“I was going to say, pretty small apartment for someone in the mob,” he extended a hand for me to shake, “Dean Winchester.”
I huffed, “Yeah, it’s kinda my job to blend in. Not all of us have Hollywood mansions. I glanced at him from the kitchen as I grabbed two glasses, “I see height runs in the family.”
“Somethin’ like that,” Dean sat on the couch in the living room.
I handed him a drink, “So...”
“So indeed,” he swirled the liquid in the glass before setting it on the side table, “I’m currently being transferred from the my current department a couple hours away to the local PD. Once that’s done I will be going under cover. You will be my in. Does that work?”
I drained my own drink, “Swimmingly.” I set my own glass on the floor by the feet of the chair I was sitting in, “I honestly can’t believe I’m doing this.” I spoke it mostly to myself, but he heard it all the same.
“Yeah, why are you doing this? What made you join in the first place only to try and tear it all down?”
I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the chair. I guess I should have seen the question coming. “I joined The Fallen when I was a lot younger. Why does anyone join the mafia?”
“Protection, a safe place to do illegal things, they’re desperate?”
I chuckled, “And usually somewhere to belong, but yeah, you hit the nail on the head. I was desperate. Nowhere to go. And let’s leave it at that.” I started cleaning my fingernails, my hands needing something to do. “It was a classic mafia back then. Don’t mess with us, we don’t mess with you. If you do, you better watch your back. It was okay. It was safe. That was under this guy named Nick. He’s in prison now, but you probably knew that already.”
Dean nodded his head.
“In the power vacuum he left behind, I helped get your brother out. Covered his tracks, but there wasn’t anyone to follow them. Sounds like he’s got a nice life now.”
“Why didn’t you get out with him?”
“Still didn’t have anywhere to go. Sam, he’s smart. Got back into school, had a nice girl waiting for him on the other side. I didn’t have any of that.  The Fallen was all I had, figured this was better than being on the run from myself.” I sighed, “Anyway, Crowley comes in. He’s a businessman at heart. He  made the community safer. Kept local businesses afloat. It felt like we were doing something good.”
I smiled to myself. Happier times.
“I guess I got soft.” I looked up from my hands into his serious face, “Now Chuck has the whole city wrapped around his twisted finger. No one knows what he wants. He’s got no honor system-”
Dean scoffed.
“Hey, it might not have been much, but Crowley and Nick? They had their own code that if you knew what it was, then nothing surprised you. Chuck’s a wild card. He’s destroying everything good about this place, and like it or not, I don’t. And if I can do something about it, I’m going to. Okay?”
Dean set his jaw and nodded.
“So how do you wanna play this mister hot shot cop?”
“That’s a good question, one that you are gonna answer.”
I raised my eyebrows, “Oh?”
He shifted to a more relaxed position on the couch, “Yup. You’re the expert, so how are you gonna bring me in? I’ve got to observe, gather information and evidence, and hopefully set him up so we can catch him in the act of doing something ‘life in prison’ worthy.”
“Can we get a death sentence?”
Dean slowly gained a more guarded posture, “And why would you want that?” As Dean relaxed he seemed more personable, but with that one statement he looked suspicious of me and my motives. His eyes gained that hard look that could break steel and I was terrified to see him angry.
I curled in on myself, “Past experience.”
“I’m gonna need to know this kind of stuff sweetheart.”
“Look, we both know life in prison isn’t a guarantee. Nick was supposed to get a life sentence, but he got out. Now Crowley’s dead and Chuck is in power.” There was a pause where neither of us spoke. “There’s always something. You’re in law enforcement. You should know that.”
He sighed before nodding once again, “Fine, we’ll see what we can do and what we can get, okay?”
“How are you going to get me in?”
I rubbed my temples. How was I going to get him in? “I think our best option is for me to just bring you in as a new recruit. No deals, tell him the least information possible. Whoever brings someone new in becomes their mentor so that’ll work out...” This was going to be hard. Chuck was a difficult target. “We’ll say you’re new in town. You desperately need some extra cash, so you’re willing to join. You don’t really care what you have to do. The trick is to lie the least amount as possible. Chuck doesn’t like liars, and he can always find out information. So I hope there aren’t many people who know you’re doing this.” I locked eyes with him.
“No, not many at all.”
“I hope you’re right, or we’re both dead.”
This conversation ran through my head as we stood in front of Chuck. It was the monthly meeting, where everything you could think of was discussed, including new members.
“So, there’s a new face.” Chuck was looking at the pair of us, a passive invitation.
I stepped forward with as much confidence as I could muster, “Yes, this is new recruit-”
“Officer Dean Winchester, yes I know.”
I nearly choked as my eyes widened in fear and surprise. I glanced at Dean and all I could think was, “We’re dead.”
“Now the question is, why does the new cop in town want to join the local mob?” Chuck stood from his chair and walked around, “Little short on cash, need a little excitement?”
Dean chuckled, but I could tell he was hiding his nervousness, “Yeah, something like that.”
“Good, what’s one more cop on the payroll? You’re in.” Chuck finally looked back at the two of us, and my heart was still pounding out of my chest despite how impossibly well this was going, “Oh, you didn’t know he was a cop did you? Looks like some couples therapy material.”
I swallowed, but couldn’t hide my confusion, couples therapy?
“Oh come on! It’s obvious!” Chuck hesitated, “Well maybe not obvious, but Y/n’s not the hook-up type.”
I blushed, this was getting out of hand, but as long as Chuck wasn’t going to kill me, I would put up with it the best I could.
Chuck clapped and rubbed his hands together, “Oh I love a good romance. So how did you guys meet?”
Dean seemed to snap into it, or maybe it was me who was out of it, I’m not sure, but Dean grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.
“I don’t know, sir, I’m not much of a story teller.”
“Come on Dean.” Chuck smiled, a little too eagerly.
I tightened my grip on Dean’s hand, mostly out of anxiousness. I was out of options and stocked up on fear. It was up to him to get us the hell out of here.
“Tell me a story.”
Best Buds Taglist: @kitkatd7 @snarky--starky @confetti-its-an-imagine-blog @kaogasm
Dean: @akshi8278 @msmarvelouswinchester
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parkertech · 4 years
:0 new request again! What about a oneshot about where y/n is just completely upset lately with a bunch of personal issues going on, and Peter notices how she’s often late, wearing long-sleeves in hot weather and such, and so while Peter is on patrol as Spider-Man, he sees y/n standing on the edge of a tall tower like Empire State Building, contemplating to jump off. So he goes over and tries to talk her out of it and she eventually does, but she slips, falling off and he catches her?? 😍 😭
the request ALONE made my heart drop to my ass-
That’s it. You couldn’t fucking take it anymore.
There was too much on your plate. It was like an endless black hole that tortured you to its heart’s content.
The second you saw your boyfriend...well, now ex, with a girl straddling his lap, you broke. You didn’t even give him a chance to explain. As if there was a good enough explanation. From that day on, you always had one question lingering in your mind.
What was wrong with me?
You compared yourself to the girl, how much sharper her jawline was, how much skinnier she was, how she was more curvy, how perfect she was. No wonder he cheated on you.
Normally you would feel sad for a few weeks and get over it, but things piled on. Your relationship ending hit you harder than you thought, and you started slipping in school. A’s turned to low C’s, some were seven F’s. Your parents yelled at you, telling you this isn’t their daughter they knew. That didn’t hurt you though, what did hurt you was when they said you kept disappointing them.
That’s what you were now, apparently. A disappointment.
Every time you looked in the mirror, you hated it. You couldn’t be anyone else? You had to be this person who met everyone down, who couldn’t even keep a boyfriend. Your usual jeans were replaced with dark sweatpants, your tight t-shirts turned into slightly oversized sweatshirts, and doing your hair turned into putting it into a low ponytail. You didn’t try anymore. You knew it would get you nowhere.
Besides, no one brought it up. Betty thought you were trying a new style, MJ thought you didn’t have the time since it was highschool, and she was the most observant person you knew. So you thought everyone didn’t notice.
Keyword: thought.
Peter noticed immediately. He noticed how your eyes were much more darker and red, and from personal experience he knew it was from a lack of sleep. He also noticed how much quieter you got, when you were with the gang. You never hanged out with him anymore, and always had some sort of excuse. This all happened during the summer, too. Who wears a thick ass Champion sweatshirt when it’s literally almost 100 degrees?
He always asked you if everything was okay, and it was always a firm nod, with a slight smile. But he could tell it was somewhat fake. There were so many red flags, and you tried to cover them up.
He knew he had to say something, and he was going to do it tonight. Right after patrol.
It took a few criminals, a robbery or two, until he decided to pack it up. Thank god he didn’t, or else his life could’ve done a quick 360.
“Peter, I’m getting reports of a woman standing over the Empire State Building close to the edge.” Peter stopped in his tracks and looked around a few times, until his eyes landed on the one building that no one could miss. He saw police cars and random bystanders behind police barriers, and didn’t hesitate to turn around and parkour his way on buildings to the top of the building.
Despite the bright lights of the rooms in Empire State, he couldn’t see exactly where the woman was. “E.D.I.T.H., activate thermal vision!” His visors in his suit showed random blobs of red, yellow, and red, and he looked a little up to see what the outline of a person. The crowd below cheered when they saw the blur of black and red jump off an apartment complex and start running up the side of Empire State.
After a few seconds of running, he used a web to swing himself sideways and into the platform where the woman was. He panted for a second, before holding his hands out slightly and taking a few cautious steps forward. Now that he was closer, he noticed the person had a hood on, and their hands were in a nervous fist. He had to be careful careful.
“Ma’am, I need you to step away from the edge, please.” The person gasped and turned around, and Peter felt his heart sink as his eyes met yours. The air got suddenly chilly, and he froze in place. “Y-Y/N...?”
“Peter, this isnt any of your business!” You yelled through hot tears. Peter swallowed hard, before cautiously pulling his mask up so it rested over his eyebrows. You noticed how his eyes were like yours—watery and panicked. His cheeks were red, and his messy hair was gently moving in the New York air. He took a step forward and you took a half step back.
“T-This does have to do with me! You’re my bestfriend, I can’t let this happen for a hundred reasons!” Peter protests. You didn’t believe him. You didn’t believe him even though you wanted to. You shook your head, and Peter’s soul crushed into two. “Why are you even doing this?!”
“Because I’m tired, Peter! I’m tired of not being good enough, I’m tired of doing everything wrong, I’m tired of letting everyone down!”
“You don’t let me down, Y/N! Think about this, you know how much I’ve lost!” His voice cracked at the last word, as a tear slipped down his cheek. “My parents, Uncle Ben, T-Tony! I cant lose you too!” You were speechless, stating into his broken eyes, and your mind began to race. You remember the flashbacks of hugging Peter when he cried for all of their deaths, and you remembered how broken he was. The fact that you could do that to him too, made your heart shatter into even more pieces. “You’re one of the few things I still have, Y/N! I’m not just gonna idly let it go! You’re too important for me to do that?”
“How important, Peter?” You asked with a trembling voice. Peter scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.
“Does all the years of our friendship not say anything? You’re the one person I let my guard down with! You’re the only person that could go 17 straight hours watching Star Wars with me! You’re the only person who can make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe for almost 30 minutes.” He took a deep breath before continuing, noticing how your face softened slightly at his words. “You’re the only person that makes everything in my life worth it. You’re one of the only reasons I’m still here. You’re the one person I want to spend my entire life with...” If it was going to save your life, he might as well blurt out everything. He swallows the lump in his throat, closing his eyes, before continuing. This was long overdue anyways...
“You’re the only person I love, Y/N...” You gasped at his reaction, the tears in your eyes coming back. But these weren’t the sad, angry tears. These were happy tears. But someone said that to you before.
“D-Do you really?” Peter didn’t waste a second to nod. “W-Why?”
“Because everything about you is perfect to me. I love how you smile at me, I love how you laugh at almost everything, even if it isn’t even that funny. I love how compassionate you are to other people, even if they’re the biggest assholes on the planet and don’t deserve it. Y/N, I always made it a goal to make sure you’re happy, to make sure you don’t feel anything negative towards yourself, or to make sure you’re not in a bad mood. I know I failed at it this time, but I won’t let it happen again. I want to be more than friends, but we can’t be that if you jump...” He holds his arm out, and you look down at his hand, taking in all his words, before looking back up at his hands. They’re desperate and pleading, while yours are thinking and contemplating.
“Please...” Peter begs though tears. You swallow hard, before taking a step forward and reaching for his hand. But the second your foot moved, the concrete underneath broke, sending you flying down the side of the building with a scream. “Y/N!”
It was the more ear ripping, bone chilling scream Peter ever heard. He got this far, he was not giving up. He ran off the side of the building, pulling down his mask and aiming his web shooters towards you. The web shot a direct beeline to your palm, and his other hand attatched a web to the side of Empire State. It made it just in time, yanking you and Peter to the wall. Peter yanked you up with one hand, and your hands instinctively wrapped his around his neck, and your legs around his hips.
He heard your panicked breathing, and titled your chin up, resting his forehead on yours. “Y/N, calm down, I got you, you’re okay!” He spoke frantically. Staring into the white eyes of his suit, your body seemed to relax. The moment was filled with heavy, panicked breathing, and one of your hands gently tugged up his mask. Peter didn’t flinch, just continued staring at you in pure protectiveness.
You stopped pulling his mask off when it reached his nose. You stared at his lips, then back up, looking for any sign of hesitation. But none of it was there. You leaned in slowly, before softly and gently pressing your lips against his soft ones. He closed his eyes and hummed against the kiss, intensifying the moment. He kissed back a little harder, and you felt all your stress flow off your body. He pulled away, resting his forehead on yours again.
“Please never leave me...” He begged breathlessly. You nodded and held him tighter, making a silent promise to Peter forever.
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Innkeeper AU (Part 4)
The light of a setting sun shone through Faye’s window as she awoke. She blinked at the sight, having gone to sleep last night and not expecting this much rest. It was a nice change of pace for her, resting in a peaceful inn like this. For what felt like far too long she’d been walking, journeying to her goal. A pang of guilt hit her squarely in the chest. She realized that every day she rested peacefully in bed was one day farther from her mission, her quest. Begrudgingly Faye stood and dressed, walking out into the hallway.
The smell of a fresh meal carried her to the dining room. Whatever was being cooked, it smelled divine, like a gateway to culinary heaven was just beyond that back door behind the bar. Faye was so entranced that she didn’t even notice the young girl come right up to her, calling her name. It wasn’t until Jack tugged on Faye’s sleeve that she even noticed her.
Jack: Miss Faye!
Faye, blinking: Oh, sorry Jack. I didn’t see you there.
Jack: It’s okay. Mommy’s making dinner, do you want some?
Faye: I would love some, thank you, Jack.
A wide grin spread across the girls face as she enthusiastically nodded and hustled to the kitchen. A few moments later she returned with a mug on a plate, presenting it to the adventurer.
Jack: Here you go, Miss Faye! Aunty Ishtar said you could have it!
Faye: Why thank you, Jack. You’re such a good helper!
Faye lifted the mug to find a note underneath. “Some of that bottle from last night. Thanks for the chat. ~I”.
Faye chuckled as she took a small sip. It was indeed that same delicious vintage from the previous night. She’d go easy tonight, didn’t want to end up in bed until the evening again. As Faye set the mug down, a light clattering of rain began to come from the roof. Not as bad as the monsoon Faye rode in on, but certainly noticeable. Minutes passed before Eresh came out from the kitchen, multiple plates in tow as she set them down on the table. Four plates littered the tabletop along with accompanying utensils. Jack sat on Faye’s right with Ishtar on her left. Directly across from her sat the innkeeper herself, her beautiful blonde locks without a hair out of place, as though the daily chores didn’t so much as effect her.
The group began to eat their meal, a meat main dish with wild vegetables and some leftover stew from the other night. Just like before, everything Faye tried was delicious beyond comprehension, each and every bite a world of flavor. In between the desperate and unladylike stuffing of her face, Faye managed to speak.
Faye: Eresh this is amazing! How did you make this?
Eresh: Oh just an old family recipe, nothing special.
Jack: But Mommy, you said that you wanted to make this one extra special for Miss Faye!
Eresh choked slightly on her food as her own daughter shamelessly exposed her. Coughing quickly and regaining her composure, she took a sip of her drink.
Eresh: W-well it’s only natural to want to make a nice meal for guests! Besides, i wouldn’t ever cook a bad meal, not when you’re eating it, my precious.
Those last words were accentuated by a ruffling of Jack’s pearly white hair, her bangs now covering part of her forehead. Faye suppressed a chuckle watching the two as Ishtar cracked a smile. Their meal finished without a hitch, Jack and Ishtar taking the dishes away and demanding that Eresh put her feet up after a long day of work.
Eresh: But I haven’t really had to do anything! Faye’s our only guest right now, so there’s not a lot of mess to clean.
Ishtar: And I keep telling you, relax a bit, have a drink or two! It’s not like you get out much. The pretty ones quite literally have to come to you.
A wink from one and a sigh from the other ended that conversation as Faye sat at the bar counter, a cup of water in front of her, her eyes locked on the multicolored containers lining the shelves.
Eresh: Mind if I join you?
Faye snapped out of her trace, gesturing to the seat next to her in an open invitation. Eresh, however, took her place across the bar. Opening a container and pouring a small amount into two cups, she slid one to Faye.
Eresh: Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Faye: No, not at all. I mean, you’ve already done so much for me, a couple of questions is the least I can do to repay you.
Eresh: What were you doing out in that storm the other night?
Faye looked down into her cup, swirling the liquid around.
Faye: I was traveling when the rain came.
Eresh: But to where? You were so driven you went to the point of exhaustion. What could’ve been that important?
Faye: I’m on a mission. I’m tracking down a medicine for a friend of mine. The medicine he needs is rare, and only a handful of people can make it. The only one we knew of is in the Capital.
Eresh: The Capital? That’s half a continent away, how do you expect to get there?
Faye: Well, I’m gonna walk.
Eresh looked at Faye incredulously.
Eresh: You’re going to walk? That entire way? Are you mad?
Faye: I don’t really have any other choice. Besides, I’ve gotten this far pretty uneventfully.
Eresh: You mean aside from the whole collapsing in this inn thing?
Faye: Well yeah, aside from that.
Jack came back from the kitchen, sitting next to Faye as Eresh poured a glass of juice for her.
Jack: What are you talking about?
Faye: We’re talking about--
Faye was cutoff as the entry door slammed open. In walked four men, their clothes and armor drenched in rain as their weapons hung at their sides.
Thug 1: Oy, this place got beds?
Eresh: yes sir, we do have some vacancies right now.
Thug 1: Don’t you “sir” me!
Thug 2: Yeah, we’re no sirs.
Two thugs placed their hands on their weapons. Faye turned to the child next to her.
Faye: Jack, why don’t you go and hang out with Aunty Ishtar for a bit? Eresh and I need to speak with these guys.
Jack nodded and quickly left to be by Ishtar’s side. Faye stood and turned to see the thugs.
Faye: Now now, let’s all calm down.
Thug 1: Shut yer trap, bitch! We’re talking to the other bitch!
Faye’s placating smile was quickly replaced with a grimace.
Faye: Apologize to her.
Thug 1: What’d you just say to me?
Faye: I said to apologize to her. I don’t give a shit what you say to me, but apologize to her.
Thug 2: We ain’t apologizing for shit!
Faye sighed, turning away from the group to look at Eresh, giving her a quizzical look to which she was met by a nod. Permission.
Faye nodded back and turned, putting the force of her hips into her punch as her hand connected to the first thug’s face, knocking him back onto the second. The third thug drew his sword snd swung at Faye. Eresh gasped as Faye twirled around the strike, disarming the man and taking his sword, hitting him upside the head with the pommel, sending him to the ground. The last thug swung his blade at Faye, to which she caught the blade against her own, sidestepping and, using the pommel and grip and fulcrums, sent the thug’s blade into a table some ten feet away before sweeping his feet out from under him and tossing the sword back.
The thugs all scrambled to get their bearings, collecting themselves and fleeing. Faye sighed and sat, catching her breath as Eresh watched, slack jawed.
Eresh: That was- I don’t- how?
Faye: Years of practice. A girl’s gotta be tough to travel this far on her own. You pick up a few things. Plus I couldn’t let them talk to you like that.
Eresh: Well thank you. Tell you what, drinks are on me tonight.
Faye returned that warm smile, raising her glass to meet Eresh’s own as the two toasted to each other’s health.
@hasquetzdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @hasabbydoneanythingwrong
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havertzgalaxy · 3 years
Deep Orange - Kai Havertz fanfiction (Chapter One)
A/N: First part of a series I hope to continue. Title is still uncertain for me so this is kind of a place holder. This is a little bit of a dark tale, but I love the idea of Kai in a darker role. If you enjoyed it please give it a like or anything so I know to keep writing! I have a lot more to say about this story :) 
Warnings: Alcohol, drug use, swearing, sexual references 
Summary: Kai Havertz, a rising star in the football world, has just moved to London and he's off to a rocky start. After agreeing to go to a party with one of his old friends from high school, he meets Katrin Hummels, a mysterious, German musician who has lived in the UK for over a decade. Katrin flirts with Kai at this party, and he reveals that he is in a committed relationship. Nevertheless, Kai is heavily intrigued by her and the two quickly become friends. As Kai balances his career and his relationship, Katrin invites him out constantly to parties and clubs, which distract him from his important life goals. Soon, Kai finds himself on a downwards, drunken spiral of addiction and on a collision course with Katrin.
Available here on Tumblr, but here is the link for the fic on wattpad incase anyone prefers to read stories there: https://www.wattpad.com/1094322435-deep-orange-chapter-one 
Chapter 1 
Let me start with the night I first met Katrin. Now, it seems odd to even think about a time before Katrin had a poisonous grip on my life, and there really isn’t anything in my life worth reciting before her. It was a quiet week in between matches in the Premier League and I had off for seven days, which was rare. I was invited to an evening out with a friend from high school who was studying in London at the time. Hesitantly, I accepted, but made it clear to myself that this was not a friend I would like to hang out with regularly. I mostly accepted to please my mother who had been pressing me to find friends from my previous life so I would eventually return home. So I called up my mother and told her I was finally meeting Leo Sauer. The most German German I had ever known moved to London. And I was meeting with him. 
I had never thought of Leo as a wild card. He pretty much stuck to the rules. A good German boy got good grades and excelled in athletics, but this German boy had blossomed out of the rulebook. Suddenly Leo was a stoner philosophy student with connections to an underground intelligentsia-creative scene, a world woefully unfamiliar to myself. I have had so few nights out in my life, due to the demands of my rigorous football schedule, but I always accepted that absence in my life as a necessary sacrifice. It was not something I ever thought I would miss as I aged, especially if I had a World Cup in my hands. But my first memories of regret started as I took a cab out to the party. I noticed the way the signs on the businesses had a fading and mesmerizing glow, like there was a specific quality of the night that was turning everything neon forever. The air was orange, then it turned red. I thought to myself how odd it felt to go out to a place where I was specifically going to socialize. 
And these feelings worsened when I arrived at the party. I was way out of my element.  I began contemplating my own death as I walked through the doorway at a frustratingly overpriced two story flat in South London. I wondered what such an eccentric party was doing in a rather lame neighborhood, and why it was heavily decorated with memorabilia from India. As I turned each corner I passed another Ganesh, another Vishnu, Brama, until I was greeted with an overwhelming scent of incense and marijuana. The house was very dimly lit and seemed to be decorated in a frantic rush for a party, with multicolored christmas lights sufficing as lighting in long and dark stretches of the house. In one corner there was a red lamp without a lamp shade that provided an intense source of light that you couldn’t look at for two long. The entire house was pulsating to a dull bass line that rather confused me and as I breathed in the display of punk, artistic, and heavily braided London set, I quickly scanned the room for Leo and immediately joined forces with him, promising to myself that I would not to leave his side for the rest of the night. 
“King Kai!” Leo gasped. He reached out his hand and pulled me in for a hug. “I didn’t think you’d make it, man!” 
I switched to German, feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable for the moment in English. “Leo, bro, you look great.” I shuddered at my own words, did I usually sound this stupid? I never have this lack of confidence, what was going on with me? 
“Jasmine, this is my friend Kai.” Leo turned to a beautiful girl sitting beside him. She had her hair fixed behind a vintage bandana and wore large and thick gold hoop earrings. “Kai, this is Jasmine. Her parents usually live with her, but she’s had a free house since last Tuesday. She studies philosophy as well with me at UCL.” 
“Nice one! I’m Kai,” I extended my hand to her, suddenly overly aware of my accent. 
“So great to meet you, Kai. Leo’s been mentioning how he has another friend in London. What are you doing here?” Jasmine revealed a thick London accent, or what I presumed to be one. 
I was puzzled as to why she did not know what I was doing in London, but I responded quickly, “I play with Chelsea Football Club. Sort of recently moved to London, it’s been about three weeks so far.” 
“You’re fucking with me!” Jasmine threw her head back in laughter. 
“No, no. He’s actually totally serious.” Leo replied coldly. 
“Oh no way! That’s wicked, man. I don’t think I ever met anyone on my sixth form’s football team, let alone Chelsea. I don’t give a fuck about football, but I hope your team does well now.” Jasmine cackled some more and Leo cracked open a beer quietly. “I actually don’t think you’re gonna meet anyone at this party who cares about football.” 
Leo looked around and tensed his face awkwardly. 
I smiled and retorted, “I think that’s a good thing!” 
Jasmine darted up from her seat to reconnect with a girl who had arrived apparently called “Therese.” And suddenly Leo and I were momentarily alone. After an awkward silence between us Leo pressed me about my life. I asked him about his, and we spoke on and off about our past life back in Germany. 
For the next thirty minutes, Leo continued to introduce me to a staggering amount of substance-abusing artists, unemployed twenty-two year olds, or trust-funded humanities students. Thinking quickly, I introduced myself as another philosophy student from Germany. I didn’t want to repeat the same conversation I had with Jasmine again. Although they questioned why I couldn’t have a bump of ket or a hit off a joint. After pretending to be someone I was not, I felt nervous. My palms were sweaty and my shirt felt tight. I wondered whether I actually passed off as someone from this corner of society, or if I looked like an outsider. 
“Leo,” I turned to my only friend at this party. “I think I should go before someone takes a picture of this and sends this to my manager. I shouldn’t be at a party with anything illegal.” 
“Kai, if someone takes a picture of you at this party and does something like that they’d never be invited to anything ever again.” Leo explained, “This is a very moral group of people. They’ve certainly had more than enough time to think about their values.” Leo responded with a quick joke. “Just let loose. Tonight might be your last night of this kind of freedom.” 
So I ran across the street with a mask on in an anonymous pursuit of a Best-One and bought as many beers as I possibly could, deciding to get rip-roaring drunk. Something I had not really experienced properly in my life before that night. I returned to hide my beers in a bookshelf upstairs, downed three beers in a row with Leo, and talked to as many people as possible claiming I was this philosophy student of German philosophers. When they tried to talk to me about philosophy I just bullshitted my way through the conversation and we all laughed together. They were too high, I was too drunk. Nothing mattered. None of us were on the same page anyway. The alcohol hit me like a bullet train and I laughed and laughed at the fact that I was finally wasted. Everything felt like a dream. 
In my drunken stupor I could hardly recognize the couch from the floor, although I delicately found the last available place on a couch in the upstairs hallway of the flat. I don’t remember properly reflecting on why there was a couch in a hallway, there just was and I accepted that. Upstairs, the music was slightly softer, and it sounded like it was made years ago and was playing out of an old stereo. Although the upstairs music was struggling to make itself heard over the louder computer-made music coming from downstairs. Deep in my philosophical contemplation over the music, I forgot how my legs and depth perception worked, and I stumbled onto the couch, nearly spilling over my beer onto a girl on my way down. 
“Entschuldig-” I began in German, quickly correcting myself and forgetting how to speak English under the influence, “ah, fuck, sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” 
Short dark brown hair, a fading tan, big brown eyes with heavy eye makeup, and slightly crooked teeth turned to me at once declaring back in German, “You’re very drunk.” She locked eyes with me deeply. She was direct. Holy shit. “I don’t think we’ve met.” 
“Wow, you speak German as well?” I held her gaze for moments more before feeling something too intense. “I mean,” I stuttered, “I’m Kai. I just moved here a few weeks back.” 
“I’m Katrin.” She smiled wide and took a long sip of her drink. “Of course I speak German.” 
“Of course you speak German? Not every random stranger speaks German.” I teased, leaning my head back against the wall to stop the room from spinning out of control. 
“I’m not every random stranger.” She smacked her lips and leaned back. She had a low, husky voice. A voice that had clearly been weathered by smoking and yelling. Even if her lifestyle choices were made apparent through her voice there was something about this woman that was puzzling me in a wonderful way. She had long intense stares and big brown eyes that powered them. She spoke sharply and lit a joint. I drunkenly inhaled her smoke. “I think I recognize your face. I think you play for Chelsea.” 
Something inside me broke. I freaked out that she had some kind of power over me, as if she was threatening to blow my cover. She stared deeply at me as my lips fumbled to create a response. I raised my eyebrows in shock. Slowly I slurred a response. “Do you watch football?” 
“Not if I don’t have to.” Katrin laughed, she quickly changed expression and replied. “Sorry, I don’t mean to insult.” 
“Nah, I’m not insulted. I think the majority of the world would agree with me that it’s a sport worth watching.” I retorted fast, feeling my breath hot in my throat suddenly. In the other room I could hear some large bouts of laughter and the music changing at irregular intervals. Someone must have been skipping through songs. 
“Let’s just say you win that argument then.” She cooed. “But I must tell you...I’m only lying.” She giggled, “I didn’t even know what Chelsea was until my friend, Jasmine, told me about an hour ago that another German was here. She told me that you play football here or something. And then she was like, ‘no one's gonna recognize him here’ and I was like, ‘as I German maybe I will, is he famous?’ So we googled you and we were like what the fuck. This dude is famous as shit.” 
“Clearly not that famous.” I gestured around the room to the slew of preoccupied people, but quickly returned my gaze back to Katrin. I was utterly transfixed. Each word out of her mouth weighed heavy on my mind. Was she telling the truth? What was her story? She was a challenging conversation, making me nervous for no reason, “We don’t have to talk about that football shit. We don’t even have to talk in German.” I paused and burped. The room was spinning. I felt myself losing control of my reserve. “Sorry I’m quite drunk.” 
“You’re not the only one.” She smiled and lifted up her small bottle of cheap vodka. 
“I...I don’t usually drink. I’m not really allowed.” 
“Not allowed?” Katrin raised her eyebrows. “Says who?” 
“It’s part of my job. I’m not supposed to be rebellious, I’m supposed to be a role model.” I added nervously. 
“You’d be a much better role model if you broke some rules.” She poured a large amount of vodka into her cup before mixing it with a little bit of soda. “Fuck, you’d be my role model.” 
“You’re a rule breaker? That’s not very German of you.” I took a long swig of my beer after I spoke. She stayed silent so I spoke quickly, “Why are you in London anyway?” 
She put her hands in between her face and wiped her hair back, composing herself. “I was forced to move here from Bavaria when I was twelve. My dad got a job in London and the whole family moved except my older brother who seems to get out of everything. Forced to learn English when I was thirteen, forced to go to university, make my parents proud. Then I dropped out. It wasn’t for me. Now I’m what you call a ‘soundcloud musician.’” She explained, “And I’m also what you’d call a lifeguard for a leisure centre near me.” 
“That’s a lot to unpack.” I let out a loud laugh. 
Katrin did not respond right away to me and this freaked me out. I wondered if I said the wrong thing, maybe I should have responded with some compassion and sympathy. Surely she was looking for a more in depth conversation, something which she might find with the intellectual class around us, I was just merely a guy she struck up conversation with because he almost spilled cold beer all over her. Where did I put the rest of my beers, anyway? 
Before my thoughts spiralled off any further, she spoke again. “You have the most unusual face I’ve ever seen.” She touched my cheek with the tips of her fingers and my skin burned. As she moved her fingers across my face, her eyes flared and her pupils dilated. “Like you weren’t born on this planet.” 
Her words sent shivers down my whole body and penetrated deep into my soul. Why was she touching me? What did she mean by any of this? Do I look ugly to her? I felt awkward by her comments, so I laughed nervously and asked suddenly, “What kind of music do you make?” 
Before she could reply, the song had changed to something I couldn’t quite hear and she shouted out, “You fuckers! Turn this shit off!” She turned to me, grabbed two beer cans in her hands, dangling the joint in between her fingers, and did a dance, “I’m sorry, Kai, I’ve got to go make these idiots turn off my music before everyone with a brain leaves this party... But come to my show on Friday and you can see what kinda music I make.” 
“Where is it?” 
“Islington Assembly Hall. 7pm.” She leaned over, and I watched her lips grow closer to mine before she stopped, and whispered, “I wish I could stay longer and talk. I haven’t met anyone this captivating to me in a while… You’re a troubled soul and I can sense that. And God do I wanna fuck you.” 
Her words had floored me so much I could hardly reply, but I mustered, “Unfortunately I am already spoken for.” 
“That’s a shame. I think we were in love in a past life.” She winked, pulled back her intoxicating scent, walked off with a spring in her step before shouting back, “See you Friday!” 
As she left I felt time moving more slowly for the first time in my life. I felt a sense of impending doom, while simultaneously feeling an inexplicably intense ecstasy. I knew from the moment I met her, Katrin was a ticking time bomb. For the rest of the night I stayed on the couch in the upstairs hallway at a party in a forgotten corner of London, completely transfixed.
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captainficspace · 4 years
Game Night- Five’s Day
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy 
Characters: The Hargreeves Sibs
A/N: I think this is actually my favorite fic I’ve written for this week. I couldn’t wait to post it :) 
Movie night wasn’t the only “mandatory fun” the household had started keeping up with. Game night probably never would have happened in a million years if Vanya hadn’t suggested it and everyone wanted to let her have this one thing. Not that it had gone well, naturally. The initial concern would be that no one would care enough to show up, but the opposite ended up being true. No, everyone cared entirely too much when it came to game night. She had forgotten that everyone in the house was competitive as all hell, and so far there had been three game nights in a row that ended in someone flipping the board in frustration. It took serious begging to give it all one more try, and reluctantly, everyone agreed, if not out of the potential entertainment that would come from giving Klaus a Taboo buzzer.
Vanya had also thought things over, learning from the past nights. This had to be different. Everyone gave her looks of startled bewilderment when she came into the house that day, Klaus in tow, with a traffic cone, a 2x4, spray glitter, and a bulk bag of googly eyes.
“We’re making the game this time and it’s gonna be better than anything else you suggest, so don’t even start.” Klaus announced.
 It somehow ended up being so much worse. There were seven pages of hand-written rules and a haphazardly painted board studded with google eyes and plastic dinosaurs. They had all been trying to play for a solid half hour and not even Vanya could remember what the objective had been. Putting the finishing touches on the game had taken up a good part of the night, so midnight was slowly approaching when things started to get real.  
 “So clearly, the spacemen need to roll to enter the chaos volcano and trade for the ice crystal if you’re going restore the dinosaur kingdom.” Diego moved the plastic army man they had been using as pawns, approaching a cardboard volcano at the center of the board.
“We don’t have enough HP to enter the volcano realm, yet. Everyone still needs to collect the spells.”  Luther said, flipping back through the rules again for what seemed the thousandth time. None of it made sense. Vanya sank down in her seat ever so slightly. The goal was to make a game where everyone used their competitive-ass natures to work together for once, and she couldn’t even do that right. Five kept looking at her out of the corner of his eye, silently begging for her to allow him to leave. If this didn’t turn around in fifteen minutes, she was throwing in the towel.
“How can we be spacemen and also wizards?” Allison asked, looking over Luther’s shoulder to see the rules for herself, trying to find the bizarre cast of characters they had to pick from when starting the game. Spacemen, necromancers, aliens, ghosts, something called Bananamen…was there even a mention of wizards here? Five, on the other hand, had not looked at the rules since beginning out of silent protest for being part of game night once again. He stared into space or at the bottom of his empty mug, waiting for everyone to give up so he could just go to bed.
Klaus had long stopped trying to explain the rules that he and Vanya had come up with and instead became distracted with how many of the little plastic eyes he could pick off the board and stick to his face.
 “Well, my character is a dinosaur and also a necromancer, so anything is possible.” Vanya added, trying to stay positive.
 “See, so she can resurrect us in the volcano realm.” Diego said.
“She can only be allowed three healing spells. Did you pay any attention to the lizard king?”  Allison asked.
“If Diego had used the action cards to fill out the sidequest-“ Vanya tried to balance between letting the others figure things out and outright telling them what to do out of growing frustration, and it wasn’t going well.
“Who has time for the sidequests?”
Five buried his face in his hands, slowly slumping down in his chair. No one could tell him he wasn’t being a good sport for just showing up.
“You’re just going to sit there as a level-two hermit and tell me, to my face, that I’m wrong?” Oh great. Diego was on his feet now, staring Luther down across the table. It was only a matter of time before the giant sheet of plywood they had used as a board was going to go flying.
 “I will look you dead in your face and say you have zero idea how the sidequest with the elf queen was supposed to get us to the volcano realm.” And now Luther was also standing, nearly hitting his head on the chandelier that hung over the table. A shadow fell over the board
“Hey, guys. Look. I’m an angel now.” Klaus interjected, drawing attention to his eye-covered face, “I’m using my holy damage by punching the volcano in the face until we get the ice crystal.” The two feuding brothers ignored him, still refusing to take a seat until the problem was solved.
“You shut your damn velociraptor mouth.” Diego growled.
From behind his hands, Five squeaked. Vanya looked closer and realized his shoulders were shaking. He wasn’t just playing up his exasperation for dramatic effect; he was giggling. The others turned as well, equally surprised.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Allison asked, “We hadn’t heard much at all from our level 3 firebreather.” Five shook his head, still covering his face. He was doing a progressively worse job at keeping himself quiet, and his laughter was beginning to break through, high-pitched and sweet.
 “He would always get like this when he stayed up too late.” Luther said, “Don’t you guys remember?” The memories slowly started to come back of them sneaking into each other’s rooms after lights-out to actually be kids for once. Five was always the first to succumb to the midnight giggles, curling up and hiding his face in a pillow to muffle the sound so he wouldn’t get them caught. It would spread like wildfire, and they would all end up giving into that magical hour of the night where everything became funny, cracking jokes and teasing each other and finally not taking anything too seriously. Either Five had never outgrown it, or it was just another perk of new form.
“He’s overtired. I guess he’s just loopy.” Allison said, grinning as she heard a muffled snort come from the giggling pile of sleep-deprived goo that was her brother. He put his head down on the table and buried his head in his arms, well-past being able to stop at this point.
“Instead of turning into a pumpkin at midnight he just turns into a gigglebox.” Klaus leaned over and squeezed his knee, “Come on, let me see your smiling face!” Five squealed, nearly falling out of his chair trying to squirm away. He still refused to lift his head and show that he was actually capable of laughing.
 “We need your firebreather wisdom, be a team player!” Diego added, coming over from behind and digging his hands into his ribcage.
A solid thud came from under the table, knocking over several pieces on the board from the force. Everyone sitting nearby said a silent word of thanks that Five ended up kicking the underside of the table and not anyone’s shins. Five kicked like a mule when he was tickled, especially in the scream-laughing stage Diego had him in as he wiggled his fingers in-between each bone.
“Oh, and now he’s taking down the bananamen army.” Luther said, throwing up his hands in mock-anger.
Five finally lifted his head, swatting his brothers away. His unrestrained cackling bounced off the walls, almost startling in its volume and intensity.
“E-Enough!” He squeaked out, sniffling. His face was bright red and streaked with tears. The brothers slowed down, but still didn’t stop completely, sneaking in pokes and squeezes to keep him giggling.
“His dimples hadn’t changed at all.” Klaus said, pinching his cheek and giving him one last tickle behind his knee. Five swatted him with one hand and muffled his laughter with the other, shoulders shaking. He couldn’t look Klaus in the face with those stupid googly eyes and Diego’s ‘ ”shut your velociraptor mouth” comment kept playing over and over in his head. The teasing and the tickling did nothing to help his attempts at pulling himself together. He pounded his fist on the table, the hand over his mouth doing little to suppress his giggle fit.
“Is it past someone’s bedtime?” Allison asked, doing everything in her power to be condescending.
“I h-HA-hate you!” He managed out at last. Everyone waited for him to blink away in a burst of angry eyebrows and swearing, but he stayed. He actually stayed. Vanya then considered every part of game night a success. No one had seen or heard Five laugh, really laugh, in forever. She had almost forgotten what it sounded like. Five himself probably forgot what it felt like, still shaking with leftover giggles from the tickle attack. He finally caught his breath, trying to scowl but failing.
“I hate you.” He repeated, wiping his eyes.
 “You hate how much I’m kicking this volcano’s ass.” Klaus said, “You wish you were a level 420 angel spaceman like me.”
“Now you’re just making things up!” Vanya said. The game was hopelessly out her hands at this point, but she was strangely at peace with it.
“We made up the entire game! If anything, I’m just creating the expansion pack as we speak.” Klaus defended, grabbing the rules out of Vanya’s hands and scribbling a new page of ideas.
 The game went on well into the night, with each twist and turn becoming more and more bizarre. Five’s uncommonly giddy mood was infectious, and everyone had to stick around to enjoy it while it lasted, even grabbing at his knees when he tried to shift back into his typically grouchy state. The ice crystal was never acquired, but Five ended up with the hiccups from laughing so much and so hard, so everyone thought the evening was worth it. As the game wrapped up, everyone left the room feeling somewhat lighter, relieved almost. They were going to have to start later more often.
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jadekitty777 · 3 years
On Your Six, Chapter 8
You’re going to be offended when I tell you I’m still not done. How did this happen? How did this end chapter get so long that I have to break it in half and I still have not finished it? 
Oh right, I wrote myself into a corner and had to get myself out of it in the most outlandish way possible. Yeah that checks out.
For now please enjoy chapter 8 of what is now a 9-chapter story. Because I have no self control.
Day 8: Free Day for @taiqrowweek
Rating:  T for this chapter, M for overall
Words: 6.5k
Summary: Qrow was what most of society would call a small-town criminal. But to those oppressed, he hoped only to be a healer. In an effort to make a change in the world, he moves from kingdom to kingdom, searching for branded omegas in need. His goal? To turn the derogatory words the reformatories forced them to bear on their skin into works of art.
Then one day, his past catches up to him in the form of Taiyang, his former best friend, with a brand of his own stained onto his skin and a plea for help in his eyes. Qrow has no choice but to answer, even if it means he’d have to face his mistakes once and for all.
[An ABO-style universe in a modern-day style Remnant. No Grimm, because people are the real monsters in this one]
Ao3 Link: Hang...
Qrow was thirty-two when it finally happened.
He was working out of Mantle on the cusp of winter. The bustling, compact metropolis had become a bit of a mainstay for him over the years, thanks to his connections with the Omega Alliance. The political party had formed half a decade ago, heralded by none other than Robyn Hill. The movement was quickly becoming a worldwide spectacle, with more factions forming in every major city of the four kingdoms almost every week. With the main branch strategically close to Atlas though, it had become a media-struggle to both stay in the spotlight and to silence the oppressed.
It was just the kind of thing that might turn the tides for omega rights once and for all.
However, for Qrow, the Alliance had become a bit of a safe haven. The group had welcomed him in with open arms and encouraged him to continue his work, with the stipulation the Alliance would be endorsing the rebranding efforts in their press conferences and rallies. In turn, he was given a ‘secret nesting spot’ no matter where he seemed to travel to and a donation fund that kept him so well off, Tai stopped trying to measure his waistline with his eyes whenever he came to visit. All the while, his anonymity was kept intact and his clientele full.
It seemed like an eternity since he’d been able to live so comfortably.
Which led him to where he was that fateful day. The Greenleaf Inn was a well-sized, three-star hotel that always conveniently had its mini-suite open whenever he was around. The bed alone was worth its weight in lien, but the mini-bar fridge and spa tub made him feel like he was a king. The extra space also allowed for more pleasant accommodations for his clients.
That day, he was working with a young journalist by the name of Forest. He was a chatterer and a bit of a political enthusiast, his support for the Alliance borderline fanatic. Most of their time was spent discussing current events.
“Vacuo’s press conference is all in an uproar. Pride leader Kali can’t even get a word in edgewise; no one’s listening to her. It’s all looking pretty bad – then her Alpha gets to his feet. He’s like a monster of a man – wider than a truck and tall as a house. Everyone shuts up when he clears his throat and says his mate has something to say. Then he just sits down and lets her talk. Sienna reported that Kali turned into a real lioness and took charge!” Forest mimicked the swiping of claws. “It was spectacular! But of course, the headlines are all about what Ghira did and Kali’s performance is just a side note. It’s always about the alphas – uh, no offense.”
Well maybe discussing was too strong a term. “None taken.” Qrow replied offhandedly from the floor, more concerned with getting the arch of the fox’s face just right where it curled over the shin bone. He wasn’t even sure Forest heard him anyways.
“Suppose the end result is what matters though. Vacuo was the last agenda we needed to be on. Now we’re ensured the UFK really starts discussing omega affairs this winter. And I think-”
He never did find out what Forest thought – because a rapping on the door cut him off. Qrow turned off his pen, wary as he got to his feet. It wasn’t typical he got visitors out of the blue.
Then a voice shouted from the other side. “Harbinger, hurry up!”
“May?” Forest sat upright.
Qrow was already across the room in two strides, throwing open the door. The blue-haired omega was in a state, her scent bleeding panic as she cut right to the chase, “You need to get out of here! The police are in the lobby, looking for you!”
“What?!” He barked, heart rate skyrocketing. “But how?”
May pushed him back, hurrying inside. “Don’t know. Joanna’s trying to stall, but we only got a few minutes at most before this place is crawling. What do you need? Forest, you too, get up!”
The reporter seemed to snap out of his daze, jumping to his feet. “Why don’t we just hide in another room?”
“That might work for you, but not him. They’re gonna raze this place from the ground up.”
“Then hide him. I’m going down the stairwell.” Qrow insisted, having already thrown his kit back together and snapping the case closed. He got to his feet, pulling his scroll from his pocket. “Here. Destroy it.”
She looked from the device to him, uncertain. “But I can help-”
“No.” He barely withheld the growl. “You’re a lead member of Atlas’ branch. They see you helping me and the kingdom’s gonna run with the bad press. You don’t need that, especially not with the UFK assembly so close.”
For one long terrible moment, he was certain she was going to keep arguing. But any bluster was blown out with a heavy sigh and a helpless, “Good luck.”
He was going to need it.
“Shit.” Qrow cursed as he caught a gander of the lobby floor from the little window in the stairwell door. The place was crawling. He could already see a pair of officers at the elevator doors. There was almost definitely one at every exit point as well.
He backed up, trying to think. There was no way he was getting out undetected and the moment they started questioning him or asking for identification, he was going to be in trouble. He thought about reconsidering Forest’s idea – but even if they played a game of Scooby Doo chase with the cops, it wasn’t going to be long before they caught sight of him. He couldn’t just go up to his room and wait for the inevitable either.
He was trapped. His only hope was if he spontaneously learned how to fly.
Unless… He tilted his head up, looking at the flights of stairs. Which went all the way up to the roof.
The buildings weren’t that far apart.
It was crazy. But, it might be his only chance.
Qrow shoved his tattoo kit underneath the last stairwell, pushing it in the corner until the black case was hidden in the shadows. It would be too heavy to take with him. He’d just have to hope no one would be able to find it in the meantime. Appeased, he rushed up the stairs, trying to take several at a time. He was about halfway up the third when he heard the first-floor door open. He froze.
“You really think he’ll come down this way?” A voice, high and reedy, floated up from below.
The other voice was gruff and masculine. “You heard the chief, Viola. She wants all exits covered.”
“Just seems excessive Taylor. All of us for a guy not even hurting anyone.”
“Rookie, I’ll give you some advice: the judgment calls are for the courts. We just need to do our jobs. And yours right now is to get to that top floor in case our perp makes a break for the roof, capeesh?”
She sighed. “Got it.”
The first footfall hit the steps.
Qrow thought about it for half a second – and then he bolted.
Surprise was on his side, because it took the officers a precious few seconds to understand before their shouts rang up and they started chasing after him. He could hear Taylor fumbling with a radio, calling for backup. By that point, Qrow was bypassing the second floor and heading toward the third.
“Stop! Police!” Viola’s voice cracked on the yell.
He felt kind of bad, scaring the newbie. Had he had any breath left, he might have shouted back an apology. As it were, all his focus went onto the stairs in front of him, trying his best not to fall as he climbed five… six… seven… eight-
The roof access door swung open and hit the brick. He paused long enough to scope his options –apartment complex to the left, half a story lower, flat rooftop; warehouse to the right, higher, guardrail fencing on the perimeter – before he made a decision and skirted left. The ground underneath him was slippery from rainfall that had frosted over with late autumn’s crisper temperatures, so he struggled for traction, preparing to jump.
“Don’t do it!” Viola yelled just as he did it.
For a moment, as he leapt over ten feet through the air, nothing below but a sharp drop to the alleyway, he felt weightless and free.  He really was flying.
And then realty was rushing up to meet him as his feet hit the opposite roof, slipped on the ice, and slipped again when his hands weren’t enough to catch him. The impact, mostly taken on his right side, was jarring and left him a little breathless and aching. Still, he was able to stand a few moments after, turning back to look at the officers staring down at him across the gap.
“Ha! Better luck next time turkeys!” Qrow saluted them before he strut towards the roof hatch. Now all he had to do was-
Why was everything spinning?
The distant sound of cars was fading, and as he lifted his hand to his face, he watched it double before his eyes.
Shit. He was gonna-
The ground rushed up to meet him a second time, having just enough consciousness left to land on his back.
He watched the sky above him until the last star blinked out.
She’d been staring at him for the past five minutes.
He could just barely see her above the pages of the newspaper he was pretending to read. He figured she would eventually go and pester her dad, just one room over and making quite a racket in the kitchen as Tai no doubt overdid it in trying to be the perfect host (and would only try harder if Qrow told him it was no big deal). But the longer he tried to wait her out, the more it became obvious his niece had a mission and he was part of it.
Eventually he folded – both the newspaper and his resolve – and turned to her, trying not to be appear as intimated by a mere child as he actually kind of was, “Something wrong?”
Yang lifted her chin up high, stomped her way over from the staircase to his little corner of the couch, and slammed a box of markers down on the coffee table. “Make me pretty.”
“Like daddy.” She said with great exasperation. She climbed up beside him and with the lack of shame only children could have pulled off the shirt of her PJs and turned so her back could face him. “I want to be pretty too.”
Understanding slowly dawned on him. “Shouldn’t we ask your dad first?”
“I did, he said it was fine.” She hadn’t but Tai thought it was too adorable to be mad about it.
“Alright then.” Qrow turned, pulling a blue marker from the box. But when he turned back to face her, the pen was now black and Yang was two years older. “What do you want this time firecracker?”
“A motorcycle!” She shouted, bouncing excitedly.
He laughed, draping her long hair over her shoulder. “A motorcycle? Now what would a girl like you want that for?”
“I’ma get one when I’m older. Daddy said! I can get a real motorcycle when I turn eighteen.” She told him.
He uncapped the marker. “And that’s what you want, huh?”
“Yep.” She nodded. “He said I could get a real tattoo too, as long as I think really hard about it since this one won’t come off in the bath.”
Qrow started to outline the wheels. “That’s right. You want to make sure it’s something you want forever.”
“Once I decide, you’ll do it for me, right?”
The words halted him momentarily, overcome by the sudden fondness filling his heart. “’Course I will.”  
“You swear?” Yang turned her head, trying to look serious but only managing to look adorably pouty. “Even if they pop out your eyes?”
The snort of surprise burst out of him. “It’s scratch out your eyes – and yes, even then.” And just so she could know that he meant it, he crossed an X over his heart.
He pressed the marker back to her skin, moving onto the bike’s frame, when Tai called out to him, “Qrow, look!”
He rose his head, looking out across the yard to see the omega holding a square, plywood board between his hands. As he gave the nod, Yang didn’t hesitate to bust her fist right through it.
“Looking good!” Qrow called back, before turning back to Ruby. Draped over his lap so she could reach her toys, she was making little action noises with her mouth as she crushed Bastinda underneath Zwei’s massive paws. He was just adding the color to the fur of the corgi version on her back.
A sharp movement had Bastinda flying down the porch steps and a stripe of white going all over her back. Luckily, six-year-olds weren’t picky.
“Bye, bye mean witch.” Ruby waved before she started taking her wolf on a walk along his side. “Uncle Qrow, who’s your favorite?”
He wrinkled his nose, trying not to think of the shoddy reboot that was slowly destroying the integrity of the original. Still, he answered honestly, “Rosette.”
“’Cause she was the big hero.” He explained. “I wanted to be just like her growing up.”
Her eyes lit up. “And now you are her, right?”
He quirked a brow. “What do you mean?”
“Daddy told me that’s why you’re gone so long, ‘cause you’re out making the world a better place.” Another stripe went down her back. She blinked curiously. “Why’d your face go all red?”
“Ah, nevermind that! Hey, you know what this needs?” He looked away, grabbing at the pink marker.
It was the same color his cheeks had been by the time he was turning back around, no longer outside but sitting up in Ruby’s room, consoling the sniffling ten-year-old the only way he knew how.
As he added to the growing chain of roses growing along her shoulder blades, he said, “Don’t let them get to you kid.”
“But it’s not fair! I’m way faster at running bases than Cardin, but they made me sit on the bench the whole time! I didn’t even get to play.” She swiped angrily at her eyes.
If Qrow listened real hard, he could hear Tai’s voice rising from downstairs. The phone call didn’t seem to be going well. “You’re right, it’s not fair at all. Do you know why your teacher did that?”
“Because,” Ruby buried her face in her pillow, the rest coming out muffled, “I’m going to be an omega and omegas don’t do great things.”
He was glad she couldn’t see his scowl. “Who told you that?”
“Everyone knows that.”
“I don’t.” He capped the marker, setting it aside before shifting on his knees, brushing back her hair with his fingers. “Because I’ve met omegas from all over the world, and so many of them are doing great things every single day. Dangerous things even, all so that they can make things more fair for everyone. They’re some of the bravest people I know.”
She rose her head. “Really?”
“Really. But you know what the big secret is?” He lent back, tapping his scent gland. “It doesn’t matter what’s here.” He tapped his head. “It matters what’s in here. As long as you put your mind to it and work hard at it, then there’s nothing you can’t do.”
Ruby considered this, asking, “You’re not just saying that?”
“Hey now, take it from the alpha who can draw. I know my stuff kiddo.”
It earned him one of the few things she seemed to share with her dad – a bright, beautiful smile. But as she went to a respond, a knocking on the door drew his attention.
Qrow blinked blearily at the cell doors where the guard was banging his nightstick against the metal. “Branwen, up! You got a visitor.”
Gingerly, he pulled himself up, his healing ribs screaming in protest at the movement. It took several moments longer before he could actually stand and shuffle his way out the door, following the guard down the hall. He kept his head down, not wanting to meet eyes with any of the other prisoners.
Since he was injured, he was being kept in the protective custody side of the prison. It had its bonuses – he didn’t have to share a cell or run through the motions the general population side did. He also didn’t have to cuff up when they let him out of his cell, mostly because they couldn’t get them on around the sling. The downside was the PC side of the jail was also where the most violent criminals were kept. There was one inmate in particular who-
“Oh little bird, you’ve come fluttering my way yet again.” Tyrian jeered.
-particularly got on his nerves. Qrow didn’t look up, but that didn’t stop the fierce growl from leaving his throat. The serial killer only cackled at his display.
If this was what it was like in here, he wasn’t entirely sure how he’d survive once he was reassigned into GP. A whole room full of alphas, all of them constantly competing for dominance, was a disaster waiting to happen. Not for the first time since he’d arrived, did he start wishing he’d presented differently. He’d have better chances in an omega-beta prison.
So preoccupied he was by his anxious thoughts, he’d forgotten entirely why he was out of bed in the first place until he was walking into the visitor’s area. The section was marked by a row of doors, each one leading into a small room that had nothing more than a few chairs and a wooden counter separated in half by bulletproof plexiglass. There was a metal, slated ring in it to allow the two parties to talk.
The guard unlocked the rightmost room, saying, “You’ve got one hour,” before swinging open the door.
Seeing a familiar face, even if it was only Clover Ebi’s, filled him with so much joy he could have cried.
The soldier was all smiles for him, though the cursory look over he gave him left a twist of worry at the corner of his eyes. “Hey Qrow. I’m so relieved to see you. You look… rough.”
“What gave that implication? The fractured wrist or the three broken ribs?” He replied tightly, delicately sitting down. “Suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you know my name either.”
“’Fraid everyone does at this point. You’re all over the news.”
He grimaced. “Internationally?”
“If I said no, would it make you feel better?”
“Not if I know you’re lying.” Gods, Tai was probably having a heart attack right now. And the girls… he wondered if they even fully understood what was going on. He raked a hand through his hair. “Fuck.”
Clover’s expression was one of sympathy. “Hey, it’ll be alright. Now that I’ve found you, we can get you a good lawyer, rather than the pro bono one they appointed you to. Robyn’s already running rallies in the streets of every kingdom and donation rings to hire the best in the business. And Fiona’s calling about a dozen firms a day. She’s already got-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Qrow cut him off, disoriented. “Slow down trigger. I get I’m not in a great position, but isn’t that a bit excessive for a small end criminal court case? And anyways, it’s not like I’m going to trial tomorrow.”
His flippancy only seemed to make the omega more agitated as he lent back, running a hand over his face. “Oh shit. They didn’t assign you a counsel, did they?”
“I’m not that depressed.”
“A legal counsel Qrow!” He scoffed. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
Okay, now he was so off-track he wasn’t even sure he boarded the train. “Am I… missing something?”
With a deep breath, Clover schooled his features, resting his arms along the tabletop to lean forward. “Qrow, your crime is being considered as a global offense. They’re expediating your case through the process so you can be tried at the UFK.”
Realty cracked and shattered around him.
“W-What?!” He squawked, panic setting in immediately. “Are you fucking serious?!” When the other could only offer him a solemn nod, Qrow withdrew, dropping his head onto the table and curling his one good arm around his face, as if it would be enough to shield him from the future. “Oh Gods. Oh fuck.”
He was screwed. Utterly and royally.
The UFK, or United Four Kingdoms, assembly was a yearly session of the kingdom’s four heads of state and their councils. Mostly it was a peace gathering, a way to discuss the improvements or needs of each kingdom and provide support or discuss any eco-social changes that may need addressing. It was why the Alliance had been so prominent in recent months; so that the four heads might talk about potential alternations to omega rights. A discussion that had not been gaining enough, if any, traction in the past few years. That was why Robyn had organized the ‘Prides’ – a central team in each kingdom whose sole job was to attend the national press conferences and make a loud enough roar that the council would have to take notice. Each one had done a fantastic job, and the news channels had been bustling with stories about how this year’s session would absolutely have to focus on the matter of omega equality.
And in one fell swoop, Qrow had ruined that.
Trials weren’t unheard of at the UFK, but they were extremely rare. In the eighty years the assembly had been convening, there’d only been three prior cases that had gone to court there and each one had had a huge impact on universal laws. If he was tried and convicted, there was no telling what impact his case would have.
A tapping on the glass made him look up tentatively.
Clover’s jaw was set with determination. “It’s okay, Qrow. We’re here to help you.”
“No!” He sat up, gritting his teeth around the pain it caused him. “None of you should get involved! I can’t drag you down with me.”
“Qrow, think for a minute – do you really believe your arrest was just a coincidence?”
That drew him up short. “I…”
“Face it, you’re not exactly impossible to locate. Someone’s probably known where you were for a while and they were just waiting for the perfect moment to bring you in.” He indicated the air around them. “And this is it. The absence of counsel, the lack of prep time, keeping your whereabouts classified. It all adds up. They’re trying to turn you into a scapegoat.”
It was hard logic to beat. Qrow wasn’t exactly uninformed on just how messed up the legal system could be – and the more involved he’d gotten with his work, the deeper the rabbit hole just seemed to go. But to have it be twisted onto him in such a way, like he was merely everyone else’s plaything, made him feel violated.
He wondered how his mother would have felt, seeing him like this.
“So now what?” Qrow finally asked.
“Now, we fight back.” Clover replied assuredly. “Your case could be a gamechanger for omegas everywhere. We aren’t just going to lie down and watch it happen.”
He snorted. “So you’re turning the scapegoat into a martyr.”
“No.” The soldier declined, then added with a quirk of his lips, “We’re turning you into our harbinger.”
It took Qrow a moment to get it. Then he laughed.
A harbinger of change. There might just be some hope left after all.
Three days later, he met his defense attorneys.
Pietro was a kindly, wheelchair-bound beta with thirty years of experience. The minute the man started talking, it was obvious he knew his stuff as he lined out what to expect for the court process and what laws that may entangle them from certain kingdoms they might have to prepare for. Things Qrow hadn’t even considered, like operating a business out of a building with only a residential grade fire system – a law the more wildfire prone Mistral took very seriously.
His understudy was named Rhodes. Also a beta, as all lawyers were, the man had only a few years on Qrow himself, but he had a sharp wit and passionate aspiration for justice. He spent most of the time keeping a detailed note log on the things being said, explaining it would help them decide on the best strategy to use when they were in front of the UFK.
“The most difficult thing we have to contend with is time.” Rhodes affirmed. “Unlike most high-profile cases handled in the courts, the kingdoms aren’t going to allow the hearing to go beyond a single day so it doesn’t interfere with the other agendas they have to get too. That means limited evidence presentation and witness testimonies. We’ve got about eight hours to prove you’re an innocent man, which means every second in that room is going to count.”
Qrow swallowed hard. “What about the jury? They on a time limit too?”
“No. The jury are the councils.” Pietro explained. “The members of each kingdom’s council board will give their verdict, and it’s the majority vote of each council that decides their verdict. As long as you get a unanimous majority, you’ll be given your verdict. So, our focus will need to be on swaying each kingdom individually.”
Yeah. No pressure.
Rhodes tapped the end of his pen on the desk between them. “As you can see, it’s a bit of a balancing act. Ideally, our witness testimonies need to come from all over. If you can get us even just a moderate list of people from each kingdom you believe would be willing to speak for you then we can scope out the best choice from each one.”
“Perhaps.” The elder beta intoned, rubbing his chin. “Though Vale may not need any pushing. Our focus should truly lie in targeting the kingdom’s core values.”
“We also need to make sure to address the issues with improper due process.”
“A fine point.”
“I hope you both know I’m barely keeping up with this.” Qrow admitted.
Pietro smiled forgivingly. “Don’t worry your head about it, my boy. Just focus on giving us everything we can possibly work with to keep you out of jail. Do you have any family or friends who might speak on your credibility of character?”
There was only one person that came to mind – and there was no way he would even dare suggest Tai to spill his whole story for millions to hear.
“No.” He replied shortly.
“Not even-”
“Really. No. My old man’s a deadbeat. I haven’t seen my sister in over a decade. And unless these things come with a séance, my mom ain’t gonna have much to say either.” He lent back, shrugging his good shoulder. “As for friends, I haven’t exactly been living stably to form many close relationships. ‘Fraid I won’t be much use on that list either – never kept a detailed record to keep my clients safe. But, I know someone who just might be able to rally up a few.”
Pietro nodded. “Then let’s start there.”
Thankfully, that was the last time they asked him about family.
One day short of a week later, he was visited by someone other than his attorneys.
This time, the sight of a familiar face did actually make him cry, even if Tai immediately laid into him.
“You jumped off a roof?! What in the Gods’ Realms were you thinking? You could have died!” Tai smacked his hand on the table for emphasis. He wasn’t even sitting, too agitated to. Had the glass not been separating them, he was pretty sure he would have been in for the ear pinching of his life. “Are you okay, or did the fall knock out what little brain cells you have left?!”
Yet, the omega’s worry was so strong, Qrow could scent it through the little holes in the metal ringlet. It was familiar and more comforting then even a single second locked up in this awful place could even marginally hope to feel like. So, he broke down harder.
Tai sighed and gave up, dropping his forehead against the glass. Qrow struggled to reign himself in, but the days had been too long, too awful and too terrifying to stop the broken dam. The most he managed to get out was a wobbly, “m’sorry.” As he curled himself over the desk.
They hovered there, in silence.
Then, for the second time in his life, Tai purred at him, “I‘m here. You’re okay.”
It was like being draped in an extra soft blanket or pulled into an exceptionally warm hug, something he felt from the inside out. The shakes started to fade and the tears slowed to a drizzle, and then even that went away.
When he lifted his head, Qrow could almost pretend the outburst hadn’t happened at all. “Sorry, meds I’m on just make me emotional.”
“Sure they do.” Tai let him lie, finally taking his seat with the heavy gracelessness of someone who just got off an overnight flight.
While there were at least a dozen questions he wanted to ask, the most prominent came forward first: “Where are the girls?”
“In the waiting room. Ruby got scared. Somehow she got it in her head you’d be crippled.” He gave him a disdainful look, “Can’t imagine why she’d think that.”
He hid his grimace behind a smile, “Shoulda just told her birds my age can fly.”
It was the wrong thing to say as Tai scowled. “Don’t joke! Seriously, I can’t believe how idiotic that was. You’re lucky that little stunt only resulted in a few injuries.”
“Well, I ain’t feeling very lucky.” He snapped back. “Seriously what did you want me to do?”
The omega threw up his hands. “Not try to kill yourself! Do you know how terrified I was?! And then I couldn’t find you no matter how many jails and hospitals I called and I thought-!” His shoulder dropped. “I don’t know what I thought.”
But Qrow knew. He knew exactly what kind of worst-case scenarios must have played through his head when suddenly Qrow was all over the headlines after he tried to escape police arrest and was transported to a nearby care facility for his injuries, only to then disappear completely, the system deliberately hiding him to secure him for the big case. It wasn’t until he’d started meeting with Pietro and Rhodes that he’d learnt just how many infringements of his rights there’d already been. He wasn’t even supposed to be in a prison without being tried first. They were trying to work it into his case.
“If it weren’t for Robyn I never would of even of found you.”
Qrow’s confusion spiked. “Wait, how do you know her?”
“I don’t. She called me off your scroll.” So much for destroying it. “Once she got me in the loop, I took the first flight over I could.”
He didn’t know whether to feel thankful, or violated.
He sucked in a sharp breath. Robyn was the one he’d directed his attorney team too. “She didn’t tell you anything else, did she? About the trial?”
“She just told me you were going in for it soon and that you could use some support.” Tai replied. “They aren’t really letting anyone in to see you if they can’t show that they’re family. I had to bring Yang’s birth certificate just to get in here.”
(Qrow might have cited Clover – if he wasn’t fairly certain the man could get himself into anywhere on badges and charisma alone.)
Still, relief swept through him. By whatever graces of the Gods there were, it sounded like Robyn had played him straight on this one. She must have figured out why he’d chosen not to disclose that information himself – and of that he could be grateful. He’d rather spend a hundred years in jail then let any of his family take the stand.
Now he just had to make sure Tai didn’t screw the pooch instead.
“Just be careful with that little tidbit. If the press gets a whiff of it, they’ll be all over you.” He warned.
If anything, Tai seemed insulted. “I’m not afraid of some headliners. I can handle it.”
“Can the girls?” The statement drew the omega up short. Qrow felt bad, playing that card, but it wasn’t like reporters had a moral compass. “Just being realistic. This case isn’t exactly coasting quietly under the table, and the last thing I want is my family being dragged into it all ‘cause of my mistakes.”
“They’re not mistakes.”
“Renegade behavior then.”
“You-!” Tai sighed, running a hand down his face frustratedly. “Stop that. You’re not a joke, you know?”
It was Qrow’s turn to draw up short, heart catching in his throat.
Tai barreled on, unconcerned with his organ transplant. “I’m proud of what you do. More than that, I believe in what you do. You make a difference, every day, even if it seems small. You wouldn’t have risked so much, if you didn’t think that yourself. So will you please try to trust in that, so you can tell those judges where to shove it?”
Still stuck in limbo, his heart pressed insistently against his voice box, willing him to say those accursed three words that desperately wanted to burst out. Instead, all he managed was a wheeze of laughter, and a quiet, “I will.”
“Good.” Satisfied, Tai got to his feet. “I’m going to go get the girls, okay?”
“Okay.” He watched him head for the door, calling just as he opened it. “And Tai?”
“…Thank you.”
For supporting me.
For being here with me.
For always knowing just what I need to hear.
He couldn’t decide on what was most important to say, so it all got stuck just like before.
Tai smiled like he’d heard them all regardless. “Anytime.”
“Are you ready, my boy?”
Qrow looked away from the airship window, where the Amity Tower was looming, to Pietro’s kind smile. It did little to calm the storm in his stomach. “Pretty sure no one’s ever ‘ready’ for this. My whole life’s about to be decided by a bunch of rich assholes who’ve probably never used the word ‘struggle’ in their lives.”
“Then I suppose it’s up to you to define it for them.”
He scoffed, falling back against the glass. “Hate to tell you this wheels, but English was my worst class.”
That at least earned him a hearty laugh. “You know there’s a saying among us lawyers: You don’t cry until it’s all over. So for now, keep your chin up and fight hard.”
Would be an easier fight if it didn’t feel like he was armed with only a pocketknife going against a trove of machine guns. Still, he couldn’t deny the weight of that sentiment. Especially knowing there was so much more to this fight than just what would happen to him.
Momentarily, as he shut his eyes, he could see Ruby. Coming home with tears streaming down her face after being told she wasn’t good enough to play baseball like the other kids. What if her fears were realized and she did present omega? What if she didn’t and, beyond all expectation, Yang did instead? What if one day, someone decided to throw either one of them into a reformatory and he wasn’t there to overwrite the wrongs?
The idea made him sick inside.
He rose up, facing Pietro once more. “Alright then, let’s do this.”
“That’s the spirit!”
Qrow tried to hold onto that feeling of confidence as long as he could as he continued to watch Amity Tower draw near. Like a beacon welcoming travelers to its side, the building stood alone on the seaside of the most northern part of Sanus. It wasn’t really a tower – it was more akin to a concert hall in size and shape. But it got its name from the spire that shot up in the middle of the roof. The decorative piece was meant to mimic the communication towers that each kingdom built to allow for scroll communication across the nations. A display that proclaimed this place would always be a venue in which the kingdoms could speak freely to one another.
As they began their descent towards the airstrip, he finally noticed the crowd. Circling Amity like a school of sharks were dozens upon dozens of people. They were spilling out along the grand front steps and thickly congested across the massive lawn area to the point barely a patch of green could be seen.
“What in all realms is going on?” Qrow breathed. He’d expected a few news reporters, sure. But nothing like this.
Before he could answer, Pietro’s scroll began to ring. He was quick to answer it. “Ah Rhodes, got here safely then? How are the witnesses doing?”
“Everyone is settled and prepared.” He replied assuredly. “Heard you guys were touching down, so I figured I’d warn you about the protest group.”
“Group?” Qrow echoed. “That’s an army. What are they even protesting?”
“Your arrest.”
His head snapped around; eyes wide.
Rhodes continued, unaware, “They’re all omegas or omega supporters from every nation in Remnant. They’ve been gathering here for days.”
“Incredible.” Pietro declared, adjusting his spectacles. “In all my years, I’ve never seen something quite like this.”
The rest of the conversation faded to background noise as he turned back towards the window, something unexplainable but good lifting him. Somewhere inside of him, he knew they weren’t really here for him, but what he represented. He was a loose cog in the machine, a shift from the system, a shield against the onslaught of endless ammo. Or, as Clover had jokingly coined, their harbinger of change.
Yet it didn’t stop him from feeling overwhelmed with support as the doors to the airship opened and the roar of cheers started up. It was a massive, thunderous noise that shook him to his very core then solidified there like an unbreakable diamond, giving him strength he hadn’t had just minutes ago.
Even as he was led out in cuffs, barred between two officers, he found himself walking tall. Like land making way for a river, the crowd parted for them. Some were carrying signs that said things like ‘Justice for Qrow’ and ‘Branwen can win’. There was even a really ridiculous one that said ‘Uncage our bird!’, complete with an illustration of a crow in a birdcage.
They made him smile, as did the few encouragements that he managed to pick out from rumble of hollers trying to reach him.
“You got this!”
“We’re here with you!”
“Your story’s not over yet!”
He carried it all the way up the stairs and through the entrance. Yet, as the large ornate double doors swung closed behind him, it muffled most of the noise.
Silenced once more.
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carpe-somnium · 4 years
“Dimwit Dazai is safe“
After watching Dead Apple, I really wondered why Chuuya was sitting there on the floor on his own and tried my best to create something that couly have happened between those two scenes:
please be gentle with me, this is the first thing I have written in years 🥺
As they dropped to the hard concrete floor, Chuuya let out a choked noise as a result of the air being pushed out of his body by the sudden force of his body hitting the floor. Due to Dazai nullifying his ability, he wasn’t able to catch himself as swiftly as he would have been able by simply manipulating gravity. He had landed hard on his knees, somehow planted directly between Dazai’s slender legs and felt the impact of his body colliding with the floor throughout his body. He was now directly staring down at the taller man’s crotch. His arms were sprawled awkwardly over Dazai’s thighs and his tired body felt heavy and tingly. Even though he hasn’t felt like this a lot, he sure knew the feeling that came after using corruption to an extent that was testing his entire body’s limits. The previous fight against the dragon had cost him a great deal of energy, he wasn’t even sure if he had made it any minute longer.
To get out of his awkward position, he tried lifting his head up immediately, only to be held back by Dazai's hand on his neck which was restraining his head from moving up. “Let go, asshole!”, Chuuya hissed, trying not to stare too hard at Dazai's crotch right in front of him. He couldn’t help it - he was quite literally held back from doing anything besides staring at it. For a moment he caught himself wondering what size was hiding just beneath the fancy white pants. “Don’t move.”, he heard Dazai's voice somewhere above his head, “The fog hasn’t cleared.” Hearing this made Chuuya reflexively hold his breath for a second before he realized that he could have breathed in the strange fog since the moment he hit the floor.
“I don’t want to have to protect you from your special ability in this situation.” Of course, that made sense. It at least explained why Dazai was still touching him, but it didn’t explain why he was also keeping his head down at all. Chuuya had heard about the suicides, that seemingly had caused ability users to kill themselves with their own abilities. Knowing his strength, he was quite sure that he would not fall for some stupid ability that tried to mess with his head, but on the other hand it caused some anxiety in the pit of his stomach that he didn’t fully know how it worked. His will to live was always quite strong - very much contrasting the man whose crotch he had to stare at. But still, he did not know how the fog made sane ability users go mad enough to kill themselves, so he had to trust Dazai on this one.
“It’s still not over?”, Chuuya muttered, as he slowly felt the exhaustion spread throughout his entire body like poison. “No, it’s just beginning.” Dazai's answer sounded almost like he was miles away. Chuuya tried his best to keep his mind focused, and most importantly awake, but the heavy feeling in his limbs made it almost impossible. “Shit.”, he coursed between gritted teeth, blinking rapidly as the weight of Dazai's hand suddenly felt like it had doubled over the course of a few seconds. His neck felt slowly started cramping, the muscles barely able to hold his head up in the position he was in.
“I can’t move a single finger.” He blinked again, putting all of his thoughts to the goal of staying conscious, as his body finally gave up. Chuuya wasn’t even sure if he had finished his sentence, as his heavy eyelids closed and his head slowly dropped into Dazai’s lap. Then, Chuuya was out like a light. His head resting on Dazai's lap while his body was awkwardly sprawled across his legs.
Dazai's hand was still hovering over the place where Chuuya’s head had been only a moment ago, as he looked down on the smaller man’s unconscious figure. The way his head had dropped into his lap would give him a sore neck afterwards, but that would probably be the least of his worries when he wakes up. Mentally preparing himself for the yelling that would follow as soon as the mafia executive would wake up again, Dazai  gently put his hand back on Chuuya's head.
Touching his bare arm would have been just as effective, though Dazai didn’t care too much about it. For a moment he wondered where Chuuya had left his coat but didn’t question it further. His ex-partner would often leave his coat behind, especially during fights. He once explained that it would only hinder him in his movements, and he would have a wider range for his attacks if he left the coat behind. That was probably due to the fact that even after all those years, he primarily used his legs instead of his arms when it came to near-range combat moves.
Eventually there would be small sounds of falling rocks or cracks in the surrounding mess, but otherwise, it was awfully quiet. Dazai took a second look around the place they had landed, looking for potential threats and also for Chuuya's hat and coat. When he didn’t notice anything that looked suspicious, so he let out a small sigh and tried to relax a bit.
Dazai looked down at Chuuya who was breathing steadily against his side. Even though the position he was in was everything but comfortable, the bundle of anger looked a lot calmer than he usually did when Dazai was around. Absentmindedly, Dazai started gently stroking the ginger locks, making them look even more disheveled than they were before. He slowly shifted his position a bit, stretching his legs, so he would be more comfortable. Chuuya's motionless body slid a bit closer to the floor, arms sprawled next to Dazai's legs. The cold floor sure would be cold uncomfortable in this position, but neither Dazai's butt nor Chuuya's unconscious body cared at this moment due to the post-fight exhaustion.
He didn’t know how long they had stayed in this position, but Dazai eventually had closed his eyes just for a short while in order to relax a bit. His hand was still buried in Chuuya’s hair, stroking the soft curls now and then. The small groans that came from the man in his lap became more noticeable from minute to minute, so Dazai figured that the princess would be waking up soon.
Chuuya’s head moved a little and Dazai heard him hiss in pain. “What... the fuck.”, Chuuya murmured as he found himself in a very strange angle, still spread out between a pair of long legs. He felt a hand that was caressing his awkwardly twisted head slowly and gently and realized that he was still laying on Dazai after the previous fight they were in and tried lifting his head again, this time without being held down again. “The fog has cleared. You should be safe now.”, Dazai exclaimed, without showing any emotion in his tone. His hand was still placed on Chuuya’s head as he lifted it and his eyes met Dazai’s.
Due to the strange position he had fallen unconscious in, he was now laying on top of Dazai, his hands supporting his weight next to the tall man’s hips. He felt incredibly heavy, his body ached for sleep and the warmth radiating from the body underneath him didn’t make it any better. “You deserve a good night’s sleep”, Dazai commented, as if he had read Chuuya’s mind. That obvious, huh? Chuuya nodded slowly, his neck aching with even the smallest movement. “It was a tough day.”, Chuuya simply answered, not able to contain a small yawn as he sat up between Dazai’s legs. He noticed the small smile on the lips of his ex-partners face, it was only there for the blink of an eye.
Despite his entire body protesting against the movements, Chuuya slowly stood up and stretched his sore limbs. He was pretty sure that there was no part of his body that didn’t make a cracking sound at that moment. He looked down at Dazai who looked back up at him and sighed heavily. “Get up, idiot.” Chuuya stretched out his hand and Dazai took it, only to be pulled back to his feet again. He often forgot how strong the smaller man was, despite his petite figure and even without his ability.
Dazai didn’t loosen his grip on Chuuya’s hand, even as he was standing up. “I need my hand back, you know. You got two yourself.”, he commented, craning his sore neck a bit to look up into Dazai’s face. Now they were in the next awkward position, standing almost uncomfortably close to each other, just breathing and staring in each other's eyes, as the sun was slowly rising. The warm colors of the sunrise reflected in Dazai’s brown eyes, making them look like they were made of honey or liquid gold. The color softened his usual cold and absent gaze that he usually wore after a fight. Chuuya swallowed hard. It was moments like these that made him realize the beauty of the man in front of him. “Take a picture, that will last longer.”, Dazai’s bemused voice commented on Chuuya staring at his face for a bit too long to be unintentional.
Chuuya freed his hand from Dazai’s grip, due to the absence of his gloves, awfully aware of their warm softness. He still can’t believe those were the hands of a mass murderer. “I’m just tired and zoned out for a bit, shut up.” His voice was back to the usual anger, even though it was a bit dulled by tiredness. “Oh? So you only stared at me like that because you are tired?” Dazai leaned a bit forward with a playful undertone in his voice. He liked taking every given opportunity to tease Chuuya, it was his way of making sure he was okay even after such a tough day. “Oi, back off”, Chuuya exclaimed angrily, shooting death glares at Dazai. He wasn’t in the mood to give in to his teasing, he just wanted to go home and soak his body in a hot bath while drinking some expensive wine. Was that too much to ask for?
“Oh you mean like this?” With a smug grin on his face, Dazai leaned closer. “Other direction, dimwit.” Like a cat that didn’t want a human face in its fur, Chuuya pushed his hands against Dazai’s face, trying to push him away. Surprisingly, he then felt a grip on his wrists that pulled his hands from Dazai’s face and his whole body closer to the other man’s. He stumbled a bit, completely taken off guard by the sudden movement, and fell against a skinny but tall body.
“Did that fog mess up your head even more than usual or-���, Chuuya’s complaints were completely cut off by a pair of soft lips being pressed on his. That definetely was new. Too shocked to move at first, he just stood there, not sure if that was really happening right now. Even more surprised by his own actions, Chuuya slowly started moving his lips against Dazais, returning his kiss shyly. His tense body leaned into the taller man as he stood up on the tip of his toes in an attempt to balance out their height difference a bit. Chuuya felt Dazai’s arms wrapping around his waist, holding him flush against his own body, steadying both of their bodies. They found a slow and sloppy pace in their kissing really quickly, almost like they did this all the time.
With his hands free from the grip on his wrists, Chuuya slowly started moving them up into Dazai’s hair, slowly stroking the soft brown curls and running them through his fingers as the kiss deepened. He felt the others hands trail down from his waist to his hips, squeezing them lightly, pressing their bodies even closer together than before. Dazais body felt warm and good against his, even though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he enjoyed it while it lasted. The warmth that was being pressed against him made Chuuya forget about the aches of his body for a moment, his mind feeling foggy.
In the back of his mind he questioned if he was still unconcious on the floor, being left behind by Dazai in the strange fog. Maybe the fog showed people something they would absolutely hate so they would want to kill themselves afterwards? But those doubts were quickly passed aside by the realness of Dazai’s big warm hands rubbing circles on the small of his back. No. This couldn’t be a trick of some ability. This was real and this was strange but also... good. It was the only thing that would stop their bickering for a while and replace it with the hazy feeling of nothingness that came with kissing somebody.
After what felt like an eternity, they slowly pulled away from each other, gasping for breath. Nobody said anything. Chuuya wanted to say something rude, something smug... but he was lost for words for once, which was not often the case. Dazai had caught him off guard, wiped every thought about the previous fight out of his mind and made him lost for words. “I’m glad you made it out alive. I wouldn’t know who else to bother if you had died without me.”, Dazai said while his face was still close to Chuuya’s, his voice a mere whisper. Chuuya opened his mouth to respond something, but he was still lost for words. It was like Dazai slapped him across the face. His words sank into Chuuyas mind as he repeated them over and over again. It sounded honestly, despite their usual rivalry and hatred for each other. They often told the other one to go and die in a filthy ditch so this turn was entirely new. “Well it would be boring without you so I figured saving you or die trying would be fitting.”
Dazai chuckled and slowly let go of Chuuya’s body, moving back a bit in order to put some space between them. Kissing his rival was not what he originally intendet, but the intense stare of those ocean blue eyes and the high feeling after a fight that’s been won made him throw his concerns overboard. And he regret nothing.
“I should go back to the Agency and apologize for teaming up with the enemy for a while.” Pushing his hair back behind his ear as he spoke, Dazai gave Chuuya a small smile and Chuuya understood. It wouldn’t be good to be seen together now. Their rivaling organizations wouldn’t be too pleased to find out that they shared a little moment after teaming up only to fight a greater evil. He nodded and sat back down on the floor, leaning against one of the larger pieces of concrete as he watched Dazai walk away in some direction.
Chuuya decided to just stay there a little longer. It would only raise suspicions if he walked away the same time as Dazai and he didn’t have enough energy left in his body to deal with this right now. Instead he just stared straight ahead, letting all the events of the day replay in his mind in order to cope with them. He didn’t know how long he was sitting there all on his own before he heard some footsteps coming closer. By the pattern of them, he didn’t think they would be a threat. The black coat and black and white hair quickly confirmed this.
Akutagawa slid down a small hill that was formed by one of the bigger pieces of concrete that was laying on the floor and quickly looked around. “What are you doing here?”, Chuuya asked without looking up from the place he had be staring at, “Dimwit Dazai is safe.”
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kozumebunny · 4 years
The Finding Ch 1
synopsis: in a post apocalyptic world, you’re chosen to compete in The Finding. Adults believe The Finding would toughen up kids who need it, prepare them for the ‘real world’. What you don’t expect, is to always be stuck there.
pairing: poly bokuaka, bokuaka/reader
wc: 1.2k
a/n: female reader, drugging 
It started with your high school interview. Fukurodani took you in after dazzling them with your on paper and in person accomplishments. What you didn’t count on is what came after being accepted into high school: government interviews. 
All incoming high schoolers have to take them, and evaluators determine whether or not you’re ready to prepare for the real world. It is no pass or fail, it’s a matter of life and death.
You look at the evaluator in front of you. Her lipstick is smudged.
She shuffles her papers around a bit, you see papers with little photographs of kids, other high schoolers like you on them. You see a flash of the last name Bokuto and something in the back of your mind rings.
She slides a piece of paper towards you, it’s got your information, appearance, goals, and high school transcripts printed in tiny font on it, with your smiling photo staring at you from the upper right corner.
What are you so happy about?
“This is you, correct?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She lets out a hum before pulling her clipboard into your lap, out of your view underneath the cold, metal table.
“Know that no matter your answers by law I must take notes. This interview is to evaluate whether you are mentally prepared for the stresses of high school, college, and the life beyond it. I, Nakaoka Takemi, am your evaluator today and will determine if you are mentally mature or not for the prior listed stresses. let’s begin.
“Why did you choose to Fukurodani high school?”
“It’s close to home and they’re in the city, so I could go to work after school without worrying about a car.”
She writes something down.
She knows you’re lying. You only want to go to Fukurodani because your cute neighbor goes there. You just want to cozy up to him, make friends for once.
“What are your thoughts on the work force currently?”
You all just want to know if I can handle being worked to death.
“I think there’s room for it to be better. I think people still need to be given chances to relax on their days off. I don’t think it’s right you give them work on their days off. Doesn’t it just like, defeat the purpose of days off then?”
Another hum. More scratching of the pen on paper. 
“What are your goals in high school?”
“I want to be an animator.”
She frowns. “But what’s your goals for high school?”
“I want to go to Waseda or Tokyo U. I’ll just use high school to look my best for those schools>”
She writes on her paper. No hum.
It’s silent. You look at the one way glass behind Takemi. It’s dark. Is anyone back there? 
Takemi shuffles her papers. She rearranges them. She clears her throat and looks you in the eye. Her bangs stop the overhead light from reaching her eyes.
Her eyes are blue. A very very dark blue. Like the ocean.
“This concludes our interview. Thank you for your cooperation.”
I didn’t have a choice.
She takes one long look on you. “I, Nakaoka Takemi declare that you are not mentally prepared for the stresses of high school and beyond.”
All hell breaks loose from there. You stand up, chair clattering behind you and dart to the door, surprised when it opens, but your heart sinks when you come face to face with a tall guy behind it. He grabs you and in your surprise, you don’t fight back, not until he turns to go further down the hallway, away from the waiting area where your mom is.
Wait. Mom.
You start yelling for your mom, watching as she looks down the hallway and starts scurrying after you two. Takemi comes out and stops your mom, talking to her, as your mom looks crestfallen.
Your mom watches you get carried away. You keep screaming for her, kicking at the chest underneath you, reaching for her. You don’t feel the slight pinch in your arm.
Sore. You feel sore all over and your eyes feel heavy with a pounding headache between your eyes. Warm. it’s warm where you are.
The numbness starts to go away but the minute you move your hand to curl into the ground the pins and needles start stabbing at your hand again.
The ground is soft, and its easy to curl your hands into it. You move your leg so your knee comes up.
I’m lying down. Where the hell am I? Am I seriously outside?
Your eyes open but there’s a blazing light above you and you immediately shut them again, flinging your hand across your eyes as stars dance across your vision.
Christ my throat is dry.
You keep your hand above your eyes, opening them again without the harsh light blinding you.
You move your other hand and lift up whatever the ground is. It’s white and soft but at the same time uncomfortable; it slips right through your fingers.
You push your other hand behind you and use that to push yourself into an upright position and take a look at yourself.
You’re still in your Fukurodani uniform. You look at the sand piled on your skirt, feel the grainy sand in your socks and shoes, that uncomfortable slight itch from it.
The smiley band aid on your upper arm mocks you. It’s proof that you were tranquilized, forced to be brought to these islands and that you have no choice.
But strangest of all, the beach is empty. Where’s all the other kids?
You look out at the sea. It’s endless. There’s no one here. Am I alone? Why aren’t there other kids? How many participate in The Finding every year anyways? How many get to leave every year?
I’m not really here. This is all fake-
Something hits you in the back of your head.
You turn around and find a volleyball before hearing a “Hey!”
You look up and see two men jogging towards you. One is ridiculously jacked while the other is lean with dark blue eyes. Dark blue eyes like the ocean with bangs stopping the light from reaching them. Nakaoka Takemi looking at you. “I’m sorry-”
“Hey! You go to Fukurodani too?”
Ridiculously buff dude has ridiculous hair too. He’s also a giant, and a great umbrella to block out the sun from your view. His lips move again but you can’t focus, you feel like your headache is getting worse by the minute.
You lick your dry and cracked lips, “What?”
The lean one frowns and you focus on his eyes again. A man picking you up dragging you down the hallway. Your mother sadly watching on. Dark blue eyes-
You throw the volleyball as hard as you can at ocean boy.
thats all i got so far I’ll go more in depth into the finding next chapter. not betad. also crossposted to my a03 jannabi
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