#mammon cg
legglesspotato · 2 months
Lucifer agere!
I apologize everyone, I lost all motivation to write randomly. I figured out that the only way I can write is if it’s the dead of night because I wrote this WHOLE THING literally right before I went to bed ;-;, I did some touch-ups in the morning though…
I’ve been anxious to post something like this because agere is really personal to me and whatnot…
Word count: 601 (not sure if that’s good or not?)
Comfort (from Mammon)
Proofread but know I’m not the most grammatically sound person
If you like this, I’ll make more agere of the brothers and possibly even a part 2 of this! I’m proud of myself and really like this! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as me!
-Lucifer Is doing paperwork like always, but becomes super stressed due to having an irritating argument with Mammon earlier in the day. Mammon, for some reason, had the ‘brilliant’ idea of spending all the money he had earned on the casino. Lucifer never understood his younger brothers thought process and never thought he would.
-Suddenly, he feels a little strange and looks down at his work, realizing the words and numbers becoming jumbled. The stacks seem to grow as his heart starts to pound when he does something he rarely did before… Lucifer feel streaks of tears pouring down his face and breaks down into tears. His cries turn into screams as the world suddenly warps into something more terrifying than before… Lucifer has never felt like this in his thousands of years of living. His brain feels weird as his normally advanced mind can no longer form a coherent thought, feeling things his regressed brain cannot form words for.
-Abruptly the door to Lucifer’s secret study opens to reveal Mammon with a raised eyebrow, staring at Lucifer. When Lucifer sees Mammon he starts to cry louder, he has no idea why but he wants- no- needs Mammons attention.
-“Lucifer are ya’ ok?!” Mammon inquires, rubbing his eyes, Mammon was in the kitchen looking for a midnight snack
-Lucifer only responds by crying louder and making grabby hands at Mammon
-Mammon fully steps into Lucifer’s office and walks around his desk, staring down at him
-Lucifer immediately embraces Mammon and buries his head into his mid-abdomen “M-Mammon..” his voice muffled by Mammons pajama shirt
-Mammon doesn’t move, it is extremely rare for Lucifer to ask his brothers with help when he’s stressed, much less let them see him break down. Mammon rubs soothing circles into Lucifer’s back and tries to sooth him, “Shhh… it’s ok big bro… The Great Mammons’ got ya’ now..”
-After a few minutes of the silent hugging Lucifer pulls away, rubs his eyes, and yawns “mmm… Mammon, I’m sleepy!”
-At that moment Mammon wanted to respond with “Tch.. ‘course ya’ are.. you’ve been pullin’ all-nighters the whole week!” But… Mammon could clearly see that Lucifer was in no state to be scolded so… instead he gives a light giggle and responds, “Alright… let me help lead ya’ to bed..”
-Mammon helps Lucifer up, out of his office chair and holds his hand as he leads the way. Lucifer’s regressed state caused Lucifer to walk differently than normal. Where he would normally stride with pride, he was now waddling clumsily almost falling down a few times.
-Mammon wasn’t sure what happened or what was going on with Lucifer, but he knew he was going to support him no matter what even in this extremely vulnerable state.
-Mammon was somewhat nervous about having Lucifer climb up the stairs and have him make it to the second floor, he wasn’t sure if Lucifer would be able to handle them in this state.
-Mammon continued to hold Lucifer’s hand, encouraging him with each step, “yer doin’ great Lucifer, great job!” Mammons encouragement definitely seem to work as Lucifer seemed to be more and more confident with each step.
-The both of them finally make it to Lucifer’s room. Mammon continues to walk Lucifer to his bed and tucks him in. Mammon kisses Lucifer on his forehead after pulling the blankets to his neck. Mammon whispers in his ear, “G’night Lucifer… I love you big bro..”
-Lucifer responds with a tired, “I love you too mams”
-Mammon quietly shut Lucifer’s door with a small smile and walks back to his room.
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coconox · 10 months
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man sometimes i wish there was an event cg tab in the albums to look back on these later on
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fandom-nursery · 7 months
Mammon agere headcanons
Regresses between 3-6 years old 
Mammon regresses the most out of any of his siblings and it's very easy for him to slip into headspace 
He regresses mostly involuntarily when he is upset or stressed out 
He is outwardly pretty embarrassed about his regression and gets defensive whenever it’s brought up. He thinks it’s unfair that he has yet another thing for his brothers to tease him about but he also really loves being little and having someone else shower him in love and attention 
Little Mammon is very clumsy and often accidentally bumps into things or trips over them 
Mammon is very emotional when he’s regressed and can quickly go from crying to laughing in the span of a few minutes 
When he’s little he talks very fast and tends to stumble over his words 
Clingy boy. He needs to be given attention 24/7 while little and will shamelessly follow whoever is watching him around like a baby duck 
He does get embarrassed easily and tends to hide his face when he’s given praise 
Mammon does nap while regressed but never when someone is actually trying to put him down to sleep. You could spend hours trying to put him down for a nap and have him refuse to sleep but then the second you leave him to play for a few minutes you come back to him passed out on the sofa 
Mammon loves to be carried but insists on walking if he is in front of anyone other than you. No one knows why he bothers since everyone knows he would much rather be in your arms 
He will put off bathtime for as long as he possibly can and then complain and fuss while he’s being put in the tub but the second he is in the water and gets settled he loves it. He loves to splash and play with his bath toys and will insist on bubbles every time 
He is however a big baby about the actual cleaning part of bathtime. He will insist that washing his hair is getting soap in his eyes, or that he is being scrubbed to hard, or that he doesn’t like that kind of soap 
Loves to do show and tell. Mammon will bring you every object in his room and make sure you’ve seen it before explaining what it is. He loves his collections and he’s very proud of them 
Generally he loves to show off and will put on fashion shows, make art, and perform tricks to get praise from anyone watching him 
He’s a big grilled cheese and chicken nugget guy especially the ones that are shaped like dinosaurs 
He isn’t a very messy eater. The problem is that he constantly forgets he has food in his hands and ends up spilling and dropping it because he isn't paying attention. Sippy cups and no spill snack containers are a must 
Mammon hordes toys and is always impulse purchasing more. When he’s regressed you have to take away anything he has that could be used to make a purchase or he will end up buying an entire toy store behind your back. 
He only actually plays with about 20% of toys he has though 
He has matching stuffed animals with you that he treasures and speaks to when he thinks no one else is around but won’t admit it. If anyone catches him with it he will launch it across the room to hide it and then spend the next thirty minutes apologizing to it for the rough treatment once he’s alone again 
Mammon has some more expensive clothes that are off limits for little mammon because he doesn't want them messed up but otherwise he’s pretty open to wearing whatever while regressed 
He has a bad habit of stealing Levi’s pacifiers and then losing them. Unless it is physically attached to him he usually ends up dropping them and the forgetting where they went 
Occasionally wears pull ups when he’s sure that he’s either going to be alone or with you  
Mammon tried to hide his regression initially however secrecy is not his strong suit so most people figured it out pretty quickly. He has only ever willingly confessed to it to mc and once or twice to his brothers in a show of solidarity when they came out as regressors as well 
CEO of insisting that he is a big boy when he is very clearly little 
Loves to get in the driver's seat of the car in his room and pretend to drive it without tuning it on. Yes he makes the race car noises, yes he plays cops and robbers where he is the getaway driver. Yes the stolen loot is actually usually very real things he stole while big. Yes Lucifer occasionally has played cop and arrested him and made him give everything back 
Started to regress after he became the family punching bag after the fall 
He is used to being punished very harshly and sometimes unfairly for everything so he’s skeptical of time out at first but having someone discipline him fairly and treat him kindly even when he’s in trouble is actually really nice for him
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oberthinkin · 2 years
Going to a toy store with Mammon.
He takes you to a toy store in the human realm, since demonic toys may be a bit intense for you/not safe. Plus, if there’s one thing the human realm does better, it’s making toys that don’t have curses on them.
So you’re at the store, and he’s walking you through the isles, asking if you what this doll, if you want a baby alive toy, this plastic fashion doll, these baby dolls, stuffed animal dolls, any kind of doll.
And you say no.
Which confuses him—- what human doesn’t like dolls? Humans LOVE taking care of things, humans specialize in taking care of non-people! A doll should be right up your instinctual alley!
So you take his hand and tug Mammon towards the Dinosaur toy isle. You grab a battery powered mask that mouths with your mouth and makes roars, raptor claw gloves, and dino egg hatch water soakies.
And you say you want the dinosaur toys because Mammon, in his true demon form, with no glamour at all, looks like a huge allosaurus with patchy raptor feathers and pterodactyl wings! Your daddy is a dino, and that’s the kinda toys you want!
Mammon makes a squeak before maxing out his credit card buying every single dinosaur toy the store has!
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jazeswhbhaven · 20 days
my favorite cgs so far
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I love dragons so much and even though Gamigin's human form is present this is what Luci sees. He cares about him so much <3 The babs
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And then this literally looks like an album cover for some grunge band or Gorillaz vibes
feel good inc. plays in background
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this one because of Mammon's fucking face.
I feel this was also inspired by Smashbros certainly. But this was a fave because it shows conflict between nobles as we remember Mammon is a pacifist.
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wihellib · 1 month
Mammon was voted #1 in the Favourite H Scene poll here. Not really surprising. His H scene was quite good. Satan was 2nd and Foras was 3rd. I am surprised by Foras. I think there might be a bit of recency bias in this case.
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Under the cut is my completely biased, quickly-written, kinda summarized opinions on each of the H scenes.
Satan staring at you without blinking while kissing and sleeping still throws me off.
I like that Satan reassures you that he’s doesn’t just like you because you’re the descendant of Solomon.
I don’t like hair pulling or strangulation, so not very fond of this scene, even though I like Satan a lot.
The CG is nice. I like how he’s grinning and the glow of his eyes.
Only features a little bit of spanking even though that’s his kink.
It’s mentioned that we’re feeling the pleasure that Satan’s feeling. This is done in several scenes. I’ve never liked it. It feels like a cop out.
The scene ends abruptly with you blacking out. I much prefer when there a bit of follow up/pillow talk afterwards.
Sitri gives you tea to calm your nerves that makes your heart beat a lot faster and louder because of the caffeine… but I don’t think caffeine works to this extent, so creative liberty I guess.
His kink, hearing heartbeats, features prominently in this scene. Keeping his head near your chest, mouth on your chest, feeling your heartbeat through your intimate connection, and moving in time with your heartbeat.
You’re feeling turned on because he’s turned on, similar to Satan’s scene, still not a fan.
You feel more aroused as your heart beats faster and you think it might explode… I don’t see what’s arousing about that.
CG was good again. I liked that he’s showing a lot more emotion than his normal sprite usually does.
He calls you Solomon throughout, which is annoying, but does call you by your real name at the very end (the only time he’s done so).
Some pillow talk at the end which is nice.
Zagan blushes and turns away when he sees your naked body, which is cute.
He’s quiet like usual, but does speak when you ask him why he wanted to help you, and says he wanted to do it with you and give you devils energy, while blushing. Very cute.
You get to take a bit more of a lead, be a bit more assertive, in this one, you’re not just manhandled around, which is refreshing.
I like that he seems to have a praise kink.
He tries to increase his muscle use, get a better workout, increase movement, which is his kink, which arouses him more, which arouses you. Fine whatever.
The CG is fine. Your foot looks wonky with its finger-like toes but Zagan looks good.
Some pillow talk again. Zagan has been mostly silent, but does say it was a good workout and he wants to do it again at the end.
Leraye is completely overwhelmed by pleasure from hearing thunder, which is his kink. He basically tackles you onto the bed and glues himself on top of you.
I’m pretty sure this is the first time one of them play with your genitals during foreplay.
You are getting aroused from the thunder too, so we’re keeping the trend of whatever the guy likes you also like inexplicably.
MC comments he’s more like a growling wolf and not his golden retriever self.
I really like this CG. He’s completely on top of you, pressing you down on your stomach, while covering your eyes and biting your neck. His presence is overwhelming.
The thunder goes away and Leraye comes back to his senses. He’s so happy that it wasn’t a dream, smiling, lays down next to you, wishes you good dreams and kisses your forehead. I very much like this wind-down to the scene.
We go to Paimon’s room instead of ours for this scene, which is a nice change of pace. His room is full of mirrors, which feature heavily in this scene. His kink, which is blood, isn’t included at all.
We’re also not naked right at the very start, which I much prefer. I like the undressing phase.
Paimon rubs your genitals and forces you to look at what he’s doing to you in the mirror, which he continues throughout the scene. I was surprised how dominant Paimon was in this scene, but I wasn’t against it.
Paimon says he loves pretty things and looking at pretty things from multiple angles. He says that you’re pretty and a devilish human.
He makes you brace your hands against a wall mirror and stuffs your shirt in your mouth.
The CG is good. For the first time we are shown a different angle than us on a bed. Paimon’s face seems a little off to me, but overall it’s good.
Paimon throws the mirror on the ground, so you’re forced to look at a different, more revealing angle.
Just a little bit of pillow talk. Paimon kisses us and tell us to come him when we want to play more.
Back in Minhyeok’s room unfortunately. Mammon comes out swinging by immediately commenting on how skilled we look in accepting devil’s energy.
Mammon says that it was obvious since he first met you that he had to have you, but he also realized that he would just be one of many that would try that tactic. So, he decided to do something he’s never done before and let you have him. You will be his first master. He also reveals that he wasn’t as close to Solomon as the other Kings. You ask if he only likes you because you’re the descendant of Solomon and he replies that he just fell in love with you at first sight. This affection is clear throughout this scene, which increases its rank a lot for me.
Mammon’s kink is all about bottoms, and this scene reflects that. You’re both grabbing each other’s butts and getting more aroused.
Mammon picks you up and holds yours buttcheeks open while you wrap your arms around his neck. I like that Mammon is showing off his strength here.
I do wish that they had spent some time on Mammon using his fingers or tongue to prep you to take him. He is very large, evident by the fact that your first thought when he entered you was, ‘I am going to die’, so it would have been nice to see him care about making sure he doesn’t hurt you. He does hold himself still at first to let you adjust, but I still would have liked some prep beforehand.
The CG is good. No complaints.
Mammon flips you around, so you’re in a standing 69 position, showing off his strength again, and you give each other oral.
Longer pillow talk. He lays you on top of him, it was very nice.
Bimet changes his tune about you real quick when Mammon declares you to be his master. He kneels before you and informs you that you became the being that arouses him the most with that declaration. He cannot covet Mammon, but now he can covet you, the only one who owns Mammon, and he is ecstatic about that. He wants to serve you. Bimet’s kink is wealthy people and you’re the wealthiest of all.
I do not like Bimet and I do not like his reasons for favouring you. It is shallow and fragile. He would be back to contempt for you the moment Mammon lost interest. I’m not a big fan of this H scene simply because I don’t like Bimet.
He licks your toes, which no thank you. He does oral on you and puts his conniving tongue to good use.
CG is good. I like how wet his mouth is because of you.
Some pillow talk. He gives you the first thing he truly owned himself, a coin from Solomon, and tells you to give it back to him if you choose him. I would have preferred if the first thing he owned wasn’t from Solomon.
You go to wrap your naked body in a blanket like you usually do, but Belial stops you and says you’ll end up taking it off anyways. The immediate assertiveness was surprising but interesting.
Because of his throat injury, Belial talks very little and Jjyu is not there to help him, so he communicates with you by writing on your naked body, which is his kink. It is a very good, intimate solution. He writes lots all over your body while fingering you.
You are against the wall, facing Belial, while he penetrates and writes adorations on you.
The CG shows that everything he’s written is glowing red on you. It’s a nice picture, but I could have done without him licking your armpit. I think I would have preferred a kiss in the lips instead.
Some pillow talk, you fall asleep with him inside of you.
We have moved on from Minhyeok’s room, which is great. I felt it was much too restrictive, and caused repetitiveness.
Valefor reassures you and you tell him he is kind and reminds you of Mammon, which he approves of. When you see that he likes it, you lean more into the comparisons. Valefor is turned on by being compared to Mammon because he respects him greatly. You talk about Mammon a lot, but I wish it was a bit less, because this is supposed to be Valefor’s moment, not Mammon’s. His kink is supposed to be hearing explicit narratives, so I don’t think this really relates to it.
Valefor praises you for how well you know how to please a devil. And tells you to run away if you want to only know him as the kind relaxed Valefor.
Then we start going into exhibitionism territory, with him leading you to the closed door, where Bimet is just outside keeping watch. This is also not his kink.
Bimet leaves to check something, so Valefor increases the risk factor and opens the door while you’re both naked and penetrates you.
The CG is fine. The way you and he are positioned are a bit odd. It’s hard to tell whose body part is whose.
Valefor basically taunts you asking where Bimet is, then puts you in an even more embarrassing position.
Some pillow talk. He lifts you up, kisses your forehead, and you admire his chest.
Levi decides to give you devil energy even though he doesn’t like you. He hangs you and insults Minhyeok in an effort to make you mad so you hurt him, which will arouse him. So that’s what happens.
The CG is my least favourite of all of them. You start stomping on his lap and dick. Your toes are oddly long again and you have an oddly muscled thigh. Levi is not even naked. This is the only CG that doesn’t take place during some sort of penetration.
You straddle him and start strangling him and enough clothes have been taken off at this point that he penetrates you.
Then you kissed him for so long that you were both feeling oxygen deprived. He is in awe that you showed him there’s another way to suffocate. He thinks you’re talented. Only very little pillow talk.
I don’t like Levi. The way he acts and talks to you. I don’t like it at all. I also don’t like breath control, his kink, or anything to do with strangulation/choking, or beating people up. So this H scene was not for me at all.
Glasy’s kink is necrophilia, and they include his kink in the H scene by making you as limp as a corpse after kissing him. Oh boy. I’m not fond of Glasy and I don’t like the idea of not being in control of yourself and unable to move at all. So this scene ranks very low for me.
He licks your toes, not a fan. He plays with your chest and nipples. He spreads you open and just stares, then performs oral on you, while keeping you spread open.
He makes your limp hand jerk him off, then uses your slack mouth. This is the second time you performed oral on a demon. This is what the CG shows, though I would have preferred if they picked something else.
Then he manhandles you into position to penetrate you. He cums inside you. Then he moves to your throat again and comes there too. This is the first time the guy has come twice in an H scene.
There is pillow talk. He wraps you in his cape, holds you and kisses you as the limpness wears off. He tells you he’ll fetch you when you die, but it’s good you’re alive now.
You realize you need devils energy, but none are around you right now, so you start masturbating. You hear the door open, but don’t see anyone. Foras is invisible, which plays into his kink.
He starts playing with your genitals while invisible. You realize who he is and call out to him, but he ignores you.
Finally he tells you to take off your clothes, pose embarrassingly, and just sit there in silence while he watches while still invisible. The dominance he’s displaying is unexpected, but fine.
Foras puts his dick near your mouth and you suck him off.
He penetrates you, again while all the while being invisible, so it looks like you’re being fucked by a ghost.
The CG could be better. His expression looks a little wonky and you’re clothed in it even though you’re supposed to be naked.
Foras informs you that he was there for every H scene. He really liked that you never noticed him.
He doesn’t let you see him afterwards, which I think he should have. He gets your permission to keep watching you having sex. Then he inexplicably cums on your face after you fall asleep. No thank you sir. And for some reason you don’t even comment on it after you wake up.
I liked Leraye, Mammon, Belial, Zagan, Paimon, and Valefor H Scenes the most.
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FULL image CG illustrations from the Bimet event
I got them from the game files because in-game the first one zoomed in on Bimet's face and the second one zoomed in on Mammon's backside I wanted to see the rest of the pictures
I wanted to see the rest of Valefor's armor
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sparkbeast20 · 3 months
Mammon's birthday chat CG
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PB loves their memes and references :D
Yes, this is official chat CG and I love it!
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sakura-chan-25 · 8 months
Can I request a baby little kawaii/cutecore autistic reader x cg lucifer please
Can you make it where Lucifer is working while reader is playing in their play pin in his office but they start getting sensory overload
Absolutely, I can! The kawaii/cutecore stuff might not come out as much and I'm not quite sure how much of autistic is in there too when looking back at it, but the sensory overload is definitely there. Hope you enjoy! ^^ (Btw I'm glad you're back, I missed you even though we don't write with each other)
Word Count: ~720
Warning(s): sensory overload, crying, Lucifer sighing quite a lot, little gear (pacifier, play mat, blanket, sensory cube or whatever you call it), pet names (darling, little dove), I don’t like the ending :’)
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It was quiet in the office. Well, quiet apart from the occasional jingle of MC’s soft cube as they played. Lucifer was working at his desk, like always. He made sure to keep an eye on them though, looking up from those annoying papers every once in a while to watch them playing on their mat with a small smile before focusing back on those papers. They looked too cute, sucking on their pacifier and playing on the mat, to keep focusing on his work as he chuckled under his breath and stood up.
Just as he made his way towards them on the floor a loud scream echoed outside on the hallway as the thumping sounds of running followed. Lucifer sighed. Levi and Mammon again. Although his annoyance was replaced with worry once he kneeled down in front of MC and saw their scared wide eyes.
“Hey. Darling?”, the demon softly asked in a worried tone as he saw the tears forming in the human’s eyes. He quickly opened his arms, ready to pull them into a hug if they wanted it.
Unfortunately, that seemed to backfire. Instead of crawling to him, MC crawled away while the tears started falling down. That made the Avatar of Pride panic slightly, but he tried to not let it show.
“Shh, shh, my little dove. Everything is alright. It was just Mammon and Levi with their usual shenanigans. It’s fine now. You’re okay.” Those words didn’t help MC to calm down though. They were too overwhelmed now, Levi and Mammon’s usual troublemakings seemingly having been the last straw.
The Avatar of Pride sighed again as he got up. He started gathering the pink headphones and MC’s fluffy comfort blanket with cute little bunnies on it as the poor human cried. Their pacifier had long fallen out of their mouth, so their cries were even more painful to the demon caring for them.
He slowly kneeled back down opposite them, making sure to keep distance, so he wouldn’t make them cry even more. He still achieved that. Obviously on accident.
The demon only tried to wrap their blankie around their shoulders, he didn’t know that was too much right now! Lucifer continued to hush them quietly with a worried expression as he put the blanket in front of them, letting them choose to just take it themselves if they wanted it. He did the same with the headphones and their cute pacifier, lying them on top of the blanket.
MC whimpered quietly as they tried to stop themselves from sobbing out loud. But it was hard in their regressed state! Lucifer sighed again in worry as he tried to remind them that crying was nothing to be ashamed about and it was good to let it out. The regressed sorcerer only nodded briefly as they wiped their eyes with their sleeves while the red-eyed demon was turning their headphones on, connecting them to his D.D.D.
After that he slowly offered the human their headphones — letting them reach for the headphones themselves rather than just putting them on their head. MC sniffled quietly as they clumsily reached out and tried to put their headphones on, but they only cried more when that didn’t work. Lucifer helped them slowly adjust the headphones, not wanting to startle them and make them cry even harder as they already did.
While the demon was working on the headphones, MC grabbed their pacifier from the blanket and put it in their mouth once more, quietly sucking on it as they sniffled here and there.
Only when their favourite music started playing and successfully drowned out the rest, did MC calm down. They were quietly fumbling with their blanket in front of them as Lucifer sighed in relief. He decided to disregard his work for now and kept close to them, just in case they needed something, while he was also making sure not to touch them.
However, he gladly took them into his arms when they crawled towards him. He let the human seek his comfort as he slowly rocked them back and forth and wrapped them up in their soft blanket, kissing their forehead gently. Lucifer kept MC in his arms and rocked them until eventually they fell asleep in his lap and put them to bed.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
I've been considering the way we are all bowing before Barbatos and his new cg and then I considered everyone else paying homage. I went down the line (Diavolo's at the top of the list of Barbatos appreciators) and then I considered....
Actually, what a pairing. Mammon/Barbatos. Chaos and reason. I have ideas. All of them just a little bit insane.
You have stumbled upon one of my absolute favorite crackships (aside from sololuci).
I personally love the idea of Mammon/Barbatos (what would that even be mambatos? barbmon? lolol).
I have so many ideas about them because I just can't help it. They are the ultimate opposites attract scenario. Just imagine Barbatos kinda reining Mammon in a little bit while Mammon pulls Barbatos out of his comfort zone and gets him to cut loose more. Barbatos always lecturing Mammon who just lets it happen because he can't handle how cute Barb is when he gets all serious. Mammon sneaking into the castle to steal something only to deliberately let himself get caught. Barbatos pretending to be mad about it, but knowing it's all just a game.
Lucifer getting on Barb's case about it too because like if Barb is gonna date his younger brother, couldn't he at least make him respectable while he's at it? But Barb is too indulgent for that and anyway, he kinda likes Mammon's rebelliousness. It's cute.
Mammon being his usual tsundere self through the beginning though so we get a lot of blushing and insistence that he doesn't care about Barb at all! Don't go gettin' any ideas!!
Barbatos just smiles in response.
Oh yeah, I'm totally normal about this, I promise.
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mamazsposts · 1 year
Can I ask for Lucifer being the best cg? He has rules and would take care of littles so good I thinks!
Hiiii im sorry this took so long ive been really busy but i hope you like it. im sorry if its not amazing. thank you for requesting <3
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Picture is not mine. i got it from pinterest :)
Lucifer as a cg:
Lucifer would be one of the best Care givers you could ever ask for
he would be strict but only when it involves your safety and well being
if he has a lot of work to get done he´ll bring you into his office with him so he could keep an eye on you while getting his work done.
you want your daddy to hold you. he´ll sit you on his lap while he works
depending on what age you regress too he´ll be strict on a bed time, bath time, dinner, TV time, etc
you're not allowed Mammon unsupervised. that´s all i gotta say about that.
he does´t really want to leave you alone with any of his brothers but sometimes he has to, he´d prefer to leave you with Beel because hes the less likely to get you into trouble. besides him letting you eat whatever you want.
if he could take you everywhere he goes he would.
Lucifer knows you so well so if youre non-verbal he´ll know what exactly what you need from just a look.
he would keep your little stuff in his room and office for whenever you feel little. he has your favorite snacks ready too
you´re not allowed out of The House of Lamentation without him when little.
gotta hold hands when you're out in public so you don´t wonder off.
he would care for you like you´ve never been cared for before.
if anyone even dares to judge you he´ll shut it down immediately, hanging them upside down if needed.
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alexxncl · 1 month
masterlist | all lessons | season 3 | lesson 45.1 | lesson 45.2 | lesson 47
i'll probaboy be moving my baby sister into college when this queues up 🥲 sob sob
slight lesson 76 spoilers
we love to see more of a lighthearted lesson
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ah yes, siblings 🫶🏽 levi is me, i am levi
i also love the fact that luci, mams, levi, and simeon are all working together to help mammon
it's clear how much they all adore him even if they're shitheads sometimes (read: most of the time)
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anyone else having war flashbacks to cocytus? no? just me? kay.
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see now they're just making up words bc what are we talking about 😭 also love how they didn't bother to make a 2D CG picture for it bc it's never gonna be mentioned in another lesson after this point
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...i'd have to kms
imagine every step you take leads to a blood curdling scream...everybody's dying idc
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"dear, sweet henry 1.0" my ASS
homeboy didn't even remember you when y'all were trapped in that made and had to get charmed by asmo 😭
...unless that was his way of telling levi to make new friends, just like the way he left levi in the anime bc levi had no friends outside of henry
but i also wanna see the full extent of mammon's power 🧍🏾 the devs need to stop giving us cut scenes every time my man steps up to fight a monster
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that's hilarious actually
imagine some lower level demon actually ended up getting eaten bc they couldn't beat the monsters and the "research" was all in vain
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leave it to me to read too far into things 🤞🏽
example x of mammon being lucifer's favorite and most trusted brother
regardless of how dumb mammon thinks a task is, he'll do his best to get it done as perfectly as possible if it means keeping up a good image for lucifer or making lucifer happy. lucifer knows this despite rarely, if ever, admitting it to himself, mammon, or anyone else, and that's why he trusts mammon with serious shit when the situation calls for it
granted, the speech mammon is giving probably wasn't orchestrated by lucifer, but the way it goes still reflects on him and diavolo, and mammon knows better than to make his big brother and the future demon king look bad in front of who knows how many people
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they absolutely would've fucked backstage if he wasn't up next for his speech /srs
they fucked in the back of class and they'd do it again BOP BOP
also mammon's speech being "get off your lazy asses and go touch grass" was easily the best idol about this lesson. 10/10 writing
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about the first screenshot, why is nobody in-game verbally commenting on simeon wearing his angelic clothes ??? didn't he stop wearing them as soon as he fell from grace in the og timeline ?????
or maybe this is a result of too many time soup shenanigans. maybe his body can't tell if he's human or still an angel
but it's clear that everyone's noticed something's off with simeon even if they haven't said anything to him verbally, which is why luke was so hellbent on mc asking simeon if he was okay. but nobody's outright saying anything bc this mf will deny any and every concern thrown at him with a smile on his face. he won't even tell mc what's going on, so lucifer had to step in
ending the hard bonus chapter like this was VILE but in the best way possible
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flora450 · 9 months
So far we have these L card themes in whb, the themes being selfie, bloodshed, bath, and butt cards. I know there was a picture of satan blushing and looking all embarrassed, but it looks like that card has been updated and it shows him being more aggressive with the MC like the other kings in the new L card, plus in one of the trailers, we see the kings being restrained, so that can be another theme of future possible L cards. I'm not really crazy about any angel cards and I don't care much to own those cards, personally I'm really excited for future L cards and the story and lore they entail for each of the kings. Since pretty busy was kind to relase levi and mammons bath and butt cards to everyone. There may be a chance they do so with beels butt card? My guess is that beels butt card might come again around valtines day for those who missed the first valetines day release. There are a lot of new L card themes coming out, but with the recent announcement of leaking paid content it's gonna be hard for people to look forward to potential new content. Hopefully, they can lower the prices and relase prologues of nightmare pass cards so the player can decide for themselves if they want the card or not based on the prolgue.
So L card themes that we have and will have are:
-attack of kings
-possibly cards where we see the kings restrained like we saw in the trailer. Also satan blushing seems to be a scraped CG now, I saw a side by side comparsion of his attack of kings card and that image where he is blusing are very similar just different in the expressions so the devs must've changed his expression to match the other attack of kings new L cards.
-school uniform
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oberthinkin · 5 months
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This is what I look like btw. Chewing on my fictional cg characters like Barbie dolls or a bully stick
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zack-agere · 7 months
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☆ Cg ! Mammon from helluva boss stimboard ! 🚃
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-> requested by anon !
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theogclownboy · 7 months
hihi!! do you have any hcs on how the princes of hell (mammon, luci, ozzie, etc.) would reacto when they find out there little uses/wants to use diapers? (:
[im especially looking for the mammon ones hehe]
💲Pretends like he doesn't like it but actually likes being close to his little like this
💲He'll be making funny grumpy faces as he helps clean the little up after accidents
💲he is rich so will buy the little any kinda diaper they want with any patterns, he is very fond of diapers with dollar signs on them
🍎Loves that his little wants diapers and is super supportive of the little one
🍎Is a very silly CG and I trying to make his little smile and laugh as he cleans them up
🍎He always has diapers with him now just in case you need them and it's all apple prints and duck prints on them
Is very supportive and gentle with the little, after the little explains about the diapers he'll pick them up and almost immediately start ordering diapers for them
💜Big softie and has to make sure his little is nice and comfy before getting them changed, he gives the little a stuffie to hold as well
💜Has some custom diapers made for you in any print you want and in any size that fits perfectly, most of the time though he has you wear heart diapers
🐝She adores her little and is super supportive of the idea of diapers
🐝She doesn't really know how to change diapers but she's trying her best
🐝Spoils her little and will be getting you all the different kinds of diapers their little heart desires
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